意法半導體 (STM) 2017 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, good morning or good afternoon.


  • Welcome to the STMicroelectronics Q1 2017 Earnings Results Conference Call and Live Webcast.

    歡迎收看意法半導體 2017 年第一季度財報電話會議和網絡直播。

  • I am Moira, the Chorus Call operator.

    我是 Chorus Call 接線員 Moira。

  • (Operator Instructions) And the conference is being recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions) The conference must not be recorded for publication or broadcast.


  • At this time, it's my pleasure to hand over to Mr. Tait Sorensen, Group Vice President, Investor Relations.

    此時,我很高興將工作交給負責投資者關係的集團副總裁 Tait Sorensen 先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

  • Good morning.


  • Thank you, everyone, for joining our first quarter of 2017 financial results conference call.

    感謝大家參加我們 2017 年第一季度財務業績電話會議。

  • Hosting the call today is Carlo Bozotti, ST's President and Chief Executive Officer.

    ST 總裁兼首席執行官 Carlo Bozotti 主持了今天的電話會議。

  • Joining Carlo on the call today are Jean-Marc Chery, Chief Operating Officer; Carlo Ferro, Chief Financial Officer; and Georges Penalver, Chief Strategy Officer.

    今天與 Carlo 一起參加電話會議的還有首席運營官 Jean-Marc Chery;首席財務官 Carlo Ferro; Georges Penalver,首席戰略官。

  • This live webcast can be accessed through ST's website.

    可以通過 ST 的網站訪問該網絡直播。

  • A replay will be available shortly after the conclusion of this call.


  • This call will include forward-looking statements that involve risk factors that could cause ST's results to differ materially from management's expectations and plans.

    此電話會議將包括前瞻性陳述,其中涉及可能導致 ST 的結果與管理層的預期和計劃產生重大差異的風險因素。

  • We encourage you to review the safe harbor statement contained in the press release that was issued with the results this morning and also in ST's most recent regulatory filings for a full description of these risk factors.

    我們鼓勵您查看今天上午隨結果發布的新聞稿中包含的安全港聲明,以及 ST 最新的監管文件中對這些風險因素的完整描述。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I'd now like to turn the call over to Carlo Bozotti, ST's President and CEO.

    我現在想把電話轉給 ST 的總裁兼首席執行官 Carlo Bozotti。

  • Carlo?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Thank you, Tait.


  • And thank you for joining us on our First Quarter Earnings Conference Call.


  • Our agenda today includes an overview, followed by a detailed discussion of our results and our outlook for the second quarter, but before starting this detailed review of the quarter: You may have -- you might have seen that, this morning, we also released the main resolutions proposed to our Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

    我們今天的議程包括概述,然後詳細討論我們的結果和我們對第二季度的展望,但在開始對本季度進行詳細審查之前:您可能已經 - 您可能已經看到,今天早上,我們還發布了向我們的年度股東大會提出的主要決議。

  • Among the resolutions, I have accepted to -- the proposal to extend my role as President and CEO for 1 more year.


  • And I am fully committed to drive this company forward.


  • And of course, this is with the support of the newly appointed Deputy CEO, Jean-Marc Chery; and a strong executive team.

    當然,這是在新任命的副首席執行官 Jean-Marc Chery 的支持下進行的;和強大的執行團隊。

  • Our objective for 2017 is to achieve sustainable revenue growth and margin expansion through our strategic focus on Internet of Things and Smart Driving.

    我們 2017 年的目標是通過我們對物聯網和智能駕駛的戰略重點實現可持續的收入增長和利潤擴張。

  • The first quarter represented a very good start towards achieving these objectives.


  • Revenues increased 12.9% year-over-year to $1.82 billion.

    收入同比增長 12.9% 至 18.2 億美元。

  • We saw healthy growth across all our regions, product groups and sales channels.


  • On a sequential basis, revenues decreased 2.1%, which was 30 basis points better than the midpoint of our guidance.

    按順序計算,收入下降 2.1%,比我們指引的中點高 30 個基點。

  • Gross margins increased 420 basis points year-over-year to 36.6% (sic) [37.6%].

    毛利率同比增長 420 個基點至 36.6%(原文如此)[37.6%]。

  • We benefited from a strong improvement in manufacturing efficiencies, a better product mix, lower unused capacity charges and favorable currency effects, partially offset by the normal pricing adjustments at the start of the year.


  • On a sequential basis, gross margin came in 60 basis points better than the midpoint of our range on better-than-expected product mix.

    在一個連續的基礎上,由於好於預期的產品組合,毛利率比我們範圍的中點高出 60 個基點。

  • Operating income before impairment and restructuring grew by $139 million year-over-year to $134 million in the first quarter, driven by higher revenues, improved product mix, manufacturing efficiencies, better fab loading and the set-top box restructuring program.

    第一季度減值和重組前的營業收入同比增長 1.39 億美元,達到 1.34 億美元,這得益於收入增加、產品組合改善、製造效率提高、工廠裝載量增加和機頂盒重組計劃。

  • In turn, operating margin before impairment and restructuring reached 7.5% of net revenues.

    反過來,減值和重組前的營業利潤率達到淨收入的 7.5%。

  • Net income also saw a very strong year-over-year swing of $149 million to $108 million.

    淨收入也出現了非常強勁的同比波動,從 1.49 億美元增至 1.08 億美元。

  • Free cash flow of $62 million doubled over the year-ago quarter even with the higher capital investments we are making this year to support our growth plans.

    6200 萬美元的自由現金流比去年同期翻了一番,儘管我們今年為支持我們的增長計劃進行了更高的資本投資。

  • We ended the quarter with a net financial position of $518 million, stable compared to the Q4 '16 and up by $79 million from the year-ago quarter, another indicator of our progress.

    本季度結束時,我們的淨財務狀況為 5.18 億美元,與 16 年第四季度相比穩定,比去年同期增加 7900 萬美元,這是我們取得進展的另一個指標。

  • Now let's move to a detailed review of our product groups, beginning with automotive and discrete.


  • ADG revenues increased year-over-year by 5.6%, reflecting growth in automotive and strong growth in power discrete products.

    ADG 收入同比增長 5.6%,反映了汽車業務的增長和功率分立產品的強勁增長。

  • On a sequential basis, ADG revenues posted a better-than-seasonal result with a decrease of 1.2%.

    按順序計算,ADG 收入下降了 1.2%,好於季節性。

  • ADG's operating margin was 5.4% in Q1, substantially stable in comparison to the year-ago period's.

    ADG 第一季度的營業利潤率為 5.4%,與去年同期相比基本穩定。

  • Moving to customer activity.


  • Bookings in automotive were robust in the first quarter, thanks to our focus on technologies and products enabling greener driving.


  • We had important design wins related to car electrification, particularly in the area of battery management and on-board charging.


  • A number of OEMs worldwide selected products such as our MOSFET, both high- and low-voltage silicon; as well as silicon carbide; our 32-bit microcontrollers; and the lithium-cell balancing device.

    全球許多 OEM 都選擇了產品,例如我們的 MOSFET,包括高電壓和低壓矽;以及碳化矽;我們的 32 位微控制器;和鋰電池平衡裝置。

  • We also captured the body control unit for a module from an American Tier 1 and the power control unit for a door zone application at a major European Tier 1. We also had a number of important wins related to a more connected and safer driving experience.


  • We started production of a 32-bit microcontroller for embedded security in a next-generation automotive gateway.

    我們開始生產用於下一代汽車網關嵌入式安全的 32 位微控制器。

  • We won an award for a seatbelt pre-tensioner application with our 32-bit microcontroller for a major Tier 1 European customer.

    我們憑藉我們的 32 位微控制器為一家主要的歐洲 1 級客戶贏得了安全帶預緊器應用獎。

  • And we had multiple wins with a parking brake application specific product.


  • In our infotainment portfolio, we were awarded new business for processors, AM/FM tuners and class A, B amplifiers from Japanese Tier 1s for the Asian market.

    在我們的信息娛樂產品組合中,我們獲得了面向亞洲市場的日本一級供應商的處理器、AM/FM 調諧器和 A、B 類放大器的新業務。

  • In addition, we had design wins and multiple global Tier 1s for rectifiers; protection devices; and automotive-grade IPAD devices for powertrain, on-board charger, ADAS and safety; and high-speed data line networks.

    此外,我們在整流器方面贏得了多項設計大獎和多個全球一級供應商;保護裝置;以及用於動力總成、車載充電器、ADAS 和安全的汽車級 IPAD 設備;和高速數據線網絡。

  • Successes in our power discrete business include a number of wins in Asia for both high- and low-voltage power supply applications and the continued expansion of our business on RF integrated passive devices for the IoT market with several large customers.

    我們在功率分立業務方面取得的成功包括在亞洲的高壓和低壓電源應用方面的多項勝利,以及我們在面向物聯網市場的 RF 集成無源器件業務的持續擴展,並擁有多家大客戶。

  • Moving to the -- to our Analog and MEMS Group, AMG.

    移動到 - 我們的模擬和 MEMS 組,AMG。

  • Revenues increased 19.9% year-over-year, driven by strong growth in MEMS, continuing the significant progression began in the second half of 2016.

    在 MEMS 強勁增長的推動下,收入同比增長 19.9%,延續了 2016 年下半年開始的顯著增長。

  • We also enjoyed solid growth in analog products following a second half 2016 rebound.

    在 2016 年下半年反彈之後,我們的模擬產品也實現了穩健增長。

  • On a sequential basis, AMG revenues increased 1.6%, better than seasonal, with both product areas growing.

    AMG 收入環比增長 1.6%,好於季節性增長,兩個產品領域均有所增長。

  • The strong improvements in AMG product portfolio and competitive position have translated into a significant turnaround in its operating performance over the last 2 quarters with operating margins of 9.4% in Q4 2016 and 10.1% in Q1 this year compared to substantially break-even results 1 year ago.

    AMG 產品組合和競爭地位的強勁改善已轉化為過去兩個季度經營業績的重大轉變,2016 年第四季度的經營利潤率為 9.4%,今年第一季度的經營利潤率為 10.1%,而 1 年的業績基本實現收支平衡前。

  • Our ability to design-in multiple products into flagship smartphone and IoT devices was evident during the first quarter.


  • First, we ramped production of several products inside the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ smartphones, including a 6-axis ultra-low-power MEMS inertial measurement unit, an optical image stabilization gyroscope, a barometric sensor, a touch controller, and a multifunction protection switch.

    首先,我們在三星 Galaxy S8 和 S8+ 智能手機中實現了多款產品的量產,包括 6 軸超低功耗 MEMS 慣性測量單元、光學圖像穩定陀螺儀、氣壓傳感器、觸摸控制器和多功能保護器轉變。

  • And in the new and very popular Nintendo gaming system, the Switch, we have motion sensors and a touch controller as well as multiple STM32 microcontrollers and a near-field communication controller from our microcontroller and digital ICs group.

    在非常受歡迎的任天堂新遊戲系統 Switch 中,我們有運動傳感器和触摸控制器,以及來自我們的微控制器和數字 IC 組的多個 STM32 微控制器和近場通信控制器。

  • As well, we continued to gain share with motion and environmental sensors in smartphones and wearables worldwide but also in car navigation systems.


  • Automotive is an important focus area for our sensor business.


  • Moving to IoT.


  • We continued the strong design-in momentum in low-power wireless connectivity with our Bluetooth low-energy solutions as well as the SPIRIT sub-gigahertz family for home and building automation.

    我們通過我們的藍牙低功耗解決方案以及用於家庭和樓宇自動化的 SPIRIT 亞千兆赫系列繼續在低功耗無線連接方面保持強勁的設計勢頭。

  • During the quarter, we also launched a partnership with USound to produce the world's first piezo-MEMS speaker with excellent sound quality, targeting IoT applications.

    在本季度,我們還與 USound 建立了合作關係,以生產世界上第一款針對物聯網應用的具有出色音質的壓電 MEMS 揚聲器。

  • In the smart industry, we broadened our customer base for our STSPIN32 motion control family, including multiple designs for our newly introduced intelligent motor control devices.

    在智能行業,我們擴大了 STSPIN32 運動控制系列的客戶群,包括針對我們新推出的智能電機控制設備的多種設計。

  • We also started production for a 6-axis inertial sensor for high-end industrial applications.

    我們還開始生產用於高端工業應用的 6 軸慣性傳感器。

  • In addition, we won multiple designs for a range of analog products for the next-generation smart metering solutions.


  • Our broad analog portfolio strongly complements our other product families, allowing us to design-in more silicon content across our customer base.


  • Now let me share some highlights on our Microcontrollers and Digital ICs Group.

    現在讓我分享我們微控制器和數字 IC 組的一些亮點。

  • MDG saw a strong progression, with revenues increasing year-over-year by 11.4%, or 14.6% if we exclude discontinued businesses.

    MDG 取得了強勁進展,收入同比增長 11.4%,如果我們排除已停產的業務,則增長 14.6%。

  • Key drivers were strong growth in general-purpose microcontrollers and growth in digital products.


  • MDG's operating income and margin also had a very positive swing, with its operating income up $64 million year-over-year and its operating margin of 10.2% in the first quarter.

    MDG 的營業收入和利潤率也出現了非常積極的變化,第一季度營業收入同比增長 6400 萬美元,營業利潤率為 10.2%。

  • With our general-purpose microcontrollers, we again set a new quarterly revenue record.


  • With the goal to continue with the momentum going forward, we introduced new products for our existing STM32 families, including new STM32L4 MCUs adding larger memories, enhanced graphics support and increased power-saving flexibility.

    為了繼續保持前進的勢頭,我們為現有的 STM32 系列推出了新產品,包括新的 STM32L4 MCU,增加了更大的內存、增強的圖形支持和更高的節能靈活性。

  • We continued to expand the STM32 ecosystem with tools from STM partners.

    我們繼續使用 STM 合作夥伴的工具擴展 STM32 生態系統。

  • For example, we teamed with DSP Concepts to offer STM32 users free access to an advanced audio design tool.

    例如,我們與 DSP Concepts 合作,為 STM32 用戶免費提供高級音頻設計工具。

  • We also introduced the MCU Finder for PC desktops; a new STM32F7 Nucleo board and discovery kit; and new STM32 boards to evaluate low-power, long-range IoT connectivity.

    我們還推出了用於 PC 桌面的 MCU Finder;新的 STM32F7 Nucleo 開發板和探索套件;和新的 STM32 板,用於評估低功耗、遠距離物聯網連接。

  • Getting our development tools into the end of embedded developers is a key step in the design-in process.


  • And with over 1 million STM32 development kits now ships to the market, we are on the right track to expand our base of over 40,000 customers.

    現在有超過 100 萬個 STM32 開發套件投放市場,我們正走在正確的軌道上,以擴大我們超過 40,000 名客戶的基礎。

  • Moving to security.


  • We announced the availability of the new, advanced near-field communication ST21NFCD, the controller integrating the recently acquired booster technology.

    我們宣布推出新型、先進的近場通信 ST21NFCD,該控制器集成了最近收購的助推器技術。

  • This product was already awarded a design win with a major OEM.

    該產品已經贏得了一家主要 OEM 的設計大獎。

  • We also launched a new STSAFE solution to secure devices connected to the Sigfox low-power wide-area network.

    我們還推出了新的 STSAFE 解決方案,以保護連接到 Sigfox 低功耗廣域網的設備。

  • And we teamed with Giesecke and FitPay Mobile-Payment to offer a solution to integrate tokenized payments from Mastercard or Visa on wearable devices.

    我們與 Giesecke 和 FitPay Mobile-Payment 合作提供了一種解決方案,可在可穿戴設備上集成 Mastercard 或 Visa 的令牌化支付。

  • Benefiting from our recent acquisition, we captured a key win for our ST25 near-field communication reader portfolio at a major car OEM.

    受益於我們最近的收購,我們的 ST25 近場通信讀取器產品組合在一家大型汽車 OEM 中獲得了關鍵勝利。

  • We also introduced dynamic tag ICs that support higher-speed and greater-distance RFID.

    我們還推出了支持更高速度和更遠距離 RFID 的動態標籤 IC。

  • Also in this area we are focused on making our products easier for our customers to evaluate and design-in, and we introduced a new ST25 discovery kit that accelerates time to market for NFC applications.

    同樣在這一領域,我們專注於使我們的產品更易於客戶評估和設計,並且我們推出了一種新的 ST25 探索套件,可加快 NFC 應用的上市時間。

  • To complete the review of our products, let's now discuss our Imaging Product Division, which we report in Others.


  • Imaging revenues in the first quarter more than doubled to 75 -- $72 million compared to the year-ago quarter, driven by ST's innovative Time-of-Flight technology.

    在 ST 創新的飛行時間技術的推動下,第一季度的成像收入比去年同期翻了一番多,達到 75 美元——7200 萬美元。

  • We had multiple new design wins and continued high-volume shipments of Time-of-Flight ranging sensors to leading smartphone manufacturers.


  • During Q1, our FlightSense technology was integrated in 7 new smartphones launched by Asian brands.

    第一季度,我們的 FlightSense 技術被集成到亞洲品牌推出的 7 款新智能手機中。

  • We also announced a new generation of Time-of-Flight sensor which brings multi-object detection and multi-array scanning to mobile applications.


  • Turning now to our second quarter guidance.


  • We expect to make further progress in revenue and margins.


  • We continue to see strong bookings across all product groups and regions.


  • A careful analysis of point-of-sales data or sales to distribution continues to indicate a very healthy demand environment.


  • Therefore, based upon our current visibility, we expect a sequential revenue growth of about 5%, which translates to year-over-year growth of 12.3% at the midpoint.

    因此,根據我們目前的能見度,我們預計收入環比增長約 5%,這意味著中點同比增長 12.3%。

  • We are targeting a gross margin of about 31.1% at the midpoint...

    我們的目標是中點毛利率約為 31.1%...

  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

  • 8...


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • 38.1% at the midpoint.

    中點為 38.1%。

  • Taking these 2 data points, it is clear that we see the opportunity in Q2 to deliver substantial year-over-year and sequential growths in operating income and net income.


  • Looking further ahead, we are continuing to prepare for a major program introduction, as anticipated.


  • There is no revenue contribution from this program in our Q2 guidance, and we are on track to ramp substantial revenues in the second half of this year.


  • More broadly, our investments to scale-up production in 12 inches, our 6- to 8-inch fab conversions and our technology evolution will help drive wafer cost reductions, benefiting all product groups.

    更廣泛地說,我們對擴大 12 英寸生產規模的投資、我們的 6 英寸到 8 英寸晶圓廠轉換以及我們的技術發展將有助於推動晶圓成本降低,從而使所有產品組受益。

  • Finally, today's, ST's Supervisory Board is proposing to shareholders to declare a cash dividend of $0.25 per share...


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

  • $0.24 (inaudible).

    0.24 美元(聽不清)。

  • Jean-Marc Chery - COO

    Jean-Marc Chery - COO

  • $0.24.

    0.24 美元。

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • $24 per share.

    每股 24 美元。

  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

  • Cents per share.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Cents.


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Sorry, $0.24 per share, payable in 4 equal quarterly installments, starting with the second quarter of 2017.

    抱歉,每股 0.24 美元,從 2017 年第二季度開始分 4 個季度等額支付。

  • The 2017 Annual General Meeting of shareholders is scheduled for June 20, 2017.


  • And my colleagues and I will now be happy to take your questions.


  • And we look forward to meeting with you on May 11, at our 2017 Capital Markets Day in London.

    我們期待 5 月 11 日在倫敦舉行的 2017 年資本市場日與您會面。

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) The first question is from Achal Sultania from Crédit Suisse.

    (操作員說明)第一個問題來自 Crédit Suisse 的 Achal Sultania。

  • Achal Sultania - Director

    Achal Sultania - Director

  • Just a clarification on the MEMS business.

    只是對 MEMS 業務的澄清。

  • I think you've talked about the several chips being used in the Galaxy S8 and S8+ devices.

    我想您已經談到了 Galaxy S8 和 S8+ 設備中使用的幾種芯片。

  • I think in some of those sockets, in the past, you've shared that chip with some other supplier because that device has had 2 variants, 1 with Qualcomm chip and 1 with Exynos chip.

    我認為在過去的某些插座中,您曾與其他供應商共享該芯片,因為該設備有 2 個變體,1 個使用 Qualcomm 芯片,1 個使用 Exynos 芯片。

  • Can you give us some color as to whether that is still continuing with S8 and S8+?

    你能告訴我們一些關於 S8 和 S8+ 是否仍在繼續的顏色嗎?

  • Or are you becoming more of a sole supplier in some of those sockets in this generation?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Well, I -- of course, it's difficult for me to make comment on such details question, but the impression that we have is that certainly our share is a lion's share.


  • Achal Sultania - Director

    Achal Sultania - Director

  • Okay, okay, but is it -- the share is not changing.


  • Is that -- it's lion's share, but it's not changing from last year.


  • Is that the right way to think about it?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Well, you can see, if the share is 100%, it's difficult in general to change.

    那麼,你可以看到,如果份額是 100%,一般情況下很難改變。

  • It's...


  • Achal Sultania - Director

    Achal Sultania - Director

  • Okay, okay.


  • And one, well, question on the automotive side of things.


  • I think you've talked about bookings being strong in Q1.


  • I think we're starting to see small -- some data points that China obviously was very, very strong last year.


  • And year-on-year comps are a bit difficult as we go into Q2, Q3 of this year.


  • Are we seeing any signs of that as yet in the bookings number?


  • Or you think that the content increase is enough; or is accelerating, which will offset any slowdown in volume growth.


  • Is that the case, or are you not seeing any volume slowdown as yet?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • No, it's the opposite.


  • We see an acceleration of our business in the automotive.


  • And Q1, it is certainly a low point for our automotives, and we expect to grow significantly.


  • Overall, I also want to make the point that we have, on top of ADG, other products that we sell to automotive customers, of course including our sensors and including our (inaudible).

    總的來說,我還想指出,除了 ADG 之外,我們還向汽車客戶銷售其他產品,當然包括我們的傳感器和我們的(聽不清)。

  • So there are important products that we sell to our automotive customers that we do not report in ADG.

    因此,我們向汽車客戶銷售的一些重要產品並未在 ADG 中報告。

  • And overall, I want to make sure it's clear, our ambition is to grow significantly this year in the automotive business.


  • And certainly, we do not see any slowdown.


  • And we see an acceleration of our automotive business moving from Q1 to the Q2 and the rest of the year.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Gareth Jenkins from UBS.

    下一個問題來自瑞銀的 Gareth Jenkins。

  • Gareth Jenkins - MD and Equity Analyst

    Gareth Jenkins - MD and Equity Analyst

  • Just a couple, if I could.


  • The CapEx run rate looks like it's slightly -- tracking slightly below your full year guidance, so I just wondered whether you're finding more efficiencies in CapEx than you thought or whether we should expect a pickup through the rest of the year.


  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Carlo will take this.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Thank you, Carlo.


  • No, I will not read the first quarter number as a sign on the run rate for the year.


  • We are absolutely on track on the plan of $1.1 billion CapEx spending for the year.

    我們完全按照今年 11 億美元資本支出的計劃進行。

  • We are in the process now to look at the volume and the capacities needed for second half of the year, entering 2018.

    我們現在正在研究下半年進入 2018 年所需的數量和產能。

  • So in this respect at this stage, I believe we may continue to make a reference to the previous guidance.


  • We will meet on -- in a few weeks at our Capital Market Day.


  • That could be an opportunity eventually to tune the number, but please do not consider the number of the first quarter as a sign now to be at higher the range for this year.


  • And (inaudible) is well needed in order to serve business and increase revenues significantly for the second half of the year.


  • Gareth Jenkins - MD and Equity Analyst

    Gareth Jenkins - MD and Equity Analyst

  • That's great.


  • And just as a follow-up, can you -- can I just have a follow-up, Tait, on the under-saturation charges, presumably 0 in the last quarter and 0 going forwards from here from that statement?

    作為後續行動,泰特,我能否就飽和度不足費用進行後續行動,大概在最後一個季度為 0,從該聲明開始為 0?

  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Yes, very minor, very minor in both the cases.


  • We are running with the fab almost all at full loading.


  • We are really in the process of increasing capacities, improving the service to customer and building higher revenues for the next quarters.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Sandeep Deshpande from JPMorgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Sandeep Deshpande。

  • Sandeep Sudhir Deshpande - Research Analyst

    Sandeep Sudhir Deshpande - Research Analyst

  • My question is regarding the next-generation technologies in 3D sensing.

    我的問題是關於 3D 傳感中的下一代技術。

  • You have some technologies associated with 3D sensing.

    您擁有一些與 3D 傳感相關的技術。

  • Can you, well, Carlo, possibly help us understand what technology you have associated with this?


  • And is it purely sensing technologies, or are you also selling digital chips associated with this?


  • Secondly, my question is regarding the CapEx you announced earlier this year.


  • What percentage of the CapEx are you spending on front end versus back end?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Okay, our activity in this field is very broad.


  • And I think Jean-Marc will comment, yes.

    我想 Jean-Marc 會發表評論,是的。

  • And then Carlo will take the second question.

    然後 Carlo 將回答第二個問題。

  • Jean-Marc Chery - COO

    Jean-Marc Chery - COO

  • So Jean-Marc speaking.


  • So more basically, well, to make history as simple as possible: For 3D sensing, okay, we see really 2 technologies which are key enablers.

    所以更基本地說,好吧,讓歷史盡可能簡單:對於 3D 傳感,好吧,我們確實看到了 2 種技術,它們是關鍵推動因素。

  • These are what we call structured light.


  • And the second one, we call Time-of-Flight technology.


  • And in Time-of-Flight, we have direct or indirect Time-of-Flight.


  • What I can say at this stage is that ST, from silicon point of view, we own.

    在這個階段我能說的是,從芯片的角度來看,我們擁有 ST。

  • We develop.


  • We control.


  • We are able to manufacturing -- to make the manufacturing of all technologies which are key whatever is the Time-of-Flight or the structured light.


  • Then in term of module assembly of the key module linked to this technology, we completely control the technology in term of module assemblies.


  • We have the skill to manage all the critical components which are related to this structural light, and we are able to make the manufacturing of the module.


  • So ST is completely well positioned with the specialty emerging strategy to address this market of 3D sensing whatever are the technology, Time-of-Flight or structured light.

    因此,無論是技術、飛行時間還是結構光,ST 都完全可以通過專業新興戰略來應對 3D 傳感市場。

  • Sandeep Sudhir Deshpande - Research Analyst

    Sandeep Sudhir Deshpande - Research Analyst

  • Sorry.


  • I have one follow-up on that, Jean-Marc, which is that, does your technology require a separate digital chip beyond the sensing module that you will sell?


  • Jean-Marc Chery - COO

    Jean-Marc Chery - COO

  • Of course.


  • Okay, you need to have a -- digital chips to embed the software because structured light is very complex [request] in term of software.

    好的,你需要有一個——數字芯片來嵌入軟件,因為結構光在軟件方面非常複雜 [request]。

  • So you have separate chips, digital chips, okay, to receive the signal from the various components and [create the 3D image].

    所以你有單獨的芯片,數字芯片,可以接收來自各種組件的信號並[創建 3D 圖像]。

  • Sandeep Sudhir Deshpande - Research Analyst

    Sandeep Sudhir Deshpande - Research Analyst

  • And do you supply that digital chip as well?


  • Jean-Marc Chery - COO

    Jean-Marc Chery - COO

  • No.


  • Sandeep Sudhir Deshpande - Research Analyst

    Sandeep Sudhir Deshpande - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • I guess, Sandeep, the second question, on the capital spending this year between front end and back end, when taking front-end manufacturing and R&D, this is about 55%.

    我猜,Sandeep,第二個問題,關於今年前端和後端之間的資本支出,當考慮前端製造和研發時,大約是 55%。

  • Probing, assembling and testing will be about 45%.

    探測、組裝和測試將佔 45% 左右。

  • Operator


  • The next question is from Adithya Metuku from Merrill Lynch.

    下一個問題來自美林證券的 Adithya Metuku。

  • Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

    Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

  • So my question is firstly a clarification.


  • Could you give us some color on the growth rates in the automotive, microcontroller and analog and MEMS businesses in the first quarter?

    您能否介紹一下第一季度汽車、微控制器、模擬和 MEMS 業務的增長率?

  • And then I have a quick follow-up on OpEx.

    然後我對 OpEx 進行了快速跟進。

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • So the first question is about the growth rate on automotive...


  • Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

    Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

  • (inaudible) -- automotive, microcontroller and analog and MEMS.

    (聽不清)——汽車、微控制器和模擬以及 MEMS。

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • All right.


  • So I think we can go through -- Carlo, we'll go through family by family, if you -- we have all the data.

    所以我認為我們可以通過 - Carlo,我們將逐個家庭進行,如果你 - 我們擁有所有數據。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Of course.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Your question is in reference to which period, the first quarter?


  • Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

    Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

  • Yes, first quarter.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Okay.


  • It's in the press release, right?


  • Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

    Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

  • No, I don't mean the groups.


  • I mean automotive within the division that you disclosed.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Okay.


  • So I believe that, at the end, the best way for characterizing it is that in the area of ADG both automotive and power and discrete enjoyed better-than-seasonal trend overall.

    所以我認為,最後,最好的描述方式是在汽車和電力和離散領域的 ADG 領域,整體趨勢好於季節性。

  • Then in the case of AMG, it has been another strong quarter for MEMS but also a stronger quarter for analog.

    然後就 AMG 而言,它是 MEMS 的另一個強勁季度,也是模擬的強勁季度。

  • And certainly, in the field of MDG you may have noted there's some further erosion in the area of the digital business and the legacy businesses there, while general-purpose microcontrollers remained particularly solid.

    當然,在 MDG 領域,您可能已經註意到數字業務領域和那裡的傳統業務受到進一步侵蝕,而通用微控制器仍然特別穩固。

  • Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

    Adithya Satyanarayana Metuku - Associate

  • And I'll check it.


  • Okay, my quick -- my follow-up is on OpEx, Carlo Ferro.

    好的,我的快速 - 我的後續行動是關於 OpEx,Carlo Ferro。

  • Could you give us a bit of color, taking into the current spot rates, what you expect in terms of growth in net OpEx in the next quarter and in the second half of the year?


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Yes.


  • It's we remain on our target to maintain in average the net OpEx in the range of the $550 million.

    我們的目標仍然是將平均淨運營支出維持在 5.5 億美元的範圍內。

  • We have anticipated that there is some imbalance quarterly due to seasonality.


  • Particularly, third quarter is cheaper, in seasonality, if I can use the word; second quarter and fourth quarter a bit higher.


  • So I would basically model between $550 million to $560 million net operating expenses in the second quarter.

    所以我基本上會在第二季度建立 5.5 億至 5.6 億美元的淨運營支出模型。

  • Operator


  • Next question is from Jerome Ramel from Exane BNP Paribas.

    下一個問題來自 Exane BNP Paribas 的 Jerome Ramel。

  • Jerome Ramel - Research Analyst

    Jerome Ramel - Research Analyst

  • A question on automotive in Q1.


  • I mean automotive, for discrete.


  • You were up 5.6% year-on-year.

    你同比增長了 5.6%。

  • And you mentioned discrete grew faster, so my question is why is automotive growing not in line with peers.


  • Because peer, if I understand to peer in Q1, is year-on-year much more than 5.5%.

    因為同業,如果我了解第一季度的同業,同比遠遠超過 5.5%。

  • So do you think you're losing market share?


  • Or do you think you're going to have an acceleration in the -- as you mentioned before, in second half of this year?

    或者你認為你會在 - 正如你之前提到的那樣,在今年下半年加速嗎?

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Well, I think, first of all, we need to look at the perimeter there.


  • As I said, I mean, there will be a strong acceleration of the growth, and this will be across-the-board for all our automotive products.


  • It will be on what we traditionally call APG, which is smart power and microcontrollers and digital automotives.

    它將出現在我們傳統上所說的 APG 上,即智能電源、微控制器和數字汽車。

  • It will be on power MOS.


  • It will be on SiC.

    它將在 SiC 上。

  • And it will be also on our MEMS, for instance, for our automotive applications.

    它也將出現在我們的 MEMS 上,例如,用於我們的汽車應用。

  • And the visibility that we have today for the automotive growth year-over-year is far above the 5.6% that you mentioned.

    我們今天對汽車同比增長的可見度遠高於您提到的 5.6%。

  • Jerome Ramel - Research Analyst

    Jerome Ramel - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And maybe as follow-up: I had in mind that your MEMS business for automotive was about around $50 million per quarter.

    也許作為後續行動:我記得你們的汽車 MEMS 業務每季度約為 5000 萬美元。

  • Is that the right number?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Well, this is a very detailed question.


  • I -- we are growing significantly.


  • I think it still is below $100 million.

    我認為它仍然低於 1 億美元。

  • Operator


  • The next question is from Janardan Menon from Liberum Capital.

    下一個問題來自 Liberum Capital 的 Janardan Menon。

  • Janardan Nedyam Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Nedyam Menon - Analyst

  • I'm just going back to the comment that you made that your CapEx in the second half will also depend on what the volume expectations are et cetera.


  • And you talk about a significant ramp, in the second half, of revenue.


  • I was just wondering.


  • What is the visibility that you have on that?


  • I mean, is it that you are yet to get your purchase orders and your purchase orders will come later on and that will give you a better feel for what that revenue ramp will look like?


  • Or do you already have a pretty good feel for how that'll look like in terms of volume and ASP?

    或者您是否已經對數量和 ASP 方面的情況有了很好的感覺?

  • And if there is any sort of movement in that number, is that mainly from a back-end CapEx point of view?


  • Or can you -- will you consider adding front-end CapEx as well in the second half if the volume required for that?

    或者你可以 - 如果需要的話,你會考慮在下半年增加前端資本支出嗎?

  • And for second question is, at your Mobile World Congress presentation I think there was a comment saying that you had a $1 billion run rate on IoT microcontrollers.

    第二個問題是,在你的世界移動大會演講中,我認為有一條評論說你在物聯網微控制器上的運行率是 10 億美元。

  • I was just wondering, can you put together a number for what is your IoT revenue at this point in time, if you go through all the different divisions; and what would you say the ballpark figure of growth for that business right now?


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Maybe, Janardan, I take your question quite quickly to reaffirm, and Carlo said it during the introduction, that the demand environment is very solid and we enter really the next quarter with a very solid backlog.

    也許,Janardan,我很快就接受你的問題來重申,Carlo 在介紹時說過,需求環境非常穩固,我們進入下一個季度的積壓量非常大。

  • On the rest of your question, you really want, Janardan, to spoil our market Capital Market Day.


  • Let's have a little bit of content to come on May 10 on the second half for the year.

    讓我們在今年下半年的 5 月 10 日發布一些內容。

  • Janardan Nedyam Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Nedyam Menon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Can I have one more...


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • [Well, I'll say] maybe one comment.

    [好吧,我會說] 也許有一個評論。

  • The visibility is pretty good, okay?


  • And I think, in this moment, we have -- we discussed automotive.

    而且我認為,在這一刻,我們已經 - 我們討論了汽車。

  • I think the visibility that we have in general with our automotive customers is to grow much faster than the 5.6%.

    我認為我們在汽車客戶中的總體知名度將比 5.6% 的增長速度快得多。

  • The POS and the distribution is at record level, and inventories are low.

    POS 和分銷處於創紀錄水平,庫存很低。

  • And we are perfectly on track with our new major program.


  • So the 3 things are working well, so I think we have good confidence to make a substantial step in revenues moving from Q2 to the second half of the year.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Andrew Gardiner from Barclays.

    下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Andrew Gardiner。

  • Andrew Michael Gardiner - Director

    Andrew Michael Gardiner - Director

  • So not to belabor the point too much on the second half visibility, but you mentioned the -- sort of the key product ramp for the back half of the year, I think, sort of on the sensing side of things.

    因此,不要在下半年的知名度上過多強調這一點,但你提到了 - 我認為,今年下半年的關鍵產品坡度,有點在事物的傳感方面。

  • You've also highlighted in the past a silicon carbide ramp.


  • Just how is your visibility there in terms of sort of the key customers starting in the back half of the year?


  • And also, can you perhaps shed a little bit more light about engagement elsewhere?


  • I think you said you had a win in Asia for silicon carbide.


  • Just sort of how you expect trends to progress there for '18 and '19 based on customer engagement.

    只是根據客戶參與度,您期望 18 年和 19 年的趨勢如何發展。

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • We are, first of all, in the condition to confirm the ramp, which is not the major program that we have described.


  • The major program is also -- as we already said, is also calling for important capital investment.


  • The silicon carbide is an important contributor in the second half.


  • It's starting.


  • I think it's pretty innovative because it is high volume.


  • And I -- we are very proud about this growth on silicon carbide.


  • And we see an acceleration of design wins on silicon carbide products.


  • And in the press release we mentioned this design award in Asia, but there are many things moving on also in Europe.


  • This is, I believe, important to underline.


  • So it is a new generation of products.


  • And of course, there will be a contribution in the second part of this year, but we are confident that this contribution will grow materially in the next few years.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mathias Santos Silva from Morgan Stanley.

    下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Mathias Santos Silva。

  • Mathias Roland Johansson Santos Silva - Equity Analyst

    Mathias Roland Johansson Santos Silva - Equity Analyst

  • First, regarding to the CapEx ramp, is this entirely related to models to be launched this year?


  • Or is there also some in there regarding models to be launched next year?


  • And also, in the application that is going out in the market in the second half that will drive that revenue ramp and -- do you forecast that kind of application going into broad-based smartphone manufacturers as well, or is it mostly related to that one customer perhaps?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Well, CapEx, you...


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Yes.


  • On CapEx, you could expect at the end -- intense capital spending is, at the end, addressing all the, say, 3 relevant objective for us, which is to start the new program in the second half of the year.

    在資本支出方面,你可以期待最後 - 大量的資本支出最終會解決我們所有的 3 個相關目標,即在今年下半年啟動新計劃。

  • It's to build the capacity for expanding revenues in the second half of the year and preparing capacity for 2018.


  • And this is almost across all the different process technologies for the company and to serve growth for all the 3 product groups and the imaging division or the subset of our business.

    這幾乎涵蓋了公司所有不同的工藝技術,並為所有 3 個產品組和成像部門或我們業務的子集的增長服務。

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Yes.


  • To respond to the second question, when we talk about this major project.


  • And of course, this is not one single device.


  • This is obvious.


  • And some of the products are certainly suitable for many, many customers, while some other products are more dedicated to one customer.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Robert Sanders from Deutsche Bank.


  • Robert Duncan Cobban Sanders - Director

    Robert Duncan Cobban Sanders - Director

  • A question for Jean-Marc.


  • I was just -- you mentioned you had a capability in structured light.

    我只是 - 你提到你有結構光的能力。

  • I was just wondering what capability you have today in wafer-level optics.


  • Or are you partnering with firms like CDA or Himax?

    或者您正在與 CDA 或 Himax 等公司合作?

  • And then the second question will just be on the Time-of-Flight.


  • You've now -- you've launched a multi-object, multi-array scanner.


  • I was just wondering what kind of level of increase of content that could generate versus your simple SPAD-based proximity sensor today.

    我只是想知道與今天基於 SPAD 的簡單接近傳感器相比,可以生成什麼樣的內容增加級別。

  • Just a sort of multiple would be interesting.


  • Jean-Marc Chery - COO

    Jean-Marc Chery - COO

  • No, what is important when you would like to control this kind of technology is to have the skill, the technical skill, in the critical components.


  • Of course, in structured light one of the critical component is the diffracted optical element.


  • And you mentioned Himax.

    你提到了 Himax。

  • Okay, of course, Himax is one of the key supplier in the world.

    好的,當然,Himax 是世界上主要的供應商之一。

  • What is important for us is to have the technical skill to understand what are the best components and the best offer in the world.


  • Then -- it is an example.


  • Then you have the [vexel].


  • Vexel , there is many vexel ; many power, different power for Time-of-Flight, okay; for structured light.


  • For us, it's important to have the skill to be able to know very well the process, to assess the capability of the value vendor and to challenge them.


  • [After], there is also a component like that, like the filters, okay; lens; and so on and so forth.


  • So ST, we have built in our imaging division a very strong capability to understand this key components, from the bill of material to challenge around them.

    所以 ST,我們在我們的成像部門建立了一個非常強大的能力來理解這個關鍵組件,從材料清單到圍繞它們的挑戰。

  • But -- and then one of the key capability we have is an engineering and manufacturing capability to assemble and test all these components in a module.


  • By the way, this is what we have demonstrated last year with one component for a famous customer we have delivered in the course of 2016.

    順便說一句,這就是我們去年為我們在 2016 年交付的一位著名客戶展示的一個組件。

  • So really, we control -- we have a good control of the supply chain and we have a good control of the manufacturing of this kind of modules.

    所以真的,我們控制 - 我們對供應鏈有很好的控制,我們對這種模塊的製造有很好的控制。

  • But then from silicon point of view, means the sensors or the Time-of-Flight all-in-1 technology [that year], we have, okay, this is [walker competitors] in term of silicon [footprint].

    但是從矽的角度來看,意味著傳感器或飛行時間一體機技術 [那年],我們有,好吧,這是 [walker competitors] 在矽 [footprint] 方面。

  • And we know the technology.


  • We have a very good road map, a very aggressive road map.


  • And we position ourselves for future generation.


  • Robert Duncan Cobban Sanders - Director

    Robert Duncan Cobban Sanders - Director

  • Great, that's helpful.


  • And just on the Time-of-Flight, I think the current proximity sensors, it's only a $1 component, the one you ship into the iPhone, but I would assume, with an array, these multi-point Time-of-Flight sensors are significantly higher.

    就飛行時間而言,我認為當前的接近傳感器,它只是一個 1 美元的組件,您將其運送到 iPhone 中,但我假設這些多點飛行時間傳感器具有陣列明顯更高。

  • Do you have a sort of rough estimate of how much more content you -- these could generate?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Well, we cannot comment on the prices.


  • Of course, price and complexity are related, but this -- and also, I do not want to comment on the price of the existing solution.


  • You mentioned it, so it's certainly not possible for us to comment on the price.


  • But clearly, with more content, more complexity, the evolution of the price is in the right direction.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Stephane Houri from Natixis.

    下一個問題來自 Natixis 的 Stephane Houri。

  • Stephane Houri - Head of Equity Research

    Stephane Houri - Head of Equity Research

  • I have a question on gross margin because you commented that the unused charge of -- is very limited.


  • So what are the ways to improve the gross margin going further?


  • And what is the potential?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Well, Carlo will comment.

    好吧,Carlo 會發表評論。

  • And I will say the potential is significant.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Again, the -- you know, Stephane, that already in the guidance for the next quarter we are anticipating at the midpoint of the guidance another step of progression.


  • I believe really what is nicely coming in, as expected, is that the innovation is making product mix able to somehow compensate the natural or beat in the future the natural price erosion in the industry.


  • And the gross margin can take advantage of higher efficiencies.


  • And efficiencies, of course, is a function on the volume of the fab not only in respect to the absorption of the unused capacity charges that now is fully done, but also in respect there are the big opportunity of scaling-up capacity in the fab going forward.


  • When we have entered the year, we have anticipated for the second half of the year a very significant contribution to the wafer cost, particularly in 300 millimeter, from scaling-up a fab.

    當我們進入這一年時,我們預計今年下半年晶圓成本將因擴大晶圓廠而產生非常顯著的貢獻,尤其是 300 毫米晶圓成本。

  • It's also associated with the new program.


  • And this is really to come for the second half of the year.


  • Stephane Houri - Head of Equity Research

    Stephane Houri - Head of Equity Research

  • Okay, okay.


  • And just a follow-up, if I may, looking at your Q2 guidance of 5% growth.

    如果可以的話,只是一個後續行動,看看你的第二季度增長 5% 的指導。

  • Could you give us some indication about what's going to happen into the different division?


  • Which is going to fastest growing and the one who will grow less?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Yes, Carlo will take...


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • As usual, without characterizing specifically growth by subgroups, I may indicate to you where we expect a more solid growth sequentially for the next quarter.


  • And this is -- certainly, about the automotive and the micro memories and the secure microcontrollers, is in a second level for power discrete and analog; and in the case of digital will be a further slight erosion associated with the phaseout of legacy.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Amit Harchandani from Citigroup.

    下一個問題來自花旗集團的 Amit Harchandani。

  • Amit B. Harchandani - VP and Analyst

    Amit B. Harchandani - VP and Analyst

  • Amit Harchandani from Citigroup.

    來自花旗集團的 Amit Harchandani。

  • Two, if I may.


  • My first question would be around trends in the distribution business and also inventory levels across the supply chain.


  • Could you maybe share your thoughts in terms of the segments, how you have seen the trends in distribution evolve as you have gone through the quarter and maybe some initial thoughts on the month of April?

    您能否就細分市場分享您的想法,您如何看待整個季度的分銷趨勢演變以及 4 月份的一些初步想法?

  • And then I have a second question after that.


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • The visibility, well, first of all, we know well Q1.

    可見性,嗯,首先,我們很了解 Q1。

  • And I can say that it was unprecedentedly strong to us with a very healthy situation (inaudible).


  • This is across-the-board.


  • And I have to say that Asia is strong, but Europe that is important for us in distribution of course is also very, very strong, even stronger than Asia.


  • And we do not see any change in April.

    我們沒有看到 4 月份有任何變化。

  • And we see very good trends in the months of April both in terms of bookings and in terms of POS.

    我們在 4 月份的預訂和 POS 方面都看到了非常好的趨勢。

  • And I would like to underline again that the situation of inventory is pretty healthy.


  • And of course, what we are trying to do here: For instance, yesterday and the day before yesterday, we had a major event in China on our STM32.

    當然,我們在這裡要做的是:例如,昨天和前天,我們在 STM32 上在中國舉辦了一場大型活動。

  • We had 2,000 participants to this event.

    我們有 2,000 名參與者參加了這次活動。

  • And this is mostly developers, people working with our microcontrollers and building around our microcontrollers with other products.


  • And this is exactly what we want to do.


  • We want to sell more around our STM32, so we are encouraged by this trend.

    我們希望圍繞我們的 STM32 銷售更多產品,因此我們對這一趨勢感到鼓舞。

  • So we see a good momentum.


  • It was strong in Q1.


  • And I think somebody mentioned before that our microcontroller, general-purpose microcontroller.


  • It was $1 billion business or so before.

    以前是 10 億美元左右的業務。

  • I think, today, the run rate is more $300 million per quarter and growing.

    我認為,今天,每季度的運行率超過 3 億美元,並且還在增長。

  • And this is -- I believe it is a fundamental family for our mass-market strategy and for our distribution business.


  • And we want to sell more of the rest of our kits together with our STM32.

    我們希望與 STM32 一起銷售更多其他套件。

  • So pretty good visibility in distribution.


  • Amit B. Harchandani - VP and Analyst

    Amit B. Harchandani - VP and Analyst

  • And maybe just a second question.


  • I was looking at the press release this morning with respect to the proposals for the new executive team and the creation of the position of Deputy CEO.


  • I just wanted to understand your thoughts behind coming up with this new executive team structure, if it's in response to what you see out there in the industry.


  • And also, should we maybe look at the creation of a Deputy CEO position as a step in the succession planning thinking 1 year from now?

    而且,我們是否應該將設立副 CEO 職位作為 1 年後繼任計劃思考的一個步驟?

  • Or am I getting ahead of myself?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Yes, well, I think, first of all, I believe this is a unique opportunity for Jean-Marc.

    是的,嗯,我認為,首先,我相信這對 Jean-Marc 來說是一個獨特的機會。

  • We have been working with Jean-Marc with now many, many years.

    我們已經與 Jean-Marc 合作了很多年。

  • In fact, it's since the moment of creation of the company in 1987.

    事實上,自 1987 年公司創立之時起。

  • So it's certainly an important step for Jean-Marc.

    所以這對 Jean-Marc 來說無疑是重要的一步。

  • I mean Jean-Marc in his career managed manufacturing technologies, certain products.

    我的意思是 Jean-Marc 在他的職業生涯中管理製造技術,某些產品。

  • And we -- this is a unique opportunity to expand.


  • We mentioned in our press release that there will be a more -- a stronger involvement of Jean-Marc in sales and marketing.

    我們在新聞稿中提到,Jean-Marc 將更多地參與銷售和營銷。

  • So I think it's well deserved.


  • Times are getting better.


  • And Jean-Marc gave an important contribution, a very important contribution in the turnaround in this area.

    Jean-Marc 做出了重要貢獻,在這個領域的轉變中做出了非常重要的貢獻。

  • Having said that, it is certainly not up to me to comment on the succession.


  • This is not a matter that is discussed at the level of management.


  • This, of course, is our Supervisory Board.


  • Amit B. Harchandani - VP and Analyst

    Amit B. Harchandani - VP and Analyst

  • True.


  • And just the rest of the executive team structure, the changes there, I just wanted to understand the thought process behind that, if...


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Well, the changes are -- there are basically 2 changes.


  • One change is the unification of the regions.


  • I think this is a step two.


  • Of course, all the organizations can work very nicely or maybe a little bit less, but I think -- we believe this is the right moment to make this step.

    當然,所有組織都可以很好地工作,或者可能會少一些,但我認為 - 我們相信現在是邁出這一步的正確時機。

  • Some of our customers are, of course, very, very global.


  • And this -- including some of our distributors, our presence with distributors is becoming more and more important.

    而這 - 包括我們的一些分銷商,我們與分銷商的關係變得越來越重要。

  • And of course, we also want to make sure that it is a very good global approach in the -- in what we do with our global distributors.


  • And the other one is somehow related to the promotion of Jean-Marc; and is the promotion of Orio Bellezza, that he's taking also the digital technologies on top of what he already has in terms of power and analog technologies.

    另一個與讓-馬克的晉升有某種關係;並且是 Orio Bellezza 的提升,他還在他已經擁有的電源和模擬技術方面採用了數字技術。

  • The rest is basically a continuation that I think is a natural evolution.


  • I think, of course, the role of Jean-Marc is a unique role.


  • And I am sure that we will continue with the turnaround.


  • We are better but certainly not at the level we want to be.


  • And there is the opportunity to make another important step in the second half of this year -- and well, in Q2, first of all, then in the second half of this year and of course also in 2018.

    並且有機會在今年下半年邁出另一個重要的一步——好吧,首先是在第二季度,然後是今年下半年,當然還有 2018 年。

  • Operator


  • The next question is from Lee Simpson from Stifel.

    下一個問題來自 Stifel 的 Lee Simpson。

  • Lee John Simpson - Analyst

    Lee John Simpson - Analyst

  • Maybe to circle back to OpEx, if I could, and SG&A in particular.

    如果可以的話,也許可以回到 OpEx,尤其是 SG&A。

  • SG&A looked pretty steady last year, but going into Q1, things have picked up a little, perhaps a little higher than just my modeling, but I'm just trying to get a sense for how that pans out through the year.

    去年 SG&A 看起來相當穩定,但進入第一季度,情況有所好轉,可能比我的模型高一點,但我只是想了解這一年的情況。

  • And I'm looking in particular for comments as it relates to restructuring.


  • I mean obviously restructuring has been heavy for the last 2 years.

    我的意思是,過去 2 年的重組很明顯。

  • I just wonder if the restructuring charges having now peaked means the SG&A -- the downside of the -- the ability to push SG&A down has maxed out already.

    我只是想知道重組費用現在是否已經達到頂峰意味著 SG&A——降低 SG&A 的能力已經達到極限。

  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • I believe the short answer to your question is the progression on -- the status of progression in the set-top box restructuring plan.


  • We are now at a stage that most of savings are already in.


  • About 74% of the target savings are already in the result of the first quarter.

    第一季度的結果已經實現了大約 74% 的目標節省。

  • And certainly, the portion still to go is the one that could help going forward to be absorbed the normal inflationary dynamic in expenses, some strengthening of our firepower in sales and marketing.


  • So at the end, as anticipated when we talk in January, we'll see the combination of the completion of the restructuring plan and other ingredients to be substantially offering the company the possibility to keep expenses in this range of the $550 million net per quarter, on one side; and on the other side, doing so taking full advantage to the operating margin from the top line growth.

    所以最後,正如我們在 1 月份談話時所預期的那樣,我們將看到重組計劃的完成和其他因素的結合將大大為公司提供將支出保持在每季度淨 5.5 億美元的範圍內的可能性, 在一邊;另一方面,這樣做是為了充分利用收入增長帶來的營業利潤率。

  • Lee John Simpson - Analyst

    Lee John Simpson - Analyst

  • Great.


  • So I guess in summary we can expect some further savings in R&D as a result.


  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • Again, what we could expect going forward in the next quarter is expenses, the net expenses, operating expenses to be substantially flattish.


  • And this is also what we are anticipating with the visibility of the second quarter.


  • That could be a few million higher than the first quarter.


  • And the third quarter, that will be some millions lower than the second quarter and the first.


  • Lee John Simpson - Analyst

    Lee John Simpson - Analyst

  • Got you.


  • That's pretty clear.


  • And maybe just circling back to the earlier question.


  • And I think this one goes to Jean-Marc.


  • You were very good at giving us detail around the expansion to an array solution in Time-of-Flight, but you stepped back from giving the ASP increase.

    您非常擅長向我們提供有關飛行時間陣列解決方案擴展的詳細信息,但您卻沒有提供 ASP 增長。

  • In the absence of giving us an ASP increase, could you give us perhaps the silicon area increase...

    在沒有給我們增加 ASP 的情況下,您能否給我們增加矽面積......

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • This is even worse.


  • Lee John Simpson - Analyst

    Lee John Simpson - Analyst

  • But I guess -- well, I guess, if we can get a ratio on the array itself.


  • I mean, if we're -- are we going from a 0.4 by 0.4 to a 1-millimeter-squared solution.

    我的意思是,如果我們 - 我們是從 0.4 x 0.4 到 1 平方毫米的解決方案嗎?

  • Is that the way to look at this?


  • Jean-Marc Chery - COO

    Jean-Marc Chery - COO

  • No, we cannot...


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • No, we cannot comment.


  • Also, of course, it's never that clear whether we are talking about exactly the same thing.


  • It is about the evolution of the Time-of-Flight.


  • Or this is a more complex chipset.


  • I already mentioned that we are not talking about one product here.


  • And I think it's very, very complex.


  • I -- what I can say is that this is a unique capability that we have in ST.

    我——我能說的是,這是我們在 ST 中擁有的獨特能力。

  • And of course, we want to lever on this capability.


  • And it is coming from the, let's say, all of these speciality technologies that we have developed in imaging.


  • And we want to have a very, very important return.


  • And now we are in the phase of the ramp-up, and we are on track.


  • And I'm sure we can give more information, of course, during the next 2 months.

    當然,我相信我們可以在接下來的 2 個月內提供更多信息。

  • Jean-Marc Chery - COO

    Jean-Marc Chery - COO

  • Typically.


  • Lee John Simpson - Analyst

    Lee John Simpson - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

  • So stay tuned, Lee.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Veysel Taze from Oddo.

    下一個問題來自 Oddo 的 Veysel Taze。

  • Veysel Taze - Analyst

    Veysel Taze - Analyst

  • I have one question regarding your MEMS business.

    我有一個關於您的 MEMS 業務的問題。

  • It was a little bit difficult to read the development in the MEMS business if you look at the -- or the news flow from China about inventories -- inventory correction there et cetera.

    如果你看一下——或者來自中國的關於庫存的新聞——那裡的庫存修正等等,就很難讀懂 MEMS 業務的發展。

  • But your MEMS business has grown and very strong in Q1.

    但是您的 MEMS 業務在第一季度增長且非常強勁。

  • I see the point that, Samsung, you had one additional design win versus the prior generation with the touch controller.


  • Was that the main driver, or are there other factors which drove the business here?


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • No, the touch controller is not reported in the MEMS.

    不,觸摸控制器未在 MEMS 中報告。

  • The touch controller is reported in our analog, [yes].


  • So there is no relation.


  • I mean it's -- of course, it's reported in AMG, I mean, but you talk about MEMS, so I wanted to be accurate.

    我的意思是——當然,它是在 AMG 中報告的,我的意思是,但你談論的是 MEMS,所以我想準確一點。

  • Now what we see in MEMS, it is a strong demand.

    現在我們在 MEMS 中看到的是強烈的需求。

  • The month of March was a pretty strong bookings.

    3 月份的預訂量相當強勁。

  • And I have to say that, in February, the -- with the Chinese New Year, there was a correction, but there's the very, very strong month and very strong March booking on MEMS.

    我不得不說,在 2 月份,隨著中國農曆新年的到來,出現了調整,但 MEMS 的月份和 3 月份的預訂量非常非常強勁。

  • Carlo mentioned before that we will grow sequentially on MEMS moving into Q2.

    Carlo 之前提到,我們將在進入第二季度的 MEMS 上按順序增長。

  • So the growth year-over-year will be substantial growth.


  • And the priorities are always the same.


  • I think we wanted to diversify this business, diversify in terms of technologies, so not only MEMS sensors but also MEMS micro actuators.

    我認為我們希望使這項業務多樣化,在技術方面實現多樣化,因此不僅是 MEMS 傳感器,還有 MEMS 微執行器。

  • We want to diversify in terms of customers.


  • And so you mentioned Samsung, but we want to be more spread with many customers, including important customers in China.


  • And we importantly want to diversify in terms of market segments.


  • And I mentioned before that what we do in MEMS for automotive is not yet at the level, I believe, of the potential that we have in this area, and this is certainly an important priority.

    我之前提到過,我認為我們在汽車 MEMS 方面所做的工作還沒有達到我們在該領域的潛力水平,這當然是一個重要的優先事項。

  • So -- and I tried to gave you -- to give you the 3 axes: diversification in terms of technology, diversification in terms of customer base and diversification in terms of market.


  • Yes, the momentum is good, and we see a good trend.


  • And the month of March was pretty strong and the demand is strong.


  • And...


  • Veysel Taze - Analyst

    Veysel Taze - Analyst

  • Sorry.


  • I think I missed it.


  • The touch controller is part of which segment?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Analog.


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Analog.


  • Veysel Taze - Analyst

    Veysel Taze - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then second question, regarding the gross margin and what Carlo Ferro mentioned regarding the scaling up of the volumes and the fabs.

    然後是第二個問題,關於毛利率以及 Carlo Ferro 提到的關於擴大產量和晶圓廠的內容。

  • And if -- so I look at your gross margin profile first half this year versus first half of last year.

    如果 - 那麼我看看今年上半年與去年上半年的毛利率情況。

  • So it seems like around 400 basis points of year-over-year growth.

    所以看起來同比增長大約 400 個基點。

  • So the question will be what could be the kind of leverage you can get in the second half of the year, as indication.


  • I mean, last year, you had roughly 7 -- 37% in second half of the year.

    我的意思是,去年下半年大約有 7 - 37%。

  • Is there -- what would be like the opportunity there?


  • The 400 basis points, I guess, in first half will be too high.

    我猜上半年的 400 個基點太高了。

  • Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

    Carlo Ferro - CFO and EVP of Finance, Legal, Infrastructure & Services

  • You see, for the time being, it's nice to see that now is several quarters in a row that, each quarter, gross margin is 4 or above 4 points higher than the prior year quarter.

    你看,目前,很高興看到現在連續幾個季度,每個季度的毛利率比去年同期高出 4 個或 4 個百分點以上。

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Yes.


  • So it's -- we cannot give the guidance for Q3.

    所以它 - 我們無法為第三季度提供指導。

  • I think, as I said it, we believe that there are significant opportunities.


  • Carlo mentioned already very well, I mean, what is the effect of the some part in certain fab.

    Carlo 已經很好地提到了,我的意思是,某些晶圓廠中某些部分的作用是什麼。

  • That is a very important thing to do.


  • And we have -- due to the turn of inventory, we have a positive effect in Q3, starting from Q3.


  • Veysel Taze - Analyst

    Veysel Taze - Analyst

  • One final one, on your auto business, if I may.


  • In the auto business you mentioned that it will -- growth will accelerate for the rest of the year.


  • And if I look at growth in Q1, it was 5 -- above 5%.

    如果我看一下第一季度的增長率,它是 5——高於 5%。

  • You -- but nevertheless, if I look some of the peers, they are expecting for this year double-digit growth in their auto business, and so -- and all the Q1 for some of them looked really stronger than your Q1.

    你 - 但儘管如此,如果我看一些同行,他們預計今年他們的汽車業務將實現兩位數的增長,所以 - 其中一些人的所有第一季度看起來都比你的第一季度更強勁。

  • So acceleration, an indication how strong this acceleration could be.


  • So could we move into double-digit range, or high double -- single digit?

    那麼我們能否進入兩位數範圍或高兩位數 - 一位數?

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Yes, well, I -- my comment was -- before was year-over-year, all right?


  • And so I was -- and I was saying that, when we compare with others, we need to take in consideration also the organization of the company.

    所以我 - 我是說,當我們與其他人進行比較時,我們還需要考慮公司的組織。

  • And we have products that are important products for automotive that are maybe not in ADG.

    我們的產品是汽車的重要產品,可能不在 ADG 中。

  • I want -- or in APG in particular.

    我想要——或者特別是在 APG 中。

  • For instance -- let's make, Carlo, examples.


  • The silicon carbide growth is certainly for automotive, and these will be in ADG, all right?

    碳化矽的增長肯定是為了汽車,這些將在 ADG 中,好嗎?

  • It will be in the discrete part of ADG.

    它將位於 ADG 的離散部分。

  • We expect a strong growth on digital in the automotive, and this will be in what we call APG that is still part of ADG.

    我們預計汽車數字化將實現強勁增長,這將出現在我們稱之為 APG 的領域,它仍然是 ADG 的一部分。

  • But there are other families, very important families, for us in the automotive, as I mentioned before.


  • It's, of course, MEMS.

    當然是 MEMS。

  • And there are other companies that are reporting the sensors for automotive together with the business segments.


  • For us, of course, it's automotive in terms of customers.


  • And this is going to be report under MEMS, right?

    這將在 MEMS 下進行報告,對嗎?

  • And so if you put all together, year-over-year, we want to be close to double-digit growth, yes.


  • Operator


  • The last question is from Gianmarco Bonacina from Equita SIM.

    最後一個問題來自 Equita SIM 的 Gianmarco Bonacina。

  • Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

    Gianmarco Bonacina - Analyst

  • Just a quick one about car electrification.


  • You mentioned new design wins in Q1.


  • I read in the press release in particular there is one on SiC MOSFET with an Asian OEM.

    我在新聞稿中特別看到了一家亞洲 OEM 的 SiC MOSFET。

  • Can you give a little bit more detail?


  • Is this in Japan, or in China?


  • And then more broadly, can we say that the bill of material for you is pretty similar either if it's hybrid or pure electric?


  • Or let's say on average there is a lot of difference because we are basically trying to track the announcement in terms of new products from the different OEMs.

    或者說平均而言存在很大差異,因為我們基本上是在嘗試跟踪來自不同 OEM 的新產品方面的公告。

  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • No -- well, first of all, on the customer, every time we can mention the customer, we tend to do.


  • And when we can not, we are not in the position of commenting the customer name and we do not do.


  • I think what is important for us is there are 2 applications.

    我認為對我們來說重要的是有 2 個應用程序。

  • One, of course, is the inverter.


  • And that is then the system that is driving the electric model.


  • And our proposition here, of course, is to start replacing IGBT with our SiC PowerMOS.

    當然,我們在這裡的提議是開始用我們的 SiC PowerMOS 取代 IGBT。

  • And there are many, many PowerMOS per inverter.

    每個逆變器有很多很多 PowerMOS。

  • And now I cannot say the number, but there are many, many PowerMOS per inverter, tens of PowerMOS per inverters.

    現在我不能說這個數字,但是每個反相器有很多很多 PowerMOS,每個反相器有幾十個 PowerMOS。

  • And this is one opportunity every time there is an inverter.


  • So every time there is an electric model in the car.


  • So of course, including hybrids.


  • And there is another application where we believe that SiC is also a very good solution.


  • It is the on-board charger.


  • And I think our products are suitable both for the inverter and the on-board charger.


  • For the customer, I've been told the [other times] maybe I can say the region, not the customer.

    對於客戶,有人告訴我 [其他時候] 也許我可以說地區,而不是客戶。

  • Yes, I can say the region, not the customer.


  • So it's China.


  • So it's China, yes.


  • Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

    Tait Sorensen - Group VP of IR

  • At this point, we'll go ahead and wrap up.


  • And as Carlo mentioned earlier on, we will have our Capital Markets Day on May 11 in London.

    正如 Carlo 之前提到的,我們將於 5 月 11 日在倫敦舉辦資本市場日。

  • If you need any information on that, please contact investor relations.


  • And again, thank you for participating.


  • Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

    Carlo Bozotti - Chairman of Management Board, CEO and President

  • Thank you.


  • Jean-Marc Chery - COO

    Jean-Marc Chery - COO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


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    感謝您選擇 Chorus Call,也感謝您參加會議。

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