美光科技 (MU) 2002 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Micron Technology second quarter earnings release conference call. At this time all of the participants have been placed on a listen only mode and the floor will be opened for your questions and comments following the presentation. It is now my pleasure to turn the floor over to one of your hosts, Mr. Kip Bedard. You may begin.

    女士們,先生們,下午好。歡迎來到美光科技第二季度財報電話會議。此時,所有參與者都處於只聽模式,演講結束後將開放發言以供您提出問題和評論。現在我很高興將發言權交給您的一位主持人 Kip Bedard 先生。你可以開始了。

  • - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

    - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

  • Thank you. I'd like to welcome everybody to Micron Technology, second quarter, fiscal year 2002 conference call. On the call today are Steve Appleton, Chairman, CEO, and President, Bill Stover, Vice President Finance and Chief Financial Officer, and Mike Sadler, Vice President of World Wide Sales.

    謝謝你。歡迎大家參加美光科技公司 2002 財年第二季度電話會議。今天的電話會議有董事長、首席執行官兼總裁史蒂夫·阿普爾頓、財務副總裁兼首席財務官比爾·斯托弗和全球銷售副總裁邁克·薩德勒。

  • This conference call including audio and slides is also available on Microns' home page on the Internet at www.micron.com. If you have not had an opportunity to review the earnings press release it is available on our web site, again at www.micron.com. The call will be approximately 60 minutes in length.

    該電話會議包括音頻和幻燈片,也可在互聯網上的 Microns 主頁 www.micron.com 上找到。如果您沒有機會查看收益新聞稿,請訪問我們的網站 www.micron.com。通話時間約為 60 分鐘。

  • There will be a tape replay of this call available later this evening at 5:30 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. You may reach that by dialing (973) 341-3080, and use a confirmation code of 3173500. This replay will run through Saturday March 23rd, 2002 at 12:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time. The web cast replay is available through March 28th, 2002. We encourage you to monitor our web site, again at www.micron.com, throughout the quarter for the most current information on the company including information on the various financial conferences that we will be attending.

    今晚晚些時候將在下午 5:30 重播這次通話的錄音。山區標準時間。您可以撥打 (973) 341-3080 並使用確認碼 3173500 來達到此目的。此回放將持續到 2002 年 3 月 23 日星期六上午 12:00(山區標準時間)。網絡廣播重播可在 2002 年 3 月 28 日之前收聽。我們鼓勵您在整個季度監視我們的網站 www.micron.com,以獲取有關公司的最新信息,包括我們將舉行的各種財務會議的信息參加。

  • During the course of the call we may make projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of the company and industry. We wish to caution you that such statements are predictions and actual events forward ultimately may differ materially. We refer you to the documents the company files on a consolidated basis from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission specifically the companies most recent form 10-K and form 10-Q.

    在電話會議期間,我們可能會就未來事件或公司和行業的未來財務業績做出預測或其他前瞻性陳述。我們希望提醒您,此類陳述是預測,未來的實際事件最終可能會有重大差異。我們建議您參考公司不時向證券交易委員會提交的綜合文件,特別是公司最近的 10-K 表格和 10-Q 表格。

  • These documents contain and identify important factors that could cause the actual results for the company, on a consolidated basis, to materially from those contained in our projections or forward-looking statements. These certain factors can found on the companies' web site.


  • Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements. We're under no duty to update any of the forward-looking statements after the day of the presentation to conform these statements to actual results. And with that I'd like to turn the power to Mr. Bill Stover, our Chief Financial Officer.


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks Kip. For our second quarter earnings sales totaled $6,748,600, and the company had a loss of 30 million or five cents per share. That compares to the immediately preceding quarter sales totaled 424 million and the company reported a loss of $266 million or 44 cents per share.

    謝謝基普。我們第二季度的盈利銷售總額為 6,748,600 美元,公司虧損 3,000 萬美元或每股 5 美分。相比之下,上一季度的銷售額為 4.24 億美元,該公司報告虧損 2.66 億美元或每股 44 美分。

  • Our second fiscal quarter also reflecting operations for December, January, and February are certainly a significant improvement over the prior quarter. This period, historically, is a seasonally slow period on the heels of the Christmas consumer buy season. This year the post-Christmas season was in considerably greater strength than anyone foresaw. Average selling prices improved quarter over quarter by approximately 70 percent.

    我們的第二財季也反映了 12 月、1 月和 2 月的運營情況,這無疑比上一季度有了顯著改善。從歷史上看,這一時期是聖誕節消費者購買季節之後的季節性緩慢時期。今年聖誕節後的季節比任何人預見的都要強大得多。平均售價環比上漲約 70%。

  • In our Q2


  • averaged a little more than $2.50. While it's true this percent is a 70 percent increase sounds impressive, we need to remember the price increase product a year ago, at the time this industry was approximately breaking even, was at about $5. I think Mike will provide additional information on current pricing.

    平均略高於 2.50 美元。雖然這個百分比確實增加了 70%,這聽起來令人印象深刻,但我們需要記住一年前的價格上漲產品,當時該行業幾乎收支平衡,價格約為 5 美元。我認為邁克將提供有關當前定價的更多信息。

  • The quick notes in the press release point out that the second quarter had no net realizable value adjustment on our DRAM and SRAM inventory, and had a $4 million write down on our flash inventory. Absent the effects of prior inventory write downs, cost of goods sold for the second quarter

    新聞稿中的簡短說明指出,第二季度我們的 DRAM 和 SRAM 庫存沒有可變現淨值調整,我們的閃存庫存減記了 400 萬美元。沒有先前庫存減記的影響,第二季度的銷售成本

  • , an estimated $260 million. In the best estimate of the amount NRB adjustments remaining in inventory is $160 million.

    ,估計為 2.6 億美元。在庫存中剩餘的 NRB 調整金額的最佳估計為 1.6 億美元。

  • Financial and administrative expenses remain flat at about approximately 80 million as the company continues to discuss containment efforts. Research and development expanses in the second quarter are mostly reflective of efforts devoted to 256 meg, and five twelve megs,

    隨著公司繼續討論遏制措施,財務和管理費用保持在約 8000 萬左右。第二季度的研發擴張主要反映了致力於 256 兆歐和 5 次 12 兆歐的努力,

  • devices. Micron Technology is in a variable position with cash and liquid investment balances of approximately $1.5 million. With that I'll turn it over to Mike.

    設備。美光科技處於變動狀態,現金和流動投資餘額約為 150 萬美元。有了這個,我會把它交給邁克。

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Thanks Bill. Strong period of management that peaks industry has continued beyond what would typically been a seasonally slow period. This robust environment has resulted in a


  • recovery in devices for mainstream dm products over the course of fiscal Q2 and this upward trend has extended beyond the reporting period.

    主流 dm 產品的設備在第二財季期間有所恢復,並且這種上升趨勢已超出報告期。

  • With a strong demand and price recovery we have substantially depleted our finished goods inventory and are now at minimum levels to enable adequate performance of our customer's business models without major supply disruptions. In the computing space, at the present time, our entire customer base is please with the recent strength of decision demand, and they are getting more optimism with respect to the prospects for a broad base market recover in 2002.

    憑藉強勁的需求和價格回升,我們已經大幅耗盡了成品庫存,現在處於最低水平,以確保我們客戶的業務模式能夠充分發揮作用,而不會出現重大供應中斷。在計算領域,目前,我們的整個客戶群都對最近的決策需求感到滿意,他們對 2002 年廣泛的基礎市場復甦的前景越來越樂觀。

  • Until recently the vast majority of the strength was attributed primarily to consumer buying, but in the past few weeks we have seen multiple signs of life in the commercial sector, specifically with regards to unforecasted memory demands for servers. In addition to this generally bullish shift in demands we continue to benefit from memory content for system explosion.


  • This dramatic memory context growth is attributed to high rate of Windows XP penetration, proliferation of memory intent of applications, and of course price elasticity associated with dramatic price declines of 2001. While we are keeping steady the content for

    這種顯著的內存環境增長歸因於 Windows XP 的高滲透率、應用程序的內存意圖的激增,當然還有與 2001 年價格急劇下降相關的價格彈性。雖然我們保持穩定的內容為

  • developing commercial desktop platforms, it is worth noting, that commercial content is lagging consumer content significantly.


  • Based on historical norms this is unusual and we have no reason to believe that consumer and commercial platforms will not come balance with respective memory content as we move forward. We continue to proceed on course with two major transitions with the DRAM area. The first a shift to 256 meg evidently is essentially complete as are we reduce the

    根據歷史規範,這是不尋常的,我們沒有理由相信消費者和商業平台在我們前進的過程中不會與各自的內存內容取得平衡。我們繼續在 DRAM 領域進行兩次重大轉變。顯然,第一次轉變為 256 meg 基本上完成了,因為我們減少了

  • on 256 meg of a chips in the current quarter than on any other device. The second, a move from single data rate to double data rate is also branching as planned and we anticipate production volume crossover to occur in the second half of calendar 2002.

    本季度在 256 meg 的芯片上比在任何其他設備上。第二,從單數據速率到雙數據速率的轉變也在按計劃進行,我們預計產量交叉將在 2002 年下半年發生。

  • As I mentioned in last quarters update the networking and wire communications infrastructure business has generally stabilized across the entire customer base. We're rounding the


  • to include ternary cams. This proud offering adds a nice compliment to our flash, DRAM, and SRAM products and will be critical as high-speed working requirements proliferate.

    包括三元凸輪。這一引以為豪的產品為我們的閃存、DRAM 和 SRAM 產品錦上添花,隨著高速工作要求的激增,這一點至關重要。

  • Wireless hand set business has also come back to life for Micron in recent months. We have commercially re-engaged several customers building two and half g mobile phones with our flash SRAM

    最近幾個月,美光的無線手機業務也重新煥發生機。我們已經重新與幾家使用我們的閃存 SRAM 構建兩代半手機的客戶進行商業合作

  • products and we continue to work elaborately with customers in defining and developing memory products for next generations more memory intensive platforms.


  • Throughout our hard work of broadening and industry consolidated efforts we believe that we are on the right track towards defining, developing, and delivering optimal flash solutions to our customers. Now I'll turn it over to Jack.


  • - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

    - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

  • Thank you Mike. We'd now like to take questions from callers. In the interest of time please limit yourselves to one question. Just a reminder, if you could please pick up the handsets, so when asking a question we can hear you clearly. With that we would like to open it up to questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you gentlemen. The floor is now open for questions. Please let the question to come in please numbers one followed by four on the touch-tone phone at this time. If at any point throughout the queue your question has been answered, please remove yourself from the queue by pressing the pound key. Questions will be taken in order they are received and as the gentleman please pick up your handsets to provide optimum sound quality. Thank you. Our first question is coming from

    謝謝各位先生。現在可以提問了。此時請在按鍵式電話上將要提出的問題按數字 1 和 4 輸入。如果在整個隊列中的任何時候您的問題得到了回答,請按井號鍵將自己從隊列中刪除。問題將按收到的順序進行處理,作為紳士,請拿起您的手機以提供最佳音質。謝謝你。我們的第一個問題來自

  • of SoundView Technology. Please state your question.

    SoundView 技術。請陳述你的問題。

  • Thanks, good afternoon. I wonder if you can talk a little about the May quarter production. They've done some adjustments to, sort of, fine tune the cycle times. Is that any closer to coming to an end? And does that imply that you've got a pretty good potential to decrease pretty sharply


  • .


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Yeah Scott, this is Steve. We, as you mentioned, noted that we actually we had the holiday season as well, then we had the organization align, and that took out the production that Bills' already referenced. That, essentially, after that period was over had the paying back, if you will, over the next quarter or two that will be completely restored to the levels that it was before. We are obviously continuing to do our shrinking technology as well as move forward so we will


  • probably in


  • as we move forward.


  • OK. Also Steve is this just basically relative to negotiations with NYNEX. Is there a timeline that you've got straight in your mind here where you start reaching goals and have negotiations that exist? You guys are obviously negotiating this here for quite some time. What's your thinking there as top down perspective?

    好的。史蒂夫也基本上與與 NYNEX 的談判有關。您是否有一個時間表,您可以直接在這裡開始實現目標並進行談判?你們顯然已經在這裡談判了很長時間。作為自上而下的觀點,你的想法是什麼?

  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Well a lot of them are kind of teamwork goals. A lot of


  • were on the discussions. As you say it has been going on for some time. I would really caution people normally that it is intermittent as we both prepare our positions forward and they go back and talk to their constituents. And we obviously discuss more. It just takes quite a bit of time to do that and in particular when we're halfway across the world. So we're continuing and we feel that we're are all still in discussions and we're just going to keep on moving forward with that until we see something work out that we think is more realistic.


  • OK thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of Sanford Bernstein. Please pose your question.


  • Yeah, hi. Given the ASP's were up so much in the quarter, I was wondering your estimate of the impact of single portion

    是的,你好。鑑於本季度 ASP 的漲幅如此之大,我想知道您對單個部分的影響的估計

  • was in terms of earnings?


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • They've never simply provided us with specific information on a joint venture. Can indicate to you that there was certainly noticeable margin on that product.


  • OK thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from John Cross of Morgan Stanley and Company. Please pose your question.


  • Thank you very much. Can you talk a little bit about inventory, perhaps a little more detail on the comment of finished goods inventory, and the augmented evaluation at the end of the quarter there. Thank you.


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • I can talk about inventory John. I don't really want to get to specific on what we have in inventory from a volume standpoint, but you're probably aware that the bulk of our customer base today requires a certain amount of inventory be held basically at our site. And we have drawn our inventories, at least of the liquid material, to make sure that we're moving day in and day out, but we've gone down to an absolute minimum with respect to our ability to adequately service the customers. That occurred throughout the quarter. I'm not sure if that addresses the question completely.


  • In the past you give some indication on, in terms of bits, where it was down


  • inventory. Does it also hold for work in progress and raw materials that, if I understand the commentary of the bits down, and if they look at dollar amount there?


  • .


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Well the dollar value of inventories increased from 2001, period at the end 451 million up to 548 million, and that largely is the effect that prior quarters have had a net realizable value adjustment which reduced the carrying of the inventory as we said. At Q2 end there is no, in our view, adjustment at the end of Q2.

    存貨的美元價值從 2001 年末的 4.51 億增加到 5.48 億,這主要是由於前幾個季度的可變現淨值調整減少了我們所說的存貨的賬面價值。我們認為,在第二季度末,第二季度末沒有調整。

  • - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

    - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

  • And John, this is Kip, let me just to reiterate Steve as said earlier as we begin to bring production back on line and get into that upper team sequential early growth you will see some additional


  • growth as well which I think was part of your question.


  • OK, thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Next question is coming from


  • of Bear Stearns. Please pose your question.


  • Actually this is


  • for Charles. Just a clarification of the 256 megabit, you said that you'd cross over, was that in wafers or bits?

    為查爾斯。只是對 256 兆比特的澄清,你說你會跨越,是晶圓還是比特?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Yeah cheating cross over in the current quarter we're in right now and it's in bits.


  • OK thanks.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of Gerard Klauer. Please pose your question. garrity: Thanks. Mike I wonder if you can comment on what pricing has been like lately. There's been some ups and downs in the spot market and in general is there any major discrepancies now between spot and the contract market. Because you mentioned earlier in the call here that your commercial customers will be coming back on the market. I was just curious if they're worried about their own inventory more than looking an eye forward a bit.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Yes, the best we can tell there is some disparity between what we're hearing about the spot market pricing on them than what the pricing is at the OEM's. I would say that we're not moving a significant amount of any material into the spot market today so we really don't have an accurate gauge on what kind of prices spot market would bear.

    是的,我們可以說的最好的情況是,我們所聽到的關於它們的現貨市場定價與 OEM 的定價之間存在一些差異。我想說的是,我們今天沒有將大量任何材料轉移到現貨市場,所以我們真的無法準確衡量現貨市場會承受什麼樣的價格。

  • There is a disparity we're just hearing about in the four dollar range for a 128 megabit equivalent on the spot market and our OEM pricing is in the, you know, five to low five range. So there is some disparity there. I would say that today all of our output is going to the OEM's. OEM customers are taking everything we can possibly produce right now so there is not a need for us to go into the spot market.

    我們剛剛聽說現貨市場上 128 兆比特等價物的價格在 4 美元範圍內存在差異,而我們的 OEM 定價在 5 到 5 低的範圍內。所以那裡有一些差異。我想說的是,今天我們所有的輸出都流向了原始設備製造商。 OEM 客戶正在接受我們現在可能生產的所有產品,因此我們無需進入現貨市場。

  • My take on what's available in the spot market is that the product in spot market is very penetrated and what is out there for a variety of reasons is not particularly attractive to the OEM customers. It may be perceived quality issues with models or prospect and so forth but for a variety of reasons the OEM's are not don't appear to be checking out for material in the spot market today.

    我對現貨市場上的產品的看法是,現貨市場上的產品非常普及,並且由於各種原因而存在的產品對 OEM 客戶來說並不是特別有吸引力。這可能是模型或前景等方面的感知質量問題,但由於各種原因,OEM 似乎沒有在今天的現貨市場上檢查材料。

  • So from your prospective they're perfectly willing to take product from you, as you say, as you mentioned the five dollar twenty-five cent range at this point. Is that fair enough?

    因此,從您的角度來看,他們完全願意從您那裡獲取產品,正如您所說,正如您在此時提到的 5 美元 25 美分的範圍。這夠公平嗎?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • They're taking everything I can produce right now and if I look forward, based on recent input from them, they'll take everything we can produce for the next quarter.


  • Great thanks very much Mike.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of Merrill Lynch. Please pose your question.


  • Hi this is Joe.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Hi Joe.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Hi.


  • Couple of, just a quick one for starters. Bill, is that remaining 160 million in NRV inventory likely to flow through the P & L this quarter?

    幾個,對於初學者來說只是一個快速的。比爾,剩餘的 1.6 億 NRV 庫存是否可能在本季度通過損益表流動?

  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Expecting about half of that to come through Q 3 and just by way of the inventory average costing process it'll trickle in to subsequent quarters.


  • OK but sort of at least half of it hitting the P & L in the third quarter.


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yep.


  • And secondly Mike, I've been hearing that that 256 meg parts we were seeing some pricing premiums over 128 in bit terms because of notebook related demand. Is that true?

    其次,邁克,我聽說由於與筆記本電腦相關的需求,我們看到 256 meg 部件的價格溢價超過 128 位。真的嗎?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Yeah, it has been true. Actually in the past, I would say the past couple of months there was a time there where there was a three significant premiums for notebook memory. Specifically, 256 megabit or higher as a notebook DIMM. Obviously they've

    是的,這是真的。實際上,在過去,我會說在過去的幾個月裡,有一段時間筆記本內存出現了三個顯著的溢價。具體來說,256 兆位或更高的筆記本 DIMM。顯然他們已經

  • supply limitations. My observations of that's kind of shifted over now towards a high density DIMMS built with by four components and by eight components, primarily by

    供應限制。我對此的觀察現在已經轉向由四個組件和八個組件構建的高密度 DIMMS,主要是

  • demand. So it's, I think the supply is trying to dial the mix to where is it or the better needs are and it's true 256 meg in general are getting an opinion that it's shifted from the notebook memory towards the server memory here just recently.

    要求。所以它是,我認為供應商正試圖將混合調到它所在的位置或更好的需求,而且確實 256 兆,一般來說,它最近才從筆記本內存轉移到服務器內存。

  • Can you give a sense as how much of a premium are we talking $12 or?

    你能知道我們談論的是 12 美元或多少溢價嗎?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • We probably couldn't quantify it Joe.


  • OK and then just one quick confirmation. Kip did you say that some of mid being sequential growth in production is going to go back in widths or prior shipment numbers should not necessarily trek with that?


  • - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

    - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

  • Actually I was referencing a different question. John's prior question was would we expect some whip increase and start to increase wire through and the answer would be yes. We're not making any comment about, other than what Mike just said, about everything we produce he thinks he going to ship. And we think we'll be in that guidance for this quarter will be effort team kind of arrangement.


  • In terms of the shipments.


  • - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

    - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

  • For production.


  • OK thank you very much.


  • - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

    - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

  • You bet Joe.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of Bank of America. Please pose your question.


  • Hi good afternoon just a quick one. In the past you guys gave out, or have you given out, any sort of guidelines for kind of density, what percent revenues are at different densities? Can you give a feel of what that would look like in the quarter you just reported?


  • - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

    - Vice President of Corporate Affairs

  • We have not broken it down by revenues but we have been able to give some reference of wafer tracking or bids. I can tell you that right now we're running close to about single digits on our 64 meg, and we're running about 40 percent or so in 128 meg, and as Mike indicated we're getting pretty close now to surpassing that in terms of 256 meg. So we're in that 40 to 50 percent range in terms of 256 meg bit chips as well.

    我們沒有按收入對其進行細分,但我們已經能夠提供一些晶圓跟踪或投標的參考。我可以告訴你,現在我們的 64 兆歐接近個位數,我們在 128 兆歐中運行大約 40%,正如邁克所說,我們現在已經接近超過256 兆的條款。因此,就 256 兆位芯片而言,我們也處於 40% 到 50% 的範圍內。

  • OK that's great. And then, thank you for that Kip. And then for Mike, just a quick one, you mentioned that the explosion in memory for

    太棒了。然後,謝謝你的 Kip。然後對於邁克,只是一個快速的,你提到了記憶的爆炸

  • . Can you give us an update on there? Do you think the consumer


  • content is versus the corporate right now? Thank you.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Right now our views share with you the third party agent that we have, and I think it was a slide now shown in the broadcast shown that consumer content, at least according to this board, is that 240 megabytes for systems. Commercial contents at about one and 66 megabytes per system. So there's quite a bit of eldering there in commercial and as we see XP penetration rates increase in the commercial events out there I think we're going to see some nice acceleration there in terms of memory content

    現在,我們的觀點與您分享我們擁有的第三方代理,我認為這是現在在廣播中顯示的一張幻燈片,顯示消費者內容,至少根據這個委員會,是 240 兆字節的系統。每個系統大約 1 和 66 兆字節的商業內容。因此,在商業活動中存在相當多的老齡化,當我們看到 XP 滲透率在商業活動中增加時,我認為我們將在內存內容方面看到一些不錯的加速

  • .


  • That's right thanks very much.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Thanks Doug.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of Credit Suisse First Boston. Please pose your question.


  • Thanks hey Mike a quick question on contracts. You probably just went through a recent round of contract negotiations. I'm wondering were there any change to the prices from earlier in the month?


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • There may have been some changes here and there but in general the pricing has been flat here for the entire month of March.

    這里和那裡可能會有一些變化,但總的來說,整個 3 月份的價格都是持平的。

  • OK great. And can you give me what kind of premium you might be getting on the contracts DDR today?

    好,很好。你能告訴我你今天的合同 DDR 可能會得到什麼樣的溢價嗎?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Basic prices are very, very close to parity with


  • .


  • OK and lastly can you give us any update on what you're doing with 300 millimeter?

    好的,最後你能告訴我們你用 300 毫米做什麼的最新情況嗎?

  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Yes sure, I'll jump in. We are moving forward in the R&D stage, which I think we expect probably 200 installations later this year. As we gear up we'll prepare for production and

    是的,我會加入。我們正在研發階段向前推進,我認為我們預計今年晚些時候可能會安裝 200 台。隨著我們的準備,我們將準備生產和

  • . This will not allow us to release any production plans yet


  • that will allow us to move in on the action.


  • All right thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question comes from


  • of Neuberg-Bergman. Please pose your question.


  • Hi just a clarification and a question. Did you say that the cost of grossing the third quarter was better than 260 million ?


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • The reference was, if you did not have the fact of any of the cost being pulled forward, into earlier quarters by the


  • adjustments that were required by


  • cost of goods sold in the current quarter would have been 260 million higher.

    本季度的商品銷售成本將增加 2.6 億美元。

  • So if I add that back and adjust it for the depreciation, which is sort of the fixed cost, in my mind, it comes out that your


  • margin would have been positive. So I'm trying to reason why would you cut back on production if your really minus


  • .


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • if you recall we began line thinning back in September. Primarily to do a couple of things, but primarily to become more responsive knowing if we had product transitions in both SDRAM EDR and 128, make that 256 meg, and our customers at the time couldn't give us enough visibility. So we wanted to make sure that we could be efficient and get the cycle times down, which we did very significantly. Of course that ended up having the effect of , in the short term less bids, which we've talked through.

    如果你還記得我們在 9 月就開始細化線。主要是做幾件事,但主要是為了提高響應速度,知道我們是否在 SDRAM EDR 和 128 中都進行了產品轉換,達到 256 兆,而我們當時的客戶無法給我們足夠的可見性。因此,我們希望確保我們能夠高效並縮短週期時間,我們在這方面做得非常出色。當然,這最終會產生效果,在短期內減少出價,我們已經討論過了。

  • Just one more question. Could you process geometric enterprise, what the production looks at point, at different process technologies?


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Sure as you probably recall we were around five percent of our wafer starts at point one three at the end of the year. And as

    當然,您可能還記得,我們大約 5% 的晶圓是在年底的第 1 點 3 點開始的。並作為

  • talked about at the analyst meeting we're now on track worldwide to begin conversion and we should be effectively substantially complete with the point one three about this time next year. Right now we're running about 30 percent, a little less than that at .18, and about 65 percent at .15.

    在分析師會議上談到,我們現在正在全球範圍內開始轉換,我們應該在明年這個時候有效地完成第一點三。現在我們的運行率為 30%,比 0.18 略低,在 0.15 時約為 65%。

  • Thank you so much.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • You bet.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of Salomon Smith Barney. Please pose your question.


  • Yeah, Mike I want to ask you about the pick up on the server market here in the last couple of weeks. Obviously a couple of weeks does not a trend make. But you seem to think that it was important enough to mention. How much weight are you placing that in terms of possibly just a little bit of an inventory rebuild here, or maybe the start of a bigger wave of spending?


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Why I thought it was worth mentioning John was pretty significant in terms of a shift from we detected as primarily consumer driven buying behavior towards something different. I would not call it inventory building on some cases we've the end customer identified from some of our customers from some of these other modules. So I really don't believe this is inventory building based on account of the subject of emotional behaviors from customers, I certainly don't think that they're clamoring to put these server modules on the shelf. The type of parts we're talking about are both 512 meg and one gigabyte registered DIM so very clearly these are going into one piece or two piece servers and we'll see. You know it's going to take an amount of time before we see this as a real trend but it is pretty significant here just in the past couple of weeks.

    為什麼我認為值得一提的是,就從我們認為主要是消費者驅動的購買行為轉向不同的東西而言,約翰非常重要。在某些情況下,我不會將其稱為庫存構建,我們已經從其他一些模塊中的一些客戶中確定了最終客戶。所以我真的不認為這是基於客戶情感行為的主題的庫存建設,我當然不認為他們吵著要把這些服務器模塊放在貨架上。我們正在談論的部件類型是 512 兆和 1 千兆字節的註冊 DIM,因此非常清楚這些將進入一件或兩件服務器,我們將拭目以待。你知道在我們將其視為真正的趨勢之前需要很長時間,但就在過去幾週內,它在這裡非常重要。

  • This first shift that you identified of it's kind in some time or do you get these kinds of blips every couple of months?


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • For a very significant shift like this that we've seen in the last two or three months that we can specifically connect to servers.


  • OK but it's nothing like something stronger than you've seen the year or two years or anything like that?


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • No.


  • OK. And then second a follow on with regard to cap ex maybe a question to Bill. Can you just review cap ex plans for the year? I don't know if you have a preliminary number for next year, but just a sense of could cap ex be ticking up here a little bit or staying stable?

    好的。然後第二個關於上限的後續可能是對比爾的一個問題。你能回顧一下今年的資本支出計劃嗎?我不知道你是否有明年的初步數字,但只是感覺 cap ex 會在這裡一點點上升還是保持穩定?

  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • cap ex for fiscal year '02remains about $1 billion. Still about half of that's going into the

    '02 財年的上限支出仍然約為 10 億美元。仍有大約一半進入

  • , R&D about 25 percent of that. And I just looked at it geographically you're looking at about three-quarters of it in the US. We've mentioned some of the improvements being made in Italy and Japan. Forward-looking for fiscal year '03 I think there are a number of factors that are going to have to come into play. We don't have good guidance on that yet. The numbers we have been speaking to are without yet have a

    ,研發約佔其中的 25%。我只是從地理上看,你在美國看到了大約四分之三。我們已經提到了意大利和日本正在進行的一些改進。展望 03 財年,我認為有許多因素必鬚髮揮作用。我們對此還沒有很好的指導。我們一直在交談的數字還沒有

  • clause.


  • OK what kind of numbers have you been speaking to?


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • On Capital


  • forward for fiscal year '03 we throw out another billion dollars again as our place holder reference.

    展望 03 財年,我們再次拋出十億美元作為我們的佔位符參考。

  • OK but the not including dominion and dominion would theoretically including


  • be a candidate for the 300 millimeter?

    成為 300 毫米的候選人?

  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Yeah, this is Steve. Both of those


  • know what we're capable of. With respect to where we place that source we just haven't decided. And you're right the members that we're talking about we haven't really included the 300 millimeter. I think you have to contend it doesn't include our

    知道我們的能力。至於我們把那個來源放在哪裡,我們還沒有決定。你說得對,我們所說的成員並沒有真正包括 300 毫米。我認為你必須爭辯它不包括我們的

  • either. You have to look at the size of the operations that we have and based on


  • mentioned and anything behind that would be beyond moving technology forward while the curtains still on the ground.


  • OK thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question's coming from


  • of Bear Stearns. Please pose your question.


  • Hi. I don't know how I got on but I pass.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • OK it was good to hear from you anyway.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Appreciate you listening, next question.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from


  • of SoundView Technology. Please pose your question.

    SoundView 技術。請提出你的問題。

  • Follow up more on what's going on with the migration of certain non DRAMS. What are you doing for

    進一步了解某些非 DRAMS 的遷移情況。你在做什麼

  • service right now that you've secured some things that are stabilizing a little bit more along the line than wireless? And also it seems to me productions are down into the higher speed DDR. Do you think we're really truly seeing kind of a broadening out here in terms of the

    服務現在你已經獲得了一些比無線更穩定的東西?而且在我看來,產品正在下降到更高速度的 DDR 中。你認為我們真的真的看到了

  • of DRAMS that'll be out in the market at the same time.

    DRAMS 將同時上市。

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • I think in terms of, first of all in respect to wafer starts on term flash, still relatively low level, certainly less than ten percent of our total wafer starts are in the S term flash area. You know the most significant thing we're going to see with respect to a volume driver for either in somewhat diversified RAM products or flash products for us are going to be the market penetration. Two and one half G and 3G mobile phones because the memory intensity of these devices is going to increase tremendously, particularly relative to the PC. But there are a variety of other allocations that we're currently, either commercially engaged in order to design our products in. Reduce

    我認為,首先,在期限閃存的晶圓啟動方面,仍然是相對較低的水平,肯定不到我們總晶圓啟動的百分之十在 S 期限閃存區域。您知道我們將看到的最重要的事情是市場滲透率,無論是在某種程度上多樣化的 RAM 產品還是閃存產品中的容量驅動程序。兩個半 G 和 3G 手機,因為這些設備的內存強度將大大增加,特別是相對於 PC。但是我們目前還有很多其他的分配方式,要么是商業化的,要么是為了設計我們的產品。減少

  • to year-end would be an excellent example I think of non-standard DRAM product which is very application specific in networking hardware area. Beyond this point it starts to pick up steam here commercially if not the end of '02certainly calendar 2003. They're several other examples like that but that's probably the best one I can think of.

    到年底將是一個很好的例子,我認為非標準 DRAM 產品在網絡硬件領域非常特定於應用程序。超過這一點,如果不是 02 年的結束,肯定會在 2003 年日曆上開始商業化。它們是其他幾個類似的例子,但這可能是我能想到的最好的例子。

  • In terms of the higher speed DDR subject been introduced, how do you feel applying the market?

    在推出更高速的 DDR 主題方面,您對市場的應用感覺如何?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • High speed DDR?


  • Yeah.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • While the highest speed, the demand for the highest DDR product today of volume significance would be in graphics applications in a variety of different computer platforms. But also, you know, we will for main memory applications in computer products we'll be accelerating the speed up of the current DDR products as well as adapting a fall on standards of the current DDR standard. So these devices are going to continue to need higher and higher performance.

    雖然最高速度,但當今對體積意義最高的 DDR 產品的需求將出現在各種不同計算機平台的圖形應用程序中。而且,您知道,對於計算機產品中的主存儲器應用,我們將加快當前 DDR 產品的速度,並適應當前 DDR 標準的下降。因此,這些設備將繼續需要越來越高的性能。

  • Do you think that we're entering a period where there's likely to be a greater brother product out in the market at the same time for main memory.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Oh sure absolutely. I don't think we're entering that period I think we're in that period. And we have been in that period for, I don't know, a year now. As some of these non-PC applications have become pretty significant drivers the memory demands.

    哦,絕對的。我不認為我們正在進入那個時期,我認為我們正處於那個時期。我們已經在那個時期,我不知道,一年了。由於其中一些非 PC 應用程序已成為內存需求的重要驅動因素。

  • OK thanks.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of Capital Group. Please pose your question.


  • Yes, was the line thinning a permanent change or just temporary to respond to the transition.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Well the, on the line thinning, we were obviously to trim out the line a couple of times, and as a result of that we just have lost wafers because of the pretty


  • on the line. There was a permanent change associated with that but we also


  • somewhere in other words we had to run it a little bit thinner than you might normally. While we knew what it was on the thicker side, if you want to characterize it that way, so we did a little bit of


  • , and there was a permanent change as a result.


  • Will you, with the lower


  • basis go forward.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • I think the thing here is that we wanted to optimize the cycle time so that we could react. And we wouldn't be allowed much cycle time until we did a little experimenting with where that was in the line. It resulted in a permanent reduction of cycle time, I guess is as plain as things go, because I was here


  • to affect it but now we've said that everything being started, it resulted in a permanent shift while resulting in a permanent reduction


  • . So, if you talk to people, in the operations


  • . That's achievable and that is a desirable goal and that's where it comes in.


  • Another question, 300 million in wafers you said in the past was too expensive. What are those prices doing now?


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Well generally they've been coming down. Obviously, depends who you talk to I think if you commit to pretty large volumes you can probably get a $350 to $400 range. If you are not buying a very large volume you're probably still going to pay 500 to 600.

    好吧,一般來說,他們一直在下降。顯然,取決於你和誰交談,我認為如果你承諾相當大的交易量,你可能會得到 350 到 400 美元的範圍。如果您不購買非常大的數量,您可能仍會支付 500 到 600 美元。

  • And commercial


  • what about there stocks and notes?


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • As I mentioned earlier better than expected. Again if I aggregate what our customers are telling us with respect to memory consumption what they sequentially see counter Q2 and counter Q1. There staying off ten percent of memory consumption, and generally it's going to be kind of a flatish to slightly bound system demand counter to Q2 counter to Q1 which is typically seasonal. I think if you looked at the last ten years you'd see a decrease counter Q2 to counter Q1

    正如我之前提到的,比預期的要好。再次,如果我匯總我們的客戶告訴我們的關於內存消耗的內容,他們依次看到計數器 Q2 和計數器 Q1。內存消耗佔內存消耗的 10%,通常情況下,與 Q2 相比,Q1 與 Q1 相比,系統需求通常是季節性的。我認為,如果您查看過去十年,您會看到 Q2 與 Q1 之間的計數器減少

  • about one percent. A typical seasonal is what we're seeing and beyond that there's could be cycles.


  • Is there server demand for EDO anymore or is that completely gone now?

    是否有服務器對 EDO 的需求,或者現在完全沒有了?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • There is server demand for EDO as well as a demand upgrading a lot of the old, a lot of servers that are out in the field as well. So it's down significantly from where it was, say a year ago, but there are still servers built that utilize EDO memory and there are still a lot of installed servers that require memory upgrades EDO.

    有對 EDO 的服務器需求,也有升級很多舊的服務器的需求,還有很多在現場的服務器。因此,它比一年前大幅下降,但仍然有使用 EDO 內存構建的服務器,並且仍然有很多已安裝的服務器需要內存升級 EDO。

  • I have another question. When you move to Lehi, will you shut down Boise?


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • When we move to Lehi, I haven't bought a home there yet, myself, but we don't anticipate that we would have to shut any plant down as the result of bringing Lehi home. Obviously as we go through time all facilities will be re-positioned so that's not to say that we could adjust on the capacity a little bit. But we look at that as part of our


  • extension.


  • Thank you.


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks Steve, appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from


  • of

  • . Please pose your question.


  • A couple of questions I think I'll start with Mike. Mike can you give us what is the inventory situation you know the whole industry is closed for two weeks.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • You mean the industry inventory?


  • Yes.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • My guess would be in the two-to-four week range.


  • And the second question is for Bill is that, John asked this question earlier. Just to go back to your inventory the


  • inventory. The US bill has increased and that is because you've said some of the numbers were misquoted by the inventory adjustment you're supposed to take because of the gap. On a bid, just on the US on a bid basis, what number would be low for the end of February compared to the end of November?

    存貨。美國的賬單增加了,那是因為你說一些數字被錯誤地引用了你應該因為差距而進行的庫存調整。在投標方面,僅在美國投標的基礎上,與 11 月底相比,2 月底的數字會低多少?

  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • One thing, I think what Bill was saying in his previous discussion was that in prior quarters inventory had been impacted by riding that down to the lower of cost or market. And in this particular quarter it's much closer reflected to actual costs. Does that help you understand the dollar change?


  • I guess some, yeah I suppose. So that's probably yes.


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • OK.


  • Yeah the third question is can give us the


  • between the SDRAM and the DDR correction right now?

    現在在 SDRAM 和 DDR 校正之間?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Sure, this must be


  • . I think in the last, in the first fiscal quarter of the year we were in the mid-teens in terms of our percentage of the DDR. In the quarter we are just reporting on were probably in the 25 to 30 percent range DDR versus SDR. And at same point within the course of the next couple of quarters we will cross over again, but going forward just depends on how rapidly DDR seems to be penetrating.

    .我認為在上一個財政季度,就我們在 DDR 中的百分比而言,我們處於 10 歲左右。在我們剛剛報告的那個季度,DDR 與 SDR 的比例可能在 25% 到 30% 之間。在接下來的幾個季度中,我們將再次跨越同一時間點,但向前發展僅取決於 DDR 似乎滲透的速度。

  • All right thanks a lot gentlemen.


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks


  • .


  • Operator


  • Thank you. The next question is coming from


  • of

  • . Please pose your question.


  • This, back on the commercial demand issue, if we could for a minute. Try to judge how much weight to put on this we are looking for some recovery in the commercial side and trying to judge if this the beginning of it, something unusual or something that will be extended for some period of time, in your judgment?


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • You know I think you're probably a lot better off talking to the system vendors than you would be to us. I am only sharing with you what we're getting, and we're one step removed from the end customers there. So we get a projection of demand of product type from our customers. And the last couple of weeks there have been multiple customers that actually just about every one of them have been pushing us on increased supply of modules can only be housed in servers and that all I can share with you. With respect to be getting any more granularity on that or trying to really assess the strength of it you're probably a lot better off going straight to the system manufacturer.


  • OK but for the corporate desktop you're not yet I think involved on availability of supply to accelerate on that side?


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • The products that we supply into either a corporate or a consumer desktop product would be the same so we don't have a lot of visibility when we provide a memory module to our customers when they're going into a corporate or a consumer desktop.


  • Understood. This


  • 256 megabit devices would to support a move toward a 256 megabyte SIMM going into a lot of these systems. Can we look at that as confirmation that we're seeing this trend accelerate toward the higher memory content.

    256 兆位設備將支持將 256 兆字節 SIMM 轉移到許多此類系統中。我們是否可以將其視為確認我們看到這種趨勢加速向更高的內存內容。

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Sure absolutely yeah, that's one of the reasons for the move to 256 megabit. Of course another would be cost reduction per bit. But I think an answer to your question would be we are shipping more bids, if I'm not mistaken on 56 megabyte models today substantially more of this, on 56 megabyte models today than we are on 28 megs.

    絕對是的,這是遷移到 256 兆位的原因之一。當然,另一個是降低每比特的成本。但我認為您的問題的答案是,如果我沒記錯的話,今天的 56 兆字節模型比我們 28 兆字節的模型要多得多。

  • We've also seen in the spot market a little spread between, a little more spread open, recently between 128 and 256 meg bit devices. Would that also be consistent with a

    我們還在現貨市場上看到,最近在 128 和 256 兆位設備之間有一點點差,更多點差開。這是否也符合

  • board using the 256 megabit DIMMS more broadly and thereby creating a little greater demand outside than for the 128?

    主板更廣泛地使用 256 兆位 DIMM,從而在外部產生比 128 更大的需求?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • I guess it could but based on my assessment of the spot market it is very, very thin traded here in recent weeks. I wouldn't subscribe too much value to any information you get from the spot market.


  • All right. Thank you.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Thanks Tom.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of

  • . Please pose your questions.


  • Thank on one of the slides that you put up during presentation noting the cap ex for the industry at 5.8 billion, I believe that was referencing calendar '02. Curious, how does that number compare to what you estimate the industry cap ex be required simply to maintain current production and keep up.

    感謝您在演示期間放置的一張幻燈片,指出該行業的上限為 58 億,我相信那是參考日曆 '02。好奇,這個數字與您估計的行業上限相比如何,只是為了維持當前的生產並跟上。

  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Well I think analysis is you have to look at the installed base and remember it is obsolete in three point five years. If you're not spending that number divided by three point five per year you're not keeping up with technology.


  • And Steve what was that number divided by three and a half years?


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • . Basically you'll need to take that number and divide it by that three point five to get the per year upgrade required to keep technology going forward.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of

  • . Please pose your question.


  • Thanks guys. Most of my questions have been answered. One question I did have was given the


  • , seeing the content per box, do you have renewed expectations for what demand will be for the industry


  • .


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Supply side or demand side?


  • On the demand side.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • I'll tell you what our customers are telling us again. This is fresh data as of this week. By our gauge what our top looks like twelve, thirteen, fourteen customers telling us it adds up to about 75 percent demand growth for the year.

    我會告訴你我們的客戶再次告訴我們什麼。這是截至本週的最新數據。根據我們的衡量標準,我們的頂部看起來像 12、13、14 名客戶告訴我們,今年的需求增長總計約為 75%。

  • And supply side, are still sticking with 50 or 60 percent growth?

    供應方面,是否仍堅持 50% 或 60% 的增長?

  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Yeah the latest we've seen from the various analysts who track it are still in a range, really, of about 35 percent, about 40

    是的,我們從跟踪它的各種分析師那裡看到的最新消息仍然在一個範圍內,真的,大約 35%,大約 40

  • .


  • OK and one other question. I might have missed this part but did you break down the percentage of sales for PC's versus other applications?

    好的,還有另一個問題。我可能錯過了這部分,但您是否細分了 PC 與其他應用程序的銷售額百分比?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • We did not break it down for Micron Bill. I do believe we've shown the slide that shows revenue break down and we certainly and we could certainly get that if you'd call us after this call we'd be happy to show you where that slide is in the presentation.

    我們沒有為 Micron Bill 分解它。我相信我們已經展示了顯示收入細分的幻燈片,如果您在這次電話會議後給我們打電話,我們當然可以得到,我們很樂意向您展示該幻燈片在演示文稿中的位置。

  • Certainly thanks guys.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • You bet.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • of Prudential Securities. Please pose your question.


  • Hi it's Tracy


  • . I think I might have an asked you this but have any of the OEM's customers indicated that you might pare back some of their memory contents for boxes as a result of the

    .我想我可能會問過你這個問題,但有任何 OEM 的客戶表示你可能會因為

  • pricing?


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Sure I think we've had discussions with, if I'm not mistaken, every one of our customers about the topic. And one of them in particular had indicated they tried to do so on a couple of consumer platforms and found they weren't selling the systems so they quickly brought them back up again.


  • I think there is no question with the four to five increase in the cost of memory per bit that there is some pressure to limit growth of memory content going forward. You know, I think an example of something that's likely to happen going forward would be that memory would be featured as an off sale item that was very, very inexpensive here as recent as three or four months ago, and it probably would be in this particular scenario. So to extend it there may be some leveling off or some slowing down in terms of the cost in per system but we certainly don't expect a move backwards.


  • OK and then also in terms of


  • of the make or is it that shipments is it typically pretty linear or is it rather back end loaded.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • In regard to gauge our


  • we're just kind of looking at each other here around the room to see who can come up with what the norm is and I say we've seen just about everything Tracy. If you recall last year for example it was back end loaded. There have been previous years where all this was front end loaded and some with linears. So the answers to it is pretty tough to talk about how that demand will show up. But I characterize it, right now, is he is currently in pretty good demand and I expect you can continue to see that throughout the quarter.

    我們只是在房間裡互相看看,看看誰能提出標準是什麼,我說我們已經看到了 Tracy 的一切。例如,如果您記得去年它是後端加載的。前幾年所有這些都是前端加載的,有些是線性的。因此,要談論這種需求將如何出現,答案是相當困難的。但我現在的特點是,他目前的需求量很大,我希望你可以在整個季度繼續看到這一點。

  • Great, thanks so much.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question is coming from


  • from

  • . Please announce your question.


  • Yes this


  • my question is are you planning to increase your wafer


  • for the domain you have.


  • call is currently running at five k per week. Are you planning to increase that during this quarter?

    通話目前以每週 5 k 的速度運行。您是否計劃在本季度增加這一比例?

  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • The REM rave is really fluctuating from what

    REM 狂歡真的從什麼波動

  • is trying to do towards lightly before we acquired the facilities. The, I think you could expect the wafer run rave is probably going to be actually more than the three and a half, four k rate. Then it would be running and we actually take over the operation.


  • Now we obviously in addition to taking over the operation, we're sort of taking on, we have to


  • our technology. And as a result it was a little difficult for us to give a prediction as to how it would affect the wafer as to time. I can tell you that over time we expect to realize the whole facility, not just half of the facility. It is capable of


  • thousand

  • per month. And as we're going through time I think we'll expect to utilize the whole event.


  • And my second question is now that a lot of chips that are now starting to come back to supporting the new DDR at three, three megahertz. When will you see the output for the demand will be for that type of memory versus DDR?

    我的第二個問題是現在很多芯片開始重新支持三、三兆赫茲的新 DDR。您什麼時候會看到這種類型的內存與 DDR 的需求輸出?

  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • It would be very difficult for us at least with the information that I have at my fingertips it would be difficult to quantify it really.


  • So how do plan to for your product mix for your DDR? Do you plan to mix more of the

    那麼如何為您的產品組合計劃為您的 DDR 呢?你打算混合更多的

  • .


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • You know in the


  • the initial DR standards and we will migrate toward DR standards but certainly not in the immediate time frame.

    最初的 DR 標準,我們將向 DR 標准遷移,但肯定不會在立即的時間範圍內。

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question comes from


  • of

  • . Please announce your question.


  • Can you hear me?


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Yep.


  • I notice your current assets and your liabilities took a big pop up there. Is that really....


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • Yeah, this is Mike I didn't make.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • We're having a little bit of confusion on the line. We'll see if we can, I think we heard that question you're talking about current assets took a jump and maybe Bill you would like to answer that.


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • I think what you're mostly seeing is the effects, yes we do have some growth in receivable by way of product movement, increased ASP's, additional volume, not coming through lines raising the tables. But more likely you're seeing the effect of increases in

    我認為您主要看到的是效果,是的,我們確實通過產品移動、增加的 ASP、額外的數量來增加應收賬款,而不是通過增加表格的線路來實現。但你更有可能看到增加的影響

  • accounts we have both growth in deferred tax current assets, and deferred tax liabilities and that's just a function of differing jurisdictions and the operating results in different periods. So there is a gross of backed you're seeing by way of just tax accounts.


  • And that's a couple of hundred thousand dollars, at least?


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • A couple of hundred million.


  • OK yes.


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Correct.


  • With regards to Toshiba, do you have a rough idea when during the quarter that might close?


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • It's hard to predict exactly because we've got to finish showing. We're expecting, I'd say, for it to close this quarter so that's about as good as I can tell you.


  • And whenever it closes obviously that would represent upsides to your current guidance.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Yeah, that's right.


  • Also in regards, can you catalog some depreciation last quarter? Do you have that handy?


  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Depreciation for Q2 was 291 million and we will be rounding about 300 million a quarter for

    第二季度折舊為 2.91 億,我們將在一個季度四捨五入約 3 億

  • going forward. And the cap ex number, well I don't have it at my fingertips, I was thinking it was in the 160 million range. I'll have to follow up with you I missed that.

    往前走。還有上限數字,嗯,我沒有觸手可及,我認為它在 1.6 億範圍內。我必須跟進你,我錯過了。

  • And the last quarter you said your business in the spot market is very thin. Was that true throughout last quarter or do you have a


  • .


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Yeah it was in the twenty percent range for the last quarter. And based on what we've done here in the first three weeks at the current quarter it's


  • less than that. And Bill was pretty accurate there, the number for the cap ex for the quarter is about 150 million. OK next question please.

    少於那個。比爾在那裡非常準確,本季度的上限數字約為 1.5 億。好的,請下一個問題。

  • Operator


  • Thank you. Our next question comes from


  • of

  • . Please post your question.


  • If you could just repeat the average price for the quarter and the end of the quarter and currently.


  • - Vice President of World Wide Sales

    - Vice President of World Wide Sales

  • The average reference point we gave, 128 megs.

    我們給出的平均參考點是 128 兆。

  • - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    - Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Our Q2 was a little bit more than 250.

    我們的第二季度略高於 250。

  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • The current pricing is in the low five dollar area and at the very end of the quarter, if my memory serves me correctly, it was probably in the four 25 to 450 range.

    目前的定價在 5 美元以下,並且在本季度末,如果我沒記錯的話,它可能在 25 到 450 的四個範圍內。

  • Thank you.


  • - President, Chairman and CEO

    - President, Chairman and CEO

  • Yeah Larry thank you for the question. I'd also like to thank everyone else for participating in the call today. If you would please bear with me I need re-page the safe harbor protection language during the course of this call. We may have made forwarding looking statements regarding the company the industry.


  • These particular forward-looking statements and all other statements that may have been made on this call that are not historical facts are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and actual results may differ materially. For information on the important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially just refer to our filing with the SEC including the companies most recent 10-Q and 10-K. Thank you.

    這些特定的前瞻性陳述以及可能在本次電話會議上做出的所有其他非歷史事實的陳述受到許多風險和不確定性的影響,實際結果可能存在重大差異。有關可能導致實際結果出現重大差異的重要因素的信息,請參閱我們向 SEC 提交的文件,包括最近的 10-Q 和 10-K 公司。謝謝你。

  • Operator


  • Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. This concludes this evenings teleconference. You may all disconnect your line at this time and have a wonderful evening.
