Expedia Group Inc (EXPE) 2019 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the Expedia Group Q1 2019 Earnings Conference Call.

    美好的一天,歡迎來到 Expedia Group 2019 年第一季度收益電話會議。

  • Today's conference is being recorded.


  • At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to Michael Senno, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    此時,我想將會議轉交給投資者關係副總裁 Michael Senno。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Michael Senno - VP of IR

    Michael Senno - VP of IR

  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Expedia Group's financial results conference call for the first quarter ended March 31, 2019.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Expedia Group 截至 2019 年 3 月 31 日的第一季度財務業績電話會議。

  • I'm pleased to be joined on the call today by Mark Okerstrom, Expedia Group's CEO and President; and Alan Pickerill, our CFO.

    我很高興 Expedia 集團首席執行官兼總裁 Mark Okerstrom 今天加入電話會議;和我們的首席財務官 Alan Pickerill。

  • The following discussion, including responses to your questions, reflects management's views as of today, May 2, 2019 only.

    以下討論,包括對您問題的回答,僅反映了截至今天(2019 年 5 月 2 日)管理層的觀點。

  • We do not undertake any obligation to update or revise this information.


  • As always, some of the statements made on today's call are forward-looking, typically preceded by words such as we expect, we believe, we anticipate, we are optimistic or confident that, or similar statements.


  • Please refer to today's earnings release and the company's filings with the SEC for information about factors which could cause our results -- our actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements.


  • You will find reconciliations of non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measures discussed today in our earnings release, which is posted on the company's Investor Relations website at ir.expediagroup.com, and I encourage you to periodically visit our IR website for other important content, including today's earnings release.

    您會在我們的收益發布中找到非 GAAP 措施與今天討論的最具可比性的 GAAP 措施的對賬,該發布發佈在公司的投資者關係網站 ir.expediagroup.com 上,我鼓勵您定期訪問我們的 IR 網站以了解其他信息重要內容,包括今天的財報發布。

  • Unless otherwise stated, all references to cost of revenue, selling and marketing expense, general and administrative expense and technology and content expense excludes stock-based compensation and depreciation expense.


  • And all comparisons on this call will be against our results for the comparable period of 2018.

    本次電話會議的所有比較都將與我們 2018 年同期的結果進行比較。

  • A reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA guidance to the closest corresponding GAAP measure is not provided because we are unable to predict the ultimate outcome of certain significant items without unreasonable efforts.

    沒有提供調整後的 EBITDA 指導與最接近的相應 GAAP 衡量標準的對賬,因為我們無法在不付出不合理努力的情況下預測某些重要項目的最終結果。

  • These items include, but are not limited to, foreign exchange, returns on investment spending and acquisition-related and restructuring expenses.


  • As such, the items that are excluded from our non-GAAP guidance are uncertain, depend on various factors and could have a material impact on GAAP results for the guidance period.

    因此,從我們的非 GAAP 指南中排除的項目是不確定的,取決於各種因素,並可能對指南期間的 GAAP 結果產生重大影響。

  • In addition, please note that starting this quarter, we have renamed the HomeAway reporting segment to Vrbo.

    此外,請注意,從本季度開始,我們已將 HomeAway 報告部門更名為 Vrbo。

  • Finally, on April 15, Expedia Group entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Liberty Expedia Holdings in an all-stock transaction, which remains subject to approval by Liberty Expedia stockholders.

    最後,4 月 15 日,Expedia Group 達成最終協議,以全股票交易方式收購 Liberty Expedia Holdings,該交易仍需獲得 Liberty Expedia 股東的批准。

  • With regard to the deal, we refer you to the Form S-4 filing made with the SEC yesterday.

    關於這筆交易,我們建議您參考昨天向美國證券交易委員會提交的 S-4 表格文件。

  • Note, we do not plan to take any questions related to this topic on today's call.


  • Please refer to the information in the S-4 and the 8-K filings.

    請參閱 S-4 和 8-K 文件中的信息。

  • And with that, let me turn the call over to Mark.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Michael.


  • We're pleased to come out of the gate strong in 2019 with robust profit growth and solid momentum.

    我們很高興在 2019 年以強勁的利潤增長和穩健的勢頭走出大門。

  • Now into the second year of our transformation, teams across Expedia Group are more aligned and collaborating more than ever as we execute against our key strategic themes: Being customer-centric, being locally relevant on a global basis and speeding up the pace of innovation and execution.

    現在進入我們轉型的第二年,Expedia Group 的團隊比以往任何時候都更加一致和協作,因為我們執行我們的關鍵戰略主題:以客戶為中心,在全球範圍內與當地相關,並加快創新步伐和執行。

  • With these strategic themes serving as the foundation, Q1 saw a continuation of the operating momentum we built through 2018 in our Core OTA segment.

    以這些戰略主題為基礎,第一季度我們在核心 OTA 細分市場延續了 2018 年建立的運營勢頭。

  • Q1 Core OTA room night growth was healthy and, adjusted for the Easter impact, was a bit faster than we saw in Q4.

    第一季度核心 OTA 間夜增長是健康的,並且根據復活節的影響進行調整,比我們在第四季度看到的要快一些。

  • We have a playbook in place and execution is continuously improving.


  • Focused geographic expansion supported by rapid customer and partner-centric user innovation, locally relevant content, broad inventory assortment at excellent prices and disciplined data-driven marketing and investments add up to a formula that we believe can deliver sustained share gains and balanced growth for a long time to come.


  • We remain pleased with our supply acquisition efforts, a key part of our playbook.


  • Our elevated pace of new property acquisition continued in Q1 and we are on track to add a healthy number of new properties in 2019.

    我們在第一季度繼續加快新物業收購步伐,我們有望在 2019 年增加大量新物業。

  • We ended the first quarter with over 1.1 million properties on our core lodging platform, including approximately 460,000 integrated Vrbo listings as we continue to make progress unlocking the potential of our alternative accommodations inventory on our Core OTA brands.

    第一季度結束時,我們的核心住宿平台上擁有超過 110 萬處房產,其中包括大約 460,000 處綜合 Vrbo 房源,因為我們繼續取得進展,釋放我們核心 OTA 品牌的替代住宿庫存的潛力。

  • As you have likely noticed, we refreshed the brand positioning of Vrbo.

    您可能已經註意到,我們刷新了 Vrbo 的品牌定位。

  • With high consumer awareness and brand loyalty, Vrbo is our strongest alternative accommodation brand and accounts for a majority of our U.S. business in this space.

    憑藉較高的消費者意識和品牌忠誠度,Vrbo 是我們最強大的另類住宿品牌,占我們在該領域美國業務的大部分。

  • Vrbo will now be Expedia Group's primary global alternative accommodation brand and we intend to expand Vrbo to international markets in phases.

    Vrbo 現在將成為 Expedia Group 的主要全球替代住宿品牌,我們打算分階段將 Vrbo 擴展到國際市場。

  • We spent the last several quarters laying the groundwork for this shift.


  • Although we are confident in our direction, our streamlining of brands and platforms has put increased near-term pressure on SEO trends, which has contributed to the deceleration we have seen in Vrbo's gross bookings growth.

    儘管我們對我們的方向充滿信心,但我們對品牌和平台的精簡給 SEO 趨勢帶來了更大的短期壓力,這導致了我們在 Vrbo 的總預訂量增長中看到的減速。

  • Despite this near-term slowdown, consolidating the bulk of our efforts behind the Vrbo brand globally and operating on a unified, world-class e-commerce platform will allow us to maximize our potential in alternative accommodations in the coming years.

    儘管近期經濟放緩,但整合我們在全球範圍內支持 Vrbo 品牌的大部分努力,並在統一的世界級電子商務平台上運營,將使我們能夠在未來幾年最大限度地發揮我們在替代住宿方面的潛力。

  • In addition to the refreshed brand, we launched several new product features, including Trip Boards, a customer-centric collaboration tool for family and friends traveling in groups.

    除了煥然一新的品牌外,我們還推出了多項新產品功能,包括 Trip Boards,這是一款以客戶為中心的協作工具,適用於團體旅行的家人和朋友。

  • We also relaunched the mobile app to enhance the overall customer experience.


  • We still have a lot of work to do, but these branding changes and new product features are all aimed at strengthening our competitive positioning over the long term.


  • And we are optimistic that we can deliver healthy growth and remain a global leader in alternative accommodations for many years to come.


  • Egencia posted solid double-digit room night growth in the first quarter, although FX had a pronounced negative impact on gross bookings and revenue given Egencia's significant international mix.

    Egencia 在第一季度公佈了穩定的兩位數間夜增長,但考慮到 Egencia 的重要國際組合,外匯對總預訂量和收入產生了明顯的負面影響。

  • This strong room night growth reflects benefits from our supply acquisition efforts and enhancements in Egencia's product experience that are driving an encouraging increase in our hotel attach rate.


  • Continued innovation at Egencia combined with a robust customer pipeline gives us confidence that we will continue to gain share in the corporate travel market.

    Egencia 的持續創新與強大的客戶渠道相結合,使我們相信我們將繼續在商務旅行市場中獲得份額。

  • trivago continues to execute well on their marketing optimization efforts, delivering strong profits for the third consecutive quarter.

    trivago 在營銷優化方面繼續表現出色,連續第三個季度實現強勁利潤。

  • As trivago discussed on its call yesterday, with its marketplace approaching stabilization and as they fully lap last year's changes and the team plans to lean back into certain marketing channels.

    正如 trivago 昨天在其電話會議上所討論的那樣,隨著其市場趨於穩定並且他們完全適應了去年的變化,團隊計劃重新依賴某些營銷渠道。

  • We expect them to return to revenue growth in the back half of the year and to deliver on their profit expectations in 2019.

    我們預計他們將在下半年恢復收入增長,並在 2019 年實現利潤預期。

  • All in, we're pleased with our Q1 results and happy with the progress we're making against our key strategic themes.


  • The opportunity ahead of us is large and our potential is enormous.


  • While we still have a lot of work ahead, we're carrying excellent operating momentum, which we intend to build on as we move through 2019 and beyond.

    雖然我們還有很多工作要做,但我們正在保持良好的運營勢頭,我們打算在 2019 年及以後繼續發展。

  • With that, I'll turn it over to Alan.


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Thank you, Mark.


  • Our 42% growth in adjusted EBITDA puts us on a good path early in the year.

    我們調整後的 EBITDA 增長了 42%,這讓我們在今年年初走上了一條良好的道路。

  • Excluding close to 300 basis points of negative FX [impact] (added by the company after the call) to each, gross bookings grew 11% and revenue increased 7%.

    剔除近 300 個基點的負面外匯[影響](由公司在電話會議後添加),總預訂量增長 11%,收入增長 7%。

  • As expected, trends at trivago and the Easter shift negatively impacted revenue in the quarter.

    正如預期的那樣,trivago 的趨勢和復活節轉變對本季度的收入產生了負面影響。

  • We expect revenue growth to accelerate in Q2 and remain healthy as we move through the year.


  • Stayed room nights grew 9% in Q1 while FX drove ADR declines, resulting in total lodging revenue growth of 7%.

    第一季度入住間夜數增長 9%,而外匯導致 ADR 下降,導致總住宿收入增長 7%。

  • In our Core OTA segment, in addition to the healthy room night trends Mark noted, we also delivered solid adjusted EBITDA growth, especially notable given our usual first quarter seasonality.

    在我們的核心 OTA 部分,除了 Mark 指出的健康間夜趨勢外,我們還實現了穩健的調整後 EBITDA 增長,尤其是考慮到我們通常的第一季度季節性。

  • Our balanced approach to marketing, along with benefit from strong performance in our direct proprietary channels, is contributing to the solid top and bottom line trends over the past year.


  • And our Core OTA business is on track for another strong year in 2019.

    我們的核心 OTA 業務有望在 2019 年再創佳績。

  • Vrbo bookings increased 5%.

    Vrbo 預訂量增加了 5%。

  • As Mark mentioned, the platform consolidation and brand streamlining related to making Vrbo our primary global alternative accommodation brand contributed to continued SEO headwinds.

    正如 Mark 所提到的,與使 Vrbo 成為我們主要的全球替代住宿品牌相關的平台整合和品牌精簡導致了持續的 SEO 逆風。

  • That, along with tough comps in performance marketing channels, were the primary drivers of the deceleration from Q4.


  • We expect the slower gross bookings growth trends to persist in the near term as we work through these changes and lap the elevated performance marketing comps.


  • We have good visibility on what we need to do to optimize our SEO profile on our new platform and expect Vrbo's gross bookings trends to improve later this year.

    我們很清楚我們需要做什麼來優化我們新平台上的 SEO 配置文件,並預計 Vrbo 的總預訂量趨勢將在今年晚些時候有所改善。

  • Revenue at Vrbo grew 14% in the quarter with transaction revenue up approximately 25% and subscription revenue down 10%.

    Vrbo 本季度收入增長 14%,其中交易收入增長約 25%,訂閱收入下降 10%。

  • As expected, adjusted EBITDA came in at negative $40 million given a seasonally light top line and higher marketing investments in Q1.

    正如預期的那樣,考慮到第一季度的季節性淡淡的收入和更高的營銷投資,調整後的 EBITDA 為負 4000 萬美元。

  • We plan to invest behind the Vrbo brand globally in 2019 as we position the business to drive strong growth over the long term.

    我們計劃在 2019 年在全球投資 Vrbo 品牌,因為我們將業務定位為推動長期強勁增長。

  • Total advertising and media revenue decreased 6% for the quarter, including approximately 500 basis points of negative foreign currency impact.

    本季度廣告和媒體總收入下降 6%,其中包括約 500 個基點的負面外匯影響。

  • Strong 23% growth from our Media Solutions business was more than offset by the declines at trivago.

    我們的媒體解決方案業務 23% 的強勁增長被 trivago 的下滑所抵消。

  • Air revenue was up 3% in Q1 with tickets sold increasing 11%, partly offset by a 7% decline in revenue per ticket.

    第一季度航空收入增長 3%,機票銷量增長 11%,部分被每張機票收入下降 7% 所抵消。

  • New partnerships at Expedia Partner Solutions and solid performance of Brand Expedia drove the strong volume increases.

    Expedia Partner Solutions 的新合作夥伴關係和 Brand Expedia 的穩健表現推動了銷量的強勁增長。

  • The decline in revenue per ticket relates to the negative foreign currency impact, a shift in product mix and a reclassification of certain fees to other revenue.


  • On the expense side, we executed well on managing overhead costs in Q1 and saw a modest benefit from FX.


  • While we anticipate adjusted expense growth will be above these levels going forward, we do expect to execute on the same formula, driving solid leverage on our fixed costs and strategically investing in marketing in order to deliver attractive profit growth.


  • Cost of revenue grew faster than revenue, as is our expectation for the full year.


  • Increased customer service costs at Expedia Partner Solutions and higher cloud expenses accounted for the majority of the increase.

    Expedia Partner Solutions 增加的客戶服務成本和更高的雲費用佔增長的大部分。

  • We forecast cloud expense growth to accelerate as we move through the year given the comps to last year and continued progress on our migration.


  • Our full year estimate for around $250 million in total cloud spend is unchanged.

    我們對雲計算總支出約為 2.5 億美元的全年估計保持不變。

  • Total selling and marketing expenses increased just 1% in the quarter.

    本季度總銷售和營銷費用僅增長 1%。

  • trivago drove the leverage in direct selling and marketing and also contributed to a decline in indirect costs.

    trivago 推動了直銷和營銷的槓桿作用,也有助於降低間接成本。

  • Excluding trivago, direct selling and marketing increased 11% due to higher spending at Vrbo and brand investments in our Core OTA brands.

    不包括 trivago,直銷和營銷增長了 11%,這是由於 Vrbo 的支出增加以及對我們核心 OTA 品牌的品牌投資。

  • Indirect selling and marketing expenses, excluding trivago, were down 1%, reflecting a benefit from foreign currency and comping over last year's supply acquisition investments.

    間接銷售和營銷費用(不包括 trivago)下降了 1%,反映了外匯帶來的好處,並超過了去年的供應收購投資。

  • Technology and content costs grew 6%.

    技術和內容成本增長了 6%。

  • We expect technology and content expense growth to pick up over the next few quarters and we continue to anticipate deleverage for the full year as cloud cost growth accelerates and we invest in product and platform enhancements.


  • General and administrative costs declined 4% overall and were down 2%, excluding trivago.

    一般和行政成本總體下降了 4%,下降了 2%,不包括 trivago。

  • We are tightly managing our general and administrative expenses and seeing nice operational efficiency.


  • It's also worth noting that we benefited from a couple of nonrecurring items that impacted year-over-year comparisons.


  • We expect modest general and administrative expense growth the next few quarters and remain on track to deliver solid leverage in 2019.

    我們預計未來幾個季度的一般和行政費用將適度增長,並有望在 2019 年實現穩健的槓桿作用。

  • In general, we are taking a more disciplined approach to overhead expenses, which is comprised of the indirect selling and marketing, tech and content and general and administrative expense lines.


  • Collectively, overhead was essentially flat in Q1, reflecting our focus on closely managing these costs.


  • I noted a few factors that will result in overhead growth in the next few quarters such as higher cloud spend and product and platform investments, but we do intend to remain disciplined on fixed costs to make sure we deliver leverage on overhead this year and going forward as we scale the business.


  • Moving down the income statement.


  • Depreciation expense increased 6% while interest expense was down year-over-year.

    折舊費用增長 6%,而利息費用同比下降。

  • Those factors, along with our strong adjusted EBITDA growth, led to a 41% improvement in Q1 adjusted EPS.

    這些因素,加上我們強勁的調整後 EBITDA 增長,導致第一季度調整後的每股收益提高了 41%。

  • Last month, we were pleased to announce the deal to acquire Liberty Expedia Holdings which, in addition to simplifying our corporate structure and governance, will enable us to reduce our share count by 3.1 million shares.

    上個月,我們很高興地宣布收購 Liberty Expedia Holdings 的交易,除了簡化我們的公司結構和治理之外,這將使我們能夠減少 310 萬股股份。

  • We see this as an efficient and attractive outcome that aligns with our goal of reducing our share count over time.


  • Overall, though it's still early in the year, we're off to a good start in 2019 and continue to expect adjusted EBITDA growth of 10% to 15% for the full year.

    總的來說,雖然現在仍處於年初,但我們在 2019 年有了一個良好的開端,並繼續預計全年調整後的 EBITDA 增長 10% 至 15%。

  • We expect a combination of improving revenue trends, efficient strategic marketing investments and a disciplined approach to fixed cost to drive that growth.


  • And we are confident that executing that same formula while progressing on our key strategic initiatives will leave us well-positioned to deliver sustainable top and bottom line growth into the future.


  • Operator, we're ready for our first question.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Justin Post with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自美國銀行美林銀行的 Justin Post。

  • Justin Post - MD

    Justin Post - MD

  • I'll ask 2. First, with Vrbo decelerating, how do you think you're doing in the category?

    我會問 2. 首先,隨著 Vrbo 減速,您認為您在該類別中的表現如何?

  • Do you think the category has really decelerated and that's part of it?


  • Or is it really company-specific issues?


  • And then secondly, a lot of questions out there about your hotel take rates with some of the bigger hotel deals.


  • It looks like they were stable at 9% room night growth and 9% revenue growth ex-FX, but could you talk about that?

    看起來他們穩定在 9% 的間夜增長率和 9% 的收入增長(不含外匯),但你能談談嗎?

  • And do you expect any impact on your take rates in the back half?


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Justin.


  • Listen, with respect to Vrbo, not V-R-B-O, Vrbo's deceleration, yes, listen, I think it's largely company-specific factors.

    聽著,關於 Vrbo,而不是 V-R-B-O,Vrbo 的減速,是的,聽著,我認為這主要是公司特定的因素。

  • If you take a look at the place where we are actually focusing our effort, which is the Vrbo brand in the U.S., that business was up nicely double digits and growing healthily.

    如果你看一下我們真正集中精力的地方,那就是美國的 Vrbo 品牌,該業務增長了兩位數並且健康增長。

  • And really, what's causing the deceleration is a combination of the brand streamlining we've been doing, the re-platforming we've been doing as well as just more difficult comps.


  • So the underlying fundamentals of the business we think remain strong.


  • 2019 is going to be one of these years though until we get the SEO trends moving in the right direction from some -- pulling some of these re-platforming moves and we can really start investing much more aggressively on the urban opportunity, on the international opportunity, that we might just see some moderated growth rates here for a number of quarters and until we move to the back part of the year.

    2019 年將是這些年份中的一年,直到我們讓 SEO 趨勢朝著正確的方向發展 - 拉動其中一些重新平台化的舉措,我們才能真正開始更積極地投資於城市機會,國際市場機會,我們可能會在幾個季度看到一些溫和的增長率,直到我們進入今年的下半年。

  • With respect to hotel take rates, listen, we have been very clear that with respect to, particularly our large global chains, that we were done resetting our compensation rates.


  • That is, in fact, the case.


  • And I would just say that the overall dialogue with our global chain partners has just become significantly more constructive over the course of the last couple of years.


  • I think that we have all recognized that we all play a unique role in this ecosystem.


  • It turns out this Internet thing is here to stay and the big global marketplaces and platforms, of which Expedia Group and travel is kind of one of the biggest ones, we're here to stay.

    事實證明,互聯網將繼續存在,大型全球市場和平台,其中 Expedia Group 和旅遊是最大的市場之一,我們將繼續存在。

  • And we have a lot of value to create, but also our partners who deliver incredible customer services and unique products, they have a lot of value to bring, too.


  • And so the dialogue has shifted away from us versus you and how do we redivide this pie towards how do we actually expand the pie?


  • How do we actually create new sources of value and both participate in that in a way that is accretive to both of us?


  • We're super pleased with the way that, that has gone with virtually all of our global chains.


  • We're very pleased with the Marriott arrangement that we made.


  • I think they are, too.


  • And I'm hopeful that this is a sign of things to come across all of our global partnerships across all of our product categories.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Mark Mahaney with RBC.

    我們的下一個問題來自 RBC 的 Mark Mahaney。

  • Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD and Analyst

    Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD and Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Two questions.


  • One, just the usual one about geographic regions.


  • I know last quarter you called out some -- a little bit of concern over Europe, especially in the U.K. Just give us an update there, please?

    我知道上個季度你提出了一些 - 對歐洲的一些擔憂,特別是在英國。請告訴我們最新情況,好嗎?

  • And then you also talked about revenue improvements in the back half of the year.


  • You know that stuff always gets me going.


  • You talked about -- is that more than just the comp issue related to the timing of Easter in Q2?

    你談到 - 這不僅僅是與第二季度復活節時間相關的補償問題嗎?

  • Are there other reasons why revenue growth should accelerate or improve as we go through the back half of the year?


  • Just lay those out.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • I'll take first one and then Alan will take the second one.


  • On Europe, we did call out on our Q4 call that we were seeing some weakness in outbound U.K. travel and inbound U.K. travel.


  • That really was something that was a theme for the quarter.


  • I think as April unfolded, it was really hard to tell with the Easter timing.


  • Certainly, as the Brexit date has been extended out, there are, anecdotally, reports of better economic activity in the U.K. and we're hopeful that will translate into better trends, but it was a factor in the quarter.


  • With respect to the rest of Europe, I would say, generally, it looks stable to us.


  • There's always puts and takes from time to time, but it generally looks good.


  • And I think we're going to get a good read here in May and June as we move into the high season, how things are generally looking out, but so far, so good.

    而且我認為,隨著我們進入旺季,我們將在 5 月和 6 月在這裡得到很好的閱讀,總體情況如何,但到目前為止,一切都很好。

  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes.


  • And Mark, on the reasons to think about revenue trends in the back half of the year, there's a couple of things that are very applicable to Q1 and the first half, and those include the impact of foreign currency.


  • That becomes less of a headwind as we move through the year.


  • Obviously, Easter is only a first half phenomenon.


  • trivago, as they said and as we believe to be the case, they'll be on more normalized footing in terms of their revenue in the back half of the year.


  • And so we expect to see easing impact on our revenue and obviously even some growth.


  • The other thing I'd say is just that the Core OTA business is performing quite well.

    我要說的另一件事是,核心 OTA 業務表現相當不錯。

  • We're pleased with the trajectory there.


  • We do continue to do a lot of work around adding inventory and making sure that we're locally relevant.


  • And we think that's going to start -- continue to have impact on the business and we're optimistic about that as well.


  • So I mean, I think those are some of the factors.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Eric Sheridan with UBS.

    我們的下一個問題來自瑞銀的 Eric Sheridan。

  • Eric James Sheridan - MD and Equity Research Internet Analyst

    Eric James Sheridan - MD and Equity Research Internet Analyst

  • Maybe a couple, just following up on Justin's with Vrbo.

    也許是一對,只是跟進 Justin 的 Vrbo。

  • When we think about the marketing investments you made starting in '17 through '18 and now, are you starting to see a yield or return on those investments?

    當我們考慮您從 17 年到 18 年以及現在所做的營銷投資時,您是否開始看到這些投資的收益或回報?

  • Or is the rebranding of the platform now and unifying it under one brand going to sort of hide or mask those improvements?


  • And how should we think about those getting pushed out?


  • And then secondarily, it sounds like your expectation now is that business will stay relatively moderate through this year and recovering until the very end.


  • When you strip out some of the headwinds you're seeing in the business, what do you think the underlying market and your business are growing ex the headwinds you're facing so investors have a better sense of what we're trying to track back to in terms of a comp against the headwinds we see now?


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Sure.


  • I think the marketing investments that we made in '17 and '18 were largely in 2 primary buckets.

    我認為我們在 17 年和 18 年所做的營銷投資主要集中在兩個主要方面。

  • One was really ramping up our performance marketing efforts as we transition the business from being a listings business to being a real transactional business.


  • That created a great opportunity for us to really build best-in-class capabilities there.


  • We're very pleased with the results that we've seen, but as we went into the first quarter, we started to lap really the big push there.


  • And so that was a moderating factor on growth, but it is still a source of growth.


  • The other place was that we started to concentrate particularly our brand investments against then, at the time, the VRBO brand now the Vrbo brand..

    另一個地方是我們開始特別關注我們的品牌投資,當時是 VRBO 品牌,現在是 Vrbo 品牌。

  • And again, we saw really strong returns for those investments.


  • And in fact, some of those investments were some of the rationale for us choosing Vrbo as the primary global brand.

    事實上,其中一些投資是我們選擇 Vrbo 作為主要全球品牌的一些理由。

  • We were running one television campaign with essentially the same creative, one with Vrbo branding and one with HomeAway, and the Vrbo brand just performed multiples of the performance that we saw with the HomeAway version.

    我們用基本相同的創意投放電視廣告,一個使用 Vrbo 品牌,一個使用 HomeAway,而 Vrbo 品牌的表現是我們在 HomeAway 版本中看到的數倍。

  • And that, along with a bunch of consumer research globally, really drove us to pick that brand.


  • And you can see the results that I mentioned earlier that we are seeing in the Vrbo brand, solid double-digit growth.

    你可以看到我之前提到的結果,我們在 Vrbo 品牌中看到了穩固的兩位數增長。

  • And I think that's a testament to the marketing investments, but also just the whole consumer experience improvements that we've made in the Vrbo division generally.

    我認為這證明了營銷投資,但也證明了我們在 Vrbo 部門總體上所做的整體消費者體驗改進。

  • And really, the story here is that the things we've done to deprioritize certain brands, to consolidate platforms both on the consumer side and also on the partner side, are masking some underlying strength and goodness in the core Vrbo brand.

    實際上,這裡的故事是,我們為降低某些品牌的優先級、整合消費者端和合作夥伴端的平台所做的事情,掩蓋了核心 Vrbo 品牌的一些潛在優勢和優點。

  • I think in terms of what is the steady state for this business, this is a highly popular category.


  • It's definitely growing faster than the overall industry.


  • I think that Vrbo, at real steady state and certainly if we look at the trends that we see against the -- again, against the Vrbo brand here, should be able to grow gross bookings, I think, at multiples of the rates that it is right now.

    我認為 Vrbo,處於真正穩定的狀態,當然如果我們看看我們看到的趨勢——再一次,針對 Vrbo 品牌,我認為應該能夠以它的倍數增長總預訂量是現在。

  • It may take us a a while a little bit -- it takes a little while to get clear of that as we move through the year, again, because of these other factors, but we think this is a growth category, not only on Vrbo, but also as we move more of the inventory on to our Core OTA brands.

    這可能需要我們一點點時間——因為這些其他因素,我們在這一年中需要一點時間才能弄清楚這一點,但我們認為這是一個增長類別,不僅在 Vrbo 上,而且隨著我們將更多庫存轉移到我們的核心 OTA 品牌。

  • We think this remains a very attractive category and a very attractive opportunity for us for a long time to come.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Naved Khan with SunTrust.

    我們的下一個問題來自 SunTrust 的 Naved Khan。

  • Naved Ahmad Khan - Analyst

    Naved Ahmad Khan - Analyst

  • Just a couple.


  • I guess, on the Vrbo side, as you sort of consolidated the HomeAway and Vrbo just under Vrbo and lead with that, how do you address consumer retention and loyalty, those who might have been coming directly to HomeAway and now you're out, I guess, in a bigger fashion with Vrbo?

    我想,在 Vrbo 方面,當你將 HomeAway 和 Vrbo 整合到 Vrbo 之下並以此為主導時,你如何解決消費者保留和忠誠度問題,那些可能直接來到 HomeAway 而現在你出局了,我想,以更大的方式與 Vrbo 一起?

  • And then secondarily, maybe on just the Core OTA, how should we think about this gap between ADR versus revenue per night over the next 1 to 2 years?

    其次,也許僅就核心 OTA 而言,我們應該如何考慮未來 1 到 2 年 ADR 與每晚收入之間的差距?

  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Naved, on the customer retention question, our intention right now is not to shut down HomeAway, but rather just to focus a lot of our marketing and other innovative efforts on Vrbo.

    Naved,關於客戶保留問題,我們現在的意圖不是關閉 HomeAway,而是將我們的大量營銷和其他創新工作集中在 Vrbo 上。

  • So the expectation is that the loyal customers of the HomeAway brand, of which there are many, will continue to enjoy that brand, but on margin, we'll take the bulk of the new customers against the Vrbo brand here in the U.S. and globally.

    因此,預計 HomeAway 品牌的忠實客戶(其中有很多)將繼續享受該品牌,但在保證金方面,我們將在美國和全球範圍內吸引大部分新客戶來對抗 Vrbo 品牌.

  • And then, of course, as we get into this, we will probably look at ways where potentially we can incent customers, whether or not it's from HomeAway to Vrbo but certainly with respect to some of the other regional brands in international markets, really start to introduce them to the Vrbo brand in a way that is nonthreatening and gradually move them over.

    然後,當然,當我們開始討論這個問題時,我們可能會研究潛在的激勵客戶的方法,無論是從 HomeAway 到 Vrbo,但肯定是關於國際市場上的其他一些區域品牌,真正開始以一種沒有威脅的方式向他們介紹 Vrbo 品牌,並逐漸將他們轉移過來。

  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes.


  • Naved, on the revenue per room night versus ADRs, I think the factors there are, as we've discussed before, loyalty is one.

    Naved,關於每晚收入與 ADR,我認為有一些因素,正如我們之前討論的那樣,忠誠度是其中之一。

  • And loyalty costs are recorded as a contra revenue.


  • And as long as our loyalty channel is growing faster than the rest of the business, that will be a net difference between revenue per room night and ADRs ongoing.

    只要我們的忠誠度渠道比其他業務增長得更快,每間夜收入與正在進行的 ADR 之間就會出現淨差。

  • FX is a component too, but we don't read too much about that because it would come out in, over time, in the wash.

    FX 也是一個組件,但我們不會對此讀得太多,因為隨著時間的推移,它會在洗滌過程中出現。

  • There are other factors in there that ebb and flow, things around customer refunds if there's particularly inclement weather.


  • Again, those are things that tend to ebb and flow over time.


  • In terms of the core margins, I think the only things I'd mention is just that in terms of our global chain, contracted margins, we are -- we feel like we are where we need to be and we're providing value for the rates that are being charged.


  • We are constructive, as Mark mentioned earlier, with our partners and try to look for ways that we can add value there, but we don't expect big changes in our contracted rates with our global chain partners.


  • In there too, there could be some mix factors over time.


  • If we're growing in particular countries where the economics are different than they are for the rest of the business, that could have an impact as well, but that, again, should be generally around the edges.


  • We've talked about a gap in the 200 to 400 basis point range.

    我們已經討論了 200 到 400 個基點範圍內的差距。

  • It's been a little bit narrower than that these last couple of quarters, but there's nothing really changed significantly in our thinking about that gap and how to think about it.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • The only other thing I would add to that is we do have a couple of programs that we're seeing great traction on that could aid in our overall monetization and also aid our partners.


  • One is the Accelerator program where we're just getting significantly more sophisticated in providing our tools partners to essential -- our partners tools to essentially get higher placements in the sort order to drive more incremental volume where they want to get it, when they want to get it.

    一個是加速器計劃,我們在為我們的工具合作夥伴提供必要的工具方面變得更加複雜 - 我們的合作夥伴工具基本上在排序順序中獲得更高的位置,以在他們想要的時候推動更多的增量量。為拿到它,為實現它。

  • And that is something that is getting increased traction.


  • We're happy to see that.


  • And of course, we do have our TravelAds product, which shows up in ad and media, which is also getting strong traction.

    當然,我們確實有我們的 TravelAds 產品,它出現在廣告和媒體中,也越來越受歡迎。

  • And you can see that show up in our advertising and media revenue.


  • But I think, as Alan said, I think we feel good about where we are in terms of our margin trajectory.


  • There will be various puts and takes, but we think we're in a good spot.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Brent Thill with Jefferies.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的 Brent Thill。

  • Brent John Thill - Equity Analyst

    Brent John Thill - Equity Analyst

  • Alan, you mentioned a more disciplined approach in expenses.


  • I'm just curious if you could give us a sense of kind of where you're seeing the greatest efficiency this year maybe where you didn't have that last year.


  • And for Mark, just a follow-up on Mahaney's question on Europe.


  • In the quarter, was Europe worse than what you had expected?


  • Or did it decelerate from what you saw in the fourth quarter?


  • I'm just curious, the trajectory that Europe is on from your perspective.


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes, Brent.


  • So on the first question, I think there's a couple of things to call out.


  • One is that we are -- one of the things we're trying to do -- and a lot of our overhead costs are people as I'm sure you're well aware -- is just to be very strategic and purposeful about where we're hiring, why we're hiring and make sure that's focused on the most strategic and value-add areas of the business.

    一是我們 - 我們正在嘗試做的事情之一 - 我們的很多管理費用都是人員,我相信你很清楚 - 只是非常有戰略意義和有目的的地方我們正在招聘,我們為什麼要招聘並確保專注於業務中最具戰略性和增值性的領域。

  • At the same time, we are looking across Expedia Group and the teams, in fact, are looking across the company for opportunities where we can better leverage the technology and assets and get some efficiencies there as well.

    與此同時,我們正在尋找整個 Expedia Group 和團隊,事實上,正在尋找整個公司的機會,我們可以更好地利用技術和資產,並在那裡獲得一些效率。

  • And I think we're starting to see some of that benefit as well.


  • This was kind of a -- something that we started really focusing on late last year and I think we're starting to see some benefit now.


  • We -- I was careful on the prepared remarks to say we don't expect the same level of growth that we saw in Q1 for the full year.


  • We have some investments that we are making.


  • We are doing some hiring.


  • And so don't expect to see those same levels in the rest of the year, but we do expect to get leverage on fixed costs and overhead as we move forward.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • And on Europe, I'd say Europe was broadly in line with our expectations, grew broadly in line with the overall rest of the business.


  • We did see nice growth in the domestic markets of most of the major -- major markets probably with the U.K. as an exemption.


  • So that would be the one thing I would call out.


  • But broadly, it was in line with our expectations and, like I said earlier, broadly stable from what we can tell.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Kevin Kopelman with Cowen and Company.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Cowen and Company 的 Kevin Kopelman。

  • Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • So I wanted to ask another question about your supplier relationships and take rates so -- on the air side.


  • So can you talk about how you're approaching your dispute with United Airlines and what's going on there, and more generally with your air partners?


  • And how do you expect those negotiations to impact your metrics and financials?


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • So I think, listen, on the air side of things, it's really a tale of 2 cities.


  • On one side, we've got some very strategic partners that not unlike our global lodging partners, over the last couple of years have really started to work with us on a much more constructive basis, recognizing the value that we bring, the value that they bring and all of the different areas that we can work together to add more value.


  • Honestly, that is probably where the majority of our U.S. carriers are at -- are, including the big ones, the competitors of United.


  • And to give you a sense of the breadth of places where we are working together, if you look at the traditional distribution business, the ticketing business, that has evolved significantly over the course of the last 5 years.

    為了讓您了解我們合作的地方的廣度,如果您看一下傳統的分銷業務,即票務業務,它在過去 5 年中發生了顯著變化。

  • Not only are we significantly larger than we've ever been, we've got huge audiences in the hundreds of millions of visitors and customers that we can showcase brands to and showcase products to, but increasingly it's become a very cost-efficient channel as consumer credit card fraud has become an issue, as automation and customer service has become an issue.


  • And if you look at our major carriers, in many cases, we are driving billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars of revenue for them at the same time as doing it with lower fraud cast -- in fact, on fraud protection, we're covering that for our partners.


  • For customer service, we're covering that for our partners.


  • And that can add up to tens, if not more than that, millions of dollars per carrier.


  • We also have great partners like American Airlines where we're working on ways to actually help them reduce their customer service costs.


  • And again, this is just kind of the beginning of things.


  • We're also working with, again, American Airlines on thinking about ways where we can be creative around upselling from economy or basic economy up into higher fare classes.


  • But if you look across Expedia Group, there is more.

    但是,如果您瀏覽 Expedia Group,就會發現更多。

  • We've got -- our strategic partners are using our advertising platform to target specific customers, to showcase the unique differentiators that each of our carriers bring to bear.

    我們已經 - 我們的戰略合作夥伴正在使用我們的廣告平台來針對特定客戶,展示我們每個運營商所帶來的獨特差異化因素。

  • Air Canada has done some really incredible things on this front in conjunction with our MeSo or Media Solutions team.

    加航與我們的 MeSo 或媒體解決方案團隊合作,在這方面做了一些非常了不起的事情。

  • Our Expedia Partner Solutions business drives the hotel portion of many, if not most of the major carriers' dot com websites, including providing them with packaging technology.

    我們的 Expedia 合作夥伴解決方案業務驅動著許多(如果不是大多數)主要運營商的 .com 網站的酒店部分,包括為他們提供包裝技術。

  • That's been a really area of value creation.


  • And our Egencia business, fourth largest corporate travel business in the world, has got preferred relationships with the likes of Delta, who's doing some super creative things around status matching, targeting meetings, business and being part of a preferred program.

    我們的 Egencia 業務是世界第四大商務旅行業務,與 Delta 等公司建立了優先關係,後者在身份匹配、目標會議、業務和成為首選計劃的一部分方面做一些超級有創意的事情。

  • The other new thing I would say is that over the last year or so as we transitioned really into more of a platform company, we found new ways to use our real time review data to help our airline partners understand how they compare with their peers on customer service items, things like check-in experience, in-flight experience, in-flight entertainment, all of these things and enable our partners to drill down literally to the root level and understand how they're performing versus their peers.


  • We've also started working with partners to help provide them with some of our forward-looking demand data for revenue management.


  • And I think, honestly, we're just getting started.


  • So I think when you look at all of that and you think about what our more sophisticated players are doing in the airline space, I just think there's tons of opportunity for us to create value with United with all of our other carriers.


  • I think we're about 5 months out from contract expiration.

    我認為我們距離合同到期還有大約 5 個月的時間。

  • We've always been very excited about having this type of discussion with United.


  • But listen, at the end of the day, this is a platform.


  • It has market level economics.


  • And to the extent that United, for whatever reason, decides to go a different direction, no one of our carriers represents more than 1% of our revenue.

    無論出於何種原因,如果美聯航決定轉向不同的方向,我們的任何一家航空公司的收入都不會超過我們收入的 1%。

  • We've got very strong relationships with our real lead carriers in the U.S. Our customers shop at Expedia because they're largely carrier-agnostic and certainly we have a lot of experience with what happens when we have certain outages or not.

    我們與美國真正的主要運營商建立了非常牢固的關係。我們的客戶在 Expedia 購物,因為他們在很大程度上與運營商無關,而且我們當然對發生某些中斷時發生的情況有很多經驗。

  • So -- but when I look at the value that can be created by expanding the pie as opposed to focusing on dividing it, I think for both strategic and economic reasons, I would find it completely bewildering if United decided to not engage in that discussion.


  • But at the end of the day, they've got to make their choice and we will just move on.


  • And I think United's competitors would be very happy with the outcome, but I think it would be value-disruptive to both of us, and that's not a place where we particularly want to end up.

    我認為 United 的競爭對手會對結果非常滿意,但我認為這對我們雙方都會造成價值破壞,而且這不是我們特別希望結束的地方。

  • And I suspect that they really, in their heart of hearts, probably don't want to end up there either.


  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Heath Terry with Goldman Sachs.


  • Heath Patrick Terry - MD

    Heath Patrick Terry - MD

  • Mark, just kind of curious, I mean, we're obviously in a moment in time as it relates to the way that many of the companies in the OTA space are creating marketing efficiency goals and the ROIs that they're trying to target within their advertising.

    馬克,我只是有點好奇,我的意思是,我們顯然正處於一個時刻,因為它與 OTA 領域的許多公司創建營銷效率目標的方式以及他們試圖在其中實現的投資回報率有關他們的廣告。

  • We talked about it before.


  • You guys have clearly been a beneficiary of this.


  • We saw this obviously in trivago's numbers yesterday and your results today.

    我們在昨天的 trivago 數據和今天的結果中清楚地看到了這一點。

  • Curious how -- if you have a view on how stable this environment that we're in is and to what extent having other competitors for keyword buys, retargeting buys, pulling back from the market has sort of benefited Expedia's profitability or growth and what your expectations for that are going forward.

    很好奇——如果您了解我們所處的這種環境有多穩定,以及其他競爭對手進行關鍵字購買、重新定位購買、退出市場在多大程度上有利於 Expedia 的盈利或增長,以及您的什麼對此的期望正在向前發展。

  • And just merchant side of things, well, I completely understand and have seen in your numbers that the take rate or commission piece of this has been relatively stable.


  • We've seen in prior negotiations, structural changes, things around pricing parity and last room night availability.


  • I'm just curious to the extent that you can share with us or give us some direction whether or not you're seeing the hotel partners or Expedia pushing for certain structural changes within the operating agreements that you have with your hotel partners.

    我很好奇您是否可以與我們分享或給我們一些指導,無論您是否看到酒店合作夥伴或 Expedia 推動您與酒店合作夥伴簽訂的運營協議中的某些結構性變化。

  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • I think, Heath, on the marketing efficiency side, I wouldn't say that we are at steady state right now.


  • I think we're currently benefiting from what has largely been a step change in our approach and some of our competitor's approach to marketing.


  • And I think we will, as we move through the back part of this year, get to more normalized levels where we've got the non-incremental spend out.


  • We understand with much more accuracy what our returns are and we can start to lean back in, in a more disciplined way.


  • So again, I think we're not quite there, but I think it's been a good benefit, I think, for all of us.


  • Obviously, it has been a headwind on revenue because even inefficient marketing spend does generate some revenue.


  • And we're looking forward to the back half of this year, not only for our Core OTA business, but also for trivago to essentially start from this new base and start really pushing into efficient, balanced growth on a much more regular basis, on a go-forward basis.

    我們期待著今年下半年,不僅是我們的核心 OTA 業務,還有 trivago 基本上從這個新的基礎開始,並開始真正地更規律地推動高效、平衡的增長,在前進的基礎。

  • I think as it relates to our relationships with our big chain partners, there's nothing specifically that I would call out.


  • I think, again, the general theme for us has been let's find new ways where we can tailor our arrangements to better match the value that ultimately these partners get from our channels.


  • Let's find ways through programs like Accelerator, programs like TravelAds to give you more control around getting the volume when you need it.

    讓我們通過 Accelerator 等程序和 TravelAds 等程序找到方法,讓您在需要時更好地控制獲取音量。

  • And I think beyond that, we are looking at other unique ways where we can work together beyond just powering packages and doing other unique things that leverage our platform capabilities.


  • But it's not really one thing.


  • It's really -- we're really trying to be very flexible and tailor our approach on a strategic partner by strategic partner basis.

    這真的 - 我們真的在努力非常靈活,並根據戰略合作夥伴的戰略合作夥伴調整我們的方法。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Deepak Mathivanan with Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Deepak Mathivanan。

  • Deepak Mathivanan - Research Analyst

    Deepak Mathivanan - Research Analyst

  • So first for Alan.


  • Alan, regarding your comment on revenue acceleration in the back half, can we read the commentary as applicable to the room nights as well?


  • And then secondly, on Vrbo bookings growth, I realize the headwinds from comps and the SEO issues from brand consolidation, but is the benefit of online bookability penetration gains fully achieved at this time?

    其次,在 Vrbo 預訂量增長方面,我意識到來自 comps 的阻力和來自品牌整合的 SEO 問題,但此時在線可預訂性滲透收益的好處是否已完全實現?

  • And also, considering the scale of marketing investments, is it smaller compared to what you are doing at last year?


  • Wondering about this kind of deceleration in the face of ongoing investments.


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes, Deepak.


  • On the room night, I mean, there are some -- definitely some connections between my comments on revenue and room nights.


  • There are things like Easter being a first half issue is comments to both.


  • I think one thing we've talked about before is that from a room night growth perspective, trivago at meta generally and trivago specifically has been a reasonably meaningful headwind for us on room night growth as we've pulled back and as they've kind of reset the business.

    我想我們之前討論過的一件事是,從間夜增長的角度來看,meta 的 trivago 和特別是 trivago 對我們的間夜增長來說是一個相當有意義的逆風,因為我們已經退縮了,因為他們很友善重置業務。

  • If that goes according to plan and they start to normalize in the back half of the year, get back to growth and just by virtue of the comps that we have there, that should start to ease and we should see some benefit from that in the back half of the year.


  • We will have lapped the -- a lot of the marketing optimization that we did in 2018.

    我們將完成 - 我們在 2018 年所做的許多營銷優化。

  • And so I think that can have an impact as well.


  • So definitely some connection between the revenue and the room night trends that we'll be seeing there.


  • And as I said before, we're quite happy with the core business.


  • It continues to just basically hum along.


  • And so we think that will be as good or better as we move forward.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • I mean, Deepak, on Vrbo, listen, the team, over the course of the last 3 years, has done just an exceptional job of getting a big book of offline business online.

    我的意思是,Deepak,在 Vrbo 上,聽著,在過去 3 年的過程中,該團隊完成了出色的工作,將大量線下業務在線上。

  • I think what you're seeing right now is getting to some of those harder yards associated with getting that offline and online starting to actually reach a flatter part of that penetration curve.


  • I think that's absolutely happening.


  • But again, the real story on gross bookings and online gross bookings deceleration has really been around these platform changes that we've made that has taken some of that business because it was offline and maybe we've lost it to other parts of the industry and, of course, platform and brand streamlining as well.


  • So that's really been the story.


  • And then in terms of marketing investments, I think we're still pleased with the return that we're seeing at the marketing -- with the marketing investments.


  • I think the story there is, again, we're just lapping over something that went from 0 to 60 pretty quickly and now we're at cruising altitude.

    我認為這裡的故事又是這樣的,我們只是在從 0 到 60 的速度上快速重疊,現在我們處於巡航高度。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Anthony DiClemente with Evercore.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Evercore 的 Anthony DiClemente。

  • Anthony Joseph DiClemente - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Anthony Joseph DiClemente - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • I had 2. How much of the performance or the strength that you saw in the quarter outside the U.S. is being driven by improvements as a result of the property supply growth and acquisition that you've embarked upon in Europe and other areas and any corresponding marketing around?

    我有 2. 你在美國以外的季度看到的業績或實力有多少是由你在歐洲和其他地區以及任何相應地區開始的房地產供應增長和收購帶來的改善所推動的營銷圍繞?

  • I'm just trying to get a sense for how much of the strength is sort of year 2 or that as opposed to better stability in the macro environment.

    我只是想了解第 2 年的實力有多大,或者與宏觀環境中更好的穩定性相反。

  • And then my other question is just in terms of Vrbo and the investments there.

    然後我的另一個問題是關於 Vrbo 和那裡的投資。

  • I know that you're trying to compete in urban and international and growing supply in urban and international.


  • And so -- but just wondering, is the goal to drive consumer engagement with those newer listings primarily on Vrbo?

    所以——但只是想知道,推動消費者參與主要在 Vrbo 上的那些新列表的目標是什麼?

  • Or to what degree are you thinking about integration of those listings on Expedia.com as well?

    或者您也在多大程度上考慮將這些列表整合到 Expedia.com 上?

  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Anthony.


  • The new inventory that we've added is performing very nicely.


  • I think though it's really just part of the overall formula, which is adding new inventory, making sure that inventory is actually selling through, through good, solid disciplined performance and marketing and then having much more locally relevant user experiences, getting content right, getting translation right, making sure we've got local payments.


  • So I think it's a combination of all of those things really starting, again, starting, we're still early stages here, starting to show some real promise in terms of better customer engagement and repeat rates and more efficient growth.


  • And we're hopeful that we can just keep this going.


  • As we mentioned last quarter, we really have ruled this effort into business as usual.


  • We are targeting a broader set of markets here in 2019 in addition to continuing to improve in our initial wave one markets.

    除了繼續改善我們最初的第一波市場之外,我們還打算在 2019 年瞄準更廣泛的市場。

  • With respect to Vrbo in terms of where we're investing and the goals in terms of driving consumer engagement with alternative accommodations, I think it's really going to be a combo of driving Vrbo and expanding it globally as a really best-in-class single product type focused player and then also bringing that inventory on to our Core OTA brands.

    關於我們投資的 Vrbo 以及推動消費者參與替代住宿的目標,我認為這真的將是推動 Vrbo 並將其作為真正一流的單一產品在全球範圍內擴展的組合以產品類型為中心的玩家,然後將該庫存帶到我們的核心 OTA 品牌中。

  • Our Core OTA brands have incredible urban demand already.

    我們的核心 OTA 品牌已經擁有令人難以置信的城市需求。

  • In general, they've got very strong and actually strengthening international demand footprints.


  • So I think in the initial stages when we add new properties -- alternative accommodations properties, having integration on to the Core OTA brands is going to be a big boost, but we have no question that Vrbo with their unique user experiences, their focus on family and friends, the collaboration tools that they're building that are truly unique and best-in-class, we have no question that Vrbo does have the potential to be a real strong growth driver and generate real strong customer loyalty in its own right both here and the U.S. and then importantly, in international markets and really extend it back into the urban markets on its own.

    所以我認為在我們添加新屬性的初始階段 - 替代住宿屬性,與核心 OTA 品牌的整合將是一個巨大的推動力,但我們毫無疑問 Vrbo 憑藉其獨特的用戶體驗,他們專注於家人和朋友,他們正在構建的真正獨特且一流的協作工具,我們毫不懷疑 Vrbo 確實有潛力成為真正強大的增長動力,並憑藉自身的力量產生真正強大的客戶忠誠度在這里和美國,然後重要的是,在國際市場上,並真正將其擴展回城市市場。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Lloyd Walmsley with Deutsche Bank.

    我們的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Lloyd Walmsley。

  • Christopher Louis Kuntarich - Research Associate

    Christopher Louis Kuntarich - Research Associate

  • Yes.


  • This is Chris on for Lloyd.


  • Maybe a few, if I can.


  • We've seen some of your peers migrate away from the traveler fee model.


  • Just curious how disruptive a change like that would be for Vrbo and if you think industry forces would really kind of move you in that direction.

    只是好奇這樣的變化對 Vrbo 有多大的破壞性,如果你認為行業力量真的會把你推向那個方向。

  • And then we've seen a little bit of news lately that some of the hotel brands are starting to compete in the vacation rental space.


  • And was just curious if that inventory is something you guys would expect to get on the platform and how those take rates would look relative to a like your core lodging business.


  • And then maybe one on your Add-On Advantage product.

    然後可能是您的 Add-On Advantage 產品中的一個。

  • I think it's been about a year since you guys have rolled it out.


  • And I was just curious if you could give us an update on what markets that product is currently in, some of your early learnings there and maybe how we should be thinking about the program rolling out to additional markets and the potential integration of other products like vacation rental into it.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • On the traveler fee, Vrbo is in a fortunate position in that they've got the complete menu of monetization options between traveler fee plus subscription and traveler fee plus pay-per-booking, pure pay-per-booking model.

    在差旅費方面,Vrbo 處於一個幸運的位置,因為他們擁有差旅費加訂閱和差旅費加按預訂付費、純按預訂付費模式之間的完整貨幣化選項菜單。

  • And they're really looking at trying to find ways where they can match the monetization model with the inventory type, what the supplier is interested in doing, what consumers are willing to do.


  • So I think any sort of migration to or from the traveler fee is something that essentially Vrbo is very well equipped to handle and is, in fact, driving a lot of these changes and testing itself across its own supply base.

    因此,我認為任何類型的進出差旅費的遷移基本上都是 Vrbo 非常有能力處理的事情,事實上,它正在推動許多這些變化並在其自己的供應基礎上進行自我測試。

  • In terms of the hotel brands competing in the VR space, certainly we have seen that.

    就在 VR 領域競爭的酒店品牌而言,我們當然已經看到了這一點。

  • The recent announcement by Marriott is not particular -- it's new for them, but we have had other players, including the core, be active in this space.


  • I think it's super interesting.


  • I think that the alternative combination space is one that is right for some degree of professionalization.


  • If you look at the big hotel operating companies and chains, boy, they are really good at this stuff and really providing a great guest experience.


  • So I think it -- generally, it could be a really good thing for the industry to add this type of professionalization to the space.


  • And I think we're very hopeful that we can help our partners as they develop these new inventory types just like we have with all of their other ones, help them to get them to market and get them in front of the right consumers and at the right time.


  • With respect to Add-On Advantage, it's live here in the U.S. It has been for a while.

    關於 Add-On Advantage,它在美國已經有一段時間了。

  • We have rolled it out to a number of international markets.


  • It has been pretty darn successful here in the U.S. It's been moderately successful in other parts of the world.


  • But getting this right is a combination of 2 important things.


  • One is getting the product right.


  • And the product is super compelling.


  • Buy a product and then ultimately you can add other things to it over time.


  • It incents people to essentially get these bundled deals.


  • And then, of course, once they've got everything in one place, it's super easy to change and cancel.


  • We can handle everything at once.


  • We update itineraries.


  • I mean, the value proposition is there and the product is really getting significantly better over time.


  • But the second piece, of course, is merchandising and marketing.


  • And that's where the team continues to experiment with Add-On Advantage and does that resonate with consumers in other parts of the world as much as it does in the U.S. But like everything, I mean, we are just continually testing.

    這就是團隊繼續試驗 Add-On Advantage 的地方,並在世界其他地區和美國一樣引起消費者的共鳴。但就像所有事情一樣,我的意思是,我們只是在不斷測試。

  • We're continually striving for better.


  • We like what we see go far -- so far.


  • We know the product is super compelling and we're just evolving the way that we market it over time.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Brian Nowak with Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Brian Nowak。

  • Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

    Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

  • I have 2. You guys are a very data-driven company, sort of very analytical.

    我有 2。你們是一家非常數據驅動的公司,有點非常分析。

  • I guess, could you sort of talk us through some of the main KPIs that you're watching in the markets where you've rolled out the new inventory and the new supply you've added over the last couple of years just so that investors would kind of get an understanding for your -- the merits of your investments sort of paying off.

    我想,您能否通過您在過去幾年中推出新庫存和增加的新供應的市場中觀察到的一些主要 KPI 來告訴我們,以便投資者會有點理解你的——你的投資的優點有點回報。

  • What are you watching and what are you seeing in these markets?


  • And then, Mark, can you talk to us about the way you think about loyalty, the importance in sort of investing in loyalty program to potentially build a stickier customer base?


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • So as you can imagine, being a data-driven company, we just look at a ton of KPIs in terms of success, but let me just give you some highlights.

    所以你可以想像,作為一家數據驅動的公司,我們只看大量關於成功的 KPI,但讓我給你一些重點。

  • Really, at the core of what we're trying to do here is be locally relevant.


  • And locally relevant is a piece of customer centricity.


  • So how do you measure that?


  • Well, we take a look at customer repeat rates and try to understand, are we creating more sticky products with what we're doing in terms of everything, from inventory acquisition to being more locally relevant?


  • We're looking at does adding more inventory give us access to new customers as we add essentially new destinations with real competitiveness, new keywords, new metasearch placements.


  • We're taking a look at room night growth.


  • And importantly, we're taking a look at domestic room night growth and saying, hey, are we actually driving incremental room nights?


  • Or are we just shifting share amongst our partners?


  • We're taking a look at marketing efficiencies.


  • And importantly, we're also taking a look at -- for the partners that we add, are we driving bookings to them?


  • Are we becoming more relevant for them?


  • So those are just some of the metrics that I would call out.


  • I would say that, generally speaking, in all of these markets, the metrics are moving in the right direction.


  • We're learning as we go.


  • We don't get everything right, but it is a constant optimization effort.


  • And as you can tell from us baking this into business as usual, this is absolutely the right way to go.


  • In terms of loyalty and the importance of building that, building a stickier customer base, listen, I'll just say that we're strong believers in the fact that the best loyalty program is an incredible product and that we are dead focused on providing a customer-centric product, a locally relevant product.


  • And that is the core focus.


  • But we do believe that our loyalty programs, the Hotels.com program stay 10 nights, get one free is super additive to that story.

    但我們確實相信我們的忠誠度計劃,Hotels.com 計劃入住 10 晚,免費贈送一晚,是對這個故事的超級補充。

  • In addition to having a great product that Hotels.com does have, it adds that extra thing that is a real value and a real differentiator for them.

    除了擁有 Hotels.com 確實擁有的出色產品外,它還增加了額外的東西,這對他們來說是真正的價值和真正的差異化因素。

  • And I think for the Expedia, the Brand Expedia program, the Orbitz program, also similar stories.

    我認為對於 Expedia、Brand Expedia 計劃、Orbitz 計劃,也有類似的故事。

  • They're very focused on building a great product, but again, that caret of moving up the loyalty tiers and getting better status with maybe a bit better treatment, a bit better amenities when you show up at the properties are all just little things that make the product just a little bit different, a little bit more differentiated and ultimately we believe can turn into better customer share of wallet and better customer retention over time.


  • Operator


  • Our final question will come from Stephen Ju with Credit Suisse.

    我們的最後一個問題將來自瑞士信貸的 Stephen Ju。

  • Stephen D. Ju - Director

    Stephen D. Ju - Director

  • So I wanted to dig in a little bit more on the SEO headwinds you called out for HomeAway from the brand consolidation.

    因此,我想深入了解您從品牌整合中為 HomeAway 呼籲的 SEO 不利因素。

  • Our recollection from back when HomeAway was an independent company was that this was an issue that they had to navigate slowly.

    我們對 HomeAway 還是一家獨立公司時的回憶是,這是一個他們必須慢慢解決的問題。

  • So are the headwinds you're calling out, I guess, a more rapid pace of brand consolidation you have put in, so at some point you just have to comp these?


  • Or are you consolidating the sites one at a time into mainly Vrbo?

    還是您一次將一個站點合併為主要是 Vrbo?

  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Sure, Stephen.


  • So I would say SEO headwinds for every player in the Internet have been a story for a long time.

    所以我想說互聯網上每個玩家的 SEO 阻力已經存在很長時間了。

  • Google is absolutely taking free and moving it to paid and moving from paid to more qualified like they're during in hotel ads products.


  • What we've done with Vrbo though, of course, has been on top of that.

    當然,我們對 Vrbo 所做的一切都是最重要的。

  • And Vrbo and essentially HomeAway and all of the brands that they've had internationally traditionally been actually quite dependent on SEO.

    而 Vrbo,本質上是 HomeAway,以及他們在國際上傳統上擁有的所有品牌實際上都非常依賴 SEO。

  • And as we have consolidated platforms, it has changed essentially the linking structure of those brands and ultimately resulted in bigger headwinds for them.


  • In some cases, there are places where we can recapture this.


  • I think in Vrbo, for example, the teams have got great playbooks in place.

    例如,我認為在 Vrbo 中,團隊已經制定了很棒的劇本。

  • And even as Vrbo has changed platform structures, we're marching up.

    即使 Vrbo 改變了平台結構,我們也在前進。

  • We're seeing good metrics and there are signs that things are moving in the right direction.


  • But with some of these brands, some of these regional brands, it will be something where, by and large, we're just going to have to comp it and lap it over time.


  • And we'll move past this.


  • Again, we're a long-term player.


  • We're very much focused on building great brands and building great customer relationships and growing them internationally.


  • We're backing Vrbo as the primary brand and we're optimistic that Vrbo has got a long runway ahead of us and it will move past some of these transitional issues like we're seeing with SEO.

    我們支持 Vrbo 作為主要品牌,我們樂觀地認為 Vrbo 在我們面前還有很長的路要走,它將克服一些過渡性問題,就像我們在 SEO 中看到的那樣。

  • Operator


  • And at this time, I would like to turn the conference back to Mr. Mark Okerstrom for closing remarks.

    此時,我想將會議轉回 Mark Okerstrom 先生作閉幕詞。

  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Great.


  • Well, a big thanks to all of you for listening today.


  • I especially want to thank all of the Expedia Group employees around the work -- around the world for your hard work this past quarter.

    我特別要感謝 Expedia Group 全球各地的所有員工在上個季度的辛勤工作。

  • I'm just incredibly impressed with the collaboration that's happening and the progress I'm seeing across the company.


  • I'm just so excited about what we can achieve together.


  • I look forward to speaking to all of you next quarter.


  • And with that, we'll turn it back to the operator.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect.
