雷神技術公司 (RTX) 2020 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Raytheon Technologies First Quarter 2020 Earnings Conference Call.

    女士們、先生們,美好的一天,歡迎參加雷神科技公司 2020 年第一季財報電話會議。

  • My name is Ashley, and I will be your operator for today.


  • As a reminder, this conference is being recorded for replay purposes.


  • I would now like to turn the call over to Ms. Kelsey DeBriyn, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    我現在想將電話轉給投資者關係副總裁 Kelsey DeBriyn 女士。

  • Please proceed.


  • Kelsey DeBriyn - VP of IR

    Kelsey DeBriyn - VP of IR

  • Good morning, and welcome to the Raytheon Technologies First Quarter 2020 Earnings Conference Call.

    早安,歡迎參加雷神科技公司 2020 年第一季財報電話會議。

  • With me on the call today are Greg Hayes, our Chief Executive Officer; Toby O'Brien, our Chief Financial Officer; and Neil Mitchill, Corporate Vice President, Financial Planning and Analysis and Investor Relations.

    今天與我一起參加電話會議的是我們的執行長 Greg Hayes;托比‧奧布萊恩,我們的財務長;尼爾·米切爾(Neil Mitchill),公司副總裁,負責財務規劃和分析以及投資者關係。

  • This call is being carried live on the Internet.


  • And there is a presentation available for download from Raytheon Technologies website at www.rtx.com.

    可從 Raytheon Technologies 網站 www.rtx.com 下載簡報。

  • Please note, except where otherwise noted, the company will speak to results from continuing operations, excluding restructuring costs and other significant items of a nonrecurring and/or nonoperational nature, often referred to by management as other significant items.


  • Before we get started, just a few comments on the structure of the business and our leadership team.


  • Concurrent with the merger, we realigned the segments to create 4 industry-leading businesses: Raytheon Intelligence & Space, led by Roy Azevedo, is a combination of the legacy Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services and Space and Airborne Systems segments.

    在合併的同時,我們對各個部門進行了重新調整,創建了4 個行業領先的業務部門:由羅伊·阿澤維多(Roy Azevedo) 領導的雷神情報與航太部門(Raytheon Intelligence & Space) 是傳統雷神情報部門、資訊與服務部門、空間與機載系統部門的組合。

  • The second, Raytheon Missiles & Defense, led by Wes Kremer, is the combination of the legacy Raytheon Missile Systems and Integrated Defense Systems.


  • Third is our Collins Aerospace business, which is now led by Steve Timm.


  • And finally, Pratt & Whitney, which is led by Chris Calio.

    最後是克里斯·卡里奧 (Chris Calio) 領導的普惠公司 (Pratt & Whitney)。

  • When we speak to Raytheon Technologies' overall results for the first quarter, we will be referring to United Technologies stand-alone, including Carrier and Otis, while speaking to Raytheon Company's company level results separately.


  • At the legacy Raytheon Company business unit level, we will be speaking to each segment on a pro forma basis as the go-forward Raytheon Technologies businesses.


  • The company also reminds listeners that the earnings and cash flow expectations and any other forward-looking statements provided in this call are subject to risks and uncertainties.


  • RTC's SEC filings, including its 8-K, 10-Q and 10-K, provide details on important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements.

    RTC 向 SEC 提交的文件(包括 8-K、10-Q 和 10-K)提供了可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中預期存在重大差異的重要因素的詳細資訊。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • With that, I will turn the call over to Greg.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, Kelsey, and good morning, everyone.


  • So just a few things going on, and I recognize this is -- it's a little bit confusing.


  • But before we get started, let me just -- one logistical item to cover here.


  • So everybody knows we completed the spins of Carrier and Otis on the 3rd of April, concurrent with the merger with Raytheon, which created Raytheon Technologies.

    所以大家都知道,我們在 4 月 3 日完成了 Carrier 和 Otis 的分拆,同時與 Raytheon 合併,創建了 Raytheon Technologies。

  • But since the transaction occurred right after the close of the first quarter, the Carrier and Otis results are, of course, included in our numbers for Q1.


  • However, we're not going to discuss that today because they're going to be holding their own earnings calls later today, and then again, tomorrow morning for Carrier.


  • So our commentary today is going to only cover the New Raytheon Technologies which, of course, is simply a focused A&D company.


  • So with that, if you turn to Slide 2 in the webcast.

    因此,如果您轉到網路廣播中的幻燈片 2。

  • Let me just begin my remarks by talking about the COVID-19 pandemic and what we're doing to fight or help in the war on the pandemic.

    首先,我要談談 COVID-19 大流行以及我們正在採取哪些措施來對抗或幫助對抗這場流行病。

  • First, let me just thank our team, and particularly those of the production lines who are supporting our customers worldwide.


  • I also hope that you and your families are safe.


  • To put this in perspective, we have about 195,000 employees at Raytheon Technologies.

    從長遠來看,雷神技術公司擁有約 195,000 名員工。

  • Roughly 95,000 of those folks are working from home today.

    如今,其中約有 95,000 人在家工作。

  • And the other 100,000 are coming to either the office or to the factories to support our customers.

    另外 10 萬人將來到辦公室或工廠為我們的客戶提供支援。

  • And again, I think our -- just to keep in mind, our top priority is to ensure the health, welfare and safety of all of our employees.


  • And so we're focused on making sure we do everything we can and to implement best practices.


  • We're of course, deep-cleaning our facilities daily between shifts.


  • We're temperature-scanning our employees upon entry.


  • We're rotating shifts for social distancing and providing appropriate personal protective equipment for employees that can't work from home.


  • Preliminary cost of that was going to be about $0.08 to $0.10 for the year.

    今年的初步成本約為 0.08 至 0.10 美元。

  • Most of those costs will be incurred throughout the rest of the year.


  • It's a necessary expense, however, to ensure the safety of our folks.


  • Maintaining business continuity is also essential in order to support our commercial and defense customers during this time as we always do.


  • We'll continue to serve our customers with mission-critical products and services in the U.S. and internationally, and importantly, help them rebound when this is over.


  • To support the frontline workers, we have donated nearly 1.5 million pieces of PPE to health care professionals and the first-responders globally.

    為了支持第一線工作人員,我們已向全球醫療保健專業人員和急救人員捐贈了近 150 萬件個人防護裝備。

  • We're also using our 3D-printing capabilities to manufacture 20,000 face shields per month.

    我們還利用 3D 列印能力每月製造 20,000 個面罩。

  • And we're working with suppliers to provide parts to support production of ventilators.


  • In fact, our business in the U.K. and our business in Canada have actually come up with designs of ventilators, and we're working with local governments to begin manufacturing.


  • Supply chain stability, of course, is also top of mind.


  • We've engaged with thousands of our small business suppliers to support them, including disseminating relevant COVID-19 information and working with them to enhance and make processes more efficient.

    我們已與數千家小型企業供應商合作,為他們提供支持,包括傳播相關的 COVID-19 訊息並與他們合作,以增強流程並提高流程效率。

  • In terms of the impact on the business, the pandemic has led to unprecedented economic uncertainty and, of course, a huge slowdown in commercial aerospace.


  • While both stand-alone UTC and Raytheon began the year with a strong start, it's clear the rest of the year is going to be under significant pressure as a result of the pandemic.

    雖然獨立的 UTC 和雷神公司今年開局強勁,但很明顯,今年剩餘時間將因疫情而面臨巨大壓力。

  • Notwithstanding those challenges, however, we expect the rest of the year, Raytheon Technologies continues to be well positioned to deliver value over the long term.


  • At the same time, we're going to take immediate and necessary actions to reduce costs and to ensure we maintain a position of financial strength and market leadership so that we can emerge from this crisis stronger.


  • To that end, we're taking about $2 billion of cost reduction actions and about $4 billion of cash conservation actions on the commercial aerospace side.

    為此,我們在商業航空航太方面採取了約 20 億美元的成本削減行動和約 40 億美元的現金節約行動。

  • And we'll discuss this in further detail in the next few slides.


  • Okay.


  • Turning to Slide 3. I want to underline why this merger is even more important given the environment we face.

    轉向投影片 3。我想強調為什麼考慮到我們面臨的環境,這次合併更加重要。

  • As the world's most advanced A&D systems provider, our portfolio is balanced and diversified against commercial aerospace and defense as well as across geographies.

    作為世界上最先進的 A&D 系統供應商,我們的產品組合在商業航空航天和國防以及跨地區方面保持平衡和多元化。

  • This enables us to be resilient across business and economic cycles, evidenced by strong Q1 defense bookings and a record defense backlog of over $70 billion at a time when commercial aerospace is facing severe headwinds.

    這使我們能夠在商業和經濟週期中保持彈性,第一季強勁的國防預訂和在商業航空航太面臨嚴重阻力之際創紀錄的超過 700 億美元的國防積壓就證明了這一點。

  • Interestingly, Raytheon had a great first quarter book-to-bill of 1.44 and came into the merger with $50 billion of backlog.

    有趣的是,雷神公司第一季的訂單出貨比高達 1.44,並在合併時帶著 500 億美元的積壓訂單。

  • The legacy UTC aero business has had about $20 billion of defense backlog.

    傳統的 UTC 航空業務有約 200 億美元的國防積壓訂單。

  • So stronger together, clearly.


  • Our key defense franchises are also well funded.


  • Most importantly, we're well aligned with the National Defense Strategy, which is expected to shape future DoD budgets.


  • And when the aviation market and passenger traffic rebound, and they will, we will be even better positioned to deliver solid growth.


  • Additionally, the scale and complementary nature of our combined businesses allows us to continue to invest for breakthrough technologies for our customers as well as identify opportunities for technology revenue synergies.


  • With that, just a few highlights from our 4 industry-leading segments.

    以上就是我們 4 個產業領先細分市場的一些亮點。

  • Let me start with Collins Aerospace.


  • So Collins saw a continued capture of synergies in the first quarter with nearly $60 million, and that's on top of the $300 million we realized last year.

    因此,柯林斯在第一季持續獲得了近 6,000 萬美元的協同效應,這是在我們去年實現的 3 億美元的基礎上實現的。

  • Collins remains on track to achieve about $600 million of cost synergies.

    Collins 仍有望實現約 6 億美元的成本綜效。

  • That's from the UTC's acquisition of Rockwell Collins in late 2018.

    這是 UTC 在 2018 年底收購羅克韋爾柯林斯的成果。

  • Collins is particularly well suited with its air management interiors business to also provide solutions to the airline industry to further enhance passenger health and safety.


  • At Pratt, the GTF engine program achieved 2 significant milestones as the first in-service GTF engine exceeded 10,000 service hours.

    在普拉特,GTF 引擎計畫實現了 2 個重要里程碑,第一台在役 GTF 引擎的使用壽命超過 10,000 小時。

  • And more importantly, the program reached 5 million revenue flight hours across the combined GTF-powered fleet.

    更重要的是,該計劃在由 GTF 驅動的聯合機隊中實現了 500 萬小時的收入飛行。

  • Importantly also at Pratt, the Joint Strike Fighter program delivered the 500th production aircraft.

    同樣重要的是,普拉特聯合攻擊戰鬥機計畫交付了第 500 架生產型飛機。

  • We're just getting started with both of these programs.


  • Great future.


  • At Raytheon Intelligence & Space, during the quarter, the U.S. Air Force awarded RIS the Force Element Terminal Development program.

    在雷神情報與航太公司,美國空軍在本季向 RIS 授予了原力元件終端開發計畫。

  • That's expanding our Family of Advanced Beyond Line of Sight Terminal, our FAB-T franchise, to modernize and secure communication terminals on both the B-52 and the RC-135 aircraft.

    這正在擴展我們的先進超視距終端系列(我們的 FAB-T 特許經營權),以實現 B-52 和 RC-135 飛機上通訊終端的現代化和安全性。

  • Finally, our Missiles & Defense business booked over $2 billion on the Standard Missile-3 IB multiyear during the quarter.

    最後,我們的飛彈與國防業務在本季在標準飛彈 3 IB 多年期專案上預訂了超過 20 億美元。

  • Shortly after the quarter closed, RMD was also selected by the U.S. Air Force to develop the long-range standoff weapon, a strategic weapon that will replace the service's legacy air-launched cruise missile.

    該季度結束後不久,美國空軍還選擇 RMD 來開發遠程防區外武器,這是一種戰略武器,將取代該部隊傳統的空射巡航飛彈。

  • That's a great, great achievement for the company.


  • This franchise will be worth approximately $10 billion over its lifetime.

    該特許經營權在其生命週期內價值約為 100 億美元。

  • I think the most important takeaway, though, is each of these businesses is a leader in their respective markets and are all well positioned to generate significant value over the long term by combining technologies to generate revenue synergies across all of our businesses.


  • Okay.


  • Slide 4. Fundamental to our success is the strength of our financial profile.

    投影片 4. 我們成功的基礎是我們的財務實力。

  • And let me be clear, the balance sheet is strong and our liquidity position is solid.


  • Following the merger, we had about $8.5 billion of cash, net debt of about $25 billion and a solid investment-grade credit rating.

    合併後,我們擁有約 85 億美元的現金、約 250 億美元的淨債務和可靠的投資等級信用評級。

  • Combine these with the $5 billion revolver and a new $2 billion revolving credit facility, and we have plenty of financial flexibility.

    將這些與 50 億美元的循環貸款和新的 20 億美元的循環信貸融通相結合,我們擁有充足的財務靈活性。

  • And that's before an additional $2 billion or so of proceeds from the previously announced divestitures, the majority of which are anticipated in the second half of the year.

    這還不包括先前宣布的資產剝離所帶來的約 20 億美元的額外收益,其中大部分預計將在今年下半年進行。

  • And as I mentioned earlier, we're taking immediate actions to reduce costs by $2 billion and preserve liquidity with $4 billion cash actions.

    正如我之前提到的,我們正在立即採取行動,降低 20 億美元的成本,並透過 40 億美元的現金行動保持流動性。

  • We're reducing capital expenditures in the investments, we've deferred merit increases across the commercial businesses and we're cutting discretionary spending, just to name a few.


  • While many of these measures have been difficult, it is the right thing to do for the business.


  • We're also on track to deliver the $1 billion in gross cost synergies that we committed to when we announced the merger last June.

    我們也有望實現去年 6 月宣布合併時所承諾的 10 億美元總成本綜效。

  • We've got a strong execution track record and an excellent playbook from Rockwell Collins and Goodrich acquisitions.


  • And after months of integration planning, our teams are working seamlessly as one company.


  • And we're already executing on a detailed work plan to drive our synergy commitments.


  • Regarding shareowner returns.


  • As you might expect, we will not be repurchasing shares this year given the current environment.


  • However, we do remain committed to return significant capital to shareowners.


  • As a result, the return of the $18 billion to $20 billion that we outlined last June will more likely take place over a 4-year versus a 3-year time frame.

    因此,我們去年 6 月概述的 180 億至 200 億美元的回報更有可能在 4 年而不是 3 年的時間內實現。

  • We also remain committed to the dividend which our Board approved last week.


  • And we have sufficient cash and liquidity to maintain a competitive dividend even in this very difficult environment.


  • Finally, before I turn it over to Toby to take you through the results, let me make a comment on how we're thinking about our outlook.


  • Given all the uncertainty in our commercial aero business, we're not going to provide a Raytheon Technologies outlook at this time for 2020.

    鑑於我們的商業航空業務存在所有不確定性,我們目前不打算提供雷神技術公司 2020 年的展望。

  • Toby will give you some important information on how we're thinking about the business.


  • And we'll be back later in the year to provide more color as the situation continues to evolve.


  • With that, let me turn it over to Toby to take you through the first quarter results.


  • Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

    Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Moving to Slide 5. As Greg said, in spite of the developing COVID-19 pandemic, Q1 was a good start to the year for Raytheon Technologies.

    轉到幻燈片 5。正如 Greg 所說,儘管 COVID-19 大流行不斷發展,但第一季對 Raytheon Technologies 來說是今年的良好開端。

  • Since the spins and merger occurred on April 3, our reported Q1 results for Raytheon Technologies reflect the legacy United Technologies' stand-alone results, which include Carrier and Otis.

    自 4 月 3 日進行分拆和合併以來,我們報告的雷神技術公司第一季業績反映了傳統聯合技術公司的獨立業績,其中包括開利和奧的斯。

  • Going forward, Carrier and Otis will be reflected as discontinued operations, and Raytheon's legacy business will be included from April 3 onward.


  • Reported sales were $18.2 billion, down 1% versus prior year, including flat organic sales and 1 point of FX headwind.

    報告銷售額為 182 億美元,比上年下降 1%,其中有機銷售額持平,且受到 1 個百分點的外匯逆風影響。

  • Adjusted EPS was $1.78, down 7% versus the prior year, which you'll recall is above our expectations for the quarter.

    調整後每股收益為 1.78 美元,比上年下降 7%,您可能還記得,這高於我們對本季的預期。

  • Within the quarter, segment profit growth was more than offset by approximately $0.10 of COVID-19-related charges, the majority of which was noncash within Pratt & Whitney and Collins.

    本季內,部門利潤成長被約 0.10 美元的 COVID-19 相關費用所抵消,其中大部分是普惠公司和柯林斯公司的非現金費用。

  • Except for interest, below-the-line items were higher versus prior year as expected.


  • On a GAAP basis, EPS was a loss per share of $0.10, down year-over-year and included $1.88 of net nonrecurring charges and other significant items, of which $1.66 related to the portfolio separation charges.

    以 GAAP 計算,每股收益為 0.10 美元虧損,年減,其中包括 1.88 美元的非經常性淨費用和其他重要項目,其中 1.66 美元與投資組合分離費用相關。

  • $0.18 from noncash impairments, primarily related to Carrier and Otis and $0.02 of restructuring.

    0.18 美元來自非現金減值,主要與開利和奧的斯有關,0.02 美元來自重組。

  • Just a quick comment on our tax rate in the quarter.


  • You note the reported effective tax rate for the first quarter was 98.5%, which was a result of tax separation expenses.

    您注意到第一季報告的有效稅率為 98.5%,這是稅收分離費用的結果。

  • On an adjusted basis, the effective tax rate was 22.4%, which is closer to the effective tax rate that we expect for RTX going forward in 2020.


  • Free cash flow was better than expected at approximately $250 million and included about $700 million of onetime cash separation payments.

    自由現金流好於預期,約 2.5 億美元,其中包括約 7 億美元的一次性現金離職付款。

  • Total cash separation payments in the quarter were approximately $1.5 billion, of which approximately $700 million was reflected as financing outflow principally associated with make-whole payments in connection with the early retirement of debt.

    本季現金離職付款總額約為 15 億美元,其中約 7 億美元反映為融資流出,主要與提前償還債務相關的全額付款相關。

  • Turning to Slide 6. Raytheon Company, while not included in Raytheon Technologies' first quarter results, had a strong first quarter with bookings of $10.3 billion and a book-to-bill ratio of 1.44, leading to a record backlog of $51.3 billion.

    轉向幻燈片6。雷神公司雖然沒有包含在雷神技術公司第一季業績中,但第一季表現強勁,預訂量為103 億美元,預訂出貨比為1.44,導致積壓訂單達到創紀錄的513 億美元。

  • Net sales were better than expected at $7.2 billion, up 6.5% year-over-year.

    淨銷售額優於預期,為 72 億美元,年增 6.5%。

  • Not on the page, but cash flow from operations was also better than expected at an outflow of $98 million in the first quarter or a $313 million improvement versus the prior year, a solid start to 2020.

    雖然頁面上沒有顯示,但營運現金流也好於預期,第一季流出 9,800 萬美元,比前一年增加 3.13 億美元,為 2020 年開了個好頭。

  • With that, I'll hand it over to Neil to talk through the segment results.


  • And then I'll come back and share a bit about how we see the current environment.


  • Neil Mitchill - VP of FP&A and IR

    Neil Mitchill - VP of FP&A and IR

  • Thank you, Toby.


  • So starting with Collins Aerospace on Slide 7. Sales were $6.4 billion in the quarter, down 1% on an organic basis.

    首先是幻燈片 7 上的柯林斯航空航太公司。該季度銷售額為 64 億美元,有機下降 1%。

  • Commercial OEM sales were down 12%, driven by the 737 MAX grounding and anticipated declines in legacy programs partially offset by new program growth driven by the A320neo, 787 and A220.

    由於 737 MAX 停飛以及傳統項目的預期下降,商業 OEM 銷售額下降了 12%,而 A320neo、787 和 A220 推動的新項目成長部分抵消了這一下降。

  • Commercial aftermarket sales grew 3% driven by provisioning, which was up mid-teens, and parts and repair, which was up mid-single digit, partially offset by high single-digit declines in modifications and upgrades driven by anticipated lower ADS-B mandate volume.

    商業售後市場銷售額增長了3%,這主要得益於供應(增幅為10% 左右)以及零件和維修(增幅為中個位數),但部分被預期ADS-B 授權降低導致的改裝和升級大幅個位數下降所抵消體積。

  • Military sales were up 10%, led by higher F-35 volume.

    在 F-35 銷量增加的帶動下,軍品銷量增加了 10%。

  • And we also saw continued solid performance in our mission systems, communications, navigation and guidance solutions and ISR businesses.

    我們還看到我們的任務系統、通訊、導航和導引解決方案以及 ISR 業務持續保持穩健的表現。

  • Operating profit of $1.1 billion was up 3% from prior year with 80 basis points of margin expansion, drop-through on higher military and commercial aftermarket sales and continued synergy capture of an incremental $60 million as well as favorable FX and contract settlements in the quarter partially offset by headwind from lower commercial OEM sales and approximately $40 million in COVID-related charges.

    營業利潤為 11 億美元,比上年增長 3%,利潤率擴大了 80 個基點,軍事和商業售後市場銷售額增加,協同效應持續增加 6,000 萬美元,以及本季度有利的外匯和合約結算商業OEM銷售額下降以及約4000 萬美元的新冠肺炎相關費用部分抵消了這一影響。

  • Shifting to Pratt & Whitney on Slide 8. Sales of $5.4 billion were up 12% on an organic basis.

    轉向幻燈片 8 上的普惠公司。銷售額 54 億美元,有機成長 12%。

  • Commercial OEM sales were up 25%, driven by GTF and PW800 deliveries, which were partially offset by anticipated declines in V2500 production and lower deliveries of other PWC engines in March driven by COVID-19 impacts.

    在 GTF 和 PW800 交付量的推動下,商業 OEM 銷售額增長了 25%,但由於 COVID-19 影響,V2500 產量預期下降以及 3 月份其他 PWC 發動機交付量下降,部分抵消了這一增長。

  • Commercial aftermarket was up 4% in the quarter.

    本季商業售後市場成長 4%。

  • Growth in the GTF aftermarket was offset by a reduction in legacy shop visit inductions.

    GTF 售後市場的成長被傳統商店參觀量的減少所抵消。

  • Pratt & Whitney Canada aftermarket saw growth from higher shop visit content and a customer contract closeout partially offset by lower shop visits.


  • Ramping JSF production continues to drive growth at Pratt's military business.

    JSF 產量的增加繼續推動普拉特軍事業務的成長。

  • Military sales were up 16% on higher aftermarket sales across key platforms and increased F135 production volume.

    由於主要平台售後市場銷量的增加以及 F135 產量的增加,軍品銷量成長了 16%。

  • Adjusted operating profit of $439 million was down 2%.

    調整後營業利潤為 4.39 億美元,下降 2%。

  • Operating profit benefited from drop-through on higher military sales, continued GTF cost reduction, lower E&D and a customer settlement.

    營業利潤受益於軍事銷售的增加、GTF 成本的持續降低、E&D 的減少以及客戶結算。

  • These benefits were more than offset by higher G&A, which was primarily driven by COVID-related reserves of approximately $60 million; FX headwind; and the absence of the Q1 2019 divestiture and licensing agreement for approximately $30 million.

    這些收益被較高的一般管理費用所抵消,這主要是由約 6000 萬美元的新冠病毒相關準備金推動的;外匯逆風;且沒有 2019 年第一季約 3000 萬美元的剝離和許可協議。

  • Commercial aftermarket operating profit was flat, driven by a customer contract that was offset by GTF and legacy sales mix.

    商業售後市場營業利潤持平,這是由客戶合約推動的,但被 GTF 和傳統銷售組合所抵消。

  • Turning now to Slide 9. I'll talk through the legacy Raytheon businesses Q1 results.

    現在轉向投影片 9。我將討論雷神公司傳統業務第一季的業績。

  • As Toby mentioned, while these results are not included in Raytheon Technologies' first quarter reported results, we thought it would be helpful to share how these businesses performed.


  • You will find a reconciliation from the former legacy Raytheon segments to our pro forma new segments in the appendix.


  • So with that said, starting with RIS.

    話雖如此,從 RIS 開始。

  • For Q1, RIS sales were $3.6 billion, operating profit was $379 million and ROS was 10.6%.

    第一季度,RIS 銷售額為 36 億美元,營業利潤為 3.79 億美元,ROS 為 10.6%。

  • Of note, RIS also booked approximately $350 million on the GPS next-generation operational control system or GPS OCX program.

    值得注意的是,RIS 也為 GPS 新一代操作控制系統或 GPS OCX 專案預訂了約 3.5 億美元。

  • And it's worth mentioning the former Raytheon SAS business grew sales 15% driven by higher volume across numerous programs.

    值得一提的是,由於眾多項目的銷量增加,前 Raytheon SAS 業務的銷售額增長了 15%。

  • Additionally, the former Raytheon IIS business saw operating profit declined $45 million, primarily due to $34 million of gains from the first quarter of 2019 that did not repeat.

    此外,前雷神公司 IIS 業務的營業利潤下降了 4,500 萬美元,主要是由於 2019 年第一季的 3,400 萬美元收益沒有重複。

  • Moving to RMD.

    轉向 RMD。

  • Q1 sales were $3.9 billion, operating profit was $573 million, and ROS was 14.9%.

    第一季銷售額為 39 億美元,營業利潤為 5.73 億美元,ROS 為 14.9%。

  • At legacy missiles, operating profit was up $49 million or 26% driven by higher net program efficiencies.

    在傳統飛彈領域,由於專案淨效率提高,營業利潤成長了 4,900 萬美元,即 26%。

  • At legacy IDS, operating profit was up $79 million or 31% driven by higher net program efficiencies, including $35 million from a contract settlement.

    在傳統 IDS,由於淨計劃效率提高,營業利潤增長了 7,900 萬美元,即 31%,其中包括來自合約結算的 3,500 萬美元。

  • In addition to what Greg mentioned, booking highlights in the segment during the quarter also included approximately $500 million to provide advanced Patriot air and missile defense capability for the Kingdom of Bahrain.

    除了格雷格提到的之外,本季該領域的預訂亮點還包括約 5 億美元,用於為巴林王國提供先進的愛國者防空和飛彈防禦能力。

  • With that, I'll hand it back to Toby to provide an update on the current environment.

    這樣,我會將其交還給 Toby,以提供當前環境的更新資訊。

  • Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

    Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

  • Thanks, Neil.


  • I'm on Slide 10 now.

    我現在在幻燈片 10 上。

  • As Greg mentioned, we are clearly in uncertain times particularly for our industry.


  • That said, not everything about our future is unknown.


  • There are several factors we know or are getting comfortable with right now.


  • And there are certainly a number of elements that we're monitoring closely.


  • Let me take you through how we see it today.


  • First, for some knowns that should serve as tailwinds.


  • We see our defense businesses on solid ground.


  • We have record backlog and visibility to grow our defense businesses over the next few years.


  • Our franchises are well aligned with the National Defense Strategy, which should shape future budgets.


  • And we see demand for our advanced solutions internationally.


  • We have a robust synergy playbook that will utilize to create additional lift from Rockwell Collins acquisition synergies as well as generating the Raytheon Technologies synergies.


  • And as you heard from Greg, we are taking aggressive cost reduction and cash conservation actions in response to the current environment.


  • Now as I mentioned, we are optimistic about our defense business growth, and our expectations are largely consistent with when we began the year.


  • We are monitoring our defense supply chain and any potential disruptions that can occur.


  • However, we have good visibility into the demand side of our defense business and as a result, have provided a detailed outlook for our RIS and RMD segments in the appendix.

    然而,我們對國防業務的需求方面有很好的了解,因此,我們在附錄中提供了 RIS 和 RMD 部門的詳細前景。

  • At a high level, for RIS and RMD, we have guided to 6% to 8% sales growth versus 2019 and discussed the ability to improve operating income.

    在較高層面上,我們預期 RIS 和 RMD 的銷售額將較 2019 年成長 6% 至 8%,並討論了提高營業收入的能力。

  • As a result of the COVID-19 impacts, we are lowering RIS and RMD sales by $200 million or a little less than 1%.

    由於 COVID-19 的影響,我們將 RIS 和 RMD 銷售額減少 2 億美元,即略低於 1%。

  • Operationally and on a full year 2020 basis and for the remaining period of Q2 to Q4 2020, we see no changes to the previous defense outlook provided for legacy Raytheon businesses other than the COVID-19 impacts.

    從營運情況來看,2020 年全年以及 2020 年第二季至第四季的剩餘時間內,除了 COVID-19 的影響外,我們認為先前為雷神公司傳統業務提供的國防前景沒有任何變化。

  • Note, there are a few changes to the way we will report our numbers for RIS and RMD driven entirely by the merger and related accounting, including the stub period, EAC resets and purchase accounting impacts.

    請注意,我們報告 RIS 和 RMD 數據的方式發生了一些變化,這完全是由合併和相關會計驅動的,包括存根期、EAC 重置和購買會計影響。

  • You'll note that the appendix slide highlights the expected effects these items will have on these segments.


  • It is important to note, the EAC reset is merely a matter of timing and not a permanent loss of profit as the profit improvements will now be recognized over the remaining life of each program.

    值得注意的是,EAC 重置只是一個時間問題,而不是永久性的利潤損失,因為利潤的改善現在將在每個計劃的剩餘生命週期中得到認可。

  • We are confident in our defense growth in the future.


  • And although we are not providing an outlook for 2021, what I can say is that we are in a strong position to continue to grow these businesses and will not see the merger-related impacts on the accounting beyond next year.

    儘管我們沒有提供 2021 年的展望,但我可以說的是,我們處於繼續發展這些業務的有利地位,並且明年以後不會看到與合併相關的會計影響。

  • And finally, as you know, defense made up a little less than 30% of sales within Collins and Pratt in 2019.

    最後,如您所知,2019 年柯林斯和普拉特的國防業務佔銷售額的比例略低於 30%。

  • We continue to expect Collins and Pratt's defense sales to grow mid-single-digit organically in 2020 as we discussed at the beginning of the year.

    正如我們在年初討論的那樣,我們繼續預計柯林斯和普拉特的國防銷售將在 2020 年實現中個位數有機成長。

  • Now for what we're monitoring.


  • As we've discussed, the COVID-19 pandemic clearly has and will continue to impact our business in the aerospace sector as a whole.

    正如我們所討論的,COVID-19 大流行顯然已經並將繼續影響我們整個航空航太領域的業務。

  • The year can unfold in multiple ways but will certainly result in significant headwinds for our commercial aerospace segments.


  • We are monitoring several factors that will have a direct impact on the commercial aerospace market, including OEM production levels, airline financial condition, fleet groundings, revenue passenger miles and aftermarket data.


  • A few comments on these factors.


  • We know that OEM production rates have been significantly reduced.

    我們知道 OEM 生產率已顯著降低。

  • Aircraft fleets around the globe are parked, and IATA's latest forecast estimates 2020 RPMs will be down 48% year-over-year, all of which will have a significant impact on the commercial market in our segments and the commercial aerospace industry as a whole, including our commercial supply chain.


  • While we have and will continue to see disruptions in the supply chain, we are working very closely with our suppliers to ensure they remain financially stable and are able to meet our production requirements.


  • So let's discuss Collins.


  • While I can't provide an overall view on commercial OE or aftermarket sales and operating profit at this time due to the evolving market conditions, here's what I can tell you.


  • We would expect a sharp deceleration in both OE and aftermarket.


  • On the sales side, we expect OE sales to decline in line with OEM production and airline delivery schedules.


  • Aftermarket is equally as difficult to quantify, but we generally expect sales declines to be in line with RPM declines with a prolonged rebound that does not recover to 2019 levels within 2020.

    售後市場同樣難以量化,但我們普遍預期銷售下降將與轉速下降一致,並出現長期反彈,但不會在 2020 年恢復到 2019 年的水平。

  • We also continue to expect a point of headwind from lower ADS-B sales.

    我們也繼續預期 ADS-B 銷售下降將帶來阻力。

  • Moving on to Pratt.


  • As with Collins, we expect a sharp deceleration in both OE and aftermarket.


  • For Pratt OE, we expect our sales to decline in line with our main OEM customers, which is primarily Airbus for our large commercial engines.

    對於普拉特原始設備製造商,我們預計我們的銷售額將隨著我們的主要 OEM 客戶(主要是為我們的大型商用引擎提供服務的空中巴士)而下降。

  • On the aftermarket side, GTF overhaul activity will continue as we upgrade engines to the latest configuration.

    在售後市場方面,隨著我們將引擎升級到最新配置,GTF 檢修活動將繼續進行。

  • However, legacy shop visits are now likely to be down 50% or more over the prior year.

    然而,傳統商店的訪問量現在可能比前一年減少 50% 或更多。

  • As you're aware, Pratt & Whitney Canada was approximately 25% of Pratt's total sales in 2019.

    如您所知,普惠加拿大公司 2019 年銷售額約佔普惠總銷售額的 25%。

  • Pratt Canada will see a significant sales impact albeit not as large as the expected decline in the large commercial engine business.


  • With respect to free cash flow, we expect to generate positive free cash flow for the year, which will be driven by our defense businesses.


  • Given the range of outcomes that could materialize within our commercial aero businesses, we would expect these businesses to be about breakeven for the year.


  • And that's despite taking $4 billion of cash actions this year as we see headwinds at the commercial aero businesses largely due to working capital impacts as we work to ensure the health of our supply base and address under absorption.

    儘管今年我們採取了 40 億美元的現金行動,但我們看到商業航空業務面臨的阻力主要是由於營運資金的影響,因為我們努力確保我們的供應基地的健康並解決吸收問題。

  • The strong operating results in Q1 highlights the performance capability of Pratt & Whitney and Collins Aerospace and is indicative of the potential and growth the segments will see again as we rebound from the temporary market impacts resulting from COVID-19.

    第一季強勁的經營業績凸顯了普惠公司和柯林斯航空航太公司的業績能力,並表明隨著我們從 COVID-19 造成的暫時市場影響中反彈,這些部門將再次看到潛力和成長。

  • But for now, there are clearly a number of moving pieces with more unknowns than knowns.


  • We will continue to provide updates as the situation develops and we have a clear understanding of the pandemic's effect on our operations.


  • As for some Q2 color, as we have already said, we expect sales to be down significantly at Pratt and Collins.


  • We see Q2 operating profit at Pratt to be a loss and operating profit at Collins to be approximately breakeven.


  • And for RIS and RMD operationally, it's business as usual but for the previously mentioned EAC reset and stub period that will impact the results.

    對於 RIS 和 RMD 的操作來說,一切照舊,但前面提到的 EAC 重置和存根週期將影響結果。

  • Finally, we expect adjusted EPS in Q2 to be positive.


  • As it relates to the full year outlook, we will reevaluate our ability to provide our traditional sales, EPS and cash outlook after Q2.


  • Turning to Slide 11.

    轉到投影片 11。

  • We have provided you with some information to help with your modeling.


  • You will see our current thoughts on Q2 through Q4 ranges for these line items.


  • Of note, CapEx for Collins and Pratt will now be over $800 million lower than we expected at the start of the year to help mitigate COVID-19 pressures.

    值得注意的是,柯林斯和普拉特的資本支出現在將比我們年初的預期低 8 億美元以上,以幫助緩解 COVID-19 壓力。

  • Additionally, as far as corporate expenses for Q2 to Q4, approximately $400 million will be allocated to Pratt and Collins, leaving about $250 million to $300 million of residual corporate costs, which primarily relate to LTAMDS, a corporate project for the company.

    此外,就第二季至第四季的企業支出而言,約4 億美元將分配給Pratt 和Collins,留下約2.5 億至3 億美元的剩餘企業成本,這些成本主要與該公司的企業項目LTAMDS 有關。

  • Lastly, we are making a few changes to the way we measure our results and therefore speak to them externally.


  • We will continue to discuss our sales and earnings on an adjusted basis, consistent with UTC's legacy approach of excluding significant and nonrecurring items with a few changes.

    我們將繼續在調整後的基礎上討論我們的銷售額和收益,這與 UTC 排除重大和非經常性項目並進行一些更改的傳統方法一致。

  • Given the considerable acquisition and merger activity, we will be reporting our segment profit, adjusted earnings and adjusted EPS, excluding the noncash net expense associated with amortization, PP&E step-up and parity adjustments.


  • We believe this will provide investors with a better understanding of our results in relation to cash performance.


  • With respect to our segment operating profit, we will now be allocating the majority of corporate costs to our segments.


  • And finally, we'll reflect the FAS/CAS pension adjustment at RIS and RMD restructuring below segment operating profit in our statement of operations.

    最後,我們將在我們的營運報表中將 RIS 和 RMD 重組的 FAS/CAS 退休金調整反映在部門營運利潤下方。

  • Okay.


  • With that, I'll hand it back over to Greg.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, Toby.


  • I know that's a lot to digest, a lot going on.


  • Let me just maybe summarize it in my own way.


  • I think everybody needs to step back and take a deep breath.


  • I know a lot of change, a lot of uncertainty.


  • At the end of the day, the reason Raytheon and UTC came together were 3 simple reasons: It was technology, it was talent and it was balance.

    歸根結底,雷神公司和 UTC 走到一起的原因有 3 個簡單的原因:技術、人才和平衡。

  • The technology is self-evident.


  • And I would tell you the talent is also self-evident in the fact that we've got great leaders in our business from Wes to Roy to Steve to Chris.


  • Experienced leaders who know how to work in this challenging environment.


  • We'll do the right thing, as we always would.


  • We've also got a great corporate staff.


  • About half of it from Raytheon, half of it from legacy UTC.

    大約一半來自雷神公司,一半來自傳統的 UTC。

  • And again, we've lived through these crises before.


  • And we will support the businesses and some of the very difficult things that they're going to have to do.


  • But at the end of the day, we'll get through this as we always have.


  • As we think about the remainder of 2020, our priorities are pretty clear.

    當我們思考 2020 年剩餘時間時,我們的優先事項非常明確。

  • First of all, it's supporting our employees, keeping them healthy and safe, supporting our customers and importantly, our suppliers, also delivering technology and product innovation for our customers.


  • And we've got a lot of work to do on executing on the merger integration and delivering synergies, but we know how to do this.


  • Throughout our history, we've weathered a lot of challenges.


  • And we'll weather this one and come out stronger on the other side.


  • I remain excited about the future of our company.


  • And I'm confident that the teams we have in place will drive sustainable long-term value creation that will benefit customers, employees, shareowners and our communities.


  • With that, Ashley, let's go ahead and open it up for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) The first question will come from the line of Ron Epstein.

    (操作員說明)第一個問題將來自 Ron Epstein 的線路。

  • Ronald Jay Epstein - Industry Analyst

    Ronald Jay Epstein - Industry Analyst

  • Thanks for the complete call and all the info.


  • Just maybe starting off with defense because I'm certain you're just going to get bombarded with commercial questions.


  • When you think about international defense markets, in particular Saudi and what's going on with oil prices, and how important Saudi is to the legacy defense businesses at Raytheon, how should we think about that?


  • And is there any risk to those contracts?


  • And is there any risk to the Middle East, particularly Saudi business?


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Ron, look, there's always uncertainty.


  • When oil is $20 or $30 a barrel, obviously, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is challenged, as are most of the Middle East customers during this time.

    當石油價格為每桶 20 或 30 美元時,沙烏地阿拉伯王國顯然會面臨挑戰,這段時間的大多數中東客戶也面臨挑戰。

  • At the same time, I don't think peace is breaking out anytime soon in the Middle East.


  • And providing a solid defense posture to our customers over there remains a priority both for the U.S. government as well as for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all of our other customers over there.


  • So look, I'm -- so it's about 30% of legacy Raytheon business was international and I think it is not all Middle East.

    所以,雷神公司大約 30% 的傳統業務是國際業務,我認為這並非全是中東業務。

  • It's obviously a big piece in the U.K. we support, we've got the Patriot system in Poland.


  • We've got big operations in Australia.


  • It's not just a Middle Eastern business.


  • It's an important element of it, but it's not the whole thing.


  • So, so far, we have continued to see good cash come in from the Middle Eastern customers during the first quarter, surprisingly even with oil out there.


  • They need the equipment, they want the equipment and we need to help them defend themselves.


  • Toby, anything you want to add?


  • Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

    Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

  • Yes.


  • I think the only thing I'd add, Ron, is we're looking at a big award here in Q2 -- late Q2, maybe early Q3.


  • The production for the TPY-2 system for KSA, right, that's on track and it falls in line with what Greg said.

    KSA 的 TPY-2 系統的生產,對吧,正在按計劃進行,這與格雷格所說的相符。

  • The threat environment hasn't changed.


  • The need for our equipment is still there.


  • And then if you remember back, it was -- I'm going to be off 3, 4 years ago, right, when oil was down and same logical type of questions, and we came out of that strong with no implications.


  • And that's how we see this playing out as well.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Sheila Kahyaoglu.

    您的下一個問題來自 Sheila Kahyaoglu。

  • Sheila Karin Kahyaoglu - Equity Analyst

    Sheila Karin Kahyaoglu - Equity Analyst

  • Greg, you're right.


  • That's a lot to digest.


  • I realize you weren't guiding, but you gave us a few pieces to pull together.


  • So I think you said UTX aero free cash flow was breakeven.

    所以我想你說 UTX 航空自由現金流是損益兩平的。

  • And if we assume Raytheon free cash flow is $3.5 billion as a baseline because that's what it was last year and UTX generates free cash flow of about $1 billion stand-alone, does that provide a framework for about $4.5 billion combined as the bottoming of free cash flow in 2020?

    如果我們假設雷神公司的自由現金流為35 億美元作為基準,因為這是去年的情況,而UTX 單獨產生的自由現金流約為10 億美元,那麼這是否為作為自由現金流底部的約45 億美元的總和提供了一個框架?2020 年現金流?

  • Or are there other items like tax pension and working capital to think about?


  • Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

    Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Sheila, I think that's probably a little aggressive from the different modeling and the scenarios that we're coming up with here right now.


  • I think what you got to take into account is with these type of volume drops that we're seeing and how they're hitting us all at once, there are significant absorption impacts that we're dealing with and trying to, at least, start to mitigate with the cost and cash actions that Greg mentioned in his opening comments.


  • And the drop-through margin on this type of volume loss, especially when you look at the entire mix of the business between heavy aftermarket at Pratt, about 50% of their business, about 35% at Collins is aftermarket.

    這種銷售損失帶來的利潤率下降,尤其是當你看看普拉特的大型售後市場之間的整個業務組合時,他們大約 50% 的業務,柯林斯大約 35% 是售後市場。

  • When you piece that all together, including the other parts, we're talking about north of 50% type of drop-through.

    當你將所有這些(包括其他部分)拼湊在一起時,我們討論的是 50% 以上的直通型。

  • Combined with managing inventory levels with suppliers, right, and ensuring the health of the supply chain, working with customer request on extended terms, we see a little bit more headwind than I think you're thinking there.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Sheila, I think the thing to keep in mind is really working capital.


  • We've got a lot of inventory.


  • Typically, as you know, on the commercial aero side, lead times are somewhere between 12 and 18 months.

    如您所知,通常情況下,在商業航空方面,交貨時間在 12 到 18 個月之間。

  • So even as Boeing and Airbus reduced production schedules, we were not going to be able to take out all of the working capital associated with that.


  • We've also assumed, I would tell you, some slower payments from some of our customers, which will put pressure on cash.


  • So with all that, I think your $4.5 billion is optimistic, I would say.

    綜上所述,我認為 45 億美元是樂觀的。

  • It'll be a decent year.


  • We'll be able to fund the dividend, but I wouldn't get too much above that.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Carter Copeland.


  • Carter Copeland - Founding Partner, President and Research Analyst of Aerospace & Defense

    Carter Copeland - Founding Partner, President and Research Analyst of Aerospace & Defense

  • Greg, I wondered if you could just kind of give us a little bit more specificity and help map to the $2 billion in cost out.

    Greg,我想知道您能否給我們更多具體信息,並幫助我們確定 20 億美元的成本支出。

  • From what we've heard from a lot of other folks, it seems like your production plan now is probably 30%, 40% down on OE, 50%, 60% down on aftermarket.

    從我們從許多其他人那裡聽到的情況來看,你們現在的生產計劃可能是原廠生產計劃減少了 30%、40%,售後市場減少了 50%、60%。

  • Military is still holding in.


  • Volumes that are down, I don't know, call it, 40% on the year or something like that.

    我不知道,成交量下降了,可以稱之為年內下降 40% 之類的。

  • Is that about how you're thinking about production?


  • And how do you think about the cost structure and how that $2 billion maps to that in terms of what's a run rate saving versus a onetime or somewhat temporary cost out?

    您如何看待成本結構,以及這 20 億美元如何與運行率節省與一次性或暫時的成本支出相對應?

  • Any color there would be helpful.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes, carter.


  • So look, there's obviously, as you said, a lot of moving pieces here.


  • I would think about it more broadly like this.


  • Think about commercial OE, probably down about 50% for the rest of the year.

    想想商業原配設備,今年剩餘時間可能會下降 50% 左右。

  • That's in line with the 48% reduction in traffic that IATA forecasts.

    這與 IATA 預測的交通量減少 48% 一致。

  • Now it will vary by platform, as you look at 737 versus A320.

    現在,它會因平台而異,就像 737 與 A320 一樣。

  • So we're trying to match OEM production with what the customers, Boeing and Airbus and Bombardier and others, are telling us today.

    因此,我們正在努力將 OEM 生產與波音、空中巴士、龐巴迪等客戶今天告訴我們的資訊相匹配。

  • But roughly speaking, you can think about OE down about 50% for the rest of the year and aftermarket down probably in that same range.

    但粗略地說,您可以認為今年剩餘時間原廠設備下降了約 50%,售後市場也可能在同一範圍內下降。

  • So those are our big numbers.


  • Now what are we going to do about it?


  • So Chris and Steve on the commercial side have identified a number of actions.


  • The biggest, of course, is probably a reduction in E&D, about $450 million.

    當然,最大的可能是 E&D 的減少,約 4.5 億美元。

  • Now it seems like a lot of money.


  • We spend about $2.5 billion a year on the commercial aero side on E&D, so it's roughly a 20% reduction in E&D.

    我們每年在商用航空方面的 E&D 支出約為 25 億美元,因此 E&D 大約減少了 20%。

  • About $300 million of that is going to come out of Pratt.

    其中約 3 億美元將來自普拉特。

  • About $150 million of that comes out of Collins.

    其中約 1.5 億美元來自柯林斯。

  • So just to give you an idea.


  • Of course, also, we have stopped hiring.


  • We've put a hiring freeze in place.


  • We've deferred merits.


  • We're furloughing folks, both at the corporate office and across the commercial businesses.


  • Also, we've furloughed people in the factories.


  • And I expect there will be further reductions as we sort through all of these volumes.


  • The key is we don't want to cut the talent so deep that when the recovery happens, we don't have the right people.


  • So we're trying to be judicious.


  • We're trying to keep as many jobs as we can.


  • And to that end, the legacy Raytheon businesses have 2,000 openings today for folks, and we are actively working to try and take engineering talent and other talent that we've got in the legacy UTX business and move those folks over to programs on the Raytheon side.

    為此,雷神公司的傳統業務今天為員工提供了2,000 個職位空缺,我們正在積極努力,嘗試吸收我們在傳統UTX 業務中擁有的工程人才和其他人才,並將這些人員轉移到雷神公司的專案中。邊。

  • So there's a lot of pain to come yet, a lot of very tough decisions ahead of us in terms of production volumes.


  • But just generally speaking, think about 50 and 50, and you're going to be in the ballpark.

    但一般來說,想想 50 和 50,你就差不多了。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Robert Stallard.


  • Robert Alan Stallard - Partner

    Robert Alan Stallard - Partner

  • A quick question on the Boeing 737 MAX.

    關於波音 737 MAX 的一個簡單問題。

  • Are you guys actually shipping any product at the moment?


  • And as you look forward from here, are you aligning your cost base and capacity in line with what Boeing is saying about production rates heading back over 30 next year?

    當您展望未來時,您是否正在調整您的成本基礎和產能,以符合波音公司所說的明年生產力回落 30 多的說法?

  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • So we continue to support Boeing in the return to service for the 737 MAX.

    因此,我們將繼續支援波音 737 MAX 恢復服務。

  • The folks out in Cedar Rapids have been doing software turns and continuing to work with Boeing to make sure that we've got a certification standard that FAA will approve here.


  • Right now, I don't believe we're shipping anything today to Boeing.


  • We are aligning with their plans to ramp up production later this year and into next year.


  • Again, the lead time on that, roughly 12 to 18 months.

    同樣,交貨時間約為 12 至 18 個月。

  • So we've been on pause here for a couple of months of -- while Boeing has paused production.


  • We'll ramp up as they ramp back up.


  • I think they've probably got plenty of inventory today that they're going to need to work through.


  • So we're trying to match our ERP demand with what Boeing is out there forecasting.

    因此,我們正在努力將我們的 ERP 需求與波音公司的預測相匹配。

  • But right now, we're -- I think we're pretty well in lockstep across all the platforms, whether it's 787 or 737s.

    但現在,我認為我們在所有平台上都步調一致,無論是 787 還是 737。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Myles Walton.


  • Myles Alexander Walton - MD & Senior Analyst

    Myles Alexander Walton - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Greg, I guess timing is everything.


  • I definitely got -- first, a clarification and a question.


  • So Toby, the clarification.


  • On reported margins of the Raytheon businesses as they relate to EAC, I think you said something to the effect of -- the effect would be gone after '21.

    關於與 EAC 相關的雷神公司業務的報告利潤率,我認為您說了一些大意的話——這種影響將在 21 年後消失。

  • So just can you elaborate on what that -- we should think about as the margins looking from '21, I guess, into '22 on the accounting side?

    那麼,您能否詳細說明一下,我們應該考慮從 21 年到 22 年會計的利潤率?

  • And then the real question, maybe for Greg, is on Pratt.


  • In the aftermarket, you could have whole types of fleets retired, accelerated over the next year or so.


  • How much of Pratt's aftermarket is not V2500 at this point?


  • Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

    Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

  • So let me -- I'll hit the first one, Myles, on the EACs.

    那麼,讓我——邁爾斯,我將在 EAC 上擊中第一個。

  • The EAC reset to 0% complete.

    EAC 重置為完成 0%。

  • That's not purchase accounting, but it's really reflective of the acquisition accounting around the merger and the go forward, right?


  • So effectively, the merger reflects the to-go part of the programs that Raytheon has.


  • We still expect, just to be very clear, the same types of productivity that historically, on an annualized basis, have been close to 200 basis points, 180, 200 basis points of margin.

    需要明確的是,我們仍然預計,歷史上以年化計算的同類生產力將接近 200 個基點,利潤率將達到 180、200 個基點。

  • They're just going to be spread out over the next, call it, 18 to 24 months, given that everything is reset to 0% complete.

    鑑於一切都已重置為 0% 完成度,它們將在接下來的 18 到 24 個月內展開。

  • Post '21, we'd expect margins more in line with what the historical Raytheon business has been delivering, with the same focus on working to improve those and to grow the segment margin contribution from RIS and RMD.

    21 年後,我們預期利潤率將與雷神公司歷史業務的表現更加一致,同時專注於改善這些利潤並增加 RIS 和 RMD 的細分市場利潤率貢獻。

  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • So let me try and address the question on Pratt, and again, I'll give you some broad outline.


  • If you think about it, there's really 4 engine families that contribute to the aftermarket.

    如果你仔細想想,實際上有 4 個引擎系列為售後市場做出了貢獻。

  • The JT8D for the old MD-80s and such, which Delta is retiring, don't really have a significant impact at all anymore.

    達美航空即將退役的舊 MD-80 等機型的 JT8D 根本不再產生重大影響。

  • That's all gone years ago.


  • The biggest obviously is the V2500, as you know, and there's about 7,000 engines that we've sold.

    如您所知,最大的顯然是 V2500,我們已售出約 7,000 台引擎。

  • About 6,000 of those are still in active service.

    其中約 6,000 人仍在現役。

  • You, of course, got the GTF, which isn't really contributing much in terms of aftermarket today in terms of profit.

    當然,您擁有 GTF,但就利潤而言,它對當今售後市場的貢獻並不大。

  • There's sales associated with it.


  • And then, of course, you've got the legacy Pratt 2000, which is on the 757, and you've got the legacy PW4000, which powered some of the first 777s, some A330s, et cetera.

    當然,還有 757 上搭載的舊版 Pratt 2000,以及為部分首批 777、部分 A330 等提供動力的舊版 PW4000。

  • The V accounts for about 50% of the aftermarket today.

    目前,V 型汽車約佔售後市場的 50%。

  • The 2000, 4000 roughly, together, was about 1,000 aircraft out there.

    2000 架、4000 架加起來大約有 1000 架飛機。

  • You're talking maybe 20% or so of the aftermarket for Pratt.

    你說的是普拉特售後市場的 20% 左右。

  • So some of that will go away, some of it naturally.


  • I think as we think about it, those things have been on the decline for the last 10 years.


  • They will continue to decline.


  • We'll see what comes back into service.


  • With fuel prices as low as they are, the need for new aircraft is probably somewhat lessened, and people will probably fly some of the older, less efficient aircraft for a few more years to save on the capital of buying new airplanes, which as -- you'll probably see these things come back into service, although not in the numbers that we saw.

    由於燃油價格如此之低,對新飛機的需求可能會有所減少,人們可能會再駕駛一些舊的、效率較低的飛機幾年,以節省購買新飛機的資金,因為 - - 你可能會看到這些東西重新投入使用,儘管數量不是我們看到的。

  • So that's all contemplated in this reduction that we've been talking about for the aftermarket at Pratt.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from David Strauss.


  • David Egon Strauss - Research Analyst

    David Egon Strauss - Research Analyst

  • Wanted to ask about what you saw out of the aftermarket in April, maybe splitting it out between Collins and Pratt.


  • And then Greg, can you comment on the -- what all this does, the lower production rates on E320, what that does to the GTF's loss profile balancing?

    然後,Greg,您能否評論一下——這一切會產生什麼影響,E320 的生產率較低,這對 GTF 的損失曲線平衡有何影響?

  • You'll be delivering fewer engines, but you'll also, I assume, be coming down the learning curve more slowly.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • So on the GTF, obviously, as everybody knows, we lose money every time we ship an engine.

    因此,顯然,眾所周知,在 GTF 上,我們每次運送引擎都會賠錢。

  • And so there's actually good news from the lower production on the GTF.

    因此,GTF 產量下降其實是個好消息。

  • That is offset somewhat by the lack of absorption.


  • So all of the negative engine margin that we would typically see is not all going to flow to the bottom line.


  • You've got lack of absorption.


  • And importantly, you're coming down the learning curve.


  • You're taking 5% to 10% of the cost out every year.

    您每年要節省 5% 到 10% 的成本。

  • That's going to be slower as volumes go down.


  • You don't have the leverage in the supply chain.


  • So overall, you're probably going to get about $100 million of pickup as a result of the lower volumes on GTF.

    因此,總體而言,由於 GTF 銷量較低,您可能會獲得約 1 億美元的皮卡收入。

  • But I think that's a -- it's a relatively modest number because of the absorption impact.


  • I'm sorry.


  • What was the first part of the question?


  • Kelsey DeBriyn - VP of IR

    Kelsey DeBriyn - VP of IR

  • Aftermarket in April.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • I'm sorry.


  • Aftermarket -- let me just give you 2 data points that I think are indicative of where the aftermarket is going.


  • So Pratt typically gets about 1,000 engine inductions a year for the V2500.

    因此,Pratt 通常每年為 V2500 進行約 1,000 次引擎感應。

  • And most of those inductions were right about online.


  • We were seeing roughly 80 or so a month, January, February, even into March.

    我們每個月看到大約 80 個左右,從 1 月、2 月到 3 月。

  • April, not so good.


  • There was about 20 -- call it, 25 or so engines inducted into the overhaul shop.

    大約有 20 台(可以說是 25 台左右)發動機被送入檢修車間。

  • And so we'll see that revenue impact here in the second quarter because typically, as we repair these engines, they consume spare parts.


  • We recognize the revenue.


  • That's going to be the -- probably the biggest place where you'll see the impact.


  • On the Collins side, again, a similar number.


  • If you think about repair input, that is the things that come back to our shop around the world.


  • We've got a lot of shops.


  • Repair input for the month of April is down about 55%.


  • Again, this -- we think this is probably as bad as it gets, but it's happened very, very quickly.


  • And so hopefully, we'll see a slower recovery.


  • I think the best thing -- and you track the flights every day.


  • I get your little note there.


  • that's appreciated.


  • But the China business actually is coming back, slowly, but it is coming back.


  • Passengers are coming back and flying in China again.


  • And I suspect 2 months down the road, we'll see a slight recovery start.


  • Maybe it's 3 months or 4 months.


  • But there is some light at the end of this.


  • It's just going to take a little while, but we certainly have already seen the impact in April of the airline slowdown.

    這只是需要一段時間,但我們肯定已經看到了 4 月份航空公司放緩的影響。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Peter Arment.


  • Peter J. Arment - Senior Research Analyst

    Peter J. Arment - Senior Research Analyst

  • Greg, maybe just to ask the question on the V2500 in a different way.

    Greg,也許只是想以不同的方式問有關 V2500 的問題。

  • That 6,000 engines that you have out there, what's -- do you have like an average age?

    那裡有 6,000 台發動機,你們的發動機壽命是否達到平均水平?

  • Are we talking that this is still in the...


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • About 11 years.


  • Peter J. Arment - Senior Research Analyst

    Peter J. Arment - Senior Research Analyst

  • Low-teens?


  • 11 years.

    11 年。

  • So you still have a long...


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • So think about it.


  • About half of the Vs that are out there have not had its first major overhaul, and the other half have only had once.

    大約一半的 V 沒有進行過第一次大修,另一半則只進行過一次。

  • So if you think about it -- and you know the life cycle of these engines.


  • You go through 2, sometimes 3 major overhauls.

    您會經歷 2 次、有時 3 次大修。

  • So we're still in the third inning, I would say, of the life of the V2500 in terms of the aftermarket.

    因此,我想說,就售後市場而言,我們仍處於 V2500 生命週期的第三局。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Seth Seifman.


  • Seth Michael Seifman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Seth Michael Seifman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • So I was curious.


  • I saw in the notes that there was kind of a small intangible impairment at Collins Aerospace.


  • I mean how do you think about the risk of further impairments there?


  • And what are the pieces of the Collins business that you see as most at risk here?


  • How much of the aftermarket is discretionary?


  • How do you see things playing out at the Vs business?

    您如何看待 Vs 業務的發展?

  • And are these the places where you see the greatest risk of kind of a more permanent kind of reduction?


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, as you can expect, Seth, we took a hard look at all of the intangible assets as we were closing out first quarter.


  • And we obviously ran a bunch of different sensitivities analysis against these.


  • There was a small impairment.


  • I think it was $40 million at Collins related to some small businesses that they had that were part of the original acquisition of Rockwell Collins.

    我認為柯林斯公司的 4000 萬美元與他們擁有的一些小型企業有關,這些企業是最初收購羅克韋爾柯林斯公司的一部分。

  • But we have looked at all of the other intangibles.


  • Even with a worst-case scenario on aftermarket for the next 2 years, we did not see any potential for impairment.


  • There was plenty of runway there, additional cash flows, again, assuming a 2- or even a 3-year kind of recovery here.


  • So I'm not expecting big impairments here.


  • Now again, as the world changes, we evaluate this thing every single quarter, but we did a pretty good scrub.


  • And I guess, Neil, I'd ask you...


  • Neil Mitchill - VP of FP&A and IR

    Neil Mitchill - VP of FP&A and IR

  • Yes.


  • I would just add to that.


  • I mean when you think about the Rockwell Collins acquisition, which didn't happen that long ago, those were the assets that were marked to fair value most recently.


  • And so they're the ones that are most susceptible.


  • But all of this is noncash.


  • And so we will go through a process.


  • We'll continue to monitor the near term, midterm, long term and update that accordingly.


  • But I agree with everything that you just said there, Greg.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Noah Poponak.


  • Noah Poponak - Equity Analyst

    Noah Poponak - Equity Analyst

  • Toby, since you sort of spoke to a kind of floor in the 2020 free cash, and I know a lot of your investors are focused on the 2021 target that had been provided, and maybe there's less, sort of abnormal, below-the-segment working capital type of disruption, I wanted to see if I could get you to kind of speak to that.

    托比,既然你談到了 2020 年自由現金的下限,我知道你的許多投資者都關注已經提供的 2021 年目標,也許有更少的、有點不正常的、低於-部分營運資金類型的中斷,我想看看是否可以讓您談談這一點。

  • And I had -- outside of a bottoms-up model, I had kind of top-down just crudely been thinking, in the slides, when you -- from the deal, you had the 3 plus 3 from each business.

    我——在自下而上的模型之外,我有一種自上而下的粗略思考,在幻燈片中,當你——從交易中,你從每項業務中獲得了3 加3 的收益。

  • Pro forma 6 goes to 8. So if I just cut the UTC 3.5, I take out 1.5.

    備考 6 變成 8。因此,如果我只削減 UTC 3.5,我就會去掉 1.5。

  • Or if I look at the S-4 on a levered basis, it was kind of a 4 and 4 split to get to that 8, not quite.

    或者,如果我在槓桿基礎上看待 S-4,則需要將 4 和 4 分開才能達到 8,但不完全是這樣。

  • But -- so if I just took that 4 and cut it in half, I lose 2. So if I just took 1.5 to 2 out of the 8, can I think of 6 to 6.5 as the free cash kind of floor in 2021?

    但是,如果我只拿4 塊,然後將其減半,我就會損失2 塊。所以,如果我只拿8 塊中的1.5 到2 塊,我是否可以將6 到6.5 塊視為2021 年的自由現金下限?

  • Or would you still have some of these working capital disruptions or something else?


  • Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

    Anthony F. O'Brien - VP, CFO & Director

  • Yes.


  • So I understand the question, Noah, right.


  • Obviously, we haven't guided to 2020.


  • So we need to figure that out first.


  • Stating the obvious, the 2021 numbers you're referring to, right, certainly didn't consider there would be this type of environment because of the pandemic.


  • And I think the 2 things -- 2 or 3 things to help you a little bit, right?


  • Obviously, we expect defense to continue strong, right?


  • So that should be a tailwind for us going into next year.


  • The variable on the commercial aero side and any of the math that you're referring to is really the shape of the recovery and what type of trajectory we come out of 2020 at Collins and Pratt going into '21.

    商業航空方面的變數以及您所指的任何數學實際上是復甦的形狀以及柯林斯和普拉特在 2020 年進入 21 年後的軌跡類型。

  • And too early to tell at this point, but as you mentioned, some of the figures, right, both businesses have a strong history of delivering strong cash flow.


  • Just go back to 2019 results and you'll see it there.

    只要回到 2019 年的結果,你就會看到它。

  • So we'll get back there at some point, right?


  • We're going to -- we're not seeing any change to the underlying fundamentals of the Pratt or the Collins business as evidenced by even the Q1 results.


  • It's just too early to speculate more on 2021.

    現在對 2021 年進行更多推測還為時過早。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Robert Spingarn.


  • Robert Michael Spingarn - Aerospace and Defense Analyst

    Robert Michael Spingarn - Aerospace and Defense Analyst

  • Greg, I wanted to follow on the commercial aero questions asked so far because it seems like you see aftermarket leading the recovery over OE.


  • And I want to ask you, first, if I'm interpreting that correctly.


  • And second, how you differentiate the recoveries in your commercial aero market versus commercial OE businesses in terms of time line and then how that translates to Collins' and Pratt's recoveries.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, I guess the way I would think about it is as long as the airlines continue to fly, you're going to see aftermarket demand.


  • And I think, again, as I mentioned earlier, with fuel prices where they are, we would expect to see aftermarket demand pick up a little bit more quickly than OE demand just because today, you've got 55% of the world fleet parked.

    我再次認為,正如我之前提到的,在燃油價格不變的情況下,我們預計售後市場需求的回升速度將比原廠需求增長得快一些,因為今天,全球 55% 的船隊都停泊著。

  • The good news is if you think about it, really about 40% of that is COVID-related.

    好消息是,仔細想想,其中大約 40% 確實與新冠病毒有關。

  • Back in January, before all this started, you had roughly 15% of the 30,000 fleet parked.

    早在一月份,在這一切開始之前,30,000 輛車隊中大約有 15% 處於停車狀態。

  • So that means that 40% parked is a result of COVID.

    這意味著 40% 的停車是由於新冠疫情造成的。

  • Those planes will come back into service slowly.


  • And I think what you're going to see is those planes will come back before you see a lot of new OEM demand come back.

    我認為你將會看到的是,在大量新的 OEM 需求回升之前,這些飛機將會回來。

  • And so that's why we're thinking you're probably going to see a much -- not much.


  • You will see a quicker return on the aftermarket than you will on the OE side over the next couple of years.


  • As you know, I mean it's tough right now for both Boeing and Airbus to place planes because of the financing constraints that some of their customers are under.


  • Obviously, we'll work with Boeing and Airbus on that.


  • But I really think it's that parked fleet returning to service first before you see a lot of new aircraft out there.


  • Kelsey DeBriyn - VP of IR

    Kelsey DeBriyn - VP of IR

  • Ashley, we have time for one more question, please.


  • Operator


  • Your last question comes from Cai von Rumohr.


  • Cai von Rumohr - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Cai von Rumohr - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • So if you look at 2009, the aftermarket for the industry was down in low- to mid-teens, essentially about a 6% to 7% or less traffic decline.

    因此,如果你看看 2009 年,你會發現該行業的售後市場下降幅度在 15% 到 15% 之間,基本上流量下降了 6% 到 7% 或更少。

  • If you expect traffic to be down 50%, why won't the aftermarket be down more?

    如果您預期流量會下降 50%,為什麼售後市場不會下降更多?

  • Because this time, we also have ADS-B going against us, we have airlines talking of more retirements, and we have a much weaker OE backdrop and therefore, less provisioning.

    因為這一次,ADS-B 也對我們不利,航空公司正在談論更多的退役,而我們的 OE 背景要弱得多,因此供應量也更少。

  • So why isn't the aftermarket, if you're down 50% in traffic, going to be down 70%?

    那麼,如果流量下降了 50%,為什麼售後市場不會下降 70%呢?

  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, look, I think how much it's actually going to be down is the question of the day.


  • I would tell you, the ADS-B mandate, that was over at the end of December.

    我想告訴你,ADS-B 任務已於 12 月底結束。

  • So we actually already factored ADS-B into our forward-looking guidance for aftermarket.

    因此,我們實際上已經將 ADS-B 納入了我們的售後市場前瞻性指導中。

  • So I would tell you that's really outside of the 50% drop that we're talking about for an aftermarket.

    所以我想告訴你,這確實超出了我們談論的售後市場 50% 的下降範圍。

  • It really just depends.


  • If you look and take a snapshot of where we are today, obviously, aftermarket is going to be down a lot more in April and May than the 50%.

    如果你看看我們今天的情況,顯然,4 月和 5 月售後市場的跌幅將比 50% 的跌幅要大得多。

  • So we are expecting a gradual recovery through the course of the year.


  • And keep in mind, many of these -- many of the aftermarket contracts that we have on the Pratt side are hours-based.


  • So even if planes aren't flying full, if they're flying, they're generating revenue, they're generating aftermarket.


  • So that will help here as well to offset.


  • So I think about 70% probably of the Pratt fleet today is powered by the hour.

    因此,我認為如今普拉特車隊中大約 70% 的動力是按小時計算的。

  • And I think if you look at where China is today, they started this kind of slow recovery back up to about 40% over time, up from 20%.

    我認為,如果你看看中國今天的情況,你會發現他們開始了這種緩慢的復甦,隨著時間的推移,從 20% 回升至 40% 左右。

  • We expect to see kind of that same gradual recovery during the course of the year.


  • I'll tell you, we aren't going to know what the aftermarket looks like until we probably get to December 31.

    我告訴你,我們可能要等到 12 月 31 日才能知道售後市場的情況。

  • We'll continue to give you guys an update as we speak, looking at this really month by month to see what the recovery profile looks like.


  • It's not a sharp V. It is more like a U-shape.


  • And I still -- I think it's going to be a full 2 years before we see a recovery close to what we saw in terms of 2019 levels of aftermarket.

    我仍然認為,我們需要整整兩年的時間才能看到售後市場恢復到接近 2019 年水準的水準。

  • And that could be -- it could well be 3 years.


  • At the end of the day, we'll survive this.


  • We'll get through it, but it's going to be painful because, as you know, that is a relatively high-margin business, which affords us the opportunity to make these big investments in engines and other technologies across the portfolio.


  • Operator


  • I will now hand the call back to Greg Hayes for closing remarks.

    現在,我將把電話轉回給格雷格·海耶斯(Greg Hayes),讓其致閉幕詞。

  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Ashley, and thank you, everyone, for listening in.


  • I recognize a lot of data here, a lot of change going on.


  • Neil, Kelsey and team will be around today to answer your questions.

    Neil、Kelsey 和團隊今天將在現場回答您的問題。

  • Thank you all for listening, and I would just ask everybody to be healthy and safe.


  • Take care.


  • Operator


  • That concludes today's conference.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
