First Horizon Corp (FHN) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Yes, good afternoon, all, and thanks for joining us for the First Horizon second quarter 2024 our earnings conference call. My name is Carly, and I'll be coordinating your call today. (Operator Instructions) I will now hand over to Natalie Flanders, Head of Investor Relations to begin.

    是的,大家下午好,感謝您參加我們的 2024 年第二季 First Horizo​​n 收益電話會議。我叫卡莉,今天我將協調您的電話。 (操作員指示)我現在請投資者關係主管 Natalie Flanders 開始。

  • Natalie Flanders - Senior Vice President, Head of Investor Relations

    Natalie Flanders - Senior Vice President, Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Carly, and good morning. Welcome to our second quarter 2024 results conference call and thank you for joining us. Today our Chairman, President and CEO, Bryan Jordan, and Chief Financial Officer, Hope Dmuchowski will provide prepared remarks after which we'll be happy to take your questions. We're also pleased to have our Chief Credit Officer, Susan Springfield, and our Deputy Chief Credit Officer, Thomas Hung here to do have questions with you as well.

    謝謝你,卡莉,早安。歡迎參加我們的 2024 年第二季業績電話會議,感謝您加入我們。今天,我們的董事長、總裁兼首席執行官布萊恩·喬丹(Bryan Jordan) 和首席財務官霍普·德穆喬夫斯基(Hope Dmuchowski) 將發表事先準備好的講話,之後我們將很樂意回答您的問題。我們也很高興邀請我們的首席信貸官 Susan Springfield 和副首席信貸官 Thomas Hung 來向您提問。

  • Our remarks today will reference our earnings presentation, which is available on our website at As always, I need to remind you that we will make forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties therefore we ask you to review the factors that may cause our results to differ from our expectations on page 2 of our presentation and in our SEC filings.

    我們今天的言論將參考我們的收益報告,該報告可在我們的網站 ir.firsthorizo​​ 上取得。像往常一樣,我需要提醒您,我們將做出前瞻性陳述,這些陳述存在風險和不確定性,因此我們要求您審查可能導致我們的結果與我們簡報第2 頁和我們的預期不同的因素。

  • Additionally, please be aware that our comments will refer to adjusted results, which exclude the impact of notable items. These are non-GAAP measures so it's important for you to review the GAAP information in our earnings release and on page 3 of our presentation. And last but not least, our comments reflect our current views and you should understand that we are not obligated to update them.

    此外,請注意,我們的評論將涉及調整後的結果,其中排除了值得注意的項目的影響。這些是非 GAAP 衡量標準,因此您務必查看我們的收益報告和簡報第 3 頁中的 GAAP 資訊。最後但並非最不重要的一點是,我們的評論反映了我們當前的觀點,您應該明白我們沒有義務更新它們。

  • And with that, I'll turn things over to Bryan.


  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Thank you Natalie, good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining our call. I'm pleased with the results we achieved in another solid quarter. We continue to demonstrate our ability to produce consistent return for our shareholders while also providing unparalleled service to our clients. As I look back at the last couple of months, there has been a significant uptick in the competitive landscape, especially promotional deposit officers, as banks compete for growth against the backdrop of a higher for longer interest rate environment and a shrinking deposit base.


  • I'll start on slide 5, where we have shared some of the financial highlights for the quarter. We delivered adjusted EPS of $0.36 per share, which was a $0.01 increase from the prior quarter, with pre-provision net revenue increasing by $1 million. Adjusted return on tangible common equity improved to 12%, driven by the benefit of returning excess capital to shareholders. We repurchased $212 million of stock in the second quarter and over $365 million year to date, ending the quarter with an 11% tangible common equity Tier one ratio, achieving 11% common equity Tier one ratio.

    我將從幻燈片 5 開始,我們在其中分享了本季的一些財務亮點。我們的調整後每股收益為 0.36 美元,比上一季增加 0.01 美元,撥備前淨收入增加 100 萬美元。由於向股東返還多餘資本的好處,調整後的有形普通股股本回報率提高至 12%。我們在第二季回購了 2.12 億美元的股票,今年迄今回購了超過 3.65 億美元的股票,本季末有形普通股一級比率為 11%,實現了 11% 的普通股一級比率。

  • We intend to continue to stack one good quarter on top of the next. We accomplished that this quarter through modest improvement to net interest income and traditional banking fees, while simultaneously managing the expense base and maintaining strong credit performance. I remain incredibly optimistic that First Horizon will continue to deliver strong results quarter after quarter, while serving our customers and communities. Just as we have for over the past 160 years.

    我們打算繼續將一個好的季度疊加在下一個季度之上。本季度,我們透過淨利息收入和傳統銀行費用的適度改善,同時管理費用基礎並維持強勁的信貸表現,實現了這一目標。我仍然非常樂觀地認為,First Horizo​​n 將繼續一個又一個季度地交付強勁的業績,同時為我們的客戶和社區提供服務。正如我們過去 160 年所做的那樣。

  • We have an attractive footprint, a competitive product set, a strong credit culture and strong credit culture that will allow us to profitably navigate whatever scenarios we encounter over the second half of the year.


  • With that, I'll hand the call over to Hope to run through our financial results in more detail.

    接下來,我會將電話轉給 Hope,以便更詳細地了解我們的財務表現。

  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Bryan, and good morning, everybody. On slide 6, you will find our adjusted financials and key performance metrics for the quarter. We generated adjusted earnings per share of $0.36 up a penny from the prior quarter. Pre-provision net revenue was stable to the prior quarter as net interest income and traditional banking fees offset the moderation in the fixed income business.

    謝謝布萊恩,大家早安。在投影片 6 上,您將看到我們調整後的本季財務數據和關鍵績效指標。調整後每股收益比上一季增加 0.36 美元一美分。由於淨利息收入和傳統銀行費用抵消了固定收益業務的放緩,撥備前淨收入與上一季持平。

  • Credit performance continues to be within our expectations with net charge-offs of 22 basis points and a slight increase in ACL coverage ratio to 1.41%. We achieved our near term target of 11% and CET 1 this quarter in part by returning $212 million of capital to shareholders through share repurchases. This return of excess capital, further improvement in adjusted return on tangible common equity to 12%.

    信貸表現持續符合我們的預期,淨沖銷為 22 個基點,ACL 覆蓋率小幅上升至 1.41%。我們透過股票回購向股東返還 2.12 億美元資本,部分實現了本季 11% 和 CET 1 的近期目標。此超額資本的返還,進一步提高了調整後的有形普通股權益回報率至12%。

  • On slide 8, you will see that NII increased by $5 million as the margin slightly expanded by 1 basis point from the prior quarter to 3.38%. The loan portfolio continues to be a tailwind to both NII and margin. Average loans are up 1.4% from the prior quarter. Roughly two-thirds of that growth is in loans to mortgage companies, which is our highest yielding loan portfolio.

    在投影片 8 中,您將看到 NII 增加了 500 萬美元,利潤率較上一季小幅擴大 1 個基點至 3.38%。貸款組合仍然是NII 和利潤率的推動力。平均貸款較上一季成長 1.4%。大約三分之二的成長來自抵押貸款公司的貸款,這是我們收益率最高的貸款組合。

  • Loan yields also continued to improve up 6 basis points from first quarter, benefiting from new and renewing floating rate spreads and repricing of fixed rate cash flows. Funding mix partially offset that benefit on the asset side, non-interest bearing balances were down on average, but encouragingly, those balances have been relatively stable since March. Deposit costs increased 2 basis points as late cycle mix shift continues within the interest-bearing portfolio.

    受益於新的和更新的浮動利率利差以及固定利率現金流的重新定價,貸款收益率也繼續比第一季提高6個基點。資金組合部分抵消了資產方面的收益,無息餘額平均下降,但令人鼓舞的是,這些餘額自 3 月以來相對穩定。隨著計息投資組合內週期後期組合轉移的持續,存款成本增加了 2 個基點。

  • We dive further into deposits on slide 9. Seasonality and continued contraction of supply drove a 1% reduction in balances in line with the industry H8 data. Despite this we have been successful in retaining our clients with a 95% retention versus the prior year. We have seen stabilization in non-interest bearing book balances for the first time in several quarters, which is illustrated with both average and period end balances totaling $16.3 billion. The average rate paid on interest-bearing deposits increased 2 basis points to 3.3%. During the quarter, over $1 billion of balances migrated from lower cost base rate accounts into higher rate retention offers, which increased the spot rate to approximately 3.35%, 7 basis points from the end of first quarter.

    我們在投影片 9 上進一步深入研究存款。儘管如此,我們還是成功地留住了客戶,與前一年相比,留存率高達 95%。我們看到無息帳面餘額幾季以來首次趨於穩定,平均餘額和期末餘額總計 163 億美元就說明了這一點。計息存款平均利率上升2個基點至3.3%。本季度,超過 10 億美元的餘額從較低成本基本利率帳戶轉移至較高利率保留報價,從而將即期利率提高至約 3.35%,較第一季末上升 7 個基點。

  • On slide 10, you will see that the period-end loans were up $1 billion or 2% from the prior quarter. The spring home buying season drove an increase in consumer real estate as we continue to focus on balance sheet production around the medical doctor program. Seasonality impacted loans to mortgage companies as well, but we also benefited from competitive disruption disruption in this industry opening or increasing lines for more than 50 clients.

    在投影片 10 上,您將看到期末貸款比上一季增加了 10 億美元,即 2%。由於我們繼續專注於圍繞醫生計劃的資產負債表生產,春季購房季節推動了消費房地產的成長。季節性也影響了抵押貸款公司的貸款,但我們也受益於該行業開放或增加 50 多個客戶的貸款額度的競爭中斷。

  • CRE loans also continued to fund up, though the pace of that is expected to slow in the coming quarters. As previously mentioned, loan yields were up 6 basis points from first quarter due to wider spreads and fixed cash flow repricing. Spreads on new loans increased 42 basis points year over year. We continue to expect fixed-rate loan cash flows to provide opportunity over the next year with a roll-off yield of approximately 4.6% on over $1 billion of cash flows.

    商業房地產貸款也持續增加資金,但預計未來幾季成長將放緩。如前所述,由於利差擴大和固定現金流重新定價,貸款收益率較第一季上升 6 個基點。新貸款利差較去年增加42個基點。我們繼續預期固定利率貸款現金流將在明年提供機會,超過 10 億美元的現金流的滾存收益率約為 4.6%。

  • On slide 11, you can see that the growth in our banking fees helped offset the anticipated moderation within our fixed income business. Fee income, excluding deferred compensation, decreased $3 million from first quarter average daily revenue in our fixed income business stepped down to $4,88.000, resulting in a $12 million decrease to fee income. Moderation this quarter was driven by reduction in the market's rate cut expectation and lower portfolio restructuring activity. From a rate cut we expect the rest of the year to be similar to this quarter, mortgage fees increased $2 million due to home buying seasonality.

    在投影片 11 中,您可以看到我們銀行費用的成長幫助抵消了我們固定收益業務的預期放緩。不包括遞延薪酬的費用收入比第一季固定收益業務的日均收入減少了 300 萬美元,降至 4,88.000 美元,導致費用收入減少了 1,200 萬美元。本季的放緩是由於市場降息預期的減弱和投資組合重組活動的減少。從降息來看,我們預計今年剩餘時間與本季類似,由於購屋季節性,抵押貸款費用增加了 200 萬美元。

  • Service charges, card and digital fees are both up $1.1 million each due to the seasonal volume trends that tend to be higher in second quarter. We saw a $2 million increase in brokerage trust and insurance fees as second quarter includes incremental fees for tax filing services within our trust department and our wealth management fees benefited this quarter from a higher market index.

    由於第二季的季節性流量趨勢往往更高,服務費、卡費和數位費均上漲了 110 萬美元。我們看到經紀信託和保險費用增加了 200 萬美元,因為第二季包括我們信託部門內報稅服務的增量費用,而我們的財富管理費用本季受益於較高的市場指數。

  • Lastly, other noninterest income increased $3 million mostly due to incremental swap fees and a gain from a tax credit investments.

    最後,其他非利息收入增加了 300 萬美元,主要是由於互換費用增加和稅收抵免投資的收益。

  • On slide 12, we show that excluding deferred compensation, adjusted expenses increased less than $1 million. Personnel excluding deferred comp was down $11 million from last quarter, mostly due to reduction in incentives and commissions. The $9 million reduction to the incentives was driven by lower fixed income revenue and a step down in retention awards. Offsetting the personal decrease was a reinvestment into outside services, which increased $10 million from last quarter related to marketing for the new checking account campaigns and third party services for strategic investments.

    在投影片 12 中,我們顯示,不包括遞延薪酬,調整後的費用增加不到 100 萬美元。不包括遞延薪酬的人員費用比上季減少了 1,100 萬美元,主要是由於激勵和佣金的減少。固定收益收入減少和保留獎勵減少導致激勵措施減少 900 萬美元。抵銷個人減少額的是對外部服務的再投資,與上季相比增加了 1000 萬美元,涉及新支票帳戶活動的營銷和策略投資的第三方服務。

  • As we have shared before, we still expect expenses related to our technology investments to moderately increase over the remainder of the year and we plan to offset those costs by continuing to identify and implement operational efficiencies, which will allow us to keep the business that stays flat to down in the back half of the year.


  • Credit continues to perform very well. As you can see on slide 13, net charge-offs decreased by $6 million to $34 million or 22 basis points of average loans. Non-performing loans increased $69 million with declines in C&I, offset by an increase in CRE. Though NPLs have increased. Clients are still managing through the higher rate environment with approximately 50% of commercial NPLs, still current on their payments. Loan loss provision was $55 million this quarter, increasing ACL coverage slightly to 1.41% coverage on the CRE portfolio increased from 1.26% in first quarter to 1.51%, largely driven by the office sector. Overall, we are pleased with how our balance sheet has performed in this cycle and continue to believe credit feels very manageable.

    信貸持續表現良好。正如您在投影片 13 中看到的那樣,淨沖銷減少了 600 萬美元,降至 3,400 萬美元,即平均貸款減少了 22 個基點。由於 C&I 的下降,不良貸款增加了 6,900 萬美元,但被 CRE 的增加所抵消。儘管不良貸款增加。客戶仍在較高的利率環境中進行管理,大約 50% 的商業不良貸款仍在按期付款。本季貸款損失準備金為 5,500 萬美元,ACL 覆蓋率小幅提高至 1.41%,CRE 投資組合的覆蓋率從第一季的 1.26% 上升至 1.51%,這主要是由辦公部門推動的。整體而言,我們對本週期資產負債表的表現感到滿意,並繼續相信信貸感覺非常可控。

  • On slide 15, we've revisited our NII 2024 outlook at the end of last quarter, we guided to the lower end of our previous range. However, due to mix shift and increased deposit competition that we saw late in the quarter, we are updating our expectations for net interest income range to flat to down 2%. We are assuming a relatively flat balance sheet in the back half of the year as we continue to remain disciplined on loan pricing and client selection.

    在投影片 15 上,我們重新審視了上季末的 NII 2024 年展望,我們將目標定為先前範圍的下限。然而,由於我們在本季末看到的混合轉變和存款競爭加劇,我們將淨利息收入範圍的預期更新為持平至下降 2%。我們假設今年下半年的資產負債表相對平坦,因為我們繼續在貸款定價和客戶選擇方面保持嚴格的紀律。

  • The higher for longer environment, in addition to heightened competition from new entrants into our markets has pressured funding mix and deposit costs more than anticipated. As I previously mentioned, we are pleased to see stability in our non-interest bearing deposits for the first time in several quarters. However, we've continued to see more mix shift than expected within the interest-bearing portfolio. During the quarter, over $1 billion of balances migrated from lower cost base rate accounts into higher rate retention offers.

    長期環境越高,除了新進者進入市場的競爭加劇之外,融資組合和存款成本的壓力也超出了預期。正如我之前提到的,我們很高興看到我們的無息存款幾個季度以來首次保持穩定。然而,我們繼續看到有息投資組合中的組合轉變比預期更多。本季度,超過 10 億美元的餘額從較低成本基本利率帳戶轉移到較高利率保留優惠。

  • Our average base rate account yields approximately 50 basis points, while our retention offer is roughly 4%. All other guidance remains unchanged and we will continue to seek efficiencies to help offset revenue pressures and improve shareholders' return. Lastly, you can see that we've achieved our near term CET 1 target of 11%. We plan to maintain the CET 1 around that 11% level and we can reassess moving towards our longer-term target of 10% to 10.5% as we gain more certainty around the macro, economic and regulatory environment.

    我們的平均基本利率帳戶收益率約為 50 個基點,而我們的保留率約為 4%。所有其他指導保持不變,我們將繼續尋求效率,以幫助抵消收入壓力並提高股東回報。最後,您可以看到我們已經實現了 11% 的近期 CET 1 目標。我們計劃將 CET 1 維持在 11% 左右的水平,隨著我們在宏觀、經濟和監管環境方面獲得更多確定性,我們可以重新評估向 10% 至 10.5% 的長期目標邁進。

  • As we turn to slide 16, I'll give my closing thoughts. I am extremely proud of the work that our company has accomplished in the first half of this year. The macro economic outlook for 2024 has changed significantly in the last six months, while there were previous expectations heading into the year of four or more rate cuts, now we are looking at one to two. But despite all the changes around us, we continue to grow earnings per share quarter after quarter. I believe that the experience and knowledge of our bankers, our teams and our leaders give First Horizon the flexibility to efficiently and effectively navigate navigate any economic cycle.

    當我們轉向投影片 16 時,我將給出我的結束語。我對我們公司今年上半年所取得的工作感到非常自豪。 2024 年的宏觀經濟前景在過去六個月中發生了重大變化,而先前的預期是今年將有四次或更多降息,現在我們正在考慮一到兩次降息。但儘管我們周圍發生了這些變化,我們的每股盈餘仍在逐季成長。我相信,我們的銀行家、團隊和領導者的經驗和知識使 First Horizo​​n 能夠靈活且有效率地駕馭任何經濟週期。

  • As we advance to the second half of the year, we continue to expect strong performance from our diversified business model, we will continue to identify operational efficiencies to counter headwinds in revenue. We will also remain diligent on managing our capital, our balance sheet and our credit performance in order to deliver attractive returns near term and into the future.


  • Now I'll give it back to Bryan.


  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Thank you Hope. I echo Hope's sentiments, we have demonstrated our ability to execute and changing economic and competitive environments. We know how to pull the necessary levers in order to operate profitably. I have complete confidence in our ability to continue doing so over the back half of '24 and beyond. I firmly believe that one of First Horizon's greatest attributes is our Southeastern footprint and our established client base.

    謝謝你希望。我同意霍普的觀點,我們已經證明了我們執行和改變經濟和競爭環境的能力。我們知道如何利用必要的槓桿來獲利。我對我們在 24 年下半年及以後繼續這樣做的能力充滿信心。我堅信,First Horizo​​n 最大的特點之一是我們在東南部的足跡和我們既定的客戶群。

  • While that attracts some of the greatest competition. I remain confident that we have the associates, the client relationships and the dedication to maintaining an unparalleled banking franchise in the South. As always, I'm grateful for the great work of our associates and serving their customers and their communities. In particular, our thoughts are with those in Houston impacted by Hurricane barrel and the thousands that dealt with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands at dealt for a long period without power. We remain committed to supporting our associates, clients and the greater community as they recover. Carley, we can now open it up for question.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Jon Arfstrom, RBC Capital Markets.

    喬恩‧阿夫斯特羅姆 (Jon Arfstrom),加拿大皇家銀行資本市場部。

  • Jon Arfstrom - Analyst

    Jon Arfstrom - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks. Good morning, can you talk a little bit more about the deposits, pricing competition you're seeing you flagged late in the quarter and what are you seeing give us some examples of that? And what do you think changes or eases that environment?


  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Yes, I'll start. And then I Hope pickup from there. It's it's interesting to see the impact it had on our balance sheet. There have been an increasing number of deposit offers that are specials across our footprint. We sell from large and medium and small competitors, and it had the effect of driving a higher cost in our existing customer base. The number of customers who came in with the offer from somebody else at a higher rate than our need to match or come close to matching that rate picked up over the last month or so of the quarter.


  • And there was know north of probably a billion billion and a half dollars of that occurring in the in the third, the back half of the second quarter, third month of the quarter, have you if you looked at deposit costs early in the quarter. Our aggregate cost of deposits dropped early in the quarter was flattish in May and then really accelerated in the June timeframe and the approximate calls is competitive environment, which in the most narrow sense, we had to match the competitive offer to maintain and defend customer relationships.

    如果你看看本季初的存款成本,你就會知道,其中可能有十億五億美元發生在第三季、第二季後半段、第三個月。我們的總存款成本在本季度初下降,5 月份持平,然後在6 月份時間範圍內真正加速,並且近似的呼叫是競爭環境,從最狹義的意義上來說,我們必須匹配有競爭力的報價以維持並捍衛客戶關係。

  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Jon, I'll add to what Brian said. You asked about the offers. We have a very competitive offer from a marketing perspective from kind of a new entrance to the southeast of a 530 guarantees through year end. And that's been aggressively marketed walked into most of our branches than many of our employees here have been kind enough to interop as mandates me when they've gotten their houses.

    喬恩,我將補充布萊恩所說的話。您詢問了優惠。從行銷角度來看,我們提供了非常有競爭力的報價,從某種意義上說,到年底為止,我們將提供 530 個保證的東南部新入口。這已經被積極地推銷到我們的大多數分支機構,我們這裡的許多員工在拿到房子後都非常友善地按照我的要求進行互操作。

  • And so we saw kind of mid corps, as Brian mentioned, that competitive environment going into the quarter, we expected a rate cut this quarter, highly anticipated rate cuts and everyone had pulled back on their promotional rates. The rate guarantees were that we were seeing was really three months. We were at a three month rate guarantee and as the forward curve moved to a really late in Q3 expectation for the first rate cut, we saw the offers, the marketing, the digital marketing from competitors significantly increase the longer-term and higher rate in the second half of the quarter.


  • Jon Arfstrom - Analyst

    Jon Arfstrom - Analyst

  • Okay. If we don't get a cut, Hope do you expect this kind of pressure to persist? And I guess, um, you know, to kind of clean this up was talk a little bit about the higher end of the lower end of the NII guide and kind of what gets you to the higher end or lower end.

    好的。如果我們沒有被削減,你希望這種壓力會持續下去嗎?我想,嗯,你知道,為了解決這個問題,我們需要談談 NII 指南的高端或低端,以及如何讓你到達高端或低端。

  • Thank you.


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Jon, I do think that we don't get a cut in Q3 or this year. The further out that cut gets the more competitive environment stays as the money supply continues to shrink out of the economy. I have and I'm hopeful that with that first cut, we'll start to see consumption come back. But as I mentioned, one of the major rate offers that our clients are bringing in. It is a guarantee through year-end. And so even if we were if you recut September, there's still an offer out there that is valid through December at [530].

    喬恩,我確實認為我們在第三季或今年不會削減。隨著貨幣供給量持續從經濟中縮減,降息幅度越大,競爭環境就越激烈。我已經這麼做了,我希望透過第一次削減,我們將開始看到消費回升。但正如我所提到的,我們的客戶帶來的主要利率優惠之一。因此,即使我們重新削減 9 月的報價,仍然有報價在 12 月之前有效,價格為 [530]。

  • But hopeful that that will start to subside with the most rate cut and hopefully a second one not too far behind that. As far as the guidance, absolutely a rate cut we hope will offset the deposit pressure, but we are asset sensitive and the way they're earlier that we get the cut in the year. The more that in you will be able to kind of see the deposit costs come down to match the loan side repricing with Colombia, 58% of our loan book will recover, you know, for them in the months, and we'll have to work that deposits cost back. They'll be able to little bit of lag as we walk that deposit pricing back as well as promos that come off of three month, six month break offers?

    但希望這種情況會隨著最大幅度的降息而開始消退,並希望第二次降息不會太遠。就指導而言,我們絕對希望降息能夠抵消存款壓力,但我們對資產敏感,而且我們今年降息的時間較早。你越能看到存款成本下降,以匹配哥倫比亞的貸款方重新定價,你知道,我們的貸款賬簿的 58% 將在幾個月內為他們收回,我們將不得不押金成本回收的工作。當我們降低存款定價以及三個月、六個月的中斷優惠的促銷活動時,他們會有點滯後嗎?

  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Jon, I think it's it's largely a gut call at this point. What happens I think it really depends on what happens with loan demand, how the Fed normalizes balance sheet, most importantly and particularly what impact that has on on deposits across the industry. The deposit market is still very tight and I don't think the cut or two is likely to change that very much in the short term. I don't think it makes it very much different if rates stay are. But I think it's going to be a competitive environment because the Fed is going through this normalization process and that's going to keep deposit costs probably on the whole it's more more competitive than we might have thought three months ago, two months ago.


  • Jon Arfstrom - Analyst

    Jon Arfstrom - Analyst

  • Okay. All right. Thank you very much. Appreciate it.


  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Michael Rose of Raymond James.


  • Michael Rose - Analyst

    Michael Rose - Analyst

  • Good morning, everyone. Thanks for taking my questions. I'm just if I use the midpoint of the guidance you guys are looking at negative operating leverage this year. I know maybe a little too early to kind of count talking about 2025, but do you think positive return to positive operating leverage next year is in the cards and kind of what are the factors rates, improvement in fixed income and momentum and fees, stuff like that would kind of get you there assume a little bit more balance sheet growth and as well?

    大家早安。感謝您回答我的問題。我只是說,如果我使用你們今年正在考慮的負營運槓桿指導的中點。我知道談論 2025 年可能有點為時過早,但您認為明年是否有可能實現正營運槓桿的積極回報,以及利率、固定收益的改善以及動量和費用等因素是什麼假設資產負債表增長一點點,那會不會讓你到達那裡?

  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Michael. Our goal is always to start with the intent as we put together a budget to have positive operating leverage to manage our mix, our efficiency ratio year over year. And so at this point, it's really hard to say what's going to happen with 2024 the rate cut environment right now, the forward curve has two this year and three to four in the next year. We went into this year thinking four to segments, and we might end up one to two.


  • So I expect 2025, we will work hard and we will set a budget that has positive operating leverage but I think that there's going to be a lot of uncertainty on going through 2025 on deposit costs as well as money fly. We still have an inverted curves are countercyclical and specifically our capital markets, fixed income fees, nice to see that curve steepen and there will be a huge help for us. We can see that calm start to flatten out steepenat the end of next year.

    因此,我預計到 2025 年,我們將努力工作,我們將制定具有積極營運槓桿的預算,但我認為 2025 年存款成本和資金流動將存在許多不確定性。我們仍然有一條反週期的反向曲線,特別是我們的資本市場、固定收益費用,很高興看到曲線變陡,這將對我們有巨大的幫助。我們可以看到這種平靜的局面到明年年底就會變得更加平緩。

  • Michael Rose - Analyst

    Michael Rose - Analyst

  • Okay, great. Maybe just as a follow-up, as we do think about, hopefully a better growth environment for you you've clearly benefited from some little bit momentum in mortgage warehouse just as rates come down a little bit, and we're back to a normal seasonal market. But C&I loan utilization is still relatively low you've had some fund up some multi-family construction, things like that just Bryan, can you can you discuss kind of the demand outlook and what you're hearing from your customers is it going to take a couple of rate cuts to keep that utilization move up and see some better loan growth?


  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Yes, particularly as a backup to the first question in a macro sense to the extent that the Fed is reducing, rate, we think on the whole that will help our countercyclical businesses. As I've said, philosophically, we start with always trying to drive positive operating leverage. And we have these countercyclical businesses. In particular, I think our mortgage businesses will be helped as rates set and then the yield curve a reset in the yield curve starts to normalize, particularly and if and when it starts to drive refinancing activity, which is likely to occur occur as the short end comes down and adjustable ARMs become more affordable.


  • I think is we ended the quarter something like 18%, 19%, 20% of mortgage warehouse lending activity was actually refinance. The rest was purchase money mortgage. That tends to be more balanced over time.

    我認為本季結束時,大約 18%、19%、20% 的抵押倉庫貸款活動實際上是再融資。剩下的就是購屋款抵押。隨著時間的推移,這種情況往往會更加平衡。

  • So to that point, I think you can see a significant pickup in mortgage warehouse lending. And I think in all likelihood, you'll see a pickup in mortgage lending as the rate curve begins to normalize. And broadly speaking, loan demand is more tepid than we would have thought at this point in the cycle, people are generally cautious about investing, I think the, you know, the twin mountains of change out there. What does the FED and do what's going to happen in the in the presidential and congressional elections and what does that mean in terms of economic policy because of that?


  • There is a lot of divergence between where our two presidential candidates are. So at the end of the day, people are a little more tepid, but I think as rates begin to fall, I think people will become more optimistic both on a consumer level, particularly in the mortgage space as well as in the commercial lending space.


  • Michael Rose - Analyst

    Michael Rose - Analyst

  • Thanks. I appreciate you taking my questions.


  • Operator


  • Steven Alexopoulos, JPMorgan.


  • Anthony Elian - Analyst

    Anthony Elian - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning. This is Anthony Elian on for Steve. Just to follow up on the question on loan growth for Michael. So your updated NII outlook assumes a relatively flat balance sheet in the back half of the year. Can you just talk about the drivers of the slowdown in loan growth you expect following a pretty solid quarter. You saw second quarter. I know you mentioned CRE fund notes were slowing.


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Elian, one thing that we've got that you need to look at. It is the seasonality of mortgage warehouse. So about two thirds of the or half the increase a little bit more quarter over quarter on average is mortgage warehouse, which seasonally increases into quarter two and quarter three during the home buying season and then kind of significantly tailed off in Q4 and Q1.


  • As a part of that is just the normal increase we have in loan growth. We are reaching the end of or near the end of the large fund ups. We had some loans we originated the last two years in the [Procuri] market. We're not really seeing a whole lot of originations in CRE as we continue. So we're kind of going to tread water in the back half of the year as we see paydowns, cash flows come in with what new lending will be.

    其中一部分只是貸款成長的正常成長。我們正處於大型基金上漲的尾聲或接近尾聲。過去兩年我們在 [Procuri] 市場發放了一些貸款。隨著我們的繼續,我們並沒有真正看到 CRE 的大量起源。因此,我們將在今年下半年停滯不前,因為我們將看到還款、現金流和新貸款的增加。

  • Do you think as we go into 2025. And I know Michael's question earlier about if there's a better growth environment, if you get some rate cuts and the outlooks are better, I do think some of those are specifically, C&I clients who may have put capital projects on the back burner will move those back to the front burner. And you'll see some opportunities with with clients who may want to reengage in some lending activity, and we stand ready to come to work with those clients assuming they meet our risk profile.

    當我們進入2025 年時,你認為嗎?客戶,他們可能已經把處於次要位置的資本項目將使這些項目重新回到首要位置。您會看到一些可能想要重新參與某些貸款活動的客戶的機會,我們隨時準備與這些客戶合作,假設他們符合我們的風險狀況。

  • Thank you.


  • Anthony Elian - Analyst

    Anthony Elian - Analyst

  • And then my follow-up, can you provide more color on the increase in outside services contribute in the press release. This is this is tied to deposit marketing campaigns and third party services for strategic investments. I guess how much of the $10 million increase you saw sequentially is sticky versus onetime in nature?

    然後我的後續問題是,您是否可以在新聞稿中提供有關外部服務貢獻增加的更多資訊。這與存款行銷活動和策略性投資的第三方服務有關。我猜你看到的 1000 萬美元的連續增長中有多少是粘性的,而不是一次性的?

  • Thank you.


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Marketing is a seasonal spend there at year end and going into the new year marketing tends not to be a very effective, especially with the checking accounts. It just doesn't tend to be a seasonal time where we see a lot of movement between banks and so Q2 and Q3 are typically where we see more effective direct to client marketing. And so I think, yes, I wouldn't say sticky as in year over year as there is some seasonality there. We did mention in multiple previous calls that our technology investments were a little slower to get started the end of last year. And this year, what I would say than we had originally anticipated. So I think that the technology spend kind of hitting its run right now and the marketing being seasonal throughout the year, typical in past years. When you look past back to last year's earnings, you'll see the same type of seasonality increase in marketing in Q2 and towards the end of Q3.


  • Anthony Elian - Analyst

    Anthony Elian - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ebrahim Poonawala of Bank of America.


  • Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

    Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

  • Thank you and good morning. I guess maybe first question is just around Bryan and Hope on fixed income, I think you said the $40 million seems like a good run rate for the back half from what I can recall just in prior cycles, rate cuts, it is counter-cyclical. You should see a lot more bond book restructurings that your clients, et cetera. So I would assume that if the September rate cut outlook firms up and the steepening in the yield curve should push that to pretty strong levels, would be my understanding as well. Am I missing something there or are you just being conservative when you talk about the cap markets outlook.

    謝謝你,早安。我想也許第一個問題是圍繞布萊恩和霍普關於固定收益的,我想你說過,從我在之前週期中的記憶來看,4000萬美元似乎是後半段的一個不錯的運行率,降息,它是反週期的。您應該會看到比您的客戶等更多的債券帳簿重組。因此,我認為,如果 9 月降息前景堅定,並且殖利率曲線的陡峭應將其推至相當強勁的水平,這也是我的理解。我是否遺漏了一些東西,或者您在談論資本市場前景時只是保守。

  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Yes, I'll point you to there's a very pretty graphs that Natalie put in the appendix, it sort of shows Fed funds and what it does to average daily revenues that your instincts are right to the extent that rates are moving down, you're likely to see an impact on average daily revenue being up and what we've talked about there is a more steady environment. We're not making any broad assumptions about the Fed making significant rate cuts basically following the forward curve. But on the whole, if the Fed is more aggressive in moving rates down is likely it would be better than we've talked about for our fixed income business.


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • And I guess the other side of the on the countercyclical business and on mortgage warehouse if we get fed cuts, but mortgage rates remain around 7%. Is that enough based on what you're hearing from your mortgage warehouse clients to ticket activity and a pickup in balances? Or is there a level of rates on the mortgage front that needs to get that business sort of momentum going?

    我猜想,如果聯準會降息,反週期業務和抵押貸款倉庫的另一面就會發生變化,但抵押貸款利率仍保持在 7% 左右。根據您從抵押倉庫客戶那裡聽到的票務活動和餘額增加的情況,這是否足夠?或者抵押貸款方面是否需要一定的利率水準來推動該業務的發展?

  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Yes, I think you've got to see mortgage rates drop more significantly to see any real pickup in refinance activity. I think you'll still continue to see a steady flow of purchase activity, but I think to see anything meaningful in terms of refinance activity, you're going to see rates drop more than that. We have had a opportunity to pick up a little bit of share by increasing lines. And we think that that will help maintain some stability in balances there. And we're optimistic that that's a business that's going to pick up nicely as a base rate environment does normalize and get a normally shape yield curve.


  • Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

    Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

  • Got it. And one last question, if I may. Your mexican deposit pricing. So there's a lot more, I think, circumspect relative to what I've heard from the banks so far this earnings season. So one, I think the minus is the loan to deposit ratio that you're managing to, which is causing First Horizon to be a lot more active in bringing in deposits or retaining deposits. And am I overstating it because what we're hearing from most banks is some cooling in deposit pricing, things repricing lower from three, six, nine months ago. So I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything?

    知道了。如果可以的話,還有最後一個問題。您的墨西哥存款定價。因此,我認為,與本財報季迄今為止我從銀行聽到的消息相比,還有更多的謹慎之處。因此,我認為負數是您所管理的貸存比率,這導致 First Horizo​​n 在吸收存款或保留存款方面更加積極。我是否誇大了這一點,因為我們從大多數銀行那裡聽到的是存款定價有所降溫,重新定價比三、六、九個月前更低。所以我只是想確保我沒有遺漏任何東西?

  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Yes, I think, but I think a couple of thoughts. One is we are attentive to our loan to deposit ratio, but that's not driving the deposit pricing strategy as much as it is protecting defending the existing customer relationships. So we're thinking about it from a relationship side of things in and that would driving the activity.


  • If you look underneath the covers, I quoted some numbers about our existing customer relationships. It would be our price. We also had a significant balance of customers where we were able to move right back is just on the whole because of competitive dynamics in certain sectors, we saw a net aggregate increase in deposit costs, but it was really driven by our desire to defend customer relationship.


  • Clearly, as I said, we will pay attention to our loan to deposit ratio, but we think we have the flexibility in our balance sheet to support attractively block of fixed fees for me to say attractively priced well, structured credit and then through any cycles. So is not really constraining our ability in the near term, not to say that that won't change. But in the near term, we feel like we're well positioned to fund customer relationships that make sense for our balance sheet.


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Ebrahim, I still think we'll add to that we are a Southeast regional bank. And I think everyone with the exception of one that's releases a national bank, but most everybody is coming talking about the Southeast being their target for growth. And so we are competing differently than the national banks. As you know, when you look at multiple of our competitors and they talk about their growth opportunities, they're talking about the Southeast are announcing new branches. They're announcing hiring new teams. And so I think the Southeast allows us to grow more than the average on loans, but it's also become more competitive on both the loan and deposit side as more banks are trying to increase their footprint or enter here.


  • Second, on the loan to deposit ratio as mortgage warehouse funds up in Q2 and Q3. We only see that drift up. As I've mentioned before, we may have to go deeper into brokered or wholesale during that time of being a 300 basis point yielding asset, I'm okay with that match funding and that loan deposit ratio going up during the two quarters, their high end line increases.

    二是貸存比,二、三季抵押倉資金上升。我們只看到這種漂移。正如我之前提到的,我們可能必須在成為 300 個基點收益資產的時期更深入地進行經紀或批發業務,我對匹配資金和貸款存款比率在這兩個季度上升的情況感到滿意,他們的高端線增加。

  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • 300 basis points.


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Good catch, Brian.


  • Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

    Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

  • All right. Thanks a lot for taking my questions.


  • Operator


  • Chris McGratty of KBW.

    KBW 的克里斯麥克格拉蒂。

  • Christopher McGratty - Analyst

    Christopher McGratty - Analyst

  • Good morning maybe a run to help them in terms of the spot margin, do you have as of June 30? I'm trying to think about exit exit velocity as you go into next year with what you do with the deposits?

    早安,也許可以在現貨保證金方面幫助他們,截至 6 月 30 日你們有嗎?我正在嘗試考慮明年您如何處理存款時的退出速度?

  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • We didn't have spot margin, but we do have on slide 9 the spot rate for the quarter, which was 3.35.

    我們沒有即期保證金,但我們在投影片 9 上有該季度的即期匯率,即 3.35。

  • Christopher McGratty - Analyst

    Christopher McGratty - Analyst

  • Okay. Great, I must have missed that. Thank you.


  • And then, Bryan, on capital, you're at the [11] you talked about clarity on regulation and clarity on the economy being the keys to going down to [10, 10.5]. Do you think it's a possibility that you could you could have that clarity in the back half of the year? Is that probably a 2025 event to take down the capital ratios?

    然後,布萊恩,關於資本,您在 [11] 中談到了監管的明確性和經濟的明確性是下降到 [10, 10.5] 的關鍵。您認為下半年有可能實現這種清晰的思維嗎?這可能是 2025 年降低資本比率的事件嗎?

  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Yes, I still think it's a 2025 question. We're not planning on own change in our thinking about that in the near term. We want to see the path of rates and what the economy's doing. And it is most everybody. We're hopeful that the Fed creates a soft landing for the economy, but we're prepared for something different than that until we see greater clarity, we don't plan to reevaluate that.

    是的,我仍然認為這是一個 2025 年的問題。我們不打算在短期內改變我們對此的想法。我們希望了解利率走勢以及經濟狀況。大多數人都是如此。我們希望聯準會能為經濟實現軟著陸,但我們已經做好了應對不同情況的準備,直到我們看到更清晰的情況為止,我們不打算重新評估這一點。

  • Christopher McGratty - Analyst

    Christopher McGratty - Analyst

  • That's perfect. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Casey Haire, Jefferies.


  • Casey Haire - Analyst

    Casey Haire - Analyst

  • Good morning, everyone. From the board all up on NII Any any thoughts to using some of the capital towards a bond book restructure and improving the yield there? I know it's a small asset for you, but just wondering some updated thoughts there.

    大家早安。來自 NII 的董事會 有任何想法使用部分資本進行債券帳簿重組並提高收益率嗎?我知道這對你來說是一筆小資產,但只是想知道一些最新的想法。

  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Yes, this is Bryan, Casey. And the short answer is probably not in our view, the restructuring of the bond portfolio really creates a lot of friction and doesn't really create anything other than a difference in the timing of earnings that discount or or from [AOCI] mark is going to accrete back to earnings or capital over time. And so it is unlikely that's something that we evaluate just simply because it creates friction that doesn't create a lot of economic. It doesn't create any economic value over time.


  • Casey Haire - Analyst

    Casey Haire - Analyst

  • Got you. Okay. And then just switching to credit quality, the NPL migration sounds like it was driven by CRE I was wondering if you give any color on product or geography and what's driving that.


  • Thomas Hung - Chief Credit Officer

    Thomas Hung - Chief Credit Officer

  • Yes, Casey, this is Tom Hung. It was predominantly driven by our credit portfolio and that particular office. What I would point to, though is I think the underperformance is within the range of our expectations. I don't think there was anything that was surprising to us this is really kind of a just driven more by the higher for longer environment wherein the 12 macro macro economic environment.

    是的,凱西,這是湯姆·洪。這主要是由我們的信貸投資組合和該特定辦公室推動的。不過,我想說的是,我認為表現不佳在我們的預期範圍內。我不認為有什麼讓我們感到驚訝的,這實際上只是由 12 月宏觀經濟環境中較高的長期環境所推動的。

  • What I would point to is within our office portfolio, we continue to believe we have strong client selection and I think that will certainly prove itself out in the long run. I'm just give kind of give you some high-level information 90% of our office portfolio by square footage does nine stories or less. So I think that speaks to kind of the profile of our office portfolio. In fact, we only have eight building better ten-plus stories. And so I believe where we're with the right projects, the right borrowers in the right portions of office to, they have a good long-term outcome.

    我想指出的是,在我們的辦公室投資組合中,我們仍然相信我們擁有強大的客戶選擇,我認為從長遠來看,這肯定會證明自己。我只是向您提供一些高級信息,按平方英尺計算,我們的辦公室組合中 90% 的面積為九層或更少。所以我認為這說明了我們辦公室投資組合的概況。事實上,我們只有八個人在建造更好的十多層樓。因此,我相信,只要我們擁有正確的項目,正確的借款人在正確的辦公室位置,他們就會取得良好的長期成果。

  • Casey Haire - Analyst

    Casey Haire - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ben Gerlinger at Citigroup spend.

    花旗集團的本傑林格 (Ben Gerlinger) 花錢。

  • Ben Gerlinger - Analyst

    Ben Gerlinger - Analyst

  • Morning. I was curious if we could talk a little bit about share repurchase activity and other the CET 1, the 10 kind of add probably next year outcome are the banks at a pretty good month so far down just kind of curious how you guys think about the math on buybacks, kind of taking into consideration to that a relative valuation. And then also the total the math is a little bit different because the stocks have gone up. Just kind of curious if you do continue the buyback, could we theoretically see another reauthorization this calendar year? Because if it's viewed more accurate. So just kind of curious, thoughts on overall share repurchase activity.

    早晨。我很好奇我們是否可以談談股票回購活動和其他 CET 1,明年可能出現的 10 種添加結果是銀行迄今為止的月份表現相當不錯,只是有點好奇你們如何看待回購數學,有點考慮到相對估值。而且總的數學計算也有點不同,因為股票漲了。只是有點好奇,如果您繼續回購,理論上我們可以在今年看到另一次重新授權嗎?因為如果它看起來更準確。所以只是有點好奇,對整體股票回購活動的想法。

  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Yes. The buyback activity, we are thoughtful about price and relative value and our expectations of long-term values. We think that even with this significant improvement in stock prices across the industry over the last few weeks, we think we're still at a relative discount and opportunistically we will continue to use capital to repurchase shares.


  • I don't know how to evaluate as we sit here today about whether we would reauthorize a buyback this year or next. That's a Board decision we have plenty of capacity under the authorization that we have that expires in January of this coming year 2025. And so we will evaluate that as appropriate. But we do think maintaining excess capital when we can return it to shareholders through a buyback is probably more appropriate that we put it in the hands of our shareholders. And so we will continue to be opportunistic. We will look at relative valuations, and we'll make decisions later on about whether we need to increase our authorization or not.

    當我們今天坐在這裡時,我不知道如何評估我們是否會在今年或明年重新授權回購。這是董事會的決定,我們擁有足夠的能力,授權將於 2025 年 1 月到期。但我們確實認為,當我們可以透過回購將多餘資本回饋給股東時,保留多餘資本可能比將其交到股東手中更合適。因此,我們將繼續保持機會主義。我們將考慮相對估值,稍後我們將決定是否需要增加授權。

  • Ben Gerlinger - Analyst

    Ben Gerlinger - Analyst

  • Got it. Helpful. And then I hope I know you said expenses in your prepared remarks. I think you said flat to down in the second half of this year is kind of curious. It is always levers you can call it actually has a pretty sizable franchise as you guys have. But is that pushing anything out into 2025 that could be done today and just kind of curious on how you get down both on the cloud.

    知道了。有幫助。然後我希望我知道你在準備好的發言中提到了費用。我認為你說今年下半年持平到下降有點奇怪。它始終是你可以稱之為的槓桿,它實際上擁有像你們一樣相當大的特許經營權。但這是否會將今天可以完成的事情推遲到 2025 年,只是有點好奇如何在雲端上實現這一點。

  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Yeah Ben good questions. We do expect to be flat to down in the second half of the year or part of that is that, you know, as we've spoken about before, bond business or any just Financial had a really good Q1 and we had a high revenue quarter and a high expense quarter. We expect that to come back down. We've had the TD. retention in the first step down in the back half of this year. We think we've hit the stride of our technology investments. And so we are looking at operational efficiencies. We have another adjustment, a restructuring costs as we continue to look at ways to reduce our costs with a low growth environment, how much headcount do you need where were you previously spending money with third parties that you don't need to anymore?


  • The environment has significantly shifted over the last year. And we're looking at every opportunity we can to be as efficient as we can and make sure that we have, though we're buying less of it before we're very focused on our efficiency ratio, not letting that grow over time.


  • Ben Gerlinger - Analyst

    Ben Gerlinger - Analyst

  • Okay. That's helpful. But there's nothing being push that. So I'm just trying to think what the hill to climb next year. It's not like in intentionally kind of maybe a little bit bigger by managing to that, correct?


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Correct.


  • Ben Gerlinger - Analyst

    Ben Gerlinger - Analyst

  • Okay. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Samuel Varga of UBS.


  • Sámuel Varga - Analyst

    Sámuel Varga - Analyst

  • Good morning. I wanted to just go back to the NII guide for second. You assume a flattish balance sheet. And obviously with the loan growth year to date, you're kind of close to the middle of the guide you said and obviously seasonality and the LMC vertical isn't going to help for the second half of the year. So I'm just trying to ask, is there any sort of mix shift assumption within that flat balance sheet or should we think that that loans and securities and cash are all sort of staying relatively flat for second half of the year?

    早安.我想再回到 NII 指南。您假設資產負債表平坦。顯然,從今年迄今為止的貸款成長來看,您已經接近您所說的指南的中間位置,顯然季節性和 ​​LMC 垂直領域不會對今年下半年有所幫助。所以我只是想問,在平坦的資產負債表中是否存在某種混合轉變假設,或者我們是否應該認為下半年貸款、證券和現金都保持相對平坦?

  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Sam, thanks for the question. Yes, when you when you change your guidance, you run a whole set of scenarios and to hopefully only two things at once in the year end. So the answer is zero. The flat to down 2% takes into account all of the things that could happen and increasing deposit costs, a flat balance sheet, slightly up slightly down balance sheet. And we feel that whatever is going to happen in the back half of the year, we will hit the new guidance being flattened 2%.

    山姆,謝謝你的提問。是的,當你改變你的指導時,你會運行一整套場景,並希望在年底只同時做兩件事。所以答案是零。持平至下降 2% 考慮了所有可能發生的事情以及增加的存款成本、資產負債表持平、資產負債表小幅上升、小幅下降。我們認為,無論下半年會發生什麼,我們都將達到新的指導方針,即下降 2%。

  • Sámuel Varga - Analyst

    Sámuel Varga - Analyst

  • Okay, understood. Thank you. And then just on the deposit side, I'm thinking about I'm late this year, probably 2025 on the sort of the bearing front. I wanted to get a sense for where would you expect that growth to return from the retail franchises of the commercial franchise and sort of what would have to happen for your commercial clients, to actually increase the dollars they hold in those IB accounts.

    好的,明白了。謝謝。然後就存款方面而言,我在想今年我會遲到,可能是 2025 年。我想了解您期望從商業特許經營的零售特許經營中獲得什麼增長,以及您的商業客戶必鬚髮生什麼,才能真正增加他們在 IB 帳戶中持有的美元。

  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • I think the answer is both as we've gotten front-footed on the checking account marketing campaign. We haven't done that in years really since the MOV and we saw a lot of success in the second quarter. And so we hope that that will continue, and we'll see stabilization in the non-interest bearing and also mentioned, as we look at that, there's there is a small amount of noninterest-bearing, but also interest bearing.

    我認為答案是兩者兼而有之,因為我們在支票帳戶行銷活動上已經取得了先機。自從 MOV 以來,我們已經很多年沒有這樣做了,我們在第二季度看到了巨大的成功。因此,我們希望這種情況能夠持續下去,我們將看到非計息業務的穩定,我們也提到,當我們看到這一點時,有少量的非計息業務,但也有計息業務。

  • When we talk about the commercial clients, we've talked a lot about our technology investments. One of the biggest investments we're making is converting and upgrading our treasury management system and the back half of that. And we expect to convert that you complete that conversion in Q3 and some into Q4. We do expect that we'll be able to attract and retain retain clients and deepen relationships and attract new clients with our new and improved treasury management system.


  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Yes, I think the opportunities for growth exist on both sides and have been Fed shrinking its balance sheet world. That money is ultimately coming out of customer accounts, too. And if you look at customer accounts, they've been declining over the last several months and then really going back a year or so. But we think there are opportunities, as I said, to grow both on the consumer side, we've got a checking offer that is showing very good signs early in the process.


  • We think the completion of the treasury integration effort will be very significant in terms of our ability to continue to grow and to market that product. So we're optimistic on both sides. And as we said a number of times, we're in a bit of a very attractive footprint. It's competitive, but it's a very attractive footprint. And we think that gives us plenty of opportunity to invest in some of these higher growth markets where we have in many cases, smaller shares. And so we're optimistic about our ability to invest in growth across this in a 12 state footprint.

    我們認為,財務整合工作的完成對於我們繼續發展和行銷該產品的能力將非常重要。所以我們對雙方都持樂觀態度。正如我們多次說過的,我們的足跡非常有吸引力。它具有競爭力,但它的足跡非常有吸引力。我們認為,這給了我們很多機會投資一些成長較高的市場,在許多情況下,我們在這些市場的份額較小。因此,我們對在 12 個州投資成長的能力持樂觀態度。

  • Sámuel Varga - Analyst

    Sámuel Varga - Analyst

  • Got it. Thanks for all the color. I appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Christopher Marinac of Janney Montgomery Scott.


  • Christopher Marinac - Analyst

    Christopher Marinac - Analyst

  • Good morning, I had a question for you on me. I had a question on the CRE reserves and was curious if there's flexibility there now that those rose in the quarter and given that the lease renewals are very limited, as you had outlined in the slide?


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Your question is [incorrect] Can you repeat the question, Chris?


  • Christopher Marinac - Analyst

    Christopher Marinac - Analyst

  • Is there flexibility on your reserve? Can you reserve for CRE grow less than we just saw just because you're kind of limited renewals and sort of address what you needed to this last quarter.

    您的儲備有彈性嗎?您為 CRE 預留的成長是否會比我們剛剛看到的要少,只是因為您的續約有限,並且解決了上個季度所需的問題。

  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Yes, I do believe that especially as rates rates have continued, have they've been stable if they come down. And we're going to see, I think, a good bit of relief on commercial real estate. And I actually see and I think everybody and so we will see some healing there. I also think that we've been very proactive and on the conservative side, as we think about grading and we've done that for really the duration. And so as we've built some reserves over time, I believe we're adequately reserved at this time. At this time, we don't expect to build in and are there opportunities to release as things moderate. I absolutely think there could be great.


  • Christopher Marinac - Analyst

    Christopher Marinac - Analyst

  • Thanks for that. And then I just had a question for Hope as it pertains to the technology spend I know you mentioned that there was sort of slow the pace, but as it accelerates, is it going to be treasury management things like you mentioned or would it be upping other initiatives back towards the core at the bank.


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Early on, we have a three-year plan and early on, a lot of it was kind of what we're calling run the bank is end of life system like treasury management, NGL things that we had put on pause following the MOE integration. And following of the 15-months dating and courting, we had that didn't end up working out. Now as we're trying to get most of that run, the bank is getting through. We are doing more change the bank more client facing in the back half of our three year investment strategy next year, we'll be talking about this year. We're talking to the bank as to what your GL treasury management next year, we'll share with you some of the big ones we're doing as well.

    在早期,我們有一個三年計劃,早期,很多都是我們所說的銀行運營,是生命週期結束的系統,如資金管理、NGL 等我們在教育部整合後暫停的事情。經過 15 個月的約會和求愛之後,我們並沒有最終成功。現在,當我們試圖完成大部分擠兌時,銀行正在渡過難關。在明年三年投資策略的後半段,我們將做更多的改變,讓銀行面對更多的客戶,我們將在今年討論。我們正在與銀行討論明年的總帳財務管理,我們也會與您分享我們正在做的一些重大工作。

  • Christopher Marinac - Analyst

    Christopher Marinac - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks very much. I appreciate the time.


  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Thanks, Chris.


  • Operator


  • Jared Shaw of Barclays.


  • Unidentified_Participant


  • Well, this is John on for Jared. I guess just if we could get a little more color on that migration into NPLs and the office portfolio, I guess what portion of the increase in NPLs was from office in particular and on, has there been any differentiation across geographies just on overall performance within the office portfolio?


  • Thomas Hung - Chief Credit Officer

    Thomas Hung - Chief Credit Officer

  • Hey, John, this is Tom. A large portion of the NPL increase is driven by office. I think that's probably not surprising, as I mentioned, I believe as of within the range of expectations that we had based on what we see from the information we have about kind of the broader environment and the rate environment that we're in. I would reiterate that I believe we've continued to show good underwriting and then client selection. And so even as we go into these deals, we certainly did always stress test the portfolio for potential rises in interest rates, interest rates, change in vacancy rates and so on. And so, you know, I think what you're seeing overall is just obviously, as rates have been higher, the cushion has been smaller.


  • And so we wanted to make sure we're always appropriately not conservatively grading our portfolio and hence why you see some negative grade migration.


  • Susan Springfield - Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Credit Officer of First Horizon and the Bank

    Susan Springfield - Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Credit Officer of First Horizon and the Bank

  • I'll add a few things to what Tom said. This is Susan and I think you're seeing this just in articles that are coming out from others and from commercial real estate databases, some of the geographies that have seen some weakness in the southeast around office would be Atlanta Raleigh. So a couple of areas and are some little bit in in some of the Texas cities. So but again, these are more at this point, we still think of these as kind of project by project and not indicative of a of an issue necessarily with a specific geography.


  • And to reiterate what Tom said, we've been conservative in commercial real estate underwriting for many, many years. And so the upfront equity that we require across all types of commercial real estate projects is significant and so even with some drops in appraised values that we've seen as we've reappraised properties, either because they've been downgraded or there's a credit event maturity, we've not seen a lot of loss content there, but we could tell them we continue to evaluate on a loan-by-loan basis.


  • Thomas Hung - Chief Credit Officer

    Thomas Hung - Chief Credit Officer

  • Yes, we do watch it closely. And I would just add that in our traditional office portfolio based on the information we currently have, we're looking at an average stabilized LTV of about 60% on an office club. So that still is a pretty significant amount of cushion for any softness.

    是的,我們確實密切關注。我想補充一點,根據我們目前掌握的信息,在我們的傳統辦公室投資組合中,我們預計辦公室俱樂部的平均穩定 LTV 約為 60%。所以對於任何柔軟度來說,這仍然是相當大的緩衝量。

  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • John, the other thing I'll reiterate what we said before. We reiterate our charge-off guidance. So NPLs are on this quarter, 50% of them are current on payments still stand behind our target on guidance for the full year.

    約翰,另一件事我會重申我們之前說過的話。我們重申我們的沖銷指引。因此,本季的不良貸款中,其中 50% 正在償還,但仍落後於我們全年指導目標。

  • Unidentified_Participant


  • Okay, great. That's a good color. And then I guess just on the reserve, it sounded like on [CRE] reserves expanded mostly due to office. I just can you put a number out with the officers? There isn't one. What's the rest of the CRE portfolio from reserves there?


  • Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Hope Dmuchowski - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • We don't break it down by property type, but there is it the CRE coverages outlined overall in the materials that were provided.

    我們不會按房產類型進行細分,但在所提供的資料中總體概述了 CRE 的覆蓋範圍。

  • Unidentified_Participant


  • Okay. Sounds good. That's all for me. Thanks for all the color.


  • Operator


  • We currently have no further questions. So I'll hand back to Brian Jordan, CEO for closing remarks.

    目前我們沒有進一步的問題。因此,我將請執行長布萊恩喬丹 (Brian Jordan) 致閉幕詞。

  • Bryan Jordan - CEO

    Bryan Jordan - CEO

  • Thank you, Carly. Thank you, everyone, for joining our call. We appreciate your time and attention. Please let us know if you have any further questions or need additional information. Again, thank you and have a great day.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's call, and thank you to everyone for joining. You may now disconnect your line.
