福特汽車 (F) 2006 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen.


  • Thank you for standing by and welcome to the Ford Motor Company second-quarter earnings conference call.


  • My name is Carlo and I will be your coordinator for today's presentation.


  • At this time, all of our participants are in listen-only mode.


  • We will be facilitating a question-and-answer session towards the end of today's prepared remarks. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS)

    我們將在今天準備好的演講結束時安排問答環節。 (操作員說明)

  • I would now like to turn this presentation over to your host for today's conference, [Diane Patton], Director of Investor Relations.

    現在,我想將這份簡報交給今天會議的東道主,投資者關係總監 [Diane Patton]。

  • Please proceed, ma'am.


  • Diane Patton - Director-IR

    Diane Patton - Director-IR

  • Thank you, Carlo.


  • Good morning to all of you joining us either by phone or by the Internet.


  • On the conference call with me this morning are Bill Ford, Ford's Chairman and CEO;

    今天早上與我一起參加電話會議的有福特公司董事長兼執行長比爾福特 (Bill Ford)。

  • Don Leclair, our Chief Financial Officer; and Mark Fields, President in Americas.

    Don Leclair,我們的財務長;以及美洲區總裁馬克‧菲爾茲 (Mark Fields)。

  • Additionally here in the room are Jim Gouin, Vice President and controller;

    出席會議的還有副總裁兼財務長 Jim Gouin;

  • Ann Marie Petach, Vice President and Treasurer; [Mark Kozman], Director of Accounting; and K.R.

    Ann Marie Petach,副總裁兼財務主管; [馬克‧科茲曼],會計主任;和 K.R.

  • Kent, Ford Credit CFO.


  • Before we begin, I would like to review a couple quick items.


  • First, copies of this morning's earnings release and the slide deck that we will be using today have been posted on Ford's investor and media websites for your reference.


  • I would also point out that the financial results presented here are on a GAAP basis, and in some cases on a non-GAAP basis.


  • Any non-GAAP financial measures discussed in this call are reconciled to their GAAP equivalents as part of the appendix to the slide deck.

    本次電話會議中討論的任何非 GAAP 財務指標均與幻燈片附錄中的 GAAP 同等指標進行了調整。

  • Finally, I need to remind everyone that today's presentation includes some forward-looking statements about our expectations for Ford's future performance.


  • Actual results could differ materially from those suggested by our comments here.


  • Additional information about the factors that could affect future results is summarized at the end of this presentation.


  • And these risk factors are also detailed our SEC filings, including our Form 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K.

    這些風險因素也在我們的 SEC 文件中進行了詳細說明,包括我們的 10-K、10-Q 和 8-K 表格。

  • With that, I would like to turn the call over to Bill Ford.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Thank you, Diane, and good morning, everyone.


  • Don Leclair will take you through the details of our second-quarter financial results in a moment.


  • But first I want to give you my perspective on our performance and the status of our turnaround efforts.


  • We lost $123 million in the second quarter, or $0.07 a share.

    第二季我們虧損 1.23 億美元,即每股虧損 0.07 美元。

  • And this was caused by losses in our North American automotive operation and reduced contributions from Ford Credit and our worldwide automotive operation.


  • PAG also had a loss.


  • We are six months into our North American restructuring, and I'm encouraged by what is going on behind the scenes.


  • We have the right strategy and the cultural change has been remarkable.


  • There is a new sense of candor and urgency and an awareness of what needs to be done and an intense focus on fixing the business.


  • But Mark Fields has a top job that keeps getting tougher.


  • The fact is the truck and SUV markets that sustained our profitability for so long are getting smaller and more competitive.

    事實上,長期維持我們獲利能力的卡車和 SUV 市場正在變得越來越小,但競爭也越來越激烈。

  • And while we continue to do very well within those segments with leading products such as the F-Series and the Explorer, the market shift continues to impact our revenue.

    儘管我們憑藉 F 系列和 Explorer 等領先產品繼續在這些細分市場中表現出色,但市場轉變繼續影響我們的收入。

  • As you know, we're moving fast to meet growing customer demand for cars and crossovers, and we will be extremely competitive in these areas.


  • But the speed and the magnitude of the market shift is putting added pressure on our costs.


  • We continue to face rising fuel and commodity prices, currency disadvantages, higher healthcare obligations, and legacy costs.


  • The competitive landscape is continually shifting, as evidenced by the GM/Renault/Nissan discussions.


  • As you would expect, our team is watching all these issues and planning around a variety of scenarios.


  • We are well aware of the need to act quickly and decisively to reduce our losses and to regain our moment.


  • In January, Mark and his team launched the Way Forward, our comprehensive plan to reinvigorate our automotive business in North America.


  • We said then that we would achieve profitability by 2008 and we remain committed to this goal.

    我們當時就說過,我們將在 2008 年實現盈利,並且我們將繼續致力於實現這一目標。

  • We have seen an improvement in the North American results in the second quarter.


  • But the external factors I have outlined are not going to get any easier, which means we need to go farther and faster.


  • Mark and his team have been working on plans to accelerate their efforts.


  • Within the next two months, we will be in a position to update you on the additional actions that we're going to be taking.


  • We have made significant progress in the last six months.


  • We said we would idle 14 manufacturing facilities and reduce plant-related employment by 25,000 to 30,000 people between 2006 and 2012.

    我們表示,2006 年至 2012 年間,我們將閒置 14 個生產設施,並減少與工廠相關的就業人數 25,000 至 30,000 人。

  • But with buyouts and attrition, we will be already about one-third of the way to our target employment number by the end of this year.


  • We are also on track to reduce our production capacity by 700,000 units this year, or by 15%.

    今年我們還計劃將產能減少 70 萬輛,即 15%。

  • By 2008, it will be reduced by more than 1 million units, or about 25%.


  • Salary-related costs were cut 10%, the equivalent of 4000 salaried positions, in the first quarter.

    第一季與薪資相關的成本削減了 10%,相當於 4000 個帶薪職位。

  • That's on top of a reduction equivalent to about 2750 salaried positions in 2005.

    除此之外,2005 年還削減了約 2750 個帶薪職位。

  • In addition, the Company's officer ranks were reduced by 12% in the first quarter.


  • In June, we completed a $43 million transformation of our Dearborn Development Center.

    6 月,我們完成了耗資 4,300 萬美元的迪爾伯恩發展中心改造。

  • This important upgrade to our product test facilities is part of an extensive effort to reduce the time it takes us to bring new vehicles to customers by more than a year.


  • Our quality continues to improve, as demonstrated by the early indicators of substantial reductions in warranty costs for our 2006 products.

    我們的品質不斷提高,2006 年產品保固成本大幅降低的早期指標就證明了這一點。

  • That improvement allowed us to introduce the best warranty and roadside assistance package of any full-line auto company, American, European, or Asian, on our Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury brands last week.


  • When we announced Way Forward in January, we said our goal was to reduce the rate of decline of our U.S. market share this year, which we have done.


  • Through the first six months of the year, our share was down 0.3 points compared to an average annual share loss of 1.1 points in the previous five years.

    今年前 6 個月,我們的股價下跌了 0.3 個百分點,而前五年平均每年股價下跌 1.1 個百分點。

  • Of course, our ultimate goal is to stabilize and then grow our share, but to do that we face an uphill battle against the market segment trends that I talked about earlier.


  • We have taken a number of actions to maintain liquidity as we work through the negative factors that we face.


  • We sold Hertz for $5.6 billion in cash.

    我們以 56 億美元現金出售了赫茲。

  • We formed Automotive Component Holdings to facilitate the sale of a number of plants from Visteon Corporation, while protecting the flow of critical parts.


  • We are in active discussions on several of those properties, and in the meantime, we have achieved significant improvement in the quality and cost of the facilities that we are operating.


  • Our agreement with the UAW to reduce health care costs has been ratified and has been approved by the court.

    我們與 UAW 就降低醫療保健費用達成的協議已獲得批准並獲得法院批准。

  • I expect it to provide annual savings of about $650 million and a reduction in retiree health care liability of about $5 billion.

    我預計它每年可節省約 6.5 億美元,並減少退休人員醫療保健負債約 50 億美元。

  • At the same time, we've reduced salary benefits and executive bonuses.


  • The benefit reductions are expected to provide annual savings of about $400 million and a reduction in health care liability of about $3 billion.

    福利削減預計每年可節省約 4 億美元,並減少約 30 億美元的醫療保健責任。

  • Last week, we reduced our dividend by half and the fees we pay to our Board members by half.


  • As I said, Mark and his team have intensified their efforts, with an emphasis on reducing costs and accelerating product development.


  • I have every confidence they will be successful because they have proven themselves around the world.


  • In other regions where similar plans have had a chance to take root and grow, our automotive operations are making progress and we're going to build on that.


  • Mark Schulz and his international operations team have given a mandate to help better align Ford of Europe, PAG, Ford Asia-Pacific and Africa, combined with Mazda, to achieve greater growth and competitiveness.

    馬克舒爾茨 (Mark Schulz) 和他的國際營運團隊已授權幫助福特歐洲公司、PAG、福特亞太和非洲公司與馬自達更好地結合起來,以實現更大的成長和競爭力。

  • In Europe, we have taken some difficult actions over the past five years and they are paying off.


  • Ford of Europe has had two years of consistent and improving profits.


  • I visited with Mark a few weeks ago to review their upcoming products, and based upon what I saw, I am very excited about our prospects in Europe.


  • In Asia, the results of our strong investments to grow the Ford brand are showing very good progress.


  • We are pursuing these rapidly growing markets aggressively, and our year-to-date sales are up 10%.

    我們正在積極開拓這些快速成長的市場,今年迄今的銷售額成長了 10%。

  • And that includes 75% increase in India and 100% increase in China.

    其中印度成長了 75%,中國成長了 100%。

  • South America is a great turnaround story for Ford.


  • After years of losing money, we are now profitable there.


  • Mazda has also returned to sustained profitability after years of losses.


  • As you would expect, there are a number of common factors in our successes around the globe.


  • Our turnarounds were all focused on building exciting products that have strong appeal to customers.


  • Also, it has been built around improving quality and lowering our costs.


  • The other common factor is that our current North American leadership team helped plan and execute these successes, and that is what gives me so much confidence in our efforts here.


  • Serious challenges remain for us in North America.


  • We don't underestimate them.


  • But we have a proven track record of success around the world and the leadership team that helped deliver those results is here now.


  • Our total worldwide sales and revenue have been going up for the last four years.


  • When we get North America back on track and performing as it should, we will be a formidable and profitable global competitor.


  • We have a difficult transition period ahead of us, but I have great confidence in our ultimate success and in the future of the Ford Motor Company.


  • Now Don will take you through the second quarter results, and after that, we will answer any of your questions.


  • Thank you.


  • Don?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Thanks, Bill, and good morning, everyone.


  • On the first slide, we have a summary, and in the second quarter, we lost $0.03 a share from continuing operations.

    在第一張投影片上,我們有一個摘要,在第二季度,我們因持續營運而每股虧損 0.03 美元。

  • And on a net income basis, including special items, we lost $0.07 a share.

    在包括特殊項目在內的淨利潤基礎上,我們每股虧損 0.07 美元。

  • As expected, we had a loss in North America, and as Bill mentioned, we are continuing to implement the Way Forward plan and adapt it to the changing industry conditions.


  • North America, South America, and Europe reported improved results from a year ago, but PAG was unprofitable and worse than year ago.

    北美、南美和歐洲的表現較一年前有所改善,但 PAG 未獲利且比一年前更差。

  • Ford Credit, however, remained solidly profitable, earning a pretax profit of $656 million.

    然而,福特信貸仍保持穩健獲利,稅前利潤為 6.56 億美元。

  • And we continue to have strong liquidity, with cash of $23.6 billion.

    我們仍然擁有強勁的流動性,擁有 236 億美元的現金。

  • Now to slide 2, second quarter revenue was $42 billion and automotive sales were $37.7 billion; they're both down from 2005.

    現在看投影片 2,第二季營收為 420 億美元,汽車銷售額為 377 億美元;兩者均較 2005 年下降。

  • Changes in exchange rates and adverse mix primarily explain the automotive revenue decline.


  • Unit sales were up slightly.


  • Total revenue was down by more than the decline of Automotive because of the sale of Hertz late last year.


  • The second-quarter tax rate on continuing operations, excluding special items, was 57%.


  • And as we mentioned last quarter, our tax rate is adjusted for the effect of one quarter's worth of our recurring tax credit, and so it does not necessarily represent what we expect our full-year tax rate to be.


  • Now on to slide 3.

    現在轉到投影片 3。

  • This slide describes the special items on the second-quarter earnings.


  • Special items decreased earnings by $0.04 a share.

    特殊項目使每股收益減少 0.04 美元。

  • In April, we indicated that we expected that $1.7 billion in special charge we took in the first quarter for the jobs bank and employee separation programs to change, as we had reached specific plans with the unions regarding each of these affected facilities and as we gain experience with acceptance rates for buyout packages.

    4 月份,我們表示,我們預計第一季為就業銀行和員工離職計劃收取的17 億美元特別費用將會發生變化,因為我們已經與工會就這些受影響的設施達成了具體計劃,並且隨著我們獲得擁有收購包接受率的經驗。

  • During the second quarter, we reached agreement on buyout packages for workers who will be displaced by the idling of the Atlanta assembly plant and we reached agreement on the relocation of a number of our St. Louis employees.


  • And the net impact of these agreements and other minor changes was to improve pretax earnings by $146 million, or $0.05 a share.

    這些協議和其他細微變化的淨影響是將稅前收益提高了 1.46 億美元,即每股 0.05 美元。

  • When we continued to reduce personnel at facilities other than those being idled, as we improve our manufacturing capacity utilization and efficiency, in total, separation programs reduced pretax earnings by $171 million, or $0.06 a share.

    當我們繼續減少閒置設施以外的設施的人員時,隨著我們提高製造產能利用率和效率,離職計劃總共減少了稅前收益 1.71 億美元,即每股 0.06 美元。

  • In addition, there was a related charge of $315 million pretax, or $0.11 a share, for pension curtailment related to the second quarter buyouts.

    此外,與第二季收購相關的退休金削減還產生了 3.15 億美元的稅前相關費用,即每股 0.11 美元。

  • This represents the impact of earlier retirements, enhanced benefits, and accelerated recognition of future service costs associated with our U.S. hourly pension plan.


  • We also recognized gains during the second quarter that we consider non-recurring, and these consisted primarily of our share of the gain Mazda received on the transfer of its pension liabilities back to the Japanese government, as has been the case with many Japanese companies.


  • And the net loss from continuing operations was $0.07 a share.

    持續經營業務的淨虧損為每股 0.07 美元。

  • Now on to slide 4, which shows pretax results by sector.

    現在轉到幻燈片 4,其中顯示了按部門劃分的稅前結果。

  • The Company's pretax loss was $162 million.


  • That is $1.2 billion worse than a year ago.

    比一年前少了 12 億美元。

  • That is comprised of $808 million for the auto sector, down 563, and a profit in financial services of 646, a decline of 651 compared with 2005.

    其中汽車產業利潤為 8.08 億美元,比 2005 年下降 563 美元;金融服務業利潤為 646 美元,比 2005 年下降 651 美元。

  • Slide 5 shows an explanation of the changing Automotive profits from the year ago.

    幻燈片 5 顯示了對去年汽車利潤變化的解釋。

  • In the second quarter, Automotive results were a loss of $800 million; that is about $600 million worse than last year.

    第二季汽車業務虧損 8 億美元;這比去年少了約 6 億美元。

  • Compared with a year ago, volume and mix was about $300 million unfavorable, and this is more than explained by lower industry volumes, primarily in the U.S.

    與一年前相比,銷量和產品組合約為 3 億美元,這是不利的,這可以透過行業銷量下降(主要是在美國)來解釋。

  • Vehicle mix in the U.S. also was unfavorable.


  • These impacts were partly offset by additions to dealer stock during the quarter and favorable mix outside of the U.S.


  • Absolute dealer stocks, while up about 2% from the end of the first quarter, were down 7% from a year ago.

    絕對經銷商庫存雖然較第一季末成長約 2%,但較去年同期下降 7%。

  • Now, net pricing was unfavorable by $100 million, mainly reflecting higher incentives in North America, and costs were $700 million favorable.

    現在,淨定價不利了 1 億美元,主要反映了北美更高的激勵措施,而成本有利了 7 億美元。

  • We will cover that more on the next slide.


  • Exchange was $300 million unfavorable, primarily reflecting the expiration of favorable hedges that were put in place a few years ago.

    不利匯率為 3 億美元,主要反映了幾年前實施的有利對沖到期。

  • And other factors were unfavorable by about $600 million, primarily reflecting the non-recurrence of last year's favorable tax-related interest associated with audit settlements.


  • And also included here are operating losses associated with ACH, the former Visteon locations.

    這裡也包括與 ACH(前偉世通工廠)相關的營運損失。

  • Now on to cost performance.


  • In the first six months, we were $700 million better than a year ago and all of this improvement occurred during the second quarter.

    前六個月,我們比一年前增加了 7 億美元,所有這些改善都發生在第二季。

  • So the chart shows the first six months, and at the bottom of the chart, you can see by causal factor the makeup of the second quarter.


  • Quality-related expenses improved by $200 million -- you can see at the bottom of the slide in the lower left -- which looks like a generally favorable performance at all operations except Jaguar Land Rover, where we made some accrual adjustments for prior models.

    品質相關費用減少了2 億美元(您可以在左下角的幻燈片底部看到),這看起來是除捷豹路虎之外的所有運營部門總體良好的業績,我們對捷豹路虎之前的車型進行了一些應計調整。

  • Costs remained unfavorable by $200 million for the first half because of the non-recurrence of favorable reserve adjustments in the first quarter of last year, which were related to field service action and after-warranty adjustments.


  • Manufacturing and engineering costs of $500 million favorable in the first half, and that primarily reflects the effects of the headcount reductions.

    上半年製造和工程成本有利 5 億美元,這主要反映了裁員的影響。

  • Net product costs were $500 million lower than last year, and depreciation and amortization increased by about $100 million.

    淨產品成本比去年減少了 5 億美元,折舊和攤提增加了約 1 億美元。

  • And that is more than explained by the accelerated depreciation related to the plant closings, partly offset by the favorable impact of the Jaguar/Land Rover fixed asset impairment we took last year.


  • Pension and retiree health care expenses were unchanged compared with last year, with improvements associated with the revisions of our salary plan, offset by the impact of lower discount rate and lower long-term expected return.


  • These costs did not yet include any savings associated with the recent health care agreement with the UAW, which was approved last week in the courts.


  • Overhead costs were $100 million favorable, and the cost of advertising and sales promotions were up $100 million in the second quarter.

    第二季管理費用節省了 1 億美元,廣告和促銷成本增加了 1 億美元。

  • Further investment in advertising is planned to strengthen the image of our brands and improve the awareness of the new products we are introducing.


  • We made good progress on cost reductions this quarter.


  • During the next two quarters, however, we will be facing increases associated with our product programs, commodity costs, and the extended powertrain warranty we announced last week, as well as higher advertising.


  • As a result, you shouldn't take this quarter's performance and extrapolate it to the full year.


  • On slide 7, this shows the pretax results for each of our Auto operating segments and other Auto operations, excluding special items.

    在投影片 7 上,顯示了我們每個汽車業務部門和其他汽車業務的稅前結果,不包括特殊項目。

  • North America had a pretax loss of 797 and PAG, a loss of 162, and all other operations were profitable.


  • The Other Automotive was a loss of $85 million.

    Other Automotive 虧損 8,500 萬美元。

  • That is down $483 million from a year ago, more than explained by the non-recurrence of the tax related interest adjustments discussed earlier.

    這比一年前減少了 4.83 億美元,這超出了先前討論的稅收相關利息調整不再發生的原因。

  • On slide 8, start into the Automotive segments by operations, starting with North America.

    在投影片 8 上,從北美開始按業務劃分汽車細分市場。

  • Vehicle unit sales were down 28,000, more than explained by lower industry volume.

    汽車銷量下降 28,000 輛,原因是行業銷量下降。

  • Second-quarter U.S. share was 16.7, unchanged from the year ago.

    第二季美國市佔率為 16.7,與去年同期持平。

  • Retail sales of trucks were lower, largely because of segment shifts.


  • This was offset by an increase in fleet sales and an increase in the retail sales of cars, primarily the Fusion, Milan, and Zephyr.

    這被車隊銷售的成長和汽車(主要是 Fusion、Milan 和 Zephyr)零售量的成長所抵消。

  • Revenue was $19.2 billion, down $700 million, reflecting lower volumes, higher mix of passenger cars, and higher incentives.

    收入為 192 億美元,減少 7 億美元,反映出銷量減少、乘用車組合增加以及激勵措施提高。

  • And net pricing was slightly negative during the quarter.


  • Pre-tax losses were $797 million in the quarter.

    該季度稅前虧損為 7.97 億美元。

  • That is $110 million better than a year ago.

    這比一年前增加了 1.1 億美元。

  • The improvement is more than explained by cost reductions in most areas of the business, and that was partly offset by the higher mix of passenger cars, higher incentives, and adverse exchange.


  • Now on to South America.


  • Volumes were 90,000; that's up 5000 from a year ago, mainly reflecting the stronger industry.

    銷量為 90,000;比一年前增加了5000,主要反映了行業的走強。

  • Marketshare declined because of production capacity constraints in a growing market.


  • During the second quarter, we introduced the Fusion into the Brazilian market to help respond to the industry demand.


  • Revenue was $1.3 billion compared with $1 billion last year, reflecting higher volumes and stronger pricing and a stronger Brazilian currency.

    營收為 13 億美元,而去年為 10 億美元,反映出銷售量增加、定價更強勁以及巴西貨幣走強。

  • South America posted a pretax operating profit of $95 million, an improvement of 7, more than explained by higher volume.

    南美洲公佈的稅前營業利潤為 9,500 萬美元,提高了 7%,這超出了銷售增加所解釋的範圍。

  • Ford of Europe vehicle unit sales were 459,000, up 5 from the year ago.


  • Second-quarter marketshare was 8.3 in the 19 markets we track, down 0.1 points.

    在我們追蹤的 19 個市場中,第二季的市佔率為 8.3,下降了 0.1 個百分點。

  • Revenue was 7.4; that's $500 million down from the year ago, more than explained by unfavorable currency translation due to a stronger U.S. dollar.

    收入為7.4;這比一年前減少了 5 億美元,這不僅是美元走強造成的不利貨幣換算造成的。

  • The second quarter pretax profit was $105 million; that is up $39 million compared with a year ago.

    第二季稅前利潤為1.05億美元;與一年前相比增加了 3900 萬美元。

  • This improvement is more than explained by cost reductions, primarily in material costs.


  • Unfavorable market mix of vehicle sales and lower net pricing were partial offsets.


  • On PAG, second-quarter vehicle unit sales were 194,000 units -- that's down 8000 -- more than explained by lower sales at Volvo and Jaguar.

    PAG 第二季度汽車銷量為 194,000 輛,下降了 8000 輛,這超出了沃爾沃和捷豹銷量下降的解釋。

  • Second-quarter U.S.


  • PAG marketshare was 1%, down 0.1 points from a year ago, mainly Jaguar and Volvo.


  • Second-quarter European marketshare was 2.2, and that was also down 0.1, mainly Volvo.


  • Second-quarter revenue was $7.8 billion, down $100 million, mainly reflecting currency exchange and lower sales.

    第二季營收為 78 億美元,減少 1 億美元,主要反映了貨幣兌換和銷售額下降。

  • The second-quarter results were a loss of $162 million, a deterioration of $179 million from a year ago.

    第二季業績虧損 1.62 億美元,比去年同期虧損 1.79 億美元。

  • That is more than explained by the continuous impact of the expiration of favorable hedges that we put in place a few years ago, as well as adjustments to the warranty accrual, mainly for prior model Jaguar/Land Rover, lower marketshare at Volvo.


  • And the lower marketshare at Volvo mainly reflects the fact that we are balancing out some old models now, and we haven't quite got to introducing several new models that we will have in the second half of the year at Volvo.


  • And all these factors were partly offset by favorable product and market mix, mainly at Jaguar and Land Rover.


  • Now in Asia Pacific, Africa/Mazda we had a profit of $36 million, and Asia Pacific earned $4 million.

    現在在亞太地區,非洲/馬自達我們的利潤為 3,600 萬美元,亞太地區的利潤為 400 萬美元。

  • And we earned $32 million from our investment in Mazda and associated operations.

    我們透過對馬自達及相關業務的投資賺取了 3,200 萬美元。

  • That is down $25 million from a year ago, and that decline is more than explained by the non-recurrence of gains on our investment in Mazda's convertible bonds, which we had last year.

    這比一年前減少了 2500 萬美元,而這種下降的原因是我們去年投資的馬自達可轉換債券不再出現收益。

  • And those bonds now have been all converted to equity.


  • On Asia Pacific, unit sales were up 23,000 or 20%.

    在亞太地區,銷量成長了 23,000 輛,即 20%。

  • Volume increases in China and India, which were both up over 90% in the quarter, were offset partly by declines in Taiwan and Australia.

    中國和印度的銷售成長在本季度均成長了 90% 以上,但部分被台灣和澳洲的銷售下降所抵消。

  • Australian volumes continue to be affected by higher fuel prices, causing the segment shift away from large cars, which affects our Falcon sales.


  • Revenue was $200 million lower than last year, primarily because of currency exchange and because we have a higher mix of small cars compared with a year ago.

    收入比去年減少了 2 億美元,主要是因為貨幣兌換,而且與去年相比,我們擁有更多的小型汽車。

  • The unit sales increase was explained primarily by volume growth in China, and the revenue from those sales is not included in our consolidated results.


  • Asia-Pacific in Africa earned a profit of $4 million in the second quarter.


  • That is $32 million down from a year ago, and lower Falcon volumes and weaker industry volumes in Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand -- Taiwan, rather -- were partly offset by cost reductions.

    這比一年前減少了 3200 萬美元,而獵鷹銷量的下降以及澳大利亞、新西蘭和泰國(更確切地說是台灣)行業產量的下降被成本削減所部分抵消。

  • Slide 14 shows cash and cash flow.

    幻燈片 14 顯示了現金和現金流量。

  • We ended the quarter with cash of $23.6 billion.

    本季結束時,我們的現金為 236 億美元。

  • That is down $100 million compared with the end of the first quarter, and down $1.5 billion from the end of last year.

    與第一季末相比減少了 1 億美元,比去年年底減少了 15 億美元。

  • Our operating related cash flow was $200 million positive for the quarter.

    本季我們與營運相關的現金流為 2 億美元。

  • And within that, net spending was $200 million favorable; working capital was $300 million unfavorable -- this primarily reflected seasonally higher inventory; and all other was $1.1 billion favorable, and that included expense and payment timing differences for items such as marketing, warranty, and retiree related costs.

    其中,淨支出為 2 億美元;營運資金為 3 億美元不利 -- 這主要反映了季節性較高的庫存;其他所有優惠為 11 億美元,其中包括行銷、保固和退休人員相關成本等費用和付款時間差異。

  • Marketing was the main causal factor in there.


  • Cash payments from Ford's separations were $300 million during the quarter, and we made $200 million contribution to pension plans in the second quarter, mainly in the UK.

    本季福特離職支付的現金為 3 億美元,第二季我們向退休金計畫繳款 2 億美元,主要在英國。

  • Now on to slide 15.

    現在轉到投影片 15。

  • The slide shows pretax results for Financial Services.


  • Earnings at Ford Credit were $656 million in the second quarter, down $506 million.

    福特信貸第二季獲利為 6.56 億美元,年減 5.06 億美元。

  • Other financial services recorded a loss of $10 million for the second quarter, which is $8 million better than a year ago because of a non-recurrence of a loss on our small property sale in the second quarter of last year.

    其他金融服務第二季虧損 1,000 萬美元,比去年同期增加 800 萬美元,因為去年第二季我們的小型房產銷售沒有再出現虧損。

  • And the absence of Hertz accounted for $153 million.

    赫茲的缺席帶來了 1.53 億美元的損失。

  • Now, on slide 16, we show the change in Ford Credit's pretax profits for the second quarter compared with a year ago.

    現在,在投影片 16 上,我們顯示了福特信貸第二季稅前利潤與去年同期相比的變化。

  • Ford Credit remained solidly profitable in the second quarter, with a pretax profit of $656 million and a return on equity of 15.6%.

    福特信貸第二季維持穩健獲利,稅前利潤為 6.56 億美元,股本報酬率為 15.6%。

  • This was, however, down $506 million compared with last year, and that is pretty much in line with our expectations.

    然而,與去年相比,這一數字減少了 5.06 億美元,這與我們的預期基本一致。

  • The decline in earnings mainly reflected higher borrowing costs, the impact of lower receivable levels, and lower credit loss reserve reductions and higher depreciation expense.


  • The portfolio continues to perform very well, and the loss to receivables ratio in the second quarter was the lowest in recent history.


  • As of the end of the quarter, managed receivables were $151 billion, down $9 billion from a year ago.

    截至本季末,管理的應收帳款為 1,510 億美元,比去年同期減少 90 億美元。

  • Slide 17 summarizes where we are on our planning assumptions and operational metrics.

    投影片 17 總結了我們的規劃假設和營運指標的進展。

  • For the full year we expect total industry sales to be about 17.2 million in the U.S. and 17.6 million in the 19 markets we track in Europe.

    對於全年,我們預計美國的行業總銷量約為 1,720 萬輛,我們追蹤的 19 個歐洲市場的行業總銷量約為 1,760 萬輛。

  • And based on external data, we believe we are on track to improve our quality performance; and based on our marketshare performance to date, we now expect our full-year marketshares to be down.


  • Our cost changes are expected to be favorable for all of 2006, with a caution about the magnitude that I mentioned earlier.

    我們的成本變化預計對 2006 年全年都是有利的,但對我之前提到的幅度要謹慎。

  • Capital expenditures are expected to be about $7 billion, and we do expect our year-end cash balance to be above $20 billion.

    資本支出預計約為 70 億美元,我們預計年終現金餘額將超過 200 億美元。

  • Now on slide 18, we show our full year milestones that we shared with you in January, and all operations are expected to be consistent with this.

    現在,在投影片 18 上,我們展示了 1 月與您分享的全年里程碑,所有營運預計都將與此保持一致。

  • PAG, however, will be much closer to breakeven than was our original expectation.


  • Slide 19 shows the full-year special items, the forecasted special items, and it is projected to be around $3.6 billion.

    投影片 19 顯示了全年特殊項目、預測特殊項目,預計約 36 億美元。

  • This is about $200 million higher than we estimated in April, and higher pension curtailment costs are offset partly by onetime gains in reductions in other estimates.

    這比我們 4 月的估計高出約 2 億美元,而較高的退休金削減成本被其他估計的一次性削減收益部分抵消。

  • We expect the cash payments during this year for these special items and for some separation expenses that we recorded last year to be about $1.5 billion, and that is a couple hundred million better than what we told you at the end of the first quarter --.

    我們預計今年這些特殊項目和去年記錄的一些離職費用的現金支付約為 15 億美元,這比我們在第一季末告訴您的要好幾億美元—— 。

  • Now, slide 20 shows our present production plans for the third quarter.

    現在,投影片 20 顯示了我們目前第三季的生產計劃。

  • Third-quarter production in North America is projected at 670,000.

    北美第三季產量預計為 67 萬輛。

  • That is down 58,000 from a year ago; it is also down about 40,000 from what we previously announced.

    比一年前減少了 58,000 人;也比我們之前宣布的減少了約 40,000。

  • That is down 45,000 units in truck and up 5000 in car.

    卡車減少 45,000 輛,轎車增加 5000 輛。

  • And this reflects our intention to manage our dealer's inventories carefully.


  • Ford Europe's production is projected at 410,000 units, and that is up 38,000 from a year ago.

    福特歐洲的產量預計為 41 萬輛,比去年同期增加 38,000 輛。

  • That change mainly reflects change in the timing of vacation shutdowns.


  • PAG's production is projected at 150,000, down 3000 from last year.


  • Now in wrapping up, I would like to summarize a few points.


  • Our new products are being well-received.


  • In the U.S., the Fusion, Milan, and Zephyr are contributing to higher retail car marketshare.

    在美國,Fusion、Milan 和 Zephyr 正在為提高零售汽車市場份額做出貢獻。

  • And more products, such as the Ford Edge and the Lincoln MKX in the growing crossover segment, will be out in the fourth quarter.

    更多產品,例如不斷增長的跨界車細分市場中的福特 Edge 和林肯 MKX,將於第四季度推出。

  • We also introduced new products in our international operations late in the second quarter and have many more new products coming throughout the year.


  • We have high expectations that these will be successful.


  • Last week, we announced significant warranty enhancements to our 2007 model Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury vehicles, sold in the U.S. and Canadian markets, along with increased standardization of customer valued safety features.

    上週,我們宣布對在美國和加拿大市場銷售的 2007 年福特、林肯和水星汽車進行重大保固增強,同時提高客戶重視的安全功能的標準化。

  • We expect these actions to enhance the market acceptance of our products.


  • We continue to take actions to address our cost structure.


  • The UAW health care agreement was approved by the court last week and will be implemented in August.


  • Capacity reductions are on track; the Atlanta assembly plant will be idled during the fourth quarter, and our assembly capacity will be reduced by 700,000 units this year, or about 15%.


  • We expect to achieve over 12,000 hourly personal reductions in North America by year-end, including about 2000 at ACH.

    我們預計到年底,北美地區將減少超過 12,000 名每小時人員,其中 ACH 減少約 2000 名。

  • And these reductions are in addition to the salary reductions and benefit changes we implemented previously.


  • In addition, we have made progress on improving our material costs, despite higher commodity costs.


  • The issues we faced at the beginning of 2006 have become more difficult.


  • Consistently higher gasoline prices in the U.S. have caused consumer purchase preferences to shift away from SUVs and large trucks.


  • We are committed to achieving North American profitability by no later than 2008.

    我們致力於在 2008 年之前實現北美獲利。

  • We are continuing to work on that goal.


  • It is fair to say it is getting tougher, but that is our job and we are all working toward that goal.


  • Now I will turn it over to Diane to begin the Q&A.


  • Diane Patton - Director-IR

    Diane Patton - Director-IR

  • At this time, we're ready to begin the question-and-answer session.


  • Following our normal practice, we will begin with questions from the investment community and then take questions from the media who are also on the call.


  • In order to allow us as many questions as possible within our timeframe, we ask that you keep your questions brief so that we do not have to move callers along after a couple minutes.


  • With that, operator, can we please have first question?


  • Operator


  • (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) Chris Ceraso, Credit Suisse.

    (操作員說明)Chris Ceraso,瑞士信貸。

  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • A couple questions here.


  • First, I noticed that this looks like it was in first quarter in five where your assets at the finance company went up; they have been coming down for quite a while.


  • Is there a change in direction here?


  • It looks like you have made a bit of a push in leasing.


  • We had expected the balance sheet to continue shrinking because the cost of financing keeps going up.


  • Could you just comment on the direction for the finance company, vis-a-vis the size of the balance sheet?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • I think that we're still projecting a decline in balance of this year.


  • You're right.


  • We did have more activity in the leasing area, and that was really consistent with the overall trend in the industry in the U.S. in the first half.


  • I don't we'll see such a large increase in leasing going forward in the second half, but we do want to maintain a strong relationship between our marketing and sales operations and Ford Credit.


  • And in doing that, we did decide to participate a little more strongly in the leasing area when we are able to command those, and that is consistent with our plan.


  • So just a slight midcourse correction consistent with the overall [America].


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Any change in the Company's view with regard to maybe selling a stake in the finance company?


  • Does the Company still think that the Motor Company will eventually get back to investment-grade so you can continue to own all of the Ford Credit?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, we are committed to improving the Motor Company, and I guess along with that goes the view that we will return to investment-grade.


  • That is our plan.


  • We think Ford Credit is a very core part of our business and we do intend to hold onto it.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Then lastly, just a quick one on the Q3 truck schedule.


  • Our view was the inventory there don't look to be in very bad shape.


  • Is this a signal that July is shaping up pretty weak or that you plan to maybe dial back on incentives and suffer some volume declines there?

    這是一個信號,表明 7 月的情況相當疲軟,還是您計劃削減激勵措施並導致銷量下降?

  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • This is Mark Fields.


  • It is too early to tell to see how July will work its way out.


  • Because as we have seen over the last couple of months, it is really the last ten days or so that really determine the market.


  • But clearly, as we look forward, we have done well in that segment.


  • Our segment share is up on the full-size pickup segment a little over 3 points this year.

    今年我們在全尺寸皮卡市場的市佔率上升了 3 個多點。

  • But the issue is the segment is lower than it was in the first quarter.


  • So we think this is just a prudent view in terms of managing our inventories, and we feel that in the production and the production that we have on the ground that we will be able to participate fully in the marketplace.


  • But it is just being prudent.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • Rod Lache, Deutsche Bank.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • I have a couple questions.


  • Just first of all, Don, you mentioned that the cost improvement in the next two quarters is going to be less because of some headwinds, the powertrain warranty, advertising -- and did you say audits?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • No.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • What were the three components, then, of the cost headwind?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Advertising, commodity costs, and the extended powertrain warranties.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • This question may be for either Bill or Mark.


  • There is a comment in the release about a new plan or some additional clarity being revealed in the next 60 days.

    新聞稿中有一條關於新計劃的評論或未來 60 天內將披露的一些額外說明。

  • I'm just wondering, just given the structural challenges that we are all looking at in the industry, are you thinking that more significant structural changes are required at Ford and for the industry, or is your objective here just to provide more intensification of the head count reduction plan and some of the plans that you had already minority outlined at this point?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Rod, this is Bill.


  • It really is a recognition of the fact that while Way Forward as launched in January is working in virtually every respect, that the conditions that we are facing now are different.


  • And I have asked Mark to accelerate the actions that were already anticipated in Way Forward just to go faster and pull them ahead.


  • It is not -- you mentioned headcount.


  • Frankly, it is an all-cost attack on all fronts, and that is what we're doing.


  • So it is really, in my mind, an acceleration of a plan that we have already had in place in recognition of the fact that the external environment has gotten more difficult and we have to go faster.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Just one last thing.


  • You mentioned on -- there is a slide in the appendix that shows some reconciliation for the cash flow.


  • And it shows a $1.4 billion drawdown in the short-term VEBA.

    它顯示短期 VEBA 減少了 14 億美元。

  • Is that excluded from the cash from operations that you showed on slide 14 or was that included in that Other?

    這是否被排除在您在投影片 14 上顯示的營運現金之外,還是包含在「其他」中?

  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • It is included in the sense that it is in both sides.


  • When we talk about cash and marketable securities and the short-term VEBA, we add that all in.

    當我們談論現金和有價證券以及短期 VEBA 時,我們會將其全部加進去。

  • So what happens is we did draw the short-term VEBA, and that happens from time to time.

    所以我們確實繪製了短期 VEBA,而且這種情況時常發生。

  • We put money in and take money out, basically depending on our views of taxes.


  • And so that is what we did in the second quarter.


  • So it is not really in the explanation because it is included in cash as we define it.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay, I think I understand.


  • Basically, it is an addition to the cash but reduction to the VEBA, so it does not really affect the walk.


  • Is that what you're saying?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • That's right, it doesn't affect the walk.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jonathan Steinmetz, Morgan Stanley.


  • Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

    Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

  • A few questions.


  • First one is for Bill.


  • When you talk about augmenting the plan, in terms of headcount, is something like a buyout, like GM did, on the table at least in terms of offering something to the entire hourly workforce, or is that not a solution that works for you?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Well, we have been doing buyouts all along.


  • We just have not been making a lot of noise about it.


  • But as I said, we're going to get about one-third of our target out by the end of this year.


  • Part of it too is the demographic between the two workforces in terms of retiree eligibles.


  • So we have taken a slightly different approach, but one that we think works for us.


  • But I have nothing more to add at this point about that.


  • Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

    Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Next question is for Don.


  • On slide 6, when you talk about the net product cost being $200 million favorable in the quarter and $500 million for the year, and you're sort of cautioning against extrapolating that, do you expect that to still be positive as we go forward or is this a situation where you have had some favorable contracts in place relative to commodity prices and things start to roll off in a big way?

    在投影片6 上,當您談到本季的淨產品成本為2 億美元,全年為5 億美元,並且您有點警告不要進行推斷時,您是否認為隨著我們的前進,淨產品成本仍然是積極的?這是一種情況,即您已經簽訂了一些相對於大宗商品價格有利的合同,並且事情開始大幅下滑?

  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, what I was saying was I expect us to continue to reduce our costs.


  • We will have some commodity cost increases in the second half because of expiration of hedges.


  • That is really what I was referring to.


  • I did not make any comment about whether it is going to be positive or negative, just that at that rate in the second quarter, I would not expect that to continue.


  • I would not want you to take $700 million improvement in the second quarter and multiply that out and assume that we'll get that in each of the third and fourth quarters.

    我不希望你在第二季獲得 7 億美元的改進,然後將其相乘,並假設我們將在第三季和第四季分別實現這一目標。

  • As a general caution as you build your profit model, that kind of cost performance, while they are continuing to work on it, we do have the commodity challenges and we are working our way through that, and there is a bit of the timing difference between the first half and the second half because of hedges.


  • Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

    Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

  • Okay, and last question for Don.


  • On ACH, you said you're making progress both in reducing losses and on some sales and that kind of thing.

    在 ACH 上,您說您在減少損失和某些銷售等方面都取得了進展。

  • Do you expect to have anything sold by the end of the year there?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • We're certainly hopeful of that, whether we have a closing or not.


  • But we are in serious discussions on a couple of these, and we are making really good progress on improving the efficiency and some of the basic parts of those businesses.


  • And we are cautiously optimistic that we will be making significant progress with further buyouts and further cost reductions and good progress toward achieving the goal that we had in mind last year when we made this agreement.


  • Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

    Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • John Murphy, Merrill Lynch.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Bill, you had mentioned that your turnarounds in other regions outside of North America were product-led.


  • I was wondering what products in North America you specifically think are going to help you lead the turnaround as you work through the Way Forward.


  • Also, if there is a possibility of pulling forward the launch of the new F-150.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • I'm going to actually have Mark -- I could answer it, but I think Mark is sitting right here and I'll have him do it.


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Yes, as we look at our products in the second half of this year, we have a lot on our table in terms of what we need to launch in the second half of this year.


  • I think pointing to your question, one of the most important set of products we have coming up in the fourth quarter is the Edge and the MKX.

    我認為針對你的問題,我們在第四季推出的最重要的產品之一是 Edge 和 MKX。

  • And obviously, the reason those are so important is because that segment is continuing to grow, and as we see customers migrate out of traditional SUVs, they are primarily going to crossovers.

    顯然,這些之所以如此重要,是因為該細分市場正在持續成長,而且當我們看到客戶從傳統 SUV 轉向時,他們主要轉向跨界車。

  • And we feel we have a set of products that are very, very competitive, and we think actually with the new Edge, we will have the definitive crossover in that segment, because that will be the first high-volume crossover in that segment.


  • In addition to that, we have a number of other products on tap in the second half of this year.


  • Maybe we don't talk about them as much as we should, but our folks will be very busy launching our new full-sized SUVs, Expedition and Navigator, some improvements to our Fusion, Milan, and Zephyr, which has been very successful.

    也許我們沒有盡可能多地談論它們,但我們的員工將非常忙於推出我們的新型全尺寸 SUV、Expedition 和 Navigator,以及對我們的 Fusion、Milan 和 Zephyr 的一些改進,這些產品非常成功。

  • So less than 12 months later we're putting all-wheel-drive and a new engine in the Zephyr.

    因此,不到 12 個月後,我們就在 Zephyr 中配備了全輪驅動系統和新引擎。

  • We have a lot on our plate.


  • As we look forward, as we look at our acceleration plan, clearly we're looking at opportunities to try and continue to further buttress our product plan.


  • We have made a lot of progress since we launched the Way Forward strategy, and we're going to continue to work on that.


  • But I won't comment on anything else beyond what we have on tap for the second half of this year.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • But the F-150 launch, is it even possible to consider pulling that forward?


  • Or is that something that is relatively set in stone for the 2009 model year?

    或者說這對 2009 年車款來說是相對固定的嗎?

  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • I won't get into specifics of the actual date of the product; but I think we have a good cadence on that product.


  • In addition, as you know, through the first half of this year, as I mentioned, although the segment is shrinking our share of that segment, the full-size pickup segment, is up over 3.5 points.

    此外,正如您所知,正如我所提到的,今年上半年,儘管我們在該細分市場中的份額正在縮小,但全尺寸皮卡細分市場的份額卻增長了 3.5 個百分點以上。

  • Clearly we have some new competition coming, but you'll recall on the last earnings call there was a question around about new competition coming, and I think our teams have put together a very good set of plans going forward to combat that.


  • In addition, very early next year we are going to be coming out with an updated new Super Duty, which as you know is a big mainstay of our products.

    此外,明年初我們將推出更新的 Super Duty,如您所知,這是我們產品的一大支柱。

  • We are going to have big strength there, and we expect to get even stronger in that over 8500 segment.

    我們將在這方面擁有強大的實力,並且我們預計在超過 8500 的細分市場中會變得更加強大。

  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Another question on PAG.

    關於 PAG 的另一個問題。

  • As we think about the profitability the segment has given you in the past two quarters, and the big swing to a pre-tax loss this quarter, largely it sounds like because of hedges, how should we think the profitability of PAG going forward?

    當我們考慮該部門在過去兩個季度為您帶來的盈利能力,以及本季度稅前虧損的大幅波動(這聽起來主要是因為對沖)時,我們應該如何看待 PAG 未來的盈利能力?

  • Because it is tough to figure out here.


  • Also importantly, what is going on at Jaguar?


  • Could that be a brand that we rationalized or maybe sold off going forward?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • One of the things that is catching PAG this quarter is it is sort of at the -- right in the eye of a product lull.

    本季吸引 PAG 關注的事情之一是,它正處於產品停滯期。

  • There's a lot of product coming in PAG in the second half of the year, principally at Volvo.

    今年下半年,PAG 將推出大量產品,主要是沃爾沃。

  • Volvo is launching three new products at the end of the year.


  • You've got a new Freelander coming at Land Rover as well.


  • So I think that PAG you'll start to see it get its act together as we go forward.

    因此,我認為隨著我們的前進,PAG 將會開始齊心協力。

  • So while I am not happy with what has happened in the second quarter with the PAG results, I do think it is very much in this case a product issue.

    因此,雖然我對第二季度 PAG 結果並不滿意,但我確實認為在這種情況下這很大程度上是產品問題。

  • And there's a lot of new product coming, as I say, particularly at Volvo.


  • In terms of rationalizing brands, we don't have any plans to do that.


  • But we continue to look at the entire portfolio of the Ford Motor Company and ask ourselves what makes sense going forward.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Just (indiscernible) characterize that correct, is the way I understand it, the fourth quarter and the first quarter are probably more indicative of the way the profits are going to develop at PAG, as opposed to this second quarter going forward.

    按照我的理解,(難以辨別)正確的描述是,第四季和第一季可能更能說明 PAG 利潤的發展方式,而不是未來的第二季。

  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Certainly going forward -- as Bill said the second quarter was a loss, and our goal was profitability this year.


  • I indicated you I thought we would be profitable but just.


  • We're going to be a lot closer to breakeven.


  • So that is a good indication of where we are this year.


  • I think what Bill was saying was coming out of this year we will be profitable.


  • We need to offset the loss we incurred in the second quarter.


  • I don't really want to get into what's the exact magnitude.


  • But certainly our intention is longer-term to earn a good return in that business.


  • We think we have plans that will let us do that, and the products that Bill was mentioning are a good stepping stone for us in that direction.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Himanshu Patel, JPMorgan.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Two questions.


  • First, the Renault-Nissan discussions that are currently going on with General Motors, I'm just wondering, Bill, could you shed some light on your take on the viability of these type of alliances in the industry?


  • And if Ford was interested in doing something along that front, what are the particular areas where you think there could be some sort of opportunity to partner up with another player?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Well, I really don't know anymore about the Nissan/Renault/GM hookup than you do at this point.


  • I think it is -- the whole notion of joint ventures for us is not a new one.


  • Obviously, we have joint ventures with PSA, with GM, obviously with Mazda.


  • So joint ventures for us are something that we have historically pursued, and I think done very well.


  • I think we have been a good partner for companies.


  • But it is hard for me to analyze this deal that seems to be on the table beyond, I think, everything that has been in the press.


  • Clearly, though, we are not only cognizant of what is going on, but as you would suspect, we are game planning and trying to figure out just exactly where this industry is headed and what might be happening.


  • So there's a lot of effort going on inside the Company just to keep abreast of what we thing is developing within the industry.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • I guess maybe a slight separate question on that.


  • Given the market share losses that both G.M., Ford have seen over the past few years, do you think you are getting to a point now where you need to start thinking about scale again, particularly in the North American operations?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Well, it is interesting.


  • If you looked at it, we actually have great global scale.


  • And particularly, as I said with Mazda in Asia and our growth in Asia, we're starting to get some critical mass in Asia.


  • We certainly have it in Europe and in South America.


  • So really the issue is North America.


  • And frankly, I am less concerned about scale than I am about sort of the long-term viable cost structure.


  • That is really what we are working on, is trying to determine not only now, but as we look into the future, what is the right structure for us given what we think is going on the marketplace and also within our own controllable costs.


  • So we don't really approach it from the viewpoint of what is the right future market share for us.


  • We really are trying to say, okay, where is our customer headed?


  • What cost structure do we need to support those customers?


  • And we are going at it from that standpoint.


  • So there is no magic line in the sand, so to speak.


  • But needless to say, we have to turn around North America and a lot of that is putting an affordable cost structure into place.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Then one last follow-up, maybe for Mark.


  • Any thoughts to bringing over some of the Ford Europe products to North America more aggressively than -- I know it has been tried in the past with various platforms, arguably with varying degrees of success.


  • Any thoughts to perhaps accelerating those efforts?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Well, I think one of the issues that Bill spoke to in terms of looking at our scale, he has been very clear in making sure that as an organization, we better use our scale, not only within North America in terms of commonality that we have and components and systems in our vehicles, but also looking across the enterprise.


  • So we are looking very intently in terms of looking at commodities and systems and components and how we leverage our scale globally.


  • As it pertains to products, clearly anything that we do in this area has to make sure it delivers the brand and the brand promise and the way we position the brand in the North American marketplace.


  • So we are very actively working, I think, much more closely with our colleagues over in Ford of Europe and Asia Pacific than we had in the past, particularly in the areas of systems and components.


  • And products -- I am not ruling that out, but nonetheless, it is something that we can take advantage of if we wanted to and if it makes sense for the marketplace.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Michael Bruynesteyn, Prudential Equity Group.

    Michael Bruynesteyn,保德信股票集團。

  • Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

    Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

  • Could you talk a little bit more about this warranty program?


  • We've seen other automakers try it.


  • In fact, the way we've seen Asian automakers with quality problems use it to get a foothold in the U.S. market.


  • What kind of message is Ford sending with this, and could you talk about the cost of the program as well, please?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • I will handle the first part of the question.


  • In terms of -- it's very simple.


  • The message that we're sending in the marketplace is Ford Motor Company has a lot of confidence in its products and will stand behind those products with the best warranty and roadside assistance program by any full-line manufacturer in the U.S.


  • And I think that is a pretty strong statement that we need to send, because to one degree or another, there might be some doubts in customers' minds in terms of perception of our quality, which is definitely lagging the reality, and we want to bridge that gap.


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Mike, as far as your question on cost -- this is done -- I assume you know we can't talk about that.


  • But I will say that we have done a fair amount of study on this.


  • We can extrapolate, we think, quite accurately from our extended service contract what the cost effect will be.


  • And we have a great deal of confidence in our powertrains and the quality direction, and that is why we are stepping forward with this, as Mark said.


  • Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

    Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then when you reviewed the business unit, Don, I think almost every one of them said there was negative FX.


  • But the total for the Company overall was only about 300 million, I think it was -- or at least in the Automotive side.

    但我認為,公司整體的總金額只有 3 億左右,或至少在汽車領域是如此。

  • So was it just thinly spread out or how should we think about the breakdown of that FX between the business units?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, I did mention foreign exchange as it relates to revenue on several of the areas.


  • The main areas where the exchange affected the business from a profit standpoint was in PAG, and then to a lesser extent, in North America.

    從利潤角度來看,交易所影響業務的主要地區是 PAG,其次是北美地區。

  • There was a little bit in Ford of Europe and a little bit in Asia, but it was mainly PAG.


  • I'd say 2/3 PAG and 1/3 North America, as far as the effect on profits go.

    就對利潤的影響而言,我想說 2/3 PAG 和 1/3 北美。

  • Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

    Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Finally, are there any sort of inflection points that we should be looking for from the outside with regard to the Way Forward plan gaining traction?


  • What signposts do you think we should look at?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • I think the most important ones for us in the near term -- I'd ask Mark and Bill to chime in of course -- would be the new products.


  • I think particularly the Edge and the MKX that Mark mentioned, and then the new Volvo products and Land Rover that Bill was talking about.

    我特別想到馬克提到的 Edge 和 MKX,然後是比爾談到的沃爾沃新產品和路虎。

  • And then just the continued improvement of our cost structure, particularly here in North America as we go forward with the plant closings and the employment reductions.


  • And those are things that we talk about and we disclose pretty publicly, and I think those are really the key things.


  • Aside from that, it will be how effective we are with the product acceptance, positioning the product, a combination of the advertising, the bold moves and the warranty policy and so on.


  • Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

    Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • In terms of fleet sales, that type of thing, is it something that is a temporary jump or is it something that we're going to see over an extended period?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • What we saw -- obviously, on a year-to-date basis, our fleet sales are up about 4 points.

    我們所看到的——顯然,今年迄今為止,我們的車隊銷量增長了約 4 個百分點。

  • We said in the beginning of the year that our fleet sales would be up in the range of anywhere between 0 and 5%, and we are still committed to that.

    我們在今年年初表示,我們的車隊銷售將成長 0% 到 5% 之間,我們仍然致力於實現這一目標。

  • As you look at our overall fleet percentage, one of the issues is that our retails have fallen short, so that has bumped the percentage up.


  • I would like to note, though, that as you look at the composition of our fleet sales -- as you know, it is made up of daily rental, of commercial and government business.


  • And the daily rental business -- our daily rental business is only up about 1% on a calendar year-to-date basis.

    而日租業務——我們的日租業務今年迄今僅成長了約 1%。

  • And actually our percentage of total fleet is well below some of our competitors.


  • So it is really a mathematical issue that is hitting us right now.


  • It is not looking for opportunities to kind of juice the fleet market by putting more units in there.


  • Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

    Michael Bruynesteyn - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Robert Barry, Goldman Sachs.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Two questions.


  • One is on the market share.


  • Actually, it looked like the market share was flat in North America and you've maybe been making some progress there.


  • But I am just wondering if we should really view that as a positive result, given you have also highlighted that the incentive spending is up so much.


  • Should we -- it seems to suggest that Ford is willing to buy share by raising the incentive so much.


  • Is that accurate, or how are you thinking about using incentives in order to meet the market share goal?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • I would not characterize it as going out and raising incentives to buy market share.


  • A couple of things.


  • Number one, as you look at our share performance, a lot of that is driven by some of our new products -- obviously the Milan, the Zephyr, and the Fusion, which has garnered about 8% of that segment.

    第一,當你看看我們的份額表現時,你會發現其中很大一部分是由我們的一些新產品推動的——顯然是Milan、Zephyr 和Fusion,它們佔據了該細分市場約8% 的份額。

  • And as you know, that is the most -- we're right in the peak of the most competitive segment in the industry.

    如您所知,這是最 - 我們正處於行業中競爭最激烈的領域的頂峰。

  • I think when you look at our share performance in the second quarter, as you point out, our share was basically flat year-over-year.


  • But if you step back and you break it out between segment shifts, which we don't control, and our own share performance within those segments, actually on a total share basis, segment shifts impacted us negatively by 0.8 and our share performance in those segments was improved by 0.8.

    但如果你退後一步,在我們無法控制的細分市場變化和我們自己在這些細分市場中的股票表現之間進行分析,實際上在總份額的基礎上,細分市場變化對我們產生了0.8 的負面影響,而我們在這些細分市場中的股票表現細分市場改善了 0.8。

  • An example of that is what I mentioned earlier about our full-size pickup segment performance.


  • So what we're trying to do in the second quarter as an example is offset these segment moves with our performance.


  • And we did that to one degree or another in the second quarter, and that has basically been a similar story for the full year.


  • As we go forward, as we mentioned, one of the key milestones that you should look at and we are looking is are we slowing our rate of marketshare decline.


  • In the first six months of this year, we're down 0.3 percentage point.

    今年前六個月,我們下降了 0.3 個百分點。

  • Clearly we're not happy with losing share.


  • But nonetheless, when you compare that with the year-ago period, we were down 1.1 points.

    但儘管如此,與去年同期相比,我們還是下降了 1.1 個百分點。

  • As we go through the next couple of months, obviously the share performance won't look too pretty, and that is partly in fact that we had the Family Plan last year and we had a lot of whitewater in the markets.


  • But clearly our objective is to make sure that we, for the balance of the year, slow our rate of share decline versus the year-ago period.


  • But again, we will keep our incentives competitive and attractive, but not excessive.


  • And to one degree or another, that is dictated by us looking at a lot of the competition.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could comment on the profitability of the Mexico products.


  • You have been building a lot of those.


  • They are pretty high volume; they have been selling pretty well.


  • And of course my sense was that the profitability was better on products like the Fusion than on your average midsize car.

    當然,我的感覺是,像 Fusion 這樣的產品的盈利能力比普通中型汽車要好。

  • Yet they don't seem to be moving the needle -- or maybe there's just sort of things offsetting them.


  • Could you talk about any maybe initial costs that are still weighing on the profitability of the Mexico products and when they might become more impactful on the overall results?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Rob, this is Don.


  • We typically don't comment on our productline profits.


  • I'm sure you know that.


  • But I will say that the goal of the product program is profitable and we are on track there.


  • We launched successfully and we hit our internal cost targets.


  • And that vehicle line and all those components are part of the whole set that Mark and his team are working on improving.


  • So that is about as much as we can say about it now.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I then I just had one last follow-up on the question asked earlier about the cash flow and the short-term VEBA.

    然後,我對之前提出的有關現金流和短期 VEBA 的問題進行了最後一次跟進。

  • Do you have any money left in the short-term VEBA?


  • And if you don't, how is that going to impact cash flow in the coming quarters?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • We don't have any left, and it isn't going to affect it at all.


  • Because as we were saying, the way we define cash is cash and short-term VEBA.

    因為正如我們所說,我們對現金的定義是現金和短期 VEBA。

  • So if we had, as an example, still had some money in the short-term VEBA, we would have less cash from marketable securities because it adds up to the same total.

    因此,舉例來說,如果我們在短期 VEBA 中仍有一些資金,那麼我們從有價證券中獲得的現金就會減少,因為它加起來的總額是相同的。

  • And we make those decisions based on tax matters.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Maybe not the cash balance, but the actual cash flow that you report cash flow from Auto operations (multiple speakers).


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Maybe I should take this off-line, because the amount of money we have in the short-term VEBA, the way we define cash, cash is cash and short-term VEBA.

    也許我應該把這個下線,因為我們在短期 VEBA 擁有的資金量,我們定義現金的方式,現金就是現金和短期 VEBA。

  • So if we had less short-term VEBA, we would have more cash.

    因此,如果我們的短期 VEBA 減少,我們就會有更多現金。

  • If we had more short-term VEBA, we have less cash.

    如果我們有更多的短期 VEBA,我們的現金就會更少。

  • The cash doesn't change and it doesn't enter into the cash flow change calculation at all.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • How much cash is left in the long-term VEBA?

    長期 VEBA 還剩下多少現金?

  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • About 6.5 billion or so.


  • It is not what's left.


  • We have put in there.


  • We have not taken anything out of the long-term VEBA since its inception.

    自長期 VEBA 成立以來,我們沒有從其中刪除任何內容。

  • Operator


  • Ronald Tadross, Banc of America Securities.


  • Ronald Tadross - Analyst

    Ronald Tadross - Analyst

  • I guess it sounds like your new products are doing well.


  • You point that out.


  • But your share is still declining.


  • I am wondering why you think you are losing share if we assume that you are turning your product portfolio, your whole product portfolio, at the same rate as everyone else.


  • Presumably, you are always going to have a few good products that are doing well, but how do we change that equation where the new products actually stabilize the whole Company's share?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Yes, this is Mark again.


  • I guess the bottom-line answer to that is the segment shifts that are occurring in the marketplace.


  • As you look at our -- where we're strong, particularly strong and have high segments share -- for example, the full-size pickup segment -- as we mentioned earlier, that segment is down.


  • It represented 13.5% of the industry in the first quarter.


  • In the second quarter, it came in at 12.7% as a percent of the total industry.


  • So clearly the pie, at least in the quarter for the full-size pickup segment, is shrinking.


  • And because we have such a dominant segment share in that, that disproportionately affects our share.


  • As I mentioned earlier, those segment shifts are impacting us negatively again in the second quarter by about 0.8, and we have been able to offset that by our performance within that.

    正如我之前提到的,這些細分市場的變化在第二季度再次對我們產生了約 0.8 的負面影響,我們已經能夠透過我們的業績來抵消這一影響。

  • But clearly there is only so fast we can run with our current portfolio.


  • But as we mentioned, as we look towards the end of this year, when we come on with our Edge and our Mark X, where if you look at the segments, the segments that are losing calendar year-to-date are full-size pickups and vans; and where they are growing is in crossovers and in medium-sized cars.

    但正如我們所提到的,當我們展望今年年底時,當我們推出 Edge 和 Mark X 時,如果您查看這些細分市場,您會發現今年迄今為止正在虧損的細分市場是全尺寸的皮卡車和貨車;它們的成長領域是跨界車和中型汽車。

  • And in medium-sized cars, as you mentioned, we have new products in there that are doing very well, the Fusion, Milan, and Zephyr.

    在中型車方面,正如您所提到的,我們的新產品Fusion、Milan 和Zephyr 表現得非常好。

  • And we're going to be coming in with the MKX, the Lincoln MKX and the Edge in the fourth quarter, right into the teeth of the segments that are growing.

    我們將在第四季度推出 MKX、林肯 MKX 和 Edge,直接進入正在成長的細分市場。

  • So that is really what is hitting us.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Rob, this is Bill.


  • One of the things that I think it is important to remember is when we launched Way Forward, when we came up with our product plan, we did it with the realization that natural resources were not going to become any more plentiful.

    我認為重要的是要記住的一件事是,當我們推出 Way Forward 時,當我們提出我們的產品計劃時,我們意識到自然資源不會變得更加豐富。

  • And so the product plan that we developed as part of the Way Forward really took that into account.


  • What we could not anticipate was how quickly the price of oil and therefore gasoline were to rise.


  • But this general trend is one that we not only anticipated but planned our products around.


  • So what we've got coming, both at the back end of this year and into the future, reflects our view that oil was not going to stay down at a very low price.


  • So I think the products we have coming are absolutely the right ones for this environment.


  • It is just that it happened quicker than we could anticipate.


  • Ronald Tadross - Analyst

    Ronald Tadross - Analyst

  • Bill, if you're leveraged to those truck segments, still pickups, it sounds like you are assuming those segments are going to continue to decline.


  • Shouldn't that continue to be a challenge for you?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Well, when you look at -- again, we won't get into specific details about our future product programs, but I think it is clear -- as Bill said, we clearly recognize two things.


  • Number one, in the segments that are experiencing declines, like the full-size SUVs, we've recognized that but still among the less -- there are still going to be a core group of customers that want those products, and therefore we're coming out, obviously, with two new ones this year.

    第一,在正在經歷衰退的細分市場中,例如全尺寸 SUV,我們已經認識到這一點,但在少數群體中,仍然會有一群核心客戶需要這些產品,因此我們'顯然,今年我們將推出兩款新產品。

  • We have a dominant position in full-size pickups.


  • Now, one could argue are we going to continue to see the reduction in the full-size pickup segment?


  • And I think to one degree or another, what we are experiencing right now in that segment is, particularly for the purpose buyers, the commercial use buyers, I think they're deferring purchases.


  • Those vehicles are used as tools, and that I think represents about 75% of the segment.

    這些車輛被用作工具,我認為約佔該細分市場的 75%。

  • The other 25% in the personal use, you could argue are those folks going to be staying in the segment?

    另外 25% 供個人使用,您可能會說這些人會留在該細分市場嗎?

  • And I think that remains to be seen.


  • But nonetheless, as Bill mentioned, as we look at our plan going forward -- and we have not discussed our marketshare goals going forward -- we clearly recognize that there are going to be shifts in the marketplace.


  • And I think our product plans anticipate those shifts.


  • Diane Patton - Director-IR

    Diane Patton - Director-IR

  • Carlos, can we switch over now and take some questions from the media please?


  • Operator


  • Sure. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) Micki Maynard, the New York Times.

    當然。 (操作員說明)Micki Maynard,《紐約時報》。

  • Micki Maynard - Media

    Micki Maynard - Media

  • I have a question -- I think maybe Mark will want to answer this one -- about as you're looking at accelerating the Way Forward plan, there were a number of things that you had delineated, some names of plants that you were planning to close, and in fact, the plant closings end in 2012.

    我有一個問題——我想也許馬克會想回答這個問題——當你考慮加速前進計劃時,你已經描述了很多事情,你正在計劃的一些植物名稱關閉,事實上,該工廠的關閉將於2012 年結束。

  • Is that something we should be looking for you to accelerate over the next 60 days, maybe giving an announcement and speeding up the timetable on that?

    我們是否應該要求您在未來 60 天內加速完成這件事,也許發佈公告並加快時間表?

  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • I think, Micki, as Bill mentioned, we're looking at every element of the Way Forward plan.


  • As we've said, you look at our performance in the second quarter, and obviously we did improve slightly from last year.


  • But the bottom line is, as Don was mentioning, the externals aren't getting any easier.


  • And what we have been doing as we have managed the business month-to-month is to start to put the plans together to accelerate our actions, which means going potentially further and faster and deeper than we originally envisioned.


  • But we have to -- we're going through that progress right now.


  • We are not making any excuses for the externals.


  • We're going to deal with them head-on, and we're going to look at every element of the plan.


  • And within the next couple of months, we will announce what those decisions are.


  • Micki Maynard - Media

    Micki Maynard - Media

  • I want to just ask one more thing about, we couldn't have anticipated this happening, as Bill just said.


  • A year ago, people in parts of the country were paying $3 a gallon for gas, and that was before Katrina when price spiked.

    一年前,該國部分地區的人們支付每加侖 3 美元的汽油價格,那是在卡崔娜颶風之前,價格飆升。

  • Were your folks just telling you that that was regional, that it was not a national trend?


  • Because I remember pulling up at gas stations on the East Coast last summer and just staring at the price and being surprised at how high it was.


  • Why didn't you think that that was going to carry forward?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • This is Bill.


  • We did, but as you know, our product plans take several years to unfold.


  • And when we saw what was going on last summer and when we tried to future where we thought natural resources were going, we did not wait.


  • And the products that you're going to be -- you will see coming from us reflect that reality.


  • Do I wish we had them all out this year in response to it?


  • Heck yes, I do.


  • But I think to answer your question, we did see it.


  • We agree with you.


  • We did some futuring, and the product plan that we have reflects that.


  • Operator


  • James Mackintosh, The Financial Times.


  • James Mackintosh - Media

    James Mackintosh - Media

  • Could I ask a couple of quick questions?


  • Firstly, just could you explain exactly what the points are that you're saying have changed since January when you announced the plan, where exactly this got more difficult?


  • Because it does feel like what has being going on the first six months of this year is very similar to what was going on in the last six months of last year.


  • Then secondly, just talk a bit more about PAG, and in particular, the milestone of PAG of now being close to breakeven rather than solidly in profit.

    其次,再多談談 PAG,特別是 PAG 的里程碑,也就是現在接近損益平衡,而不是穩定獲利。

  • Obviously, you have had a (indiscernible) experience, but really where are the differences within your planning, what had gone wrong there?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Well, I think what has changed at least from a North American standpoint, obviously, we have seen because of the higher gas prices, it has significantly affected the customer buying habits.


  • And when you combine the high gas prices with the higher interest rates, that is eating into real income growth, and that led to consumer confidence going down.


  • It is down about 8 points, and we did not anticipate that it would drop to that degree.


  • I think secondly when you look at the other things that impact customers' willingness to purchase, housing starts are down, job growth is down.


  • Then the other big thing, James, that has hit us is, as you mentioned, raw materials.


  • And they are not where they were back in December.


  • When you look at some of the precious metals, whether it be platinum or palladium, that is up 25% since the beginning of the year.

    當你觀察一些貴金屬時,無論是鉑金還是鈀金,自年初以來已經上漲了 25%。

  • Copper is up 64%.


  • And steel is up in the neighborhood of about 15%.

    鋼鐵價格上漲約 15%。

  • So clearly, we have made some projections, but it has moved faster than we expected and now we have to react to that.


  • James Mackintosh - Media

    James Mackintosh - Media

  • (multiple speakers) on the PAG?

    (多位發言者)在 PAG 上?

  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Just on PAG, you are right.


  • I'm not saying we can forecast exchange rates properly, but we did know about the hedges rolling off.


  • So we knew that whatever happened -- and that was in fact in our plan.


  • On a year-over-year basis, of course, that is an issue.


  • As far as what is really different in PAG, it is a couple of things.

    至於 PAG 的真正不同之處,有幾件事。

  • It has been a little bit more competitive a market, I think, than we had anticipated.


  • So the incentives are higher, particularly here in the U.S., but also in Europe.


  • And the sales and our share are a little bit lower than our expectations.


  • And then as Mark mentioned, I think we did look for a little bit of softening or improvement in commodity prices and in fact we didn't see that.


  • It got a little bit tougher.


  • And that is the main differential of what changed in PAG as far as our original expectation, James.

    詹姆斯,就我們最初的預期而言,這就是 PAG 發生的主要變化。

  • James Mackintosh - Media

    James Mackintosh - Media

  • Could you just talk me through the impact on different brands?


  • It is primarily Volvo and Jaguar that have worsened (multiple speakers).


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • No, I wouldn't say.


  • Most of the brands have been tracking along approximately in the same proportions with respect to the original plan.


  • James Mackintosh - Media

    James Mackintosh - Media

  • Right.


  • Clearly, it is still Jaguar really that is the core -- the problem here.


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • No, I wouldn't say -- certainly Jaguar is the one that we have the most work to do on.


  • We have a good plan and we have consolidated the operations -- the assembly operations in Castle Bromwich and made some improvements.


  • But we had those in our plan.


  • So Jaguar is tracking along the plan pretty much the way Volvo and Land Rover are in terms of the comparison to the plan.


  • Clearly in an absolute setting, Jaguar is the biggest issue in the three.


  • James Mackintosh - Media

    James Mackintosh - Media

  • Okay, thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Sarah Webster, the Detroit Free Press.


  • Sarah Webster - Media

    Sarah Webster - Media

  • Bill, you mentioned earlier that you are watching the potential for a GM/Renault/Nissan alliance.


  • I guess it begs the question does Ford need a partner?


  • Is this something you're looking at or you think you might need in the future?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Sarah, as I said, we have global scale and we certainly do have partnerships around the world already.


  • Having said that, of course we are not only aware but vitally interested in everything that is going on around the industry, and obviously it is not our top priority.


  • Our top priority is to fix our business, and we have to do that.


  • We've got to fix the North American business, so that is where we're focused.


  • But we are certainly aware of everything that's going on around the world and we will continue to be so.


  • But we have global scale.


  • We have partnerships around world.


  • And of course we are always talking to everybody in the industry, as we always have.


  • Sarah Webster - Media

    Sarah Webster - Media

  • Another follow-up question on your plans to possibly expedite the Way Forward.


  • Are you telling workers that they should prepare themselves for more plant closure announcements in the next few months, or is there a possibility you could pull up some of the '08 idlings that you have already announced sooner?

    您是否正在告訴工人們,他們應該為未來幾個月內更多工廠關閉公告做好準備,或者您有可能提前取消一些已經宣布的 08 年空轉?

  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Sarah, what we are communicating to our employees is that we are looking at every element of the plan.


  • We have not made any decisions yet.


  • But when we do, our employees will be the first to know.


  • Sarah Webster - Media

    Sarah Webster - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jeffrey McCracken, the Wall Street Journal.


  • Jeffrey McCracken - Media

    Jeffrey McCracken - Media

  • Bill or Mark, I was curious what prompted the decision to accelerate the Way Forward plan.


  • Is there anything specifically?


  • Is it kind of the performance of the F-Series in the second quarter, the drop of the F-Series in the second quarter?


  • Is there some other external factor?


  • You mentioned commodity costs, but I'm wondering what and perhaps when you realized you needed to accelerate the Way Forward plan.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Jeff, this is Bill.


  • There was no one event.


  • It was not just a particular segment shift or a particular spike in a particular commodity.


  • It was really more -- and I know you have been the call -- it was more really an accumulation of all the things that we've been talking about.


  • The fact that gasoline prices are very high and are hanging in there.


  • The fact that commodity prices have gotten more expensive from when we launched the Way Forward plan.


  • The fact that the competitive activity in the marketplace is intensifying in terms of incentives.


  • It was really a culmination of all the things that we are looking at in terms of our business structure, and where we said, okay, Way Forward is working.


  • The levers that we've pulled on Way Forward are the right ones.


  • But we are dealing with some new realities that require us to accelerate it.


  • And so there is no one saying that you or I would point to to say, yes, that was a triggering point.


  • It was really more of an accumulation of all the things.


  • And like any plan, when you launch it, you better have built into the plan nimbleness so that -- because the world never remains static and it never remains as you develop it.


  • And so really this is an acceleration of the Way Forward, but it is on things that Mark and his team had anticipated.


  • Jeffrey McCracken - Media

    Jeffrey McCracken - Media

  • Right.


  • In terms of timing, is it something you just began looking at a couple weeks ago or a couple months ago?


  • Can you provide a little clarity?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Actually, Jeff, we started looking at it on January 1, and continue to look at every day and every week.

    事實上,傑夫,我們從 1 月 1 日就開始關注它,並繼續每天、每週關注。

  • Jeffrey McCracken - Media

    Jeffrey McCracken - Media

  • Right, but you announced something in late January, and I'm just assuming at some point since late January -- January to now -- at some point along the way, you said okay, this plan as we have laid out needs to be accelerated.

    是的,但是你在一月下旬宣布了一些事情,我只是假設自一月下旬以來的某個時間點- 一月到現在- 在此過程中的某個時間點,你說好吧,我們制定的這個計劃需要加速。

  • We need to speed up this or that, push this lever quicker or pull that faster.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Yes, I think, again, there was no one trigger point, but it was a growing realization that the world around us was not getting any easier, and that for us to reach the kind of cost structure that we feel that we need to go forward, we needed to do some things quickly.


  • Because we were not going to get any -- I was going to say breaks on the externals -- in fact, we were not looking for breaks.


  • We had just on some forecasting and some of those are getting more difficult or, in some cases, remaining stubbornly high.


  • So -- and I'm talking particularly about some of the commodity costs.


  • So we -- but there was no kind of ah ha moment.


  • We committed to ourselves that as we launched Way Forward, we continue to very closely monitor everything that was going on both in the marketplace and also in the external environment.

    我們向自己承諾,當我們推出 Way Forward 時,我們將繼續密切關注市場和外部環境中發生的一切。

  • And as we started getting real-time input, we began talking about, all right, we need to start accelerating a lot of our plans.


  • Jeffrey McCracken - Media

    Jeffrey McCracken - Media

  • One last follow-up has to do with the pickup truck market.


  • It is still off reasonably substantially in the second quarter.


  • And I'm wondering is it, do you think, something that is tied to housing starts, something tied to the construction industry, something about personal use?


  • Any one of those, Mark or Bill, that is pulling the pickup truck market down?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Yes, I think it's a combination of what you mentioned.


  • I think on the commercial end of the business or the purpose use buyer, which represents about 75% of that marketplace, I think to one degree or another they are deferring purchases.

    我認為,在企業的商業端或目的用途買家(約佔該市場的 75%)方面,我認為他們在某種程度上推遲了購買。

  • What is so important to those kinds of buyers and also fleet buyers is operating costs.


  • And when they see gasoline prices going up, that increases their operating costs, so then I think they are a bit hesitant to go out and at this point purchase new vehicles which would increase their depreciation costs.


  • So in total, their total costs are going up.


  • So I think they're looking for ways to kind of keep operating costs fairly stable.


  • The question is going to be at what point do those buyers come back into the marketplace, because those products do jobs, and to do your job, you need your tool.


  • On the personal use basis, which represents, as I said, about 25%, I think we are seeing to one degree or another some deferral of purchases, and to another degree I think you'll see those folks that used to be in that segment migrate to some other segments.


  • Jeffrey McCracken - Media

    Jeffrey McCracken - Media

  • That 75/25 breakdown, I know it's for the whole segment.

    我知道 75/25 的細分是針對整個細分市場的。

  • Is that the same with the F-Series as well?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Yes, I think it runs the gamut from ranchers and farmers to contractors to plumbers, you name it.


  • Jeffrey McCracken - Media

    Jeffrey McCracken - Media

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Bill Koenig, Bloomberg News.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • This is a question probably for Don.


  • You talked about costs going [up in] the second half.


  • I wonder if you could comment specifically about the third quarter, in that historically, the third quarter has been one of your toughest quarters -- summer, plant shutdowns.


  • There's been some years you've had profit and losses in the third quarter.


  • How is this quarter shaping up compared to third quarters (technical difficulty)?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Bill, as you know, we don't give earnings guidance anymore.


  • But there is quite a bit of information contained in what we've presented to you this morning.


  • And I think the most relevant thing would be the production schedule.


  • As you know, that really drives the profits in the very short-term.


  • As far as the costs go, I did not say costs would be going up.


  • What I was trying to say was we made really good progress on costs in the second quarter, $700 million favorable, and that we would not continue at the rate in the second half.

    我想說的是,第二季我們在成本方面取得了非常好的進展,有 7 億美元的優惠,但下半年我們不會繼續保持這個速度。

  • That is not to say costs will go up.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • I have one quick follow-up.


  • With Jaguar, at what point do you consider proceeding with the plan or fish or cut bait?

    對於 Jaguar,您會在什麼時候考慮繼續執行該計劃或釣魚或切斷誘餌?

  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Well, the plan is -- as Don pointed out, the first step was to rightsize Jaguar and to integrate it into the Land Rover structure, and we are doing that.


  • So -- and I think the new products that Jag has coming and that actually the products that Jag has on the road are very good.


  • So we are staying the course with Jaguar and we have a plan, and the plan is gaining traction and we are going to stay the course there.


  • Diane Patton - Director-IR

    Diane Patton - Director-IR

  • We have time for one or question, please.


  • Operator


  • Amy Wilson, Automotive News.


  • Amy Wilson - Media

    Amy Wilson - Media

  • I wanted to ask when the Way Forward plan was announced in January, there was some criticism of the length of time that was forecast to complete that.


  • With this acceleration, should we actually start to think of that instead of it being a six-year plan, should we start to think of it as a shorter period?


  • Could be three years?


  • Could you talk about that?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • I think in terms of the Way Forward plan, we always said that was a foundation framework for us and we were going to look -- as Bill mentioned -- we're going to assess our own progress.


  • We are going to look at the competitive environment.


  • We are going to look at changing consumer buying patterns.


  • And as we need to make adjustments, we will.


  • So as we look at this plan, it is like any other business planning process that we go through.


  • We will come up with a business plan that makes sense to us, that has obviously near-term actions, but also medium- and long-term actions in it.


  • But as we said, given the market dynamics and the things that were mentioned by Don, we have to move further and faster to achieve what we want to achieve.


  • And we will do that.


  • Amy Wilson - Media

    Amy Wilson - Media

  • Can you give a time period to that?


  • Is it, like I said, three years?


  • Is it a four-year plan?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • We're going through -- we normally have a five- or six-year business planning process.


  • Our business planning process isn't going to change.


  • But clearly, as we look at the actions necessary to achieve our objectives, we will calibrate the speed and flow in terms of -- the rate and flow in terms of what we need to do.


  • Amy Wilson - Media

    Amy Wilson - Media

  • I'm wondering too if you could clarify -- you talked about accelerating.


  • But, Bill, early on, you also talked about additional actions.


  • And Mark, I think you made a comment about potential further and deeper actions as well.


  • Should we be thinking about this more as strictly an acceleration or that you're looking at having to cut deeper, or do things beyond the headcount reductions and the number of plants that were previously announced?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • I think, Amy, I would characterize it as both, moving faster and, potentially, if we move further and deeper, we will.


  • Amy Wilson - Media

    Amy Wilson - Media

  • And also, I just wanted to go back to the idea of when you announced the plan, the idea of forecasting what you have seen in the last six months that has caused you to announce today that you are going to accelerate the plan.


  • To me, I would think that you would have been putting the plan together initially with the worst-case scenario in force, and the speed and the level of actions that you were planning would all along have been tied to those worst-case scenarios.


  • So I guess I'm just wondering could you explain why the need to accelerate so soon after the announcement, beyond what you said earlier?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Amy, I think we planned appropriately conservative in our assumptions back in December.

    艾米,我認為我們在 12 月的時候就計劃了適當保守的假設。

  • But clearly, if I had a better crystal ball, I would go out and buy one.


  • But nonetheless, when you have the rate and flow of which we've seen the market move over the last basically two months, I think we are not going to get caught into the issue of were we right or were we wrong.


  • The issue is how do we react on an online basis to what is going on.


  • And I think I told you that we have had a lot of scenarios that we have looked at, but very importantly -- I think Don mentioned it or Bill mentioned it -- we've baked in flexibility into the plan.


  • We always said it's the foundation framework.


  • And we are going to use that flexibility now.


  • Diane Patton - Director-IR

    Diane Patton - Director-IR

  • Now I'd like to turn it over to Bill for some closing comments.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Thank you, Diane.


  • Well, just to sum up, this team has accomplished a great deal -- capacity actions, salary-related cost, hourly health care buyouts.


  • But the business environment has become more challenging and the gas prices has hit our dominant segment.


  • And that is why we are making extraordinary efforts to adjust.


  • And you'll be updated on our adjustments in the next couple months, as we discussed today.


  • And everything -- we are looking at everything, at all aspect of our business.


  • And we will, in a couple of months, have for you an updated version of Way Forward.


  • Thank you very much for joining us.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Ford Motor Company, we thank you for your participation in today's conference.


  • This concludes your presentation and you may now disconnect.
