科林研發 (LRCX) 2012 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen.


  • Thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the Lam Research Corporation September 2011 quarterly results conference call.

    歡迎參加 Lam Research Corporation 2011 年 9 月季度業績電話會議。

  • During today's presentation, all parties will be in a listen-only mode.


  • Following the presentation, the conference will be opened for questions.


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Shanye Hudson, Director of Investor Relations.

    我現在想將會議轉交給投資者關係總監 Shanye Hudson。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Shanye Hudson - Director IR

    Shanye Hudson - Director IR

  • Thank you, Alicia.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to Lam Research Corporation's quarterly conference call.

    大家下午好,歡迎來到 Lam Research Corporation 的季度電話會議。

  • With me today are Steve Newberry, Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of the Board; Martin Anstice, President and Chief Operating Officer; and Ernie Maddock, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    今天和我在一起的是 Steve Newberry,首席執行官兼董事會副主席; Martin Anstice,總裁兼首席運營官;高級副總裁兼首席財務官 Ernie Maddock。

  • Shortly, Ernie will discuss financial results for the September 2011 quarter.

    很快,Ernie 將討論 2011 年 9 月季度的財務結果。

  • Steve will then share Lam's business outlook for the December 2011 quarter, before opening up the call for Q&A.

    然後,Steve 將分享 Lam 對 2011 年 12 月季度的業務展望,然後開啟問答環節。

  • The press release detailing our financial results was distributed over the wire services shortly after 1 PM this afternoon, and is also available on our website at www.Lamresearch.com.

    詳細介紹我們財務業績的新聞稿在今天下午 1 點後不久通過有線服務發布,也可在我們的網站 www.Lamresearch.com 上查閱。

  • Today's call contains certain forward-looking statements, including those related to our expectations of market size, GDP, consumer demand, customer spending and behavior, and the factors that influence those expectations.


  • As well as our investment plans; our intentions for research and development activities; our contemplated tax rate; and our forecast of market share, shipments, revenues, expenses, margins, operating profits, collections, share repurchase activities, earnings per share and cash generation; as well as other statements of the Company's expectations, beliefs, and plans.


  • There are important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements.


  • And a list of those factors can be found in the slide package accompanying this conference call, and on our most recent Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    這些因素的列表可以在本次電話會議隨附的幻燈片中找到,也可以在我們最近向美國證券交易委員會提交的 10-K 表格中找到。

  • All forward-looking statements are based on current information, and the Company assumes no obligation to update any of them.


  • This call is scheduled to last until 3 PM, and we ask that you please limit questions to 1 per firm, with a brief follow-up.

    此電話會議計劃持續到下午 3 點,我們要求您將每個公司的問題限制為 1 個,並進行簡短的跟進。

  • And with that, I'll turn the call over to you, Ernie.


  • Ernie Maddock - SVP & CFO

    Ernie Maddock - SVP & CFO

  • Thank you, Shanye.


  • Good afternoon.


  • I'll comment on our September quarter results, which reflect performance within our guidance ranges for all financial measures.

    我將評論我們 9 月季度的業績,這反映了我們所有財務指標的指導範圍內的表現。

  • For the quarter, shipments were $580 million, down 27% from the prior quarter, and in line with the midpoint of our guidance.

    本季度出貨量為 5.8 億美元,比上一季度下降 27%,符合我們指引的中點。

  • Application and market segment breakdown for the quarter were as follows.


  • Applications at 65 nanometer and below represented 95% of overall system shipments, while 90% of overall system shipments were for applications at 45 nanometer and below.

    65 納米及以下的應用佔整個系統出貨量的 95%,而整個系統出貨量的 90% 用於 45 納米及以下的應用。

  • System shipments for NAND were 40% of overall system shipments, followed by DRAM at 13%, and other memory at 5%, making the total memory segment 58% of overall system shipments.

    NAND 的系統出貨量佔整個系統出貨量的 40%,其次是 DRAM,佔 13%,其他內存佔 5%,使得整個內存部分佔整個系統出貨量的 58%。

  • Foundry shipments represented 24% of overall system shipments, and the remaining 18% were for logic and other.

    代工出貨量佔整個系統出貨量的 24%,其餘 18% 用於邏輯和其他。

  • Revenues for the September quarter were approximately $680 million, down 10% sequentially, and above our guidance midpoint, with good performance across both systems and service products.

    9 月季度的收入約為 6.8 億美元,環比下降 10%,高於我們的指導中點,系統和服務產品均表現良好。

  • Gross margin was 41.7% versus our guidance midpoint of 42%, attributable to product mix and lower factory utilization associated with business volumes.

    毛利率為 41.7%,而我們的指導中點為 42%,這歸因於產品組合和與業務量相關的較低工廠利用率。

  • Gross margin for the June quarter was 45%.

    6 月當季的毛利率為 45%。

  • Total non-GAAP operating expenses were $183 million, up $3 million from the June quarter, as we continue making the R&D investments that was discussed over the past few quarters.

    非 GAAP 運營總支出為 1.83 億美元,比 6 月季度增加 300 萬美元,因為我們繼續進行過去幾個季度討論的研發投資。

  • We believe that these investments are critical in ensuring that we remain well-positioned, and we will sustain and increase these investments as appropriate to ensure that we're able to provide best-in-breed technology solutions to our customers over the upcoming technology inflections.


  • Non-GAAP operating income was $101 million, which resulted in a non-GAAP operating margin of 14.9%, near the high end of our guidance range.

    非 GAAP 營業收入為 1.01 億美元,非 GAAP 營業利潤率為 14.9%,接近我們指導範圍的高端。

  • During the September quarter, our non-GAAP tax rate was 19.6%, which was higher than the mid-teen rate we anticipated.

    在 9 月季度,我們的非 GAAP 稅率為 19.6%,高於我們預期的中位數稅率。

  • The change in tax rate is driven by the current business outlook, and we currently expect a tax rate in the higher teens as we look to the December quarter.

    稅率的變化是由當前的業務前景驅動的,我們目前預計,在我們展望 12 月季度時,稅率將處於較高水平。

  • Based on a share count of approximately 124 million shares, non-GAAP earnings per share were $0.63, in line with the midpoint of our guidance range.

    基於約 1.24 億股的股票數量,非 GAAP 每股收益為 0.63 美元,符合我們指導範圍的中點。

  • Our EPS was favorably impacted by our operating results, and a reduced share count resulting from our share repurchase activity, and this favorability was offset by the higher tax rate.


  • On a GAAP basis, our earnings per share were $0.58.

    根據 GAAP,我們的每股收益為 0.58 美元。

  • Turning to the balance sheet, we ended the September quarter with cash and short-term investments, including restricted cash, of $2.2 billion.

    談到資產負債表,我們在 9 月季度結束時擁有 22 億美元的現金和短期投資,包括受限制的現金。

  • Days outstanding for the quarter was 70 days, down 1 day from the June quarter, and inventory turns were 4.0, down from 4.2 in the June quarter.

    本季度未償還天數為 70 天,比 6 月季度減少 1 天,庫存周轉率為 4.0,低於 6 月季度的 4.2。

  • Deferred revenue at the end of the quarter decreased from the June quarter to $180 million, and excludes $43 million of shipments to Japanese customers that will revenue in future quarters.

    本季度末的遞延收入較 6 月季度下降至 1.8 億美元,不包括將在未來幾個季度產生收入的向日本客戶發貨的 4300 萬美元。

  • Equity compensation expense was $18 million, while depreciation and amortization was $21 million, and capital expenditures were $16 million.

    股權補償費用為 1800 萬美元,折舊和攤銷費用為 2100 萬美元,資本支出為 1600 萬美元。

  • We ended the quarter with about 3,750 regular full-time employees.

    本季度末,我們擁有約 3,750 名正式全職員工。

  • Our cash flows from operations were $87 million in the September quarter, representing 13% of total revenues, down from 26% of total revenues in the June quarter.

    我們在 9 月季度的運營現金流為 8700 萬美元,佔總收入的 13%,低於 6 月季度佔總收入的 26%。

  • The differences were driven by lower business volumes and timing differences related to collection activities at certain customers, which we expect to be resolved in the December quarter.

    造成差異的原因是業務量下降以及與某些客戶的收款活動相關的時間差異,我們預計這些問題將在 12 月季度得到解決。

  • Finally, during the quarter we repurchased approximately 2 million shares of our common stock, at an average price of $37.57 per share, for a total of $74.3 million.

    最後,在本季度,我們以每股 37.57 美元的平均價格回購了大約 200 萬股普通股,總計 7430 萬美元。

  • As of the end of the September quarter, we had approximately $675 million remaining on the total authorization.

    截至 9 月季度末,我們的總授權剩餘約 6.75 億美元。

  • Subsequent to the quarter end, we have repurchased approximately 2.6 million additional shares under one of the Company's structured repurchase programs.

    本季度末,我們根據公司的一項結構性回購計劃回購了大約 260 萬股額外股份。

  • Adjusted for this subsequent purchase, approximately $575 million of the authorization remains for the Company's ongoing repurchase program.

    針對此次後續購買進行調整後,約有 5.75 億美元的授權仍用於公司正在進行的回購計劃。

  • With that, I'll turn it over to Steve for his comments.


  • Steve Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Steve Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • Thank you, Ernie.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for joining us today.


  • Since our June quarter call, macroeconomic uncertainty has continued, including concerns over European debt issues, and ongoing struggles in the US with high unemployment and a growing budget deficit.

    自我們 6 月季度電話會議以來,宏觀經濟的不確定性一直存在,包括對歐洲債務問題的擔憂,以及美國失業率高企和預算赤字不斷擴大的持續困境。

  • These and other factors have contributed to analysts now projecting 2011 global GDP in the range of 3%, down from 3.5% earlier this year.

    這些因素和其他因素導致分析師目前預測 2011 年全球 GDP 增長 3%,低於今年早些時候的 3.5%。

  • The impact of this reduced GDP growth outlook on the electronics industry is evidenced by weaker consumer demand across a range of products, including digital TVs, game consoles, and in developed countries, consumer PCs.

    GDP 增長前景放緩對電子行業的影響體現在消費者對一系列產品的需求疲軟,包括數字電視、遊戲機以及發達國家的消費 PC。

  • The impact of this economic uncertainty has caused corporations to manage capital budgets more closely, resulting in some slowing of the pace of growth for the PC refresh cycle, while the server market continues to maintain positive growth.

    這種經濟不確定性的影響導致企業更嚴格地管理資本預算,導致 PC 更新周期的增長速度有所放緩,而服務器市場繼續保持正增長。

  • These dynamics are largely US- and European-oriented, and are offset by continued healthy demand for tablets and SmartPhones, and strong emerging market PC demand.

    這些動態主要以美國和歐洲為導向,並被對平板電腦和智能手機的持續健康需求以及強勁的新興市場 PC 需求所抵消。

  • This overall demand environment creates reduced expectations for our electronics growth this year.


  • And current forecasts project 2011 IC unit growth in the low single digit range, with semi revenue expected to be in the $300 billion range, or essentially flat to slightly up versus 2010.

    目前的預測預計 2011 年 IC 單位增長將處於較低的個位數範圍內,預計半導體收入將在 3000 億美元範圍內,或者與 2010 年基本持平或略有上升。

  • Looking to the IC segments, tablet and SmartPhone market demand has supported a relatively strong demand environment for NAND.


  • Our projections for 2011 NAND wafer fab equipment spend remains essentially unchanged, with a fair amount of spending driven by new capacity additions.

    我們對 2011 年 NAND 晶圓廠設備支出的預測基本保持不變,相當一部分支出是由新增產能推動的。

  • While our customers remain optimistic about the long-term growth prospects for NAND demand, the pace of the capacity ramp has started to slow, as customers absorb the sizable amount of equipment already delivered, and adopt a more cautious short-term outlook.

    儘管我們的客戶對 NAND 需求的長期增長前景保持樂觀,但隨著客戶吸收大量已交付的設備,並對短期前景採取更加謹慎的態度,產能增長的步伐已經開始放緩。

  • Based on our current view, we expect some shipments originally planned for the December quarter to extend out into 2012.

    根據我們目前的看法,我們預計一些原計劃在 12 月季度發貨的產品將延續到 2012 年。

  • In the DRAM segment, bit growth forecasts have declined throughout the year, are now in the mid-40% range, down from 50% to 55% forecasted earlier in the year.

    在 DRAM 領域,位增長預測全年都在下降,目前處於 40% 的中間範圍,低於今年早些時候預測的 50% 至 55%。

  • This decline is largely a function of slowing growth for corporate and retail desktop, and to a lesser extent, consumer notebook PCs in the developed world.


  • DRAM suppliers are responding by either converting their existing capacity to technology nodes at or below the 4X level, or they are simply electing to take older capacity offline.

    DRAM 供應商的回應是將現有產能轉換為 4 倍或以下的技術節點,或者他們只是選擇讓舊產能下線。

  • Accounting for all the capacity additions, conversions, and retirements, we project existing 2011 DRAM capacity, as measured in wafer output, to be roughly the same as that exiting in 2010.

    考慮到所有產能增加、轉換和退役,我們預計 2011 年現有的 DRAM 產能(以晶圓產量衡量)與 2010 年的現有產能大致相同。

  • Based on current projections for DRAM pricing, the transition to the 3X technology node will be key to maintaining or achieving profitability for DRAM manufacturers.

    根據目前對 DRAM 定價的預測,向 3X 技術節點的過渡將是 DRAM 製造商維持或實現盈利的關鍵。

  • And leading DRAM suppliers will start to move to the 2X technology node as fast as they can do it.

    領先的 DRAM 供應商將開始盡可能快地轉向 2X 技術節點。

  • As we discussed on our June quarter call, leading edge foundry logic manufacturers have significantly slowed the pace of most of their capacity investments for the 4X nanometer node and above.

    正如我們在 6 月季度電話會議上討論的那樣,領先的代工邏輯製造商已經顯著放慢了他們對 4X 納米節點及以上節點的大部分產能投資的步伐。

  • However, investments for the 32 and 28 nanometer nodes have clearly begun, which reflects our customers' confidence in their future demand for capacity needs at this node.

    但是,32 和 28 納米節點的投資顯然已經開始,這反映了我們的客戶對該節點未來容量需求的信心。

  • Given these market dynamics, we are now forecasting 2011 wafer fab equipment spending of approximately $31 billion, plus or minus perhaps $1 billion.

    鑑於這些市場動態,我們現在預測 2011 年晶圓廠設備支出約為 310 億美元,上下浮動可能為 10 億美元。

  • With first-half spending closer to a $35 billion or $36 billion run rate, the second-half run rate for 2011 is somewhere around a $25 billion to $26 billion run rate, or down about 27% to 28%, half over half.

    隨著上半年支出接近 350 億美元或 360 億美元的運行率,2011 年下半年的運行率約為 250 億美元至 260 億美元,或下降約 27% 至 28%,一半以上。

  • Looking out into 2012, industry views for wafer fab equipment spend are within a range of down 5%, to down as much as 20%.

    展望 2012 年,行業對晶圓廠設備支出的看法在下降 5% 到 20% 的範圍內。

  • While the macro environment will ultimately shape semiconductor demand and equipment spending, this range seems to be a reasonable estimate at this point in time.


  • As we have talked about during the course of this year, we believe that this is a critical time relative to making investments that ensure Lam Research is well-positioned for the future.

    正如我們在今年所討論的那樣,我們認為這是進行投資以確保 Lam Research 為未來做好準備的關鍵時刻。

  • While very mindful of the current and potential future environment, we remain committed to making the strategic investments necessary to support our longer-term growth objectives.


  • Examples of these investments include -- joint development programs with leading NAND suppliers to support the development of 3D device structures; heavy engagement with foundry logic manufacturers, including systems which are already installed for 20 nanometer and early 14 nanometer development; working closely with memory manufacturers as they explore next generation devices that address demands for increased memory density and performance.

    這些投資的例子包括——與領先的 NAND 供應商聯合開發計劃以支持 3D 設備結構的開發;與晶圓代工邏輯製造商的大量接觸,包括已經安裝用於 20 納米和早期 14 納米開發的系統;與內存製造商密切合作,探索下一代設備以滿足對更高內存密度和性能的需求。

  • The development areas range from 3D architectures to new non-volatile technologies such as MRAM.

    開發領域從 3D 架構到新的非易失性技術,如 MRAM。

  • And we are starting our investment in 400 millimeter new product development for both etch and clean.

    我們開始投資開發 400 毫米的蝕刻和清潔新產品。

  • In each of these areas, customers are exploring multiple designs and materials as potential solution paths to overcome the significant technical hurdles required to bring these products to production.


  • These technology inflections represent opportunities for Lam to again deliver technically differentiated, high productivity solutions, and grow our market share.

    這些技術變化為 Lam 提供了再次提供技術差異化、高生產力解決方案並擴大我們的市場份額的機會。

  • We are continuing to partner with our customers, and are making the necessary R&D investments to ensure that we are part of their ultimate solutions.


  • With the economic, industry, and Company factors I've talked about in mind, our December quarter guidance is as follows.

    考慮到我已經談到的經濟、行業和公司因素,我們的 12 月季度指導如下。

  • Shipments of $550 million, plus or minus $25 million.

    出貨量為 5.5 億美元,上下浮動 2500 萬美元。

  • Revenues of $570 million, plus or minus $20 million.

    收入為 5.7 億美元,上下浮動 2000 萬美元。

  • Gross margin at 40%, plus or minus 1%.

    毛利率為 40%,正負 1%。

  • Operating profit at 7.5%, plus or minus 1%.

    營業利潤為 7.5%,上下浮動 1%。

  • And earnings per share of $0.30, plus or minus $0.05, which is based on a share count of approximately 120 million shares.

    每股收益為 0.30 美元,上下浮動 0.05 美元,這是基於大約 1.2 億股的股票數量計算得出的。

  • Finally, I'd like to say a few words about the announcement we made in early September that Martin Anstice, our President and COO, will be taking over as CEO of Lam Research effective January 1 of 2012.

    最後,我想談談我們在 9 月初宣布的消息,即我們的總裁兼首席運營官 Martin Anstice 將於 2012 年 1 月 1 日接任 Lam Research 的首席執行官。

  • This Company, and I think by extension our employees, our customers, and also our shareholders, have benefited from ongoing, strong, stable leadership and Board guidance.


  • This succession in my view continues that tradition.


  • For over a decade, Martin and I have worked closely together in his roles as CFO, and more recently as President and Chief Operating Officer.


  • These experiences have prepared him well to take over the CEO role.


  • He's played a formative role in the design and implementation of the business model, that over the years has propelled Lam Research to a position of financial, operational, and market share leadership in the wafer fab equipment industry.

    他在商業模式的設計和實施方面發揮了重要作用,多年來推動 Lam Research 在晶圓廠設備行業的財務、運營和市場份額方面處於領先地位。

  • I have great confidence that under Martin's leadership, we will continue to execute to our long-term growth strategies, and successfully deliver the results needed and expected by our customers and shareholders.

    我非常有信心,在 Martin 的領導下,我們將繼續執行我們的長期增長戰略,並成功交付客戶和股東需要和期望的結果。

  • Given that this is my last earnings call, I'd like to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation to our customers and suppliers.


  • It's been an honor and a privilege to have worked with all of you for over 31 years in our industry.

    在我們的行業中與大家共事超過 31 年是我的榮幸。

  • Most importantly, I want to thank the employees of Lam Research, who, for my 14-plus years here, have been amazing in their support, commitment, and efforts in making Lam Research one of the premier companies in the semiconductor equipment industry.

    最重要的是,我要感謝 Lam Research 的員工,在我在這裡的 14 年多時間裡,他們的支持、承諾和努力使 Lam Research 成為半導體設備行業的一流公司之一。

  • They are consistently recognized by our customers as the best in the industry, and I couldn't agree more.


  • I would also like to thank and recognize the investment community for their continued support for Lam Research, and for myself personally.

    我還要感謝並認可投資界對 Lam Research 以及我個人的持續支持。

  • I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you over the years, and I look forward to working with you in a slightly different way, when I move into my new role as Vice Chairman, January 1, 2012.

    多年來,我很高興有機會與您共事,我期待著在 2012 年 1 月 1 日擔任副主席的新職務時,以一種略有不同的方式與您共事。

  • With these comments, let's open the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, we will now begin the question-and-answer session.


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Patrick Ho, Stifel Nicolaus.

    帕特里克·何,Stifel Nicolaus。

  • Patrick Ho - Analyst

    Patrick Ho - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot.


  • And Steve, it's also been a privilege to have worked with you over these years, so best of luck in the new role going forward.


  • And Martin, also good luck, on a going forward basis.


  • First question, in terms of the outlook for the December quarter shipments, can you give a little bit of color in terms of the application breakdown between memory, foundry and logic, and where you see strength, not only from December, but maybe on a going-forward basis into the March quarter?

    第一個問題,就 12 月季度的出貨量前景而言,您能否就內存、代工和邏輯之間的應用細分以及您看到的實力,不僅從 12 月,而且可能在進入三月季度的前瞻性基礎?

  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • Yes, I think certainly from the standpoint of any given quarter, we shouldn't really constitute it as a trend.


  • But specifically for us in the December quarter, we're going to see a greater set of shipments to foundry and logic, probably around 60% of our shipments.

    但特別是在 12 月季度,我們將看到更多的代工和邏輯出貨量,可能占我們出貨量的 60% 左右。

  • As we go forward, I think we'll see memory really being closer to 50%.

    隨著我們的前進,我認為我們會看到內存確實接近 50%。

  • I think that's pretty much how we see it in a $28 to $32 billion rolling 4-quarter spending environment.

    我認為這幾乎就是我們在 28 至 320 億美元的滾動 4 季度支出環境中的看法。

  • It really is going to average out to about 50% memory and 50% logic.

    它真的會平均到大約 50% 的內存和 50% 的邏輯。

  • For Lam, based on our market share positions in etch, as well as a slightly different profile for market share in clean, which is more -- slightly more logic- weighted than etch is.

    對於 Lam,基於我們在蝕刻領域的市場份額地位,以及清潔領域略有不同的市場份額概況,後者比蝕刻更具邏輯權重。

  • Patrick Ho - Analyst

    Patrick Ho - Analyst

  • Right.


  • And maybe a bigger picture question for you, Steve, in terms of the EUV delays that they're experiencing in the industry right now.

    就他們目前在行業中遇到的 EUV 延遲而言,史蒂夫,也許對你來說是一個更大的問題。

  • Can you just give a little more color in terms of the opportunities for Lam again, over the next couple of years as EUV is delayed, how it affects both etch and clean?

    您能否再次就 Lam 的機會給出更多的顏色,在接下來的幾年中,隨著 EUV 的延遲,它如何影響蝕刻和清潔?

  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • Certainly as it relates to etch, we'll see an extension of more application steps at double patterning.


  • And also we see a lot of customers who are working to implement quadruple patterning, all of which will clearly provide for an expansion of etch market size and opportunity for Lam Research.

    我們還看到許多客戶正在努力實施四重圖案化,所有這些顯然將為 Lam Research 擴大蝕刻市場規模和機會。

  • Quantifying that exactly is something that we're working on as we go through our annual planning process.


  • And is something that we can probably articulate more next quarter, when we talk a little bit about what we want to do in 2012.

    下個季度我們可能會更清楚地說明這一點,屆時我們會稍微討論一下我們想在 2012 年做什麼。

  • As it relates to clean, certainly as you have each application, there's a requirement for a post etch clean.


  • And so there will be some additional expansion of the clean market, but the longer term trend for single wafer wet clean has been to consistently grow as a percentage of the total clean market, and as a percentage for wafer fab equipment.


  • And I think that the push-out in EUV will help contribute to that to some degree.

    我認為 EUV 的推出將在某種程度上有助於實現這一目標。

  • Operator


  • Jim Covello, Goldman Sachs.


  • Jim Covello - Analyst

    Jim Covello - Analyst

  • Steve, thanks so much for taking my question.


  • Let me add my congratulations.


  • You've been absolutely unbelievable to us work with and driving the Company.


  • So congratulations on a terrific job, and good luck in the new role.


  • It seems like we're heading into a period here where we're going to focus much more on technology buying than capacity buying.


  • And so I guess the first question is, some of the biggest customers in the industry like Intel, which I understand you don't have exposure to, talk a lot about how much equipment they reuse from one node to the next.


  • I wonder if you could give us your perspective on, the rest of the industry's reuse, and especially as it relates to etch equipment?


  • And then second question, understanding it's going to be technology buys for a while here because your customers are struggling, and utilizations are already not that high, what segments do you think are most likely next in the pipeline for capacity buying?


  • Thank you.


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • Most of the technology conversion activity has been in DRAM, and a significant amount in NAND.

    大多數技術轉換活動都發生在 DRAM 中,並且有大量發生在 NAND 中。

  • And let me comment about those two segments first, and then we'll talk about conversions in foundry and logic, which exist to a much lesser extent.


  • So our perspective for 2011 was that, with 75% bit growth in NAND, that there was probably around 550,000 wafer starts per month of conversions, and about 200,000 wafer starts of new capacity adds.

    因此,我們對 2011 年的看法是,隨著 NAND 位增長 75%,每月可能有大約 550,000 個晶圓開始轉換,新產能增加約 200,000 個晶圓開始。

  • And that's important because for new capacity adds there's about $235 million spent for every 10,000 new wafer starts.

    這很重要,因為對於新產能的增加,每 10,000 個新晶圓的啟動花費大約 2.35 億美元。

  • For a conversion, they only spend somewhere around $52 million.

    對於轉換,他們只花費大約 5200 萬美元。

  • So the capital intensity is far less.


  • We believe that if you average the 550 conversions and the 200 new, that capital intensity for 750,000 conversions in new was about $100 million for each 10,000 wafer starts per month.

    我們認為,如果將 550 次轉換和 200 次新轉換平均,則每月每 10,000 片晶圓啟動的 750,000 次新轉換的資本強度約為 1 億美元。

  • And that's one of the reasons why you see capital intensity for NAND being low, or relatively low.

    這就是為什麼您認為 NAND 的資本密集度較低或相對較低的原因之一。

  • If you go to DRAM, you have a situation where we ended up in a situation where bit growth was lower at 44%, and we only had about 60,000 of new wafer starts added, and a little over 400,000 of conversions.

    如果你去 DRAM,你會遇到這樣一種情況,我們最終的比特增長率較低,為 44%,我們只增加了大約 60,000 片新晶圓,以及略高於 400,000 片的轉換。

  • So DRAM's more expensive.

    所以 DRAM 更貴。

  • It's probably about $300 million for 10,000 new wafer starts, and $68 million for conversions.

    啟動 10,000 個新晶圓可能需要 3 億美元,而轉換成本大約需要 6800 萬美元。

  • So we think when you take that mix, it was approximately about $100 million for 10,000 wafer starts, very similar to NAND.

    所以我們認為,當你採用這種組合時,10,000 個晶圓啟動大約需要 1 億美元,這與 NAND 非常相似。

  • Except, of course, NAND converted and added a lot more total wafer starts, which resulted in a lot more money spent for NAND.

    當然,除了 NAND 轉換並增加了更多的總晶圓啟動,這導致在 NAND 上花費了更多的錢。

  • When you go into 2012, just very quickly, we think DRAM is going to add maybe 40,000, maybe 50,000.

    當你進入 2012 年時,很快,我們認為 DRAM 可能會增加 40,000,可能是 50,000。

  • It depends on bit growth.


  • Forecasts for bit growth range 40%, to as low as I've seen numbers as low as 27%, 28%.

    比特增長的預測範圍為 40%,低至我所看到的低至 27%、28% 的數字。

  • I think there will be more conversions in DRAM, because if DRAM manufacturers don't get down to the 3X node as quickly as possible in 2012, it's highly unlikely they're going to be able to be profitable, given the pricing per gigabit in DRAM.

    我認為 DRAM 會有更多的轉換,因為如果 DRAM 製造商不在 2012 年盡快降到 3X 節點,考慮到每千兆比特的定價,他們不太可能盈利內存。

  • And so, I think the potential for somewhat modest increase in wafer fab equipment spending in 2012 for DRAM exists.

    因此,我認為 2012 年用於 DRAM 的晶圓廠設備支出略微增加的可能性是存在的。

  • I don't think it will be more than maybe 10%.

    我認為它不會超過 10%。

  • In NAND, for 2012, bit growth somewhere around 65% to 70% will result in probably a total of a similar amount of wafer start conversions at 500 to 550.

    在 NAND 中,對於 2012 年,大約 65% 到 70% 的位增長可能會導致大約 500 到 550 的晶圓啟動轉換總數。

  • But probably somewhere around 125,000 to 150,000 of new wafer capacity added.

    但可能增加了大約 125,000 到 150,000 片新晶圓產能。

  • And so when you take that situation, it's very well likely that NAND spending may be flat to even down 10%.

    因此,當你考慮這種情況時,NAND 支出很可能持平甚至下降 10%。

  • Let's comment very quickly on foundry.


  • Conversions in foundry are relatively minimal.


  • There has been some as a function of low capacity utilization at 65.

    有一些是 65 的低產能利用率的函數。

  • And so we did see this year a small amount of conversions, probably somewhere around 20,000 wafer starts, maybe 30,000 for foundry and logic combined.

    所以我們今年確實看到了少量的轉換,可能大約有 20,000 個晶圓開始,可能有 30,000 個用於晶圓代工和邏輯。

  • When I look at where the spending is going to be next year, there's going to be probably a need for 70,000 wafer starts per month of new capacity at the 28, 32 nanometer node.

    當我查看明年的支出情況時,可能需要在 28、32 納米節點上每月啟動 70,000 片晶圓的新產能。

  • And that's going to mean $1 billion for every 10,000 wafer starts.

    這意味著每啟動 10,000 個晶圓就需要 10 億美元。

  • So there's about $7 billion there.


  • Probably somewhere around 35,000 to 40,000 wafer starts in foundry and logic, that's still going to go into 40, 45.

    大概大約有 35,000 到 40,000 片晶圓在代工廠和邏輯中開始,這仍然會進入 40、45。

  • But that will be at a much lower spending level, probably more like $700 million for 10,000 wafer starts.

    但這將處於低得多的支出水平,可能更像是 10,000 個晶圓啟動所需的 7 億美元。

  • And then from a conversion standpoint, I think that we'll see some continued conversion where possible at 65 nanometer, where potentially we could see 50,000 to 65,000 wafer starts converted, which will keep some of the pressure down on the capital intensity.

    然後從轉換的角度來看,我認為我們會在 65 納米處看到一些可能的持續轉換,我們可能會看到 50,000 到 65,000 片晶圓開始轉換,這將在一定程度上降低資本密集度的壓力。

  • But the reality is that I think foundry spending is likely to be very similar in 2012 to what we saw in 2011, potentially slightly up if we do see that the consumer demand for leading-edge high density SmartPhones.

    但現實情況是,我認為 2012 年代工支出可能與我們在 2011 年看到的非常相似,如果我們確實看到消費者對尖端高密度智能手機的需求,可能會略有上升。

  • If we see tablet demand really stronger than maybe some of the forecasts are showing, foundry and logic are going to have to respond at the 28, 32 nanometer node.

    如果我們看到平板電腦的需求真的比某些預測所顯示的更強勁,代工廠和邏輯將不得不在 28、32 納米節點上做出回應。

  • And that will certainly drive a strong amount of wafer fab equipment spending.


  • Operator


  • Stephen Chin, UBS.

    Stephen Chin,瑞銀。

  • Stephen Chin - Analyst

    Stephen Chin - Analyst

  • Hi, Steve.


  • Also my congratulations on your successful tenure.


  • Thanks for sharing your views on 2012.

    感謝您分享您對 2012 年的看法。

  • I was also hoping that you could share your early thoughts on WFE trends in the first half of 2012 for the industry?


  • It does look like second-half WFE was down a little bit more than you originally thought.

    看起來下半年 WFE 的跌幅確實比你原先想像的要多一些。

  • Just curious how Lam is preparing to manage the first half of 2012?

    只是好奇 Lam 準備如何管理 2012 年上半年?

  • And then my follow up question is on the December shipment guidance.

    然後我的後續問題是關於 12 月的裝運指南。

  • Did you mention the pushouts were mostly at the NAND flash customers?

    您是否提到推出主要針對 NAND 閃存客戶?

  • And when do you think those NAND flash pushouts might be rescheduled for?

    您認為這些 NAND 閃存的推出可能會重新安排在什麼時候?

  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • I'll talk a little bit about question relative to December.

    我將談談與 12 月相關的問題。

  • And then have Martin address what the plans are, and the thinking as relative to first half of 2012.

    然後讓 Martin 說明計劃是什麼,以及與 2012 年上半年相關的想法。

  • Interestingly, when we sat here 3 months ago, when we looked at the December quarter, my comment was that we expected the December quarter shipments to be higher than September.

    有趣的是,當我們 3 個月前坐在這裡查看 12 月季度時,我的評論是我們預計 12 月季度的出貨量將高於 9 月。

  • That was true all the way until the middle of September, when we saw some significant pushouts in the memory space, which was both NAND and DRAM.

    直到 9 月中旬,情況一直如此,當時我們看到內存空間(NAND 和 DRAM)出現了一些重要的推出。

  • It was stronger pushouts in NAND, but it was also present in DRAM.

    它是 NAND 中更強大的推出,但它也存在於 DRAM 中。

  • And then it was offset a little bit by some pull-ins in the logic foundry space.


  • And so the net is that instead of being up, our shipments are down 5%.

    所以淨值是我們的出貨量沒有上升,而是下降了 5%。

  • I think that in the environment that we're in is consistent with what we've talked about.


  • On a quarter-to-quarter basis, the ability to accurately forecast what's going to happen within a quarter is very difficult, given the concentration of customers, and the ability for customers to push $25 million, $50 million or more out of a quarter.

    按季度計算,準確預測一個季度內將要發生的事情的能力非常困難,因為客戶非常集中,而且客戶有能力在一個季度內推銷 2500 萬、5000 萬美元或更多。

  • And when you talk about the next quarter out, in this case, March, in June, we can tell you what customers are saying they want us to do, but whether they'll actually execute that, I don't know.


  • So let's have Martin give you some perspectives of how he's thinking about the first half of 2012.

    讓我們讓 Martin 談談他對 2012 年上半年的看法。

  • Martin Anstice - President and COO

    Martin Anstice - President and COO

  • The first thing I would say is that perhaps stating the obvious, visibility for the Company is pretty low.


  • And I don't think that's a new message.


  • And to a very large extent, the types of things that really drive the answer to your question in terms of outlook are macro-related.


  • As best I can tell, the emerging consensus around WFE is that it ranges between 5% and 20% down year-over-year.

    據我所知,圍繞 WFE 的新興共識是它同比下降 5% 到 20%。

  • And Steve spoke to that in his prepared comments.


  • Our thesis for the fundamental drivers of spending around content-rich SmartPhones, and the overall cell phone market shift to mobile computing, and the emergence of data centers and high speed connections, I mean that still plays out as a fairly prominent theme.


  • Quite what that means precisely for the first half of next year or the March quarter, clearly, a bunch to still learn.

    這對於明年上半年或 3 月季度來說恰恰意味著什麼,顯然,還有很多需要學習的地方。

  • I would say directionally -- and this is not a statement of guidance because it doesn't need to be and shouldn't be based on what we're learning from customers.


  • But directionally I would expect that it is more likely that our shipments in March are higher than they are in the December quarter guidance today, certainly more likely they'll be higher than flat or down.

    但從方向上講,我預計我們 3 月份的出貨量更有可能高於今天 12 月季度的指導,當然更有可能高於持平或下降。

  • But as we know, lots can change in a pretty short period of time, evidenced by the fact that sequentially in September, our shipments declined by 27 percentage points.

    但正如我們所知,很多事情可能會在很短的時間內發生變化,9 月份我們的出貨量環比下降了 27 個百分點就證明了這一點。

  • So there's clearly the potential there, and directionally the conclusion is the one I've just given you.


  • Relative to managing the Company, one of the most important messages is the one we have been communicating for some time, which is a commitment to invest in the long-term future of the Company.


  • And that remains a prominent part of the decisions, we make on a day-to-day basis, and the implied guidance for operating expenses really doesn't speak to what we'll be exiting the quarter at.


  • I would expect that by the time we get to the December months, we'll be run rating operating expenses closer to the $190 million level.

    我預計到 12 月份時,我們的運營費用評級將接近 1.9 億美元。

  • And directionally I would expect that our March quarter operating expenses are some higher than December.

    從方向上講,我預計我們 3 月季度的運營費用會比 12 月高一些。

  • But we're right in the middle of an important planning process, and we have some significant learnings ahead of us in the remaining months of this quarter, and we have some significant decisions to make as well.


  • So the directionality statements are made in that context.


  • Operator


  • Ben Pang, Caris & Company.

    Ben Pang, Caris & Company。

  • Benedict Pang - Analyst

    Benedict Pang - Analyst

  • Let me add my congratulations as well.


  • Super informative call as usual.


  • Two quick questions.


  • First, on the capital or the wafer fab equipment outlook you have for next year, between the high and the low point, do you think the key factor is foundry spending?


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • We didn't really define it, because what we talked about was directionally it's 5% to 20% down.

    我們並沒有真正定義它,因為我們談論的是方向性的,它下降了 5% 到 20%。

  • So if we centered on 31, wafer fab equipment spending for 2011, 5% down puts you at 29.5; 20% down would take you all the way down to 25-ish.

    因此,如果我們以 31 為中心,2011 年晶圓廠設備支出下降 5% 則為 29.5;下降 20% 會讓你一路下降到 25 左右。

  • I think that my expectations are that we're going to see probably somewhere around $12.5 billion in spending for memory.

    我認為我的預期是我們可能會看到大約 125 億美元的內存支出。

  • I think microprocessor, which we classify now as Intel spending, we think is going to come down somewhere around the $4 billion level, a more normalized level of spending for Intel, after an accelerated expansion in 2011.

    我認為我們現在歸類為英特爾支出的微處理器將下降到 40 億美元左右的水平,這是英特爾在 2011 年加速擴張後更為正常的支出水平。

  • And then logic foundry, I think being somewhere in the 10, 11 range.

    然後是邏輯代工,我認為在 10、11 範圍內。

  • I think if the macroeconomic environment is stronger in 2012 than what some of the low-end GDP forecast of 2% to 2.5% are saying that, that will manifest itself in leading- edge product demand.

    我認為,如果 2012 年的宏觀經濟環境比一些 2% 至 2.5% 的低端 GDP 預測要強,那將在前沿產品需求中體現出來。

  • That will result in the need for more wafer starts in logic foundry, which as we've talked about is very capital intensive.


  • I do think that in memory, whether it's DRAM or NAND, spending will still be relatively muted because the conversion capability of even more 4X to 3X still exists in 2012.

    我確實認為在內存方面,無論是 DRAM 還是 NAND,支出仍將相對低迷,因為 2012 年仍然存在 4X 到 3X 的轉換能力。

  • So I think that where the most upside is, is clearly in foundry and logic.


  • Benedict Pang - Analyst

    Benedict Pang - Analyst

  • One real quick follow-on in terms of the OpEx.

    就 OpEx 而言,這是一項真正的快速後續行動。

  • Is a lot of the increase that you are talking about going forward, is related to your comments around working on the next wafer size?


  • Martin Anstice - President and COO

    Martin Anstice - President and COO

  • No, it's actually not.


  • There is an element of spending associated with our 450 millimeter programs, and that's been true for a little while, and Steve commented already again today.

    有一個與我們的 450 毫米計劃相關的支出因素,這已經有一段時間了,史蒂夫今天已經再次發表評論。

  • A big part of the investment or the increase in the investment is a byproduct of a broad collection of technology inflections, and whether we're talking finFET transistor environments or 3-D memory, and next-generation memory.

    投資的很大一部分或投資的增加是廣泛收集技術變化的副產品,無論我們是在談論 finFET 晶體管環境還是 3-D 內存,以及下一代內存。

  • There's a lot of decisions to be made by our customers.


  • And in that context if we're wise, we make a set of investments to position the Company to be successful, when those decisions are actually made.


  • And so, the increase is much more a byproduct of the success of the Company historically, and the cost to defend that success, and the opportunity to continue to grow and to make investments, in the context of a fair amount of uncertainty in the world of our customers from a technology perspective.


  • Operator


  • Krish Sankar, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    美銀美林的克里什·桑卡爾 (Krish Sankar)。

  • Krish Sankar - Analyst

    Krish Sankar - Analyst

  • Congrats on my behalf too, for such a spectacular career so far.


  • Two questions.


  • Number one, you said that mix the of foundries in December would increasing the shipments.

    第一,你說 12 月份混合代工廠會增加出貨量。

  • Is it fair to assume that most of the increase is coming from single-wafer clean, or do you think it's evenly split between etch and clean?


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • I think that there's clearly a situation where etch is about 40% memory and 60% foundry.

    我認為很明顯,蝕刻佔內存的 40%,代工佔 60%。

  • And clean is similar in that regard.

    clean 在這方面是相似的。

  • On any given quarter, it can float around a little bit.


  • In fact, for clean in the December quarter, they actually have closer to 48% or so in memory, and actually a little bit lower in logic.

    事實上,對於 12 月季度的清潔,他們實際上在內存中接近 48% 左右,在邏輯上實際上略低一點。

  • But when you go forward, clean returns back to its normal trend, which for us is about 60% logic, 40% memory.

    但是當你繼續前進時,clean 又回到了它的正常趨勢,這對我們來說大約是 60% 的邏輯,40% 的內存。

  • Etch is typically 50/50-ish, and our etch business is so much larger than our clean business that it pretty much dominates what the percentage mix is going to be for our entire system shipment mix.

    蝕刻通常是 50/50-ish,我們的蝕刻業務比我們的清潔業務大得多,以至於它幾乎支配了我們整個系統出貨組合的百分比組合。

  • Krish Sankar - Analyst

    Krish Sankar - Analyst

  • And then just a quick follow-up.


  • Since you have been in the industry so long, just wanted to get your perspective of when do you think, which year EUV will be implemented in production, and which year 450 millimeter will hit the table?

    既然你已經在這個行業工作了這麼久,只是想了解一下你認為 EUV 將在哪一年投入生產,以及 450 毫米將在哪一年上市?

  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • Having been in the industry, whether it was 30, 40 or 50 years isn't particularly helpful, given some of the challenges that EUV has.

    考慮到 EUV 面臨的一些挑戰,進入該行業,無論是 30 年、40 年還是 50 年,都不是特別有幫助。

  • I think the best qualified people to answer the EUV, are ASML and Cymer.

    我認為最有資格回答 EUV 問題的人是 ASML 和 Cymer。

  • And certainly, I'm sure you are asking them about how they're going to get the throughput up.


  • All I could do would be to speculate and pass on customer concerns, which I don't think I necessarily helpful in terms of accuracy.


  • Relative to 450, maybe having been around this industry as long as I have, there's some perspectives that could be brought to bear.

    相對於 450,也許只要我一直在這個行業工作,就可以考慮一些觀點。

  • One of the things I think about 450 that's a positive is, in the past when wafer size changes were conducted -- this is going way back to even 5-inch conversions and 6-inch, and then 200-millimeter, they were led by an individual Company.

    我認為 450 是積極的一件事是,在過去進行晶圓尺寸變化時——這甚至可以追溯到 5 英寸轉換和 6 英寸,然後是 200 毫米,他們由個人公司。

  • And trailers came into play, and it was typically expensive, messy and a slow transition.


  • At 300-millimeter, it was also slow and messy, as customers individually tried to define when they were going to market.

    在 300 毫米時,它也緩慢而混亂,因為客戶各自試圖確定他們何時上市。

  • This time, with the public announcement of the G450 project in Albany.


  • And we have in essence, 5 companies that are going to participate in an early pilot, early device learning line, I think that's going to provide for an opportunity for more focused investment, the need in the next 3 years or so for fewer pieces of equipment that have to get scattered around the world at various individual customer sites.

    從本質上講,我們有 5 家公司將參與早期試點、早期設備學習系列,我認為這將為更集中的投資提供機會,在未來 3 年左右的時間裡需要更少的設備必須分散在世界各地各個客戶站點的設備。

  • I think that it provides the industry, both the semiconductor manufacturing customers and the equipment and materials industry an opportunity to really learn what are the true costs associated with moving to 450.

    我認為它為行業、半導體製造客戶以及設備和材料行業提供了一個真正了解與遷移到 450 相關的真實成本的機會。

  • What are the real as opposed to forecasted technical challenges?


  • And how quickly or how long, will it take really to work through the technical and the productivity challenges that are clearly going to be present at 450?

    真正需要多快或多長時間才能解決 450 年顯然會出現的技術和生產力挑戰?

  • So with all of that said and done, with the thought process around 2013 timing for G450 activity, a year and-a-half to 2 years of that joint activity, various customers at some point wanting to put their own pilot lines in, whether that's late 2014 or 2015, another year and-a-half of activity associated with that, I think the reality is you're looking at -- on the very optimistic side, 2016, more likely 2017, and potentially even 2018, in terms of when this industry will really start to ramp 450 for high volume manufacture.

    所以說了這麼多,做了這麼多,考慮到 2013 年左右 G450 活動的時間,一年半到兩年的聯合活動,各種客戶在某個時候想要投入他們自己的試驗線,無論是那是 2014 年末或 2015 年,與此相關的又一年半的活動,我認為現實是你正在看 - 在非常樂觀的方面,2016 年,更有可能是 2017 年,甚至可能是 2018 年,就條款而言該行業何時真正開始為大批量製造生產 450。

  • Operator


  • Timothy Arcuri, Citigroup.


  • Wenge Yang - Analyst

    Wenge Yang - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • This is Wenge for Tim.

    這是 Tim 的 Wenge。

  • Steve, congratulations on a great career.


  • A couple things.


  • First, in terms of stock buyback, with the stock price backing up above the $40 level, what's the Company's thinking about buyback moving forward?

    首先,在股票回購方面,隨著股價回升至 40 美元以上,公司對未來回購的想法是什麼?

  • Ernest "Ernie" Maddock - SVP & CFO

    Ernest "Ernie" Maddock - SVP & CFO

  • Wenge, we're unchanged in terms of the overall programs that we've talked about.


  • So our buyback activity will be a function of how the market moves.


  • Wenge Yang - Analyst

    Wenge Yang - Analyst

  • In terms of the foundry spending, Steve mentioned about 28-nanometer and the 32-nanometer clearly, has begun investment.


  • And based on your discussion with customers, when do you think they expect the capacity to be online for their production?


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • Well, there's a certain amount of 28-nanometer capacity that came online this year, probably to the tune of 40,000 to 50,000 wafer starts per month by the end of 2011.

    嗯,今年有一定數量的 28 納米產能上線,到 2011 年底可能達到每月 40,000 到 50,000 片晶圓。

  • Whether all of that is fully qualified and fully outputted, that's a big question mark.


  • When I talk to a number of the leading edge foundry and logic players, relative to a 28-, 32-nanometer ramp, there's a certain amount of caution that's associated with -- when they look at the demand that their customers are telling them they are going to need to meet, there's some degree of concern that their customers are too optimistic about whether that demand will really materialize.

    當我與一些領先的代工廠和邏輯玩家交談時,相對於 28 納米、32 納米的斜坡,當他們看到客戶告訴他們的需求時,他們會保持一定程度的謹慎需要滿足,他們的客戶在某種程度上擔心這種需求是否會真正實現過於樂觀。

  • And so, the foundry logic players are stuck a little bit in a Catch-22, in the sense that if they don't put the capacity in place and the demand materializes, that's going to cause some serious problems with their customers.

    因此,代工邏輯玩家有點陷入了第 22 條軍規,從某種意義上說,如果他們不把產能落實到位並且需求實現,那將給他們的客戶帶來一些嚴重的問題。

  • If they do put it in place, and it doesn't, it's far more expensive to deal with idle capacity when you're spending $1 billion for 10,000 wafer starts, than just 2 generations ago at 65-nanometer, you had $500 million tied up for 10,000 wafer starts.

    如果他們確實將其落實到位,但事實並非如此,那麼當你花費 10 億美元用於 10,000 片晶圓啟動時,處理閒置產能的成本要高得多,而僅僅在 2 代之前的 65 納米工藝上,你有 5 億美元的捆綁高達 10,000 個晶圓啟動。

  • The impact on cash flow and the carrying cost associated with idle capacity at 28, 32 is much more impactful to the foundry logic companies.

    對現金流的影響以及與 28、32 閒置產能相關的持有成本對代工邏輯公司的影響要大得多。

  • And so, as it stands right now, they're going to try and position as best they can.


  • But clearly they're going to look to certain segments of the industry, where they may put their litho in place because of the long lead times.


  • And they'll obviously try to take advantage of a lot of the short lead times, and very fast response capabilities that companies like Lam Research can do, and wait for as long as they can before committing to putting additional capacity in place.

    他們顯然會嘗試利用像 Lam Research 這樣的公司可以做到的許多短交貨期和非常快速的響應能力,並在承諾增加產能之前盡可能多地等待。

  • Operator


  • Edwin Mok, Needham & Company.

    Edwin Mok, Needham & Company。

  • Edwin Mok - Analyst

    Edwin Mok - Analyst

  • Congrats, Martin, and good luck to you, Steve.


  • First, if I take your full year -- sorry, the fourth-quarter guidance and look at your full-year calendar 2011, I noticed that your revenue and shipment are down year-over-year.

    首先,如果我拿你的全年 - 抱歉,第四季度指導並查看你的 2011 年全年日曆,我注意到你的收入和出貨量同比下降。

  • But if we look at WFE as flattish, is that just Intel, or the etch or the clean market actually underperforming WFE this year?

    但是,如果我們認為 WFE 持平,那僅僅是英特爾,還是蝕刻或清潔市場今年實際上表現不佳?

  • And if so, why is that the case?


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • Yes.


  • Good question, Edwin.


  • It's actually both.


  • Clearly, in the context of the $31 billion spending for 2011 versus $29 [billion], a lot of that increase, in terms of spending is Intel.

    顯然,在 2011 年 310 億美元的支出與 29 [十億美元] 的背景下,就支出而言,其中很大一部分是英特爾。

  • Our served customer market is actually down in 2011 on a total WFE basis, but it's actually down even more when you look at the etch SAM.

    我們服務的客戶市場在 2011 年實際上在整個 WFE 基礎上有所下降,但當您查看蝕刻 SAM 時,它實際上下降得更多。

  • Historically, the etch SAM will fluctuate as a percent of WFE, anywhere from 12% to 14%.

    從歷史上看,蝕刻 SAM 將作為 WFE 的百分比波動,從 12% 到 14% 不等。

  • In 2010, it ran pretty close to 14%, maybe 13.8%.

    2010 年,它非常接近 14%,也許是 13.8%。

  • And certainly that was favorably impacted by the [non Inotera] conversion to stacked DRAM which required a significant investment in etch.

    當然,[非 Inotera] 向堆疊式 DRAM 的轉換產生了有利影響,這需要在蝕刻方面進行大量投資。

  • Interestingly, when we look at 2011, there has been a greater amount of leading-edge spending, particularly in foundry, associated with litho and metrology and less early spending relative to etch, so that the etch SAM combined with the high level of technology conversion which impact etch to a greater degree than some other segments, our estimate is that etch is actually going to run about 12% of wafer fab equipment in 2011.

    有趣的是,當我們回顧 2011 年時,與光刻和計量相關的前沿支出較多,特別是在代工方面,而與蝕刻相關的早期支出較少,因此蝕刻 SAM 與高水平的技術轉換相結合這比其他部分對蝕刻的影響更大,我們估計 2011 年蝕刻實際上將運行約 12% 的晶圓廠設備。

  • So our customer SAP/SAM spending slightly less.

    所以我們的客戶 SAP/SAM 支出略少。

  • The etch SAM being down to 12%, results in about a 7% to 7.5% decline in etch SAM.

    蝕刻 SAM 降至 12%,導致蝕刻 SAM 下降約 7% 至 7.5%。

  • And when we look at where we see our revenue situation, we'll be down year-over-year, offset by some favorability in our customer service business, somewhere in the 13%, 14%, 15% on a systems basis.

    當我們查看我們的收入情況時,我們將同比下降,但被我們客戶服務業務的一些有利因素所抵消,在系統基礎上大約在 13%、14%、15% 左右。

  • What you end up with is we are essentially flat from a market share perspective in 2011 versus 2010 as it relates to our customer base, and clearly on a totality basis, because of the Intel effect and reduced etch spending at [non Inotera] in 2011, our overall market share on a total basis will be down about 5% or 5.5%, due to all those mix issues I just talked about.

    你最終得到的結果是,從市場份額的角度來看,我們在 2011 年與 2010 年基本持平,因為它與我們的客戶群有關,而且顯然是在總體基礎上,因為英特爾效應和 2011 年 [非華亞科] 的蝕刻支出減少,由於我剛才談到的所有這些混合問題,我們的整體市場份額將下降約 5% 或 5.5%。

  • Edwin Mok - Analyst

    Edwin Mok - Analyst

  • Great.


  • That was extremely helpful.


  • And then, I have a follow-up question on the leverage in the model.


  • If I take a down 20% 2012 scenario, and take a look at your 4Q guidance, that would imply that on a quarterly basis calendar 2012 is roughly around what you're guiding on the fourth quarter.

    如果我假設 2012 年下降 20%,並查看您的 4Q 指導,這將意味著按季度計算 2012 年大致與您在第四季度的指導大致相同。

  • If that's what ends up happening for the industry, how do we think about leverage in the model?


  • Are we satisfied with 7.5% operating margin for the Company?

    我們對公司 7.5% 的營業利潤率滿意嗎?

  • And if we are not, what do we expect cost savings could come from?


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • I'm going to let Martin and/or Ernie answer that, since they'll be the ones primarily responsible for delivering whatever it is we do.

    我將讓 Martin 和/或 Ernie 來回答這個問題,因為他們將主要負責交付我們所做的一切。

  • Martin Anstice - President and COO

    Martin Anstice - President and COO

  • I'm going to let Ernie deal with specific model questions and leverage, but I'll make a few comments relative to being happy or unhappy with 7.5%, because there are obviously many answers to a question like that.

    我打算讓 Ernie 處理具體的模型問題和槓桿作用,但我會就 7.5% 的快樂或不快樂發表一些評論,因為這樣的問題顯然有很多答案。

  • And I think the important answer is that we are committed to make investments for the long-term success and growth of this Company.


  • That doesn't mean that we go spend money independent of thinking through the implications in terms of financial performance through a cycle.


  • But positioning the Company to turn on and turn off long-term R&D investments in projects is a very unwise thing to do.


  • Hence, the commentary that the Company has been communicating for some time.


  • And so, none of us are happy with 7.5%.

    因此,我們都不滿意 7.5%。

  • We have earned more than that at this revenue level.


  • And we would like to earn more than that at this revenue level.


  • And the investments that we're making for the period of time we're making them, are made with the pursuit of that growth objective, and that profitability objective in mind.


  • And so, it would be way premature for us to speak to profitability outlooks for 2012, because we haven't spoken to the wafer fab outlook in any detail today.

    因此,我們現在談論 2012 年的盈利前景還為時過早,因為我們今天還沒有詳細討論晶圓廠的前景。

  • But that's the setup for hopefully giving some perspective around how we're processing making investments vis-a-vis a cycle and the underlying profitability level.


  • I don't know if Ernie has anything to add in terms of the model.


  • Ernest "Ernie" Maddock - SVP & CFO

    Ernest "Ernie" Maddock - SVP & CFO

  • Edwin, the one thing I would add is we're currently looking at a second half in 2011 that is below the indicated ranges, or the midpoint of the indicated range that we've talked about relative to 2012.

    埃德溫,我要補充的一件事是,我們目前正在研究 2011 年下半年低於指定範圍的情況,或者我們談到的相對於 2012 年的指定範圍的中點。

  • I don't necessarily think that you could take our fourth-quarter performance and fully extrapolate that forward.


  • We have obviously provided some commentary around intentions around OpEx, so I think there will be some potential leverage upward at the gross margin line, if business volumes improve.

    我們顯然已經就 OpEx 的意圖提供了一些評論,因此我認為如果業務量有所改善,毛利率線將有一些潛在的槓桿作用。

  • We've talked about the continued investments we plan to make.


  • I think the net-net of that would be, depending on the level of wafer fab that ultimately occurs, flat to slightly up overall performance.


  • But we're really going to have to see ourselves getting through our annual planning process and making those final decisions, when we get through the final planning process.


  • Operator


  • Satya Kumar, Credit Suisse.

    Satya Kumar,瑞士信貸。

  • Satya Kumar - Analyst

    Satya Kumar - Analyst

  • Steve, let me also wish you the best going forward.


  • Obviously, you are going to be missed by all of us, but I hope there will be opportunity for us to (inaudible) with you.


  • On the question of market share, I understand that Intel is $6 billion in the WFE equation this year.

    關於市場份額問題,據我所知,英特爾今年在 WFE 方程式中的價值為 60 億美元。

  • If I take that out, you mentioned second half is 25 to 26 run rate for the industry, that should get you to 22, 23 ex- Intel, and in September, the shipment run rate was close to about 22.

    如果我把它去掉,你提到下半年該行業的運行率是 25 到 26,那應該讓你達到 22、23(不包括英特爾),而在 9 月份,出貨運行率接近 22。

  • Even ex-Intel, I find the down shipments in September a bit less than it should be.

    即使不包括英特爾在內,我發現 9 月份的出貨量也比應有的少了一點。

  • I know year-on-year the DRAM impact is immaterial, but from beginning of this year to end of this year perspective, within your segments which you're participating in, how does the math (inaudible) add up in terms of market share?

    我知道與去年同期相比,DRAM 的影響並不重要,但從今年年初到今年年底的角度來看,在您參與的細分市場中,數學(聽不清)如何在市場份額方面加起來?

  • Are there segments moving around, for example, NAND is moving around, and has the highest share.


  • Is that the reason for the relatively lower shipments?


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • The relative what?


  • Satya Kumar - Analyst

    Satya Kumar - Analyst

  • The relatively lower shipments in December.


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • I think that when everybody gets done with their announcements of what they're shipping in December, we'll probably have a better feel.

    我認為當每個人都完成了他們在 12 月發布的產品的公告時,我們可能會有更好的感覺。

  • Clearly, given that we don't ship to Intel, and Intel is shipping or taking deliveries pretty much in a balanced way throughout 2011, that would contribute to our shipments being down lower.

    顯然,考慮到我們不向英特爾發貨,而英特爾在整個 2011 年幾乎以平衡的方式發貨或收貨,這將導致我們的發貨量下降。

  • The other aspect of things could very well be timing associated with some pushouts, that we had expected to ship in December, got pushed into March.

    事情的另一個方面很可能是與一些推出相關的時間安排,我們原本預計在 12 月發貨,但被推遲到了 3 月。

  • We fully expect that they will in fact ship in March.

    我們完全期待它們實際上會在 3 月份發貨。

  • And given that our speed of delivery, and maybe more importantly our speed of startup cycle time, potentially enables customers to delay our etch deliveries, maybe with more capability than some others.


  • But if you think about my comments that I made to Edwin relative to market share, I do think that when you take the Intel effect, when you take the fact that I think etch as a segment in 2011 is growing, or is negative growth year-over-year, particularly outside of Intel, other segments are not necessarily seeing their percent of wafer fab equipment spending change, nearly to the extent that it played out in 2011.

    但如果你想想我對 Edwin 就市場份額做出的評論,我確實認為,當你考慮到英特爾效應時,當你考慮到我認為蝕刻作為一個細分市場在 2011 年正在增長,或者是負增長的一年時- 與去年同期相比,尤其是在英特爾之外,其他細分市場在晶圓廠設備支出中所佔的百分比不一定會發生變化,幾乎達到 2011 年的水平。

  • Having said that, I do think that when we look at what we think the spending will be in 2012, that we will see etch move back up at least to 13%, as a percent.

    話雖如此,我確實認為,當我們審視 2012 年的支出情況時,我們會看到蝕刻至少回升至 13%(百分比)。

  • And probably more likely somewhere around 13.5% in 2012, because historically when it runs low like we see in 2011, it doesn't do that for very long and for a very sustained period of time.

    2012 年可能更有可能在 13.5% 左右,因為從歷史上看,當它像我們在 2011 年看到的那樣處於低位時,它不會在很長時間內持續很長時間。

  • Operator


  • C.


  • J.


  • Muse, Barclays Capital.


  • C.J. Muse - Analyst

    C.J. Muse - Analyst

  • Steve, let me extend my congratulations to you, and Martin, good to hear that voice again.


  • That's an Irish accent, right?


  • Martin Anstice - President and COO

    Martin Anstice - President and COO

  • It's Scottish.


  • (Laughter).


  • C.J. Muse - Analyst

    C.J. Muse - Analyst

  • I know.


  • I know.


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • Thanks, CJ.


  • C.J. Muse - Analyst

    C.J. Muse - Analyst

  • First question, trying to understand the breadth of spending you're seeing in Q4.


  • You talked about foundry, advanced logic, and I'm assuming there's some NAND in there.

    你談到了代工、高級邏輯,我假設那裡有一些 NAND。

  • I'm curious whether that incorporates all of the big boys?


  • And if not, should we start to see greater breadth of spending across those spenders in Q1?


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • You mean in the non-big boys?


  • (Laughter).


  • C.J. Muse - Analyst

    C.J. Muse - Analyst

  • The top 5 guys.


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • The reality is that when you look at in September you had all of the players spend what you would expect from the global foundries, Hynix, Samsung, IMFS, Toshiba, et cetera, et cetera.

    現實情況是,當您在 9 月份查看時,所有參與者的支出都與您對全球代工廠、海力士、三星、IMFS、東芝等的預期一致。

  • And that when you look at December, it's fundamentally the same cast of characters, with maybe some additions here or there.

    而且,當您查看 12 月時,它基本上是相同的角色,可能會在這里或那裡添加一些內容。

  • And slight differences in terms of how much money's being funneled into which particular line, if you're a company that has multiple product sets.


  • We've got 7 significant customers, and 3 to 5 of -- let's say people who spend somewhere between $500 million and $1 billion a year.

    我們有 7 個重要客戶,其中 3 到 5 個——比方說每年花費 5 億到 10 億美元的人。

  • And when I look out at the first half -- Martin said that if we look at what customers want delivered in March, they are certainly asking us to deliver more in March.

    當我看上半年時——馬丁說,如果我們看看客戶想要在 3 月份交付什麼,他們肯定會要求我們在 3 月份交付更多。

  • But just like this quarter, 3 months ago, whether they'll actually do that, none of us know.

    但就像 3 個月前的這個季度一樣,他們是否真的會這樣做,我們都不知道。

  • And there is a broader mix of shipment requests when you look at there's a few more foundry players in the mix.


  • There's more total consistency of spending in terms of those companies that do both NAND and DRAM.

    就那些同時做 NAND 和 DRAM 的公司而言,支出的總體一致性更高。

  • They're going to do both.


  • And so, there is a broader orientation of spending across different types of ICs.

    因此,不同類型 IC 的支出方向更廣泛。

  • But again, we're sitting here.


  • And my sense is that what we're seeing is a reflection of the customers, and their forecasts for 2012, their customer demands that are being communicated to them for the first half of 2012, and they're clearly communicating to us.

    我的感覺是,我們所看到的是客戶的反映,以及他們對 2012 年的預測,他們在 2012 年上半年向他們傳達的客戶需求,他們清楚地與我們溝通。

  • Based on this, we're going to need X, Y and Z.

    基於此,我們將需要 X、Y 和 Z。

  • And even if we're down 10% or 15% in 2012, the reality is that most equipment companies, if not all, are going to be reporting that there's shipments and revenues are probably bottoming out in the December quarter.

    即使我們在 2012 年下降了 10% 或 15%,現實情況是大多數設備公司(如果不是全部的話)都將報告出貨量和收入可能在 12 月季度觸底。

  • And if we're going to be down 10% or 15% overall, throughout the calendar 2012 at some point, shipments are going to have to come up on a quarterly basis, because the current run rate is below a 10% or 15% down.

    如果我們要整體下降 10% 或 15%,在整個 2012 年的某個時候,出貨量將不得不按季度增加,因為當前的運行率低於 10% 或 15%向下。

  • C.J. Muse - Analyst

    C.J. Muse - Analyst

  • I know it's early, but curious, in your discussion with NAND customers, are you seeing any discussion in terms of Thailand flooding, and the desire to add more solid-state capacity relative to hard disk drives that have been most impacted?

    我知道現在還早,但很好奇,在您與 NAND 客戶的討論中,您是否看到任何關於泰國洪水的討論,以及相對於受影響最嚴重的硬盤驅動器增加更多固態容量的願望?

  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • Not in my discussions.


  • Martin, have you heard anything?


  • Martin Anstice - President and COO

    Martin Anstice - President and COO

  • I don't think there's anything incremental that I'm aware of, no.


  • There's definitely an emerging price point that makes that transition more attractive, not less.


  • But the road map in front of us is not overwhelming, at least in terms of the near term.


  • But there clearly is a broader set of penetrations for SSD anticipated for 2012 than 2011.

    但很明顯,預計 2012 年的 SSD 滲透率將高於 2011 年。

  • Quite how that plays out in the scheme of consumer confidence, and basic messages in terms of PC growth, anybody's guess.


  • But there's more, how much more to be determined, and I'm sure the investment that Steve characterized, in terms of new capacity additions in NAND is predicated on a set of assumptions that SSD growth is reasonable.

    但還有更多,還有多少有待確定,而且我確信史蒂夫所描述的投資,就 NAND 的新容量增加而言,是基於一系列假設,即 SSD 增長是合理的。

  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • C.


  • J., it's always interesting when there's a natural disaster or some specific potential disruption to the supply chain, that people start to worry about, what's the magnitude of that.


  • And in many respects, sometimes get overly concerned about it.


  • We could also talk about Apple's factory in China that makes their solid aluminum for their iPads and for their -- and it's really not for iPads, it's Mac book or Mac Air.

    我們還可以談談 Apple 在中國的工廠,該工廠為他們的 iPad 和他們的實心鋁製造——實際上不是 iPad,而是 Mac book 或 Mac Air。

  • And it's supposedly shut down, and they produce somewhere around 60% of Apple's frames.

    而且據說它已經關閉,他們生產了大約 60% 的蘋果框架。

  • So if that's true, Apple better have some alternative sources by which they could tap into that.

    因此,如果這是真的,Apple 最好有一些替代來源,他們可以利用這些來源。

  • Or that could have an impact throughout the entire semiconductor IC supply chain, given Apple takes up a significant amount of NAND flash capacity on a global basis, as well as advanced logic chips.

    或者這可能會對整個半導體 IC 供應鏈產生影響,因為蘋果在全球範圍內佔據了大量的 NAND 閃存容量,以及先進的邏輯芯片。

  • So we'll have to see how it plays out.


  • Operator


  • Atif Malik, Morgan Stanley.

    Atif Malik,摩根士丹利。

  • Atif Malik - Analyst

    Atif Malik - Analyst

  • Congratulations, Steve and Martin.


  • I just want to clarify, the 2012 down 5% to down 20%, that view, is that based on Company's bottoms-up model, or is that based on global GDP, or is that sell side?

    我只想澄清一下,2012 年下降 5% 到下降 20%,這種觀點是基於公司自下而上的模型,還是基於全球 GDP,還是賣方?

  • Martin Anstice - President and COO

    Martin Anstice - President and COO

  • I would say it's much more of a general statement that is influenced by the opinions from you guys, who spend lots of time analyzing the details.


  • Whatever perspectives are very early, honestly, from customers that we can garner.


  • And as we started this call, commentary on GDP and consumer confidence and corporate confidence.

    當我們開始這個電話會議時,就 GDP 和消費者信心以及企業信心發表評論。

  • I would say a much more general response, than a specific one at this point in time.


  • Atif Malik - Analyst

    Atif Malik - Analyst

  • Ernie, any consideration for a dividend here?


  • Or share buyback is still the best way of returning cash to the shareholders.


  • Ernest "Ernie" Maddock - SVP & CFO

    Ernest "Ernie" Maddock - SVP & CFO

  • We haven't revisited that discussion for a little bit, so right now it's as we've previously discussed, and no change foreseen.


  • Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

    Stephen Newberry - Vice Chairman, CEO

  • I want to thank everybody for their participation in the call.


  • And also, specifically take the opportunity to thank all of you for your kind words, as I didn't necessarily acknowledge that for each person who did.


  • But I want you to know, I appreciate the comments.


  • And I look forward to staying in touch and continue to have dialogues about this very interesting industry.


  • And with that, I'll turn it over to Shanye to close the call.

    有了這個,我會把它交給 Shanye 來結束通話。

  • Shanye Hudson - Director IR

    Shanye Hudson - Director IR

  • Thank you all for joining the call today.


  • I'd remind you that the audio replay of today's call will be available on our website later this afternoon.


  • And with that, that concludes our call.


  • Operator


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    您現在可以斷開連接,感謝您使用 ACT 會議。