Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc (KNX) 2024 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon. My name is John, and I'll be your conference operator today. At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the Knight-Swift Transportation First Quarter 2024 Earnings Call. (Operator Instructions) Speakers from today's call will be Adam Miller, Chief Executive Officer; Andrew Hess, Chief Financial Officer; Brad Stewart, Treasurer and Senior Vice President of Investor Relations. Mr. Miller, the meeting is now yours.

    午安.我叫約翰,今天我將擔任你們的會議操作員。此時此刻,我謹歡迎大家參加 Knight-Swift Transportation 2024 年第一季財報電話會議。 (操作員指示)今天電話會議的發言人將是執行長 Adam Miller;安德魯‧赫斯,財務長; Brad Stewart,財務長兼投資者關係資深副總裁。米勒先生,現在會議由您主持。

  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, John, and good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for joining our first quarter 2024 earnings call. Today, we plan to discuss topics related to the results of the quarter, current market conditions and our earnings guidance. We have slides to accompany this call, which are posted on our investor website. Our call is scheduled to last 1 hour. And following our commentary, we will answer questions related to these topics. In order to get to as many participants as possible, we limit the questions to 1 per participant. If you have a second question, please feel free to get back in the queue, we will answer as many questions as time allows. If were not able to get to your question due to time restrictions, you may call (602) 606-6349.

    謝謝約翰,大家下午好,謝謝您參加我們的 2024 年第一季財報電話會議。今天,我們計劃討論與本季業績、當前市場狀況和我們的獲利指引相關的議題。我們在本次電話會議上附有幻燈片,這些幻燈片發佈在我們的投資者網站上。我們的通話預計為期 1 小時。在我們的評論之後,我們將回答與這些主題相關的問題。為了吸引盡可能多的參與者,我們將每位參與者的問題限制為 1 個。如果您還有第二個問題,請隨時回到隊列中,我們將在時間允許的情況下回答盡可能多的問題。如果由於時間限制無法回答您的問題,您可以致電 (602) 606-6349。

  • Now before we jump into the slides, I want to introduce the 2 gentlemen that will be joining me on the call today for the first time: Andrew Hess and Brad Stewart. Andrew Hess is our newly appointed CFO. Andrew has been with our company for the last 5 years and has served in several financial roles, including the VP of Finance at Knight when he started in 2019, then led our M&A efforts beginning in January of 2021. Andrew played a significant role in closing on the AAA Cooper, MME and U.S. Xpress acquisitions. And just prior to becoming the CFO, Andrew was leading the finance efforts at Swift, along with continued oversight of M&A. So we want to welcome Andrew to the call.

    現在,在我們開始投影片之前,我想介紹一下今天首次參加電話會議的兩位先生:安德魯·赫斯 (Andrew Hess) 和布拉德·斯圖爾特 (Brad Stewart)。安德魯‧赫斯 (Andrew Hess) 是我們新任命的財務長。 Andrew 在過去5 年裡一直在我們公司工作,並擔任過多個財務職務,包括2019 年入職時擔任Knight 的財務副總裁,然後從2021 年1 月開始領導我們的併購工作。中發揮了重要作用收購 AAA Cooper、MME 和 U.S. Xpress。在成為財務長之前,Andrew 負責領導 Swift 的財務工作,並持續監督併購工作。因此,我們歡迎安德魯參加電話會議。

  • And then many of you may be familiar with Brad Stewart as he has been leading our Investor Relations activity for the past year. Brad is our Treasurer and has held various finance leadership roles in the Knight and Swift businesses over the past several years, and Brad has been with the company for 20 years now. I'm excited to welcome both Brad and Andrew to the call.

    你們中的許多人可能熟悉布拉德·斯圖爾特(Brad Stewart),因為他在過去的一年裡一直領導我們的投資者關係活動。 Brad 是我們的財務主管,過去幾年在 Knight 和 Swift 業務中擔任過各種財務領導職務,現在 Brad 在公司工作了 20 年。我很高興歡迎布拉德和安德魯參加電話會議。

  • And with that, I will now turn the call over to Brad.


  • Brad Stewart - Treasurer & Senior VP of IR

    Brad Stewart - Treasurer & Senior VP of IR

  • Thank you, Adam. To begin, I will first refer you to the disclosures on Slide 2 of the presentation and note the following. This conference call and presentation may contain forward-looking statements made by the company that involve risks, assumptions and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Investors are directed to the information contained in Item 1A Risk Factors or Part 1 of the company's annual report on Form 10-K filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for a discussion of the risks that may affect the company's future operating results. Actual results may differ.

    謝謝你,亞當。首先,我將先向您介紹簡報投影片 2 上的揭露內容,並注意以下內容。本次電話會議和演示可能包含公司所做的前瞻性聲明,這些聲明涉及難以預測的風險、假設和不確定性。投資者應參閱公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的 10-K 表格年度報告第 1A 項風險因素或第 1 部分中包含的信息,以討論可能影響公司未來經營業績的風險。實際結果可能有所不同。

  • Now I will turn to our overview on Slide 3. The charts on Slide 3 compare our consolidated first quarter revenue and earnings results on a year-over-year basis. Market conditions in the LTL business continue to be solid, while soft demand and excess capacity persist in the truckload space. Revenue, excluding fuel surcharge, increased 11%, while our adjusted operating income declined by 68.5%. GAAP earnings per diluted share for the first quarter of 2024 was a loss of $0.02, and our adjusted EPS was $0.12.

    現在我將轉向投影片 3 上的概述。零擔業務的市場狀況持續穩健,而整車運輸領域的需求疲軟和產能過剩依然存在。不包括燃油附加費的收入增加了 11%,而調整後的營業收入下降了 68.5%。 2024 年第一季的 GAAP 攤薄每股收益為虧損 0.02 美元,調整後每股收益為 0.12 美元。

  • These results include a $19.5 million operating loss in our third-party insurance business with ceased operations at the end of the quarter. The insurance loss negatively impacted our GAAP and adjusted EPS by $0.08. Excluding the loss on the insurance business, our adjusted EPS would have been $0.20. Our results were also negatively impacted on a year-over-year basis by an $18 million increase in net interest expense or approximately $0.08 per share.

    這些業績包括我們第三方保險業務的 1,950 萬美元營運虧損,該業務於本季末停止營運。保險損失對我們的 GAAP 和調整後每股收益產生了 0.08 美元的負面影響。不包括保險業務的損失,我們調整後的每股收益將為 0.20 美元。我們的業績也受到淨利息支出年增 1,800 萬美元或每股約 0.08 美元的負面影響。

  • Now on to the next slide. Slide 4 illustrates the revenue and adjusted operating income for each of our segments. In general, the LTL segment continues to experience a much more supportive market than the Truckload, Logistics and Intermodal segments do. The first quarter saw greater than average winter weather disruption, which negatively impacted all of our operating segments. In addition, the pricing and demand environment has proven more challenging than we anticipated for all of our LTL business in the first quarter.

    現在轉到下一張投影片。投影片 4 說明了我們每個部門的收入和調整後的營業收入。總體而言,零擔運輸領域持續經歷比卡車裝載、物流和多式聯運領域更具支持性的市場。第一季的冬季天氣破壞程度高於平均水平,這對我們所有的營運部門產生了負面影響。此外,事實證明,定價和需求環境比我們第一季所有零擔業務的預期更具挑戰性。

  • The combination of the weather disruption, more challenging bid environment and ongoing cost inflation weighed on operating results across our businesses during the quarter. U.S. Xpress continues to make progress on cost and contractual pricing in the Truckload business. And the U.S. Xpress Logistics business continues to close the gap, performing in line with our legacy logistics business on gross margin and operating margin for the quarter.

    天氣幹擾、更具挑戰性的投標環境以及持續的成本通膨共同影響了我們本季各業務的營運表現。 U.S. Xpress 在卡車裝載業務的成本和合約定價方面繼續取得進展。 U.S. Xpress Logistics 業務持續縮小差距,本季的毛利率和營業利潤率與我們的傳統物流業務表現一致。

  • Now on to Slide 5. For the Truckload segment, we did see some recovery following the January weather disruption as well as some seasonal improvement in March, but neither was enough to overcome the negative impact to volumes and operating costs from the poor start to the quarter. Loose capacity continues to plague the truckload market, preventing the ability to recover ongoing cost inflation or attain appropriate utilization levels on our equipment.

    Now on to Slide 5. For the Truckload segment, we did see some recovery following the January weather disruption as well as some seasonal improvement in March, but neither was enough to overcome the negative impact to volumes and operating costs from the poor start to the四分之一.產能過剩持續困擾卡車市場,阻礙我們恢復持續的成本上漲或達到適當的設備利用率水準。

  • Combined Truckload revenue per loaded mile was down 2.5% sequentially, though our contract rates are largely stable thus far in 2024. The early part of the bid season led to greater-than-expected pressure on freight rates as some shippers are still trying to push rates down further. In some cases, we have lost contractual volumes because we were not willing to commit to further concessions on what we view as unsustainable contractual rates. This resulted in more of our capacity being allocated to the spot market, which creates further pressure on revenue per mile and utilization in the near term, but positions capacity to react to changes in the market when the market does inflect.

    儘管我們的合約費率在 2024 年迄今基本穩定,但每裝載英里的卡車裝載收入合計下降了 2.5%。在某些情況下,我們失去了合約量,因為我們不願意就我們認為不可持續的合約價格做出進一步讓步。這導致我們更多的運能被分配到現貨市場,這對短期內的每英里收入和利用率造成了進一步的壓力,但在市場確實發生變化時,我們有能力對市場的變化做出反應。

  • U.S. Xpress made further progress on costs and contractual rates through bids, which allowed this business to overcome the weather disruption and some dedicated business losses to stay largely flat on operating ratio from the fourth quarter. On a year-over-year basis, our Truckload revenue, excluding fuel surcharge, increased 26%, reflecting an 11% decline in the legacy Truckload business prior to the inclusion of U.S. Xpress.

    U.S. Xpress 透過投標在成本和合約費率方面取得了進一步進展,這使得該業務克服了天氣影響和一些專門業務的損失,與第四季度相比營運比率基本持平。與去年同期相比,我們的卡車裝載收入(不含燃油附加費)增加了 26%,反映出在納入 U.S. Xpress 之前傳統卡車裝載業務下降了 11%。

  • Revenue per loaded mile fell 10% year-over-year or 9% before including U.S. Xpress. Miles per tractor increased 8% overall or 6% before the inclusion of U.S. Xpress, largely driven by our earlier decision to reduce the number of unseated tractors in our legacy businesses in order to reduce cost. We have been intentionally trimming our tractor and trailer fleets over the past few quarters in order to improve our cost structure through the down cycle, but without cutting so far as to sacrifice our ability to flex when the market does improve.

    每裝載英里的收入年減 10%,不包括 U.S. Xpress 則下降 9%。每台拖拉機的行駛里程總體增加了 8%,在納入 U.S. Xpress 之前增加了 6%,這主要是由於我們之前決定減少傳統業務中未停座拖拉機的數量以降低成本。在過去的幾個季度中,我們一直在有意削減我們的拖拉機和拖車車隊,以便在下行週期中改善我們的成本結構,但不會削減太多以至於犧牲我們在市場確實改善時靈活應變的能力。

  • Now I'll turn the call over to Andrew to discuss our LTL business on Slide 6.

    現在我將把電話轉給 Andrew,討論幻燈片 6 上我們的零擔業務。

  • Andrew Hess - CFO

    Andrew Hess - CFO

  • Thanks, Brad. The benefits of our diversification continue to stand out as market conditions in the LTL industry remain much more supportive than in Truckload. Our LTL business grew revenue, excluding fuel charge, nearly 13% year-over-year. Our shipments per day increased 6%. And revenue per hundredweight, excluding fuel surcharge, increased 3% year-over-year.

    謝謝,布拉德。由於零擔產業的市場狀況仍然比卡車運輸業更有利,我們多元化的優勢持續凸顯。我們的零擔業務收入(不含燃油費)年增近 13%。我們每天的出貨量增加了 6%。每英擔收入(不含燃油附加費)較去年同期成長 3%。

  • With our LTL activities concentrated in regions exposed to the severe weather during the quarter, the disruptions were particularly impactful to our network and operating costs for our LTL segment. In addition, maintenance and labor costs were higher than normal as we stretched to cover growing volumes and extend our reach into new facilities. We anticipate these costs should normalize as we scale volumes and staffing while growing revenue in new locations.


  • The cost pressures contributed to a 90% adjusted operating ratio for the quarter and adjusted operating income declining by over 20% year-over-year. While this margin level is not up to our expectations or recent performance, it did improve in each month of the quarter after bottoming in January and continues to progress thus far, and we're on track with our expectations to be back online for the second quarter.

    成本壓力導致本季調整後營業比率達90%,調整後營業收入較去年同期下降超過20%。 While this margin level is not up to our expectations or recent performance, it did improve in each month of the quarter after bottoming in January and continues to progress thus far, and we're on track with our expectations to be back online for the second四分之一.

  • After being impacted by weather disruptions in January, volumes recovered well as average shipments per day in February increased nearly 7% over January and held steady into March. Since acquiring AAA Cooper and MME in 2021, we have acquired or assumed the leases on 56 additional properties. We have brought 14 locations online prior to 2024, and we opened 7 more during the first quarter. We expect to open another 25 terminals by the end of 2024.

    受到 1 月份天氣幹擾的影響後,2 月份的日均發貨量較 1 月份增長近 7%,並在 3 月份保持穩定。自 2021 年收購 AAA Cooper 和 MME 以來,我們已收購或承接了另外 56 處房產的租賃。 2024 年之前,我們已開設 14 家門市,並在第一季又開設了 7 家。我們預計到 2024 年底將再開設 25 個航站樓。

  • Overall, the 32 locations planned to open in 2024 will represent a 16% increase to our door count from the end of 2023, meaningfully impacting the reach of our service offering and increasing the density of our network. Filling out a super regional network in the short term and ultimately creating a national network, will allow us to participate in more freight and enable us to find opportunities to further support our existing truckload customers with LTL capacity.

    總體而言,計劃於 2024 年開設的 32 個營業點將使我們的門數比 2023 年底增加 16%,這對我們的服務範圍產生重大影響並增加我們的網路密度。 在短期內完善一個超級區域網絡並最終創建一個全國性網絡,將使我們能夠參與更多的貨運業務,並使我們能夠找到機會進一步支持我們現有的整車零擔運力客戶。

  • Acting on organic and inorganic opportunities to geographically expand our footprint within the LTL market remains a key strategic priority for us. Now on to Slide 7. Logistics market continues to be a challenge as many brokers have struggled to find enough volume and margins, and margins have been compressed while purchased transportation rates offered little room for relief. Being an asset-based logistics provider allows us to provide our customers seamless service, regardless if it is on our own assets or one of our partner carriers.

    抓住有機和無機機會,在地理上擴大我們在零擔市場的足跡仍然是我們的關鍵策略重點。現在轉到幻燈片 7。作為一家以資產為基礎的物流提供者,我們能夠為客戶提供無縫服務,無論是我們自己的資產還是我們合作夥伴承運商的資產。

  • This allows us to provide both committed and search capacity and drop-and-hook trailer pool service at scale. Because of this, our Logistics business remains profitable, though margins were squeezed by the weather-induced capacity crunch in January and by our decision to divert loads to the asset division to help offset losses of contractual business through bid activity. Overall revenue was down 7% year-over-year as revenue per load improved 2% and load count declined 10%.

    這使我們能夠大規模提供承諾和搜索能力以及拖車池服務。因此,我們的物流業務仍然保持盈利,儘管利潤率因一月份天氣導致的運力緊縮以及我們決定將負載轉移到資產部門以幫助通過投標活動抵消合約業務的損失而受到擠壓。整體收入年減 7%,每次負載收入提高 2%,負載計數下降 10%。

  • The U.S. Xpress Logistics business continues to make progress and performed in line with our legacy logistics businesses on gross margin and operating margin for the quarter. Now moving to Slide 8. In our Intermodal business, revenue decreased 20% year-over-year, driven by a 19% decrease in revenue per load and a nearly 2% decrease in load count. The decline in project revenue from the prior year largely drove the decline in revenue per load and negatively impacted the adjusted operating ratio, which was largely in line with the fourth quarter.

    U.S. Xpress Logistics 業務持續取得進展,本季的毛利率和營業利潤率與我們的傳統物流業務保持一致。現在轉到投影片 8。專案收入較上年下降在很大程度上推動了每負荷收入的下降,並對調整後的營運比率產生了負面影響,該比率與第四季度基本一致。

  • Load count declined 4% sequentially, which is better than the typical seasonal progression coming out of the fourth quarter, and we anticipate sequential volume growth into the second quarter based on progress thus far in bid season. And moving to Slide 9. Slide 9 illustrates our All Other segments formerly referred to as our nonreportable segments. This category includes support services provided to our customers, independent contractors and third-party carriers, such as insurance, maintenance, equipment sales and rentals, equipment leasing and warehousing activities.

    負載量環比下降 4%,這比第四季度的典型季節性進展要好,而且我們根據競標季迄今的進展預計第二季度的環比量將增長。現在轉到投影片 9。此類別包括向我們的客戶、獨立承包商和第三方承運商提供的支援服務,例如保險、維護、設備銷售和租賃、設備租賃和倉儲活動。

  • For the quarter, revenue declined 40% year-over-year, largely as a result of winding down our third-party insurance business, which ceased operations at the end of the quarter. The $20 million operating loss within All Other segments is primarily driven by the $19.5 million our operating loss in the third-party insurance business as well as $8.2 million of severance, legal, accrual and impairment charges recorded during the quarter within this category.

    本季營收年減 40%,主要原因是我們的第三方保險業務在本季末停止營運。所有其他部門內2000 萬美元的營運虧損主要是由第三方保險業務1950 萬美元的營運虧損以及本季度該類別中記錄的820 萬美元的遣散費、法律費、應計費用和減值費用造成的。

  • In order to further reduce the risk of ongoing income statement volatility from potential adverse development of the claims of the third-party insurance program, we executed a transaction during the quarter to transfer the majority of the risk to another insurance company. The cost of this transaction are included in the operating loss of the insurance business for the quarter. Now I will turn the call over to Adam for Slide 10.

    為了進一步降低因第三方保險計劃索賠的潛在不利發展而導致損益表持續波動的風險,我們在本季度執行了一項交易,將大部分風險轉移給另一家保險公司。此交易的成本計入本季保險業務的營運虧損。現在我將把幻燈片 10 的電話轉給 Adam。

  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • All right. Thank you, Andrew. Over the next few slides, we plan to talk through our structure as a company and how we are positioned to navigate the cyclical freight environment, the strategic intent each of our businesses are measured against and the ability of our model to generate profits and cash flows and how we manage that capital to drive long-term value for our stakeholders.


  • We will start with our Truckload segment on Slide 10. It's no secret that we are in one of the deepest freight recessions the truckload industry has ever felt. And it comes during a time when the rest of the economy is performing well such that cost inflation continues to be a challenge, labor is staying tight and interest rates are up significantly. This has resulted in both significant pricing and cost pressures and has led to razor-thin margins and even losses for some of the best run companies in our industry.

    我們將從幻燈片 10 上的卡車裝載部分開始。同時,其他經濟部門表現良好,成本通膨仍然是一個挑戰,勞動力持續緊張,利率大幅上升。這導致了巨大的定價和成本壓力,並導致我們行業中一些營運最好的公司利潤微薄,甚至虧損。

  • This environment, however, comes on the heels of one of the best market our industry has ever seen, where many experienced record earnings and margins. It's clear that the highs during the pandemic have led to the lows in the current environment. As a cyclical industry, we are accustomed to changes in the market. We have never seen these streams we are currently experiencing. When we compare our margin performance during this current cycle to previous cycles, we have found that while the current cycle highs were much higher and the low is much lower, our average margin over this cycle has been very similar to what we have typically achieved.


  • Given that, we are at the lowest levels of operating performance our business may have ever seen. We believe we are positioned to benefit from significant operating leverage as business conditions improve. While we can't change the timing of any change in market dynamics, we believe we have positioned our business to endure a difficult market and to be prepared to rapidly improve margins and cash flow when we begin to experience an inflection in the market similar to our performance in previous cycles.


  • We have a unique position in our Truckload segment as compared to peers. We have several large brands between Knight, Swift and U.S. Xpress and several other smaller brands that provide us a view of the markets on a daily basis. We're able to read what is happening to supply and demand in each market and to determine if changes are a result of market trends or specific changes to the network of one of our brands.

    與同行相比,我們在卡車裝載領域擁有獨特的地位。我們擁有 Knight、Swift 和 U.S. Xpress 等幾個大品牌,以及其他幾個較小的品牌,這些品牌讓我們每天都能了解市場狀況。我們能夠了解每個市場的供需情況,並確定變化是否為市場趨勢或我們某個品牌網絡的特定變化的結果。

  • We believe this provides insight to shifts to the market before most of the industry has visibility. We can leverage technology and automation to connect to customers and find solutions, leveraging all of our brands. We have scale that enables us to solve large problems quickly and at a high level of service. We have maintained the majority of our truckload capacity in one way over the road service, which becomes very valuable to our customers in a favorable freight market.


  • We intentionally managed our contractual versus spot exposure through different phases in the cycle in order to create value for customers and for our business. Although we have areas where we can further improve costs, we maintain a culture of cost discipline throughout cycles, which allows us to reach levels of industry-leading margins in both good and difficult markets.


  • Now that we have acquired U.S. Xpress and have had time to establish the right rigors around cost and revenue management, we believe this business is positioned to perform at levels significantly better than legacy U.S. Xpress, and we expect to close the margin gap within our legacy Knight and Swift fleets when we have a more favorable market. As margins improve, we generate significant amounts of free cash flow that enable us to invest in organic growth, M&A and other high-return investment opportunities across our segments.

    現在我們已經收購了 U.S. Xpress,並且有時間圍繞成本和收入管理建立正確的嚴格要求,我們相信該業務的表現水平明顯優於傳統的 U.S. Xpress,並且我們預計將縮小我們傳統業務中的利潤差距當我們有更有利的市場時,騎士和史威夫特艦隊。隨著利潤率的提高,我們產生了大量的自由現金流,使我們能夠投資於各部門的有機成長、併購和其他高回報投資機會。

  • Now if we turn to Slide 11. The significant free cash flow generated by our Truckload business allowed us to make a meaningful investment in the LTL market in 2021 without meaningfully increasing leverage. We purchased AAA Cooper and MME and have converted them to one platform, providing seamless service from the Southeast through the Northwest. We further identified opportunities to put capital to work to invest in 56 additional terminals to expand our footprint towards building out a nationwide network.

    現在,如果我們轉向幻燈片 11。我們收購了 AAA Cooper 和 MME,並將它們轉變為一個平台,提供從東南到西北的無縫服務。我們進一步確定了投資機會,投資另外 56 個航站樓,以擴大我們的足跡,打造全國性的網路。

  • We plan to continue down the path of organic growth, but also maintain a desire to acquire LTL companies that will provide a foothold in the Southwest and Northeast regions. Our goal over the medium term is to achieve a nationwide network with $2 billion in annual revenue. We believe developing this network will provide access to more freight opportunities with existing and new customers, which should lead to improved margins and create additional synergies with our nationwide truckload network.

    我們計劃繼續沿著有機成長的道路前進,但也仍希望收購能夠在西南部和東北地區立足的零擔公司。我們的中期目標是建立一個年收入達 20 億美元的全國性網路。我們相信,發展該網路將為現有和新客戶提供更多貨運機會,從而提高利潤並與我們的全國卡車運輸網路產生額外的協同效應。

  • A nationwide LTL network will also provide a larger base of more stable income that should reduce the earnings volatilities of the company that come with the cyclical nature of the Truckload segment. We also believe that in the next up cycle, we will grow our Logistics business at a rapid pace as it complements our Truckload business and provides differentiated value through our scalable power-only solutions.


  • And lastly, in our Intermodal business, we continue to build a diverse customer base while developing strategic partnerships with our rail partners in the West, East and in Mexico. We believe we can build this business back to profitability while offering our customers a sustainable alternative that complements our truckload services. Performing in these 3 segments, coupled with our Truckload business returning to historical margins, we will lead to both significantly improved earnings and cash flow.


  • Now on to Slide 12. We outlined how our path to generate strong cash flow from the previous slides, combined with our prudent capital structure and disciplined capital allocation strategy to drive long-term value. We have always valued a strong balance sheet to provide us flexibility in a cyclical industry. We are also mindful of optimizing our weighted average cost of capital. We target what we believe is our optimal leverage position of 1 to 1.5x of EBITDA.

    現在轉到投影片 12。我們概述瞭如何從先前的幻燈片中產生強勁現金流,並結合我們審慎的資本結構和嚴格的資本配置策略來推動長期價值。我們始終重視強大的資產負債表,以便為我們在週期性行業中提供靈活性。我們也注重優化加權平均資本成本。我們的目標是我們認為最佳的槓桿部位為 EBITDA 的 1 至 1.5 倍。

  • As we execute on M&A, this leverage can flex up, such as when we acquired AAA Cooper in 2021 or U.S. Xpress in 2023. And then we used free cash flow to reduce leverage back to this level to preserve flexibility for navigating cycles and pursuing additional opportunities. We will also prioritize investing in organic growth of our businesses where we believe we can generate double-digit returns throughout cycles.

    當我們執行併購時,這種槓桿率可能會上升,例如當我們在2021 年收購AAA Cooper 或在2023 年收購U.S. Xpress 時。導航週期和追求額外目標的靈活性。我們還將優先投資於我們業務的有機成長,我們相信我們可以在整個週期中產生兩位數的回報。

  • Organic LTL expansion is our near-term focus. But as the truckload market improves, we are willing to invest in additional capacity in terminals where we believe we can successfully grow. At Knight-Swift, we have had several successful large acquisitions, and we remain opportunistic with acting on M&A opportunities that drive value for our organization. Currently, our priority is building out our LTL network.

    有機零擔擴張是我們近期的重點。但隨著卡車裝載市場的改善,我們願意投資於我們相信能夠成功成長的碼頭的額外容量。在 Knight-Swift,我們已經進行了多次成功的大型收購,並且我們仍然會抓住機會,抓住為我們的組織帶來價值的併購機會。目前,我們的首要任務是建立我們的零擔網絡。

  • As we strengthen our balance sheet, improve the margins of our core businesses and generate additional free cash flow, we will remain open to additional types of M&A outside of LTL. We also remain committed to reviewing our dividend policy on a regular basis and have increased our quarterly dividend $0.02 per share for 5 consecutive years now. A flexible balance sheet also gives us the ability to opportunistically repurchase our shares when we believe it is the best return option for our free cash flow.

    隨著我們加強資產負債表、提高核心業務的利潤率並產生額外的自由現金流,我們將繼續對零擔運輸以外的其他類型的併購持開放態度。我們也繼續致力於定期審查我們的股息政策,並已連續 5 年將季度股息提高到每股 0.02 美元。當我們認為這是我們自由現金流的最佳回報選擇時,靈活的資產負債表也使我們能夠機會主義地回購我們的股票。

  • In summary, we are compelled by the outsized runway ahead of us for improving earnings of both our legacy and newly acquired businesses, driving significant free cash flow through cycles and leveraging a disciplined approach to deploying capital to further increase the capital generating power of our company through successive cycles.


  • Now on to our last Slide 13 for our earnings guidance. We have outlined in great detail our key assumptions to our guidance in this slide, which are also stated in the earnings release. I won't plan to read through them all because the timing of the inflection has proven especially difficult to predict during this cycle, we are not incorporating an inflection in market conditions for the purposes of these forecasts but rather are basing these ranges on expected seasonality and a continuation of existing market conditions, similar to what we've felt in March and April thus far.

    現在來看最後一張投影片 13,了解我們的獲利指引。我們在這張投影片中詳細概述了我們對指導的關鍵假設,這些假設也在收益發布中得到了說明。我不打算通讀所有內容,因為事實證明,在這個週期中,拐點的時間特別難以預測,我們不會出於這些預測的目的而將市場條件的拐點納入其中,而是將這些範圍基於預期的季節性以及現有市場狀況的延續,與我們迄今為止在三月和四月的感受類似。

  • Based on these assumptions, we expect our adjusted EPS for the second quarter will be in the range of $0.26 to $0.30 and our adjusted EPS for the third quarter will be in the range of $0.31 to $0.35. Our expected adjusted EPS ranges are based on the current Truckload, LTL and general market conditions, recent trends and the current beliefs, assumptions and expectations of management, and actual results may differ.

    基於這些假設,我們預計第二季調整後每股盈餘將在 0.26 美元至 0.30 美元之間,第三季調整後每股盈餘將在 0.31 美元至 0.35 美元之間。 我們預期的調整後每股收益範圍是基於當前的卡車裝載量、零擔和一般市場狀況、近期趨勢以及管理層當前的信念、假設和期望,實際結果可能有所不同。

  • Now that concludes our prepared remarks. And before I turn it over for questions, I just want to remind everyone to keep it to one question per participant. And John, we can now open the line for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Your first question comes from the line of Ravi Shanker from Morgan Stanley.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Ravi Shanker。

  • Ravi Shanker - Executive Director

    Ravi Shanker - Executive Director

  • Congratulations to Adam, Andrew and Brad on your respective new positions. Adam, your commentary on the average margins being in line with kind of historical levels was interesting. Do you think that's a good benchmark for how we think about normalized mid-cycle margins in the next cycle and beyond that? And the same thing for EPS as well, obviously (inaudible) U.S. Xpress? Or how do you think of what normalized earnings look like?

    恭喜 Adam、Andrew 和 Brad 就任各自的新職位。亞當,您對平均利潤率與歷史水平相符的評論很有趣。您認為這對於我們如何看待下一個週期及之後的周期中期利潤率正常化來說是一個很好的基準嗎? EPS 也是如此,顯然(聽不清楚)U.S. Xpress?或者您如何看待標準化收益?

  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Yes, I think that's a great question, Ravi. And I think that's a good goalpost to use in terms of just trying to gauge what the performance will be across the next cycle. I do believe that we probably don't see the same highs as we saw in the COVID cycle or the pandemic and certainly hoping not the lows that we are currently experiencing right now. I do feel like it won't take long for the U.S. Xpress business to begin to align their performance with Knight and Swift. It may not be right in the first up cycle, but maybe the second one might be when we close that gap, but I think we will make some progress here in the first up cycle.

    是的,我認為這是一個很好的問題,拉維。我認為這是一個很好的目標,可以用來衡量下一個週期的表現。我確實相信,我們可能不會看到新冠週期或大流行中看到的高點,當然也希望不會出現我們目前正在經歷的低點。我確實覺得,用不了多久,U.S. Xpress 業務就會開始與 Knight 和 Swift 的表現保持一致。在第一個上升週期中可能不正確,但當我們縮小差距時,第二個上升週期可能是正確的,但我認為我們將在第一個上升週期中取得一些進展。

  • I think we would also want to look at the performance of our LTL business when you think about earnings potential because we do believe that will continue to scale, and we've laid out the expectation of getting to $2 billion in the midterm here. And again, that may be another a cycle or 2 before we get there depending on how quickly we can move on M&A targets. And certainly, there's opportunity to improve the margin in that business. I think we're targeting now a mid-80s operating ratio, but there are certainly other companies out there performing much better than that and having a nationwide network, and it gives us the opportunity to expand those margins.

    我認為,當你考慮獲利潛力時,我們也想看看零擔業務的表現,因為我們確實相信零擔業務將繼續擴大規模,並且我們已經在此提出了中期達到 20 億美元的預期。再說一遍,在我們到達那裡之前,這可能還需要一個或兩個週期,這取決於我們實現併購目標的速度。當然,該業務還有機會提高利潤率。我認為我們現在的目標是 80 年代中期的營運比率,但肯定還有其他公司的表現比這要好得多,並且擁有全國性的網絡,這使我們有機會擴大這些利潤。

  • And I do believe in the next up cycle, Intermodal should perform better as we kind of reset how we're building up that business with a diverse portfolio of customers. And really Logistics with layering on U.S. Xpress Logistics with the Knight-Swift Logistics and the capabilities we have (inaudible) I tink there's more potential in that segment as well. But when I look at Truckload, I think that's probably a good gauge of what that kind of mid-cycle margin may be.

    我確實相信,在下一個上升週期中,多式聯運應該會表現得更好,因為我們重新調整了與多元化客戶組合建立業務的方式。真正的物流是在 U.S. Xpress Logistics 和 Knight-Swift Logistics 的基礎上進行的,以及我們擁有的能力(聽不清楚),我認為該領域也有更大的潛力。但當我觀察卡車裝載量時,我認為這可能是衡量週期中期利潤率的一個很好的指標。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Tom Wadewitz from UBS.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞銀集團 (UBS) 的湯姆·瓦德維茨 (Tom Wadewitz)。

  • Thomas Richard Wadewitz - MD and Senior Analyst

    Thomas Richard Wadewitz - MD and Senior Analyst

  • I appreciate the perspective on kind of how to think about cycles. I wanted to see if you could offer some thoughts on, I guess, in the prior 2 cycles, it seems like the amplitude of the step-up in rates has been even bigger in 2018 with ELD and then obviously, COVID, pretty unusual a big step-up. Do you think that -- I mean, I guess it's hard to know ahead of time, but do you think that the likely outcome is to find another catalyst that gives you a big step-up? Because -- or do you think its base case should be that it kind of ends up being like a slow grind-up?

    我很欣賞關於如何思考週期的觀點。我想看看你是否可以提供一些想法,我想,在前兩個週期中,2018 年 ELD 的利率上升幅度似乎更大,然後顯然,新冠肺炎,非常不尋常。你是否認為——我的意思是,我想很難提前知道,但你是否認為可能的結果是找到另一個催化劑,讓你取得重大進步?因為——或者你認為它的基本情況應該是它最終會像一場緩慢的磨合?

  • And I guess the reason I ask is because we just -- as you point out, it's kind of a lower base. And so you think about getting to that mid-cycle margin, it seems like reasonably you get back to that, but it also seems like maybe that takes a long time to get to. So I don't know, my crystal ball is not so clear right now, Adam. So I was wondering if you could offer some more perspective on kind of how we get to that mid-cycle?


  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Yes. I don't know that my crystal ball is any better than yours, Tom. When I think about the last few cycles, I think they've all had a unique catalyst that have kind of kicked them off. I think of 2013, early '14, we've been in a long period of kind of pressure on the carrier, and it was somewhat of a severe weather event to kind of kick that off and all of a sudden, it was tough to find a truck. And I think the capacity that had been coming out of the market finally caught up with where demand was. And that led to, I think, very healthy rate increases and very strong margins.

    是的。我不知道我的水晶球比你的好,湯姆。當我思考過去的幾個週期時,我認為它們都有一種獨特的催化劑,可以推動它們的發展。我想到 2013 年,14 年初,我們的航空公司在很長一段時間內都承受著某種壓力,這是一場惡劣的天氣事件,突然間,我們很難找到一輛卡車。我認為市場上的產能最終趕上了需求。我認為,這導致了非常健康的利率成長和非常強勁的利潤率。

  • And then as you referenced in late '17, that was right when we closed the Knight and Swift merger, we saw the market take off, and I think that was attributed largely to the ELD mandate. And then obviously, we had COVID, that kicked off huge demand. So it's hard to know what's going to be the catalyst here. Clearly, we see capacity coming out of the market when we kind of track what the changes in DOT authorities and then we hear about the kind of anecdotal failures of companies that have been in business for a long period of time and just can't make it through the market dynamics today.

    然後,正如您在 17 年末提到的那樣,就在我們完成 Knight 和 Swift 合併時,我們看到了市場的起飛,我認為這很大程度上歸功於 ELD 的授權。顯然,我們爆發了新冠肺炎疫情,引發了巨大的需求。所以很難知道什麼會成為這裡的催化劑。顯然,當我們追蹤交通部當局的變化時,我們會看到市場上的產能正在流失,然後我們會聽到一些已經經營了很長一段時間但無法生產的公司的軼事失敗。動態。

  • It's hard to know when that's going to finally be enough to balance out where the demand side is. I think it's going to be a combination of probably demand beginning to improve as customers are no longer destocking and are now replenishing inventories one for one. And eventually, they'll go -- they'll have a greater focus on top line sales, and that inventory may grow a bit while you have demand falling. And what we know is this industry rarely stays in balance at any point in time, it's just like an object in motion stays in motion, and that will most likely kick off an opportunity to raise rates.


  • To what degree? I don't know, Tom. It's really hard to try to estimate what that could be. We may find ourselves in a spot where there's maybe a little more progress to be made on the cost side because that just has not been available in this freight recession because you just haven't had some of the other overall economic challenges that typically lead to relief on the cost side. So I think when you get back to margins, it won't all be rates. I think that will be obviously a large portion of it, but I think there's some cost help that I think our industry really needs here to get back to those historic margins.


  • But what we do know is it will happen. It's just a matter of when. And right now, it's been really hard to predict when that could be. And so our strategy is, let's just not -- let's not try to make that prediction. Let's try to grind out better margins in all of our segments and control what we can control and position ourselves that when it does turn, we'll move quicker than anyone in the space. I don't know Andrew, did you have something to add?


  • Andrew Hess - CFO

    Andrew Hess - CFO

  • Maybe just add a couple of thoughts to what Adam shared, which I agree with. So yes, we're deeper than we've ever been. But I would say our operating leverage is higher than it's ever been for. If we truly look at, obviously, rates have been incredibly impactful in terms of getting to the position we're at right now on margins, but volume has also been equally impactful. So as we really look at our variable costs, we're performing kind of in line with where we've been in the past.

    也許只需在 Adam 分享的內容中添加一些想法,我對此表示同意。所以,是的,我們比以往任何時候都更深。但我想說,我們的營運槓桿比以往任何時候都高。如果我們真正觀察的話,顯然,利率對於我們達到目前的利潤率水準有著令人難以置信的影響,但交易量也同樣具有影響力。因此,當我們真正審視我們的可變成本時,我們的表現與過去的情況一致。

  • In a significant way, there's a fixed cost absorption play here, which means with volume, our costs are going to grow slower on the ramp back up. So that leverage is going to see that curve move quickly north as well as it's gone down because of that lost volume. So as we've kind of modeled that, it gives us some encouragement that the path back could be maybe a little faster than you think if we can get volume and rate working together.


  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Yes. It's just rare that you ever see the market move linearly. It's always a pretty rapid change, and we've seen it on the up and the down. So -- but we're watching all the signs, Tom. And again, we'll move quickly when we see any of those changes occur.


  • Thomas Richard Wadewitz - MD and Senior Analyst

    Thomas Richard Wadewitz - MD and Senior Analyst

  • It's a good point to consider the volume lever and utilization as well as the price. So yes, thank you for that point as well, Andrew.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Amit Mehrotra from Deutsche Bank.

    您的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Amit Mehrotra。

  • Amit Singh Mehrotra - Director and Senior Research Analyst

    Amit Singh Mehrotra - Director and Senior Research Analyst

  • I think there was some maybe small signs of life as we progress through the end of March, but it was obviously uncertain that was the timing around when Easter fell or was it something real? Can you just maybe give us an update on that in terms of if you saw any of that actually carry over into April? And Adam, I think like I assume one of the reasons for the depths of the decline is because you aren't signing up for contracts and you're participating probably more so in company load boards than you have in the past.


  • And so that obviously has an implication for what the pivot could be. And if you could just talk about the concentration in the spot market and the company load boards today relative to what it is in history and maybe what that means for your ability to participate if the spot market gives you anything to participate with?


  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Okay. I'll answer your three questions in one, Amit, that works. And that was, I think, the best pronouncement of your name, so credit to the operator there. So yes, in March, and I think we've talked about this, I think, in our preannouncement, I believe, with some of the analysts. We did see a little bit of seasonality going to the quarter end. And it's really the first time that we've really seen a change in volume and a few projects here or there in certain markets that first we've seen that at the quarter end in quite some time. That was short-lived and it's really a few weeks and then you hit April. And you usually -- and you have a little bit of a lull in April as you get through quarter end, especially as you mentioned, it was aligned with Easter.


  • And so that's normal. But we are seeing some of those -- some of that volume come back. Now has it led to premium pricing, but it has led to additional volume. And so I think there is some encouragement there. And I think the read-through there is that there's not as much slack in the supply chain as there once was. And we're getting closer to a balance of supply and demand when we see just a little bit of an uptick and demand start to eat up capacity in certain markets. And again, we watch that very closely between all of our different brands and what happens in each individual market, and we can see shifts.


  • And sometimes those are weekly, sometimes those are daily. But clearly, there are some markets that have firmed up when you see some seasonal lift. And we'll pay attention closely here as you get into the middle of May when the weather heats up. And as a country, we're moving and consuming a lot more beverage and you have (inaudible) heating up, that's when we'd expect to see some of that same seasonality pick up. And I think that again will be very telling of where the dynamic is between supply and demand.


  • And so in the near term, we've gone through the bids or the early part of the bids. We're probably about 40% implemented on new pricing of our freight network, probably have been in some level of negotiation of about 75%. And there's been some puts and takes, and there's some where we've been able to get some rate increases to support the capacity we have and others where maybe we were starting at a more premium rate where we gave a little bit and others where we were flat. But there's just some places we just were not willing or not able to go where our customer want to take us.

    因此,在短期內,我們已經完成了投標或投標的早期部分。我們的貨運網絡的新定價可能已經實施了大約 40%,大約 75% 可能已經處於某種程度的談判中。有一些看跌期權和看跌期權,有些地方我們已經能夠提高一些費率來支持我們擁有的產能,而另一些地方我們可能會以更高的費率開始,我們給予了一點點,而另一些地方我們可能會以更高的費率開始。但有些地方我們只是不願意或無法去客戶想要帶我們去的地方。

  • And we just weren't -- we couldn't commit to rates that weren't sustainable. And there's this dynamic right now where the public -- the large public carriers who (inaudible) return for their shareholders, who have some type of return expectations are limited on what they can do with rate where you have smaller private companies who right now are just trying to keep the doors open and hopes that they can survive to when there's a market inflection and they can make up some of the losses that they've taken on. And that gap is maybe a little bit wider than we've seen in quite some time.


  • And so we get -- our customers have a responsibility to manage their budget and their costs just like we have a responsibility to return to our business. And so there's just places where we just decide that maybe it's not a good fit. And we'll work and be nimble and try to find other opportunities to support our network. Some of that may be on customer load boards. Some of that may be just winning in bids with other customers. And so where we have some gaps that have been created in our network, we still have -- have many bids that we can work through to try to fill those.


  • So it's a pretty dynamic and fluid process as you work through the bid season. I think another one positive sign -- and again, it's just a very early sign is as we've seen some of these bids go live and implement, there's been a churn bid that comes to us, and we have an opportunity to maybe pick up some freight that wasn't awarded to us because of a failure of some sort of a carrier or a rejection of the award because of where the pricing is. And that gives us an opportunity to continue to repair our network.

    因此,在投標季節期間,這是一個非常動態和流暢的過程。我認為另一個積極的跡象 - 再說一遍,這只是一個非常早期的跡象,因為我們已經看到其中一些出價已上線並實施,我們收到了流失的出價,我們有機會也許可以選擇提高一些由於某種承運人的失敗而未授予我們的運費或因定價而拒絕授予的運費。這使我們有機會繼續修復我們的網路。

  • Now it may not be at premium pricing today, but pricing that was closer to what we originally bid on. And so it's just been a real consistent theme, not huge, but I think another data point that would tell us that, that we're getting closer into balance.


  • Andrew Hess - CFO

    Andrew Hess - CFO

  • On the spot exposure complement to that question, we were high single digits late in 2023 and then through the churn on the contractual volume Adam talked about in the bid season. That's pushed up into the low double digits at this point. And depending on how bid season continues to play out, that could creep up further through the rest of the bid season or maybe it levels off here.

    就該問題的現場曝光補充而言,我們在 2023 年末達到了高個位數,然後經歷了亞當在投標季節談到的合約量的流失。此時數字已上升至低兩位數。根據申辦季節的繼續進行,這種情況可能會在申辦季節的剩餘時間內進一步上升,或者可能會在這裡趨於平穩。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Scott Group from Wolfe Research.

    您的下一個問題來自 Wolfe Research 的 Scott Group。

  • Scott H. Group - MD & Senior Analyst

    Scott H. Group - MD & Senior Analyst

  • So I just want to focus on the guidance a little bit. So Q2 higher than Q1 and then Q3 earnings higher than Q2. Some years, Q3 is higher than Q2, but some years worse. So I guess, ultimately, I'm trying to understand here, are you assuming that truckload rates start moving higher in order to get to this guidance? Or is this assuming rates stayed flat? And then on the LTL side, you've got rev per hundredweight up low to mid-teens in Q2, Q3. That's just -- it's a lot of -- those are big increases. And just curious your visibility of that, particularly in Q3 once we start to (inaudible)?

    所以我只想稍微關心一下指導。因此,第二季度的收益高於第一季度,然後第三季度的收益高於第二季度。有些年份,Q3 高於 Q2,但有些年份較差。所以我想,最終,我想在這裡理解,您是否假設卡車裝載率開始走高,以便達到這一指導?還是這是假設利率不變?然後在零擔方面,第二季、第三季每英擔轉速低至十幾歲左右。這只是——很多——這些都是大幅成長。只是好奇您對此的可見度,特別是在我們開始(聽不清楚)的第三季?

  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • All right. Scott, I'm going to have Andrew, he'll kind of dive into some of those questions here.


  • Andrew Hess - CFO

    Andrew Hess - CFO

  • Thank you for the questions. So yes, I think there's a couple of dynamics that need to kind of be clear as we kind of look at the sequential numbers. So Q2 is going to be obviously our strongest quarter from an LTL perspective. It is typically seasonally and it is certainly in our business. So that's generating a significant uplift from Q2 to Q3. But from a rate perspective, we expect some additional rate pressure going from Q1 to Q2, not necessarily in our primary rates. But as we participate in spot rates, it's going to maybe put some additional pressure, not significant, but some downward pressure.


  • And so we're not expecting any -- through either of these periods, any rate uplift at all between quarters. So I would characterize this -- the forecast we have to be capturing what we view as normal seasonality for our business with market conditions as we are experiencing now. So we're expecting some strengthening just seasonally in May and June. And then March will -- Q3 will follow a similar pattern to Q2. So no real strengthening in those numbers lead into Q3.


  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Scott, what I would add is from a rate perspective, I think it's very steady from Q2 to Q3. We don't see a lot of change there. I think some of the margin improvement will be driven more from some of our cost efforts. We're kind of leaning out our trailer fleet right now to get a tighter trailer detractor ratio. We're seeing better utilization on our seated trucks. And so typically, third quarter is one of your better utilization quarters. But I know that sometimes Q2 to Q3, it gets better, it gets worse. We're just thinking just marginally better, really driven by some of our cost initiatives, not expecting the market to really drive that change.

    史考特,我要補充的是,從利率角度來看,我認為從第二季到第三季非常穩定。我們沒有看到太多變化。我認為利潤率的提高將更多來自我們的一些成本努力。我們現在正在傾斜我們的拖車車隊,以獲得更嚴格的拖車減持率。我們看到我們的坐式卡車的利用率得到了提高。因此,通常情況下,第三季是利用率較好的季度之一。但我知道有時從第二季到第三季度,情況會變得更好,也會變得更糟。 我們只是認為稍微好一點,實際上是由我們的一些成本計劃推動的,而不是指望市場真正推動這種變化。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Ken Hoexter from Bank of America.

    您的下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Ken Hoexter。

  • Kenneth Scott Hoexter - MD & Co-Head of Industrials and Basic Materials

    Kenneth Scott Hoexter - MD & Co-Head of Industrials and Basic Materials

  • Adam and Andrew, congrats on the roles. Andrew, you mentioned back online in operating ratio for Intermodal in the second quarter. I don't know what back online means? What level is that? How much of the fleet is parked right now? And I guess, Adam, what do you eventually sell this or get out if you can't flip this to profitability? We've been hearing about this for years. And that goes back to, I guess, Knight's historic religious focus on costs.


  • I just guess I'm not clear on what's been lost here. I get the fixed leverage. So do you just get rid of more tractors and get rid of more containers and bring it down if the industry is not doing it? What do you do to focus on those costs?


  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Yes, Intermodal, specifically, Ken, is your question?


  • Kenneth Scott Hoexter - MD & Co-Head of Industrials and Basic Materials

    Kenneth Scott Hoexter - MD & Co-Head of Industrials and Basic Materials

  • The first part was Intermodal. The second part is, I guess, just corporate with the religious -- the company used to be known for, that religious focus on costs. And I heard your leverage before, but I'm wondering why you can't get? Is there other things you can do in this down cycle to pull out cost to focus on that?


  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Yes. And so I'll hit Intermodal first, and then I think, Brad may have some things to touch on as well About Intermodal, so we were actually fairly profitable in Intermodal during the pandemic, and it was driven on a couple of larger projects we had that we believed were going to be longer term. And I think that prevented us from kind of building the more diverse portfolio of customers that would have allowed that profitability to be more sustainable through a challenging market. And so we lost some of that business that went away sooner than we expected about this time last year, and that led to the decline in margins.


  • And by the time that business exited, we were kind of already through the bid season. So it's been more difficult to kind of build that volume back up. And so we've got a new leadership team that started in May of last year with great amount of experience from a rail perspective, and they've been working very closely with our sales team and our pricing team, and we've had some very good success here recently in the bids. And so there's a nice pipeline of freight that we believe will come on to get this business back on better footing and profitable.

    當該業務退出時,我們已經度過了投標季節。因此,恢復這個容量變得更加困難。因此,我們從去年 5 月開始組建了一個新的領導團隊,從鐵路角度來看,他們擁有豐富的經驗,他們一直與我們的銷售團隊和定價團隊密切合作,我們已經有了一些最近在投標中取得了非常好的成功。因此,我們相信會有一個很好的貨運管道,讓這項業務重新站穩腳跟並實現盈利。

  • And so we've got some containers in stack that we've taken off just to manage costs in the meantime. But we believe we'll be able to bring those back on once we start to see the volume pick up in this business. We're anticipating we get closer to breakeven in the third quarter and then some small profitability into fourth and you really continue to build it from there. And so that's how we approach Intermodal. On the consolidated company, there's more that we can do with cost. We probably came into this market with a little more overhead and a bit more equipment than we needed. We invested heavily in trailers because power only was so such high demand and it was very profitable.


  • And we found as the market changed that, that wasn't going to be as sticky as we anticipated and customers converted freight to live load, live load to pick up the savings. And it was less efficient for them, but they like the savings that came from that. And so we found ourselves with more equipment than we really need in this market. So we're in the process now of leaning that out from a trailer perspective. That's where we have the most opportunity, but there's even some tractors that we put to work during the pandemic from a lease perspective and was very profitable.


  • And when they have come back, we just haven't had the freight to support that equipment. And so we'll be leading that as well. And I think there's some nice cost savings that come from that. And really, we've got our teams just focused on just the fundamentals, the core. And we're -- the goal is we can't have -- the plan can't be that the market is going to solve our problems. We have to control what we can control and cost is going to be the biggest focus for us. And that's what's going to drive, I believe, the improvement here into the later part of this year. And we get the markets help, then great, we'll take it, but we're not going to relinquish anything on the cost side of the business.


  • Brad Stewart - Treasurer & Senior VP of IR

    Brad Stewart - Treasurer & Senior VP of IR

  • Yes. And then I was just going to add, Ken, that initial comment that your question was referring back to was actually a comment to our LTL business, not Intermodal, where we stated that we expected while our operating ratio was (inaudible) in the first quarter, that it will get back in line on a year-over-year basis in the second quarter.


  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Right. Because I think we said we ran at 90 on the LTL and there were some factors with weather and then a little bit of additional cost as we rolled out some facilities, but we expect to get back to the mid-80s, similar to what we would have run last year.

    正確的。因為我想我們說我們的零擔運輸速度是 90 左右,有一些天氣因素,然後在我們推出一些設施時產生了一些額外成本,但我們預計會回到 80 年代中期,類似於我們的情況本來會在去年運行的。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Jordan Alliger from Goldman Sachs.

    你的下一個問題來自高盛的 Jordan Alliger。

  • Jordan Robert Alliger - Research Analyst

    Jordan Robert Alliger - Research Analyst

  • Just sort of talking about LTL for a second. Obviously, pretty strong expansion plans for the balance of this year. Can you talk to the ability to get the staffing headcount needed both in terms of drivers and the terminal folks? And is there much wage inflation to sort of get these people? And then maybe just an update on how you expect the rollout of the next '25 to go?

    稍微談零擔運輸。顯然,今年剩餘時間的擴張計畫相當強勁。您能否談談獲得所需的司機和碼頭人員數量的能力?薪資上漲是否足以吸引這些人?然後也許只是更新一下您預計下一個 '25 的推出將如何進行?

  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Yes. I mean, thus far, we haven't had a challenge of staffing those buildings. I mean there was obviously a terminal there before and labor that supported those locations, now maybe different labor that we'd be looking for. But thus far, that hasn't been the biggest challenge for us. As we kind of manage the rollout of these locations where we want to be very deliberate and not put too much pressure on the cost side of our business. But typically, you're going to have some labor and some start-up costs to get a building operating.


  • But because we have great relationships with some larger shippers and some of these locations fill out territories that they would have needs in, we're already connected in and can plug those ZIP codes in those territories in. And very quickly, we start to see freight come our way. So our goal is how quickly can we ramp up the shipping count to cover the cost to get those buildings operating and then certainly to be profitable. And we believe we've got several of them that are going online or have gone on online in April, and we'll have -- I think it's what another '24 of that for the full year that we'll roll out. And some of that may be done near the end of the third quarter or early fourth quarter.

    但是,由於我們與一些較大的托運人有著良好的關係,並且其中一些地點填寫了他們需要的區域,因此我們已經建立了連接,並且可以插入這些區域中的郵政編碼。到貨物來了。因此,我們的目標是我們能夠多快地增加運輸數量,以覆蓋這些建築物運營的成本,然後肯定能夠盈利。我們相信,其中有幾個即將上線或已經在 4 月份上線,而且我們將會——我認為這是我們將在全年推出的另一個 24 週年。其中一些可能會在第三季末或第四季初完成。

  • And so our team has been executing on this. And so far, it's gone as planned. And if we see anything shift in the market or we see challenges from a cost perspective, we can slow that down if we want to. But right now, we're excited about being able to expand this network and move into territories that we don't serve today and find opportunities to grow with existing customers and new customers.


  • Andrew Hess - CFO

    Andrew Hess - CFO

  • I'll just add that we can really rightsize the costs. We can grow into the cost. There's very little cost to kind of stand up one of these facilities at the beginning, and so we can build into them as we get density. But I think maybe just one other perspective that might be helpful to you as we've watched this network effect on our LTL business.


  • So as you recall, we acquired MME and AAA Cooper in 2021. We integrated them onto the same system about a year later, so early 2023. As we look back now and we look at Q1 volumes between those brands from Q1 of 2023 to Q1 of 2024, it's up 90%. So what it takes, you get some volume initially. But once you can get into the bid processing and capture that national freight, the slowdown across our network is great. And we've been -- the pace of our (inaudible) facilities is growing, but we've been adding them throughout this period. And so that's creating kind of this own momentum in the network. And that's just going to escalate even further as we add these new facilities.

    正如您所記得的,我們在2021 年收購了MME 和AAA Cooper。季度的第一季銷量到 2024 年,這一數字將成長 90%。所以,首先你需要獲得一定的成交量。但是,一旦您可以進入投標處理並捕獲全國貨運量,我們網路的速度就會大幅放緩。我們的(聽不清楚)設施的建設步伐正在加快,但我們在此期間一直在增加它們。因此,這在網路中創造了一種自己的動力。隨著我們添加這些新設施,這種情況只會進一步升級。

  • So we've got great conviction based on our experience thus far about how adding density and opening new ZIP codes creates a momentum that builds on itself.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Brian Ossenbeck from JPMorgan.

    您的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Brian Ossenbeck。

  • Brian Patrick Ossenbeck - Senior Equity Analyst

    Brian Patrick Ossenbeck - Senior Equity Analyst

  • Just one for you, Adam, maybe you can just talk about. I know it's probably a question you get to the bottom of the cycle -- was hopefully at the bottom of cycle. But as we look up and figure out how this can play out, do you think anything has really structurally changed, this might not be for permanent, but maybe elongating the trough here? And you think about things like there's more guaranteed payout there, there's more trailer pools that have more capacity, should present more data. Obviously, you got the COVID earnings carryover. But I just want to get your perspective on that and also just more near term, like why are we seeing in some of this (inaudible) data that there's actually truckers coming in on a net basis? I wanted to get your thoughts on that as well.


  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Yes. Well, I think any structural changes. I really -- I don't see anything that has maybe structurally changed in our space or maybe impaired the ability to achieve margins that we typically achieve as we go through different cycles. I think from a trailer perspective, many added trailers during COVID, but it was really the large players who did that. And so you would hear about it, we would see the new headlines around it, but the small guys were purchasing tractors and those were extremely expensive and trailers were expensive as well.

    是的。嗯,我認為任何結構性變化。我真的 - 我沒有看到我們的領域發生任何結構性變化,或者可能損害我們在經歷不同周期時通常實現的利潤率的能力。我認為從預告片的角度來看,許多人在新冠疫情期間添加了預告片,但實際上是大玩家這樣做了。所以你會聽到它,我們會看到與之相關的新頭條新聞,但是小型企業正在購買拖拉機,這些拖拉機非常昂貴,拖車也很昂貴。

  • So I don't think we saw the same growth from a trailer perspective with the small players. That was maybe largely -- the larger players who have already a large asset footprint. And I think you're going to see the trailer orders or we already have seen trailer orders really dip as I think there was an oversupply. So I think that will correct itself over time as we've seen the demand from customers has lessened from a trailer pool perspective.


  • What was your other part of the question? Sorry, (inaudible). We track that as well. And it's really hard to know what that's telling you because we look at it directionally, but you can have a trucking company of one start or a trucking company of 100 could go out of business and they're somewhat counted the same because it's just a DOT number. And I think what we're finding is you probably have a lot more of capacity exiting not from DOTs failing, but from companies just shrinking their fleet.

    你問題的另一部分是什麼?抱歉,(聽不清楚)。我們也對此進行追蹤。很難知道這告訴你什麼,因為我們是從方向性角度看待它的,但是你可以擁有一家新創的貨運公司,也可以擁有一家擁有100 家的貨運公司可能會倒閉,它們在某種程度上被算是相同的,因為它們只是一家點號。我認為我們發現,可能有更多的產能不是因為 DOT 失敗而退出,而是因為公司只是在縮減其機隊。

  • And we saw that with -- because of the visibility that we had in our insurance business, that may have been one of the few values we got in that over time was that we had visibility to what's happening in the -- with the smaller fleets. And yes, we saw them shrinking dramatically, not going out of business completely, but just pulling down their truck count because of the inability to keep the trucks productive enough to support the payments.


  • So that's just -- the net (inaudible) is one data point, but it really doesn't tell the full story. There really isn't anything out there that we -- that really can tell you what's happening fully across the board. But that's just a data point that we look at. But there's a lot of other things that we look at internally that give us a perspective of what's happening on the demand and the capacity side.


  • Brian Patrick Ossenbeck - Senior Equity Analyst

    Brian Patrick Ossenbeck - Senior Equity Analyst

  • And that perspective on the capacity side is it is shrinking just not fast enough (inaudible)?


  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Yes. I mean if you look at just how much was added during COVID because of where the spot rates were and how much -- how lucrative it was for small truckers. It was -- how low the barriers to entries were. Yes, a lot was added. And so we have a lot to work through. And at the same time, you saw demand fall off because of what customers are doing with from an inventory perspective. So we've got both demand and supply that have to come back in line to see this thing flipping.


  • And again, it will eventually, just a matter of when that will be. And we're hunkered down trying to manage the cost of our business and do what we can that doesn't -- it helps our margins, but doesn't impair our ability to react to the market and really drive the best returns when we see an inflection.


  • Brad Stewart - Treasurer & Senior VP of IR

    Brad Stewart - Treasurer & Senior VP of IR

  • And I would just add there, Brian, on the -- in the earlier days of the pandemic, a lot of that swelling of capacity, the one and 2 truck operators made up an outsized share of that swelling of capacity as compared to the complexion of the industry prior to the pandemic.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Bascome Majors from Susquehanna.


  • Bascome Majors - Research Analyst

    Bascome Majors - Research Analyst

  • Adam, thank you for that strategic high-level overview, and it feels like the traditional Knight approach of a cost focus and cyclically aware management and capital deployment and both expanding the portfolio and growing the existing services is very much how you plan to run the business. If we took a more nuanced view into how you plan to lead versus how the business has been led in the last 20 years, is there anything you'd want to highlight that you feel that you might do a little differently that we should pay attention to?

    Adam,感謝您的策略性高層概述,感覺傳統的奈特方法(注重成本、具有週期性意識的管理和資本部署以及擴大產品組合和發展現有服務)正是您計劃運營的方式。如果我們更細緻地了解您計劃如何領導以及過去 20 年如何領導企業,您是否想強調一下您認為您的做法可能會有所不同而我們應該注意到?

  • Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

    Adam W. Miller - CEO & Director

  • Well, look, I think our overarching strategy is still intact, right? I've been -- I've worked very closely with Kevin Knight over the last 20 years, with (inaudible) over the last 20 years. And we kind of view things very similarly. When I think about our strategy on the truckload side, it's -- we got to be an industry leader in the market regardless of the market conditions.

    嗯,看,我認為我們的整體策略仍然完好無損,對嗎?在過去 20 年裡,我一直與凱文奈特 (Kevin Knight) 密切合作,在過去 20 年裡(聽不清楚)。我們對事物的看法非常相似。當我考慮我們在卡車裝載方面的策略時,無論市場狀況如何,我們都必須成為市場的行業領導者。

  • So in a good time, we have to have the best operating ratio, be the most efficient. And in more challenging times, we again have to have the best operating and be the most efficient. And I think there can be times when the market is really good that you can sometimes take your eye off the ball in a couple of areas on the cost side of the business, and it's easy to do that. And so we have to remain disciplined through good times and bad times to ensure that we always keep that cost advantage over the -- over our peers in the industry.


  • We're going to continue to build out the LTL network. I think everyone here is very aligned with that and sees the value in that, and we're going to do that organically where we can and where we think it speeds up the process and we can get good returns, we will look at M&A as an opportunity. I think from a Logistics standpoint, we found that we really have invested in power only, but we found that we can do that business. We can operate it with fewer trailers than we have today.


  • And I think that's one of the major adjustments that we're making currently is rightsizing that trailer to tractor ratio without impairing our ability to do power only, and we think there's quite a bit of opportunity to do that. And we want our Logistics business to complement what we do on the asset side. And in many cases, it's there to support from a service perspective. But in some cases, it's giving freight back to truckload. Now certainly, we have direct relationships with logistics with our customers, and we like doing that as well.


  • But our Logistics business can really ride the wave of being part of one of the best operated truckload businesses in the industry, and we need to make sure that we create that alignment. And then I already talked a lot about Intermodal and what we need to do to build the profitability back up there, and that's underway. And it will take some time, but we feel confident with the agreements we have with our rail partners and the leadership we have there and the progress we're making in some of the early bids this year that we'll have a pathway to see that profitable.


  • But really, again, we want to keep the nimbleness in the market to be able to react to changes. We've got to have a cost discipline and again, leverage the unique position we're in as an industry leader.


  • And I think, John, I think our time has expired here. So I think we'll go ahead and conclude the call. And for those of you who weren't able to get a question or want to follow up, you can call (602) 606-6349, and we'll try to return your call as quick as possible. I appreciate everybody who joined the call, and we'll look forward to talking to you later if you have a question.

    我想,約翰,我想我們的時間已經到了。因此,我認為我們將繼續結束通話。對於那些無法得到問題或想要跟進的人,您可以致電 (602) 606-6349,我們將盡力盡快回電。我感謝所有加入通話的人,如果您有疑問,我們期待稍後與您交談。

  • Brad Stewart - Treasurer & Senior VP of IR

    Brad Stewart - Treasurer & Senior VP of IR

  • Thanks, everyone.


  • Andrew Hess - CFO

    Andrew Hess - CFO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.
