Guidewire Software Inc (GWRE) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Greetings. Welcome to the Guidewire third-quarter fiscal 2024 financial results conference call. (Operator instructions) Please note this conference is being recorded. I will now turn the conference over to your host, Alex Hughes. You may begin.

    問候。歡迎參加 Guidewire 2024 財年第三季財務業績電話會議。 (操作員說明)請注意,本次會議正在錄製中。現在我將會議交給主持人 Alex Hughes。你可以開始了。

  • Alex Hughes - Investor Relations

    Alex Hughes - Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Shimali. I'm Alex Hughes, Vice President, Investor Relations. And with me today is Mike Rosenbaum, Chief Executive Officer; and Jeff Cooper, Chief Financial Officer. A complete disclosure of our results can be found in our press release issued today as well as in our related Form 8-K furnished to the SEC, both of which are available on the Investor Relations section of our website.

    謝謝你,希瑪裡。我是亞歷克斯‧休斯 (Alex Hughes),投資人關係副總裁。今天與我在一起的是執行長 Mike Rosenbaum;和財務長傑夫·庫柏。我們的結果的完整揭露可以在我們今天發布的新聞稿以及我們向 SEC 提供的相關表格 8-K 中找到,這兩個表格都可以在我們網站的投資者關係部分找到。

  • Today's call is being recorded, and a replay will be available following the conclusion of the call. Statements made on this call include forward-looking ones regarding our financial results, products, customer demand, operations, the impact of local, national, and geopolitical events on our business and other matters. These statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions are based on management's current expectations as of today and should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any subsequent date.


  • Please refer to the press release and the risk factors and documents we file with the SEC, including our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and our prior and forthcoming quarterly reports on Form 10-Q filed and to be filed with the SEC for information on risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that may cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in such such statements.

    請參閱新聞稿以及我們向 SEC 提交的風險因素和文件,包括我們最新的 10-K 表格年度報告以及我們先前和即將提交的 10-Q 表格季度報告,以供 SEC 提交。此類聲明中規定的結果存在重大差異的風險、不確定性和假設的資訊。

  • We also will refer to certain non-GAAP financial measures to provide additional information to investors. All commentary on margins, profitability, expenses are on a non-GAAP basis unless stated otherwise. A reconciliation of non-GAAP to GAAP measures is provided in our press release. Reconciliations and additional data are also posted in the supplement on our IR website. And with that, I'll now turn the call over to Mike.

    我們也將參考某些非公認會計準則財務指標,為投資者提供更多資訊。除非另有說明,所有關於利潤率、獲利能力、費用的評論均基於非公認會計原則。我們的新聞稿中提供了非公認會計原則與公認會計原則措施的調節。調節表和附加資料也發佈在我們 IR 網站的增補中。現在,我將把電話轉給麥克。

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Alex. Good afternoon and thanks, everyone, for joining today. I'm incredibly excited to share the results of our third quarter and discuss the momentum we are seeing in our business. Q3 was another very strong quarter and puts us in great shape, heading into the final stretch of our fiscal year.


  • We have all worked very hard to establish Guidewire Cloud platform and our InsuranceSuite applications as a trusted worldwide standard for P&C insurers. And I think our Q3 results, and year-to-date results clearly show that we're paying off.

    我們都非常努力地將 Guidewire 雲端平台和我們的 InsuranceSuite 應用程式建立為財產和意外傷害保險公司值得信賴的全球標準。我認為我們第三季的業績以及今年迄今為止的業績清楚地表明我們正在獲得回報。

  • In April, we released Jasper, our 10th release and on under four years, which delivers increased agility and commercial lines, while also expanding HazardHub data for Canada. This release and our continued innovation across our platform and applications, improved customer agility, speed, and business intelligence.

    今年 4 月,我們發布了 Jasper,這是我們四年內的第 10 個版本,它提供了更高的敏捷性和商業產品線,同時也擴展了加拿大的 HazardHub 數據。此版本以及我們在平台和應用程式中的持續創新,提高了客戶敏捷性、速度和商業智慧。

  • We are helping our cloud customers innovate faster and make better data-driven decisions across the insurance lifecycle. I'm now more confident than ever that the continual iterative improvements we have demonstrated to customers through our cloud platforms' consistent release schedule are helping to align more of the industry around our platform. And this general confidence is resulting in our improved business momentum.


  • In the third quarter, we closed eight InsuranceSuite Cloud deals, bringing our total InsuranceSuite cloud deals year to date to 24, which is a 33% increase year over year. We also saw sustained strength with Tier 1 insurers, including four Tier 1 deals in the quarter.

    第三季度,我們完成了 8 筆 InsuranceSuite 雲端交易,使年初至今的 InsuranceSuite 雲端交易總數達到 24 筆,年增 33%。我們也看到一級保險公司的持續強勁勢頭,包括本季的四筆一級保險公司交易。

  • Our continued deal momentum speaks to the tremendous progress we have made establishing the reputation of Guidewire Cloud platform but also the much improved fiscal year linearity our sales teams are driving. We have been working for the past few years to establish a more linear quarter-to-quarter approach to sales, and I'm very happy with the more balanced year-to-date outcome.

    我們持續的交易動能證明了我們在建立 Guidewire 雲端平台聲譽方面取得的巨大進步,也證明了我們的銷售團隊正在推動的財政年度線性度的大幅改善。過去幾年我們一直致力於建立一種更線性的季度銷售方法,我對年初至今更加平衡的結果感到非常滿意。

  • It was also a strong quarter for cloud migration activity with a total of five InsuranceSuite cloud migrations. Our customer base is our most valuable asset, and a significant part of our cloud strategy has been anchored around the objective to successfully migrate every single one of our on-prem customers to our cloud platform. Continuing to drive these cloud transitions ensures that we remain the industry leader. It sets us up for further cloud expansion activity down the line and demonstrates the feasibility of Guidewire Cloud to new insurers.

    這也是雲端遷移活動強勁的季度,共有五個 InsuranceSuite 雲端遷移。我們的客戶群是我們最寶貴的資產,我們雲端策略的一個重要部分是圍繞著成功將每位本地客戶遷移到我們的雲端平台的目標。持續推動這些雲端轉型可確保我們保持產業領先地位。它為我們進一步開展雲端擴展活動奠定了基礎,並向新保險公司展示了 Guidewire Cloud 的可行性。

  • Deal activity in the quarter was particularly strong in our Asia-Pacific region, where we had for cloud migration deals in Australia. We are building on our established cloud position in North America with higher engagement and momentum internationally, and it's great to see this pay off in the quarter.


  • Last month, we conducted three highly successful Guidewire insurance forums, with one in London, one in Sydney, and one in Tokyo. These events serve as important customer touch points and an opportunity for the broader Guidewire ecosystem to come together and share ideas and feedback. There are a powerful vehicle we use to influence our existing pipeline, generate new opportunities, and help ensure that existing customers are up to speed on all the product innovation we have plant.

    上個月,我們舉辦了三場非常成功的 Guidewire 保險論壇,一場在倫敦,一場在悉尼,一場在東京。這些活動是重要的客戶接觸點,也是更廣泛的 Guidewire 生態系統聚集在一起並分享想法和回饋的機會。我們使用強大的工具來影響我們現有的產品線,創造新的機會,並幫助確保現有客戶跟上我們工廠的所有產品創新的步伐。

  • Each event brings together insurance professionals from leading customers and partners to discuss the future of the P&C industry. In Sydney, over 135 insurance professionals heard Simone Labady, CEO of Aioi Nissay Dowa, New Zealand, discuss her goals for rapid growth on the cloud, how new guide wire products and features, including APD, data platform, and Jutro are helping them launch new products quickly and increased customer convenience.

    每場活動都匯集了來自領先客戶和合作夥伴的保險專業人士,共同討論財產險行業的未來。在悉尼,超過 135 名保險專業人士聽取了新西蘭 Aioi Nissay Dowa 首席執行官 Simone Labady 討論她在雲端上快速增長的目標,以及新導絲產品和功能(包括 APD、數據平台和 Jutro)如何幫助他們推出快速推出新產品並增加顧客便利性。

  • In Tokyo, nearly 150 people heard Nakagawa-san, President and CEO of Saison Automobile and Fire Insurance, part of Sompo Group, which was the first insurance company in Japan to deploy Guidewire Cloud, discussed their strategic journey, progress to date, and experience with Guidewire Cloud.

    在東京,近150 人聆聽了Sompo 集團旗下Saison 汽車和火災保險公司總裁兼首席執行官Nakakawa-san 討論了他們的戰略歷程、迄今為止的進展和經驗,Sompo 集團是日本第一家部署Guidewire Cloud 的保險公司與 Guidewire 雲端。

  • In addition, Eric Marcoux, VP of IT at Beneva, shared how Guidewire helped the company accomplish an increase in sales and a decrease in time required to train new team members from three to six months to less than a month. Since upgrading to Guidewire Cloud, Beneva has completed three updates, which is in stark contrast to the 12-to-18-month upgrade duration that they were used to when on-prem.

    此外,Beneva 的 IT 副總裁 Eric Marcoux 分享了 Guidewire 如何幫助公司實現銷售額的成長,並將培訓新團隊成員所需的時間從三到六個月縮短到不到一個月。自從升級到 Guidewire Cloud 以來,Beneva 已經完成了三次更新,這與他們在本地部署時所習慣的 12 到 18 個月的升級持續時間形成鮮明對比。

  • Last month, we emphasized our commitment and aspirations for the Asia-Pacific region with the hire of Shaji Sethu as our Asia Pacific Managing Director. Shaji has lived in Sydney, Australia for over 30 years, and he brings an extensive track record of driving strategic IT programs and insurance outcomes in the region. This leadership addition will further strengthen the connection between Guidewire's global capabilities and the local needs of our customers. We made a similar leadership addition to the EMEA region two years ago when we named Will McAllister as Managing Director and have been very pleased with the progress we are making, and he is leading in Europe.

    上個月,我們聘請 Shaji Sethu 擔任亞太區董事總經理,強調了我們對亞太地區的承諾和願望。 Shaji 在澳洲雪梨生活了 30 多年,在推動該地區策略 IT 專案和保險成果方面擁有豐富的記錄。這一領導層的加入將進一步加強 Guidewire 的全球能力與客戶本地需求之間的連結。兩年前,我們任命威爾·麥卡利斯特(Will McAllister) 為董事總經理,對歐洲、中東和非洲地區進行了類似的領導層補充,並對我們取得的進展感到非常滿意,他在歐洲處於領先地位。

  • In April, we were in London for Guidewire's Europe Insurance Forum. It was also an incredible event with over 250 attending across 70 insurers and 44 customers. Leading insurers such as AXA and Beazley attended and spoke to the importance of agility and the objectives that they have ahead with Guidewire. I'm especially pleased with the progress we're making with the London market, where we are bridging our global capabilities with its specialized content needs.

    四月,我們在倫敦參加 Guidewire 的歐洲保險論壇。這也是一場令人難以置信的活動,共有 70 家保險公司和 44 名客戶超過 250 人參加。 AXA 和 Beazley 等領先保險公司出席並闡述了敏捷性的重要性以及他們與 Guidewire 共同實現的目標。我對我們在倫敦市場的進展感到特別滿意,我們正在將我們的全球能力與其專業內容需求聯繫起來。

  • We are seeing a high level of market engagement worldwide and combined with the increasing maturity of our platform, we continue to grow our pipeline, both in size and quality of engagement. This momentum and general confidence help position us very well for this fiscal year and more importantly our longer-term outlook.


  • Turning to our ecosystem, another key element of our strategy is to expand the partner community surrounding Guidewire, which helps to accelerate customer adoption, deployments, and time to market. We are seeing the SI community increasingly engage in Guidewire projects. There are over 38 SIs working with us today, and in the third quarter, the number of cloud certified partner professionals from these firms increased 27% year over year to 8,900. Similarly, our solution partner community continues to expand.

    談到我們的生態系統,我們策略的另一個關鍵要素是擴大 Guidewire 周圍的合作夥伴社區,這有助於加快客戶採用、部署和上市時間。我們看到 SI 社群越來越多地參與 Guidewire 計畫。目前有超過 38 個 SI 與我們合作,第三季度,這些公司的雲端認證合作夥伴專業人員數量年增 27%,達到 8,900 名。同樣,我們的解決方案合作夥伴社群也在不斷擴大。

  • Guidewire Marketplace now has over 210 solution partners. As our marketplace expands with each release and as adoption of these applications increases, we reduce customer costs and accelerate their time to value on our platform.

    Guidewire Marketplace 目前擁有超過 210 個解決方案合作夥伴。隨著我們的市場隨著每個版本的發布而擴展以及這些應用程式的採用率不斷增加,我們降低了客戶成本並加快了他們在我們平台上實現價值的時間。

  • But maybe the most notable and impressive example of our growing global momentum and ecosystem came in May when we held our inaugural Developer Summit in Bangalore, India. Nearly 500 people attended this event, with participation from our leading partners such as EY and PwC.


  • It was a great opportunity to introduce Mohammed Anzy, the new leader of our India operations to the community. Anzy joins us from SAP, where he led the largest R&D center outside of Germany. We're excited for him to join us and help drive our strategy, execution and growth in India.

    這是向社區介紹我們印度業務的新領導穆罕默德·安齊 (Mohammed Anzy) 的絕佳機會。 Anzy 在加入我們之前就職於 SAP,他領導了德國以外最大的研發中心。我們很高興他加入我們並幫助推動我們在印度的策略、執行和成長。

  • We also ran a hackathon, which attracted over 125 entries and made me extremely proud of the progress that we've made in our cloud platform. This event marks a commitment to India as a source of innovation through Guidewire employees, but also connects us more closely to a community of technology professionals who have dedicated their careers to improving the insurance industry by leveraging Guidewire Software.

    我們還舉辦了一場黑客馬拉松,吸引了超過 125 名參賽者,這讓我對我們在雲端平台上的進步感到非常自豪。這項活動標誌著 Guidewire 員工對印度作為創新來源的承諾,同時也使我們與技術專業人士社群更加緊密地聯繫在一起,他們致力於利用 Guidewire 軟體改善保險業。

  • Finally, let me turn to the continued progress we are making, driving platform scale and efficiency. As you know, we've been focused on expanding platform efficiency and gross margin, and it's great to see the team's progress reflected in third-quarter subscription and support gross margins increasing 10 percentage points year over year.

    最後,讓我談談我們在推動平台規模和效率方面所取得的持續進展。如您所知,我們一直專注於擴大平台效率和毛利率,很高興看到團隊的進步反映在第三季訂閱和支援毛利率年增 10 個百分點。

  • This puts us now ahead of plan, and we are confident that we will continue to drive improvements here as we continue to execute new approaches to cloud operations and drive more automation and self-service tooling across our platform. This quarter is another validation of the investments we have made and further proof that these investments have produced and will continue to produce long-term profitable growth.


  • Our software is mission critical and a core system of record for our customers. We price our software as a percentage of an insurer's direct written premium and are, therefore, tied directly to the value our customers create underwriting and insuring against risk and the associated premiums they charge.


  • This structure creates a durability to our software business at a time when companies across industries are working to gain efficiency and, in many cases, reduce workforces. This stability combined with our success in instantiating our market-leading cloud platform gives me confidence in our model and our ability to invest in further innovation to create new growth opportunities in the future. With that, I'll now turn the call over to Jeff.


  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks, Mike. Q3 surpassed our expectations across the Board. ARR finished at $828 million and benefited from durable cloud demand. As we've discussed in recent quarters, we continue to see improved bookings linearity, and strength in the first three quarters sets us up well for the year.

    謝謝,麥克。第三季全面超出了我們的預期。 ARR 最終達到 8.28 億美元,受益於持久的雲端需求。正如我們在最近幾季所討論的那樣,我們繼續看到預訂線性度有所改善,前三個季度的強勁勢頭為我們今年的發展奠定了良好的基礎。

  • Total revenue was $241 million. We saw better-than-expected results in all areas of revenue. Subscription revenue grew 35%, and subscription and support revenue grew 28% as we benefited from deal momentum. License revenue grew 11% as a result of continued DWP true-up activity and expansions upon renewal of term license arrangements.

    總收入為 2.41 億美元。我們在所有收入領域都看到了好於預期的結果。由於我們受益於交易勢頭,訂閱收入成長了 35%,訂閱和支援收入成長了 28%。由於持續的 DWP 調整活動以及續約期限授權安排的擴展,授權收入增加了 11%。

  • We price our software on basis points of our customers' direct written premiums. And we have seen customers' DWP grow as insurers increase rates to accommodate rising claims costs due to inflation and the risk environment.

    我們根據客戶直接承保保費的基點對軟體進行定價。我們也看到,隨著保險公司提高費率以適應通貨膨脹和風險環境導致的索賠成本上升,客戶的 DWP 也隨之成長。

  • Services revenue was better than expectations and was up off of the low point last quarter as utilization rates improve. We are thrilled that our partners are investing to help us modernize this industry, and we expect them to continue to lead the majority of the cloud programs. We are working hard with our partners to find the right equilibrium to ensure we are supporting their growth while also ensuring that cloud standards are adopted and that our professional services portfolio mix, and volume are healthy.


  • Turning to profitability for the third quarter, which we will discuss on a non-GAAP basis, gross profit was $151 million. Overall gross margin was 63% compared with 52% a year ago. Subscription and support gross margin was 65%, which compares favorably to 55% a year ago. This continues to track ahead of our expectations due to increased cloud infrastructure efficiency.

    談到第三季的獲利能力,我們將在非 GAAP 基礎上討論,毛利為 1.51 億美元。整體毛利率為 63%,而一年前為 52%。訂閱和支持毛利率為 65%,優於一年前的 55%。由於雲端基礎設施效率的提高,這繼續超出我們的預期。

  • Services gross profit was $5 million, and services gross margin was 10%. We expect the cost basis to be relatively stable in the services organization, and our ability to drive profit margin will be dependent on growing the top-line.

    服務毛利為 500 萬美元,服務毛利率為 10%。我們預期服務組織的成本基礎將相對穩定,我們提高利潤率的能力將取決於收入的成長。

  • Overall operating profit was $21 million in the third quarter. This was better than expected due to revenue outperformance and lower operating expenses. We continue to be thrilled with the operating profit and operating margin momentum.

    第三季整體營業利潤為 2,100 萬美元。由於收入表現出色且營運費用較低,這好於預期。我們繼續對營業利潤和營業利潤率的勢頭感到興奮。

  • Stock-based compensation was $37 million, up 5% from Q3 of last year. We ended the quarter with $934 million in cash, cash equivalents, and investments. Operating cash flow was $5 million for the quarter.

    股票薪酬為 3,700 萬美元,比去年第三季成長 5%。本季結束時,我們的現金、現金等價物和投資為 9.34 億美元。該季度營運現金流為 500 萬美元。

  • Turning to our outlook for the full fiscal year 2024, we are adjusting our ARR outlook to $856 million to $864 million. Strong activity in Q3 and a healthy pipeline reinforces our confidence in the full-year targets and allows us to raise our outlook.

    談到我們對 2024 年整個財年的展望,我們將 ARR 展望調整為 8.56 億至 8.64 億美元。第三季的強勁活動和健康的管道增強了我們對全年目標的信心,並使我們能夠提高我們的前景。

  • We expect deal momentum in Q4 to manifest itself more in fully ramped ARR as customers and prospects are comfortable making significant long-term commitments to Guidewire Cloud. I expect fully ramped ARR to grow at or above 16% for the fiscal year 2024, which is a great result when you consider it is on top of 17% fully ramped ARR growth we delivered in fiscal '23.

    我們預計第四季度的交易動能將在 ARR 全面提升中得到更多體現,因為客戶和潛在客戶願意對 Guidewire Cloud 做出重大的長期承諾。我預計 2024 財年的全面提升 ARR 將成長 16% 或以上,考慮到我們在 23 財年實現了 17% 的全面提升 ARR 成長,這是一個很好的結果。

  • We are building a strong foundation for delivering on our longer-term growth targets. We will provide more detail on fully ramped ARR at year end as this is a metric we disclose on an annual basis.

    我們正在為實現長期成長目標奠定堅實的基礎。我們將在年底提供有關全面提升的 ARR 的更多詳細信息,因為這是我們每年披露的指標。

  • As a reminder, our ARR outlook assumes foreign currency exchange rates as of the end of our last fiscal year, and we update ARR exchange rates at year end. If we updated ARR today based on current exchange rates, then we would see $7 million negative adjustment. We will certainly discuss this and quantify this at year end.

    提醒一下,我們的 ARR 展望假設外幣匯率為上一財年末的匯率,並且我們會在年底更新 ARR 匯率。如果我們今天根據當前匯率更新 ARR,那麼我們將看到 700 萬美元的負調整。我們肯定會在年底討論並量化這一點。

  • With respect to revenue, we are increasing our expectations for subscription revenue and subscription and support revenue. We are adjusting subscription revenue to approximately $474 million and subscription and support revenue to approximately $546 million, representing a positive adjustment of $5 million in both instances.

    在收入方面,我們正在提高對訂閱收入以及訂閱和支援收入的預期。我們將訂閱收入調整為約 4.74 億美元,將訂閱和支援收入調整為約 5.46 億美元,這兩種情況均積極調整了 500 萬美元。

  • We expect license revenue of approximately $247 million, and services revenue of approximately $179 million. As a result, our outlook for total revenue is $968 million to $976 million, a $10 million positive adjustment at the midpoint.

    我們預計授權收入約為 2.47 億美元,服務收入約為 1.79 億美元。因此,我們對總收入的預期為 9.68 億美元至 9.76 億美元,中間值則積極調整 1,000 萬美元。

  • Turning to margins and profitability which we will discuss on a non-GAAP basis, subscription and support gross margins continue to exceed expectations and we now expect between 65% and 66% for the year. We still expect services gross margins to be between 5% and 8%. As a result, we now expect overall gross margins of approximately 63% for the full year.

    談到我們將在非 GAAP 基礎上討論的利潤率和盈利能力,訂閱和支持毛利率繼續超出預期,我們現在預計今年將在 65% 至 66% 之間。我們仍然預計服務毛利率在 5% 至 8% 之間。因此,我們目前預計全年總體毛利率約為 63%。

  • With respect to operating income, we expect between $94 million and $102 million in operating profit for the fiscal year. This represents $11 million positive adjustment at the midpoint.

    就營業收入而言,我們預計本財年營業利潤在 9,400 萬美元至 1.02 億美元之間。這意味著中點的正調整為 1100 萬美元。

  • We still expect stock-based compensation to be approximately $147 million, representing 3% growth year over year. We are also increasing our cash flow from operation expectations to between $130 million and $150 million for the fiscal year.

    我們仍預期股票薪酬約為 1.47 億美元,年增 3%。我們也將本財年的營運預期現金流增加至 1.3 億至 1.5 億美元。

  • We are proud of our progress. As we look ahead to fiscal '25 targets we discussed at Analyst Day, we remain confident in our ability to achieve our $1 billion ARR goal. We are clearly tracking a bit ahead of our gross margin targets and this is creating an opportunity to accelerate some product investment while still achieving our operating margin targets. With that, operator, you can open the call for questions.

    我們為我們的進步感到自豪。當我們展望分析師日討論的 25 財年目標時,我們對實現 10 億美元 ARR 目標的能力仍然充滿信心。我們顯然比我們的毛利率目標稍微領先,這為加速某些產品投資創造了機會,同時仍然實現了我們的營業利潤率目標。接線員,您可以透過該電話發起提問。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Kevin Kumar, Goldman Sachs.

    (操作員指令)Kevin Kumar,高盛。

  • Kevin Kumar Kumar - Analyst

    Kevin Kumar Kumar - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks for taking my question. I wanted to ask a question around the demand environment. Guidewire obviously is seeing some really strong deal activity. And that's perhaps in contrast to some softness with other software vendors where customers are perhaps delaying large purchases. So Mike, can you just talk a bit about what you're seeing in the P&C market? And in general, how carriers today are thinking about prioritizing these large kind of core system modernizations?

    您好,感謝您提出我的問題。我想問一個關於需求環境的問題。 Guidewire 顯然看到了一些非常強勁的交易活動。這或許與其他軟體供應商的軟弱形成鮮明對比,其他軟體供應商的客戶可能會推遲大量購買。麥克,您能談談您在財產保險市場中看到的情況嗎?總的來說,當今的營運商如何考慮優先考慮這些大型核心系統現代化?

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure. Kevin, thanks for the question. Very much appreciated. So I would say, we continue to see demand and pipeline steadily build, and I would describe that as -- two things relate to that. Number one is growing confidence around our ability to be successful with the platform in terms of meeting their business objectives. That certainly helps.


  • We've talked about that for years about how the more success we have, the bigger -- the longer the track record we have around, these successful implementations is going to build confidence with these customers, both on the migration side but also the net news side.


  • But I also think that there is somewhat of a disconnect between the decision-making process. These insurance companies go through in thinking about these implementations and these modernizations as it relates to the general broader enterprise software market.


  • These are decade, if not multi-decade decisions that these companies are making, these partnerships that they're establishing with us. And so, I think that there's a bit of a disconnect between what we see with other software purchases in the decision-making process.


  • We really see these companies recognizing that. Agility very much matters. A modern core platform that's going to enable them to make better analytical data-driven decisions is something that's going to help them be successful and profitable and grow out, like I said, for over a decade. And so that decision-making process can be done outside the quarter-to-quarter stresses that maybe other folks and other industries and other sectors are seeing.


  • And so, you add those two things up and we just see momentum and confidence continue to build for us. And it led to a great Q3, and it gives us confidence in Q4 and the rest of the fiscal year.


  • Kevin Kumar Kumar - Analyst

    Kevin Kumar Kumar - Analyst

  • Thanks. That's helpful. And then maybe one for Jeff on margins. I think gross margins for subscription and support have been relatively stable the last couple of quarters. So maybe how should we think about the next inflection point that pushes cloud margins closer to that kind of 70%-plus figure that you and the team have talked about in the past?

    謝謝。這很有幫助。然後也許是傑夫的邊緣之一。我認為過去幾個季度訂閱和支持的毛利率相對穩定。那麼,也許我們應該如何思考下一個拐點,讓雲端利潤率更接近您和團隊過去討論過的 70% 以上的數字?

  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah. We've made tremendous progress this year in finding an inflection point and delivering higher margins. We're thrilled with that progress. The two drivers as how we drive long-term margin is we think the demand environment is strong and we can see sustained subscription growth. That's a big part of how we've invested in the opportunity and the cloud operations function that supports our cloud delivery.


  • And I think the platform as it gains scale, we continue to recognize some benefits of increasing that scale over time. And third, the engineering team has done a tremendous job thinking through all the architecture decision to drive more efficiency into the platform. And they are not done.


  • I think there is more efficiency that we can continue to work on and drive into the platform. We probably won't see the types of gains that we saw this fiscal year, which was tremendous but continue to see more linear margin progression as we go towards those long-term targets.


  • Kevin Kumar Kumar - Analyst

    Kevin Kumar Kumar - Analyst

  • Great. Thank you both.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • Dylan Becker, William Blair.


  • Dylan Becker - Analyst

    Dylan Becker - Analyst

  • Hey, gentlemen. Really nice job here. Maybe Mike for you. We've seen some interesting data from carriers that are more innovative, gaining share, improving decisioning and (technical difficulty) in auto. I wonder how that conversation you're having with customers shifts more to business enablement versus outright IT alignment, fueling some of that momentum and maybe how customers are thinking about those similar dynamics of share gains carrying over to additional P&C lines over time?

    嘿,先生們。這裡的工作真的很好。也許麥克適合你。我們從營運商那裡看到了一些有趣的數據,這些數據在汽車領域更具創新性、獲得份額、改善決策和(技術難度)。我想知道您與客戶的對話如何更多地轉向業務支援而不是徹底的IT 協調,從而推動了這種勢頭,也許客戶如何考慮隨著時間的推移將這些類似的份額收益動態轉移到其他財產險和意外險業務?

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, appreciate the question. It's hard to describe sometimes the complexity of the use case that we support with Guidewire when you think about all the regions and all the lines of business and all the tiers that we support. I think the one common theme that is very consistently coming up in terms of a carrier's ability to compete effectively is the agility around what you might call product operations, being able to set price, adjust rates, being able to adapt to the changing risk circumstances, let's say, that carriers are seeing.

    是的,感謝這個問題。當您考慮到我們支援的所有區域、所有業務線以及所有層級時,有時很難描述我們使用 Guidewire 支援的用例的複雜性。我認為,就承運商的有效競爭能力而言,始終出現的一個共同主題是圍繞您所謂的產品運營的敏捷性,能夠設定價格、調整費率、能夠適應不斷變化的風險環境可以說,運營商正在看到。

  • Certainly, there was a shock to the system as it relates to inflation and specifically the auto line of business and the expense of claims jumping up. And it's the carriers that were able to adjust to this most quickly that were able to continue to operate successfully, continue to adjust prices as was appropriate to compete effectively in the markets where they're competing.


  • And it's systems like Guidewire that facilitate that. And so, this is a big part of what we're effectively selling when we do these transformations is that the carrier -- the insurance carrier ends up with a platform that they can use to compete most effectively in -- as you say, in auto. But I would extend that to commercial lines insurance.

    像 Guidewire 這樣的系統可以促進這一點。因此,當我們進行這些轉型時,我們有效銷售的一個重要部分是,承運人——保險公司最終擁有一個平台,他們可以利用這個平台進行最有效的競爭——正如你所說,在汽車。但我會將其擴展到商業保險。

  • We're seeing a lot of interest from international carriers around being more agile, around commercial lines and having a system like Guidewire to support their aspirations around adjusting to the markets quickly and being able to just be more agile and be more competitive in market. It's a big part of the value proposition that we're selling with these transformations.

    我們看到國際營運商對更加敏捷、商業化以及擁有像 Guidewire 這樣的系統非常感興趣,以支持他們快速適應市場的願望,並能夠變得更加敏捷並在市場上更具競爭力。這是我們透過這些轉變所銷售的價值主張的重要組成部分。

  • Dylan Becker - Analyst

    Dylan Becker - Analyst

  • That's great. And actually, it's a good segue into the second question too, Mike. I think Jasper, the most recent release calls out commercial agility within that as well. And you've had some success on the commercial content side. I think you called out London there as well. But if you could elaborate maybe on your efforts here on the commercial side of the market and the right way of thinking about that opportunity?

    那太棒了。事實上,麥克,這也是第二個問題的一個很好的切入點。我認為最新版本的 Jasper 也強調了其中的商業彈性。你們在商業內容方面取得了一些成功。我想你也提到了倫敦。但是,您是否可以詳細說明您在市場商業方面的努力以及思考該機會的正確方法?

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes, happy to. So, I think that there was a phase of modernization in the industry that was focused on high volume, highly repetitive, where efficiency is -- these personal lines, where efficiency is the order of the day. There was a component of this around digital interactions and customer convenience driving the business requirements for the core systems.


  • And this is one of the interesting things about the insurance industry is that the core system is almost directly exposed to consumers in terms of getting quotes for commercial lines. And so there was this phase of modernization in the industry driven by those shifts.


  • But what we're seeing now is this is -- we're transitioning into a phase in the broader industry where this modernization effort is now more focused on commercial lines. And so commercial lines maybe were sort of left to the side a little bit as the focus was more on the personal lines side.


  • The commercial lines business somewhat is getting more attention. And so modern systems like Guidewire, where we can deliver a degree of product agility, enabling customers to create new products as fast as they can think of them or adjust products that they have based on what feedback they're seeing from the market and what's going to win the day, this really, really matters.

    商業線業務有些受到更多關注。因此,像Guidewire 這樣的現代系統,我們可以提供一定程度的產品敏捷性,使客戶能夠以他們能想到的速度創建新產品,或者根據他們從市場上看到的反饋和情況調整他們現有的產品。

  • Westfield Specialty is a great customer of ours that we've talked to -- that we've talked about previously, where they're really taking advantage of an opportunity they see in the commercial line, specialty line space and using Guidewire to create products very, very quickly and being able to be in market and effectively take share and establish themselves very, very effectively in partnership with Guidewire.

    Westfield Specialty 是我們的一個很好的客戶,我們之前已經談過,他們確實利用了他們在商業產品線、專業產品線空間中看到的機會,並使用 Guidewire 來創建產品非常非常快地進入市場並有效地佔據份額並透過與Guidewire 合作非常非常有效地建立自己的地位。

  • So yeah, I think it's one of the interesting things about the company right now is that we're able to take this common cloud platform, this common policy center architecture and apply it to a collection of these use cases across lines of business that puts us in a very positive place right now.


  • Dylan Becker - Analyst

    Dylan Becker - Analyst

  • That's great. Thanks, Mike. Congrats.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ken Wong, Oppenheimer.


  • Ken Wong Wong - Analyst

    Ken Wong Wong - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks for taking my question. I wanted to circle up on the fully ramped ARR comment. It seems like you guys are set up really well to wrap up the year. Any color on what's causing that step-up off of a tough comp? Is it just your customers have higher confidence in the business? Is it cloud migration, the premium step ups, the true-ups? What are some of the factors we should be thinking about that's driving that?

    偉大的。感謝您提出我的問題。我想談談全面提升的 ARR 評論。看來你們已經為結束這一年做好準備了。有什麼顏色可以說明是什麼導致了艱難比賽的升級嗎?只是您的客戶對業務更有信心嗎?是雲端遷移、進階升級還是真正的升級?我們應該考慮哪些因素來推動這個趨勢?

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I would somewhat answer the question as like a little bit of all of the above, right? Generally, we're seeing healthy demand, healthy pipeline. We're confident in the coverage ratios. And then, when we look at the detail, the makeup of the deals and the opportunities, in addition to these deals just generally being very long term in nature.


  • The ramp activity associated with the demand that we see for Q4 just shows us that a lot of the value that we're going to -- that we do expect to close in the quarter will flow into the fully ramped number. So as you are hopefully aware, some percentage of the booking activity flows into ARR and shows up in the ARR number. But a lot of this is ramped over time and shows up in a long-term agreement with that customer. And so this is just an inspection of the deals and a signal in terms of the quality of the engagements that we have and the strength that we see in the company long term.

    與我們在第四季度看到的需求相關的成長活動向我們表明,我們預計在本季完成的許多價值將流入完全成長的數字。如您所知,一定比例的預訂活動會流入 ARR 並顯示在 ARR 編號中。但其中許多都是隨著時間的推移而增加的,並體現在與客戶的長期協議中。因此,這只是對交易的檢查,也是我們所擁有的業務品質以及我們看到的公司長期實力的信號。

  • Ken Wong Wong - Analyst

    Ken Wong Wong - Analyst

  • Okay, perfect. Thanks, Mike. And then, Jeff, maybe building off of that, as we think about the guide, obviously, very strong Q3, maybe a little lighter Q4. Should we marry the Q4 -- the full year '24 guide with that fully ramped commentary, which is obviously still strength coming off of Q3, but the actual ARR realization is coming down the line?

    好的,完美。謝謝,麥克。然後,傑夫,也許以此為基礎,當我們考慮指南時,顯然,第三季度非常強勁,第四季可能更淡一些。我們是否應該將第四季度——24 年全年指南與全面的評論結合起來,這顯然仍然是第三季度的優勢,但實際的 ARR 實現即將到來?

  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah. Ken, that's the right way to think about it. And as we look at the pipeline for the year, we're obviously thrilled with where we are, as we tend to think about the business on annual terms much more than quarter to quarter.


  • We did raise the ARR guide by $3 million at the midpoint. That followed a $5 million raise that we did last quarter. So that's pretty healthy progression for us.

    我們確實將 ARR 指南中位數提高了 300 萬美元。上季我們籌集了 500 萬美元。所以這對我們來說是非常健康的進步。

  • And as we look ahead at the Q4, we're very excited about the demand profile that exists and that excitement is leaning a little bit more towards those fully ramped outcomes as customers are clearly feeling confident in the maturity of the platform and there's a willingness to make long-term commitments.


  • Ken Wong Wong - Analyst

    Ken Wong Wong - Analyst

  • Okay, perfect. Thanks a lot, guys.


  • Operator


  • Peter Heckmann, DA Davidson.

    彼得‧赫克曼,DA 戴維森。

  • Peter Heckmann Heckmann - Analyst

    Peter Heckmann Heckmann - Analyst

  • Good afternoon. Can you just remind us about the frequency with which the pricing is adjusted relative to DWP? And as regards to that, how do you think about the effect of some personal lines, insurance company or even commercial like exiting certain markets, just given the need to really raise premiums in the face of higher catastrophe risks? How does that trade-off work?

    午安.您能否提醒我們相對於 DWP 的定價調整頻率?就此而言,考慮到面對更高的巨災風險,需要真正提高保費,您如何看待一些個人險種、保險公司甚至退出某些市場等商業險種的影響?這種權衡如何發揮作用?

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I'll let Jeff touch on the approach to pricing and resetting price with respect to DWP, and then I'll give you a context on carriers exiting markets.

    我將讓 Jeff 談談 DWP 的定價方法和重置價格,然後我將向您介紹營運商退出市場的背景資訊。

  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, sure. Yeah, so foundationally, our contracts are built around a direct written premium baseline that's embedded into our customer contracts. We have the ability to inspect the direct written premium on an annual basis.


  • Typically, at renewal, there are instances where a longer-term initial contract that it may take a couple of years before we see that sort of inspection into what the direct written premium is. And it's not uncommon for customers to purchase a slightly higher direct written premium than they're running today to give them a little bit of room to grow. But typically, we have the ability to look at that on an annual basis.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. And I'll give you a perspective on carriers in the headlines and the news about carriers exiting markets and exiting specific lines of business within specific markets. We have quite a lot of conversations with carriers who are excited to enter those markets as well, right? And so, I think about this as the broad-based necessity you could think of.


  • It's more than just demand, but the broad-based necessity for P&C insurance does not really change. The approach carriers, different carriers take to servicing that demand in any particular region can change and does change. And so our ability to provide a platform to carriers who are interested in entering those markets can serve as a growth driver for Guidewire.

    這不僅僅是需求,但財產與意外保險的廣泛必要性並沒有真正改變。不同的營運商為滿足任何特定地區的需求而採取的服務方式可能會發生變化,而且確實會發生變化。因此,我們為有興趣進入這些市場的營運商提供平台的能力可以成為 Guidewire 的成長動力。

  • And so, that kind of counterbalances the concern, let's say, for one of our customers actually shrinking because they're deciding to leave a market. So that's how I see it. We've had some very interesting conversations about this dynamic and how the agility we can provide with our platform facilitates effective entry into these markets with creative approaches to servicing what really is a necessity.


  • Especially if you think about California and the homeowner's market, the need for everybody here in California to have effective P&C coverage. So it is something we track very closely, but that dynamic is something that kind of balances out for us if you really zoom out.


  • Peter Heckmann Heckmann - Analyst

    Peter Heckmann Heckmann - Analyst

  • Okay. That's helpful. And then, just can you remind me of the number of net new logos in the last year? And if my tracking is right, it looks like about nine net new logos so far this year. But number one, is nine right? And then, what was the number for last year? It looks like I missed the fourth quarter.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I am hesitant to throw out a number that we can look up and give you if we think of it in time because I don't want to get it wrong on the call. I would say that we're very comfortable with the growth in the mix of business that I would say that we are achieving as our sales as we sort of proceed through the fiscal year.


  • It's tough sometimes to classify something as a new logo specifically. It's like the relationships that we have with a lot of our customers, our complex multinational kind of agreements sometimes where different countries might be or might not be considered a new logo. I would just say we're very comfortable with the iterative year-over-year growth that we're seeing in this regard.


  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • And Pete, we often talk about new modernization activity, so workloads that are currently running on legacy systems that are new to being modernized and cloud migrations and then expansions. There's a lot of new modernization activity that we do at existing customers. And to Mike's point, how you count a logo in this industry can get quite complex with the hierarchies of our customers.


  • Peter Heckmann Heckmann - Analyst

    Peter Heckmann Heckmann - Analyst

  • Okay. That makes sense. I appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Rishi Jaluria, RBC.

    Rishi Jaluria,加拿大皇家銀行。

  • Rishi Jaluria Jaluria - Analyst

    Rishi Jaluria Jaluria - Analyst

  • Wonderful. Thanks for taking my questions. I want to start with the comment you made about managing to less linearity. Can you maybe walk us through the steps that you took to get there outside of just the shift to a more ratable model? And as we think about our own models beyond this year, is this year's numbers inclusive of your Q4 guide, the right proxy to use for future years or how should we think about seasonality? And I've got a quick follow-up.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. So, a lot of this has to do with just more rigorously approaching our sales processes. What are we doing every single week, every single month around creation of pipeline, maturation of deals, setting targets every month, tracking to those targets, setting tough objectives for us internally about -- around Q1 and Q2, so that we can get ahead of the curve. And just generally thinking about running the business in a very continuous way as opposed to a one year and then reset and have another year.


  • We're really trying to be almost monthly in the cadence around which we're running the company. And by pulling forward those internal objectives for sales and for pipeline generation, maturation, and bookings activity, that creates the linearity that we're seeing.


  • And it just enables us to run the business far more effectively. And it's taken a while to kind of steer the ship and adjust everybody's approach and train the market for what we really want to -- what the outcomes we want to achieve. But it's just great to see us at this point through Q3 with this sort of booking success. It makes Q4 a lot more manageable for us.


  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • The only thing I would add is obviously, as the platform has matured, the breadth and depth of the pipeline is just in a different place than it was two or three years ago that allows us to inspect that in a much more material way. And not -- we recognize that we can't have the linearity we had previously. We need to get in front of it. But certainly the breadth and depth of the pipeline has allowed us to drive some of those behaviors. Rishi, what was the second part of your question?

    我唯一要補充的是,顯然,隨著平台的成熟,管道的廣度和深度與兩三年前不同,這使我們能夠以更實質的方式進行檢查。但事實並非如此——我們認識到我們無法擁有以前的線性。我們需要衝在它前面。但毫無疑問,管道的廣度和深度使我們能夠推動其中一些行為。 Rishi,你問題的第二部分是什麼?

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • (multiple speakers) I expect we'll continue to drive this approach to linear bookings progression next year. And so the seasonality, I'm hopeful, will continue to smooth out.


  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, I think that's right. As I look at how I think about modeling bookings, for a number of years we would -- we had a track record of falling a little bit behind in the first half and catching up in the back half. And this year, we've changed that dynamic a little bit, which is great to see. And that's certainly our expectation as we look forward.


  • Rishi Jaluria Jaluria - Analyst

    Rishi Jaluria Jaluria - Analyst

  • Okay, wonderful. That's really helpful. And then, I just wanted to ask a question about Jutro. Since you announced that at the Connections last year, picking up a lot of interest. Can you maybe walk us through what is adoption and use cases look like so far with Jutro?

    好吧,太棒了。這真的很有幫助。然後,我只是想問一個關於 Jutro 的問題。自從您去年在 Connections 上宣布這一消息以來,您已經引起了許多人的興趣。您能否向我們介紹一下目前 Jutro 的採用和用例是什麼樣的?

  • And as we think about -- it's a developer kit. Is there an opportunity for you to leverage generative AI just given that GenAI has been really helpful from a coding perspective to maybe even speed up time to value even faster than what we've seen before? Thanks.

    正如我們所想,它是一個開發工具包。鑑於 GenAI 從編碼角度來看確實很有幫助,甚至可能比我們以前看到的更快地加快實現價值的速度,您是否有機會利用生成式 AI?謝謝。

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, for sure. Great question. So just for everybody's benefit, Jutro is our technology platform for supporting our customers' ability to create digital experiences directly on top of our core systems, typically that's ClaimCenter, PolicyCenter. And so the type of experiences that we'll have customers create is first notice of loss for claims flow or a quoting experience or some sort of account management update experiences.

    耶,當然了。很好的問題。因此,為了每個人的利益,Jutro 是我們的技術平台,用於支援客戶直接在我們的核心系統(通常是索賠中心、保單中心)上創建數位體驗的能力。因此,我們將為客戶創建的體驗類型是索賠流程損失的第一個通知或報價體驗或某種帳戶管理更新體驗。

  • And these are things carriers could push directly to customers or agents in order to create a better, more convenient and more efficient business process and general operation. It's kind of good for the consumer, good for the agent, also good for the carrier.


  • And with Jutro, we can make this -- the delivery of this just so much more efficient, right? Instead of creating a separate standalone digital application that has to be synchronized and integrated into the core system, we can build these experiences directly on our core system and we can make it just far more efficient, far faster and cheaper for our customers, specifically our cloud customers to be able to achieve.

    有了 Jutro,我們可以讓交付變得更有高效,對嗎?我們可以直接在我們的核心系統上建立這些體驗,而不是創建必須同步並整合到核心系統中的單獨的數位應用程序,並且我們可以使其對我們的客戶(特別是我們的客戶)更加高效、更快和更便宜。

  • Adoption has been very good. We have -- the products now GA, and so we're working with a number of projects across the cloud customer base to get these programs built on Jutro out into the wild, out into the real world in terms of GA projects.

    採用情況非常好。我們的產品現在已經正式上市,因此我們正在與雲端客戶群中的許多專案合作,將這些基於 Jutro 構建的程序投入到實際應用中,以 GA 專案的形式進入現實世界。

  • Just actually in Australia, we were talking with one of our top customers, Hollard, about their experience. They were actually the first customer to work through this with us and get one of these Jutro-driven experiences launched for a claims flow that they're supporting with us. And that program went very, very well. They were a great partner with us in working through the project with us over time and getting that to a generally available state.

    事實上,在澳大利亞,我們正在與我們的一位頂級客戶 Hollard 談論他們的經歷。他們實際上是第一個與我們一起解決這個問題的客戶,並為他們與我們一起支持的索賠流程推出了 Jutro 驅動的體驗。那個計劃進行得非常非常順利。他們是我們很好的合作夥伴,隨著時間的推移,他們與我們一起完成了這個項目,並使其達到了普遍可用的狀態。

  • But we're very, very happy with the progress to date, the adoption in the customer base. We're also excited about where this is going. We see a big opportunity to create more packaged content around Jutro to just further accelerate the creation of these experiences. Think of these as these like little micro digital applications that carriers can use to get more efficient.

    但我們對迄今為止的進展以及客戶群的採用感到非常非常滿意。我們也對事情的發展感到興奮。我們看到了圍繞 Jutro 創建更多打包內容的巨大機會,以進一步加速這些體驗的創建。將它們視為運營商可以用來提高效率的小型微型數位應用程式。

  • Your question about generative AI is great. We certainly think that this will, just like any software development program, this will be enhanced, improved with generative AI and the various copilots that this is offered that are available today. This technology is based on React, which is a standard web programming language, which digital teams all over the world are very familiar with.

    你關於生成人工智慧的問題很好。我們當然認為,就像任何軟體開發程式一樣,這將透過產生人工智慧和當今提供的各種副駕駛來增強和改進。這項技術是基於 React,React 是一種標準的 Web 程式語言,全世界的數位團隊都非常熟悉。

  • And so, they can interact with this Jutro application and think of this as just a head start in terms of connecting those React-based applications to Guidewire. So, yeah, we think generative AI and these kind of mechanisms for enhancing and improving coding efficiency can certainly help going forward. So anyway, thanks for the question.

    因此,他們可以與這個 Jutro 應用程式進行交互,並將這視為將這些基於 React 的應用程式連接到 Guidewire 的一個良好開端。所以,是的,我們認為生成式人工智慧和這些增強和提高編碼效率的機制肯定有助於向前發展。無論如何,謝謝你的提問。

  • Rishi Jaluria Jaluria - Analyst

    Rishi Jaluria Jaluria - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Matt VanVliet, BTIG.


  • Matt VanVliet VanVliet - Analyst

    Matt VanVliet VanVliet - Analyst

  • Hi, good afternoon. Thanks for taking the question. Maybe I wanted to dig in a little bit on what some of the specific drivers were that got some of the APAC deals in particular over the line, and improving performance that you called out there on the cloud side of the business.


  • How much of that is product maturation and other things you're doing versus John and his team continuing to knock on doors and get deals done? Anything you can do -- provide us with a little more details on what's working there that maybe wasn't just as a few quarters ago?

    其中有多少是產品成熟度和您正在做的其他事情,而不是約翰和他的團隊繼續敲門並完成交易?您可以做任何事情 - 向我們提供更多有關那裡正在工作的細節,這些細節可能不僅僅是幾個季度前的情況?

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. So a lot came together in the quarter in Australia. And this was the result of John and the sales organization in Australia, in Asia Pacific, but also supported generally worldwide. A lot came together based on a lot of years' worth of hard work.


  • We had planted the seeds in Australia over the past few years with a number of smaller deals and a number of early cloud success stories, but there was a number of big Australian insurance companies that we've had long relationships with. We've just been working very, very hard to build their trust and align to their program objectives about what makes sense from -- on their modernization roadmap and their business objectives. And these things all came together in the quarter and resulted in just really, really strong demand.


  • And I think just touching back to or relating back to what I was talking about a few minutes ago, there is a direct connection between the success stories that we've been able to achieve in North America, the track record that we've been able to establish, the fact that we have now over 60 live cloud customers. And this thing is more and more proven. That creates the confidence there that we can make sure that these programs will be successful.


  • And so, these things all added up to a really phenomenal quarter in Australia. But we're very excited about, I mentioned in the prepared remarks, Shaji joining. He's an incredible leader that we're excited to bring into the Guidewire family and continue to drive our momentum in Asia Pacific. I think we've got a lot more room to grow there and build on the success.

    因此,所有這些因素加在一起,構成了澳洲非常驚人的季度。但我在準備好的發言中提到,沙吉的加入讓我們感到非常興奮。他是一位令人難以置信的領導者,我們很高興將他帶入 Guidewire 大家庭,並繼續推動我們在亞太地區的發展勢頭。我認為我們在那裡有更大的成長空間並在成功的基礎上再接再厲。

  • Matt VanVliet VanVliet - Analyst

    Matt VanVliet VanVliet - Analyst

  • All right, helpful. And then, just two quick follow ups, Jeff. One, it looks like a pretty big perpetual deal came through on the quarter. Any additional details you can help us with there? And then, from a more strategic standpoint, on the gross margin reinvestments you talked about, anything specifically that you're targeting there? Is it just sort of an acceleration of things on the roadmap already?


  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • So on the perpetual deal, it wasn't any sort of new perpetual deal. That was just expansion orders at an existing customer. So it was a little bit of a blip, but nothing I would highlight as a trend or anything along the lines. And then, what was the second question?


  • Matt VanVliet VanVliet - Analyst

    Matt VanVliet VanVliet - Analyst

  • You mentioned the upside to gross margins that maybe are going to accelerate some investments in the platform. Just curious if that was pulling things forward.


  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • Look, we're clearly tracking ahead of our gross margin targets for this year. We're already tracking ahead of the targets that we established for next year. So that creates -- that's been very exciting for us to watch to see that expansion occur.


  • We think that there's a lot of opportunity out there for us to invest in. And so I think as we look at early looks into FY25, clearly tracking a bit ahead on gross margin. But we see healthy investment areas to take advantage of this momentum that we have. And so, still think our overall operating margin targets are the right targets to think about.


  • Matt VanVliet VanVliet - Analyst

    Matt VanVliet VanVliet - Analyst

  • Okay. Thank you.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Alex Sklar, Raymond James.


  • Alexander Sklar Sklar - Analyst

    Alexander Sklar Sklar - Analyst

  • Great. Thank you. Mike, a lot of comments today around the maturity of your cloud solution kind of helping drive faster demands. Can you just talk about your cloud customers staying closer to the latest release and where that stands today versus a year or two ago? And is there any way to characterize how that piece of it is factoring in broader demand and cloud adoption? Thanks.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure. Thanks for the question. I appreciate it because it's been a real focus for us this year. There's been a series of phases that we went through in terms of establishing the cloud, establishing the cloud infrastructure and then our ability to scale and reliably and securely run these InsuranceSuite applications.

    當然。謝謝你的提問。我很感激,因為這是我們今年真正關注的焦點。我們經歷了一系列階段,包括建立雲端、建立雲端基礎設施以及擴展和可靠且安全地運行這些 InsuranceSuite 應用程式的能力。

  • The change that we made in the release cadence was a big part of the cloud value proposition and the promise that we had for the future. And at some point, we even shifted from a twice a year release cadence to three times a year release cadence.


  • But alongside that has been a whole bunch of just really incredible engineering and focus around making sure that these -- that the update process in the cloud was just a completely different experience for customers relative to what they were doing on prem. And this has really improved in the last year in terms of --


  • We measure very closely the release version that our customers are running in their non-production and production environments relative to what the current state is. We measure that and talk about that as like N minus 1 or N minus 2 or N minus 3. And we track this weekly, we track this with our Board, and we've run a number of programs technically and also in terms of how we work with each of our cloud customers around, ensuring we're building enough trust with them such that they feel comfortable that they can take these updates.

    我們非常仔細地衡量客戶在非生產和生產環境中運行的發布版本(相對於當前狀態)。我們衡量這一點,並像N 減1 或N 減2 或N 減3 一樣談論它。程式我們與每個雲端客戶合作,確保我們與他們建立足夠的信任,以便他們可以放心地接受這些更新。

  • And as you can imagine for a customer that's used to a 12-to-18-month update, the first time they do this on our cloud, they're a little bit apprehensive. And they're taking it very carefully and being prudent. But once they do it once, once they do it twice, once they do it three times and they see that they can do these things in days, and really the impact to their teams and their operations is very, very minimal.

    正如您可以想像的那樣,對於習慣了 12 到 18 個月更新的客戶來說,他們第一次在我們的雲端執行此操作時,他們會有點擔心。他們非常謹慎、謹慎地對待這件事。但是,一旦他們做了一次,一旦他們做了兩次,一旦他們做了三次,他們就會發現他們可以在幾天內完成這些事情,而且實際上對他們的團隊和營運的影響非常非常小。

  • We earn their trust, and we enable them to stay current on the either N, the current release or maybe N minus 1, the one release behind. And so this is going really well. It's part of my --

    我們贏得了他們的信任,讓他們隨時了解 N(當前版本)或 N - 1(後面的版本)。所以一切進展順利。這是我的一部分——

  • I was talking about in the prepared remarks these events that we ran all over the world. This is one of the slides we talk about with customers. This is one of the slides we talk about with prospects as well, because it's so important to the whole value proposition of cloud.


  • This would all be for naught if we weren't able to keep customers current and being able to deliver the really groundbreaking product agility functionality or workflow functionality or Jutro digital functionality or generative AI functionality, it's all the update process that makes that possible. And so that's gone really, really well, and it's been a big achievement this year for the company. So thanks for the question.

    如果我們無法讓客戶保持最新狀態並能夠提供真正突破性的產品敏捷性功能或工作流程功能或Jutro 數位功能或生成人工智慧功能,那麼這一切都將毫無意義,所有的更新過程都使這一切成為可能。所以這一切進展得非常非常好,這對公司來說是今年的一項巨大成就。謝謝你的提問。

  • Alexander Sklar Sklar - Analyst

    Alexander Sklar Sklar - Analyst

  • All right. I appreciate all the color, Mike. Jeff, maybe just a quick follow-up for you on Rishi's question around linearity. We obviously have the fourth quarter ARR guide. I think you also implied that Q4 might not reflect the strength of fully ramped bookings just given ramp schedule. So I just wanted to clarify, is the smoother linearity comment and kind of less reliance in Q4, is that a phenomenon you're seeing on the fully ramped side too or is there an added aspect in terms of the mix of ramp deals that you're looking at in fourth quarter versus the rest of the year? Thanks.

    好的。我很欣賞所有的顏色,麥克。 Jeff,也許只是對 Rishi 關於線性的問題進行快速跟進。我們顯然有第四季度的 ARR 指南。我認為您還暗示,第四季度可能無法反映在給定斜坡時間表的情況下完全增加預訂的強度。所以我只是想澄清一下,第四季度的線性評論是否更平滑,依賴性是否有所降低,這是否是您在完全斜坡一側看到的現象,或者在斜坡交易的組合方面是否有一個額外的方面,您正在考慮第四季度與今年剩餘時間的情況嗎?謝謝。

  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, I think what I was trying to communicate there is as we look at the upside and as we look at Q4 and where we think some of the upside may exist, we're seeing some really interesting deal momentum and longer-term commitments that come across us some ramps. So on the ARR side, as we look at the overall momentum there, we're thrilled with the deal activity, but a lot of that more interesting upside is coming in those ramped outcomes. So that's an exciting fact pattern for us.

    是的,我想我想傳達的是,當我們著眼於第四季度的上行空間時,我們認為可能存在一些上行空間,我們看到了一些非常有趣的交易勢頭和長期承諾,遇到我們一些坡道。因此,在 ARR 方面,當我們看到那裡的整體勢頭時,我們對交易活動感到興奮,但許多更有趣的好處來自這些不斷增加的結果。所以這對我們來說是一個令人興奮的事實模式。

  • Alexander Sklar Sklar - Analyst

    Alexander Sklar Sklar - Analyst

  • All right. Thanks for that.


  • Operator


  • Alexei Gogolev, JP Morgan.


  • Alexei Gogolev Gogolev - Analyst

    Alexei Gogolev Gogolev - Analyst

  • Hello, everyone. Mike, I was wondering if you could give us some insight into the customers that are still on the old prem software versions. When do you think these customers would be ready to migrate to the cloud? I'm assuming that they haven't received any upgrades since you guys moved and started to introduce cloud products. So do you think 2026 or 2027 would be a pivotal year when many of these customers will begin to consider cloud migration?

    大家好。麥克,我想知道您是否能為我們提供一些有關仍在使用舊的本地軟體版本的客戶的資訊。您認為這些客戶什麼時候準備好遷移到雲端?我假設自從你們搬家並開始引進雲端產品以來,他們還沒有收到任何升級。那麼您認為 2026 年或 2027 年是否是關鍵的一年,其中許多客戶將開始考慮雲端遷移?

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. Thanks very much for the question. I would say that every single one of them is in the consideration process. We engage with these customers closely. We work with them to make plans and understand their objectives and align their objectives to our ability to support them, either with upgrades to cloud or as you say continued updates to the on-prem implementations.


  • We continue to support the on-prem implementations with security fixes. We support customers when they need it. It's still a big component of our revenue. IFrom a innovation -- product innovation perspective, there's just very minimal to know new investment going into those releases.


  • And so the customers can still reliably and safely operate those systems on prem, and we support them. But the real benefit of the relationship with Guidewire has to do also with product innovation. We just can do so much more in the cloud, so much more efficiently and more effectively, and we try to be very clear with all the on-prem customers that that's where our focus is.

    因此,客戶仍然可以可靠、安全地在本地運行這些系統,我們為他們提供支援。但與 Guidewire 合作的真正好處還在於產品創新。我們可以在雲端做更多的事情,更有效率、更有效,我們努力向所有本地客戶明確表示,這就是我們的重點所在。

  • And so in terms of projecting when exactly these migrations will occur, it's challenging because it's not just Guidewire and the Guidewire program that factors into a customer's decision-making process. There's very often other objectives that they are dealing with inside their environment, other IT objectives. And so, the upgrade to Guidewire cloud is something that they have to sequence in with all of their other IT objectives.

    因此,就預測這些遷移何時發生而言,這是具有挑戰性的,因為不僅僅是 Guidewire 和 Guidewire 計畫會影響客戶的決策過程。他們經常在其環境中處理其他目標,即其他 IT 目標。因此,他們必須將升級到 Guidewire 雲端與所有其他 IT 目標放在一起。

  • And like I said, we work with every single one of them and have a discussion with them frequently about where they are and where that plan is and what our commitments are in terms of timing around support. But I would say as we proceed towards our fiscal '26, fiscal '27, fiscal '28, I think all of those on-prem implementations, those plans to Guidewire Cloud will have been firmed up.

    正如我所說,我們與他們每一個人合作,並經常與他們討論他們的情況、計劃的情況以及我們在支持時間方面的承諾。但我想說,當我們朝著 26 財年、27 財年、28 財年邁進時,我認為所有這些本地實施、Guidewire 雲端的計劃都將得到落實。

  • But that's projecting out three years. It's a long time. There's a lot that can occur and happen and change in the world. But we're working with them, and we do see that demand.


  • And like I said in the prepared remarks, this customer base is the most valuable asset at Guidewire and I think culturally -- and just our company's kind of ethos is that we're committed to supporting those customers and getting 100% of them moved over to the cloud when it makes sense for them.

    正如我在準備好的發言中所說,這個客戶群是 Guidewire 最有價值的資產,我認為從文化角度來看,我們公司的精神就是我們致力於支持這些客戶並讓他們 100% 遷移當對他們有意義時轉向雲端。

  • Alexei Gogolev Gogolev - Analyst

    Alexei Gogolev Gogolev - Analyst

  • Perfect. Thank you, Mike. And Jeff, very quick question for you. Does this strategy of passing on low-margin service revenue to partners mean that you would not need to add significant amount of additional talent and labor capacity in the midterm, which would potentially help improve your margins going forward?


  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah. I mean, I think the way we look at it is that there's a massive amount of work to modernize this industry. And if we were to try to tackle that with all Guidewire resources, we would have to staff up quite significantly and that's not our strategy. We want to work with the best partners in the world to help us tackle that opportunity.

    是的。我的意思是,我認為我們看待這個問題的方式是,要實現這個行業的現代化需要做大量的工作。如果我們試圖利用所有 Guidewire 資源來解決這個問題,我們必須增加大量人員,而這不是我們的策略。我們希望與世界上最好的合作夥伴合作,幫助我們抓住這個機會。

  • We need to have a highly strategic skilled services organization. And we think that we have the right size and scale in that organization today to allow us to partner with the global SIs to get this work done. So as we look ahead, we think we have the right cost basis.


  • And I think as we go through this process of dividing up the labor to tackle this opportunity, finding that right equilibrium point where our resources and our highly skilled people are appropriately utilized. And our partners have an exciting opportunity to execute against as well. So that's what we're tackling.


  • Alexei Gogolev Gogolev - Analyst

    Alexei Gogolev Gogolev - Analyst

  • Appreciate the answers. Thank you, Jeff. Thank you, Mike.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Michael Turrin, Wells Fargo.


  • David Unger - Analyst

    David Unger - Analyst

  • Hey, it's David Unger on for Michael Turrin. Thanks for taking the question. Just one from us. Can you guys just talk through the trends you're seeing in terms of the sales cycle and any differences to note by either geography or tier? Thank you.

    嘿,大衛·昂格爾 (David Unger) 替補邁克爾·特林 (Michael Turrin)。感謝您提出問題。我們只有一份。你們能否談談您在銷售週期方面看到的趨勢以及按地理位置或層級劃分的任何需要注意的差異?謝謝。

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I don't know whether or not I'd call out any particular difference and change in the sales cycle. Our sales cycles are still very long. We close deals that are very often open in our system for multiple years and that hasn't changed.


  • We feel like we've got a great connection to customers, a very deep connection often, whereas like Guidewire is running in some component of their enterprise. And so we have a relationship and that enables us to have an opportunity for a sort of large enterprise open and working for a long time.

    我們覺得我們與客戶建立了良好的聯繫,通常是非常深入的聯繫,而 Guidewire 正在他們企業的某些組件中運作。因此,我們建立了一種關係,這使我們有機會為一家大型企業開放並長期運作。

  • I wouldn't say, we've seen much of a change in that cycle. It's just generally we're able to pull the deals in and get them closed based on the confidence and the momentum that we've established in the market today.


  • David Unger - Analyst

    David Unger - Analyst

  • Thanks, Mike.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Tyler Radke, Citibank.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Hey, this is Peter on the line for Tyler Radke. Congrats on the quarter, Mike and Jeff. I just have one question here. Curious if AI is having any impact on recent deal activity and if customers are wanting to modernize their systems sooner rather than later to invest in AI projects down the line as you start to introduce more of those applications onto your platform? Thanks.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • It is a great question. And I think certainly AI -- and I'm going to answer the question. I'll give you a long answer to this question. If you say AI broadly, data very much matters for machine learning and using AI and machine learning techniques to make better predictions, to make to operate an insurance company more efficiently and more effectively. And getting better access to data is a big part of Guidewire modernization programs and decisions to deploy Guidewire at an insurance company. That is a big deal.

    這是一個很好的問題。我認為肯定是人工智慧——我將回答這個問題。我會給你一個很長的答案。如果從廣義上講人工智慧,數據對於機器學習以及使用人工智慧和機器學習技術做出更好的預測,使保險公司更有效率、更有效地運作非常重要。更好地存取數據是 Guidewire 現代化計劃和保險公司部署 Guidewire 決策的重要組成部分。這是一件大事。

  • If you broaden this to generative AI, I think there absolutely is a sense that getting to a system like Guidewire, modernizing your core application suite around claims flows and policy flows, this is the right platform to apply generative AI features to a modern system.

    如果你將其擴展到生成人工智慧,我認為絕對有一種感覺,那就是使用像Guidewire 這樣的系統,圍繞索賠流程和保單流程對核心應用程式套件進行現代化,這是將生成人工智慧功能應用於現代系統的正確平台。

  • Trying to do this on top of a mainframe legacy system, I think, is like virtually impossible. And so, when -- in the conversations I'm having with customers, we see this future where a significant amount of the tedious tasks that people operate that I think people have to do in order to effectively run an insurance company could be facilitated and improved with generative AI. And Guidewire as a platform for doing that is a logical step, right?

    我認為,嘗試在大型主機遺留系統之上執行此操作幾乎是不可能的。因此,在我與客戶的對話中,我們看到了這樣的未來:人們所執行的大量繁瑣的任務,我認為人們必須完成這些任務,才能有效地運營一家保險公司,這些任務都可以得到便利,並且透過生成人工智慧得到改善。 Guidewire 作為實現這一目標的平台是一個合乎邏輯的步驟,對嗎?

  • So, it is certainly helping us in terms of thinking about like what's the steps towards being prepared for taking advantage of generative AI as it's applied to insurance. Guidewire is a logical step. And then, we are now starting to talk to customers about generative AI products and functionality and features that we will embed within ClaimCenter and PolicyCenter to facilitate better efficiency for the team members that are using Guidewire.

    因此,它肯定有助於我們思考如何準備好利用生成式人工智慧應用於保險。導絲是一個合乎邏輯的步驟。然後,我們現在開始與客戶討論生成式 AI 產品以及我們將嵌入到 ClaimCenter 和 PolicyCenter 中的功能和特性,以提高使用 Guidewire 的團隊成員的效率。

  • And so that's helpful. And that's a boost to their thinking about whether the benefits associated with the Guidewire decision. So it's generally very, very helpful and aligned, but still has to relate to a general transformation program that's going to drive a Guidewire decision.

    這很有幫助。這促進了他們思考 Guidewire 的決定是否帶來好處。因此,它通常非常非常有幫助且一致,但仍然必須與將推動 Guidewire 決策的一般轉型計劃相關。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • All right. Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Aaron Kimson, Citizens GMP.

    亞倫金森 (Aaron Kimson),公民 GMP。

  • Aaron Kimson Kimson - Analyst

    Aaron Kimson Kimson - Analyst

  • Thanks for the question. Can you provide any color on the specific areas in accelerated product investments that Jeff mentioned at the end of his prepared remarks?


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure. We see a lot of opportunity to continue to. Number one, just enhance PolicyCenter, ClaimCenter, InsuranceNow applications to just make them more effective. Like I said during one of the questions, we're thinking about better digital applications and digital components that we can continue to invest in.

    當然。我們看到了很多繼續這樣做的機會。第一,增強 PolicyCenter、ClaimCenter、InsuranceNow 應用程序,使它們更加有效。就像我在其中一個問題中所說的那樣,我們正在考慮可以繼續投資的更好的數位應用程式和數位組件。

  • We talked about London markets and the content strategy that we have for applying Guidewire to London markets. You think about further enhancements to different countries and different regions, there's localization requirements. There're just things that we can invest in the product to accelerate our growth across the landscape of -- the product landscape that we have today.

    我們討論了倫敦市場以及我們將 Guidewire 應用於倫敦市場的內容策略。你想想對不同國家、不同地區的進一步增強,有在地化的要求。我們可以在產品上進行一些投資,以加速我們在當今產品領域的成長。

  • I think there's a lot of excitement and interest right now in the industry around underwriting and using generative AI to facilitate better underwriting processes and approaches and analytics, AI, better approaches to using analytics and AI for pricing and for rating. There's just a -- there's a wealth of opportunity for us. And now that we have really established ourselves and created a modern cloud platform that we have this high degree of confidence is going to scale and work for us and work for our customers over the next decade, we can start to broaden our perspective about where else can we apply product investment to enhance better outcomes for insurance companies to make them more agile and make them more efficient. And you see that just across the insurance lifecycle.


  • And so, that's what he's talking about. It's like this period of time for our company where we needed to be so focused on cloud infrastructure and making sure that, that was going to work. We're getting past that phase where we can now think about more strategically where can we apply product investment, innovation investment, and enhance our ability to grow and support the industry more effectively.


  • Aaron Kimson Kimson - Analyst

    Aaron Kimson Kimson - Analyst

  • Very helpful. Thank you. And then, (technical difficulty)


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sorry, could you repeat it?


  • Aaron Kimson Kimson - Analyst

    Aaron Kimson Kimson - Analyst

  • And then maybe -- yeah, stepping back, one of your cofounders, former CEO, current Board member of Marcus Ryu talked last month about how he believes the future software's vertical, and verticals are going to become more and more specific over time. One better case and factor on vertical software is that LLMs are going to accelerate engineering productivity and allow nimble upstarts to capture a lot of the value that many vertical software applications provide at a fraction of the cost. Mike, where on the spectrum between those two trains of thought do you see things playing out in the insurance market?

    然後也許——是的,退後一步,Marcus Ryu 的聯合創始人之一、前首席執行官、現任董事會成員上個月談到了他如何相信未來軟體的垂直領域,並且隨著時間的推移,垂直領域將變得越來越具體。關於垂直軟體的一個更好的案例和因素是,法學碩士將提高工程生產力,並允許靈活的新貴以很少的成本獲得許多垂直軟體應用程式提供的大量價值。麥克,您認為保險市場的情況在這兩種思路之間處於什麼位置?

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. I will tell you, when LLMs and specifically cogeneration launched on the world a year or so ago, we spent a lot of time thinking about this. And my conclusion about Guidewire and specifically the P&C industry is that the necessity to have a core system of record that supports the rigorous, highly regulated financial obligations of insurance companies is going to remain a very complicated enterprise software package that's going to have a long, long life.


  • I feel very, very good about that. I feel very strong about our position, about our track record and the amount of investment that we have put in to creating this platform that works all over the world for every size carrier and every line of business that we support. I feel really very good about that position.


  • I think these insurance companies that we partner with are making decisions for the next 10 or 20 years, and we are the right company for them to partner with. And I think generative AI will serve a different purpose in the insurance vertical.


  • It will facilitate the creation of digital applications like we talked about on top of Guidewire core systems. It will facilitate generative AI features within PolicyCenter and ClaimCenter that will make people more efficient. It will facilitate different submission processes for commercial lines insurance, where today maybe the very structured database driven approaches that we've had -- in the toolset that we've had to date don't quite solve the problem, but generative AI now gives us this ability to solve those sort of more complex less data -- less database-oriented problems can now be solved more effectively with computer systems powered by generative AI.

    它將促進數位應用程式的創建,就像我們在 Guidewire 核心系統之上討論的那樣。它將促進保單中心和理賠中心內的生成人工智慧功能,從而提高人們的效率。它將促進商業保險的不同提交流程,今天我們所擁有的非常結構化的資料庫驅動方法——在我們迄今為止所擁有的工具集中並不能完全解決問題,但生成式人工智慧現在可以提供利用這種能力來解決那些更複雜、更少的數據——更少的面向資料庫的問題現在可以透過由生成人工智慧支援的電腦系統更有效地解決。

  • So I think that the position we're in, in terms of vertical software is very, very strong and generative AI will only help us going forward. So that's my position specifically on P&C. I can't speak to -- I could probably, but it's not appropriate for me to speak to the vertical category in general. But I'm very confident about Guidewire's position relative to the P&C insurance industry.

    所以我認為,就垂直軟體而言,我們所處的地位非常非常強大,生成式人工智慧只會幫助我們前進。這就是我對 P&C 的具體立場。我不能談論——我可能可以,但一般來說我不適合談論垂直類別。但我對 Guidewire 在財產與意外保險行業中的地位非常有信心。

  • Aaron Kimson Kimson - Analyst

    Aaron Kimson Kimson - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • And thanks for the question.


  • Operator


  • Michael Funk, Bank of America.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Great. Thanks. Hi, this is Matt on for Mike. Just a quick one for me. You called out that DWPs are growing because of rising claim costs and inflation. Understanding that there isn't a one-to-one link between DWP growth and because of tiered pricing, can you help us quantify the contribution to growth this year and remind us how we should be thinking about factoring in DWP growth overall in our models going forward?

    偉大的。謝謝。大家好,我是麥克的馬特。對我來說只是一個快速的。您指出,由於索賠成本上升和通貨膨脹,DWP 正在成長。了解 DWP 成長與分級定價之間並不存在一對一的聯繫,您能否幫助我們量化今年對成長的貢獻,並提醒我們應該如何在模型中考慮整體 DWP 成長因素向前走?

  • Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

    Jeff Cooper - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, sure. I mean, so this is a pretty consistent part of our model, and we see DWP true-up and CPI elements to renewals on an annual basis. Certainly, we've seen that accelerate over the last couple of years.

    好,當然。我的意思是,這是我們模型中相當一致的部分,我們每年都會看到 DWP 調整和 CPI 元素更新。當然,我們已經看到過去幾年這種情況正在加速。

  • Given how it works, some of the contracts are longer, some of the customers have bought more DWP than they are currently running. So it'll take some time in order for a true-up to manifest itself. But it's probably contributed an incremental 1% or 1.5% of growth this year over. And then last year as well was a little bit elevated versus what we've seen historically.

    考慮到它的運作方式,一些合約更長,一些客戶購買的 DWP 比他們目前運行的更多。因此,需要一段時間才能真正顯現出來。但它可能對今年的成長貢獻了 1% 或 1.5% 的增量。與我們歷史上看到的情況相比,去年的情況也略有上升。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Really helpful. Thank you.


  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks for the question.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. And we have reached the end of the question-and-answer session. Will now turn the call back over to Mike Rosenbaum for closing remarks.

    謝謝。我們的問答環節已經結束了。現在將把電話轉回給邁克羅森鮑姆 (Mike Rosenbaum) 作結束語。

  • Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Rosenbaum - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I just wanted to thank everybody for joining. We're incredibly excited about the results of Q3 and the momentum that we see in the business. And look forward to seeing everybody and talking about what we hope will be a great Q4. So thanks very much for joining today. And we'll see you later.


  • Operator


  • And this concludes today's conference, and you may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.
