福特汽車 (F) 2004 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Thank you for standing by and welcome to the Ford Motor company fourth quarter earnings conference call.


  • My name is Carlo and I will be your coordinator for today's presentation.


  • At this time all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • We will be facilitating a question-and-answer session during today's conference.


  • If at any time during this call you require assistance, feel free to press star zero and a coordinator will be happy to assist you.


  • I would now like to hand the presentation over to Miss Barbara Gasper, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    現在我想將演講交給投資者關係副總裁芭芭拉·加斯珀 (Barbara Gasper) 女士。

  • Please proceed ma'am.


  • - Vice President Investor Relations

    - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Carlo.


  • Good morning, everyone and thank you for joining us this morning either by phone or on the Webcast.


  • Along with me on the call this morning is Don Leclair, our Chief Financial Officer, Jim Gouin, our Controller, and Ann Marie Petach, Fords' Treasurer.

    今天早上和我一起參加電話會議的還有我們的財務長唐·勒克萊爾(Don Leclair)、我們的財務總監吉姆·古恩(Jim Gouin) 和福特財務主管安·瑪麗·佩塔奇(Ann Marie Petach)。

  • Additionally here in the room with us are Lloyd Hansen, Vice President of Revenue Management, Mac MacDonald, Vice President Finance, Patricia Little, our Director of Accounting, and Dave Cosper, Ford Credit CFO.

    與我們一起在場的還有收入管理副總裁勞埃德·漢森(Lloyd Hansen)、財務副總裁麥克·麥克唐納(Mac MacDonald)、會計總監帕特里夏·利特爾(Patricia Little) 和福特信貸財務長戴夫‧科斯珀(Dave Cosper)。

  • Before we begin, I'd like to review a couple of quick items.


  • First, copies of this morning's earnings release and the slide deck that we will be using here today have been posted on the Ford Motor Company Investor and Media Web sites for your reference.


  • I would also point out that the financial results presented here are on a GAAP basis and in some cases on a non-GAAP basis.


  • Any non-GAAP financial measures discussed on this call are reconciled to their GAAP equivalents as part of the appendix to the slide deck.

    本次電話會議中討論的任何非 GAAP 財務指標均與幻燈片附錄中的 GAAP 同等指標進行了調整。

  • As you know from our comments back on our October earnings call, we will be hosting a meeting next Tuesday morning to review our 2005 business outlook and present our 2005 financial milestones.

    正如您從我們對 10 月收益電話會議的評論中了解到的那樣,我們將在下週二上午召開會議,回顧我們 2005 年的業務前景並介紹我們 2005 年的財務里程碑。

  • Consequently, we will limit our discussion this morning to our 2004 results and defer any comments on 2005 until Tuesday.

    因此,我們今天早上的討論將僅限於 2004 年的結果,並將對 2005 年的任何評論推遲到週二。

  • Details regarding participating in next Tuesday's meeting either by phone or Webcast are included in this morning's earnings release and we encourage all of you to join us then.


  • Even with that, I need to remind everyone that any forward-looking statements that may be made this morning about our expectations for Ford's future performance are governed by Safe Harbor provisions.


  • Actual results could differ materially from those suggested by our comments here today.


  • Additional information about the factors that could affect future results is summarized at the end of the presentation material, and these risk factors are also detailed in our SEC filings including our Forms 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-Ks.

    有關可能影響未來結果的因素的更多資​​訊在演示材料的末尾進行了總結,這些風險因素也在我們的 SEC 文件中詳細說明,包括我們的 10-K、10-Q 和 8-K 表格。

  • Now, with that, I'd like to turn the call over to Don Leclair.


  • Don.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thanks, Barbara.


  • And welcome.


  • We're going to start by reviewing our 2004 accomplishments and challenges on the first slide.

    我們將首先在第一張投影片上回顧 2004 年的成就和挑戰。

  • First off, we delivered earnings per share of $2.11.

    首先,我們實現每股收益 2.11 美元。

  • That's up 98 cents from 2003.

    比 2003 年增加了 98 美分。

  • It's also up a little from our guidance of 2 to $2.05 reflecting tax rate reductions that we'll cover a little later on.

    它也比我們的 2 美元至 2.05 美元的指導略有上升,反映了我們稍後將介紹的稅率降低。

  • Our Automotive operating related cash flow is a billion dollars positive.

    我們的汽車業務相關現金流為 10 億美元。

  • We achieved $900 million in cost savings and we launched a number of new products around the world.

    我們節省了 9 億美元的成本,並在全球推出了許多新產品。

  • Our market share increased in Europe, South America, and Asia Pacific, and our unit revenue in North America continues to improve.


  • South America was solidly profitable and we greatly improved our financial results in Europe.


  • Ford Credit had another record profit and purchase profits more than doubled.


  • 2004, however, was not without its challenges, most of which continue into 2005.

    然而,2004 年並非沒有挑戰,其中大部分挑戰將持續到 2005 年。

  • And these include an intensely competitive industry pretty much in all markets.


  • Commodity and healthcare cost increases, exchange rates, market share declines in North America, and the need to improve Jaguar and Visteon.


  • Over on to the Slide Two, for the fourth quarter earnings from continuing operations excluding special items were 28 cents a share.

    轉到第二張投影片,第四季持續經營業務(不包括特殊項目)的收益為每股 28 美分。

  • Net income was 6 cents a share.

    每股淨利潤為 6 美分。

  • In North America, net pricing was 2.4% positive and per unit revenue continues to grow.

    在北美,淨定價上漲 2.4%,每單位收入持續成長。

  • South America had pretax profits of 44 million compared with a loss in 2003.

    南美洲的稅前利潤為 4,400 萬美元,而 2003 年則為虧損。

  • And PAG's results, however, were worse than our expectation.

    然而,PAG 的結果卻比我們的預期還要差。

  • Ford Credit achieved record fourth quarter results, and Hertz' profits more than doubled.


  • Automotive cash remained strong at 23.6 billion, and operating cash flow was 1.5 billion positive for the quarter.

    汽車現金維持強勁,達到 236 億美元,本季營運現金流為 15 億美元。

  • And we took a charge of 600 million related to Visteon which we'll cover later on.

    我們收取了與偉世通相關的 6 億美元費用,我們稍後會介紹。

  • Now on to Slide Three which shows the standard financial metrics for the fourth quarter and the full-year.


  • And we'll cover most of this later on but I want to point out a few items.


  • Fourth quarter revenue of 44.7 billion, and Automotive revenue of 38.9, were both down about 2% from 2003, and changes in exchange rates increased revenue by about 3%.


  • Full-year revenue was 171 billion, and Automotive revenue was 147 billion, up 6%.


  • And of this, almost 5% was due to exchange rates.

    其中,近 5% 是由於匯率造成的。

  • The fourth quarter tax rate on continuing operations, excluding special items, was negative 18%.

    第四季持續經營業務稅率(不包括特殊項目)為負 18%。

  • And this primarily reflected the full-year effect of favorable settlements of prior year claims and audits as well as the extension of the research credit that was agreed in the fourth quarter.


  • And the full-year tax rate was 22.5%.


  • Now, Slide Four shows the impact of special items and discontinued operations on our earnings.


  • Income from continuing operations was 28 cents in the fourth quarter and 2.11 for the full-year.

    第四季持續經營收入為 28 美分,全年為 2.11 美分。

  • Special items reduced earnings by 25 cents per share in the fourth quarter.

    第四季特殊項目導致每股收益減少 25 美分。

  • In addition to the charge for Visteon, which I'll cover shortly, earnings were also impacted negatively by fuel cell technology charges, and that's primarily reflecting our investment in Ballard, the PAG improvement plan that we discussed with you last year, and disposition of non-core businesses, and that's mainly the decision to divest certain consolidated dealerships in Asia Pacific which we previously disclosed.

    除了偉世通的費用(我很快就會介紹)之外,盈利還受到燃料電池技術費用的負面影響,這主要反映了我們對巴拉德的投資、我們去年與您討論的 PAG 改進計劃以及處置非核心業務,這主要是我們先前披露的剝離亞太地區某些綜合經銷商的決定。

  • Earnings were favorably impacted by a settlement with the U.S. government for property cleanup costs incurred by several subsidiaries of Ford, and that was in the Financial Services group.


  • In addition, discontinued operations were 3 cents per share favorable in the fourth quarter, primarily reflecting the operating results of a small financial services subsidiary being held for sale.


  • Net income was 6 cents per share in the quarter and for the full-year.

    本季和全年淨利潤均為每股 6 美分。

  • Income from continuing operations including special items is $1.80 and including discontinued operations the full-year results were $1.73.

    包括特殊項目在內的持續經營業務收入為 1.80 美元,包括終止經營業務在內,全年業績為 1.73 美元。

  • Now for a brief update on Visteon.


  • As you know, in its third quarter earnings release, Visteon announced that it was exploring strategic and structural changes to its businesses in the U.S.


  • Since that time we have had ongoing and constructive discussions with Visteon on these and other matters.


  • It would be premature to say more at this time, but we will update you as soon as these talks reach a conclusion.


  • Visteon is current on all its obligations with us.


  • We have, however, a long-term receivable from Visteon related to the OPEB obligations it retained following the restructuring of our agreements in December of 2003, and the payments against this receivable extend from 2006 through 2049.

    然而,我們有一筆來自偉世通的長期應收帳款,與其在 2003 年 12 月重組我們的協議後保留的 OPEB 義務有關,而這筆應收帳款的付款期限從 2006 年到 2049 年。

  • Based on our assessment of the outlook for Visteon, we have concluded that it is appropriate for us to establish a reserve against the value of this receivable, and the charge amounted to 600 million pretax.


  • Now, Slide Six shows pretax results by sector for the fourth quarter and the full-year, and this excludes special items.


  • During the first quarter call last year, we shared our new model change-over plans with you.


  • And even though we earned 1.8 billion pretax profits in the first quarter in the auto business, we projected full-year Automotive pretax profits of around a billion dollars at that time.

    儘管我們第一季的汽車業務稅前利潤為 18 億美元,但當時我們預計全年汽車稅前利潤約為 10 億美元。

  • And that took into account our change-over plans.


  • And as you recall we built dealer inventories in the first quarter and we've drawn them down since, so it was our expectation that given our new model change-over plans in the middle of the year, and our relatively high production in the first quarter, that we would lose money in the second half of the year in the Automotive business.


  • Total Company pretax earnings were 531 million in the fourth quarter, and that included a loss of 470 million in the Automotive sector, and a profit of just over a billion in Financial Services.

    第四季公司稅前總收益為 5.31 億美元,其中汽車業虧損 4.7 億美元,金融服務業利潤略高於 10 億美元。

  • For the full-year, Automotive results were 850 million, and Financial Services were almost 5 billion.

    全年汽車業績為 8.5 億美元,金融服務業績接近 50 億美元。

  • And full-year profits were 2.4 billion better than 2003.


  • Now on to Slide Seven which shows the impact of the most significant operating factors on our earnings.


  • As I mentioned on the previous slide, the Automotive pretax loss was 470 million in the fourth quarter.

    正如我在上一張投影片中提到的,第四季汽車業稅前虧損為 4.7 億美元。

  • That's 483 million lower than the fourth quarter 2003.

    這比 2003 年第四季減少了 4.83 億。

  • And compared with 2003, volume and mix was about 1.4 billion unfavorable.


  • This is primarily because we added fewer vehicles to our dealer stocks than we did in 2003, reflecting again the change-over plan that we had last year which required higher first half production, and hence our first half dealer inventories.

    這主要是因為我們在經銷商庫存中增加的車輛數量比2003 年要少,這再次反映了我們去年制定的轉換計劃,該計劃需要更高的上半年產量,因此我們的上半年經銷商庫存也更高。

  • It also reflected lower market share, primarily in North America.


  • Net pricing was favorable by 600 million, with improvements in North America and PAG.

    淨定價有利 6 億美元,其中北美和 PAG 有所改善。

  • Cost performance was about flat for the quarter.


  • Foreign exchange was unfavorable by about 400 million, reflecting primarily the impact of the significant weakening of the U.S. dollar, particularly in the last few weeks of the year.


  • Other factors were favorable by 700 million, reflecting primarily tax-related interest on refunds and settlements of prior year audits and higher interest income on our cash portfolio.

    其他因素有利 7 億,主要反映了上一年審計退款和結算的稅收相關利息以及我們現金投資組合的更高利息收入。

  • For the full-year, pretax profits were 850 million, reflecting lower market share in North America offset partially by higher industry volumes and mix improvements.

    全年稅前利潤為 8.5 億美元,反映出北美市場份額的下降被行業產量的增加和產品組合的改善所部分抵消。

  • Net pricing was a billion one favorable primarily in North America.


  • And we'll cover both of those later on.


  • Cost performance was 900 million favorable and for the full-year the impact of exchange was 1.1 billion negative, reflecting the weakness of the U.S. dollar.

    成本效益為有利 9 億,全年匯率影響為不利 11 億,反映了美元疲軟。

  • And all other items were favorable by 500 million compared with 2003, and net interest and improved parks profits were major contributors.


  • Now on to cost performance.


  • Our cost performance for the year was 882 million favorable, and that's slightly below our prior expectation.

    我們今年的性價比為 8.82 億,略低於我們先前的預期。

  • Quality-related expenses were higher by $100 million.

    與品質相關的費用增加了 1 億美元。

  • And as we said previously, ongoing quality improvements during 2004 were offset by the non-recurrence of the reserve adjustments we had in 2003.

    正如我們之前所說,2004 年持續的品質改進被 2003 年的準備金調整不再重複所抵銷。

  • So that just about came out as we expected.


  • Manufacturing and Engineering costs were 1.2 billion favorable, and this reflects largely the continuing efficiency improvements in our plants and our product development centers.

    製造和工程成本為 12 億美元,這在很大程度上反映了我們工廠和產品開發中心效率的持續提高。

  • Additional costs in PAG to support the high quality launch of our new products were a partial offset.

    PAG 為支持我們新產品的高品質發布而產生的額外成本被部分抵消。

  • During the fourth quarter, this improved by about $300 million.

    第四季度,這一數字增加了約 3 億美元。

  • Overhead, which primarily includes administrative, selling, and staff support, was 300 million favorable, but fourth quarter costs increased by 200 million primarily because of higher advertising to support our new products.

    管理費用主要包括行政、銷售和員工支持,為 3 億美元,但第四季度成本增加了 2 億美元,主要是因為支持我們新產品的廣告增加。

  • Net product costs were about equal to last year with higher product content and commodity prices however caused fourth quarter costs to increase by about 200 million.

    由於產品含量和商品價格較高,淨產品成本與去年大致持平,但導致第四季成本增加約 2 億美元。

  • Depreciation and amortization increased by about 600 million during the year, and pension and retiree healthcare expenses were about 100 million lower for the year reflecting the effect of the new Medicare legislation.

    年內折舊和攤提增加約 6 億,退休金和退休人員醫療保健費用全年減少約 1 億,反映了新醫療保險立法的影響。

  • It was primarily the higher than forecasted commodity prices and the higher launch costs for new products and PAG that caused us to miss the billion dollar cost performance forecast we gave you last October.

    主要是商品價格高於預期以及新產品和 PAG 的推出成本較高,導致我們未能實現去年 10 月向您提供的 10 億美元的性價比預測。

  • Now the next slide shows our pretax results for each of our operating Automotive segments and other Automotive.


  • In the fourth quarter the Americas had a pretax loss of 426, and Europe and PAG had a pretax loss of 324, and 22 million for Asia Pacific, Africa, and Mazda.


  • Other Automotive was a profit of 302, and this improvement reflected higher net interest income as we talked about earlier.

    其他汽車業務的利潤為 302,這項改善反映了我們之前談到的更高的淨利息收入。

  • And for the full-year the Americas had a profit of 1.6 billion.

    美洲地區全年利潤為 16 億美元。

  • Europe and PAG had a pretax loss of 626, which was an improvement of 310 compared with 2003.


  • In Asia Pacific, Africa, and Mazda, had a $163 million profit, that's 117 million better than 2003.

    在亞太地區、非洲,馬自達的利潤為 1.63 億美元,比 2003 年增加了 1.17 億美元。

  • And other Automotive was a loss of 293 for the full-year, an improvement of 328 million when compared with the prior year because of lower net interest.

    由於淨利息下降,其他汽車業務全年虧損 293 億美元,較前一年減少 3.28 億美元。

  • Now for the next several slides we'll cover the Automotive side of the business by operation.


  • First on North America.


  • Vehicle unit sales were down the fourth quarter by 110,000 units, primarily reflecting lower market share in the U.S. and lower dealer stock increases during the period.

    第四季汽車銷量下降 11 萬輛,主要反映了美國市場份額下降以及經銷商庫存成長減少。

  • Vehicle revenue was 21.1 billion.


  • Pretax losses were 470 million in the quarter.

    該季度稅前虧損為 4.7 億美元。

  • That's 675 million worse than 2003, and that decline primarily reflected lower volumes, the continued weakening of the U.S. dollar compared with the Canadian dollar and the euro, and higher commodity prices.

    這比 2003 年減少了 6.75 億,這一下降主要反映了交易量下降、美元相對於加元和歐元持續走弱以及大宗商品價格上漲。

  • Favorable pricing was a partial offset.


  • Now, the next slide shows our fourth quarter and full-year net revenue per unit for North America.


  • For the fourth quarter, net revenue per unit was up $761 a unit, and it was up $745 for the full-year.

    第四季度,每單位淨收入成長 761 美元,全年成長 745 美元。

  • That increase reflects positive net pricing of 1.3% and favorable mix.

    這一增長反映了 1.3% 的正淨定價和有利的組合。

  • And the net pricing was a little higher than the outlook we provided in October reflecting in part the introduction of our new products with little or no incentives.

    淨定價略高於我們 10 月提供的展望,部分反映了我們在很少或沒有激勵措施的情況下推出新產品。

  • And since the beginning of our revitalization plan in the fourth quarter of 2001, we've improved our net revenue by $2,400 a unit.

    自 2001 年第四季開始實施振興計畫以來,我們的每單位淨收入已提高 2,400 美元。

  • A bit more than half of that reflects positive net pricing with the balance primarily reflecting improved mix.


  • Our new products and revenue management strategies continue to deliver results, and they have become institutionalized within our marketing and sales operation.


  • The next slide shows the retail sales results and customer cash levels for selected 2005 model products.

    下一張投影片顯示了選定的 2005 年型號產品的零售銷售結果和客戶現金水準。

  • Our retail car share was under pressure last year as we balanced out old models and changed over production to several all-new vehicles in the fourth quarter.


  • These new vehicles are building momentum and we are beginning to see sales gains.


  • Combined December sales for these vehicles was 27% higher than in November, and November was 59% higher than October, illustrating the growing momentum.

    12 月份這些車輛的銷量合計比 11 月份增長 27%,11 月份比 10 月份增長 59%,顯示出增長勢頭。

  • And based on the first two weeks in January, we see further gains this month.


  • And for the month of December, Ford and Lincoln Mercury car sales were up 5%.

    12 月份,福特和林肯 Mercury 汽車銷量成長了 5%。

  • That's the first monthly increase since February of 2003.

    這是自 2003 年 2 月以來的首次月增長。

  • The competitiveness of these new products has enabled us to introduce them with no direct customer cash.


  • And we've maintained this throughout the initial sales period.


  • We only recently added customer incentives to the Mercury Mariner which is the earliest introduced vehicle in this set.

    我們最近才為 Mercury Mariner 添加了客戶獎勵,這是該系列中最早推出的車輛。

  • And by the way, capacity is the only factor that's limited our Escape hybrid sales, and we're working hard to increase that capacity.

    順便說一句,產能是限制我們 Escape 混合動力車銷售的唯一因素,我們正在努力提高產能。

  • Now the next slide is similar to one we showed last quarter and it provides detail on our daily rental strategy and residual values.


  • The left-hand box shows our share of U.S. registrations by business segment in the first 11 months of 2004 compared with 2003.

    左側方框顯示了 2004 年前 11 個月與 2003 年相比,我們按業務部門劃分的美國註冊份額。

  • Also shown below the chart is a change for each segment compared with 2003.

    下圖也顯示了與 2003 年相比每個細分市場的變化。

  • As you can see, we reduced our share of the daily rental segment by 3.8 percentage points.

    正如您所看到的,我們在日租領域的份額減少了 3.8 個百分點。

  • Our sales were down 22,000 units while the daily rental segment grew by 210,000 units compared with 2003.

    與 2003 年相比,我們的銷量下降了 22,000 輛,而日租業務則增加了 210,000 輛。

  • And although not shown on the slide, since 2000 our daily rental sales are down by about 90,000 units.

    儘管幻燈片上沒有顯示,但自 2000 年以來,我們的日租銷售量下降了約 90,000 套。

  • We've seen tangible improvements in the auction values of our top selling daily rental vehicles which you can see in the right-hand side of the slide.


  • Residuals have improved for all of those vehicles, providing value to Ford and our customers, and the improvement is even greater relative to the average change in auction values in the segments where these vehicles compete.


  • Now, the next slide shows the sales of the all new F-Series truck.

    現在,下一張幻燈片顯示了全新 F 系列卡車的銷量。

  • In the first full-year of sales of the new truck, the F-Series set an all-time record with sales of nearly 940,000, up from the prior year by more than 90,000 units and beating the previous sales record by 28,000 units.


  • In addition, it increased its segment and industry share last year.


  • In addition to setting sales records, the new F-Series improved its retail sales mix for body style and profitable option take rates compared with the prior model, and you can see some of those statistics on the right box on the slide.

    除了創下銷售記錄外,與之前的車型相比,新款 F 系列還改進了車身風格和盈利選擇率方面的零售組合,您可以在幻燈片右側的框中看到其中的一些統計數據。

  • Shifting now to overall market share for Ford and Lincoln Mercury brands in the U.S.


  • We aren't happy with the decline in share, but we believe the strategy we are pursuing is correct.


  • We are not going to increase our share simply by relying on incentives or selling to daily rental companies.


  • Our strategy and our new products are increasing revenues, improving residuals, and soon we will be seeing benefits in retail share.


  • Now on to South America.


  • Full-year profits were 140 million, up 269 million from 2003 which you can see in the lower right portion of the slide.

    全年利潤為 1.4 億美元,比 2003 年增加了 2.69 億美元,您可以在幻燈片的右下部分看到這一點。

  • Fourth quarter sales were 83,000 units.

    第四季銷量為 83,000 輛。

  • That's up 22,000, primarily reflecting stronger market share.

    增加了 22,000 個,主要反映了市場份額的增強。

  • And revenue was up as well.


  • South America posted a pretax profit of 44 million in the fourth quarter, an improvement of 48 million from a year ago, more than explained by higher volume and pricing.

    南美洲第四季稅前利潤為 4,400 萬美元,比去年同期增加 4,800 萬美元,銷售和定價的增加足以解釋這一點。

  • Full-year pretax profits in Europe were 114 million and that's an improvement of over 1.2 billion compared with 2003, and that was driven primarily by cost savings reflecting the successful execution of the improvement plan and ongoing material cost savings as well as higher profits at our joint venture in Turkey.

    歐洲全年稅前利潤為1.14 億美元,與2003 年相比增加了12 億多美元,這主要是由於成本節約(反映了改進計劃的成功執行)和持續的材料成本節約以及我們的更高利潤所推動的。土耳其合資企業。

  • In the fourth quarter, vehicle unit sales were down 36,000 from the same period in 2003 to a total of 451,000.


  • This was explained by lower increases in dealer stocks reflecting the non-repeat of the focus C-Max launch stock build in 2003, partly offset by the effective higher industry.

    這是因為經銷商庫存增幅較低,反映出 2003 年焦點 C-Max 推出庫存的情況不再重複,但部分被有效較高的行業所抵消。

  • Fourth quarter market share was 7.9, unchanged from 2003, and for the full-year market share was 8.7, up one-tenth of a point.

    第四季的市佔率為 7.9,與 2003 年持平,全年市佔率為 8.7,上升了十分之一。

  • It's up sixth-tenths of a point compared with 2000.

    與 2000 年相比,上升了十分之六。

  • The continuing trend of improvements reflects the greater acceptance of Ford's products despite the increasingly competitive nature of the European auto market.


  • Revenue was 7.4 billion, equal to 2003 and net pricing was about flat for the quarter.

    營收為 74 億美元,與 2003 年持平,該季度的淨定價基本持平。

  • And the pretax loss of 69 million the quarter down 131 million, primarily resulting from lower unit sales, partly offset by cost reductions.

    而稅前虧損為 6,900 萬美元,本季減少了 1.31 億美元,主要是由於銷售下降,部分被成本削減所抵銷。

  • Now on to PAG.

    現在轉到 PAG。

  • Our results were disappointing and below our previous expectation.


  • Compared with a year-ago volumes were down 9,000 units.

    與去年同期相比,銷量減少了 9,000 輛。

  • Revenue grew slightly reflecting primarily exchange and higher pricing on new products.


  • Pretax losses were 255 million, and that's a deterioration of 369 million from 2003, and worse than our previous expectation that PAG would approach breakeven in the fourth quarter of 2004.

    稅前虧損為 2.55 億美元,比 2003 年減少了 3.69 億美元,比我們之前預期 PAG 將在 2004 年第四季實現損益平衡還要糟糕。

  • Adverse exchange, related to the weakening of the dollar, lower volume, and higher costs to assure the highest quality in the launches of our new products, as well as higher commodity prices, were the major factors in the shortfall versus our expectation.


  • Year-over-year the deterioration for PAG reflects unfavorable exchange and lower dealer stocks, particularly at Jaguar.

    PAG 的年比惡化反映出不利的匯率和較低的經銷商庫存,尤其是捷豹。

  • Clearly we're not happy with our results at PAG.

    顯然我們對 PAG 的結果並不滿意。

  • We have a lot of work to do but our plans are in place and the PAG team is committed to improving.

    我們還有很多工作要做,但我們的計劃已經到位,並且 PAG 團隊致力於改進。

  • Now, the next slide summarizes the PAG improvement actions that we have taken and have underway as well as the related special items.

    現在,下一張投影片總結了我們已經採取和正在進行的 PAG 改進行動以及相關的特殊項目。

  • And this covers the whole year.


  • These costs were about the same as we told you last quarter.


  • 2004 results included 110 million of special items, and 348 million classified as discontinued operations associated with Formula 1 racing.

    2004 年的業績包括 1.1 億項特殊項目,以及 3.48 億項被歸類為與一級方程式賽車相關的已停產業務的項目。

  • Included in that full-year net operating losses were 52 million related to Formula 1 ongoing operating losses, so those were in the discontinued operations.

    全年淨營運虧損中有 5,200 萬美元與一級方程式持續營運虧損相關,因此這些虧損屬於已終止營運業務。

  • During 2005 we expect to incur further charges of about 75 million related to the cessation of final assembly in Brown Plain.

    2005 年期間,我們預計將因布朗平原最終組裝的停止而進一步產生約 7500 萬英鎊的費用。

  • Africa, Asia Pacific, and Mazda reported a loss of 22 million in the fourth quarter.


  • Profits for the full-year were 163 million.


  • We'll discuss Asia Pacific and Africa in more detail on the next page.


  • The full-year results include $18 million profit from our investment in Mazda and associated operations.

    全年業績包括我們對馬自達及相關業務的投資帶來的 1800 萬美元利潤。

  • The fourth quarter loss of 9 million from our investment in Mazda is more than explained by a reduction in the value of our Mazda convertible bond.

    我們對馬自達的投資造成第四季 900 萬美元的虧損,這完全是因為我們的馬自達可轉換債券價值的下降。

  • Now on Asia Pacific and Africa, for the full-year we earned 45 million.

    現在在亞太和非洲,我們全年收入為 4500 萬美元。

  • That's 68 million better than 2003.

    這比 2003 年增加了 6,800 萬。

  • For the quarter, unit sales were flat and revenue was up slightly to 1.6 billion.

    本季單位銷售額持平,營收小幅成長至 16 億美元。

  • The loss in the quarter was 13 million.


  • The decline from 2003 is explained primarily by higher engineering costs on future Asia Pacific products and unfavorable currency exchange, partly offset by stronger mix and favorable pricing.

    與 2003 年相比的下降主要是由於未來亞太地區產品的工程成本上升和不利的貨幣兌換,但部分被更強的產品組合和有利的定價所抵消。

  • Now, the next slide shows fourth quarter and full-year Automotive cash and cash flow.


  • We ended the quarter with gross cash of 23.6 billion.

    本季結束時,我們的現金總額為 236 億美元。

  • That includes 4.1 billion of short-term VEBA assets.

    其中包括 41 億美元的短期 VEBA 資產。

  • That's up 200 million compared with September 30, and down 2.3 billion compared with the end of 2003.


  • Our operating related cash flow, excluding contributions and tax funds, was 1.5 billion positive for the quarter, and a billion positive for the full-year.

    我們與營運相關的現金流(不包括捐款和稅收資金)本季為 15 億美元,全年為 10 億美元。

  • The operating cash flow was slightly better than the expectation we gave you when we discussed third quarter results.


  • Within that, net spending was 100 million negative for the quarter, and 100 million positive for the full-year.

    其中,本季淨支出為負 1 億,全年淨支出為正 1 億。

  • Working capital was 200 million positive during the quarter but 400 million negative for the year, and "Other" represents primarily payment and expense timing differences for items such as marketing, warranty, and retiree healthcare.

    本季營運資本為正 2 億,但全年為負 4 億,「其他」主要代表行銷、保固和退休人員醫療保健等項目的付款和費用時間差異。

  • This was 1.9 billion positive for the quarter and 400 million positive for the full-year.

    本季為 19 億美元,全年為 4 億美元。

  • And as you can see at the bottom of the chart, capital transactions with Financial Services, which primarily reflected Ford Credit dividends, continued to be a significant contributor to our cash position.


  • Now, the next slide shows what we've done with some of the cash generated by our businesses.


  • We retired about 2.4 billion of relatively high cost senior debt through open market repurchases and redemption, and we contributed 700 million to U.S. pension plans, and 1.5 billion to our non-U.S. plan.

    我們透過公開市場回購和贖回償還了約 24 億美元成本相對較高的優先債務,並向美國退休金計畫貢獻了 7 億美元,向非美國計畫貢獻了 15 億美元。

  • During the year we also contributed 2.8 billion to long-term VEBA trusts to continue to prefund some of our retiree healthcare liabilities.

    年內,我們也向長期 VEBA 信託基金捐款 28 億美元,以繼續為我們的部分退休人員醫療保健負債提供預付款。

  • As we've indicated on several occasions, improving our balance sheet and our credit rating is a high priority for this management team.


  • Next slide provides some pension information.


  • 2004 pretax pension expense, excluding special items, was about 800 million, the same as 2003.


  • That reflected the recent contributions and the strong 2003 fund return offset by lower discount rates.

    這反映了最近的捐款和 2003 年強勁的基金回報被較低的折現率所抵銷。

  • Pension contributions of 2.3 billion in 2004 excluded benefit payments for unfunded plans.

    2004 年退休金繳款額為 23 億,不包括無資金資助計畫的福利支付。

  • And at year-end 2004 our funding shortfall for the U.S. funded plans, rather, was 1.5 billion and our worldwide plans were 11.9 billion underfunded.

    到 2004 年底,我們美國資助計畫的資金缺口為 15 億美元,而我們的全球計畫資金不足 119 億美元。

  • Our U.S. pension fund return in 2004 was 13% and the U.S. discount rate was 5.75%.


  • Now over to healthcare and life insurance.


  • 2004 pretax OPEB expense was 2.4 billion.


  • That's 100 million lower than in 2003 on an ongoing basis.

    這比 2003 年持續減少了 1 億。

  • This improvement reflected primarily improvements from Medicare D, VEBA contributions, and efficiency actions offset partly by the lower discount rate.

    這項改善主要反映了 Medicare D、VEBA 繳款和效率行動的改善,部分被較低的折現率所抵消。

  • The discount rate at the end of 2002 was 6.5 and it went down to 6.25 at the end of 2003.


  • Retiree benefit payments were 1.5 billion in '04.


  • That's 100 million higher than '03.

    這比 03 年增加了 1 億。

  • In '04 we contributed 2.8 billion to our long-term VEBA and at year-end '04, our OPEB plans had an estimated funding shortfall of 31.6 billion compared with a shortfall of 28.8 in 2003.

    04 年,我們向長期 VEBA 捐款 28 億美元,到 04 年年底,我們的 OPEB 計劃估計資金缺口為 316 億美元,而 2003 年的缺口為 28.8 億美元。

  • And the change in funded status reflects primarily the change in the discount rate assumption from 6.25 to 5.75.

    融資狀況的變化主要反映了折現率假設從 6.25 變為 5.75。

  • Now on to Financial Services.


  • Earnings at Ford Credit were 859 million for the fourth quarter.

    福特信貸第四季獲利 8.59 億美元。

  • That's an improvement of 65 million compared with 2003, and for the full-year earnings were 4.4 billion, an improvement of over 1.4 billion.


  • Pretax profits at Hertz were 107 million in the fourth quarter.

    赫茲第四季稅前利潤為 1.07 億美元。

  • That's up 63 compared with 2003.

    與 2003 年相比,增加了 63。

  • And for the full-year pretax profits at Hertz were 493 million, up 265 million compared with 2003.

    赫茲全年稅前利潤為 4.93 億美元,比 2003 年增加了 2.65 億美元。

  • These improvements reflected higher car and equipment rental volumes, better fleet utilization, and higher proceeds from the sale of used vehicles and equipment.


  • Results from other Financial Services were 35 million in the fourth quarter, and 39 million for the full-year.

    其他金融服務業第四季業績為 3,500 萬,全年為 3,900 萬。

  • Next slide explains the changes in Ford Credit's pretax profits for the fourth quarter and full-year.


  • In the left box shows Ford Credit's fourth quarter pretax of 859, up 65 million, and that increase reflects improved credit loss performance.

    左方格顯示福特信貸第四季稅前為 859 美元,增加了 6,500 萬美元,這一增長反映了信貸損失業績的改善。

  • The right box shows Ford Credit's full-year pretax profit of 4.4, and that's up over a billion four.

    右邊的方格顯示福特信貸公司的全年稅前利潤為 4.4,增幅超過 10 億四。

  • The increase primarily reflects lower credit losses and lease residual costs compared with 2003.

    這一增長主要反映了與 2003 年相比,信貸損失和租賃剩餘成本有所下降。

  • Volume was lower, primarily reflecting Ford credit's strategy to focus on financing Ford brand sales, and at year-end managed receivables were 168 billion, that's down 7 billion from year-end 2003.

    交易量較低,主要反映了福特信貸的戰略重點是為福特品牌銷售提供融資,年底管理的應收帳款為 1,680 億美元,比 2003 年年底減少了 70 億美元。

  • Now the next slide summarizes our full-year results compared with our milestone.


  • Industry volume in the U.S. came in at 17.3, and in Europe, in the 19 markets we track, came in at 17.5.

    美國的行業銷量為 17.3,而在我們追蹤的 19 個市場中,歐洲的行業銷量為 17.5。

  • We improved our quality in the U.S. and in Europe.


  • Our progress for improving market share in all regions was mixed.


  • Share down in North America but up in Europe, South America, and Asia Pacific.


  • Our full-year auto cost performance was 882, almost 400 million over our original target.


  • Capital spending was 6.3 billion for the year, 700 million below our target reflecting continued efficiencies in our plants and their processes and in the cost of supplier tooling.

    今年的資本支出為 63 億美元,比我們的目標低 7 億美元,反映出我們工廠及其流程以及供應商工具成本的持續和效率。

  • Operating related cash flow was a billion favorable, slightly below our milestone, and the shortfall was more than explained by the impact of lower volumes on working capital and expense and payment timing differences, as well as a shift to a greater mix of cash sales incentives.

    與營運相關的現金流量為 10 億美元,略低於我們的里程碑,而現金流量不足的原因是營運資金減少、費用和付款時間差異以及轉向更多現金銷售激勵措施的影響。

  • Now, the next slide shows the 2004 results by operation compared with our financial milestone.

    現在,下一張投影片顯示了 2004 年的營運結果與我們的財務里程碑的比較。

  • On the Automotive side, North America just met the lower end of its target range of billion five to a billion seven.

    在汽車方面,北美剛剛達到了 10 億 5 億到 10 億 7 億的目標範圍的下限。

  • Europe, South America, and Asia Pacific all exceeded their milestones, and as we indicated, PAG missed its milestone by a wide margin.

    歐洲、南美洲和亞太地區均超過了其里程碑,正如我們所指出的,PAG 遠遠未能達到其里程碑。

  • Overall, automotive operations achieved 850 million of pretax profits in 2004.


  • While this was just at the lower end of our target range, it was less than our expectation of about a billion.

    雖然這只是我們目標範圍的下限,但仍低於我們約 10 億的預期。

  • And as we discussed earlier, this was primarily explained by adverse exchange and higher manufacturing launch and commodity costs.


  • Financial Services substantially exceeded its milestones.


  • In total we achieved earnings of $2.11 compared with our original milestone of $1.20 to $1.30, primarily reflecting the improvement in Financial Services and a lower tax rate.

    我們總共實現了 2.11 美元的盈利,而最初的里程碑為 1.20 美元至 1.30 美元,這主要反映了金融服務的改善和較低的稅率。

  • And as Barbara mentioned earlier, we will be sharing with you our outlook and milestones for 2005 next Tuesday.

    正如芭芭拉之前提到的,我們將在下週二與您分享我們對 2005 年的展望和里程碑。

  • And we'll now be happy to take your questions.


  • - Vice President Investor Relations

    - Vice President Investor Relations

  • At this time we're ready to begin the question-and-answer session.


  • We'll begin with about 30 minutes of questions from the investor community, and then take questions from the media who are also on the call.

    我們將從投資者群體提出大約 30 分鐘的問題開始,然後回答參加電話會議的媒體的問題。

  • In order to allow as many participant questions as possible within our time frame, we ask that you keep your questions brief so that we do not have to move callers along after a couple of minutes.


  • Operator, can we please have the first question?


  • Operator


  • Yes, ma'am.


  • Thank you.


  • Ladies and gentlemen if you wish to ask a question at this time please press star one on your touch-tone phone.


  • Again, star one for any questions.


  • One moment, please.


  • Our first question comes from the line of Ronald Tadross with Banc of America Securities.

    我們的第一個問題來自美國銀行證券公司的羅納德·塔德羅斯(Ronald Tadross)。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good morning, Ron.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hey, you know, if I look at Appendix Nine, you guys show how your mix is positive in North America and Europe.


  • Well, you say mix and exchange, but I think exchange in most cases is negative.


  • So I guess I'm looking at the slide where you show that volume and mix for the total auto business is negative a billion four, and I'm thinking, okay, well, mix may be neutral to positive, so it looks like that's almost all volume.


  • Is that fair to say, that that's almost all volume, that billion four?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • No, I think if you start back with where you were on Appendix Nine, this is a page that reconciles revenue.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Right.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • So exchanges is an increase.


  • Now, unfortunately there's costs that goes along with that, but that's on a different appendix.


  • So the effect of exchange on revenue is favorable.


  • It increases, as I mentioned I think on the second slide.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Positive for revenue.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So of that billion four, then, how does it break down volume/mix?


  • Is it mostly volume, or is it half and half volume and mix ?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • It's mostly volume.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Mostly volume, okay.


  • And then just on your retail share, Don, you said you expect it to improve soon, you expect it to improve soon.


  • Can you give us an idea of what that means?


  • You know, is that sometime in 2005?

    你知道嗎,那是 2005 年的某個時候嗎?

  • And then, equally important, maybe just a range of expectations.


  • I assume your retail share is running like in the 15% range.

    我假設你們的零售份額在 15% 左右。

  • Maybe just give us an idea of kind of what, you know, upside and downside expectations are for retail share.


  • Maybe like a range over the next few years to expect.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • In a broad sense, you know, we expect these new products to begin to demonstrate continuing traction in the retail market.


  • We have more products coming later this year and on into the subsequent years in Ford and Lincoln Mercury and all our brands.


  • I really would like to defer the question on our market share aspirations for this year until Tuesday.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • If that's okay.


  • But I think it's fair to say that we all expect these new products to have a positive effect on our retail share, and therefore, on our total share, and we'll answer that question specifically on Tuesday.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Steve Girsky with Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的史蒂夫·吉爾斯基(Steve Girsky)。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning, everybody.


  • Can you hear me?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yeah.


  • Hi, Steve.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Just a couple of things.


  • This Visteon charge, I just don't want to misread it, and I don't want people to misread it.


  • They basically agreed to reimburse you for certain OPEB things, and you're writing off part of that?

    他們基本上同意償還你的某些 OPEB 費用,而你卻要註銷其中的一部分?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • As a result of the agreement we struck in December 2003, Visteon retained some OPEB obligations.

    根據我們在 2003 年 12 月達成的協議,偉世通保留了一些 OPEB 義務。

  • We rescheduled that as you may recall, from, I think, 2006 through to 2015, to 2049.

    您可能還記得,我們​​重新安排了時間,我想是從 2006 年到 2015 年,再到 2049 年。

  • It was our view that with good, prudent accounting we should set a reserve against that.


  • We have not forgiven that for Visteon.


  • We're just saying in our view, looking at all our receivables, as we do on a regular basis this was one we thought it prudent to set a reserve against.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • This is in their whole OPEB.

    這是他們整個 OPEB 中的內容。

  • I mean, does this relate to a change in the agreement, or does this relate to the Visteon financial condition?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • This relates to our internal review of all our receivables.


  • We had a material issue here that we called out as a special item.


  • It's not all of the receivable we have.


  • It's a large part of it.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • You're not necessarily take retirees back or anything like that right?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • This is entirely related to the receivable that we had at the end of '04.


  • At the end of '03 we struck an agreement where we took back, in essence, the pre-spend obligation.

    03 年底,我們達成了一項協議,實質上收回了預支出義務。

  • And the post spend obligation as it grows for service and interest costs was, you know, a receivable that was to be paid back from 2006 to 2049.

    隨著服務和利息成本的成長,支出後義務是 2006 年至 2049 年期間應償還的應收帳款。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So this is a piece of their total receivable to you, to your total receivable.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • It's a large piece but it's not all of it.


  • And it's our position that with prudent accounting we should take a reserve against that.


  • It is not our forgiving this for Visteon, nor does it signal anything relative to a new agreement with them.


  • As I mentioned, we're still in discussions.


  • We are having ongoing and constructive dialogue.


  • It's certainly in our interest to have Visteon provide us good, high quality economically priced parts.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Can I just ask Ann Marie a quick question on credit?


  • Can you jut, I don't know if you have these numbers handy, how much did you provision for losses in the quarter versus what was the actual charge offs?


  • - CFO Ford Motor Credit

    - CFO Ford Motor Credit

  • Steve, this is Dave Cosper.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, Dave.


  • Sorry.


  • - CFO Ford Motor Credit

    - CFO Ford Motor Credit

  • The provision was 298 million, and the actual charge offs were 386.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Okay, thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is from Rod Lache with Deutsche Bank.

    我們的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Rod Lache。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning, everybody.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good morning, Rod.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I've got a couple of questions.


  • First of all, this tax gain that you commented on is a negative tax and see that in the cash flow.


  • Was that in the "Other" segment?


  • The "Others" seemed to be up, you know, pretty significant deviation versus where it's been running.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, it's fairly complicated, as I'm sure you can appreciate.


  • There's a couple of things going on.


  • One, the tax rate is lower.


  • And the tax rate is lower because it reflected settlement of prior year claims as well as extension of the research credit.


  • So our ongoing tax rate is probably, you know, I think in the 25, at this level of profitability, in the 25 to 28% range.

    因此,我認為在 25 世紀,在這個獲利水準上,我們持續的稅率可能在 25% 到 28% 的範圍內。

  • For the full-year it ended up 22.5.

    全年的成果為 22.5。

  • It sometimes gets a little lumpy by quarter, and that's what we saw in the fourth quarter.


  • Now, what's in "Other" Automotive is interest income, and we did have some settlements of claims with the Internal Revenue Service for which there was interest related to that.


  • But that includes a lot of things including portfolio gains and losses, interest income on our cash portfolio, gains and losses on executing transactions to opportunistically buy back the debt that we mentioned as well as current interest expense, plus the tax thing.


  • So there's a lot going on in there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Can you give us any comment on what the ongoing level should be in the "Other" segment?


  • Just seems to be --


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yeah, it is moving around a little bit this year, and for 2005, what I'd like to do is, if we could, just save that question for Tuesday.

    是的,今年情況有些變化,對於 2005 年,我想做的是,如果可以的話,把這個問題留到週二再說。

  • It would be a good idea of what the run rate is and what our plans are there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Just switching gears the North American units were a bit higher than the production guidance but the profits seemed to be coming in a bit lower.


  • Can you talk about, I mean, you gave some of the year-over-year components driving profitability for the overall Automotive business, but can you talk about this as relates to North America?


  • Was currency a significant issue here?


  • Costs and mix?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yeah, sure.


  • I think there's an appendix.


  • I can't find it right away here that covers the production, the actual production.


  • Appendix Eight.


  • Thanks.


  • And Appendix Eight covers the production, and I think we told you that we had produced 830.

    附錄八涵蓋了生產情況,我想我們已經告訴你我們已經生產了 830 個。

  • We ended up at 829.

    我們最終得到了 829 分。

  • Now, there is a difference, as we discussed on our last earnings call, between the vehicle unit sales and the production.


  • Both.


  • So that explains that.


  • And basically what was going on in the deterioration of profits, it was the continued weakening of the U.S. dollar, and that compares with the Canadian dollar as well as the euro, we have some components that we import from Ford Europe into North America and higher commodity prices also contributed to that, and the lower volumes.


  • It was really volume exchange and commodity prices and the favorable pricing was the partial offset.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Can you give us a rough order of magnitude of the breakdown or no?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, I think if you look at the production change and sort of do whatever you have with your model, you can see that the volume effect is the single biggest factor, and then the exchange is probably again about half that much, and then the balance is the cost things I mentioned.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Right.


  • From a mix perspective you've got a number of things moving around, Expedition, Navigator, Explorer kind of negative here, versus new products, Five Hundred, Montego, and so forth, Mustang.

    從混合的角度來看,有很多東西在移動,Expedition、Navigator、Explorer 在這裡有點負面,而新產品、Five Hundred、Montego 等等,Mustang。

  • How is that generally playing out?


  • Are you generally seeing, clearly the average transaction prices are up, but from a mix perspective on the bottom line, is this a positive now?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, I think if you stand way back, what we have been doing, this was 2004 was the year of the car, and we are going to increase our participation in the passenger car business, and so from a mix standpoint, I think from a strategic standpoint that's a slight unfavorable for mix as we leaven into our portfolio more passenger cars and, therefore, fewer truck-based SUVs.

    嗯,我想如果你回顧一下我們一直在做的事情,2004 年是汽車年,我們將增加對乘用車業務的參與,所以從混合的角度來看,我認為從戰略角度來看,這對混合車型略有不利,因為我們在產品組合中加入了更多的乘用車,因此減少了基於卡車的SUV。

  • In any given quarter there can be lots of ups and downs because of changes in production.


  • The changes in production can be different than the changes in sales, hence there's some mix rolling around in the dealer stock changes, so it's very complicated.


  • But I would think of it on an ongoing basis that over time there will be some improvement in market share as we discussed earlier, and the mix will probably not be as richening as it has been the last several years.


  • That's consistent with what we've been saying all along.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • One last thing, if I may, for Dave Cosper.

    如果可以的話,請為戴夫·科斯珀 (Dave Cosper) 說最後一件事。

  • The deviation versus your bogey for Ford Credit was just huge.


  • Can you just spend a minute talking about what really went right here and, you know, is this, is it, I know you don't want to really talk about the outlook, but maybe you could talk just retroactively, what were the really big surprises that drove that magnitude of an upside?


  • - CFO Ford Motor Credit

    - CFO Ford Motor Credit

  • Sure.


  • I mean, there was a confluence of very good things that happened this year.


  • I think first and foremost is the turn around in the credit loss performance that we've had.


  • We really broke the back of that really beginning in January and performed better than we thought.


  • Auction values I think was a pleasant surprise.


  • We saw the favorable benefits of the Company's strategy to improve residual value, and that flew through to our credit losses as well and improved our lease business.


  • Plus the environment was good, the economy started to improve, and interest rates remained low for most of the year.


  • So all those things taken together exceeded our expectations.


  • You know, included in there, it was a record year.


  • We're not going to continue at that level.


  • There's some one-timer things in there, principally the reduction in the allowance for credit losses, and that can't continue ongoing.


  • But I expect a strong year next year as well, this year.


  • Does that help?


  • - Vice President Investor Relations

    - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Operator, can we have the next question?


  • Operator


  • Yes.


  • The next question is from the line of Mike Bruynesteyn with Prudential.

    下一個問題來自保誠集團的 Mike Bruynesteyn。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Hi, it's Mike.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Hi, Mike.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Asking for Dave again, the Financial Services assets started growing again.


  • Does this mean that the shrinkage we've seen over the prior, I don't know, year or two is halted?


  • And what does it mean for the cash generation capabilities of Ford Credit?


  • - CFO Ford Motor Credit

    - CFO Ford Motor Credit

  • The assets are pretty much, we've dropped 30 billion in the last couple of years roughly and I would expect it to flatten out and I think we're comfortable with the level where we're at right now.

    資產相當多,過去幾年我們大約減少了 300 億美元,我預計資產會趨於平穩,我認為我們對目前的水平感到滿意。

  • They may dip a little bit more, but I think a leveling off is in order for us.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And as you had shrunk the asset base I had understood that had generated cash, which you [commend] dividend to the parent.


  • - CFO Ford Motor Credit

    - CFO Ford Motor Credit

  • That's correct.


  • It did free up some capital.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So are we to infer that the cash flows to the parent could decline over the next year or two versus what we've seen?


  • - CFO Ford Motor Credit

    - CFO Ford Motor Credit

  • Well, the dividend for '04 was extraordinarily large, it was 4.3 billion, it was close to our pretax profit, and a lot of that is return of capital, of course.


  • Ongoing we've got a stated leverage target that we'll maintain, and at a flat balance sheet you can expect dividends roughly equal to after-tax profit.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then --

    進而 -

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Can I say that our asset target in the credit company is somewhere in the 160 to 165 billion for this year.


  • And that, everything else being equal that does mean a smaller dividend, and we'll take you through all of those plans on Tuesday.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then looking at the European, the year-over-year for the whole year was much better, but it looks like the upward trend there halted in the fourth quarter.


  • What should we read into that?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • I wouldn't read anything really much into that as I tried to explain.


  • What fundamentally happened is, in 2003, that was the aberration and in the fourth quarter of 2003 we built dealer inventories to fill up the pipeline on the Focus C-Max.

    從根本上來說,2003 年發生的情況就是這樣,在 2003 年第四季度,我們建立了經銷商庫存,以填補福克斯 C-Max 的通路。

  • And in 2004 we didn't have that.

    2004 年我們還沒有這樣的東西。

  • I wouldn't think we've done anything untoward in Ford Europe, we earned $114 million, and we're just now launching the new Focus.

    我認為我們在福特歐洲沒有做任何不正當的事情,我們賺了 1.14 億美元,而且我們剛剛推出了新的福克斯。

  • It's in Sarlouis.


  • We start up I think in a couple of weeks in Valencia.


  • So we have some launch costs going on now in Ford Europe that was planned but we think we're on the right track in Ford Europe and headed in the right direction.


  • The share is up, the products are accepted well, and we're moving into the high volume/high margin end of the business with our new Focus.

    份額上升,產品被廣泛接受,我們正在透過新的 Focus 進入高產量/高利潤的業務領域。

  • We have high hopes for that.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then Dave, could you quantify that reduction for allowance of credit losses in the year that you said wouldn't be repeatable going forward?


  • - CFO Ford Motor Credit

    - CFO Ford Motor Credit

  • Yeah, the decline was from 2.9 billion to 2.4 billion.


  • So it was half a billion dollars.


  • And, you know, we're appropriately reserved but there could be some wiggle room if we continue to perform strongly in the credit loss front as we have.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Rob Hinchliffe with UBS.

    我們的下一個問題來自瑞銀集團的 Rob Hinchliffe。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning, Don.


  • How are you?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Hi, Rob.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Wanted to get back to the "Other" Automotive line. $700 million swing versus a year ago.

    想回到「其他」汽車系列。與一年前相比,波動了 7 億美元。

  • Both the tax settlements and the debt repurchase are in that line, is that right?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, there's a lot in there.


  • We can't really go into it in any detail, but there's a lot in there.


  • In 2003, for example, we had portfolio losses on our cash portfolio, as interest rates were rising at the end of 2003.

    例如,2003 年,由於 2003 年底利率上升,我們的現金投資組合出現了投資組合損失。

  • We have repurchased some debt so our interest expense is lower but sometimes we may take, you know, take an accounting loss and book it in a particular quarter to make an economic gain.


  • So those kinds of things can be in there as well as the income tax.


  • So it's really fairly complicated, and as I mentioned on the prior question on this subject, we'll give you a good view into our run rate on that part of the business next Tuesday.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So you're not able to quantify how much was the tax settlement, and I assume you bought back debt at a discount, so that's why the gain, right?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Right.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • But you're not able to quantify these?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • We're just not going to break that out now in that level of detail because it just gets so complicated.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Talking with a number of suppliers, you know, it sounds like these accelerated payment terms have stopped.


  • How much cash would you say generated, you guys generated from changing payment terms to suppliers?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, it was no change for us.


  • This was something that improved the cash flow to the suppliers.


  • And we were working with a bank on this, and the bank decided they didn't want to do it anymore, and we worked with our suppliers to help them ease off of this, and it didn't, it basically did nothing to us, and we tried to help our suppliers ease off of it and to get on to their regular payment terms.


  • So there's nothing in this for us, we were just trying to work with a bank to help our suppliers.


  • It was a very small amount for our suppliers in any case even when we were doing it.


  • We got off of it, I think, for the most part, by the end of June, and pretty much completely out of it by the end of September of last year, and it was really small in any case.


  • There may be one or two suppliers you hear from, but it was really small change in the scheme of things.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is from the line of Chris Ceraso with CSFB.

    我們的下一個問題來自 CSFB 的 Chris Ceraso。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning, everybody.


  • Just a few quick ones.


  • First, Don, maybe you could clarify just a little bit how much further do you think you can bring the allowance for credit losses down?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • I'm going to ask Dave, but he assures me that the portfolio continues to perform well.


  • - CFO Ford Motor Credit

    - CFO Ford Motor Credit

  • Yeah, you know, if you look at it as a percentage of receivables, it's 1.83%.

    是的,你知道,如果你看一下它佔應收帳款的百分比,那就是 1.83%。

  • That is higher than our 10-year average which is close to 1.45%.

    這高於我們接近 1.45% 的 10 年平均值。

  • But, you know, it's a function of the performance ongoing and our expectation for our losses.


  • And we'll continue to monitor it as we go forward.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Probably some but not a lot.


  • - CFO Ford Motor Credit

    - CFO Ford Motor Credit

  • If we continue to perform well there could be some wiggle room there, but it's not huge.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And to follow-up then on the Visteon question about the receivable, is it fair to say, then, that the write-down is consistent with Ford thinking that today the expectations for future cash flows at Visteon are maybe weaker than the expectations were a year ago when you rearranged this liability?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well what I'd say is, our view of Visteon as they said, that they have some structural and strategic changes to make, and in affecting those kinds of changes, I think in almost any sense, some cash flow will be required.


  • And so we just thought about the receivable, and as we look at all receivables, and concluded that it was something we should reserve for.


  • And I would just leave it at that.


  • When we get a more definitive agreement in mind we'll, you know, fill you in on that.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Another one for Don, if I could.


  • The return on equity at Ford Credit obviously was off the charts this year.


  • Can you give us an idea of the pace at which that should walk back down to a more normal level of return on equity?


  • I wouldn't expect it to drop from 30% back down to 12 or 13.

    我預計它不會從 30% 回落到 12 或 13。

  • How do you expect that progression to go?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, on Tuesday, we're going to take you through our plans for all the business, including Ford Credit, and we'll show you what our target for ROE and profits for Ford Credit is, and we'll explain to you how that slope of that line coming down is.

    好吧,週二,我們將向您介紹我們對所有業務的計劃,包括福特信貸,我們將向您展示福特信貸的 ROE 和利潤目標是什麼,我們將向您解釋如何那條線下降的斜率是。

  • So if you just hold that one until Tuesday, we'll be sure to cover it then.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is from the line of Darren Kimball with Lehman Brothers.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • First of all I was just wondering if you could comment on PAG?

    首先我想知道您是否可以對 PAG 發表評論?

  • I mean, versus your, I guess, early fall comments about the breakeven, could you just delve into a little bit more detail on kind of exactly what changed for the worse there?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yeah.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • You talked about volume and pricing and FX, but what was the delta there in the fourth quarter?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, the main thing that really hit us was exchanges.


  • You may recall, the dollar really collapsed at the end of the year.


  • It's actually strengthened some since then.


  • I think at the end of the year the euro to dollar rate was around $1.36, and I think it's down around $1.30 now.

    我認為年底歐元兌美元匯率約為 1.36 美元,現在已下跌 1.30 美元左右。

  • So it's moved back from then, and right at the end of the year it really weakened.


  • That was the biggest thing.


  • The second thing was really some lower volume and higher costs to ensure that we had high quality launches of our new products.


  • And then we've been, you know, talking about how we have higher commodity prices, and, you know, those are coming, and there was a bit of that in there as well.


  • So those are the things that affected our shortfall to where we thought we'd be approaching breakeven.


  • And I think we lost 172 million in PAG in the third quarter, and we assume that that would improve, you know, less than 100 million, and instead of that it went the other way.

    我認為第三季我們在 PAG 上損失了 1.72 億美元,我們假設這會改善,你知道,不到 1 億美元,但事實並非如此,而是相反。

  • We have made some progress on PAG, of course.

    當然,我們在 PAG 方面取得了一些進展。

  • I think we took some production cuts in Jaguar, we took some salary headcount out at Jaguar and Land Rover.


  • We have a plan to close the assembly operation in Brown's Lane, we got out of the Formula 1 and related businesses.


  • And so there's been a lot of pluses and we're now working through the next phase of that.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • No, I understand.


  • But just in the absence at least for the short-term of the '05 guidance, I'm just trying to get my hands around how much of what happened in the fourth quarter is going to persist into 2005.

    但至少在短期內沒有 05 年指引的情況下,我只是想了解第四季發生的情況有多少會持續到 2005 年。

  • But let me ask you just a question on the healthcare.


  • You said the 31.6 billion liability reflected mostly the discount rate change.


  • Was there a change in the initial healthcare inflation expectation?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • No, there wasn't.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So you are not --


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • No, there wasn't.


  • We'll take you through all those assumptions on healthcare on Tuesday next week, but basically there wasn't a change in our initial point on our trend rate.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And I guess lastly, the reserve for the Visteon OPEB receivable, does that have an earnings effect in 2005?

    我想最後,偉世通 OPEB 應收帳款的準備金,對 2005 年的獲利有影響嗎?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • No.


  • No, because as, unlike, I think this is right, unlike the, back at the end of 2003 when we forgave, at that time those were healthcare plan assets, so they had, at the time, they were reducing the obligation.

    不,因為,與我認為這是正確的,與 2003 年底我們寬恕時不同,當時這些是醫療保健計劃資產,所以他們當時減少了義務。

  • This time we said that these are not healthcare plan assets, they're, you know, basic receivables on the main face of the balance sheet, so they were non-interest bearing in that sense.


  • So I don't think there's a profit effect ongoing.


  • If there is one, we'll let you know on Tuesday.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is from the line of Jon Rogers with Smith Barney.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, good morning.


  • Just have a quick question on Europe.


  • It looks like the share in Europe at Ford deteriorated in the fourth quarter and premier auto group was actually up but net pricing was down.


  • The question is, can you just comment on what happened to share in an up market in the fourth quarter in Europe, and was most of the net pricing on the PAG side?

    問題是,您能否評論一下歐洲第四季上漲市場的情況,以及大部分淨定價是在 PAG 方面嗎?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, first, on the share, the share in Ford Europe was not down, it was flat from 2003 to 2004.


  • Now it was down compared with the third quarter.


  • But that always happens for us because in Britain there are very strong seasonal factors in March and September, and we have a higher share of the market in Britain than we have on the continent, so at the end of March and in September, our share of total Europe is higher because the mix of Britain is more.


  • So our share is always higher in the first quarter and the third quarter, lower in the second and the fourth, but on a year-to-year basis it was flat.


  • And in the very tough market we had, we think that was pretty good.


  • We're just getting the new Focus out now, and our net pricing in the quarter was just about flat in Ford Europe.


  • You also had a question on PAG.

    您也對 PAG 提出了疑問。

  • Could you repeat that?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I was just wondering if, because it looks like you're sort of aggregating the net pricing in the fourth quarter and I was wondering what the share of net pricing between Ford and PAG was?

    我只是想知道是否,因為看起來你們正在匯總第四季度的淨定價,我想知道福特和 PAG 之間的淨定價份額是多少?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yeah.


  • I wasn't intending to aggregate them.


  • The net pricing for Ford Europe in the fourth quarter was about flat and net pricing in PAG in the fourth quarter was positive.

    福特歐洲第四季的淨定價基本上持平,而 PAG 第四季的淨定價為正。

  • Now, that's pricing in Europe and the U.S. and Asia and everywhere around the world, because those are global brands, but it was favorable in the fourth quarter for PAG.

    現在,這是歐洲、美國、亞洲以及世界各地的定價,因為這些都是全球品牌,但第四季對 PAG 來說是有利的。

  • And actually a significant amount.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • One of the things that's a part of our strategy in PAG, which kind of goes along with this not being a quick fix, is to improve the brand image and the positioning.

    我們 PAG 策略的一部分是改善品牌形象和定位,這並不是快速解決方案。

  • And so pricing and improving our margins on that side is a big part of that, and that's not going to happen overnight, but we saw positive results in the fourth quarter.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is from the line of Scott Merlis with Thomas Weisel Partners.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Scott Merlis 和 Thomas Weisel Partners。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning, everybody.


  • Could you elaborate on the cash flow numbers?


  • What might be considered unusual, such as the "Other" line, where was the positive surprise for you, to what extent is it kind of normal fourth quarter types of numbers in working capital and "Other"?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, our operating cash flow in the fourth quarter was a billion five, and that was a little better than we thought we'd do, but actually exactly the same number as we had in the fourth quarter of '03.

    嗯,我們第四季的營運現金流是十億五,這比我們想像的要好一點,但實際上與我們 03 年第四季的數字完全相同。

  • I wouldn't say there was anything terribly abnormal there.


  • We have had a, you know, plan within the Company to be as efficient as we can on capital spending, and clearly we undershot our target on that, and that was partly in the fourth quarter, but all the way through the year.


  • And the main reason that we did better than we thought at October was because frankly we sat down and worked on it.

    我們在 10 月做得比我們想像的更好的主要原因是因為坦白說,我們坐下來並努力工作。

  • We wanted to do better.


  • And we worked on our working capital and, and that was the main thing.


  • So the main change since October was just a lot of hard work on the working capital area.


  • Inventories in particular.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And when you combine your billion Automotive with the Financial Services sector transaction of 4.2, that $5.2 billion number in the context of your plan I assume would be considered a healthy number that you would like to, a very healthy number that you'd like to generate on a consolidated basis every year but the mix will probably change.

    當您將10 億美元的汽車業務與4.2 的金融服務業交易結合起來時,在您的計劃中,52 億美元的數字將被視為您希望的一個健康數字,一個您希望的非常健康的數字。每年都會產生合併的結果,但結構可能會改變。

  • Is that a fair statement?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yeah.


  • I mean, clearly we would like to generate a good healthy cash flow, and as we've said along the way, we need the Automotive business to contribute more than it has, and it's been improving.


  • That's the plan, and we're making progress there because as we've said, the Financial Services group is coming off a record, and we have been downsizing the asset size and so as Dave Cosper mentioned, returning capital along the way.


  • So we know that the cash contribution to the parent of Financial Services is going to be smaller so our challenge is to get the Automotive side, you know, to be improved.


  • So you're absolutely right.


  • Operator


  • And our final analyst question comes from Himanshu Patel with J.P.

    我們最後的分析師問題來自 Himanshu Patel 和 J.P.

  • Morgan Chase.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning, guys.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good morning.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • A question on Cap Ex.


  • You talked about this a little bit earlier, it obviously came in below what you had planned.


  • I'm just wondering with most of your new models [inaudible] out of the way, can we expect this to go down further in 2005?

    我只是想知道,隨著你們的大多數新型號 [聽不清楚] 的出現,我們是否可以期望 2005 年這一數字會進一步下降?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • We'll cover that on Tuesday if that's okay.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then on PAG, just coming back to that, you mentioned FX and commodities and a couple other issues that have worsened just in the past sort of three to five months.

    然後在 PAG 上,回到這一點,您提到了外匯和大宗商品以及其他一些在過去三到五個月內惡化的問題。

  • I'm just wondering the restructuring plans that you guys already have in place at Jaguar and to a lesser extent maybe at Land Rover, do you need to kind of go back and revisit those or do you think those are adequate and it's just a matter of working through them?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, right now we are in the early stages of executing those, and I can tell you we monitor the situation closely, and work with the people in PAG.

    嗯,現在我們正處於執行這些計劃的早期階段,我可以告訴你,我們會密切關注事態發展,並與 PAG 的人員合作。

  • We discuss it often, monitor it carefully, and if we need to, we will make further changes.


  • Right now I don't see anything in the near-term arising different than what we talked about before.


  • And of course, as we go along we'll keep you updated.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Then, Don, currency seems like it's the main issue here just about every single quarter.


  • Does this mean that you guys have virtually no hedging in place?


  • I mean if it's affecting you on a quarter-to-quarter basis that sounds like you're pretty much transacting at spot market prices.


  • Is that a fair statement?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • No, we have a fairly disciplined hedging strategy where we hedge, you know, most of our transaction flow one year out, somewhat less than that, two years out, somewhat less than that three years out, and so we are hedged to that degree what.


  • What we're seeing here is, you know, the effect of a significant change in the dollar relative to the yen, the euro, the Swedish kroner, and sterling over the last two years.


  • And the Canadian dollar, I might add.


  • It's just really, what's happening, the dollar has been weakening and what we've seen is the spot rates have gone adverse and the hedges have been rolling off.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • So that's all mixed in there in that number that we break out on exchange.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • - Vice President Investor Relations

    - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Operator, I think we're now ready to take some questions from the media.


  • Operator


  • Yes, ma'am.


  • Again, members of the media press star one for any questions.


  • And your first question is from the line of Bill Koenig with Bloomberg News.

    你的第一個問題來自彭博新聞社的比爾‧科尼格(Bill Koenig)。

  • Good morning, Don.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Hi, Bill, how are you?


  • Pretty good.


  • At the risk of belaboring Visteon I just want to just kind of sum up.


  • So it sounds like your action in taking a reserve is related to Visteon's kind of financial condition at this time, but you're saying it's not directly tied to the talks you've had with Visteon.


  • Would that be accurate?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yes, I think it is.


  • It's certainly our view of Visteon.


  • Just like we look at every time we have a receivable, good accounting practice dictates that we look at the collectability, and we have, you know, a thorough and rigorous process of doing that.


  • In doing that for Visteon we came to this conclusion.


  • On the second part of your question, this is unrelated to any agreement that may or may not be struck between Ford and Visteon.


  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is from the line of Norrie Shiratu with Wall Street Journal.

    我們的下一個問題來自《華爾街日報》的 Norrie Shiratu。

  • Good morning, Don.


  • Another question on Visteon, I guess.


  • This is just asking from a different point of view, but does the fact that you have to exercise prudent accounting, does that point to lack of confidence on your part in Visteon's ability to sort of sustain, I mean, to be profitable in the long-term?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • No, not at all.


  • That's not correct, and that's not what I said earlier.


  • So what does --


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Visteon, let me try this.


  • Visteon is current with all its obligations to Ford.


  • I mean, they're current.


  • So there's no issue there.


  • What we were saying was we look into our view of Visteon, given what they've said they need to do was strategic and structural changes, we thought that this kind of an obligation, which is a long-term obligation, 2006 to 2049, was something that we prudently should reserve for.

    我們所說的是,我們審視了對偉世通的看法,考慮到他們所說的需要做的是戰略和結構性變革,我們認為這種義務,這是一項長期義務,從 2006 年到 2049 年,是我們應該謹慎保留的東西。

  • Okay.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Jamie Butters with Detroit Free Press.


  • Good morning, Don.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good morning.


  • I saw you're paying profit sharing this year.


  • It's higher than last year although I think North America was not necessarily stronger.


  • Is that because of Ford Credit?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • The profit sharing calculation is based on a formula I think was agreed some years ago and it does include the U.S. portion of Ford Credit.


  • And will the leased employees to Visteon be receiving the same profit sharing?


  • Are they rewarded under the same formula?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • I believe so.


  • Okay.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • That's correct.


  • Okay.


  • And, I'm sorry, but I think the way the question on Visteon needs to be asked, in my perspective is, if it's not related to negotiations of the ongoing restructuring, then what is recognition of the higher default risk between now and 2049?

    而且,我很抱歉,但我認為,在我看來,關於偉世通的問題需要提出的方式是,如果它與正在進行的重組談判無關,那麼從現在到2049 年之間更高的違約風險是什麼? ?

  • Is that correct?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Between now and 2049 is a long time.

    從現在到 2049 年是很長一段時間。

  • As I said earlier, Visteon is current with all its obligations.


  • But your prudent recognition of the future, I mean, this is acknowledging the risk of a default in the time frame of this receivable.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • In the next 45 years on that particular item, given our view of everything else, right.

    考慮到我們對其他一切的看法,在接下來的 45 年裡,在這個特定項目上,對吧。

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is from the line of Christopher Hope with The Dade Telegraph.

    我們的下一個問題來自《戴德電訊報》的克里斯多福霍普 (Christopher Hope)。

  • Hi, there [inaudible] I'm calling from London [inaudible].


  • I wanted to ask you quickly if I can when was Ford of Europe last in profit, please?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • I don't recall.


  • It has been awhile.


  • Yeah.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • And we'll take a look and try and get that answer for you, and we'll, you know speak it out in the next minute or two.


  • Otherwise we'll call you back and let you know that.


  • Thanks.


  • And the other question I had was about premium automotive group.


  • How much of that collapse into the red was Jaguar's fault?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, as you know we don't break out the profitability by brand.


  • But I think it's pretty clear that from everything we've said that Jaguar is the main issue from a financial standpoint.


  • Let me just say Volvo is doing well, and Land Rover is launching a couple of terrific new products now, that causes them some change-over and launch costs but we see that coming around very quickly, and Jaguar is going to be a longer term fix as we said last year a couple of times.


  • And we'll have more on that on Tuesday.


  • When do you think PAG might be back in the black?

    您認為 PAG 何時會轉虧為盈?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • We'll talk about that on Tuesday.


  • Okay.


  • And just finally, the good performance at Ford Europe that was down to this transit connect.


  • Is that correct?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • No, I wouldn't say so.


  • I think was down to a whole range of things, starting with great products, you know, good quality, getting the cost right, and, you know, a real team effort by everybody in Ford Europe.


  • But it was mainly the vans that pushed you?


  • You mentioned the Turkey joint venture.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, certainly we had, and it's not just the vans.


  • The car market in Turkey was very strong, and our profit in Turkey includes the profit on manufacturing the transit and the transit connect, and exporting those to Western Europe.


  • It also includes the sales of passenger cars made in Western Europe and exported into Turkey, and our market share in Turkey is, I think, right around 15 or 16%, so there were a lot of local market sales of Ford Europe passenger cars that were included in that profit improvement.


  • I just can't see how Turkey can be responsible for this enormous profit swing.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, it's not solely responsible.


  • What I was saying was on a year-to-year basis, the cost reductions that we made and the improvements in market share, that was the bulk of the improvement.


  • Also included in the improvement from year-to-year was the great performance of our joint venture in Turkey.


  • It was a small part of it, but not an insignificant part.


  • The main part of the improvement came in our operations in Western Europe.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is from Adriana Montien with ABC News.

    我們的下一個問題來自 ABC 新聞的 Adriana Montien。

  • Good morning, Don.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good morning.


  • I'm calling from Brazil and I would like that you give you some comments about the operations in South America related on the worldwide company results in 2004.

    我從巴西打來電話,希望您能對與 2004 年全球公司業績相關的南美業務發表評論。

  • What reasons do you point for the South American improvements last year?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, I think we had a very good plan in South America, and we have several new products, the Ford Echo Sport, the Fiesta Hatchback, and we now have the Fiesta Sedan being produced at full capacity on three shifts at our new plant in the North of Brazil and very well accepted in the market.


  • We also export those products into Mexico, but the profits of those exports are not included here.


  • We also have another range of cars that we make in our plant in Sao Paulo, and we make cars and trucks in Argentina and in Venezuela and frankly, all the operations there are doing well.


  • Okay.


  • Do you have some specific comments about the Brazilian plants last year and this year?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, I would say that we are right on schedule on our plan, and in terms of the profitability, we're just a little bit ahead of schedule now because of the strong acceptance of the products out of our new plant in the North of Brazil.


  • And we're going to talk more about our future plans in Brazil on Tuesday of next week when we're in New York.


  • So maybe you can catch that.


  • Operator


  • And our next media question is from Eric Mayne with Detroit News.


  • Good morning, Don.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good morning, Eric.


  • Could you, I was looking at Slide 14.

    你可以嗎?我正在看幻燈片 14。

  • Could you please tell me how that retail sales mix for F-150 factored into your revenue per unit, your increased revenue per unit?

    您能否告訴我 F-150 的零售銷售組合如何影響您的每單位收入以及每單位增加的收入?

  • Is there any way you can indicate, you know, what percentage, perhaps, F-150 contributed?

    有什麼方法可以顯示 F-150 的貢獻百分比嗎?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • I don't think we could break that out directly, but I can tell you that it was a significant contributor to it.


  • But I'm going to ask Lloyd Hansen to comment on that question.


  • - Vice President Revenue Management

    - Vice President Revenue Management

  • You know, it's been a significant contributor all year.


  • I would say for the year it's about $200.


  • In the fourth quarter it was actually less than that because our profits are based on production.


  • If they had been based on sales, that revenue improvement would have been a lot bigger because we had a terrific quarter from a sales standpoint.


  • F-Series sales were up 24,000 units but production was actually down 20.

    F 系列銷量增加了 24,000 輛,但產量實際上下降了 20 輛。

  • So you wouldn't see all of that in the fourth quarter production, but the effect of the strong sales is something that will still come through production at some point in time.


  • Safe to say that the mix has stayed rich longer than you expected?


  • - Vice President Revenue Management

    - Vice President Revenue Management

  • It has.


  • What were your expectations?


  • - Vice President Revenue Management

    - Vice President Revenue Management

  • It's been a huge success both from a sales standpoint and from a series standpoint.


  • And you can see, you know, we listed the Super Crew mix, the 4 x 4 mix, the FX4, Lariat, and the 5.4 engine, and I believe a lot of that has to do with the fact that we were able to put five distinct packages out there that had this equipment packaged in a way that, you know, is highly desirable on the vehicle.

    你可以看到,你知道,我們列出了 Super Crew 混合、4 x 4 混合、FX4、Lariat 和 5.4 引擎,我相信這很大程度上與我們能夠將有五個不同的包裝,這些設備的包裝方式非常適合車輛。

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Sir, we have no further media questions.


  • We do have an analyst question from Stewart Rozanski with Vanguard Group.

    我們確實收到了先鋒集團 (Vanguard Group) 的 Stewart Rozanski 的分析師問題。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, good morning.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good morning.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I have a couple of questions for you.


  • One of them is a follow-up on the Visteon receivable.


  • In looking at the 2003 10-K there was a listing of a receivable, I believe it was, for about 1.65 billion.

    在查看 2003 年 10-K 時,我相信其中列出了大約 16.5 億美元的應收帳款。

  • If that's the correct amount, then the 600 odd million charge that you're taking now is about a 36% allowance.

    如果這是正確的金額,那麼您現在收取的 600 多萬費用大約是 36% 的津貼。

  • Would those be fair numbers?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, let me try on that one.


  • At the end of 2003, we had an agreement with Visteon.


  • We restructured our arrangements with them, and included as a part of that was our effectively forgiving Visteon for the OPEB obligation that were incurred pre-spend.

    我們重組了與他們的安排,其中包括我們有效地免除偉世通預支費用產生的 OPEB 義務。

  • And that was the 1.64 billion that you're referring to.


  • What we're talking about now is the balance of the OPEB receivable, which was somewhat more than the $600 million that was included not as a healthcare plan asset but a regular receivable.

    我們現在討論的是 OPEB 應收帳款的餘額,這比 6 億美元要多一些,這 6 億美元不是作為醫療保健計劃資產而是作為常規應收帳款計入的。

  • So there are really two separate things.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So what, then, was the amount, or what is the current amount of the receivable?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • It's a little over $800 million.

    這個數字略高於 8 億美元。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So you're almost writing off the entire amount?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, 600 out of about 850 million or so, something like that, yeah.

    嗯,大約 8.5 億人中的 600 人左右,類似的東西,是的。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And second, unrelated to that, has Ford made any determination yet with regard to potential repatriation of the foreign earnings, and --


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • No, we haven't.


  • We're looking at that and we haven't.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And how much do you currently have in the foreign earnings?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • We're not going to comment on that.


  • It's not a significant amount in the scheme of things but we'd really rather not go into that now.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • And if I could, we had a question earlier about when Ford Europe last made a profit.


  • It was actually in the late 90s, 1997.


  • So it's been awhile, but we're in the black and very happy about that.


  • Operator


  • And our final question comes from Ron Tadross with Banc of America Securities.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Don, just one follow-up on my earlier question.


  • Your volume, if you look at your combined auto volume, was down about 110,000 units, and this volume mix number you gave us, the billion four, you said most of that is volume.

    你的銷量,如果你看看你的綜合汽車銷量,下降了大約 110,000 單位,而你給我們的這個銷量混合數字,十億四,你說其中大部分是銷量。

  • I mean if you even say it's just a billion dollars of volume, the point is your variable margin looks like it's almost $10,000 a unit.

    我的意思是,如果你說這只是 10 億美元的交易量,那麼關鍵是你的可變利潤看起來幾乎是每單位 10,000 美元。

  • I mean, am I missing something here?


  • If I look at the volume, 110,000 units, versus the volume mix number, say a billion of that is volume?

    如果我看看銷量,110,000 單位,與銷量混合數量,比如說 10 億是銷量?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • No, I wouldn't use that high of a number.


  • I mean, if you look at the profits, they're really driven more by the production.


  • I think we're on Appendix Eight.


  • Look at Appendix Eight the change in profits, or the change in production, and [inaudible] in your models, and that's the volume piece.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So I added the 70,000, unless I'm looking at this wrong, 70,000 North America, 20 in Europe, and 20 in PAG gets me to 110.

    所以我加上了 70,000,除非我看錯了,北美 70,000,歐洲 20,PAG 20 使我達到 110。

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Okay.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And then so the volume mix number of a billion four, I guess, I'm wondering maybe there's something else in there, of the billion four.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, there's some unfavorable mix.


  • There's also a mix by country within there, and it's, you know, there's also South America and Asia, so there's a lot of moving parts in there.


  • But I wouldn't use a number as high as you're using as you quoted.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Right.


  • I'll circle back maybe we can get some detail on that.


  • It does seem high.


  • All right.


  • Thanks.


  • - Vice President Investor Relations

    - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Before we sign off, Don, do you have just a couple of closing comments?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Just a couple of things.


  • We feel we had a good year in 2004, and we hit most of our important financial targets, and most importantly of all we stayed on track, and we're continuing to improve.

    我們認為 2004 年是美好的一年,我們實現了大部分重要的財務目標,最重要的是我們保持在正軌上,我們正​​在繼續改進。

  • We had a terrific year in Financial Services, and we're continuing to make progress in Automotive.


  • We're disappointed in PAG, but we're going to get that fixed the way we fixed South America and Europe.

    我們對 PAG 感到失望,但我們會像解決南美洲和歐洲問題一樣解決這個問題。

  • And we're really happy with the new products that we have out now and we're looking for good things there.


  • We see many opportunities to build on the progress we've made in the future and we are very happy to be discussing our plans for 2005 with you on Tuesday of next week.

    我們看到未來有很多機會可以在已經取得的進展的基礎上再接再厲,我們很高興能在下週二與您討論我們 2005 年的計劃。

  • So thanks.


  • - Vice President Investor Relations

    - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you again for joining us this morning.


  • If you have additional questions on our fourth quarter or full-year 2000 results, please feel free to call your contacts in either Investor Relations or Public Affairs, and we also look forward to your participation next Tuesday morning, and that meeting begins at 8:45 Eastern time.

    如果您對 2000 年第四季或全年業績還有其他疑問,請隨時致電您的投資者關係或公共事務聯絡人,我們也期待您下週二上午參加會議,會議於 8 點開始:東部時間45點。

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for your participation in today's conference.


  • This concludes your presentation and you may now disconnect.


  • Good day.
