美光科技 (MU) 2006 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon.


  • My name is Jason, and I will be your conference facilitator today.


  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the Micron Technology conference call.


  • All lines have been placed on mute to prevent any background noise.


  • After the speakers' remarks, there will be a question-and-answer period. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS).

    演講者發言後,將進入問答環節。 (操作員說明)。

  • It is now my pleasure to turn the floor over to your host, Mr. Kipp Bedard.

    現在我很高興將發言權交給您的主持人 Kipp Bedard 先生。

  • Kipp, you may begin.


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Thank you very much.


  • I would like to welcome everyone to Micron Technology's first-quarter fiscal year 2006 financial release conference call.

    歡迎大家參加美光科技 2006 財年第一季度財務發布電話會議。

  • On the call today are Mr. Steve Appleton, Chairman, CEO and President;


  • Mr. Bill Stover, Vice President-Finance and Chief Financial Officer; and Mr. Mike Sadler, Vice President of Worldwide Sales.

    Bill Stover 先生,財務副總裁兼首席財務官;以及全球銷售副總裁 Mike Sadler 先生。

  • This conference call, including audio and slides, are available on Micron's home page on the Internet at micron.com.

    本次電話會議,包括音頻和幻燈片,可在 Micron.com 的 Internet 上的 Micron 主頁上找到。

  • If you have not had an opportunity to review the first-quarter 2006 financial press release, it is available, again, on our website at micron.com.

    如果您沒有機會查看 2006 年第一季度財務新聞稿,請再次訪問我們的網站 micron.com。

  • Our call will be approximately 60 minutes in length.

    我們的通話時間約為 60 分鐘。

  • There will be a taped audio replay of this call available later this evening at 5:30 PM Mountain Standard Time.

    今晚晚些時候,山區標準時間下午 5:30 將提供這次通話的錄音重播。

  • You can dial into that by punching 973-341-3080, using a confirmation code of 6813208.

    您可以撥打 973-341-3080,使用確認碼 6813208 撥入。

  • This replay will run through Wednesday, December 28, 2005, at 5:30 PM Mountain Standard Time.

    此重播將持續到 2005 年 12 月 28 日,星期三,山區標準時間下午 5:30。

  • A webcast replay will be available on the Company's website until December 21, 2006.

    2006 年 12 月 21 日之前,公司網站上將提供網絡廣播重播。

  • We encourage you to monitor our website at micron.com throughout the quarter for the most current information on the Company, including information on the various financial conferences that we will be attending.

    我們鼓勵您在整個季度監控我們的網站 micron.com,以獲取有關公司的最新信息,包括我們將參加的各種財務會議的信息。

  • During the course of this call, we may make projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of the Company and the industry.


  • We wish to caution you that such statements are predictions and that the actual events or results may differ materially.


  • We refer you to the documents the Company files on a consolidated basis from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission, specifically the Company's most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q.

    我們建議您參考公司不時向證券交易委員會提交的綜合文件,特別是公司最近的 10-K 表格和 10-Q 表格。

  • These documents contain and identify important factors that could cause the actual results for the Company on a consolidated basis to differ materially from those contained in our projections or forward-looking statements.


  • These certain factors can be found on the Company's website.


  • Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements.


  • We are under no duty to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of the presentation to conform these statements to actual results.


  • With that, I would like to turn the call over to Mr. Bill Stover.


  • Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

    Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

  • Thanks, Kipp.


  • For our first quarter, net sales totaled $1.36 billion, and the Company recorded net income of 63 million or $0.09 per diluted share.

    我們第一季度的淨銷售額為 13.6 億美元,公司錄得淨收入 6300 萬美元或每股攤薄收益 0.09 美元。

  • The diluted earnings per share calculation is based on 707 million shares.


  • That's inclusive of the 54 million shares underlying our convertible debt.

    這包括我們可轉換債券的 5400 萬股股票。

  • It should be evident from this level of net income that our diversification efforts are progressing meaningfully.


  • These financials do not include any results of IM Flash Technologies, our joint venture with Intel, which will begin operations in January.

    這些財務數據不包括我們與英特爾的合資企業 IM Flash Technologies 的任何業績,該合資企業將於 1 月開始運營。

  • Let me take a few moments to talk about how IM Flash Technologies will impact our financials.

    讓我花點時間談談 IM Flash 技術將如何影響我們的財務狀況。

  • First, our joint analysis with Intel confirmed that the venture will appropriately be consolidated in Micron's financials.


  • Beginning in a few weeks, our results will reflect consolidation of the joint venture's manufacture of NAND Flash memory.

    幾週後,我們的業績將反映合資企業 NAND 閃存製造的整合。

  • Remembering that both Micron and Intel will take approximately half of the output, the net sales line will pick up the NAND production sold to Intel at manufacturing cost, and the net sales line will pick up the other half of the production as it is sold by Micron at market prices.

    請記住,美光和英特爾都將佔據大約一半的產量,淨銷售線將以製造成本接手以製造成本出售給英特爾的 NAND 產量,而淨銷售線將接手另一半的產量,因為它是由市場價格的微米。

  • Cost of goods sold will reflect the cost of manufacturing NAND devices.

    銷售成本將反映製造 NAND 設備的成本。

  • The partnering with Intel recognizes the significant value in the investments Micron has been making in research and development.


  • Fundamental to the partnership is the sale of process technology designs and know-how for in excess of $200 million.

    該合作夥伴關係的基礎是以超過 2 億美元的價格出售工藝技術設計和專有技術。

  • The technology sale is expected to be recognized as a gain reflected in other operating income.


  • On an ongoing basis, our consolidated research and development expenditures will be reduced by approximately $25 million per quarter as a result of the cost-sharing with Intel.

    由於與英特爾分攤成本,我們每季度的綜合研發支出將持續減少約 2500 萬美元。

  • The sale of technology to Intel and the anticipated $250 million prepaid from Apple will bolster our consolidated cash and investment position by approximately $500 million in January.

    向英特爾出售技術以及預計從 Apple 預付的 2.5 億美元將使我們在 1 月份的合併現金和投資頭寸增加約 5 億美元。

  • With formation of the venture, Micron's consolidated capital expenditures will rise to approximately 2 billion, approximately a $500 million increase for fiscal year '06 over the number which we previously communicated.

    隨著合資企業的成立,美光的綜合資本支出將增至約 20 億美元,比我們之前公佈的數字在 06 財年增加約 5 億美元。

  • Overall net sales were up 8% over the immediately preceding quarter.

    整體淨銷售額比上一季度增長 8%。

  • Gross margin for the quarter came in at 23%.

    本季度的毛利率為 23%。

  • The slight increase in gross margin percentage is quite impressive, actually, given the price pressure in commodity PC DRAMs and is a testament to the benefits being derived from our diversification efforts.

    實際上,考慮到商品 PC DRAM 的價格壓力,毛利率的小幅增長令人印象深刻,這證明了我們的多元化努力所帶來的好處。

  • Gross margin on tech semiconductor products was slightly higher than the overall reported gross margin for the first quarter.


  • Research and development expense for the first quarter was 166 million, slightly higher than the fiscal 2005 run rate.


  • A benefit of our partnering in NAND Flash will be the sharing of certain R&D costs.

    我們在 NAND 閃存方面合作的一個好處是分攤某些研發成本。

  • We expect the run rate for consolidated R&D expense to reduce by approximately $100 million per year through our partnering arrangement.

    我們預計,通過我們的合作安排,合併研發費用的運行率將每年減少約 1 億美元。

  • As always, future R&D expenses will vary significantly with the number of wafers dedicated to new device development and qualification.


  • Selling, general and administrative expenses stayed in the 85 to $90 million band throughout fiscal 2005.

    整個 2005 財年,銷售、一般和管理費用保持在 85 到 9000 萬美元之間。

  • We expect the quarterly run rate in 2006 with the consolidation of IM Flash Technologies to be between 95 and 100 million.

    我們預計 2006 年的季度運行率與 IM Flash Technologies 的合併將在 95 到 1 億之間。

  • For the last three years, we have had continued improvement in cash flow provided by operations.


  • The overall improvement reflects our successful diversification into specialty DRAM and CMOS image sensors.

    整體改進反映了我們成功實現了專業 DRAM 和 CMOS 圖像傳感器的多樣化。

  • The first quarter's operating cash flow reached in excess of 425 million, in part benefiting from successful reductions in inventory levels.

    第一季度的經營現金流達到了超過 4.25 億,部分受益於庫存水平的成功降低。

  • Our finished goods inventories decreased by 22% quarter over quarter.

    我們的製成品庫存環比下降 22%。

  • As of the first quarter end, Micron had cash and investment balances approximating $1.4 billion.

    截至第一季度末,美光擁有約 14 億美元的現金和投資餘額。

  • Total debt declined to 1.1 billion, and call protection on our $632 million convertible notes expires in February 2006.

    總債務降至 11 億美元,我們 6.32 億美元可轉換票據的贖回保護將於 2006 年 2 月到期。

  • The notes due in 2010 are convertible into common stock at a conversion price of $11.79 per share.

    2010 年到期的票據可轉換為普通股,轉換價格為每股 11.79 美元。

  • One other item -- this quarter is the first period reflecting stock option expense under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 123R.

    另一個項目——本季度是根據財務會計準則 123R 報表反映股票期權費用的第一期。

  • The total period expense was $3.8 million.

    期間總費用為 380 萬美元。

  • With that, I'll turn the commentary over to Mike.


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • We continue to be pleased with the robust demand environment in the mobile communications, consumer electronics and computing markets.


  • These markets account for the vast majority of demand for Micron's semiconductor memory and imaging products.


  • As evidenced by the quarter-over-quarter 11% Mb sales increase and corresponding finished goods inventory reduction, as referenced by Bill, the markets are healthy and easily absorbing the output from our production facilities.

    正如 Bill 所提到的,Mb 銷售額環比增長 11% 和相應的成品庫存減少就是證明,市場很健康,很容易吸收我們生產設施的產出。

  • Micron remains focused on achieving an optimal balance of business in the key end markets.


  • We have had another quarter of solid execution towards achievement of that objective.


  • While we have significant revenue exposure in the world's largest market for semiconductors, computers, we believe that more rapid growth in communications, consumer and industrial markets will drive more value.


  • With this in mind, we continue to add to a product portfolio that strengthens Micron's value proposition to customers in all of these market segments.


  • While the computer market demand is solid from both unit growth and memory content standpoints, the industry has grown DRAM supply such that price pressure on commodity chips used by notebook and desktop PCs has intensified during the quarter.

    雖然從單位增長和內存內容的角度來看,計算機市場需求穩健,但該行業已經增加了 DRAM 供應,使得筆記本電腦和台式電腦使用的商品芯片的價格壓力在本季度加劇。

  • Micron is not immune to this price pressure.


  • We believe, however, that supply and demand will ultimately find a balance.


  • We expect that our ability to reduce costs through yield improvement and technology advancement will track market price declines.


  • While we are not expanding share in the notebook/desktop area, these segments are and will continue to be significant demand drivers both for the industry and for Micron.


  • In the computing arena, we are focused on being early to market with high-density chips and modules.


  • Good execution is driving more segment share in workstation and server applications.


  • Our 1 Gb and 2 Gb DDR and DDR 2 components and the 2, 4 and 8 Gb modules that they enable are current examples of solutions that create value for Micron and our customers.

    我們的 1 Gb 和 2 Gb DDR 和 DDR 2 組件以及它們支持的 2、4 和 8 Gb 模塊是當前為美光和我們的客戶創造價值的解決方案示例。

  • The competitive playing field in the high-reliability, high-density memory area is not solely dependent on selling price per bit.


  • With a focus on time to market and technical collaboration, we are able to create more high-end computing business for Micron DRAMs.

    專注於上市時間和技術合作,我們能夠為美光 DRAM 創建更多高端計算業務。

  • This shields us somewhat from the severe price competition that results from an oversupplied commodity DRAM market.

    這在一定程度上使我們免於因商品 DRAM 市場供過於求而導致的激烈價格競爭。

  • Mobile phone terminals are among the most exciting applications for Micron, and we now have four product categories targeting this space, including image sensors, cellular RAM, mobile DRAM and both embedded and external NAND Flash.

    移動電話終端是美光最激動人心的應用之一,我們現在有四個針對這一領域的產品類別,包括圖像傳感器、蜂窩 RAM、移動 DRAM 以及嵌入式和外部 NAND 閃存。

  • To put it simply, the market here is growing, we are growing share with existing products and we're introducing new products that are capturing new design wins for us.


  • Memory content in mobile phones is expanding more rapidly than in any other high-volume electronic product.


  • NAND Flash, cellular RAM and low-power DRAM products play a critical role in the memory subsystem.

    NAND 閃存、蜂窩 RAM 和低功耗 DRAM 產品在內存子系統中發揮著關鍵作用。

  • A sweet spot memory solution in a high-end phone today is a multichip packaged product built with a 256 Mb NOR chip plus a 64 Mb cellular RAM.

    當今高端手機中的最佳存儲解決方案是採用 256 Mb NOR 芯片和 64 Mb 蜂窩 RAM 構建的多芯片封裝產品。

  • This is slowly transitioning to 512 Mb NOR plus 128 cellular RAM or low-power DRAM.

    這正在慢慢過渡到 512 Mb NOR 加上 128 個蜂窩 RAM 或低功耗 DRAM。

  • As we move through 2006, we believe the market will begin to shift to MCPs built with 1 Gb NAND chips and 256 Mb or 512 Mb low-power DRAMs.

    隨著我們進入 2006 年,我們相信市場將開始轉向使用 1 Gb NAND 芯片和 256 Mb 或 512 Mb 低功耗 DRAM 構建的 MCP。

  • We currently play a key role in the mobile phone memory market with our family of cellular RAM and low-power DRAM products.

    我們目前憑藉我們的蜂窩 RAM 和低功耗 DRAM 產品系列在手機內存市場發揮著關鍵作用。

  • Our hope is that this becomes a commanding role with both the NAND and DRAM pieces in play.

    我們希望這成為 NAND 和 DRAM 的主導角色。

  • Our recently announced NAND Flash manufacturing venture with Intel will help us achieve scale and improved time to market with NAND devices for the cellphone market.

    我們最近宣布與英特爾合作的 NAND 閃存製造合資企業將幫助我們實現規模化並加快手機市場 NAND 設備的上市時間。

  • With our product lineup, technology and infrastructure, we couldn't be more pleased with our position in the cellphone memory ecosystem.


  • I think by now, you are aware of Micron's position atop the CMOS image sensor market.

    我想現在你已經知道美光在 CMOS 圖像傳感器市場上的地位了。

  • While camera penetration rates are approaching 60% worldwide, we're continuing to outgrow the market and have now even captured multiple design wins in the Japanese market, the last frontier for CCD sensors.

    雖然全球相機普及率接近 60%,但我們的增長速度仍在繼續超越市場,現在甚至在日本市場取得了多項設計勝利,這是 CCD 傳感器的最後一個前沿領域。

  • We're introducing cost-reduced versions of VGA and 1 megapixel sensors, as well as new 2 and 3 megapixel sensors for high-resolution mobile phone cameras.

    我們正在推出成本降低版本的 VGA 和 1 兆像素傳感器,以及用於高分辨率手機攝像頭的新型 2 和 3 兆像素傳感器。

  • Our current mix of revenues in the camera phone space is approximately one-half VGA and one-half 1 megapixel and above.

    我們目前在照相手機領域的收入組合約為 VGA 的二分之一和 1 兆像素及以上的二分之一。

  • The VGA sensors are having a longer-than-anticipated live as camera penetration reached the low end and many phones now even feature dual cameras.

    隨著攝像頭普及率達到低端,VGA 傳感器的使用壽命比預期的要長,現在許多手機甚至配備了雙攝像頭。

  • We were expecting that market demand for our sensors might temper somewhat seasonally, but this is proving not to be the case.


  • We are moving some memory production within the micron fab network to create even more near-term imaging capacity to seize the market opportunity.


  • Camera-enabled mobile phones have been the primary driver of revenues for our CMOS imagers, and this will continue to be the case as we move forward.

    支持攝像頭的手機一直是我們 CMOS 成像儀收入的主要驅動力,隨著我們的發展,這種情況將繼續存在。

  • While not the most significant revenue generators today, we are devoting a number of product development and field resources to other promising markets in the imaging area.


  • Some examples would be consumer items like digital still cameras, PC cameras, and medical and automotive applications.

    一些例子是消費品,如數碼相機、PC 相機以及醫療和汽車應用。

  • Each of these product areas is of interest not only from the imaging perspective, as we also have the capability of providing application-specific memory devices into these markets for our common customer and application base.


  • Our strategy of developing a diverse set of semiconductor memory and imaging products is clearly paying financial dividends.


  • From our perspective, the real value is coming from strengthening and broadening customer relationships.


  • These relationships have created a solid foundation from which to build upon.


  • Thanks for your continued interest and support in the Company, and I'll turn it back to Kipp.

    感謝您一直以來對公司的關注和支持,我會將其轉回給 Kipp。

  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Thank you, Mike.


  • Right now, we'd like to go ahead and take questions from callers.


  • Just a reminder -- if you are using a speakerphone, please pick up the handset when asking a question so we can hear you clearly.


  • With that, we'd like to open up the lines to questions.


  • Operator




  • Randy Abrams, CSFB.


  • Randy Abrams - Analyst

    Randy Abrams - Analyst

  • I first had a couple questions on the CapEx guidance.


  • Could you talk about the 1.5 billion Micron spending and 500 million for IM Flash in terms of capacity additions on 300 mm versus back end and shrinks?

    您能否談談 15 億美光和 5 億美元用於 IM Flash 的 300 毫米容量增加與後端和縮小?

  • Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

    Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

  • Well, just initial clarification is we had been guiding fiscal year 2006 at 1.5 billion.

    好吧,最初的澄清是我們一直在指導 2006 財年為 15 億。

  • And with the consolidation of IM Flash, there's approximately $500 million of joint venture spending which will be consolidated within the fiscal year 2006.

    隨著 IM Flash 的整合,大約有 5 億美元的合資企業支出將在 2006 財年進行整合。

  • The 1 to 5 billion reference for Micron is still representative of our cash flow as the additional spending at the venture is funded by the initial capital coming from Intel and partners.

    美光的 1 到 50 億參考仍然代表我們的現金流,因為該合資企業的額外支出由來自英特爾和合作夥伴的初始資本提供資金。

  • Randy Abrams - Analyst

    Randy Abrams - Analyst

  • And then maybe the mix between 300 mm and shrinks and back end, how that splits out?

    然後可能是 300 毫米和收縮和後端之間的混合,它是如何分裂出來的?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Well, almost the vast majority of new fab spending is 300 mm.

    嗯,幾乎絕大多數新晶圓廠的支出都是 300 毫米。

  • And then, of course, we don't really break out between what goes to shrink versus just new capacity in this environment because remember that we, even at this point in time, we have been finishing out the RAM and MTV in a quarter of this, and of course that will start increasing as we move to the rest of this capacity through the year.

    然後,當然,在這種環境下,我們並沒有真正在縮減容量和新容量之間取得突破,因為請記住,即使在這個時間點,我們已經在四分之一的時間內完成了 RAM 和 MTV這個,當然,隨著我們全年轉移到這個容量的其餘部分,這將開始增加。

  • So I think it's fair to say that the vast majority of it is on the front end.


  • And in our particular case, I don't have the detail and breakout between new capacity and what is advancing the process, because the joint venture obviously impacts that, and I just don't have that detail at the tip of my fingers.


  • Randy Abrams - Analyst

    Randy Abrams - Analyst

  • And maybe looking at the near term just on bit production growth, could you talk about what you are targeting and maybe how that splits out between DRAM and non-DRAM?

    也許只看比特生產增長的近期,你能談談你的目標是什麼,也許是如何在 DRAM 和非 DRAM 之間分裂?

  • Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

    Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

  • We're looking at mid- to high-single-digit production bit growth.


  • And of course, that's always exclusive of the image sensor ramps.


  • Randy Abrams - Analyst

    Randy Abrams - Analyst

  • And then your finished goods inventory looks like it came down in the quarter.


  • I guess, into spending (ph) or looking at your growth, do you expect an inventory build when you look at the next few months?


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • If we were going to anticipate an inventory build, this is the quarter that we would do it because of the seasonality as well as the various holidays that we have with, of course, our holidays here in the States as well as Chinese New Year.


  • In our internal projections, we have built in a slight inventory build.


  • Based on the strength of the market today, it's plenty strong to be absorbing everything that we're producing.


  • Operator


  • Tim Luke, Lehman Brothers.


  • Tim Luke - Analyst

    Tim Luke - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you guys could clarify what you had said with respect to seasonality and how it may have differed in terms of your expectations.


  • And I was also just wondering if you could clarify your comment with respect to R&D, which has been running at the 166 level.

    我還想知道您是否可以澄清您對研發的評論,研發一直在 166 級運行。

  • And it sounds like you are anticipating that that would now move lower with the collaboration with Intel.


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • This is Mike.


  • I'll speak about the seasonality.


  • First of all, on the quarter we just completed, from a demand standpoint it really played out just about like what we expected.


  • All the end products were quite strong with respect to demand.


  • We did, however, in the commodity DRAM area, see pretty strong supply growth, which put a lot of price pressure on the commodity DRAM products that are being used in both the notebook and desktop PCs.

    然而,在商品 DRAM 領域,我們確實看到了相當強勁的供應增長,這給筆記本電腦和台式電腦中使用的商品 DRAM 產品帶來了很大的價格壓力。

  • But demand tracked about like we expected.


  • Now, typically, in a calendar Q1 type of scenario, which roughly corresponds with our fiscal Q2, we would expect DRAM demand from PCs to be flat to, say, down 5%.

    現在,通常情況下,在與我們的第二財季大致對應的日曆第一季度情景中,我們預計個人電腦的 DRAM 需求將持平,例如下降 5%。

  • And on a recent polling of our customers for this time period for the coming quarter, if we add everything up, it's about flat.


  • So flat quarter over quarter from a seasonality perspective into fiscal Q2 for us.


  • Does that address your question on the seasonality piece?


  • Tim Luke - Analyst

    Tim Luke - Analyst

  • That's very helpful, yes.


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • On the R&D front --


  • Tim Luke - Analyst

    Tim Luke - Analyst

  • (multiple speakers)


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • I'm sorry; go ahead.


  • Tim Luke - Analyst

    Tim Luke - Analyst

  • I think maybe there was a second part of that you were about to say -- the seasonality in the image sensor business, for example.


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • Yes, thanks for reminding me.


  • We would have expected -- again, the primary driver for our image sensors today is mobile phone cameras.


  • And we would certainly have expected some seasonality there as well.


  • And actually, we would not have been surprised had demand kind of slacked off a little bit once we got past the Christmas selling season.


  • But that was not the case at all.


  • Our demand for our image sensors is absolutely growing into the current quarter.


  • We've got customers coming in here just about every day to pound us for more supply.


  • So where would have expected maybe a slight breather from a seasonality standpoint on the image sensor side, things are zooming from a demand standpoint.


  • Really, there appears to be no end in sight in the near-to-intermediate term for growth there.


  • And on the Flash side as well, again, this is a consumer item; the NAND Flash is a consumer item.

    在 Flash 方面,同樣,這是一個消費品; NAND Flash 是消費品。

  • We would have expected -- there may even be some seasonal slowdown in NAND Flash demand.

    我們已經預料到——NAND Flash 需求甚至可能會出現一些季節性放緩。

  • But my view of things is that demand today so greatly exceeds the industry's capability to supply that even a seasonal slowdown is not going to have a material impact on the current imbalance of supply and demand.


  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • On the R&D front, with the question about what we expect to happen there, clearly we're going to get some efficiencies from cost-sharing.


  • But I also think that we need to separate in terms of short term and long term.


  • Long term, we think the R&D will be much more efficient with us jointly sharing the cost of that.


  • But also keep in mind that in the shorter term, we have a much broader portfolio that we're going to be pursuing, and we're going to have some activity to try to bring the innovation from both companies to the forefront.


  • So when you think about it, we've got new fabs and we've got an expanded product portfolio now that we have this significant capacity that we'll be taking advantage of.


  • In that scenario, at least in the short term, we really don't expect it's going to go down.


  • We're going to get some benefits from the cost-sharing, but -- anyhow, Bill, do you want to add a comment?


  • Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

    Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

  • Steve's comments lead us right to a range of about 150 to 170 million, where in the near quarter, we're going to be toward the upper end of that range, and a couple quarters out we would expect to be towards the bottom of that range.

    史蒂夫的評論將我們引導到大約 150 到 1.7 億的範圍內,在近一個季度,我們將接近該範圍的上限,而在接下來的幾個季度中,我們預計將接近該範圍的底部範圍。

  • Tim Luke - Analyst

    Tim Luke - Analyst

  • That makes sense.


  • Any color just with respect to pricing and how that may play out in terms of gross margin outlook?


  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Very difficult to project what's going to happen with respect to pricing.


  • If you paid attention to some of the news that's been out in the public on spot market pricing in the DRAM area just in the past week or so, it appears to have stabilized at a level that's much lower than we would have hoped for.

    如果您關注過去一周左右公開發布的有關 DRAM 領域現貨市場定價的一些消息,它似乎已經穩定在遠低於我們預期的水平。

  • But it appears to have stabilized.


  • Our contract renegotiations that occurred midmonth with our big OEMs resulted in flat pricing.


  • So it appears that we're through the storm, anyway, on the strong price reductions that we have seen in the DRAM area.

    因此,無論如何,我們在 DRAM 領域看到的大幅降價似乎正在經歷風暴。

  • And on the NAND Flash area, there's really not much price pressure at all.

    而在NAND Flash領域,價格壓力真的不大。

  • Prices are relatively stable.


  • In the CMOS image sensor area, we are kind of in a sole-source situation with virtually all of our customers.

    在 CMOS 圖像傳感器領域,我們幾乎與所有客戶都處於單一來源的情況。

  • So there's not a lot of commodity-type price pressure there, either.


  • Operator


  • Adam Parker, Sanford Bernstein.


  • Adam Parker - Analyst

    Adam Parker - Analyst

  • What percent of your revenue within that 45% you reported -- can you break that down into CMOS, NAND and specialty DRAM for us?

    在您報告的 45% 中,您的收入佔多大比例?您能否為我們將其分解為 CMOS、NAND 和特種 DRAM?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Well, I can give you -- we prefer to stay away from the revenue piece of that.


  • But again, from a wafer allocation standpoint, we are running right around 50% of our product in kind of the more PC-oriented DRAM capacity, 30% in the specialty range, 25 to 30% in specialty.

    但同樣,從晶圓分配的角度來看,我們大約 50% 的產品在以更面向 PC 的 DRAM 容量的形式運行,30% 在專用範圍內,25% 到 30% 在專用範圍內。

  • And then that leaves you 15 to low 20% in everything else.

    然後這讓你在其他所有方面都只剩下 15% 到 20%。

  • So a combination of Flash in general and image sensors in other.

    因此,通常是 Flash 和其他圖像傳感器的組合。

  • Adam Parker - Analyst

    Adam Parker - Analyst

  • So last quarter, I think you guys said that NAND was kind of in that 6 to 8 range, and maybe CMOS rounded up to 10.

    所以上個季度,我想你們說 NAND 在 6 到 8 的範圍內,而 CMOS 可能四捨五入到 10。

  • Did the CMOS outgrow the NAND sequentially here in the November quarter?

    CMOS 在 11 月季度是否按順序超過了 NAND?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Yes.


  • Adam Parker - Analyst

    Adam Parker - Analyst

  • Materially, I assume?


  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Yes.


  • Adam Parker - Analyst

    Adam Parker - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then what percentage of your DRAM revenue came from tech during the quarter?

    那麼本季度你的 DRAM 收入中有多少來自科技?

  • Or again -- or do you not -- want to avoid revenue commentary?

    或者再次 - 或者你不想 - 想要避免收入評論?

  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Well, like we have stated in previous public disclosures, it runs about half of our DRAM, commodity DRAM output.

    好吧,就像我們在之前的公開披露中所說的那樣,它運行著我們大約一半的 DRAM,商品 DRAM 產量。

  • Adam Parker - Analyst

    Adam Parker - Analyst

  • And do you think there's any reason that would change, Kipp, in the coming few quarters?


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • No, I don't see any change at all until, as Steve has mentioned on prior calls, tech begins to go through some type of a 300 mm transition, which we've spoke to publicly being towards the end of '06 or '07.

    不,我看不到任何變化,直到正如史蒂夫在之前的電話中提到的那樣,技術開始經歷某種類型的 300 毫米過渡,我們在 06 年末公開談論過這種過渡或07.

  • Adam Parker - Analyst

    Adam Parker - Analyst

  • Last question is on the options accounting.


  • It seems -- two things.


  • One, can you allocate that across R&D, SG&A and COGS for us?

    第一,您可以為我們分配研發、SG&A 和 COGS 的費用嗎?

  • And then also, it seems like it came in a little bit below what you had previously expected.


  • Can you explain that modest reduction?


  • Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

    Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

  • Yes.


  • That $3.8 million, probably half of it in the cost of goods sold arena; another 30%-ish in R&D and 20% in SG&A is a rough breakout for you.

    那 380 萬美元,大概有一半是在銷售領域的商品成本上;另外 30% 的研發和 20% 的 SG&A 對你來說是一個粗略的突破。

  • Adam Parker - Analyst

    Adam Parker - Analyst

  • Will you give exact breakouts in your Q, or--?

    你會在 Q 中給出確切的突破,還是——?

  • Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

    Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

  • Hadn't gotten to that analysis; did not expect to.


  • As you appreciate, $3.8 million is not significant to the overall results of operations.

    如您所知,380 萬美元對整體運營結果並不重要。

  • The estimate for the year is still running in the $25 million range, and the fact that the first quarter was somewhat lower is just a timing of grants issue.

    今年的估計仍在 2500 萬美元範圍內,而第一季度略低的事實只是撥款發放的時機。

  • Adam Parker - Analyst

    Adam Parker - Analyst

  • So, still -- so we should assume 25 million at what price in your stock, sorry?

    所以,仍然——所以我們應該假設你的股票價格為 2500 萬,對不起?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • It really has, right now, Adam, has more to do with the timing of the grants, more so than a point-in-time stock price.


  • Adam Parker - Analyst

    Adam Parker - Analyst

  • So it still going to be around 25 million?


  • Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

    Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

  • Correct.


  • Operator


  • Doug Freedman, American Technology Research.

    Doug Freedman,美國技術研究所。

  • Doug Freedman - Analyst

    Doug Freedman - Analyst

  • Could you guys rank the products by gross margin?


  • You have offered that in the past.


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Sure, we could do that for you, Doug.


  • Like prior quarters, image sensors continues to lead the parade.


  • Interestingly enough, specialty DRAM and NAND was pretty close in margins this particular quarter, and then, of course, followed up by DRAM gross margin.

    有趣的是,特種 DRAM 和 NAND 在本季度的利潤率非常接近,當然,緊隨其後的是 DRAM 毛利率。

  • Doug Freedman - Analyst

    Doug Freedman - Analyst

  • Just looking at my numbers here, did specialty DRAM grow or did it contract in the quarter?

    看看我的數據,特種 DRAM 在本季度是增長還是收縮?

  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • It did grow.


  • It did grow single digits.


  • Doug Freedman - Analyst

    Doug Freedman - Analyst

  • It grew single digits.


  • Okay.


  • And then what should we look at as far as the NAND ramp?

    那麼,就 NAND 斜坡而言,我們應該看什麼?

  • I was a little surprised; it appears that NAND did not grow nearly as fast as I was thinking it was going to.

    我有點驚訝;看來 NAND 的增長速度並沒有我想像的那麼快。

  • And any sort of color you can offer on sort of the aggressiveness at which we can expect NAND output to start ramping?

    以及我們可以預期 NAND 輸出開始上升的任何顏色?

  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • You bet.


  • As we've previously stated, we will be fairly flat in wafer allocation for NAND, until we can start making some adjustments in Boise and we start seeing output from Virginia, which is later this year.

    正如我們之前所說,我們在 NAND 的晶圓分配方面將相當平穩,直到我們可以開始在 Boise 進行一些調整併且我們開始看到今年晚些時候弗吉尼亞州的產出。

  • So expect the NAND Flash, again, ramp to be fairly flat for the next couple of quarters, and then we start to see some ramp as we get into the latter part of summer into the end of the year.

    因此,再次預計 NAND 閃存在接下來的幾個季度將相當平穩,然後隨著我們進入夏季後期到年底,我們開始看到一些增長。

  • Doug Freedman - Analyst

    Doug Freedman - Analyst

  • And then can you offer a bit shipment growth for the quarter, because it appears as though you worked down quite a bit of inventory?


  • Looking at my model, I'm coming up with the fact that you guys might have shipped as much as 27% bit growth.

    看看我的模型,我發現你們的出貨量可能增長了 27%。

  • Can you enlighten us as to sort of whether you guys feel like you took some share during this period, or was this really driven by the handset market consuming quite a bit more?


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Let me start with the first part of your question.


  • Then I'll toss it to Mike, see if he wants to comment on some of the segments.


  • But in terms of guidance for production bit grow, we'll be mid- to high single digits this quarter.


  • And again, that's exclusive of image sensors.


  • And again, that's production.


  • And Mike, would you like to make any commentary on different segments?


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • Sure.


  • First of all, I'm not sure how you got your 27% calculation or whether it was back of the envelope or not.

    首先,我不確定你是如何得到 27% 的計算的,或者它是否超出了信封的背面。

  • But we did -- last quarter, we increased bid shipments by 11%, I think.

    但我們做到了——上個季度,我們將投標出貨量提高了 11%,我認為。

  • I think that's the correct figure.


  • Yes.


  • And that was against a production increase of 8%.

    這與 8% 的產量增長相反。

  • So we did draw down inventory somewhat in the quarter.


  • Where we are seeing strength or where from an application standpoint where we are seeing more dramatic growth of course in handsets, both from a memory content, just a sheer demand growth standpoint as well as our market share growth in there.


  • So handsets would probably be at the top of the charts with respect to growth.


  • Servers, also a significant growth area for us.


  • And we have given up some share, although I don't think it's significant.


  • But we have given up some share in the notebook and desktop space.


  • Operator


  • John Lau, Jefferies & Co.


  • John Lau - Analyst

    John Lau - Analyst

  • Looking toward the future memory architecture in the cellphones, you had mentioned that you had four products that play into the cellphone area.


  • Can you tell us what do you think the architecture is going to be?


  • Is the NAND still going to be separate?


  • Is it going to be integrated into the cellphones, and how Micron would play in those different markets.


  • Thank you.


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • Yes, sure.


  • Both.


  • Today, our view is that NAND does not play a significant role in cellphone architecture.

    今天,我們認為 NAND 在手機架構中並沒有發揮重要作用。

  • Certainly, from an embedded standpoint, it does, from an external or a card standpoint.


  • Our plan is to participate on both sides of that.


  • One, our first MCP product with a NAND Flash device is going to be a 1 Gb, 1.8 volt NAND chip packaged with 512 Mb or a 256 Mb low-power DRAM product.

    第一,我們的第一個帶有 NAND 閃存設備的 MCP 產品將是一個 1 Gb、1.8 伏的 NAND 芯片,封裝有 512 Mb 或 256 Mb 低功耗 DRAM 產品。

  • That is probably going to be a market reality in the second half of 2006.

    這很可能會在 2006 年下半年成為市場現實。

  • So that's basically the embedded play for us.


  • And that's going to grow, of course, to 2 Gb NANDs plus 1 Gb DRAMs and so on and so forth.

    當然,這將增長到 2 Gb NAND 加上 1 Gb DRAM 等等。

  • And then the other side of that would be the embedded piece, and that would be through a variety of different card -- form factors.

    然後另一面是嵌入式部件,這將通過各種不同的卡 - 外形尺寸。

  • And we supply chips to card manufacturers that get us in that way, and we are contemplating a rollout of other means of entering that piece of the market as well.


  • But suffice it to say that both the embedded and the internal pieces are of significant interest for us.


  • John Lau - Analyst

    John Lau - Analyst

  • Thanks, Mike.


  • You mentioned an interesting comment that the NAND Flash in terms of your bit grow production is going to be kind of flattish for the next several quarters.

    您提到了一個有趣的評論,即 NAND 閃存在您的位增長生產方面將在接下來的幾個季度中持平。

  • I was wondering if you can elaborate on that and if you are going to be participating or missing out on the market as you would try to adjust your capacity?


  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Well, we are -- as we have mentioned before, we are ramping NAND.

    好吧,我們是——正如我們之前提到的,我們正在加速 NAND。

  • But it's predominately today in the Boise facility.


  • And keep in mind, in the Boise facility, we are also producing imagers, which are in strong demand.


  • We're producing the cellular RAM, which is in very strong demand.

    我們正在生產需求非常旺盛的蜂窩 RAM。

  • In fact, really what I would think of it is kind of the first custom-designed, low-power DRAM device, is running in Boise for the cellular market as well, as an extension of the cellular RAM business.

    事實上,我真正想到的是第一個定制設計的低功耗 DRAM 設備,它也在博伊西為蜂窩市場運行,作為蜂窩 RAM 業務的延伸。

  • So we have some challenges on balancing the capacity among some pretty strong products.


  • And as a result, the Boise will continue to ramp on NAND, but it's not as aggressive as you might expect it to be, given the strength in the NAND market.

    因此,博伊西將繼續在 NAND 上大放異彩,但鑑於 NAND 市場的實力,它並不像您預期的那麼激進。

  • But that's also because it's against other products that are doing quite well.


  • And so it's more of a calculated change in the balancing of the wafer resources as opposed to something dramatic.


  • That obviously will start to shift pretty heavily as Virginia comes online.


  • Really we are thinking in terms of Virginia, we'll start laying some wafers there in mid-'06, and then later '06 for Lehigh.

    實際上,我們正在考慮弗吉尼亞,我們將在 06 年中期開始在那裡鋪設一些晶圓,然後在 06 年晚些時候為 Lehigh 鋪設。

  • So both of those will be coming on, but really the next couple of quarters, as Kipp mentioned -- on a relative basis it's still growing for us, but on a relative basis compared to what will happen in second half of '06, it will appear to you to be somewhat flat.

    所以這兩個都會出現,但實際上接下來的幾個季度,正如 Kipp 提到的那樣——相對而言,它對我們來說仍在增長,但相對於 06 年下半年將發生的情況,它在你看來會有些平坦。

  • Operator


  • Shawn Webster, JP Morgan.


  • Shawn Webster - Analyst

    Shawn Webster - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could provide a little bit more color around your pricing in the DRAM segment and I guess maybe in the sensors as well on an average basis, like what your DRAM pricing did quarter over quarter.

    我想知道您是否可以在 DRAM 細分市場中為您的定價提供更多色彩,我想平均而言可能在傳感器中也是如此,就像您的 DRAM 定價季度環比一樣。

  • And then I have a follow-up, please.


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • Sure.


  • If we look at the commodity piece of the market, which, again, as Kipp mentioned, that's roughly half of our business, I think quarter over quarter prices were down around 15%-ish, I think, if I'm not mistaken, maybe slightly higher than that.

    如果我們看一下市場中的商品部分,正如 Kipp 所說,這大約是我們業務的一半,我認為,如果我沒記錯的話,價格季度環比下降了 15% 左右,可能略高於此。

  • If you look at our overall DRAM portfolio, our price per bit was down about 5%.

    如果您查看我們的整體 DRAM 產品組合,我們的每比特價格下降了約 5%。

  • So I think that speaks to the strength of the portfolio.


  • Essentially, there is heavy price pressure on the commodity area and pricing was kind of flattish for all the other DRAMs in the portfolio.

    從本質上講,商品領域的價格壓力很大,而且產品組合中所有其他 DRAM 的價格都比較平淡。

  • On image sensors, it's really a function of what we are doing with the product line as opposed to what the external market pressures are, because frankly speaking, for us, there are not a lot of external market pressures.


  • We're the big player in the market, and so in other words, we could take -- we did take average selling prices down quarter over quarter because we significantly grew our VGA sensor output in response to market demand.

    我們是市場上的大玩家,所以換句話說,我們可以採取 - 我們確實將平均售價降低了季度環比,因為我們顯著增加了我們的 VGA 傳感器輸出以響應市場需求。

  • And of course, VGA sensors sell at a lower price than 1 megapixel or 2 megapixel or 3 megapixel sensors.

    當然,VGA 傳感器的售價低於 1 兆像素或 2 兆像素或 3 兆像素傳感器。

  • So essentially, not a whole lot of price pressure there, just a function of what we are doing with the product portfolio.


  • Shawn Webster - Analyst

    Shawn Webster - Analyst

  • And I guess two kind of unrelated questions.


  • The IM Flash joint venture -- is that signed, or do you expect it to be signed in January?

    IM Flash 合資企業——是否已簽署,或者您預計將在 1 月份簽署?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Yes, we expect to close it in early January.

    是的,我們預計會在 1 月初關閉它。

  • Shawn Webster - Analyst

    Shawn Webster - Analyst

  • And actually, that's all I have.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jim Covello, Goldman Sachs.


  • Jim Covello - Analyst

    Jim Covello - Analyst

  • A couple of quick questions.


  • Firstly, I just wanted to make sure I'm thinking about modeling the profitability of the NAND business properly.

    首先,我只是想確保我正在考慮正確地建模 NAND 業務的盈利能力。

  • The wafer output growth is going to be flattish for the next few quarters, and you're going to give up -- you are sharing half of the profitability with Intel.


  • So the NAND profits are going to go down for the next few quarters, until the Intel -- until the incremental capacity comes online, in which case you're obviously planning on growing it much faster than what you're going to share with Intel.

    因此,在接下來的幾個季度,NAND 利潤將下降,直到英特爾——直到增量容量上線,在這種情況下,您顯然計劃以比與英特爾分享的速度更快的速度增長.

  • Am I thinking about that wrong, or do I have that right?


  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • I think in general, that's right.


  • What we said was that for the next two quarters that the output would seem relatively flat, although it is still growing.


  • Really, it's the third and fourth quarter of '06 where I think we will start to see something of substance in terms of change.

    真的,這是 06 年的第三和第四季度,我認為我們將開始看到一些實質性的變化。

  • And yes, we will be splitting the output.


  • And hence, we will be not getting whatever margin is on that half that runs through our partner, Intel.


  • But of course, the JV itself and its sale of the product to Intel will flow through Micron, and you've got to remember that the R&D benefit that we are receiving will be countering that.


  • Jim Covello - Analyst

    Jim Covello - Analyst

  • So when you net that out, if you can help us from a modeling perspective, for the next couple of quarters, where there isn't any incremental output and you are sharing some of the profits, can you help us think about what kind of EPS impact that would be or something along those lines for modeling purposes?

    所以當你把它弄清楚時,如果你能從建模的角度幫助我們,在接下來的幾個季度中,沒有任何增量產出並且你分享了一些利潤,你能幫助我們考慮什麼樣的出於建模目的,EPS 影響會是什麼?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • No, not at this time, sorry.


  • Jim Covello - Analyst

    Jim Covello - Analyst

  • Next question.


  • You talk about the DRAM industry or commodity DRAM finding a supply/demand balance -- I think that was in the opening -- or that it will find a supply/demand balance.

    你談到 DRAM 行業或商品 DRAM 尋找供需平衡——我認為那是在開幕式——或者它將找到供需平衡。

  • That was in the opening comments.


  • But hasn't the problem really been on the supply side from your competitors and not really on the demand side?


  • The demand for PC units has been great; it's been the supply issue.

    對 PC 單元的需求很大;一直是供應問題。

  • What fixes it, if the Taiwanese DRAM companies haven't shown a willingness to scale back on their supply?

    如果台灣 DRAM 公司沒有表現出縮減供應的意願,有什麼辦法可以解決這個問題?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • In terms of -- and particularly the historical impact, Jim, clearly, supply-side economics have had a greater impact than demand because the demand has been relatively good year after year in terms of its bit consumption, ranging from 40% or old days of 75-80%.

    就——尤其是歷史影響而言,Jim 顯然,供應方經濟的影響大於需求,因為就其比特消耗而言,需求年復一年地相對較好,從 40% 或過去75-80%。

  • So your question about what will rationalize the DRAM supply going forward, we don't necessarily have a good answer because we don't have visibility to what some of our competitors are doing, specifically with respect to DRAM, into the PC space.

    因此,您關於如何使未來的 DRAM 供應合理化的問題,我們不一定有一個好的答案,因為我們無法了解我們的一些競爭對手在 PC 領域正在做什麼,特別是在 DRAM 方面。

  • But of course, if we had the absolute answer to that, we would have been diversifying the portfolio.


  • Or maybe we would have been doing it slightly different.


  • But that's the reason we are trying to be exposed less to that product that goes right into the desktop space.


  • And I've heard both sides of the fence in terms of what the industry thinks is going to happen on supply.


  • Clearly, there's an allocation into NAND or, in our case, into NAND and DRAM -- or I'm sorry, NAND and imaging, and what I think of as specialty DRAM, because those markets are growing.

    顯然,NAND 或在我們的例子中是 NAND 和 DRAM ——或者對不起,NAND 和成像,以及我認為的特種 DRAM,因為這些市場正在增長。

  • And others are trying to do -- some others, anyway, are trying to do similar things.


  • So that's what's hard for us to get a handle on is how much migrates, how much current capacity migrates out.


  • And then the new capacity you guys can go out and look at the models out there and what they are going to do with it.


  • But --

    但 -

  • Jim Covello - Analyst

    Jim Covello - Analyst

  • If I could drill down on that just for one second -- this will be my last one -- if I think about '05, we had great PC unit growth, we had a lot of capacity allocated over from DRAM to NAND and the image sensors, in your case.

    如果我能深入研究一秒鐘——這將是我的最後一次——如果我想想 05 年,我們的 PC 單位增長很大,我們有很多容量從 DRAM 分配到 NAND 和圖像傳感器,在你的情況下。

  • And the industry pricing was still a lot worse than expected.


  • What kind of scenario do we need to see where we get better-than-expected pricing?


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • I'm not really sure that we have seen the result of a major effort on the part of those manufacturers that can shift capacity towards NAND.

    我不確定我們是否已經看到那些可以將產能轉移到 NAND 的製造商的重大努力的結果。

  • There's not a lot that we can do with our capacity, but we are doing what we can in order to realize more NAND output sooner as opposed to later and sacrifice some DRAM.

    我們可以用我們的容量做很多事情,但我們正在盡我們所能,以便更快地實現更多的 NAND 輸出,而不是稍後,並犧牲一些 DRAM。

  • There are two other big players in both the DRAM and the NAND area that claim they have the capability to shift capacity from DRAM to NAND.

    DRAM 和 NAND 領域還有另外兩家大公司聲稱他們有能力將容量從 DRAM 轉移到 NAND。

  • And I think now is about the time when we should really start to see the results of that, if in fact that effort will bear fruit, because the NAND market is clearly undersupplied right now and the DRAM market is clearly oversupplied.

    我認為現在是我們真正開始看到結果的時候了,如果事實上這種努力會取得成果,因為現在 NAND 市場顯然供不應求,而 DRAM 市場顯然供過於求。

  • Jim Covello - Analyst

    Jim Covello - Analyst

  • Those two guys would argue that they moved whole fabs worth of capacity over in '05, and they will do that again in '06, but no more.

    那兩個傢伙會爭辯說,他們在 05 年將整個晶圓廠的產能轉移了,他們將在 06 年再次這樣做,但不會再這樣做了。

  • Do you think differently about that?


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • I don't know -- no idea what their mindset may be.


  • If I were in their shoes and I had the ability to be as flexible as they've indicated that they do, I'd certainly be moving much more capacity towards NAND and away from DRAM in this kind of environment.

    如果我站在他們的立場上,並且我有能力像他們所說的那樣靈活,那麼在這種環境下,我肯定會將更多的容量轉移到 NAND 上並遠離 DRAM。

  • If you look at the margin differential, it's staggering.


  • Operator


  • David Wong, A.G. Edwards.

    David Wong,A.G. 愛德華茲。

  • David Wong - Analyst

    David Wong - Analyst

  • Just a clarification on the R&D.


  • All spending by the joint venture actually is consolidated on your income statement, am I correct?


  • So your guidance, when you said 170 million going down to 150 million, that's what shows on your income statement line?


  • Or it's more than that, because you were including payments by other third parties?


  • Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

    Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

  • You've got it correct in that the consolidation of IM Flash technologies will include the R&D spending at the joint venture with our R&D spending.

    您說得對,IM Flash 技術的整合將包括合資企業的研發支出和我們的研發支出。

  • And as a result of the sharing, it will be in the 150 to 170 range, even with the diversification and the additional product efforts that Steve outlined.

    由於共享,它將在 150 到 170 範圍內,即使史蒂夫概述了多樣化和額外的產品努力。

  • Operator


  • Glen Yeung, Citigroup.

    花旗集團的 Glen Yeung。

  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • I wanted to ask a little bit about the price reductions, cost reductions that you're seeing now.


  • I assume you're staying on your sort of typical path.


  • And looking at where spot prices are today, my second question is, is the difference between spot price and your cash costs at or better or worse than what it was at the beginning of last quarter?


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • We are not going to get into that kind of specifics.


  • If you'd like to try the question in a different manner, we might be able to help.


  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • I don't know if I can, because I guess we all know what the answer to that -- kind of guesstimating (ph).


  • All right, well, let's maybe look somewhere else.


  • We are looking out at the image sensor market, and we're seeing a lot of strength, obviously, from handsets in general.


  • But we're starting to hear more and more talk about image sensor demand coming out of China, in particular.


  • And wanted to get a sense from you what you see from that market and what you think that does or doesn't do to the sustainability of image sensor growth -- strength.


  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Actually, we are not hearing much at all about silicon coming out of China for image sensors.


  • They are putting in capacity, more capacity to do things on the back end, if you will -- modules or CFA or something of that nature.

    他們正在增加能力,更多的能力在後端做事,如果你願意的話——模塊或 CFA 或類似性質的東西。

  • And maybe one or two of the foundries might try to do something there.


  • But we are not aware of, really, any silicon coming out of China right now.


  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • I'm actually thinking of it the other way, in terms of demand starting to pick up more aggressively there.


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • On the demand side, actually, the camera phone market in China is -- the penetration rate is relatively low, and the end demand from the Chinese market is -- I would characterize it as insignificant today.


  • So that's a huge, huge potential growth area for us.


  • What demand growth we're seeing from China is strictly -- today, anyway, is strictly from an assembly standpoint.


  • So most of -- actually, if I'm not mistaken, virtually all of our end customers have, either directly themselves or through a subcontractor arrangement, a camera module assembly operation in China.


  • And that's why we're seeing demand coming out of China; it's primarily just that's where the assembly is taking place.


  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • One other question, which is thinking about looking at the end of this fiscal year from now.


  • How do you think we can expect to see the rates of -- well, not the rates, but how can we think about the mix of your business -- and I guess on a wafer-out basis is a good way to think about this -- for NAND, CMOS, specialty DRAM and commodity DRAM?

    您認為我們可以期望看到的費率 - 好吧,不是費率,而是我們如何考慮您的業務組合 - 我想以晶圓為基礎是考慮這個問題的好方法——NAND、CMOS、特種DRAM和商品DRAM?

  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • We expect the commodity PC DRAM to continue to trend down.

    我們預計商品 PC DRAM 將繼續呈下降趨勢。

  • We expect specialty DRAM to continue to moderate up.

    我們預計特種 DRAM 將繼續溫和上漲。

  • And of course, NAND Flash will be beginning its pretty good ramp at that period of time, so it will see some pretty significant increases as well.

    當然,NAND Flash 將在那段時間開始相當不錯的增長,因此它也會看到一些相當顯著的增長。

  • And image sensors continue to look very strong.


  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • You still don't want to quantify that, though, I assume?


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • I'm sorry?


  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • You can't quantify that in terms of what percentage that might make up at the end of the year versus now?


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • It's too far away.


  • We're going to continue to be opportunistic and move wafers around to where we see strategic benefit to do that.


  • And anything more than a cycle time gives us a pretty good opportunity to move wafers.


  • So it's a little hard for us to look out six, nine, 12 months and give you that ratio.

    因此,我們很難找出 6 個月、9 個月、12 個月並給出這個比率。

  • Glen Yeung - Analyst

    Glen Yeung - Analyst

  • Kipp, is there a range or a level at which you just can't lower your DRAM, commodity DRAM, anymore because you've got certain responsibilities to OEMs, for example?

    Kipp,是否有一個範圍或水平,您不能再降低您的 DRAM,商品 DRAM,因為您對 OEM 負有某些責任,例如?

  • Is there a level you have to just keep producing at?


  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Well, I think that the responsibilities to the OEMs in the PC market -- it's obviously a slightly different responsibility to products where we are sole source.

    好吧,我認為 PC 市場對 OEM 的責任——顯然與我們作為唯一來源的產品的責任略有不同。

  • So it's not quite that issue, so long as if we're changing our capacity around, as long as we give sufficient notice to the customer base, I don't think it's as big a deal on the PC side.

    所以這不是那個問題,只要我們正在改變我們的容量,只要我們對客戶群給予足夠的通知,我認為這在 PC 方面沒什麼大不了的。

  • The challenge that -- well, one of the challenges that we have is we've already made big moves in capacity allocation.


  • Obviously, as Kipp mentioned, about half of it -- we are down from what used to be 100% a couple years ago or a few years ago down to about half of it now going into the desktop space, if you will, on the DRAM side.

    顯然,正如 Kipp 所說,其中大約一半——我們從幾年前或幾年前的 100% 下降到現在大約一半進入桌面空間,如果你願意的話,在DRAM側。

  • And so we have capacity in place that's geared towards doing certain things.


  • We can migrate it over time, but when you start talking about those kinds of changes in a relatively short period of time, we run into some limitations that exist at least for maybe two or three quarters before we can substantially change that.


  • And an example would be we've put in significant capacity in 12 inch to really think of it (ph) as the high-volume DRAM products.

    一個例子是我們已經在 12 英寸中投入了大量容量,以便真正將其 (ph) 視為大容量 DRAM 產品。

  • And if we're going to change that to the degree that we want to change that, it just takes us a little bit of time to do.


  • And so there's what you consider to be flexible capacity that you can change within the cycle time that Kipp spoke about, and then there are some others that take two or three quarters to try to change.

    因此,您認為靈活的容量可以在 Kipp 所說的周期時間內進行更改,然後還有一些其他的需要兩到四分之三的時間來嘗試更改。

  • We still have some flexible capacity left, but we're going to run up against our ability to do something in one cycle time being limited.


  • And we have to make more wholesale changes on a facility basis.


  • Operator


  • Krishna Shankar, JMP Securities.

    Krishna Shankar,JMP 證券公司。

  • Krishna Shankar - Analyst

    Krishna Shankar - Analyst

  • Of the 55% which is PC DRAM, can you give us some estimate of within that is the server workstation part of that joint portion, and can you talk about the profitability of that piece of the computer DRAM puzzle versus PC DRAM?

    在 PC DRAM 的 55% 中,您能否對其中的服務器工作站部分進行估計,您能否談談計算機 DRAM 拼圖與 PC DRAM 相比的盈利能力?

  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • I'm not going to provide specifics on what portion of that would be the server piece, but it's less than half of that PC DRAM piece would be servers.

    我不會詳細說明其中哪一部分是服務器,但不到一半的 PC DRAM 是服務器。

  • And for us, the server space is more profitable than the desktop and notebook space, primarily because it is a higher density, requires a higher reliability devices and modules and so forth.


  • So it's more profitable for us, and it is a growing piece for us as well.


  • Krishna Shankar - Analyst

    Krishna Shankar - Analyst

  • And is there any consideration being given to just moving more PC DRAM, some of your older 8 inch PC DRAM fabs over into the NAND Flash joint venture?

    是否考慮將更多的 PC DRAM、一些較舊的 8 英寸 PC DRAM 晶圓廠轉移到 NAND 閃存合資企業?

  • Because the revenue per wafer is higher there, so why not even lower the exposure to PC DRAM even more?

    因為那裡每片晶圓的收入更高,所以為什麼不進一步降低對 PC DRAM 的曝光率呢?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Actually, we've been on that migration path.


  • That's what we're experiencing today.


  • We've continued to move PC DRAM into other products.

    我們繼續將 PC DRAM 轉移到其他產品中。

  • But the other thing to make note of is we don't have a lot of 8 inch capacity left running what you would think of as PC DRAM.

    但要注意的另一件事是,我們沒有太多的 8 英寸容量可以運行您認為的 PC DRAM。

  • We have what we call a legacy DRAM portfolio.

    我們擁有所謂的傳統 DRAM 產品組合。

  • We have obviously got the NAND we spoke about, and we have got imaging and some of the cellular-type stuff, which is consuming the vast majority of the 8 inch.

    顯然,我們已經得到了我們所說的 NAND,我們已經得到了成像和一些蜂窩類型的東西,這些東西消耗了 8 英寸的絕大部分。

  • And the only exception to that, by the way, would be our partner in Singapore, TECH.

    順便說一下,唯一的例外是我們在新加坡的合作夥伴 TECH。

  • And they are on a migration path to 12 inch.

    他們正在向 12 英寸遷移。

  • As Kipp mentioned, they are going to start doing that, actually some work on it here in the next quarter or two and then start that progression of change.

    正如 Kipp 所提到的,他們將開始這樣做,實際上在接下來的一兩個季度會進行一些工作,然後開始進行變革。

  • So I think what you have left after that is we'll have Virginia running 12 inch.

    所以我認為在那之後你剩下的就是我們將讓弗吉尼亞運行 12 英寸。

  • So there's just not a lot of 8 inch running what we’re characterizing as PC DRAM.

    因此,運行我們稱之為 PC DRAM 的 8 英寸內存並不多。

  • Krishna Shankar - Analyst

    Krishna Shankar - Analyst

  • And then turning to NAND Flash, what steps are you taking to really start to expedite the ramp both in Virginia and Lehigh, just given the tremendous profit potential there?

    然後轉向 NAND 閃存,考慮到弗吉尼亞和利哈伊的巨大利潤潛力,您正在採取哪些步驟來真正開始加快速度?

  • How can you expedite the ramp of the NAND Flash joint venture manufacturing?

    如何加快 NAND Flash 合資製造的加速?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Well, we are aggressively as moving as we can.


  • It's kind of like having a child; there is a certain period of time that you've got to gestate, and it's just going to take that long.


  • So, to the extent that we can accelerate it, we will.


  • But there's only so many things you can do.


  • You've got equivalent supply times, etc., etc.


  • Krishna Shankar - Analyst

    Krishna Shankar - Analyst

  • And can you talk about your product roadmap in NAND Flash?

    您能談談您在 NAND 閃存方面的產品路線圖嗎?

  • I guess, right now, everything is on 8 inch 90 nanometer.

    我想,現在,一切都在 8 英寸 90 納米上。

  • Can you talk about both the product roadmap in terms of density and line width and modular cell flash (ph) technology?

    您能否談談密度和線寬以及模塊化單元閃存 (ph) 技術方面的產品路線圖?

  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • Sure.


  • We have been producing and shipping, obviously, since day one last December, so almost a year now anniversary, 2 Gb.

    顯然,從去年 12 月的第一天開始,我們就一直在生產和發貨,現在已經快一年了,2 Gb。

  • We have been sampling now a 2 and 4 Gb.

    我們現在一直在採樣 2 和 4 Gb。

  • And, by the way, that was all at 90 nanometer.


  • We are now sampling 2 and 4 Gb at 72 nanometer as well.

    我們現在也在 72 納米採樣 2 和 4 Gb。

  • And of course, we now have a product roadmap beyond that we have not shared publicly yet.


  • Krishna Shankar - Analyst

    Krishna Shankar - Analyst

  • And how do you see pricing trends between the 2, 4 and 8 Gb NAND Flash out there, even though I realize you don't participate in 8 Gb?

    即使我知道您不參與 8 Gb,您如何看待 2、4 和 8 Gb NAND 閃存之間的定價趨勢?

  • What do you see in terms of pricing?


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • Actually, we do participate in 8 Gb by stacking four of our 2 Gb chips.

    實際上,我們通過堆疊四個 2 Gb 芯片來參與 8 Gb。

  • And from a market pricing standpoint, basically the market is at roughly parity on a per-bit basis for either a 2, 4 or an 8 Gb solution.

    從市場定價的角度來看,基本上市場對於 2、4 或 8 Gb 解決方案的每比特基本持平。

  • Operator


  • Paul Leming, Soleil Securities.


  • Paul Leming - Analyst

    Paul Leming - Analyst

  • What did wafer outs average for the quarter, and could you give us a guesstimate as to what they will average for the current quarter?


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Mid-60,000 wafer outs a week, and they will just be up very slightly in fiscal Q2.

    每週生產 60,000 片晶圓,並且在第二財季只會小幅增長。

  • Operator


  • Nimal Vallipuram, Benchmark Company (sic).

    Nimal Vallipuram,基準公司(原文如此)。

  • Nimal Vallipuram - Analyst

    Nimal Vallipuram - Analyst

  • I have two questions.


  • The first one is that, Bill, you indicated that you would give some color on how the accounting is going to work with the new venture with Intel.


  • You said that half of it will go to Intel at a certain price, and the other half we will be able to sell it in the market price.


  • But the total cost of goods sold will go to the cost of goods sold -- all 100% cost of goods sold will go to your cost of goods sold.

    但是銷售商品的總成本將計入商品銷售成本——所有 100% 的商品銷售成本都將計入您的商品銷售成本。

  • Now, can you add any more color as to whether the Intel pricing is always going to be approximately below the market pricing at a certain discount?


  • Or, if the market price goes down significantly, would you have some sort of upside on Intel pricing?


  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • This is Steve.


  • The basic way the JV works is that we are buying -- both of us are buying, equally, the product from the joint venture cost.


  • So there's nothing going on at the JV level besides that.


  • And whoever gets consolidated will just incorporate that concept.


  • Nimal Vallipuram - Analyst

    Nimal Vallipuram - Analyst

  • I understand.


  • I guess my second question -- this has been asked by a number of people, so please don't -- I just want to get some idea.


  • When you exit in calendar 2006, can you give us any idea on a basis -- I think probably a bit basis would be the best way to look at it -- at least approximately what percentage of your bit output would you like or would like to be in NAND Flash as opposed to everything else?

    當你在 2006 年退出日曆時,你能給我們一個基礎的想法嗎——我認為可能是比特基礎是最好的看待它的方式——至少大約你想要或想要多少百分比的比特輸出在 NAND 閃存中而不是其他一切?

  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • Well, you guys can -- first of all, forget the bit piece on CMOS imaging; it's not even relevant.

    好吧,你們可以——首先,忘記關於 CMOS 成像的部分;它甚至不相關。

  • It's got nothing to do with any of it.


  • So if you look at the allocation that relates to imaging, you've got to totally exclude that.


  • It's not even a relevant measurement.


  • With respect to NAND versus DRAM, hey, look, you guys can do the math.

    關於 NAND 與 DRAM,嘿,看,你們可以算一下。

  • Virginia is capable -- we've already said is capable of about 7000 per week.

    弗吉尼亞有能力——我們已經說過每周大約有 7000 人。

  • Lehigh is capable of about 11,000 per week.

    Lehigh 每周可以生產約 11,000 人。

  • And then we've got the Boise ramp from -- Kipp already mentioned we're doing about 5000 now; we'll take that up to probably 10, 11, 12,000 per week on 8 inch.

    然後我們得到了博伊西坡道—— Kipp 已經提到我們現在正在做大約 5000 個;我們將在 8 英寸上每週最多生產 10、11、12,000 個。

  • And it really all has to do with timing.


  • We've already said that we want to try to start ramping Virginia sometime in mid-'06, and Lehigh at end of '06.

    我們已經說過,我們想嘗試在 06 年中期的某個時候開始在弗吉尼亞州進行爬坡,並在 06 年末開始在 Lehigh 進行爬坡。

  • So take your historical perspective on how fabs ramp, plug that in, and you ought to have a pretty good number.


  • Nimal Vallipuram - Analyst

    Nimal Vallipuram - Analyst

  • So that comes out to be about, all the numbers together, about 22,000 in addition to U.S.

    因此,除美國外,所有數字加起來約為 22,000 人。

  • You're probably running somewhere out of the 22, one-fourth of by end of next year.

    到明年年底,你可能會跑到 22 人中的某個地方,也就是四分之一。

  • So 70,000 -- out of the 70,000, say about one-sixth or so would be -- is that the right calculation?

    所以 70,000 - 在 70,000 中,大約六分之一左右 - 這是正確的計算嗎?

  • Am I in the ballpark?


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • If you're going to ask me to comment on the math you're doing in your head, I'm going to have to pass.


  • Nimal Vallipuram - Analyst

    Nimal Vallipuram - Analyst

  • All right, thanks.


  • Excellent quarter.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • I appreciate it.


  • Happy holidays.


  • Operator


  • Gus Richard, First Albany.

    Gus Richard,第一奧爾巴尼。

  • Gus Richard - Analyst

    Gus Richard - Analyst

  • Could you talk a little bit about the drivers of CMOS image sensors in the coming quarter -- is it market penetration, market share gains, or just really strong cellphone demand?

    您能否談談下一季度 CMOS 圖像傳感器的驅動因素——是市場滲透率、市場份額增長還是手機需求非常強勁?

  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • All of the above.


  • For us, really, as I mentioned in the near term to date and in the near future, the primary driver, again, is going to be camera-enabled cellphones.


  • And my perspective is that we are the beneficiary, certainly, of a growing penetration rate in terms of cameras, cameras being the numerator, total cellphones being the denominator.


  • We also have put ourselves in the position where we're the supplier of choice, just based on the imaging quality that we are able to deliver with our sensors.


  • So we are benefiting from market growth.


  • We're benefiting from market share growth.


  • And if I look out, say, a couple quarters to the, say, four to five to six quarters down the road, we will start to see some significant growth as well from automotive applications, as well as some further penetration in digital still cameras and in PC camera area.


  • Gus Richard - Analyst

    Gus Richard - Analyst

  • And then any color on the split between DDR and DDR 2 in the quarter?

    那麼本季度 DDR 和 DDR 2 之間的區別有什麼顏色嗎?

  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • In the quarter we just completed, it was a little less than 50-50, DDR being less than -- DDR being greater than 50, DDR being less than 50% of the commodity piece.

    在我們剛剛完成的那個季度,它略低於 50-50,DDR 低於 - DDR 大於 50,DDR 不到商品的 50%。

  • In the current quarter, it's probably going to be about split 50-50.

    在本季度,可能會以 50-50 的比例拆分。

  • Gus Richard - Analyst

    Gus Richard - Analyst

  • Final question.


  • In the strange world of commodity memory, giving you are allocating capacity to IMFT, in the future, if there was a shortage of DRAM, could you revert that capacity to DRAM?


  • Or is that just a ridiculous thought?


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • We cannot -- well, put it this way.


  • It's not that it couldn't happen; it's that we have a partner manufacturing NAND.

    並不是說它不可能發生。是我們有一個合作夥伴製造 NAND。

  • And the NAND has to be manufactured within a partner.

    NAND 必須在合作夥伴內部製造。

  • So, to the extent that we are going to do something with the capacity, either increase it or decrease it, we have to have a discussion with our partner.


  • Gus Richard - Analyst

    Gus Richard - Analyst

  • So, in a sense, it limits your flexibility from reallocating capacity going forward from DRAM to NAND and back and forth?

    因此,從某種意義上說,它限制了您從 DRAM 到 NAND 來回重新分配容量的靈活性?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • When you say limit, only to the extent that our partner believes that we should do something different with it.


  • In other words, there's somewhat of a self-correcting mechanism.


  • Again, not too belabor this, but if the margin on NAND is much better than the margin on DRAM, of course we would want to allocate it in the direction of NAND.

    再說一次,不要太在意這一點,但如果 NAND 上的邊距比 DRAM 上的邊距好得多,我們當然希望將其分配到 NAND 的方向。

  • And if that were to be the case, the probability is our partner would be fine with that.


  • If the margin on NAND is worse than the margin on DRAM, it depends on how worse it is before our partners are going to reallocate it.

    如果 NAND 的利潤率比 DRAM 的利潤率差,那取決於在我們的合作夥伴重新分配它之前,它會差到什麼程度。

  • But clearly, if it wasn't doing very well at all because the market is oversupplied, they are unlikely to have too big a problem with the reallocation.


  • Operator


  • Bill Dezellem, Titan Capital Management.


  • Bill Dezellem - Analyst

    Bill Dezellem - Analyst

  • We had a group of questions.


  • First of all, Mike, you had referenced camera phones with two cameras.


  • Would you please walk us through the applications where having two cameras on the same phone is advantageous?


  • And then, relative to the JV, the IM Flash JV, what percentage of the production needs to be dedicated to Apple versus the availability that you have to address the large opportunity that you are anticipating developing here later this year in the cellphone market?

    然後,相對於合資企業 IM Flash 合資企業,需要將多少百分比的產品專門用於 Apple,而您必須解決您預計今年晚些時候在手機市場開發的巨大機會的可用性?

  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • On the first one, the dual camera phones, the primary application would be videoconferencing.


  • So we have what would call an in camera, which is typically a low resolution VGA camera, which would be on the inside of the phone, basically looking at you or taking a picture of the user for videoconferencing purposes.

    所以我們有所謂的內置攝像頭,它通常是一個低分辨率的 VGA 攝像頭,它位於手機內部,基本上是看著你或給用戶拍照以用於視頻會議。

  • And you have an out camera, which would be for taking photographs by the end user.


  • So penetration rate of dual camera phones today is not that great.


  • But again, as infrastructure improvements are made to enable more seamless videoconferencing, we expect to see that increase.


  • But that is one of the big drivers of the extended life of VGA cameras, is the dual camera phones.

    但這是延長 VGA 攝像頭壽命的一大推動力,那就是雙攝像頭手機。

  • On the --


  • Bill Dezellem - Analyst

    Bill Dezellem - Analyst

  • Before we shift to next question, you referenced the infrastructure out there.


  • With the current technology, with the service providers, is this something that can be fluid?


  • Or are there upgrades to the existing infrastructure that really needs to be made?


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • It depends where geographically.


  • Probably the most advanced infrastructure today for mobile communications would be in Japan, and videoconferencing over the mobile network there is a reality today.


  • In Europe, I believe it is as well.


  • In the U.S., again, this is beyond my area of expertise, but it's probably quite some ways off into the future.


  • Bill Dezellem - Analyst

    Bill Dezellem - Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • And then the IM Flash JV?

    然後是 IM Flash JV?

  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • This is Steve.


  • On the question regarding -- I think it was specifically with respect to the supply to Apple that we started and we had a long-term agreement with them on that, obviously, I'm not going to disclose a lot of specificity, because the confidentiality agreement is both with our customer and with our partner.


  • But I think, suffice it to say that the percentage of exposure that we have to that agreement is really controllable by us -- in other words, I mean the partnership, because its quantity defined.


  • So if we want to produce more product, then the percentage goes down; if we produce less product, then the percentage goes up.


  • It's completely within our control as to how we want to -- how much of our output that we want to be exposed to that.


  • So I think that's the best way to think about it.


  • Bill Dezellem - Analyst

    Bill Dezellem - Analyst

  • That is helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • And then one additional question, and I think this was somewhat addressed earlier, but I'd like to try again to see if I can gain a little more clarification, please.


  • Relative to the inventory decline, given that the pricing in commodity DRAM was down, oftentimes you don't see inventory declining when pricing is also declining.

    相對於庫存下降,鑑於商品 DRAM 的價格下降,當價格也在下降時,您通常不會看到庫存下降。

  • Would you walk us through again where, within which products you actually saw the decline in inventory, please?


  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • I think we pretty much -- well, we ended the quarter with virtually no inventory on image sensors, as you could probably imagine, based on the way we are speaking about it.

    我認為我們幾乎 - 嗯,根據我們談論它的方式,我們在本季度結束時幾乎沒有圖像傳感器庫存,正如你可能想像的那樣。

  • So there was not much of a change there.


  • I think that, if I remember back a quarter, it probably was the case on the specialty DRAM as well.

    我認為,如果我記得過去四分之一,專業 DRAM 可能也是如此。

  • So the inventory we carried was primarily in the PC DRAM area, and demand was strong enough to absorb it, albeit there was a tremendous amount of price pressure.

    所以我們的庫存主要集中在PC DRAM領域,需求強勁,可以吸收,儘管價格壓力很大。

  • Had we projected that pricing was going to be increasing in the current period, I probably would have chosen to hold some more inventory.


  • But we weren't projecting that, still not really projecting that.


  • So as the market had strength enough to absorb it, we just sold at the market prices and it ended up being a drawdown on inventory as opposed to either building or keeping it flat.


  • Bill Dezellem - Analyst

    Bill Dezellem - Analyst

  • But if we did hear your earlier comments in the call, there certainly appears to be the possibility that some of the manufacturers that are shifting from DRAM to NAND, that that may start taking place and actually impacting the market here favorably in this seasonally slow period.

    但是,如果我們確實在電話會議中聽到了您之前的評論,那麼似乎一些製造商正在從 DRAM 轉向 NAND,這可能會開始發生並在這個季節性低迷時期對這裡的市場產生有利的影響.

  • Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

    Mike Sadler - VP of Worldwide Sales

  • I'm not going to predict that, but I certainly would hope that would be the case.


  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • I think we have time for one more question, and then we'll wrap it up.


  • Operator


  • Ben Lynch, Deutsche Bank.


  • Ben Lynch - Analyst

    Ben Lynch - Analyst

  • On the NAND side, this agreement that you have with Apple -- I know, the way Apple operates, you can't really say too much about that.

    在 NAND 方面,你與 Apple 達成的協議——我知道,Apple 的運作方式,你真的不能說太多。

  • Could you just help us to think a little bit -- is this a sort of a cost-plus thing, or how you are supplying to them, or driven by market ASPs?

    你能不能幫助我們思考一下——這是一種成本加成的事情,或者你是如何向他們供應的,或者是由市場 ASP 驅動的?

  • And basically, do you need to be cost competitive to their current suppliers to make comparable margins or not?


  • And I do have a follow-up, please.


  • Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

    Steve Appleton - Chairman, CEO and President

  • Well, as you suspected, I'm not going to comment on pricing to a particular customer; that wouldn't be, probably, acceptable for them or us.


  • But having said that, on the cost side, our expectation is to be equal or better than anybody else on the cost side.


  • It's got nothing to do with an Apple agreement.


  • And I think the way to phrase it is we plan on making money on the product we sell to Apple, and we plan on making money on the product we sell to other customers.


  • So we expect to be as competitive as anyone in terms of cost.


  • Ben Lynch - Analyst

    Ben Lynch - Analyst

  • And I'll try one for you, Bill.


  • I know you don't want to give specifics on gross margins by product area.


  • Could you maybe give us a rough estimate on the spread in gross margins between -- of those four major areas, the highest and the lowest?


  • Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

    Bill Stover - VP-Finance and CFO

  • No, we won't give you specifics on the spread, although Kipp indicated that the CMOS image sensors, the specialty DRAM and the NAND were running pretty close together this last quarter at a very attractive rate.

    不,我們不會向您提供有關價差的具體信息,儘管 Kipp 表示 CMOS 圖像傳感器、專用 DRAM 和 NAND 在上個季度以非常有吸引力的速度運行得非常接近。

  • And there's a significant spread between that and the commodity DRAM.

    這與商品 DRAM 之間存在顯著差異。

  • Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

    Kipp Bedard - VP of IR

  • Now, with that, we'd like to thank everyone for participating on the call today.


  • If you will please bear with me, I need to repeat the Safe Harbor protection language.


  • During the course of this call, we may have made forward-looking statements regarding the Company and the industry.


  • These particular forward-looking statements and all other statements that may have been made on this call that are not historical facts are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially.


  • For information on the important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially, please refer to our filings with the SEC, including the Company's most recent 10-Q and 10-K.

    有關可能導致實際結果出現重大差異的重要因素的信息,請參閱我們向 SEC 提交的文件,包括公司最近的 10-Q 和 10-K。

  • Thank you for joining us.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • This does conclude today's conference.


  • You may disconnect all lines at this time and have a great day.
