超微電腦 (SMCI) 2022 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to Supermicro First Quarter Fiscal 2022 Earnings Call.

    女士們,先生們,感謝你們的支持,歡迎參加 Supermicro 2022 財年第一季度財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to Nicole Noutsios, Investor Relations for Supermicro.

    (操作員說明)此時,我想將會議轉交給 Supermicro 投資者關係部的 Nicole Noutsios。

  • Nicole Noutsios - Principal

    Nicole Noutsios - Principal

  • Good afternoon and thank you for attending Supermicro's call to discuss financial results for the first quarter, which ended September 30, 2021.

    下午好,感謝您參加 Supermicro 電話會議,討論截至 2021 年 9 月 30 日的第一季度財務業績。

  • By now, you should have received a copy of the news release from the Company that was distributed at the close of regular trading and is available on the Company's website.


  • As a reminder, during today's call, the Company will refer to a presentation that is available to participants in the Investor Relations section of the Company's website under the Events & Presentations tab.


  • We have also published management's scripted commentary on our website.


  • Please note that some of the information you'll hear during our discussion today will consist of forward-looking statements, including without limitation those regarding revenue, gross margin, operating expenses, other income and expenses, taxes, capital allocation, and future business outlook, including guidance for the second quarter of fiscal year 2022 and the full fiscal year 2022, and the potential impact of COVID-19 on the Company's business and results of operations.

    請注意,您在我們今天的討論中聽到的一些信息將包含前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於有關收入、毛利率、運營費用、其他收入和支出、稅收、資本分配和未來業務前景的陳述,包括對 2022 財年第二季度和整個 2022 財年的指導,以及 COVID-19 對公司業務和經營業績的潛在影響。

  • There are a number of risk factors that could cause Supermicro's future results to differ materially from our expectations.

    有許多風險因素可能導致 Supermicro 的未來結果與我們的預期大相徑庭。

  • You can learn more about these risks in the press release we issued earlier this afternoon, our most recent 10-K filing for fiscal 2021, and our other SEC filings.

    您可以在我們今天下午早些時候發布的新聞稿、我們最近提交的 2021 財年 10-K 文件以及我們提交給 SEC 的其他文件中了解有關這些風險的更多信息。

  • All of these documents are available on the Investor Relations page of Supermicro's website.

    所有這些文件都可以在 Supermicro 網站的投資者關係頁面上找到。

  • We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.


  • Most of today's presentation will refer to non-GAAP financial results and business outlook.


  • For an explanation of our non-GAAP financial measures, please refer to the accompanying presentation or to our press release published earlier today.


  • In addition, a reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP results is contained in today's press release and in the supplemental information attached to today's presentation.

    此外,GAAP 與非 GAAP 結果的對賬包含在今天的新聞稿和今天演示文稿所附的補充信息中。

  • At the end of today's prepared remarks, we will have a Q&A session for sell-side analysts to ask questions.


  • With that, I'll now turn the call over to Charles Liang, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

    有了這個,我現在將把電話轉給創始人、董事長兼首席執行官 Charles Liang。

  • Thank you, Nicole, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • I am pleased to announce that our quarterly revenue exceeded $1 billion even during a traditionally weak September quarter.

    我很高興地宣布,即使在傳統上疲軟的 9 月季度,我們的季度收入也超過了 10 億美元。

  • For fiscal Q1 2022, we delivered strong year-over-year revenue growth of 35%.

    對於 2022 財年第一季度,我們實現了 35% 的強勁收入同比增長。

  • We continued to gain market share and are executing well against our plan to achieve $10 billion in annual revenue.

    我們繼續獲得市場份額,並且在實現我們實現 100 億美元年收入的計劃方面表現良好。

  • The revenue growth was driven by strong progress across many key customers with our Total IT Solution strategy.

    收入增長是由我們的整體 IT 解決方案戰略在許多關鍵客戶中取得的強勁進展推動的。

  • Now, let's look at some highlights from the quarter.


  • First, our fiscal first-quarter net revenue totaled $1.03 billion.

    首先,我們第一財季的淨收入總計 10.3 億美元。

  • It's our second consecutive quarter of $1-plus billion in revenues, up 35% year-on-year and down 3% quarter-on-quarter, exceeding our guidance of $900 to $980 million.

    這是我們連續第二個季度收入超過 1 億美元,同比增長 35%,環比下降 3%,超過了我們 900 至 9.8 億美元的指導。

  • Our efforts continue to enable our growth trajectory at multiple times the average industry growth rate.


  • Our fiscal first-quarter non-GAAP earnings per share was $0.58, compared to $0.55 in the same period 1 year ago and higher than our guidance of $0.28 to $0.48.

    我們第一財季非公認會計準則每股收益為 0.58 美元,而一年前同期為 0.55 美元,高於我們 0.28 至 0.48 美元的指導。

  • All our major geographies contributed significant year-over-year growth with the APAC region including Japan doubling year-over-year.


  • The newly completed Taiwan expansion at Bade is greatly helping our Asia and EMEA growth momentum by providing additional capacity and lowering operational cost.

    Bade 新完成的台灣擴建通過提供額外的產能和降低運營成本,極大地幫助了我們的亞洲和 EMEA 增長勢頭。

  • These results show that we remain on track to achieve our $10 billion annual revenue target as we previously shared.

    這些結果表明,我們仍有望實現我們之前分享的 100 億美元的年收入目標。

  • We started our business with the best system building block solutions on the market 28 years ago.

    28 年前,我們以市場上最好的系統構建塊解決方案開始了我們的業務。

  • After many years of servicing the System Integrators and Value-Added Resellers, we began to offer application-optimized complete systems to direct partners including many appliance partners, OEM and large enterprise accounts.

    在為系統集成商和增值經銷商服務多年後,我們開始向直接合作夥伴(包括許多電器合作夥伴、OEM 和大型企業客戶)提供應用優化的完整系統。

  • In the past 10 years, we have continued to expand and began our business transition from a hardware solutions company to a Total IT Solutions company that combined hardware, software, services and more things.

    在過去的 10 年裡,我們不斷擴展,開始了我們的業務轉型,從一家硬件解決方案公司向一家集硬件、軟件、服務和更多東西為一體的整體 IT 解決方案公司。

  • With application-optimized total IT solutions for many vertical markets and a much broader technology footprint today, we are redefining our growth drivers to speed up our growth strategies.

    憑藉適用於許多垂直市場的應用優化整體 IT 解決方案和今天更廣泛的技術足跡,我們正在重新定義我們的增長動力,以加快我們的增長戰略。

  • First, Sub-system and Components.


  • We will continue to offer server motherboards, enclosures, barebones and accessories to the market to continue help growing our market share.


  • Second, Complete Systems.


  • We will continue to fully focus and expand on growing our complete hardware systems with technologies co-developed with our key partners including Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, Broadcom, and others.

    我們將繼續完全專注並擴展我們的完整硬件系統,並使用與我們的主要合作夥伴(包括英特爾、AMD、NVIDIA、Broadcom 等)共同開發的技術。

  • Third, Total IT Solutions.

    第三,整體 IT 解決方案。

  • We are accelerating our development of Appliance and Plug-n-Play (PnP) Rack-Scale Solutions for AI/ML, Industry Automation, IoT, 5G/Telco and Cloud products.

    我們正在加速為 AI/ML、工業自動化、物聯網、5G/電信和雲產品開發設備和即插即用 (PnP) 機架級解決方案。

  • And number four, 5S's.


  • We are finally ready to aggressively promote our Software, Service and Switch Product lines.


  • And I will share more about the other 2 Ses when they are ready.

    我將在其他 2 個 Ses 準備好後分享更多信息。

  • Our building blocks and complete systems business have been steadily growing over the decades, and they serve as the key backbone of our revenue growth.


  • With more enterprise customers and appliance partner's engagements, our Rack Scale, Total IT Solutions business is our new major focus now.

    隨著越來越多的企業客戶和設備合作夥伴的參與,我們的機架規模、整體 IT 解決方案業務是我們現在的新重點。

  • To make our Total IT Solutions a seamless experience for our customers, we have been increasing our R&D resources to focus on many software products, service, and networking for many years.

    為了讓我們的整體 IT 解決方案為我們的客戶提供無縫體驗,多年來我們一直在增加研發資源,專注於許多軟件產品、服務和網絡。

  • These products, as higher-value parts of our Total IT solutions, will be the keys to improve our margins and profitability in the coming quarters and years.

    這些產品作為我們整體 IT 解決方案中更高價值的部分,將成為我們在未來幾個季度和幾年內提高利潤率和盈利能力的關鍵。

  • Our new online auto-configurator together with our new B2B program are now driving our business growth more efficiently than ever before.

    我們新的在線自動配置器與新的 B2B 程序現在比以往任何時候都更有效地推動我們的業務增長。

  • Our innovative new command-center-based customer service system have been greatly helping our sales, FAE, PM teams, as well as our key customers.

    我們創新的基於指揮中心的客戶服務系統極大地幫助了我們的銷售、FAE、PM 團隊以及我們的主要客戶。

  • They are dramatically improving our business interactions with customers much faster, much accurate, more optimized and more customer-friendly while reducing manpower, human delay and error.


  • Our new intelligent database-driven tools are indeed performing much smarter and faster than human efforts in most areas.


  • This automated-intelligent system is servicing our salesforce and customers to their great satisfaction now, and it will be constantly upgraded and updated.


  • Our push toward Total IT Solutions is benefiting Supermicro and our customers in multiple ways.

    我們對整體 IT 解決方案的推動正在以多種方式使 Supermicro 和我們的客戶受益。

  • Most importantly, our customers will receive higher-quality products that are fully optimized, integrated and validated in house.


  • For the PnP, plug-and-play rack-scale products, our customers just need to connect network and power cables.

    對於 PnP 即插即用的機架級產品,我們的客戶只需要連接網絡和電源線。

  • And then this is one application.


  • This shrinks their deployment time from many weeks to a few hours.


  • The total IT solution is also helping Supermicro and our customers to mitigate the impact of the global shortage and our supply chain disruptions by accurately forecasting, building inventories in scale and prioritizing with our strategic partners.

    整體 IT 解決方案還通過準確預測、大規模建立庫存和與我們的戰略合作夥伴確定優先級,幫助 Supermicro 和我們的客戶減輕全球短缺和供應鏈中斷的影響。

  • The system building block solution allows us to utilize sets of common subsystems and components to create, design, and deliver first-to-market products with reduced manufacturing and supply chain complexity and risk.


  • This will dramatically improve our customer's time-to-market, which is critical to their success.


  • The total IT Solution is indeed a win-win-win proposition for Supermicro, our customers and our supply chain partners.

    對於 Supermicro、我們的客戶和我們的供應鏈合作夥伴來說,整體 IT 解決方案確實是一個雙贏的主張。

  • Customers can get a taste of our Total IT Solutions now by signing up for our new JumpStart Program.

    客戶現在可以通過註冊我們的新 JumpStart 計劃來體驗我們的整體 IT 解決方案。

  • They can remotely run their software and applications on our custom, preconfigured, pre-validated racks powered by the latest generation of Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA GPUs.

    他們可以在我們由最新一代 Intel、AMD 和 NVIDIA GPU 提供支持的定制、預配置、預驗證機架上遠程運行他們的軟件和應用程序。

  • We are also providing hosted instances of plug-and-play Cloud Infrastructure with operating systems and other tools that can be accessed remotely for development and testing.


  • The program will instill more confidence in Supermicro customers as it delivers the convenience, faster time to market, performance optimization, cost savings and security.

    該計劃將為 Supermicro 客戶注入更多信心,因為它提供了便利、更快的上市時間、性能優化、成本節約和安全性。

  • In summary, Supermicro is rapidly growing and is transforming into a Total IT solution company from a server hardware company.

    總而言之,Supermicro 正在迅速成長,正在從一家服務器硬件公司轉型為一家全面的 IT 解決方案公司。

  • In addition to providing the greenest hardware total solution, our software, switch and service products are now ready for any large enterprise, Cloud, AI, and Telco customers.


  • Second, we are building on and expanding our successful product and technology leadership.


  • Our new growth factors, including the Total IT Solutions and the fast-growing 5S product lines, are keys to achieving our $10 billion revenue target and higher profitability.

    我們新的增長因素,包括整體 IT 解決方案和快速增長的 5S 產品線,是實現我們 100 億美元收入目標和更高盈利能力的關鍵。

  • Third, replicating our market share success in the U.S. to APAC and EMEA with the completion of our new APAC campus in Taiwan.


  • And fourth, our new Command Center Based Auto configurator and B2B Automation platforms are getting broadly used by customers around the world now, and they are accelerating our market-share gains and customer satisfaction.

    第四,我們新的基於指揮中心的自動配置器和 B2B 自動化平台現在正被全球客戶廣泛使用,它們正在加速我們的市場份額增長和客戶滿意度。

  • In closing, I am getting much happier with the progress of our business transformation, which is resulting in an acceleration of our business in FY22 and beyond.

    最後,我對我們業務轉型的進展感到更加滿意,這導致我們在 22 財年及以後的業務加速。

  • As a Total IT Solutions company, our TAM continues to increase as we invest our resources for growth, and I am optimistic about achieving our $10 billion annual revenue goal on a much sooner schedule.

    作為一家全面的 IT 解決方案公司,我們的 TAM 繼續增加,因為我們將資源投入到增長中,我對更快地實現我們 100 億美元的年收入目標持樂觀態度。

  • With that, I will now pass the call to David Weigand, our Chief Financial Officer, to provide additional details.

    有了這個,我現在將把電話轉給我們的首席財務官 David Weigand,以提供更多詳細信息。

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • Thank you, Charles.


  • We continued to experience diversified growth across our key market verticals, exceeding $1 billion in revenue for the quarter, above the high end of our guidance range.

    我們繼續在主要市場垂直領域實現多元化增長,本季度收入超過 10 億美元,高於我們指導範圍的高端。

  • This is the second consecutive quarter that revenues have exceeded $1 billion.

    這是連續第二個季度收入超過 10 億美元。

  • Revenue growth was driven by sales to large enterprise, Cloud, AI, and Telco markets continued strength across all geographies and strong demand for our products and services.


  • Our fiscal first quarter revenue totaled $1.03 billion, reflecting a 35% year-on-year increase and a 3% decrease on a quarter-over-quarter basis.

    我們第一財季的收入總計 10.3 億美元,同比增長 35%,環比下降 3%。

  • Looking at Supermicro's Q1 revenue in our 3 market verticals, we achieved $725 million in the Organic (Enterprise and Channel) AI/ML vertical, $250 million in the OEM appliance and large data center vertical, and $58 million in the 5G/Telco and Edge/IoT vertical.

    看看 Supermicro 在我們的 3 個垂直市場的第一季度收入,我們在有機(企業和渠道)AI/ML 垂直領域實現了 7.25 億美元,在 OEM 設備和大型數據中心垂直領域實現了 2.5 億美元,在 5G/電信和邊緣實現了 5800 萬美元/物聯網垂直。

  • Systems comprised 82% of total revenue and the volume of systems and nodes shipped were up year-over-year.

    系統佔總收入的 82%,系統和節點的出貨量同比增長。

  • System node ASPs increased year-over-year and quarter-on-quarter.

    系統節點 ASP 同比和環比增長。

  • On a year-on-year basis, Asia increased 108% as we saw continued growth with both existing and new customers, Europe increased 60%, U.S. increased 13% and Rest of World increased 6%.

    與去年同期相比,亞洲增長了 108%,因為我們看到現有和新客戶的持續增長,歐洲增長了 60%,美國增長了 13%,世界其他地區增長了 6%。

  • On a sequential basis, Asia increased 29%, U.S. sales decreased 14%, Europe decreased 3%, and Rest of World decreased 1%.

    環比來看,亞洲增長 29%,美國銷售額下降 14%,歐洲下降 3%,世界其他地區下降 1%。

  • From this point forward, unless otherwise noted, I will be discussing financial metrics on a non-GAAP basis.


  • Working down the P&L, the Q1 gross margin was 13.4%, down 30 basis points quarter-over-quarter from Q4 due to higher freight and supply chain costs as was also reported by many other companies around the world.

    根據損益表,第一季度毛利率為 13.4%,比第四季度下降 30 個基點,原因是全球許多其他公司也報告了更高的運費和供應鏈成本。

  • On a year-over-year basis, gross margins were down 370 basis points due to a discrete cost recovery event in Q1 of last year, while also incurring higher freight, supply chain and other costs in Q1 fiscal year 2022.

    與去年同期相比,由於去年第一季度的離散成本回收事件,毛利率下降了 370 個基點,同時在 2022 財年第一季度也產生了更高的運費、供應鍊和其他成本。

  • Turning to operating expenses.


  • Q1 OpEx on a GAAP basis increased 2% quarter-on-quarter and 10% year-on-year to $109 million.

    按美國通用會計準則計算的第一季度運營支出環比增長 2%,同比增長 10%,達到 1.09 億美元。

  • On a non-GAAP basis, operating expenses increased 2% quarter-on-quarter and increased 7% year-on-year to $101 million.

    按非公認會計原則計算,運營費用環比增長 2%,同比增長 7%,達到 1.01 億美元。

  • The year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter increases on a GAAP and non-GAAP basis were driven primarily by higher personnel expenses due to increased headcount, especially in Asia.

    GAAP 和非 GAAP 基礎上的同比和環比增長主要是由於員工人數增加導致的人事費用增加,尤其是在亞洲。

  • Other Income & Expense including interest expense was a $0.8 million expense as compared to a $2.1 million expense last quarter.

    包括利息費用在內的其他收入和費用為 80 萬美元,而上一季度為 210 萬美元。

  • The sequential change is mostly related to FX.


  • This quarter the tax provision was $3.3 million on a GAAP basis and $6.2 million on a non-GAAP basis.

    本季度,按公認會計原則計算的稅收撥備為 330 萬美元,按非公認會計原則計算為 620 萬美元。

  • Our non-GAAP tax rate was 16.6% for the quarter.

    本季度我們的非公認會計原則稅率為 16.6%。

  • Lastly, our share of income from our JV was $0.4 million this quarter as compared to $0.6 million last quarter.

    最後,本季度我們從合資企業獲得的收入份額為 40 萬美元,而上一季度為 60 萬美元。

  • Q1 non-GAAP diluted EPS totaled $0.58 which was higher than our mid-point guidance of $0.38 due to higher revenues, and lower operating expenses, offset by lower gross margins.

    第一季度非 GAAP 攤薄後每股收益總計 0.58 美元,高於我們 0.38 美元的中點指引,原因是收入增加和運營費用減少,但被毛利率下降所抵消。

  • Cash flow used in operations was $134.6 million compared to cash flow generated from operations of $63.6 million in Q4 as we built inventory ahead of a seasonally strong December quarter and positioned ourselves to mitigate the impact of supply chain disruptions.

    運營中使用的現金流為 1.346 億美元,而第四季度運營產生的現金流為 6,360 萬美元,因為我們在季節性強勁的 12 月季度之前建立了庫存,並為減輕供應鏈中斷的影響做好了準備。

  • CapEx totaled $11.9 million resulting in free cash flow consumption of $146.5 million.

    資本支出總額為 1190 萬美元,導致自由現金流消耗為 1.465 億美元。

  • Key uses of cash during the quarter included increases to inventory, payments made to reduce accounts payable offset by an increase in deferred revenue.


  • We did not repurchase any shares in the quarter.


  • Our closing balance sheet cash position was $270 million, while bank debt was $279 million as we drew down on our bank lines of credit to increase inventory as we ramped production of new platforms globally.

    我們的資產負債表期末現金頭寸為 2.7 億美元,而銀行債務為 2.79 億美元,因為我們在全球增加新平台的生產時動用了銀行信貸額度以增加庫存。

  • Turning to the balance sheet and working capital metrics.


  • Compared to last quarter, our Q1 cash conversion cycle was 94 days, up from 80 days, above our target range of 85 to 90 days due to higher inventories.

    與上一季度相比,由於庫存增加,我們的第一季度現金轉換週期為 94 天,高於 80 天,高於我們 85 至 90 天的目標範圍。

  • Days of inventory was 114, representing an increase of 18 days versus the prior quarter.

    庫存天數為 114 天,比上一季度增加 18 天。

  • Days Sales Outstanding was up by 4 to 41 days while Days Payables Outstanding was up by 8 to 61 days.

    未償銷售天數增加 4 至 41 天,而未償應付賬款天數增加 8 至 61 天。

  • Now turning to the outlook for our business.


  • We expect net sales in the range of $1.1 billion to $1.2 billion, GAAP diluted net income per share of $0.60 to $0.80 and non-GAAP diluted net income per share of $0.70 to $0.90 for the second quarter of fiscal year 2022 ending December 31, 2021.

    我們預計截至 2021 年 12 月 31 日的 2022 財年第二季度淨銷售額在 11 億美元至 12 億美元之間,美國通用會計準則攤薄後每股淨收入為 0.60 美元至 0.80 美元,非美國通用會計準則攤薄後每股淨收入為 0.70 美元至 0.90 美元.

  • We expect gross margins to improve as we manage supply chain costs and maintain price discipline.


  • Over the upcoming quarters, we continue to expect to achieve margins within our target model as we further scale our Taiwan operations and begin to gain traction from our new product offerings and auto configurator B2B/B2C solutions.

    在接下來的幾個季度中,隨著我們進一步擴大我們在台灣的業務並開始從我們的新產品和汽車配置器 B2B/B2C 解決方案中獲得牽引力,我們繼續期望在我們的目標模型內實現利潤率。

  • GAAP operating expenses are expected to be approximately $112 million and include $7 million in stock option compensation expenses and $1 million in other expenses includes approximately $8 million in expected stock, days compensation and other expenses, net fax FX that are excluded from non-GAAP diluted net income performance share, forecast of $4.1 to $4.5 billion (sic, see press release, "$4.2 billion to $4.6 billion").

    GAAP 運營費用預計約為 1.12 億美元,其中包括 700 萬美元的股票期權補償費用,100 萬美元的其他費用包括約 800 萬美元的預期股票、天數補償和其他費用,不包括在非 GAAP 稀釋後的淨傳真外匯淨收入業績份額,預測為 4.1 至 45 億美元(原文如此,參見新聞稿,“42 億美元至 46 億美元”)。

  • GAAP diluted net income per share is expected to be at least $2.77 and versus our prior forecast of $2.6 and non-GAAP diluted net income per share of at least $3.2 versus our prior forecast of at least $3.

    GAAP 攤薄後每股淨收入預計至少為 2.77 美元,而我們之前的預測為 2.6 美元,非 GAAP 攤薄後的每股淨收入至少為 3.2 美元,而我們之前的預測至少為 3 美元。

  • The company's projections for GAAP and non-GAAP diluted net income per common share both assume a tax rate of approximately 16% and a fully diluted share count of 54.1 million shares per GAAP and 55.6 million shares for non-GAAP.

    該公司對 GAAP 和非 GAAP 稀釋後的每股普通股淨收入的預測均假設稅率約為 16%,完全稀釋後的每股 GAAP 股數為 5410 萬股,非 GAAP 股數為 5560 萬股。

  • The outlook for fiscal year 2022 GAAP diluted net income per common share includes approximately $33 million in expected stock-based compensation and other expenses net of tax effects that are excluded from non-GAAP diluted net income per common share.

    2022 財年 GAAP 稀釋後的每股普通股淨收益前景包括約 3300 萬美元的預期基於股票的薪酬和其他費用,扣除非 GAAP 稀釋後的每股普通股淨收益後的稅收影響。

  • We expect CapEx for the fiscal second quarter of 2022 to be in the range of $3 million to $5 million.

    我們預計 2022 財年第二季度的資本支出將在 300 萬美元至 500 萬美元之間。

  • I'll turn it back over to you now Nicole.


  • Nicole Noutsios - Principal

    Nicole Noutsios - Principal

  • Operator, now you can open up the line for questions.


  • Operator


  • The floor is now open for your questions.


  • (Operator Instructions) Your first question comes from Ananda Baruah of Loop Capital.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自 Loop Capital 的 Ananda Baruah。

  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • Listen, congrats.


  • I guess a couple for me, just to start off, could you talk about -- it seems like you're highlighting both in the press release and then in your remarks, new design wins and speaking of them broadly is that they're across the business.

    我想我有幾個,剛開始,你能談談 - 似乎你在新聞稿和你的評論中都強調了新設計的勝利,並且廣泛地說它們是跨越這生意。

  • Could you maybe talk to what you saw that was most exciting for you and most incremental to the business throughout the quarter?


  • And then I have a couple of follow-ups.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Thank you.


  • A very good question.


  • Yes, as I shared in last few quarters, we start to engage more and more large enterprise account.


  • And we again, you see the more hand for large account in the last few quarters, including 5G Telco, including AI/machine learning and including HPC as well.

    我們再次看到,在過去的幾個季度中,大客戶的手更多,包括 5G 電信,包括人工智能/機器學習,也包括 HPC。

  • So pretty much across broader range.


  • We have more customer and with our B2B automation Auto configurator as I mentioned.

    正如我提到的,我們有更多的客戶和我們的 B2B 自動化自動配置器。

  • Now, we are able to have sales engineer and PA to communicate with customer much more efficiently.

    現在,我們可以讓銷售工程師和 PA 更有效地與客戶溝通。

  • So now we have more bandwidth to talk to more customers, talk to more customers' application in more detail.


  • So I believe we will continue to gain customer and again, design win.


  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • That's helpful context, Charles.


  • And how would you characterize, I guess, the prog -- well, I don't think I want to call it progress with the new Taiwan facility.


  • Could you just describe for us the appropriate -- like how -- like the appropriate context or that we can understand what the operation feels like right now, both from a production perspective, but also from a revenue-generating perspective as well.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Thank you for the question.


  • Yes, as I shared, we see you in the last few quarters.


  • My Asian campus, production capacity is very important to our business.


  • Is in U.S.A., especially our operation has been pretty much focused on Bay Area in the last 28 years, and it's really close to too high.

    在美國,尤其是在過去的 28 年裡,我們的業務一直非常關注灣區,而且真的太高了。

  • So we are very happy.


  • Finally, we have a big campus in Taipei, Taiwan.


  • And now we have a big capacity ready.


  • Indeed, we -- today, we just utilize about less than 30% of the capacity.

    事實上,我們——今天,我們只利用了不到 30% 的容量。

  • So we have, I mean, cheaper capacity available in Asia now.


  • So we are very happy, and we started to very aggressively engage customer in Asia and EMEA or even leverage Taiwan capacity to support the customer in U.S.A.

    所以我們很高興,我們開始非常積極地吸引亞洲和 EMEA 的客戶,甚至利用台灣的能力來支持美國的客戶。

  • So that's a very positive change to us.


  • Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

    Ananda Prosad Baruah - MD

  • And how long, Charles, any estimate on where you'll get the kind of normalized capacity utilization in the Taiwan facility?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Okay.


  • Good.


  • Because of the global shortage, right, otherwise, our revenue must be much bigger than today.


  • We are around $1.03 billion this quarter pretty much because of our global shortage.

    由於我們的全球短缺,本季度我們的收入約為 10.3 億美元。

  • Otherwise, that should be much bigger.


  • So at this moment, our iteration rate in Taiwan is about 30% or a little bit bad.


  • And we expect once the globally shortage program release, we will use 80% to 100% capacity in Taiwan, almost in a few quarters.

    而且我們預計一旦全球短缺計劃發布,我們將在台灣使用 80% 到 100% 的產能,幾乎在幾個季度內。

  • So we have a very strong demand and does need a supply chain to be improved.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Mehdi Hosseini of SIG.

    您的下一個問題來自 SIG 的 Mehdi Hosseini。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Yes, a couple of follow-ups.


  • On the -- regarding the balance sheet and cash flow, can you remind me how much more line of credit you have that you can utilize?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • So we have a $200 million line of credit with the Bank of America, and we also have over $300 million in credit lines in Taiwan as well.

    所以我們在美國銀行有 2 億美元的信貸額度,我們在台灣也有超過 3 億美元的信貸額度。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So of the total $500 million, that's an OTIs being utilized, sorry?

    所以在總的 5 億美元中,這是一個正在使用的 OTI,抱歉?

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • Yes.


  • So we've -- as you see from our balance sheet, we're sitting at about $279.

    所以我們 - 正如你從我們的資產負債表中看到的那樣,我們的股價約為 279 美元。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Got you.


  • Okay.


  • And then regarding the growth, can you maybe, Charles or anyone else from the team, help me understand what were the key growth drivers in Asia more than doubled on a year-over-year basis in the U.S., which is the largest market, had a double-digit growth, but Asia was up double digit.


  • What were the key drivers behind that growth?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Indeed, in Asia, we did not have a really strong promotion before because our capacity before was limited in Asia.


  • And other time, we had to ship the product from U.S.A to customers in Asia.


  • That was our business before.


  • Now with Taiwan capacity, much, much bigger ready.


  • So we are very aggressively approaching customer in Asia and did not just in Asia in support, European customer from Asia, also a very good arrangement.


  • And we start to focus kind of our sales force in Asia.


  • So that's the major reason.


  • And we will continue to invest more sales, marketing in Asia and EMEA, as well as in East Coast.


  • Indeed, in U.S.A, East Coast will be a very sweet stuff as well.


  • And we just have a strong team as well from U.S. East Coast now.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Perhaps maybe if I rephrase the question, you highlighted 3 buckets of revenue, organic and organic enterprise OEM and the Telco.

    也許如果我重新表述這個問題,你強調了 3 個收入桶,有機和有機企業 OEM 和電信公司。

  • Was there any particular end market that was particularly strong in Asia?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • AI, for example, and Telco, 5G Telco, for example.

    例如,人工智能和電信公司,例如 5G 電信公司。

  • And indeed, because our Asia market share was small before.


  • So basically, we have a lot of room to grow in Asia.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Nehal Chokshi of Northland Capital Markets.

    您的下一個問題來自 Northland Capital Markets 的 Nehal Chokshi。

  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Yes.


  • And fantastic results in very strong guidance.


  • Great to see that.


  • A couple of questions from me.


  • Charles, what's your perspective on whether the worst of global supply chain issues have passed or not?


  • And then related to that, how long do you think it will be prudent to continue carrying more base inventory than typical?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Very good question and big question.


  • As you know, we usually keep about $900 million inventory and now grew to almost $1.3 billion.

    如您所知,我們通常保留大約 9 億美元的庫存,現在增長到近 13 億美元。

  • So the reason why we grow inventory so quickly because we want to make sure we are doing our best to support the customers and to support our growth.


  • So we continue to improve our relationship with our supply chain.


  • And it's really a big shortage, especially in our chips, right?


  • Those are I/O chips, especially a small chip like what I mentioned before.

    這些是 I/O 芯片,尤其是我之前提到的小芯片。

  • And some GPU shortage as well.

    還有一些 GPU 短缺。

  • GPU, some slow delivery as well.


  • So we are facing a lot of logistic delay.


  • And however, because we are providing IT Total Solution now.

    然而,因為我們現在提供 IT 整體解決方案。

  • So we're taking care of our difficulty portion and chip complete present play direct solution to our customer.


  • So most of our customers now very appreciate Rack Scale total solution.


  • And we just have to continue work with our supply chain to enable those shortage item.


  • And how soon can we fix those problems.


  • It's really a global problem.


  • So people included myself, I guess maybe at least in 3 months to 4 months.

    所以人們包括我自己,我想可能至少在 3 個月到 4 個月內。

  • And hopefully, of the day, things will be improving.


  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then following on Mehdi's question regarding regional performance, helpful on what's driving Asia.

    然後關注 Mehdi 關於區域表現的問題,有助於了解推動亞洲發展的因素。

  • David, you did say that U.S. was down 14% Q2.

    大衛,你確實說過美國第二季度下降了 14%。

  • Is that seasonal?


  • Or is there something more going on there?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • I think it's simply just a matter of digestion.


  • We had some large, very large purchases, and there was some digestion of those purchases, and we expect those to return.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Aaron Rakers of Wells Fargo.

    我們的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Aaron Rakers。

  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

  • Yes.


  • And also congrats on the quarter and the guide.


  • Just kind of dovetailing off the component question.


  • Everybody is definitely seeing supply constraint.


  • I guess my question on that is, can you comment on what you're seeing from a pricing perspective of some of the key components in the supply chain, be it memory or other components?


  • And what you're doing to maybe pass through some of that pricing?


  • Or how effective you've been there?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I mean, as you may know, right, CRN price is dropping now since last month, so maybe 2 months ago.

    我的意思是,您可能知道,對,CRN 價格自上個月以來正在下降,所以可能是 2 個月前。

  • So CRN supply is getting a much better position than before.

    因此,CRN 供應狀況比以前好得多。

  • So other than CRN and most of the other components, still have a big shortage.


  • And we foresee some IC price will continue going up.


  • As you know, even TSMC November 1st, some of their product line cost will increase to their customer.

    如您所知,即使是台積電 11 月 1 日,他們的一些產品線成本也會增加給他們的客戶。

  • So overall, I feel -- seen improvement, but won't be right away.

    所以總的來說,我覺得 - 看到了改善,但不會馬上改善。

  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

  • And how are you reacting with your own pricing?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • We basically pass through to our customer whatever we can, and customer is getting used to this model because we just cannot afford to get so much price rise.


  • This year, the customer pretty much understand that.


  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

  • Yes.


  • In this environment, a lot of companies have seen -- are requested maybe their own customers to provide longer lead times on their own purchase commitments.


  • Have you also asked your customers to lengthen out their lead times and, therefore, given you more visibility in the business beyond maybe just this next quarter?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Basically, we hope so.


  • But the problem is we cannot deliver even our backorder today.


  • So that's why we did not push customers to predict order much earlier, but we hope they can more transparent to us about their forecast about their IPO, yes, for sure.

    所以這就是為什麼我們沒有更早地推動客戶預測訂單,但我們希望他們能夠對我們更加透明地了解他們對 IPO 的預測,是的,當然。

  • But again, the current backorders indeed the have been a big demand, and we had to fulfill there as soon as possible.


  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Equity Analyst

  • Yes.


  • And then the final question, just kind of strategically, I'm curious about is, I think the company is fairly well-positioned given your engineering presence and breadth around the role of AI and the proliferation of AI from a compute layer perspective.


  • Can you help us appreciate how material, AI is?


  • I'm assuming that server platforms that are incorporating a GPU predominantly, how big that business is?

    我假設主要包含 GPU 的服務器平台,該業務有多大?

  • How fast it's growing?


  • And any kind of thoughts at a high level?


  • How much that changes the weakness of the mix of your business on a AI-optimized server relative to more of a traditional server?

    相對於更多的傳統服務器,這在多大程度上改變了您在 AI 優化服務器上的業務組合的弱點?

  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • AI-optimized server for so is high-value, high performance, high-value, and we are very aggressive to continue to grow our AI machine.


  • Indeed, our AI machine, including complete system and some payable, I believe our market share still pretty much top 1 or top 2. I hope top 1, and I believe will continue to grow very strongly because we have been focused so much on those high-end products, including a Total solution, right?

    確實,我們的 AI 機器,包括完整的系統和一些應付賬款,我相信我們的市場份額仍然非常接近前 1 或前 2。我希望前 1,並且我相信會繼續非常強勁地增長,因為我們一直非常關注那些高端產品,包括整體解決方案,對嗎?

  • AI Total solution.


  • We start to ship kind of AI Cloud to some of our partner.


  • Again, that makes our customers' job much easier.


  • So when we ship that direct to customers, customers are able to get targeting networking cable, power cable and pretty much ready to run their applications.


  • So with Total AI Cloud, Total AI solution, I am very optimistic that our deep learning AI/machine, even including a video streaming solution will continue to grow very fast.

    因此,借助 Total AI Cloud,Total AI 解決方案,我非常樂觀地認為,我們的深度學習 AI/機器,甚至包括視頻流解決方案,都將繼續快速增長。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Jon Lopez of Vertical Group.

    您的下一個問題來自 Vertical Group 的 Jon Lopez。

  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Can you hear me all right?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • Yes, Jon, we can.


  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • So I had a couple of quick ones.


  • I wanted to start on the inventory side as well, so I apologize for doing that.


  • But if I remember correctly, I think your purchase commitments, your inventory purchase commitments as of June.

    但如果我沒記錯的話,我認為您的採購承諾,截至 6 月份的庫存採購承諾。

  • We're up $550 million, $575 million, something in that ballpark and had doubled versus where they were at the end of 2020, calendar 2020.

    我們增加了 5.5 億美元,5.75 億美元,在那個範圍內,與 2020 年底(即 2020 年)相比翻了一番。

  • Can you give us a feel for where that stands now as of the end of September?

    您能否告訴我們截至 9 月底的情況?

  • And just given the size of these increases, does that ultimately find its way onto your balance sheet?


  • Or are you now at sort of a steady-state level where what's going out is more being matched with what's coming in?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • Yes.


  • So I think the key is we're going into a seasonally strong December quarter.

    所以我認為關鍵是我們將進入季節性強勁的 12 月季度。

  • And so we -- that, combined with the fact that we've got to make sure we get ahead of supply chain delays as much as possible, has really driven our decision to increase inventory levels up.

    所以我們 - 再加上我們必須確保我們盡可能提前供應鏈延遲這一事實,確實推動了我們提高庫存水平的決定。

  • So therefore, in the current market with the delays, both on the delivery side as well as on the production side and the delays in containers, making it to port, you've got to order earlier.


  • So therefore, we have to place orders in order to keep up with our customer demand.


  • So that's really -- and that's why we increased our credit lines and used those to increase inventory.

    所以那是真的 - 這就是我們增加信用額度並使用這些額度來增加庫存的原因。

  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Got you.


  • And just on the top of your head, David, do you know what that number stood as of September?

    就在您的腦海中,大衛,您知道截至 9 月的數字是多少嗎?

  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • We don't -- no, I don't.


  • I don't release that number on the quarter.


  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Great.


  • Secondly, I'm sorry, go ahead, please.


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • So we'll have a little more color in the 10-K.

    因此,我們將在 10-K 中添加更多顏色。

  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Sure, of course.


  • Your deferred revenue actually jumped up quite nicely.


  • The current deferred is up like double digits, which hasn't really been the case for the last couple of quarters.


  • Why was that?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • So 2 reasons.


  • #1, we had some customers who prepaid.


  • And #2, we had some additional services that were an increase in services that we had to defer.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Respond to -- I just mentioned, we start to focus on our 5s business, right, the software, breach and service.

    回應——我剛才提到,我們開始專注於我們的 5s 業務,對,軟件、漏洞和服務。

  • And those products have a higher profitability, but they are also generate default revenue.


  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Got you.


  • That's really helpful.


  • Sorry, 2 other quick ones.

    抱歉,還有另外 2 個快速的。

  • The first one is, David, I think you made mention to gross margin.


  • I think you said it was going to increase.


  • I wasn't sure if that meant in the December quarter or that was just sort of an intermediate-term comment.

    我不確定這是否意味著在 12 月季度,或者這只是一種中期評論。

  • But can you remind us, A, like what are the targets again?


  • And B, just put some color around that comment and how we should think about maybe trending in trajectory?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • Sure.


  • Absolutely.


  • So our target model gross margin is, of course, 14% to 17%.

    所以我們的目標模型毛利率當然是 14% 到 17%。

  • And we've mentioned that, again, this quarter, our transportation costs, our freight costs went up by $3 million or 30 basis points.

    我們再次提到,本季度,我們的運輸成本和貨運成本增加了 300 萬美元或 30 個基點。

  • And that was on top of the increase from the prior quarter.


  • Now, I can tell you that in my discussions with our operations people, it looks like that amount is starting to level off.


  • The rates are leveling off.


  • And so we are -- so the guidance that we give is giving -- or giving is to be up both in Q2 as well as in the second half.

    所以我們 - 所以我們給出的指導是給予 - 或者給予在第二季度和下半年都會增加。

  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Got you.


  • Really helpful.


  • Okay.


  • And sorry, David, is that leveling off a relatively recent phenomenon?


  • Or is that something that you observed through the course of the quarter?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • That's just -- I mean, there's only been 1 month in this quarter.

    那隻是 - 我的意思是,本季度只有 1 個月。

  • But so far, they don't seem to be increasing at the same rate that they were in prior quarters.


  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Got you.


  • Okay.


  • I was having take the prior quarter, so they kept increasing through your fiscal...


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • Yes, onwards through Q4, they continue to increase.


  • And then in Q1, they also increased another 30 basis points.

    然後在第一季度,他們又增加了 30 個基點。

  • And another -- think of it is 30 basis points on lower revenues that the freight costs went up.

    另一個 - 考慮到貨運成本上升是收入下降 30 個基點。

  • So I'm saying in the current Q2, we see that leveling off.


  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Got you.


  • Really helpful.


  • And sorry, my very last one.


  • Just as we think about your fiscal '22 guidance, you mentioned that both units and prices increased in your September quarter.

    正如我們考慮您的 22 財年指導一樣,您提到您的 9 月季度的單位和價格均有所上漲。

  • I'm wondering, as we think about the sort of, let's call it, 20-odd percent growth that you're building in for your fiscal '22.

    我想知道,當我們考慮那種,讓我們稱之為,你為 22 財年建立的 20% 的增長。

  • Can you give us a rough sense for how much of that is going to come from pricing versus what's going to come from the units?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • I think that's too hard to judge.


  • Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

    Jonathan Doherty Lopez - Research Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • Would you be that it's going to be a combination of the 2?


  • Maybe I can make it?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • Absolutely.


  • Absolutely.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Nehal Chokshi of Northland Capital Markets.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Northland Capital Markets 的 Nehal Chokshi。

  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • And great on the breakout relative to the 3 pillars of growth that you laid out at your Analyst Day.

    與您在分析師日制定的 3 個增長支柱相關的突破非常棒。

  • Really appreciate that.


  • Do you have color on how this lease trended on a year-over-year basis relative to the overall [year-over-year growth]?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • Yes.


  • So we're actually on the verticals, we didn't -- we're not going back on a year-over-year basis because we really started tracking this closely, beginning with the fiscal year-end.

    所以我們實際上是在垂直領域,我們沒有 - 我們不會逐年回歸,因為我們真的開始密切跟踪這一點,從財政年度結束開始。

  • And so -- but as each quarter now, we'll give a little bit more insight.

    所以 - 但現在每個季度,我們都會提供更多的見解。

  • But I can tell you that the one vertical that went down, which was in the 5G -- I'm sorry, the OEM and OEM appliance was really, as I mentioned, that was the digestion that I referred to from a couple of customers, and we see that returning that purchasing returning in Q2.

    但我可以告訴你,下降的一個垂直領域是 5G——對不起,OEM 和 OEM 設備確實是,正如我提到的,這是我從幾個客戶那裡提到的消化,我們看到在第二季度返回購買返回。

  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Great.


  • And then what is the risk, the strong demand that you're seeing is a result of the supply chain disruptions and that you are having new customers come to you in an effort to do or triple source or codices and effectively alleviate their own supply chain issues.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Yes, this is a very important area.


  • We watch very well.


  • So most of our orders are pretty evenly come from our broad customer base.


  • So at this moment, I do not see any specific risk there.


  • So it pretty evenly come from many customers and from many different vertical.


  • And by the way, our feeding box solution, my advantage is we can simply kind of the every configured system.


  • So even if when customers slow down, we won't have to kind of really have a hard time for overall inventory.


  • Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Nehal Sushil Chokshi - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Sure.


  • I think that ladder for is an excellent point.


  • So maybe I crank that up of the incremental demand that you're seeing, how much of that is coming in the form of a configuration that your competitors typically would not satisfy that they are much more limited configurations that they can provide?


  • Yes.


  • Indeed, I'm very happy to share.


  • Most of our growth are from our building box solution.


  • After we continue to amortize offering for solution, indeed, most of the customer now putting both solution because it's easy to support their urgent demand and also best overall inventory risk for our sale and volume sales.


  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • And then my final follow-up question is for Dave.


  • SG&A, I think, was down $4 million in Q2.

    我認為,SG&A 在第二季度下降了 400 萬美元。

  • Is that correct?


  • And why is that?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • So we had a little bit lower.


  • We had -- personal, it was -- we had increased personnel costs.

    我們有 - 個人的,它是 - 我們增加了人員成本。

  • And then we did have a little bit lower bonuses this in Q2.


  • I'm sorry, in Q1, I said in Q1.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Jonathan Tanwanteng of CJS Securities.

    您的下一個問題來自 CJS Securities 的 Jonathan Tanwanteng。

  • Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

    Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

  • Great quarter and outlook.


  • David, I was just wondering if you could clarify the sequential increase in gross margins.


  • What's getting that -- where are you finding that?


  • Is it mostly your selling prices catching up to inflation?


  • Are you expecting to reduce some costs or realize some other efficiencies?


  • Or is there a mix improvement as you go forward?


  • Just help me understand what the sequential increase coming from?


  • David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

    David E. Weigand - Senior VP, CFO, Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

  • Sure, John.


  • There's a number of factors.


  • Number one, we expect to start gaining traction from our Auto configurator, B2B, B2C solutions.

    第一,我們希望開始從我們的自動配置器、B2B、B2C 解決方案中獲得吸引力。

  • We also have been exercising more price discipline.


  • And also, we've learned how to manage, how to better manage the passing on of freight charges and other things and our cost increases to our customers.


  • So that, along with the -- some of the margins from our new product offerings give us a little bit better insight into margin growth.


  • Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

    Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

  • Okay.


  • Perfect.


  • And I wanted to touch on the Auto configure and B2B.

    我想談談自動配置和 B2B。

  • You mentioned actually.


  • What was the sales advantage there?


  • I don't know if you can quantify it exactly, but just give us a sense of how important that is to your growth and how big you expect it to be going forward in the next couple of quarters?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • It will be very important, especially for our long-term.


  • Before we see many come from manpower sales, FA and PA to work with customer one by one.


  • But now we see inhabiting database, not online for CT, are able to help customers figure out what's the base configuration, what's the base of the product for them and then embed it through our commence center-based service.

    但現在我們看到,CT 不是在線數據庫,而是能夠幫助客戶了解基本配置是什麼,產品的基本配置是什麼,然後通過我們的啟動中心服務將其嵌入。

  • So almost all our customer in sales who have able use that system are very happy with the service and shrink the time to communicate and make the communication much more accurate product optimization, much more cost down and data performance.


  • So for midterm, long term, I'm very optimistic with Auto configurator command center-based B2B system.

    因此,對於中期、長期而言,我非常看好基於 Auto configurator 命令中心的 B2B 系統。

  • Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

    Jonathan E. Tanwanteng - MD

  • Great.


  • Maybe just the last one for me.


  • What is the margin of sales through that channel compared to your regular sales maybe versus what it normally has been?


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • We did not share with that number yet.


  • But basically, the profitability will be higher because B2B Auto configurator, we are able to work with many more customers and especially a lot of middle-sized enterprise customer now.

    但基本上,由於B2B Auto configurator,盈利能力會更高,我們現在能夠與更多的客戶合作,尤其是很多中型企業客戶。

  • But before we can take are only large-scale customer because we do not have in our manpower to take care of 2 million ton.

    但之前我們能接受的只是大型客戶,因為我們沒有人力來照顧 200 萬噸。

  • But now with automation we have, we are able to reach to many more middle-sized enterprise account.


  • And for those accounts, as you know, the pro-margin data.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We will pause for just a moment to compile the Q&A roster.


  • At this time, there are no further questions.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's event.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.


  • Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Charles Liang - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Thank you so much to join us.


  • And very happy to see you next quarter again.


  • Thank you and a good day.
