福特汽車 (F) 2006 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Ford Motor Company first-quarter earnings conference call.


  • My name is Cindy and I will be your coordinator for today.


  • At this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • We will be conducting a question-and-answer session towards the end of this conference. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS)

    我們將在本次會議結束時舉行問答會議。 (操作員說明)

  • I would now like to turn the presentation over to [Diane Patton], Managing Director of Investor Relations.


  • Please proceed.


  • Diane Patton - Managing Director-IR

    Diane Patton - Managing Director-IR

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Good morning to all of you joining us either by phone or by the Internet.


  • On the conference call this morning are Bill Ford, Ford's chairman and CEO, Don Leclair, our Chief Financial Officer, and Mark Fields, President of the Americas.


  • Additionally here in the room are Jim Gouin, Vice President and Controller;

    出席會議的還有副總裁兼財務長 Jim Gouin;

  • Ann Marie Petach, Vice President and Treasurer, [Mark Hassen], our Director of Accounting, and K.R.

    Ann Marie Petach,副總裁兼財務主管,[Mark Hassen],我們的會計總監,以及 K.R.

  • Kent, Ford Credit CFO.


  • Before we begin, I would like to review a couple of quick items.


  • First, copies of this morning's earnings release and the slides that we will be using today have been posted on Ford's investor and media websites for your reference.


  • I'd also point out the financial results presented here are on a GAAP basis, and some cases on a non-GAAP basis.


  • Any non-GAAP financial measures discussed in this call are reconciled to their GAAP equivalents as part of the appendix to the slide deck.

    本次電話會議中討論的任何非 GAAP 財務指標均與幻燈片附錄中的 GAAP 同等指標進行了調整。

  • Finally, I need to remind everybody that today's presentation includes some forward-looking statements about our expectations for Ford's future performance.


  • Actual results could differ materially from those suggested by our comments here.


  • Additional information about the factors that could affect future results is summarized at the end of this presentation.


  • These risk factors are also detailed in our SEC filings, including our Form 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K.

    這些風險因素也在我們的 SEC 文件中進行了詳細說明,包括我們的 10-K、10-Q 和 8-K 表格。

  • And with that, I'd like to turn the call over to Bill Ford.


  • Bill?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Thank you, and thank you all for joining us this morning.


  • I'd like to begin the call by giving you my perspective on overall business conditions, an update on what we're doing to transform our business, and how we're responding to the specific challenges facing the U.S. automotive sector.


  • I'm also going to touch on our commitment to our customers and the innovative spirit that I have been focusing on the past few months.


  • And then I'll turn it over to Don for more detail about the financials.


  • First, the bottom line.


  • We made earnings from continuing operations of $458 million in the first quarter, excluding special items largely related to our restructuring that totaled $2.5 billion.

    第一季我們的持續經營利潤為 4.58 億美元,不包括主要與重組相關的特殊項目,總計 25 億美元。

  • While we are not satisfied with our performance, particularly the loss in North American motive, we are encouraged by the success of our global operations and also of the credit company.


  • We are also deeply motivated by our mandate to change Ford and earn the confidence and pride of our loyal customers, prospective customers, dealers, employees and other stakeholders.


  • We've said that we intend to restore automotive profitability in North America no later than 2008 and we remain committed to deliver our promise.

    我們已經說過,我們打算在 2008 年之前恢復北美汽車業的盈利能力,並且我們仍然致力於兌現我們的承諾。

  • Now I'd like to offer some perspective on our global business.


  • South America, Europe and the PAG group continue to deliver year-over-year profit improvement, and PAG is in its busiest new product year ever.

    南美、歐洲和 PAG 集團的利潤繼續實現同比增長,PAG 正處於有史以來最繁忙的新產品年。

  • Ford of Europe and PAG are on a product offensive with over 20 new product introductions this year.

    歐洲福特公司和 PAG 正在展開產品攻勢,今年推出了 20 多種新產品。

  • Land Rover in particular has tremendous momentum, with record sales in the first quarter, up 26% globally and 34% in the U.S.

    尤其是路虎,其勢頭強勁,第一季銷量創歷史新高,全球成長 26%,美國成長 34%。

  • We're also performing well in emerging growth markets such as Turkey and Russia, where our sales and our share grew.


  • Asia-Pacific and Africa retail sales volumes for Ford brand were up nearly 14%, with particularly strong results in China, India and South Africa.

    福特品牌在亞太和非洲的零售量成長了近 14%,其中中國、印度和南非的表現尤其強勁。

  • And we're continuing to invest in key market such as China, where we're introducing more products, building more factories, adding dealers as our sales grow and leveraging strategic partnerships.


  • While we're not yet earning what we consider an acceptable return in Europe, PAG and Asia, continued progress in new products, cost, quality and brand image will continue to deliver stronger results.

    雖然我們尚未在歐洲、PAG 和亞洲獲得我們認為可接受的回報,但新產品、成本、品質和品牌形象的持續進步將繼續帶來更強勁的業績。

  • Ford Credit continues to be a strong contributor to our overall progress, with a dividend to the parent of 250 million in the first quarter and a strong cash position.

    福特信貸繼續為我們的整體進步作出重要貢獻,第一季向母公司派發股息 2.5 億美元,現金狀況強勁。

  • At Mazda, we continue to have very strong momentum, reporting record results for its last quarter.


  • The progress we've made in Europe, PAG, Asia and Mazda not only have helped our bottom line, but frankly, have helped inform our strategy in North America, where we launched our Way Forward plan three months ago.


  • Mark Fields, Anne Stevens and Bob Shanks have all turned around operations at Ford.

    馬克·菲爾茲 (Mark Fields)、安妮·史蒂文斯 (Anne Stevens) 和鮑勃·尚克斯 (Bob Shanks) 都扭轉了福特的營運局面。

  • They know how to assemble a team, perform an honest assessment, develop credible sets of objectives and, importantly, to execute it.


  • Three months in, we're in the very early stage of this strategy to transform the way we do business down to its very core.


  • As we said in January, the transformation isn't going to be quick and it isn't going to be painless.


  • It will involve risks and the financial rewards won't be immediate, but we will get there.


  • I'm confident that we will reshape Ford into a more efficient, nimble and cost-effective company rooted in innovation and committed to delighting and satisfying our customers.


  • And thankfully, we have the financial wherewithal and the global strength to do this right.


  • Part of doing it right means streamlining decision-making to become a leaner, quicker organization.


  • And that is why I had decided not to replace Jim Padilla, who has elected to retire after 40 years of extraordinary leadership.

    這就是為什麼我決定不取代吉姆·帕迪拉(Jim Padilla),他在經歷了 40 年的非凡領導後選擇退休。

  • I am assuming his responsibilities myself and will chair our six-person operating committee.


  • Part of doing it right also means changing the mindset of our people, and Mark and his team are communicating constantly to drive home the urgency of our challenge.


  • We are all mindful of the industry environment, the pressure on our suppliers and our dealers, unfavorable market share trends and the fact that our issues in North America are structural rather than cyclical.


  • Another part of getting it right means constant improvement in the basis of our business.


  • We're putting extraordinary effort into improving quality and rightsizing capacity.


  • We're also committed to clearer pricing, protecting our leadership in key areas such as trucks, offering more daring design, working more effectively with our suppliers, driving down our costs and continuing our investments in new products.


  • And we're encouraged by the sales acceleration of our new midsize car lineup, which was up 28% in March over February.

    我們對新中型車系列的銷售加速感到鼓舞,3 月的銷量比 2 月成長了 28%。

  • The Fusion, the Milan and the Zephyr get up to 32 miles per gallon on the highway, which we know is increasingly important to our customers in this time of rising gas prices.

    Fusion、Milan 和 Zephyr 在高速公路上每加侖行駛里程可達 32 英里,我們知道,在汽油價格不斷上漲的時期,這對我們的客戶來說越來越重要。

  • With customers seeking relief at the pump, you should know that we have 12 vehicles in our fleet that get 30 miles or more per gallon and 1.5 million ethanol capable vehicles on the road.

    對於尋求加油的客戶來說,您應該知道,我們的車隊中有 12 輛每加侖可行駛 30 英里或更多的車輛,並且有 150 萬輛支援乙醇的車輛在路上行駛。

  • But we are also on track to sell 900,000 F-Series again this year, supporting businesses and families across America.

    但今年我們也有望再次銷售 90 萬輛 F 系列,為美國各地的企業和家庭提供支援。

  • We've introduced the all-new Explorer Sport Trac, and in the fast-growing crossover segment, we're going to field a very strong pair of entries this fall with the Ford Edge and the Lincoln MKX.

    我們推出了全新的 Explorer Sport Trac,在快速成長的跨界車細分市場中,我們將在今年秋天推出一對非常強大的車型:福特 Edge 和林肯 MKX。

  • But we still need to find a way to differentiate ourselves from other companies.


  • And that is why I'm personally leading an effort to distinguish ourselves from our competitors through a renewed commitment to innovation.


  • Innovation fueled the birth of this company.


  • Innovation has been responsible for the Company's success over the past 100 years.

    過去 100 年來,創新一直是公司成功的原因。

  • And I'm convinced it will drive this company to regain its competitive edge and will serve as our compass going forward.


  • And that is why we are instilling a disciplined process to shake ideas out of the system, separating the great ideas from the good ones, rewarding those who develop them and putting our best ideas into motion.


  • We understand the potential risks here.


  • We also understand the potential rewards, which is why our commitment to all our stakeholders is to stay focused on powerful opportunities, to win customers, to strengthen our business model and to create competitive advantages for the future.


  • With that, I will turn it over to Don for more details about our first-quarter performance.


  • Don?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Thanks, Bill, and good morning, everyone.


  • In the first quarter, we earned $0.24 a share from continuing operations, and on a net income basis, including special items, we had a loss of $0.64 per share.

    第一季度,我們透過持續經營業務每股賺取 0.24 美元,而在包括特殊項目在內的淨利潤基礎上,我們每股虧損 0.64 美元。

  • As expected, we had a loss in our North American operations and we launched our Way Forward plan in January to address those issues.


  • All of our other auto operations were profitable, with South America, Europe and PAG reporting improved results.

    我們所有其他汽車業務均實現盈利,其中南美、歐洲和 PAG 報告業績有所改善。

  • And Ford Credit remained solidly profitable, earning a pretax profit of $751 million, and we continue to have strong liquidity with cash of $23.7 billion.

    福特信貸仍保持穩健獲利,稅前利潤為 7.51 億美元,我們繼續擁有強勁的流動性,擁有 237 億美元的現金。

  • I'd like to point out a couple of items on slide 2.

    我想指出投影片 2 上的一些內容。

  • First-quarter revenue $41.1 billion and auto sales of $37 billion were both down from 2005, and changes in exchange rates explain the majority of the revenue decline.

    第一季營收為 411 億美元,汽車銷售額為 370 億美元,均較 2005 年下降,而匯率變動是營收下降的主要原因。

  • Unit sales were up slightly.


  • And the first-quarter tax rate on continuing operations, excluding special items, was 9.1%.


  • This was 12 points lower than the first quarter of 2005.

    這比 2005 年第一季低了 12 個百分點。

  • The tax rate of 9.1% starts with this quarter's profits at the standard 35% rate, and that rate was reduced primarily by the effect of one quarter's worth of the recurring annual tax benefits.

    9.1% 的稅率從本季利潤以標準 35% 稅率開始計算,該稅率的降低主要是由於四分之一的經常性年度稅收優惠的影響。

  • We believe this process provides the best tax rate for each quarter, but it will probably yield a tax rate that will vary each quarter, and therefore does not necessarily represent what we expect our full-year tax rate to be.


  • Now slide 3 shows the special items and the impact they had on the first-quarter earnings.

    現在投影片 3 顯示了特殊項目及其對第一季收益的影響。

  • The special items reduced earnings by $0.88 a share, and we have recognized a $1.7 billion pretax charge, and that's $0.61 a share, during the quarter for costs associated with expected layoff and jobs bank benefits, as well as voluntary termination packages that we agreed with our unions.

    這些特殊項目使每股收益減少了0.88 美元,我們已經確認了17 億美元的稅前費用,即本季度每股0.61 美元,用於與預期裁員和就業銀行福利以及我們同意的自願終止方案相關的成本我們的工會。

  • The pretax charge includes estimated costs for approximately 11,000 employees expected to be affected by the idling of the St. Louis, Atlanta, Wixom, Norfolk and Twin Cities assembly plants, the Batavia transmission plant and the Windsor Casting plant.

    稅前費用包括預計將受到聖路易斯、亞特蘭大、威克瑟姆、諾福克和雙城裝配廠、巴達維亞變速箱廠和溫莎鑄造廠閒置影響的約 11,000 名員工的估計成本。

  • The pretax charge also includes the costs associated with the eliminations of a production shift at our St. Thomas assembly plant and voluntary termination packages that have been and will be offered to 3,500 UAW represented employees assigned to automotive components holdings, which are the former Visteon operations.

    稅前費用還包括取消聖托馬斯組裝廠生產班次的相關成本,以及已經並將向 3,500 名 UAW 代表的分配到汽車零部件控股公司(前偉世通業務部門)的員工提供的自願解約方案。 。

  • Over time, we expect the 1.7 billion special to change as we agree specific plans with the unions regarding each of the affected facilities and as our experience with acceptance rates for buyout packages grows.

    隨著時間的推移,隨著我們與工會就每個受影響的設施達成具體計劃以及我們對買斷方案接受率的經驗不斷增長,我們預計 17 億美元的特別計劃將會發生變化。

  • There was another charge of $414 million, or $0.14 a share, for pension curtailment.

    另外還有 4.14 億美元(即每股 0.14 美元)的退休金削減費用。

  • This essentially is an accelerated recognition of future service and other costs associated with our U.S. hourly pension plans.


  • Facility-related costs reduced pretax earnings by $281 million, or $0.10 a share, and these costs were primarily related to reserving for undepreciated assets at the St. Louis assembly plant.

    與設施相關的成本使稅前收益減少了 2.81 億美元,即每股 0.10 美元,這些成本主要與聖路易斯裝配廠未折舊資產的預留相關。

  • The charge-offs will include certain environmental remediation costs associated with the plants being idle.


  • We also have costs for accelerated depreciation related to other idle facilities in the first quarter and ongoing, but those costs were not treated as special items.


  • In addition, we continue to reduce personnel at facilities other than those being idled as we move toward our goal of reducing manufacturing employment in North America by 25 to 30,000 people.

    此外,我們繼續減少閒置設施以外的設施的人員,以實現將北美製造業就業人數減少 25 至 30,000 人的目標。

  • Further, we undertook personnel reductions in Europe, and in total, those separation programs reduced pretax earnings by $95 million or $0.03 a share.

    此外,我們在歐洲進行了人員削減,這些離職計劃總共使稅前收益減少了 9,500 萬美元,即每股 0.03 美元。

  • Now slide 4 shows pretax results by sector for the first quarter, excluding special items, and total company pretax earnings were $560 million, which is $1.1 billion lower than a year ago.

    現在投影片 4 顯示了第一季按行業劃分的稅前業績(不包括特殊項目),公司稅前總收益為 5.6 億美元,比一年前減少了 11 億美元。

  • This includes a pretax loss of $184 million for the auto sector and pretax profits in Financial Services of $744 million.

    其中包括汽車業 1.84 億美元的稅前虧損和金融服務業 7.44 億美元的稅前利潤。

  • Now on to slide 5, this slide shows an explanation of the change in profits from a year ago for the auto sector.

    現在轉到投影片 5,這張投影片解釋了汽車產業與一年前相比的利潤變化。

  • Now compared with 2005, volume and mix was about $200 million unfavorable.


  • This is more than explained by dealer inventory reductions.


  • Fewer vehicles were added to dealer inventories this year than during the first quarter of a year ago.


  • And the impact of lower market shares was more than offset by mix improvements, primarily at Land Rover, and higher industry volume.


  • Net pricing was unfavorable by $400 million, primarily reflecting the effects of higher lease and fleet mix in North America.

    淨定價不利 4 億美元,主要反映了北美租賃和機隊組合增加的影響。

  • Costs in total were unchanged from last year, and we will talk more about that in a minute.


  • The impact of exchange was $100 million unfavorable, primarily reflecting the continued impact of the expiration of hedges that were put in place a few years ago.

    匯率的影響為 1 億美元不利,主要反映了幾年前實施的對沖到期的持續影響。

  • And other factors were unfavorable by about $100 million, primarily reflecting operating losses associated with ACH, the former Visteon operations.

    其他因素造成約 1 億美元的不利影響,主要反映了與 ACH(前偉世通業務)相關的營運虧損。

  • Now costs during the first quarter were essentially unchanged.


  • Quality-related expenses were unfavorable by $400 million, primarily reflecting the non-recurrence of favorable reserve adjustments in the first quarter of last year related to field service actions and after-warranty adjustments.

    品質相關費用不利 4 億美元,主要反映去年第一季與現場服務行動和保固後調整相關的有利準備金調整不再發生。

  • Current model costs generally are trending favorably and our internal measures of things gone wrong showed improvement during the first quarter.


  • Manufacturing and engineering costs were $200 million favorable, reflecting ongoing improvements in our plants and processes.

    製造和工程成本節省了 2 億美元,反映出我們工廠和流程的持續改善。

  • And net product costs were $300 million lower than last year, and this was despite continued strong commodity prices.

    儘管大宗商品價格持續強勁,淨產品成本仍比去年低 3 億美元。

  • Depreciation and amortization increased by about $100 million during the first quarter, more than explained by the acceleration of depreciation associated with announced plant closings, partly offset by the favorable impact of the Jaguar and Land Rover fixed asset impairment charge we took last year.

    第一季折舊和攤銷增加了約 1 億美元,主要原因是與宣布關閉工廠相關的折舊加速,部分被我們去年採取的捷豹和路虎固定資產減損費用的有利影響所抵消。

  • And pension and retiree health care expenses were unchanged compared with a year ago, with improvements associated with the revisions of our salary plans offset by the impact of reducing our discount rate and long-term expected return assumptions.


  • These costs do not yet include any savings associated with our recent healthcare agreement with the UAW, which remains subject to court approval.

    這些費用還不包括我們最近與 UAW 達成的醫療保健協議相關的任何節省費用,該協議仍有待法院批准。

  • Overhead costs were unchanged from last year, and the costs of advertising and sales promotion were about the same as a year ago.


  • During the next few quarters, further investments in advertising are planned to strengthen the image of our brands and approve the awareness of the new products we are introducing.


  • Now slide 7 shows our pretax results during the first quarter for each of the operating segments in the automotive side.

    現在投影片 7 顯示了我們第一季汽車方面每個營運部門的稅前業績。

  • And all the operations aside from North America were profitable, and other automotive had a loss of $162 million in the first quarter, and that is $100 million favorable compared with a year ago.

    除北美以外的所有業務均實現盈利,其他汽車業務第一季虧損 1.62 億美元,比去年同期有利 1 億美元。

  • The improvements primarily related to higher interest income from our cash portfolio, and that reflects higher short-term interest rates and higher cash balances.


  • Now on to North America.


  • Vehicle unit sales were down in the first quarter by 35,000 units to 863,000, and that decline was more than explained by lower market share and stock changes.

    第一季汽車銷量下降 35,000 輛,至 863,000 輛,市佔率下降和庫存變化足以解釋這一下降。

  • Fewer vehicles were added to dealer inventories this year than during the first quarter of 2005.

    今年經銷商庫存中增加的車輛數量比 2005 年第一季少。

  • And at the end of March 2006, U.S. dealer inventories were down 11% from a year ago.

    截至 2006 年 3 月,美國經銷商庫存比一年前下降了 11%。

  • Our first-quarter U.S. share was 17.2%, down 0.5 point from a year ago, more than explained by lower sales of midsize and large SUVs.

    第一季我們在美國的市佔率為 17.2%,比去年同期下降 0.5 個百分點,這主要是由於中型和大型 SUV 銷量下降所致。

  • Revenue was $19.8 billion, down 1.3 from a year ago, and the decline reflected lower volumes, higher incentive costs and a higher mix of passenger cars.

    營收為 198 億美元,比去年同期下降 1.3%,下降反映出銷量下降、激勵成本上升以及乘用車組合增加。

  • And pretax results were a loss of $457 million.

    稅前業績虧損 4.57 億美元。

  • Now this slide provides some detail on our North American performance, and a decline in profitability from last year primarily reflected lower volumes associated with our lower market share and the smaller increase in dealer inventories, which I mentioned; increased incentives associated with a higher mix of leasing and fleet sales; a non-recurrence of the favorable warranty reserve adjustment last year; accelerated depreciation charges associated with announced plant idlings; unfavorable exchange; and the losses associated with ACH, the former Visteon activities we now operate.

    現在,這張投影片提供了我們北美業績的一些細節,去年獲利能力的下降主要反映了與我們較低的市佔率相關的銷量下降以及我提到的經銷商庫存增幅較小;增加與租賃和車隊銷售的更高組合相關的激勵措施;不再重複去年的優惠保固準備金調整;與宣布的工廠閒置相關的加速折舊費用;不利的交換;以及與 ACH(我們現在經營的前偉世通業務)相關的損失。

  • And these declines were offset in part by lower net product cost and other improvements, primarily associated with the implementation of our personnel and capacity reduction actions.


  • Now slide 10 summarizes the key elements of the progress in North America.

    現在投影片 10 總結了北美取得進展的關鍵要素。

  • We're addressing our fixed cost structure through capacity actions and personnel reductions.


  • We've idled the St. Louis plant at the end of last month and announced the idling of Norfolk and Twin Cities last week.


  • We've achieved overall personnel reductions in the first quarter of 2700 people, mostly late in the quarter.

    第一季我們整體裁員 2700 人,大部分是在季度末。

  • In addition, we've achieved about 2000 additional reductions already this month.

    此外,本月我們已經實現了約 2000 人的額外削減。

  • And we expect continued reductions throughout the year.


  • Sales of the Fusion, Milan and Zephyr have continued to increase and we expect further growth this quarter.

    Fusion、Milan 和 Zephyr 的銷售持續成長,我們預計本季將進一步成長。

  • We introduced the all-new Explorer Sport Trac late in the first quarter and expect to see it contribute to our retail market share.

    我們在第一季末推出了全新的 Explorer Sport Trac,並期望看到它為我們的零售市場份額做出貢獻。

  • And at the same time, we strengthened our share of the large pickup business with a 5% increase in F-Series sales.

    同時,我們加強了在大型皮卡業務中的份額,F 系列銷量成長了 5%。

  • And finally, new products are in the near-term pipeline, including a number of new entries, and we will talk about those later.


  • Now on to South America, where first-quarter sales were 84,000, up 11 from last year.

    現在來看南美洲,第一季銷量為 84,000 輛,比去年增長 11 輛。

  • Market share has declined because of production capacity constraints in a growing market, and we are looking at options to address this.


  • Revenue was $1.2 billion, up from $900 million a year ago, reflecting higher vehicle volume and pricing and a stronger Brazilian real.

    營收為 12 億美元,高於一年前的 9 億美元,反映出汽車銷售和定價的增加以及巴西雷亞爾的走強。

  • And South America posted a pretax profit of $134 million, and that is an improvement of 57, reflecting higher pricing.

    南美洲公佈的稅前利潤為 1.34 億美元,提高了 57%,反映出更高的定價。

  • It was partially offset by higher commodity prices and higher industry volume.


  • At Ford of Europe, vehicle unit sales were 434,000; that is down 11,000.

    歐洲福特汽車銷量為 434,000 輛;減少了 11,000。

  • First-quarter market share was 8.8% in the 19 markets we track, down 2/10 of a point compared with a year ago.

    在我們追蹤的 19 個市場中,第一季的市佔率為 8.8%,與去年同期相比下降了 2/10 個百分點。

  • And the decline in part reflected lower Galaxy sales in anticipation of the all-new Galaxy later this quarter.

    這一下降在一定程度上反映了 Galaxy 銷量的下降,因為人們預計本季晚些時候將推出全新 Galaxy。

  • And revenue was $6.8 billion, down $900 million, primarily explained by unfavorable currency exchange.

    營收為 68 億美元,減少 9 億美元,主要原因是不利的貨幣兌換。

  • The first-quarter pretax profit was $91 million, up $32 million compared with a year ago.


  • This improvement is more than explained by cost reductions, primarily material costs, and favorable mix, partly offset by lower net pricing.


  • And during the first quarter, Ford Europe negotiated an investment security agreement with the German Works Council that provides job protection while achieving a more competitive manufacturing cost base.


  • Now on PAG, first-quarter vehicle unit sales of 183,000 were down 5000 from a year ago.

    目前,PAG 第一季汽車銷量為 183,000 輛,比去年同期減少 5,000 輛。

  • And that is more than explained by declines at Volvo and Jaguar, partly offset by increases at Land Rover and Aston Martin.


  • First-quarter U.S. market share was 1.1%, down 1/10 of a point, largely at Volvo and Jaguar, partly offset by an increase at Land Rover.

    第一季美國市佔率為 1.1%,下降了 1/10 個百分點,主要由沃爾沃和捷豹佔據,部分被路虎的成長所抵銷。

  • First-quarter Europe market share was 2.3%, down 1/10, primarily at Volvo.

    第一季歐洲市佔率為 2.3%,下降 1/10,主要是沃爾沃。

  • First-quarter revenue was $7.1 billion, down $0.5 billion, primarily reflecting currency exchange.

    第一季營收為 71 億美元,減少 5 億美元,主要反映了貨幣兌換。

  • And first-quarter profits were $163 million, and that is an improvement of $218 million from last year.

    第一季利潤為 1.63 億美元,比去年增加了 2.18 億美元。

  • That is primarily explained by cost improvements and higher sales of Range Rover Sport that contributed to improve mix.


  • These improvements were partly offset by unfavorable exchange and lower net pricing.


  • Now Asia-Pacific, Africa and Mazda reported a profit of $47 million in the first-quarter, and Asia-Pacific and Africa earned a profit of $2 million, and we will cover that on the next slide.

    現在,亞太、非洲和馬自達第一季的利潤為 4,700 萬美元,亞太和非洲的利潤為 200 萬美元,我們將在下一張幻燈片中介紹這一點。

  • We earned $45 million from our investment in Mazda, and that is down $9 million from a year ago and the decline (technical difficulty) lower gains during the first quarter on all of our investment in Mazda's convertible bonds.

    我們從馬自達的投資中獲得了 4500 萬美元的收益,比一年前減少了 900 萬美元,第一季我們對馬自達可轉換債券的所有投資收益的下降(技術難度)也降低了。

  • And those bonds now have all been converted to equity.


  • Asia-Pacific and Africa sales were up 22,000 from 2005.

    亞太地區和非洲的銷量比 2005 年增加了 22,000 輛。

  • The volume increases in China, where we were up over 100%, in India where we were up over 80%, and South Africa, where we were up nearly 30%, were up partly offset by declines in Taiwan and Australia.

    中國的銷量成長超過 100%,印度的銷量成長超過 80%,南非的銷量成長近 30%,但部分成長被台灣和澳洲的銷量下降所抵消。

  • Australian volumes continue to be negatively affected by higher fuel prices, which caused a slowdown in large car sales, which affected our Falcon products.


  • Revenue was $300 million lower than 2005, primarily because we had a higher mix of lower-revenue small cars compared with a year ago.

    收入比 2005 年減少了 3 億美元,主要是因為與一年前相比,我們擁有更多的低收入小型汽車。

  • Essentially all of the unit sales increase was associated with our unconsolidated subsidiaries, primarily our affiliates in China, and the revenue from these vehicles is not included in our consolidated results.


  • Asia-Pacific and Africa had a profit of $2 million, and lower Falcon volumes, unfavorable exchange, and the non-recurrence of a sale last year of our interest in Mahindra & Mahindra were partly offset by improved performance in our joint ventures, mainly in China.

    亞太和非洲地區的利潤為 200 萬美元,獵鷹銷量下降、匯率不利以及去年我們不再出售 Mahindra & Mahindra 的股權,這些都被我們合資企業業績的改善所部分抵消,主要是在中國。

  • Now slide 16 shows cash and cash flow.

    現在幻燈片 16 顯示現金和現金流量。

  • We ended the quarter with cash of $23.7 billion, and that is down $1.4 billion compared with the year end, but up $800 million compared with a year ago.

    本季末,我們的現金為 237 億美元,比年末減少 14 億美元,但比去年同期增加 8 億美元。

  • Our operating cash flow during the quarter was $700 million unfavorable.

    本季我們的營運現金流為 7 億美元,不利。

  • And within that, net spending was about zero and working capital is $600 million unfavorable.

    其中,淨支出約為零,營運資本為 6 億美元。

  • This primarily reflected seasonally higher inventories.


  • And Other was $100 million favorable, and that includes expense and payment timing differences for items such as marketing, warranty and retiree related costs.

    其他優惠為 1 億美元,其中包括行銷、保固和退休人員相關成本等費用和付款時間差異。

  • Separation related payments during the quarter were $400 million and we made $300 million of contributions to funded pension plans last quarter.

    本季與離職相關的付款為 4 億美元,上季我們向資助退休金計畫繳款了 3 億美元。

  • Now on to Financial Services.


  • Earnings at Ford Credit were $750 million, $310 million lower than last year.

    福特信貸公司的獲利為 7.5 億美元,比去年減少 3.1 億美元。

  • Other Financial Services had a loss of $7 million; that is $11 million better than last year because of the non-recurrence of a loss on a property sale.

    其他金融服務損失 700 萬美元;由於出售房產不再出現虧損,比去年增加了 1,100 萬美元。

  • And this period marks our first without Hertz.


  • Slide 18 explains the change in Ford Credit's pretax profit.

    幻燈片 18 解釋了福特信貸公司稅前利潤的變化。

  • Profit was down $310 million, and this is in line with our expectations and what we talked about on January 23rd.

    利潤減少了 3.1 億美元,這符合我們的預期以及我們 1 月 23 日談論的內容。

  • The decrease in earnings primarily reflected higher borrowing costs, the impact of lower receivable levels and higher depreciation expense, offset partly by improved credit loss performance.


  • And at the end of the quarter, managed receivables were $140 [million billion], down 16 from the first quarter of 2005.

    截至本季末,管理的應收帳款為 1,400 億美元,比 2005 年第一季下降了 16%。

  • I'd to spend a little time on our strategy for Ford Credit.


  • Ford Credit is a strategic asset of Ford Motor Company, and we believe there is value created in the synergies that exist between our auto and credit businesses, and our prime plan is to retain control of those synergies and of that value created.


  • For this year, we are on track to reduce assets down into the range of $140 to $145 billion by year end, and our receivable portfolio is of high quality and it continues to perform well.

    今年,我們預計在年底前將資產減少到 140 至 1,450 億美元的範圍,而且我們的應收帳款投資組合質量很高,並且繼續表現良好。

  • We have a funding strategy for Ford Credit that maintains liquidity as well as access to diverse funding sources.


  • And year-to-date, we've issued $16 billion of term funding, of which $2 billion is unsecured.

    今年迄今為止,我們已發行了 160 億美元的定期資金,其中 20 億美元是無擔保的。

  • Ford Credit recently issued unsecured funding in the public market of $1.5 billion in the U.S., and we view the cost of that funding to be an acceptable price to pay for the capital it provides for Ford Credit's support of auto sales.

    福特信貸最近在美國公開市場發行了 15 億美元的無擔保融資,我們認為這筆資金的成本對於支付福特信貸支持汽車銷售的資金來說是可以接受的價格。

  • We continue to add committed funding capacity beyond our current needs and for the near-term to maintain a significant cash balance so that we have flexibility on when we go to market.


  • Over time, as auto profitability improves, we believe our unsecured spreads should have stabilized and improved, allowing greater and more economical access to the unsecured debt market.


  • In the meantime, we will continue to access the markets as we see fit, including potentially additional unsecured funding to ensure Ford Credit continues to support the auto business.


  • Now just a word on where we see our special items for the year.


  • In January, we told you that we expected full-year special charges of about $1 billion, and we went through that.

    一月份,我們告訴大家,我們預計全年特殊費用約為 10 億美元,我們也做到了這一點。

  • At that time, we also noted that we were taking a look at the impact of the Way Forward plan on costs for our jobs bank and how we should account for those costs.


  • Our present expectation is that full-year special items will be around $3.4 billion, and the primary change from our January estimate, as we anticipated, is the reserve for costs related to the jobs bank, as well as associated pension curtailment charges.

    我們目前的預期是全年特殊項目約為 34 億美元,正如我們所預期的那樣,與我們 1 月份估計相比的主要變化是與就業銀行相關的成本準備金以及相關的退休金削減費用。

  • Now regarding the UAW VEBA, when the court has approved the plan, we will record the expense for all three contributions for 2006, 2007 and 2011.

    現在關於 UAW VEBA,當法院批准該計劃時,我們將記錄 2006 年、2007 年和 2011 年所有三項捐款的費用。

  • And we expect that to occur in the second quarter.


  • We have had discussions with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the appropriate accounting here, and we expect to have further discussions with them later this month.


  • And finally, we expect the cash (technical difficulty) 2006 for these special items and for some separation expenses recorded in 2005 to be about equal to half of the special charges we take this year.

    最後,我們預計 2006 年這些特殊項目和 2005 年記錄的一些離職費用的現金(技術難度)大約相當於我們今年收取的特殊費用的一半。

  • Now slide 21 summarizes where we are in our planning assumptions, and both in the U.S. and in Europe we expect the industry volumes to be a little bit above our planning base.

    現在,投影片 21 總結了我們的規劃假設,在美國和歐洲,我們預計產業數量將略高於我們的規劃基礎。

  • On the operational metrics, we don't have the external data we use to track our progress on quality yet.


  • These should be available in the second quarter.


  • But based on our own internal metrics, we believe our quality performance is on track to improve.


  • And based on market share performance to date, we now expect full-year market shares to be flat or slightly down.


  • Our cost changes are still expected to be favorable for all of 2006, although we are seeing greater-than-expected headwinds, mainly in the area of commodity prices.

    儘管我們看到了超出預期的不利因素(主要是在大宗商品價格方面),但預計 2006 年全年的成本變化仍然有利。

  • We expect our capital expenditures to be in line with our target of $7 billion, and we expect our year-end cash balance to be above $20 billion.

    我們預計資本支出將符合 70 億美元的目標,預計年終現金餘額將超過 200 億美元。

  • And slide 22 shows milestones by operation, and we see no reason to change these now -- everything is pretty much on track.

    投影片 22 顯示了營運的里程碑,我們認為現在沒有理由更改這些里程碑 - 一切都基本上步入正軌。

  • Now on slide 23, we are going to spend some time on the major product introductions we have for the remainder of the year.

    現在,在投影片 23 上,我們將花一些時間介紹今年剩餘時間的主要產品。

  • We have quite a few new vehicles that will be launched during the balance of this year, and several of these are new entries to their segments.


  • In North America, we have the Shelby GT 500 coming this summer, and later this summer, a major upgrade to the Expedition and Navigator, including stretch versions.

    在北美,我們將在今年夏天推出 Shelby GT 500,並在今年夏天稍晚推出 Expedition 和 Navigator 的重大升級,其中包括加長版。

  • Our midsize cars will offer and all-wheel drive version, and the Zephyr will get a new, more powerful engine to go with the newly available all-wheel drive, as well as a new name, the Mark Z. And we will get a new series on the F-150, and later this year we will introduce the Ford Edge and Lincoln Mark Z, as Bill mentioned, and these are all new entries in the rapidly-growing crossover utility segments.

    我們的中型車將提供全輪驅動版本,Zephyr 將配備一個新的、更強大的發動機,以配合新推出的全輪驅動,以及一個新名稱,Mark Z。F-150 的新系列,今年晚些時候我們將推出福特Edge 和林肯Mark Z,正如比爾所提到的,這些都是快速成長的跨界公用事業領域的新產品。

  • In Europe, we have the new Ford S-Max, our first CE-sized activity vehicle, and the all-new Ford Galaxy minivan, an updated Ford Transit, as well as a Ford Focus Coupe Cabriolet, which is a new entry with a retractable hardtop.

    在歐洲,我們擁有新款福特 S-Max(我們的第一款 CE 尺寸活動車)、全新福特 Galaxy 小型貨車(更新版福特全順)以及福特福克斯 Coupe 敞篷車(這是一款新產品,配備了可伸縮硬頂。

  • And we've got a Volvo C70 convertible coming out and a new Jaguar XK convertible.

    我們還推出了Volvo C70 敞篷車和新款捷豹 XK 敞篷車。

  • The all-new Volvo S80 RANGE will be out later this spring, an updated Volvo XC90, and the new segment entry, the all-new Volvo C30 coupe.


  • So you can see we have a lot of new product coming later this year.


  • Now in summary, we continue to make progress on several fronts.


  • We've got new products that are being well received around the world.


  • In the U.S. particularly the Fusion, Milan and Zephyr and Sport Trac are improving each quarter as we go.

    在美國,尤其是 Fusion、Milan、Zephyr 和 Sport Trac 每季都在進步。

  • And as I mentioned, lots of new products coming.


  • We continue to work to improve our cost structure, reducing our capacity first with St. Louis, and then with the other announced capacity reductions.


  • We're taking actions to reduce our benefit costs and we have achieved personnel reductions of 4000 people worldwide since year end.

    我們正在採取行動降低福利成本,自年底以來我們已在全球裁員 4000 人。

  • And we are also working to improve our material costs.


  • All of our auto operations outside the U.S. were profitable and most posted year-over-year improvements.


  • When you recall our performance in many of these operations just a few years ago, I believe the present result is encouraging.


  • We were facing similar situations and developed plans that included new products, actions to address capacity, quality and cost, and we are now seeing the results of those efforts.


  • We're taking tough actions now in North America and the benefits will be realized down the road.


  • As we said in January, the North American turnaround process will not be linear or smooth, but we remain committed to turning around the business and we have the plans in place to do so.


  • And now, we will turn back to the operator to begin the Q&A.


  • Diane Patton - Managing Director-IR

    Diane Patton - Managing Director-IR

  • At this time, we are ready to begin the question-and-answer session.


  • And following our normal practice, we will begin with questions from the investment community and then take questions from that media, who are also on the call.


  • In order to allow as many participants as possible within our timeframe, we ask that you limit yourself to one question and one follow-up.


  • Operator, can we have the first question please?


  • Operator


  • Rod Lache of Deutsche Bank.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Good morning, everybody.


  • Just first of all, do you have sort of a total structural cost savings objective that -- I mean, you said that you expect costs to be down.


  • But is there any target number that you are willing to share for this year or as part of the longer-term Way Forward plan?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • No, for right now we are not going to share any targets on cost reduction, other than to say we expect our total cost performance -- and we track that in the way that we have been doing for several years now -- we expect our costs to be favorable this year.

    不,目前我們不會分享任何降低成本的目標,除了說我們期望我們的總體成本績效 - 我們以幾年來一直在做的方式跟踪這一點 - 我們期望我們的今年成本有利。

  • Each quarter that goes through, we will go through and track our progress and talk to you in a fair bit of detail about our progress.


  • And you'll see the benefits of the changes that we are making in structural areas as well as we go through.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Can you talk about the credit loss provisions at Ford Credit?


  • It looks like there was a $6 million profit there.

    看起來那裡有 600 萬美元的利潤。

  • What is the outlook for that?


  • It's a bit surprising that it's a positive number.


  • What are your expectations for this year?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • I'm going to ask K.R.

    我要去問 K.R.

  • Kent, who is our new CFO of Ford Credit, to answer that question for you.


  • K.R. Kent - CFO-Ford Credit

    K.R. Kent - CFO-Ford Credit

  • Thanks for the question.


  • The credit loss provision, the reserve, when you go through it, effectively it reflects the overall portfolio and the improvement in the quality of the portfolio.


  • Later on, we'll go through the fixed income presentation, and in that you will see that the loss to receivables has really been improving over time, and in the first quarter in particular, it was very low charge-offs and a very low loss to receivables.


  • So the provision itself, the reserve itself, reflects our historical performance on that, as well as looking forward.


  • And so the allowance for credit losses to reserve is appropriately reserved at the $1.4 billion level, and the fallout is the $6 million improvement in the first quarter.

    因此,信貸損失準備金適當保留在 14 億美元的水平,其後果是第一季增加了 600 萬美元。

  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Right, but should we expect that the -- at some point, obviously, your provisions have to kind of equal what the loss trends are.


  • Is that something we are going to see in the second quarter?


  • Is that something that we're going to see anytime soon?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, we are certainly getting close to that now -- that point now.


  • We will just wait and see the next couple of quarters.


  • But we are certainly close.


  • As we said before, we don't expect to see big credit loss reserve reductions anymore.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • One last one, if I can get it in.


  • You took this jobs bank charge in the first quarter.


  • Is it safe to assume that that was effective at --that there were some jobs bank people in the first quarter that were basically covered by that reserve?


  • And do you have what that number was, how much of that reserve you expended in the quarter?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • It was a very small number in the scheme of things.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Darren Kimball from Lehman Brothers.


  • Darren Kimball - Analyst

    Darren Kimball - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • I just wanted to follow up on the subject of material cost reductions.


  • You said that you had excellent performance in Europe.


  • And I'm just wondering if you could talk a little bit more about how that is achieved in a very difficult environment from a commodity cost standpoint.


  • And I was wondering if you would also characterize North America.


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Let me try out -- I'll start off on that.


  • Our performance in Europe was favorable, and I think the commodity -- there are worldwide increases in commodity costs, steel, aluminum, copper, many of the metals, as well as crude oil related things.


  • And those increases don't flow through all of the operations at the same time.


  • And so sometimes we will see things that seem a little tougher here and a little less tough in Europe, and sometimes it will be the other way around.


  • And right now, in the first quarter we did well in Europe and we made progress in total on cost reductions in the material cost area, including that.


  • But we are putting up a little caution -- it is tough out there on the commodity side.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • And I would add also that Europe has had a very focused effort on -- we've put together what we call the commodity business team in Europe that have really driven this process very, very hard.


  • And Mark and Anne and their team are putting together similar efforts in the U.S.'


  • So I think it is fair to say we're a little further along in Europe in terms of our sophistication, but were taking our learnings from Europe and we're putting them into place in the United States.


  • Darren Kimball - Analyst

    Darren Kimball - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And my follow-up question is just on North America and pricing and mix.


  • I apologize if I am just overlooking it, but I don't see the slide where you normally detail those numbers.


  • Is that something that you can share?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, you know, we haven't been disclosing that now.


  • And we looked all around at all of the automakers around the world and there is really nobody that discloses that.


  • And so we have now stopped providing that.


  • And we are talking about it, and we will say it's a very difficult pricing environment.


  • We've said for the total auto sector, that pricing was unfavorable and we said that it was unfavorable in North America as well.


  • Darren Kimball - Analyst

    Darren Kimball - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) Rob Hinchliffe of UBS.

    (操作員說明)UBS 的 Rob Hinchliffe。

  • Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

    Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • We saw back how important the F-Series was to Ford when it was launched, and yesterday, of course, GM with their new trucks.

    我們回顧了 F 系列在推出時對福特的重要性,當然昨天還有通用汽車推出的新卡車。

  • Looking at the list of vehicles that you listed in the presentation, are there vehicles in there that have that sort of impact, do you think?


  • Looking at the volume and mix down in the quarter, pricing down, is there any one or is it just going to be this steady -- a lot of little singles and doubles to kind of turn this around?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Rob, hi.


  • This is Bill Ford.


  • You may recall that I said a while ago that a large part of our plan was the fact that we recognize we've been too dependent upon a very few vehicles, and that we couldn't count on hitting home runs in the future, even though we'd love to do it.


  • Therefore, our business structure had to be such that all of our vehicles had profit potential and that we were going to try and hit a lot of singles and doubles.


  • If we hit some home runs in the process, that would be fine, but we weren't going to structure our business so that a very few products would carry us.


  • Because as we look to the future, obviously regardless of what the segment was, we saw more competition and more margin pressure.


  • So our business plans that we've put into place really reflect the fact that every one of our vehicles have to be a contributor, but certainly some will be more than others.


  • And Mark, I don't know if you would like to add anything to that.


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • No, the only thing to add is when you look at the market and you look at the fragmentation and where it is going, for example, when you look at our approach to the crossover segment and we've seen actually crossovers now eclipse full-size SUVs in the first quarter, we're pretty well positioned not only right now given our product lineup, but as Bill and Don mentioned, towards the back end of this year with the Mark X and the Edge.

    不,唯一要補充的是,當你觀察市場時,你會看到碎片化以及它的發展方向,例如,當你觀察我們對跨界細分市場的方法時,我們實際上已經看到跨界現在完全黯然失色-考慮到第一季的尺寸 SUV,我們不僅目前處於有利位置,而且正如 Bill 和 Don 所提到的,在今年年底,我們將推出 Mark X 和 Edge。

  • So I think we are evolving our product lineup to match, number one, our brand, but secondly where the market is fragmented.


  • As Bill said, for each product that we looked at, the intention is to make money.


  • Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

    Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

  • I guess as a follow-up, looking at slide 9, talking about how increase in leasing was bad for net pricing.

    我想作為後續,看投影片 9,談論租賃的增加如何對淨定價不利。

  • Can you walk through that?


  • I understand why fleet is, but why leasing?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well it's just a little bit more expensive right now on the leasing side than on the retail side.


  • So we were just trying to explain the net price.


  • And it really does reflect those two factors, the higher fleet mix in the first quarter and a higher lease mix than a year ago.


  • Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

    Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

  • You are just referring to the interest rate costs within the lease?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Right.


  • Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

    Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

  • Even though you have been doing sub (indiscernible) or cut rate financing deals in the past?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • That is correct.


  • Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

    Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Rod Tadross of Banc of America Securities.


  • Ron Tadross - Analyst

    Ron Tadross - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • I recognize some parts of your business are gaining share, like Land Rover.


  • But you guys, it seems like you are still losing share or at least flattish in share in all brands in aggregate.


  • So I guess the question is, do you think you need to spend more than $7 billion a year to kind of stop the share loss?

    所以我想問題是,你認為你每年需要花費超過 70 億美元才能阻止股票損失嗎?

  • It seems like the kind of shells keep moving around from one brand to another, but we need to probably spend more.


  • And I'm just wondering if you feel that way.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • That is a valid question and one we look at all the time.


  • I believe that our cycle plan going forward does give not only adequate, but very good attention to every brand.


  • But clearly, part of what is underlying our effort is the notion -- and you have heard this before -- commonality.


  • If these were all traditional, stand-alone brands which had to do their own cycle plans, I would agree with that statement.


  • But we have been pushing very hard now for some time and will continue in the future to -- and at that risk of boring you to death with repetition -- talk about spinning more top hats off of common architectures.


  • And that is something that is very much part of our plan as we go forward.


  • And so when you look at it in that light, I think we are more than adequately spending on our products.


  • But it is something we review, as you would suspect, all the time, because we have to make sure that each brand is relevant and has competitive entries.


  • And that is true obviously around the world as well.


  • Ron Tadross - Analyst

    Ron Tadross - Analyst

  • So, Bill, what are other automakers missing, the Asian automakers.


  • Because they only have two brands.


  • If it was possible to have all these brands and have commonality and differentiation at the same time and spend less money, why wouldn't everyone do it?


  • I mean what are they missing?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Well, I'm not sure anybody is missing anything.


  • I think what has happened, Ron, is that we acquired these brands rather than grew them organically.


  • And as we acquired them, they clearly came with their own platforms, their own suppliers, their own power trains.


  • And what we have been doing is migrating those to much more corporate common type of platforms.


  • And that takes a little time.


  • So if you grow it organically, you control that process, albeit it's a slower one.


  • We went the acquisition route and are now -- and I shouldn't just say now, because this effort has been underway for some time -- but we are continuing to accelerate the integration of all these brands into a corporate effort.


  • So it's really just a different way of coming at it.


  • So I don't think anybody is missing anything.


  • I just think it's a different approach and it requires, therefore, a different strategy for us than it does for some of our competitors.


  • Ron Tadross - Analyst

    Ron Tadross - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • John Murphy of Merrill Lynch.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • I'm just wondering if you could talk about where you are in the process of winding ACH down.

    我只是想知道您是否可以談談您在逐步結束 ACH 的過程中所處的階段。

  • I mean, it sounds like you have buyout offers out there to 3500 workers.

    我的意思是,聽起來你們向 3500 名工人提出了買斷要約。

  • And is there a potential for those buyouts to spread to larger parts of your company.


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, we have made improvements in ACH.

    嗯,我們已經對 ACH 進行了改進。

  • We've had the operation now for six months and trying to get control of it, get the place up and running.


  • And we've had buyouts last year of about 1500 people, and early in April around a little over 800.

    去年我們收購了約 1500 名員工,4 月初約有 800 多人。

  • So we've gotten 2300 people out.

    所以我們已經救了 2300 人。

  • And we've got plans to do more, so that the total is year will be probably a little over 2000, and get to 3.5 thousand more next year.

    我們計劃做得更多,因此今年的總數可能會略高於 2000 個,明年將達到 3500 個。

  • We are in the process of looking to dispose of these two strategic buyers that have the capital and the management and the talent and the interest in the businesses.


  • And we are working our way through that.


  • And when we have something to report on that, we will talk about it.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • I'm sorry -- just to clarify there -- the 2300 is people that have already taken the buyout offer?

    我很抱歉 - 只是想澄清一下 - 2300 是已經接受買斷報價的人嗎?

  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • It is people that have left since we started last October, right.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • But that is not the numerator in the equation or the take rate on that 3500 that have been offered the buyout?

    但這不是等式中的分子,也不是已提供買斷的 3500 人的接受率嗎?

  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • No.


  • That is people who have taken, so we expect another round of buyouts later this year and then some more next year.


  • And we're also looking, as we said, to dispose of the operations.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • So if you just take a step back and think about your cost structure and look at the structural versus the variable costs, could you just give us a general breakdown of the pie there -- what is variable and what is structural?


  • What the big opportunities might be in that variable side?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, we could.


  • Our cost structure is about more or less half purchased and half inside -- maybe a little more purchased.


  • And we have the whole range of things on the inside -- costs, or structural costs, I guess -- it depends on how you define them -- labor and overhead, freight and logistics costs, and engineering and admin and advertising and sales promotion and so on.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • But of that half internally, I mean how much would you consider structural?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • I think that is hard to decide and it probably would depend on how you define structural.


  • I mean, in the very long term none of it is.


  • And in the short run, almost all of it is.


  • And so it really depends on your time horizon.


  • What we are trying to do now is to size our company to where we think we can be profitable and earn a good return.


  • And that includes the structural costs, the quality of the vehicles and the purchased components as well, as well as our sourcing footprint and a whole range of things on the cost side.


  • And then most importantly on the revenue side, product positioning and good sales.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • If you could just remind us on the OPEB, how much is it going to be reduced when you get the deal cleared with the union?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Are you talking about the obligation or the expense?


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • The obligation itself.


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • If it comes as we have talked about and have discussed, it should be around a $5 billion reduction.

    如果正如我們所談論和討論的那樣,應該會減少 50 億美元左右。

  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Scott Merlis with Thomas Weisel Partners.


  • Scott Merlis - Analyst

    Scott Merlis - Analyst

  • Good morning everybody.


  • How are you Bill?


  • Looking at your product strategy, I have two more specific questions as a follow-up to earlier questions.


  • One, the strategy for midlife refreshening, which becomes really important as the F-150 ages and some other vehicles.

    一是中年煥發活力的策略,隨著 F-150 和其他一些車輛的老化,這一點變得非常重要。

  • And what I'm driving it there is you want to become more profitable -- you are committing to becoming profitable in North America in '08, but it seems like you're going to be doing that with an old F-150 or a new F-150 that might be in launch.

    我在那裡推動的是你想要變得更有利可圖- 你承諾在08 年在北美實現盈利,但看起來你將用一輛舊的F-150 或一輛舊的F-150 來實現這一點可能即將推出的新型 F-150。

  • So I think that might be an important piece of the puzzle.


  • And the second product question would be Ford has chosen to go with the Edge and the MKX, which is a five car -- a five seat CUV strategy.

    第二個產品問題是福特選擇了 Edge 和 MKX,這是一款五人座 CUV 策略。

  • GM with Enclave, Outlook, Acadia is going with a 7-8 seat, a bigger CUV strategy.


  • Since the CUV market is so important, what is your thinking, what is your strategy there?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • I'll have Mark take a shot at this one.


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • On your question on midlife freshening, particularly F-150, overall our strategy as we look better our product plan going forward, is to make sure we not only look at the launch of the product but what we call the lifecycle of the product, and make sure that we not only have the appropriate cadence of a freshening to keep it fresh in the marketplace, but very importantly to make sure that the feature and what we call "at a glance design" notes that the vehicle is significantly changed.

    關於您關於中年清新,特別是F-150 的問題,我們的總體策略是,隨著我們更好地看待未來的產品計劃,我們不僅要關注產品的推出,還要關注我們所說的產品的生命週期,並確保我們不僅有適當的更新節奏以使其在市場上保持新鮮感,而且非常重要的是確保該功能和我們所說的「一目了然的設計」表明車輛發生了重大變化。

  • And I think as you look at the F-150, I think we have very good plans in place not only to do that at a freshening, but also during the time up to that, we are a leader in the truck segment.

    我認為,當您看到 F-150 時,我認為我們已經制定了非常好的計劃,不僅在更新時做到這一點,而且在此之前,我們是卡車領域的領導者。

  • We know we have some competitors going, we know they have benchmarked our products.


  • But with the products that we do have and the strength we have, both in owner loyalty but also very importantly with our dealer network, we think we are pretty well-positioned.


  • On your question on the Edge and MKX, I'd like you to think about our product line-up, particularly on CUVs, as we have the biggest, if you will, buffet table, I think, that customers can choose from.

    關於您關於 Edge 和 MKX 的問題,我希望您考慮我們的產品系列,特別是 CUV,因為我們擁有最大的(如果您願意的話)自助餐桌,我認為客戶可以選擇。

  • In the case of the Edge and the MKX, we specifically focused on five-seaters; we specifically focused on more what I would call crisp ride and handling.

    就 Edge 和 MKX 而言,我們特別關註五座;我們特別關注我所說的「清脆的乘坐和操控」。

  • And that is differentiated from our Freestyle, which is seven-seat, a bit more functional, to appeal to that particular target customer.

    這與我們的 Freestyle 有所不同,後者是七人座的,功能性更強一些,可以吸引特定的目標客戶。

  • And then to complete the portfolio, we have our Escape, which is our small crossover, which I believe also was the highest selling crossover in the first quarter.

    然後為了完成投資組合,我們有 Escape,這是我們的小型跨界車,我相信這也是第一季銷量最高的跨界車。

  • So as opposed to some of our competitors who may be have to put their chips down in one area, we have, I think, the gamut covered.


  • Scott Merlis - Analyst

    Scott Merlis - Analyst

  • And you don't think you'll need anything bigger than the Edge, or you'll just let the -- do you think you'll need anything bigger than the Edge?

    你認為你不需要任何比 Edge 更大的東西,或者你只是讓 - 你認為你需要比 Edge 更大的東西嗎?

  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Well, we have the Freestyle today and of course you get that usual answer -- we don't talk about future product programs.

    好吧,我們今天有 Freestyle,當然你會得到通常的答案——我們不談論未來的產品計劃。

  • But clearly, we're going to make sure we cover the market appropriately in terms of understanding what our customer needs are and how it fits with our brand.


  • Scott Merlis - Analyst

    Scott Merlis - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Jon Rogers of Citigroup.


  • Jon Rogers - Analyst

    Jon Rogers - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • To follow up on that question.


  • It looks like the pickup truck segment is going to get fairly crowded toward the end of the year as GM launches their new pickup as well as Toyota.


  • Can you just talk about your strategy to defend share with an F-Series versus some of those newer products?

    您能否談談您捍衛 F 系列與某些較新產品份額的策略?

  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Yes.


  • We have a very specific strategy to defend our share.


  • First and foremost, understanding very clearly that we do have two new entries coming into the marketplace, I guess I'd suffice it to say that a combination of very strong and bold marketing actions in conjunction with -- as we look at the lifecycle of the vehicle -- product freshening actions to maintain our leadership.


  • I think secondly, also to utilize our dealer network, which is recognized as the industry leader in terms of selling trucks.


  • And I guess the only last thing I would leave you with is we have spent a lot of time thinking about if we were one of our competitors, where could they hurt us.


  • And we've developed plans appropriately around that with eyes wide open, and I'm pretty confident that we have some good plans to defend our turf.


  • Jon Rogers - Analyst

    Jon Rogers - Analyst

  • And then just one follow-up on Ford Credit.


  • It looks like if the GMAC deal goes through, there will be almost eventually a significant funding cost advantage to some of your competitors.

    看來,如果通用汽車金融服務公司 (GMAC) 交易成功,你的一些競爭對手最終幾乎將獲得顯著的融資成本優勢。

  • Can you just talk about how you're going to deal with that?


  • Is it just through the unsecured market and does that concern you longer-term?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, if that situation occurs and it lasts, as you say, for the longer-term, yes, that is a real concern.


  • But right now, we have the ability to increase the amount of the balance sheet that we securitize, and we are on a path to improve the auto profitability, as we discussed.


  • So we think for us, the strategy that we have is the right one.


  • And we feel strongly that Ford Credit and the synergies that they have with the marketing and sales operations is a really important thing for us to control, and to control all the benefits and the synergies.


  • Jon Rogers - Analyst

    Jon Rogers - Analyst

  • That is great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • [William Peck] of ING.

    ING 的 [William Peck]。

  • William Peck - Analyst

    William Peck - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Thank you for taking my call.


  • The question I have for you is we've talked a lot about different product lines and the future of these.


  • Can you give little bit of color, a little bit more granularity to the performance auto group and in particular your outlook for Jaguar and its eventual return to profitability, if that is in the cards?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Well, yes.


  • As you know, we have done a lot to focus on Jaguar over the last few years, a lot of management time and effort, both on the product itself and also on the business structure.


  • And one of the things that has been hard to do, but we have done it, is to recognize that Jaguar's volume aspirations probably did not fit a brand of its cachet in the marketplace.


  • And so therefore, we have taken down our volume assumptions going forward to, I think, better reflect the kind of fit that Jaguar would have in the marketplace.


  • And anytime you do that, it is tough.


  • And we have taken some tough actions.


  • The other piece of it though, importantly, is the product itself.


  • And the products that are coming out of Jaguar now and what we have coming in the future I think are some of the best that we've had coming out.


  • I mean, I think clearly some of the issue has been at Jag, much like the rest of the Company, not enough product differentiation in recent years.

    我的意思是,我認為顯然 Jag 存在一些問題,就像公司其他部門一樣,近年來產品差異化不夠。

  • And we've moved to correct that.


  • William Peck - Analyst

    William Peck - Analyst

  • It just seems that over the last few years, there has been some misdirection as far as losing some of the brand cachet with Jaguar moving to a lower-priced vehicle, now again pushing it to the other direction.


  • I mean, do you have any sort of timeframe that you give Jaguar for any sort of turnaround?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • We certainly do internally.


  • And it’s integrated its operations now with Land Rover largely; there is a lot of synergy and cost savings there.


  • But I'm not going to put a date out there.


  • William Peck - Analyst

    William Peck - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) Himanshu Patel of JPMorgan.

    (操作員說明)摩根大通的 Himanshu Patel。

  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Good morning, guys.


  • Don, you had mentioned that Ford Motor Credit was -- it was quite critical to maintain strategic control of the synergies there.


  • And it seems like the thinking here is that eventually the credit rating on the auto side is going to improve, and so this is sort of an interim issue, where you've got a disadvantageous funding cost access.


  • I'm just wondering when you look longer-term, if the auto business fails to get the credit rating or let's say if FMC fails to be able to get the access to capital that you guys would ideally like to have and you stick with your presumption that you need to keep this business under Ford's control, what are kind of the other options you have at FMC?

    我只是想知道,當你從長遠來看,如果汽車業務未能獲得信用評級,或者比方說,FMC 是否無法獲得你們理想中想要擁有的資本,而你們堅持自己的想法假設你需要將這項業務置於福特的控制之下,那麼您在FMC 還有哪些其他選擇?

  • I mean, when you think of things such as either whole loan sales or JVs, maybe, with another bank, are there other options on the table here if you fail to get the sort of lower cost of funding and better access longer-term?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, I would answer it this way -- that there are other options.


  • And we do have our prime plan and we do look at other options as we go.


  • And I might just point out that we've done, I think, over the last three years, $12 billion, maybe more, of whole loan sales.

    我可能只是指出,我認為,在過去三年中,我們已經完成了 120 億美元,甚至更多的全部貸款銷售。

  • That is something that has been a part of our funding strategy, and frankly, will continue to be so.


  • As far as a JVs and things, I think four years ago we entered into an agreement with [Fadesco]in Brazil.


  • And they've been doing the funding largely for our business there and we have been doing the originating and servicing.


  • So it is not something -- these are not just options that we'd be looking at in the circumstance that you are asking about, but it's things that we've looked at as we've gone the last couple of years.


  • And I think those are things that we will continue to look at as we monitor the entire credit situation and the progress on our turnaround on the auto side.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Then when you look at North America, I think on one of the slide decks, slide 9, you gave a year-over-year profit walk.

    然後,當你觀察北美時,我認為在投影片 9 中的一個投影片上,你給出了同比利潤的變化。

  • I wonder if you could help us just directionally think about a quarterly profit walk in North America.


  • It seems like you had about a 300 million profit deterioration from the fourth to the first quarter.


  • But production was up, I think, almost 90,000 units.

    但我認為產量增加了近 9 萬台。

  • So was it mainly pricing?


  • Because obviously we know what happened with fleet sales.


  • Or was it more on the mix side or was there something on the cost side that ran up normally unfavorable sequentially?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • I don't know a real crisp explanation for that.


  • I think it has to do more on the pricing side than anything else right now.


  • Yes, it's mainly on the pricing side -- if you're going from the fourth quarter to the first quarter, it would be mainly in the pricing area.


  • Cost is favorable sequentially and volume and mix is relatively flat.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And maybe one last question for Mark.


  • Mark, you've been kind of -- maybe if you could just compare the product development approach here between Mazda and what you are seeing at Ford Blue Oval.


  • I mean is there a whole lot of low-hanging fruit in that area?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Well, I think we've been -- in the terms of the approach, Mazda has been very focused on the last number of years first and foremost understanding their brand and making sure that they have a product philosophy that delivers, product after product, that brand promise and then pricing accordingly.

    嗯,我認為我們一直 - 就方法而言,馬自達在過去幾年中一直非常注重首先了解他們的品牌,並確保他們擁有一種產品理念,能夠提供一個又一個產品,該品牌承諾,然後相應定價。

  • I think the approach we're taking here in the U.S. is a very similar one, where Derrick Kuzak and the product development team, we have developed for them the brand philosophy.

    我認為我們在美國採取的方法非常相似,Derrick Kuzak 和產品開發團隊為他們制定了品牌理念。

  • And Derek and the team are in the process of turning that into a product philosophy that they can execute off of consistently.


  • And that is on a high level of similar approach.


  • On a more technical level, clearly we have, with our close relationship with Mazda, as you know, we are implementing what we call our Global Product Development System, our GPDS system, which is based off of a, in one form or fashion, the Mazda product development system.

    在更技術層面上,顯然我們與馬自達有著密切的關係,如您所知,我們正在實施我們所謂的全球產品開發系統,我們的 GPDS 系統,該系統以一種形式或方式基於馬自達產品開發系統。

  • So we're taking a lot of those best practices and incorporating them into our own development processes with the objectives, obviously, of reducing time to market, development time, but also trying to get a lot of synergies out of our engineering efforts.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • I guess that last point is what I wanted to get some more color on.


  • Mazda seems to have done a fairly good job on keeping a lid on product development costs and just product cost in general.


  • And that has historically been a challenge for Ford Blue Oval.

    這對福特 Blue Oval 來說一直是個挑戰。

  • How easy is that to fix?


  • I mean, is that something you can get your hands around in two years or five years?


  • How should we think of that issue going forward?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Well, obviously, most things in this business aren't easy.


  • But I guess I'd characterize it as saying one of the things that we are doing is -- a couple of things.


  • One is from an organizational standpoint, we reorganized in the fourth quarter of last year to create a central engineering group, which is one of the hallmarks of the Mazda system.


  • Whereas opposed to having two engineers working in two different product groups, developing HVAC systems, we now have one.

    與讓兩位工程師在兩個不同的產品組工作來開發 HVAC 系統不同,我們現在只有一位工程師。

  • So organizationally, that will help drive a lot of commonality, where we'll get our economies of scale and actually eliminate a lot of duplication of effort so we can free those engineering resources up to either do more products or better features on the products that we do have.


  • Diane Patton - Managing Director-IR

    Diane Patton - Managing Director-IR

  • Operator, can we switch over now and take some questions from the media, please?


  • Operator


  • Certainly.


  • Thank you.


  • Bill Koenig of Bloomberg.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • Good morning.


  • Don, can you hear me?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • If you could speak up a little bit, Bill, that would be great.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • Can you hear me now?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Yes.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • Sorry -- it was the microphone.


  • Don, when you were talking about ACH, I just want to doublecheck something you said.

    唐,當你談論 ACH 時,我只是想仔細檢查你所說的話。

  • We are in the process of looking to dispose -- something about two strategic buyers.


  • Now, is that for like all the plants or a few plants?


  • I'm just trying to clarify that.


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Well, that is our main thrust.


  • We would said there were a couple of the plants we were going to close.


  • And then the balance of those we would sell to strategic buyers, people that are interested in the business that have the capital and the management and the interest in those businesses.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • I was just making sure you were talking about TO as opposed to TWO buyers.


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Yes -- sorry.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • That is a correct assumption.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • Because if it was the other way, you are making more news than you intended, so --.


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • No.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • Okay, all right.


  • That is all.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jeff McCracken of Wall Street (sic).

    華爾街的傑夫·麥克拉肯(Jeff McCracken)(原文如此)。

  • Jeff McCracken - Media

    Jeff McCracken - Media

  • Wow -- the whole street is mine.


  • Okay.


  • Good morning Bill, Mark, Don, everybody else.


  • Bill, you mentioned kind of your overreliance on SUVs, and you need more singles and doubles.

    比爾,你提到你對 SUV 的過度依賴,你需要更多的單打和雙打。

  • Presumably you are talking there about cars and sedans.


  • I wonder, if you want to keep the cars and sedans from becoming weak grounders to first, I guess, do you expect or need better pricing with cars and sedans?


  • Or are your gains in profits going to come from the restructuring, the shrinking of the Company and the platform sharing that you've talked a lot about?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Well, frankly, we've got to base our plan on the latter.


  • But we will certainly take -- as we look at our product portfolio and what is yet to come -- and Mark mentioned earlier focusing more on features, and obviously therefore some pricing opportunities.


  • But in this marketplace, for us to base our plan upon pricing I think would be a real mistake.


  • So the plan that we have laid out for you really attacks our cost structure in a very meaningful way.


  • Because I think that is the responsible way to do it.


  • Having said that, we will always look for opportunities to price.


  • And I think if you look at us historically in the North American markets, we've been better than some in terms of being opportunistic in pricing.


  • In fact, I think we've actually got a pretty good track record on that, given what is going on in the competitive marketplace.


  • And we will continue to do so.


  • But the major thrust is on the restructuring.


  • Jeff McCracken - Media

    Jeff McCracken - Media

  • Okay.


  • Quick follow-up has to do with the SUVs and the overreliance.


  • What has happened to the Explorer?


  • It seems like there is no way you could have expected or anticipated this kind of drop, given the extensive overhaul -- I mean the new safety features, the new interior, another engine.


  • It's been, as far as I can tell, a double-digit decline pretty much every month since the redesign, a 25% drop this last quarter.

    據我所知,自重新設計以來,幾乎每個月都有兩位數的下降,上個季度下降了 25%。

  • What is going on there?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Well, let me take that one, Jeff.


  • I mean, when you look at our first-quarter results, Explorer was down about 30 -- I think it was 30, 31% somewhere in that neighborhood.

    我的意思是,當你看看我們第一季的業績時,Explorer 下降了大約 30%——我認為在該地區的某個地方下降了 30%、31%。

  • To a certain degree, some of that was planned.


  • First off, we have significantly reduced our fleet sales for the Explorer.


  • If you look at our retail share of segment, our actual retail share of segment is a slightly up in the first quarter.


  • The segment itself was down, and obviously a big piece of that is how much of the impact is of new products, i.e. crossover vehicles, and the other impact meaning higher fuel prices.


  • And when you combine that with the capacity action we took at St. Louis, that kind of justifies us taking our fleet sales down, getting our capacity in line with demand.


  • But the big question mark going forward, obviously, is what is going to happen with the segment overall.


  • But I guess I'd just say the four-door Explorer on the retail segment is more than holding its own.


  • Jeff McCracken - Media

    Jeff McCracken - Media

  • What was your -- could you give a little more clarity on the fleet side with the Explorer -- I mean what it was and what it is now?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Well, I don't have that off the top of my head, but a large part of -- or a majority part of that reduction year-over-year was due to reduced fleet sales.


  • Jeff McCracken - Media

    Jeff McCracken - Media

  • Okay.


  • So this vehicle -- I mean, it's no longer going to be a 500,000 a year or 300,000 a year vehicle though?

    所以這輛車——我的意思是,它不再是每年 50 萬輛或 30 萬輛的汽車?

  • I mean that is pretty much a given?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • No, and we've taken, as you can see from our capacity actions, we've looked at that reality and have acted on it.


  • Jeff McCracken - Media

    Jeff McCracken - Media

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Bernard Simon of Financial Times.


  • Bernard Simon - Media

    Bernard Simon - Media

  • Hi.


  • I wonder if I could ask a question about hybrids.


  • Mr. Ford, given what we've read over the last couple of months, the shine seems to have come off the hybrid market a little, and witness the 0% financing on your hybrid Escape.

    福特先生,考慮到我們過去幾個月所讀到的情況,混合動力市場的光芒似乎有所減弱,並見證了您的混合動力 Escape 的 0% 融資。

  • I'm wondering whether you are still comfortable with the fairly ambitious expansion of hybrid production that you outlined last year.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • I think if you look at the way we look at hybrids, it is still a very viable technology.


  • I mean, ultimately you can hybridize any fuel.


  • And if you start with that assumption, hybrids don't lose their luster.


  • The Escape hybrid is picking up in sales.


  • Clearly there has been a lot of noise around hybrids in general in the media that I think has affected some of the short-term results of all hybrids in the marketplace.


  • But with oil prices where they are in a world which I believe is going to be -- I don't see us either finding cheaper oil anytime in the near future, nor do I see oil going to any more politically stable parts of the world -- I think it is very wise for this company to continue to push as hard as it can on seeking other solutions.


  • Some will be shorter-term solutions, like hybrids.


  • Ethanol obviously is something we've talked a lot about recently that we're pushing very hard on.


  • In fact, we have a number of vehicles on the road that are ethanol capable.


  • And we're going to be working very closely with the government and with the fuel suppliers to increase the availability of ethanol, particularly as we get the next-generation (indiscernible).


  • And then longer term, we are still pushing hard on hydrogen.


  • So all of this is predicated on the assumption that oil is a dear resource and is not going to get any less dear as we go into the future.


  • And so hybrid is very much a part of that equation; it is not the only piece of equation, however.


  • Bernard Simon - Media

    Bernard Simon - Media

  • And you are sticking to those production plans that you outlined last year for hybrids?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Yes we are.


  • And we're also looking, though, at what -- as the world changes around us, if the goal really is to improve fuel economy and reduce CO2, which clearly are the goals, do we have the right mix to do that?


  • And that is something we are looking at all the time.


  • Bernard Simon - Media

    Bernard Simon - Media

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Sarah Webster of Detroit Free Press.


  • Sarah Webster - Media

    Sarah Webster - Media

  • Good morning.


  • I have another SUV question.

    我還有另一個 SUV 問題。

  • You are launching the Expedition and Navigator later this year.

    你們將於今年稍後推出 Expedition 和 Navigator。

  • And I wonder if the most recent concerns about gas prices are causing you to reevaluate your volume plans with those two vehicles at all or to change your strategy in some way.


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Thanks for the question, Sarah.


  • Short answer to your question, we are not relooking at our product plans, clearly, because we are about to launch those vehicles.


  • In terms of our volume aspirations, I mean, to one degree or another, that is going to be based on what happens with the segment, what happens with the industry.


  • We are seeing whitewater right now in that segment, where the segment -- it has been down.


  • We've seen the gas prices spike up.


  • But as we've seen last year, it's fairly volatile.


  • Our approach is we think we have a very competitive set of products coming to the marketplace with some unique competitive advantages versus our competition, particularly in the rear of the vehicle and the fold-down flat seats.


  • And we're going to go after that very aggressively.


  • How big the segment will be?


  • That is going to depend on what happens with fuel prices and customer preferences.


  • Sarah Webster - Media

    Sarah Webster - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (indiscernible) Gupta of Reuters.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Good morning.


  • I was just wondering when would we start seeing a positive impact of the restructuring actions in your North American financial results.


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • As Don said, our path is not going to be linear or smooth.


  • I guess the way I would characterize where we are with Way Forward, it is still early days.


  • As you know, we just announced it a couple of months ago.


  • Our results in the first quarter, from my perspective, is where I expected us to be.


  • If you recall back to January, I mentioned you should look at us on a couple of different parameters to measure our, let's say, performance.


  • Obviously, one is our quarterly performance, which where reporting out today.


  • Secondly is when you look at our share, I mentioned that are we decreasing the rate of loss?


  • And in the first quarter of this year, we did do that; we lost .5 point of share versus 1 point of share on the same period a year ago.

    今年第一季度,我們確實做到了;我們的份額比去年同期下降了 0.5 個百分點。

  • I also mentioned you should look at our launches, both from a manufacturing and a product acceptance standpoint.


  • We launched the Sport Trac with a very good launch, manufacturing launch.

    我們推出了 Sport Trac,並且在製造方面取得了非常好的成績。

  • And the market acceptance of that product, albeit still we're in the first 45 days, is very encouraging.

    儘管仍處於最初 45 天,但該產品的市場接受度非常令人鼓舞。

  • Also mentioned look at are we sticking to the timetable that we put out for our plant idlings.


  • And we did idle St. Louis very smoothly, working with our UAW colleagues, and we will continue to implement the plan and the timetable that we've laid out going forward.

    我們與 UAW 同事合作,非常順利地閒置了聖路易斯,我們將繼續實施我們已經制定的計劃和時間表。

  • And then lastly, are we making progress with our relationship with suppliers?


  • And clearly, I think we are, but as you talk to some of our supplier colleagues, they will be the judge of that.


  • But I think we are making some good progress there.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Just following up on that, so to be more specific, do you think we would start seeing financial improvements then maybe starting early next year in the U.S.A?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Well, as we said, we're not providing any future guidance.


  • And clearly what we are focusing on is making sure that from an operating and executing specifics basis that we are keeping our nose to the grindstone in terms of the physicals of the business and driving it appropriately.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Thanks, Mark.


  • And my next question is to Don -- just to clarify your comments on (technical difficulty) contributions.

    我的下一個問題是問 Don,只是為了澄清您對(技術難度)貢獻的評論。

  • Did you say would be recording all (indiscernible) in the second quarter?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • Yes.


  • Assuming that we receive the court approval, that would be our plan.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • And what would the total charge be?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • $108 million, pretax.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Thank you.


  • Diane Patton - Managing Director-IR

    Diane Patton - Managing Director-IR

  • Operator, I think we have time for one more question please.


  • Operator


  • Joseph Szczesny of the Oakland Press.

    奧克蘭出版社的約瑟夫‧斯澤斯尼 (Joseph Szczesny)。

  • Joseph Szczesny - Media

    Joseph Szczesny - Media

  • I had a question about have you been preparing in any way for the impact of a possible strike at Delphi?


  • And I had one follow-up.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Joe, as you know, we're in a very fluid situation with the supply base in general.


  • And so we do game plan a number of scenarios.


  • Our direct exposure to Delphi in this market is rather limited.


  • But clearly, whatever goes on with one of our competitors and/or any of the Tier 1 suppliers clearly we follow it very closely.


  • And we have been scenario planning for a number of different outcomes.


  • Joseph Szczesny - Media

    Joseph Szczesny - Media

  • And then Mr. Leclair mentioned that you were going to -- it sounded like you were going to spend more on advertising later on this year.


  • Can you kind of elaborate on that a little bit?


  • Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP, CFO

  • I certainly can, but I think Mark probably would be in a better position to give some more texture on that.


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Yes.


  • Clearly we're not going to talk about specific dollar numbers.


  • But clearly, when you look at the launch cadence and the products that Don went through in his presentation, we have a lot of products launching in the second half of this year, and clearly, we want to focus some more efforts on going confidently to the market about our brands.


  • So I think you will see from a rate and flow standpoint, we will have more of a voice in the marketplace in the second half of this year.


  • Joseph Szczesny - Media

    Joseph Szczesny - Media

  • So your spending year-to-year will be up overall?


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • Yes.


  • Joseph Szczesny - Media

    Joseph Szczesny - Media

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Mark Fields - President-The Americas

    Mark Fields - President-The Americas

  • But I think you --


  • Joseph Szczesny - Media

    Joseph Szczesny - Media

  • Go ahead.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • No it is fine.


  • Mark answered it.


  • Joseph Szczesny - Media

    Joseph Szczesny - Media

  • Okay.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman, CEO

  • Well, thank you all for joining us today.


  • In closing, I'd just like to reinforce a couple of the key points you heard this morning.


  • The first is that all operations except North America were profitable.


  • And in North America, our Way Forward plan is gaining traction.


  • It's going to take time, but we're encouraged by the progress.


  • Thank you all for listening and for participating in our call.


  • Operator


  • Thank you for your participation in today's conference.


  • This does conclude the presentation.


  • You may now disconnect your lines.


  • Have a wonderful day.
