福特汽車 (F) 2005 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Ford Motor Company third-quarter earnings conference call.


  • My name is Rachel and I will be your coordinator today.


  • At this time all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • We will be taking questions following today's presentation. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) As a reminder, ladies and gentlemen, this conference is being recorded for replay purposes.

    我們將在今天的演講後回答問題。 (操作員說明)女士們先生們,謹此提醒,本次會議正在錄製以供重播之用。

  • I would now like to turn the presentation over to your host for today's call, Ms. Barbara Gasper, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    現在我想將演講內容交給今天電話會議的東道主投資者關係副總裁芭芭拉·加斯珀 (Barbara Gasper) 女士。

  • Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

    Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

  • Thank you operator.


  • And good morning to all of you joining us this morning either by phone or by the Internet.


  • On the conference call with me this morning are Bill Ford, Ford's Chairman and CEO along with Don Leclair, our Chief Financial Officer.

    今天早上與我一起參加電話會議的有福特董事長兼執行長比爾福特 (Bill Ford) 以及我們的財務長唐勒克萊爾 (Don Leclair)。

  • Additionally here in the room are Jim Gouin, Vice President and Controller; and Marie Petach, Vice President and Treasurer;

    出席會議的還有副總裁兼財務長 Jim Gouin;副總裁兼財務主管 Marie Petach;

  • Patricia Little, our Director of Accounting; and Dave Cosper, Ford Credit's CFO.

    Patricia Little,我們的會計總監;以及福特信貸公司財務長戴夫‧科斯珀 (Dave Cosper)。

  • Before we begin, I would like to review a couple of quick items.


  • First, copies of this morning's earnings release and the slide deck that we be using here today have been posted on the Ford investor and media websites for your reference.


  • I would also point out that the financial results presented here are on a GAAP basis and in some cases, on a non-GAAP basis.


  • Any non-GAAP financial measures discussed on this call are reconciled to their GAAP equivalent as part of the appendix to the slide deck.


  • Finally, I need to remind everyone that today's presentation includes some forward-looking statements about our expectation for Ford's future performance.


  • Actual results could differ materially from those suggested by our comments here.


  • Additional information about the factors that could affect future results is summarized at the end of this presentation.


  • These risk factors are also detailed in our SEC filings including our Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K.

    這些風險因素也在我們的 SEC 文件中進行了詳細說明,包括我們的 10-K、10-Q 和 8-K 表格。

  • With that, I'd like to turn the call over to Bill Ford.


  • Bill?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Thank you, Barbara.


  • And good morning everyone.


  • Today I want to talk to you about two issues, first our earnings for the quarter; second, the measures we're taking to address our operating challenges and the steps we are taking to build the business.


  • As we've indicated this morning, we're reporting a third-quarter loss of 203 million or $0.10 a share.

    正如我們今天早上所指出的,我們報告第三季虧損 2.03 億美元,即每股虧損 0.10 美元。

  • This includes a pre-tax loss of 1.2 billion in our North American automotive operations.

    其中包括我們北美汽車業務 12 億美元的稅前虧損。

  • While these results are clearly not what we want them to be, I would encourage you to look at the full-year performance.


  • We remain poised to deliver our third consecutive year of positive net income.


  • I would also encourage you to look at where we were a few short years ago when we lost 5.6 billion.

    我還鼓勵大家看看幾年前我們損失了 56 億美元時的情況。

  • We cut costs, closed plants, eliminated marginally profitable models, trimmed our workforce, restructured our finance company and replenished our product pipeline.


  • The result is that so far this year our Company has reported 1.9 billion of net income despite the very difficult and challenging state of our North American automotive operations.

    結果是,儘管我們的北美汽車業務面臨著非常困難和充滿挑戰的狀況,但今年迄今為止,我們公司仍報告了 19 億美元的淨利潤。

  • I'd like to focus for a moment on North America and address the progress we are making and the challenges ahead.


  • First, a renewed sense of urgency has been instilled at every level of this Company to adjust to an abrupt shift in the marketplace with growing demand for vehicles with improved fuel economy.


  • While this shift is something we anticipated, the future arrived faster than we expected because of this year's sharp spike in fuel prices.


  • Even though our fleet fuel economy is the best it has been since 2000, reduced demand for vehicles that had sustained our profitability particularly larger SUVs, hurt our results.

    儘管我們的車隊燃油經濟性是自​​ 2000 年以來最好的,但維持我們盈利能力的車輛需求減少,尤其是大型 SUV,損害了我們的業績。

  • Nevertheless, we're aggressively transitioning which is why we've devoted so much attention to the development of cars, crossovers and hybrid electric vehicles.


  • You may remember that in 2004 we talked about the year of the car and we began bringing customers who are car customers back to our showrooms.

    您可能還記得,2004 年我們討論了汽車年,並開始將汽車客戶帶回我們的展間。

  • We introduced the Ford 500 and the Mercury Montego sedan, which offered industries best all-wheel drive fuel economy.

    我們推出了福特 500 和 Mercury Montego 轎車,它們提供了業界最佳的全輪驅動燃油經濟性。

  • The Mustang redefined what an American sports car should be.


  • And as our year-to-date results show, our car sales are up for the first time since 1993.

    正如我們今年迄今的業績所示,我們的汽車銷量自 1993 年以來首次出現成長。

  • Our determination to reclaim share in the car market is underscored by the Ford Fusion which has received critical acclaim and is leaving showroom lots as quickly as it is delivered.

    福特 Fusion 彰顯了我們奪回汽車市場份額的決心,該車受到了廣泛好評,並且在交付後就迅速離開了展廳。

  • We also own the fastest-growing lineup in the crossover segment led by the best-selling crossover, the Ford Escape.

    我們還擁有跨界車領域成長最快的產品線,其中以最暢銷的跨界車福特 Escape 為首。

  • And we're introducing our second full hybrid this fall with the Mercury Mariner.

    今年秋天,我們將推出第二款完全混合動力的 Mercury Mariner。

  • The Escape and Mariner hybrids are the only hybrids designed, engineered and built in America.

    Escape 和 Mariner 混合動力車是唯一在美國設計、製造和製造的混合動力車。

  • And as I announced last month, we will have the capability to build 250,000 hybrids a year by 2010 and half of our name badges will have hybrid options.

    正如我上個月宣布的那樣,到 2010 年,我們將有能力每年生產 25 萬輛混合動力車,而我們一半的名牌將有混合動力選項。

  • These actions and others show that we are not content to stand pat with our product line-up in a changing market.


  • We know that the days of unlimited inexpensive gasoline are over and we're planning our product line-up accordingly.


  • Some demand will continue for large vehicles.


  • But we must make the value proposition of all of our vehicles more appealing.


  • And that means improving fuel economy across the board to ease the burden at the pump for America's families and lesson our dependence on foreign oil.


  • We will target new segments of customers especially in parts of the country where people like our brand but have lost touch with what it can deliver in their daily lives.


  • For example, we will do better with safety conscious drivers especially women with whom our marketshare needs to rebound.


  • Our most significant challenge going forward is our cost structure which clearly isn't where it needs to be.


  • And that is why one, Mark Fields' principal charges is to align our plants and our people to the market.

    這就是為什麼馬克菲爾茲 (Mark Fields) 的主要職責之一就是讓我們的工廠和員工適應市場。

  • Today I'm not going to foreclose options for Mark and Anne Stevens and their newly positioned team by making announcements.


  • Rather I've asked them to make recommendations for my review by December and we will deliver a complete plan for North America's turnaround in January which will then be discussed with you.

    相反,我已要求他們在 12 月之前為我的審核提出建議,我們將在 1 月份提供北美地區週轉的完整計劃,然後與您進行討論。

  • That plan will include significant plant closings where facilities don't fit our strategy moving forward.


  • We're also in the process of reducing our payroll in North America especially in areas that don't contribute to the bottom line.


  • This is not a sacrifice that we will ask only the UAW and its membership to bear.


  • There will be sacrifices asked of people throughout our Company from top to bottom in these very difficult circumstances and we will reduce structure as well as jobs.


  • Reducing unaffordable structure in North American and elsewhere is a painful but it essential step in improving the bottom line.


  • But I'm committed to improving our top line as well.


  • As you've seen, we've delivered considerable progress over the past several months that will favorably impact our results in the years to come.


  • Our deal with Visteon, our largest supplier, was completed without a lot of brinksmanship and in the way that minimized disruption and set the foundation for reduced costs and assured continuous supply of our critical components.


  • Our deal with Hertz will bring in 5.6 billion and strengthen our balance sheet as we said we would do in April.

    我們與赫茲的交易將帶來 56 億美元的收入,並加強我們的資產負債表,正如我們在 4 月所說的那樣。

  • Very recently, we introduce a vastly streamlined model for supply chain management that will simplify our processes, encourage innovation from our suppliers and reduce material cost by billions of dollars over time.


  • And as you might expect, we are in discussions with the UAW regarding healthcare.


  • We also recently concluded positive discussions with Bridgestone resulting in a payment of $240 million.

    我們最近也與普利司通完成了積極的討論,最終支付了 2.4 億美元。

  • Other progress of note has been our recent contract with the Canadian Auto workers; a global workforce reduction and continuing profitable push into the growth markets of Asia led by Mark Schultz.

    其他值得注意的進展是我們最近與加拿大汽車工人簽訂的合約;馬克舒爾茨 (Mark Schultz) 領導的全球勞動力減少和持續獲利的進軍亞洲成長市場。

  • Jim Padilla is heading for China tomorrow where he will review our progress in expanding our manufacturing base and growing sales and dealer bodies.

    吉姆·帕迪拉 (Jim Padilla) 明天將前往中國,在那裡他將回顧我們在擴大製造基地以及發展銷售和經銷商機構方面取得的進展。

  • Next week I'm going to India where we're introducing an important vehicle to the market into Thailand where we're expanding our capacity in ethanol vehicles which are particularly important in that market.


  • These visits reflect our resolve to change not only our Company's size but its shape and position ourselves appropriately in this global marketplace.


  • But for all the progress we recognize we're very far from the finish line.


  • Change and challenge are coming at an accelerated pace and we must continue to respond rapidly but also strategically.


  • As I said to Mark Fields when I appointed him at our new North American team, this is certainly not business as usual.


  • We need a dramatically different business structure and we need innovation to drive everything we do.


  • There's been a lot of written in the past couple of weeks about the fundamental changes in our industry.


  • With events unfolding, it is certainly not surprising that people are reflecting on the future not just of the domestic autos but of U.S. manufacturing as a whole.


  • Let me just make this observation.


  • In the most open market in the world the landscape is constantly changing.


  • Our industry is beginning a dramatic restructuring which is sorely needed.


  • And change is often uncomfortable and the consequences will be painful to some.


  • While the challenges are great, so are the opportunities.


  • We can and will dramatically change the structure and the focus of our business.


  • Unless there be the slightest doubt, I will be in charge of this effort without any reluctance whatsoever.


  • We have some difficult days ahead of us and some tough actions to take.


  • But we had a blueprint for moving forward and the right team to execute our plan.


  • Thank you.


  • Now Don will take you through our third-quarter results.


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • And good morning to everyone.


  • In the third quarter we incurred an operating loss from continuing operations equal to $0.10 a share.

    第三季度,我們因持續經營業務而產生了每股 0.10 美元的營運虧損。

  • And because the quarter was a loss there was no dilution in the calculation of earnings per share.


  • North America reported a substantial loss which was disappointing but expected and South America and Asia-Pacific both were profitable.


  • PAG improved by 63 million from last year and Ford Credit earned a pretax profit of about 900 million.


  • And we continue to have strong liquidity with nearly 20 billion of automotive cash.

    我們繼續擁有強大的流動性,擁有近 200 億的汽車現金。

  • Now on to slide two, which shows our standard financial metrics and I just want to point a couple of items out here.


  • Third-quarter revenue was 40.9 billion and automotive sales were 34.7, both up from last year.


  • Changes in exchange rates increased automotive revenue by about 1%.

    匯率變動使汽車收入增加了約 1%。

  • And the remainder of the change reflects primarily favorable net pricing.


  • Our unit sales were up 23,000 units and this includes for the first time 14,000 Mazda 6 vehicles produced at Auto Alliance International because we now are consolidating AAI, our vehicle assembly JV with Mazda, which is located in southeast Michigan.

    我們的銷量成長了 23,000 輛,其中包括首次在國際汽車聯盟生產 14,000 輛馬自達 6 車輛,因為我們現在正在整合我們與馬自達位於密西根州東南部的汽車組裝合資企業 AAI。

  • The third-quarter tax rate on continuing operations excluding special items was 19.4% and the rate for the first nine months was 13.6%.


  • And the rate for the first nine months is a rate we expect to see for the balance of the year.


  • Now slide three shows our pretax results by sector excluding special items.


  • And as Bill mentioned, we lost 203 million in the third quarter with a loss of over 1.3 on the auto sighed and profits and financial services of over 1.1 billion.

    正如比爾所提到的,我們第三季虧損了 2.03 億美元,其中汽車業務虧損超過 1.3 億美元,利潤和金融服務虧損超過 11 億美元。

  • Slide four shows the impact of the most significant operating factors on our third-quarter auto earnings when compared with a year ago.


  • Volume and mix was 200 million unfavorable compared with last year.


  • This was more than explained by lower dealer inventory in North America offset partly by stronger North American industry volume.


  • Mix deterioration in North America was largely offset by improvements at Land Rover and overall market share was about unchanged.


  • Net pricing was favorable by 200 million, more than accounted for by improvements in Land Rover in South America.

    淨定價有利 2 億美元,超過了路虎在南美洲的改進所帶來的影響。

  • Cost performance was unfavorable by 300 million for the quarter.


  • We will talk more about that.


  • Foreign exchange was unfavorable by about 300 million, primarily reflecting the impact of a somewhat weaker U.S. dollar compared with a year ago and the expiration of favorable hedges that were put in place a few years ago.


  • And other was unfavorable by 100 million more than explained by the non-recurrence of tax related interest income last year.


  • Now our cost performance for the first nine months of this year was 1.7 billion unfavorable.


  • And costs increased by about 300 million during the third quarter consistent with what we told you in July.

    第三季成本增加了約 3 億美元,與我們 7 月告訴您的一致。

  • Quality related expenses in the first nine months were unfavorable by 500 million and the third quarter was unfavorable by 200 million.


  • The third-quarter result includes a recent recovery of 240 million of recall related costs from Bridgestone Firestone.

    第三季業績包括普利司通凡士通近期收回的 2.4 億美元召回相關成本。

  • This was more than offset by an increase in our reserves for prior model year coverages and the non-recurrence of the favorable impact of reserve adjustments in the third quarter of last year.


  • Manufacturing and engineering costs were 700 million favorable, reflecting ongoing improvements in our plants and processes.

    製造和工程成本為 7 億美元,反映出我們工廠和流程的持續改善。

  • Overhead costs for the first nine months were about unchanged.


  • Net product costs for the first nine months were 1.2 billion higher compared with last year and included an increase of 200 million in the third quarter.

    前 9 個月的淨產品成本比去年增加了 12 億美元,其中第三季增加了 2 億美元。

  • And this increase includes the impact of our new product programs as well as higher commodity prices which we discussed on several occasions.


  • Depreciation and amortization was about 100 million higher for the first nine months and pension and retiree healthcare expenses were 600 million higher for the first nine months consistent with our original plan for this year.

    前 9 個月折舊和攤銷增加約 1 億,前 9 個月退休金和退休人員醫療費用增加 6 億,與我們今年的原計劃一致。

  • And as indicated in July, we expect cost performance to improve in the fourth quarter reflecting acceleration of our cost reduction efforts including some previously announced plans to reduce salaried related costs.

    正如 7 月所指出的,我們預計第四季度的成本績效將有所改善,反映出我們削減成本努力的加速,包括先前宣布的一些降低薪資相關成本的計畫。

  • Slide six shows pretax results for each of our operating automotive segments and for other automotive.


  • In other automotive was a loss of 241 million in the quarter, a little worse than our normal run rate because of portfolio losses.

    其他汽車領域本季虧損 2.41 億美元,由於投資組合損失,比我們的正常運行率略差。

  • And this was 210 million worse than last year primarily related to lower tax related interest.

    這比去年少了 2.1 億,主要與稅收相關利息減少有關。

  • Now look let's look at North America.


  • Vehicle unit sales were down by 6000 units in the third quarter and this change was more than explained by lower dealer inventories in the U.S.

    第三季汽車銷量下降了 6000 輛,這項變化的主要原因是美國經銷商庫存下降。

  • Our third-quarter U.S. share was 17.5% and that is up two-tenths of a point from last year.

    我們第三季在美國的市佔率為 17.5%,比去年增長了十分之二。

  • Revenue was 18.2 billion, up 100 million from the year ago.


  • This was more than explained by favorable exchange rates and net pricing in Canada and Mexico.


  • Net pricing in the U.S. was 1.5% negative.

    美國的淨定價為負 1.5%。

  • Pretax losses were about 1.2 billion in the quarter, 685 million worse than 2004 reflecting lower dealer inventories, unfavorable vehicle mix, lower net pricing and higher warranty and material costs; higher industry volume and market share were partial offsets.

    該季度稅前虧損約為 12 億美元,比 2004 年減少 6.85 億美元,反映出經銷商庫存減少、車輛結構不利、淨定價降低以及保固和材料成本增加;較高的行業產量和市場份額被部分抵消。

  • We continue to see very strong results in South America.


  • Third-quarter sales were 88,000 units, up 12,000 from 2004, primarily reflecting the stronger industry volumes in all the markets as well as higher market share in Brazil.

    第三季銷量為 88,000 輛,比 2004 年增加 12,000 輛,主要反映了所有市場的行業銷量成長以及巴西市場份額的提高。

  • Revenue was 1.2 billion, up 400 million from the year ago reflecting higher vehicle volume and pricing as well as a stronger Brazilian real.

    營收為 12 億歐元,比去年同期增加 4 億歐元,反映出汽車銷售和定價的增加以及巴西雷亞爾的走強。

  • And South America posted a pretax profit of 96, up 37 million from a year ago and higher volumes and net pricing in excess of higher commodity costs were the primary reasons for that improvement.

    南美洲的稅前利潤為 96,比一年前增加 3,700 萬,銷售量增加和淨定價超過商品成本上漲是這項改善的主要原因。

  • At Ford of Europe, vehicle unit sales were 371,000, down slightly from a year ago and our market share was 8.6%, down two-tenths of a point.

    歐洲福特汽車銷量為 371,000 輛,比去年同期略有下降,市佔率為 8.6%,下降了十分之二個百分點。

  • Share decreases in Spain, Italy and the UK more than offset improvements in France and Germany.


  • Revenue was 6.4 billion, an increase of 500 million primarily due to favorable net pricing mix and net pricing was 1 point positive for the quarter.

    營收為 64 億美元,成長 5 億美元,主要得益於有利的淨定價組合,本季淨定價上​​漲 1 個百分點。

  • Third-quarter pretax loss was 55 million; 22 million worse than a year ago and the decrease was more than explained by higher material costs.

    第三季稅前虧損5500萬;比一年前減少了 2200 萬,材料成本上升足以解釋這一下降。

  • We expect Europe to be profitable in the fourth quarter.


  • Now turning to PAG, third-quarter vehicle unit sales of 169,000 units were the same as a year ago.

    現在來看 PAG,第三季汽車銷量為 169,000 輛,與去年同期持平。

  • Market shares were equal in both the U.S. and Europe with improvements by Land Rover offsetting declines at Jaguar and Volvo.


  • Third-quarter revenue was 6.8 billion, up 700 million from a year ago reflecting a richer mix and improved net pricing, especially at Land Rover.

    第三季營收為 68 億美元,比去年同期成長 7 億美元,反映出產品組合更加豐富,淨定價有所改善,尤其是路虎。

  • Third-quarter results were a loss of 108 million, an improvement of 63 million from last year.


  • That is more than explained by the impact of new products resulting in a richer mix and improved net pricing primarily at Land Rover.


  • And unfavorable currency exchange was a significant partial offset.


  • We expect PAG to be profitable in the fourth quarter which is a significant improvement from last year both for the fourth quarter and for the full year.


  • Asia-Pacific, Africa and Mazda had a profit of 133 million.


  • And we earned 112 million from our investment in Mazda and associated operations in the third quarter and that is up 99 million from a year ago.

    第三季度,我們從對馬自達的投資及相關業務中獲得了 1.12 億美元的收入,比去年同期增加了 9,900 萬美元。

  • The improvement reflects gains in our investment in Mazda's convertible bonds and higher operating results at Mazda.


  • Now Asia-Pacific's vehicle unit sales increased by 4000 units and revenue was essentially unchanged.


  • Volume was higher in South Africa and China and that was partly offset by a decline in Australia.


  • Australian volumes and share was negatively impacted by higher fuel prices causing a slowdown in large car sales which affected our Falcon products.


  • Pretax profit was 21 million for the quarter, 14 million lower than 2004 primarily explained by mix including the shift toward lower Falcon sales.

    該季度稅前利潤為 2,100 萬美元,比 2004 年減少 1,400 萬美元,這主要是由於 Falcon 銷量下降等混合因素造成的。

  • Now slide 13 shows third-quarter cash and cash flow.

    現在幻燈片 13 顯示了第三季的現金和現金流量。

  • We ended the quarter with those gross cash of 19.6 billion, that's down 2.2 billion compared with the end of the second quarter.

    本季末,我們的現金總額為 196 億美元,比第二季末減少了 22 億美元。

  • Our operating related cash flow was 2.9 billion negative for the quarter and within that net spending was 200 million negative and working capital was 300 million positive.

    本季我們與營運相關的現金流為負 29 億美元,其中淨支出為負值 2 億美元,營運資本為正值 3 億美元。

  • And other, which represents primarily expense and payment timing differences for items such as marketing, warranty and retiree related costs was 1.7 billion unfavorable.

    其他主要包括行銷、保固和退休人員相關成本等費用和付款時間差異,為 17 億美元。

  • This is typical of the third quarter for us.


  • In fact, the operating related cash flow was identical to what we had last year in the third-quarter.


  • We now expect operating cash flow for the full year to be slightly worse than breakeven and this reflects primarily the effects of production changes being taken in the fourth quarter which we will talk more about later.


  • Now on to financial services, the credit company earned 900 million in the third quarter, that's 233 million lower than last year.

    現在來看金融服務,這家信貸公司第三季的營收為 9 億美元,比去年同期減少了 2.33 億美元。

  • Hertz earned 262 million.


  • That is up 13 million from a year ago reflecting higher car and equipment rental volumes partly offset by lower pricing.

    這一數字比一年前增加了 1300 萬,反映出汽車和設備租賃量的增加,部分被較低的價格所抵消。

  • And other financial services had a loss of 25 million in the third quarter.


  • That is down 33 million from a year ago and that deterioration primarily reflects the write off of aircraft leases that are related to the Delta bankruptcy.

    這比一年前減少了 3300 萬,這種惡化主要反映了與達美航空破產相關的飛機租賃的沖銷。

  • Now slide 15 talks about Ford Credit.

    現在幻燈片 15 討論的是福特信貸。

  • And the change as I mentioned was down 200 million.

    正如我所提到的,變化減少了 2 億。

  • Volume was down 100 million reflecting a lower level of managed assets.

    成交量下降 1 億,反映出管理資產水準較低。

  • Financing margin also was down reflecting primarily higher interest rates and this was partly offset by improvements in credit losses.


  • And lease residuals were about unchanged from last year.


  • And we've been telling you for some time now that Ford Credit's profits would decline because of higher financing costs and non-recurrence of release of credit loss reserves.


  • And that's been continuing.


  • Moreover, the asset base has been shrinking as we focus down on our core business.


  • So as you update your profit models for Ford Credit for the fourth quarter, we suggest you use a decline on a year-over-year basis slightly larger than year-to-date trends we've seen for the last two quarters.


  • Now I would like to spend a minute on our strategy for Ford Credit.


  • The unwinding of our previous diversified financial services strategy will be essentially complete with the sale of Hertz.


  • If you recall, we sold First Nationwide Bank, U.S.


  • Leasing, Triad.


  • We've spun off the Associates.


  • We stopped financing non-Ford assets.


  • Ford Credit is now focused solely on supporting Ford sales and consistently delivering solid financial results and this remains our plan going forward.


  • Clearly our present credit ratings have impacted our unsecured funding costs and capacity.


  • And accordingly, we focused on increasing our securitization capability across asset classes in places where we do business.


  • We've made good progress in this regard and we continue to have extremely strong liquidity.


  • We believe that the synergies between the auto side and the credit side are very important and we're focused on maintaining and improving that.


  • We are comfortable with the direction we are headed in, but we are continuing to be open to opportunities as events unfold.


  • Now on to slide 16.

    現在轉到投影片 16。

  • The fourth-quarter production in North America is projected at 810,000, that's down 19 from a year ago and 20,000 below our previously announced level.

    北美第四季產量預計為 81 萬輛,比去年同期下降 19,比我們先前宣布的水平低 20,000 輛。

  • And this change is in response to recent sales trends.


  • Ford Europe's production is projected at 445,000 units, that is up 11,000 from last year.

    福特歐洲的產量預計為 445,000 輛,比去年增加 11,000 輛。

  • And PAG is projected at 180,000, the same as last year.


  • Now slide 17 summarizes where we are on planning assumptions and operational metrics.

    現在投影片 17 總結了我們在規劃假設和營運指標方面的進展。

  • And for the full year we now expect total industry sales to be around 17.4 million, for both the U.S. and Europe.

    我們現在預計美國和歐洲全年的行業總銷售額約為 1740 萬輛。

  • On the operational metrics, our quality performance is essentially flat so far this year based on published metrics.


  • Marketshare has been disappointing in the first nine months particularly in North America.


  • Our full-year share outlook is worse than our goal with the decline in North America more than offsetting improvements in several other areas.


  • We expect our cost performance in the fourth quarter to be slightly favorable but will not offset the deterioration we had in the first nine months.


  • Capital expenditure was 5.1 billion for the first nine months and we expect the full year to be pretty much (inaudible).

    前 9 個月的資本支出為 51 億美元,我們預計全年資本支出將相當多(聽不清楚)。

  • And in terms of operating related cash flow, we expect that to be slightly worse than breakeven for the year.


  • Now on to profits by operation.


  • On the auto side, the outlook is unchanged from our second-quarter earnings call for all operations except PAG.

    在汽車方面,我們對除 PAG 之外的所有業務的第二季財報電話會議的前景沒有變化。

  • And we now expect PAG to fall short of its milestone primarily due to lower marketshare and higher costs.

    我們現在預計 PAG 將無法達到其里程碑,主要是由於市場份額下降和​​成本上升。

  • This would still however represent a significant improvement from last year.


  • And our total Company earnings are now expected to be at the low end of our range of $1.00 to $1.25 and this would be from continuing operations excluding special items.

    我們的公司總收益目前預計將處於 1.00 美元至 1.25 美元區間的低端,這將來自不包括特殊項目的持續經營業務。

  • Now slide 19 shows the impact of special items in discontinued operations on both the third quarter and the first nine months.

    現在投影片 19 顯示了已終止業務中的特殊項目對第三季和前九個月的影響。

  • And it also includes the special items we expect for the full year.


  • And in total, special items reduce earnings per share by $0.06 in the third quarter.

    總的來說,特殊項目使第三季每股收益減少了 0.06 美元。

  • And discontinued operations had a minimal affect on earnings.


  • And consistent with our prior expectation, Visteon related charges were 180 million in the quarter.

    與我們先前的預期一致,偉世通本季相關費用為 1.8 億美元。

  • And for the full year, these are now expected to be in the range of 575 to 625 million, a little bit better than we had said before.

    就全年而言,目前預計該數字將在 5.75 至 6.25 億之間,比我們之前所說的要好一些。

  • Personnel reduction programs during the third quarter resulted in charges of 158 million and for the full year we expect charges for personnel reductions to total about 700 million.

    第三季的裁員計畫導致費用為 1.58 億美元,我們預計全年的裁員費用總計約為 7 億美元。

  • The third quarter also included fuel cell technology charges related to our previously announced restructuring of our investment in Ballard as well as gains from the sale of our remaining interest in noncore businesses.


  • In addition, it includes elimination of depreciation on certain long-lived assets in Hurst, which from an accounting standpoint is held for sale.


  • We expect a gain on the Hertz transaction of around 1.1 to 1.3 billion when it is completed and obviously this assumes that we close on that in the fourth quarter.

    我們預計赫茲交易完成後將獲得約 110 至 13 億美元的收益,顯然這是假設我們在第四季完成這項交易。

  • And our full-year results also include a cumulative change in accounting principles related to asset retirement obligations.


  • And recent accounting guidance has expanded the circumstances and timing of when companies must accrue the future costs such as certain environmental obligations related to eventual retirement of assets such as plants and other buildings.


  • And essentially the new accounting will pull forward potential future asset retirement related liabilities.


  • We're still working through the numbers on that and we can't estimate that yet but we will have it for the fourth quarter.


  • Now we're going to summarize some of the actions we've taken to improve our business structure.


  • And it doesn't represent the entire plan.


  • It's an update of where we are and what we've done during the third quarter and it provides an indication of where we are headed.


  • Regarding excess capacity.


  • This summer we closed the Browns Lane plant and we consolidated our operations.

    今年夏天,我們關閉了 Browns Lane 工廠並整合了我們的業務。

  • We plan to close the Lorraine, Ohio plant at the end of this year and we recently agreed with the Canadian auto workers on a plan to close the Windsor Casting plant.


  • We know we have excess capacity.


  • As Bill mentioned, we are developing plans to address it and we will address it.


  • As part of our objective to improve the competitiveness of our supply base, we've finalized our Visteon agreement.


  • We will have a reduction in hourly personnel at our automotive components operations through buyouts and we intend to reduce our hourly personnel by about 1500 out of a total that we plan of 5000.

    我們將透過收購減少汽車零件業務的小時工,我們計劃將小時工總數從 5000 人中減少約 1500 人。

  • And we should have that done by the end of this year.


  • And we've launched an initiative to improve our supply base.


  • We announced a sub B car program with Fiat in Europe, and we've announced our plans to sell Hertz and we're improving our securitization capabilities and our funding of the credit company.

    我們宣布了與菲亞特在歐洲的 sub B 汽車計劃,我們還宣布了出售赫茲的計劃,我們正在提高我們的證券化能力和對信貸公司的融資。

  • And to improve our global operational efficiencies, we've taken a number of personnel reduction actions which along with natural attrition will reduce by the end of the year our total personnel by more than 10,000 people versus the end of last year.

    為了提高我們的全球營運效率,我們採取了一系列裁員行動,加上自然減員,到今年年底,我們的員工總數將比去年年底減少 10,000 多人。

  • And besides improving the cost structure, we're also focusing on the top line and also focusing on growth and innovation.


  • We've introduced several new products such as our new midsized cars which are out now; sales of crossover vehicles are up 40% through September; and we have plans to launch more products in the expanding crossover segment such as the new Lincoln Aviator next year.

    我們推出了一些新產品,例如現已上市的新中型轎車;截至 9 月份,跨界車銷量成長 40%;我們計劃在不斷擴大的跨界車領域推出更多產品,例如明年的新款林肯飛行家。

  • We're expanding into new and growing markets; increased vehicle assembly capacity in China; launched a new focus in Asia-Pacific; and the new Fiesta in India in the fourth quarter.


  • We have two full hybrid vehicles on the road today and as you know, we announced plans to increase that by tenfold.


  • And as Bill recently announced, a strategic driver of our future will be a focus on innovation.


  • In summary, we remain committed to improving our business.


  • And as we have said before, nothing is off the table.


  • We will continue to share additional details of our plans with you as we move forward.


  • Now I will turn it back to Barbara.


  • Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

    Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

  • At this time, we are ready to begin the question-and-answer session.


  • Following our normal practice, we begin with questions from the investment community and then take questions from the media who are also on the call.


  • In order to allow as many questions as possible within our timeframe, we ask that you keep your questions brief so that we don't have to move callers along after a couple of minutes.


  • Operator, can we please have the first question?


  • Operator


  • (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) Himanshu Patel with J.P. Morgan.

    (操作員說明)Himanshu Patel 和 J.P. Morgan。

  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • The comments about a restructuring program being announced in January.


  • I'm just wondering does that require a definitive word from the UAW on healthcare?

    我只是想知道這是否需要 UAW 關於醫療保健的明確說法?

  • Or are you guys prepared to talk about that regardless largely because maybe it is focused on capacity?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • This is Bill.


  • The North American plan probably will contain elements of both of capacity -- and we are in discussions with the UAW now and that won't surprise you.


  • I think that while we want to wait for the GM deal to get ratified and so we are not saying a lot.


  • I think it is fair to say that the UAW has never cut deals where they've left any company disadvantaged versus others.


  • We are working on it and we are doing it quietly.


  • But I think you'll see elements of both in the January announcement.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Bill, does the patent agreements, do they get implemented immediately or is there still a negotiating period that happens between Ford and the union after the GM deal is ratified?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well first of all we have to see the specifics of the GM deal.


  • And we need to go through it.


  • And so I think to answer your question there will be a negotiating period but I don't think it will be a lengthy one.


  • We have to see how the elements of the GM deal apply or don't apply to us.


  • Because we haven't gone through the fine detail yet and won't for a little while.


  • So while that certainly will be a framework I think that we will work with, we certainly will have discussions with the UAW.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then on Ford Motor Credit, it sounds like your body language is at least right now suggesting that you don't want to go down the path that GM has announced with GMAC potentially.

    然後在福特汽車信貸方面,聽起來你的肢體語言至少現在表明你不想走通用汽車已經宣布的與 GMAC 潛在的道路。

  • What about things like whole loan sales?


  • I mean these are -- it just seems like there is actions being taken at GMAC aside from the announcement of potentially selling part of the business that where they seem a lot more worried about their access to funding in the long-term than FMC.

    我的意思是,除了宣布可能出售部分業務之外,GMAC 似乎還採取了一些行動,他們似乎比 FMC 更擔心自己的長期融資管道。

  • I'm just trying to understand strategically, is there something in FMC that makes it less of a concern?

    我只是想從策略上理解,FMC 中是否有什麼東西可以讓它不再那麼令人擔憂?

  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, let me just say Ford Motor Credit is a very different animal then GMAC for the reasons that Don described.

    好吧,我只想說,出於唐所描述的原因,福特汽車信貸公司與通用汽車金融服務公司 (GMAC) 截然不同。

  • I mean we have really pared our business back down to our core business.


  • We don't have a mortgage business.


  • We are really out of all the things at that didn't pertain to the financing of Ford cars and trucks.


  • And as such, Ford Motor Credit is quite different then GMAC today.

    因此,福特汽車信貸公司與今天的 GMAC 截然不同。

  • And we do see it as a strategic asset for us.


  • And while we certainly are keeping all options open and always have as we've looked at all our businesses, our intent is very much to keep Ford Credit a strategic part of our business.


  • In response to the specific financing questions, I might turn it over to Don or to David Cosper to go ahead and answer that.

    針對特定的融資問題,我可能會將其交給 Don 或 David Cosper 來回答。

  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, I would just mention that so far this year we have been doing whole loan sales.


  • We do them opportunistically and I think we've done a total of 12 billion so far over the last several years.

    我們會趁機做這些事情,我認為在過去幾年裡我們總共做了 120 億美元。

  • So we are doing what we think is right for Ford Credit given where we are and where we see our prospects going forward.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Is there a logic, and I guess more specifically entering into a long-term agreement similar to what GM did with Banc of America where you are assured a certain level of transactions with them on the other side for the next few years?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Will as I said, we're going to monitor things as we go along.


  • And if opportunities arise, we will keep our eyes open.


  • Himanshu Patel - Analyst

    Himanshu Patel - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Rod Lache with Deutsche Bank.

    德意志銀行的羅德‧拉什 (Rod Lache)。

  • Andrew Teller - Analyst

    Andrew Teller - Analyst

  • Hello.


  • Actually this is Andrew Teller (ph) from Churchill Investments.

    實際上,這是邱吉爾投資公司的安德魯泰勒(Andrew Teller)。

  • A couple of things.


  • Obviously it is a very challenging economy for you guys right now and you are facing a lot of challenges upcoming for the next year or so.


  • What are you guys doing to work with your supply base to collaborate better with your suppliers to reduce raw material costs and improve your entire supply chain?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • We announced a couple weeks ago a dramatically different approach to our supply base, reducing the number of suppliers, making them more strategic suppliers, getting them involved more upfront in our processes.


  • And as part of our innovation drive that we are doing internally, we are clearly extending that to our supply base as well, expecting that our new approach to suppliers will allow us to get the best innovation from them.


  • It is a very different approach for us in terms of supply base.


  • Obviously specific issues like commodity prices are issues that we all face.


  • And the there is no silver bullet.


  • But I think closer collaboration with them and more upfront collaboration with them will allow both of us to have a much more streamlined process.


  • And therefore reduce our costs and get better innovation out of them.


  • Andrew Teller - Analyst

    Andrew Teller - Analyst

  • What are the most important raw materials that concern you going into '06?

    進入 06 年,您關心的最重要的原料是什麼?

  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, I think if you look at commodity prices across the board, I mean all of them are issues for us.


  • As it pertains to our customers, obviously gasoline prices because that has the biggest affect on us.


  • We also have our components are largely steel and to the extent that we have many petrochemically based ones as well, the price of crude oil remains an issue.


  • But these aren't new issues for us.


  • Andrew Teller - Analyst

    Andrew Teller - Analyst

  • What I've noticed over the past four or five years by following your Company is the quality has always been a top driver of your company and why you guys have been able to still have a good brand in the marketplace.


  • How are you guys making sure that your suppliers are meeting your quality standards?


  • Are you scorecarding them on a quarterly basis or meeting with them regularly through these global supplier forums?


  • What are you doing to ensure that all your supply base is meeting your strict guidelines?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, obviously part of this new push to more strategic suppliers, the selection of the suppliers wasn't exactly haphazard.


  • There was a big push on our part for quality.


  • Quality, reliability, innovation, those really are the big things that really went into our formulation as we sat down and figured out who were going to be our strategic partners going forward.


  • So the recent announcement that we've had on our supply base is very much with an eye upon -- was made very much with an eye upon getting consistently good quality out of our supply base, and that should come as no secret.


  • Operator


  • Rod Lache with Deutsche Bank Securities.

    德意志銀行證券公司的羅德‧拉什 (Rod Lache)。

  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Am I on the line now?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • I think you are up, Rod.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • I guess I've got two questions.


  • First one, Bill, if you could just kind of address broadly speaking, you've been talking for a while about Ford's need to address overcapacity in North America.


  • And obviously, it's an industrywide problem.


  • Do you subscribe to the view that Ford and the industry in total needs to kind of realign its costs to their current size and revenue structure, including incentives?


  • Or are you thinking kind of at the end of all this, Ford will and the industry will be somewhat smaller but somewhat less dependent on discounting and all the things that have kind of driven down profitability lately?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Rod, no matter how you cut it with either of those viewpoints, we have overcapacity today.


  • And it is exacerbated by the fact that we have gone to more flexible manufacturing.


  • And we've discussed many times, and I know you know well, you don't need as many bricks and mortars when you do that.


  • So we are taking a look -- well, we're not just taking a look; we are developing detailed plans on our capacity actions.


  • But going forward, and I've mentioned this in the past, we are also going to grow our top line.


  • We are not going to shrink ourselves into oblivion.


  • We are certainly aware, though, of where the market is and where our position in the market is.


  • And we think that our plan is based upon what is feasible on for us.


  • I'm not going to put too fine a point on it now, because I have marked Mark Fields and Anne Stevens to come back with their plan.


  • I don't want to leave you with the impression, however, that we are going into radio silence internally until they come up with their plan.


  • I mean, I am working with them and Don is working with them daily as they come up with it.


  • So it's not like we are just waiting for this puff of white smoke in December, and then we will have the plan.

    因此,我們並不是只等待 12 月的這股白煙,然後我們就會有計劃。

  • This is a very interactive process, as you might suspect.


  • One of the things that they are looking at is what is our appropriate market share going forward and the product plan behind that to support it.


  • And that obviously will factor into our capacity discussions.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Don, could you maybe talk a little bit about Ford Credit's share in the Ford business looks like it has declined pretty significantly.


  • And I guess part of that may be incentive structures and part of it may be pressures on the business.


  • If you are not looking to look for -- if you're not looking for a strategic investor or some way to in the near-term reduce the funding costs, is the alternative basically shrinking the business?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • No, I think what we saw in the third quarter really did have a lot to do with incentive structure, and that has changed now as we are into the fourth quarter.


  • And the Ford Credit share of the business is bouncing back more toward normal levels.


  • As far as our funding goes, we are in good shape.


  • We have a very diversified source of funding, and we feel confident that we can support the sales of the auto side and achieve the synergies that are so important to us.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Robert Barry with Goldman Sachs.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Good morning, thank you.


  • A couple questions.


  • One is on this metric related to quality.


  • I know you have mentioned in the past it relates to older model vehicles, but it seems to be getting worse as we progress through the year.


  • Can you give a little bit more color into what is happening there and what we should expect from an outlook perspective on that?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • I really don't want to go into it in too much detail.


  • Let me say it primarily relates to some issues we had in 2004 model year, the same issues we talked about on the conference call in July.

    我想說的是,這主要與我們在 2004 年車型中遇到的一些問題有關,這些問題與我們在 7 月的電話會議上討論過的問題相同。

  • The issues are behind us now, in terms of current production.


  • They have been for some time.


  • The fixes are in place and we've taken steps to help our customers along the way as we work through this together.


  • And we expect going forward to be on a positive track on quality.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Starting next quarter or in '06?

    從下個季度開始還是從 06 年開始?

  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Starting next quarter.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Then just a question on product cost, if you could maybe give a little bit more color on what is in there.


  • How much of that is related to adding content to vehicles, how much of it is the raw mats, and is there also something in there related to a system you are providing to your two and three suppliers?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Well, this is one of the more complicated areas in all of this, as you might expect.


  • Of course, they are all in there.


  • It does include a large measure of added product content and features that our customers want.


  • It also includes cost reductions that our engineers work on with our suppliers and that our suppliers work on on their internal operations.


  • Then it includes the cost of higher raw materials costs, particularly crude oil and plastics-related things, as well as steel.


  • And then as I'm sure you are all aware, we have a number of suppliers that have experienced financial difficulties, and it includes something for that.


  • I would say in terms of the plan that we had for the start of the year, the biggest area of difference is in commodity prices on steel and crude oil related in particular.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Is your expectation --?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Does that help?


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • I'm sorry.


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, go ahead.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • I was just going to ask if your expectation was still for a flat steel impact in '06 or if there is a possibility for a slight tailwind there?

    我只是想問一下,您的預期是否仍然是 06 年的扁鋼衝擊,或者是否有可能出現輕微的順風?

  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Well, I'd rather not comment on that now, because we are still working through our discussions with the steel suppliers.


  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Just one last question.


  • Could you tell us what the return on plan assets has been year-to-date on the pension?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Well, through September 30 it was around 7.5%.

    截至 9 月 30 日,這一比例約為 7.5%。

  • Robert Barry - Analyst

    Robert Barry - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Rod Tadross with Banc of America Securities.


  • Rod Tadross - Analyst

    Rod Tadross - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot, good morning everyone.


  • I just want to follow up on the warranty thing, because it seems like it is a big change.


  • I mean, excluding the Firestone thing, your quality related category is up about $700 million -- over $700 million, which is like $100 a vehicle.

    我的意思是,排除 Firestone 的影響,與品質相關的類別上漲了約 7 億美元——超過 7 億美元,相當於每輛車 100 美元。

  • And last year you guys accrued about $500 a vehicle on warranty.

    去年,你們每輛車的保固期累積了大約 500 美元。

  • So I am wondering -- I mean, it's up like 20% if you look at it that way, and I'm wondering if it can be down 20% next year or are we just going to -- or are we at a little bit of a higher level?

    所以我想知道 - 我的意思是,如果你這樣看,它會上漲 20%,我想知道明年是否會下降 20%,或者我們只是打算 - 或者我們會稍微下降級別高一點?

  • And then also separately on material costs also I mean a lot of your global competitors are accepting raw material increases from their suppliers and still showing material cost improvements.


  • So I am wondering if there's something else we're missing here because it seems like you guys are resisting the raw material increases a little more at least according to your suppliers and yet your total material costs are negative?


  • Or are up.


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Well, I'm sure our suppliers all have you know -- all of us would have a different view of how those discussions go.


  • But we are working very carefully with our supply base now as a part of the new plan we have to try and consolidate the supply base to work our way through the issues.


  • As far as our quality is concerned, you are right.


  • Our costs are up this year and they are up in part because of the issues in large part because of the issues we had with the 2004 models that I discussed earlier.

    今年我們的成本增加了,部分原因是由於我之前討論過的 2004 年型號所存在的問題。

  • They are also up because of the nonrecurrence of reserve releases that we had in 2004.

    它們的上漲也是因為 2004 年我們不再釋放儲備金。

  • I expect our quality to be as it manifests itself in our financial statements through warranty reserves to be headed in the right direction in the fourth quarter and to improve next year.


  • And our quality has been improving on our vehicles in the field and our financial statements tend to lag that a little bit which I think, as you all realize, is good conservative accounting.


  • Operator


  • Jonathan Steinmetz with Morgan Stanley.


  • Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

    Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning everyone.


  • Bill, just a question and I'm not looking to pin you to an exact number but when you think about what the sizing of the Company just directly, are you thinking in North America about flat market share, slightly up, slightly down?


  • Just some idea on magnitude.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • I think if we look at our current product plan that we have in place and assuming that Mark and Anne don't recommend dramatic changes, I wouldn't expect dramatic changes to our market share going forward either.


  • Now that could change between now and January as we work through the fine print and go through each product program.


  • But directionally, for your purposes, I wouldn't plan on big, big changes in market share in North America.


  • Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

    Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

  • Okay, just a couple housekeeping questions.


  • Don, do you have on the Mazda the breakout on how much of this was a convert gain?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, it is about half and half.


  • Of that improvement there about half was related to the convert and about half to operations at Mazda.


  • Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

    Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And do you have the fleet retail mix for the quarter?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • 18% which is unchanged from last year.


  • Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

    Jonathan Steinmetz - Analyst

  • Great, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Mike Bruynesteyn with Prudential.


  • Mike Bruynesteyn - Analyst

    Mike Bruynesteyn - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • First, Bill, could you give us some color on your innovation initiative?


  • A number of people here at Tokyo have been talking about it around the auto show.


  • And maybe what you -- when you expect that to impact your earnings or your results?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well I think this will be to answer your last question -- I mean it will be a thing that will gain momentum and I don't expect it to show up immediately.


  • But what has really been interesting, Mike, is the employee response.


  • I've been flooded with e-mails from employees with ideas and not just product innovation, everything from plant ideas to ideas to saving money, ideas to reach the customer.


  • And one of the things that we are working on internally is a process to properly vent all these ideas and make sure that they not only get a proper airing but that they go to the appropriate areas.


  • And that we have the right receptivity internally when good ideas come up.


  • And so while it will be a little chaotic at first because there is a lot of pent-up demand apparently which I think is great.


  • If we do this right, this is something we're not going to -- this is not something that's the flavor of the quarter.


  • This is a commitment I think for many years and it is a cultural change.


  • And so like anything -- and all our leaders in the Company have signed up to this and believe very much in it.


  • It will be a gradual thing.


  • I don't think there is going to be "aha" moment, frankly.


  • They good news is and the reason we were comfortable with innovation as a direction is we're already doing lots of it.


  • We just weren't collecting it and communicating it effectively.


  • And if you look at things like the roll stability control which came out of Mazda -- I mean out of Volvo which now goes onto our SUVs here in North America, we have examples like that all over the company where we innovated it and then spread it through the company.

    如果你看一下來自馬自達的側傾穩定性控制系統——我的意思是來自沃爾沃,現在它已經應用到我們在北美的SUV 上,我們在整個公司都有這樣的例子,我們在那裡進行了創新,然後傳播開來。透過公司。

  • So it is not like this is a dramatic shift for us but it is clearly a sharpening of focus.


  • Mike Bruynesteyn - Analyst

    Mike Bruynesteyn - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Actually I guess it has been a little bit passed by us to what the initiative actually is?


  • We've seen the sort of title referred to but I'm not sure -- what is the initiative?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, it really if you -- I mean if you look as I did at the tremendous strength we have in our research labs; the tremendous capability we have at Volvo for safety innovation; the work that we've been doing in alternate fuels; we had so much of the raw material already there.


  • But really it wasn't being, in my mind, crystallized and focused enough.


  • And it really wasn't being celebrated enough within the company.


  • And it is a culture change.


  • I don't know how else to put it.


  • It really -- and so you are asking for specifics.


  • This will evolve as we go forward.


  • And it will start off probably primarily as a product focus but as I say it really will extend to the way we run the Company, the way we reach the customer.


  • And one of the -- as I said, I'm already flooded with ideas.


  • And so our metrics will change over time as we get better at this.


  • Operator


  • Jon Rogers with Citigroup.


  • Jon Rogers - Analyst

    Jon Rogers - Analyst

  • Yes, thank you.


  • Bill, along those lines, can you just comment on I mean it seems like you've obviously had some success with the hybrid programs.


  • But as you go forward, is diesel part of Ford's longer-term plan to improve fuel efficiency in North America?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Absolutely.


  • Yes, it is.


  • And we have taken a multipronged approach to this because we are not sitting on any one technology.


  • Obviously we are placing big bucks on hybrids.


  • We announced a big ethanol program for next year.


  • And not only here but in Thailand which where ethanol is also growing in importance.


  • Diesel, as you know, has been a very important part of our strategy in Europe to achieve C02 reductions and fuel economy improvements.


  • And we have the capability in diesel and are ready to go there.


  • We are working on internal combustion hydrogen.


  • We're working on fuel cells.


  • And it is interesting is even a couple years ago these discussions would have taken place largely in the realm of research.


  • But in every case now, we have vehicles on the road.


  • There is government support behind all of these initiatives, not only here but around the world.


  • And we are I think at the cusp of significant change in the way we propel our vehicles.


  • And I feel very good about our ability to play in any one of these fields because I think they are all going to be important as we go forward.


  • Jon Rogers - Analyst

    Jon Rogers - Analyst

  • And then I guess as you roll out your hybrid strategy and reach the longer-term volume expectations that you've set, is that profitable or is it still kind of a niche product?


  • And at what point in your mind do you think it gets -- hybrid becomes a market-based solution for the consumer?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, I think there has been a lot written about that recently.


  • And I think what will happen and really not it is not unlike any new technology, as you get into the second, third and fourth generation of the technology and as volume ramps up, costs do come down.


  • And so we certainly expect that to happen.


  • So we know that hybrids are desired by the public.


  • We've done research in it.


  • But the business equation is something that -- we wouldn't go down this path if we felt that it was never going to make sense for us.


  • Operator


  • Brett Hoselton with KeyBanc Capital Markets.

    KeyBanc 資本市場的 Brett Hoselton。

  • Brett Hoselton - Analyst

    Brett Hoselton - Analyst

  • Good morning, gentlemen.


  • Actually two different questions here.


  • First of all, Don, in May when you came to the agreement, initial agreement with Ford with regard to the Visteon assets, you put out or gave us some estimate as to what you think the financial impact would be in the fourth quarter and then into next year.


  • You were thinking it was going to be a loss of 125 in the fourth quarter and a loss of 250 to $350 million next year.

    你以為第四季會虧損 125 美元,明年會虧損 250 到 3.5 億美元。

  • My thoughts are or the question is given the changes that have taken place between May and today, do you still anticipate those numbers to be reasonable numbers or would you say that they are likely to be lower or higher than where you had them in May?

    我的想法是,或者問題是,考慮到從 5 月到今天之間發生的變化,您仍然預計這些數字是合理的數字,還是說它們可能會低於或高於 5 月的水平?

  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Well I think the number in the fourth quarter is going to be pretty close.


  • You know, it's going to the real close to 125.

    你知道,實際值將接近 125。

  • Next year it is too early to tell but I think it will be close to that -- maybe at the upper end of that range.


  • But, you know, certainly close.


  • Brett Hoselton - Analyst

    Brett Hoselton - Analyst

  • And then as far as the divestiture of those assets, is there any sense of what percentage of those assets you would like to divest?


  • I know you have talked about divesting them over the next couple of years.


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Well, we would and we would like I think realistically what we'd like to do is the next two to three years.


  • But as far as timing and which businesses we're looking at, I would rather not go into that.


  • Brett Hoselton - Analyst

    Brett Hoselton - Analyst

  • Okay, that's fair.


  • Then with regards to be supply base initiative, consolidating your supply base or choosing some suppliers.


  • Traditionally the big three have used competition within their supply base as a means of reducing the pricing.


  • Now effectively what you are suggesting is limiting that competition and selecting individual suppliers.


  • What is the incentive for the supplier now to provide you with lower costs?


  • And is your purchasing staff going to be to able to adjust to this -- what I would suggest would be a new paradigm?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Well, I think that there will still be competition.


  • It will just be done I think in a more thoughtful and measured way as we go forward trying to pick suppliers that we can work with on both cost and productivity and quality and technology.


  • And then of course as we go forward, we will be at expecting the best out of the suppliers be it technology, quality or costs down or whatever.


  • And there will be more than one supplier involved in each commodity.


  • So there will be some competition there.


  • I am absolutely convinced our purchasing staff can adapt to that.


  • In fact is adapting to it right now very well.


  • Operator


  • Rob Hinchliffe with UBS.

    瑞銀集團 (UBS) 的 Rob Hinchliffe。

  • Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

    Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • I'm curious, Bill, the restructuring plan when it is announced, you said it is likely to be a significant plan.


  • I wondered can you characterize the levels of significance and how would you compare it in terms of size to the restructuring plan in '02?

    我想知道您能否描述一下其重要性程度,以及您如何將其規模與 02 年的重組計劃進行比較?

  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • I can't.


  • I mean a lot of which -- I mean I tried to make the point this morning (technical difficulty) we haven't just been sitting still waiting for a plan.

    我的意思是很多 - 我的意思是我今天早上試圖闡明這一點(技術困難),我們並沒有隻是坐著等待計劃。

  • I mean we have done a lot this year already.


  • And if you add up the cumulative amount we have done, it probably does measure already what we did in '02.

    如果你把我們已經完成的累積金額加起來,它可能已經衡量了我們在 02 年所做的事情。

  • And so what is to come in January is a further fine-tuning of the plan that Mark and Anne will do.


  • I felt it was unfair to Mark and Anne to turn over the business to them with a plan -- particularly in the very fluid market that we're now -- I mean I don't just mean customer market.


  • I mean external environment in which you've got the Delphi bankruptcy, obviously healthcare discussions going on.


  • I mean there are a lot of new factors that are going on around this.


  • And so I thought it was only fair to give Mark and Anne the time to assess not only the state of the business but frankly the state of the external environment as well before they came up with a definitive plan or before we handed them one.


  • But, as I say, in my opening remarks I listed off a number of things that we've done this year.


  • And if I'd saved those things to one announcement, it would have been a hell of an announcement.


  • But we didn't.


  • We announced them as they came because we didn't want to wait.


  • So I don't want to give you the impression that we are just sitting by waiting for January to come across.


  • We are not.


  • We haven't been, but there will be more announcements in January.


  • Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

    Rob Hinchliffe - Analyst

  • So when you say the announcement in January, how would they compare to what that list you just read off?


  • Is it equal to that or I mean what kind of magnitude are we talking about?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • It is going to be a plan that will be very much an extension of what we have been doing.


  • There will be metrics in place that will -- that we will measure ourselves and our success going forward.


  • But I really -- you know I don't want to let you think that a, we haven't been doing anything; and b, that this January announcement is going to be something radically different because I don't want to preclude any options from Mark and Ann. hand.

    但我真的——你知道我不想讓你認為我們什麼都沒做; b,今年一月的公告將是完全不同的,因為我不想排除馬克和安的任何選擇。手。

  • But we have already signaled and are well down the road on many of these areas where we are headed.


  • Operator


  • Chris Ceraso with Credit Suisse First Boston.

    克里斯·塞拉索(Chris Ceraso),瑞士信貸第一波士頓公司。

  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Thanks, good morning everybody.


  • I've got a few quick ones.


  • First maybe for Dave, the allowance for credit losses as a percent of receivables 1.5%, can you remind us where that stacks up in terms of your historical range?

    首先,對於戴夫來說,信用損失準備金佔應收帳款的百分比為 1.5%,您能否提醒我們,就您的歷史範圍而言,該比例是多少?

  • I know it is kind of toward the lower end but maybe you can give us a little more color there?


  • Dave Cosper - Vice Chairman

    Dave Cosper - Vice Chairman

  • Yes, it was 1.52.


  • Our ten-year average is about -- 1.47.

    我們的十年平均值約為 1.47。

  • So it's getting very close to that level.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Any changes in the trends in credit losses either in severity or frequency that we've seen in the most recent data?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Severity has picked up just slightly and that's seasonality.


  • The same with repossessions.


  • They are running at like 7, 8 year record low levels.


  • So continue to perform very strong.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • On the revised fourth-quarter production, can you tell us what the car and truck breakdown is on that 810,000 units?

    關於修訂後的第四季產量,您能告訴我們這 81 萬輛汽車和卡車的具體情況嗎?

  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, we can.


  • I'm not sure I have it at my fingertips.


  • But we will get a hold of it and get it either later in the call or we will call you afterward and tell you.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Can you comment maybe on how the market is shaping up in the U.S. for October?

    您能否評論一下 10 月美國市場的走勢?

  • We've heard some pretty grim expectations.


  • Is it really quite that bad or what are you seeing?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • It is definitely softer than we would have liked to have seen.


  • But it is not a basket case.


  • And I'm not going to get into too much more detail.


  • I mean we are clearly seeing payback from the summer programs.


  • But you know, other than that I guess I wouldn't want to characterize it any further.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then I don't want to beat this issue -- we've talked about it quite a bit.


  • But maybe if you can just answer the question this way with regard to Ford Credit.


  • If we are two or three years down the road, are you comfortable still funding yourself predominantly in the asset-backed market or do you think over a longer time horizon you will eventually need access to the unsecured market at reasonable terms?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • Well, for the next couple of years I am comfortable, next two or three that we can fund ourselves.


  • Clearly if you go out long enough, I mean of course, we need access to the unsecured market at reasonable rates.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Okay, but for now no plans meet that asset (ph)?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • We are keeping our options open.


  • We are looking at alternatives.


  • But for now the strategy we've laid out is the one we're going to follow.


  • And just to follow up -- on 810,000; 245,000 are cars, 565,000 are trucks -- total 810.

    後續行動——810,000; 245,000 輛汽車,565,000 輛卡車——總共 810 輛。

  • And just on the state of sales, I think it is important to know that we are projecting 17.4 million units this year.

    僅就銷售狀況而言,我認為重要的是要知道我們今年的銷量預計為 1740 萬台。

  • I think that is pretty much in line with where most people are.


  • That is up slightly from last year on average.


  • Last year had a very strong fourth-quarter.


  • If you look at the year to date, the first nine months, we are looking for light and heavy at 17.7 seasonally adjusted compared with 17.2 last year.

    如果你看看今年迄今為止的前 9 個月,我們發現經季節性調整後的輕質和重質值為 17.7,而去年為 17.2。

  • So year-to-date, we are up 3%; for the full year we are projecting to be up just a little bit.

    今年迄今為止,我們上漲了 3%;我們預計全年會略有上升。

  • So it is very reasonable to assume that we are going to have a payback coming off such high levels particularly an 18.5 million third quarter.

    因此,我們可以合理地假設我們將從如此高的水平獲得回報,特別是第三季 1850 萬美元。

  • So we are in the middle of that right now and it is not at all unexpected.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

    Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

  • Operator, can we switch over now and take some questions from the media, please?


  • Operator


  • Absolutely. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) Jeremy Peters with the New York Times.

    絕對地。 (操作員說明)《紐約時報》的傑瑞米彼得斯。

  • Danny Hakim - Media

    Danny Hakim - Media

  • Hi, it is Danny Hakim from the Times.


  • Just a quick question, Bill.


  • A month ago you had told us at a press conference that you were going to have a lot more to say on the October earnings call about the turnaround effort.

    一個月前,您在新聞發布會上告訴我們,您將在 10 月的財報電話會議上就扭虧為盈的努力發表更多言論。

  • What changed there?


  • Was it the Fields appointment that delayed that?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, frankly that was the primary driver and for all the reasons that I've already described, Danny.


  • We have concluded Firestone.


  • We are in discussions with the UAW on healthcare.


  • I mean there are things that are going on that are new since then.


  • But primarily, I did want to give the new team the opportunity to respond to what they -- not only what they found internally but also the external environment.


  • Danny Hakim - Media

    Danny Hakim - Media

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Bill Koenig with Bloomberg News.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • Good morning.


  • Trying to beat the plant closing thing to the ground but in the sense of -- let me just ask this -- you said back in both I think April and July that you had too much capacity.


  • I guess why did you wait to address it since the Mark Fields appointment?


  • In other words was there any thought about trying to do this analysis prior to Mark's appointment?


  • Was this considered earlier in the year -- just wondering if you explained that?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Look, Bill.


  • Greg Smith and his team did a lot of analysis.


  • We have closed some capacity this year already and we announced that earlier -- I mean earlier in the call, just to remind you -- with Lorraine, Ohio closing and Windsor Casting.


  • And obviously there has been a tremendous amount of work done on capacity and capacity actions.


  • And it's not as if the clock is going to start when Mark and Anne get in there.


  • There's been I would say a tremendous amount of work already done to match our cycle plan with our capacity and with the market needs.


  • All I am doing is allowing that new team to get in there and make their own assessments particularly in light of everything that is going on in the external environment as well.


  • Bill Koenig - Media

    Bill Koenig - Media

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Bernard Simon with The Financial Times.


  • Bernard Simon - Media

    Bernard Simon - Media

  • Good morning.


  • Some of the analysts are suggesting to their clients that they GM over Ford because they think GM is more purposeful, more decisive in adapting to the realities in the motor industry.


  • And I wonder what your response is to that?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, I don't really know what that means.


  • We've taken a lot of actions already and -- that are well down this road.


  • Our credit company has already pared itself down to a core mission which is very focused.


  • And I believe that we are in a different position.


  • I would remind you that we are profitable this year again.


  • And that we have strong products coming across the board.


  • And so I'm not sure when you say that what you mean by that.


  • GM went first in the healthcare discussion and I think that that was appropriate given their situation and there immediacy and the size of their issue.


  • But we are obviously in there talking as well.


  • So I really don't know what actions that they could be taking that we are not or have not already done.


  • Bernard Simon - Media

    Bernard Simon - Media

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Bryce Hoffman with The Detroit News.


  • Bryce Hoffman - Media

    Bryce Hoffman - Media

  • Good morning.


  • Bill, you've made it clear that expanding hybrid offerings is a key element of your future strategy.


  • How are you going to get the hybrid drive components for these vehicles when Toyota -- the (indiscernible) levy (ph) license law this technology from says it cannot get enough for its own vehicles?


  • I know you guys have been talking with Delphi, but their bankruptcy must have put a question mark over that to some degree?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, we are talking to Delphi and in fact, we have been assured and believe that they are still on track to deliver that.


  • I mean their bankruptcy obviously is something that they are going to have to work through.


  • But we are developing also a lot of in-house capability and are working with some other suppliers quietly and strategically to make sure that we have the ability to pull this off and I'm very confident that we do.


  • Bryce Hoffman - Media

    Bryce Hoffman - Media

  • Great, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Dee-Ann Durbin with the Associated Press.


  • Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

    Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

  • Good morning.


  • Do you expect to reach an agreement with the UAW on healthcare even before January?


  • And do have any idea yet of the kind of cost savings you could achieve with an agreement similar to GMs?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • To answer your last question, yes, but we are not going to disclose it today.


  • But we certainly do have an idea of internally of what this could mean to us.


  • But as I said at the beginning, we are not in a position to announce anything other than to confirm we are discussing this with the UAW.


  • And we need to let the UAW play out with GM and get ratified.

    我們需要讓 UAW 與通用汽車合作並獲得批准。

  • So, I'm not going to put a number out there.


  • We know what it is and we're very comfortable with it.


  • But this is something that just is going to take a little time.


  • Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

    Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • One of the things that I have always said is we do our negotiations in private.


  • And I have said that to you for the last three years and I'm going to continue to say that to you because for us that has produced very good results.


  • And it is something that I think we will continue to hang our hat on.


  • Operator


  • Sarah Webster with the Detroit Free Press.


  • Sarah Webster - Media

    Sarah Webster - Media

  • Good morning.


  • I know you want to do your negotiations in private but I wonder if you are at our all concerned about the ratification process of this deal that GM has announced with the UAW?


  • There has been a lawsuit filed that's somewhat unusual to try to get the retirees to sign onto this and make the agreement binding.


  • Is this something that you are very concerned about?


  • Do you think it will take till January or maybe longer to get this issue resolved?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Sarah, I don't know what the timeframe of this is, particularly now that it is in court.


  • But I think -- I have great faith in Ron Gettelfinger and his ability to if he thinks he's got a deal that makes sense for the UAW to go ahead and get that deal ratified.

    但我認為,我對 Ron Gettelfinger 和他的能力充滿信心,如果他認為自己達成了一項對 UAW 有意義的協議,那麼他就會繼續推進該協議並獲得批准。

  • But we are -- it's not slowing us down at all.


  • We're continuing our talks.


  • But it will slow us down in terms of an announcement if this drags on a long time.


  • Sarah Webster - Media

    Sarah Webster - Media

  • And a question about innovation.


  • I understand the value that that message would have internally with your workforce.


  • But you are bringing that message out to the public in a fairly significant way.


  • I guess I wonder as a consumer, I would guess people expect innovation in their vehicles.


  • Why do you think is a good message to sell vehicles or build your brand?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • For two reasons, Sarah.


  • First of all, if you look at Ford's history and we did a lot of research on this, this is what people expect from Ford.


  • We didn't necessarily invent all the things but we were innovated enough to bring them to the public at a price that they could afford.


  • Whether it is all the way back to the Model T; whether it is the $5.00 a day wage in terms of social innovation; all the way coming forward to seat belts; standard seat belts; standard airbags to roll stability control.

    是否一路回到T型車;是否是社會創新方面的日薪 5 美元?一路上前往繫安全帶;標準安全帶;標準安全氣囊可實現側傾穩定性控制。

  • These are things that people expect from Ford.


  • And what they really -- what the research showed is that was something that expected from us in the past.


  • They weren't sure what to expect from us in the future.


  • And if we could show them that it is alive and well at Ford and thriving, it is very believable because it connects so well to our past.


  • And so -- and we found that it was a very strong message that people it does resonate with people particularly if you can give examples of how it helps them in their daily lives.


  • And that is something that we will continue to do.


  • Operator


  • Rick Copley (ph) with the Chicago Tribune.


  • Rick Copley - Media

    Rick Copley - Media

  • Good morning.


  • Can you say when you expect North American auto operations to be profitable?


  • Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

    Don Leclair - EVP and CFO

  • No.


  • I think it would be premature for us to talk about that now.


  • That is something that we will be discussing later on.


  • Rick Copley - Media

    Rick Copley - Media

  • Okay.


  • And secondly on plant closings that you may announce in the future, are those likely to happen within the current UAW contract or with the new one negotiated in 2007?

    其次,關於您將來可能宣布的工廠關閉問題,這些工廠關閉的情況是在當前的 UAW 合約範圍內還是在 2007 年談判的新合約範圍內發生?

  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well obviously anything we discuss we will be discussing with the union and therefore I don't want to signal anything that would get in the way of that.


  • Rick Copley - Media

    Rick Copley - Media

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Amy Wilson with the Automotive News.


  • Amy Wilson - Media

    Amy Wilson - Media

  • Good morning.


  • Bill, I wanted to ask you, Bill, a couple of things that you said -- I want to try to get a little deeper understanding.


  • You talked about Mark and Anne reviewing the product plan and obviously you have had a lot of turnover in your North American team including your top product development person.


  • Just how much is the product plan up in the air now?


  • I mean how much change would you really expect?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • I wouldn't expect major change, and frankly, it is really not up in the air.


  • We have a very solid cycle plan right now and I think what really Mark and Anne are doing is giving the environment in which we are operating and trying to future out also the price of oil, price of gasoline to our customers -- do we have the right plan?


  • Do we have the right mix of engines?


  • Are we positioned correctly to respond to this new reality in which we are operating?


  • So you know, frankly the next two years are pretty well set anyway, as you know.


  • I mean those products are in the pipeline.


  • They are going to be delivered.


  • And what Mark and Anne are really looking at are three or four years and beyond in terms of where we are going.


  • Amy Wilson - Media

    Amy Wilson - Media

  • You also spoke about growing the top line.


  • With your patent, there's been a long pattern of losing marketshare here in North America, your biggest market.


  • I'm wondering was that plus with the decline in SUVs which are among your highest revenue vehicles, how can you grow the top line going forward?

    我想知道,隨著 SUV(您收入最高的車輛之一)的下降,您如何繼續提高收入?

  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, first of all we are growing around the world and I think it is important to keep that in mind.


  • We are growing very fast in Asia and we have very aggressive plans to do that.


  • We are also growing in South America.


  • We are growing our revenue fairly rapidly down there.


  • And we are going to continue to work the North American market, the U.S. market I should say, for the right equation of marketshare and revenue.


  • I think you mentioned our SUVs our down.

    我想你提到了我們的 SUV。

  • Our car share is up for the first time since '93.

    我們的汽車佔有率自 93 年以來首次上升。

  • And one of the things that Mark and Anne are looking hard at is revenue in North America.


  • But as a corporation, it's easy to see where the revenue growth can and will come from outside of the U.S.


  • And what we are wrestling with is how do we make that equation work for the U.S. market?


  • Amy Wilson - Media

    Amy Wilson - Media

  • Do you think you can actually grow the top line in the U.S. specifically?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • I think we can.


  • I think the question is over what time period and what mix will get as there.


  • Amy Wilson - Media

    Amy Wilson - Media

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Jim Peltz with The Los Angeles Times.


  • Jim Peltz - Media

    Jim Peltz - Media

  • Bill, I was wondering with regard to dramatically changing your business structure, I wanted to ask you a question about pricing.


  • Can you characterize how successful you think the employee pricing promotion was?


  • And then going forward, I'm wondering whether there will be a change in how you price your cars and trucks or whether it is still a matter of throwing incentives and cash rebates etc. at people in order to get them to buy them?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, first of all, I think the employee plan worked very well as a clear out plan.


  • It blew out our '05s.


  • It did a very nice job of doing that.


  • And so from that standpoint, it was probably the best old model clear out plan that I have seen.


  • Now we are getting some payback from that and we've discussed that.


  • But longer-term, obviously we are not unique in this.


  • We would like very much to get away from the incentives and get to more value kind of pricing.


  • But the issue is a structural one as you well know.


  • We have overcapacity in the U.S. and as long as that -- we the industry, I don't mean we Ford -- we the industry have overcapacity in the U.S. and as long as that happens, somebody is going to blink and play the rebate game in a bigger way.


  • I think we have been pretty good over the last four years of not spending dollar for dollar with a lot of our facing competition.


  • And that was really our goal was to spend $0.80 or $0.90 when the competition spent a $1.00.

    事實上,我們的目標是在競爭對手花費 1.00 美元時花費 0.80 美元或 0.90 美元。

  • And we were very good at that.


  • But longer-term, it is not healthy for the industry and frankly it is probably not sustainable.


  • Jim Peltz - Media

    Jim Peltz - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

    Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

  • Operator, I think we have time for one more question, please.


  • Operator


  • (indiscernible) with Reuters.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Hi, Bill.


  • Could you give us an idea of how much capacity reduction you are looking at, say in terms of percentage?


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • No, I can't.


  • Or I won't -- I could but I won't.


  • If I did that, you would quickly back it into the number of plants and I'm not going to be locked into that.


  • Suffice it to say that we need to take a look at our marketshare and our product plans going forward and then we will match the capacity to that.


  • And so it is not going to be some arbitrary number -- it is going to be very much based upon what we think we can accomplish in this marketplace.


  • Tom Brown - Media

    Tom Brown - Media

  • Bill, it is Tom Brown here.


  • Just as a last question and follow up.


  • If given the state of the manufacturing sector, not just autos -- are you leaning more in favor of the national healthcare plan like Steve Miller is talking about at Delphi?

    如果考慮到製造業(而不僅僅是汽車業)的狀況,您是否更傾向於像史蒂夫·米勒(Steve Miller)在德爾福談論的那樣的國家醫療保健計劃?

  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • Look, what I am very much in favor of is healthcare getting a national debate because and I'm not -- please don't misconstrue this -- I am not advocating national healthcare.


  • But I am advocating is the fact that this issue affects anybody who manufactures anything in the U.S.


  • And frankly, this is one issue that big business and small business are completely aligned upon.


  • And so we need to have a debate nationally that includes business and obviously improves includes the politicians.


  • Because if all you are doing is shifting healthcare from the way we are now around, it is a tough game we are in.


  • And so I don't believe we've had adequate national dialogue on this and it has got to come up and it has got to come fast.


  • Tom Brown - Media

    Tom Brown - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

    Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

  • In closing, I believe Bill has a couple of things to say.


  • Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

    Bill Ford - Chairman and CEO

  • I want to thank you for your questions.


  • I think they were very good and we are very much aware of the challenges ahead.


  • But also, as I said earlier, there are also opportunities as this industry goes through restructuring.


  • And we are very much aware of those opportunities and are poised to capitalize upon them.


  • We are making progress, and I do expect that progress to accelerate in the months ahead.


  • Thank you very much for joining us and look forward to seeing you all soon.


  • Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

    Barbara Gasper - VP of IR

  • Ladies and gentlemen, if you have any additional questions about our third-quarter results, please feel free to call either investor relations or public affairs.


  • Thanks for joining us.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your participation in today's conference.


  • This does conclude your presentation.


  • You may now disconnect and have a wonderful day.
