車美仕 (KMX) 2025 Q2 法說會逐字稿


CarMax 在 2025 財年第二季取得了成功,銷售趨勢良好,利潤率強勁,每股收益成長。儘管面臨行業挑戰,他們仍保持穩定的淨息差並利用SG&A。該公司注重全通路銷售模式和物流營運的效率,同時實施信貸緊縮措施。

他們對未來的成長和利潤表示樂觀,重點是擴展到二級和三級貸款。 CarMax 也強調了客戶體驗、線上銷售和信貸平台績效方面的改進。他們對自己在充滿挑戰的市場環境中管理風險和保持獲利能力的能力充滿信心。


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. Welcome to the second-quarter fiscal year 2025 CarMax earnings release conference call. (Operator Instructions)

    女士們先生們,謝謝你們的支持。歡迎參加 CarMax 2025 財年第二季財報電話會議。 (操作員說明)

  • Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded. I would now like to hand the conference over to your speaker today. David Lowenstein, AVP Investor relations. Please go ahead.

    請注意,今天的會議正在錄製中。我現在想把會議交給今天的發言者。 David Lowenstein,投資者關係助理副總裁。請繼續。

  • David Lowenstein - AVP - Investor Relations

    David Lowenstein - AVP - Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Todd. Good morning everyone. Thank you for joining our fiscal 2025 second-quarter earnings conference call. I'm here today with Bill Nash, our President and CEO; Enrique Mayor-Mora, our Executive Vice President and CFO; and Jon Daniels, our Senior Vice President, CarMax Auto Finance Operations.

    謝謝你,托德。大家早安。感謝您參加我們的 2025 財年第二季財報電話會議。今天我和我們的總裁兼執行長比爾·納許一起來到這裡。 Enrique Mayor-Mora,我們的執行副總裁兼財務長;喬恩‧丹尼爾斯 (Jon Daniels),CarMax 汽車金融營運部資深副總裁。

  • Let me remind you our statements today that are not statements of historical fact, including statements regarding the company's future business plans, prospects and financial performance are forward-looking statements. We make pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    讓我提醒您,我們今天的聲明不是歷史事實的聲明,包括有關公司未來業務計劃、前景和財務業績的聲明,均為前瞻性聲明。我們根據 1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》的安全港條款制定。

  • These statements are based on our current knowledge, expectations and assumptions and are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations. In providing projections and other forward looking statements, we disclaim any intent or obligation to update them.


  • For additional information on important factors and risks that could affect these expectations. Please see our Form 8-K filed with the SEC this morning, our annual report on Form 10-K for fiscal year 2024 and our quarterly results on Form 10-Q previously filed with the SEC.

    有關可能影響這些預期的重要因素和風險的更多資訊。請參閱我們今天早上向 SEC 提交的 8-K 表格、2024 財年 10-K 表格年度報告以及先前向 SEC 提交的 10-Q 表格季度業績。

  • Should you have any follow up questions after the call, please feel free to contact our Investor Relations department at 804-747-0422, extension 7865.


  • Lastly, let me thank you in advance for asking only one question and getting back in the queue for more follow ups.


  • Bill?


  • William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Great. Thank you David. Good morning, everyone and thanks for joining us. We're pleased with our team's execution in the second quarter as we achieve positive sales trends, strong margins, cost efficiencies and EPS growth while managing through industry wide auto loan loss pressure.


  • Beyond great execution, our results also reflect the positive impact of delivering associate customer experience enhancements alongside declining prices in a more stable environment for vehicle valuations. In the second quarter, we grew retail unit volume year-over-year. We delivered strong retail and wholesale GPUS and expanded EPP and service gross profit. We bought more vehicles from dealers, achieving a second quarter record.

    除了出色的執行力之外,我們的業績還反映出在更穩定的車輛估值環境中提升關聯客戶體驗以及降低價格所帶來的正面影響。第二季度,我們的零售單位數量較去年同期成長。我們提供了強勁的零售和批發 GPUS,並擴大了 EPP 和服務毛利潤。我們從經銷商處購買了更多車輛,創下第二季的紀錄。

  • We maintained stable cast net interest margin and began to test our new full spectrum underwriting model. We materially levered SG&A as a percent of gross profit and we achieved double digit EPS growth.


  • For the second quarter of FY25, our diversified business model delivered total sales of $7 billion down 1% compared to last year, reflecting lower retail and wholesale prices partially offset by higher retail volume. In our retail business total unit sales increased 5.1% and used unit comps were up 4.3%. Average selling price declined approximately $1,250 per unit or 5% year-over-year.

    2025 財年第二季度,我們的多元化業務模式實現總銷售額 70 億美元,比去年下降 1%,反映出零售和批發價格下降被零售量增加部分抵銷。在我們的零售業務中,總銷量成長了 5.1%,二手銷量成長了 4.3%。平均售價每單位下降約 1,250 美元,較去年同期下降 5%。

  • Second quarter, retail gross profit per use unit was $2,269 consistent with last year's $2,251. Also, unit sales are down 0.3% versus the second quarter last year and improved sequentially from being down 8.3% in the first quarter of this year.

    第二季度,每使用單位零售毛利為 2,269 美元,與去年同期的 2,251 美元一致。此外,銷量較去年第二季下降 0.3%,較今年第一季下降 8.3% 有所改善。

  • Average selling prices declined approximately $1,150 per unit or 13% year-over-year. Second quarter, wholesale gross profit per unit was $975 in line with $963 a year ago. We bought approximately 300,000 vehicles during the quarter, up 3% from last year. We purchased approximately 269,000 vehicles from consumers with more than half of those buyers coming through our online instant appraisal experience.

    每件平均售價下降約 1,150 美元,年減 13%。第二季度,每單位批發毛利潤為 975 美元,與去年同期的 963 美元持平。本季我們購買了約 30 萬輛汽車,比去年增長 3%。我們從消費者那裡購買了大約 269,000 輛汽車,其中超過一半的買家是透過我們的線上即時評估體驗獲得的。

  • With the support of our Edmund sales team, we sourced the remaining approximately 31,000 vehicles through dealers, up 60% from last year. We continue to see increased adoption of our omni channel retail experience. For our second quarter online metrics, approximately 15% of retail unit sales were online, up from 14% last year.

    在 Edmund 銷售團隊的支持下,我們透過經銷商購買了剩餘的約 31,000 輛汽車,比去年增加了 60%。我們繼續看到我們的全通路零售體驗得到越來越多的採用。對於我們第二季的線上指標,大約 15% 的零售單位銷售額來自在線,高於去年的 14%。

  • Approximately 57% of retail unit sales were omni sales this quarter up from 55% in the prior year. Total revenue from online transactions was approximately 29% slightly down from last year due to wholesale pricing coming down.

    本季約 57% 的零售單位銷售額為全方位銷售額,高於去年同期的 55%。由於批發價格下降,線上交易總收入比去年略有下降約 29%。

  • All of our second quarter, wholesale auctions and sales were virtual and are considered online transactions which represented 17% of total revenue for the quarter.

    我們第二季的所有批發拍賣和銷售都是虛擬的,被視為線上交易,佔該季度總收入的 17%。

  • CarMax Auto Financer, CAF delivered income of $116 million down 14% from the same period last year. CAF results were pressured by an uptick in losses that are being experienced industry wide. In a few minutes, John will provide more detail on customer financing, the loan loss provision, cap contribution and our progress on becoming a full credit spectrum lender.

    CarMax Auto Financer, CAF 的營收為 1.16 億美元,比去年同期下降 14%。 CAF 業績受到全行業虧損增加的壓力。幾分鐘後,約翰將提供有關客戶融資、貸款損失撥備、上限貢獻以及我們成為全面信用範圍貸款人的進展的更多詳細資訊。

  • But at this point, I'd like to turn the call over to Enrique, who will share more information on our second quarter, financial performance. Enrique?


  • Enrique Mayor-Mora - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Enrique Mayor-Mora - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thanks, Bill. And good morning everyone. As Bill noted we delivered on multiple fronts in the quarter. Positive retail unit comps, robust vehicle margins, material growth, and other gross profit per retail unit, maintaining cash net interest margin, and strong flow through to the bottom line.


  • Second quarter, net earnings per diluted share was $0.85 up 13% versus a year ago. This was despite the increase in our loan loss provision. Total gross profit was $760 million, up 9% from last year's second quarter. Used retail margin of $479 million increased by 6% with higher volume and relatively flat per unit margins.

    第二季度,稀釋後每股淨利潤為 0.85 美元,比去年同期成長 13%。儘管我們的貸款損失撥備有所增加,但情況還是如此。總毛利為 7.6 億美元,比去年第二季成長 9%。二手零售利潤成長 6%,達到 4.79 億美元,銷售量增加,單位利潤相對相當。

  • Wholesale vehicle margin of $138 million, grew by 1% with margins offsetting a slight decrease in volume. Other gross profit was $144 million, up 33% from a year ago. This was driven primarily by a combination of EPP and service.

    車輛批發利潤為 1.38 億美元,成長 1%,利潤抵消了銷量的小幅下降。其他毛利為 1.44 億美元,較去年同期成長 33%。這主要是由 EPP 和服務的結合所推動的。

  • EPP increased by $20 million as we continue to benefit from the higher max care margins per contract that we previously ruled out. Service delivered $3 million in margin up $17 million from last year's second quarter. This performance reflected the combined impact of successful efficiency and cost coverage measures and positive sales growth.

    EPP 增加了 2000 萬美元,因為我們繼續受益於我們之前排除的每份合約的更高的最大護理利潤。服務利潤為 300 萬美元,較去年第二季增加 1,700 萬美元。這一業績反映了成功的效率和成本覆蓋措施以及積極的銷售成長的綜合影響。

  • We expect continued year-over-year improvement for the balance of the year as governed by sales performance, given the leverage, deleveraged nature of service.


  • On the SG&A front expenses for the second quarter were $611 million, up 4% or $25 million from the prior year quarter. But leveraged 4% points supported by our continued discipline in spend and investment levels. This SG&A leverage would have been even stronger if not for two main factors that impacted the second quarter.

    第二季的 SG&A 前期費用為 6.11 億美元,比去年同期成長 4%,即 2,500 萬美元。但在我們對支出和投資水準的持續紀律的支持下,槓桿率達到了 4%。如果不是影響第二季的兩個主要因素,這種 SG&A 槓桿可能會更高。

  • First total compensation and benefits increased by $16 million. This was primarily driven by our corporate bonus accrual which was lowered in last year's second quarter. Second occupancy costs rose by $7 million, a higher increase in recent trends driven by the timing of store maintenance related spend.

    首先,薪資和福利總額增加了 1,600 萬美元。這主要是由於我們的公司獎金應計額在去年第二季度有所下降。第二次入住成本增加了 700 萬美元,這是由於商店維護相關支出的時機推動的近期趨勢的較高增長。

  • I also want to point out two noteworthy items. First, our omni channel selling model which includes commissions plus the cost of operating, our CECs continues to be more efficient as we further strengthen our digital progression tools and the optimal use of CECs labor.

    我還想指出兩個值得注意的事項。首先,我們的全通路銷售模式包括佣金加上營運成本,隨著我們進一步加強我們的數位化工具和 CEC 勞動力的最佳利用,我們的 CEC 繼續變得更有效率。

  • This quarter, we were more efficient year-over-year and versus pre omni in the three key metrics. For retail unit, for total unit, and per gross margin dollar. Second, as Bill will discuss further, we continue to evaluate all aspects of our logistics operations to drive efficiencies. This includes equipment and leasing arrangements.


  • As part of this evaluation, we may incur charges that we estimate will be less than $10 million in the near term that would likely hit other income expense line. These charges will be more than offset by the efficiencies gained in our logistics operations over time.

    作為此評估的一部分,我們預計短期內可能會產生低於 1000 萬美元的費用,這可能會影響其他收入支出線。隨著時間的推移,我們物流營運所提高的效率將足以抵銷這些費用。

  • Regarding capital allocation during the second quarter, we repurchased approximately 1.4 million shares for a total spend of $106 million. As of the end of the quarter, we had approximately $2.15 billion of repurchase authorization remaining.

    關於第二季的資本配置,我們回購了約 140 萬股股票,總支出為 1.06 億美元。截至本季末,我們剩餘約 21.5 億美元的回購授權。

  • Now, I'd like to turn the call over to Jon.


  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Thanks, Enrique. And good morning everyone. During the second quarter, CarMax Auto Finance originated approximately $2.2 billion resulting in sales penetration of 42%, net a three day payoffs. As compared to 42.8% during last year's second quarter.

    謝謝,恩里克。大家早安。第二季度,CarMax 汽車金融籌集了約 22 億美元,銷售額滲透率為 42%,三天淨收益。相比之下,去年第二季為 42.8%。

  • The weighted average contract rate charged to new customers was 11.5% and increased to 40 basis points from a year ago. Third party Tier 2 penetration in the quarter was 17.7% down slightly from 18.1% a year ago. And third party Tier 3 volume accounted for 6.7% of sales compared to the 6.4% seen in last year's second quarter.

    向新客戶收取的加權平均合約費率為11.5%,較去年同期上升40個基點。本季第三方二級市場滲透率為 17.7%,略低於去年同期的 18.1%。第三方 Tier 3 銷量佔銷售額的 6.7%,去年第二季為 6.4%。

  • The combined third party penetration of 24.4% remains in line with Q2 FY24. Cap income for the quarter was $116 million, down $19 million from the same period last year, predominantly impacted by a year-over-year provision increase of $23 million.

    第三方綜合滲透率為 24.4%,與 2024 財年第二季保持一致。該季度的上限收入為 1.16 億美元,比去年同期減少 1,900 萬美元,主要受到撥備年增 2,300 萬美元的影響。

  • Net interest margin for the quarter was 6.1% in line with last year. The provision for loan losses for the quarter was $113 million and resulted in a reserve balance of $501 million. This compares to a provision of $90 million in last year's second quarter. Included in the $113 million provision is a $52 million, roughly 11% increase in our estimate of lifetime losses on existing loans which we believe reflects industrywide credit challenges.

    本季淨利差為 6.1%,與去年同期持平。本季貸款損失準備金為 1.13 億美元,準備金餘額為 5.01 億美元。相比之下,去年第二季的準備金為 9,000 萬美元。 1.13 億美元的準備金包括 5,200 萬美元,比我們對現有貸款終身損失的估計增加了約 11%,我們認為這反映了整個行業的信貸挑戰。

  • Also, included in the provision is $61 million for expected losses on current quarter originations. The resulting reserve to receivables ratio was 2.82% as compared to 2.79% at the end of Q1 and 3.08% from a year ago.

    此外,撥備中還包括 6,100 萬美元,用於彌補當前季度的預期損失。由此得出的準備金與應收帳款比率為 2.82%,而第一季末為 2.79%,去年同期為 3.08%。

  • Despite the growth in year-over-year provision, the reserve to receivables percentage only increased 3 basis points, which is a result of credit tightening measures we deployed over the course of the last two years and their growing impact on the near $18 billion portfolio.

    儘管撥備年比有所增長,但準備金佔應收帳款的比例僅增加了3 個基點,這是我們在過去兩年中採取的信貸緊縮措施及其對近180 億美元投資組合日益增長的影響的結果。

  • Regarding the broader credit industry, it has been well cited that a number of auto loan consumers are struggling in this inflationary environment, especially those borrowers who originated contracts in 2022 and 2023. When elevated prices were coupled with high interest rates. To combat these results, lenders have generally tightened underwriting where necessary and have adjusted lifetime loss expectations based on weakening performance.

    就更廣泛的信貸產業而言,人們普遍認為,許多汽車貸款消費者在這種通膨環境中陷入困境,尤其是那些在2022 年和2023 年簽訂合約的借款人。 。為了應對這些結果,貸方普遍在必要時收緊了承保,並根據業績疲軟調整了終身損失預期。

  • CAF has to some degree experienced similar challenges emerging within the industry. But our customers have largely shown an ability to navigate this added inflationary burden. During this last quarter, we observed additional pressure on the consumer and as a result, we added to our provision accordingly.

    CAF 在某種程度上經歷了業界出現的類似挑戰。但我們的客戶在很大程度上表現出了應對這種額外通膨負擔的能力。在最後一個季度,我們觀察到消費者面臨額外的壓力,因此我們相應地增加了準備金。

  • Despite the adjustment, these higher ASP originations from 2022 and 2023 remain significantly profitable for CarMax. And it is clear that the material tightening deployed in early 2023 has had a meaningful impact on our vintage level loss rates.

    儘管進行了調整,2022 年和 2023 年較高的平均售價仍然為 CarMax 帶來了可觀的利潤。很明顯,2023 年初實施的材料緊縮政策對我們的年份水準損失率產生了重大影響。

  • In addition, we observed a pocket of customers generally concentrated at the lower end of the Tier 1 credit spectrum that were of noticeably higher risk, which we addressed through the further tightening of our underwriting strategy for cautionary reasons beginning in April 2024.

    此外,我們觀察到一小部分客戶普遍集中在一級信貸範圍的低端,這些客戶的風險明顯較高,出於謹慎性原因,我們從2024 年4 月開始透過進一步收緊承保策略來解決這一問題。

  • While the loss allowance was previously adjusted for this pocket in the first quarter, as a part of our standard loan loss modeling process. During the second quarter, we observed further deterioration which necessitated an additional adjustment on the pre-existing receivables.


  • We believe this quarter's provision adequately captures the performance within the quarter and the resulting reserve is our best estimate of the remaining lifetime loss for the portfolio. As always capital will continue to balance credit risk, driving CarMax sales and capturing its optimal share of highly profitable finance contracts.

    我們相信本季的撥備充分體現了本季的業績,由此產生的準備金是我們對投資組合剩餘生命週期損失的最佳估計。一如既往,資本將繼續平衡信用風險,推動 CarMax 銷售並獲得高利潤金融合約的最佳份額。

  • Now, I will share an update on cap securitization program and full spectrum lending initiative. During the month of June, we successfully executed our first non-prime ABS transaction and followed in July with our first higher prime ABS deal. The success of these transactions reaffirms our belief that these complementary programs will provide significant additional funding capacity to support CarMax growth, while giving us the flexibility to capture a larger piece of the Tier 2 and Tier 3 landscape.

    現在,我將分享上限證券化計劃和全方位貸款計劃的最新情況。 6 月份,我們成功執行了第一筆非優質 ABS 交易,並於 7 月成功執行了第一筆更高的優質 ABS 交易。這些交易的成功再次證實了我們的信念,即這些補充計劃將為支持 CarMax 的成長提供大量額外的資金能力,同時使我們能夠靈活地佔領二級和三級市場的更大份額。

  • Also during the second quarter CAF successfully began testing its new full spectrum credit scoring models and corresponding strategies across both the Tier 1 and Tier 2 spaces. And we expect our Tier 3 testing of the new model to begin during the third quarter.

    此外,在第二季度,CAF 成功開始在一級和二級領域測試其新的全譜信用評分模型和相應策略。我們預計新型號的 Tier 3 測試將在第三季開始。

  • Now I'll turn the call back over to Bill.


  • William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, John, Enrique. As I mentioned on our last earnings call, I'm proud of the durable actions we've been taking to support our business and further differentiate our offering. We are continuing to refine the experience and realize efficiencies that will support future growth.


  • Some examples include, we've completed the nationwide roll out of our new order processing system across our stores and customer experience centers. As a reminder, this system helps associates, guide customers through each step of the buying journey and provides a more seamless experience for customers who prefer to blend self-progression with assistance from associates.


  • We're now focused on customer shopping accounts. These make it even easier for customers to see the steps they have taken on their shopping journey, whether on their own or with help from an associate. These accounts guide next steps and promote max care. Our extended service plan offering.


  • We're currently testing in several stores and plan to deploy nationwide later this year. Our data science, CEC and product teams have recently developed a new knowledge management system that we are testing in our CEC, which leverages generative AI to empower associates with instant access to the information they need.

    我們目前正在幾家商店進行測試,並計劃今年稍後在全國部署。我們的資料科學、CEC 和產品團隊最近開發了一種新的知識管理系統,我們正在 CEC 中測試該系統,該​​系統利用生成式 AI 使員工能夠即時存取所需的資訊。

  • Associates can ask questions through a chat bot and receive an immediate response. We are finding this tool especially helpful for customer questions where the response varies from state to state. This will enable our CECs to be more effective and efficient and we plan to launch the system across all CECs later this year.

    員工可以透過聊天機器人提出問題並立即收到答案。我們發現這個工具對於回答因州而異的客戶問題特別有用。這將使我們的 CEC 更加有效和高效,我們計劃今年稍後在所有 CEC 中推出該系統。

  • For finance based shopping, we released an enhancement that seamlessly incorporates existing instant appraisal offers into a pre-qualification offering giving customers more precise credit terms. And finally, we launched an EV hub on carmax.com. The hub contains information and research tools that address top questions shoppers have about electric vehicles including hybrids and helps consumers determine if an electric vehicle is right for them.

    對於基於金融的購物,我們發布了一項增強功能,將現有的即時評估報價無縫地整合到資格預審報價中,為客戶提供更精確的信用條款。最後,我們在 carmax.com 上推出了電動車中心。該中心包含的資訊和研究工具可以解決消費者對電動車(包括混合動力汽車)的首要問題,並幫助消費者確定電動車是否適合他們。

  • As I mentioned last quarter, we're focused on driving down cost of goods sold by pursuing incremental efficiency opportunities that we've identified across our logistics network and reconditioning operations. This supports affordability as we pass savings on to our customers and also supports our margins.


  • After completing a comprehensive review of our logistics operation, we determined that centralizing some key functions will help us best leverage our network.


  • During the second quarter, we centralized our home delivery appraisal pickup and Max offer moves by market. We plan to achieve further efficiencies in upcoming quarters as we roll out our enhanced transportation management system, which provides new planning and execution capabilities.


  • In conclusion, we're encouraged by our second quarter performance and assuming current market conditions continue, we feel good about our sales in the second half of the year. We're excited about our future and our ability to grow sales and earnings while continuing to enhance our best in class omni-channel experience for our associates and customers, strengthening our competitive mode.


  • With that, we'll be happy to take your questions. Todd?


  • Operator


  • Thank you. (Operator Instructions)

    謝謝。 (操作員說明)

  • Seth Basham, Wedbush Securities.

    塞思‧巴沙姆 (Seth Basham),韋德布希證券公司。

  • Seth Basham - Analyst

    Seth Basham - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot and good morning. Great to see the progress on sales. And my first question is just if you could give us an update on how unit comps are trending, according today.


  • William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, sure Seth. So first of all, we're pleased with how the sales have progressed. If I look at the comp cadence for the quarter, they actually sequentially got better, which was great to see. For September with almost one full month into the third quarter.


  • We're trending positive for the quarter in line with the second quarter, but a little bit softer at this point. I would also just point out that September has some heavy day of the week, headwinds, -- one less Friday, one less Saturday, pick up a Sunday, but we get all that back in the quarter,


  • Seth Basham - Analyst

    Seth Basham - Analyst

  • That's helpful color. And then secondly, on task, if you can get some color on your view of the market at this juncture, does it make sense to push forward with the full spectrum lending, given the credit headwinds? And do you expect further tightening on your underwriting standards?


  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Sure, I appreciate the question, Seth. So, first on the overall market again, I think we stated, clearly and I think, you've reported this, industry wide loss rates clearly are out there. It's a stress consumer, I think that's why we've done the tightening that we've done.


  • April 2023, we're clearly seeing improvement in losses on those vintages mentioned again, further tightening in April 2024, I'll address your tightening question right now. Right now, we feel good about where we sit.

    2023 年 4 月,我們清楚地看到再次提到的那些年份的損失有所改善,並在 2024 年 4 月進一步收緊,我現在將解決您的收緊問題。現在,我們對自己坐的位置感覺很好。

  • Everything that we've tightened on previously highly profitable for CarMax, but just moves that we felt we wanted to make proactively on a cautionary basis. But right now, we feel good about where we are again, never say never. We'll watch our portfolio very closely, but we feel good about what we're originating right now.

    我們對 CarMax 之前高利潤的一切都進行了收緊,但只是我們認為我們希望在謹慎的基礎上積極採取的舉措。但現在,我們再次對自己所處的位置感覺良好,永不言敗。我們將非常密切地關注我們的投資組合,但我們對我們現在的原創感到滿意。

  • And with regard to, is this the right time for Tier 2 and Tier 3? Well, we're in learning mode and we're really excited about it. We deployed our Tier 2 underwriting model and strategies in the back, the back portion of Q2, we're looking to get into the Tier 3 in probably the back portion of Q3 and we're excited to learn and we're going to continue to learn throughout probably the fiscal quarter.


  • We will decide when it makes sense to go in to go after more volume. We think it's great for the customer that there's going to be CAF in there. We know it's great for CarMax that cap's going to be there. We think there's more opportunity there as we've all stated. So we'll pick the right time, but we're excited to learn and we'll move in prudently and when it makes sense.

    我們將決定何時適合追求更多交易量。我們認為,那裡有 CAF 對客戶來說是件好事。我們知道這個帽子的出現對 CarMax 來說是件好事。正如我們大家所說,我們認為那裡有更多機會。因此,我們會選擇正確的時間,但我們很高興能夠學習,並且在有意義的時候謹慎採取行動。

  • Enrique Mayor-Mora - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Enrique Mayor-Mora - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Seth, what I say is even in this kind of environment, I mean, these are really profitable loans that John and team can target and do an excellent job of targeting those loans in origination. So, we're really excited about the full credit spectrum and yeah, we'll continue to test in the back of the year.


  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • And I'd be remiss, if I didn't finish up with, and that's what made the securitization program this summer. So exciting for us, it really was a great success, both of those issuances and I think it really sets us up well for the future, both in capacity and flexibility.


  • Operator


  • Sharon Zakia, William Blair.


  • Sharon Zackfia - Analyst

    Sharon Zackfia - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning. Thanks for taking the call. Our question, I guess another question on the finance business. How do we think about the profitability of CAF, when you've got the higher losses on the one hand, but we also are seeing funding costs, obviously start to come down. Is this kind of the trough in terms of year-over-year decrease that we should expect. I mean, when do you think CAF, can start to grow again and income? Just any kind of perspective around that would be helpful?

    嗨,早安。感謝您接聽電話。我們的問題,我猜是另一個關於金融業務的問題。我們如何看待 CAF 的獲利能力,一方面損失較高,但我們也看到融資成本明顯開始下降。這是我們應該預期的同比下降的低谷嗎?我的意思是,您認為CAF什麼時候可以開始再次成長收入?對此有什麼看法會有幫助嗎?

  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Yeah, I appreciate the question, Sharon. So I'm kind of break it down between two of our, I obviously our biggest fine items. You mentioned the interest rate aspect. So, right, that's going to show through in our nim. Obviously, we've been very pleased with how we've managed nim in this environment.

    是的,我很欣賞這個問題,莎倫。所以我想把它分成我們兩個,我顯然是我們最大的精品。您提到了利率方面。所以,對,這將在我們的 nim 中體現出來。顯然,我們對在這種環境中管理 nim 的方式感到非常滿意。

  • You know, we've said six felt about the right level. We've hovered around that area and we've done that in the face of tightening, which actually is generally going to put pressure on them. And obviously, we've been able to capture our share of finance contracts, while in a raised rate environment. So we've been pleased about how that's operated.


  • Obviously, as rates trend down. Often there's an opportunity for a lender to enjoy stickier rates and maybe capture a little bit more. But, largely, you've got an $18 billion portfolio at the current name. It's going to be hard to make a lot of headway against that. But we would hope that would be a tail wind for us.

    顯然,隨著利率呈下降趨勢。通常,貸方有機會享受更高的黏性利率,甚至可能獲得更多收益。但在很大程度上,目前的名稱下您已經擁有 180 億美元的投資組合。要想在這方面取得很大進展是很困難的。但我們希望這對我們來說是順風。

  • With regard to the loss environment, which is kind of the other end of the spectrum. I really want to point out our provision, let's talk about that this quarter. Ultimately, if you think about it, when we set our provision in our reserve at the end of a quarter, our goal clearly is to only have to in the successive quarter, set a provision for what we newly originated in that quarter.


  • It never happens that way. As you're well aware. You're going to have points where sometimes it's going to be; you're going to have the ability to release loans because release provision because performance is excellent. You're going to have in a higher delinquency environment, high loss environment, which we're operating in right now. We've seen change that we've had to make in the $10 million, $20 million, $30 million range.

    事情從來不會這樣發生。正如你很清楚的那樣。有時你會遇到這樣的情況:你將有能力釋放貸款,因為釋放準備金,因為表現出色。你將處於一個拖欠率較高、損失較高的環境中,而我們現在正是在這種環境中運作。我們已經看到了我們必須在 1000 萬美元、2000 萬美元、3000 萬美元範圍內做出的改變。

  • Let's make clear, we felt the $52 million adjustment on the existing portfolio was outsized versus previous quarters. And it was important, we noted that for everyone, and we would hope that obviously we have the provision and the reserve nailed for this quarter. But it's a big deal.

    讓我們明確一點,我們認為現有投資組合 5,200 萬美元的調整與前幾季相比規模過大。我們注意到這對每個人來說都很重要,我們希望顯然我們有為本季確定的準備金和儲備金。但這是一件大事。

  • So the difference between the 50, what I would say is in the last seven, eight quarters $10 million, $20 million, $30 million on the high side a year ago. I think the 50 is certainly more than we would hope to do going forward. So, again, you've got a gauge, what you think our origination volume is. The provision there and then what the true up is going to be. But again, I think this is outsized, hopefully on a go forward basis.

    因此,我想說的是,過去 7、8 個季度中 50 家公司之間的差異為 1,000 萬美元、2,000 萬美元、3,000 萬美元,比一年前偏高。我認為這 50 場肯定超出了我們未來的希望。所以,再一次,你有一個衡量標準,你認為我們的原始體積是多少。那裡的規定以及真實的情況將會是什麼。但同樣,我認為這是過大的,希望在未來的基礎上。

  • Enrique Mayor-Mora - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Enrique Mayor-Mora - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah, I think a way to think about that is of the 50, -- probably 2025 is probably what we've seen over the past year here, I'd say. So you're looking at probably like a $30 million adjustment versus what we typically would have seen on the quarter.

    是的,我認為考慮這個問題的一種方式是,我想說,2025 年可能是我們過去一年在這裡看到的情況。因此,與我們通常在本季看到的情況相比,您可能會看到 3000 萬美元的調整。

  • Operator


  • John Murphy, Bank of America.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Good morning, maybe just to stay on credit here. I mean, as you see the trajectory, get a bit worse, but it's still within the bounds of normal and even the lower end of the normal range. I'm just curious how you gauge sort of absolutely, how you think about this going forward or sort of the rate of change.


  • Other specific, metrics you guys are looking at internally, I mean, you kind of cited tightening in April and then tighten again during the quarter. So it seems like you're moving with this but I mean, how do you gauge where this may ultimately land?


  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Yeah, I appreciate the question John. I'll point to one metric which is again our reserve to receivables, which is 2.82. And I think what that number highlights quarter-over-quarter in the face of a provision of $50 million which we've just said is relatively outsized, is the tightening that we've done.

    是的,我很欣賞約翰的問題。我將指出一個指標,即我們的應收帳款準備金,即 2.82。我認為,面對我們剛才所說的相對過大的 5000 萬美元撥款,這一數字逐季度突顯出我們已經採取的緊縮措施。

  • And you mentioned that the tightening that we've done, we've looked at our portfolio, we've looked at what we originate highly profitable loans. We feel good about what's on our books, no doubt about that. But we really wanted to pinpoint those receivables and those customers that we felt could sustain, or really perform extremely well in a stressed environment like [Ryan] and we've done that. And we've tightened and we're seeing the relative performance play through in our vintage level early looks at losses.


  • How bad could it get? You know, again, hard to say. We feel good about what we have. You've seen a provision that we think really captures where we think losses are headed. We've tightened to the right pockets. It's all very profitable. It's the question of what loss rate are we willing to accept provision for accordingly. We have the funding; we think in place to really do whatever we want to do going forward. But again, we're going to be cautious and careful and do what we think makes sense in the quarters to go. So hopefully that addresses your question and,


  • William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • And John, just a point of clarification. I think you said tightening in this quarter. We actually in the, we didn't do any tightening in this quarter. We didn't see the need to, we tightened in the previous quarter.


  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Yeah. Thanks for the clarification. 2023 April and 2024 April, we have not done anything significant since April 2024 and don't see anything in the horizon right now.

    是的。感謝您的澄清。 2023 年 4 月和 2024 年 4 月,自 2024 年 4 月以來我們沒有做任何重大的事情,目前也沒有看到任何進展。

  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • I just want one, just a quick follow up on the sourcing side. I mean, everybody we talked to in the industry is having a tough time finding late model vehicles. It seems like you guys did a really good job in the quarter and actually got the 31,000 out of dealer. So I'm just curious what is changing there?

    我只想要一個,只是在採購方面進行快速跟進。我的意思是,我們採訪過的業內每個人都很難找到最新型號的車輛。看來你們這個季度做得非常好,實際上從經銷商那裡拿到了 31,000 美元。所以我只是好奇那裡發生了什麼變化?

  • What Edmunds is doing to help you source from dealers who seem like they have a pretty tight hold of these vehicles and don't want to let them go. And what kind of an impact can that have going forward because there is a real shortage and, but you did a good job this quarter. So, just trying to understand what changed.

    Edmunds 正在做的事情是幫助您從經銷商那裡採購,這些經銷商似乎牢牢掌握著這些車輛,不想讓它們離開。這會對未來產生什麼樣的影響,因為確實存在短缺,但是你們本季做得很好。所以,只是想了解發生了什麼變化。

  • William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I think the, the shortage is really highlighted by the off lease, John, which, it's, I think it actually bottomed out in 2022. I think there's a little bit of a step down next year in 2025 and then it'll start going back up.

    是的,我認為,約翰,租約到期確實凸顯了短缺問題,我認為它實際上在 2022 年觸底。

  • But the reality is because of our diversification of buys, whether the increase in our instant appraisal offers. And certainly the Max offer, the Edmunds team has done a great job. If I look at year-over-year, we've probably got 50% more dealers that are active on it than they were a year ago.

    但現實是因為我們購買的多元化,無論我們即時評估報價的增加。當然,對於馬克斯的報價,艾德蒙茲團隊做得非常出色。如果我逐年查看,我們的活躍經銷商數量可能比一年前增加了 50%。

  • And when it comes to like for example, leases that's never been a significant part of our sales. But the interesting thing is with our IO and Max offer, we actually have better access to them than we did historically, even though the volume is down. So for us, the supply just hasn't been an issue.

    例如,租賃從來都不是我們銷售的重要組成部分。但有趣的是,透過我們的 IO 和 Max 產品,我們實際上比歷史上能夠更好地訪問它們,儘管數量有所下降。所以對我們來說,供應並不是問題。

  • Operator


  • But the interesting thing is with our IO and Max offer, we actually have better access to them than we we did historically, even though the volume is down. So for us, the supply just hasn't been an issue.

    但有趣的是,透過我們的 IO 和 Max 產品,我們實際上比歷史上能夠更好地訪問它們,儘管數量有所下降。所以對我們來說,供應並不是問題。

  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Got it. Impressive in maintaining grosses. Thank you.


  • William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    William Nash - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, John.


  • Operator


  • Brian Nagel, Oppenheimer.


  • Brian Nagel - Analyst

    Brian Nagel - Analyst

  • Good morning. Thanks for taking my questions. So I have two quick questions, I'll merge them together. Yeah, first off with regard to the improvement use card unit comp so first off, congratulations, but is there anything you could really point to in the core of that sort of say underpinned that strengthen what we've seen in prior quarters.


  • And then the second question I have with regard to finance. As you look at this the higher loan loss provision that you took here in the fiscal second quarter, is that more a reflection of what you're seeing in your portfolio or you the inputs that come as a result of your analysis of the overall environment?


  • All right. So I'll take the first part of that and Jon will tackle the second part. So Brian, on your first part just kind of improvements and comp kind of drivers, II I talked a little bit about this in my opening remarks. I think it's both internal things that we're doing. I also think there's some macro benefits as well.


  • From an internal standpoint, I'm really pleased with the team and the execution across the Board, whether it's finding efficiencies and in areas of cost of goods sold, which allow us to do different things with, better conversion in our CECs and stores. The experience, I highlighted that we got order processing. Last quarter, I talked about the fact that we were testing that we had it in some stores.

    從內部角度來看,我對整個團隊和整個董事會的執行感到非常滿意,無論是在提高效率還是在銷售商品成本方面,這都使我們能夠做不同的事情,在我們的CEC 和商店中實現更好的轉化。這次經歷,我強調我們得到了訂單處理。上個季度,我談到了我們正在測試一些商店是否有這種產品的事實。

  • We plan to get it out everywhere. By the end of the year, we actually got it all out in this -- the very next quarter which we're thrilled about, which really puts all of our stores to CECs and the customer all on the same format. So it makes it much easier and seamless to go back and forth between assistance and help.

    我們計劃將其推廣到各地。到今年年底,我們實際上在下一個季度就做到了這一點,對此我們感到非常興奮,這確實讓我們所有的商店都進入了 CEC,並且客戶都採用了相同的格式。因此,它使得在援助和幫助之間來回變得更加容易和無縫。

  • So I think that's great from a macro standpoint. Look, prices continue to come down and I think Enrique help me out on this, but I think this is the seventh quarter in a row of year-over-year price declines in our ASP, which certainly they're not back to where they were, but every bit helps.


  • And then of course, interest rates. The future of interest rates coming down, I think will help that. We were able to source and half for sale more, less than $25,000 cars and more 0 to 4 cars, which I think is great. And then of course, we also in this much more of a stable pricing environment, we've talked about that many times over the last few quarters about what happens when you see big price swings with, of which we saw two last fiscal year, one year before. We've got up and down depreciation, but it's much more normal. So I think it's a combination of things.

    當然,還有利率。我認為未來利率下降將會有所幫助。我們能夠購買一半的汽車來出售,價格低於 25,000 美元,還有更多的 0 到 4 輛汽車,我認為這很棒。當然,我們也在這個更穩定的定價環境中,在過去的幾個季度中我們多次討論過當你看到價格大幅波動時會發生什麼,其中我們在上個財年看到了兩次,一年前。我們的折舊有起有落,但這更為正常。所以我認為這是多種因素的結合。

  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • All right, Brian, and I'll take your second question. And basically, it was with our larger provision this quarter. But your question was, is it really on our portfolio or is it the broader economic environment of paraphrasing? But I want to be precise in my answer here.


  • So firstly, so and for our reserve methodology, we look at economic factors that are out there as you might imagine. And so we weigh them into our decision. But more specifically, our adjustments are based on the observations that we have on our portfolio and the performance that we believe is broad in the industry.


  • You take banks, obviously the Ally banks of the world or other banks, other finance companies, you can see that they're citing similar performance issues. So I think it's occurring on books across the industry. We observed it on ours. We take into account economic factors, but it's largely on us -- like on us on industry performance.


  • Brian Nagel - Analyst

    Brian Nagel - Analyst

  • Right. I appreciate the color. Thanks guys.


  • Thank you, Brian.


  • Operator


  • Rajat Gupta, JP Morgan.


  • Rajat Gupta - Analyst

    Rajat Gupta - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks for taking the question. Just have one clarification and another question. On the September comes, just, hear correctly that you're tracking positive? -- on the same string basis so far?

    偉大的。感謝您提出問題。只是有一個澄清和另一個問題。九月到來時,您沒聽錯吧,您的追蹤結果呈陽性? -- 到目前為止是在相同的字串基礎上嗎?

  • Yeah, for the September, well, really, I'm talking about the quarter trend, is tracking positive for the quarter. It's in line with the second quarter. It's a little bit softer, but again, I want to point out Rajat that there is a day of week, headwind there for sure. With the one last Friday, one less Saturday, picking up a Sunday where a bunch of our stores are closed. All that will square away throughout the quarter.

    是的,對於 9 月份,嗯,真的,我說的是季度趨勢,該季度正在追蹤積極的趨勢。與第二季的情況一致。天氣有點柔和,但我想再次指出拉賈特,一周中的某一天肯定會遇到逆風。上週五,少了一個週六,週日我們的許多商店都關門了。所有這些都將在整個季度中解決。

  • So you mean for the quarter, you would expect it to be positive still? That was the comment you were making?


  • That's the current trend of sales, yeah.


  • Okay. Got it. And then just on the advertising spending, I was surprised to see a big drop there. Curious, like is there, what's happening there? I mean, is there like some efficiency you're getting with the advertising spending? I mean, is this the right level of four unit spending we should be expecting. Any sort of thought there, would be helpful. Thanks.


  • Yeah. No, absolutely. I would say that quarter to quarter, there's going to be some variation, right? But if you look at the first half of this year, we're pretty much in line with where I always communicated is our target. And if you take a look at the back half of the year, it's going to be very similar.


  • So I wouldn't read anything into this particular quarter with the marketing spend a year-over-year or on the total unit basis. It's just variances within a quarter. But again, first half of the year, pretty much in line with what our expectations are and the back half of the year is in line with what we've communicated.


  • Understood. Great. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • David Bellinger, Mizuho.


  • David Bellinger - Analyst

    David Bellinger - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks for the questions. First one, just on the worst thing, trends in the broader auto loan market. You've already got tier three down to about a 7% penetration today. You've tightened up again. Just what's next year? Are you beginning to plan the business with any type of contingencies or any potential down shift in volumes over the next few quarters. May maybe just help us think through any further offsets or cost pull backs you could have in a weakening credit environment.

    嘿,謝謝你的提問。第一個是最糟糕的事情,即更廣泛的汽車貸款市場的趨勢。今天,第三層的滲透率已經下降到 7% 左右。你又繃緊了。只是明年會怎樣?您是否開始為未來幾季的任何類型的突發事件或任何潛在的銷售下降做好業務規劃?也許只是幫助我們思考在信貸環境疲軟的情況下可能出現的任何進一步的抵消或成本回落。

  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Yeah, so I guess let's speak about, you mentioned the Tier 3%. I think there's a couple things going on in the industry. You've got, again, worsening performance, that we've talked about. And cash cited, they're tightening. I think again, there's tightening that has occurred across the industry as well. That's well documented too. So I think we've done a great job of absorbing that tightening. Our lenders on our local business, we think we have the best credit platform in the industry. We have very loyal partners and they've done some tightening. No doubt. Every lender is going to do their own thing, but they've done some tightening just as we have.

    是的,所以我想我們來談談,你提到了 Tier 3%。我認為這個行業正在發生一些事情。我們已經討論過,你的表現再次惡化。就現金而言,他們正在收緊。我再次認為,整個產業也出現了緊縮。這也是有據可查的。所以我認為我們在應對緊縮政策方面做得很好。我們本地業務的貸方,我們認為我們擁有業內最好的信貸平台。我們有非常忠誠的合作夥伴,他們已經做了一些收緊工作。無疑。每個貸款人都會做自己的事情,但他們也像我們一樣採取了一些緊縮措施。

  • Yeah, and we don't know what they're going to do going forward. They've -- when we speak to them, they feel like they're in a spot similar to us where they feel good about what they're originating. I want to mention your speak to your Tier 3, comment down to 7%. I think that's maybe less about the tightening.

    是的,我們不知道他們接下來會做什麼。當我們與他們交談時,他們感覺自己處於與我們相似的位置,對自己的原創內容感覺良好。我想提一下您對第 3 層的發言,評論降至 7%。我認為這可能與緊縮無關。

  • Sure, there's some in there, but a lot of the Tier 2 and Tier 3 volume being down. I think that's really an affordability challenge that we've mentioned repeatedly where the consumer that's looking to purchase. That is shopping is just not in a position to pull the trigger given the payments and the situation that occurs.

    當然,其中有一些,但很多 2 級和 3 級的銷量都在下降。我認為這確實是一個負擔能力的挑戰,我們已經多次提到消費者想要購買的地方。也就是說,鑑於付款和發生的情況,購物無法觸發。

  • Some of that could be from tightening, no doubt. But if you look at the sheer price point and the monthly payment, I think that's where they're struggling. So I think that's coming from as much the consumer as it is the tightening. So I don't think


  • The only thing I would, I mean, the only other thing I would add is David is that look, I think we feel great about the actions we've done. We feel great about the tightening that we've done. Our lenders and having conversations with them, they've already tightened, they feel good about the Carmax Book of Business.

    我唯一要補充的是,我要補充的是大衛的樣子,我認為我們對我們所做的行動感覺很棒。我們對我們所做的緊縮感到非常高興。我們的貸款人並與他們交談,他們已經收緊了政策,他們對 Carmax 商業名冊感覺良好。

  • Jon talked about this lower income customer and he's absolutely right. I think the where you're seeing the tier three is not because of necessarily tightening. Sure where there's been tightening, it's just an affordability issue. And when I look at lower income, household income, consumers, it's still a fraction of what it used to be. So we actually think at some point that that will come back,


  • David Bellinger - Analyst

    David Bellinger - Analyst

  • Got it. If I could just ask one more on the digital progression tools, you mentioned order processing. I think there's a new functionality where consumers can complete a track transaction from home, that sort of in store. So is that something available in every location now? And can you talk about any improvement in conversion that you're seeing early on with this?


  • Yeah. So we just rolled it out everywhere recently. You're exactly right. It makes it more seamless whether you start in the store or you start online. What was happening before is if you started it online and you work with the CECs and you did the whole thing through the CECs online. Great. It because all of our CECs were up on it. But if you started online work with the CECs and then when you, then you went into the store, it wasn't as seamless because we didn't have the stores on the new order processing.

    是的。所以我們最近才在各地推廣它。你說得完全正確。無論您是從商店開始還是從網上開始,它都會變得更加無縫。之前發生的情況是,如果您在網上啟動並與 CEC 合作,並且透過 CEC 在線完成整個過程。偉大的。這是因為我們所有的 CEC 都在努力。但如果你開始與 CEC 進行線上工作,然後當你進入商店時,事情就不會那麼順利,因為我們沒有讓商店處理新訂單。

  • Now we have it everywhere. So it doesn't matter where you start. And this is a benefit not only for the customer but for the associate as well because when a store associate is working with a customer that's been doing something online, it's now transparent what they did.


  • The next thing that we're doing, which I talked about is really this shopping cart is what I kind of call it. Where now the consumer -- because you had to get order processing everywhere first. Now when they log into my Carmax account, they see everything they did in the store, they see everything they've done online. So again, it's a nice little continuation and it prompts them on the next step.

    我們接下來要做的事情,我談到的其實就是這個購物車,我就是這麼稱呼它的。現在消費者在哪裡——因為你必須先在任何地方進行訂單處理。現在,當他們登入我的 Carmax 帳戶時,他們會看到他們在商店中所做的一切,他們會看到他們在網路上所做的一切。再說一遍,這是一個很好的小延續,它會提示他們下一步。

  • So it's a little early to talk about what it's generating from a conversion standpoint. Although our conversion was up both in the CECs and the stores. We feel like it's just a better customer experience and it will pay off in dividends in the future because the consumers are going to continue to want more.

    因此,從轉換的角度討論它產生的結果還為時過早。儘管我們在 CEC 和商店的轉換率都有所提高。我們覺得這只是更好的客戶體驗,並且未來會帶來紅利,因為消費者將繼續想要更多。

  • Very good. Thanks, Bill.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Craig Kennison, Baird.


  • Craig Kennison - Analyst

    Craig Kennison - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning. Thanks for taking my question. It somewhat of a follow up to the last question. But online sales as a percentage of total sales moved up to 15% from 14%. I think it was stuck around 14% for a while.

    嘿,早安。感謝您提出我的問題。這在某種程度上是最後一個問題的後續。但線上銷售額佔總銷售額的比例從 14% 上升至 15%。我認為它在 14% 左右停留了一段時間。

  • Where do you think that metric should be in the coming years? And then as you shift to a lower touch process, should we start to see a benefit in unit profitability because of the low touch nature of that transaction?


  • Yeah. So on the 15% -- it's been around 14%, I think for a couple quarters. They did take up a little more. Quite honestly, I'm more excited about the, the 2 point pick up in omni because that's where most of the customers are. There's an only so many folks that just want to do everything online. And I would point out -- the 15% of people that did it online, the vast majority of them still wanted to come into the store to actually do the pickup, talk about the car, that kind of thing.

    是的。因此,就 15% 而言,我認為這幾個季度以來一直在 14% 左右。他們確實多了一點。老實說,我對全向的 2 點提貨更感興趣,因為那是大多數客戶所在的地方。只有這麼多人只想在網路上做所有事情。我想指出的是,在網上提貨的 15% 的人中,絕大多數人仍然想進店實際提貨,談論汽車,諸如此類的事情。

  • As far as more -- look, the more self-progression customers do that is from an efficiency standpoint. That is a win and I'll let Enrique talk about that.


  • Yeah, as I mentioned in my prepared remarks, we're really excited about the progress that we've made on our omni selling model as compared to their pre omni time period. Not only from a year-over-year basis, but also relevant pre omni. This quarter, we were actually more efficient on those key metrics, right. So this key metrics that we've been talking about consistently here for a while on a per total unit basis, on per gross margin basis. And then also on a per retail unit basis, which uh we were more efficient.


  • So we had committed to making progress on that and being as efficient and even more efficient and we're delivering on that and that should continue to accelerate here in an environment where sales come back and we should continue to see that flow through. So we're really, really pleased.


  • Bill just to push back on your point, customers that wanted in a purely digital experience really only have a couple of choices you and a top competitor. And I would think that your perspective is you should have your fair share of that. Do you think you're getting it?


  • Yeah. The way I think about it is I don't have a target for any -- whether they want to do it all in the store, whether they want to do a combination of the two, which is really what omni is all about it. They want to do everything.


  • We want to have the best process for all three of those. So we're kind of agnostic when it comes to how they want it delivered. I think it's great 15% of them, but we don't force them one way or the other. So yeah, I want my -- I definitely want our fair share of that, but I also don't mind if they think that's what they want to do and they end up coming in or doing everything in the store.

    我們希望為這三個方面提供最佳流程。因此,當談到他們希望如何交付時,我們有點不可知。我認為這 15% 很好,但我們不會以一種方式強迫他們。所以,是的,我想要我的——我絕對想要我們的公平份額,但我也不介意他們是否認為這就是他們想做的事情,並且他們最終會進來或在商店裡做所有的事情。

  • That's fair. Thanks, Bill.


  • Thank you, Craig.


  • Operator


  • Scot Ciccarelli, Truist.


  • Scot Ciccarelli - Analyst

    Scot Ciccarelli - Analyst

  • Good morning guys. Apologies in advance for another finance question. Previously, you guys have been lowering provisions despite higher delinquencies and I know Jon, you were talking about a lot of different factors that you guys consider. But was the provision change based primarily on delinquencies increasingly converting into write offs in your book and then relate to that with delinquencies hitting 8% rates on your subprime after about three months. What are your initial loss expectations for the subprime pools? Thanks.

    早安,夥計們。提前為另一個財務問題道歉。此前,儘管拖欠率較高,但你們一直在降低準備金,我知道喬恩,你們談論了你們考慮的許多不同因素。但是,準備金的變化主要是基於拖欠率越來越多地轉化為您帳簿中的沖銷,然後與大約三個月後次級貸款拖欠率達到 8% 的情況相關。您對次級貸款池的初始損失預期是多少?謝謝。

  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Sure. Yeah, on your first question. Yeah, if you look at kind of -- and again, we, we've said our provision is going to function of our origination mix, which is going to have different levels of provision at any point in time. But certainly there's this added component and if you look, we have been -- we call it chewing up adding volume based on the performance we've seen site at the delinquency level.


  • At any given month, and I think we said this, we've definitely had seen our customers operate fine and delinquency, they might come in, they might come out, but they were not rolling to loss at nearly the historic levels that we may have seen 5 years, 10 years ago.


  • It clearly was somebody that was net navigating the environment fairly well. It so happens in this quarter. We sold that erode a little bit and that's why we made the outsized adjustment. But again, it's always sort of on us performance what we're seeing coupled with obviously the external or the economic factors, but it's mostly the on us performance.


  • We feel good about where we sit today with our reserve, we've made the adjustment. It was certainly outsized. It captures the performance and we think our tightening will drive through to actually, ultimately, hopefully not having to make additional adjustments.


  • Yeah. It's got, I mean, I think that's a fine point that I want to make sure, I kind of reinforce in that. Just because you're lowering the provision in previous months doesn't mean you're not doing true up. We were doing true up. It just the origination piece just speaks to the tightening that we've been doing. So again, I just want to make sure that point resonates with everyone.


  • Okay. And then I'll touch on your last question. I think you spoke about the subprime. So let's just talk about the different pockets. And again, it's more of a continuous rather than this sort of discreet the way I'll describe it. But the tier one book of business, obviously, we've cited that is our bread and butter, that's where we have operated.


  • Historically, it has been that 2% to 2.5% loss range. Obviously, we're excited about getting more full spectrum. We've operated in the tier 3 space. We've said yes, certainly a higher loss level. It's been way back in the day. It was maybe 1% of our portfolio, but 10% of our losses. So you can do the math there on the loss level you'd expect.

    從歷史上看,損失範圍一直在 2% 至 2.5% 之間。顯然,我們對獲得更全面的頻譜感到興奮。我們在三級空間運作。我們已經說過是的,損失水平肯定更高。時間已經回到過去了。這可能是我們投資組合的 1%,但卻是我們損失的 10%。因此,您可以根據預期的損失等級進行數學計算。

  • And then Tier 2 is somewhere in between at different continuum. So when we look at a higher delinquency book, it is something that we manage. We believe it's highly profitable. We provide a great credit offer to the customer. I think for an earlier question, we'll go in that space when we think it makes sense and with the volume, it makes sense, we're just excited for the flexibility to be able to do it, have the models that we're going to hone to be able to do it. And again, we think it's just good business to be a part of.

    然後,第 2 層處於不同連續體的中間位置。因此,當我們查看一本犯罪率較高的書時,我們會對此進行管理。我們相信它的利潤很高。我們為客戶提供優惠的信用優惠。我認為對於先前的問題,當我們認為有意義時,我們就會進入這個領域,並且考慮到數量,這是有道理的,我們只是對能夠做到這一點的靈活性感到興奮,擁有我們的模型。再說一次,我們認為參與其中是件好事。

  • Scot Ciccarelli - Analyst

    Scot Ciccarelli - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks a lot guys.


  • Thanks Scott.


  • Operator


  • Chris Pierce, Needham.


  • Chris Pierce - Analyst

    Chris Pierce - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning. Just two questions. Do you think CDK helped the comp at all in the quarter given more independent dealers kind of rely on their software suite? And then other gross margins. You called out some -- we've seen headwinds, you called out some tail winds. I just want to know the right way to kind of think what the piece is going forward.

    嘿,早安。只有兩個問題。鑑於更多獨立經銷商有點依賴他們的軟體套件,您認為 CDK 在本季對公司有幫助嗎?然後是其他毛利率。你呼喚了一些——我們看到了逆風,你呼喚了一些順風。我只是想知道思考這篇文章的進展的正確方法。

  • Okay. On the CDK, look, I don't think it really had any, any material impact. I think a lot of dealers had some more ground, plus if I just look at our comp cadence through the quarter, it got better each month. So August was over July and I think CDK kind of worked itself out through that point. So that's why I just don't think it had a material impact. And then what, what was your second question?

    好的。在 CDK 上,我認為它並沒有真正產生任何實質影響。我認為很多經銷商都有更多的基礎,如果我只看一下我們整個季度的競爭節奏,每個月都會變得更好。所以 8 月已經過去了 7 月,我認為 CDK 已經在這一點上自行解決了。所以這就是為什麼我認為它不會產生實質影響。然後,你的第二個問題是什麼?

  • On the gross margins. Yeah, it's trending quite positively and then we have the EPP tailwinds but you called out some equipment headwinds. I just want to know kind of the right way to think about it if I heard that, right.

    在毛利率上。是的,它的趨勢非常積極,然後我們有 EPP 的順風,但你指出了一些設備的逆風。我只是想知道如果我聽到這個的話,正確的思考方式,對吧。

  • Yeah. No, absolutely. So for other margins, look, we are really pleased with our performance and other gross margin, it rose by $36 million this quarter. That's a 33% year-over-year increase really driven by two components, right? Service continues to see year-over-year improvement which we committed to at the beginning of the year. I expect to continue to see that improvement in the back half of the year.

    是的。不,絕對是。因此,對於其他利潤率,我們對我們的業績和其他毛利率非常滿意,本季成長了 3,600 萬美元。 33% 的同比增長實際上是由兩個因素推動的,對吧?正如我們年初所承諾的那樣,服務繼續逐年改善。我預計今年下半年將繼續看到這種改善。

  • It is somewhat governed by sales, given the leverage to leverage nature, but all things being equal. I would expect to see continued improvement year-over-year. And for EPP, we just again, continue to see improvement. I'd expect to see that because it's really margin that we took earlier periods. And so I'd expect to see that increase in Q3, and then in Q4, we're going to start copying over some of the margin testing that we've done the previous year.

    考慮到槓桿性質,但在所有條件相同的情況下,它在某種程度上受銷售影響。我希望看到逐年持續改善。對於 EPP,我們再次繼續看到改進。我希望看到這一點,因為這確實是我們早期獲得的利潤。因此,我預計第三季度會出現這種成長,然後在第四季度,我們將開始複製我們去年所做的一些保證金測試。

  • But nevertheless, we still expect to see some favorability year-over-year. So we're bullish on our other margin performance. In relation to -- in my prepared remarks, I talked about a potentially, there may be up to $10 million impact. That would not be in gross margin, that would be in other income and expense. So a non-gross margin, non SGN impact. And that's really just taking a potentially taking a charge on as we optimize our logistics network.

    但儘管如此,我們仍然預期同比會出現一些好轉。因此,我們看好我們的其他利潤率表現。在我準備好的發言中,我談到了可能產生高達 1000 萬美元的影響。這不是毛利率,而是其他收入和支出。因此不會對毛利率、SGN 產生影響。這其實只是在我們優化物流網路時可能承擔的責任。

  • We took a look at the associate side. We got to take a look at the truck side as well. So we need to make sure that we have the right amount of trucks ourselves, that our dedicated partners also have the right amount of trucks. And we expect that there may be a charge off there, but we're still working through that and that would be a onetime hit. So just wanted to call that out for the third quarter or fourth quarter.


  • Perfect. And then just one last one, we've seen strength in the wholesale market, kind of non-seasonal strength and I don't think, used car retailers have much pricing power right now. So how should we think about GPUs from here? Could there be modest GPUs compression around that? Or am I over reading into a month of strength in the wholesale market?

    完美的。最後一點,我們看到了批發市場的強勢,一種非季節性的強勢,我認為二手車零售商現在沒有太大的定價能力。那我們該如何看待 GPU 呢?是否可以對此進行適當的 GPU 壓縮?還是我過度解讀了批發市場一個月的強勢?

  • You mean, are we thinking that our GPUs would come under strain going forward? Is that the question?

    您的意思是,我們是否認為我們的 GPU 未來會面臨壓力?這是問題嗎?

  • Yeah, it's been -- it's cost to use car dealers more to buy cars in the wholesale market. And pricing power is sort of limited right now based on where we're at as far as affordability.


  • Yeah, look, our self-sufficiency when you look at what we're buying through the appraisal lane and through dealers is well over 70%. I think that plays a lot into our ability to get uh supply. I feel great about our own wholesale business. The team's doing a phenomenal job. If I look at -- and this probably speaks to your point.

    是的,你看,當你看到我們透過評估通路和經銷商購買的東西時,我們的自給率遠遠超過 70%。我認為這對我們獲得呃供應的能力有很大影響。我對我們自己的批發業務感覺很好。該團隊做得非常出色。如果我看一下——這可能符合你的觀點。

  • I look at the how many dealers are for every car that continues to improve, which, obviously helps us continue to manage margin, build off the customer as much as possible for their vehicles. So again, I think some of the concerns on the supply side -- again, we just have not because of our self-sufficiency is so high. We just have not had an issue.

    我查看了每輛持續改進的汽車有多少經銷商,這顯然有助於我們繼續管理利潤,並為他們的車輛盡可能吸引客戶。因此,我再次認為供應方面的一些擔憂 - 再說一次,我們只是沒有因為我們的自給自足率如此之高。我們只是沒有遇到問題。

  • Okay, perfect. Thank you.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Chris Bottiglieri, BNP Paribas.

    克里斯‧波蒂列裡 (Chris Bottiglieri),法國巴黎銀行。

  • Ian Davis - Analyst

    Ian Davis - Analyst

  • Hey guys, this is Ian Davis on for Chris, thanks for taking the question. Another one on credit, but hopefully a little bit more high level. What are your peers, online peers has been able to meaningfully expand their credit for penetration at a level that we would estimate to be in the mid-80s versus your low 70s today?


  • So acknowledging some of the conditions in the current environment that you've alluded to previously, what are the constraints that prevent you from getting to those levels today? And maybe what could you tell us about the make-up of the other 30% of customers that aren't procuring financing from Carmax or your lending partners?

    因此,承認您之前提到的當前環境中的一些條件,有哪些限制因素阻止您達到今天的水平?也許您能告訴我們關於未從 Carmax 或您的貸款合作夥伴那裡獲得融資的其他 30% 客戶的組成嗎?

  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Sure. Yeah, I mean, I think speaking to us specifically, I'll just break down our penetration again. We are looking to be a full spectrum lender provide all customers availability to credit. So we think that's why we have many lenders in our platform that have been there a long time and we think we provide great credit offers across this credit spectrum. We not trying to focus on a lower end, middle end to high end. We want to provide it to all customers.


  • And so therefore, we have additional lenders. Everybody has -- is going to benefit from Carmax. Our partner lenders want volume as well. We have volume, we know there's opportunity potentially to grow our volume. But we're looking to provide great offers to all customers within the credit spectrum. That's just an overarching goal of ours.

    因此,我們有更多的貸款人。每個人都會從 Carmax 中受益。我們的合作夥伴貸方也希望獲得數量。我們有數量,我們知道有機會增加我們的數量。但我們希望為信用範圍內的所有客戶提供優惠的服務。這只是我們的整體目標。

  • With regard to the -- what prevents c from growing uh meaningfully, I think we've decided we're very excited about the ability to choose to grow when it makes sense. But again, we're not going to target one particular pocket. We want to make sure we're making offers across Tier 2, across Tier 3, but staying true to who we are in Tier 1. That is what we do.

    關於——是什麼阻止了 c 有意義地增長,我認為我們已經決定,我們對在有意義時選擇增長的能力感到非常興奮。但同樣,我們不會針對某一特定群體。我們希望確保我們在第 2 層、第 3 層提供服務,但同時忠於我們在第 1 層的身份。

  • So that's specifically to CAF. You asked the question about those not procuring finance from Carmax and using a third party. Again, those customers are absolutely going to be your higher end consumer. It's going to be those that are going to come down and put cash right down because they don't want to pay higher interest rates that are out there in this environment.

    這是專門針對 CAF 的。您詢問了那些不從 Carmax 獲取資金並使用第三方的人的問題。同樣,這些客戶絕對會成為您的高端消費者。那些會下來並立即存入現金的人將是因為他們不想在這種環境下支付更高的利率。

  • They're affiliated with the credit union, who absolutely is operating at a cost of fund advantage. So they're very rate sensitive and those are folks that we try to compete with at CAF but sometimes it's an environment where it's difficult to do so. And as long as we're looking to sell cars to those consumers and focusing on those consumers, which we are, we are going to have percentage of volume.

    他們隸屬於信用合作社,而信用社的營運絕對是以資金優勢為代價的。所以他們對費率非常敏感,我們試圖在 CAF 與這些人競爭,但有時在這個環境中很難做到這一點。只要我們希望向這些消費者銷售汽車並專注於這些消費者(我們就是這樣的消費者),我們就會獲得一定的銷售百分比。

  • In this case, it's maybe a little more outsized more than 30% this quarter of using external financing. That will shrink as the lower rank consumer comes back. We believe that 100% because they will again increase their size of the pie. Thus lowering other -- the non-finance size of the pie. So a lot in that answer, a lot of your question, I want to make sure I captured it holistically.

    在這種情況下,本季使用外部融資的比例可能會超過 30%。隨著低等級消費者的回歸,這個數字將會縮小。我們100%相信,因為他們會再次擴大蛋糕的大小。從而降低其他非金融領域的蛋糕大小。因此,在這個答案中,你的許多問題,我想確保我全面地捕捉到了它。

  • Yeah. And I'm going to add a little bit, I'm going to add a little bit more of that answer, which is -- look, we could absolutely go there tomorrow. We would just limit the number of partners. We wouldn't allow three day payoffs. But in reality, when you sell this many cars to the wide spectrum, especially your rate sensitive customers having more partners for lots of reasons is a great thing.


  • Now, do we have an opportunity to continue to increase our penetration? Absolutely. And we absolutely will over time. But I think you have to do it in a thoughtful way, especially as your volume grows.


  • Ian Davis - Analyst

    Ian Davis - Analyst

  • Got it. Really appreciate the answer from you.


  • Operator


  • John Healy, Northcoast Research.


  • John Healy - Analyst

    John Healy - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my question. Just wanted to ask just one big picture type question. You guys have talked about doing some things on the logistics side which kind of get you to where you want to be. But I haven't heard a lot of talk about the recon side of things and was just curious if you could address that if you're kind of happy with the state and approach to reconditioning and the ability to get. Solid margin out of the business, or you may be rethinking or retooling some things there in the background. Thanks.


  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Yeah. No John, I mean look, this is an area of focus. I talked about it last quarter. I mentioned it in the marks just high level. I didn't give any specific examples, but I feel great about the initiatives that we're doing on the reconditioning side. The difference between reconditioning and logistics is, reconditioning is going to be a lot of little things adding up.


  • So think about -- we're seeing some great improvements in some part utilization whether it's OEM, non-OEM when to replace, not to replace, we've got bringing some stuff in house, so not subletting as much better capacity, utilization, outlier store performance. Whip improvements, time frame, there's a lot of things that will add up to some of the internal goals that we talked. But -- and quite honestly, last quarter, I said, look, we're going after a couple 100 bucks between reconditioning and logistics, which that's not insignificant.

    所以想想——我們看到一些零件利用率有了很大的改進,無論是OEM、非OEM 何時更換,而不是更換,我們已經在內部帶來了一些東西,所以不會轉租更好的產能、利用率,異常商店表現。鞭策改進、時間框架,有很多事情都會增加我們談論的一些內部目標。但是——老實說,上個季度,我說,看,我們在翻新和物流之間花了 100 美元,這並不是微不足道的。

  • And obviously, as you realize that you then have the luxury of what to do with it, pass it on to customers or take it to margin. So we feel good about our progress there on both fronts, whether it's logistics or it's in the reconditioning and both of which, we're going to continue to get things over the next year from a benefit standpoint.


  • John Healy - Analyst

    John Healy - Analyst

  • Got it and, and just one minutia question for me, I think a expense, advertising expense was actually down year-over-year for you guys and the costs were up. So just kind of wondering if there was some timing thing there or if you guys are maybe holding back or changing the way you're thinking about ad spending? Thanks.


  • Yeah. No, it was purely timing. If you look at the first half of the year, we're pretty much on course for what we had communicated with the target for the year. And so the first half of the year I expect is going to be the similar to the back half in terms of the per total unit spend. So it was purely some timing in the second quarter.


  • Great. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • David Whiston, Morningstar.


  • David Whiston - Analyst

    David Whiston - Analyst

  • Thanks. Good morning. Wanted to go back to that explanation on the other financing channel. You said that they're very interest rate sensitive consumers but you also said that they're more able to pay cash. So are most pe uh buyers in that bucket? Are they more budget conscious or are they more wealthy or unable to pay cash? Or in other words, are they borrowing more or they just more ca all cash buyers?


  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • Yeah, that consumer typically is definitely your higher end consumer. Again, they're coming in with the affinity check with their bank or the credit union, but generally a very rate sensitive consumer. But absolutely majority of that is cash, it's in cash in some form. It may be true cash, it may be home equity loan, it may be personal loan. But those are people that have -- generally have the wherewithal to not pay the higher interest rates that are out there today and you'll find people that are going to do that in all interest rate environments but especially in this environment, it's cash users highly rate sensitive.


  • David Whiston - Analyst

    David Whiston - Analyst

  • Okay. And on the capital allocation, do you see buybacks continuing? or are you feeling more cautious given the declines in credit quality?


  • Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

    Jon Daniels - Senior Vice President - CarMax Auto Finance

  • I'm feeling like we're on the pace that we communicated and I would expect to continue to see that pace for the balance of the year.


  • David Whiston - Analyst

    David Whiston - Analyst

  • Okay. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you at this time, I'm showing no further questions in queue. I'll turn the call back to Bill for any closing remarks.


  • Alright. Thank you, Todd. Listen, I want to thank everybody for joining the call and your questions and your support. Obviously, we feel good about our progress. Also, I just want to share my thoughts are definitely with our associates and their families in the communities. As Hurricane, Helene approaches, we have a number of stores in the storm's path and as always, the safety of our associates is our top priority to those associates and everyone that's been impacted. Please stay safe and we will talk again next quarter. Thank you.


  • Thank you, ladies, and gentlemen, that concludes the second quarter fiscal year 2025 earnings release conference call. You may disconnect your line at this time and have a wonderful day.

    謝謝女士們、先生們,2025 財年第二季財報發布電話會議到此結束。此時您可以斷開線路並度過美好的一天。