Nikola Corp (NKLA) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning, and welcome to Nikola Corporation's second-quarter 2024 earnings and business update call.

    早上好,歡迎致電尼古拉公司 2024 年第二季財報和業務更新。

  • (Operator Instructions) We begin today's call with a short video presentation, followed by management's prepared remarks.


  • A question-and-answer session will follow the prepared remarks.


  • As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

    Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

  • Thank you, operator, and good morning, everyone.


  • My name is Soei Shin, Head of Investor Relations.

    我叫 Soei Shin,投資人關係主管。

  • I'd like to welcome those listening by phone and those on the webcast to Nikola Corporation's second-quarter 2024 earnings and business update call.

    我歡迎那些透過電話和網路廣播收聽 Nikola Corporation 2024 年第二季收益和業務更新的電話會議。

  • Joining me today are Steve Girsky, President and CEO; and Tom Okray, Chief Financial Officer.

    今天加入我的是總裁兼執行長 Steve Girsky;和首席財務官湯姆·奧克雷(Tom Okray)。

  • A press release detailing our financial and business results was distributed earlier this morning.


  • This release can be found on the Investor Relations section of our website, along with presentation slides accompanying today's call.


  • Today's discussion includes references to non-GAAP measures.


  • The presentation includes adjusted EBITDA, earnings per share, adjusted free cash flow, and other non-GAAP measures.

    該簡報包括調整後的 EBITDA、每股盈餘、調整後的自由現金流量和其他非公認會計準則指標。

  • These measures are reconciled to the most comparable US GAAP measures and can be found at the end of the Q2 earnings press release we issued today.


  • Today's discussion also includes forward-looking statements about our future results, expectations, and plans.


  • Actual results may differ materially from those stated, and some factors that cause actual results to differ are also explained at the end of today's earnings press release, on page 2 of our earnings call deck, and in our filings with the SEC.

    實際結果可能與所述結果有重大差異,導致實際結果不同的一些因素也在今天的收益新聞稿末尾、我們的收益電話會議第二頁以及我們向 SEC 提交的文件中進行了解釋。

  • Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made.


  • You are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


  • After Steve and Tom's prepared remarks, we'll take questions from our stockholders and then conclude with questions from analysts.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Soei, and good morning, everyone.


  • Welcome to our second-quarter 2024 earnings and business update call.

    歡迎參加我們的 2024 年第二季財報和業務更新電話會議。

  • Last quarter, I talked about executing plays, competing, and cultivating green shoots.


  • Today, I want to talk about how Nikola is starting to bring together a purpose-driven coalition to build the hydrogen ecosystem.


  • Like-minded partners include our dealers, fleet customers, suppliers and strategic partners such as automotive OEMs, hydrogen producers and Big Energy who have vested interests in the hydrogen economy and want to see it succeed as much as we do.


  • There is a need and urgency to accelerate our efforts.


  • In the last three quarters of zero production, we have demonstrated that Nikola is the offtake.


  • We are the catalyst to disrupt Class 8 trucking to make zero-emission a reality.

    我們是顛覆 8 級卡車運輸的催化劑,使零排放成為現實。

  • Program to date, Nikola fuel cell electric trucks and battery electric trucks have accumulated over 3 million road and test miles, avoiding 4,700 metric tons of CO2 emissions, which is like taking 1,100 gasoline-powered cars off the road for one year.

    迄今為止,Nikola 燃料電池電動卡車和電池電動卡車已累積超過 300 萬英里的道路和測試里程,避免了 4,700 噸二氧化碳排放,相當於一年內讓 1,100 輛汽油動力汽車不再上路。

  • We're the only OEM with Class 8 FCEVs commercially available in North America today.

    我們是當今北美唯一擁有 8 類 FCEV 商用的 OEM。

  • Our trucks are put to the test every day by end fleet users hauling freight and delivering to their customers.


  • Q2 is an example of how we're approaching the intersection of mission and reality and how Nikola is out front charting the course.

    Q2 是我們如何實現使命與現實交叉點以及 Nikola 如何率先規劃路線的一個例子。

  • First, we're doing what we said we would do.


  • At the end of Q2, we announced we had wholesaled 72 hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks, which exceeded the high end of the guidance range of 50 to 60 trucks by 20%.

    第二季末,我們宣布已批發 72 輛氫燃料電池電動卡車,比指導範圍的高端 50 至 60 輛卡車超出了 20%。

  • Q2 wholesale deliveries were up 80% from Q1 and comprised of several repeat customers, which is a testament to the performance of our trucks and customer satisfaction.

    第二季的批發交付量比第一季成長了 80%,並且有多個回頭客,這證明了我們卡車的性能和客戶滿意度。

  • We're delivering HYLA fueling solutions to support volume ramp-up.

    我們正在提供 HYLA 加油解決方案來支援產量的增加。

  • Since the Q1 call, we opened a HYLA branded station in Toronto, Canada and completed commissioning a modular station in Santa Fe Springs in Southern California.

    自第一季電話會議以來,我們在加拿大多倫多開設了 HYLA 品牌站,並在南加州聖達菲斯普林斯完成了模組化站的調試。

  • One of the resounding benefits of our modular refueling strategy is our ability to quickly pivot to meet the demands of end fleets.


  • As such, we added another modular fueler at our existing station in Ontario, California to double capacity.


  • Likewise, we provided access for Nikola end fleets to fuel at Shell's heavy-duty station in Ontario, California where density has been clearly growing.

    同樣,我們為 Nikola 末端車隊提供了在加州安大略省殼牌重型加油站加油的通道,該加油站的密度一直在明顯增長。

  • Second, we are demonstrating national account interest.


  • Last quarter, we talked about the importance of expanding our reach to meet the demands of end fleets virtually anywhere in North America.


  • Walmart Canada is the first major retailer in Canada to introduce a hydrogen fuel cell electric semi-truck to its fleet.


  • We also received repeat orders from two national accounts.


  • Nikola's profitability flywheel is beginning to gain momentum with these national accounts as each end fleet grows its zero-emission presence to achieve decarbonization goals.


  • Third, we are creating and monetizing alternative revenue and profit streams.


  • Nikola realized its initial sale of CARB regulatory credits from the sale of NOx and PM credits.

    Nikola 透過銷售 NOx 和 PM 信用額實現了 CARB 監管信用額的首次銷售。

  • As volume ramps up and new CARB regulations go into effect, these new revenue streams will grow.

    隨著銷售量的增加和新的 CARB 法規的生效,這些新的收入來源將會成長。

  • Fourth, Nikola is in a unique position to attract prospective partners.


  • Again, Nikola FCEVs are the only Class 8 hydrogen fuel cell trucks commercially available in North America today.

    同樣,尼古拉 FCEV 是當今北美唯一商用的 8 級氫燃料電池卡車。

  • The market acceptance of our FCEVs bears out with every zero-emission mile driven.

    我們的 FCEV 的市場接受度證明了每行駛一英里的零排放。

  • Therefore, not only are we getting more calls from fleets interested in deploying fuel cell trucks, but also from strategic partners like automotive OEMs, suppliers, hydrogen producers, and Big Energy, who recognize our key role as a first mover in the hydrogen economy.


  • Now let's get to the business update.


  • We are executing our plan.


  • We said we'd wholesale 50 to 60 fuel cell trucks in Q2, and we delivered 72 trucks to our dealer network, beating guidance by 20%.

    我們表示,我們將在第二季度批發 50 至 60 輛燃料電池卡車,並向我們的經銷商網路交付了 72 輛卡車,比指導值高出 20%。

  • This marks the third consecutive quarter where we either met or beat volume guidance.


  • We said we were focused on national accounts to scale, and we signed our first deal with Walmart Canada and received repeat orders from two other national accounts.


  • Walmart Canada is the first major retailer in North America to introduce a Nikola Class 8 fuel cell electric vehicle to its fleet.

    加拿大沃爾瑪是北美第一家在其車隊中引入 Nikola Class 8 燃料電池電動車的大型零售商。

  • This collaboration aligns perfectly with our mission to drive innovation and environmental responsibility in the transportation industry.


  • Repeat fleet customer, IMC, the largest marine drayage company in the US, ordered another 10 fuel cell trucks from our dealer network in Q2.

    車隊的老客戶 IMC(美國最大的海上拖運公司)在第二季度從我們的經銷商網路中另外訂購了 10 輛燃料電池卡車。

  • Year-to-date, this marks a total of 30 Nikola fuel cell trucks in its fleet.

    今年迄今為止,其車隊中共有 30 輛 Nikola 燃料電池卡車。

  • IMC has a goal to replace all diesel tractors by 2028.

    IMC 的目標是到 2028 年更換所有柴油拖拉機。

  • An existing carrier and one of the largest intermodal fleets in North America placed a double-digit order with our dealer network in Q2.


  • They too have stated decarbonization goals to be achieved in the next decade.


  • On chart 6, we demonstrate how we're meeting the use case of end fleets with data-driven quality and performance.

    在圖 6 中,我們展示瞭如何透過資料驅動的品質和效能來滿足終端車隊的用例。

  • To date, 12 in-service end fleets have accumulated over 550,000 miles, validating our average fuel economy benchmark of 7.2 miles per kilogram.

    迄今為止,12 個在役終端車隊已累積行駛超過 550,000 英里,驗證了我們每公斤 7.2 英里的平均燃油經濟性基準。

  • It's important to note that fuel economy varies with driver usage, freight routes and payloads.


  • Some drayage fleet users, for example, achieve fuel economy greater than 8 miles a kilogram, while other fleet users that travel longer distances with heavier payloads achieve fuel economy slightly lower than the benchmark.

    例如,一些拖運車隊用戶的燃油經濟性超過每公斤 8 英里,而其他行駛距離較長、有效負載較重的車隊用戶的燃油經濟性則略低於基準。

  • If you're a beverage hauler, the heavier payload per range of the fuel cell vehicle makes it the right truck for you.


  • Early field data tells us that the average trip distance between refueling is 260 miles, or twice as far as the BEV 2.0 between charges.

    早期的現場數據告訴我們,每次加油的平均行程距離為 260 英里,是 BEV 2.0 充電次數的兩倍。

  • If your distribution routes are near either Ontario or Long Beach, one fill may be enough for your entire route.


  • We've also observed that over 40 end fleet users have traveled 400 miles-plus between refueling.

    我們還觀察到,超過 40 個終端車隊使用者在加油之間行駛了 400 英里以上。

  • In fact, this longer distance, which is like driving from the Port of Oakland to the Port of Los Angeles or Long Beach, has been completed roughly 130 times since we've been tracking data.

    事實上,自從我們追蹤數據以來,這段較長的距離(就像從奧克蘭港開車到洛杉磯港或長灘)已經完成了大約 130 次。

  • It's all about the use case and how our trucks are meeting unique demands of end fleets.


  • The increased payload capacity per mile with significantly reduced refueling time compared to the BEV ultimately means increased truck uptime for end fleet users.


  • As we deploy more HYLA refueling stations, we expect the in-service range to increase.

    隨著我們部署更多 HYLA 加油站,我們預計服務範圍將會增加。

  • Likewise, if you're a first-mile logistics operator, the BEV 2.0 may be the right truck for you.

    同樣,如果您是第一英里物流運營商,BEV 2.0 可能是適合您的卡車。

  • Early field data collected so far tells us that the average trip distance between charging is 130 miles.

    迄今為止收集的早期現場數據告訴我們,充電之間的平均行程距離為 130 英里。

  • If you're running loads from the port to the warehouse and charging is available at the depot, then the BEV 2.0 will fit your needs.

    如果您將貨物從港口運送到倉庫並且可以在倉庫充電,那麼 BEV 2.0 將滿足您的需求。

  • Again, we're on the field collecting data and learning how our trucks are being deployed.


  • We're here to help our end fleets optimize their trucks so they perform the way they are built to.


  • Lastly, we often get questions about comparing our fuel cell electric vehicle to a traditional diesel truck.


  • On a converted basis, our FCEVs outperformed the average Class 8 truck on fuel economy and avoidance of tailpipe emissions.

    在改裝後,我們的 FCEV 在燃油經濟性和避免廢氣排放方面優於普通 8 級卡車。

  • We estimate the average miles per gallon diesel equivalent of our FCEV is 8.0, or 23% better than the Class 8 fuel economy average of 6.5 miles per diesel gallon equivalent per the DOE.

    我們估計 FCEV 的平均每加侖柴油當量行駛里程為 8.0,比美國能源部規定的每加侖柴油當量 6.5 英里的 8 級燃油經濟性平均值高出 23%。

  • Moreover, in-service FCEVs have consumed over 77 metric tons of hydrogen dispensed at various Nikola fueling solutions.

    此外,在役 FCEV 已消耗了超過 77 噸透過各種 Nikola 加油解決方案分配的氫氣。

  • In total, we estimate our FCEV end fleet operations have avoided approximately 867 metric tons of CO2 tailpipe emissions.

    總的來說,我們估計我們的 FCEV 終端車隊營運已避免了約 867 噸二氧化碳廢氣排放。

  • With our end fleet partners, Nikola is decarbonizing Class 8 trucking now.

    Nikola 與我們的終端車隊合作夥伴一起,現在正在對 8 級卡車運輸進行脫碳。

  • Moving to chart 7.

    轉到圖 7。

  • We're also executing on the HYLA front, our energy supply and infrastructure solutions brand.

    我們也在 HYLA 方面執行,這是我們的能源供應和基礎設施解決方案品牌。

  • As a strategy, we are launching stations and deploying assets where we anticipate demand.


  • It is our objective to stay ahead of the FCEV deployment so that fueling solutions are ready and available for end fleets.

    我們的目標是在 FCEV 部署方面保持領先地位,以便為終端車隊準備好並提供加油解決方案。

  • To that end, since Q1 earnings call, we opened a HYLA-branded station in Toronto, Canada and completed commissioning a modular station in Santa Fe Springs in Southern California.

    為此,自第一季財報電話會議以來,我們在加拿大多倫多開設了 HYLA 品牌站,並在南加州聖塔菲斯普林斯完成了模組化站的調試。

  • Toronto helps open Nikola fleet users to the Eastern Canadian market where population density and busy freight corridors, such as Highways 401, 427, and the QEW make it a natural fit for FCEVs.

    多倫多幫助 Nikola 車隊使用者進入加拿大東部市場,那裡的人口密度和繁忙的貨運走廊(例如 401、427 號高速公路和 QEW)使其非常適合 FCEV。

  • It is also the headquarters of ITD, our full-service Canadian dealer network, which is well equipped to provide skilled service and maintenance to end fleets such as Walmart Canada.

    它也是我們全方位服務的加拿大經銷商網路 ITD 的總部,該網路配備精良,可為沃爾瑪加拿大等終端車隊提供熟練的服務和維護。

  • Santa Fe Springs help support the growing density and hydrogen demand in Southern California.


  • This is the second fueling station on a dealer site, which shows strong collaboration between Nikola and our dealers.

    這是經銷商網站上的第二個加油站,這反映了 Nikola 與經銷商之間的緊密合作。

  • Santa Fe Springs is also the midpoint between Ontario and the Port of L.A. along the busy 605 freight corridor.

    聖塔菲斯普林斯也是安大略省和洛杉磯港之間繁忙的 605 貨運走廊的中點。

  • This newest HYLA station is scheduled to be open for business operations on August 12, 2024.

    這個最新的 HYLA 車站計劃於 2024 年 8 月 12 日開放營業。

  • We added another modular fueler at our HYLA Ontario station, doubling capacity, which effectively adds another station in that area.

    我們在 HYLA Ontario 加油站增加了另一個模組化加油站,容量增加了一倍,這實際上在該地區增加了另一個加油站。

  • We recently had a record day at Ontario with 28 FCEVs refueled and more than 850 kilograms of hydrogen dispensed in one day.

    最近,我們在安大略省創下了單日記錄,一天內為 28 輛 FCEV 加油並分配了超過 850 公斤氫氣。

  • Again, our modular strategy allows us to stay nimble and pivot to support the demands of our end fleets.


  • Lastly, through our work with Shell, our fleet customers have been able to fuel at Shell's heavy-duty station in Ontario, California.


  • Ontario and the surrounding area near the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach have proven to be critical refueling areas that are amassing density quickly.


  • Our FY2024 HYLA guidance remains unchanged.

    我們 2024 財年 HYLA 指引維持不變。

  • We remain on track to provide 14 fueling solutions in North America by year-end.

    我們仍有望在年底前在北美提供 14 種加油解決方案。

  • Now that we passed the midway point of our HYLA hydrogen highway plan and we've been operational, on chart 9, we wanted to provide some data on our ramp-up.

    現在我們已經過了 HYLA 氫高速公路計劃的中間點並且我們已經開始運營,如圖 9 所示,我們希望提供一些有關我們的產能提升的數據。

  • At our Coolidge facility, since we began tracking fueling data on February 1, we have completed over 1,300 fueling events and dispensed over 40 metric tons of hydrogen through July month end.

    在我們的柯立芝工廠,自 2 月 1 日開始追蹤加氫數據以來,截至 7 月底,我們已經完成了 1,300 多次加氫活動,並分配了 40 多噸氫氣。

  • Coolidge is where we perform first fills for trucks that come off the manufacturing line and refuel trucks that are part of our testing and demo fleets.


  • We also fuel fleets that have routes into Southern California and return to Coolidge.


  • At our Ontario station, where HYLA began fueling events on December 14, 2023, we have completed over 1,100 fueling events and dispensed over 45 metric tons of hydrogen.

    在 HYLA 於 2023 年 12 月 14 日開始加氫活動的安大略站,我們已經完成了 1,100 多次加氫活動,並分配了超過 45 噸氫氣。

  • Another important metric is the volume dispense per fill.


  • On average, each fill was 41 kilograms, which means that our customers are driving routes out of Ontario that are roughly 300 miles.

    平均每次填充重量為 41 公斤,這意味著我們的客戶從安大略省出發的行駛路線約為 300 英里。

  • Our Long Beach station, which just launched in early May, shows strong ramp-up data, having just over 700 fills in three months.

    我們的長灘站於 5 月初剛推出,顯示出強勁的成長數據,三個月內的填充量剛好超過 700 個。

  • Long Beach has dispensed 27 metric tons of hydrogen so far with an average fill of 38 kilograms.

    迄今為止,長灘已分配了 27 噸氫氣,平均填充量為 38 公斤。

  • The key message here is that Nikola FCEVs are on the road and refueling with consistent frequency and significant volume at HYLA fueling solutions.

    這裡的關鍵訊息是 Nikola FCEV 已上路並透過 HYLA 加油解決方案以一致的頻率和大量的加油量進行加油。

  • Nikola is the offtake and the catalyst for the hydrogen economy in North America.


  • Moving on to regulatory tailwinds on chart 10.

    接下來討論圖 10 的監理推動因素。

  • We continue to maintain our dominant share of HVIP vouchers in California.

    我們繼續保持在加州 HVIP 優惠券的主導份額。

  • At quarter end, we had 99% share of the fuel cell vouchers and 23% share of the battery vouchers.


  • We added a net of 11 fuel cell vouchers, despite double digit redemptions, demonstrating continued strong demand in California.

    儘管兌換金額達到兩位數,但我們淨增加了 11 張燃料電池優惠券,這表明加州的需求持續強勁。

  • Next, we're creating alternative revenue and profit streams from the sale of regulatory credits.


  • We recognized the first sale of NOx and PM credits in Q2.

    我們在第二季確認了 NOx 和 PM 積分的首次銷售。

  • EPA Clean Ports is another bright spot in green policies.


  • Nikola has been named in eight Clean Port project applications across the US for joint funding.


  • Strategic ports include Western, Eastern and Gulf regions.


  • Together with fleet partners, Nikola is to provide FCEVs and BEVs as eligible zero-emission vehicle port equipment and/or HYLA fueling as eligible clean energy infrastructure.

    Nikola 將與車隊合作夥伴一起提供 FCEV 和 BEV 作為合格的零排放車輛港口設備和/或 HYLA 燃料作為合格的清潔能源基礎設施。

  • Project selections are expected to be announced by the EPA in September.

    EPA 預計將於 9 月宣布專案選擇。

  • Lastly, and perhaps the strongest tailwind of all, is that ARCHES, the California-based western regional hydrogen hub, is the first of seven regional hubs to officially sign an agreement with the Department of Energy.

    最後,也許是最強勁的推動力,位於加州的西部區域氫中心 ARCHES 是七個區域中心中第一個與能源部正式簽署協議的。

  • A total of $12.6 billion will be available to support projects and to build and expand clean hydrogen infrastructure in California. $1.2 billion will be funded from the DOE and the rest from public and private matching funds.

    總計 126 億美元將用於支持加州的項目以及建造和擴大清潔氫基礎設施。 12 億美元將由能源部提供,其餘部分由公共和私人配套資金提供。

  • We're excited to hear that $30 million, the first tranche of funding, will be deployed shortly as it's a positive and encouraging sign that the hydrogen economy is growing.

    我們很高興聽到第一筆資金 3000 萬美元將很快投入使用,因為這是氫經濟正在增長的積極且令人鼓舞的跡象。

  • Nikola is well poised to partner with ARCHES and the DOE for hydrogen station deployment and is named as a network partner.

    Nikola 已做好與 ARCHES 和 DOE 合作進行加氫站部署的準備,並被指定為網路合作夥伴。

  • Our HYLA mobile refueling stations offer compelling evidence that heavy-duty offtake is significant and growing.

    我們的 HYLA 行動加油站提供了令人信服的證據,證明重型油用量龐大且不斷成長。

  • To give you an example of the size of the offtake that exists with Nikola trucks now, consider that the average fuel consumption for a typical fuel cell passenger car in the US is 0.6 kilograms per day, based on annual mileage.

    舉個例子,說明目前 Nikola 卡車的承運量規模,假設美國一輛典型燃料電池乘用車的平均油耗為每天 0.6 公斤(按年行駛里程計算)。

  • Our trucks fuel on average 35 kilograms per fill.

    我們的卡車每次加註平均燃油 35 公斤。

  • One Nikola truck is close to 60 fuel cell passenger cars.

    一輛 Nikola 卡車可容納近 60 輛燃料電池客車。

  • There are over 18,000 fuel cell passenger cars in the US and growing.

    美國有超過 18,000 輛燃料電池乘用車,而且還在增加中。

  • That's equivalent to 300 Nikola fuel cell electric vehicles.

    這相當於 300 輛 Nikola 燃料電池電動車。

  • By the end of 2024, we will have doubled the hydrogen offtake for transportation in the market with just our in-service trucks alone.

    到 2024 年底,僅使用我們在使用的卡車,我們的市場運輸氫用量就將增加一倍。

  • In short, we provide density and scale for the hydrogen ecosystem.


  • Before handing it over to Tom, I want to circle back to the purpose-driven coalition.


  • Building a zero-emission ecosystem piece by piece takes enormous time and resources.


  • We cannot do it alone.


  • We've been walking the talk with our Class 8 zero-emission trucks and hydrogen refueling stations.

    我們的 8 級零排放卡車和加氫站一直言出必行。

  • We have 147 fuel cell electric vehicles wholesaled through the end of Q2 and roughly 115 metric tons of hydrogen dispensed.

    截至第二季末,我們批發了 147 輛燃料電池電動車,並分配了約 115 噸氫氣。

  • We're all in, and there's no turning back.


  • Two trucks, one platform, all zero-emissions.


  • This is all we do.


  • I, along with our 1,000 employees-plus, come to work every day with a singular focus to ensure Nikola not only survives but thrives.

    我和我們的 1,000 多名員工每天上班時都專注於確保 Nikola 不僅生存下來,而且蓬勃發展。

  • We are attracting prospective partners, such as large logo end fleets, Big Energy, hydrogen producers, and automotive OEMs who recognize the need for a zero-emission world.


  • Seeing is believing.


  • The more fuel cells we deliver, the more like-minded partners want to work with us.


  • These include national fleet partners who have stated corporate-wide decarbonization goals for the next decade.


  • Demos are ongoing with large logos in the US and Canada.


  • Big Energy, or traditional industrial gas companies, who recognize the potential for significant hydrogen offtake and the need for fixed stations to accelerate large-scale adoption.


  • Hydrogen producers who view hydrogen as a growth vector and want to play a critical role in supporting this energy transition.


  • Automotive OEMs who are eager to find synergies across product development, sourcing and hydrogen infrastructure to not only support the light-duty market, but also penetrate the Class 8 heavy-duty market.

    汽車原始設備製造商渴望在產品開發、採購和氫基礎設施之間找到協同效應,不僅支援輕型市場,而且滲透到 8 級重型市場。

  • Now I'll pass it to Tom to cover the financial results.


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • Moving to chart 12.

    轉到圖 12。

  • We introduced the Nikola profitability flywheel last quarter.


  • We talked about the importance of national accounts to build meaningful volume to scale our operations.


  • Growing a significant and consistent order book enables us to optimize costs, both internally and with our external partners.


  • The flywheel is gaining momentum.


  • As Steve mentioned earlier, we're beginning to demonstrate national interest with initial orders from Walmart Canada and other large fleets with demos and discussions in process.


  • Many of these orders are important because they are the first order for hydrogen fuel cell trucks for their respective fleets.


  • They are testing the new technology and demonstrating that they are committed to growing with us.


  • Chart 13 contains our financial highlights.

    圖 13 包含我們的財務亮點。

  • Regarding the top line, in Q2, we posted the strongest revenue quarter in the history of Nikola.

    關於營收,我們在第二季發布了 Nikola 史上最強勁的營收季度。

  • Total revenue was $31.3 million, up 318% from Q1.

    總營收為 3,130 萬美元,較第一季成長 318%。

  • Revenue growth was impacted by higher wholesale deliveries, service and other, and stronger average sales price.


  • The average sales price improved sequentially by $7,000 per unit to $388,000 from $381,000 in Q1.

    平均售價從第一季的每台 381,000 美元環比上漲 7,000 美元至 388,000 美元。

  • This is the third consecutive quarter of stronger ASP for our fuel cell trucks.


  • For the second quarter, we reported a gross loss of $54.7 million compared to a gross loss of $57.6 million in Q1.

    第二季的毛虧損為 5,470 萬美元,而第一季的毛虧損為 5,760 萬美元。

  • Stronger revenue, driven by increased volume and higher ASP, were partially offset by higher costs related to the higher volume.


  • With respect to cash, our unrestricted cash declined $89.3 million in the quarter.

    就現金而言,本季我們的非限制性現金減少了 8,930 萬美元。

  • Therefore, we ended the quarter with $256.3 million in unrestricted cash.

    因此,本季末我們擁有 2.563 億美元的非限制性現金。

  • Larger disbursements to suppliers as we scale volume and an additional payroll period were partially offset by higher receipts due to higher volume and ATM proceeds of $52.2 million.

    隨著我們擴大銷量和延長工資發放期,向供應商支付的款項增加,但由於銷量增加和 ATM 收益 5220 萬美元而帶來的收入增加,部分抵消了這一支出。

  • Moving on to chart 14.

    繼續看圖 14。

  • For fiscal year 2024, our fuel cell wholesale delivery guidance remains unchanged at 300 to 350 fuel cell trucks with Q3 being between 80 and 100 wholesale deliveries.

    2024 財年,我們的燃料電池批發交付指引保持不變,為 300 至 350 輛燃料電池卡車,第三季批發交付量為 80 至 100 輛。

  • We are continuing to execute our plan in the third quarter of 2024, including ensuring that we have the capital required so that the business can scale and become profitable.

    我們將在 2024 年第三季繼續執行我們的計劃,包括確保我們擁有所需的資本,以便業務能夠擴大規模並實現盈利。

  • Back to Steve for closing remarks.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Tom.


  • I recently traveled on a world tour that started in China, then proceeded to Japan, Paris, and ended in London.


  • The hydrogen ecosystem, while nascent North America, is on solid footing globally.


  • Substantial investments are being made in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.


  • My team and I met with prospective strategic partners and investors who recognize the opportunity at hand and the role Nikola can play in unlocking the hydrogen economy here.


  • The purpose-driven coalition is growing, and Nikola is key to prove to the world that zero emissions and the hydrogen economy is real.


  • This concludes our prepared remarks.


  • I'll now hand the call back to Soei for stockholder questions.

    現在我將把電話轉回 Soei,詢問股東問題。

  • Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

    Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • We received questions from stockholders through the Say platform.

    我們透過 Say 平台收到了股東的提問。

  • First question.


  • What is the strategic plan to increase shareholder returns?


  • What measures are being taken to enhance profitability?


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • I'll take that one, Steve.


  • No surprise, execution's key to improving Nikola's profitability and increasing shareholder returns.


  • Here's what we know is true.


  • The first thing is Nikola is on the road today with customers and in stations.


  • Number two, we have numerous proof points with customers, some of which we just covered on the call.


  • In addition to that, we're having ongoing discussions with numerous national accounts and other customers.


  • Number three, Nikola is positioned ahead of competitor OEMs.

    第三,Nikola 領先競爭對手 OEM。

  • And number four, we've got a team that is really passionate about developing the hydrogen ecosystem.


  • The profitability wheel is beginning to gain momentum.


  • Growing this significant and consistent order book, I can't emphasize it enough.


  • It is so important for us to optimize costs both internally and with our external partners.


  • And we're demonstrating this interest with the national accounts, as we talked about in the prepared remarks.


  • We have to keep in mind, though, accepting this new technology takes time and education.


  • But bottom line, our high-touch sales team and the dealer network are making inroads with the national accounts with more demos and discussions in process and more to come.


  • Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

    Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Tom.


  • Second question.


  • What is being done to develop the necessary hydrogen infrastructure for the future?


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Soei.


  • So the buildout of the hydrogen highway is on track.


  • As we said, we expect to provide 14 fueling solutions in North America by year-end.

    正如我們所說,我們預計到年底將在北美提供 14 種加油解決方案。

  • Our objective is to deliver a safe, reliable fueling network that enables customers to refuel hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks whenever they need at convenient locations.


  • And by the way, this is us as well as other players in the ecosystem can fuel there.


  • As a strategy, we're launching stations and deploying assets where we anticipate demand.


  • So you could see us over the course of the year try out different locations.


  • While most of the fuelers are in California, you could see us try out different locations outside of California and Canada.


  • While our immediate focus is on modular sites, we're simultaneously developing permanent stations, both independently and through partnerships.


  • In addition to building a network in California, we've got Canada, and as I said before, we're going to try outside of California.


  • There's one more thing I'd add here.


  • The fueling technology is improving like the truck technology is improving.


  • And being on the front end of this allows us to continue to try new fueling technology, new fuelers.


  • We have three different suppliers now.


  • They're launching Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3.


  • And being on the front end allows us to be part of that and be on the front end cutting edge of that stuff as well.


  • Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

    Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • Last question.


  • How is Nikola attracting bigger logos?


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Well, given all the national accounts, there's many of them.


  • Prioritization is very important.


  • So we consider a number of factors, including but not limited to product fit or use case, geographical overlay with our existing and future hydrogen infrastructure and the fleet sustainable goals.


  • Following this prioritization, we engaged the national accounts and describe to them how we believe Nikola fits into their strategic priorities and how we can help them achieve their goals.


  • And these discussions include an invitation to our plant in Coolidge and offering a demo.


  • As Steve likes to say, seeing is believing, and our demo list is full of prospects.


  • They include national beverage distributors, grocers, health care, chemical companies as well as 3PLs, third-party logistics carriers who keep the supply chain in North America running.

    他們包括全國飲料經銷商、雜貨商、醫療保健、化學公司以及 3PL、維持北美供應鏈運作的第三方物流營運商。

  • We're encouraged and excited to see also that the demos go beyond California.


  • As we've mentioned, the more we get the fuel cells on the truck, the more credibility is gained for hydrogen and the more the like-minded partners come and join us.


  • Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

    Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Tom.


  • Operator, please open the line for analysts' questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Mike Shlisky, D.A. Davidson.

    (操作員說明)Mike Shlisky,D.A.戴維森。

  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hi, Mike.


  • Michael Shlisky - Analyst

    Michael Shlisky - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Hello.


  • Good morning.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • Maybe I wanted to start off first asking about the bill of materials and the gross profit.


  • Do you have an additional round of reductions to the bill of materials coming?


  • Are you talking with some of your suppliers about ordering in larger quantities and asking for a different -- for better pricing?


  • Is there some kind of larger program here that might start maybe next year, or we're sticking along those lines?


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Absolutely, Mike, and that's a great question.


  • One of the things that really helps us with our bill of material is our supplier base is really concentrated.


  • What do I mean by that?


  • We've got five suppliers who make up 65% of our bill of material cost, and the top 15 make up about 80%.

    我們有 5 家供應商,占我們物料清單成本的 65%,前 15 家供應商約佔 80%。

  • So we're doing exactly what you said.


  • We're working with each of those key suppliers and ensuring that we've got volume thresholds, which give a commensurate reduction into the bill of material.


  • In addition to that, we're looking at localization activities.


  • Given that we're just getting started in terms of serial production, we don't have all of our suppliers in the right place.


  • In fact, we've got almost 70% that comes out from outside of the United States.

    事實上,我們有近 70% 的產品來自美國以外的地區。

  • So there's opportunity to localize and get more efficient.


  • The third thing is we're redesigning some parts, making them more efficient, making them more cost-effective, things that we're learning as we're putting trucks on the road and we're building the trucks.


  • And then the bigger longer-term issue is with our next-gen vehicle, we've got a huge opportunity to take even a bigger step down.


  • But yeah, to get to your specific question, yes, we've got plans in place, daily discussions ongoing for next year and the year after that.


  • And then with our next-gen vehicle, even a bigger step down as we have a more open bidding process and redesign of the components.


  • Thanks for the question, Mike.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, Mike.


  • And just to add, just like any new technology, the goal is to get it on the field and then start to learn and then start to optimize.


  • And we're on the field now, and now we're moving to the optimization stage.


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah.


  • That's a great point.


  • You also -- maybe sorry you will see when you go through the details, we had a warranty reduction in the quarter.


  • And part of that is learning how given components are performing, redesigning those components, changing suppliers if we have to.


  • But that's going to provide reduction as well.


  • Michael Shlisky - Analyst

    Michael Shlisky - Analyst

  • I guess to follow up there, I'm curious as to your confidence levels next year or certainly in 2026.

    我想接下來,我很好奇你們明年或 2026 年的信心水準。

  • The Class 8 market for diesel will be as busy as it's ever been, maybe an all-time record.

    8 級柴油市場將一如既往地繁忙,甚至可能創歷史新高。

  • Certainly, in 2030, prepare for emissions changeovers.

    當然,到 2030 年,要為排放轉換做好準備。

  • I guess I'm concerned, if they didn't have problems getting what they need as far as brakes, car components, et cetera, some of the things that your trucks share with theirs, in the quantities that you need, I'm curious as to your confidence of able to actually obtain the relatively small number of parts that you need for your vehicles when you're up against some of the larger players for very limited pie in 2025 and 2026.

    我想我擔心的是,如果他們在獲得所需的煞車、汽車零件等方面沒有問題,你的卡車與他們的卡車共享的一些東西,按照你需要的數量,我是我很好奇,當您在2025 年和2026 年與一些較大的玩家爭奪非常有限的餡餅時,您是否有信心能夠真正獲得車輛所需的相對少量的零件。

  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I mean, fuel cell power modules aren't on their trucks.


  • Batteries aren't on their trucks.


  • You're talking about the diesel pull ahead.


  • Is that what you're referencing, Mike?


  • Michael Shlisky - Analyst

    Michael Shlisky - Analyst

  • Yeah, I was talking about things like how components, brakes, steering wheels, things that you would share with those.


  • Obviously not the fuel cell parts, but the rest of the truck.


  • I'm curious about some of the challenges your suppliers might be telling you about obtaining enough parts for relatively smaller players like Nikola in 2025 and 2026.

    我很好奇您的供應商可能會告訴您如何在 2025 年和 2026 年為 Nikola 等相對較小的企業獲得足夠的零件。

  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah.


  • Well, we haven't seen any of that to date in the last quarter.


  • We've had no indications with conversations with the suppliers going forward.


  • And as I mentioned and as Steve amplified here, the majority of our cost in the bill of material is really specific to the fuel cell and the BEV truck.


  • Much smaller is common with the broader diesel market.


  • We think we're in good shape.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Most of the supply constraints we've had up until now are really new tech-related customers launching new tech versus the old tech stuff.


  • We've gotten no indication from our suppliers that given our volume expectations for the next few years, we're going to have issues.


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • But bottom line, we're excited about what we can do with the bill of material cost reduction, what we can do with the freight and duties reduction, and what we can do with the warranty reduction.


  • And all of that comes together again with the flywheel.


  • Building that confidence of that order book that we can go to our supplier partners, lock in the orders, lock in the step-change cost reductions down, and we're excited what we can do over the next few years.


  • Michael Shlisky - Analyst

    Michael Shlisky - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • And perhaps one last one for me, and that's the cadence of deliveries and orders into the first quarter of 2025.

    也許對我來說最後一個是 2025 年第一季的交付和訂單節奏。

  • Are you seeing any customers asking you to hold off until next year until either there's a rate change or an election change and how they elect to receive trucks with you?


  • Or are folks asking for things as soon as you can get them to them?


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • No.


  • No.


  • Most of our customers are trying to cycle vouchers now.


  • A lot of these guys who understand the voucher opportunity in California, most of them are trying to get their vouchers cycled.


  • Yeah, they're trying to get their vouchers cycled now.


  • Most of the business is in California.


  • Remember, everything here is in its infancy.


  • No one buys does a demo and says, I'm going to buy 500 trucks.

    沒有人在購買演示後說,我要買 500 輛卡車。

  • They do a demo, they say, give me 5 or 10.

    他們做了一個演示,他們說,給我 5 或 10 個。

  • Then they say, give me 50.


  • And then they know they have vouchers and they're cycling vouchers in California or trying different routes in other parts of the country.


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah.


  • And remember the national account customer as well, where in many cases, the big national accounts have thousands of units.


  • And the discussions for them are more how can we get a pilot going?


  • How can we fit into their sustainable goals -- sustainability goals?


  • How can we be a partner longer term?


  • How can they get comfortable with hydrogen?


  • How can they get feedback from their drivers?


  • Those types of -- those are more of the discussions than what's going to happen with the rates.


  • We're a relatively -- and this is the beauty of the national account strategy.


  • We are a relatively small piece of these big overall fleets.


  • We don't need to take a big share of any one national account fleet.


  • Michael Shlisky - Analyst

    Michael Shlisky - Analyst

  • Great.


  • I appreciate it.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Does that help?


  • Does that help, Mike?


  • Michael Shlisky - Analyst

    Michael Shlisky - Analyst

  • Absolutely, yes.


  • That clarifies a lot.


  • Thank you.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Greg Lewis, BTIG.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hi, Greg.


  • Gregory Lewis - Analyst

    Gregory Lewis - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Thank you.


  • Hey, hey, Steve.


  • How are you?


  • Good morning and thanks for taking my question.


  • You mentioned you've been on this whirlwind tour.


  • You called out the potential to do strategic partnerships.


  • As you're working and talking with potential partners to expand Nikola's footprint, could you talk a little bit about where it makes sense and where those probably traction points are?

    當您正在與潛在合作夥伴合作和討論以擴大 Nikola 的足跡時,您能否談談它的意義所在以及那些可能的牽引點在哪裡?

  • Is it for the hydrogen on the highway?


  • Is it maybe bringing Nikola trucks maybe to Asia?


  • Could you just provide a little bit of color in how you think about beyond the core business, which is putting trucks on the road in the US, how you're thinking about positioning the plat over the next couple years?


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I'll start, and then Tom will chime in.


  • So listen, one refuel of our truck is the equivalent of refueling 60 fuel cell cars.

    聽著,我們卡車加油一次相當於為 60 輛燃料電池汽車加油。

  • Like we said in the release, we're going to have to dispense more hydrogen this year than the entire mobility -- we're basically going to double the mobility use case for hydrogen in one year here.


  • That's what these people see.


  • We're the anchor of the ecosystem.


  • And so is it H2 supply, H2 cost, H2 components?


  • Yes.


  • It could be sourcing.


  • A lot of these players in Asia source -- hydrogen's big in Asia, okay?


  • Japan, Korea, China, what have you.


  • Hydrogen's bigger there than here.


  • There's lots of components, other fuel cell power module players.


  • There's hydrogen component players.


  • That's -- when we say we're trying to build a coalition of the purpose-driven coalition, that's what we're trying to do is people who believe in the ecosystem come with us, help us lower our cost, help us defer capital, help us fund our business.


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah.


  • Let me just amplify, Greg.


  • I think what's very exciting about the opportunity we have is we're really getting in on the ground floor that a lot of people believe in, but they haven't really had a chance to execute it.


  • There's been this chicken and egg, do you go with the vehicle first or do you go with the infrastructure.


  • So now, we've got the vehicle on the road, so it makes us very attractive to talk to a number of strategic partners.


  • Let's take, for example, in the automotive world.


  • The automotive world's been working on fuel cells for quite some time but hasn't really made the progress that they've wanted to make.


  • Now that we've got this offtake, we provide them with an opportunity to supply parts to us, to invest in infrastructure with us.


  • You've also got hydrogen producers who haven't had a transportation growth vector offtake and now they do.


  • They've been mostly in industrial gases.


  • You've got Big Energy, who this really hasn't been a growth vector for them and it can be.


  • And then you've got these commercial fleets, which both within their company as well as their customers, they've got sustainability goals.


  • And like Steve says, seeing is believing.


  • You've got water coming out of that tail pipe.


  • So there's a lot of excitement and a lot of discussions here of joining forces with us and doing something great.


  • Gregory Lewis - Analyst

    Gregory Lewis - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • And then I did want to touch a little bit, Tom, on the balance sheet.


  • Just looking at cash burn in 2Q versus Q1, it was up a little bit.


  • And I guess, obviously there's some puts and takes in there.


  • As we think about getting that cash burn lower as we think about this, is it primarily just going to be pushing that ASP higher in volume?


  • Or are there other things that we're thinking about here over the next couple quarters to get that burn a little bit lower?


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Well, like many things, Greg, related to cash, it's multipronged.


  • We need to get better with our cash conversion cycle, and we actually did quarter over quarter.


  • We took out 78 days, which is a 35% improvement.

    我們花了 78 天,改進了 35%。

  • So we will continue to work on that.


  • It's still too high.


  • We can also work on working with CARB and working with our dealers to get our voucher process working better, which helps, again, our cash conversion cycle.

    我們還可以與 CARB 以及我們的經銷商合作,讓我們的優惠券流程更好地運作,這再次有助於我們的現金轉換週期。

  • What we really want to avoid is doing draconian actions which are going to hurt what we think is a very exciting prospect and our potential strategic partners think.


  • We don't want to cut hydrogen or delay hydrogen infrastructure.


  • We don't want to delay our next-gen development of our vehicle and redesigning parts for lower cost.


  • So we're confident that we've got enough people who want to invest in the company that we're going to be fine from a cash flow perspective.


  • Obviously, as we start to hit those volume thresholds and the gross margin continues to go up, we'll burn less cash.


  • So that's a very big lever for us as well.


  • Price, you've seen it go up three quarters in a row, and we'll always look at that.


  • But the bigger thing for us is the volume as we stated.


  • Gregory Lewis - Analyst

    Gregory Lewis - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Super helpful.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Jeff Kauffman, Vertical Research Partners.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hi, Jeff.


  • Jeffrey Kauffman - Analyst

    Jeffrey Kauffman - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Hey.


  • How are you?


  • Congratulations, everyone.


  • Tom, I want to get back to balance sheet and cash, because I always thought it was a rule of thumb you wanted to keep about six months cash on the balance sheet.


  • But just listening to your comments, you feel like we got partners that want to invest, we can bring cash in at any point.


  • But if I take your $256 million of unrestricted cash and just assume that the burn is similar in 3Q versus 2Q, you're going to be about six months by the end of the quarter.

    但如果我拿你 2.56 億美元的非限制性現金,並假設第三季和第二季的燒錢情況相似,那麼到本季末你將需要大約六個月的時間。

  • So how do we think about what the right cash level is where you're comfortable for the company?


  • And what levers are out there that we can bring in cash to stay above that level?


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah.


  • Appreciate the question, Jeff.


  • Your math is pretty good math, and it's math that we do and that we look at every day.


  • And when I said to Greg on the last question that we're focusing on a number of things, we're also focusing on being in the market and talking to investors to ensure that we've got enough cash to run our operations.


  • And what do I think is a good amount of cash to have on hand?


  • I mean, ideally, as we enter next year, we would like to have enough cash where we can operate for a full fiscal year unencumbered without going into the market and just focus on chopping wood and execution.


  • So that's the way I look at it.


  • Right now, we finished the quarter with $283 million total, $255 unrestricted.

    目前,我們本季的總收入為 2.83 億美元,其中 255 美元不受限制。

  • And yeah, I mean that would put us with our normal cash burn toward the end of the year, we'll be getting close to being out of cash.


  • We recognize that.


  • We're talking to the right people.


  • And we're confident that we will get to a place where we can achieve that goal of operating next year unencumbered without having to go to the market continuously.


  • Jeffrey Kauffman - Analyst

    Jeffrey Kauffman - Analyst

  • Well, I look forward to that.


  • Thank you.


  • And could you give us an idea -- I love that you are starting to monetize the potential for the credits.


  • How should we think about contribution to the bottom line on the fueling?


  • And how should we think about contribution on the credits as we're modeling out 2024 and 2025?

    當我們對 2024 年和 2025 年進行建模時,我們應該如何考慮學分貢獻?

  • Do these credit amounts that you achieved this quarter, are they going to be a little more consistent as the fleet itself grows and you're running more miles on those trucks?


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Absolutely.


  • I mean, let me just unpack the credit growth for you.


  • We've got two types of CARB credits.

    我們有兩種類型的 CARB 積分。

  • One is related to NOx and particulate matter, and the other one is a more general ACT one.

    一種與氮氧化物和顆粒物有關,另一種是更一般的 ACT 問題。

  • And together, we think they can be $45,000 to $50,000 a unit.

    加在一起,我們認為每台的售價可能為 45,000 美元至 50,000 美元。

  • Now obviously, you're negotiating with the people you're monetizing with, but that's a large number.


  • And what we're also seeing which is exciting is that right now, it's California only.


  • It's CARB.

    這是 CARB。

  • But we see other states looking to adopt similar things.


  • And the OEMs, that sale percentage schedule for CARB goes up quite significantly, all the way to 2032, where you got to have 40% of your Class 8 vehicles ZEV.

    對於 OEM 而言,CARB 的銷售百分比計劃將大幅上升,一直到 2032 年,屆時 40% 的 8 類車輛必須是 ZEV。

  • So we think that's going to be a great revenue stream with us.


  • We think that that's -- it's 100% gross profit.

    我們認為這是 100% 的毛利。

  • So we really like that.


  • More to come on that.


  • Obviously as volume grows, that gets to be a bigger deal for us.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • And listen, at GM, we bought credits every year, and they make a trade-off in their minds to put a big truck in the market.


  • It may make sense to me to buy credits versus put a zero-emission truck in the market where I lose a bunch of money on it.


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Absolutely.


  • And this is the benefit of being first mover.


  • You get good at understanding the legislation, monetizing it, working with partners who are doing this type of trade-off, helping them out.


  • So we dipped our toe in the water in Q2.


  • We think it's going to be bigger.


  • And we think it could potentially be quite big in the future.


  • The key thing to think about, we said this a couple times in the prepared remarks.


  • The way we believe it is we're in serial production, trucks on the road.


  • If you want to go big with hydrogen and Class 8, you can either go with us now in 2024.

    如果您想大力發展氫能和 Class 8,那麼您可以在 2024 年立即加入我們。

  • Or if you go with somebody else, we think it's going to be end of the decade.


  • Jeffrey Kauffman - Analyst

    Jeffrey Kauffman - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Ben Kallo, Baird.

    (操作說明)Ben Kallo,Baird。

  • Benjamin Kallo - Analyst

    Benjamin Kallo - Analyst

  • Hi, guys.


  • Good morning.


  • Operator


  • Hi, Ben.


  • Benjamin Kallo - Analyst

    Benjamin Kallo - Analyst

  • Just on that last question or the last answer about your end of decade for hydrogen.


  • How do you think about just EV trucks, maybe Tesla specifically, coming to market as competition?


  • And I guess, do your customers think about competition that way versus diesel or versus EV versus hydrogen?


  • And then my second question is just, I know you guys touched on this a bunch, but just because we're getting close to November, could you just remind us any political risk you have or how you view that going forward?

    然後我的第二個問題是,我知道你們已經談過很多次了,但是因為我們已經接近 11 月了,您能否提醒我們您面臨的任何政治風險,或者您如何看待未來的情況?

  • Congrats.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Sure.


  • Let me take the last one first.


  • We get the question on political risk all the time.


  • Some parties seem to like EVs more than others.


  • We would say that there are as many -- if you look around where the big hydrogen projects are, there's as many hydrogen projects in red states as there are blue states.


  • There's a lot -- how you create the hydrogen is different, but there's still going to be a lot of activity, we believe, around hydrogen going forward no matter what.


  • On the first question, let me put it this way.


  • So we have one of our customers who started their zero-emission journey by buying six of somebody else's battery electric trucks.


  • The range they stated was -- this company operates around the ports.


  • He was one of the guys in our video.


  • But they said they bought six trucks.


  • They said the manufacturer told them the range would be 220 miles on a charge, and they were getting 150 miles.

    他們說,製造商告訴他們一次充電續航里程為 220 英里,而他們實際上行駛了 150 英里。

  • And furthermore, it was taking them 1.5 hours to 2 hours to refuel.

    而且,加油需要 1.5 到 2 小時。

  • And this guy started buying -- this company started buying our trucks more and more and more, and now they're the biggest owner of our trucks, frankly.


  • And one of the things he says is, I run two shifts a day.


  • Once my driver -- your fuel cell trucks weigh the same as everybody else's battery truck, I can refuel them a lot faster, and it is very hard for me to get power to the port to my depot where it is.

    一旦我的司機 - 你的燃料電池卡車的重量與其他人的電池卡車相同,我可以更快地給它們加油,而且我很難將電力輸送到我所在的倉庫的港口。

  • So his driver ends a shift, and the next one immediately takes over.


  • They don't have to wait 1.5 hours to recharge a truck.

    他們不必等待 1.5 小時即可為卡車充電。

  • So he gets -- in his world -- and again, it's very route-specific, in his world, fuel cell is actually more efficient than battery.


  • The other thing you have to deal with besides the range fluctuation, we have customers that like battery trucks who are coming over and starting -- setting up for demos that tried everybody else's battery trucks, but what they're learning is battery trucks don't work everywhere.

    除了續航里程波動之外,您還必須處理的另一件事是,我們有喜歡電池卡車的客戶,他們過來並啟動——準備進行演示,嘗試其他人的電池卡車,但他們了解到電池卡車不這樣做。 不用到處工作。

  • Colorado, for example.


  • High altitude, cold weather.


  • The range on batteries in cold weather degrades quickly.


  • Our range will degrade a little bit, but not anywhere near what a battery truck does.


  • So there's use cases around both.


  • We have customers who want to try ours, want to try everybody else's, including Tesla's, and we'll see where it all lands.


  • Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Thomas Okray - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah.


  • Let me just amplify.


  • In the quarter, our average fill was 38 kilograms.

    本季度,我們的平均填充量為 38 公斤。

  • Just to do the math with our fuel economy, that translates to roughly 275 miles.

    只要計算我們的燃油經濟性,大約可以行駛 275 英里。

  • So as Steve says, you're getting much longer range for these uses, for these haulers.


  • It's also a much quicker fill, about 20 minutes or so or even less.

    充滿速度也快得多,大約 20 分鐘左右甚至更短。

  • And the final thing that I'd like to say on this is, as we're redesigning this vehicle or our next-gen vehicle, we're going to have a high level of commonality between BEV and fuel cell.


  • So it's actually going to help us with the supply base from scaling, and it's going to help us with the customers because when we endear ourselves to the customers with the fuel cell, they can buy an option also with the BEV for those specific use cases.

    因此,它實際上將幫助我們擴大供應基礎,也將幫助我們贏得客戶,因為當我們透過燃料電池贏得客戶的青睞時,他們也可以針對這些特定用例購買 BEV 選項。

  • So we think it's great that we're going to have two flavors.


  • And leading with the fuel cell right now I think makes perfect sense where it's less crowded in the marketplace.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • That help?


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • This does conclude today's question-and-answer session.


  • I would now like to turn the call back to Soei Shin for any additional or closing remarks.

    現在我想將電話轉回 Soei Shin,請其發表補充或結束語。

  • Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

    Soei Shin - Head, Investor Relations

  • Thank you, operator.


  • We appreciate everyone taking the time to join us this morning, and on behalf of Nikola employees, we thank you.

    我們感謝今天早上大家抽出時間加入我們,並代表 Nikola 員工感謝你們。

  • Have a great day.


  • Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Stephen Girsky - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Bye, everybody.


  • Operator


  • You may now disconnect.
