博通 (AVGO) 2018 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Welcome to Broadcom Inc.'s Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results Conference Call.

    歡迎參加 Broadcom Inc. 2018 財年第三季度財務業績電話會議。

  • At this time, for opening remarks and introductions, I would like to turn the call over to Tom Krause, Chief Financial Officer of Broadcom Inc.

    現在,我想將電話轉給博通公司首席財務官湯姆·克勞斯 (Tom Krause) 進行開場發言和介紹。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • Thank you, operator, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Joining me today is Hock Tan, President and CEO of Broadcom.

    今天與我一起出席的是 Broadcom 總裁兼首席執行官 Hock Tan。

  • Today, Hock is going to give you a detailed review on our core business and spend some time outlining the industrial logic behind our recently announced acquisition of CA.


  • I will then spend time reviewing our Q3 results and Q4 outlook and most importantly, our financial model and capital allocation policy.


  • Quickly on the formalities, today's call will primarily refer to non-GAAP financial results.


  • A reconciliation to U.S. GAAP measures is included in today's press release, which is available in the Investor section of our website at Broadcom.com.

    今天的新聞稿中包含了對美國公認會計準則措施的調整,您可以在 Broadcom.com 網站的投資者部分查看該新聞稿。

  • Information on risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements made on this call is also available on today's press release and in our recent SEC filings.


  • This conference call is being webcast live.


  • A recording will be available via telephone playback for 1 week and archived in the Investor section of our website at Broadcom.com.

    錄音將通過電話播放 1 週,並存檔在我們網站 Broadcom.com 的投資者部分。

  • At this time, I'd like to turn the call over to Hock.


  • Hock?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Well, thank you, Tom.


  • The strength of our business model delivered another quarter of very sustained revenues, strong earnings and free cash flows.


  • Consolidated net revenue for the third quarter was $5.07 billion, 13% increase from a year ago, and EPS came in at $4.98, a 21% increase from a year ago, while free cash flow at $2.13 billion is 42% of revenues.

    第三季度合併淨收入為 50.7 億美元,同比增長 13%,每股收益為 4.98 美元,同比增長 21%,而自由現金流為 21.3 億美元,佔收入的 42%。

  • We have a lot to cover today, so let's dive right into the segments.


  • Starting with wired.


  • In the third quarter, wired revenue was $2.3 billion, growing 4% year-on-year, and this segment represented 45% of our total revenue.


  • Third quarter wired results reflect strong year-on-year growth for both our networking and compute offload businesses, driven by robust demand from the cloud data center markets as well as traditional enterprises.


  • Networking and compute offload represented approximately 60% of our total wired segment in the quarter and grew over 10% year-on-year in the quarter.

    網絡和計算卸載約佔本季度有線業務總量的 60%,同比增長超過 10%。

  • This is off the back of growing over 15% annually in the second quarter.

    這是第二季度年增長率超過 15% 的結果。

  • So this part of the wired segment is doing really well.


  • However, cyclical headwinds in certain parts of our broadband businesses have impacted year-on-year growth for the wired segment.


  • While digital subscriber line or DSL demand remained stable, demand for PON, Fiber-to-the-Home in China as well as video access, particularly North America, has been soft compared to a very strong 2017.

    雖然數字用戶線路或 DSL 需求保持穩定,但中國對 PON、光纖到戶以及視頻接入(尤其是北美)的需求與 2017 年非常強勁的情況相比一直疲軟。

  • As a result, broadband was down year-over-year in the third quarter after being down in Q2 as well.


  • Turning to the fourth quarter fiscal 2018.


  • We expect networking and compute offload to continue to grow double digits year-on-year, as strong demand from both the cloud and traditional enterprise sustain.


  • However, cyclical headwinds we have seen in video access, including cable and satellite, are persisting into the fourth quarter; and as a result, in the fourth quarter, we expect wired to grow only mid-single digit year-on-year.


  • While on the other hand, we are very encouraged by the prospects for fiscal 2019.

    另一方面,我們對 2019 財年的前景感到非常鼓舞。

  • We expect strong growth in our networking business to continue, driven by new product ramps of our Tomahawk 3 switch and our Jericho 2 router platforms.

    我們預計,在 Tomahawk 3 交換機和 Jericho 2 路由器平台新產品的推動下,我們的網絡業務將繼續強勁增長。

  • We also continue to see strength from our deep learning ASICs with our cloud customers, and we forecast broadband video will bottom this fourth quarter as we start to enter an up cycle in 2019.

    我們還繼續看到我們的深度學習 ASIC 與雲客戶的優勢,我們預測隨著 2019 年開始進入上升週期,寬帶視頻將在第四季度觸底。

  • On enterprise wireless access too, we expect to be the first to enable -- integrate the 802.11ax chipsets during this coming year among service providers, enterprises and homes.

    在企業無線接入方面,我們預計明年將成為第一個在服務提供商、企業和家庭中集成 802.11ax 芯片組的公司。

  • Let me now turn to enterprise storage.


  • For the third quarter 2018, enterprise storage revenue was $1.25 billion, representing 25% of revenue.


  • As we had experienced and mentioned in our wired networking businesses, robust enterprise IT spending drove over a 70% year-on-year revenue increase.

    正如我們在有線網絡業務中所經歷和提到的那樣,強勁的企業 IT 支出推動了收入同比增長超過 70%。

  • This, of course, includes contribution from Brocade.


  • But even without Brocade, storage was robust year-on-year in the third quarter.


  • Looking at the fourth quarter, strong demand from enterprise continues to be good, and we expect year-on-year storage revenue growth to accelerate.


  • Moving on now to wireless.


  • In the third quarter, wireless revenue was $1.3 billion, which was flat year-over-year.

    第三季度無線收入為 13 億美元,同比持平。

  • The wireless segment represented about 25% of our total revenue.

    無線部門約占我們總收入的 25%。

  • In aggregate, wireless revenue were in line with our expectations for the third quarter.


  • We benefited from the initial seasonal ramp at our North American OEM customer, which was partially offset by anticipated decline in our other large wireless customer.

    我們受益於北美 OEM 客戶最初的季節性增長,但我們其他大型無線客戶的預期下降部分抵消了這一增長。

  • We expect this ramp at our North American OEM customer to drive wireless revenue to be over 25% sequentially even as it may be down single digit year-on-year.

    我們預計北美 OEM 客戶的增長將推動無線收入環比增長 25% 以上,儘管同比可能下降個位數。

  • Let me take some time to put this in perspective.


  • Like all our franchises, our RF front-end business, which makes up roughly half of our wireless segment, competes and competes very well based on its technology leadership and its ability to deliver differentiated high-performance products, generation after every generation.


  • To generate the high returns we expect on our substantial R&D and manufacturing investments, we focus on delivering the best FBAR technology in every new generation of smartphones.

    為了讓我們大量的研發和製造投資獲得預期的高回報,我們專注於在每一代新一代智能手機中提供最好的 FBAR 技術。

  • Nonetheless, from time to time, not that often but time to time, the same technology platform used by our customer may extend beyond one generation.


  • And when this happens, it does create an opportunity for our customer to temporarily use lower-performance alternatives in selected SKUs.

    當這種情況發生時,確實為我們的客戶創造了在選定的 SKU 中暫時使用性能較低的替代品的機會。

  • With the benefit of hindsight, this may be precisely what happened with this 2018 generation.

    事後看來,這可能正是 2018 年一代所發生的事情。

  • But every indication we have is that the cadence of annual platform upgrades will resume in the upcoming 2019 smartphone generation, and we believe we are very well positioned to win back the platform.

    但我們掌握的所有跡像都表明,年度平台升級的節奏將在即將到來的 2019 年智能手機一代中恢復,我們相信我們已經做好了贏回平台的準備。

  • And with 5G on the horizon, we expect this cadence of annual upgrades to sustain.

    隨著 5G 即將到來,我們預計這種每年升級的節奏將持續下去。

  • As a result, we are maintaining our high level of investment as the market transitions to 5G.

    因此,隨著市場向 5G 過渡,我們仍保持高水平的投資。

  • Meanwhile, in WiFi, Bluetooth, the transition to 802.11ax continues to keep us in the lead.

    與此同時,在 WiFi、藍牙領域,向 802.11ax 的過渡使我們繼續保持領先地位。

  • We believe we are very well positioned to sustain this particular franchise over the next several years; and accordingly, we expect to see our wireless revenue returning to double-digit growth in fiscal 2020 following a temporary dip in fiscal 2019.

    我們相信,我們有能力在未來幾年維持這一特殊的特許經營權;因此,我們預計,繼 2019 財年暫時下滑之後,我們的無線收入將在 2020 財年恢復兩位數增長。

  • Finally, our last segment, industrial.


  • In the third quarter, the industrial segment represented 5% of total revenues.


  • Excluding IP licensing, industrial business was up over 10% year-on-year.


  • Distribution resales continued to be strong with double-digit Q3 year-on-year growth.


  • We expect the demand environment for industrial to remain strong and industrial resale to maintain double-digit year-on-year growth during the fourth quarter.


  • So in summary, we continue to execute well on our business model.


  • More than half our consolidated revenue, you may note, is benefiting from strong cloud and enterprise data center spending.


  • This, coupled with a seasonal uptick in wireless, will drive our forecast revenue in the fourth quarter to be $5.4 billion, an increase of 11% from a year ago.

    再加上無線業務的季節性增長,我們預計第四季度的收入將達到 54 億美元,比去年同期增長 11%。

  • In the meantime, our margins continue to expand due to our focus on technology leadership and high-performance products.


  • This is all driving exceptional cash flows, which provides us great flexibility in our capital allocation model of returning cash to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases while enabling us to pursue strategic acquisitions to expand our earnings capacity going forward.


  • Speaking of acquisitions, before I turn this call back to Tom to talk about the financials in greater detail, let me perhaps take a few more minutes and talk about CA Technologies.

    說到收購,在我把這個電話轉回給 Tom 並更詳細地討論財務狀況之前,讓我再花幾分鐘時間談談 CA Technologies。

  • The #1 question we get from -- we get with CA is why did we choose to buy them.

    我們從 CA 得到的第一個問題是我們為什麼選擇購買它們。

  • Cut to the chase.


  • We're buying CA because of their customers and their importance to these customers.

    我們購買 CA 是因為他們的客戶以及他們對這些客戶的重要性。

  • CA sells mission-critical software to virtually all of the world's largest enterprises.

    CA 向幾乎所有全球最大的企業銷售關鍵任務軟件。

  • These are global leaders in key verticals, including financial services, telcoms, insurance, health care and retail.


  • And CA does have scale fairly unique to the infrastructure software space.

    CA 確實具有基礎設施軟件領域相當獨特的規模。

  • This can only come from long-standing relationships with these customers that span several decades.


  • In other words, these guys are deeply embedded.


  • Now Broadcom does a lot of business with the cloud companies building the digital economy.


  • The leaders, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, are all large customers for us.


  • They are growing rapidly, and we are, as you noticed, growing with them.


  • They use our leading-edge silicon solutions to develop their next-generation data centers to enable many businesses worldwide.


  • On the other hand, when you look at the largest enterprises, which comprise CA key customers, these guys really have limited direct access to our mission-critical technology.

    另一方面,當你觀察由 CA 關鍵客戶組成的最大企業時,你會發現這些人對我們關鍵任務技術的直接訪問確實有限。

  • In that lies what we think is a new and huge opportunity.


  • Just as we have done with hyper cloud players, we believe we can bring our compute offload solutions, our Tomahawk switchers, Jericho routers, fiberoptics and our server storage connectivity portfolio directly to these same large enterprises that are buying CA software.

    正如我們對超級雲玩家所做的那樣,我們相信我們可以將我們的計算卸載解決方案、我們的Tomahawk 交換機、Jericho 路由器、光纖和我們的服務器存儲連接產品組合直接帶給這些購買CA 軟件的大型企業。

  • These large end users invest tens of billions of dollars on IT infrastructure every year.

    這些大型最終用戶每年在 IT 基礎設施上投資數百億美元。

  • Through CA, we believe we have a big doorway to engage strategically with these customers and provide them direct access at very compelling economics to the same leading-edge -- and link to the same leading-edge networking, storage and compute technology that are used to enable the cloud service providers today.


  • Beyond this industrial logic, I might note CA by itself is a great franchise.

    除了這種工業邏輯之外,我可能會注意到 CA 本身就是一個偉大的特許經營權。

  • Mainframes remain the backbone of the enterprise computing environment and are relied on to run mission-critical applications.


  • Mainframe process approximate -- mainframes process approximately 30 billion transactions per day and $7 trillion of credit card payments annually.

    大型機流程近似——大型機每天處理大約 300 億筆交易,每年處理 7 萬億美元的信用卡付款。

  • Contrary to popular belief, over the last 10 years, mainframe workloads have actually increased 3.5x, driven largely by increasing amounts of data generated with every single transaction.

    與普遍看法相反,在過去 10 年中,大型機工作負載實際上增加了 3.5 倍,這主要是由於每筆交易生成的數據量不斷增加。

  • Given mainframes power the most important parts of large enterprises, we believe this will remain a strong and stable market opportunity for us for a long time.


  • CA is a leader in delivering a suite of mainframe solutions across application development and ITOM tools.

    CA 是提供跨應用程序開發和 ITOM 工具的一套大型機解決方案的領導者。

  • So bottom line, we actually see this opportunity a great opportunity, I might say, to double down for future growth.


  • With that, let me turn the call over to Tom at this time.


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • Thank you, Hock, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • My comments today will focus primarily on our non-GAAP results from continuing operations unless otherwise specifically noted.


  • Let me walk through our results for the third quarter of fiscal 2018.

    讓我回顧一下我們 2018 財年第三季度的業績。

  • Third quarter net revenue was $5.07 billion, just ahead of the midpoint of our guidance.

    第三季度淨收入為 50.7 億美元,略高於我們指引的中值。

  • Our gross margin from continuing operations was at the high end of our guidance at 67.3% as we benefited from the more favorable product mix in the quarter.

    由於本季度更有利的產品組合,我們持續經營業務的毛利率達到了 67.3% 的指導上限。

  • Operating expenses were slightly lower than we expected at $874 million, driven by lower SG&A.

    由於 SG&A 下降,運營費用略低於我們的預期,為 8.74 億美元。

  • As a result, operating income from continuing operations for the quarter was $2.54 billion and represented 50.1% of net revenue.

    因此,本季度持續運營業務的營業收入為 25.4 億美元,占淨收入的 50.1%。

  • Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $2.71 billion and represented 53.4% of net revenue.

    該季度調整後 EBITDA 為 27.1 億美元,占淨收入的 53.4%。

  • For housekeeping purposes, Q3 depreciation was $129 million in the quarter.

    出於管理目的,第三季度折舊額為 1.29 億美元。

  • Below the line, net interest expense was slightly better than guidance due to higher interest income from our cash deposits.


  • The tax provision was in line at 7% of operating income from continuing operations or $170 million.

    稅收撥備符合持續經營業務營業收入的 7%,即 1.7 億美元。

  • The diluted share count was 453 million shares and includes the weighted average impact of the stock repurchases completed in the quarter.

    稀釋後的股票數量為 4.53 億股,其中包括本季度完成的股票回購的加權平均影響。

  • As a result, the company delivered $4.98 of EPS in the quarter.

    結果,該公司本季度實現了 4.98 美元的每股收益。

  • This represents 21% year-on-year growth, including the impact of share repurchases.

    這意味著同比增長 21%,其中包括股票回購的影響。

  • Working capital, excluding cash and cash equivalents, increased approximately $209 million compared to the prior quarter due primarily to an increase in receivables.

    營運資金(不包括現金和現金等價物)與上一季度相比增加了約 2.09 億美元,這主要是由於應收賬款的增加。

  • This increase was driven by seasonally higher shipments in the last month of the quarter as well as the effect of a distributor consolidation program for the Brocade business, where we were providing a temporary extension of payment terms to facilitate the consolidation.


  • In addition, cash restructuring expenses were $18 million as we are now at the tail end of the Brocade integration.

    此外,現金重組費用為 1800 萬美元,因為我們現在正處於博科整合的尾聲。

  • Finally, we spent $120 million on capital expenditures, which was slightly below expectations.

    最後,我們在資本支出上花費了 1.2 億美元,略低於預期。

  • As a result, free cash flow from operations was $2.13 billion or 42% of revenue.

    結果,運營自由現金流為 21.3 億美元,佔收入的 42%。

  • This represents 52% year-over-year growth in free cash flow from operations.

    這意味著運營自由現金流同比增長 52%。

  • In the quarter, we returned $754 million in the form of cash dividends and spent $5.38 billion repurchasing 24 million AVGO shares.

    本季度,我們以現金股息的形式返還了 7.54 億美元,並花費 53.8 億美元回購了 2400 萬股 AVGO 股票。

  • We did not pay down any debt in the quarter.


  • We ended the quarter with $4.14 billion of cash, $17.6 billion of total debt and 438 million fully diluted shares outstanding.

    本季度結束時,我們的現金為 41.4 億美元,債務總額為 176 億美元,完全稀釋後的流通股為 4.38 億股。

  • Now let me turn to our non-GAAP guidance for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2018.

    現在讓我談談 2018 財年第四季度的非 GAAP 指引。

  • This guidance reflects our current assessment of business conditions, and we do not intend to update this guidance.


  • This guidance is for results from continuing operations only.


  • Net revenue is expected to be $5.4 billion, plus or minus $75 million.

    淨收入預計為 54 億美元,上下浮動 7500 萬美元。

  • Gross margin is expected to be 67%, plus or minus 1 percentage point.


  • Operating expenses are estimated to be approximately [$874 million] (corrected by company after the call).

    運營費用預計約為 [8.74 億美元](公司在電話會議後更正)。

  • Tax provision is forecasted to be approximately 7%.


  • Net interest expense and other is expected to be approximately $125 million.

    淨利息支出及其他預計約為 1.25 億美元。

  • The diluted share count forecast is for 436 million shares.

    稀釋後的股數預測為 4.36 億股。

  • CapEx will be approximately $110 million.

    資本支出約為 1.1 億美元。

  • Before we open the call for questions, I want to update you on our financial model and capital allocation policy.


  • On the financial model, there have been a lot of questions regarding our long-term growth and concerns about the growth rate of our core semiconductor business.


  • The intention with the CA announcement has not been to signal a change in the growth rate of our core business.

    CA 公告的目的並不是要表明我們核心業務增長率的變化。

  • On the contrary, we believe our long-term growth rate for the semiconductor segment will remain mid-single digits driven by end market growth and content increases from new product introductions.


  • As we acquire businesses outside of semiconductors, including Brocade and more recently CA, we are taking a conservative approach relative to our internal expectations on revenue growth.

    當我們收購半導體以外的業務(包括 Brocade 和最近的 CA)時,相對於我們對收入增長的內部預期,我們採取了保守的態度。

  • The returns we modeled do not require growth to hit our targets; but make no mistake, we do expect to grow these businesses.


  • So the important message is that we do not see any fundamental changes in our long-term growth rate.


  • Now on to capital allocation.


  • Here at Broadcom, we have a set of complementary highly profitable technology franchises that require limited capital expenditures and that sit on top of an efficient corporate platform.


  • This in turn spits out a substantial and sustainable base of cash flows that we expect will grow over time.


  • This expected cash flow generation provides us with a lot of flexibility on how we allocate capital to create value for you, the shareholders.


  • We are committed to our policy of distributing 50% of our prior fiscal year free cash flow to shareholders in the form of cash dividends.

    我們致力於執行將上一財年自由現金流的 50% 以現金股息的形式分配給股東的政策。

  • Given our fourth quarter outlook and expected full fiscal year '18 results, we anticipate another substantial increase in the quarterly dividend for calendar 2019.

    鑑於我們第四季度的前景和預期的 18 財年全年業績,我們預計 2019 年的季度股息將再次大幅增加。

  • Now with the remaining free cash flow, we see the opportunity to do a couple of things.


  • One, we plan to continue to buy back shares.


  • We currently have $6.3 billion left on our $12 billion stock repurchase authorization that extends through the end of FY '19.

    目前,我們的 120 億美元股票回購授權還剩 63 億美元,該授權將持續到 19 財年末。

  • And two, with a focus on maintaining our investment-grade credit rating, we believe we also have the cash flow and the borrowing capacity to continue to expand our earnings base through strategic and accretive acquisitions.


  • Finally, as previously announced, we have cleared HSR with respect to the CA transaction in July.

    最後,正如之前所宣布的,我們已於 7 月份清算了與 CA 交易相關的 HSR。

  • The transaction is still subject to CA shareholder approval and antitrust approvals in the EU and Japan.

    該交易仍需獲得 CA 股東的批准以及歐盟和日本的反壟斷批准。

  • We expect to close in the fourth calendar quarter of 2018.

    我們預計將於 2018 年第四季度結束。

  • That concludes my prepared remarks.


  • During the Q&A portion of today's call, we request that you limit yourselves to one question each.


  • So with that, operator, could you please open up the call for questions?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And our first question will come from the line of Tim Arcuri with UBS.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題將來自瑞銀集團的蒂姆·阿庫裡(Tim Arcuri)。

  • Pradeep Ramani - Equity Research Associate of Semiconductors

    Pradeep Ramani - Equity Research Associate of Semiconductors

  • This is Pradeep Ramani on behalf of Timothy Arcuri.

    我是蒂莫西·阿庫裡 (Timothy Arcuri) 代表普拉迪普·拉馬尼 (Pradeep Ramani)。

  • I had a question more on the longer term view of CA and how you view -- sorry, CA and the wireless solutions group and how you view the wireless solutions group from a strategic standpoint given that the CA acquisition is kind of focusing you guys towards more of an infrastructure company.

    我有一個關於 CA 的長期觀點以及您如何看待的問題 - 抱歉,CA 和無線解決方案小組,以及您如何從戰略角度看待無線解決方案小組,因為 CA 收購讓你們將注意力集中在更多的是一家基礎設施公司。

  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • That's a very interesting question, and it affords me the opportunity to clarify how we look at our, as Tom calls it, set of businesses.


  • Our business model is very much focused on putting together a portfolio -- or not -- a portfolio of what we consider product technology, product franchises.


  • And that's not necessarily limited to IT infrastructure or networking or data centers in any particular specifics.

    這不一定限於 IT 基礎設施或網絡或數據中心的任何特定細節。

  • As you noticed, we have a range of products that sells into multiple end markets, which ranges from wired, and even in wired, we have made the distinction, as I said, of networking data centers as well as more service provider spending as it relates to carrier access and PON and video delivery.

    正如您所注意到的,我們有一系列產品銷往多個終端市場,其中包括有線,甚至在有線方面,正如我所說,我們已經區分了網絡數據中心以及更多的服務提供商支出,因為它涉及運營商接入、PON 和視頻傳輸。

  • And that's 2 sets of end markets by itself.


  • Then we have enterprise storage, which is very data center centric, [I mean].


  • But then you're right.


  • We have wireless, which is, as we define it, is very focused on mobility on smartphones, where we put up the best latest technology.


  • And finally, we have industrial where there are set of products that goes to various industrial products and it's reconnected to the data centers.


  • So they are very disparate.


  • They are very diverse, and therein, in our view, lies our strength.


  • It's a very set of diverse product franchises, and that's the key operating word, franchises.


  • But each of them has very -- a set of common characteristics.


  • One is they operate in niche markets typically.


  • Those aren't just niche markets that become mass markets because mass markets have moved over to these niche markets.


  • And -- but two is we have the technology, and more than technology, we are the leader in technology in each of these niche markets.


  • And we tend to have the lead -- we tend to have the highest market share, too, in each of these end markets.


  • And the common thing we do is it all sits on a platform, but each of those niches keep investing, and you're seeing the level of dollars we invest.


  • We're investing over $3 billion, $3.2 billion a year just on R&D and product development as we move to each product generation and evolve the technology for use of our end customers.

    我們每年在研發和產品開發上投資超過 30 億美元,每年 32 億美元,因為我們正在邁向每一代產品並不斷發展技術以供最終客戶使用。

  • And we make sure we lead in each of those.


  • And so we still believe -- to answer your questions specifically on wireless, we believe our position in wireless, in those wireless niche markets -- in those wireless products and markets, that we are very much in the lead technology.


  • We are lead in market share in the niches we're in.


  • So it's satisfying those considerations of us, of franchises in those specific markets as you would apply to switching and routing in data centers where we are very well represented too.


  • And the benefit of all these particular franchises is they all are enormously profitable and they all continue to grow.


  • Operator


  • Our next question will come from the line of Pierre Ferragu with New Street Research.

    我們的下一個問題將來自 New Street Research 的 Pierre Ferragu。

  • Pierre C. Ferragu - Global Team Head of Technology Infrastructure

    Pierre C. Ferragu - Global Team Head of Technology Infrastructure

  • So I'll ask you about Computer Associates as well so -- you have demonstrated in the past a rather unmatched ability to create value from your acquisition, and this is something you must be doing in the semiconductor industry, and that's why you got a lot of investors and analysts too.

    所以我也會問你關於Computer Associates的問題——你過去已經展示了一種無與倫比的能力,可以通過收購創造價值,這是你在半導體行業必須做的事情,這就是為什麼你得到了還有很多投資者和分析師。

  • So today, it really feels like we need to better understand the Broadcom model, how Broadcom can create so much value from acquisition and how it can apply to CA.

    所以今天,我們真的感覺我們需要更好地理解 Broadcom 模式,Broadcom 如何通過收購創造如此多的價值,以及它如何應用於 CA。

  • So in that spirit, my question to the 2 of you, Hock and Tom, would be can you tell us what you guys do like nobody else.


  • What makes you unique at integrating a business you acquire and create value from these businesses like nobody else and in particular, like a private equity fund, for instance, will not be able to do?


  • And then, of course, put that in the context of Computer Associate.


  • How are you going to apply these unique capabilities to Computer Associate.

    您將如何將這些獨特的功能應用到 Computer Associate。

  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Thank you.


  • Interesting question.


  • Let me try to address that if I could.


  • One of which -- one around -- to start off with, we are non-private equity, by no means are we.


  • Why?


  • We know -- we understand the businesses that operates in Broadcom very well, and we operate those businesses.


  • We are not financial investors.


  • The financial performance, the capital allocation that comes [over here] is exceptional.


  • Cash flow, we generate out those, making those businesses very successful.


  • Happens to be just the end product.


  • We run those businesses, and we run them as a group.


  • That's the biggest difference between us and private equity, very, very much so.


  • So where we see our -- where we see some differentiating traits in how we identify and acquire those businesses and then integrate them into a whole as part of Broadcom is simply this.


  • I think we're very, very aware of our ecosystem, what product lines, what markets are very sustainable, very good as potential profit and growth opportunities, and we are very focused.


  • And that's [good thing].


  • We are very focused in determining what differences make sense to invest in and what businesses we do not or should not invest in because it won't generate a return, which is why in -- to expand on my reply to the earlier question, today, Broadcom comprise of 19 separate product divisions.

    我們非常專注於確定哪些差異是值得投資的,以及我們不或不應該投資哪些業務,因為它不會產生回報,這就是為什麼 - 今天擴大我對之前問題的答复Broadcom 由19 個獨立的產品部門組成。

  • Each of them leader in their own right in each of those niche markets they are in.


  • And by being extremely focused on continuing to be the technology and market leader, which basically means delivering generation after generation because one advantage in technology is you keep having to evolve with better and better products that your customers can use and ask for.


  • As you do that, you actually create more and more value to your customers.


  • And the extension of that is shown by the fact that if you look at our financials over the last several years, we expect our product margin, gross margin [to say] as a collective whole 100 basis points approximately every year.

    事實上,如果你看看我們過去幾年的財務狀況,我們預計我們的產品利潤率、毛利率(可以說)每年大約為 100 個基點。

  • This is the same product.


  • This is not about adding new acquisitions, which accrete the gross margin.


  • We're talking about if you look organically at the same products that we have 3, 4, 5 years ago, you will see that margins expand as a whole.

    我們談論的是,如果你有機地觀察我們 3、4、5 年前的相同產品,你會發現利潤率整體上在擴大。

  • And the reason it can expand is because you're delivering more value to your customers.


  • And so the real basic thing is be very focused.


  • Stick to what you do very well and focus on where you are very successful and keep doing the same thing.


  • And what we do when we look at acquisitions very simply is we look at companies where the opposite is actually sometimes happening, where the core business of the company -- of some of these business companies are not so focused on or neglected in many ways, and instead the bright, shiny objects get focused on where the strength of that particular company may not be so good.


  • And we basically pull them back to their roots and put them into as part of the overall Broadcom portfolio.


  • That's really what we are.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of William Stein with SunTrust.

    我們的下一個問題來自 SunTrust 的 William Stein。

  • William Stein - MD

    William Stein - MD

  • Hock, one of the biggest questions that we've gotten especially more recently is on the semi-cycle.


  • Now I understand you have 19 or so franchises that you can argue are more specialized, but I think you're certainly exposed to the broader trends in the industry.

    現在我知道你們有 19 個左右的特許經營權,你們可以說它們更專業,但我認為你們肯定接觸到了該行業更廣泛的趨勢。

  • And there's an expectation that we're seeing a slowdown, in particular, in China, especially potentially related to tariffs.


  • And I'm wondering if you can offer a comment as to where you think we are in that cycle, what you see going on in that regard.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • That's a very, very good question and a very timely question.


  • And what we -- I can -- I'm not trying to look out far nor trying to basically postulate a vision here, but short -- but what we're seeing now and what we've seen recently and looking what we're seeing now is that the dynamics of the semiconductor space is constantly changing.


  • I know that's an obvious answer.


  • But what I mean is by different end markets.


  • And we, in some ways, are fortunate in selling to 4, 5 end markets, very, very different end markets.

    從某些方面來說,我們很幸運能夠向 4、5 個終端市場銷售產品,這些終端市場非常非常不同。

  • And I can tell you, over the last 2 years, the behavior of all those 5 end markets are very -- had been very different.

    我可以告訴你,在過去的兩年裡,所有這 5 個終端市場的行為都非常不同。

  • So it's hard for me to say how's the whole semiconductor industry because it does cover into a lot of spaces.


  • And 2 -- like 1 or 2 years ago, I did say that in 2016, 2017 -- even 2017 and '16, broadband was very strong.

    2——就像一兩年前,我確實說過,在 2016 年、2017 年——甚至 2017 年和 16 年,寬帶非常強大。

  • What part of the, I guess, of service provider spending -- level of service provider spending worldwide and -- but also -- and leading to business that's kind of cyclical.


  • It's a business I might add that's relatively flat but sustainable and cyclical.


  • So today, as I say, broadband, as I mentioned, is not so strong anymore.


  • Now last year -- 2 years ago, data center spending was okay.


  • This year, 2018, it's extremely strong and continues to look good.

    今年,即 2018 年,它的表現非常強勁,並且繼續保持良好的勢頭。

  • So we see different parts of the cycle.


  • Just like even wireless.


  • I mean, wireless, 2 years ago, 3 years ago was great.


  • Content was growing.


  • Then what we've seen over the past year is smartphones literally, not just handset worldwide but smartphones, just kind of flattened out, totally flattened out and where cost becomes a concern more than that demand or innovation becomes limited, and people are now waiting for perhaps a 5G cycle before we see another uptick.

    那麼我們在過去的一年裡看到的是智能手機,不僅僅是全世界的手機,還有智能手機,只是一種扁平化,完全扁平化,成本成為一個比需求或創新更受關注的問題,人們現在正在等待在我們看到另一次上升之前,可能需要一個 5G 週期。

  • And industrial -- oh, yes, automotive was moving away for a few years, drives industrial, continues to do so as we see, though we start to see definitely some slowdown from where we are, both in automotive and industrial.


  • So you're seeing ups and downs across different segment, different end markets that's an -- which uses semiconductors.


  • And I guess, our best saving grace here is, because we are fairly diversified, we cannot keep ourselves stable and secure on a total basis as opposed to riding any particular end market upwards are downwards.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of John Pitzer with Crédit Suisse.

    我們的下一個問題來自瑞士信貸銀行的約翰·皮策 (John Pitzer)。

  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • Hock, maybe the short way to ask my question is does this operating margin expansion story have a ceiling at some point?


  • But I guess, the longer term or longer way to ask the question is I wonder if you can just talk a little bit about how you think about R&D.


  • I think, oftentimes, investors get fixated on R&D as a percent of revenue and forget that at your scale, your absolute dollar spend is just enormous.


  • But help me understand, is there something about your IP portfolio that gives it more leverage than a typical digital or SoC company?

    但請幫助我了解一下,您的 IP 產品組合中是否有某些東西比典型的數字或 SoC 公司更具影響力?

  • Or why are you able to drive so much more leverage out of your R&D line than many of your large peers?


  • And again, as you answer that question, maybe you can talk about is there a ceiling to this op margin.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • That's a great question, John, and I'll try to address that.


  • And you're right.


  • It starts with IP.


  • We sell intellectual property except with productizing.


  • With -- in many -- a lot of our business are semiconductors, and we sell IP embedded in silicon, is perhaps the simple best way to describe.


  • That's what we do.


  • We don't try to license this out.


  • We make it into products that addresses what our end users, end customers need to make, to use or make into -- for the -- make into part of a systems.


  • And it's that intellectual property that drives the technology evolution because we keep feeding that machine.


  • We keep enhancing, innovating on those technologies in any particular markets we're in.


  • And as I mentioned, we have 19 of those markets.

    正如我提到的,我們有 19 個這樣的市場。

  • In each of them, one -- it's -- we behave very commonly.


  • We have a team of people, and in many cases, we -- or in most cases, I would add, we have the best engineers in the world, architects and engineers in the world in each area -- in the space they are in.


  • We are among the best.


  • And many of these -- and these guys, the other side to IP, they have IP they have developed over the years and innovate to the next better thing.


  • And we keep doing that.


  • And the customers love to have this product because it makes them successful.


  • It makes them more productive.


  • It makes them do things that otherwise they can't do.


  • And when you do that with each evolving technology, each evolving generation of technology, you basically get a higher value added to your product.


  • Always do because you give your customer more value.


  • You get something more for it.


  • I'll give you an example, right?


  • The well-known Tomahawk 3 switch is 12.8 terabit per second throughput switch.

    著名的 Tomahawk 3 交換機是每秒 12.8 太比特吞吐量的交換機。

  • The previous generation, Tomahawk 2, was only 6.4, half that throughput.

    上一代 Tomahawk 2 只有 6.4,吞吐量的一半。

  • So you are able to put into a data center and on top of a direct of servers twice the throughput, twice the capacity, twice the bandwidth.


  • Do you -- do I -- am I able to charge 2x the price?


  • Of course not.


  • That's not the way technology works.


  • But we are able to obviously improve against our value simply by the fact that even as dollars, our price per terabit drops, on the total 2x terabit, the value of the product goes up for us, for the customers.

    但我們能夠明顯提高我們的價值,因為即使美元每太比特的價格下降,但在總的 2 倍太比特上,產品的價值對我們、對客戶來說卻上升了。

  • And if the demand, the usage consumption increases to use up all 12.8 terabit and basically, the data center scale gets to scale out tremendously at a very cost-effective set of economics.

    如果需求、使用消耗增加到用完所有 12.8 太比特,基本上,數據中心規模就會以非常經濟高效的方式大幅擴展。

  • And that's an example that applies across all 19 product lines and to bottom -- at the bottom -- at the end of it all, so because of that, our ability to do that, to offer better products are more value to our customers.

    這是一個適用於所有 19 個產品線的例子,並且適用於所有產品線的底部,因此,正因為如此,我們提供更好產品的能力對我們的客戶來說更具價值。

  • Our product margin goes up.


  • And it goes up faster than the amount of R&D we pour in, and we pour in quite a bit to sustain that level of improvement.


  • And that leads to an improved operating -- and expanding operating margin.


  • That's what we've seen.


  • That's what has happened.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Ross Seymore with Deutsche Bank.

    我們的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Ross Seymore。

  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • Hock, I wanted to focus on your wired business, both in the near term and the long term.


  • In the near term, you did a great job of explaining some of the puts and takes between that 60-40 split of the fast-growing and slower-growing businesses.

    近期,您很好地解釋了快速增長和增長緩慢的業務之間 60-40 的比例之間的一些看跌期權和期權。

  • But to the extent it's 45% of your business today, and we look forward longer-term, how should we think about the growth rates of that 60-40, and what does it mean to the profitability of the company, either on the gross or operating margin line as the growth rates seem to be so different between those 2 subsegments?

    但就其目前業務的 45% 而言,我們展望更長期,我們應該如何考慮 60-40 的增長率,以及它對公司的盈利能力(無論是總盈利能力)意味著什麼或營業利潤率線,因為這兩個細分市場之間的增長率似乎如此不同?

  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Well, Ross, thanks for asking that too.


  • But what you say is true right now.


  • In 2016, I loved broadband.


  • It was an on up-cycle.


  • If you recall, there was the Summer Olympics floating around.


  • Everybody was signing up for cable, cable access.


  • So we were booming.


  • That time paid.


  • That thing outperformed data centers, networking, that is.


  • Today, the cycle turned around.


  • We look at broadband and say, "Man, this thing is dragging me." It's not.


  • When the up-cycle happens as we fully expect within the next 12 months also, you'll be great again.

    當升級週期在接下來的 12 個月內如我們完全預期的那樣發生時,您將再次變得偉大。

  • So that's one of the interesting things about it, is looking at, say, even wired or even wireless.


  • Every one of this -- a lot of these markets' growth has their ups and downs, and especially if you look at a quarter and much less annually.


  • Quarterly, even worse.


  • What we have to keep realizing is these are all technology-driven applications and market-driven as better and better, more innovative technology comes in.


  • It keeps expanding, some at a slower pace than others, but what it does is it adopts new technology, and which allows us to keep adding more value as we progress through it, even though it goes through its ups and downs.


  • And the key thing to all this is sustainability.


  • These are all very sustainable end markets.


  • The product we see today may be much better than the product in this end market we saw 5 years ago, and the product 5 years from now will be much better than the product we see today.


  • But believe me, the end use continues.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Craig Hettenbach with Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Craig Hettenbach。

  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • I have a question for wireless RF.


  • I mean, you play mostly at the high end of the market.


  • Interesting developments in China, when I think of some of the local brands there, some impressive specs coming out and as they start to ramp the volumes.


  • So I just wanted to know if that potentially could change your opportunity set in RF in the China market over time.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • A very interesting question, and it is, again, part of the whole franchise model.


  • And then, yes, because again, in the case of wireless, we have very unique technology.


  • We have very, very differentiated technology that allows us to produce very high-performance products in those smartphones.


  • And so far, it's been the super high-end smartphones that tends to use our products.


  • And I could see a situation where, especially with 5G coming into the mix, with all these difficult bands showing up, where 5G, you start running higher than 3 gigahertz spectrum bandwidth, you start to meet better and better RF components, especially in filtering, very much so in filtering, and we could see that being required across the board in many next-phase or next-generation 5G phones.

    我可以看到這樣一種情況,特別是隨著5G 的加入,所有這些困難的頻段都出現了,5G 開始運行高於3 GHz 的頻譜帶寬,你開始遇到越來越好的RF 組件,特別是在濾波方面,在過濾方面非常如此,我們可以看到許多下一階段或下一代 5G 手機全面需要這一點。

  • And we can see that happening, in which case then, it starts to expand beyond just high-end phones, and you're exactly right in that regard.


  • It has happened before, a few years ago, when there were certain bands that were so critical, it can only be done using FBAR.

    幾年前,曾經發生過這種情況,當時某些頻段非常關鍵,只能使用 FBAR 來完成。

  • Very difficult FBAR technology, and for a while, that was pretty cool.

    FBAR 技術非常困難,但有一段時間,這非常酷。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Blayne Curtis with Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的布萊恩·柯蒂斯 (Blayne Curtis)。

  • Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • I just want to follow up on that wireless.


  • You were talking about cycles and some years better than others.


  • When you look at wireless, cellular and then WiFi is 2 components.

    當你看到無線時,蜂窩網絡和 WiFi 是兩個組成部分。

  • Just kind of curious, as you look out, you mentioned 5G.

    只是有點好奇,當你看到時,你提到了 5G。

  • Maybe kind of what's the content story between now and a couple of years from now, when 5G will be a majority?

    也許從現在到幾年後 5G 將佔據主流的內容故事是什麼?

  • And then on the WiFi side, can you just talk about timing of that?

    然後在 WiFi 方面,您能談談具體的時間安排嗎?

  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • You -- and so actually, 2 questions you're asking here, so let me try to address them separately.


  • WiFi, in many ways, is a more stable, predictable evolution of the technology trends.


  • And today, very much so, everybody uses the standard, WiFi standard called 802.11ac, C as in China, and that's great.

    今天,非常如此,每個人都使用標準,WiFi 標準,稱為 802.11ac,C,就像在中國一樣,這很棒。

  • It's definitely an improvement from what it used to be 5 years or 10 years ago.


  • But we have a new technology, a new protocol coming in called 802.11ax, which I may have commented on a couple of times in my prepared remarks.

    但我們有一項新技術,一項稱為 802.11ax 的新協議,我可能在準備好的發言中對此發表過幾次評論。

  • What ax does is, in a nutshell, it increases, in layman's language, the bandwidth.

    簡而言之,axe 的作用是增加帶寬(用外行人的話來說)。

  • Huge.


  • You can imagine easily running data stream wirelessly from your handsets.


  • Upwards and uplink and downlink weigh over 1 gigabit per second, even 2 gigabits per second.

    上行、上行和下行的傳輸速率超過每秒 1 吉比特,甚至每秒 2 吉比特。

  • You get carried away.


  • But what's even more interesting is it allows for multiple users simultaneously, which is something that's always been tricky.


  • And it requires a lot of technology, hardware and software.


  • And we are in the lead in doing it, as I indicated.


  • We are the first out with our product, they're working, we're designing, and we started launching it with multiple partners starting October next month.


  • By the way, this year, starting with the retail routers and going on to the enterprise access points and then operators by early next year.


  • So it's a big thing, 802.11ax, and I bet you in the spring, you will find at least one big handset maker coming out big-time to push 802.11ax.

    因此,802.11ax 是一件大事,我敢打賭,到了春天,您會發現至少有一家大型手機製造商大力推動 802.11ax。

  • And our chips will be right in those flagship phones.


  • But -- so it's more predictable, and our technology is so strong.


  • I have to say that we see ourselves in the road map of our key customers over the next 2, 3 years.


  • More predictable as 802.11ax, that should go to a second wave and upgrade and all that.

    與 802.11ax 相比,它更可預測,應該會進入第二波併升級等等。

  • On RF, it's truly not that much different, except that what's happening here more than anything else is over every several years, we go from, as you know, 2G, GSM, we go out to 3G, and now -- and then we have 4G that's been going on now for 6 years.

    在 RF 方面,確實沒有太大的不同,只是這裡發生的事情比其他任何事情都多,每隔幾年,我們從 2G、GSM 發展到 3G,現在——然後我們4G已經使用了6年了。

  • And now there's actually demand, or kind of a demand, I might add, for even higher speeds, higher throughputs, lower latencies, more connections, that's what 5G is all about, which leads to IoT applications and all those applications we had dreamed about previously.

    現在實際上存在需求,或者說是某種需求,我可能會補充說,更高的速度、更高的吞吐量、更低的延遲、更多的連接,這就是5G 的全部內容,這會帶來物聯網應用程序以及我們夢想的所有應用程序之前。

  • That -- those are great.


  • It's just that those are very, very difficult to implement.


  • And in order to make it happen, one, in a nutshell, it will happen as it has happened in the past on 4G, it's your phone already runs 3G, 4G.

    為了實現這一目標,一言以蔽之,它會像過去在 4G 上發生的那樣發生,你的手機已經運行 3G、4G。

  • You now have to put in additional components, additional capability to run an additional set of spectrum that runs, that is operating in 5G.

    現在,您必須添加額外的組件和額外的功能來運行一組額外的頻譜,即在 5G 中運行的頻譜。

  • And once you start doing that, you really will have issues of coexistence.


  • You also have to reach out in 5G to frequencies that are much higher, much more difficult to produce, to put in a phone for communications, data communications.

    您還必須在 5G 中使用更高、更難以生產的頻率,以便將其放入手機中進行通信、數據通信。

  • And I'm referring to frequencies that go way above 3 gigahertz now as a first step.

    作為第一步,我指的是頻率遠高於 3 GHz 的頻率。

  • And as you go into more and more of these 5G phones, you have more frequencies, more requirements of components in the same limited space of a phone.

    隨著您使用越來越多的 5G 手機,在手機相同的有限空間內,您會遇到更多的頻率、對組件的更多要求。

  • So you start to have to innovate on your components to be able to put them in a phone, unlimited space, lower power, working very well together.


  • And that's where our capabilities, our technology in RF, especially FBAR, comes into its own.

    這就是我們在 RF 領域的能力和技術(尤其是 FBAR)發揮作用的地方。

  • And that's why we see this is as a sustainable franchise, especially for someone who is able to design, have the IP to design capabilities, components, that few people are able to replicate.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Chris Caso with Raymond James.


  • Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

    Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

  • Just a follow-up question with regard to the wireless and some of the prepared comments that you made.


  • You talked about expectations will return to double-digit wireless growth next year.


  • You also talked about being in a position to win back some of the FBAR business.

    您還談到能夠贏回一些 FBAR 業務。

  • Can you reconcile those 2 comments?


  • And is one dependent on the other?


  • For the double-digit growth you're expecting next year, what are the assumptions behind that?


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • Chris, it's Tom.


  • Let me just clarify the prepared remarks.


  • What we were referring to is double-digit growth in 2020 off the back of a dip in 2019.

    我們指的是繼 2019 年下滑之後,2020 年實現兩位數增長。

  • And just also to clarify, we do feel really good about the prospects of winning back the business that we discussed, that we had lost in the current generation phone, which would impact the very back half of '19, but really would have an influence on the 2020 growth rate we discussed.

    還要澄清的是,我們確實對贏回我們討論過的業務的前景感到非常滿意,這些業務是我們在當前一代手機中失去的,這將影響 19 年後半段,但確實會產生影響關於我們討論的2020年增長率。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Harsh Kumar with Piper Jaffray.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Harsh Kumar 和 Piper Jaffray 的對話。

  • Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • The big question we're getting is what is Broadcom's expectation running a software company?


  • This is the first one for you guys in this area.


  • Could you maybe talk about some of the strengths and challenges you see and maybe some of the plan around running this business?


  • And then also, for the nonmainframe business, what kind of margin opportunity do you expect to see from, for example, enterprise solutions?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Well, I love this question.


  • I'm almost tempted to tell you, hello, the same reason we've put together a bunch of businesses in semiconductor, what we call semiconductor solutions.


  • On one extreme semiconductor solution, I am pulling simple hardware semiconductors, pure hardware analog components.


  • To the extreme, it's not even silicon, in some cases, it's nanotechnology, it's Indium Phosphide, Gallium Arsenide, as in lasers, to the more well-known, well-recognized silicon SoCs, silicon over -- on a tube, that we built our routers and switches and deep-learning chips on, with a lot of software, by the way, on distance, lots of software.


  • I have, in our networking team, I have as many software engineers as I have hardware engineers.


  • Silicon sort of changed in there.


  • In our video delivery business, video, which is basically a set-top box with cable modem, I have more software engineers because there are tons of different kinds of software that goes into a set-top box chip thus compared to hardware engineers.


  • We understand software.


  • CA, you're right, is all software.


  • But a set-top box is, to put a number, over 60% software.

    但從數字來看,機頂盒的 60% 以上都是軟件。

  • And if I have to look at the switch, I can make the switch as simple, programmable and install software-defined networks and write a lot of software specs to program this, and that's 70% software, 30% hardware.

    如果我必須查看交換機,我可以使交換機變得簡單、可編程,並安裝軟件定義的網絡並編寫大量軟件規範來對其進行編程,其中 70% 是軟件,30% 是硬件。

  • Or I could hard-code chips as I do in certain other versions of my networking business, which are typically lower-end switches.


  • And I would say I have 80% hardware and 20%, 30% software.

    我想說我有 80% 的硬件和 20%、30% 的軟件。

  • So I go -- it varies across a lot of spectrum.


  • One thing that's common is technology.


  • It's technology solutions you provide to your customers, who cannot operate very productively, very efficiently, they don't sometimes operate at all without that, and it's technology solutions that evolve over time and your ability to keep up with customer needs over time.


  • We're very good at managing that.


  • We are very good at understanding how to monetize intellectual property in technology.


  • I think that's a common thing we have.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Matt Ramsay with Cowen.

    我們的下一個問題來自馬特·拉姆齊 (Matt Ramsay) 和考恩 (Cowen) 的對話。

  • Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

    Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

  • I think it would be helpful for either one of you guys to talk a little bit about the M&A philosophy going forward.


  • I think, Tom, you did an excellent job in sort of reiterating the capital return policy.


  • It sort of struck me on a lot of the questions that we got from investors were it was sort of a surprise at the size of the CA deal, given some of the prior commentary around maybe focusing on smaller M&A deals.

    我們從投資者那裡得到的很多問題讓我感到震驚,因為考慮到之前的一些評論可能集中在較小的併購交易上,CA 交易的規模有點令人驚訝。

  • So I just kind of open it up and I'd love to hear some philosophy, conversation about how you're thinking about maybe verticals or size or any of those things, if there's anything that's off limits going forward, or we should just think about the capital return policy only and nothing's really off the table in terms of M&A.


  • And I'll just open it up at that.


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • Good question, Matt.


  • I think that the important message is not much has changed.


  • The business model and what we think drives the returns of the acquisitions that we do is very consistent.


  • And we understand and appreciate that CA was a bit of a surprise and certainly larger than maybe what many people expected, but the reality is it was the right deal for us at the right time as we think about how to grow the earnings base of the company and how to drive value for shareholders over time.

    我們理解並讚賞CA 有點令人驚訝,而且肯定比許多人預期的要大,但事實是,當我們考慮如何擴大公司的盈利基礎時,這對我們來說是在正確的時間進行的正確的交易。公司以及如何隨著時間的推移為股東創造價值。

  • And if you think back, and this follows up on Harsh's question a minute ago, when we bought LSI, we were getting into what you could argue as a very different business.

    如果你回想一下,這是哈什一分鐘前提出的問題的後續,當我們購買 LSI 時,我們正在進入一個你可能會認為非常不同的業務。

  • We had a largely mobile business at Avago, RF business that's sustained today has grown organically very rapidly, but we're getting into businesses that included rechannel SoCs, preamps for hard disk drives.

    我們在 Avago 擁有主要的移動業務,如今持續存在的 RF 業務有機增長非常迅速,但我們正在進入包括重新通道 SoC、硬盤驅動器前置放大器在內的業務。

  • We were getting into enterprise storage and SaaS connectivity, serving -- delivering to the server market.

    我們正在進入企業存儲和 SaaS 連接領域,為服務器市場提供服務。

  • And these were all businesses that we frankly didn't know very well, but it was the characteristics of those businesses, just to follow in on what Hock discussed in terms of the intellectual property, the barriers to entry, the sustainability of the businesses, and by focusing on those businesses, that's what allowed us to drive the returns we've seen.


  • And we have obviously expanded from there.


  • We've done smaller transactions, but we've also more recently done Brocade.

    我們已經完成了較小的交易,但我們最近也完成了 Brocade。

  • Clue, that's a systems business.


  • It's largely software.


  • It has an end-user sales force.


  • It's opened our eyes to end customers and what we can do with those end customers.


  • But more importantly, it's proven to us that we can manage these businesses.


  • The performance of Brocade over the last year, and we've obviously been quite familiar with the business for more than that time period, has been quite exceptional.


  • And so CA is really an extension of a strategy that we've been pursuing for a number of years and has driven a tremendous amount of value for shareholders.

    因此,CA 實際上是我們多年來一直追求的戰略的延伸,並為股東帶來了巨大的價值。

  • So we look to continue to do that as a way to drive value.


  • Obviously, we're going to deliver on the dividend, which is really important to us.


  • But we have a lot of financial flexibility off the back of significant and substantial operating cash flows to continue to do buybacks and to do accretive M&A, and we see opportunities going forward to do that.


  • Operator


  • And our next question will come from the line of Edward Snyder with Charter Equity Research.


  • Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

    Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

  • One of the things that struck me though in your initial comments, when you were talking about your new customer base with see CA because they do open up a lot of clients that you don't have with the semiconductor business.

    在你最初的評論中,讓我印象深刻的一件事是,當你談論你與 see CA 的新客戶群時,因為他們確實開闢了很多你在半導體業務中沒有的客戶。

  • You were talking about porting in some of your networking and compute solutions, storage solutions to them.


  • But right now, you're selling semiconductors, and a number of your big customers, you mentioned them, Google, Facebook or Google, Amazon, Microsoft, build their own boxes using your silicon.

    但現在,你正在銷售半導體,你的一些大客戶,你提到的,谷歌、Facebook 或谷歌、亞馬遜、微軟,使用你的芯片構建他們自己的盒子。

  • I would imagine, most of the CA's customers do not do this.

    我想,大多數 CA 的客戶都不會這樣做。

  • So how are you going to port your -- how do you think you could port your semiconductor products to these new customers without getting into boxes?


  • Or are you thinking about that?


  • Or do you think they will start up such endeavors to start porting through?


  • So I guess I don't understand how your existing products are going to be ported to these new clients without some sort of intermediary or white box guy or something.


  • Maybe I'm a little bit confused there, but if you could explain that, I would appreciate it.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Sure.


  • I think that's a very, very insightful question you came out with, and you're right 100%.

    我認為你提出的問題非常非常有洞察力,而且你是 100% 正確的。

  • One, we're not interested in going to the boxes, you got that right, or systems.


  • We don't need to do that.


  • But we have the key ingredients.


  • We have the chips, the engine.


  • So you take a box, be it in the industry that you're out to, any of those things.


  • Where -- and we have the software.


  • Or if you want to sum up all of these end users now, and you're probably aware of that and to some extent, some of the big operators now are starting to want to build their own data centers and they have come to us and asked us to enable them to build their own data centers.


  • And what -- that's very similar.


  • And these guys are very, very aware of how the cloud guy is doing.


  • The cloud guys use our own silicon engine -- our own merchant silicon.


  • In many cases, some of our initial -- our software, SDK, by -- in many cases, they even write their own software and they then go to ODMs, the ODMs in Taiwan, in China, anywhere else, to put a box to build a system, a box.


  • We have to enable that.


  • Obviously, we have to.


  • And the cloud guys do it.


  • There's no reason why an operator like AT&T with Domain 2.0 cannot and is, in fact, executing on that basis or any other large enterprise users who build -- who had to build out on their own scale fairly substantial data centers, why they can't even do that on their own because as Tom had said, the core IP, the core technology, which is the engine, the software.

    像 AT&T 這樣擁有 Domain 2.0 的運營商沒有理由不能並且實際上正在在此基礎上執行,或者任何其他構建的大型企業用戶 - 他們必須在自己的規模上構建相當大的數據中心,為什麼他們可以”甚至他們自己也無法做到這一點,因為正如湯姆所說,核心IP、核心技術,即引擎、軟件。

  • Everything else ties together, and there are lots of ODMs out there.

    其他一切都相互聯繫在一起,而且有很多 ODM。

  • You call that white boxes, I believe, and they have a choice of doing that or continuing to buy from their traditional sources.


  • What we are able to do now with our direct access to CA customers is establish strategic and strong engagements with those end users, and substantial end-user enterprises or end users, who would want to start doing it themselves in order to not just do it at low economics, but in order to access directly the latest, call it, leading-edge silicon software products, technology, which will enable them to build data centers just as leading-edge as what's available in the cloud.

    現在,通過直接接觸 CA 客戶,我們能夠做的是與這些最終用戶以及大量最終用戶企業或最終用戶建立戰略性和強有力的合作,他們希望自己開始做,而不是僅僅這樣做經濟性較低,但為了直接訪問最新的、稱之為前沿的矽軟件產品和技術,這將使他們能夠構建與雲中可用的技術一樣前沿的數據中心。

  • But we have seen that requirement, that request coming in, and we are basically responding to it.


  • This is not a pipe dream.


  • Operator


  • Our last question will come from the line of Romit Shah with Nomura Instinet.

    我們的最後一個問題將來自 Romit Shah 和 Nomura Instinet 的線路。

  • Romit Jitendra Shah - Executive Director

    Romit Jitendra Shah - Executive Director

  • I definitely appreciate that you guys think very strategically about the deals you do, but if I just go back and think about your M&A track record over the last several years, it just struck me as being financial deals, first and foremost.


  • And Hock, the playbook has been, at least my impression has been, you'd slash SG&A by a significant amount, you'd cut R&D while basically raising prices at the same time.


  • And CA, given the kind of legacy nature of their technology, has a lot of people believing that this business may turn out to not be as sticky if you take the same approach.

    鑑於 CA 技術的遺留性質,很多人相信,如果採取相同的方法,這項業務可能會變得不那麼具有粘性。

  • So could you just comment on that, please?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Absolutely.


  • That's a question that's wrong on so many fronts, I don't know where to begin.


  • Let me start, let me try.


  • Number one, we acquire -- we have a history of acquisitions and integrating very, very well.


  • Those are not financial deals.


  • They end up, as I say, as great financial returns.


  • They're not -- we operate them under a single umbrella.


  • We operate them, I hate to say, very, very well, but we also operate them very, very focused.


  • And when you're focused, as I said before, you don't overinvest in R&D.


  • When you're focused, you don't overinvest in even selling.


  • When you run your company in a business model that is simple, you don't need a huge amount of SG&A.


  • As already mentioned, it's not about cutting SG&A, it's about simplifying a business process with very strong -- a portfolio of very strong businesses, where you focus your spending on R&D to enable you to keep being ahead of the pack.


  • And that's really our business -- our model, it's a business model and that we have executed over the last 6 years through multiple acquisitions.

    這確實是我們的業務——我們的模式,這是一種商業模式,我們在過去 6 年里通過多次收購執行了這一模式。

  • And it's also, as I mentioned in an earlier response, how well we integrate into the model, which ties to being very focused on what you pick as core businesses you want to keep investing in and divesting.


  • You can't cut a business that you don't have.


  • Businesses that you do not see as being sustainable, part of it being sustainable is really a chance of them in franchise.


  • When we buy companies over the last 5, 6 years, just as many companies and businesses we are in.

    當我們在過去 5、6 年裡購買公司時,我們所投資的公司和企業數量與我們購買的公司和企業一樣多。

  • If you look at the finer print and we have that data, we divest as many businesses out there.


  • We just let it go because those are businesses that we believe are not sustainable, are not strong, are commoditized and where you don't have an advantage for whatever reasons that comes into play.


  • So in that sense, you might call that financial.


  • I don't.


  • I call it a very strategic focus on businesses you can win.


  • And that's how we look at even looking towards CA, which is an interesting part of what you say because, Romit, the mainframe business is very alive and well.

    這就是我們對 CA 的看法,這是你所說的一個有趣的部分,因為 Romit,大型機業務非常活躍且發展良好。

  • Investments are still continuing in the mainframe business.


  • And to put it in simple terms, transactions, online transactions, a lot of them in the largest enterprises in the world cannot run without mainframe, with hardware or the software tools that drive it.


  • So that's basically all I say to that.


  • But obviously, ours is an operating model and a business model, and the financials is what comes out of a very strong, sustainable and secure business model.


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • Okay.


  • Thank you, everybody, for participating in today's earnings call.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • That concludes Broadcom's conference call for today.


  • You may now disconnect.
