超微電腦 (SMCI) 2021 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the Super Micro Fourth Quarter and Full Year Fiscal 2021 Earnings Call.

    歡迎參加超微 2021 財年第四季度和全年財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I would now like to hand the conference over to Nicole Noutsios, Investor Relations.

    我現在想將會議交給投資者關係部的 Nicole Noutsios。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Nicole Noutsios - Principal

    Nicole Noutsios - Principal

  • Good afternoon, and thank you for attending Super Micro's call to discuss financial results for the fourth quarter and full year fiscal 2021, which ended June 30, 2021.

    下午好,感謝您參加 Super Micro 的電話會議,討論截至 2021 年 6 月 30 日的 2021 財年第四季度和全年財務業績。

  • By now, you should have received a copy of the news release from the company that was distributed at the close of the regular trading and is available on the company's website.


  • As a reminder, during today's call, the company will refer to a presentation that's available to participants in the IR section of the company's website in the Events and Presentations tab.

    提醒一下,在今天的電話會議中,公司將在公司網站的 IR 部分的“事件和演示”選項卡中參考可供參與者使用的演示文稿。

  • We've also published management's scripted commentary on our website.


  • Please note that some of the information you'll hear during our discussion today will consist of forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding revenue, gross margin, operating expenses, other income and expenses, taxes, capital allocation and future business outlook, including the potential impact of COVID-19 in the company's business results of operations.

    請注意,您在我們今天的討論中聽到的一些信息將包括前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於有關收入、毛利率、運營費用、其他收入和支出、稅收、資本分配和未來業務的陳述前景,包括 COVID-19 對公司業務經營業績的潛在影響。

  • There are a number of risk factors that can cause Super Micro's future results to differ materially from our expectations.

    有許多風險因素可能導致 Super Micro 的未來結果與我們的預期大相徑庭。

  • You can learn more about these risks in the press release we issued earlier this afternoon, our most recent 10-K filing for fiscal 2020 and our other SEC filings.

    您可以在我們今天下午早些時候發布的新聞稿、我們最近提交的 2020 財年 10-K 文件以及我們提交給 SEC 的其他文件中了解有關這些風險的更多信息。

  • All these documents are available on the IR section of Super Micro's website.

    所有這些文件都可以在 Super Micro 網站的 IR 部分找到。

  • We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.


  • Most of today's presentation refer to non-GAAP financial results and business outlook.


  • For an explanation of our non-GAAP financial measures, please refer to the accompanying presentation or to our press release published earlier today.


  • In addition, a reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP results is contained in today's press release and in the supplemental information attached to today's presentation.

    此外,GAAP 與非 GAAP 結果的對賬包含在今天的新聞稿和今天演示文稿所附的補充信息中。

  • At the end of today's prepared remarks, we will have a Q&A session for sell-side analysts to ask questions.


  • I'll now turn the call over to Charles Liang, Founder, Chairman and CEO.

    我現在將把電話轉給創始人、董事長兼首席執行官 Charles Liang。

  • Charles?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Thank you, Nicole, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • I am pleased to announce that for the first time, our quarterly revenue has exceeded $1 billion.

    我很高興地宣布,我們的季度收入首次超過 10 億美元。

  • For fiscal Q4 2021, we delivered year-over-year revenue growth of 19.3%.

    對於 2021 財年第四季度,我們實現了 19.3% 的收入同比增長。

  • For the whole fiscal year 2021, our revenue grew 6.5%.

    在整個 2021 財年,我們的收入增長了 6.5%。

  • We have gained market share and finally resumed fast growth starting from March quarter this year, after the impact from the past 10-K delay and the COVID-19 challenges.

    在過去的 10-K 延遲和 COVID-19 挑戰的影響之後,我們已經獲得了市場份額,並終於從今年 3 月季度開始恢復了快速增長。

  • The revenue growth was driven by some wins from large enterprise customers and large multi-nation high-tech companies.


  • These customers choose Super Micro because of our green computing technology, faster time-to-market and plug-and-play total IT solutions, especially in appliance, cloud, AI and 5G markets.

    這些客戶選擇 Super Micro 是因為我們的綠色計算技術、更快的上市時間和即插即用的整體 IT 解決方案,尤其是在家電、雲、人工智能和 5G 市場。

  • Now let's look at some key highlights from the quarter.


  • Our fiscal first quarter net sales totaled $1.07 billion, up 19.3%, both year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter at the top end of our guidance range.

    我們第一財季的淨銷售額為 10.7 億美元,同比和環比均增長 19.3%,處於我們指導範圍的高端。

  • This growth rate, I believe, is much higher mandate than that of the industry.


  • All our major geographies have contributed double-digit year-over-year quarterly growth.


  • Our fiscal first quarter non-GAAP earnings per share was $0.81, up from $0.68 same period last year.

    我們第一財季非公認會計準則每股收益為 0.81 美元,高於去年同期的 0.68 美元。

  • We saw a significant increase in sales from new and existing large high-profile customers.


  • Our strong momentum is mainly driven by our business expansion on hardware solution to total IT solution that consists of hardware, software and service.

    我們強勁的勢頭主要是由於我們的業務從硬件解決方案擴展到包括硬件、軟件和服務的整體 IT 解決方案。

  • We have doubled our software engineering resource in the past 24 months to allow us to swiftly execute this plan.

    在過去的 24 個月中,我們的軟件工程資源翻了一番,以使我們能夠迅速執行該計劃。

  • Through engagement and close collaboration with strategic leading hardware and software partners, we have provided our customers fully optimized, tested, certified and ready-to-deploy reference architectures.


  • As a result, large volume order are deployed timely without customers having to go through a complicated process of hardware validation, software compatibility and supply chain disruption.


  • It's a win-win for everyone.


  • Earlier in fiscal Q4, we successfully executed the launch of Intel Ice Lake, AMD Milan and NVIDIA A100 GPU-based product lines and began to ship more than 200 application-optimized product solutions.

    在第四財季早些時候,我們成功推出了基於 Intel Ice Lake、AMD Milan 和 NVIDIA A100 GPU 的產品線,並開始出貨 200 多個應用優化產品解決方案。

  • They are all based on the strong foundation of our Server Building Block Solutions.


  • These optimized systems are created in-house, leveraging close to 3 decades of subsystem innovations, including motherboards, enclosures, power supplies and cooling technologies.

    這些優化的系統是內部創建的,利用了近 3 年的子系統創新,包括主板、機箱、電源和冷卻技術。

  • What's more, our security and management software empower customers to deploy, manage and scale in a timely manner from enterprise to hyperscalers.


  • On the product side, our new Ice Lake-based X12 generation multi-node solutions have gained great traction among customers who are looking to scale out their enterprise and cloud data centers.

    在產品方面,我們基於 Ice Lake 的新 X12 代多節點解決方案在希望擴展其企業和雲數據中心的客戶中獲得了極大的吸引力。

  • From SuperBlade, MicroBlade to BigTwin, FatTwin and the upcoming GrandTwin, all these resource-saving product lines support a dense NVMe and Optane persistent memory, flexible GPU and FPGA configurations, providing optimized performance and the best TCO to a variety of customer workloads.

    從 SuperBlade、MicroBlade 到 BigTwin、FatTwin 和即將推出的 GrandTwin,所有這些節省資源的產品線都支持密集的 NVMe 和 Optane 持久內存、靈活的 GPU 和 FPGA 配置,為各種客戶工作負載提供優化的性能和最佳的 TCO。

  • Our GPU product lines are continuing their strong growth with the explosion of AI, machine learning application demands.

    隨著人工智能、機器學習應用需求的爆炸式增長,我們的 GPU 產品線繼續強勁增長。

  • These new Ice Lake and Milan-based GPU product lines support a larger on-GPU memory and accelerate compute-intensive applications.

    這些基於 Ice Lake 和米蘭的新 GPU 產品線支持更大的 GPU 內存並加速計算密集型應用程序。

  • Our 2U 2-node GPU system has proven to be a top seller since its introduction, thanks to its optimum mix of CPU-to-GPU ratio and resource-saving features.

    我們的 2U 2 節點 GPU 系統自推出以來已被證明是暢銷產品,這要歸功於其 CPU 與 GPU 比率和資源節省功能的最佳組合。

  • Later this year, we will be introducing a brand new universal GPU product line that will provide even more flexible configuration for many different CPU and GPU module combination, further pushing the limit of system density and performance up to 50% when compared to competition.

    今年晚些時候,我們將推出全新的通用 GPU 產品線,為許多不同的 CPU 和 GPU 模塊組合提供更靈活的配置,進一步將系統密度和性能的極限推向競爭產品的 50%。

  • Announced in June during Computex 2021, our plug-and-play Rack product line is an integral part of our complete solution strategy going forward.

    我們的即插即用機架產品線於 6 月在 Computex 2021 期間宣布,是我們未來完整解決方案戰略不可或缺的一部分。

  • These turnkey racks have undergone a thorough solution-level design and validation process and build security for our AI, 5G telco, enterprise, cloud and storage customers.

    這些交鑰匙機架經過了徹底的解決方案級設計和驗證流程,並為我們的 AI、5G 電信、企業、雲和存儲客戶構建了安全性。

  • Upon receiving these total IT solutions, customers only need to connect power and networking, then they are immediately ready to run their applications, shortening the time from making decisions to seeing results.

    在收到這些整體 IT 解決方案後,客戶只需連接電源和網絡,即可立即準備運行應用程序,從而縮短從決策到看到結果的時間。

  • To further improve sales and operation efficiency, we will launch our auto-configurator tool to enable B2B/B2C automation, which will be broadly ready to service our customers in the coming few weeks.

    為了進一步提高銷售和運營效率,我們將推出我們的自動配置工具以實現 B2B/B2C 自動化,該工具將在未來幾週內為我們的客戶提供廣泛的服務。

  • This tool makes it faster to achieve product optimization and more efficiently to leverage the configurations among our sales, engineers, PM and customers.

    該工具可以更快地實現產品優化,並更有效地利用我們的銷售、工程師、PM 和客戶之間的配置。

  • We recently completed our Taiwan campus expansion.


  • Now with the total 3 million square feet campus in Taiwan, we are equipped to deliver not only sufficient capacity, supply chain resilience, but also lower cost structure.

    現在,憑藉台灣總面積達 300 萬平方英尺的園區,我們不僅有能力提供足夠的產能、供應鏈彈性,還可以提供更低的成本結構。

  • Combined with the manufacturing facility in Silicon Valley and the Netherlands, Super Micro is well positioned to grow market share with economy of scale, agility, quality and rapid delivery time.

    結合在矽谷和荷蘭的製造工廠,Super Micro 已做好準備,憑藉規模經濟、敏捷性、質量和快速交貨時間來擴大市場份額。

  • To satisfy our customers' faster growing demands, we are working aggressively across our global supply chain to improve our critical parts shortage.


  • In summary, Super Micro has been solidly transforming into a total IT solution company from a server hardware company.


  • in addition to providing the greenest hardware total solution, our software and service products are now ready for large enterprise, cloud, AI and telco customers.


  • Second, our Taiwan campus expansion doubles our solution capacity and lowers our cost structure.


  • Now if we decide to do so, we can start to reduce our expense in Silicon Valley headquarter, if we select to, I mean.


  • Third, our business automation program, including the auto-configurator and B2B/B2C systems will significantly improve customer experience by streamlining our customer configuration and order process, resulting in shortened solution delivery time with better quality and optimization.

    第三,我們的業務自動化程序,包括自動配置器和 B2B/B2C 系統,將通過簡化我們的客戶配置和訂單流程來顯著改善客戶體驗,從而縮短解決方案交付時間,提高質量和優化。

  • With the above summary, I believe our fiscal year 2022 revenue will reach at least $4.3 billion and start to grow much faster than the -- than our past 4 years.

    有了上面的總結,我相信我們 2022 財年的收入將至少達到 43 億美元,並開始比過去 4 年更快地增長。

  • In closing, I'm pleased with the progress of our business transformation, which has started to speed up our business execution in fiscal 2021.

    最後,我對我們業務轉型的進展感到高興,這已開始加快我們在 2021 財年的業務執行速度。

  • As a total IT solutions company, we are now able to grow business much more efficiently and achieve our $10 billion revenue goal quicker.

    作為一家全面的 IT 解決方案公司,我們現在能夠更有效地發展業務並更快地實現 100 億美元的收入目標。

  • Perhaps, we are able to pull in from 2026 to 2025 or even sooner.

    也許,我們能夠從 2026 年拉到 2025 年甚至更早。

  • With that, I will now pass the call to David Weigand, our Chief Financial Officer, to provide additional details on the quarter.

    有了這個,我現在將電話轉給我們的首席財務官 David Weigand,以提供有關本季度的更多詳細信息。

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • Thank you, Charles.


  • We continue to accelerate in all major areas of the company and exceeded $1 billion in revenue for the quarter, which was at the high end of our guidance range.

    我們繼續在公司的所有主要領域加速發展,本季度收入超過 10 億美元,處於我們指導範圍的高端。

  • The growth was driven by wins from large enterprise customers and key high-tech companies worldwide, continued strength across all major geographies and solid demand for our products and services.


  • Our fiscal fourth quarter revenue totaled $1.07 billion, reflecting a 19% increase, both on a year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter basis.

    我們的第四財季收入總計 10.7 億美元,同比和環比均增長 19%。

  • Looking at Super Micro's Q4 revenue in our 3 market verticals, we achieved $672 million in the organic enterprise and channel AI and machine learning vertical; $366 million in OEM and large data center vertical; and $31 million in the 5G/telco, edge/IoT vertical.

    看看 Super Micro 在我們的 3 個垂直市場中的第四季度收入,我們在有機企業和渠道 AI 和機器學習垂直領域實現了 6.72 億美元; 3.66 億美元的 OEM 和大型數據中心垂直領域; 3100 萬美元用於 5G/電信、邊緣/物聯網垂直領域。

  • Systems comprised 78% of total revenue and the volume of systems shipped was up year-over-year, while the nodes shipped were down year-over-year.

    系統佔總收入的 78%,系統出貨量同比增長,而節點出貨量同比下降。

  • System ASPs increased year-over-year and quarter-on-quarter.

    系統 ASP 同比和環比增長。

  • Performance was strong across all major geographies this quarter.


  • On a year-on-year basis, Asia increased 25%, U.S. increased 21% and Europe increased 13%, while the rest of the world decreased 3%.

    與去年同期相比,亞洲增長了 25%,美國增長了 21%,歐洲增長了 13%,而世界其他地區則下降了 3%。

  • On a sequential basis, U.S. sales increased 30%, Europe increased 14%, Asia decreased 1%, and the rest of the world increased 7%.

    美國銷售額環比增長 30%,歐洲增長 14%,亞洲下降 1%,世界其他地區增長 7%。

  • From this point forward, unless otherwise noted, I will be discussing financial metrics on a non-GAAP basis.


  • Working down the P&L, the Q4 gross margin was 13.7%, down 30 basis points year-on-year and 10 basis points quarter-on-quarter.

    按損益計算,第四季度毛利率為 13.7%,同比下降 30 個基點,環比下降 10 個基點。

  • We expected our Q4 gross margin to improve 70 basis points, primarily due to discreet costs incurred in Q3.

    我們預計第四季度的毛利率將提高 70 個基點,主要是由於第三季度產生的謹慎成本。

  • As expected, those costs did not repeat in Q4.


  • However, expedite fees and higher shipping costs increased by 50 basis points quarter-over-quarter.

    然而,加急費用和更高的運輸成本環比增加了 50 個基點。

  • As reported by many other companies around the world, supply chain pressures related to the resurgence of variants of COVID-19 persist.

    正如世界各地許多其他公司所報告的那樣,與 COVID-19 變體死灰復燃相關的供應鏈壓力持續存在。

  • Turning to operating expenses.


  • Q4 OpEx on a GAAP basis was essentially flat quarter-on-quarter and decreased 7% year-on-year to $106 million.

    按公認會計原則計算的第四季度運營支出環比基本持平,同比下降 7% 至 1.06 億美元。

  • The decrease year-on-year was caused by a decrease in incentive bonuses, offset by higher headcount this year, which was primarily in R&D.


  • On a non-GAAP basis, operating expenses increased 4% quarter-on-quarter and increased 9% year-on-year to $99 million.

    按非公認會計原則計算,運營費用環比增長 4%,同比增長 9%,達到 9900 萬美元。

  • The quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year increases were related to headcount and other personnel costs as we continue to invest in human capital to address our growth opportunities.


  • Other income and expenses, including interest expense, which was a $2.1 million loss as compared to a $1.4 million gain last quarter.

    其他收入和支出,包括利息支出,虧損 210 萬美元,而上一季度的收益為 140 萬美元。

  • The sequential change is mostly related to FX.


  • This quarter, our tax benefit was $1.6 million on a GAAP basis and an expense of $1.8 million on a non-GAAP basis.

    本季度,按公認會計原則計算,我們的稅收優惠為 160 萬美元,按非公認會計原則計算的費用為 180 萬美元。

  • Our non-GAAP tax rate was 4% for the quarter.

    本季度我們的非公認會計原則稅率為 4%。

  • Lastly, our share of income from our JV was $0.6 million this quarter as compared to a loss of $0.3 million last quarter.

    最後,本季度我們從合資企業獲得的收入份額為 60 萬美元,而上一季度則虧損 30 萬美元。

  • Q4 non-GAAP diluted earnings per share totaled $0.81 as compared to $0.50 in Q3 of fiscal '21 and $0.68 in the same quarter of last year.

    第四季度非公認會計原則攤薄後每股收益總計 0.81 美元,而 21 財年第三季度為 0.50 美元,去年同期為 0.68 美元。

  • Cash flow from operations totaled $64 million compared to cash flow used in operations of $124 million in Q3.

    運營現金流總計 6400 萬美元,而第三季度運營中使用的現金流為 1.24 億美元。

  • CapEx totaled $13 million, which is resulting in free cash flow of $50 million.

    資本支出總額為 1300 萬美元,產生了 5000 萬美元的自由現金流。

  • Key uses of cash during the quarter included increases to inventory and receivables, while key providers of cash included an increase of $144 million in accounts payable and $12 million in deferred revenues.

    本季度現金的主要用途包括增加庫存和應收賬款,而主要現金提供者包括增加了 1.44 億美元的應付賬款和 1200 萬美元的遞延收入。

  • The increase in deferred revenue was due to higher sales of our service contracts.


  • We also used $12 million to repurchase shares this quarter.

    本季度我們還用 1200 萬美元回購了股票。

  • Our closing balance sheet cash position was $232 million, while bank debt was $98 million, resulting in a net cash balance of $134 million.

    我們的資產負債表期末現金頭寸為 2.32 億美元,而銀行債務為 9800 萬美元,淨現金餘額為 1.34 億美元。

  • Turning to the balance sheet and working capital metrics compared to last quarter.


  • Our Q4 cash conversion cycle was 80 days, which was down from 86 in Q3, beating our target range of 85 to 90 days.

    我們第四季度的現金轉換週期為 80 天,低於第三季度的 86 天,超過了我們 85 至 90 天的目標範圍。

  • While the absolute level of our inventory increased, days of inventory at 96 days decreased.

    雖然我們庫存的絕對水平增加了,但 96 天的庫存天數卻減少了。

  • Days sales outstanding was 37 days, while days payables outstanding totaled 53 days.

    未償銷售天數為 37 天,未償應付款天數總計 53 天。

  • Now turning to the outlook for our business.


  • We expect net sales in a range of $900 million to $980 million.

    我們預計淨銷售額在 9 億至 9.8 億美元之間。

  • GAAP -- which is GAAP diluted net income -- which results in GAAP diluted net income per share of between $0.16 and $0.36 and non-GAAP diluted net income per share of $0.28 to $0.48 for the first quarter of fiscal year '22, which ends September 30, 2021.

    GAAP——即 GAAP 攤薄淨收入——導致 22 財年第一季度 GAAP 攤薄後每股淨收入在 0.16 美元至 0.36 美元之間,非 GAAP 攤薄後每股淨收入為 0.28 美元至 0.48 美元,到此為止2021 年 9 月 30 日。

  • We expect gross margins to remain at similar levels sequentially in Q1 with upside potential as we continue to manage supply chain costs and maintain price discipline.


  • Over the upcoming quarters, we expect to achieve margins within our target model as we further scale out our Taiwan operations and begin to gain traction from our new product offerings and auto-configurator B2B and B2C solutions.

    在接下來的幾個季度中,隨著我們進一步擴大我們的台灣業務並開始從我們的新產品和自動配置器 B2B 和 B2C 解決方案中獲得牽引力,我們預計將在我們的目標模型內實現利潤率。

  • GAAP operating expenses are forecast to be approximately $110 million and includes $7 million in stock-based compensation expenses and $1 million in other expenses not included in non-GAAP operating expenses.

    GAAP 運營費用預計約為 1.1 億美元,其中包括 700 萬美元的股票薪酬費用和 100 萬美元未包含在非 GAAP 運營費用中的其他費用。

  • We expect other income and expense, including interest expense, to total roughly $2 million and expect a nominal contribution from our JV.

    我們預計其他收入和費用(包括利息費用)總計約為 200 萬美元,並預計我們的合資企業會提供名義上的貢獻。

  • Non-GAAP operating expenses are forecasted to be up quarter-on-quarter from continued investment in R&D, lower NRE expected and higher personnel costs.

    由於對研發的持續投資、較低的 NRE 預期和較高的人員成本,非 GAAP 運營費用預計將環比增長。

  • The company's projections for GAAP and non-GAAP diluted net income per share both assume a tax rate of approximately 16% and a fully diluted share count of 53.7 million shares for GAAP and 55 million shares for non-GAAP.

    該公司對 GAAP 和非 GAAP 稀釋後每股淨收益的預測均假設稅率約為 16%,完全稀釋後的 GAAP 股數為 5370 萬股,非 GAAP 股數為 5500 萬股。

  • The outlook for Q1 of fiscal year '22 GAAP diluted net income per common share includes approximately $8 million in expected stock-based compensation and other expenses, net of taxes, that are excluded from non-GAAP diluted net income per common share.

    '22 財年第一季度 GAAP 稀釋每股普通股淨收入的前景包括約 800 萬美元的預期股票薪酬和其他費用(稅後),這些費用不包括在非 GAAP 稀釋每股普通股淨收入中。

  • We expect net sales in a range of $4.1 billion to $4.5 billion, GAAP diluted net income per share of at least $2.60 and non-GAAP diluted net income per share of at least $3 for fiscal year '22, which ends June 30, 2022.

    我們預計截至 2022 年 6 月 30 日的 22 財年淨銷售額在 41 億美元至 45 億美元之間,GAAP 攤薄後每股淨收益至少為 2.60 美元,非 GAAP 攤薄後每股淨收益至少為 3 美元。

  • The company's projections for GAAP and non-GAAP diluted net income per share both assume a tax rate of approximately 16% and a fully diluted share count of 55.3 million shares for GAAP and 56.5 million shares for non-GAAP.

    該公司對 GAAP 和非 GAAP 稀釋後每股淨收益的預測均假設稅率約為 16%,完全稀釋後的 GAAP 股數為 5530 萬股,非 GAAP 股數為 5650 萬股。

  • The outlook for fiscal year '22 GAAP diluted net income per share includes approximately $30 million in expected stock-based compensation and other expenses, net of taxes, that are excluded from GAAP diluted net income per common share.

    '22 財年 GAAP 稀釋每股淨收益的前景包括約 3000 萬美元的預期股票薪酬和其他費用(扣除稅後),這些費用不包括在 GAAP 稀釋每股普通股淨收益中。

  • We expect CapEx for the fiscal first quarter of 2022 of approximately $14 million to $16 million.

    我們預計 2022 財年第一季度的資本支出約為 1400 萬美元至 1600 萬美元。

  • Nicole, I'll turn it back to you for Q&A.


  • Nicole Noutsios - Principal

    Nicole Noutsios - Principal

  • Operator, you can open the line up for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Your first question comes from the line of Mehdi Hosseini with SIG.

    您的第一個問題來自 SIG 的 Mehdi Hosseini。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • I have a couple of follow-ups.


  • If I were to take the midpoint of the guide range for fiscal year '22, it seems like maybe there is a little bit of leverage in the operating profit.

    如果我要取 22 財年指導範圍的中點,那麼營業利潤似乎可能有一點槓桿作用。

  • In other words, maybe 200 basis points of improvement to get to $3 of earnings.

    換句話說,可能要提高 200 個基點才能達到 3 美元的收益。

  • What I want to understand is, what are the key assumptions for component costs?


  • Is this a base case or a very conservative case?


  • And I have a follow-up to that.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • I would say, it's based on conservative base because our supply chain continues to be very tight.


  • And although we have a good relationship with all of our suppliers, but anyway, it's a global strategic program, so it's a conservative base.


  • But because our operation now able to dramatically expanded to Taiwan, so that will lower our overall cost.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Right.


  • So where is the most -- what segment of the supply chain you're experiencing the most shortage?


  • What are the key components that you relatively have the most difficult time procuring?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • IC chip, especially I/O chip.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And a question on the cash flow.


  • What is the depreciation and amortization for the reported June quarter?

    報告的 6 月季度的折舊和攤銷是多少?

  • And what should we assume for fiscal year '22?

    對於 22 財年,我們應該假設什麼?

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • So I'll get back to you, Mehdi.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Given the CapEx growth in fiscal year '21, almost $60 million, and the build-out of a Taiwan facility, should we expect CapEx to moderate from here?

    鑑於 21 財年的資本支出增長近 6000 萬美元,以及台灣設施的擴建,我們是否應該期望資本支出從這裡開始放緩?

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • Absolutely.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes, because our Taiwan operation is pretty much ready.


  • We add about 200 staff in Taiwan in the last 3 months, and all of the people have been well trained, and they just moved into the new building last month.


  • Other than that, our business automation, as we just mentioned for B2B/B2C and the auto-configurator, we hire people and train people, and they are about all ready and start to offer service to certain customers.

    除此之外,我們的業務自動化,正如我們剛剛提到的 B2B/B2C 和自動配置器,我們僱用人員和培訓人員,他們已經準備好並開始為某些客戶提供服務。

  • And we will broadly apply to all our customers in the next few weeks.


  • So the investments have been there.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • So Charles, are you implying that the CapEx should decline in fiscal year '22?

    所以查爾斯,你是在暗示資本支出應該在 22 財年下降嗎?

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Maybe because we are growing.


  • I mean 2022, '23, '24, we expect continue to grow.

    我的意思是 2022 年、23 年、24 年,我們預計會繼續增長。

  • So I guess the operation expense won't shrink, but may grow very kind of consistently, but limited growth because we already invested there.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Nehal Chokshi with Northland.

    您的下一個問題來自北國的 Nehal Chokshi。

  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Congratulations on the strong results, especially on free cash flow.


  • We were expecting a drain based on the commentary from last quarter and generate very nice free cash flow.


  • It looks like the big delta relative to our expectations was in increasing days payable.


  • And given this environment of constrained component environment, I mean how was this pulled off basically?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • So Nehal, we did have a lot of inventory that came in at the -- near the end of the quarter.


  • And so that's what caused accounts payable to rise and with a resultant rise in DPO.

    這就是導致應付賬款增加並導致 DPO 增加的原因。

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • And now I consider it positive to keep kind of a high inventory because we strongly believe our customer needed those products.


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • And so -- but by the way -- yes?


  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Go ahead, sorry, please.


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • All right.


  • As you can tell from our forecast -- from our revenue forecast, that our sales are not dipping as they traditionally do in Q1.


  • And so therefore, we needed to have more inventory on hand, which was why I alluded to the challenges of cash flow for this -- projecting cash flow for Q4, but we ended up in a good position.


  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I see.


  • So I guess, because we built up the inventory at the end of the quarter to satisfy the strong demand you're seeing in the September quarter and the balance sheet is showing up as increased base payable, but what you're saying is that your base payable terms actually didn't increase.

    所以我猜,因為我們在本季度末建立了庫存以滿足您在 9 月季度看到的強勁需求,並且資產負債表顯示為增加的基本應付賬款,但您的意思是您的基本應付條款實際上並沒有增加。

  • It's just simply the timing of which you received the inventory.


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • That's exactly right.


  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • Understood.


  • Okay.


  • And I don't recall the last time you guys gave full year guidance.


  • I'm not sure if you ever have before, but certainly, I don't think you did during fiscal year '21 or fiscal year '20 or past few years, when you're on 10-K filing delay hell.

    我不確定你以前是否有過,但可以肯定的是,我認為你在 21 財年或 20 財年或過去幾年中沒有這樣做,當時你正處於 10-K 提交延遲地獄的狀態。

  • So what has changed to give you visibility to guide on a full year basis?


  • And importantly, almost 10% above the consensus estimate?

    重要的是,比共識估計高出近 10%?

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Not much reason.


  • But pretty much because we have a successful expansion in Taiwan and also business automation, including auto-configurator and B2B/B2C tool, and also company expanding from a hardware solution company to a total IT solution company.

    但很大程度上是因為我們在台灣的成功擴張和業務自動化,包括自動配置器和 B2B/B2C 工具,以及公司從硬件解決方案公司擴展到整體 IT 解決方案公司。

  • So we saw it's a good idea to offer the market kind of a more complete picture for the whole year and in the future.


  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • And in this midpoint 20% growth guidance for fiscal year '22, is this tied to any sort of industry growth expectation?

    在這個 22 財年 20% 的中點增長指導中,這是否與任何類型的行業增長預期相關?

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • I'm sorry.


  • What was the last part of your question?


  • Is it tied to what?


  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Is it tied to server industry growth, any sort of server industry growth expectation?


  • Or is it independent of server industry growth?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Not quite.


  • Not quite.


  • As we mentioned, we had returned to a faster growth business model.


  • If you remember before 2017, before our 10-K delay, our growth always has been 2x to 4x faster than our industry, and we believe we have returned to that faster growth business more than now.

    如果您還記得 2017 年之前,在我們的 10-K 延遲之前,我們的增長總是比我們的行業快 2 倍到 4 倍,而且我們相信我們已經比現在更快速地恢復了增長業務。

  • So start from March and June last quarter, we started to outperform than the industry.


  • And I believe we will start to outperform the industry growth rate, maybe double or triple or even more, looking for work.


  • So we are gaining back share in the overall.


  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Undoubtedly, clearly.


  • But is there a particular industry growth rate that you are expecting in order to drive that 20% year-over-year growth i.e.

    但是,為了推動 20% 的同比增長,您是否期望有一個特定的行業增長率,即

  • 5%, 10%, 2%?


  • Care to provide thoughts on that there?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • We believe that industry may grow 5% to 10%, right?

    我們相信這個行業可能會增長 5% 到 10%,對吧?

  • And our growth rate should be double to quadruple of that, hopefully.


  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • And then my final question is that the minimum $3 per share, does that correspond to a low end of the revenue guidance or to the midpoint of revenue guidance?

    然後我的最後一個問題是,每股最低 3 美元,這是否對應於收入指導的低端或收入指導的中點?

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • I would rather say, it's a conservative number.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Ananda Baruah with Loop Capital.

    您的下一個問題來自 Loop Capital 的 Ananda Baruah。

  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • Congratulations on the strong revenue execution and the visibility to put out a long-term or a fiscal year rev guide here.


  • I guess a couple for me, if I could.


  • David, could you just walk back through the components that you spoke to on gross margin?


  • I just want to make sure that I'm straight on those.


  • And then I have a quick follow-up as well.


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • Certainly.


  • So when we finished last quarter at 13.8%, we had some -- about 70 basis points of discreet costs and -- which included some shipping costs as well.

    因此,當我們上個季度以 13.8% 結束時,我們有一些 - 大約 70 個基點的謹慎成本 - 其中還包括一些運輸成本。

  • But mainly, it was principally discreet -- some discreet costs that we didn't expect to occur.


  • So this quarter, those did not occur, but we did have 50 basis points more of shipping costs.

    所以本季度,這些並沒有發生,但我們的運費確實增加了 50 個基點。

  • And it was really caused by our directed effort to deliver product to our customers on time, and -- because that's what our customers expect and demand.


  • So that's really the reason that we were not able to raise the margin up higher just because the...


  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • Got it.


  • Yes.


  • Yes.


  • Got it.


  • Cool.


  • And so if you lost the 70, so that took you to 13.1%.

    因此,如果您輸掉了 70 分,那麼您將獲得 13.1%。

  • And then -- I got it.


  • And then you -- sorry, you lost 70, and then you gave 77, it takes you to 14.5% or so.

    然後你——抱歉,你輸了 70,然後你給了 77,這需要你到 14.5% 左右。

  • And then you had 50 more.

    然後你還有 50 個。

  • So that took you -- that would have taken you back down to 14%.

    所以這讓你 - 這會讓你回到 14%。

  • And then was there -- I think I'm doing that math right?


  • Correct me if I'm wrong.


  • And then was there an incremental 30 basis point headwind that brought it down to the 13.7%?

    然後是否有增加 30 個基點的逆風使其降至 13.7%?

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • Well, there was.


  • We had 2 things: one, we had deferred revenue that we added to our balance sheet of about $12 million.

    我們有兩件事:第一,我們將遞延收入添加到我們的資產負債表中,約為 1200 萬美元。

  • So we had to carve out some income for our services, and we also had -- just the rest was just product mix, Ananda.


  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • Got it.


  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • And then like how should we -- what are the sort of the pushes and the pulls?

    然後就像我們應該如何 - 什麼樣的推動和拉動?

  • You made mention in the prepared remarks that you expect in the coming quarters to move up into the 14% to 17% range.

    您在準備好的評論中提到,您預計未來幾個季度將上升到 14% 至 17% 的範圍。

  • What are the pushes and pulls there?


  • And if there's any way to give them by order of magnitude, that would be helpful also.


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • Sure.


  • Absolutely.


  • So we realize that with the delta variants, it's hard to say that COVID is over.

    所以我們意識到,對於 delta 變體,很難說 COVID 結束了。

  • And so therefore, we expect to continue to have challenges on supply chain shipping costs.


  • However, we do expect our other initiatives such as our transition over to Taiwan and our new product offerings, especially in those verticals that have attractive -- more attractive gross margins as well as our B2B and B2C configurator, we expect the benefit of those things to start to come to the business in the upcoming quarters.

    然而,我們確實期待我們的其他舉措,例如我們向台灣的過渡和我們的新產品供應,特別是在那些具有吸引力的垂直行業——更有吸引力的毛利率以及我們的 B2B 和 B2C 配置器,我們期望這些事情的好處在接下來的幾個季度開始涉足業務。

  • So in the short run, we know that Taiwan has gone online.


  • However, it's going to take a couple of quarters to start to realize benefits.


  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • Any -- could we -- I'm sure I'm not the only one sort of intrigued about this.


  • Any chance we can get you to give us some sense of -- for fiscal '22, what the gross margin could look like?

    我們有沒有機會讓你給我們一些感覺——對於 22 財年,毛利率會是什麼樣子?

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • So we've given guidance on the top line and the bottom line, but we're not going -- other than the fact that we expect gross margins to improve, we're not giving further guidance.


  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • I got it.


  • But it's not unreasonable to think that you would be in the range by the end of the year, end of fiscal '21?

    但是,到今年年底,即 21 財年結束時,您會在這個範圍內,這並不是沒有道理的?

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • Yes, our target is to go -- and I think this is in the notes, our target is to be back within our range by -- during the year.


  • Yes, our range, by the way, was 14% to 17%, yes.

    是的,順便說一句,我們的範圍是 14% 到 17%,是的。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Aaron Rakers with Wells Fargo.

    您的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Aaron Rakers。

  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

  • Congrats on the quarter.


  • I'm just curious as the industry, not just you guys, but the industry in whole deals with supply chain shortages, semiconductor IC shortages, et cetera.

    我只是對這個行業感到好奇,不僅僅是你們,而是整個行業都在處理供應鏈短缺、半導體 IC 短缺等問題。

  • I'm curious on your side of the business, have you been able to invoke your own customers to provide you with extended lead times?


  • And has that provided you with better visibility?


  • And then on the heels of that, kind of tied to that question is, is the guidance for this current quarter assuming that you would have actually outperformed that number if you were able to get all of the supply to meet demand?


  • Put it another way, are you able to meet demand as you see it in the current quarter?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Very good question.


  • Again, although we try whatever possible we could, but still we cannot get whatever we want.


  • So we cannot ship all the demand to our customer.


  • But I would like to say, we can ship most of that.


  • Maybe customers still had waited longer than the regular time.


  • And the good thing is we have a lot of repeat customers, older customers.


  • So they understand the global difficulty.


  • So a longer lead time is, people don't like to see that, but basically, they are cooperating.


  • So we cannot ship whatever customer need, but basically, the customers are happy with our pace for service.


  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

  • And what is your current view of expectations of when that normalizes?


  • Does your fiscal '22 guidance reflect the view that the tightness in the semiconductor supply chain starts to normalize through this fiscal year?

    您的 22 財年指導是否反映了半導體供應鏈的緊張狀況在本財年開始正常化的觀點?

  • Or do you think it's out further than that?


  • Just curious of what your thoughts are.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I mean as I shared before and now, traditionally, our growth rate was double to quadruple faster than the industry.


  • And I believe we already get back to that momentum, double to quadruple faster than the industry.


  • But because of the global shortage, that impact our growth a little bit for sure.


  • And that's why we are humbled to say, maybe $4.3 billion.

    這就是為什麼我們謙虛地說,可能是 43 億美元。

  • If not because of big shortage globally, I believe our growth will be much better than that.


  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Yes.


  • And then the final quick question is, there's a lot of architectural things going on in the server and the universe around semiconductors and so on.


  • I'm curious of how -- what kind of growth that you're seeing in GPU accelerated server platforms?

    我很好奇你在 GPU 加速服務器平台中看到了什麼樣的增長?

  • And do you think that there's a longer-term narrative that we're at the point where actually, the richness of the server configurations can really drive a positive upward trend in blended ASPs for foreseeable future?

    您是否認為從長遠來看,我們實際上處於這樣的地步,服務器配置的豐富性真的可以在可預見的未來推動混合 ASP 的積極上升趨勢?

  • I'm just curious to how you're seeing compute architectures evolve that maybe benefits you guys from a growth perspective.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • As a technology company based on Silicon Valley, we like a technical challenge.


  • We like new technology.


  • That's why we're also doing CPU, lots of different GPU, lots of different platform, and that's a big change to us.

    這就是為什麼我們也在做 CPU、許多不同的 GPU、許多不同的平台,這對我們來說是一個很大的變化。

  • And that's why I just mentioned, we will introduce GrandTwin, a brand-new architecture to the market, very soon.

    這就是我剛才提到的原因,我們將很快將全新架構 GrandTwin 推向市場。

  • And we also are designing a universal GPU platform, and that will be ready by end of this year.

    我們還在設計一個通用 GPU 平台,該平台將在今年年底前準備就緒。

  • So all of those is to provide a much more flexible kind of -- to support multiple different CPUs vendor, multiple different GPU vendor and different form factor.

    所以所有這些都是為了提供一種更靈活的方式——支持多個不同的 CPU 供應商、多個不同的 GPU 供應商和不同的外形尺寸。

  • So all our platform indeed will benefit our customers.


  • And thank you to our building block solution, we are able to kind of skillfully kind of optimize all the different configuration by our new architecture, and especially, GrandTwin and kind of universal GPU solution.

    感謝我們的構建塊解決方案,我們能夠通過我們的新架構巧妙地優化所有不同的配置,尤其是 GrandTwin 和通用 GPU 解決方案。

  • So we are very happy, very excited to see that opportunity.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Jon Tanwanteng with CJS Securities.

    您的下一個問題來自 CJS Securities 的 Jon Tanwanteng。

  • Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

    Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

  • Great quarter.


  • And also, the outlook is pretty impressive.


  • I wanted to drill down on a previous question just on how you have confidence in that $4.2 billion in revenue.

    我想深入探討之前的一個問題,即您對這 42 億美元的收入有何信心。

  • Is that a bottoms-up analysis with like qualified customer lead indications of interest, contracts that may have already been signed?


  • Or is there more orders that you actually have to go out and get before you can achieve that?


  • I'm wondering how you built for that.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • It's both bottom up and top down.


  • From both directions, we see that growth will be very strong.


  • Again, if not because of global shortage, our growth should be much better than that.


  • And with better products, with our Taiwan operation, and we also have many more new engaged high-profile customer we achieved in the last 6 months and currently.

    憑藉更好的產品,我們在台灣的運營,以及我們在過去 6 個月和目前獲得的更多新的高知名度客戶。

  • So we feel pretty optimistic over there.


  • Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

    Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • And I was going to ask, how do you feel about your ability to pass price through in this environment?


  • You talked about expedited shipping.


  • I know that you were doing airfreight last quarter just to get things to customers on time.


  • I would think that everyone knows at this point that it's impossible to get things without paying for extra shipping charges.


  • So I'm wondering if you're planning on surcharges or other pricing methods to be able to pass that through to the customers?


  • And if so, are they receptive to it?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Very good question and a complicated question, too.


  • So we try whatever possible to communicate to customers.


  • But overall, we had observed, I would have to say, at least 50% of that, well, maybe plus 50% of customers.

    但總的來說,我們觀察到,我不得不說,至少有 50%,好吧,也許再加上 50% 的客戶。

  • So we try to kind of provide the customer a very competitive way so that we can grow market share as well.


  • Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

    Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Maybe just one final one on pricing.


  • When do you think you can catch up on pricing just to the higher input costs?


  • Is it a quarter?


  • Or is it two?


  • How should we think of the lag time before you're able to absorb all of that?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Again, it's a complicated question because of the pandemic, delta variant still going on.

    同樣,這是一個複雜的問題,因為大流行,delta 變體仍在繼續。

  • So -- but once the COVID-19 ends, I believe we will recover to normal.

    所以——但是一旦 COVID-19 結束,我相信我們會恢復正常。

  • But before that, we are getting able to pass those overhead actual cost to customers.


  • Like what I said, maybe 50-50 in last quarter, and we will be getting better.

    就像我說的那樣,上個季度可能是 50-50,我們會變得更好。

  • But hopefully, COVID-19 program can be -- end very soon.

    但希望 COVID-19 計劃能夠很快結束。

  • So we will get back to normal automatically.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Jon Lopez with The Vertical Group.

    您的下一個問題來自 The Vertical Group 的 Jon Lopez。

  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Can you hear me all right?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • Yes.


  • We can.


  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Sorry.


  • That's great.


  • I had phone trouble.


  • Sorry about that.


  • Thanks, David.


  • So I guess I have 2. I wanted to come back for a second to the fiscal Q1 guidance, and maybe to come at it this way.

    所以我想我有 2 個。我想回到第一季度的財政指導,也許是這樣。

  • I thought in some remarks you made, you referenced like not declining in fiscal Q1.


  • But I guess as we calculate it, it's actually a bit below your normal seasonal trending pattern, and that's after being pretty comfortably above that pattern in the last 2 quarters, so both fiscal Q3 and fiscal Q4.


  • So I guess my question is, one, are we looking at those numbers differently than you are?


  • Maybe just step me through what you meant when you said not declining.


  • And then two, is there any constraint on your revenue guidance relative to component or logistical issues?


  • Perhaps, if you could quantify that.


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • Sure.


  • I think that -- I think what our range does is our range allows for the struggles that we face in the supply chain.

    我認為 - 我認為我們的範圍所做的是我們的範圍允許我們在供應鏈中面臨的鬥爭。

  • So therefore, we feel like we provided a broad enough range that we can overachieve, and we can also -- but we feel comfortable with that range.

    因此,我們覺得我們提供了足夠廣泛的範圍,我們可以超額完成,我們也可以 - 但我們對這個範圍感到滿意。

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • I guess one -- the other factor is that because last year, COVID-19 reason, we did not adjust the employee salary that much.

    我猜一個 - 另一個因素是因為去年,因為 COVID-19 的原因,我們沒有對員工工資進行太多調整。

  • So this year, we have a much bigger salary adjustment for employees.


  • That's why you see -- Q1 and Q2, you may see our expense grow.

    這就是為什麼您會看到 - 第一季度和第二季度,您可能會看到我們的費用增長。

  • One of the big portion because of salary adjustments and also Taiwan expansion.


  • So we hired people in Taiwan and trained people, but they will be ready to contribute to our revenue and profitability soon.


  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Yes, I guess that helps a bit.


  • I guess my other question, just to come back to the gross margin for a second.


  • So to arrive at this $3 figure or north of $3 figure, especially based on what you're referencing in OpEx there, Charles.

    所以要達到這個 3 美元或 3 美元以上的數字,尤其是根據你在 OpEx 中引用的內容,Charles。

  • I mean, the gross margin does need, I think, to be pretty close to 15% as we get out of calendar Q3 and into the remainder of your fiscal year.

    我的意思是,我認為,隨著我們從日曆第三季度到本財年的剩餘時間,毛利率確實需要接近 15%。

  • I guess, why do you think -- like do any of these things feel as though you have line of sight to them ending as we look beyond calendar Q3?

    我想,你為什麼認為 - 當我們超越日曆 Q3 時,這些事情中的任何一個是否都會讓你看到它們的結局?

  • And if not, are you committing that you get to $3 some other way?

    如果沒有,您是否承諾以其他方式獲得 3 美元?

  • Like will you rein back on OpEx or just maybe walk us through the interplay between why you might have comfort in the $3 number, if you don't have visibility to some of these logistical issues or cost issues abating.

    如果您不了解其中一些後勤問題或成本問題的減輕,您是否會重新控制運營支出,或者只是引導我們了解為什麼您可能會對 3 美元的數字感到滿意之間的相互作用。

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • David handles that.


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary

  • Sure.


  • So one of the things that helps our cost structure again is the movement of our production over to Taiwan.


  • So that's -- we expect that to give us benefit as well as the traction in our new product offerings, which we expect to bring higher margins than the traditional server business.

    所以這就是 - 我們希望這會給我們帶來好處以及我們的新產品提供的牽引力,我們預計這將帶來比傳統服務器業務更高的利潤。

  • So those are the factors that we have insight into and give us confidence that in spite of supply chain challenges, which we've managed to meet, and in spite of higher costs, which we -- in terms of shipping and airfreight, which we've continued to deal with, we still believe that through price management that we can achieve the margins which will allow us to deliver the targets that we are forecasting.

    因此,這些是我們深入了解並給予我們信心的因素,儘管我們已經設法應對了供應鏈挑戰,並且儘管成本更高,但我們 - 在航運和空運方面,我們'繼續處理,我們仍然相信,通過價格管理,我們可以實現利潤,這將使我們能夠實現我們預測的目標。

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • The other way to answer your question more directly is that we expect our growth will be significant in fiscal year '22 and '23.

    更直接地回答您的問題的另一種方法是,我們預計我們的增長將在 '22 和 '23 財年顯著。

  • And we are very confident to see that happen.


  • But if in case it does not happen, then that means we have too much resource now.


  • So we may refuse some resource in our USA headquarter.


  • I hope we don't have to do so, but if we had to, we will.


  • And we have that option.


  • So that will have reduced our operation cost ratio, but I hope we don't have to go for that way.


  • Operator


  • We have a follow-up question from Mehdi Hosseini with CIG -- SIG.

    我們有一個來自 Mehdi Hosseini 與 CIG -- SIG 的後續問題。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Just a quick follow-up.


  • I want to get your view on the current memory prices.


  • How do you see the trend over the next 1 or 2 quarters?

    您如何看待未來 1 或 2 個季度的趨勢?

  • And I'm asking you about availability and the pricing trends?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • A very complicated question but very good question.


  • Yes, it's hard to predict.


  • But this movement, we see that availability is getting better than last quarter.


  • So the price changes should be less than before.


  • And as to when the price will stop growing or the price were going down, we watch very carefully.


  • So at this moment, no clear date.


  • But at least, we feel it's better than last quarter.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Okay.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • It's doing much better.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Thanks for the color.


  • I know it's very difficult to look beyond a couple of months.


  • As you think about your FY '22 revenue guide, how should I think about incremental opportunities?

    當您考慮您的 22 財年收入指南時,我應該如何考慮增量機會?

  • There are a lot of AI-type projects that hyperscalers are expected to ramp.


  • Do you think your FY '22 revenue guide capture some of them?

    您認為您的 22 財年收入指南是否包含其中一些?

  • Or should we wait for FY '23 to have it -- to see a more meaningful material contribution?

    還是我們應該等待 23 財年擁有它——看到更有意義的物質貢獻?

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Good question.


  • I mean, for AI, we grew very well in fiscal year '21.

    我的意思是,對於人工智能,我們在 21 財年發展得非常好。

  • In year '22, I believe we will continue to grow very well, maybe more than 50%, I hope, right?

    在 22 年,我相信我們會繼續增長得很好,我希望可能超過 50%,對吧?

  • And for telco, telco is another territory we grew very well last year.


  • And I believe this year, 2022, our telco business will grow much better than even last year.

    我相信今年,即 2022 年,我們的電信業務將比去年增長得更好。

  • So that's a very strong area for us.


  • As to hyperscale, with our Taiwan operation now is ready, so we have a chance to start to service some hyperscale customers, if we select to.


  • But I believe we will be very selective.


  • For some diligent customer, when we can provide the value, we will.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • And Charles, when you talked about AI, does that include kind of the ARM-based ASIC CPU?

    查爾斯,當你談到人工智能時,這包括基於 ARM 的 ASIC CPU 嗎?

  • Or do you lump that into the hyperscaler segment?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Very usual question.


  • But yes, we have some ARM design as well.

    但是,是的,我們也有一些 ARM 設計。

  • So if a customer really prefer ARM solution, we have some solution there under development.

    因此,如果客戶真的更喜歡 ARM 解決方案,我們正在開發一些解決方案。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So when you talk about AI, it's not necessarily an ARM-based solution, it's more general, right?

    所以當你談到 AI 時,它不一定是基於 ARM 的解決方案,它更通用,對吧?

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Mainly, still Intel and AMD-based.

    主要還是基於 Intel 和 AMD。

  • Intel and AMD GPU, NVIDIA.

    英特爾和 AMD GPU,英偉達。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Sure.


  • But when you reference hyperscalers, that's predominantly ARM-based solutions?

    但是,當您提到超大規模計算機時,主要是基於 ARM 的解決方案嗎?

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Not necessarily.


  • I mean, a hyperscale to us is still X86, mainly.

    我的意思是,對我們來說超大規模仍然主要是 X86。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • So it's -- we can't really, really isolate it because perhaps, it is just too early to determine on this independent ARM-based solution, right?

    所以它——我們不能真的、真的隔離它,因為也許現在確定這個基於 ARM 的獨立解決方案還為時過早,對吧?

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • When customers needed that, we will have been ready.


  • Operator


  • And for the last question, we have a follow-up from Ananda Baruah with Loop Capital.

    對於最後一個問題,我們有來自 Loop Capital 的 Ananda Baruah 的後續跟進。

  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • Yes, just wanted to ask, any context you can give us about how to think about revenue seasonality through fiscal year '22?

    是的,只是想問一下,您能給我們提供關於如何考慮 22 財年收入季節性的任何背景信息嗎?

  • Will there be a seasonal pattern?


  • Or will it be -- I mean there will be a seasonal pattern, but will it be different than usual and fairly ratable on a year-over-year basis?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • As you may know, right, September always our weak season.


  • So this year, no exception, right?


  • Although we have a strong demand, but global shortage.


  • That's major reason we try to be conservative when we share the number with you for September quarter.

    這是我們在與您分享 9 月季度的數字時盡量保守的主要原因。

  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • And then, Charles, through the rest of the year, should we just assume typical seasonality to get into the guidance range?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes, basically.


  • Traditionally, December and June, always our good quarter.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for joining.


  • You may now disconnect.
