意法半導體 (STM) 2016 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.


  • Welcome to the STMicroelectronics second-quarter 2016 earnings results conference call and live webcast.

    歡迎參加意法半導體 2016 年第二季財報電話會議和網路直播。

  • I am Selina, the Chorus Call operator.


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • The conference is being recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • The conference must not be recorded for publication or broadcast.


  • At this time, it's my pleasure to hand over to Mr. Tait Sorensen, Group Vice President, Investor Relations.

    此時此刻,我很高興將工作交給負責投資人關係的集團副總裁 Tait Sorensen 先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you and good morning to everyone.


  • Thank you again for joining our second quarter of 2016 financial results conference call.

    再次感謝您參加我們的 2016 年第二季財務業績電話會議。

  • Hosting the call today is Carlo Bozotti, ST's President & Chief Executive Officer.

    今天主持電話會議的是 ST 總裁兼執行長 Carlo Bozotti。

  • Joining Carlo on the call today are Jean-Marc Chery, Chief Operating Officer; Carlo Ferro, Chief Financial Officer; Georges Penalver, Chief Strategy Officer.

    今天與 Carlo 一起參加電話會議的還有營運長 Jean-Marc Chery;卡洛費羅,財務長;喬治‧佩納爾弗,首席策略長。

  • This live webcast can be accessed through ST's website.

    此網路直播可透過 ST 網站觀看。

  • A replay will be available shortly after the conclusion of this call.


  • This call will include forward-looking statements that involve risk factors that could cause ST's results to differ materially from management's expectations and plans.

    這次電話會議將包括前瞻性陳述,這些陳述涉及可能導致 ST 的業績與管理層的預期和計劃存在重大差異的風險因素。

  • We encourage you to review the safe harbor statement contained in the press release that was issued with the results this morning, and also in ST's most recent regulatory filings for a full description of these risk factors.

    我們鼓勵您查看今天早上發布的結果新聞稿中包含的安全港聲明,以及 ST 最新的監管文件中的安全港聲明,以獲取對這些風險因素的完整描述。

  • Also, to ensure all participants have an opportunity to ask questions during the Q&A session, please limit yourself to one question and a brief follow-up.


  • I'd now like to turn the call over to Carlo Bozotti, STs President & CEO.

    現在我想將電話轉給 ST 總裁兼執行長 Carlo Bozotti。

  • Carlo.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Tait, and thank you for joining us this morning on our second-quarter earnings conference call.


  • Today, I would like to share our progress towards our most important objective for 2016: returning ST to revenue growth, focusing on two strategic areas, Smart Driving and Internet of Things.


  • As you know, we are targeting those obligations that are expected to grow the fastest, from car digitalization and electrification to the Internet of Things for portable and wearable devices, as well as smart [home], city, and industrial applications.


  • Already during the first quarter, we saw a first step towards a return to year-over-year growth with two of our major product businesses representing about 50% of our 2015 sales, automotive and microcontrollers.

    在第一季度,我們就邁出了恢復年成長的第一步,汽車和微控制器這兩個主要產品業務占我們 2015 年銷售額的 50% 左右。

  • And in the second quarter, we made a further step forward.


  • Automotive and microcontrollers continued their positive revenues momentum.


  • On top of this, our power discrete business, our imaging product division, as well as our analog and MEMS product group, grew sequentially, and we are now well positioned to grow on a year-over-year basis in the second half of 2016.


  • Now let's go through our key figures.


  • First, total revenues increased on a sequential basis to $1,703 million, up 5.6%.

    首先,總營收季增 5.6%,達到 17.03 億美元。

  • This was slightly above the mid-point of our guidance.


  • Importantly, all the three groups and the image product division delivered sequential growth.


  • Second, our sequential growth in revenues translated into progress on gross margin.


  • Specifically, the second-quarter gross margin came in at 33.9%, a quarter-to-quarter improvement of 50 basis points.


  • Unused capacity charges in the period impacted the gross margin by about 45 basis points compared to about 60 basis points in the first quarter.

    該期間未使用容量費用對毛利率的影響約為 45 個基點,而第一季約為 60 個基點。

  • Third, combined R&D and SG&A expenses of $565 million were lower on a sequential basis by $6 million, mainly benefiting from fewer calendar days.

    第三,研發和銷售、一般行政費用合計為 5.65 億美元,環比減少 600 萬美元,主要得益於日曆天數的減少。

  • Operating expenses also reflected the initial benefit of the set-top box restructuring plan.


  • More importantly, I can confirm that we are on track to capture about $100 million of annualized cost savings from our set-top box restructuring program exiting 2016.

    更重要的是,我可以確認,我們預計從 2016 年退出的機上盒重組計劃中節省約 1 億美元的年度成本。

  • Fourth, our operating income before impairment and restructuring turned positive during the second quarter coming in at $40 million, thanks to the sequential growth in revenue and improvement in gross margin.

    第四,由於營收季增和毛利率改善,第二季減損和重組前的營業收入轉正,達到 4,000 萬美元。

  • Finally, we also saw an improvement in our free cash flow, increasing to $47 million in the second quarter from $31 million in the first quarter.

    最後,我們也看到自由現金流有所改善,從第一季的 3,100 萬美元增加到第二季的 4,700 萬美元。

  • For the first half 2016, this brings free cash flow to $78 million.

    2016 年上半年,自由現金流達 7,800 萬美元。

  • Now let's move to a more detailed business review.


  • In ADG, our automotive and discrete group, revenues increased 7.5% on a sequential basis.

    我們的汽車和離散產品集團 ADG 的收入較上季成長 7.5%。

  • Importantly, we saw a return to sequential growth for our power discrete products increasing by double digits.


  • This sharp improvement is due to a broad-based recovery following the market downturn that began last year, as well as to our marketing initiatives.


  • In automotive, we had another solid quarter of broad-based sequential growth with revenues up over 4%.

    在汽車領域,我們又一個季度實現了廣泛的連續成長,收入成長了 4% 以上。

  • On a year-over-year basis, automotive increased about 6%.

    汽車產業較去年同期成長約 6%。

  • While the performance of power discrete products improved sequentially, it was not yet enough to grow year over year.


  • However, based upon our current market visibility, power discrete products are positioned to contribute to year-over-year growth starting in the second half of 2016.

    然而,根據我們目前的市場知名度,功率分立產品預計將在 2016 年下半年開始為年成長做出貢獻。

  • ADG operating income of $61 million in the second quarter was up sharply on a sequential basis, increasing from $39 million in the first quarter.

    第二季 ADG 營業收入為 6,100 萬美元,較第一季的 3,900 萬美元較上季大幅成長。

  • ADG operating margin increased to 8.5% compared to 5.7% in the first quarter.

    ADG 營業利潤率從第一季的 5.7% 增至 8.5%。

  • Both power discrete and automotive contributed to ADG's operating margin growth.

    功率分立裝置和汽車裝置都為 ADG 的營業利潤成長做出了貢獻。

  • The second quarter was an important one for ADG in terms of announcements and awards covering our three priority areas: safer, greener, and more connected driving.

    第二季度對 ADG 來說是重要的一個季度,其公告和獎項涵蓋了我們的三個優先領域:更安全、更環保和更互聯的駕駛。

  • In advanced ADG, we announced the continuation of our strong partnership with Mobileye through the development of the fifth generation of the system-on-chip in 7 nanometer [thin-thread] technology.

    在高級 ADG 中,我們宣布透過開發採用 7 奈米[細線]技術的第五代晶片上系統,繼續與 Mobileye 建立牢固的合作夥伴關係。

  • We had wins in Japan with Tier 1s for a complete ABS chipset for motorbikes with a 32 bit microcontroller, and for a next-generation airbag smart-power chipset.

    我們在日本獲得了 Tier 1 的勝利,包括用於具有 32 位元微控制器的摩托車的完整 ABS 晶片組以及下一代安全氣囊智慧電源晶片組。

  • We also started a collaboration with a major Japanese Tier 1 for a surround-view camera system, and with a new customer for another [other] application, the advanced safety applications.


  • Both of these projects are using our 28 nanometer FD-SOI technology.

    這兩個項目都使用我們的 28 奈米 FD-SOI 技術。

  • For greener driving, spurred by car electrification, our key technologies are the new generation of vertical intelligent power and silicon carbide.


  • Vertical intelligent power continues to be a strong contributor to our sales in this area, and we recently celebrated a 25th anniversary of the creation of this industry-leading ST proprietary technology.

    垂直智慧電源仍然是我們在該領域銷售的重要貢獻者,我們最近慶祝了這項業界領先的 ST 專有技術創建 25 週年。

  • For silicon carbide, during the quarter, we announced a complete set of advanced SiC power devices for high voltage power modules to extend vehicle range, increase convenience, and improve reliability.

    對於碳化矽,本季我們推出了一整套用於高壓功率模組的先進 SiC 功率裝置,以延長車輛續航里程、增加便利性並提高可靠性。

  • In the area of connected cars, we continued the expansion of our 32 bit automotive microcontroller business with a major award from a Japanese Tier 1. We also announced, together with Autotalks the development of a solution to combine satellite navigation with vehicle-to-vehicle and the infrastructure communication for better positioning information in difficult CT environments.

    在連網汽車領域,我們繼續擴展 32 位元汽車微控制器業務,並榮獲日本 Tier 1 的重大獎項。在困難的CT 環境中獲得更好的定位資訊。

  • In addition to our automotive focus, we also have products inside ADG that serve many other markets.

    除了我們專注於汽車領域之外,我們在 ADG 內部還擁有服務許多其他市場的產品。

  • Some key wins were ESD protection devices for smartphones and wearable market leaders in the US and Asia, and designs for our super-junction and silicon carbide MOSFET product families across a range of applications, including servers, solar, gaming systems and dc/dc converters.

    一些關鍵的勝利包括為美國和亞洲的智慧型手機和穿戴式市場領導者提供ESD 保護元件,以及針對伺服器、太陽能、遊戲系統和DC/DC 轉換器等一系列應用的超級結和碳化矽MOSFET 產品系列進行設計。

  • Turning now to AMG, our analog and MEMS Group, revenues increased 1.8% sequentially thanks to both our general purpose and analog products; while the sales of our MEMS products decreased, mainly reflecting lower sales of microphones for wireless applications.

    現在轉向 AMG,我們的模擬和 MEMS 集團,得益於我們的通用和模擬產品,收入環比增長了 1.8%;而MEMS產品的銷售量則有所下降,主要反映了無線應用麥克風的銷售下降。

  • AMG operating margin was 0.2% in the second quarter, comparable to the 0.5% in the first quarter.

    AMG 第二季營業利益率為 0.2%,與第一季的 0.5% 相當。

  • While we started sequential growth in revenues, operating results decreased slightly.


  • We can, however, reaffirm our expectation of an improved second half for AMG for both revenues and operating results.

    然而,我們可以重申我們對 AMG 下半年收入和經營業績都有所改善的預期。

  • In our consumer business, we ramped production of our 6-axis ultra-low-power MEMS accelerometer and gyroscope, optical-image-stabilization gyroscope and barometric sensor MEMS for the latest Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge smartphones.

    在我們的消費業務中,我們提高了用於最新三星 Galaxy S7 和 S7 Edge 智慧型手機的 6 軸超低功耗 MEMS 加速度計和陀螺儀、光學影像穩定陀螺儀和氣壓感測器 MEMS 的產量。

  • During the quarter, we also announced the collaboration with Qualcomm on sensors for smart mobile devices.


  • In China, and more generally in Asia, we landed multiple design wins for motion sensors, for user interface and optical image stabilizations, and for applications like sport watches.


  • We ramped the production of pressure sensors for wearables and smartphones, and our latest touchscreen sensor was selected by smartphone and tablet customers.


  • Finally, we introduced a programmable single chip Bluetooth low-energy solution.


  • The diversification of our sensor business is ongoing.


  • In automotive, we booked new design wins for custom MEMS accelerometers in Japan and for our 3-axis gyroscope from a Tier 1.

    在汽車領域,我們在日本獲得了客製化 MEMS 加速度計的新設計獎,以及來自一級供應商的 3 軸陀螺儀的新設計獎。

  • Within AMG, we have also had continuous success in the drone market.


  • One example is with motor drivers where we began ramping shipments of our latest STSPIN chip for a new higher performance drone from a well-known Chinese OEM.

    一個例子是馬達驅動器,我們開始增加最新 STSPIN 晶片的出貨量,用於一家知名中國 OEM 生產的新型高性能無人機。

  • Last for AMG, I would like to highlight our success in electricity metering for smart homes and cities.

    最後,我想強調一下 AMG 在智慧家庭和城市電力計量方面的成功。

  • During the quarter, we began volume production of multiple chips for the next-generation smart meters of Enel; and these chips include processing and metrology ICs and accelerometer, as well as near-field communication tags and high-density EEPROMs from our microcontrollers; and digitalized this group, to which I will now turn.

    本季度,我們開始量產Enel下一代智慧電錶的多個晶片;這些晶片包括處理和計量 IC 和加速度計,以及來自我們微控制器的近場通訊標籤和高密度 EEPROM;並將這個小組數位化,我現在將轉向這個小組。

  • MDG's net revenues increased 4.6% on a sequential basis and totaled $556 million.

    MDG 的淨收入較上季成長 4.6%,總計 5.56 億美元。

  • Microcontrollers represent the large majority of the sales in this group, and were the principal driver of sequential revenue growth, thanks to our general purpose STM32 family.

    由於我們的通用 STM32 系列,微控制器佔該組銷售額的大部分,並且是連續收入成長的主要驅動力。

  • On a sequential and year-over-year basis, microcontrollers were up over 4%.

    從環比和年比來看,微控制器的漲幅超過 4%。

  • Digital products sales grew sequentially driven by digital ASICs for networking applications.

    在網路應用數位 ASIC 的推動下,數位產品銷售持續成長。

  • MDG's operating margin improved sequentially to 1.5%.

    MDG 的營業利益率較上季提高至 1.5%。

  • The loss in digital was substantially lower than that of the first quarter, as we are progressing with savings from the outgoing set-top box restructuring plan.


  • As we said before, we expected the combination of this restructuring plan and the growth of digital [ICs] revenues to drive substantial improvement in MDG profitability.

    正如我們之前所說,我們預計此次重組計劃與數位 [IC] 收入的成長相結合將推動 MDG 獲利能力的大幅改善。

  • Again, I want to emphasize the strong position we had in microcontrollers.


  • In fact, our STM32 family of general purpose microcontrollers continues to be a leading choice for a broad range of smart things in the IoT.

    事實上,我們的 STM32 系列通用微控制器仍然是物聯網中各種智慧型裝置的領先選擇。

  • One example is the drone market I talked about earlier, where our microcontrollers were chosen by several major drone manufacturers for flight and motor control [functions].


  • Another example is in the smart lighting applications where we were selected by a major European lighting manufacturer.


  • During the quarter, we've also strengthened the STM32F0 system, launching a cooperation agreement with Arduino to expand access to the community of makers across the globe.

    本季度,我們也加強了 STM32F0 系統,與 Arduino 簽署了合作協議,以擴大與全球創客社群的接觸。

  • We have also announced new free development tools and added a USB Type-C middleware stick to support developers.

    我們還發布了新的免費開發工具,並添加了 USB Type-C 中間件棒來支援開發人員。

  • Security is essential for IoT expansion, and a very key element of our strategy.


  • During the quarter, we introduced a new family of secure called STSAFE.

    在本季度,我們推出了一個名為 STSAFE 的新安全系列。

  • These are designed to protect all types of connected devise in the Internet of Things.


  • In our custom silicon business, we had an FD-SOI ASIC award from a major Japanese player, and several 55 nanometer BiCMOS design wins.

    在我們的客製化晶片業務中,我們獲得了一家日本主要廠商頒發的 FD-SOI ASIC 獎項,並贏得了多項 55 奈米 BiCMOS 設計獎。

  • We also ramped the production of ST's first 100 gigabyte per second silicon photonic transceiver.

    我們也提高了 ST 首款每秒 100 GB 矽光子收發器的產量。

  • Let me speak briefly of our imaging product divisions, which is reported in the line others.


  • Here, we had a strong sequential increase in sales thanks to our Time-of-Flight specialized image sensors entering multiple smartphone models, 10 new flagship smartphones in Q2 alone.

    在這裡,由於我們的飛行時間專用影像感測器進入了多種智慧型手機型號,僅在第二季度就有 10 款新旗艦智慧型手機,我們的銷售額實現了強勁的連續成長。

  • Among these, we can mention the Huawei P9 plus and Honor V8, and we continue to see a very good momentum.


  • Now let's turn to our business outlook.


  • In the third quarter, we are anticipating a strong sequential growth in net revenues which would drive a further improvement in our gross margin.


  • In terms of bookings, we saw an improvement last quarter in many applications, and looking to the third quarter, we expect all our product groups and imaging product division to contribute to sequential growth.


  • However, while we see further improvement in our business, the macro backdrop, particularly for Europe as we come more complex, we think breeds uncertainty.


  • Therefore, it is clear -- it is not clear if or how this may impact overall GDP, the semiconductor market, or individual customer demand.

    因此,很明顯 - 目前尚不清楚這是否或如何影響整體 GDP、半導體市場或個人客戶需求。

  • With that word of caution, based upon our current visibility and our end market and customer plans, the increasing bookings translate into a sequential revenue growth guidance of about 5.5%, plus or minus 3.5%.

    需要注意的是,根據我們目前的知名度以及我們的終端市場和客戶計劃,預訂量的增加轉化為約 5.5% 正負 3.5% 的連續收入成長指引。

  • We expect the growth in revenues and more favorable product mix to bring a meaningful improvement to gross margin.


  • Specifically for the third quarter, we are targeting a gross margin of about 35.5%, plus or minus 2 percentage points.


  • This gross margin target still embeds a negative impact from a news capacity of about 65 basis points.

    這個毛利率目標仍包含約 65 個基點的新聞容量的負面影響。

  • More broadly, we see growth in the second half of 2016 compared to the year-ago period.

    更廣泛地說,我們認為 2016 年下半年與去年同期相比有所成長。

  • Automotive and microcontrollers are already contributing in a strong manner since the start of the year.


  • We took a step forward in the second quarter with sequential growth in power discrete imaging and AMG.

    我們在第二季度向前邁出了一步,功率離散成像和 AMG 業務連續成長。

  • So for the second half of the year in total, again based upon our current visibility and market backdrop, we anticipate another step forward, with all product groups and the imaging product division positioned to deliver year-over-year sales growth.


  • In turn, the improvement in our operating performance will lead to higher free cash flow in comparison to the first half of the year.


  • My colleagues are now -- I would now -- my colleagues and I would now be happy to take your questions.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Gareth Jenkins, UBS.


  • Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

    Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

  • I wondered if I could ask a question on ordering patterns.


  • I wondered whether you could just give us the shape of orders that you've seen into July given what's been going on in the macro.

    我想知道您是否可以向我們介紹一下您在 7 月看到的宏觀經濟狀況下的訂單情況。

  • And on maybe the book to bill, where we currently stand.


  • Going into the second half, it looks like you've got a very strong pipeline into H2 so I just wondered if you could give some sense of that.

    進入下半場,看起來你已經有一個非常強大的進入 H2 的管道,所以我只是想知道你是否可以對此有所了解。

  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Yes, of course, we have the results of the first three weeks of July.


  • The booking trend, I would say, positive booking trend is continuing.


  • Also in the first three weeks of July, we have the same run rate we had in Q2, and certainly as in Q2, the book to bill is positive.

    同樣在 7 月的前三週,我們的運作率與第二季相同,當然與第二季一樣,帳單出貨量也是正面的。

  • Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

    Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mr. Andrew Gardiner, Barclays.


  • Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

    Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

  • I just had two quick ones, please, first related to the first question.


  • Are you seeing any change in how distributors are thinking about holding stock given that economic uncertainty?


  • Is there a difference between the [Disty] side versus, say, bigger OEMs?

    [Disty] 方面與其他較大的 OEM 廠商之間有區別嗎?

  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • No.


  • We are very pleased about the evolution of the point of sales with our distributors.


  • It was a very substantial growth of the point of sales, both sequentially and year over year.


  • It was pretty good.


  • And during the course of the quarter, I think there was also an improvement of the stock turn.


  • So our objective, of course, is to keep going and this is what we want to do.


  • It was very much across the board in terms of products and with very good growth, particularly in Asia and in Europe.


  • Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

    Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks.


  • And then I just had a second one on the under-utilization charges within the gross margin.


  • We saw it step down in the second quarter, as you've highlighted, to about 45 basis points from the 60 basis points in the first quarter.

    正如您所強調的,我們看到第二季的利率從第一季的 60 個基點下降到約 45 個基點。

  • For Q3, you've guided it back up to 65 basis points, so above where we were in the first half of the year.

    對於第三季度,您已將其引導回至 65 個基點,因此高於上半年的水平。

  • Can you just give us a sense as to what's happening in terms of loading and why those charges may be more of a drag in the third quarter despite a higher revenue level?


  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • I think Carlo will take -- Carlo Ferro will take the question.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • Certainly, Carlo.


  • Good morning, Andrew; good morning, everyone.


  • Yes, indeed.


  • At the end loading of fab in the second quarter fall very similar to expectations; inventories slightly better than expectations with an overall loading rate at about 85%, or slightly over 85%.


  • And with our 200 millimeter, 75%.

    而我們的 200 毫米,則為 75%。

  • What we anticipate, therefore, at the current quarter overall is a similar level of loading, however with a different distribution among the various fabs, and eventually less loading during the quarter in our 200 millimeter.

    因此,我們預計本季的整體負載水準相似,但各個晶圓廠之間的分佈不同,最終本季 200 毫米的負載會減少。

  • And this is the reason why we anticipate a slight increase in the charges for new capacity that are embedded in our gross margin guidance for the total quarter.


  • Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

    Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you for that explanation.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Andrew.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Mr. Sandeep Deshpande, JPMorgan.

    Sandeep Deshpande 先生,摩根大通。

  • Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

    Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

  • My first question is regarding the growth that you're seeing.


  • From 2011, ST has not grown, and now you are growing a quarter-on-quarter basis.


  • Based on what you see in terms of your product roadmap over the next year, do you expect this growth to continue if the macro environment remains the same?


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Yes, certainly.


  • Yes.


  • Of course, we had a very difficult transition with the major block as you know of our legacy products that impacted the top line.


  • This transition [was over] during the course of the last quarter of last year.


  • So we have important opportunities.


  • I would say the two sectors we are in, that is automotive and smart industry application, certain wearable and portable applications, I think our areas where the growth is there; I think certainly higher than the average growth of the semiconductor market.


  • And I believe what we have done in terms of portfolio, building a lot around our STM32 for the mass market, very fragmented -- with a very fragmented customer base, more than 40,000 customers today, and really focusing on the two major trends in the automobile: on one side the digitalization of the car; and on the other side, the electrification of the car.

    我相信我們在產品組合方面所做的事情,圍繞我們的STM32 為大眾市場構建了很多東西,非常分散——客戶群非常分散,今天有超過40,000 名客戶,並且真正專注於市場的兩個主要趨勢。另一方面是汽車的電氣化。

  • I think this work is starting to pay off.


  • I think we have -- as you know, we have moved a lot of R&D resources from other areas, from the legacy business with these new areas, and we are confident that this is a start of a new trend of year-over-year growth for the Company.


  • Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

    Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • And just following up, Carlo.


  • If you've seen -- there are a number of very large M&A transactions happening in the semiconductor space over the last few quarters as such, really.


  • And if you notice that one of the things that you might have to do once you're -- I think the restructuring of ST is over -- whether you need to adjust your mix to improve your margins.


  • And does that mean that ST needs to take part in some of these M&A transactions?


  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Well, today it's not on the table.


  • I think we are executing our program.


  • We are investing a lot on research and development.


  • And when we talk about M&A, it's important, of course, to make sure that we, as ST, have the dimension of scale to compete in the research and development.


  • And we have.


  • Our research and development effort is very material.


  • We have a big mass of R&D in a variety of areas that in fact I just described.


  • This, of course, does not mean that M&A is not important for us.


  • For instance, it's very important to make sure in this space of our life if there are IPs related to what we already do and to reinforce the product that we already have and we're already focusing on, of course, this is an area of attention for us.


  • But we do not have any, let's say, major deal on the table.


  • It's more focusing on making sure our product portfolio is becoming stronger than what we already do, adding good IPs for the applications we want to target.

    它更注重確保我們的產品組合比我們已經做的更強大,為我們想要的目標應用程式添加良好的 IP。

  • Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

    Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Sandeep.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Janardan Menon, Liberum.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • A couple of questions; one is on your gross margin.


  • You're guiding up 160 basis points despite a small headwind on under-utilization charges.

    儘管利用率不足的費用帶來了小阻力,但您仍將上漲 160 個基點。

  • Can you just run through what is giving you that upside?


  • How much is from sales; how much maybe coming from currency?


  • Especially, Carlo, you talked about 100 basis points improvement in currency coming through over the coming quarters.

    特別是,Carlo,您談到未來幾季貨幣將改善 100 個基點。

  • How much of that impact will be there by Q3 itself if you could tell us, and what is yet to come in subsequent quarters?


  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I think Carlo will take that.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • Janardan, happy to take the question.


  • So in the evolution of the gross margin from the second quarter, actual today midpoint of guidance for the third quarter at 35.5%; frankly, the dollar impact is quite negligible.

    因此,從第二季毛利率的演變來看,今天第三季實際指引中點為 35.5%;坦白說,美元的影響可以忽略不計。

  • We talked earlier about some slightly deterioration in new capacity about 20 basis points.

    我們之前談到新產能略有惡化約 20 個基點。

  • So overall, this is not so much the driver.


  • The driver instead is a good individual combination with an expected improvement in the overall mix that overall offset the natural price erosion and give the opportunity of taking advantages and benefits from almost all the manufacturing efficiencies that we are generating in our fab.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • So does that mean that you still have some currency upside to come through still on your gross margin?


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Our estimation is that starting from that level, we may have about another less than 0.5 point upside from currency.

    我們的估計是,從該水準開始,我們的貨幣可能還有不到 0.5 個點的上漲空間。

  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • Understood.


  • And just a question on the power discrete side, the growth that you're seeing.


  • Is that a rebound from the weakness that you previously saw from the PC market, or is it some new areas of growth that you're seeing right now?


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • No.


  • It's a rebound.


  • It's not yet incorporating, for instance, all the opportunities that we see in [other] technologies like the silicon carbide.


  • It is a rebound; it's broad range.


  • And I think in the backlog it's solid.


  • So I think this is one of the family where we believe there will be a contribution in terms of year-over-year growth.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • Understood.


  • And just a small follow up.


  • The small drop in utilization in the Crolles [300] millimeter fab, is that from the shutdown of the set-top box business, or is there some other factor there?

    Crolles [300]毫米晶圓廠利用率小幅下降,是因為機上盒業務停產,還是有其他因素?

  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • No.


  • It's most seasonality on the overall planning of the fab [plan].


  • So considering that there is, as you know, some effect of the summer vacation and in planning the activity of the fab when we have significant demand, we can use a summer job when there is no significant demand.


  • It's more cash wise to reduce a little bit the production and to avoid there the cash costs of the summer job.


  • So it's more planning related as opposed to demand related.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Janardan.


  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Jerome Ramel, Exane.


  • Jerome Ramel - Analyst

    Jerome Ramel - Analyst

  • First question would be, how should we model the OpEx for Q3?


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • This is definitely for Carlo.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • Thank you for the question, Jerome.


  • We start with the second quarter that has delivered in line with what we said three months ago.


  • And, of course, this also reflects and includes, as Carlo has anticipated, some steps forward in the set-top box restructuring.


  • We are progressing there.


  • Then for the third quarter, we enter the quarter with the opportunity of a further step in the set-top box restructuring towards the target we confirm to exit 2016 with a run rate of savings in the range of $100 million.

    然後,在第三季度,我們有機會進一步進行機上盒重組,以實現我們確認的 2016 年節省運行率在 1 億美元範圍內的目標。

  • Additionally on the third quarter, we have the advantage of the summer vacation.


  • On the other side, I should remember that -- remind that we do adopt worldwide the [salary] increase starting the month of July, so this is a negative for expenses.

    另一方面,我應該記住——提醒我們確實在全球範圍內採用從 7 月份開始的[工資]增長,所以這對支出是不利的。

  • To make [it short], at the end there, we expect gross expenses for Q3 to be $20 million plus lower than in the second quarter, so in a range between $540 million and $545 million.

    簡而言之,最後,我們預計第三季的總支出將為 2,000 萬美元,比第二季低,因此在 5.4 億美元到 5.45 億美元之間。

  • When looking at net expenses, another important indication I would like to share for you to model is that with the current level of grants operating [in common] with expenses there for the next -- for the current and the next quarter are more in the range of $20 million as opposed to the about $28 million in the first half, finish of the quarter of the first half of the year.

    在考慮淨支出時,我想與您分享的另一個重要的模型指標是,當前的贈款水平與下一個季度的支出[共同]——當前和下一個季度的支出更多地在2000 萬美元的範圍,而上半年約為2800 萬美元,截至今年上半年季度末。

  • So overall, we're confident that we can continue to stay in the $500 million to $550 million range for net expenses, and the third quarter will be around or just below the midpoint of this range.

    因此,總體而言,我們有信心能夠繼續將淨支出保持在 5 億美元至 5.5 億美元的範圍內,而第三季將約為或略低於該範圍的中點。

  • Jerome Ramel - Analyst

    Jerome Ramel - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • And maybe a follow-up concerning the guidance for Q3 and the strong top-line guidance.


  • Could you give us a little bit of color on which segment or division are driving the growth, or if you could rank them that would be helpful?


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I think as you said, all the groups will drive, but let's go through Carlo to give some follow-up here.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • Yes.


  • We see, starting from eventually -- on an increasing ranking, in automotive and ADG, we anticipate some growth or so taking account that there is some seasonality for the automotive business, and that there is momentum on demand with power and discrete as a set.

    我們看到,從最終開始,在汽車和平均總銷量不斷上升的排名中,考慮到汽車業務存在一定的季節性,並且動力和分立器件作為一個整體的需求有動力,我們預計會有一些增長。 。

  • In the area of the microcontroller and the digital group, also we expect some growth sequential, some level of sequential growth with our general purpose microcontrollers continuing to have momentum, and also some positive in digital ASIC.

    在微控制器和數位領域,我們也預期會出現一些連續成長,我們的通用微控制器將繼續保持勢頭,並且會出現一定程度的連續成長,數位 ASIC 也會出現一些正面的成長。

  • Then we have the opportunity of a significant recovery of presence in MEMS which will drive analog and the MEMS group to significant sequential growth, driven by MEMS.

    然後我們就有機會在 MEMS 領域顯著恢復,這將推動模擬和 MEMS 部門在 MEMS 的推動下實現顯著的連續成長。

  • And the other good opportunity is that in the imaging, and particularly in our specialty major sensors with the Time-of-Flight technology, we see momentum and we are starting also new opportunities.


  • And this is another important contributor of our sequential growth expectation.


  • Jerome Ramel - Analyst

    Jerome Ramel - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Jerome.


  • Next question?


  • Operator


  • Achal Sultania, Credit Suisse.


  • Achal Sultania - Analyst

    Achal Sultania - Analyst

  • I've got two questions, first on the MEMS business.

    我有兩個問題,第一個是關於 MEMS 業務的。

  • So as you are -- we're already seeing improvement in automotive and analog business.


  • What gives you the confidence on the MEMS side of things?

    是什麼讓您對 MEMS 方面充滿信心?

  • You're talking about significant quarter-on-quarter growth.


  • Can you talk about some of the recent design wins for MEMS?

    能談談 MEMS 最近取得的一些設計成果嗎?

  • And specifically here also, obviously, you lost one of your big customers in the US; you had some market share loss.


  • How should we think that -- is there any potential to get that business back at some point in time, or is it mainly driven by pricing which is why you think it is difficult or not profitable to get that business back?


  • Can you maybe talk about that?


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So I think what we -- the confidences of this [Board] in sequential growth in MEMS is first of all coming from the dimension of the backlog and the increase of the backlog.

    因此,我認為我們[董事會]對 MEMS 連續成長的信心首先來自於積壓訂單的規模和積壓訂單的增加。

  • We have a very, very strong backlog on MEMS in Q3.

    第三季度,我們在 MEMS 方面的積壓量非常非常大。

  • And say that -- I would like to say that it's very much across the board.


  • It's across the board with several new products for various regions, of course with a strong focus in Asia, in China, but also in America.


  • It is ranging from pressure sensors to microphones, but also the more traditional accelerometer and the new family of gyroscopes.


  • A very, very low power consumption product.


  • I think it's a good generic new product and is, I would say, more fragmented than in the past in terms of customer coverage.


  • As you know, I cannot comment on specific customer, but I would say the three most important things here is the bookings are very strong and the backlog is [supposed to be] very robust.


  • The second is many, many customers, which is -- of course is good, and is very much across the board from a functionality point of view, microphones, gyroscopes, accelerometers, pressure sensors, etc.


  • Achal Sultania - Analyst

    Achal Sultania - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • And maybe one too for Carlo Ferro, I think.


  • On the set-top box business, can you --?


  • Obviously, you talked about $100 million cost savings run rate exiting this year.

    顯然,您談到今年將節省 1 億美元的成本。

  • Can you also give us some color?


  • I think revenues were $209 million last year, loss was $250 million.

    我認為去年的營收為 2.09 億美元,虧損為 2.5 億美元。

  • How should we think about those two revenue and loss numbers for this year and 2017?

    我們該如何看待今年和 2017 年的這兩個收入和虧損數字?

  • Can you give some color on those two things, please?


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • Yes.


  • We are in line with what we were expecting when announcing the plan for the overall 2016 versus 2015, starting from the about $210 million revenues of last year.

    從去年約 2.1 億美元的收入開始,我們與宣布 2016 年與 2015 年整體計畫時的預期一致。

  • We expect an erosion in the range of $70 million.

    我們預計損失將在 7000 萬美元左右。

  • And overall, the savings is moving based on the expectations, and at the end of the second quarter, the level of savings is at about 38% of the total target savings of $170 million.

    總體而言,節省量正在按照預期變化,到第二季末,節省水準約為 1.7 億美元節省目標總額的 38%。

  • Then there is still a significant chunk, 60%, to come into our operating income.

    還有很大一部分,即 60%,將進入我們的營業收入。

  • Achal Sultania - Analyst

    Achal Sultania - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks a lot, Carlo.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Achal.


  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Adithya Metuku, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    Adithya Metuku,美銀美林。

  • Adithya Metuku - Analyst

    Adithya Metuku - Analyst

  • Firstly, a clarification; and second, I have a question on the payments market.


  • Firstly, when you -- did I hear you correctly when you said auto actually went down in the quarter?


  • Or can you clarify that?


  • And secondly, on the payments market with [EMV] demand lowering in the US and China, are you seeing your secure microcontroller business decline now?

    其次,在美國和中國的 [EMV] 需求下降的支付市場上,您現在是否看到您的安全微控制器業務下降?

  • And what level of growth do you expect in the next six to 12 months in that business?

    您預計該業務在未來 6 到 12 個月內的成長水準如何?

  • Thank you.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Adi, just to clarify, no, we did not say that auto was down.


  • In fact, the opposite.


  • Adithya Metuku - Analyst

    Adithya Metuku - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • So your second question, Adi, can you just repeat that?


  • Adithya Metuku - Analyst

    Adithya Metuku - Analyst

  • The second question just on the EMV, the chip card market.


  • Now we're hearing lots of -- we're getting lots of data points on the US and Chinese market declining on a year-over-year basis and so I was wondering what the impact of that is on your secure microcontroller business.


  • And if you could give us some views on how you see demand developing in that business over the next six to 12 months.

    您能否就您對未來 6 到 12 個月內該業務的需求發展有何看法?

  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Well, I think here the point I would like to make is for a number of reasons, this is not a market where we have a very, very strong position.


  • We are participating to this market, of course, both in China and in the United States.


  • It's not one of the main drivers in our secure microcontroller business.


  • I can confirm that we see this trend, and I would say the impact on ST is marginal.

    我可以確認,我們看到了這種趨勢,而且我想說,對 ST 的影響是微不足道的。

  • And, of course, this is a consequence of the fact that our presence in this business is not at all glamorous.


  • Adithya Metuku - Analyst

    Adithya Metuku - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Adi.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Robert Sanders, Deutsche Bank.


  • Robert Sanders - Analyst

    Robert Sanders - Analyst

  • Most of my questions have been asked, but maybe just a follow-up on the MEMS business.

    我的大部分問題都被問到了,但也許只是 MEMS 業務的後續問題。

  • It sounds like that business is going to be growing the most sequentially in the third quarter.


  • Could you just give a bit more clarity about whether, for example, in the microphone area, you're taking share, or if that's just additional content with customers adding mics?


  • Or could you just give a bit more color about what you're seeing in the MEMS area, particularly in microphone.

    或者您能否就您在 MEMS 領域(尤其是麥克風)所看到的情況提供更多的資訊。

  • That would be interesting.


  • Thanks.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Well, I believe that considering the good situation in terms of backlog and bookings trend, etc., and the target that we put the third quarter, certainly, starting from the level which you put, that is not the level that we want it to be.


  • And moving from Q2 to Q3, we are going to gain market share, and we are going to gain market share again on a broad base of products.


  • So certainly, we are going to gain market share on the microphones, but I believe we are going to gain market share also in the more traditional products like accelerometers and gyroscope.


  • I think, as I said, it's overall a new family of products, new family of technology; it's good performance.


  • I think overall it's technically very, very, very low power.


  • And I believe moving into this generation, we see a step forward in terms of presence and in terms of market share.


  • Robert Sanders - Analyst

    Robert Sanders - Analyst

  • That's great.


  • And just one quick follow-up would just be around what you see in the automotive market.


  • Is there a --?

    有沒有 - ?

  • Do you see a recovery in infotainment, for example, in the second half, or is it more just driven by power or something else?


  • Thanks.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • No.


  • For us, I think what is increasingly important is digital.


  • Of course, power is the bulk of what we have.


  • Power is growing.


  • And particularly, smart power is still an important opportunity for the next few quarters and next year.


  • On the other hand, we see a wave of new design awards, a wave of new design wins with our microcontrollers, but also on others.


  • We all know that the time to market for these automotive and sometimes very complex applications is longer, but if I look from a strategic point of view, I see more and more opportunities to grow our automotive business in the digital domain.


  • Car infotainment, this is traditional car infotainment, is not yet that strong; that could be stronger.


  • But there are a lot of new digital applications that are certainly driving our growth.


  • Robert Sanders - Analyst

    Robert Sanders - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Rob.


  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Gianmarco Bonacina, Equita SIM.

    Gianmarco Bonacina,Equita SIM。

  • Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

    Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

  • A couple of questions.


  • Regarding the savings with set-top box, can we saw that the run rate in Q4 2017 could be in the region of $35 million from $25 million in Q4 of this year, considering you said in the past, if I'm not mistaken, that you want to reach about 80% of your synergies by the end of next year?

    關於機上盒的節省,我們是否可以看到,2017 年第四季度的運行費用可能會從今年第四季度的2500 萬美元增至3500 萬美元左右,考慮到您過去所說的,如果我沒記錯的話,您希望在明年年底前達到 80% 左右的綜效嗎?

  • Second question about the automotive business, just a curiosity, because we saw yesterday there was this announcement from Mobileye about, let's say, dropping their relationship with Tesla.

    關於汽車業務的第二個問題,只是出於好奇,因為我們昨天看到 Mobileye 宣布終止與特斯拉的關係。

  • If you can give us an idea of your business in [others], how much is camera-based versus radar-based, given that I think probably radar seems to have probably more demand versus camera for the future.


  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Well, the first one, the answer is, yes.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • Yes, of course, with a caveat.


  • We said since the announcement of the plan that at the end, the resources will be moderated based on the time to progressively phase out the business and the need of support of the business.


  • So at this stage, the visibility remains the one we have anticipated with about 80% of savings achieved at the end of Q4.

    因此,在現階段,能見度仍然是我們預期的,在第四季度末實現了約 80% 的節省。

  • In the course of next year, we will moderate based on the evolution of the set-top box business.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Well, on the -- of course, we cannot comment anything specific about customers and partners here.


  • What we can certainly say is that both applications are very important [to us], I think; the one that is using image sensors, but also the radar applications.


  • And in fact, I note that just during the course of Q3, we have won a very important new project for [doing] computing applications in the car, but also we have won -- we got an award for a radar processor, another one that is really important.


  • So we are present in the two fields.


  • The two ideas are important for us.


  • Now the split of our business, I have to confess that we need to ask Marco Monti, the responsible for our automotive, but I can certainly confirm that from a strategic point of view, we have a strong focus on both.

    現在我們業務的分割,我不得不承認,我們需要詢問負責我們汽車業務的Marco Monti,但我可以肯定的是,從戰略角度來看,我們對兩者都有強烈的關注。

  • I think today what we see is, of course, through the partnership with Mobileye, strong traction; and I believe that overall our business in the area of vision-based computing is bigger.

    我認為今天我們看到的當然是透過與 Mobileye 的合作帶來的強大牽引力;我相信總體而言我們在基於視覺的計算領域的業務更大。

  • But radar is and remains an important priority for the Company.


  • Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

    Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • [Basil Talse], Oddo.


  • Basil Talse - Analyst

    Basil Talse - Analyst

  • Basically, not much questions left, but one would be interesting around your image sensor business.


  • There were recently rumors that one of the North American smartphone OEMs is ramping a new R&D in France, a fab for camera modules and image sensors.


  • And I was wondering, is that an option for you?


  • I know you discontinued the camera module business, but is that an opportunity, or -- yes?


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Well, I think it's a good occasion for Jean-Marc to comment on all the nice things that we are doing on these specialty image sensors.


  • Jean-Marc.


  • Jean-Marc Chery - COO

    Jean-Marc Chery - COO

  • Yes, Carlo.


  • Thank you.


  • So first of all, okay, I confirm that ST decided to discontinue the camera module, the commodity camera module, so we have no intent to come back in this camera module.

    首先,好吧,我確認 ST 決定停止生產相機模組,即商品相機模組,所以我們無意回歸這款相機模組。

  • So we are focusing on specialized imaging sensors, and especially our Time-of-Flight technology where we see a very good traction, especially with a nice product called EWOK where we have many Asia Pac and especially in China smartphone opportunities.

    因此,我們專注於專門的成像感測器,特別是我們的飛行時間技術,我們看到了非常好的吸引力,特別是一個名為EWOK 的好產品,我們在亞太地區,特別是在中國的智慧型手機領域擁有很多機會。

  • and this is where we are focusing and focus our [own map].


  • Basil Talse - Analyst

    Basil Talse - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks.


  • One more question.


  • I don't know if I got that correct during the call, but your microphone IC revenues were declining in Q2, or --?

    我不知道我在通話中是否正確,但你們的麥克風 IC 收入在第二季度有所下降,或者——?

  • I'm not sure if I got that correct.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • We did not talk about the sales of microphones, so maybe it was a confusion from our side.


  • But we did not talk at all about sales on microphones.


  • Certainly, we said that our sales on microcontrollers year over year grew materially with a strong drive from general purpose microcontrollers.


  • We also said that starting in the area of MEMS, one of the areas where we have an important opportunity for growth moving from the second quarter to the third quarter is microphones.


  • Basil Talse - Analyst

    Basil Talse - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Guenther Hollfelder, Baader Bank.

    岡瑟‧霍爾菲爾德 (Guenther Hollfelder),巴德爾銀行。

  • Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

    Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

  • Two questions left, first one on gross margins.


  • You mentioned a strong product mix in Q3 which is having an impact here, so I was just wondering.


  • I assume this is a trend going forward.


  • It's not like a one-off event, this strong product mix in Q3?


  • And the second question would be about the electrification of cars.


  • So I was just wondering.


  • With your SiC MOSFET, I assume you have design wins so far regarding onboard battery chargers in electric cars.

    憑藉您的 SiC MOSFET,我認為您迄今為止在電動車車載電池充電器方面已經取得了設計成果。

  • So I was just wondering whether your current technology, whether you are also targeting the main inverter, and what could be the timeline here for design wins?


  • Thanks.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • I'll take this one first, the silicon carbide, and then we have more time for the mix evolution of our products, and Carlo will take that.


  • Of course, the inverter is the target.


  • Of course, inverter is the main target of our silicon carbide products.


  • And this is an important priority for the Company.


  • It is a very important area of focus and we want to be in production at the end of this year.


  • This is our target with products for the main invertors of the car.


  • Of course, with the silicon carbide, we can cover other automotive applications; and importantly, we can cover also the mass market and a wider base of industrial applications.


  • But the car electrification is certainly a top priority.


  • Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

    Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • If I may take the question on the gross margin first of all, Guenther, that we are sure that at the end in the gross margin evolution from Q2 to Q3 there is nothing special, of nothing one time.


  • At the end when I look for instance at our other revenues, revenues from licensing at the end the contribution we expect this quarter is very similar to the one that the prior quarter has benefit from.


  • So no one time there.


  • It's another quarter in a row where our product mix positively contributed; also it has positively contributed to the 0.5 point of improvement actually from Q1 to Q2.

    這是我們的產品組合連續另一個季度做出積極貢獻;它還為從第一季到第二季度實際提高了 0.5 個百分點做出了積極貢獻。

  • At the end, certainly the progressive result from set-top box plays favorably, as anticipated, and the new product, and particularly some of the new products are coming in being accretive to the overall margin.


  • Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

    Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

  • Maybe one follow-up on the gross margin.


  • I would expect in the fourth quarter that your idle charges will remain relatively unchanged in preparation of weaker seasonality in the first quarter.


  • Is this pretty much the scenario?


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • It is a reasonable assumption at this stage.


  • Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

    Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Many thanks.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thanks, Guenther.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Janardan Menon.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • Just a couple of quick follow-ups from me.


  • One is on your imaging business, Time-of-Flight sensors.


  • If I remember right, you made a loss of about $80 million last year on the imaging side.

    如果我沒記錯的話,去年你們在成像方面虧損了大約 8000 萬美元。

  • I was just wondering, given the very strong growth that you've seen so far in the first half of this year and what you expect to see through the second half based on your design wins, would you be able to almost eliminate that loss by the end of this year?


  • Or is that going to be work in progress into next year as well?


  • And another small one is on IoT.


  • You talked about design wins and drones and things like that.


  • Outside of the ones you've announced in Europe on smart metering, smart lighting, what are the kind of design wins you're seeing in other parts of the world?


  • Is there a lot of design activity going on and IoT devices in a broad sense right now where you're successful?


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • To respond to the first question, the answer is, yes.


  • This is certainly an area where there is a significant turnaround because we had the result of the camera modules and the commodity that was also linked to certain needs in terms of fab loading and this now is done so it was a massive R&D effort.


  • It was an important R&D effort with very limited sales.


  • So now, sales are coming and, of course, there is a very significant improvement.


  • Yes.


  • On the IoT, we mentioned drones.


  • For us, IoT first of all is not just wearable and portable products.


  • This is, I believe, is the first comment.


  • Wearable and portable products are very important for us.


  • We are in many, many [sockets].


  • And one of the elements here that is really driving is very low power microcontroller solutions, because in these portable equipments, we need very, very low power microcontrollers, microcontroller technology.


  • However, IoT is much broader.


  • Certainly, the evolution in the area of smart [home] applications.


  • We mentioned in my reading today the fact that we have a new important smart meter application taking off.


  • This is very material.


  • This is very material and there are a lot of smart products inside.


  • Of course, there is a microcontroller, there is a [power-line line].


  • But this is also the way to connect not only to the line, to the power line, but also the way to connect through radio frequency to the home.


  • So it's opening up at -- more smart home applications.


  • This is a very integrated solution for smart metering with a lot of technologies, and it is almost a chipset of ST.


  • It is almost exclusively ST chipset covering many, many technologies and products.


  • This is a very good example.


  • But I can -- of course, we can have more.


  • Another area that is extremely important for us is Industry 4.0.

    對我們來說極為重要的另一個領域是工業 4.0。

  • Here again, we have our microcontrollers.


  • Connectivity is key and security is key.


  • So we are focusing on also these transfers of areas to complete what we have in the area of microcontrollers.


  • Another area that I would like to mention is healthcare.


  • In the area of healthcare, again, we need to focus more and more on connected applications.


  • I think we are working on some very important new applications where connectivity and microcontrollers together are crucial to achieve what we want to do in these healthcare applications.


  • For us, this is another example of Internet of Things, because certainly, this is another example of -- it's an electronics system that is connected to the web.


  • So there are many.


  • The way that we characterize is smart things, smart industry, smart homes and smart cities.


  • For city, for instance, our agreement with Samtec, we have the opportunity to have this [LORA]; long range connectivity embedded in microcontrollers is another example.


  • So you see there are many, but it's around these four areas for us: smart things, smart cities, smart homes, and smart industry.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • Understood.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Stephane Houri, Natixis

    史蒂芬‧胡里 (Stephane Houri),Natixis

  • Stephane Houri - Analyst

    Stephane Houri - Analyst

  • Sorry.


  • I joined the call late so maybe my question has been asked before, but I have two, if I may.


  • The first one is on the visibility that you have for the end of the year with the current backlog that is, if I understand well, currently continuing to build as in the last quarter.


  • So normally, Q4 is a bit down sequentially, or flat in the base case.


  • Do you see any reason why it would be different this year?


  • And the second question is about the tax rate.


  • I seems like that there is a bit of volatility in the tax rate at the moment.


  • Can you guide us towards the end of the year?


  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • Well, I think, as I said, the [booking] trend remained pretty strong also during the first three weeks of the third quarter.


  • Of course, this is an encouraging sign looking forward.


  • But I think it's premature for us to comment on Q4.


  • I would not comment on Q4 at this point.


  • We are encouraged by the trend of [buggings].


  • Of course, this is the fundamental ingredient to make sure that Q4 is going to be another step of improvement.


  • But I would not comment specifically on Q4 because it's certainly too early; too early at this very moment.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • On the tax line, Stephane, the volatility at the end depends on the level of earnings considering that given our presence in certain European countries where there is an amount of corporate tax which is unrelated to the earnings, it's almost fixed, there is a portion of fixed taxes.


  • So my recommendation, my suggestion how to model is to consider about $14 million on a yearly basis as fixed cost, and then to add to that your base and your model assuming ETR in the range of 10% to 13% on your expected profit before tax.

    因此,我的建議是,我建議如何建模,考慮每年約 1400 萬美元作為固定成本,然後將其添加到您的基礎和模型中,假設 ETR 在您之前預期利潤的 10% 到 13% 範圍內稅。

  • Stephane Houri - Analyst

    Stephane Houri - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Stephane.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Gareth Jenkins.


  • Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

    Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

  • Just a couple of follow-ups, if I could.


  • I think in the past, you've talked about needing to reach $1.8 billion to $1.9 billion of revenue quarterly to reach 10% margin.

    我想您過去曾談到需要實現季度收入 18 億至 19 億美元才能達到 10% 的利潤率。

  • I just wonder whether you still confirm that.


  • And secondly, just on FD-SOI, it feels like there's real momentum behind FD-SOI right now.

    其次,就 FD-SOI 而言,感覺 FD-SOI 背後現在有真正的動力。

  • Can you try and quantify that for us in terms of wafers out or what you're seeing in terms of contribution from products on FD-SOI specifically?

    您能否嘗試根據晶圓產量或您所看到的 FD-SOI 產品的貢獻來量化這一點?

  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • Gareth, maybe I'll take your first question to reaffirm what we said at the Capital Markets Day in last May.


  • We are confident that with the level of revenues between [$8.85 billion/$8.9 billion] we can -- we have the potential of an operating margin in the range of 10%.

    我們相信,憑藉 [88.5 億美元/89 億美元] 之間的收入水平,我們有可能實現 10% 的營業利潤率。

  • The way that is evolving, and certainly it's positively evolving not only from Q1 to Q2, but based on expectations from the second to the third quarter, it's reflecting progress on some of these metrics.


  • But it's not -- will not be exhaustive of all of this potential.


  • And like in area of the set-top box restructuring, still some 0.5 point of new capacity charges, another step in the revenue leverage to continue to -- while continuing to grow revenues; and, as we said, also from the currency there is another half a point to come.

    與機上盒重組領域一樣,新容量收費仍約為 0.5 個百分點,這是收入槓桿繼續邁出的又一步——同時繼續增加收入;而且,正如我們所說,從貨幣角度來看,還有半個點即將到來。

  • So we see based on our current plan and visibility some opportunity of further progress after the third quarter.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • And on the FD-SOI very briefly, I do not believe that we can provide the number (inaudible), but certainly, this is important.

    關於 FD-SOI,我不相信我們可以提供這個數字(聽不清楚),但當然,這很重要。

  • But equally, it is important for all of our customers and opportunities for us and also a responsibility.


  • And this is pretty broad; we have more and more.


  • And this we can run both internally in our fab in Crolles, but as you know, we also have a second source with a silicon foundry company.


  • So we have two sources of production on the FD-SOI, and this is important, not only the flexibility to ST, but also in terms of more -- as I said, it's a safer [process] for our customer.

    因此,我們在FD-SOI 上有兩個生產來源,這很重要,不僅是ST 的靈活性,而且還包括更多——正如我所說,這對我們的客戶來說是一個更安全的[流程]。

  • Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

    Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

  • Can I just follow up with Carlo Ferro on the 10%, $1.85 billion to $1.9 billion?

    我可以跟卡洛費羅(Carlo Ferro)跟進 10%、18.5 億美元到 19 億美元的情況嗎?

  • Given the visibility you've got currently and the strength in lead times, I just wonder whether you could -- whether you can place a timing on that 10% now that you feel confident.

    考慮到您目前所獲得的知名度以及交付週期的優勢,我只是想知道您是否可以——現在您是否可以在您感到有信心的情況下為這 10% 確定一個時間安排。

  • Do you think it will be achievable in one quarter next year, or for full year following year?


  • What's the timetable?


  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • Now, Gareth, I guess that this is -- you have six questions on the call and Tait has told me that there is a limit at five.


  • Sorry for that.


  • I cannot take it.


  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • It's better with our [planned] improvement quarter after quarter.


  • Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

    Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

  • That's a good dodge.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Gianmarco Bonacina.


  • Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

    Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

  • Just if you can comment on the free cash flow.


  • I forgot if you said something for the full year.


  • So if you can confirm for the full year, do you expect free cash flow to be at least in line with the performance of last year which was in excess of $300 million, which was a very good performance?


  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • I'd say that Carlo has anticipated in his introduction that we expect strengthening the cash flow for the second part of the year, and we are confident that free cash flow in the second part of the year overall, all inclusive, will exceed certainly the dividend we distribute and we'll exit the year with a net financial position improved in respect to the one at the end of June.


  • Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

    Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Gianmarco.


  • We'll go ahead and take our last question.


  • Operator


  • Guenther Hollfelder.


  • Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

    Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

  • Just one follow-up on silicon carbide.


  • I think you recently said that you built up in-house substrate supply for silicon carbide, so I was just wondering whether today you are still using third parties here for substrate supply and when you target to have 100% in-house supply.

    我想您最近說過,您建立了內部碳化矽基板供應,所以我只是想知道您是否仍在使用第三方來提供基板供應,以及您的目標是何時實現 100% 內部供應。

  • Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

    Carlo Bozotti - President & CEO

  • We of course work for our own program internally, but we also have more than one external supplier.


  • So this is [clear].


  • And we have, of course, all the flexibility to address this important requirement, and we are, let's say, not unprepared to recent moves.


  • And for us it's important, so we will focus on [to be] suppliers outside and on our internal activity.


  • Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

    Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO

    Carlo Ferro - CFO

  • If I can add, Carlo, having said that and having our own flexibility, we do expect each supplier to honor commitments, whomever is the owner of this business.


  • Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

    Guenther Hollfelder - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP, IR

  • Thank you, Guenther.


  • At this point, we'll go ahead and close our Q2 financial results conference call.


  • Thank you again for your participation.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, the conference is now over.


  • Thank you for choosing Chorus Call, and thank you for participating in the conference.

    感謝您選擇 Chorus Call,也感謝您參加本次會議。

  • You may now disconnect your line.


  • Goodbye.
