斯倫貝謝公司 (SLB) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Thank you, everyone, for standing by.


  • Welcome to the SLB second-quarter earnings conference call.

    歡迎參加 SLB 第二季度財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to James R. McDonald, Senior Vice President of Investor Relations and Industry Affairs.

    現在我想將會議交給投資者關係和行業事務高級副總裁詹姆斯·R·麥克唐納 (James R. McDonald)。

  • Please go ahead.


  • James McDonald - SVP of IR & Industry Affairs

    James McDonald - SVP of IR & Industry Affairs

  • Thank you, Leah.


  • Good morning and welcome to the SLB second-quarter 2024 earnings conference call.

    早安,歡迎參加 SLB 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • Today's call is being hosted from London following our Board meeting held earlier this week.


  • Joining us on the call are Olivier Le Peuch, Chief Executive Officer; and Stephane Biguet, Chief Financial Officer

    與我們一起參加電話會議的還有執行長 Olivier Le Peuch;和財務長 Stephane Biguet

  • Before we begin, I would like to remind all participants that some of the statements we'll be making today are forward-looking.


  • These matters involve risks and uncertainties that could cause our results to differ materially from those projected in these statements.


  • For more information, please refer to our latest 10-K filing and other SEC filings which can be found on our website.

    如需了解更多信息,請參閱我們最新的 10-K 文件和其他 SEC 文件,這些文件可在我們的網站上找到。

  • Our comments today also include non-GAP financial measures.

    我們今天的評論還包括非 GAP 財務措施。

  • Additional details and reconciliations to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures can be found in our second-quarter press release, which is on our website.

    有關最直接可比較的 GAAP 財務指標的更多詳細資訊和調整表,請參閱我們網站上的第二季新聞稿。

  • And finally, in conjunction with our proposed acquisition, SLB and ChampionX have filed materials with the SEC, including the registration statement with a proxy statement and prospectuses.

    最後,結合我們擬議的收購,SLB 和 ChampionX 已向 SEC 提交了資料,包括帶有代理聲明的註冊聲明和招股說明書。

  • These materials can be found on the SEC's website or from the party's websites.

    這些資料可以在 SEC 網站或當事人的網站上找到。

  • With that, I will turn the call over to Olivier.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, James.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on the call.


  • This was a very strong second quarter for SLB, showcasing our ability to harness the ongoing growth cycle while driving efficiencies throughout our business.

    對於 SLB 來說,這是非常強勁的第二季度,展示了我們利用持續成長週期同時提高整個業務效率的能力。

  • During today's call, I will cover three topics.


  • First, I will review our second-quarter results.


  • Then I will describe the dynamics of the cycle and how we are positioning our business for further growth and margin expansion.


  • And finally, I will share our updated outlook for the full year and discuss our ongoing commitment to returns to shareholders.


  • Stephane will then provide additional details on our financial results, and we will open the line for your questions.


  • Let's begin.


  • I'm very pleased with our strong second-quarter performance.


  • Sequentially, revenue increased 5%.

    隨後,收入增長了 5%。

  • Adjusted EBITDA grew 11%.

    調整後 EBITDA 成長 11%。

  • Adjusted EBITDA margin expanded 142 basis points, and we generated $776 million of free cash flow.

    調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率擴大了 142 個基點,我們產生了 7.76 億美元的自由現金流。

  • These results were driven by continued growth momentum in international markets, with more than half of our international GeoUnits posting the highest revenue quarter of the cycle.

    這些業績是由國際市場的持續成長勢頭推動的,我們一半以上的國際 GeoUnit 創下了本週期中收入最高的季度。

  • Overall, international revenue grew 6% sequentially, led by the Middle East and Asia, which continued to set new records with two-thirds, 8 out of 12, of the GeoUnits in the area posting record-high quarterly revenue.

    總體而言,國際收入環比增長 6%,其中以中東和亞洲地區為首,繼續創下新紀錄,該地區 12 個 GeoUnit 中有 8 個(即三分之二)的季度收入創下歷史新高。

  • This was fueled by capacity expansion projects, new gas developments, and production recovery investments across the region.


  • Additionally, the ongoing strength of the offshore markets supported further growth in Europe and Africa, as well as Latin America.


  • This was particularly pronounced in deepwater basins, including Brazil, West Africa, and Norway, where we continue to benefit from strong backlog conversion in OneSubsea.

    這在深水盆地尤其明顯,包括巴西、西非和挪威,我們繼續受益於 OneSubsea 強勁的積壓訂單轉換。

  • We also benefited from new projects on land, notably in Argentina and North Africa.


  • Meanwhile, in North America, revenue increased 3% sequentially.

    同時,在北美,營收季增 3%。

  • This was led by the Gulf of Mexico, where we saw increased drilling and higher digital revenue from sales of exploration data licenses.


  • However, this sequential growth was partially offset by lower drilling in US land, as the market continues to be constrained by weaker gas prices, capital discipline, and ongoing market consolidation.


  • Next, let me describe how this growth played out across the divisions.


  • In our core divisions, we continue to harness the cycle, with revenue growing 4% sequentially and pre-tax segment operating margins expanding by 120 basis points.

    在我們的核心部門,我們繼續利用這個週期,營收季增 4%,稅前部門營業利潤率擴大 120 個基點。

  • Growth was led by our production systems and reservoir performance divisions, which visibly expanded margins due to the favorable conversion of backlog, as well as many business lines operating and record activity levels.


  • Demand for services and equipment is being further reinforced by the combination of long-cycle development activity and the acceleration of production recovery investments, particularly in the Middle East and Asia and Latin America.


  • Well construction also grew sequentially, supported by offshore developments, although this was partially offset by weaker land activity in North America.


  • Overall, the core divisions continue to deliver margin expansion, combining to post their 14th consecutive quarter of year-on-year pre-tax segment operating margin expansion.

    總體而言,核心部門繼續實現利潤率擴張,連續第 14 季實現稅前部門營業利潤率同比擴張。

  • Meanwhile, in digital and integration, I was very pleased to see highly accretive sequential growth, highlighted by our digital business reaching a new quarterly high and supporting visible sequential margin expansion.


  • This puts us on track to achieve our full-year ambition of digital revenue growth in the high teens.


  • We have opportunities to build on this momentum as customers are increasingly choosing to partner with SLB to modernize their digital infrastructures, as you have seen in a number of announcements included in today's release.

    正如您在今天發布的許多公告中看到的那樣,隨著客戶越來越多地選擇與 SLB 合作來實現其數位基礎設施現代化,我們有機會在這一勢頭的基礎上再接再厲。

  • At the end of the second quarter, we had 6,900 users on the Delfi platform, an increase of 28% year-on-year.


  • Additionally, the number of connected assets increased by 57%, and trailing 12-month compute hours increased by 43%.

    此外,連接資產的數量增加了 57%,過去 12 個月的計算時間增加了 43%。

  • Combined with our first-quarter results, SLB first-half adjusted EBITDA grew in the mid-teens compared to the same period last year, in line with our full-year ambition.

    結合我們第一季的業績,SLB 上半年調整後 EBITDA 與去年同期相比成長了 15%左右,符合我們的全年目標。

  • Moving forward, we will remain focused on driving quality revenue growth and leveraging operational efficiency to grow EBITDA, expand operating margins, generate robust cash flows, and meet our commitment to return to shareholders.

    展望未來,我們將繼續專注於推動優質收入成長,並利用營運效率來增加 EBITDA、擴大營運利潤、產生強勁的現金流,並履行我們對股東回報的承諾。

  • I want to clearly express my full gratitude to the entire SLB team for delivering such strong second-quarter and first-half results.

    我想對整個 SLB 團隊在第二季和上半年取得如此強勁的業績表示衷心的感謝。

  • Next, let me describe how the market is evolving and the steps we are taking to capture profitable growth across the business.


  • As the cycle continues, investments will increasingly be targeted in the most resilient areas of the market, including key international markets such as the Middle East and Asia and in offshore globally.


  • In these areas, we are seeing long-cycle gas and deepwater projects, production recovery activity to address natural decline, and increased digital adoption to drive efficiency and performance.


  • This is an optimal environment for business, and we are seizing each of these opportunities.


  • In the Middle East, in addition to the exposure to the oil capacity expansion program across the region, we continue to benefit from the acceleration and scale of investments in gas development, both conventional and unconventional, leveraging our fit-for-basin technology and differentiated integration capabilities.


  • Offshore, we see the benefits of our OneSubsea JV as highlighted by the number of high-value contracts abroad and partnerships included in today's release.

    在海上,我們看到了 OneSubsea 合資企業的優勢,今天發布的海外高價值合約和合作夥伴關係的數量凸顯了這一點。

  • Through OneSubsea, we are helping customers unlock reserves and reduce cycle times through an extensive subsea production and processing technology portfolio.

    透過 OneSubsea,我們透過廣泛的海底生產和加工技術組合來幫助客戶釋放儲量並縮短週期時間。

  • And we are increasingly being offered the opportunity to partner with customers in early engineering phases to unlock the economics of their assets.


  • In production and recovery, we are seeing customers embrace our offerings as they work to offset natural decline, extend performance, and maximize the value of their producing assets.


  • We have many solutions to help customers access resources to our production system and reservoir performance divisions.


  • And this is showing up in the strong results these divisions are achieving.


  • As this market continues to evolve, we expect to strengthen our portfolio to fully capture this growing opportunity to our pending acquisition of ChampionX.

    隨著這個市場的不斷發展,我們希望加強我們的產品組合,以充分抓住我們即將收購的 ChampionX 的這個不斷增長的機會。

  • Finally, underpinning nearly everything we do is the power of digital and AI.


  • In today's market, accelerating the time to returns and extracting new level of efficiency are top of mind for our customers.


  • And they are increasingly recognizing that upscaling their digital infrastructures is key -- is a key enabler in these areas, presenting us with significant opportunities for high-margin growth.


  • In summary, SLB is well positioned across key resilient markets.

    總之,SLB 在關鍵的彈性市場中處於有利地位。

  • We remain focused on expanding margins to quality revenue growth, and this is complemented by heightened focus on operating efficiency, support structure optimization, and strategic resource allocation in certain markets to align with expected levels of activity going forward.


  • To support this ongoing cost efficiency actions, we recorded a charge this quarter, and Stephane will share additional details on this topic later in the call.


  • Overall, the positive market dynamics and our continued focus on operating efficiency present a strong backdrop for continued outperformance.


  • We look forward to harnessing these dynamics to deliver further growth and margin expansion in the second half of 2024 and in 2025.

    我們期待利用這些動力在 2024 年下半年和 2025 年實現進一步成長和利潤率擴張。

  • On that note, let me conclude my opening remarks by showing our updated outlook for the year.


  • Based on our strong second-quarter and first-half results, we expect full-year adjusted EBITDA growth in the range of 14% to 15% and full-year adjusted EBITDA margins at or above 25%.

    基於我們強勁的第二季和上半年業績,我們預計全年調整後 EBITDA 成長率將在 14% 至 15% 之間,全年調整後 EBITDA 利潤率將達到或超過 25%。

  • Specific to the third quarter, we expect sequential revenue growth in the low single digits, enhanced by further margin expansion.


  • This will accelerate as we move toward the end of the year with a visible increase in the top-line growth and an uptick in margin expansion during the first quarter due to seasonally higher year-end digital and product sales.


  • Lastly, we returned $1.5 billion to shareholders over the first two quarters through the combination of stock repurchase and dividends.

    最後,我們在前兩季透過股票回購和股利結合的方式向股東返還了 15 億美元。

  • In the second half of the year, we expect to generate higher EBITDA and strong cash flows supporting our full-year commitments.

    下半年,我們預計將產生更高的 EBITDA 和強勁的現金流,以支持我們的全年承諾。

  • Directionally, we expect a strong exit of the year to position us for continued revenue growth, margin expansion, and cash generation, reinforcing our commitment to continue returns to shareholders in 2025.

    從方向上看,我們預計今年的強勁退出將使我們能夠實現持續的收入成長、利潤率擴張和現金生成,從而強化我們在 2025 年繼續為股東帶來回報的承諾。

  • I will now turn the call over to Stephane.


  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Olivier.


  • And good morning, ladies and gentlemen.


  • Overall, our second-quarter revenue of $9.1 billion increased 5% sequentially, mostly driven by the international markets led by the Middle East and Asia.

    總體而言,我們第二季的營收為 91 億美元,環比成長 5%,主要受到以中東和亞洲為首的國際市場的推動。

  • Sequentially, our pre-tax segment operating margins expanded 135 basis points to 20.3% as margins increased in each of our four divisions.

    隨後,隨著我們四個部門的利潤率都有所提高,我們的稅前部門營業利潤率擴大了 135 個基點,達到 20.3%。

  • Company-wide adjusted EBITDA margin for the second quarter was 25%, representing a sequential increase of 142 basis points.

    第二季全公司調整後 EBITDA 利潤率為 25%,季增 142 個基點。

  • In absolute dollars, adjusted EBITDA increased 11% sequentially and 17% year on year.

    以絕對美元計算,調整後 EBITDA 環比成長 11%,年增 17%。

  • As a result, second-quarter earnings per share, excluding charges and credits, was $0.85. This represents an increase of $0.10 sequentially and $0.13 or 18% when compared to the second quarter of last year.

    結果,第二季每股收益(不包括費用和貸項)為 0.85 美元。這意味著比上一季增加了 0.10 美元,與去年第二季相比增加了 0.13 美元,即 18%。

  • During the quarter, we recorded $0.01 of merger and integration charges relating to the Aker subsea transaction and $0.07 of charges in connection with a program that we have recently started to realign and optimize the support and service delivery structure in certain parts of our organization.

    在本季度,我們記錄了與 Aker 海底交易相關的 0.01 美元的合併和整合費用,以及與我們最近開始重新調整和優化我們組織某些部分的支援和服務交付結構的計劃相關的 0.07 美元的費用。

  • This includes adjusting resources as a result of lower activity levels in North America, centralizing certain digital delivery services, and improving efficiency in our support structure.


  • This program, which will result in additional charges in the third quarter, will drive further margin expansion in the second half of the year and into 2025.

    該計劃將在第三季產生額外費用,並將推動下半年乃至 2025 年的利潤率進一步擴張。

  • The related actions will be completed by the end of the year.


  • Let me now go through the second-quarter results for each division.


  • Second-quarter digital and integration revenue of $1.1 billion increased 10% sequentially with margins expanding 435 basis points to 31%.

    第二季數位和整合收入為 11 億美元,季增 10%,利潤率擴大 435 個基點,達到 31%。

  • The sequential revenue growth was entirely due to higher digital sales as APS revenue was flat.

    營收季增完全是由於 APS 收入持平,數位銷售增加。

  • The strong margin performance was driven by improved digital profitability as a result of robust exploration data sales and a higher uptake of digital solutions.


  • APS margins were essentially flat.

    APS 利潤率基本持平。

  • We expect the digital revenue growth and margin expansion to continue in both Q3 and Q4.


  • Reservoir performance revenue of $1.8 billion increased 5% sequentially, while margins improved 98 basis points to 20.6%.

    油藏績效收入為 18 億美元,季增 5%,而利潤率提高 98 個基點,達到 20.6%。

  • These increases were primarily due to strong growth internationally, led by higher activity in the Middle East and Asia.


  • Well construction revenue of $3.4 billion increased 1% sequentially, while margins of 21.7% increased 125 basis points, driven by strong measurements and fluids activity internationally.

    受國際強勁測量和流體活動的推動,油井建設收入環比成長 1%,達 34 億美元,利潤率達 21.7%,成長 125 個基點。

  • Finally, production system revenue of $3 billion increased 7% sequentially, driven by the strong activity in the international markets led by Europe and Africa.

    最後,在以歐洲和非洲為首的國際市場的強勁活動的推動下,生產系統收入達到 30 億美元,環比增長 7%。

  • Margins expanded 146 basis points to 15.6% on improved profitability in subsea production systems and artificial lift.

    由於海底生產系統和人工舉升的獲利能力提高,利潤率擴大 146 個基點至 15.6%。

  • Now turning to our liquidity.


  • Our cash flow was strong, as we generated $1.4 billion of cash flow from operations and free cash flow of $776 million during the quarter.

    我們的現金流強勁,本季營運現金流達 14 億美元,自由現金流達 7.76 億美元。

  • We expect our cash flow to continue to improve throughout the rest of the year.


  • As a result, our free cash flow in the second half of this year will be materially higher than the first half.


  • Capital investments, inclusive of CapEx and investments in APS projects and exploration data were $660 million in the second quarter.

    第二季資本投資(包括資本支出以及對 APS 項目和勘探數據的投資)為 6.6 億美元。

  • For the full year, we are still expecting capital investments to be approximately $2.6 billion.

    我們仍預計全年資本投資約 26 億美元。

  • As I mentioned last quarter, under the securities laws, we were prohibited from repurchasing our stock during the period between the mailing of the proxy in connection with the ChampionX acquisition and ChampionX's shareholders' vote.

    正如我上季度提到的,根據證券法,在郵寄 ChampionX 收購委託書和 ChampionX 股東投票期間,我們不得回購股票。

  • Following the shareholder vote in June, we have resumed our stock repurchase program.


  • And during the quarter, we repurchased 9.9 million shares for a total purchase price of $465 million.

    在本季度,我們回購了 990 萬股股票,總購買價為 4.65 億美元。

  • During the first half of the year, total returns to shareholders, in the form of stock repurchases and dividends, were approximately $1.5 billion, representing half of our $3 billion commitment for all of 2024.

    今年上半年,以股票回購和股利形式為股東帶來的總回報約為 15 億美元,占我們 2024 年全年 30 億美元承諾的一半。

  • Finally, we issued $1.5 billion of bonds during the second quarter.

    最後,我們在第二季發行了 15 億美元的債券。

  • The proceeds either have been or will be used to refinance our debt obligations.


  • We are pleased with our current capital structure, which allows us to prioritize returns to shareholders, as illustrated by our $3 billion total returns commitment for 2024 and our $4 billion commitment for 2025.

    我們對目前的資本結構感到滿意,這使我們能夠優先考慮股東回報,正如我們對 2024 年 30 億美元的總回報承諾和對 2025 年 40 億美元的承諾所示。

  • I will now turn the conference call back to Olivier.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Stephane.


  • And ladies and gentlemen, I believe we will open the floor for your questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) James West, Evercore ISI.

    (操作員說明)James West,Evercore ISI。

  • James West - Analyst

    James West - Analyst

  • Hey.


  • Good morning, Olivier, Stephane.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Good morning, James.


  • James West - Analyst

    James West - Analyst

  • So Olivier, I know in your guidance for the year, you didn't use the word or highlight raise, but it seems like there was a slight EBITDA guide raise.

    奧利維爾,我知道在您今年的指導中,您沒有使用“提高”一詞或突出顯示“提高”,但 EBITDA 指導似乎略有提高。

  • I guess, one, am I correct in that?


  • And two, is the guidance for '25 that you'd already laid out, I guess, now starting from a bit higher base, so the numbers need to move up across the board?

    第二,我猜你已經制定了 25 年的指導方針,現在從更高的基數開始,所以數字需要全面上升?

  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • That's a fair assessment and a fair reading of our guidance in the prepared remarks.


  • We had originally been guiding the EBITDA growth year on year in the mid-teens, and we have here confirmed that as we have delivered the second quarter and foresee further margin expansion in the second half driven by the different factors we highlighted, we still foresee the EBITDA growth year on year to be now in a range of 14% to 15%.

    我們最初指導EBITDA 同比增長在十幾歲左右,我們在此確認,由於我們已經交付了第二季度的業績,並預計在我們強調的不同因素的推動下,下半年利潤率將進一步擴張,我們仍然預計EBITDA年增率目前在14%至15%之間。

  • Hence, I believe this is indeed a very solid outlook for the EBITDA growth year on year and in line with our previous guidance, but certainly on the back of international margin expansion.

    因此,我相信這確實是 EBITDA 同比增長的非常可靠的前景,並且符合我們先前的指導,但肯定是在國際利潤率擴張的背景下。

  • And the success we have had in the second quarter, we expect to carry on as we continue to execute with credit to revenue and the favorable market position in the second half.


  • James West - Analyst

    James West - Analyst

  • Okay, got it.


  • And then maybe just a quick follow up for me.


  • It seems like international -- well, obviously, offshore looks great.


  • But international land, particularly in the Middle East, across the Middle East, whether it's KSA or UAE, looks like expansion is going to be significantly, or going to be strong.


  • Maybe it's not much above your expectations, but very, very strong growth.


  • Could you maybe highlight what you're seeing in the Middle East right now, across the region, and if there's any particular projects that makes sense to highlight?


  • I'd love to hear about it.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Yes, I think it's fair to say that we see a large breadth of growth engine across the region, Middle East and also North Africa, driven by a combination of oil capacity expansion program that I think you may know are still in full swing in many countries, including KSA.


  • But most visibly, the UAE, the Kuwait, and Iraq are running after Libya, running after visible oil capacity expansion program.


  • And the activity as such is indeed going up, and the addition of large conventional and unconventional gas projects that are being accelerated in several countries to respond to local demand and to a desire to transition.


  • And I think we are seeing it obviously in Saudi.


  • And we commented a lot on this before, and you may have seen in the earnings press release that have been awarded an extension and a large market for drilling services for the unconventional program in Saudi.


  • And we continue to fully participate into the other countries where this is very relevant, including UAE, committing to accelerate the unconventional, including Qatar that continue to expand, and including Algeria that is starting to look back and clearly having a path forward to also activity increase.


  • So all across the Middle East, we see growth year on year.


  • We see, as I said, the vast majority of the GeoUnit having a record revenue for this cycle and for many record-ever activity.

    正如我所說,我們看到絕大多數 GeoUnit 在這個週期和許多創紀錄的活動中都有創紀錄的收入。

  • And hence, we benefit from this very large breadth and multiple levels of activity growth in the Middle East, and we foresee it continuing going forward.


  • James West - Analyst

    James West - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • Thanks, Olivier.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • David Anderson, Barclays.


  • David Anderson - Analyst

    David Anderson - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning, gentlemen.


  • I want to talk about the key resilient markets that you mentioned a few times driving SLB's growth going forward.

    我想談談您多次提到的推動 SLB 未來成長的關鍵彈性市場。

  • I was wondering if you could give us your longer-term views on global natural gas markets and how they're developing and maybe your demand assumptions through the end of the decade.


  • Because I noticed that there was a number of contracts and awards that -- you're highly on natural gas or for unconventional, Qatar, Egypt.


  • So I'm just wondering, are you expecting your overall mix of business to shift towards natural gas in the coming years, and is that already happening?


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • No, I would say that more generically, as we see -- we see resilience on three aspects.


  • We have resilience on still oil capacity expansion and deepwater oil development happening and having significant resilience.


  • And you may foresee not an existing deepwater program in oil in the Latin Americas region, but you will see emerging new oil developments coming into Africa.


  • So that's a strong, resilient aspect of deepwater.


  • You see and you can anticipate gas resilience in deepwater development more in the East Med, Turkey, and Asia region.


  • And then you have the complex of indeed Middle East that is both reinforcing their oil capacity as I mentioned and gas.


  • So it's not only one market.


  • I think, gas, we have increased our share of gas activity in Middle East visibly.


  • We are very well exposed.


  • I would almost say we are long on gas in the Middle East region.


  • And we believe that it's a matter of offshore long cycle, both oil and gas, Middle East oil capacity and unconventional gas development, and Asia for gas security reason, offshore development for gas as well.


  • So it's a mix that is favorable.


  • And then we should not forget about North America.


  • That, I think, has a continued high intensity technology deployment to support sustained production growth for oil, particularly in the short term.


  • David Anderson - Analyst

    David Anderson - Analyst

  • So if I could dig in a little bit more on the offshore, you'd highlighted OneSubsea's performance this quarter with the backlog convergent.

    因此,如果我能在離岸業務方面進行更多研究,您會強調 OneSubsea 本季積壓訂單收斂的表現。

  • We saw a number of announcements as well during the quarter on the OneSubsea.

    本季我們也看到了 OneSubsea 的許多公告。

  • I was wondering, could you talk a little bit about the order book, how that's shaping up this year's take compared to last year?


  • And just kind of overall on your offshore portfolio, are you expecting growth to start to accelerate the next couple of quarters and into '25?

    就您的離岸投資組合而言,您是否預計未來幾季和 25 世紀開始加速成長?

  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • I think we see the market of deepwater.


  • I think you have two markets.


  • You have the market of offshore shallow, that is highly concentrated in Middle East and to the States and in Asia.


  • And then you have the deep-water market that is concentrated in America, Africa, and some part of Asia and Eastern Med.


  • And I think what we see, if you look at it more generically, we see three legs of activity developing for the future of deepwater large and offshore large, but deepwater in particular.


  • There is a strong portfolio of projects underway from Guyana to Brazil, from Norway to a part of Asia that we continue to complete and develop to the next two or three years and are part of the portfolio of subsea deployment that we have across.


  • Then you have a growing set of FID, and we expect that the offshore FID this year will be reaching $100 billion or exceeding this, and the same for 2025.

    然後你會有越來越多的 FID,我們預計今年的離岸 FID 將達到或超過 1000 億美元,2025 年也是如此。

  • And this FID is led by a combination of oil, a lot of oil FID being developed and being nearing a decision in the coming months, and some have just been approved.


  • And you have seen some of the announcements in Patria and Angola, and we are very pleased with this because it will feed us pipeline of subsea going forward.


  • And lastly, and we should not forget, that there is a third leg.


  • And the third leg is coming from exploration and appraisal activity that is not only happening in Namibia or not only happening in Brazil or in Suriname or in Asia, but I think it's very strong across many basins in frontier region as well as in infrastructure-led exploration.


  • And we believe that this third leg will certainly add quarters, if not years, of growth to the deepwater outlook, hence we have a very confident exposure to the deepwater market, to the offshore market at large, as we commented before that offshore represent about 50% of revenue exposure internationally and we see it extremely resilient.And we see multiple legs in the deepwater market going forward.

    我們相信,這第三階段肯定會為深水前景帶來幾個季度甚至幾年的成長,因此我們對深水市場和整個離岸市場充滿信心,正如我們之前評論的那樣,離岸代表大約50% 的收入來自國際,我們認為它極具彈性。

  • David Anderson - Analyst

    David Anderson - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, David.


  • Operator


  • Scott Gruber, Citigroup.


  • Scott Gruber - Analyst

    Scott Gruber - Analyst

  • Yes, good morning,


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Good morning, Scott.


  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • Good morning.


  • Scott Gruber - Analyst

    Scott Gruber - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • I wanted to ask about how you think about segmenting the portfolio next year when ChampionX comes in.

    我想問一下,當明年 ChampionX 加入時,您如何看待對產品組合進行細分。

  • I guess the heart of the question is, you have this awesome digital business.


  • It's growing rapidly.


  • It's going to be $3 billion or so in revenues next year.

    明年的收入將達到 30 億美元左右。

  • Does the ChampionX acquisition provide an opportunity for you to think about re-segmenting the portfolio to further highlight the digital business?

    ChampionX 的收購是否為您提供了一個機會來考慮重新細分產品組合以進一步突出數位業務?

  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • First, I cannot comment, obviously, you understand, where we stand on the regulatory process and usual process clearance on the ChampionX.

    首先,顯然,你明白,我無法評論我們在 ChampionX 的監管流程和通常流程許可方面的立場。

  • But obviously, we are looking at the way we could at the time of the closing and restructure and get better exposure to the digital if we can do this in a way that will indeed expose and provide a little bit more direct measurement of our success and ambition going forward in digital.


  • So that's -- we will -- that's the integration team looking into it, and we'll make this in due time and inform you.


  • Scott Gruber - Analyst

    Scott Gruber - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • We'll wait for the details, but good to hear.


  • And then you mentioned low single-digit revenue growth in 3Q and continued margin expansion.


  • That does sound like the margin expansion potential may be stronger into 4Q with those year-end sales.


  • Can you just provide a bit more color on how you see the margin expansion potential in shape enough for 3Q and then if you want to -- any additional color in 4Q?


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Yes, we would expect that on the low single-digit global growth sequentially in the fourth quarter to still increase margin expansion.


  • I will not give more precise guidance, and we expect an uptick in the fourth quarter driven first by an acceleration of our top-line sequential growth in the fourth quarter, in particular due to the year-end effect of product sales in both software, digital, and in some of our equipment division.


  • And this will lead to acceleration also of margin expansion.


  • So giving us a very good exit point, if you like, as we enter 2025, an ambition to continue growth as I mentioned and further expand the margin.

    因此,如果你願意的話,當我們進入 2025 年時,給我們一個非常好的退出點,即像我提到的那樣繼續增長並進一步擴大利潤率。

  • So that's setting the scene very well as we conclude the year with the gallons we have shared and preparing 2025 and the value of growth and margin expansion.

    因此,當我們以分享的加侖數和為 2025 年做準備以及成長和利潤擴張的價值來結束這一年時,這為我們奠定了良好的基礎。

  • Scott Gruber - Analyst

    Scott Gruber - Analyst

  • Sounds good.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Thank you.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Scott.


  • Operator


  • Arun Jayaram, JPMorgan.


  • Arun Jayaram - Analyst

    Arun Jayaram - Analyst

  • Good morning, Olivier.


  • You highlighted margin expansion for SLB through quality revenue growth, digital and efficiency gains.

    您強調了 SLB 透過優質收入成長、數位化和效率提升來擴大利潤率。

  • I was wondering if you could maybe elaborate on just the concept of quality revenue growth, what you're referring to there, and just maybe some of the plans to boost efficiency.


  • I assume there's some cost structure alignment going on at the company.


  • Maybe you could give us some more thoughts on that.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Yes, I think quality revenue growth is focusing selectively on where we believe we have the most operational leverage, the most pricing upside, and the most technology adoption potential to suit our growth with higher creative margin and hence to support our margin ambition expansion going forward.


  • We have demonstrated this very well in the second quarter.


  • We continue to focus on this selectively.


  • The market internationally remains tight, and it favors the best performer from execution.


  • And we'll use this to deploy technology, fit for basin technology, use our unique integration capability, and spice it up if I may with digital capability to increase and improve our margin going forward.


  • So that's where we look at what we call quality revenue growth.


  • And indeed, we have taken some measure to further support this by adjusting and relooking at support structure and where we could and we should adjust to prepare for supporting our goal and adjusting our skill set to fit where we see the most resilience going forward.


  • So that has been also contributing and will continue to contribute to margin expansion going forward.


  • Arun Jayaram - Analyst

    Arun Jayaram - Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • Just a follow up on D&I, your margins rebounded to 31%.

    就 D&I 的後續行動而言,您的利潤率反彈至 31%。

  • You reiterated your high teens growth outlook for digital.


  • I was wondering if you could maybe give us a sense of D&I margin progression over the balance of the year and just how you're thinking about the APS business broadly in Canada in terms of SLB's broader portfolio.

    我想知道您是否可以讓我們了解今年剩餘時間的 D&I 利潤率進展情況,以及您如何從 SLB 更廣泛的投資組合角度看待加拿大的 APS 業務。

  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • Hey, Arun.


  • Stephane [at your] service.


  • So yes, we were quite happy with the -- not only the top-line growth, but the margin expansion in the in the D&I division in the second quarter.

    所以,是的,我們對第二季的營收成長和 D&I 部門的利潤率擴張感到非常滿意。

  • And as I said earlier, it was all due to the digital business, so APS was, was flat.

    正如我之前所說,這一切都是由於數位業務,所以 APS 是持平的。

  • And as it relates to the rest of the year, we do definitely expect the digital margins to continue improving in the second half.


  • It will accelerate even more so in the in the fourth quarter on higher sales, but also on the effect of the changes we are making in the digital delivery and support organization to pool resources on a more global and regional basis to scale the business more efficiently.


  • So as it relates to the APS business, again, it is mostly flat quarter on quarter, so all the upside is coming from digital.

    因此,就 APS 業務而言,它的季度環比基本持平,因此所有的優勢都來自數位化。

  • And your question on Canada, I think we have signaled before that we were looking at divesting the asset and it's very much the case.


  • We have actually reached -- we have launched a formal process again.


  • We are quite happy with the results, so we move to the second phase of this process, which is that we had several offers.


  • We have shortlisted a selected set of buyers, and we are moving to negotiation with these selected set of buyers.


  • So it's so far so good.


  • It's going well on this process, and we'll update you later.


  • Arun Jayaram - Analyst

    Arun Jayaram - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you, gentlemen.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Arun.


  • Operator


  • Neil Mehta, Goldman Sachs.


  • Neil Mehta - Analyst

    Neil Mehta - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Good morning, team.


  • Olivier, I'd love your perspective on deepwater markets and offshores, particularly given some of the incremental investment in subsea and just how -- maybe you can characterize the different regions where deepwater is growing and what activity you're seeing and how that fits into your long-term strategy.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • I think it's a longer-for-better outlook first.


  • It's a market that has multiple legs, as I said.


  • And actually, if I start to list all the deepwater basins currently under production in future FID and future exploration, I think it will be a long list.

    事實上,如果我開始列出未來 FID 和未來勘探中目前正在生產的所有深水盆地,我認為這將是一個很長的清單。

  • What characterizes this cycle?


  • It is very broad in terms of region of the world and deepwater basins that are being either exploited, that are being explored, and that are being redeveloped.


  • And I think there are two or three fundamental reasons for this.


  • First and foremost is that the deepwater assets from, be it oil or gas, are typically geologically very strong assets and advantage assets.


  • Hence, they receive the utmost focus and priority.


  • When the IOCs are hiring in a portfolio, they typically concentrate on some of these assets, followed by select international independents and some NOCs for which deepwater is their backyard and their center of expertise.


  • So we see FID growth, we see exploration growth, and we see existing deepwater basins very solid going forward, hence very resilient and multi-finger and multi-legs, I will say, outlook for deepwater.


  • That's quite unique.


  • It's not one basin.


  • It's constrained by some rig capacity, and it's shifting to the right to some extent, but it's longer for better.


  • It's elongating, I would say, as a deepwater market and for the good because we have new basins emerging like Namibia.


  • We have basins being FID like Suriname.

    我們有像蘇利南這樣的盆地進行 FID。

  • We have a lot of explore activity in Asia, many part of Asia with some gas success and discovery in Indonesia particularly.


  • And we still have the hot East Med or Turkey basin, and we have new oil being explored in South Angola or in south of Brazil in the new Pelotas Basin.


  • So it's all hot and it's very diverse, and not forgetting about the deep formation into the Gulf of Mexico coming back, and if not Mexico as well in the south of the Gulf.


  • So more work into the future, more bookings in the future, and I think a very key and resilient market for us as we are very, very exposed to that offshore deepwater.


  • Neil Mehta - Analyst

    Neil Mehta - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • And then the follow-up is just around return of capital.


  • Obviously, some of the dynamics around ChampionX precluded you from buying back as much stock as you probably wanted to in the last quarter, but it seems like you're leaning into it.

    顯然,圍繞 ChampionX 的一些動態使您無法在上個季度回購盡可能多的股票,但您似乎正在傾向於這樣做。

  • So just talk about your return of capital intentions and how you're thinking about taking advantage of any dislocation that might exist in the stock.


  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • So Neil, we did try to take the most advantage of this by resuming very quickly our stock buybacks in June, right after the shareholders' vote.

    因此,尼爾,我們確實試圖充分利用這一點,在 6 月股東投票後立即恢復股票回購。

  • So we were able to accelerate there and actually catch up to the point where we got to just about half of our full-year commitment.


  • So the commitment remains the same for 2024 at this moment.

    因此,目前 2024 年的承諾保持不變。

  • It's a total of $3 billion between dividends and buybacks.

    股息和回購總計 30 億美元。

  • We will continue to monitor our cash flow, continue to look at our capital allocation.


  • For example, potential cash proceeds from divestitures, depending on their timing, can be an upside to buybacks.


  • But for the moment, the target for '24 remains the $3 billion.

    但目前,'24 的目標仍然是 30 億美元。

  • Neil Mehta - Analyst

    Neil Mehta - Analyst

  • Okay, very good.


  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Dan Kutz, Morgan Stanley.


  • Dan Kutz - Analyst

    Dan Kutz - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Good morning, Dan.


  • Dan Kutz - Analyst

    Dan Kutz - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • I wanted to ask a question more generally on M&A.


  • I'd love to get a sense of kind of your appetite as it stands today for incremental acquisitions, given that you guys have been pretty active recently to the extent that M&A ranks high on your capital allocation priority list.


  • We would just love if you could talk about some of the characteristics that you would look for in potential targets.


  • It seems like the theme of the recent acquisitions was kind of stability, longevity, and growth, given that they were kind of production or new energy related.


  • Just hoping you could kind of give us your latest thoughts on your M&A appetite.


  • Thanks.


  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • Thanks, Dan.


  • So you mentioned we've been quite active indeed.


  • So at this stage, we are really focusing on making those acquisitions and various transactions from Aker Subsea to Aker Carbon Capture to the planned acquisition of ChampionX as a success.

    因此,在現階段,我們真正專注於使這些收購和各種交易取得成功,從 Aker Subsea 到 Aker Carbon Capture,再到計劃中的 ChampionX 收購。

  • So we are -- the focus currently is more on integration than on new M&A.


  • And really, in terms of prioritization for the capital allocation at this moment, we are really prioritizing returns to shareholders.


  • Dan Kutz - Analyst

    Dan Kutz - Analyst

  • Great, that's helpful.


  • And then that is a good lead into my next question.


  • So on Aker Carbon Capture specifically, I mean, we can see the financials of the standalone entity.


  • I think the revenue growth has -- revenue has nearly doubled the last two years.


  • I don't think folks are doubting the top-line growth story or growth potential for that business.


  • But can you just talk about some opportunities to kind of drive margin improvement given -- following the transaction and given the resources of SLB combined with Aker Carbon Capture?

    但您能否談談在交易完成後以及考慮到 SLB 與 Aker Carbon Capture 結合的資源的情況下推動利潤率改善的一些機會?

  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Dan.


  • First, I would comment maybe stepping up on the CCS as a market.

    首先,我想說的是,也許會加強 CCS 作為一個市場。

  • I think we see this as a very attractive market for us, considering the adjacency on the sequestration and considering the integration capability we have acquired and the technology that we have acquired through Aker Carbon Capture.


  • So the market, independently -- and at this point, we see this market growing at more than 50% a year and very accretive to our growth.

    因此,這個市場是獨立的——目前,我們看到這個市場每年以超過 50% 的速度成長,對我們的成長非常有利。

  • And we don't see this slowing down necessarily soon.


  • And obviously, the addition of Aker Carbon Capture gives us an opportunity to participate at scaling market where Aker Carbon Capture wasn't exposed to, partly North America, where we're getting a lot of inbound requests as we form this unique combination with what we have invested into our own capture technology with carbon capture commercial technology.


  • We are seeing a lot of inbound requests and we have been awarded and part of two DOE-funded projects in North America and a lot of inbound requests from a company that are exploring and/or pursuing some carbon capture in North America.


  • We see the same in Middle East, and this will complement the strong pipeline that Aker Carbon Capture has already developed in Europe with three active projects and most likely more to come.


  • So we see that we combine our strengths in technology deployment at scale in every basin in the world, combining this with the subsurface sequestration technology leadership we have to offer customers an all-in capability from sequestration, design execution, to carbon capture, combining our technology with the technology of Aker Carbon Capture.


  • So we are very positive on this, and we believe that as this business will scale, as we will be in a position to add on many new innovation technologies on it, this will result into margin expansion and into ability to extract a lot of value from this acquisition.


  • Dan Kutz - Analyst

    Dan Kutz - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • That's really helpful.


  • I'll turn it back.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Dan.


  • Operator


  • Luke Lemoine, Piper Sandler.


  • Luke Lemoine - Analyst

    Luke Lemoine - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Good morning, Luke.


  • Luke Lemoine - Analyst

    Luke Lemoine - Analyst

  • Arun touched on it a little earlier with his question, but you mentioned cost efficiency programs a couple times in the release.


  • It sounded like maybe these were primarily support costs.


  • I guess first, is that correct?


  • And secondly, would it be possible to maybe frame the magnitude of these?


  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • Thanks for your question, Luke.


  • So really, this program is about extracting the most margin expansion and returns out of this growth cycle.


  • And it's not just support, even though it's one of the key elements of it.


  • So you have three main components.


  • So first, there's a more tactical adjustment, if you want, of our operational resources, mostly in US land to account basically for the lower-than-expected recount levels.


  • The second one relates to digital.


  • We are centralizing or regionalizing a certain number of delivery services to improve resource utilization so that we can better respond to the rapid adoption of our digital solutions.


  • And indeed, the third one, not a small component, about half of it, if you want, is increasing efficiency in our functional support structure.


  • It's something we do all the time, but here, we are completing the deployment of our new ERP system, so we really want to extract the most out of this.

    這是我們一直在做的事情,但在這裡,我們正在完成新 ERP 系統的部署,所以我們真的想從中獲得最大收益。

  • And it allows us to streamline some of the support structure.


  • In terms of magnitude, you've seen the charge this quarter, it's slightly over $100 million pre-tax.

    就金額而言,您已經看到本季的費用,稅前略高於 1 億美元。

  • I don't expect that this will exceed this amount in the third quarter.


  • We are still in the process of finalizing all the plans, so I cannot give you a number now, but it should not be of a bigger magnitude.


  • This will result in great savings and optimization of our cost lines, which you will see gradually towards the end of the year and of course in 2025.

    這將導致我們的成本線大幅節省和優化,您將在年底、當然是 2025 年逐漸看到這一點。

  • Luke Lemoine - Analyst

    Luke Lemoine - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Thanks, Stephane.


  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • Thank you.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Luke.


  • Operator


  • Saurabh Pant, Bank of America.


  • Saurabh Pant - Analyst

    Saurabh Pant - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning, Olivier and Stephane.


  • I guess I just want to go back to the OneSubsea joint venture, especially on the all-electric groundbreaking award you announced with Norway.

    我想我只是想回到 OneSubsea 合資企業,尤其是您與挪威宣布的全電動突破性獎。

  • That's a big deal, I think, from both a technical and a commercial opportunity standpoint.


  • Olivier, if you don't mind spending a little time on that, how should we think about that opportunity unfolding?


  • What are the constraints, especially on the regulatory side of that?


  • Just talk to the opportunity on just that, all-electric subsea side of things.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • This is a great question, Saurabh.


  • We are very excited.


  • We are very excited because we believe this is one of the legs of technology deployment that could change the game in the long term in the subsea infrastructure deployment.


  • First, because it allows a lower footprint, a smaller footprint, reducing and eliminating hydraulics into the subsea and ultimately eliminating cost; and secondly, allowing full digital control of the subsea infrastructure; and last, obviously, having an impact onto the carbon footprint of this infrastructure.


  • So we believe that for recovery, cost, and low carbon, we believe that there is a future for deepwater all electric, be it on a subsurface.


  • And as you have seen -- you might have seen that we have announced earlier in the year and last year that we had made progress and being awarded several contracts on the completion subsurface all-electric solution.


  • We'll continue to lead in this domain and combine it with all-electric subsea tree or subsea infrastructure that then when combined together with the subsurface gives us an opportunity to fully digitize and fully control and provide our customers and the operators the ability to optimize recovery and control and optimize the maintenance as well in this field.


  • So that's part of the future of deepwater.


  • It's electric, and we're very pleased to have been awarded this as a result of a consortium, actually, (inaudible) and other operators.


  • So this will take place in several basins, we believe, in particular in Brazil and another place, and we will be ready to deploy this for our customers


  • Saurabh Pant - Analyst

    Saurabh Pant - Analyst

  • Okay, that's fantastic color, Olivier.


  • Maybe I have a quick unrelated follow up on the D&I side of things.

    也許我對 D&I 方面的事情有一個快速的、不相關的跟進。

  • I think, in the press release, you mentioned in a couple of places about just the second quarter being held by exploration data license sales.


  • I know these tend to be lumpy, but is there anything to read into this on what's happening on the exploration side of things?


  • It does sound there are more exploration rounds across the globe, but Is it just lumpiness in the second quarter or is there anything we can read into on just where exploration is going?


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • No, I think the trend has been up, and I think it has been contributing in the line with our ambition for digital growth as the data exploration cells has been a success and we foresee this to continue to grow going forward in the quarters to come.


  • Sometimes, it will be up.


  • And sometimes, it will be slightly down, but we foresee growth, and I think this is driven by the frontier exploration.


  • This is driven by infrastructure-led exploration in metro basins, and this is driven by new generation of software, digital application that can relook an existing basin and extract more value for understanding and finding new hydrocarbon and/or new gas finds into the existing basins.


  • So we've very pleased to have a leading offering, both in terms of digital capability to reprocess existing datasets and also to be able to enhance the vintage datasets and to be having this in the right basin, in the right place, and partnering to many of these licensing rounds.


  • You're right to say that many licensing rounds expected this year.


  • No less than actually 70 licensing rounds have been announced across many parts of the world, and I think some of them are highly successful.

    實際上,世界許多地區已經宣布了至少 70 輪許可,我認為其中一些非常成功。

  • Deepwater has been a success for critical finds and critical hydrocarbon, both oil and gas in the last few quarters, and we expect this to continue.


  • There is increasing interest into the Pelotas, which is the last hotspot south of Brazil.


  • You have the Namib Basin south of Angola, north of Namibia.


  • You have Indonesia, India.


  • You have Bangladesh.


  • Many, many spots that are being discovered and being explored with fresh data sets and the opportunity to indeed boost and support our participation to this market going forward.


  • And I think we will continue to participate and maximize this.


  • And this will be, on occasion, lumpy, but we believe this will continue to grow.


  • Saurabh Pant - Analyst

    Saurabh Pant - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • No, that's a very tight answer, Olivier.


  • Thank you.


  • And I know you have made this business asset light, so it's critical to your returns, to your margins.


  • That's all very good to hear.


  • Thank you, Olivier.


  • I'll turn it back.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Saurabh.


  • Operator


  • Marc Bianchi, TD Cowen.


  • Marc Bianchi - Analyst

    Marc Bianchi - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I didn't catch if you said, but could you -- hello, Olivier.


  • Could you update us on your outlook for international and North America revenue growth in 2024?

    您能否向我們介紹一下您對 2024 年國際和北美收入成長的最新展望?

  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • I think we have been guiding earlier this year, and we remain fit on this guidance, that internationally, we foresee double-digit growth when excluding Aker and Russia.


  • North America, we have been guiding originally positive up to mid-single growth, and we have been realizing this down as the North America has been clearly impacted going forward.


  • But we still have opportunity to grow in the second half and to improve our margin as well in this basin as we adjust our resource and get the most out of the deepwater market in Gulf of Mexico as well as our participation with technology intensity in some part of the North American end market.


  • So no change, international, and lower growth in North America compared to original guidance.


  • Marc Bianchi - Analyst

    Marc Bianchi - Analyst

  • Yes, makes sense.


  • And then maybe for Stephane, back on the cost savings, so you mentioned that another charge in 3Q is not to exceed what we saw in second quarter for the actions you're taking.


  • Can you help us with how much of a profit uplift or cost-saving benefit you may get on a quarterly basis in the back half of the year and then once everything finally reaches its full implementation?


  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • Yes.


  • So as I said, we will really complete everything.


  • All the actions will be taken by the end of the year, but you will see gradually the effect on our margins in the second half.


  • And by the way, this is of course why we are confident in the updated, more precise guidance we gave for the full-year EBITDA.

    順便說一句,這當然就是為什麼我們對我們為全年 EBITDA 提供的更新的、更精確的指導充滿信心。

  • We will update you more precisely on the savings once we are done at the end of Q3, but as a -- in general, as a rough rule of thumb, if you want, you can assume that the payback on these actions is between 9 to 12 months.

    一旦我們在第三季末完成,我們將更準確地向您更新節省的情況,但作為一個粗略的經驗法則,如果您願意,您可以假設這些行動的回報在 9 之間至 12 個月。

  • Marc Bianchi - Analyst

    Marc Bianchi - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Very good, thank you.


  • I'll turn it back.


  • Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

    Stephane Biguet - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Marc.


  • Operator


  • Kurt Hallead, Benchmark.


  • Kurt Hallead - Analyst

    Kurt Hallead - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks for fitting me in here.


  • I appreciate the insights as always.


  • So Olivier, I think -- from my standpoint, Olivier, I'm kind of curious, right?


  • We've now had five or six months or so to digest the shift in game plan by Saudi Arabia from offshore to conventional gas.


  • You referenced that very explicitly in your commentary about unconventional gas being a growth market for you.


  • But I guess from where I sit, right, we're five or six months into this process, what have you picked up incrementally with respect to that opportunity?


  • And more importantly, what kind of legs do you see for that dynamic for you in Saudi in particular?


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • I think you may have been reading.


  • I don't want to speak on behalf of Saudi Aramco, but I think their commitment to their program to increase gas production by 60% from 2020 is very clear.

    我不想代表沙特阿美發言,但我認為他們對自 2020 年起將天然氣產量增加 60% 的計劃的承諾非常明確。

  • I think this touched both the conventional and unconventional gas reserve in Saudi.


  • The most visible element of this is obviously the unconventional gas large Jafurah project.

    其中最明顯的元素顯然是非常規天然氣大型 Jafurah 項目。

  • You may have seen that also explored successfully, new finds, both oil and gas, in the recent months.


  • So the country is set to expand in gas to complement the oil capacity, sustained capacity, and slight expansion.


  • And we are, as I said, favorably exposed.


  • And we have reinforced this exposure, strengthened this exposure with our recent wins, as you may have seen in the earnings press release from this morning.


  • So we're very pleased.


  • But the market is not only one project.


  • The market is not only one aspect.


  • The market is much more diversified in Saudi and furthermore in the Middle East.


  • So we are exposed to many aspects of the Saudi activity, both production and recovery, exploration, CCS, as well as well construction and production equipment, both offshore and onshore.


  • We have a very diversified exposure to this, and we benefit favorably to the exposure of the growth -- accelerated growth in Jafurah.

    我們對此擁有非常多元化的投資,並且我們從 Jafurah 的加速成長中受益。

  • So we are very pleased with where we are, and we are one of the most beneficiary of the accelerated gas expansion as highlighted in our EPR highlights.

    因此,我們對目前的狀況感到非常滿意,正如我們的 EPR 亮點中所強調的那樣,我們是天然氣加速擴張的最大受益者之一。

  • So that's where we stand.


  • Kurt Hallead - Analyst

    Kurt Hallead - Analyst

  • Great.


  • That's great color.


  • Always appreciate it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And now I'll be [turning the call] back to Olivier for closing remarks.


  • Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

    Olivier Le Peuch - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Leah.


  • So ladies and gentlemen, as we conclude today's call, I would like to leave you with the following takeaways.


  • First, the growth momentum continues with many of our international GeoUnits reaching new cycle highs.

    首先,成長勢頭持續,我們的許多國際 GeoUnit 達到了新的週期高點。

  • Combined with the increased adoption of digital technologies, the stage is set for further growth and margin expansion throughout the rest of 2024 and into 2025.

    再加上數位技術的廣泛採用,為 2024 年剩餘時間和 2025 年的進一步成長和利潤率擴張奠定了基礎。

  • Second, in this environment, no company is better positioned than SLB to capture quality growth.

    其次,在這種環境下,沒有任何一家公司比 SLB 更有能力實現高品質成長。

  • Our differentiated operating footprint, leading technical and digital offerings, and sustained commitment to operating efficiency and value creation have set us apart throughout the cycle.


  • Moving ahead, we remain favorably positioned in the highest-quality area of the market, supported by our differentiated technology deployment, integration capabilities, and performance.


  • And third, with a strong first half of the year behind us and full confidence in further international revenue growth, we are optimally positioned to continue our margin expansion journey, to generate cash, and to fulfill our commitment to return to shareholders, both in 2024 and in 2025.

    第三,憑藉上半年的強勁表現以及對國際收入進一步增長的充分信心,我們處於最佳位置,可以在 2024 年繼續我們的利潤擴張之旅、產生現金並履行我們向股東回報的承諾以及2025 年。

  • This is an excellent environment for our business, and I am confident that we will continue to deliver outstanding performance for our customers and our shareholders in the quarters ahead.


  • With that, I will conclude this morning's call.


  • Thank you very much for joining.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude your conference for today.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
