諾基亞 (NOK) 2011 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator

  • Good day.

  • My name is Dennison.

  • I will be your conference operator today.

  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the Nokia first quarter 2011 earnings results conference call.

  • All lines have been placed on mute to prevent any background noise.

  • After the speaker's remarks there will be a question-and-answer session.

  • (Operator Instructions)

  • I will now turn the call over to Mr.

  • Matt Shimao, Head of Investor Relations.

  • Please go ahead sir.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Nokia's first quarter 2011 conference call.

  • I'm Matt Shimao, Head of Nokia Investor Relations.

  • Stephen Elop, President and CEO of Nokia, and Timo Ihamuotila, CFO of Nokia are here in Espoo with me today.

  • During this call, we'll be making forward-looking statements regarding the future business and financial performance of Nokia and its industry.

  • These statements are predictions that involve risk and uncertainties.

  • Actual results may therefore differ materially from the results we currently expect.

  • Factors that could cause such differences can be both external, such as general economic and industry conditions, as well as internal operating factors.

  • We have identified these in more detail on pages 12 through 39 of our 2010 20-F and in our quarterly results press release issued today.

  • Please note that the results disclosure today include non-IFRS results information in addition to the reported results information.

  • Our complete interim report with tables available on our website includes a detailed explanation of the content of the non-IFRS information and a reconciliation between the non-IFRS and the reported information.

  • With that, Stephen, over to you.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Thank you Matt.

  • Q1 of 2011 has been a remarkable quarter for Nokia.

  • It was during this quarter that we articulated the serious nature of Nokia's challenges in a manner that served as a call to arms for our employees.

  • We also constructed and announced Nokia's new strategy for the years ahead.

  • And now we have shifted our focus from defining our new strategy to taking the first important steps to realization.

  • During this time, the fiercely competitive environment continued to increase and affect our business.

  • Yet with our new strategy, we have more clarity around future direction and a stronger recognition for the work we must accomplish in order to improve our financial results.

  • In Q1, we took immediate steps to mobilize the Company around three new business objectives which are -- regaining our leadership in smart devices with Microsoft as a partner, growing our leadership in mobile phones as we bring the Internet to the next billion, and also investing in future disruptions.

  • To accomplish these objectives, we are focusing on key differentiators including signature user experiences, iconic hardware, differentiated software, and supporting an ecosystem of services that consumers demand.

  • We are also taking advantage of our global reach, powerful supply networks, and the strength of our brand.

  • With all of this transformation, we also recognize that we must change the way we work in order to achieve our new objectives.

  • Today I'm going to structure my remarks around the current situation and the steps we are taking relative to the different pillars of our new strategy.

  • First, we are focused on improving the product competitiveness of our smart devices.

  • This begins with being laser-focused on our Symbian results as we commence our transition to the Windows Phone platform.

  • While competitive challenges remain, and the trends that precipitated our new strategy persist, we saw no immediate evidence of a sudden change in the consumer perception around Symbian as a result of our announcements on February 11.

  • During the quarter, we took deliberate action in an effort to support Symbian sales during the transition to the Windows Phone platform, including work to enhance the ongoing competitiveness of the Symbian range of products.

  • For example, we recently announced the Nokia E6 and the Nokia X7, two products with the new Symbian Anna software.

  • The team has renewed the user experience with fresh icons, a faster browser, and enterprise-grade security.

  • Consumers who purchased the Nokia N8, E7, C7 and the C6-01 also will be able to upgrade to the Symbian Anna software.

  • The combination of these new devices, our future products and the ongoing pattern of software enhancements gives us increased confidence that we can engage both existing and new Symbian customers during our transition.

  • Additionally, we started shifting our smartphone business from Symbian to the Windows Phone platform through our work with Microsoft and various industry partners.

  • As we said previously, we will not announce specific ship dates until we are quite close to the product launch, but our confidence to deliver products with improved quality is growing every day.

  • It was encouraging to show off our early work on the Windows Phone platform to our sales and marketing team during our annual sales and marketing meeting last month.

  • But most notably for our smart devices effort, today we signed the definitive agreement between Nokia and Microsoft.

  • While this partnership is significant in size and scope, we are able to finalize it earlier than originally anticipated.

  • We thought it would be helpful to characterize the nature of this agreement as this is key to our future strategy.

  • At the highest level, we believe this is a win-win partnership.

  • It is the complementary nature of our assets and the overall competitiveness of that combined offering that is the foundation of our relationship.

  • Nokia will adopt the Windows Phone platform as our principal smartphone strategy, and we are innovating and differentiating on top of the platform in a variety of areas to drive the future of the Windows Phone ecosystem.

  • We believe the structure of the agreement is balanced, and reflects each of our contributions to the partnership.

  • I tend to think of the agreement along four broad areas.

  • The first aspect of the relationship, something which makes the partnership truly unique, is the combination of assets we both bring to the ecosystem.

  • For example, Nokia will deliver mapping, navigation and certain location-based services to the Windows Phone ecosystem.

  • Additionally, we will bring our global-scale extensive supply network and the strength of our brand.

  • Microsoft will provide search services across the Nokia smartphone portfolio as well as contributing strength and productivity, advertising, gaming, social media and a variety of other services.

  • The combination of navigation with advertising and search will enable better monetization of Nokia's navigation assets.

  • We also gained completely new forms of advertising revenue, which is an area where we have not previously participated.

  • Together with Microsoft, we will work on developer outreach and application sourcing for the creation of new local and global applications.

  • Further, Windows Phone developer registration will be free for all Nokia developers.

  • As partners, we will open a new Nokia-branded global applications store that leverages the Windows marketplace infrastructure, and we will contribute our expertise in operator billing to ensure that participants in the Windows Phone ecosystem can take advantage of our billing agreements with 112 operators in 36 markets.

  • The second aspect of the agreement is that we will pay a royalty to Microsoft for the Windows Phone platform which will commence when we ship the first devices based on the Windows Phone platform.

  • We believe that these royalties, over the life of the agreement, are very competitive for us.

  • They reflect the large volumes that we expect to ship and a variety of other considerations related to engineering work to which we are jointly committed.

  • In return, Microsoft will deliver the Windows Phone platform to us, and we are able to reduce our operating expenses significantly, a topic that I will cover later in my remarks.

  • The third aspect of the relationship further reflects the growing importance of intellectual property, and we created mechanisms for exchanging intellectual property rights.

  • As part of this, Nokia will receive substantial payments under the agreement.

  • And fourth, in recognition of the unique nature of this partnership and Nokia's substantial commitment to the Windows Phone platform, we will receive payments from Microsoft totaling billions of dollars.

  • In addition to closing the deal, hundreds of people already are engaging on joint engineering efforts, collaborating on a portfolio of new Nokia devices, porting key applications and services to operate on the Windows Phone platform, and reaching out to third-party application developers.

  • Overall, I am encouraged by our early progress with Microsoft.

  • Let's now move to the second pillar of our strategy, which is our mobile phones business.

  • We launched the Nokia C3 QWERTY device last year, and in Q1 the lower-priced Nokia X201 QWERTY ramped up nicely.

  • In total, we shipped more than 8 million C3 and X201 devices in Q1.

  • However, the competition in the mobile phone space remains fierce, and we find ourselves at an important point of product family transition.

  • In Q1, one of the leading sources of pressure on our mobile phones business has been the lack of dual-SIM products.

  • We expect this pressure to further increase in Q2.

  • However, we plan to ship the Nokia C2 dual-SIM device by the end of Q2, 2011, to begin to address the gap in our portfolio.

  • The C2 will be the first of a range of dual-SIM devices designed to significantly increase the competitiveness of our mobile phones offering through the balance of the year.

  • I'll now move to our third pillar.

  • We are making progress with our objective of investing in future disruptions.

  • This is not an area on which we will provide regular operational updates.

  • However, we have begun the process of pursuing the next generation of platforms, devices and user experiences that we believe will define some of the future disruptions in our market.

  • As we navigate through this transition, we are allocating key talent and resources against differentiators, which I have referenced before as our unpolished gems.

  • For example, we are continuing to make progress with services.

  • The Ovi store is up to 5 million downloads per day with more than 40,000 applications.

  • This is nearly an eightfold growth in applications in one year.

  • Also during a quarter that saw the heartbreaking tragedy in Japan, our world-class supply chain was put to the test.

  • We quickly determined our exposure points with both our direct suppliers and with suppliers deep in the supply chain.

  • As a result, we were able to take immediate steps in an effort to secure supply.

  • We mitigated much, although not all, of our initially assessed Q2 2011 exposure related to the earthquake, tsunami and the ongoing nuclear incident in Japan.

  • Therefore our Q2 2011 guidance reflects in part the turmoil triggered by the Japanese disasters.

  • Shimao will take you through this in more detail in a few moments.

  • Finally, I wanted to talk briefly about changes to the way we work.

  • We need to unquestionably accelerate our pace, which means changing how we operate.

  • While we are still in the early days, we are undergoing changes to adjust our workforce to a challenger mindset.

  • Over the last few weeks, we have implemented new organizational efforts including being very deliberate in defining the behaviors, the attitudes and the environment that we believe must be present to drive great results.

  • Additionally, we are shifting to more localized empowerment so the teams in the field who are closest to our partners and customers can respond to local market conditions more quickly.

  • And we are increasing accountability across the organization by clarifying senior leadership roles, being unambiguous about decision-making rights, and designing measures to tie compensation incentives more closely to performance matrix.

  • The changes I have described are designed to bring a corresponding substantial reduction in our operating expenses.

  • We target to reduce our Devices and Services non-IFRS operating expenses by EUR1 billion for the full-year 2013 compared to the full-year 2010 Devices and Services non-IFRS operating expenses of EUR5.65 billion.

  • Next week, we will be ready to commence the detailed consultation processes with our employees.

  • We will provide more details about the impact on employment, the transition process for employees, new opportunities for employment, and unique programs that we will put in place to reflect the importance that we attribute to our social responsibility.

  • It is important to note that because new programs will be ramped up as other efforts are transitioned, generally all employees can stay on the payroll through the end of the year.

  • Additionally, it is important to highlight that the targeted reduction in operating expenses comes from a variety of different sources, not only from a reduction in the number of employees.

  • These other areas include normal attrition, a reduction in the use of outsourced professionals, reductions in facility costs, improvements and efficiencies in a variety of other topics.

  • Speculation on the exact numbers and timing of reductions is therefore best postponed until we have discussed and developed the initial plans with employee representatives through the official consultation process.

  • In summary, we are making some very difficult decisions because our business is faced with a challenging situation.

  • However, with our new strategy in place, we are able to remove elements of ambiguity.

  • Today, I've provided more clarity in the areas where we have answers.

  • For example, we intend to reduce our operating expenditures by EUR1 billion.

  • We have signed a definitive agreement with Microsoft and we have confirmed the planned timing of our dual-SIM offering.

  • While we have not removed all of the uncertainty around our new strategy, we are taking measures to provide as much visibility as possible during each step of this journey.

  • In conclusion, we -- indeed all of us at Nokia have shifted from a mode of developing our strategy to one of putting our strategy into action.

  • With every day that passes, we gain new clarity so we can deliver results.

  • And let me be clear, at Nokia results matter.

  • Results means building inspired teams that deliver great products to consumers which ultimately drives superior financial results.

  • With that, I'll now turn it over to Timo to provide additional details on the Q1 2011 financial results.

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • Thank you, Stephen.

  • According to our preliminary estimates, in terms of unit volumes, the overall handset market in Q1 declined 7% sequentially, but grew 16% year-over-year.

  • On a sequential basis, the industry saw relatively better performance in emerging markets compared to developed markets, consistent with typical Q1 seasonality.

  • On a year-over-year basis, the industry saw solid growth continue in both developed markets and emerging markets.

  • Mobile devices are a modern necessity, and the fundamental growth characteristics of our industry remain healthy.

  • On a reported basis, Devices and Services net sales of EUR7.1 billion were down 17% sequentially and up 6% year-over-year.

  • The sequential decrease in net sales reflected lower ASPs as well as lower device volumes in most regions.

  • In Q1, converged mobile devices delivered relatively good performance led by our new products, including the Nokia N8, Nokia C7, Nokia C5 and Nokia E7, and as well as the attractively priced Nokia 5230 touchscreen and Nokia E63 QWERTY devices.

  • Mobile phones in Q1 was led by continued strong performance of the Nokia C3 QWERTY device.

  • The top five devices in mobile phones blanketed a broad ASP range from EUR17 to EUR99.

  • In Q1, services net sales were EUR211 million, up 5% sequentially and 43% year-over-year.

  • Billings were EUR338 million in Q1, down 4% sequentially and up 48% year-over-year.

  • In Q1, our active services users grew to 280 million from 187 million at the end of Q4.

  • Beginning Q2, we will no longer disclose Services net sales, billings, and active users; rather, we will be disclosing additional P&L information by business unit down to the operating contribution line.

  • This means that within Devices and Services, we will provide disclosure for net sales down through the operating profit contribution line for our two newly created business units as of April 1, 2011 -- smart devices and mobile phones.

  • We believe that providing this new incremental disclosure is the best way to provide investors with transparency to key factors and trends impacting our Devices and Services business.

  • Our overall device volumes were down 12% sequentially, and up 1% year-over-year.

  • The sequential decline was primarily due to lower seasonal demand for our devices and the intense competitive environment, offset to some extent by improved component availability.

  • Our device volumes in Q1 were not significantly impacted by the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

  • Due to the tremendous work done by our world-class supply chain team, we have been able to mitigate most of the potential exposure, but we currently expect some impact to our mobile devices volumes in Q2 and Q3 2011.

  • Our process to assess our potential exposures has been rigorous and extensive.

  • It is important to understand that in Japan there are often complex interdependencies in the supply chain, plus it is not good enough to validate continuity of supply from your direct suppliers only.

  • You have to go several layers deeper and determine the situation of your supplier's suppliers.

  • Through this work, we have identified exposures and mitigating actions.

  • In Q2, we expect supply constraints related to particular devices, but on an overall basis we plan to shift production to devices that do not face supply constraints.

  • In Q3, we believe we will see some impact as well, as disruptions deeper in the supply chain begin to surface.

  • However, we will work hard to try to mitigate our exposure.

  • We ended Q1 with general inventory just slightly above our normal range of four to six weeks.

  • The channel has been bit more willing to stock higher levels of inventory as there is potential for industry supply disruption in Q2 and Q3.

  • For Q2, our guidance incorporates an expectation that we will work down our channel inventory and end the quarter within our normal four- to six-week range.

  • Devices and Services ASP in Q1 was EUR65 including services revenue, down EUR4 or 5% sequentially and up EUR3 or 6% year-over-year.

  • Our sequential ASP decrease was primarily driven by general price erosion, an increased proportion of lower-priced converged mobile devices, converged mobile devices representing a smaller proportion of our overall mobile device sales, and foreign exchange hedging, offset to some extent by the appreciation of certain currencies against the euro and an increased proportion of higher-priced mobile phones.

  • Due to the industry-wide shortage of certain components in Q2 of 2010, we believe the industry has experienced a relatively benign pricing environment, which supported our ASP development particularly during the second half of 2010.

  • We expect our price erosion to accelerate in Q2 due to competitive industry dynamics and our planned tactical pricing actions.

  • In Q1, our converged mobile devices ASP was EUR147, down EUR9 or 6% sequentially and down EUR8 or 5% year-over-year.

  • On a sequential basis, the decline was primarily driven by general price erosion and an increase in the proportion of lower-priced converged mobile devices.

  • In Q1, our mobile phones ASP was EUR42, down EUR1 or 2% sequentially and up EUR3 or 9% year-over-year.

  • On a sequential basis, the decline was mainly driven by general price erosion, offset to some extent by an increase in the proportion of higher-priced mobile phones.

  • Devices and Services non-IFRS gross margin in Q1 was 29.1%, down 10 basis points sequentially.

  • The slight gross margin decline was primarily due to general price erosion being higher than cost erosion, offset to a large extent by a smaller negative one-quarter impact from foreign exchange hedging as well as an increased proportion of sales of higher margin mobile devices.

  • At the present time, we expect a 40 basis points negative impact in Q2 related to hedging activities assuming static foreign currency rates at the end of Q1 levels.

  • But this could change due to intra-quarter fluctuation in rates.

  • In Q1, Devices and Services' non-IFRS OpEx was EUR1.4 billion, down approximately EUR125 million on a sequential basis, but up approximately 180 basis points as a percentage of net sales.

  • Devices and Services non-IFRS operating margin was 8.9% (sic - see press release) in Q1, down 150 basis points sequentially, largely driven by lower operating leverage.

  • And now onto Nokia Siemens Networks and NAVTEQ.

  • In Q1, NSN delivered another solid quarter.

  • Reported net sales were EUR3.2 billion, a 20% decline sequentially, primarily driven by typical industry seasonality and a 17% year-over-year increase.

  • In Q1, NSN recorded a third successive quarter of year-over-year sales growth driven by growth in the GSM, 3G and managed services businesses.

  • On a regional basis, NSN's net sales declined sequentially due to negative seasonality in most regions, but experienced strong growth sequentially in Asia-Pacific, driven by a major customer build-out in Japan.

  • Non-IFRS gross margin was 26.9%, up 50 basis points sequentially.

  • The increase reflects an improvement in project execution and more favorable regional mix in Q1, more than offset the negative leverage from lower sales.

  • On a year-over-year basis, non-IFRS gross margin was down from 31.4%, reflecting the continued tough pricing environment in the infrastructure market, particularly in relation to modernization projects.

  • In Q1, non-IFRS operating margin was 0.1% down, 360 basis points sequentially and 50 basis points year-over-year.

  • The sequential decline was primarily driven by negative operating leverage.

  • NSN's operating expenses were down 3% sequentially, reflecting industrial seasonality and up 1% year-over-year.

  • NSN continues to target reducing its non-IFRS annualized operating expenses and production overheads by EUR500 million by the end of 2011 compared to the end of 2009.

  • NSN's contribution to Nokia's cash flow from operations was negative EUR72 million in Q1.

  • At the end of Q1, NSN's contribution to Nokia's gross cash was EUR797 million, and NSN's contribution to Nokia's net cash was negative EUR362 million.

  • Having prioritized progress in mobile broadband, managed services, and customer experience management in 2011, NSN has made a strong start to the year with good momentum in all areas.

  • Overall, we continue to be confident that NSN is executing its turnaround very well.

  • They have demonstrated their ability to innovate and capture share.

  • Last week, NSN and Motorola Solutions announced that they had agreed a new price for the acquisition of Network's assets of $975 million.

  • We are now able to communicate that all necessary regulatory approvals have been received, including unconditional approval from the Ministry of Commerce in China.

  • And NSN aims to close the transaction on April 29, 2011.

  • Then on NAVTEQ.

  • In Q1, NAVTEQ delivered strong year-over-year growth in the seasonally weaker first quarter.

  • Reported net sales in Q1 were EUR232 million, down 25% sequentially and up 23% year-over-year.

  • On a sequential basis, NAVTEQ's decline in reported net sales was mainly driven by seasonally lower sales in all business segments.

  • Non-IFRS gross margin was 84.1%, down 360 basis points sequentially due to a higher proportion of sales to lower margin automotive and wireless customers in Q1.

  • Non-IFRS operating margin was 23.3%, down 910 basis points sequentially, primarily driven by lower net sales and gross margin, offset to some extent by lower OpEx.

  • And as I highlighted last quarter as well, to help you understand NAVTEQ's contribution to the overall P&L in Nokia, on page 22 of the complete interim report with tables, we provide two tables that show elimination of inter-segment net sales and elimination of operating profits.

  • Then turning back to Nokia as a whole, Nokia's financial income and expense in Q1 was an expense of EUR32 million compared to an expense of EUR65 million in Q4.

  • And then a note on taxes.

  • Nokia taxes continued to be unfavorably impacted by Nokia Siemens Networks' taxes.

  • No tax benefits are recognized for certain Nokia Siemens Networks' deferred tax items.

  • In Q1, this was partially offset by favorable profit mix both in Devices and Services' and in Nokia Siemens Networks' taxes.

  • If Nokia's estimated long-term tax rate of 26% had been applied, non-IFRS Nokia EPS would have been approximately [EUR0.004] higher in Q1 2011.

  • Going forward, I would continue to recommend that you model taxes separately for each of our reportable segments.

  • To do this, first you need to allocate financial income and expenses, allocate approximately two-thirds of the expense to NSN and the remaining one-third of the expense to Devices and Services.

  • Second, use a tax expense of approximately EUR50 million per quarter for NSN, while using the long-term tax rate of 26% for both Devices and Services and NAVTEQ.

  • After NSN achieves a sufficient level of profitability, then you can go back to using the overall long-term tax rate of 26% for the whole Company.

  • In Q1, our operating cash flow was negative EUR173 million, compared to EUR2.4 billion positive in Q4.

  • Sequentially, the decrease in operating cash flow was driven by negative net working capital impact as well as lower underlying profitability.

  • Additionally, on sequential basis, operating cash flow was negatively impacted due to the timing of certain customer payments and value-added tax refunds.

  • As I mentioned last quarter, cash flow in the fourth quarter of 2010 benefited by approximately EUR600 million due to timing.

  • Finally, in the first quarter 2011, we experienced cash outflows related to foreign exchange hedging activities, both operative, as well as balance sheet, and this also led to sequential declines in operating cash flow.

  • We ended Q1 with total cash and other liquid assets for EUR11.1 billion and net cash of EUR6.4 billion.

  • And finally, a summary of our Q2 guidance.

  • We target Devices and Services net sales to be between EUR6.1 and EUR6.6 billion.

  • And we target Nokia Siemens Networks net sales to be between EUR3.2 billion and EUR3.5 billion.

  • We target Devices and Services non-IFRS operating margin to be between 6% and 9%, and we target NSN non-IFRS operating margin to be between 1% and 4%.

  • The outlook for Devices and Services net sales and non-IFRS operating margin for the second quarter 2011 is based on our expectations regarding factors, including receipt of approximately EUR150 million of royalty income related to earlier periods, competitive industry dynamics, and our planned tactical pricing actions, greater impact in Q2 than in Q1 related to the tragic events in Japan, particularly relating to component supply visibility for particular devices, our portfolio gap in dual-SIM devices, which we expect to have a bigger impact in Q2 relative to Q1, and lower contribution from new products in Q2 compared to Q1 as the majority of our new products are planned to start shipping in the second half of the year.

  • We target net -- we target Devices and Services sales -- net sales in Q3 to be at approximately the same level as in Q2 and we expect Devices and Services net sales in Q4 to be seasonally higher compared to Q3.

  • As Stephen mentioned, we target to ship the Nokia C2 dual-SIM device by the end of Q2.

  • This will be the first of range of dual-SIM devices designed to increase our competitiveness in number of markets through the balance of the year.

  • In addition, we plan to start shipping a renewed family of Symbian smartphones during the second half of 2011, building on the UI and software enhancements from the Symbian Anna release.

  • On a full-year basis 2011, we expect Devices and Services non-IFRS operating margin to be between 6% and 9%.

  • This is a tough time for the Company, but we have a clear new direction and we are moving swiftly to improve our execution.

  • As we said at the investor event in February, after the transition period, we target Devices and Services to go faster than the market and to deliver non-IFRS operating margin of 10% or more.

  • Our NSN guidance does not include any amounts related to the planned NSN's acquisition of certain network infrastructure assets from Motorola Solutions.

  • For [your models], the euro dollar exchange rate we're using at the start of Q2 is $1.418.

  • And with that I will handover to Matt for Q-and-A.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • And before we start with the Q-and-A, just one correction.

  • There were two numbers transposed.

  • The Devices and Services non-IFRS operating margin was 9.8% in Q1, down 150 basis points sequentially.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Timo and Stephen.

  • For the Q-and-A question, please limit yourself to one question only.

  • Operator, please go ahead.

  • Operator

  • Thank you.

  • (Operator Instructions) Gareth Jenkins, UBS.

  • Gareth Jenkins - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks very much.

  • I just wanted maybe -- two quick ones.

  • On the Microsoft, I just wondered if you'd give us the timing and frequency of the billions of dollars of payments that you're expecting, and do you have to allocate that to the Microsoft ecosystem or can you allocate it to anything that you so choose?

  • And then just secondly on the Finnish elections, I just wondered if they'll have any bearing on your headcount reductions and have the union agreements been reached?

  • Thank you.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Thank you.

  • First of all, with respect to the specific timing and frequency of the payments, we're not disclosing this although it will become apparent as the devices begin to ship.

  • As the financial results for those quarters are posted, it will become quite apparent because it'll be visible within our income statement.

  • With respect to the Finnish elections, the Company is operated for the benefit of its shareholders, its employees, and all of our other stakeholders.

  • So we do not see a correlation between the Finnish elections or any of our specific plans to operate the Company.

  • As it relates to the relationships with union representatives and specifically employee representatives, those conversations begin in earnest next week.

  • And so those conversations begin and then we work through those.

  • So there isn't an agreement or something that has happened that triggers them.

  • You actually begin those and go through a process over a relatively short period of time to work through those conversations.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Gareth.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Tim Boddy, Goldman Sachs.

  • Tim Boddy - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks.

  • I had just a clarification on the restructuring goal of EUR1 billion.

  • Does that include potential savings which result from -- it's actually marketing subsidy, the cash from Microsoft, or would those payments from Microsoft be over and above the EUR1 billion?

  • And then my question is really just around your time to market.

  • How long is it today, why they're taking so long to bring out Microsoft products relative to the pace of some of your peer's move to Android?

  • And once you're up and running on Microsoft, what do you think your time to market will be in future?

  • Thank you.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Okay, I'll try and take a couple of those.

  • With respect to the EUR1 billion savings, that is pure savings within our current OpEx structure.

  • It is in no way related to any payments coming from Microsoft.

  • That's pure and true OpEx savings.

  • I realize also I didn't relate it to the Microsoft payments, didn't answer part of the question that was first answered in terms of our liberty to apply or take advantage of the financial benefits arising from the deal.

  • And that is at our discretion in terms of how that's done.

  • It's not specific or specified.

  • But clearly we're interested in building the ecosystem driving our business and things like that.

  • With respect to the Microsoft productization and the schedules that we have, we are very happy with the fact that our time-to-market and our ability to produce devices, taking advantage of the Windows Phone -- or Windows Phone platform will be substantially faster than anything we've been able to do with other platforms.

  • And so we look at it as something that's significantly increasing our time-to-market as it relates to any device platforms.

  • We're already seeing the impact of that.

  • I referenced the ability to show off some of the Windows Phone work at our recent sales and marketing meeting.

  • We're making great progress.

  • So the pace of activity there is quite good, and we're happy with that.

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • And -- Timo here, just to be clear here, we have not disclosed any specific accounting treatments regarding the Microsoft agreement.

  • So what we're saying is that the overall agreement will become generally visible in our income statements when we move forward with the cooperation with Microsoft.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Tim.

  • Operator, next question, please.

  • Tim Boddy - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks very much.

  • Operator

  • Tim Long, Bank of Montreal.

  • Tim Long - Analyst

  • Thank you.

  • Stephen, if I could just follow up on one of your comments.

  • You said there was no consumer change in behavior or attitude about Symbian.

  • Could you just talk to us a little bit about what you're hearing from distributors and service providers?

  • In other words, are there -- are there a little -- is there a little bit more hesitance on some of the go-to-market partners than what you might see from the consumers directly, and any impact there would be great.

  • Thank you.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Well, I think the conversations with operators and distributors and various partners, they tend to focus on a couple of things.

  • First of all, the competitiveness of the products.

  • And obviously, they have visibility into future products, new software versions, and things that are not yet visible in the market.

  • And as we continue to invest in the competitiveness of Symbian, they see the results of that.

  • They're encouraged by that, and of course, they're encouraged by the consumer response that they're seeing to some of the latest work that we've done.

  • So we're seeing an appropriate level of engagement and so forth.

  • Now at the same time, I'm going to balance my remarks.

  • It is the case that we made a significant strategic set of decisions because of trends that we see in terms of market share and so forth.

  • And so those trends are still in evidence in the numbers being reported, there are those challenges, and yet there isn't something discontinuous in terms of the consumer perception of our products that we've observed.

  • As well, what we're doing very carefully is to make sure that we are applying what we refer to as tactical pricing actions in various markets.

  • Perhaps it's because of the competitiveness in the environment in which we're operating.

  • But it's also important to note that roughly -- I don't have the precise number off the top of my head, but roughly 60% of our businesses is accomplished through open distribution where operators and others tend to have far less influence over pricing, and it's actually the ultimate consumer interest and demand that drives the success of our products.

  • We're essentially more of a pure market condition, which helps us a great deal in terms of moving through all of this.

  • So I think as we said, the consumer perception is something that generally reflects where we are with the competitiveness of our products, which is strong in some markets and obviously weaker in other markets as well.

  • Tim Long - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Tim.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Andrew Griffin, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Hi, there everyone.

  • Just wondered about the dividends next year.

  • I know it's a bit early to be forecasting it, but with consensus expecting earnings to be down and you going through this product transition, I wondered if you could give, particularly investors who are focused on your dividend, an idea of how you'll think about whether or not to maintain it?

  • You already have probably more net cash than you need.

  • But what are the puts and takes in terms of the dividend decision for this year?

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • Well, it's early in the year, first of all.

  • And what we can say here is that the dividend remains our primary mechanism to distribute earnings to our shareholders.

  • And despite the fact that the board has proposed a dividend of 4% for three years in a row, I cannot say that you can assume 4% as a minimum going forward.

  • Of course, this is based on variety of factors and we considered totality of the situation, not just one or two factors when we then, from our side, proposed something to the board which has again then proposed to the AGM.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Andrew.

  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Do you have a particular level of net cash that you see as a minimum, but I'm just wondering whether you'd be willing to reduce your net cash level during this period of transition in order to maintain the dividend?

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • I don't think I have anything to add to the answer what I've just -- we feel that the cash levels, net cash what we have at the moment are sufficient for our current business purposes.

  • And clearly, as we are expecting today that about EUR1.5 billion dividend now in some week's time, that cash level will go down.

  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Operator -- thanks, Andrew.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Michael Walkley, Canaccord Genuity.

  • Michael Walkley - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.

  • With the supply situation in Japan, I was hoping you could update us on some conversations with your customers.

  • Do you believe carriers may have both an excess handset inventory in an attempt to navigate supply issues, which might have had a positive impact on March sales and maybe a slightly more negative impact on June?

  • And also just given your strong distribution in the logistics team, can you elaborate on the interdependency you talked about in Japan and why you think the supply could be even more constrained maybe exiting Q2 into Q3 timeframe?

  • Thank you.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Okay, I'll take the first part of that.

  • As it relates to the supply chain and so forth, the thing that we observe more than anything, and I think everyone intrinsically understood but needed to see firsthand, is the degree of interdependencies.

  • It is the case that you may have a broad perspective of your supply chain, and obviously we have a very deep understanding of it.

  • But as was reported early on in the disaster sequence, where, for example, certain chemicals that are used in virtually all processes related to wafers all of a sudden were in questionable supply because of factory closings and what have you.

  • Those are the types of interdependencies that you don't initially think of or would anticipate in a situation like this.

  • Now, at the same time there's a tremendous amount of creativity as it relates to finding alternative sources in terms of everyone chipping into to get factories up and running or whatever is necessary, right across the industry because it affects everybody.

  • With respect to the Q1 to Q2 to Q3 dynamics, Timo noted in his comments that inventory was just a bit higher than normal, coming out of Q1, and our intent to correct that going into Q2 and the -- as we came to understand that and saw that pattern forming, there was certainly an aspect of that of people not understanding where the supply shortages would hit, and therefore taking some precautions in terms of perhaps building a little bit of extra inventory.

  • And so you see that reflected in the Q1 numbers.

  • But it's something as we said, we intend to see corrected, or expect to see corrected in Q2.

  • In your question, I think you characterized the transition into Q3 is perhaps more difficult or something like that related to supply.

  • We're anticipating that the supply situation in Japan becomes more visible, more concrete, less of an issue as we move into Q3.

  • Still some impact, but Q2 is the most difficult that we anticipate from a supply impact, just to put that in perspective.

  • Michael Walkley - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Mike.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Kulbinder Garcha, Credit Suisse.

  • Kulbinder Garcha - Analyst

  • Thanks.

  • I just have a couple of clarifications.

  • Stephen, on the point of just [billions of] payments from both IPR from Microsoft, as well as the (inaudible) savings, this still only results in a business that has a long-term 10% operating margin.

  • Is that really -- that strategy is very conservative unless you're expecting the top-line to be much lower or gross margin to be much lower.

  • I'm just trying to balance all these comments with a long-term 10% margin.

  • And then for Timo, just one clarification.

  • You've got the EUR150 million of royalty payments this quarter in your guidance.

  • Is there anything you're assuming in your full-year margin guidance for further royalty payments in Q3 and Q4 so that the underlying margins would actually be potentially lower?

  • Thank you.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Okay, with respect to the guidance as it relates to the operating margin, I think the way I would respond to that is by commenting specifically on what our guidance is.

  • We say 10% or more.

  • It seems a number of people because of the transition and various ambiguity and so forth are focused on the 10%.

  • Obviously, we're incented here to drive the more part of that.

  • And so without characterizing it as conservative or not conservative, we wanted to give a clear indication of, at a minimum, where we're expected to perform.

  • But certainly, the encouragement that we're all receiving from our shareholders, our Board, and everybody else is to do better than that.

  • I'd also point out that with respect to the payments and so forth, it's a long-term contract with Microsoft.

  • Those payments are spread over some number of years associated with that.

  • And so without getting into the specifics again, the dynamics of the Microsoft contract will become clear.

  • And I'll let Timo take the second question.

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • Yes, exactly.

  • So the second question was regarding gross margin dynamics and this one-off royalty we are expecting to receive during Q2, and will that then, if I understood correctly, continue to the following quarter.

  • So if we first of all say that this one-off royalties, we felt it was -- we have called them earlier and it was important to call it now given that it is an important part of our Q2 expectations.

  • We are not saying or expecting that this kind of royalty dynamic would continue to the following quarters as this is a one-off item.

  • And then when we look at the gross margin dynamics, in general, going into Q2, you can see from our operating margin guidance that we're expecting, if you take out this one-off payment, a clear reduction in gross margin going to Q2.

  • And this is coming from the competitive dynamics and pricing factors as was discussed earlier, i.e., the dual-SIM new products coming to market and then also from the Japan visibility factor.

  • So those are really the dynamics there.

  • Kulbinder Garcha - Analyst

  • And just one thing, sorry, Timo, like in terms of for the full-year margin guidance in Q4, there's quite a big recovery implied, are you assuming that you will have a Windows Phone this year, because there's been mixed messages from the Company as to whether you will have one this year or no?

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • I'll just reiterate what we've said here.

  • Devices that take advantage of the Windows Phone platform will be shipping in volumes in 2012 and the pressure is clearly on to be delivering devices in 2011 as well.

  • Unidentified Company Representative

  • If I may add to that, because let's still know that our guidance range is fairly wide for full year.

  • That is there on purpose.

  • Kulbinder Garcha - Analyst

  • Okay.

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • I mean, what we're trying to say now is that we have moved to executing the new strategy.

  • We have one quarter behind us at the moment.

  • We have a bit more visibility, but we're not saying that the visibility is great going into full-year.

  • Kulbinder Garcha - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Kulbinder.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Mark Sue, RBC Capital Markets.

  • Mark Sue - Analyst

  • Thank you.

  • Are there proactive thoughts on differentiating with the Microsoft devices since there will be a lot of devices by the time Nokia comes with phones this year, or is that differential more of a next year ambition?

  • And then maybe a longer term industry question.

  • With the reliance of an outside operating system, can the operating margins from mobile device hardware makers recover back to historical levels, or should we see it rather as a permanent shift with operating margins moving from one side to another?

  • And I ask since investors are concerned mobile device margins can look somewhat like PCs over time.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Yes, with respect to the differentiation in and around our efforts on the Windows Phone platform, clearly a critical part of our relationship with Microsoft is the ability to differentiate, both as it relates to other ecosystems, and when and if necessary within the context of the windows Phone ecosystem as well.

  • That's a critical component of the unique nature of our relationship, and one that we will be very focused on.

  • There are a number of areas where already, for example, if you look across our Symbian products, our services and so forth, there are a number of unique differentiators visible today in some of the products we ship, whether it's in areas like photography and video, whether it's in areas like the services around mapping and navigation and other location-based services.

  • All of these types of things contribute to our differentiation, and of course will be building on those capabilities extending them and adding some new areas of differentiation, both at the beginning, and an ongoing basis with respect to the Microsoft differentiation.

  • Now, as it relates to the industry at large, of course, margins are ultimately dictated by differentiation.

  • So for example, there are some dynamics that are becoming perhaps apparent over time as it relates to the Android ecosystem where there's a huge number of people each contributing different devices and trying to differentiate the ability of any particular participant to gain greater margins will be a function of how well they differentiate.

  • The same applies to Nokia.

  • And the same applies to the Windows Phone ecosystem as well, in terms of its overall differentiation relative to the other environments.

  • And so, part of our fundamental decision-making, as it relates to the partnership with Microsoft, was the belief that there was an opportunity to establish a third ecosystem, as we characterize it, to make it a three-horse race, to increase the possibility for differentiation, and therefore drive better margins certainly for us and for participants in our ecosystem than would otherwise be the case.

  • So that the alternative way, our sense was that if we had made the Android decision that that would have accelerated commoditization in the marketplace.

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • If I may add to that just one point that still compared to the PC industry, we at Nokia feel that this is a very personal device.

  • And that differentiation, of course, comes from the overall user experience, but can still in the future as well come from very, very good hardware form factors, for example.

  • Mark Sue - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you, gentlemen.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Mark.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Ittai Kidron, Oppenheimer.

  • Ittai Kidron - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.

  • What I wanted to get into, Timo, if you can, the linearity of the EUR1 billion savings.

  • It sounds like, as you mentioned, most of the people will still be on payroll through the end of the year.

  • So you won't realize much savings there.

  • And I don't how much in facilities, as a result of that, can you really terminate.

  • But is it safe to assume that the savings will be fairly limited this year and will start showing in much significant numbers through '12 and '13?

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • Yes, from the managing what we have given today, we clearly have a situation where we are in a transition period.

  • There is also a lot of work to do during the transition period.

  • So we think this is the right way to manage this for the Company.

  • We have also given a very clear target, i.e., it is a comparison from the actual OpEx 2010 to actual OpEx what we expect to see 2013.

  • So those are really the dynamics, but from that it is clear that the majority of the reduction we are currently expecting to happen during 2012.

  • Ittai Kidron - Analyst

  • Very good.

  • Good luck.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks Ittai.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Jeff Kvaal, Barclays.

  • Jeff Kvaal - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks very much.

  • I was wondering how you are prioritizing market share in margins over the transitional period.

  • It seems though particularly in converged devices, your market share is down a bit each of the last several quarters, and wondering how you would like to see that first as maintaining the ASP?

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Great question because it's -- first of all, there isn't a single answer to the question because of the different dynamics and different channels around the world.

  • For example, in an open distribution setting, where again the consumers directly are driving demand, are influencing pricing through overall market conditions and so forth, the need for fine-tuning on pricing and things like that is a bit less pronounced.

  • Whereas in certain environments, where for example, an operator maybe auctioning, they may be creating a very competitive environment on a pricing perspective, clearly there the use of tactical pricing items, or tactical pricing actions may be necessary.

  • So the way we deliberately think about this -- it's not one versus the other or even hand waving around a balance; it's treating each channel and each partner and each situation very deliberately.

  • It is important, for example, that we maintain share and the shelf space, for example, in the operator mindset.

  • It's important that we respect the consumer demand and the competitiveness of our products in open distribution.

  • We have to reflect that as well.

  • So it's something we're dealing with at a very detailed level recognizing that share must be maintained.

  • But at the same time, we may have to take actions on a pricing perspective that affects gross margin.

  • Jeff Kvaal - Analyst

  • Well, it would seem in a transition period --

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Go ahead.

  • Jeff Kvaal - Analyst

  • Thanks Matt -- you will have some flexibility.

  • We know that your high-end portfolio is going to refresh dramatically and therefore you have a chance to reset pricing.

  • So why not just take a real aggressive stance towards market share over the course of the next nine months?

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Yes, part of the reason for that is if that was our general message -- hey, share at all cost or what have you.

  • That type of message tends to ripple through an organization, and then decisions are made that perhaps don't have to be made as it relates to pricing.

  • We have to balance and respect the -- if you like to want to maintain some degree of direct control on a detailed basis on pricing decisions that are made to avoid unnecessary price changes and so forth as we go.

  • But again, to support your point, in a particular operator auction situation or so forth where it's competitive and so forth with all of the other vendors, we will complete and obviously part of that is the pricing action.

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • So if we look at this -- if I may add, if we look at this market by market, we clearly have the first parameter which we try to optimize is the actual gross margin, not the percentile gross margin.

  • And that is the parameter.

  • But clearly, you can't let market share go, that's clear as well.

  • And if we -- again there was a question earlier regarding gross margin for Q2.

  • And if we take this one-off item out, we are clearly looking at lower type of gross margin, which is partly driven by these dynamics.

  • But ultimately, the optimization parameter, first level we try to keep as the absolute gross profit.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Jeff.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Pierre Ferragu, Bernstein.

  • Pierre Ferragu - Analyst

  • I would like to come back to this -- the billions of dollars payment by Microsoft, I'm sorry, you mentioned.

  • I just wanted to clarify the nature of this payment.

  • Is that cash that they will take from the cash pile and put on your cash pile, or is it more something like revenue sharing, for instance, on advertising revenue that would be driven by Bing, or would that be something like a distribution fee, for instance, Microsoft would pay you on the distribution of Bing?

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • So, the short answer of that -- to that is cash.

  • I'm not sure if it's a wire transfer or a large check, but it's cash.

  • As we said earlier, the accounting treatment is something that's still being worked through, precisely how it shows up in the income statement.

  • Obviously, it will appear in various ways, also balance sheet impact and so forth.

  • But it's as simple as that.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Thank you, Pierre.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Stuart Jeffrey, Nomura.

  • Stuart Jeffrey - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.

  • I had a question on IPR.

  • You seem to be talking about generating more money or being more aggressive in IPR.

  • And I remember a few years ago, Nokia tried being more aggressive on IPR and it didn't have a huge impact really.

  • So I was wondering what's different now and whether perhaps you might also try and use IPR with Microsoft to be more strategic, to try and increase the cost base of Android vendors for example.

  • Thanks.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Thank you for the question.

  • In part -- you answered part of the question in the second part.

  • Indeed, I think it's very evident in the industry today that intellectual property is playing a critical role.

  • It plays a critical role in the defense of a company, or in this case an ecosystem.

  • And clearly it's in our interest, jointly with Microsoft, to ensure that the participants in the Windows Phone ecosystem are well-protected from the aggression of others.

  • And at the same time, I'll use your euphemism, clearly there's an opportunity to be more strategic in the use of intellectual property.

  • Some of those patents are already set, and of course our overall interest is to ensure that people are properly licensed for the use of our intellectual property and people properly pay for what they're using.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you.

  • Operator, next question please.

  • Operator

  • Rod Hall, JPMorgan.

  • And Rod, your line is open.

  • Please go ahead.

  • Rod, your line may be on mute.

  • Check your phone, please.

  • Okay.

  • We'll move forward to the next question.

  • Zahid Hussein, Citigroup.

  • Zahid Hussein - Analyst

  • Just wanted to follow up on the IPR question just asked.

  • You quantified billions from Microsoft.

  • Should we think of that in a similar kind of run-rate or will it be a lot lower?

  • And secondly in terms of Windows Phone, when do you think you'll be able to scale down the ASP so that it's competitive?

  • At the moment, the Android world has targeted sub-150 this year.

  • Where do you think you can be at the end of 2012 and 2013?

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • Okay.

  • On the IPR, we are really not giving any particular definition of the amount at the moment.

  • And we can't go deeper into that.

  • I mean, you know well that in these IPR contracts in general, holding the fact that the contracts are just simply usually not disclosed -- is what we need to do here.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Yes, with respect to the price points and so forth with Windows Phone, it's very important to recognize that our aspirations, and indeed some of our unique contribution to the Windows Phone ecosystem in our efforts reflect the fact that we do intend to serve a wide range of price points with the Windows Phone platform.

  • We bring some particular expertise here given our experience with Symbian, given our experience with alternative chip sets and so forth that are contemplated in the strategic work that we'll do together.

  • And so while I won't comment specifically on what we're doing at -- or by the end of 2012, clearly it is our intent to make Windows Phone a platform with a series of devices from Nokia that spans substantially more price points than we're at -- than it is at today.

  • And we'll be pushing on that effort very aggressively in the years ahead.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Zahid.

  • Operator, let's take our last question for today.

  • Operator

  • Alex Peterc, Exane BNP.

  • Alex Peterc - Analyst

  • Just a quick question, if I may, on the portfolio in H2 on your planned releases in the second half.

  • Are we talking more [picture] phone kind of products, maybe Symbian phones in the mid to lower end?

  • And what will be their impact on ASPs and gross margins in the second half?

  • Thanks.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • So first of all I'll comment on the portfolio, then I'll let Timo comment on overall impact.

  • I mean, H2 is a busy season both for Symbian and for the lower-end mobile phones devices.

  • On the Symbian front, I think the way to think about those devices is that they are lower down the pricing portfolio than the initial iconic devices like the N8 and E7 which are already out there.

  • And so those devices are further down the pricing point.

  • As it relates to the mobile phones area, again anticipating, as I said in my remarks, a range of devices particularly taking advantage of the dual-SIM technology and thus you should see within those price bands served by those devices, a range of different price points anticipated.

  • Timo Ihamuotila - CFO

  • Yes, if we talk about the dynamics here, so we do not give gross margin guidance, as you know.

  • But regarding ASP, I mean the mobile phones are -- mobile phones products are really pretty much coming throughout the range.

  • And what we can say that now more and more of the new smart devices are on the new Symbian platform.

  • And that also means that the gross margin dynamics of the new Symbian products will start to be close to the average Company gross margin dynamics because there is a broader portfolio of these products out there.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Okay.

  • I'd like to turn this call back over to Stephen for some closing comments.

  • Stephen Elop - President and CEO

  • Great, thank you.

  • Just to summarize some of our overall messages particularly for the investor community.

  • Clearly, we're going through a transition.

  • We recognize the challenges that we're facing and we're taking very aggressive action to remedy that.

  • What we wanted to communicate today in large part was the beginning of the reduction of ambiguity.

  • Lots of questions about the ability to get the Microsoft deal signed and in what timeframe; we did that very well, very aggressively and preserved the integrity of what was originally agreed.

  • So that was well done.

  • You clearly saw some good results in Q1.

  • There are some challenges in Q2 that we've characterized.

  • But also seeing things like new versions of Symbian devices, Symbian software, and a variety of other things, gives us a lot of hope for the quarters ahead, which gave us the confidence to further reduce ambiguity about the guidance for this year.

  • There is also clearly a lot of questions about whether we were serious or not about the operating expense targets.

  • The target that we communicated, I think, illustrates very clearly our intent to take that on very aggressively.

  • And so we still have ambiguity ahead, when precisely will the first Windows device ship and all of those types of questions.

  • That will become clear quite soon.

  • So we appreciate the support that you've shown us on an ongoing basis, and our pledge to you is to continue to not only reduce ambiguity, but begin to post the results that we're hopeful for.

  • So thank you all.

  • Matt Shimao - Head of Investor Relations

  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes our conference call.

  • I would like to remind you that during the conference call today, we'd made a number of forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties.

  • Actual results may therefore differ materially from the results currently expected.

  • Factors that could cause such differences can be both external, such as general economic and industry conditions, as well as internal operating factors.

  • We have identified these in more detail on pages 12 to 39 in our 2010 20-F and our press release issued today.

  • Thank you.

  • Operator

  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining the Nokia first-quarter 2011 earnings results conference call.

  • You may now disconnect.