高通 (QCOM) 2021 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the Qualcomm Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2021 Earnings Conference Call.

    歡迎參加 Qualcomm 第四季度和 2021 財年收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded November 3, 2021.

    (操作員說明)提醒一下,本次會議將於 2021 年 11 月 3 日錄製。

  • The playback number for today's call is (877) 660-6853.


  • International callers, please dial (201) 612-7415.

    國際呼叫者請撥打 (201) 612-7415。

  • The playback reservation number is 13723721.


  • I would now like to turn the call over to Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    我現在想將電話轉給投資者關係副總裁 Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan。

  • Mr. Lopez-Hodoyan, please go ahead.

    Lopez-Hodoyan 先生,請繼續。

  • Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan - VP of IR

    Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan - VP of IR

  • Thank you, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Today's call will include prepared remarks by Cristiano Amon and Akash Palkhiwala.

    今天的電話會議將包括 Cristiano Amon 和 Akash Palkhiwala 準備好的講話。

  • In addition, Alex Rogers will join the question-and-answer session.

    此外,Alex Rogers 將參加問答環節。

  • You can access our earnings release and a slide presentation that accompany this call on our Investor Relations website.


  • In addition, this call is being webcast on qualcomm.com, and a replay will be available on our website later today.

    此外,本次電話會議正在 qualcomm.com 上進行網絡直播,今天晚些時候將在我們的網站上提供重播。

  • During the call today, we will use non-GAAP financial measures as defined in Regulation G, and you can find the related reconciliations to GAAP on our website.

    在今天的電話會議中,我們將使用法規 G 中定義的非 GAAP 財務指標,您可以在我們的網站上找到與 GAAP 相關的對賬。

  • We will also make forward-looking statements, including projections and estimates of future events, business or industry trends or business or financial results.


  • Actual events or results could differ materially from those projected in our forward-looking statements.


  • Please refer to our SEC filings, including our most recent 10-K, which contain important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements.

    請參閱我們的 SEC 文件,包括我們最近的 10-K,其中包含可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述大不相同的重要因素。

  • And now the comments from Qualcomm's President and Chief Executive Officer, Cristiano Amon.


  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Thank you, Mauricio, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Thanks for joining us today.


  • As the pace of digital transformation of industries accelerates and as devices become connected and more intelligent, our broad portfolio of technologies and solutions is creating a significant long-term growth opportunity for us.


  • As you can see from our results, the performance in our chipset business led to record fiscal fourth quarter non-GAAP revenues of $9.3 billion and record non-GAAP earnings per share of $2.55.

    從我們的業績中可以看出,我們芯片組業務的表現導致第四財季非 GAAP 收入創紀錄的 93 億美元,非 GAAP 每股收益創紀錄的 2.55 美元。

  • Notably, this is our fifth consecutive quarter of greater than 100% year-over-year EBT growth in our chipset business.

    值得注意的是,這是我們連續第五個季度在我們的芯片組業務中實現超過 100% 的 EBT 同比增長。

  • We also demonstrated revenue diversification with combined RF front-end, automotive and IoT fiscal '21 revenues exceeding $10 billion, an increase of 69% year-over-year.

    我們還展示了收入多元化,RF 前端、汽車和物聯網 21 財年的總收入超過 100 億美元,同比增長 69%。

  • Going forward, our chipset business represents the largest growth engine for us as virtually all devices at the edge adopt mobile technologies.


  • We have the relevant technologies required to continue to lead in mobile and the connected intelligent edge.


  • And as the edge gains scale in connectivity and adopts own device artificial intelligence, we're well positioned to become a leader in AI processing.


  • Let me now briefly highlight the strong momentum we continue to see in IoT across consumer, edge networking and industrial.


  • In consumer, we're pleased that our XR platforms are powering over 50 commercial devices and gaining scale with the leading VR and AR ecosystems.

    在消費者方面,我們很高興我們的 XR 平台正在為 50 多種商業設備提供動力,並隨著領先的 VR 和 AR 生態系統而擴大規模。

  • Our early investments have established Snapdragon XR as a device platform of choice for connecting physical and digital spaces.

    我們的早期投資已將 Snapdragon XR 打造為連接物理和數字空間的首選設備平台。

  • And recent market developments position us as one of the key enablers of the metaverse opportunity.


  • Additionally, the ongoing conversions of mobile and compute continues to drive demand for Snapdragon-powered premium tablets, 2-in-1s and laptops.

    此外,移動和計算的持續轉換繼續推動對 Snapdragon 驅動的高級平板電腦、二合一電腦和筆記本電腦的需求。

  • We are pleased with the strong market validation of ARM-based personal computing in the industry transition to a new SoC architecture.

    我們很高興基於 ARM 的個人計算在行業向新的 SoC 架構過渡中得到了強大的市場驗證。

  • We're more confident than ever in the connected computing opportunity, our upcoming solutions powered by our NUVIA CPUs and our collaboration with Microsoft.

    我們比以往任何時候都對互聯計算機會、即將推出的由 NUVIA CPU 提供支持的解決方案以及與微軟的合作更有信心。

  • We're also seeing increased traction in consumer electronics.


  • Our advanced technologies are powering category-leading devices such as the Peloton Bike+ in tread as well as the Astro, Amazon's recently announced household robot.

    我們的先進技術正在為領先的設備提供動力,例如胎面 Peloton Bike+ 以及亞馬遜最近宣布的家用機器人 Astro。

  • In edge networking, we are a leader in current and next-generation high-performance Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E access point solutions.

    在邊緣網絡方面,我們是當前和下一代高性能 Wi-Fi 6 和 Wi-Fi 6E 接入點解決方案的領導者。

  • And we continue to see high demand for our products driven by home and enterprise upgrade cycles.


  • We expect this trend to continue as productivity increasingly requires video collaboration as well as cloud processing and storage.


  • 5G as wireless fiber is now a reality in gaining scale.

    5G 作為無線光纖現在正在擴大規模。

  • In the United States, Verizon recently announced 5G home Internet service availability in 57 markets, including more than 2 million households covered on millimeter wave.

    在美國,Verizon 最近宣佈在 57 個市場推出 5G 家庭互聯網服務,其中包括超過 200 萬戶家庭使用毫米波。

  • In addition, T-Mobile is leveraging their 5G network to target 7 million to 8 million home broadband customers over the next 5 years.

    此外,T-Mobile 正在利用其 5G 網絡在未來 5 年內瞄準 700 萬至 800 萬家庭寬帶客戶。

  • We're seeing demand increase globally, making 5G as wireless fiber one of the fastest-growing last-mile broadband technologies.

    我們看到全球需求在增長,這使得 5G 作為無線光纖成為增長最快的最後一英里寬帶技術之一。

  • In industrial, we have expanded our Qualcomm IoT services suite to more than 30 verticals.

    在工業領域,我們已將 Qualcomm 物聯網服務套件擴展到 30 多個垂直領域。

  • As an example, in retail, our solutions are powering digital signage, payment and self-checkout devices from companies like Square and Clover as well as solutions from Honeywell, Panasonic, Zebra and others to enable new customer experiences, help empower store associates and improve operational efficiencies.

    例如,在零售業,我們的解決方案為 Square 和 Clover 等公司的數字標牌、支付和自助結賬設備以及 Honeywell、Panasonic、Zebra 和其他公司的解決方案提供支持,以實現新的客戶體驗,幫助增強商店員工的能力並改善運營效率。

  • We also continue to lead the way on product innovation with new launches like the Qualcomm Flight RB5, the world's first 5G AI drone platform.

    我們還繼續引領產品創新,推出全球首個 5G AI 無人機平台 Qualcomm Flight RB5。

  • In RF front-end, we expanded our product portfolio with our recently announced ultraBAW RF filter technology that support frequencies from 2.7 gigahertz to 7.2 gigahertz.

    在射頻前端,我們利用最近宣布的支持 2.7 GHz 至 7.2 GHz 頻率的 UltraBAW 射頻濾波器技術擴展了我們的產品組合。

  • This is the new industry benchmark for performance in this range.


  • ultraBAW technology also supports Wi-Fi bands, including 5 gigahertz, the newly adopted 6 gigahertz band for Wi-Fi 6E and future Wi-Fi standards.

    ultraBAW 技術還支持 Wi-Fi 頻段,包括 5 GHz、新採用的用於 Wi-Fi 6E 的 6 GHz 頻段以及未來的 Wi-Fi 標準。

  • This creates a new growth vector for RF front-end as we attach RF solutions to Wi-Fi.

    隨著我們將 RF 解決方案附加到 Wi-Fi,這為 RF 前端創造了一個新的增長載體。

  • Our RF front-end portfolio, combining ultraSAW and ultraBAW technologies, is now best-in-class from 600 megahertz to 7 gigahertz.

    我們的射頻前端產品組合結合了ultraSAW 和ultraBAW 技術,現在在600 兆赫到7 兆赫之間是同類產品中的佼佼者。

  • And with the addition of millimeter wave, we are the only RF front-end provider with a comprehensive solution for all bands.


  • As cellular expands beyond handsets, we're focused on extending our modem-to-antenna platform to automotive and IoT.


  • In automotive, we're creating a leading horizontal and open platform with our Snapdragon digital chassis, which includes our telematics, digital cockpit, Car-to-Cloud service, ADAS and autonomy solutions.

    在汽車領域,我們正在使用我們的 Snapdragon 數字底盤創建領先的水平和開放平台,其中包括我們的遠程信息處理、數字駕駛艙、車到雲服務、ADAS 和自動駕駛解決方案。

  • Taking the same approach we used to make smartphone, the world's largest computing and developer platform, we're currently working with automakers and Tier 1s to create a joint road map to build multi-tier, multi-generation, scalable and upgradable platforms for long-term sustainable business.


  • The strength of our digital chassis strategy is reflected in both our results as well as a strong design pipeline and is creating a platform for innovation for auto.


  • We are also very excited about Arriver.

    我們也對 Arriver 感到非常興奮。

  • Upon closing, Snapdragon Ride ADAS solutions will be complemented with Arriver's computer vision, drive policy and driver assistant assets, enhancing our ability to deliver on an open and competitive ADAS platform for automakers and Tier 1s at scale.

    完成後,Snapdragon Ride ADAS 解決方案將與 Arriver 的計算機視覺、駕駛策略和駕駛員輔助資產相輔相成,從而增強我們為汽車製造商和一級供應商提供開放且具有競爭力的 ADAS 平台的能力。

  • In handsets, we're successfully executing on our strategy.


  • Our premium tier Snapdragon solutions continue to gain traction with OEMs.

    我們的優質 Snapdragon 解決方案繼續受到 OEM 的青睞。

  • In fiscal Q4, devices announced or shipped with our Snapdragon premium tier products increased by 21% year-over-year.

    在第四財季,發布或搭載我們的 Snapdragon 高端產品的設備同比增長 21%。

  • Notably, all leading 5G Android smartphones OEMs by volume continue to power their flagship devices with Snapdragon.

    值得注意的是,按數量計算,所有領先的 5G Android 智能手機 OEM 都繼續使用 Snapdragon 為其旗艦設備提供動力。

  • Snapdragon continues to be the preferred choice for premium and high-tier Android smartphones in all regions.

    Snapdragon 繼續成為所有地區高端 Android 智能手機的首選。

  • As a result, we're benefiting from the changing OEM landscape in Android SAM expansion.

    因此,我們受益於 Android SAM 擴展中不斷變化的 OEM 格局。

  • Lastly, our licensing business achieved fiscal '21 revenues in excess of $6.3 billion.

    最後,我們的許可業務在 21 財年實現了超過 63 億美元的收入。

  • QTL remains the most successful licensing business in the industry, reflecting the strength of our innovation in cellular technology, the value of our extensive patent portfolio and our execution in securing long-term agreements with key OEMs as well as over 150 5G agreements to date.

    QTL 仍然是業內最成功的許可業務,這反映了我們在蜂窩技術方面的創新實力、我們廣泛的專利組合的價值以及我們在與主要 OEM 達成長期協議以及迄今為止超過 150 個 5G 協議方面的執行力。

  • As we have noted throughout the year, we continue to see incredibly strong demand across all our technologies as the current environment is accelerating the scale of connectivity and processing at the edge.


  • We still expect material improvements to our supply by the end of the calendar year, and our second sourcing initiatives remain on track.


  • Before I turn the call over to Akash, I would like to highlight that we recently announced a goal to achieve net-zero global emissions for Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2040.

    在我將電話轉給 Akash 之前,我想強調一下,我們最近宣布了到 2040 年實現範圍 1、2 和 3 的全球淨零排放的目標。

  • We also look forward to enabling a more sustainable future with 5G through its impact on greenhouse gas emissions reduction, energy and water use optimization, green jobs creation and more.

    我們還期待通過 5G 對溫室氣體減排、能源和水資源利用優化、創造綠色就業機會等方面的影響,實現更可持續的未來。

  • I would now like to turn the call over to Akash.

    我現在想把電話轉給 Akash。

  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Thank you, Cristiano, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • We are pleased to announce record fourth fiscal quarter results with non-GAAP revenues of $9.3 billion and non-GAAP EPS of $2.55, reflecting year-over-year growth of 43% and 76%, respectively.

    我們很高興地宣布創紀錄的第四財季業績,非 GAAP 收入為 93 億美元,非 GAAP 每股收益為 2.55 美元,同比分別增長 43% 和 76%。

  • For QCT, this was another record quarter with revenues of $7.7 billion and EBT margin of 32%, both above the high end of our guidance.

    對於 QCT 而言,這是另一個創紀錄的季度,收入為 77 億美元,EBT 利潤率為 32%,均高於我們指導的高端。

  • QCT EBT of $2.5 billion grew by 143% versus the year ago quarter on revenue growth of 56% and 12 points of EBT margin expansion.

    QCT EBT 為 25 億美元,與去年同期相比增長 143%,收入增長 56%,EBT 利潤率增長 12 個百分點。

  • We also delivered record revenues in each of QCT revenue streams: handsets, RF front-end, IoT and automotive.

    我們還在每個 QCT 收入流中創造了創紀錄的收入:手機、射頻前端、物聯網和汽車。

  • Handset revenues of $4.7 billion increased 56% year-over-year on strong demand across all major OEMs.

    由於所有主要原始設備製造商的強勁需求,手機收入為 47 億美元,同比增長 56%。

  • RF front-end revenues of $1.2 billion grew 45% year-over-year and included the benefit of pull-in of demand in advance of certain holiday launches.

    射頻前端收入為 12 億美元,同比增長 45%,其中包括在某些假期發布之前拉動需求的好處。

  • IoT revenues were up 66% year-over-year to $1.5 billion as digital transformation continues to drive higher demand across our diversified customer base.

    隨著數字化轉型繼續推動我們多元化客戶群的更高需求,物聯網收入同比增長 66% 至 15 億美元。

  • Automotive revenues of $270 million grew 44% year-over-year on the ramp of digital cockpit launches and continued strength in telematics.

    隨著數字駕駛艙的推出和遠程信息處理的持續發展,汽車收入為 2.7 億美元,同比增長 44%。

  • QTL revenues of $1.6 billion and EBT margins of 72% were in line with guidance.

    QTL 收入為 16 億美元,EBT 利潤率為 72%,符合預期。

  • These results reflect slightly lower-than-expected units, offset by favorable mix.


  • Lastly, we delivered GAAP EPS of $2.45, $0.47 above the high end of our guidance, driven by record non-GAAP earnings and approximately $500 million of gains in our QSI investment portfolio.

    最後,我們的 GAAP 每股收益為 2.45 美元,比我們指引的高端高 0.47 美元,這得益於創紀錄的非 GAAP 收益和我們 QSI 投資組合中約 5 億美元的收益。

  • Now I would like to highlight some key achievements in fiscal '21.

    現在我想強調一下 21 財年的一些關鍵成就。

  • We are exceeding all targets we set at our 2019 Analyst Day, which is a year earlier than forecasted.

    我們正在超越我們在 2019 年分析師日設定的所有目標,這比預測提前了一年。

  • We delivered year-over-year revenue growth of 26% in QTL and 64% in QCT, and more than doubled non-GAAP EPS to $8.54.

    我們在 QTL 和 QCT 中實現了 26% 的同比收入增長,在 QCT 中實現了 64% 的收入增長,並且非 GAAP 每股收益增加了一倍以上,達到 8.54 美元。

  • In QCT, we had greater than 50% year-over-year growth in each of our revenue streams, and EBT margins expanded from 17% in fiscal '20 to 29% in fiscal '21.

    在 QCT,我們每個收入流的同比增長超過 50%,EBT 利潤率從 20 財年的 17% 增長到 21 財年的 29%。

  • Within handsets, our Android revenues for our Snapdragon chipsets were approximately 40% higher than our primary competitor.

    在手機方面,我們的 Snapdragon 芯片組的 Android 收入比我們的主要競爭對手高出約 40%。

  • With our focus on diversification, RF front-end, automotive and IoT accounted for 38% of total QCT revenues.

    由於我們專注於多元化,射頻前端、汽車和物聯網佔 QCT 總收入的 38%。

  • Lastly, we returned 74% of our free cash flow to stockholders, including $3 billion in dividends and $3.4 billion in stock repurchases.

    最後,我們將 74% 的自由現金流返還給了股東,其中包括 30 億美元的股息和 34 億美元的股票回購。

  • Turning to our guidance for handset units in the first fiscal quarter.


  • For calendar 2021, we are narrowing the range for 5G handsets to 500 million to 550 million units.

    對於 2021 年日曆,我們將 5G 手機的範圍縮小到 5 億到 5.5 億部。

  • We are now forecasting mid- to high-single-digit growth in global 3G/4G/5G handsets relative to calendar 2020.

    我們現在預測,相對於 2020 年,全球 3G/4G/5G 手機將出現中高個位數增長。

  • For the first fiscal quarter, we are forecasting revenues of $10 billion to $10.8 billion and non-GAAP EPS of $2.90 to $3.10.

    對於第一財季,我們預計收入為 100 億美元至 108 億美元,非公認會計準則每股收益為 2.90 美元至 3.10 美元。

  • In QCT, we expect revenues of $8.4 billion to $8.9 billion and EBT margins of 32% to 34%.

    在 QCT,我們預計收入為 84 億至 89 億美元,EBT 利潤率為 32% 至 34%。

  • At the midpoint, this implies year-over-year revenue growth of 32% and EBT dollar growth of 49%.

    在中點,這意味著收入同比增長 32%,EBT 美元增長 49%。

  • The sequential revenue growth is driven by handsets due to higher demand, primarily for our Snapdragon chipsets in Android devices.

    由於需求增加,主要是針對我們在 Android 設備中的 Snapdragon 芯片組,手機推動了連續收入增長。

  • Following the record performance in the fourth quarter, we expect nonhandset revenues to remain in line sequentially.


  • Consistent with our previous guidance, we expect QTL revenues of $1.6 billion to $1.8 billion and EBT margins of 74% to 78%.

    與我們之前的指導一致,我們預計 QTL 收入為 16 億至 18 億美元,EBT 利潤率為 74% 至 78%。

  • This forecast assumes sequential unit growth in line with historical trends.


  • Lastly, we anticipate non-GAAP combined R&D and SG&A expenses to decrease 2% to 3% sequentially.

    最後,我們預計非美國通用會計準則的研發和 SG&A 費用將環比下降 2% 至 3%。

  • As a reminder, operating expenses are typically higher in the second fiscal quarter as it includes calendar year resets for certain employee-related costs.


  • Looking forward, fiscal '22 will be another exciting year for Qualcomm with year-over-year EPS growth expected to exceed 20%, driven by strength across all QCT revenue streams.

    展望未來,22 財年對高通來說將是又一個激動人心的一年,在所有 QCT 收入流的強勁推動下,每股收益同比增長預計將超過 20%。

  • In handsets, we are positioned to benefit from the $10 billion SAM expansion due to the changing OEM landscape.

    在手機方面,由於 OEM 格局的變化,我們將受益於 100 億美元的 SAM 擴張。

  • A portion of this benefit is reflected in our first quarter guidance, and we also expect it to contribute to the rest of fiscal '22.

    這種好處的一部分反映在我們的第一季度指導中,我們還預計它將為 22 財年的剩餘時間做出貢獻。

  • Before I finish my prepared remarks, I would like to thank our employees for their leadership and contributions in making 2021 successful.

    在我完成準備好的發言之前,我要感謝我們的員工為 2021 年的成功所做的領導和貢獻。

  • Finally, we look forward to seeing you at our Investor Day on November 16 where we will provide additional detail about our growth strategy.

    最後,我們期待在 11 月 16 日的投資者日與您見面,屆時我們將提供有關我們增長戰略的更多細節。

  • Thank you, and I'll now turn the call back to Mauricio.


  • Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan - VP of IR

    Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan - VP of IR

  • Thank you, Akash.


  • Operator, we are now ready for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Chris Caso with Raymond James.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自 Chris Caso 和 Raymond James。

  • Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

    Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

  • For my first question, perhaps you could help us out with what was different from your expectations heading into this quarter.


  • I know that you were struggling with supply constraints like everyone else in the industry.


  • Was it that supply came on better than you expected?


  • Was it the demand?


  • Was it a combination of both?


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Chris, this is Akash.


  • It was really a combination of both.


  • We were -- we had lots of strength in QCT really across all of our revenue streams with handsets, IoT and RF front-end.

    我們在 QCT 方面擁有強大的實力,我們在手機、物聯網和射頻前端的所有收入流中都擁有強大的實力。

  • Those are the 3 areas that did really well relative to our expectations.

    相對於我們的預期,這 3 個領域做得非常好。

  • And we were able to work through the supply constraints to address the demand that came up.


  • So it was really a combination of both.


  • Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

    Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • And maybe you could expand on your comments.


  • You spoke about, and I think I have this right, EPS growth is expected to exceed 20% as you go into next year.

    你談到了,我認為我有這個權利,隨著你進入明年,每股收益增長預計將超過 20%。

  • Can you give us some details?


  • I'm sure that's something that you're planning on hitting as you're going through the Analyst Day.


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Absolutely.


  • I mean it's -- just to clarify, what we guided is non-GAAP EPS growth of greater than 20%.

    我的意思是——澄清一下,我們指導的是非公認會計原則每股收益增長超過 20%。

  • And the key driver for that is really across all QCT revenue streams.

    其關鍵驅動因素實際上是所有 QCT 收入流。

  • So you're seeing the strength exiting the year, and that's the strength that's kind of playing out both in our first quarter guidance and also the full year.


  • The one thing I would highlight is within handsets, we're really in a strong position to benefit from the $10 billion SAM expansion we have previously discussed from the changing OEM landscape.

    我要強調的一件事是在手機領域,我們確實處於有利地位,可以從我們之前討論過的 100 億美元的 SAM 擴張中受益於不斷變化的 OEM 格局。

  • And a portion of this benefit is reflected in our first quarter guidance, and that's also contemplated in the greater than 20% EPS growth we are suggesting.

    這種好處的一部分反映在我們的第一季度指導中,我們建議的每股收益增長超過 20% 也考慮到了這一點。

  • Given that we expect handsets to grow faster than nonhandsets in fiscal '22, but really across the board, we'll have very strong growth rates and really set up to do well in the year and beyond.

    鑑於我們預計手機在 22 財年的增長速度將快於非手機,但實際上是全面的,我們將擁有非常強勁的增長率,並真正準備好在今年及以後表現出色。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is coming from the line of Matt Ramsay with Cowen.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Matt Ramsay 和 Cowen 的對話。

  • Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

    Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

  • Congrats on the results.


  • Cristiano, I wanted to dig a little bit with you into the guidance for the December quarter in QCT.

    克里斯蒂亞諾,我想和你一起深入了解 QCT 12 月季度的指導。

  • I think you guys mentioned in the script that, that was primarily going to be driven by your Android business and increased supply.

    我認為你們在腳本中提到,這主要是由你們的 Android 業務和增加的供應推動的。

  • So I just wanted to make sure that I got that right.


  • Obviously, that's a seasonally strong quarter for Cupertino, but I just wanted to dig a little bit more into the dynamics that are driving the fourth quarter in Android.

    顯然,對於 Cupertino 來說,這是一個季節性強勁的季度,但我只是想更深入地了解推動 Android 第四季度的動態。

  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • No, thanks, Matt, for the question.


  • Look, I think what you're starting to see exactly the correlation is going to different directions.


  • You're correct, it's a seasonally strong quarter for our modem-only shipments.


  • But the sequential revenue growth is primarily driven by Android handsets.


  • And demand for Snapdragon mobile platforms, both across premium and high tier, and consistent with what we said, we see an incredible opportunity to grow way faster than the market.

    以及對高端和高端 Snapdragon 移動平台的需求,與我們所說的一致,我們看到了一個難以置信的機會,可以比市場增長得更快。

  • And Android is the primary growth driver in our handset business right now.

    Android 是目前我們手機業務的主要增長動力。

  • Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

    Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

  • Very clear.


  • Akash, as my follow-up, 33% QCT op margins in the December quarter.

    Akash,作為我的後續行動,QCT 在 12 月季度的營業利潤率為 33%。

  • Obviously, there was a settlement with Apple and some things changed there.


  • But that number, I think, was 13% 2 years ago.

    但我認為,這個數字在 2 年前是 13%。

  • So I guess, a pretty remarkable progress.


  • I wonder if you might talk a little bit more, and maybe this is something for a couple of weeks from now at the Analyst Day, but the puts and takes and drivers of the QCT op margin going forward.

    我想知道您是否可以多說一點,也許這是從現在開始的分析師日幾週內的事情,但是看跌期權和未來 QCT 運營利潤率的驅動因素。

  • And where are we -- is this a seasonal peak?


  • Or is this a new trend?


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Matt, thanks for the question.


  • Yes, we are very pleased by the operating margin performance as well.


  • So maybe I'll point to a couple of drivers, but really, we are planning to address this in a lot more detail in a couple of weeks.


  • So I'll ask you to hold until then.


  • If you see our gross margin performance in the September quarter that we just reported, very strong gross margins, and we are forecasting in similar range going into the December quarter.

    如果您看到我們剛剛報告的 9 月季度的毛利率表現,毛利率非常強勁,我們預測到 12 月季度的毛利率範圍類似。

  • And then year-over-year, if you look at the full year, so abstract back from the seasonality, we went from 17% in fiscal '20 to 29% in fiscal '21.

    然後與去年同期相比,如果你看一下全年,從季節性中抽像出來,我們從 20 財年的 17% 上升到 21 財年的 29%。

  • And so we feel obviously very comfortable with that number.


  • And in a couple of weeks, we'll talk about how the combination of revenue growth and gross margin percentage and R&D leverage will take us going forward.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Samik Chatterjee with JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Samik Chatterjee。

  • Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

    Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

  • I guess, Cristiano, Akash, both of you are sounding great on Android adoption of your premium chipsets going into the December quarter.

    我想,克里斯蒂亞諾和阿卡什,你們倆在進入 12 月季度的高端芯片組採用 Android 時聽起來都很棒。

  • I just wanted to kind of see if I can get some more color about how you're thinking about adoption of millimeter wave with the Android customers.

    我只是想看看我能否獲得更多關於您如何考慮在 Android 客戶中採用毫米波的信息。

  • I know there has been some investor conversation or disappointment around the primary customer not deploying or more widely rolling out millimeter wave this year.


  • So just wanted to get kind of what you're seeing in the pipeline relative to millimeter wave?


  • And how are Android customers sounding about that?

    Android 客戶對此有何看法?

  • And I have a follow-up.


  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Samik, thanks for asking the question.


  • Our position on millimeter wave remains unchanged and will remain unchanged.


  • There are 2, I think, answers to your question.


  • The first one is continue to track exactly as we expected.


  • We have millimeter wave in the United States.


  • It's now commercially available in Japan across all carriers, Docomo, SoftBank, KDDI, even the new carrier Rakuten.

    它現在在日本的所有運營商、Docomo、SoftBank、KDDI 甚至新運營商樂天都可以買到。

  • And we continue to be optimistic about the opportunity of millimeter wave becoming commercial over time in China.


  • The first milestone is the millimeter wave for the Winter Olympics early 2022.

    第一個里程碑是 2022 年初冬季奧運會的毫米波。

  • Japan is moving for millimeter wave, and nothing has changed to carriers' plans to continue to build this technology.


  • And there are a number of commercial millimeter wave smartphones in Japan that includes the Galaxy Note the GS21 and Galaxy Fold and Sony.

    日本有許多商用毫米波智能手機,包括 Galaxy Note、GS21、Galaxy Fold 和索尼。

  • And from our perspective, just knowing what we know of wireless and how the growth of data is going in the spectrum efficiency, millimeter wave is inevitable.


  • It's just a matter of time.


  • And it's just different markets will deploy at different speeds, but that's how we get more spectrum, and our position in millimeter wave remains unchanged.


  • Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

    Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

  • For my follow-up, if I can ask you on Arriver.

    對於我的後續行動,如果我可以在 Arriver 上問你。

  • We've got some investors asking about how to think about the opportunity with Arriver and how should we think about OEM customers that are looking for a full stack solution versus OEMs that look for more of like just the hardware piece of that stack and leveraging Qualcomm from that aspect.

    我們有一些投資者詢問如何考慮 Arriver 的機會,以及我們應該如何考慮正在尋找完整堆棧解決方案的 OEM 客戶與尋求更像該堆棧的硬件部分並利用 Qualcomm 的 OEM從那個方面。

  • And then if you can provide any updates, I think you've updated us on the purchase price along with SSA partners.

    然後,如果您可以提供任何更新,我認為您已經與 SSA 合作夥伴一起更新了我們的購買價格。

  • But what -- any more details around the closing as well as the price for Qualcomm stand-alone for the Arriver asset?

    但是,關於收盤的更多細節以及高通獨立的 Arriver 資產的價格是什麼?

  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • We're very excited about the Veoneer acquisition and Arriver technology.

    我們對 Veoneer 的收購和 Arriver 技術感到非常興奮。

  • As we said before, we're the natural owners of that assets.


  • We were -- believe we're on track to get the ability to get all the approvals and close on this transaction.

    我們 - 相信我們有望獲得所有批准並完成這筆交易。

  • And more importantly, as we had a business corporation in place with Veoneer prior to the acquisition, that remains unchanged and allow us to continue to progress towards our ADAS platform.

    更重要的是,由於我們在收購前與 Veoneer 建立了商業公司,這保持不變,使我們能夠繼續向我們的 ADAS 平台邁進。

  • We're getting incredibly positive feedback from the market from the ability to provide a truly open, horizontal platform for ADAS.

    由於能夠為 ADAS 提供真正開放的橫向平台,我們從市場獲得了令人難以置信的積極反饋。

  • And I highly encourage you to be at our New York Analyst Day.


  • We have a lot more details to provide about what we're doing in ADAS and autonomy.

    關於我們在 ADAS 和自主性方面所做的工作,我們有更多詳細信息可以提供。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is coming from the line of Stacy Rasgon with Bernstein Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Bernstein Research 的 Stacy Rasgon。

  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • For my first one, I was curious, just given the current state of the handset market, what kind of handset growth you have embedded in your more than 20% EPS forecast for 2022?

    對於我的第一個問題,我很好奇,鑑於手機市場的現狀,您在 2022 年超過 20% 的每股收益預測中嵌入了什麼樣的手機增長?

  • Are you looking for recovery?


  • Or is it all around content?


  • Like how are we thinking about unit growth in the market to drive that?


  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • Stacy, for the guidance that we gave, there are no heroic assumptions on market growth.


  • We're assuming similar scale to this year.


  • And within that, we feel comfortable that we have the opportunities in front of us to grow.


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Got it.


  • So still like mid- to high single digit?


  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • That's right.


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Got it.


  • For my follow-up, I know you've had supply issues.


  • I know they're resolving by the end of the calendar year.


  • Are you still under-shipping what you could ship if you had supply?


  • And as that supply eases up, does that have any impact on how we might think about typical seasonality in the March quarter?


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Stacy, it's Akash.


  • So we do have constraints really across the board, and you have to figure out how the demand would have played out if there was supply across the industry.


  • But we feel pretty comfortable that the overall supply picture is playing out exactly as we had planned.


  • We saw this coming early, and we've been talking about it for the last couple of quarters, and we've put in place plans both for dual-sourcing for certain parts.


  • We've now announced 3 parts that are dual-sourced that are available.

    我們現在宣布了 3 個可用的雙源部件。

  • And then also, capacity expansions with our suppliers that were previously being planned anyways come in towards the end of the year, so that's definitely something that we are very excited about.


  • On your question on the second quarter, we're obviously not guiding the quarter at this point.


  • But it's a reasonable assumption to think that as we launch our new Android premium tier chip in the first quarter of the calendar year, that will offset some of the decline you would see in the handset market naturally within QCT.

    但有理由認為,隨著我們在日曆年第一季度推出新的 Android 高端芯片,這將抵消 QCT 內手機市場自然會出現的一些下滑。

  • And then, of course, we also expect nonhandset to grow from first quarter to second quarter.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Tal Liani with Bank of America.

    我們的下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Tal Liani。

  • Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

    Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

  • I have 2 questions, so I'll just ask them together.


  • What is -- what are the trends in China?


  • Meaning the handset market is weakening, and we heard it throughout the quarter.


  • And on the other hand, there is Huawei share loss and your share gains.


  • So I'm wondering if you can share with us kind of the trends within China and your outlook for the market.


  • And the second question is not related, but it's the second question I'm getting from investors, which is you always say that the -- when Apple starts using their modems, the surface area at Apple is big, and there are other opportunities.

    第二個問題不相關,但這是我從投資者那裡得到的第二個問題,你總是說 - 當蘋果開始使用他們的調製解調器時,蘋果的表面積很大,還有其他機會。

  • Can you elaborate what are the other opportunities?


  • What are the -- maybe give us scenarios, what are the scenarios that you can still manage the transition of Apple using their own modem?

    有哪些——也許會給我們一些場景,有哪些場景你仍然可以使用他們自己的調製解調器來管理 Apple 的過渡?

  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Yes, Tal, it's Akash.


  • I'll take the first one, and Cristiano will address the second one.


  • So what we saw in the September quarter in the market was weakness in units in China and emerging markets, but developed markets volume remained very resilient.

    因此,我們在 9 月季度看到的市場是中國和新興市場的單位疲軟,但發達市場的銷量仍然非常有彈性。

  • So that's really the jumping-off point for the December quarter.

    所以這確實是 12 月季度的起點。

  • We are forecasting normal seasonality on top of what we saw in September.

    我們在 9 月份所見的基礎上預測正常的季節性。

  • I'll say that a portion of the weakness was driven by supply imbalances at certain OEMs.


  • And so that did impact the demand to a certain extent, but that's one of the key factors we saw happening.


  • Within the market, though, 5G continues to be very strong.

    不過,在市場上,5G 仍然非常強勁。

  • So we're seeing 2 trends in China.


  • First is the transition to 5G, kind of there's a variance month-to-month, but very, very strong, in the high 70s percent has already transitioned to 5G.

    首先是向 5G 的過渡,每個月都有差異,但非常非常強,在 70% 的高位已經過渡到 5G。

  • And so we are raising the guidance, the midpoint of the guidance for 5G to now 525 million units.

    因此,我們將 5G 指導的中點提高到現在的 5.25 億台。

  • And then within that, we're also seeing higher tier of devices.


  • So Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, Honor, all of our customers are moving up tier.


  • And as they move up tier, that creates an incremental opportunity for us.


  • So it's a pretty positive market trends for us.


  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Okay.


  • So I'm just going to answer the second question.


  • So Tal, the second question, we're very focused right now on our contract with Apple, which is focused on providing modem for their products.

    所以 Tal,第二個問題,我們現在非常關注與 Apple 的合同,該合同專注於為他們的產品提供調製解調器。

  • We're very happy with the relationship.


  • But anything beyond our contract with them is an upside to our model.


  • And as I continue to say what I said before, we have a lot of technologies.


  • They have a large number of devices.


  • And if there are opportunities, we'll be very happy to engage with them in supply.


  • We just don't want to speculate at this point.


  • And we've been very clear that our assumptions in our model is just focused on our contract.


  • Everything else is upside.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is coming from the line of Ross Seymore with Deutsche Bank.

    我們的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的羅斯·西莫爾(Ross Seymore)。

  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • Congrats on the strong results and guide.


  • Akash or Cristiano, I just wanted to talk a little bit about the pairing of the handset and the RF side of things.

    Akash 或 Cristiano,我只是想談談手機配對和 RF 方面的事情。

  • I know you said that there was a little bit of a pull-in into your fiscal fourth quarter on the RF side of things.

    我知道您說過,您的第四財季在 RF 方面有一些影響。

  • But with the Android market share gains that you're talking about heading into the December quarter, why is the RF side not coming along for that ride?

    但是隨著你所說的進入 12 月季度的 Android 市場份額增長,為什麼 RF 方面沒有出現呢?

  • And is that pairing something that it's just a transition period, and as we look further out, those are going to be more linked together?


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Ross, it's Akash.


  • It's exactly the right question.


  • The -- we expect the 2 to move together in concert.

    - 我們希望這兩者能夠一起行動。

  • As I mentioned in my prepared remarks, and that's why we highlighted it, we did see some pull-in from December quarter to September quarter within RF front-end.

    正如我在準備好的評論中提到的,這就是我們強調它的原因,我們確實在 RF 前端看到了從 12 月季度到 9 月季度的一些拉動。

  • And it was really where supply was available, our customers chose to take it sooner than receiving the chipset.


  • And if you normalize for it, the 2 would have moved together.

    如果您對其進行標準化,則 2 會一起移動。

  • So we definitely see the growth in the Android opportunity as a tremendous growth vector for us with the RF front-end as well.

    因此,我們肯定將 Android 機會的增長視為我們在 RF 前端方面的巨大增長載體。

  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • No, just to be crystal clear, all of this growth opportunity that we're seeing in Android, especially the premium and high, is coming with RF.

    不,只是明確地說,我們在 Android 中看到的所有這些增長機會,尤其是高端和高端,都來自 RF。

  • I want to make that statement clear.


  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • Perfect, Cristiano.


  • I guess, as my follow-up, if I talk about QCT ex handsets and ex RF front-ends, it sounds like, Akash, you said those would be relatively flat in December, but then you thought it would actually grow again in March.

    我想,作為我的後續,如果我談論 QCT 前手機和前 RF 前端,聽起來,Akash,你說這些在 12 月會相對持平,但後來你認為它實際上會在 3 月再次增長.

  • What's going on in those markets?


  • And then, I guess, the higher-level question is, given the supply constraints, there's a big debate going on in broad-based semis between investors worried about increased selectivity from customers, change in behaviors.


  • Are you seeing some digestion period here?


  • Why is it slowing?


  • And then why is it reaccelerating?


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Yes.


  • So as you saw, we had tremendously strong results, both in auto and IoT and record results in both in the fourth fiscal quarter.


  • You're right, going into the first quarter, we are forecasting in line sequentially.


  • And one of the key factors there is still we are supply-constrained, and we are making certain decisions given the strong handset market in that quarter to allocate supply a little differently based on profitability.


  • But really, when you think about the draw demand from the customer continues to be very strong, and so we're confident that when you look at second fiscal quarter or look at fiscal '21 going to fiscal '22, both those businesses will grow in a very strong fashion.

    但實際上,當您考慮到客戶的抽籤需求仍然非常強勁時,因此我們相信,當您查看第二財季或從 21 財年到 22 財年時,這兩項業務都會增長以非常強烈的方式。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is coming from the line of Joe Moore with Morgan Stanley.


  • Joseph Lawrence Moore - Executive Director

    Joseph Lawrence Moore - Executive Director

  • I wonder if you could just talk about the overall supply chain in smartphone.


  • And are you seeing bottlenecks at some of your customers where they're unable to procure parts that aren't from Qualcomm that might lead to inventory buildup of Qualcomm parts?


  • And it seems like overall, the handset sell-through numbers are a little weaker because of those constraints, but it doesn't seem like the supply chain has changed at all.


  • Can you just describe that dynamic?


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Sure, Joe.


  • So we're definitely seeing some mismatch of parts in the short term at some of our customers, but you should think of those as really timing issues.


  • The other thing to keep in mind is, as Cristiano outlined earlier in the call, that we are focusing really on the premium and high-tier units.


  • And so when our customers have supply mismatch, they actually end up supplying the premium and high-tier devices.


  • So our chips and our devices are still being used, and it's not something that's a big factor for us in the short term.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Rod Hall with Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Rod Hall。

  • Roderick B. Hall - MD

    Roderick B. Hall - MD

  • I wanted to come back to this idea of supply versus demand in the Q1 quarter.


  • I had heard earlier, I guess, someone mentioned that they were assuming that, that supply would be meeting demand.


  • But it seems to -- well, I just want to check that with you.

    但它似乎 - 好吧,我只是想和你核實一下。

  • Is that a good assumption?


  • Or do you think that we see supply continuing to rise to meet demand on into the fiscal Q2?


  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Rod, this is Cristiano.


  • Look, if I remember, we had said, if I believe, 2 earnings calls ago, that we had put -- we act early, we put a lot of things in place, multi-sourcing capacity expansions.


  • And we said that we expect to see material improvement in our supply towards the end of the calendar year.


  • That's reflected in the Q1 guide, our ability to have supply.


  • We continue to have pockets of areas that we would ship more if we had more, but we see a lot of improvements.


  • We see at least 3 announced products of multi-sourcing being shipped.

    我們看到至少有 3 種宣布的多源產品正在發貨。

  • And we've been executing on that increased supply.


  • And different companies are going to have different outlooks.


  • We look at the first half of 2022.

    我們著眼於 2022 年上半年。

  • We still have some shortage.


  • But as we get to the second part of the year, I think, in general, supply and demand are going to be aligned.


  • Roderick B. Hall - MD

    Roderick B. Hall - MD

  • Yes.


  • Just, I guess, my question was just aimed at the idea that this seems like it could continue to be a little bit of a tailwind for you as you move into the beginning of next year, and it's not just magically resolved here at the end of this year.


  • My follow-up is regarding the Android opportunity.

    我的後續行動是關於 Android 的機會。

  • I wonder if you guys could comment on content there versus the other big high-end handset maker you supply.


  • We calculate a substantial increase in concept, but I'm just curious, do you agree with that?


  • If you sell a high-end Android phone in January, is that phone going to have materially more content for you than another type of phone might?

    如果您在一月份銷售一款高端 Android 手機,那麼這款手機會比其他類型的手機為您提供更多的內容嗎?

  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Absolutely.


  • Look, we are very pleased with the strength of our Snapdragon 800 series.

    看,我們對驍龍 800 系列的實力感到非常滿意。

  • The Snapdragon 800 series became synonymous with premium Android flagship smartphones.

    Snapdragon 800 系列成為高端 Android 旗艦智能手機的代名詞。

  • There's a lot more silicon content besides the RF front-end that's attached to modem.


  • There's GPU, there's CPU, there's all the multimedia.

    有 GPU,有 CPU,還有所有的多媒體。

  • And it's a lot more richer platform than just selling a modem and its multiple times in terms of revenue and earnings contribution.


  • And when we look of the SAM available to us, when we look at the consolidation of Snapdragon 800 being the chipset for every flagship, that's no surprise that we actually grow faster in the Android segment.

    當我們看到可用的 SAM 時,當我們看到將 Snapdragon 800 整合為每個旗艦的芯片組時,我們實際上在 Android 領域增長得更快也就不足為奇了。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is coming from the line of Harsh Kumar with Piper Sandler.

    我們的下一個問題來自與 Piper Sandler 的 Harsh Kumar。

  • Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • First of all, congratulations on tremendous execution and diversification.


  • I had a question.


  • Cristiano, you talked a lot about Android and how positive you are on that.

    克里斯蒂亞諾,你談了很多關於 Android 的話題,以及你對此的積極態度。

  • I know you were supposed to get additional supply in the December quarter.

    我知道你應該在 12 月季度獲得額外的供應。

  • You seem to be benefiting from units.


  • Are you benefiting from units primarily?


  • Or are you also going back and taking share that you were expecting to take from your competitors?


  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Look, there's plenty of opportunity with the changing landscape for growth between us and our competitors.


  • I think what's important to highlight is that Qualcomm has been concentrated into premium and high.


  • There's very high demand for premium and high Snapdragon mobile platforms, both the 700 and 800.

    對 700 和 800 的優質和高 Snapdragon 移動平台的需求非常高。

  • And it is a share gain of Snapdragon in Android premium.


  • And we're very happy with the opportunity to capture actually the higher value share of the market.


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • And then maybe, Harsh, to add to that, I'll just draw your attention to product announcements that we had a couple of weeks ago where we announced a whole new set of 5G products across tiers.

    然後,也許,Harsh,補充一點,我只是提請您注意我們幾週前發布的產品公告,我們宣布了一套全新的跨層 5G 產品。

  • Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Harsh V. Kumar - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • And for my follow-up, I wanted to follow up on a question that was asked about the March quarter.

    對於我的後續行動,我想跟進一個關於 3 月季度的問題。

  • You talked about some benefit coming from your premium chips that you'll be launching in the March time frame, which is seasonally weak.

    您談到了您將在 3 月份推出的高級籌碼帶來的一些好處,該時段是季節性疲軟的。

  • Now Apple, for one, talked about leaving I think it was $6 billion-plus worth of revenues behind on the table.

    現在,蘋果公司,其中之一,談到將我認為價值超過 60 億美元的收入擱置一旁。

  • Do you think you might get a benefit from all the handset OEMs that are leaving revenue behind on the table along with your premium?

    您認為您可能會從所有將收入和溢價都拋在腦後的手機 OEM 中受益嗎?

  • Or do you think it's just again your own chipsets that are getting benefit from launch of new chipsets?


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • Well, what I said about the March quarter was really you have a seasonal decline in the handset market.

    好吧,我所說的關於 3 月季度的內容實際上是手機市場出現了季節性下滑。

  • But given the launch of our new chipset and really all the other chipset launches we have done over the last month, we feel like we will be in a very strong position to expand our units within the Android market.

    但鑑於我們新芯片組的推出以及我們在上個月推出的所有其他芯片組的推出,我們認為我們將處於非常有利的地位,可以在 Android 市場上擴展我們的產品。

  • And then the second thing I said is nonhandset growth.


  • We expect nonhandsets, all 3 to grow within the quarter as well.


  • Operator


  • Our final question is coming from the line of Timothy Arcuri with UBS.

    我們的最後一個問題來自瑞銀的蒂莫西·阿庫裡(Timothy Arcuri)。

  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • I had 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • The first, Akash, was on the RF business.

    第一個是 Akash,從事射頻業務。

  • I think you said at the Analyst Day that you were targeting more than 20% share of an $18 billion TAM next year.

    我想你在分析師日上說過,你的目標是明年在 180 億美元的 TAM 中佔據 20% 以上的份額。

  • But you're now annualizing to almost $5 billion.

    但你現在的年化收益接近 50 億美元。

  • So either that market is a lot bigger or your share is a lot higher.


  • So can you just comment on that?


  • And then secondly, I had a question on the contract with the big customer.


  • Can you just level set us?


  • Cristiano, you just alluded to it.


  • So can you level set us?


  • I think it goes through 2024.

    我認為它會持續到 2024 年。

  • But can you just help us on the timing of that?


  • Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

    Akash Palkhiwala - CFO

  • So Tim, on the -- on your first question on the math, $3.6 billion is right, and we reported results at $4.1 billion, I think.

    所以蒂姆,關於你關於數學的第一個問題,36 億美元是正確的,我認為我們報告的結果是 41 億美元。

  • So we've definitely exceeded the target we've set.


  • And as Cristiano said earlier in the conversation, we are very confident that we have several more vectors of growth left in the RF business, not just within handsets but also as 5G expands into telematics and IoT and then also within Wi-Fi.

    正如克里斯蒂亞諾早些時候在談話中所說,我們非常有信心在射頻業務中還有更多的增長空間,不僅在手機領域,而且隨著 5G 擴展到遠程信息處理和物聯網,然後也在 Wi-Fi 領域。

  • So yes, there's some ways to go, and we'll definitely plan to address that at Analyst Day in a couple of weeks.


  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Tim, it's Cristiano.


  • The only thing we can disclose is what we disclosed before.


  • It is a long-term agreement, and it's a multiyear agreement.


  • We unfortunately cannot say anything more than that.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • That concludes today's question-and-answer session.


  • Mr. Amon, do you have anything further to add before adjourning the call?


  • Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

    Cristiano Amon;President and CEO

  • Thanks, everyone, for joining us on the call today.


  • We are at the intersection of key trends that are accelerating edge connectivity, efficient processing and own device artificial intelligence.


  • This is driving demand for industry-leading road map of relevant technologies creating a significant opportunity for growth and continued diversification.


  • In addition to driving the mobile industry to 5G, we will power the connected intelligent edge.

    除了推動移動行業向 5G 邁進,我們還將為互聯智能邊緣提供動力。

  • I look forward to outlining our strategy and vision for the future at Investor Day on November 16 and sharing our next-generation Snapdragon platforms at our Annual Tech Summit in December.

    我期待在 11 月 16 日的投資者日概述我們的戰略和未來願景,並在 12 月的年度技術峰會上分享我們的下一代 Snapdragon 平台。

  • I also want to take a moment to thank our employees for an incredible fiscal year.


  • They are truly the best of Qualcomm, and there is no better time to be part of this great company.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's conference call.


  • You may now disconnect.
