OFG Bancorp (OFG) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning.


  • Thank you for joining OFG Bancorp's conference call.

    感謝您參加 OFG Bancorp 的電話會議。

  • My name is Todd and I will be your operator today.


  • Our speakers are Jose Rafael Fernandez, Chief Executive Officer, and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors and Maritza Arizmendi Diaz, Chief Financial Officer.

    我們的演講者是執行長兼董事會副主席 Jose Rafael Fernandez 和財務長 Maritza Arizmendi Diaz。

  • A presentation accompanies today's remarks can be found on the homepage of the OFG website under the fourth quarter 2023 sections.

    今天的發言附帶的簡報可以在 OFG 網站主頁的 2023 年第四季部分找到。

  • This call may feature certain forward-looking statements about management's goals, plans and expectations.


  • These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties outlined in the Risk Factors section of OSG's SEC filings.

    這些陳述受到 OSG 向 SEC 備案的風險因素部分概述的風險和不確定性的影響。

  • Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated.


  • We disclaim any obligation to update information disclosed in this call as a result of developments that occur afterwards.


  • All lines have been placed on mute to prevent any background noise.


  • After the speakers' remarks, there will be a question-and-answer session.


  • Instructions will be given at that time.


  • I would now like to turn the call over to Mr. Fernandez.


  • Please go.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Good morning and thank you for joining us.


  • We are pleased to report our fourth quarter and year end results. 2023 was an outstanding year with record levels of loans, customer deposits, assets and stockholders' equity.

    我們很高興地報告我們的第四季和年終業績。 2023 年是出色的一年,貸款、客戶存款、資產和股東權益均創歷史新高。

  • For the first time, commercial loan balances exceeded $3 billion and tangible common equity was more than $1 billion.

    商業貸款餘額首次超過 30 億美元,有形普通股權益首次超過 10 億美元。

  • Our digital first strategy continues to empower existing customers and attract new ones. 93% of all new teen retail transactions and more for deposits now take place through self-service channels, enabling our teams to focus more on business development opportunities.

    我們的數位優先策略持續為現有客戶提供支援並吸引新客戶。現在,93% 的青少年新零售交易以及更多的存款交易都是透過自助服務管道進行的,這使我們的團隊能夠更加專注於業務發展機會。

  • While consumer credit has begun to normalize post pandemic, consumer liquidity and employment levels continue to be solid.


  • Our commercial clients are doing very well in a strong economy.


  • We are very proud of our accomplishments and thank the entire Oriental team for making this record year as possible.


  • Please turn to page 3 for a summary of our fourth quarter results.

    請翻至第 3 頁,了解我們第四季的業績摘要。

  • Looking at the income statement, earnings per share diluted was $0.98. Total core revenues were $175.6 million and net interest margin was was 5.62%.

    查看損益表,稀釋後每股收益為 0.98 美元。核心總收入為 1.756 億美元,淨利差為 5.62%。

  • Provision was $19.7 million primarily due to increased loan volume.

    撥備金額為 1,970 萬美元,主要是因為貸款量增加。

  • Non-interest expenses were $94.1 million and pre-provision net revenue totaled $88.2 million.

    非利息支出為 9,410 萬美元,撥備前淨收入總計 8,820 萬美元。

  • Quarterly performance included two items of note first was closing on the sale of nonperforming Puerto Rico small business loans.


  • We mentioned a planned sale last quarter.


  • This resulted in a $6.3 million pre-tax gain Secca was workforce early retirement and rightsizing.

    這帶來了 630 萬美元的稅前收益 Secca 是勞動力提前退休和規模調整。

  • This resulted in a $3.2 million non-interest expense for severance and lease cancellations stemming from increased productivity in certain areas.

    由於某些領域生產力的提高,導致遣散費和租賃取消產生 320 萬美元的非利息費用。

  • In part as a result of our technology investments.


  • Turning to the balance sheet, total assets increased to $11.3 billion from $10.3 billion last quarter.

    轉向資產負債表,總資產從上季的 103 億美元增加到 113 億美元。

  • Customer deposits increased to $9.6 billion from $8.5 billion.

    客戶存款從 85 億美元增加到 96 億美元。

  • This was due primarily to a $1.2 billion deposit of public funds in mid-December, giving us a total of $1.6 billion of government deposits.

    這主要是由於 12 月中旬存入 12 億美元的公共資金,使我們的政府存款總額達到 16 億美元。

  • Loans held for investment totaled $7.5 billion, up 4% from the third quarter, with new loan production for loan origination of $664 million, up 17% from the third quarter.

    持有的投資貸款總額為 75 億美元,較第三季成長 4%,用於發放貸款的新增貸款為 6.64 億美元,較第三季成長 17%。

  • Investments increased to $2.7 billion from $2.1 billion in the third quarter.

    投資從第三季的 21 億美元增加到 27 億美元。

  • This was due to purchases of short-term treasury bills and long-term government mortgage-backed securities.


  • Cash increased to $748 million from $533 million.

    現金從 5.33 億美元增加到 7.48 億美元。

  • During the second half of 2023, we redeploy our higher-than-normal cash levels and maturing treasury positions into longer-term mortgage-backed securities.

    2023 年下半年,我們將高於正常水準的現金水準和到期資金部位重新配置為長期抵押貸款擔保證券。

  • These moves position OFG balance sheet well for the expected lower interest rate environment in the second half of 2024.

    這些舉措使 OFG 的資產負債表能夠很好地應對 2024 年下半年預期較低的利率環境。

  • Looking at capital, the CET1 ratio was 14.12% up from 14.06% in the third quarter.


  • Please turn to page 4 for a summary of our 2023 results.

    請翻至第 4 頁,了解我們 2023 年業績摘要。

  • Earnings per share diluted for the year was $3.83, up 11% year over year.

    全年攤薄每股收益為 3.83 美元,較去年同期成長 11%。

  • Total core revenues were $683 million, up 12% year over year.

    核心總收入為 6.83 億美元,較去年同期成長 12%。

  • Net interest margin was 5.8%.


  • Provision was $60 million, noninterest expense ex six, so $363 million and pre-provision net revenue totaled $326 million and our capital actions in 2023 included increasing the quarterly dividend by 10% to $0.22 and completing $18.7 million of share buybacks.

    撥備金額為6,000 萬美元,扣除6 美元的非利息費用,因此為3.63 億美元,撥備前淨收入總計3.26 億美元,我們2023 年的資本行動包括將季度股息增加10% 至0.22 美元,並完成1870 萬美元的股票回購。

  • We have approximately $70 million of remaining authorization.

    我們還有大約 7000 萬美元的剩餘授權。

  • Please turn to page 5 for an update on our digital-first strategy.

    請翻至第 5 頁,以了解我們數位優先策略的最新資訊。

  • As of December 93% of all retail customer transactions and 96% of retail deposit transactions are now being made through digital and self-service channels.

    截至 12 月,93% 的零售客戶交易和 96% 的零售存款交易現在是透過數位和自助服務管道進行的。

  • That is being driven by year-over-year growth in December of 11% in digital enrollment, 54% in digital payments and 21% in virtual Telering utilization as well as the continued success of our Oriental servicing portal, which was introduced mid-2023.

    這是由於 12 月數位註冊量同比增長 11%、數位支付量同比增長 54%、虛擬 Telering 使用量同比增長 21%,以及我們於 2023 年中推出的東方服務門戶的持續成功推動了這一增長。

  • Our new listeners the portal is a cornerstone of our self-service strategy.


  • Customers can manage all loans and deposit accounts.


  • It enables them to originate on open checking and savings and CD, applying for and accessing loans, managing automatic loan payments and downloading bank letters and tax documents.


  • We will continue to add new features on a regular basis.


  • Our play -- '23 performance continues to validate our strategy and investments in technology.

    我們的表現 - '23 的表現繼續驗證我們的策略和技術投資。

  • As I mentioned, they help us provide more value-added service, increase our efficiency and assign more staff for new business development activities.


  • Now I would like to welcome Maritza to the call to go over the financials in more detail.

    現在,我歡迎 Maritza 參加電話會議,更詳細地了解財務狀況。

  • Maritza Arizmendi Diaz - CFO

    Maritza Arizmendi Diaz - CFO

  • Thank you, Jose.


  • Please turn to page 6 to review our financial highlights.

    請翻至第 6 頁查看我們的財務摘要。

  • Starting with revenues total interest income was $176 million for $10 million from the third quarter.

    從收入開始,第三季的總利息收入為 1,000 萬美元,為 1.76 億美元。

  • Key factors were as $7 million increase from loans, a $6 million increase from investment securities and a $2 million decline from cash.

    關鍵因素是貸款增加 700 萬美元,投資證券增加 600 萬美元,現金減少 200 萬美元。

  • Now benefited from a higher average volumes and yields.


  • The same factors affected investment securities, mainly due to fixed rate higher yielding securities purchased late in both the third and fourth quarters.


  • Average cash balances declined as we put more funds to work in loan, and investment securities.


  • The net interest expense was $33 million, an increase of $9 million from the third quarter.


  • Key drivers were a $5 million increase due to a higher level of short-term wholesale funding and a $4 million increase due to higher average balances of core deposits at a higher rate.

    主要驅動因素是由於短期批發融資水準較高而增加了 500 萬美元,以及由於核心存款平均餘額較高且利率較高而增加了 400 萬美元。

  • So that banking and financial service revenues were $32 million, up $2 million from the third quarter.

    因此,銀行和金融服務收入為 3,200 萬美元,比第三季增加 200 萬美元。

  • Cost management revenues reflected online insurance commission recognition of $2.5 million.

    成本管理收入反映線上保險佣金確認為 250 萬美元。

  • Bank service revenues increased due to higher levels of economic activity and mortgage banking revenues declined due to lower MSR valuations, reflecting the fall near term interest rates during the quarter.

    由於經濟活動水平較高,銀行服務收入增加,而抵押貸款銀行收入由於 MSR 估值較低而下降,反映了本季近期利率的下降。

  • As a result of all these factors, total core revenues were $176 million, up $3 million from the third quarter.

    由於所有這些因素,核心總收入為 1.76 億美元,比第三季增加 300 萬美元。

  • Our net interest income totaled $7 million, up $6 million from the third quarter.

    我們的淨利息收入總計 700 萬美元,比第三季增加 600 萬美元。

  • This was due to the gain from the sale of non-performing Puerto Rico small business loans.


  • Looking at noninterest expenses, they totaled $94 million, up $4 million from the third quarter, the efficiency ratio was 53.59%, up slightly from the third quarter.


  • Most of the difference between the third and the fourth quarter was the cost of work force early retirement and facilities rightsizing.


  • We plan to use the resultant savings to continue to invest in technology, which will enable us to continue to average about $90 million to $92 million of non-interest expense per quarter in 2024, with efficiency ratios continuing in the low to mid 50% range.

    我們計劃利用由此節省的資金繼續投資於技術,這將使我們能夠在 2024 年繼續實現每季平均約 9,000 萬至 9,200 萬美元的非利息支出,效率比率繼續保持在 50% 的中低範圍內。

  • Our entitlement metrics remain high.


  • Return on average assets was 1.76%, the same as in the third quarter.


  • Retail, our tangible common equity was 18.22%, a nice increase from the third quarter tangible book value per share was $23.13 up more than $2 from the third quarter.

    零售方面,我們的有形普通股權益為 18.22%,較第三季的有形帳面價值大幅成長,每股有形帳面價值為 23.13 美元,較第三季增加超過 2 美元。

  • Tangible equity benefited from the increase in both retained earnings and AOCI.

    有形權益受益於留存收益和 AOCI 的增加。

  • Please turn to page 7 to review our operational highlights.

    請翻至第 7 頁查看我們的營運亮點。

  • Average loan balances were $7.4 billion, an increase of 3% from the third quarter, end of period balances was about the same, December 31 balances reflected sequential growth of 9% in Puerto Rico commercial loans, 7% in US commercial loans, 3% in auto loans and 1% in consumer loans.

    平均貸款餘額為 74 億美元,較第三季度增長 3%,期末餘額大致相同,12 月 31 日餘額反映波多黎各商業貸款環比增長 9%,美國商業貸款環比增長 7%,環比增長 3%汽車貸款和消費貸款為1%。

  • Presidential mortgage loans declined 3% reflected continued regular paydowns and the securitization and sale of conforming loans.

    總統抵押貸款下降 3%,反映出持續的定期還款以及合格貸款的證券化和出售。

  • Loan yield was 7.96%, up 12 basis points from the third quarter.


  • This reflected increases from variable rate commercial loans, higher entry yields on new loans and a smaller proportion of residential mortgages in the loan book.


  • Average core deposits were $8.7 billion, an increase of 1% from the third quarter end of period balances were $9.6 billion, an increase of 12% from September 30, this reflected the $1.2 billion deposit of public funds in mid-December.


  • Core deposit cost was 107 basis points compared to 90 basis points in the third quarter.

    核心存款成本為 107 個基點,而第三季為 90 個基點。

  • This increase mainly relates to 30 basis points due to higher rates on government deposits and 20 basis points in time deposits, as of the fourth quarter, our cumulative beta was 27% for interest-bearing deposits and only 19% for total deposits.


  • Excluding government deposits, it was 15%, average borrowings and brokered deposits were $602 million compared to $266 million in the third quarter.

    不包括政府存款,這一數字為 15%,平均借款和經紀存款為 6.02 億美元,而第三季為 2.66 億美元。

  • The December 31, balance fell to $363 million.


  • The rate paid on these wholesale funding increased 54 basis points to 5.21% in the fourth quarter, the interim quarterly increase in wholesale funding balances reflected asset and liability management strategies that involve a short-term need for increased liquidity.

    第四季批發融資利率增加了 54 個基點,達到 5.21%,批發融資餘額的中期季度增長反映了涉及增加流動性的短期需求的資產和負債管理策略。

  • Most of December 31, broker deposit balance of $162 million will mature early in the current first quarter, we expect to use excess deposits to reduce wholesale funding.


  • Net interest margin was 5.62%.


  • That compares to 5.80% in the third quarter, assuming some catch-up in deposit costs as well as some potential rig costs, we believe meaningful easy about 20 basis points over the course of 2024.

    相較之下,第三季為 5.80%,假設存款成本以及一些潛在的鑽機成本增加,我們認為 2024 年將輕鬆實現約 20 個基點的有意義的成長。

  • Please turn to page 8 to review our credit quality and capital strength.


  • Net charge-offs totaled $16 million, down $3 million from the third quarter the net charge-off rate was 88 basis points, down 70 basis points from the third quarter.


  • The first quarter reflected net charge-off rate declines in residential mortgages due to recoveries and an improvement in commercial loans due to the absence of a $7 million charge-off in the third quarter related to US loans, included in the fourth quarter net charge-off rate way were increases in auto and consumer loans, mainly due to a higher level of delinquencies.

    第一季反映了住宅抵押貸款的淨沖銷率下降,原因是回收率下降,以及商業貸款的改善,因為第三季度沒有與美國貸款相關的700 萬美元沖銷,包括在第四季度的淨沖銷中。汽車和消費貸款增加,主要是由於拖欠率上升。

  • Looking at our metrics, provision for credit losses totaled $20 million, most of which relates to increased volume, first quarter early and total delinquency rates were in line with the third quarter at 2.76% and 3.76%, respectively.

    從我們的指標來看,信貸損失撥備總額為 2,000 萬美元,其中大部分與交易量增加有關,第一季提前拖欠率和總拖欠率與第三季一致,分別為 2.76% 和 3.76%。

  • The nonperforming loan rate of 1.22% was the lowest of the last five quarters.


  • Collateralized credit continues to be good.


  • With COVID stimulus fading away.


  • We expect increased net charge-offs in our auto and consumer but will increase employment and a growing part of the forecast on net charge-off and delinquency should be lower than pre-pandemic levels.


  • Looking at some of our capital metrics.


  • Total stockholders' equity was $1.2 billion and tangible common equity ratio was 9.68%.

    股東權益總額為 12 億美元,有形普通股權益比率為 9.68%。

  • To sum up, during the fourth quarter, we saw revenue growth continued to benefit from higher yields and higher balances of both loan and securities growth.


  • Loan origination driven by commercial retail, auto and consumer lending, increased our deposit costs mainly higher, but bigger has continued to remain well below peers, significantly higher end of period core deposits, higher short term wholesale funding, credit condition normalization and core non-interest expense in line with our expected range.


  • That includes continued investment in our Digital First strategy.


  • Now, here's process.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Thank you Maritza, please turn to page 9.

    謝謝 Maritza,請翻到第 9 頁。

  • Our outlook remains positive for both Puerto Rico and OFG.

    我們對波多黎各和 OFG 的前景仍然樂觀。

  • The flow of federal funds to rebuild the island's infrastructure continues.


  • Local businesses are expanding, the consumer is doing well.


  • Private Capital continues to make investments in the island.


  • We still have to watch out for all the big uncertainties, interest rate changes, inflation, possible mainland recession as well as the ongoing global content.


  • While we remain optimistic about Puerto Rico and look forward to continued economic and business growth as well as strong levels of employment.


  • Turning to OFG, 2023 results were driven by loan growth, good credit quality, a higher interest rate environment and low deposit beta.

    至於 OFG,2023 年的業績是由貸款成長、良好的信貸品質、較高的利率環境和較低的存款貝塔值所推動的。

  • We saw strong traction with digital adoption and client acquisition as Oriental self-service portal and other innovations are helping to build our businesses.


  • As a result, we had a record year in earnings.


  • As I mentioned earlier, assets, loans, customer deposits and stockholders' equity ended the year, a new highs.


  • Overall, our strategies have proven highly effective.


  • Looking ahead we are starting 2024 with strong momentum, excellent strategic positioning and a significantly larger balance sheet for both loans and investments.

    展望未來,我們將以強勁的勢頭、卓越的策略定位以及顯著擴大的貸款和投資資產負債表進入 2024 年。

  • With this as a starting point, we anticipate continued loan and client growth.


  • This will be partially off-set by net interest margin easing over the course of the year due to expected lower interest rates by the fed -- and by higher provisions as consumer credit continues to normalize.


  • As Maritza mentioned, we plan to continue to invest in and deploying more customer friendly technology.

    正如 Maritza 所提到的,我們計劃繼續投資和部署更多客戶友善的技術。

  • All in all, we look forward to a strong year in 2024.

    總而言之,我們期待 2024 年表現強勁。

  • In closing, I want to emphasize that our results could not have been achieved without the hard work and dedication of all our team members.


  • We are thankful to them, and we're excited for what's to come in 2024 as we marked our 60 years in business on our 30-year trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

    我們感謝他們,並對 2024 年即將發生的事情感到興奮,因為我們在紐約證券交易所上市 30 週年,紀念我們的 60 週年業務。

  • With this, we end our formal presentation.


  • Operator, please open up the call for the Q&A.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • (Operator instructions)


  • Alexander Twerdahl, Piper Sandler.


  • Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Good morning, Alex.


  • Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • First off Jose, hoping you could give us a little bit more color on the $1.2 billion covered government deposit where it came from and whether or not it's on something that's going to stick around on your balance sheet for a prolonged period of time?

    首先,何塞,希望您能給我們更多關於 12 億美元擔保政府存款的信息,以及它是否會長期留在您的資產負債表上?

  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yeah.


  • So it's a long-standing client of ours and they had a onetime inflow of liquidity.


  • And certainly we we're honored to be their bank.


  • So again, a at this point, we don't have full visibility on the uses of the funds.


  • So for now, we're modeling and within our balance sheet as a short-term deposit.


  • But in the meantime, we are again servicing a long-standing customer that we have a full banking relationship with them.


  • We will definitely update you guys as we get more call from the customer.


  • But I would say it's going to take a couple of more weeks for us to figure it out.


  • Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So I mean, I guess when you're thinking about the NIM guidance, I think the 20 basis points of NIM compression throughout the year.

    所以我的意思是,我想當你考慮 NIM 指導時,我會想到全年 NIM 壓縮 20 個基點。

  • Should we just assume that on the balance sheet, excluding that $1.2 billion.

    我們是否應該假設資產負債表上不包括那 12 億美元?

  • Maritza Arizmendi Diaz - CFO

    Maritza Arizmendi Diaz - CFO

  • Well, it assumes the basis scenario also worth mentioning that it will be in for a short-term period.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yeah.


  • So, it excludes that one-time that the positive mix in our modeling excludes that deposit for the better part of 2024.

    因此,它排除了我們模型中的積極組合一次性排除了 2024 年大部分時間的存款。

  • Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And is that is that government deposits just sitting in a non-interest bearing now?


  • Or is it something that's going to impact interest income expenses in the first quarter.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • So it's a government deposits, and that is indexed based as on government deposits are these days.


  • So it's earning interest, right now on based on the formula that the government has established.


  • Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Understood.


  • And then I guess as I think about the size of the balance sheet, you guys are obviously over $10 billion.

    然後我想,當我考慮資產負債表的規模時,你們的資產顯然超過了 100 億美元。

  • Now it's something you projected something we expected, and your capital levels are building to a level where, it suggests that you could have a much larger balance sheet than where you are today.


  • How are you thinking about just overall managing the balance sheet over the next, I guess, year or coming years?


  • And you are just a strategy shift at all now that you're firmly above the $10 billion mark.

    既然你已經堅定地突破了 100 億美元大關,那麼你只是戰略上的轉變。

  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • So our game plan remains pretty much the same.


  • We see great opportunities for us to continue to grow our loan book here in Puerto Rico and somewhat in the States, too, but mostly here in Puerto Rico.


  • We are seeing a good economic environment that supports us in that effort and that's the game plan that we have.


  • We are basically now with good liquidity levels, a excess deposits, and we want to deploy them first and foremost into a into the jurisdictions and the locations that we operate in, primarily here in Puerto Rico.


  • So that's kind of how we're seeing it, Alex, if we're not really planning or having any extraordinary event on the on the agenda for us.


  • We just simply need to keep on going forward.


  • And just to go back to the question on the deposit on the government deposit I just wanted to I mentioned to you that really it's providing us.


  • I think that gives us flexibility on our balance sheet because one last night I mentioned in her remarks, you will.


  • And we have kind of canceled or less mature some of the wholesale funding that we that we took in the November, December months.

    我們已經取消了或不太成熟的一些批發資金,我們在 11 月和 12 月獲得了這些資金。

  • So that cost of that and there's a differential that also benefits a slight differential, but it probably benefits us.


  • So it's also short term, something that it's going to help us to be more flexible and nimbler with our balance sheet.


  • Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then just final question for me.


  • Just on the workforce rightsizing and some of the actions.


  • Can you just tell us what you did come out and I guess what the impact is.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yeah.


  • So first, it starts with we've been investing in our Digital First strategy for several years.


  • You've seen the investments and part of the art in theses and hypotheses for us is we're investing in technology to improve the customer experience and also to generate and incrementally start generating some efficiencies.


  • So some of some of what you're seeing in the fourth quarter is our pointed effort towards starting to extract some efficiencies with the intention of using those efficiencies, as the way we invest forward in technology and on our Digital First strategy, as we've talked about.


  • So we've seen some on some from a workforce reduction in some of the areas that have a it has been invested mostly and some of it is on branches, but mostly on the operational side.


  • And we're also seeing how we can be more nimble in terms of our facilities and we were able to cancel and terminate one of the leases that we had.


  • So again, it's all it's all about how do we take advantage of the investments that we made to get the second part of the of the of the thesis that we presented to you guys several years ago, which is starting to get some efficiencies out of the investments, too.


  • So we're being very intentional with that, and that's why we can keep the expenses at the 90, 92 kind of our quarterly level, as Maritza mentioned.

    因此,我們對此非常有意識,這就是為什麼我們可以將支出保持在 90、92 季度水平,正如 Maritza 所提到的。

  • Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I mean, is the presumption then going forward that as the digital strategy continues to play out through the next year, that maybe there will be further right-sizing or some further efficiencies found?


  • I guess sort of into next year?


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • It's for me too early to tell, Alex, a really, I mean, this is something really that we look very closely and we will look at it on a quarterly quarter to quarter basis to see what opportunities surface.


  • But we are certainly looking at it.


  • I can't promise anything though.


  • Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Twerdahl - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes, thank you for your call.


  • Operator


  • Brett Rabatin, Hovde Group.

    布雷特·拉巴廷 (Brett Rabatin),Hovde 集團。

  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Good morning.


  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • Wanted to just wanted to start with credit and we've seen I see obviously, credit continues to be pretty good.


  • But we are seeing this as I guess everyone kind of expected a normalization on consumer and auto.


  • And I missed versus comment on the 4Q trend versus going forward?


  • And that normalization was the comment that net charge-offs would be lower going forward relative to 4Q?


  • Or can you maybe just give us some color on your expectations for charge-offs in the consumer and auto book?


  • thanks.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • So when you're referring to the charges, you're obviously alluding to the consumer and auto A. charge-offs that Maritza mentioned in the remarks, and this is the way I look at it from a macro perspective, a breadth of the economy in Puerto Rico is solid.

    因此,當你提到這些費用時,你顯然是指 Maritza 在評論中提到的消費者和汽車沖銷,這就是我從宏觀角度看待它的方式,廣泛的波多黎各的經濟穩健。

  • It's doing well, but the consumer has much more liquidity than they had pre-pandemic.


  • The economy is in much better than it was pre-pandemic also.


  • So that's kind of the underlying environment that we're operating in, to give you a little bit more color on specifically on the auto a loan book.


  • I'll ask our Chief Risk Officer, César Ortiz to a to give you a little bit of color on the order book.

    我會請我們的首席風險官 César Ortiz 為您提供有關訂單簿的一些資訊。

  • So you guys understand how we see this.


  • César Ortiz-Marcano - Chief Risk Officer

    César Ortiz-Marcano - Chief Risk Officer

  • Thank you, Jose.


  • The -- one other things that I wanted to highlight in terms of context, taking the opportunity during 2022 and '23 of the increased demand in loans in auto loans, we took the opportunity to improve and tighten our underwriting standards.

    我想在背景方面強調的另一件事是,利用 2022 年和 23 年汽車貸款貸款需求增加的機會,我們藉此機會改進和收緊了我們的承保標準。

  • So if you look at the portfolio composition in terms of prime from position as of December 2023, we have an 82% prime composition compared to 64%, price competition during back in fouth quarter of 2019.

    因此,如果您從截至 2023 年 12 月的主要部位來看投資組合構成,我們的主要構成為 82%,而 2019 年第四季的價格競爭為 64%。

  • So that basically is giving us comfort that our levels of returning to normalcy will be better than pre-pandemic levels.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • And, Brett, to your point about the charges, we expect them to increase slightly or level off around sometime mid-year as we continue to see the tighter credit standards that we put in 2022 and 2023, potentially generating lower levels of charges-offs.

    而且,布雷特,就您對費用的觀點而言,我們預計這些費用將在年中某個時候略有增加或趨於平穩,因為我們繼續看到我們在2022 年和2023 年制定的更嚴格的信貸標準,可能會產生較低的沖銷。

  • For the next several quarters, we expect charges-offs on the auto book similar to the fourth quarter as we start to normalize, but still better than pre-pandemic levels.


  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then on loan growth, obviously strong production on the commercial side.


  • Can you talk maybe a little bit about how you expect loan growth to play out this year was obviously on we don't expect double digit growth in Puerto Rico every year, but you obviously hit that 10% mark in '23.

    您能談談您對今年貸款成長的預期嗎?顯然,我們預計波多黎各每年不會出現兩位數的成長,但您顯然在 23 年達到了 10% 的水平。

  • And what do you what do you think about the commercial production going forward Jose, and then maybe just loan growth for the year.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • First, thank you for a highlighting the fact that it's hard to replicate 10% loan growth every year.

    首先,感謝您強調每年 10% 的貸款成長很難複製這一事實。

  • So I appreciate I appreciate that bond that you're throwing at us.


  • But the way we see this is we see auto loan originations normalizing and trending slightly lower.


  • Consumer probably relatively flat in terms of loan originations, and we see a good opportunity on the commercial side, small, mid-size, and larger type of loan opportunities here in Puerto Rico, we see and good strong pipelines.


  • We still see strong, good demand.


  • We see private capital being deployed in the economy in Puerto Rico and the and that's kind of a an area of opportunity for us as it was in 2023.

    我們看到私人資本被部署到波多黎各的經濟中,這對我們來說是一個機會領域,就像 2023 年一樣。

  • So that's kind of how we're looking at this in terms of loan growth, if the economy grows 2%, 2.5%, at least as it has been a predicted a we expect to grow between 3% and 4% of our loan book.

    這就是我們對貸款成長的看法,如果經濟成長 2%、2.5%,至少按照預測,我們預計貸款總額將成長 3% 到 4% 。

  • No note that we expect residential mortgage book to go down still during the year as we're seeing less and less demand for us in that in that line of business.


  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And other buckets like no one else on.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes.


  • And as we sell some of those conforming loans.


  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • I'm sorry, okay sorry if I could sneak in one last one.


  • Just around fee income.


  • Obviously the Wealth Management life insurance bucket benefited from some I guess you call it unusual numbers in 4Q.


  • Is it fair to assume, but those line items go back a little lower, maybe unique outlook on fee income relative to the fourth quarter?


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yeah, I remember, fourth quarter is impacted by the insurance contingent commissions that we get every year.


  • So yes, I think it will trend back down to the more normal level of $30 million around

    所以是的,我認為它會回落到 3000 萬美元左右的更正常水平

  • Maritza Arizmendi Diaz - CFO

    Maritza Arizmendi Diaz - CFO

  • $30 million.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Of funding I mentioned a quarter.


  • Brett Rabatin - Analyst

    Brett Rabatin - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks for all the color.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yes, thank you, Brett.


  • Have a great day.


  • Operator


  • (Operator instructions) Kelly Motta, KBW.

    (操作員說明)Kelly Motta,KBW。

  • Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

  • Hi Good morning.


  • Thank you so much for the question, -- maybe piggy backing of the loan growth question high up Q4 I know the MetroPCS field closed.

    非常感謝您提出這個問題,--也許是第四季度貸款成長問題的支持,我知道 MetroPCS 領域已經關閉。

  • I was hoping you could share about, how much that contributed to your loan growth disorder as well as if you could offer any additional color on, how the pricing of that compare to normal commercial originations


  • (technical difficulty)


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • So thank you for your question, Kelly on.


  • So we grew from the third quarter to the fourth quarter.


  • We grew commercial Puerto Rico commercial loans by around $196 million.

    我們為波多黎各商業貸款增加了約 1.96 億美元。

  • We did participate on the Metro PCS privatization, the highway privatization with a $75 million participation.

    我們確實參與了 Metro PCS 私有化和高速公路私有化,參與金額為 7500 萬美元。

  • So excluding that, we grew our commercial book by approximately $121 million.

    因此,排除這一點,我們的商業帳簿增加了約 1.21 億美元。

  • So Ex-MetroPCS does use, do you still are seeing a 5.6% a growth from third to fourth quarter?

    那麼 Ex-MetroPCS 確實使用了,從第三季度到第四季度,您是否仍然看到 5.6% 的成長?

  • So again, most of that origination ex-Metropistas is coming from Construction Services is coming from hospitality.


  • It's coming from small and mid-size manufacturing companies that we do business with.


  • And I think we also are looking into and the small business side of the of the business is doing a great job, but generating good, a professional kind of offices, medical and the like a type of office financing and equipment.


  • So we are doing a pretty good job on the Puerto Rico commercial book.


  • And we think that the pipeline that we have and the approach that we have is paying off in terms of the MetroPCS loan rate and how does it compare to two other larger loans is pretty similar now, maybe slightly lower by 25, 30 basis points, but it's not nothing too dissimilar from other from other large loans.

    我們認為,我們擁有的管道和方法在 MetroPCS 貸款利率方面正在獲得回報,而且它與其他兩項較大貸款相比現在非常相似,可能略低 25、30 個基點,但這與其他大筆貸款並沒有什麼不同。

  • But that again, that's as we've said in the past, we do not rely on those type of transactions.


  • We really are focused on the our bread-and-butter, which is small and mid-size commercial loans.


  • And that and both teams, the small business team and their large commercial team are doing a great job.


  • Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

  • That's really, really helpful.


  • Thank you for that.


  • And maybe just getting some clarification around the margin guidance.


  • I appreciate the outlook for about 20 basis compression.

    我對大約 20 個基差壓縮的前景表示讚賞。

  • Just wondering what your assumptions embedded in there are for rate this year.


  • And can you just remind us any index or floating rate on either side of the balance sheet, how we should be kind of thinking about that, when the fed starts cuts?


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • I'll give you my highlights high level, and I'll let Maritza give you more specifics per.

    我將向您介紹我的高水平亮點,並讓 Maritza 為您提供更多細節。

  • But the way we look at the interest rate environment currently for 2024 is for the second half of the year.

    但我們目前對 2024 年利率環境的看法是針對下半年的。

  • We will start seeing some of the fed start seeing the fed taking some action and reducing rates three to four, a 25 basis point cuts.


  • So that's how we're modeling our net interest margin from a macro interest rate perspective, I'll let Mike talk to you about the underpinnings of coming out of the margin?


  • Maritza Arizmendi Diaz - CFO

    Maritza Arizmendi Diaz - CFO

  • Thank you, Kelly, for your question.


  • Yes, the balance sheet composition right now in the in the asset side, and this is something we have shared with you before is the fact that in the commercial book we have about half of our commercial loan book is variable rate.


  • So we have exposure at one as rates start to go down.


  • And the other by the ability that we have is the maturity of the short-term treasuries.


  • There were two in the first quarter of $300 million in short-term treasuries on us and along their positions that we had them will mature in May 2024 is $200 million in loans and $200 million in treasury notes.

    第一季我們持有兩筆 3 億美元的短期國債,我們持有的將於 2024 年 5 月到期的部位包括 2 億美元的貸款和 2 億美元的國債。

  • So that will reprice at current levels so that the viability on the on the asset side, but what we have been doing during the last two quarters is adding an extension in the asset side of higher yielding with the acquisition of $700 million MBAS.

    因此,這將在當前水準上重新定價,以便資產方面的生存能力,但我們在過去兩個季度中一直在做的是透過收購 7 億美元的 MBAS 來增加資產方面的更高收益的擴展。

  • And the idea is to continue finance that are variable rate deposits and the structure of the government deposits that will reach me adding to the balance sheet have that structure.


  • So we will we are adding variability into the liability side to position ourselves to a lower rate environment when it starts coming.


  • Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

  • Awesome.


  • Thanks so much for the help maybe kind of last multi-part question for me is on correct just $10 billion in asset size, can you one remind us the timing and impact of the Durbin.

    非常感謝您的幫助,也許對我來說最後一個由多部分組成的問題是正確的 100 億美元資產規模,您能否提醒我們杜賓事件的時機和影響。

  • I know you covered it on previous calls, just wanted confirm and get an update maybe


  • --


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • It should be in July and we start triggering via the Durbin effect.


  • So it's going to have a half a year impact and the full impact will be seen on 2025.

    因此,它將產生半年的影響,全面的影響將在 2025 年看到。

  • Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

  • I think, I recall, it may be roughly about.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yeah, $5 million.


  • Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

  • Books annually.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yeah, $10 million annually. $5 million 2024, and then the $10 million in 2025.

    是的,每年1000萬美元。 2024 年為 500 萬美元,2025 年為 1,000 萬美元。

  • Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then I believe in prior year-end, you talked about maybe strategically managing under that $10 billion in assets, maybe customers took excess funds and put it elsewhere.

    然後我相信在去年年底,您談到可能對這 100 億美元的資產進行策略管理,也許客戶會拿走多餘的資金並將其放在其他地方。

  • Just it seems like the large government deposit is idiosyncratic to that customer, not have anything to do with kind of previous managing under $10 billion.

    只是對該客戶來說,巨額政府存款似乎很特殊,與先前管理的 100 億美元以下的資金沒有任何關係。

  • Just wanted to confirm that.


  • And also, wondering if there's potential, inflows of deposits just related to customers who have OFG as their lead bank who may be -- you may recruit to bring more of that excess funds back now that you're clearly crossed that path?

    而且,想知道是否有潛在的存款流入與以 OFG 作為牽頭銀行的客戶有關,既然您顯然已經跨越了這條道路,您可能會招募更多的多餘資金回來?

  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Yeah.


  • So the first part of your question.


  • No, we did not try to manage below $10 billion ex-government deposits and did not engage this year as we had kind of commented, I think, on the third quarter call.

    不,我們沒有試圖管理低於 100 億美元的前政府存款,今年也沒有參與,我想,我們在第三季電話會議上曾發表過評論。

  • So we are managing and we were managing conscientiously towards breaking the $10 billion mark because it really makes total sense for us as we can reinvest those deposits into higher yield than in previous years.

    因此,我們正在認真管理,以突破 100 億美元大關,因為這對我們來說確實很有意義,因為我們可以將這些存款再投資,以獲得比前幾年更高的收益率。

  • So that's the first part.


  • On the second part, yeah, we are very active.


  • And we are actually working very diligently in customer deposits strategies that will be deployed during the year.


  • And that should play for us as we continue to grow our customer base, and again, take advantage of our good strategic positioning that we have in the Puerto Rico market.


  • Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

    Kelly Ann Motta - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Appreciate the color.


  • Thanks so much.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • You're welcome.


  • Thank you for your call and for your questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator instructions) And we have no further questions at this time.


  • I'll now turn the call back to Mr. Fernandez for closing remarks.


  • Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

    Jose Rafael Fernandez - President, CEO & Vice Chairman

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Thank you, again, to all our team members, and thanks to all our stakeholders who are listening.


  • Have a great day.


  • Operator


  • This does conclude today's call.


  • We thank you for your participation.


  • You may disconnect at any time.
