博通 (AVGO) 2018 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Welcome to Broadcom Limited Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results Conference Call.

    歡迎參加 Broadcom Limited 2018 財年第二季度財務業績電話會議。

  • At this time, for opening remarks and introductions, I would like to turn the call over to Ashish Saran, Director of Investor Relations.

    此時,我想將電話轉給投資者關係總監阿什什·薩蘭 (Ashish Saran) 進行開場發言和介紹。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Ashish Saran

    Ashish Saran

  • Thank you, operator, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Joining me today are Hock Tan, President and CEO; and Tom Krause, Chief Financial Officer of Broadcom.

    今天與我一起出席的還有總裁兼首席執行官 Hock Tan;以及博通首席財務官湯姆·克勞斯 (Tom Krause)。

  • After market close today, Broadcom distributed a press release and financial table describing our financial performance for the second quarter of fiscal year 2018.

    今天收盤後,博通發布了一份新聞稿和財務表格,描述了我們 2018 財年第二季度的財務業績。

  • If you did not receive a copy, you may obtain the information from the Investors section of Broadcom's website at www.broadcom.com.

    如果您沒有收到副本,您可以從 Broadcom 網站 www.broadcom.com 的投資者部分獲取信息。

  • This conference call is being webcast live, and a recording will be available via telephone playback for one week.


  • It will also be archived in the Investors section of our website at broadcom.com.

    它還將存檔在我們網站 Broadcom.com 的投資者部分。

  • During the prepared comments section of this call, Hock and Tom will be providing details of our second quarter fiscal year 2018 results, guidance for our third quarter fiscal year 2018 and some commentary regarding the business environment.

    在本次電話會議的準備評論部分,Hock 和 Tom 將提供 2018 財年第二季度業績的詳細信息、2018 財年第三季度的指導以及有關商業環境的一些評論。

  • We will take questions after the end of our prepared comments.


  • In addition to U.S. GAAP reporting, Broadcom reports certain financial measures on a non-GAAP basis.


  • A reconciliation between GAAP and non-GAAP measures is included in the tables attached to today's press release.


  • Comments made during today's call will primarily refer to our non-GAAP financial results.


  • Please refer to our press release today and our recent filings with the SEC for information on the specific risk factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements made on this call.


  • At this time, I would like to turn the call over to Hock Tan.

    這時,我想把電話轉給Hock Tan。

  • Hock?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Thank you, Ashish, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • I am very pleased with our execution in the second quarter of fiscal 2018.

    我對 2018 財年第二季度的執行情況感到非常滿意。

  • We drove gross margin to 66.6%, EBITDA to 52.3% and free cash flow to 42.3% of revenue, all record achievements for us and a continued demonstration of our robust business model.

    我們將毛利率提高到 66.6%,EBITDA 提高到 52.3%,自由現金流佔收入的 42.3%,這些都是我們創紀錄的成就,並持續展示了我們穩健的商業模式。

  • We were also quite active in executing on our recently announced stock repurchase program.


  • Since the announcement, over a 6-week period through June 1, 2018, we have returned approximately $1.5 billion to stockholders by repurchasing more than 6.4 million shares.

    自該公告發布以來,截至 2018 年 6 月 1 日的 6 週內,我們通過回購超過 640 萬股股票,向股東返還了約 15 億美元。

  • And we do intend to continue to be active.


  • Consolidated net revenue for the second quarter was $5.02 billion, just above the midpoint of guidance with strong wired and enterprise storage results, offsetting weaker wireless revenue.

    第二季度綜合淨收入為 50.2 億美元,略高於指導中點,有線和企業存儲業績強勁,抵消了無線收入的疲軟。

  • As a reminder, before I go and give you more color into this quarter, the second quarter of fiscal 2018 was a 13-week quarter while the prior quarter, Q1, was a 14-week quarter.

    提醒一下,在我對本季度進行更多介紹之前,2018 財年第二季度是一個為期 13 週的季度,而上一季度(即第一季度)是一個為期 14 週的季度。

  • Segment revenue comparisons reflect this as I discuss performance by segment.


  • Starting with wired.


  • In the second quarter, wired revenue was $2.3 billion, growing 9% year-on-year, 22% sequentially.


  • The wired segment represented 46% of our total revenue.

    有線業務占我們總收入的 46%。

  • Second quarter wired results reflected strong sequential increase in demand from cloud data centers and a seasonal recovery in broadband access.


  • Solid year-on-year growth was driven by robust increase in networking and compute offloading in cloud data centers and strong growth in spending by enterprise IT.

    雲數據中心網絡和計算卸載的強勁增長以及企業 IT 支出的強勁增長推動了同比的穩健增長。

  • We also benefited from an increase in spending on broadband capacity expansion by service providers.


  • In contrast, however, spending on video access and in the China optical markets remain sluggish.


  • Turning to the third quarter fiscal '18, we expect growth in wired revenue to continue notwithstanding the ban on shipments to ZTE.

    談到 18 財年第三季度,儘管禁止向中興通訊發貨,我們預計有線收入將繼續增長。

  • We expect demand to remain healthy from cloud data centers and enterprise IT while broadband access remains robust.

    我們預計雲數據中心和企業 IT 的需求將保持健康,而寬帶接入也將保持強勁。

  • Moving on to wireless.


  • In the second quarter, wireless revenue was $1.29 billion, growing 13% year-on-year but declining 41% sequentially.


  • The wireless segment represented 26% of our total revenue.

    無線業務占我們總收入的 26%。

  • Second quarter sequential decline in wireless revenue was deeper than usual as shipments to our North American smartphone customer reduced sharply from the atypically exaggerated first quarter.


  • We did partially offset these declines from increase in our product shipments to our large Korean smartphone customer as they supported their new product launch.


  • Looking ahead to third quarter, we expect to see the beginning of seasonal second half ramp in demand from our large North American smartphone customer as they start to transition to their next-generation platform.


  • However, we expect this strength recovery -- I mean to say, this recovery to be offset by a decline in shipments to our large Korean customer.


  • As a result, we're expecting our overall wireless revenue to be flat, maybe even slightly declining on a sequential basis for the third quarter.


  • Let me now turn to enterprise storage.


  • Second quarter 2018 enterprise storage revenue was $1.16 billion and represented 23% of our total revenue.

    2018 年第二季度企業存儲收入為 11.6 億美元,占我們總收入的 23%。

  • This, of course, included a full quarter of contributions of over $400 million from the recently acquired Brocade Fibre Channel switch business.

    當然,這包括最近收購的博科光纖通道交換機業務超過 4 億美元的整個季度貢獻。

  • As you may recall, we had completed the acquisition of this business early in the first quarter of fiscal 2018.

    您可能還記得,我們已於 2018 財年第一季度初完成了對該業務的收購。

  • And as reported, enterprise storage segment revenue grew 63% year-on-year and 17% sequentially.

    據報導,企業存儲部門收入同比增長 63%,環比增長 17%。

  • But if we exclude Brocade contributions, second quarter enterprise storage revenue would have shown stable year-on-year performance with strong growth from enterprise server and storage markets, partially offset by softer demand from the hard disk drive market.


  • For the second quarter, the overall sequential revenue growth was driven by broad strength from the enterprise IT sector.

    第二季度,整體收入連續增長是由企業 IT 部門的廣泛實力推動的。

  • Looking ahead to third quarter fiscal 2018, we expect continued spending in enterprise IT to drive sequential growth in enterprise storage and growth in cloud storage capacity will lead to a recovery in hard disk drive demand.


  • Finally, our last segment, industrial.


  • In the second quarter, industrial segment revenue was $263 million, growing 17% year-on-year, 5% sequentially.


  • The industrial segment represented 5% of our total revenue.


  • Resales continued to remain very strong with 20% year-on-year growth, and we expect this momentum to continue into the third quarter.

    轉售繼續保持強勁勢頭,同比增長 20%,我們預計這一勢頭將持續到第三季度。

  • Notwithstanding the strength today, we expect annual industrial revenue growth, however, to be in the mid-single-digit range on a long-term basis.


  • So in summary, our overall business remains robust and stable.


  • Our third quarter fiscal 2018 outlook reflects this with a consolidated revenue forecast of $5.05 billion at the midpoint as we experience continued strength in wired and enterprise storage benefiting from a very robust cloud data center and enterprise IT spending environment.

    我們的 2018 財年第三季度展望反映了這一點,綜合收入預測中點為 50.5 億美元,因為我們受益於非常強大的雲數據中心和企業 IT 支出環境,有線和企業存儲領域將持續強勁。

  • Year-on-year, our revenue growth has remained very sustainable.


  • Even with our contributions from Brocade, organic revenue growth for the second quarter would have been in the high single digits.


  • And for the third quarter, we foresee this year-on-year organic revenue growth to modulate towards our long-term target of mid-single digits.


  • We will continue to keep a consistent focus on improving margins and increasing free cash flow from our business.


  • Our balance sheet continues to be strong with over $8 billion cash at the end of the second quarter.

    我們的資產負債表繼續強勁,第二季度末現金超過 80 億美元。

  • We also have $10.5 billion remaining on our stock repurchase authorization as of June 1. And reflecting the very strong free cash flow generation we expect during the balance of fiscal 2018, we plan to continue to aggressively repurchase our shares as long as we believe that we can generate superior returns in doing so.

    截至 6 月 1 日,我們的股票回購授權還剩 105 億美元。這反映了我們預計在 2018 財年餘額期間將產生非常強勁的自由現金流,只要我們相信我們這樣做可以產生豐厚的回報。

  • With that, let me turn the call over to Tom for more detailed review of our second quarter financials and third quarter outlook.


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • Thank you, Hock, and good morning, everyone.


  • My comments today will focus primarily on our non-GAAP results for continuing operations, unless otherwise specifically noted.


  • A reconciliation of our GAAP and non-GAAP data is included in the earnings release issued today and is also available on our website at Broadcom.com.

    我們的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 數據的調節包含在今天發布的收益報告中,也可以在我們的網站 Broadcom.com 上找到。

  • Let me quickly summarize our results for the second quarter of fiscal 2018.

    讓我快速總結一下我們 2018 財年第二季度的業績。

  • Second quarter net revenue was $5.02 billion, in line with guidance.

    第二季度淨收入為 50.2 億美元,符合預期。

  • Our second quarter gross margin from continuing operations was 66.6%, 60 basis points above the midpoint of guidance.

    我們第二季度持續經營業務的毛利率為 66.6%,比指導中值高出 60 個基點。

  • We did benefit from a more favorable product mix in the quarter driven by higher-than-expected revenue from our wired segment and lower-than-expected revenue from our wireless segment.


  • Operating income from continuing operations for the quarter was $2.46 billion and represented 48.9% of revenue.

    該季度持續運營業務的營業收入為 24.6 億美元,佔收入的 48.9%。

  • Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $2.63 billion and represented 52.3% of revenue.

    該季度調整後 EBITDA 為 26.3 億美元,佔收入的 52.3%。

  • Our day sales outstanding were 50 days, a 5-day increase from the prior quarter as we saw reduction in linearity of revenue across the quarter.

    我們的日銷售額為 50 天,比上一季度增加了 5 天,因為我們發現整個季度收入的線性度有所下降。

  • Our inventory at the end of the second quarter was $1.26 billion, a decrease of $56 million from the prior quarter.

    第二季度末我們的庫存為 12.6 億美元,比上季度減少 5600 萬美元。

  • Days on hand remain flat from prior quarter at 67 days.

    庫存天數與上季度持平,為 67 天。

  • We generated $2.31 billion in operational cash flow, which reflected the impact of $117 million of cash expended on acquisition and restructuring-related activities, including Qualcomm and Brocade.

    我們產生了 23.1 億美元的運營現金流,這反映了收購和重組相關活動(包括高通和博科)花費的 1.17 億美元現金的影響。

  • Please also note that we did not make any interest payments in the second quarter as these are made on a biannual basis in the first and third quarters of our fiscal year.


  • The capital expenditure in the second quarter was $189 million or 3.8% of net revenue.


  • As a housekeeping matter, I would also note that CapEx was $61 million higher than depreciation.

    作為一個內務管理事項,我還要指出,資本支出比折舊高出 6100 萬美元。

  • Free cash flow, which we define as operating cash flow less CapEx in the second quarter was $2.12 billion or 42.3% of net revenue and reflects the impact of acquisition and restructuring expenses.

    自由現金流(我們將其定義為第二季度運營現金流減去資本支出)為 21.2 億美元,占淨收入的 42.3%,反映了收購和重組費用的影響。

  • On the buyback, just to give you some more clarity, in the second quarter, we spent $347 million on repurchasing 1.5 million shares.

    在回購方面,為了讓您更清楚地了解,第二季度我們花費了 3.47 億美元回購了 150 萬股股票。

  • These repurchases took place over the last 2 quarters -- 2 weeks of the quarter.


  • Over the first 4 weeks of the third quarter, we have spent an additional $1.16 billion repurchasing 4.9 million shares.

    在第三季度的前 4 週,我們額外花費了 11.6 億美元回購了 490 萬股股票。

  • In addition, we returned $766 million in the form of dividends and distributions in the second quarter.

    此外,我們在第二季度以股息和分配的形式返還了 7.66 億美元。

  • Turning to our balance sheet.


  • We increased our cash balance by $1.1 billion through the second quarter and ended the period with $8.2 billion in cash and $17.6 billion in total debt.

    第二季度我們的現金餘額增加了 11 億美元,期末現金餘額為 82 億美元,債務總額為 176 億美元。

  • Now let me turn to our non-GAAP guidance for the third quarter of fiscal year 2018.

    現在讓我談談 2018 財年第三季度的非 GAAP 指引。

  • This guidance reflects our current assessment of business conditions, and we do not intend to update this guidance.


  • This guidance is for results from continuing operations only.


  • Net revenue is expected to be $5.05 billion, plus or minus $75 million.

    淨收入預計為 50.5 億美元,上下浮動 7500 萬美元。

  • Gross margin is expected to be 66.5%, plus or minus 1 percentage point.


  • Operating expenses are estimated to be approximately $882 million.

    運營費用預計約為 8.82 億美元。

  • The tax provision is forecasted to be approximately 7%.


  • Net interest expense and other is expected to be approximately $115 million.

    淨利息支出及其他預計約為 1.15 億美元。

  • The diluted share count forecast is for 457 million shares, and it does not include the impact from any share repurchases done after June 1, 2018.

    稀釋後的股票數量預測為 4.57 億股,不包括 2018 年 6 月 1 日之後進行的任何股票回購的影響。

  • Stock-based compensation expense will be approximately $320 million.

    股票補償費用約為 3.2 億美元。

  • CapEx will be approximately $125 million.

    資本支出約為 1.25 億美元。

  • As you may recall, in connection with redomiciling to the United States and as a result of the effects of the U.S. corporate tax reform, we had initially expected our effective cash tax rate on a steady-state basis to be in the range of 9% to 11% per year.

    您可能還記得,在遷至美國以及美國公司稅改革的影響下,我們最初預計穩定狀態下的有效現金稅率將在 9% 的範圍內到每年 11%。

  • Following redomiciliation, we currently expect our cash tax rate for the balance of fiscal year '18 to be approximately 7% and our long-term cash tax rate to remain in the 9% to 11% range.

    遷址後,我們目前預計 18 財年餘下的現金稅率約為 7%,長期現金稅率將保持在 9% 至 11% 的範圍內。

  • That concludes my prepared remarks.


  • Operator, please open up the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Ross Seymore with Deutsche Bank.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Ross Seymore。

  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • I want to start off on the wired side.


  • Hock, last quarter, there was a lot of debate about why the year-over-year growth slowed so much, and you guided for a confident sequential growth that you just delivered.


  • Talk a bit about the visibility going forward.


  • What's driving the slight growth that you're guiding to in the fiscal third quarter?


  • And can you still hit the mid-single-digit growth for the fiscal year in that wired segment?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Well, the wired segment, for us, especially the networking part of it that we have very good visibility right now and it's largely driven, as I indicated in my prepared remarks, from the cloud data center guys, the big cloud data center guys.


  • What we also see, and that's probably less visible, is very strong spending patterns at enterprise.


  • I call that enterprise IT environment, the more traditional enterprise.

    我將這種企業 IT 環境稱為更傳統的企業。

  • That's -- those guys have also been spending.


  • So when you combine the 2 together, that portion of our wired infrastructure business, as it relates to networking broadly, as we describe it, is very strong.


  • And of course, as in the separate segment we call enterprise storage, benefits get dropped along with that, so that's why you see very strong business in what storage might call near-line or what I call data center storage business.


  • Very, very strong both of them.


  • And that's very visible in many of these situations because the cloud data center guys tend to spend in fairly lumpy -- in a lumpy manner.


  • And so you'll get a visibility as opposed to a more secular or trended manner as the enterprise IT guys are doing.

    因此,您將獲得可見性,而不是像企業 IT 人員那樣採用更世俗或流行的方式。

  • So to answer your question, bottom line, that will drive our wired business to hit to our goal of mid-single-digit year-on-year growth for this year.


  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • Perfect.


  • And I guess as my follow-up, switching gears on to the wireless side of things.


  • It's good to see your big North American business is starting to turn up and that the business as a whole has stabilized.


  • Can you just talk about whether via content or the unit side, how you think about seasonality in the back half of the year, given that there's so many different moving parts as content per SKU and what different customers are doing?

    您能否談談無論是通過內容還是單位方面,您如何看待下半年的季節性,因為每個 SKU 都有很多不同的移動部分作為內容,以及不同的客戶在做什麼?

  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • There are a lot of moving parts.


  • It's easier to look at it on a whole -- on a total basis and the second [total] basis.


  • And also, there's unusual factors which we all thought would happen in that, as we move from iPhone 8 to iPhone 9 generation coming out that there's some caution in the level of build.

    而且,當我們從 iPhone 8 過渡到 iPhone 9 一代時,我們都認為會發生一些不尋常的因素,因此在構建水平上存在一些謹慎。

  • And there is.


  • We believe there is.


  • But having said that, we also think orders coming in what I'd call in a normal seasonal pattern of strength.


  • And we do see that very clearly now, and we do see bookings that extend all the way to close to the end of this calendar year from these North American customers.


  • So we see back -- what is exactly back to -- trend to be normal patterns.


  • The difference is what's the mix of the new generation phones versus legacy phones.


  • And that's what might lead to some uncertainty of how much content changes or increases that might be.


  • And very frankly, visibility is not that clear because it's hard to predict what level -- what will the mix of new generation phones versus legacy generation phones would be.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Craig Hettenbach with Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Craig Hettenbach。

  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Hock, this is more of a strategic question of how you view the business.


  • So some of the pushback on the companies that you've been so acquisitive that the feeling that there's a need to do more M&A.


  • So just 2 things on that.


  • Number one, with the current makeup of the business, can you talk about the long-term growth profile as you see it?


  • And then the second part would be now that you're buying back stocks, your view of the opportunities to do M&A versus return cash through buybacks.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Well, very interesting question.


  • In terms of long-term growth of this company and the various franchise businesses that comprise our entire business and company, we've always said and there are no reason to change that at all to say that long term -- that we will achieve on a long-term basis, if you look over an extended period of time, an average compounded growth rate, average compounded growth rate of mid-single digits.


  • No reason for us to change.


  • The business model continues to be -- to demonstrate that, and we do not see anything that makes us think otherwise.


  • Year-to-year, as we are seeing, you may see variations from that mid-single-digit.


  • You see -- we saw that 2017 as it compared to 2016.

    你看,我們看到了 2017 年與 2016 年的對比。

  • We saw it strongly.


  • Organic growth, taking -- stripping out the acquisition -- the contribution from acquisitions, we saw close to mid double-digit mid-teens year-on-year growth in '17.

    有機增長,除去收購的貢獻,我們看到 17 年的同比增長接近兩位數。

  • We're in '18, and I don't expect that mid-teens rate of growth to continue because, as I said, it's 1 year but it is still above in '18 mid-single digits, definitely.

    我們現在已經是 18 年了,我預計十幾歲左右的增長率不會持續下去,因為正如我所說,雖然已經過去了 1 年,但絕對仍高於 18 年中個位數。

  • We expect it to moderate down to perhaps high single digits conservatively.


  • And we expect that, but that's to be expected.


  • You cannot expect the kind of breadth of our business in connectivity solutions largely and our major positions -- multiposition within connectivity solutions, especially in those markets where franchise products prevail to keep growing higher than the rate of growth of the entire semiconductor industry, not counting memories.


  • There's no way.


  • It has to modulate down, as I said before, to a level which is closer to the growth of the entire industry.


  • We have to follow that.


  • And the only variation to that whole thing, as we think through this, is simply that every -- is that like all technology business, every new generation -- every time a new generation pops up and it varies in product life cycle from handsets, which is 18 months; to storage, which may be 5, 6 years; to industrial, which may be even longer, that each new generation brings an increased content.


  • So we have a kicker above GDP growth rate is always why I say that.


  • Hence, we end up with mid-single digits worldwide on a global basis.


  • And we will see that long term.


  • Even as in the short term, we see variations, and we saw it in '17, we're seeing into '18, but if you're willing ever to believe, you measure it over a long enough period, get confident mid-single digits.

    即使在短期內,我們也看到了變化,我們在17 年看到了這一點,我們正在看到18 年,但如果你願意相信,你可以在足夠長的時間內對其進行衡量,並在中期充滿信心個位數。

  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Got it.


  • And then just as a second part of that question around how you're evaluating kind of M&A opportunities versus the aggressive steps you're taking on the buyback.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • We keep doing both as we do basically based on return on investment as we generate cash.


  • One of the things we are seeing is our cash flow generation, as Tom indicated in his remarks, and especially last quarter and then last quarter is not an unusual quarter as we forecast going forward is our cash flow generation is very, very strong.


  • Our free cash flow was north of $2 billion last quarter, and a big part of it relates to the fact that CapEx, which has been a big consumption of our cash flow over the last 2 years at least, between building up capacity and building up campuses in couple of locations, which involves big amount of money for cost reduction purposes -- cost reduction -- operating cost reduction purposes, but nonetheless suck up all our CapEx.

    上個季度我們的自由現金流超過 20 億美元,其中很大一部分與資本支出有關,至少在過去兩年裡,資本支出一直是我們現金流的一大消耗,在產能建設和建設之間在幾個地點建立園區,這涉及大量資金用於降低成本——降低成本——降低運營成本,但仍然佔用了我們所有的資本支出。

  • It dramatically dropped as we finish those programs.


  • And as Tom said, we are looking towards a CapEx level much lower than we have seen in prior years, in prior quarters.


  • So that's enabling our cash generation to be fairly substantial.


  • And on a quarterly basis, probably north of $2 billion free cash flow.

    按季度計算,自由現金流可能超過 20 億美元。

  • So that's allowing us a lot more flexibility, which allows us to still look at M&A, as we do, and still be able to invest those -- that very strong stream of cash generation in a very good asset -- return-generating asset, our own shares, which is fairly simple.


  • If you think about it, right, our own shares producing or generating over $8 billion.

    如果你想一想,我們自己的股票生產或創造了超過 80 億美元。

  • In the company, our market cap, we're talking over 8% cash-on-cash return [compared] in our own shares.

    在公司,我們的市值,我們談論的是我們自己股票的超過 8% 的現金回報率。

  • So of course, we will keep doing that, especially for the flexibility of generating a lot of cash, but that doesn't mean we stop doing M&A.


  • We are continuing to look, and we go by the criteria we have on cash-on-cash return.


  • And as we see opportunities as we still do, we will act on those M&A opportunities.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Ambrish Srivastava from BMO Capital Markets.

    我們的下一個問題來自 BMO 資本市場的 Ambrish Srivastava。

  • Ting Pong Ho - Associate

    Ting Pong Ho - Associate

  • This is Gabriel Ho calling in for Ambrish.

    我是加布里埃爾·何 (Gabriel Ho) 給安布里什 (Ambrish) 打電話。

  • This question is for Hock.


  • On the wireless, the guidance seems to be implying a flattish on a year-over-year basis in terms of growth for the fiscal third quarter.


  • So my understanding is last year, the phone -- your large smartphone OEM customer was later than normal.

    所以我的理解是去年的電話——你們的大型智能手機 OEM 客戶比平常晚了。

  • So why is your wireless revenue not growing?


  • And is it due to the content of more of the unit?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • It's hard to measure it quarter-on-quarter for various reasons.


  • In my remarks, I was very clear, at this time last year, third quarter, we have both the North American smartphone maker and the Korean high-end phone maker going in the same direction.


  • We're not -- while they are still very positive on the North American phone maker, we are not seeing strength in the Korean phone maker.


  • That's -- as I said in my prepared remarks, that's the reason we are seeing that difference, the major reason we're seeing that difference.


  • Ting Pong Ho - Associate

    Ting Pong Ho - Associate

  • As a follow-up on the revenue side, you talked about operating leverage, talked about revenue growth moderating towards the mid-single-digit.


  • And how should we think about your OpEx front as well as your gross margin longer term?


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • So if I understood your question correctly, talking about the operating leverage in the model going forward.


  • I think if you look at the operating expenses, they've effectively flattened out here at these levels.


  • We might see them come down a bit, especially as you look in '19, but it's a fair level.

    我們可能會看到它們有所下降,特別是從 19 年的情況來看,但這是一個公平的水平。

  • We don't see expenses increasing from here much.


  • And we obviously think we still have a lot of leverage from a gross margin standpoint and continue to see gross margins expand.


  • But the trend you've seen over last several years, we don't see that stopping anytime soon.


  • And so we put that together, we believe that we've got a lot of capacity to continue to improve.


  • Our operating margins, as Hock talked about, CapEx is coming down.


  • I mean this is a largely established company, a CapEx-light company when you look at the fundamentals.


  • And so we're driving CapEx down to more like $100 million a quarter, which suggests you're going to be running much closer to 2% as a percentage of revenue.

    因此,我們將每季度的資本支出降低至 1 億美元左右,這表明您將在收入中所佔的比例接近 2%。

  • And so free cash flow margins, which we have a target of 40%, we think that can continue to improve and likely to improve, obviously, north of 40% if you do that math.

    因此,自由現金流利潤率(我們的目標是 40%)我們認為可以繼續改善,而且如果你計算一下的話,顯然很可能會改善超過 40%。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from Blayne Curtis with Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Blayne Curtis。

  • Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • I just want to ask on the guidance, I wanted to make sure.


  • It sounded like all the segments of wireless would be up, but then you said, not to mention ZTE.


  • So I'm just curious how much of an impact that would be.


  • And then secondly, on just wireless, I just wanted to understand.


  • Obviously, it's harder to triangulate content -- average content.


  • Legacy is one portion, but there's also the share portion.


  • I'm just wondering if you could comment on your visibility of your share at that customer -- at the North American customer.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • We don't really like to talk about share on that because in the overall scheme of things, Blayne, it makes no difference to us.


  • It might make a big difference to somebody else, which I won't mention, but in the overall scheme of things, we look at our business as 20 product divisions, 4 different segments.

    這可能會對其他人產生很大的影響,這一點我不會提及,但在整體計劃中,我們將我們的業務視為 20 個產品部門,4 個不同的細分市場。

  • Some segments are up, some segments are down sometimes quarter-to-quarter.


  • But overall, very, very stable and sustainable.


  • I mean broadly answered.


  • So I really don't have that much to comment on in terms of share, and we really don't want to -- don't like to comment on share as it applies to that.

    因此,我在份額方面確實沒有太多可評論的,而且我們真的不想 - 不喜歡對份額發表評論,因為它適用於此。

  • But in regard to your first part about ZTE, again, this is -- we're trying to be looking at it from a very high level.


  • And until we have the ability to ship out, clearly ship out to ZTE, we really prefer that, again, as we said, not to comment on it.


  • Where we stand now is products are not shipping, and that's our position at this point.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Amit Daryanani with RBC Capital Markets.

    我們的下一個問題來自 RBC 資本市場的 Amit Daryanani。

  • Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Analyst

    Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Analyst

  • I just have 2 as well.


  • First, just on capital allocation, now that buybacks are part of your broader capital allocation, does the bar for M&A for deals here essentially become higher because plan b would be, assuming you buy your own stock, buying something at an 8% cash yield with no integration issues.

    首先,就資本配置而言,既然回購是更廣泛的資本配置的一部分,這裡的併購交易的門檻是否實質上會變得更高,因為B 計劃是,假設你購買自己的股票,以8%的現金收益率購買一些東西沒有集成問題。

  • So I'm curious, does the bar for deals become higher?


  • Or how do you look at the cash and cash targets today now that you have the option to do buybacks?


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • Look, I think Hock said it well.


  • I'll just reiterate it maybe with a little more color.


  • But basically, it's a returns-driven phenomenon.


  • You can see our views on the returns of our -- buying back our own stock based on our execution to buyback over the last month-plus, so I think that's self-evident.


  • Going forward, as I've said, we always look to drive double-digit returns from an M&A standpoint.


  • Obviously, we think we know how to do integration, and so we'll take a risk-adjusted view of it.


  • But as long as we think we can find opportunities that are well in excess of where we can buy own stock at, we'll, obviously, take a very close look at that.


  • But without that in mind, obviously, the stock over the last month plus has looked attractive to us based on the stock that we bought back and continue to do so, as Hock said, given the returns.


  • Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Analyst

    Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then if I could just -- to follow up on the wireless segment.


  • And I understand some of the near-term discussions we've been having on this.


  • But as you think about the next several quarters and fiscal '19 on a broader level, do you think your position to grow your wireless revenues in aggregate in fiscal '19 at this point?

    但是,當您在更廣泛的層面上考慮接下來的幾個季度和 19 財年時,您認為您目前在 19 財年的無線總收入增長方面處於什麼位置?

  • Or are the compares going to be such that it's going to be hard to show growth next year in that business if units remain flat with your 2 largest customers there?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • We don't give outlook even beyond one quarter, much less the year.


  • And frankly, we're not about to really change that practice or policy because then, we'll be doing something -- a lot of this in every earnings call.


  • We'll give you our strategic view on the whole thing, and that hasn't changed.


  • Again, we've got great franchises in those -- in every segment, right, including especially wireless.


  • And to ask me for what 1 year looks like, we don't comment on that.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from John Pitzer with Credit Suisse.

    我們的下一個問題來自瑞士信貸銀行的約翰·皮策 (John Pitzer)。

  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • Hock, just -- maybe I'll ask the wireless question a little bit different.


  • I understand the impact that mix might have as far as your revenue growth in the back half of the year.


  • But as you think sort of flagship to flagship at your North American customer, how should we think about content growth this time around?


  • And perhaps differentiate between RF and other applications.


  • And I guess on the RF stack, we'll start to see some initial 5G modems coming out of the end of this year.

    我想在 RF 堆棧上,我們將開始看到一些最初的 5G 調製解調器將於今年年底問世。

  • I'm just wondering what kind of visibility you have for continued growth thus far as the world transitions from 4G to 5G.

    我只是想知道,到目前為止,隨著世界從 4G 過渡到 5G,您對持續增長有何看法。

  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Strategically, if you go to 5G and you go deeper and deeper into 5G, which runs what I call the ultra-high band frequency -- maybe it's not so ultra-high, but nonetheless, when you talk about anything 3 gigahertz and beyond, you need to -- you tend to push towards more and more FBAR content.

    從戰略上講,如果你進入5G,並且越來越深入地了解5G,它運行我所說的超高頻段——也許它不是那麼超高,但儘管如此,當你談論3 GHz 及以上的任何東西時,你需要——你傾向於推動越來越多的 FBAR 內容。

  • That's given.


  • That's very well proven.


  • That's very well known.


  • When would 5G really come in and what fashion it will come in because the initial phones will likely be claimed to be 5G but not truly 5G so the specifications don't have to be as rigorous for performance.

    5G 何時真正到來以及它會以何種方式出現,因為最初的手機可能會聲稱是 5G,但並不是真正的 5G,因此規格不必對性能那麼嚴格。

  • People will try to -- phone makers may use -- especially in the lower end, not higher end, use software alternatives and soft filters and get away with it because performance doesn't matter, just the socket.


  • But when you really get deeper and deeper into 5G, you need FBAR filters to make it work given.

    但當您真正深入了解 5G 時,您需要 FBAR 濾波器才能使其發揮作用。

  • So think of it long term, content will step up.


  • No question.


  • Not only more frequencies, but frequencies that demand the need for FBAR.

    不僅是更多的頻率,而且頻率需要 FBAR。

  • Beyond that, who knows?


  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • And then specifically as we think flagship to flagship this year for your North American customer, how do we think about your RF content growth and/or potential growth elsewhere with things like connectivity or touch?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Well, things are, as you say, moving along.


  • We all like to think about is how soon will normalcy in flagship phones recover.


  • Come back to what you call normalcy.


  • We don't know.


  • And how do you know what is content versus unit volume, especially when normalcy is down?


  • I'm not trying to dodge the question.


  • I'm saying is you can't tell because right now shipments are not really normal even as we see bookings coming in strongly.


  • And hopefully we like to see normal, but then, we don't see the North Korean customers, I mean, as strong as they should be.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Stacy Rasgon with Bernstein Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自伯恩斯坦研究中心的史黛西·拉斯貢(Stacy Rasgon)。

  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Let me ask that question a different way.


  • So I know last year around this time, you gave us a number for content.


  • You said that your North American customer was up 40%.

    你說你的北美客戶增長了 40%。

  • Obviously, that may have changed a bit given the mix.


  • And it sounds like you're suggesting mix going forward of new phones versus legacy is an unknown.


  • But if the mix, I guess, into 2019 was the same as what we saw this year, what do you think your content at your North American customer would be?

    但我想,如果 2019 年的情況與我們今年看到的情況相同,您認為您向北美客戶提供的內容會是什麼?

  • That should be a math problem you ought to be able to do.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • But even I tell you, how are going to check it against revenues, which is what I will say is most important because the legacy phone will vary -- if the mix of legacy phones start increasing dramatically, you will reflect on the different set of content.

    但即使我告訴你,如何根據收入來檢查它,這就是我要說的最重要的,因為傳統手機會有所不同 - 如果傳統手機的組合開始急劇增加,你將反思不同的組合內容。

  • What you're asking is what -- it's not really what the content.


  • What's the revenue over the next few quarters?


  • What it's going to look like?


  • And based on -- you're trying to do simple math on content.


  • But I say you have an unknown equation which says the legacy phones may increase in percentage, which then dilutes any increase in content.


  • And then the revenue will reflect what you're looking for.


  • I'm basically trying to answer your questions for you by saying that if you're looking for [rel] what else -- on a simple correlation between content increase and revenue change, I'm saying there are other factors that are coming in that might dilute that whole equation.


  • And so answering that question that you ask in simple terms doesn't answer the underlying interest that you have.


  • I will say, in broad scope, content direction and trends haven't changed at all.


  • But the mix of legacy, the mix of phone SKUs, and in some situations, if you look beyond a North American OEM and look at other high-end smartphone makers, which we sell to and their varying performance, all will skew your numbers.

    但傳統的混合、手機 SKU 的混合,以及在某些情況下,如果您超越北美 OEM,看看我們銷售的其他高端智能手機製造商以及他們不同的性能,所有這些都會扭曲您的數字。

  • I mean your math request is easy.


  • And I'll tell you the math request is that the strength in content increase has not changed.


  • But it doesn't show you anything.


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • But I mean your old -- like long-term normalized outlook was for end market units to be relatively flat, given, call it, premium phones aren't growing very much.


  • But you have mid-double-digit -- over the long-term mid-double-digit content increase, you're not changing that long-term point of view.


  • And that was a portfolio -- by the way, that had nothing to do with mix.


  • That was a portfolio point of view, as I understand it.


  • Are you still holding to that long-term portfolio view for content increase?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • That will be long-term content increase, still.


  • And there will still be long-term content increase.


  • I'm more interested to know that there's a mix change and there's a unit change now that we have all seen.


  • Do you have follow-up questions?


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • I do.


  • Let me ask about storage really quickly.


  • So obviously, that's growing well right now in conjunction with the networking portion of enterprise.


  • They've got similar drivers.


  • I'd say storage, historically, has tended to be quite a bit more lumpier though than the wired business, and it just rose 17% sequentially and it looks like on a mostly organic kind of quarter.

    我想說的是,從歷史上看,存儲業務往往比有線業務更加不穩定,並且它僅連續增長了 17%,而且看起來像是一個基本有機的季度。

  • I guess how should we think about the drivers of that and I guess the lumpiness that may continue with that going forward?


  • I think, historically, you've given, again a longer-term view of that business overall was roughly flattish plus or minus.


  • Like how should we be thinking about the near-term drivers of that and how those may play out over the rest of the year?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • Let me correct some perceptions.


  • And maybe it's our fault for not articulating it clearly enough.


  • If you strip out Brocade, I was trying to say -- only if you do a year-on-year comparison, you have to strip out Brocade from current year, fiscal '18 result.

    我想說的是,如果你剔除博科,只有當你進行同比比較時,你才必須從本年度 18 財年的業績中剔除博科。

  • Our revenue in enterprise storage year-on-year is single digits growth as you expect enterprise storage to typically happen.


  • And this is a very stable kind of business.


  • It doesn't do cartwheels and funny stuff like that, but it's very stable and extremely, extremely sticky and profitable.


  • That's storage.


  • And it will be.


  • And even in fiscal '18, we've seen super strength, especially with near-line data -- cloud data center buying more high-capacity drives, hard drives, we'll still grow maybe closer to high single digits year-on-year, which is unusual for enterprise storage.

    即使在 18 財年,我們也看到了超強的實力,尤其是近線數據——雲數據中心購買了更多大容量驅動器、硬盤,我們的同比增長可能仍接近高個位數——今年,這對於企業存儲來說是不尋常的。

  • What perhaps confused the mix is we now add year-on-year comparison Brocade, and that leads to that 17%.

    也許令人困惑的是,我們現在添加了同比比較 Brocade,這導致了 17%。

  • Otherwise, year-on-year, please don't expect double-digit growth on storage.


  • At best, flattish to single digits is the norm for it.


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Wasn't the 17% a sequential number, or am I remembering that wrong?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Oh, yes.


  • It's probably some level of sequential.


  • Now you're right.


  • That's sequential -- I'm trying to discourage you from looking at it sequentially.


  • Look at it year-on-year historical.


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So you think roughly flattish year-over-year excluding Brocade.


  • Okay.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • Roughly flattish year-on-year excluding Brocade.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from Vivek Arya, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    我們的下一個問題來自美銀美林的 Vivek Arya。

  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • I also had 2. So first question, I understand we don't want to talk about specific content.


  • There does appear to be some more competition in high mid-band bands.


  • Do you think that is just the desire for large customers to just be -- just have supplier diversity?


  • Or do you think competition is catching up in technology?


  • And if it's the latter, what are you doing to make sure that you're sort of maintaining your competitive edge in both these technologies?


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • Good question.


  • In every franchise -- product line franchise we have, and we have 20 of them, we are in the lead.

    在我們擁有的每一個特許經營產品線中,我們都處於領先地位,我們有 20 個特許經營產品線。

  • That's the definition of why we call it franchise, and that's our business model that we are the lead.


  • Whether we grow it organically ourselves or acquire and strengthen and sustain those, we are the #1 in each of the segments.


  • No different in wireless, be they in wireless we sell, most notably RF front end, FBAR filters in other words, built into it, or Wi-Fi/Bluetooth combo ship, or as we call it, wireless connectivity.

    無線方面沒有什麼不同,無論是我們銷售的無線產品,最引人注目的是射頻前端、內置的 FBAR 濾波器,還是 Wi-Fi/藍牙組合船,或者我們所說的無線連接。

  • Very much, we're the #1 and in the lead.


  • And we always, having said that, have competition.


  • You can't enough.


  • World is large.


  • You always have competitors.


  • But we are always in the lead, and we always, as our key business model, continue to invest as we need to continue, if not extend our lead.


  • And to answer your question, in RF front end, which I assume that's what you're addressing rather than wireless connectivity or Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, where that -- nobody is even within range.

    為了回答你的問題,在射頻前端,我認為這就是你要解決的問題,而不是無線連接或 Wi-Fi/藍牙,在那裡,甚至沒有人在範圍內。

  • In RF front end, we are very much in the lead, and we have that lead now for many years, and we continue to invest to keep that lead.


  • And it has not changed.


  • Believe me, it has not changed.


  • The lead that we have been able to design -- add strength and design those RF front-end components, which includes a lot of it FBAR filters, our key element of strength and power amplifiers like so and the normal switches and little components that add up to an RF front end.

    我們能夠設計的領先產品——增加強度並設計那些射頻前端組件,其中包括很多 FBAR 濾波器、我們的強度和功率放大器的關鍵元件,以及普通開關和添加的小組件直至射頻前端。

  • But especially where it relates to FBAR.

    但尤其是與 FBAR 相關的地方。

  • We're in the lead in architectural.


  • We're the best at creating those RF front ends that enable high-end phones to deliver the kind of performance and bandwidth that they generate for -- that you see around you.


  • And we continue to make sure we are very much in the lead.


  • So as far as I'm concerned, that hasn't changed.


  • The business hasn't changed.


  • The franchise, to answer your question directly, is not at all in jeopardy.


  • Maybe that's a clear answer to all you guys out there, is we do not see -- and we're just not trying to be cavalier or complacent.


  • Well, far from complacent in any one of our franchise business.


  • We continue to remain the lead, and we ensure we are -- continue to be in the lead as we look forward 1 generation, 2 generations.


  • That hasn't changed.


  • The franchise is not in jeopardy.


  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • Got it.


  • And as my follow-up, very strong performance on the gross margin side.


  • I think, Tom, you were mentioning that you expect perhaps more upside.


  • What's driving this upside?


  • Is it just mix?


  • Is it something else?


  • And is there a way to quantify what the longer-term opportunity is to take gross margins to?


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • Good question.


  • I mean, obviously, it is mix as well.


  • I mean, if you look at the growth Hock's been articulating around cloud and enterprise IP, we've added Brocade, these are all very margin-accretive activities.

    我的意思是,如果你看看 Hock 圍繞雲和企業 IP 所闡述的增長,我們已經添加了博科,這些都是非常能增加利潤的活動。

  • As revenue grows as well, we're seeing our businesses that were lower performing carried with it lower gross margins that acquired from Broadcom, in particular, continue to improve.


  • As you know, it takes several years to go from actually designing-in the product to shipping new products in volumes, some of the businesses we've owned for less than a couple of years.


  • And so all those things as well as the day-to-day normal operating improvement is driving gross margins up.


  • Clearly, we're focusing on value-accretive R&D.


  • So we're spending nearly $3 billion in R&D.

    因此,我們在研發上花費了近 30 億美元。

  • All of that is focused on delivering greater and greater value to the customer.


  • That's also very gross margin-accretive.


  • So that gives us confidence that we can continue to improve it from these levels.


  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Another way of also -- let me expand a bit on what Tom is saying also is, here's the thing, if you look at the strategy of this company and the product and the market characteristics and how we address the market.


  • You see, we pick those franchise products, and those products are strategic components typically of the customers in each of the segments -- in each of the end markets we address.


  • And as I say, one of the things that's great about technology business is it constantly evolves.


  • I'm not using the word disrupt.


  • I'm using the word evolution.


  • It evolves.


  • It grows up, switches, increases in bandwidth.


  • The top of the right switch we're launching now is 12.8 terabytes.

    我們現在推出的右側交換機的頂部容量為 12.8 TB。

  • Features a lot, but let's use capacity.


  • The routers we have, same situation.


  • The 30s we have out there to support our building block products and a few -- a bunch of other products we have, has gone from -- has now reached a level of 102 gigabit per second.

    我們支持我們的構建塊產品和一些產品(我們擁有的許多其他產品)的 30 年代現在已經達到了每秒 102 吉比特的水平。

  • As we go up higher and higher, the bar in challenging our products goes up correspondingly.


  • I almost want to say, use the word in many cases, exponentially.


  • You have to spend the money to deliver those kind of very high-technology products.


  • And it gets harder and harder as time -- as generation progresses in every one of our products.


  • Even a thing as PCI Express generation 3 going to generation 4 is a huge challenge for most silicon guys out there.

    即使 PCI Express 第 3 代升級到第 4 代,對於大多數芯片人員來說也是一個巨大的挑戰。

  • We can do it.


  • 30 is going from 25 gigabits to 56 gigabits to 112 gigabits, as I said earlier.

    正如我之前所說,30 將從 25 GB 增長到 56 GB,再到 112 GB。

  • We are finding less and less people out there able to come even close to what we do.


  • And because of that, we're delivering high content.


  • When you increase bandwidth, which is a big part of what we do, higher bandwidth allows more data transfers, allows us to get better value for those products.


  • And that's what drives the gross margin.


  • All this -- the spending, is mostly in R&D.


  • The spending is not in making the product more -- is not in cost of manufacturing going up.


  • It's more in the R&D spending to design and enable the product to come out.


  • So it's normal that the gross margin goes up.


  • It's also normal that the cost of doing R&D is stepping up, too.


  • And that's something we're very disciplined on how we make sure we get a good return.


  • But really, the cost of manufacturing more and more sophisticated, higher-performance product doesn't change -- doesn't increase as fast as the value we add to our customers.


  • And that's why you translate it to higher and higher gross margin.


  • The same applies in wireless to RF front end.


  • I'd like to say that it's harder and harder, the value goes up, but the cost of manufacturing goes up less.


  • And that's the explanation for why our gross margin has been trending or creeping up generation after generation, year after year.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Harlan Sur with JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Harlan Sur。

  • Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

  • Your data-centric ASIC product line is very strong and I assume contributing to the strong year-over-year growth in wired.

    你們以數據為中心的 ASIC 產品線非常強大,我認為這對有線業務的同比強勁增長做出了貢獻。

  • And our sense is that the pipeline is getting stronger and more diversified in terms of customers and product types, switching, routing, AI, deep learning, Smart NICs and so on.


  • And it does seem like more and more of the cloud titans are trying to do their own silicon.


  • Do you guys think that this is just a transitory phase and that merchant silicon will eventually fill this void?


  • Or do you get a sense that better silicon optimization via ASICs will be a sustainable trend?

    或者您是否認為通過 ASIC 實現更好的芯片優化將成為可持續趨勢?

  • And I think this question also applies to your analog ASIC business as well.

    我認為這個問題也適用於您的模擬 ASIC 業務。

  • Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

    Hock E. Tan - CEO, President & Executive Director

  • Well, very interesting question.


  • I'd be direct with you.


  • I don't know the final outcome and ancillary either, but we see strength today and looking forward to the next generation in both merchant silicon and ASIC implementations of the kind of products we do.

    我也不知道最終的結果和輔助,但我們今天看到了力量,並期待著我們所做的產品的商業芯片和 ASIC 實現的下一代。

  • We're both.


  • And in fact, in many situations, on large cloud guys who have the scale to ask for unique ASICs, those -- some of those unique ASICs get their platform from our merchant silicon.

    事實上,在許多情況下,大型雲公司有規模要求獨特的 ASIC,其中一些獨特的 ASIC 從我們的商業芯片中獲得平台。

  • And so it becomes like -- in many cases, it's -- now we're saying it's almost an ecosystem play.


  • It's a whole fabric or network play.


  • It's not one component by itself, and we're seeing that.


  • And I would say both.


  • Both merchant silicon is moving along very strongly as is ASIC or semi-ASIC -- semi-custom development.

    這兩種商用芯片都在強勁發展,ASIC 或半 ASIC(半定制開發)也是如此。

  • And this is -- when you say that the cloud guys want to do their own silicon, I'm afraid to say they can only do so much of the silicon.


  • As you know, there's a whole spectrum when you do a silicon from right and the front-end definition, architecture definition, chip definition to the RF front-end design RTL, all the way to the back-end.

    如您所知,當您從右到右製作芯片時,會涉及到前端定義、架構定義、芯片定義到射頻前端設計 RTL,一直到後端的整個範圍。

  • And no cloud guy can cut across the entire spectrum.


  • They'll do only parts of it.


  • There's always room for a silicon supplier like us who are able to do across the entire spectrum.


  • And with $20 billion of revenues, we -- our scale enables us to not only do things better than most other suppliers out there in silicon, but it also gets us to the scale of cost that is hard to match and across a wide diversity of products.

    憑藉 200 億美元的收入,我們的規模不僅使我們能夠比大多數其他芯片供應商做得更好,而且還使我們達到了難以匹敵的成本規模,並且涵蓋了廣泛的多樣性。產品。

  • In other words, our cost of developing 7 nanometers spread across such a wide spectrum of products is very, very cost effective as the IP, intellectual property, we develop to support many of our unique products very low.

    換句話說,我們在如此廣泛的產品中開發 7 納米技術的成本非常非常高,因為我們開髮用於支持我們許多獨特產品的 IP、知識產權非常低。

  • And you see that in the kind of financial performance from -- articulated.


  • Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

  • And then question for Tom.


  • You guys have a full quarter of Brocade under your wings.


  • You were targeting $900 million in annualized EBITDA post synergies, or 60% EBITDA margins.

    您的目標是實現協同效應後的年化 EBITDA 為 9 億美元,即 60% 的 EBITDA 利潤率。

  • Just given the company's total margin profile that you're driving right now, it seems like you guys are kind of already there, but wanted to get your view.


  • Can you just help us level set where you are relative to your target and how much more you think you can drive versus prior expectations?


  • Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

    Thomas H. Krause - CFO & Secretary

  • Sure, fair question.


  • I think at this point, we feel real good about Brocade.


  • Obviously, revenues are -- it's a public company and everyone knows what the top line on the sand was.


  • So revenues are strong, and a lot of that's reflected in the storage business and the results there.


  • In terms of margins, obviously, it's a margin-accretive deal.


  • A lot of the cost on the OpEx side have come out.


  • There's a little bit left to go, but it's largely done.


  • So if you do that math, obviously, this is a business that's meeting, if not, exceeding our expectations, but I don't want to get any more detailed than that.


  • Operator


  • That concludes Broadcom's conference call for today.


  • You may now disconnect.
