OFG Bancorp (OFG) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning. Thank you for joining OFG Bancorp's conference call. My name is Savannah; I will be your operator today.

    早安.感謝您參加 OFG Bancorp 的電話會議。我的名字是薩凡納;今天我將成為您的接線生。

  • Our speakers are José Rafael Fernández, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Board of Directors; Maritza Arizmendi, Chief Financial Officer; and Cesar Ortiz, Chief Risk Officer. A presentation accompanies today's remarks, and it can be found on the home page of the OFG website under the Second Quarter 2024 section.

    我們的演講者是執行長兼董事會主席何塞·拉斐爾·費爾南德斯 (José Rafael Fernández); Maritza Arizmendi,財務長;首席風險官塞薩爾·奧爾蒂斯 (Cesar Ortiz)。今天的演講附帶了一份演示文稿,可以在 OFG 網站主頁的 2024 年第二季度部分找到。

  • This call may feature certain forward-looking statements about management's goals, plans, and expectations. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties outlined in the Risk Factors section of the OFG's SEC filings. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated. We disclaim any obligation to update the information disclosed in this call as a result of developments that occur afterward.

    本次電話會議可能包含有關管理階層目標、計畫和期望的某些前瞻性陳述。這些陳述受到 OFG 向 SEC 備案的風險因素部分概述的風險和不確定性的影響。實際結果可能與目前預期有重大差異。我們不承擔因隨後發生的事態發展而更新本次電話會議中披露的資訊的義務。

  • (Operator Instructions) I would now like to turn the call over to Mr. Fernandez.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Good morning, and thank you for joining us. We are pleased to report our second-quarter 2024 results, which demonstrate the strength of our strategies and franchise, both in line with our short-term and long-term plans.

    早安,感謝您加入我們。我們很高興報告 2024 年第二季業績,證明了我們策略和特許經營的實力,符合我們的短期和長期計劃。

  • Performance for the quarter was exceptional. We generated consistent growth through increased loans, deposits, and non-interest income and stable credit quality.


  • Our digital-first strategy continues to help us expand our retail and business relationships. And we deployed close to half of our $50 million share buyback program, purchasing $24.3 million of OFG shares in the open market.

    我們的數位優先策略持續幫助我們擴大零售和業務關係。我們部署了近一半的 5,000 萬美元股票回購計劃,在公開市場上購買了 2,430 萬美元的 OFG 股票。

  • At the same time, Puerto Rico's economy continued to grow and steadily decoupled from mainland economic uncertainties. I want to thank the entire OFG team for their commitment to our mission and purpose, which is to make progress possible for our customers, employees, shareholders, and the communities we serve.

    同時,波多黎各經濟持續成長,並與大陸經濟的不確定性穩步脫鉤。我要感謝整個 OFG 團隊對我們使命和目標的承諾,為我們的客戶、員工、股東和我們所服務的社區取得進步。

  • Please turn to page 3 for a summary of our second-quarter results. Looking at the income statement, earnings per share, diluted, increased more than 16% year over year to $1.08 on a more than 5% increase in total core revenues to $179.4 million.

    請翻至第 3 頁了解我們第二季業績摘要。從損益表來看,攤薄後每股盈餘年增超過 16% 至 1.08 美元,核心總收入成長超過 5% 至 1.794 億美元。

  • Net interest margin was 5.51%. Provision was $15.6 million. Non-interest expenses were $93 million. And pre-provision net revenues totaled close to $87 million.

    淨利差為5.51%。撥款為 1560 萬美元。非利息支出為 9,300 萬美元。撥備前淨收入總計接近 8,700 萬美元。

  • Turning to the balance sheet. Total assets were $11.3 billion, up 12% from a year ago and 1% less than last quarter. Customer deposits were $9.6 billion, including strong commercial deposit growth.

    轉向資產負債表。總資產為 113 億美元,年增 12%,比上季減少 1%。客戶存款為 96 億美元,其中商業存款成長強勁。

  • Loans held for investment totaled $7.6 billion, and new loan production was a solid $589 million. Investments were level with the first quarter at $2.5 billion, and cash at $740 million was down slightly from last quarter. Looking at capital, the CET1 ratio was 14.29%.

    持有的投資貸款總額為 76 億美元,新增貸款總額為 5.89 億美元。投資為 25 億美元,與第一季持平,現金為 7.4 億美元,較上季略有下降。從資本來看,CET1比率為14.29%。

  • Let's turn to page 4 for an update on our digital-first strategy. As of the second quarter, 94% of all routine retail customer transactions, 96% of retail deposit transactions, and 66% of retail loan payments were made through our digital and self-service channels. This is being driven by year-over-year growth of 13% in digital enrollment, 69% in digital loan payments, 26% in virtual teller utilization, and 4% in customer growth.

    讓我們翻到第 4 頁,了解我們數位優先策略的最新資訊。截至第二季度,94%的常規零售客戶交易、96%的零售存款交易和66%的零售貸款支付都是透過我們的數位和自助服務管道完成的。這是由數位註冊年增 13%、數位貸款支付年增 69%、虛擬櫃員利用率年增 26% 以及客戶成長 4% 所推動的。

  • During the second quarter, we launched the Elite deposit account for retail customers, a combined checking and savings account that rewards customers for expanding their relationship with Oriental. This represents a unique value proposition in our market. Elite offers an exclusive combination of benefits, in particular, cash back on loan payments and full digital account opening and funding.

    第二季度,我們為零售客戶推出了精英存款帳戶,這是一個綜合支票和儲蓄帳戶,旨在獎勵客戶擴大與東方的關係。這代表了我們市場上獨特的價值主張。 Elite 提供獨特的福利組合,特別是貸款支付現金回饋以及全數位帳戶開設和融資。

  • For small business commercial clients, we upgraded Oriental Biz, a complete cash management platform easily accessible through mobile devices with access to remote check deposit. Small businesses now have a complete set of tools to manage their finances anywhere, anytime.

    對於小型企業商業客戶,我們升級了 Oriental Biz,這是一個完整的現金管理平台,可透過行動裝置輕鬆存取,並可進行遠端支票存款。小型企業現在擁有一整套工具隨時隨地管理財務。

  • We are very excited with the customer reception so far of both products. Our strategy is to continue to take advantage of our unique position in the Puerto Rico market. This includes leveraging our technology investments, our entrepreneurial culture, and our client-centric challenger approach, all this to provide customers with products and services that incentivizes them to deepen their relationship with us. We focus on doing it in a way that is fast, easy, agile, and delivers added value.


  • Now, here is Maritza to go over the financials in more detail.


  • Maritza Arizmendi - Chief Financial Officer

    Maritza Arizmendi - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Jose. Please turn to page 5 to review our financial highlights. Starting with the components of core revenues, total interest income was $188 million, up more than 2% or more than $4 million from the first quarter. That mainly reflected higher income from loans due to higher average balances and yields and $2.1 million from recovery of a nonaccrual US commercial loan paid in full.

    謝謝你,何塞。請翻至第 5 頁查看我們的財務摘要。從核心收入的組成部分開始,總利息收入為1.88億美元,比第一季成長超過2%,即超過400萬美元。這主要反映了由於平均餘額和收益率較高而帶來的貸款收入增加,以及全額支付的非應計美國商業貸款回收帶來的 210 萬美元收入。

  • Total interest expense was $40 million, an increase of $1 million from the first quarter. This reflected higher average core deposits and a 7-basis-point increase in rates, partially offset by lower average wholesale funding and rate.

    利息支出總額為 4,000 萬美元,比第一季增加 100 萬美元。這反映出平均核心存款增加和利率上升 7 個基點,但部分被平均批發融資和利率下降所抵銷。

  • Total banking and financial service revenues were $32 million, an increase of $2 million from the first quarter, with higher banking service, wealth management, and mortgage banking revenues. Banking and service revenues included $600,000 in pre-payment fees on US loans. Wealth management included $500,000 in annual recognition of certain commercial insurance fees.

    銀行和金融服務總收入為3,200萬美元,比第一季增加200萬美元,其中銀行服務、財富管理和抵押銀行業務收入增加。銀行和服務收入包括 60 萬美元的美國貸款預付款費。財富管理包括每年確認50萬美元的某些商業保險費用。

  • Looking at non-interest expenses, they totaled $93 million, up $1.6 million from the first quarter. Expenses included $1.3 million in higher electronic banking fees due to increased business activity, $1.1 million in different categories of professional services due to improved -- service to improve business processes, and $400,000 in higher FDIC insurer now that Oriental is more than a $10 billion in assets. This was partially offset by $1.4 million due to higher gain on sale of pre-processed properties and lower compensation expenses related to reduced pre-tax payroll expenses.

    非利息支出總計 9,300 萬美元,比第一季增加 160 萬美元。費用包括由於業務活動增加而增加的130 萬美元電子銀行費用、由於改進業務流程而增加的不同類別專業服務費用110 萬美元,以及由於東方銀行的年營業額超過100 億美元而增加的40 萬美元FDIC 保險公司費用。由於預加工財產銷售收益增加以及與稅前工資支出減少相關的補償費用減少,140 萬美元部分抵消了這一損失。

  • The second-quarter efficiency ratio was 61.81%, a 68-basis-point improvement for the second -- from the first quarter. As revenues continues to expand, we are incrementally investing in our digital-first strategy by adding new technology and investing in people. We expect to average $90 million to $92 million of non-interest expense per quarter the rest of this year, with the efficiency ratio remaining level with the second quarter.

    第二季效率為61.81%,較第一季提升68個基點。隨著收入不斷擴大,我們透過增加新技術和對人才進行投資,逐步投資於我們的數位優先策略。我們預計今年剩餘時間每季平均非利息支出為 9,000 萬至 9,200 萬美元,效率比率與第二季維持水準。

  • Other performance metrics remained high. Return on average assets was 1.82%, return on average tangible common equity was 18.24%, and tangible book value per share continued to climb to $24.18, up $0.63 from the first quarter.


  • Please turn to page 6 to review our operational highlights. Average loan balances were $7.6 billion, increasing 1% from the first quarter. End-of-period balances of loans held for investment increased 1.3% or $100 million.

    請翻至第 6 頁查看我們的營運亮點。平均貸款餘額為 76 億美元,較第一季成長 1%。期末投資貸款餘額增加 1.3%,即 1 億美元。

  • This reflected sequential growth in Puerto Rico commercial, auto, and consumer loans, partially offset by regular pay downs of residential mortgages and pre-payment of approximately $66 million of US commercial loans. Year over year, second quarter loans held for investment increased more than 7%.

    這反映了波多黎各商業、汽車和消費貸款的連續增長,部分被住宅抵押貸款的定期還款和約 6,600 萬美元的美國商業貸款的預付款所抵消。與去年同期相比,第二季持有的投資貸款成長超過7%。

  • Loan yield was 80.15% (sic - see page 6, "8.15%"), up 70 basis points from the first quarter. This included the previously mentioned US loan recovery represented 11 basis points.


  • New loan origination increased $52 million from the first quarter. Production increased sequentially across all categories, led by a strong quarter for auto. We have a strong pack line in commercial and continue to anticipate auto production will moderate.

    新發放貸款較第一季增加 5,200 萬美元。在汽車季度強勁的帶動下,所有類別的產量均持續成長。我們在商業領域擁有強大的包裝線,並繼續預計汽車產量將放緩。

  • Average core deposits were $9.6 billion, up $67 million from the first quarter. End-of-period balances increased $59 million or 0.6%. This reflected a $125 million increase in commercial deposits, partially offset by a decline of $53 million in retail deposits and a $12 million decline in government deposits.

    平均核心存款為 96 億美元,比第一季增加 6,700 萬美元。期末餘額增加 5,900 萬美元,成長 0.6%。這反映了商業存款增加了 1.25 億美元,部分被零售存款減少 5,300 萬美元和政府存款減少 1,200 萬美元所抵消。

  • Core deposits were 154 basis points, up 7 basis points from the first quarter. That's the smallest sequential increase over the last five quarters. Excluding public funds, cost of deposit was 87 basis points compared to 82 basis points.

    核心存款為154個基點,較第一季上升7個基點。這是過去五個季度以來最小的連續增幅。不包括公共資金,存款成本為 87 個基點,去年同期為 82 個基點。

  • Average borrowings and broker deposits were $221 million compared to $280 million in the first quarter. The June period balances was $201 million. The rate paid on wholesale funding decreased 18 basis points to 4.62% in the second quarter.

    平均借款和經紀人存款為 2.21 億美元,而第一季為 2.8 億美元。 6 月份期間餘額為 2.01 億美元。第二季批發融資利率下降 18 個基點至 4.62%。

  • Investment securities held steady from the first quarter at $2.5 billion. During the second quarter, a $200 million treasury note yielding 3.3% that matured in May was replaced with $200 million of government-insured, mortgage-backed securities yielding 5.6%. With this, we extended asset duration at a higher yield to lower our asset sensitivity.

    投資證券自第一季起穩定在 25 億美元。第二季度,5 月到期、收益率為 3.3% 的 2 億美元國庫券被收益率為 5.6% 的 2 億美元政府擔保抵押貸款支持證券所取代。這樣,我們以更高的收益率延長了資產久期,降低了資產敏感性。

  • Net interest margin was 5.51%. Excluding the US loan recovery, net interest margin was 5.44%.


  • Please turn to page 5 to review our credit quality and capital strength. Credit quality continues to be stable. Net charge-offs totaled $15 million, down $5 million from the first quarter. The net charge-off rate was 79 basis points, down 26 basis points.

    請翻至第5頁查看我們的信用品質和資本實力。信用品質繼續穩定。淨沖銷總額為 1500 萬美元,比第一季減少 500 萬美元。淨核銷率為79個基點,下降26個基點。

  • Auto and consumer net charge-off rates were both down sequentially. The auto net charge-off rate is now below the last two quarters. While there are some time delays in payments, the business is well managed.


  • Provision for credit losses totaled $15.6 million, up $500,000 for the first quarter. Second-quarter provision mainly reflected loan volumes.

    信貸損失撥備總額為 1,560 萬美元,比第一季增加 50 萬美元。第二季撥備主要反映貸款量。

  • Looking at other credit metrics, early and total delinquency rates were up from the first quarter at 2.81% and 3.71%, respectively, in line with trends we have seen over the last five quarters. The non-performing loan rate of 1.08% was the lowest of the last -- over the last five quarters.

    從其他信貸指標來看,早期拖欠率和總拖欠率分別較第一季上升 2.81% 和 3.71%,與我們過去五個季度看到的趨勢一致。不良貸款率為1.08%,為過去五個季度以來的最低水準。

  • Looking at some other capital metrics, total stockholders equity increased about $12 million from the end of last quarter. And the tangible common equity ratio increased to 10.09%.

    從其他一些資​​本指標來看,股東權益總額比上季末增加了約 1,200 萬美元。有形普通股比率增至10.09%。

  • Our second-quarter effective tax rate was 28.2% compared to 26.8% in the first quarter. We continue to expect a full-year ETR of 29% in 2024. The second quarter included a $800,000 benefit from a tax credit, and the first quarter included a $1.1 million discrete benefit from stock (inaudible)

    我們第二季的有效稅率為 28.2%,而第一季為 26.8%。我們仍預期 2024 年全年 ETR 為 29%。

  • To sum up, during the second quarter, net interest income continued to grow based on increased volume of interest-earning assets, partially offset by lower net interest margin year-over-year. This mainly reflected higher balances and yields of loans, partially offset by higher moderating core deposit costs.


  • The core deposit trends continue to be positive, benefiting from commercial deposit growth. Loans remain strong. We continue to be on track for 3% to 4% growth this year. Credit quality remains stable and is expected to continue that way.

    受惠於商業存款成長,核心存款趨勢持續向好。貸款依然強勁。今年我們仍有望實現 3% 至 4% 的成長。信貸品質保持穩定,並預計將繼續保持這種狀態。

  • Our net interest margin outlook continues to be a range of 5.45% to 5.55%. We expect the full benefit from the most recent change in our investment portfolio in the third quarter. We continue to expect three Federal Reserve Bank rate cuts of 25 basis points each.

    我們的淨利差展望仍為 5.45% 至 5.55%。我們預計第三季投資組合的最新變化將充分受益。我們繼續預期聯準會將三次降息,每次降息 25 個基點。

  • Our anticipated range of non-interest expense continued to be $90 million to $92 million as we invest in technology. While we bought back shares during the second quarter, we remain opportunistic regarding capital allocation, ranging from capital from Puerto Rico and US loan growth to dividends and continued share buybacks.

    當我們投資技術時,我們預計的非利息支出範圍仍為 9,000 萬至 9,200 萬美元。雖然我們在第二季度回購了股票,但我們在資本配置方面仍然持機會主義態度,從波多黎各的資本和美國貸款增長到股息和持續的股票回購。

  • Now, here is Jose.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Maritza. Please turn to page 8. Our outlook for both Puerto Rico and OFG is positive. As I mentioned earlier, the island's economy is continuing to grow and steadily decoupled from mainland economic uncertainties.

    謝謝你,瑪麗莎。請翻至第 8 頁。正如我之前提到的,台灣經濟正在持續成長,並與大陸經濟的不確定性穩定脫鉤。

  • We're seeing ongoing expansion of infrastructure projects and business investments and strong levels of employment, so we are very optimistic about Puerto Rico and its future. Having said that, we continue to be vigilant regarding the big macro uncertainties, interest rate changes, inflation, possible mainland recession, and ongoing geopolitical conflicts.


  • Turning to OFG. We're well positioned to continue to benefit from the growth of loans, deposits, and our customer base. Consumer credit trends should continue at current levels. Our digital-first strategy is working, so we will continue to invest in and deploy customer innovations to build out our differentiated business model.

    轉向 OFG。我們處於有利位置,可以繼續受益於貸款、存款和客戶群的成長。消費信貸趨勢應維持在目前水準。我們的數位優先策略正在發揮作用,因此我們將繼續投資和部署客戶創新,以建立我們的差異化業務模式。

  • Overall, we look forward to a strong second half of 2024. In addition, we'll be celebrating our 60th anniversary in business and our 30th year of OFG shares trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

    總體而言,我們期待 2024 年下半年的強勁表現。

  • In closing, I want to emphasize that our results could not have been achieved without the hard work and dedication of all our team members, including our Board of Directors. We are thankful to them, and we're excited for what's to come.


  • With this, we end our formal presentation. Operator, please start the Q&A.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. (Operator Instructions) Timur Braziler, Wells Fargo.

    謝謝。 (操作員指示)Timur Braziler,富國銀行。

  • Timur Braziler - Analyst

    Timur Braziler - Analyst

  • Hi. Good morning.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Good morning, Timur.


  • Timur Braziler - Analyst

    Timur Braziler - Analyst

  • Maybe starting out on the remaining six asset repricing opportunity. I appreciate the comments on the $200 million of treasury maturities reinvested during the quarter. I guess, what's the cadence look like for the remainder of the year, both for planned bond maturities and fixed loan maturities?

    也許可以從剩下的六項資產重新定價機會開始。我很欣賞有關本季 2 億美元到期國債再投資的評論。我想,今年剩餘時間的計畫債券到期日和固定貸款到期日的節奏是什麼樣的?

  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • So Timur, in terms of our investment portfolio, we really do not have any immediate second half of the year specific maturities. We do have repayments of our mortgage book -- our mortgage-backed securities book of around $20 million to $22 million a month. So our way of looking at this is we have the opportunity of maintaining our treasury book -- when I call it treasury, I mean investment book -- as part of our asset management -- asset and liability management approach.

    因此,就我們的投資組合而言,鐵木爾確實沒有任何今年下半年的具體到期日。我們的抵押貸款帳簿(抵押貸款支援證券帳簿)確實需要償還,每月約 2,000 萬至 2,200 萬美元。因此,我們看待這個問題的方式是,我們有機會維護我們的財務帳簿——當我稱之為財務帳簿時,我指的是投資帳簿——作為我們資產管理——資產和負債管理方法的一部分。

  • In terms of the loans, we really do not have any fixed rate loan maturity -- large ones, I should say -- coming up. So from our perspective, the second half of the year is about loan origination and how we continue to generate good origination levels at a good yield.


  • And on the treasury side or investment side, be very opportunistic as we have been in the past when we had lots amounts of cash and we decided not to go long duration. So we are now benefiting from those decisions that we made a couple of years ago. And we're -- we've been doing it in the last several months, investing longer duration and having less asset sensitivity than we had last year, significantly less.


  • Timur Braziler - Analyst

    Timur Braziler - Analyst

  • Got it. Thanks for that. And then maybe just looking at the deposit base, the large public fund deposit that came in in the fourth quarter. Is that just in the run rate now or is there still an expectation that a larger slug of that is going to come out? Because it seems like it's been embedded in that base maybe longer than initially you expected.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • That's a great point, Timur, and thank you for bringing it up. We have been guiding that the deposit would probably mostly flow out in the second half of this year. Now, we have been updated from the government account that at least until September.


  • So we will be having the deposit in our books at least until September. And that's already included in some of the guidance that Maritza gave throughout her comments in terms of net interest margin as well as cost of funds. So that deposit, it's collateralized. So it also has a little bit of a -- the second question -- your second question had a little bit of a relationship to the first question.

    因此,我們的帳本上至少會保留這筆押金,直到九月。這已經包含在 Maritza 在她的評論中就淨息差和資金成本給出的一些指導中。所以這筆存款是有抵押的。所以它也有一點——第二個問題——你的第二個問題與第一個問題有一點關係。

  • Part of our cautiousness in terms of the investment book has a lot to do with the $1 billion deposit that is collateralized with pretty much investment securities. So those are a little bit of the things that we're managing in the next three or four months, and we'll keep everyone updated on how that deposit plays out.

    我們對投資帳簿持謹慎態度,部分原因在於 10 億美元的存款有相當多的投資證券作為抵押。這些是我們在未來三、四個月內管理的一些事情,我們將讓每個人都了解存款的最新情況。

  • The good thing is that that deposit is parable. It's indexed. So in the next three months, we will have a lower cost of that deposit if the Fed delivers on what the market is expecting and the three -- the three interest rate cuts that they're forecasting that they would do in the second half of the year.


  • So we'll keep everyone updated with that. But for now, we're basically managing the relationship with a great customer of ours for a long time.


  • Timur Braziler - Analyst

    Timur Braziler - Analyst

  • Great. And then just last question for me is on the credit front. Really nice results this quarter, good commentary for expectations in the back end of the year.


  • Maybe just give us an update as to what's happening with the Puerto Rico consumer and some of the volatility maybe we saw over the last three, four quarters. Has much of that abated now or do you feel like the seasoning of some of the higher COVID-related spend has now worked its way through the system? Just give us an update as to what's happening on the ground in Puerto Rico from a credit standpoint.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Sure. So I'll give you some big picture macro Puerto Rico perspective, and I'll ask Cesar to give you some specifics about our consumer loan books. From the big picture, Timur, most of the COVID incentives and all the cash that came in, it's flushed through. And I -- what the economy is seeing from the consumer is a consumer that is also benefiting from higher wages and the minimum wage being increased here.


  • I mentioned in other calls, where the magnitude percentage-wise of that increase in Puerto Rico is significantly larger than in the states, so the impact is also larger. So we see higher wages. We see lower unemployment levels.


  • So all that is what's keeping the consumer healthy in terms of their finances. So now for our auto and consumer perspective in terms of the loan book, I'll let Cesar give you some details.


  • Cesar Ortiz - Chief Risk Officer

    Cesar Ortiz - Chief Risk Officer

  • So for auto, but -- let's start with auto with the bigger portfolio. We continue to see stabilizing non-performing loan rates on auto. First quarter is usually a better season quarter than the rest of the year because of the tax season. We discussed this last quarter.


  • So the second quarter, with the holidays in place, the customer tends to slow down in terms of collections, but the non-performing loans continue to be positive and stable for those portfolio, consumer and auto. So we remain positive on the outlook for credit.


  • Remember also that we converted the auto portfolio from a subprime -- say, [64%] prime portfolio three years ago. And now, it's 84% prime and superprime portfolio, which is improving the charge-off levels, too. So we are seeing charge-off levels stabilizing and improving, too.

    還要記住,我們三年前將汽車投資組合從次級抵押貸款轉換為[64%] 優質投資組合。現在,84% 是優質和超優質投資組合,這也提高了沖銷水準。因此,我們也看到沖銷水準穩定並有所改善。

  • So again, we are positive on the outlook for the retail portfolio side. On the other hand, commercial portfolios are also benefiting from the macroeconomics of Puerto Rico. We continue to see good opportunities in the pipeline, but also good behavior in terms of the credit in the commercial portfolio, both small businesses and corporate portfolios.


  • Timur Braziler - Analyst

    Timur Braziler - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks for all that color. Appreciate it.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you. Thank you for your questions. Timur.


  • Operator


  • Brett Rabatin, Hovde Group.

    布雷特·拉巴廷 (Brett Rabatin),Hovde 集團。

  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • Hey. Good morning, everyone.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Good morning, Brett.


  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • I wanted just to start off on the loan growth outlook for the back half of the year. And I missed -- I couldn't quite hear the numerical guidance for the back half of the year. And I wanted just to see what the outlook was specifically on the commercial side. Auto has obviously been a strong driver here in the past year, but I just wanted to hear if the commercial activity in Puerto Rico, specifically, might be stronger and just how you guys think about that portfolio?


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah. So the first part of the question, we expect 3% to 4% loan growth for the full year. So the second half of the year will be impacted positively by our commercial pipelines. We have seen some delays in some of the closings of some loans that we had in the pipeline in June -- in the June quarter, but we expect them to be closed in the September quarter.

    是的。所以問題的第一部分,我們預計全年貸款將成長 3% 至 4%。因此,今年下半年將受到我們的商業管道的正面影響。我們在 6 月的季度中發現了一些貸款的關閉有所延遲,但我們預計它們將在 9 月的季度關閉。

  • And we still have a very strong pipeline. We are seeing a lot of activity in Puerto Rico in the commercial side, small as well as mid- and larger type of credits. We're really encouraged with the small business and their origination levels.


  • We've had consecutive record origination levels in three quarters in a row. And these are mostly, I would say, fixed rate loans that are small. We're growing our small business clients through the small biz account that I mentioned in my comments, and it's giving us the opportunity to expand those relationships and deepen those relationships.


  • On the larger type of sectors that we have, we do have a very strong pipeline and we had a great quarter. We think that the second half of the year is commercial, as a whole, is going to drive our loan growth for the rest of the year. We do expect auto to taper down a little bit from the levels that we saw in the second quarter.


  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • Okay. That's helpful. And then on capital, any thoughts on the buyback from here? And just the capital levels are obviously robust, but I know you kind of keep them that way in Puerto Rico.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah. So the way we look at capital, we -- first goes to loans. We are seeing a great opportunity here in Puerto Rico. We've kind of stayed a little bit timid on the US, given the uncertainties in that market in the last, let's say, 12 months. And that's why you're seeing that portfolio stay steadily downwards.

    是的。因此,我們看待資本的方式,首先是貸款。我們在波多黎各看到了一個絕佳的機會。考慮到過去(比如說 12 個月)美國市場的不確定性,我們對美國市場有點膽怯。這就是為什麼你會看到該投資組合穩定下降。

  • But first, for us, capital deployment goes to loans and growing the relationships and taking advantage of the economic situation in Puerto Rico and helping our customers and the communities. So that's number one.


  • And then we take a look at capital from a dividend perspective. And as you saw, our results are pretty strong, and we are pretty confident about the overall perspective of OFG. So we will continue to look at the dividend as well as the buyback.

    然後我們從股利的角度來看資本。正如您所看到的,我們的業績非常強勁,我們對 OFG 的整體前景非常有信心。因此,我們將繼續關注股利和回購。

  • We executed -- I am happy to say that we executed 50% of our buyback program in the past quarter. And as you can imagine, the cost of that -- the average cost of the shares that we bought at was extremely accretive to us for sure.

    我們執行了——我很高興地說,我們在上個季度執行了 50% 的回購計劃。正如你可以想像的那樣,其成本——我們購買股票的平均成本對我們來說肯定是極其增值的。

  • And so we're really happy with the way we've managed capital. And we recognize that we have excess capital. So our earnings are going to be significantly returned back to shareholders on a consistent basis.


  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • Okay. If I could sneak in one last one just on the expense guidance. If I heard it correctly, it was $92 million a quarter for the back half. I wanted to confirm that.

    好的。如果我能在費用指南上偷偷添加最後一項就好了。如果我沒聽錯的話,後半季是 9,200 萬美元。我想確認這一點。

  • And then I know it's way too early to think about '25 guidance. But essentially, has the platform been invested to the point where you don't have new initiatives that you need to do on technology or other things that might lead to a lift in expenses maybe in '25 relative to the path of '24?

    然後我知道現在考慮 '25 指導方針還為時過早。但從本質上講,該平台的投資是否已經達到了這樣的程度,即您不需要在技術或其他方面採取新舉措,而這些舉措可能會導致 25 年相對於 24 年的路徑增加費用?

  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • So big picture, and I'll let Maritza give you the details. The big picture is that I don't think we can say we're going to stop investing in technology because it's -- it's kind of a table stakes -- or table stakes for everyone. So -- and it's part of our strategy, right?

    這麼大的圖景,我會讓 Maritza 告訴你細節。總體而言,我認為我們不能說我們將停止對技術的投資,因為它是——它是一種賭注——或者是每個人的賭注。那麼——這是我們策略的一部分,對嗎?

  • We have a different business strategy in our market here in Puerto Rico that requires us to have less branches, but also making sure that we're at the front end of the investments in technology. So that is a good size, and it's not so good size because we need to invest in technology.


  • But I have to add one more thing, and that is it's people and the culture. And I think the way we have led the bank in the last couple of decades is -- how do we make sure that our culture is an entrepreneurial culture with a dynamic, agile approach to business and to look out for the opportunities, but also to transform the way we do banking?


  • And we are really proud of what we have accomplished so far, and that will require us to not lower the guard. And we're going to have to continue to invest in technology. Having said that, I'll let Maritza give you a little bit of her take on (inaudible) in 2024. And for 2025, I agree with you. It's a little too early for us to give you guidance.

    我們對迄今為止所取得的成就感到非常自豪,這要求我們不能放鬆警惕。我們將不得不繼續投資於技術。話雖如此,我會讓 Maritza 向您介紹她對 2024 年的看法(聽不清楚)。我們現在給您指導還為時過早。

  • Maritza Arizmendi - Chief Financial Officer

    Maritza Arizmendi - Chief Financial Officer

  • So on the guidance, we are -- we shared with you in the prepared remarks is that we're expecting $90 million to $92 million range in expenses. This quarter particularly was a little bit higher than that because of (inaudible) particularly, we continue investing in improving processes.

    因此,根據指導意見,我們在準備好的評論中與您分享的是,我們預計支出範圍為 9,000 萬至 9,200 萬美元。特別是本季比上季略高一點,因為(聽不清楚)特別是,我們繼續投資於改善流程。

  • So we did have some higher expenses over that range, but we expect that this will be the average range for the next two quarters as timing of this investment will define if it is $90 million of $92 million. But we wanted to share that with you, okay?

    因此,我們確實在這個範圍內有一些更高的費用,但我們預計這將是未來兩個季度的平均範圍,因為這項投資的時機將決定它是 9000 萬美元還是 9200 萬美元。但我們想與你分享,好嗎?

  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • And Brett, if I could add one more thing in terms of technology and investments and net interest expenses. I don't know if you realize this, but we have the capability to open retail and commercial accounts digitally from soup to nuts.


  • And right now, around 20% of our retail customers opened their checking accounts digitally. So around 14% or 13% commercial, small commercial clients do so. That's a differentiator in this market. And that's how we view this.

    目前,我們約 20% 的零售客戶以數位方式開設了支票帳戶。因此,大約 14% 或 13% 的商業、小型商業客戶會這樣做。這是這個市場的差異化因素。這就是我們的看法。

  • This is -- the reason why it's a differentiator is because we have steadily been investing in the technologies that are required. So I'm not emphasizing this to hedge expenses going forward. I'm just emphasizing this to make the point that we have a differentiated strategy. And I think it's played out very nicely, and we look forward to continue to expand it.


  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • Okay. That's all great color. Thanks so much.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Kelly Motta, KBW.


  • Kelly Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Motta - Analyst

  • Hi. Good morning. Thanks for the question.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Hi, Kelly.


  • Kelly Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Motta - Analyst

  • Hi. Capital is really strong, and you guys well time on the buyback and such. Just wondering, as you look ahead -- given your low mid-single-digit loan growth outlook organically, wondering if there's any opportunities to utilize some of your capital to maybe bolt-on a business or portfolio. Just wondering if we could get an update on any thoughts around something of that nature.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah. At this time, Kelly, we do not have anything that we're looking at inorganically. That's what you're referring to in terms of a book of loans or a portfolio or a business. We are growing our customers organically, a clip of 4%, and we're deploying our strategy to deepen the relationships of pretty much our existing customers because we have a great opportunity there to deepen those relationships and extract more and more business from them.


  • So no, we do not have anything to deploy the, let's call it, excess capital. But we do have dry powder. So we will be opportunistic, and we will have the excess capital to take advantage immediately of any opportunity that presents to ourselves.


  • Kelly Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Motta - Analyst

  • Awesome. Thanks a lot. And clearly, it was another great quarter from you guys. You guys continue to execute very nicely.


  • Just from a high level, Jose Rafael, I'm wondering. As you look ahead beyond just this year, like what makes you the most excited at OFG? And maybe where do you see the greatest opportunities to gain share or build out a business? Just wondering if you could give us any insight into that from a high level.

    我想知道,何塞·拉斐爾,只是從高水平來看。當您展望今年之後,您對 OFG 最興奮的是什麼?也許您認為獲得份額或拓展業務的最佳機會在哪裡?只是想知道您是否可以從高層次上給我們一些見解。

  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Sure. To me, the outlook for the next three to five years and what gets me excited and the team excited is deploying our strategy, Kelly. It's working; we're seeing it. Our customers -- our net customer is growing. It's not going to happen in one month or one quarter, but we are steadily executing on our strategy and steadily executing on our business development approach. And it's working and it's building.


  • So that is really exciting for us. And for us, banking has become boring, but that's great. Because in the past, we -- our strategy in Puerto Rico -- when the macros were not as good as they are right now, they were really bad, the strategy was acquisitions. And we did three, and we're very happy with those three acquisitions.


  • Now, it's about blocking and tackling and executing on a differentiated strategy. And that really keeps me going and keeps our executive team and the whole bank going. And so we're really excited about the prospects for the next three to five years.


  • Kelly Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Motta - Analyst

  • Great. Well, we love boring when it's working so well. Maybe last question for me maybe for Maritza. I appreciate the color around margin. I think you reiterated [545 to 555].


  • Just wondering, within that range, what do you think are the biggest drivers that could get you to the top end versus the bottom end? Is it deposit costs kind of stabilizing? Is it a function of putting on new growth at higher rates than on the top end of that? Just trying to ballpark the greatest variance between both ends of that range.


  • Maritza Arizmendi - Chief Financial Officer

    Maritza Arizmendi - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks for the question. And I think this quarter reflects what is the driver is the loan growth and the higher yield. Our loan book, excluding the recovery, is about 8%. So -- and every quarter, we're growing an inch on the proportion of that loan book in the total balance sheet.

    謝謝你的提問。我認為本季反映的驅動因素是貸款成長和更高的收益率。我們的貸款帳簿(不包括回收)約為 8%。因此,每個季度,我們的貸款帳簿在總資產負債表中所佔的比例都會增加一英吋。

  • So that's combining with the fact that cost of funds are stabilizing and not growing at the same pace as the prior quarter. They make -- that will make us move to the upper range of the money. But we're managing different variable.


  • The market is one that we are looking at, and we are expecting three cuts. And within that range that I provided you, that is another factor. But I think loan growth will be the main driver.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • And Kelly, also, in the last 8 or 10 months, we have gone longer duration and fixed investment -- fixed rate investment mortgage-backed securities, which has allowed us to reduce significantly our asset sensitivity. I think you'll get the 10-Q and you'll get the update.

    凱利,在過去的 8 或 10 個月裡,我們進行了更長的久期和固定投資——固定利率投資抵押貸款支持證券,這使我們能夠顯著降低資產敏感性。我想您會收到 10-Q 並且會收到更新。

  • But our asset sensitivity has reduced quite a bit. And it's less of -- on an environment where interest rates are going to be going down as the Fed is kind of signaling, I think we're also well positioned to manage that.


  • Kelly Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Motta - Analyst

  • Great. I'll step back. Thanks for the question.


  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah. Thank you for your questions, Kelly.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And at this time, there are no further questions. I will turn the call back to management for closing remarks.

    (操作員說明) 此時,沒有進一步的問題。我會將電話轉回管理層以供結束語。

  • Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

    Jose Fernandez - Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, operator. Thanks again to all our team members and to all our stakeholders for listening today. Looking forward to catching up with you guys at the end of the third quarter. Have a great day.


  • Operator


  • And this will conclude today's conference. Thank you for your participation, and you may now disconnect.
