Expedia Group Inc (EXPE) 2018 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the Expedia Group Q4 2018 Earnings Conference Call.

    美好的一天,歡迎來到 Expedia Group 2018 年第四季度收益電話會議。

  • Today's conference is being recorded.


  • At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to Mr. Michael Senno, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    此時,我想將會議轉交給投資者關係副總裁 Michael Senno 先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Michael Senno - VP of IR

    Michael Senno - VP of IR

  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Expedia Group's financial results conference call for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2018.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Expedia Group 截至 2018 年 12 月 31 日的第四季度和全年財務業績電話會議。

  • I'm pleased to be joined on the call today by Mark Okerstrom, Expedia Group's CEO and President; and Alan Pickerill, our CFO.

    我很高興 Expedia 集團首席執行官兼總裁 Mark Okerstrom 今天加入電話會議;和我們的首席財務官 Alan Pickerill。

  • The following discussion including responses to your questions reflects management's views as of today, February 7, 2019 only.

    以下討論(包括對您問題的回答)反映了管理層截至今天(即 2019 年 2 月 7 日)的觀點。

  • We do not undertake any obligation to update or revise this information.


  • As always, some of the statements made on today's call are forward-looking, typically preceded by words such as we expect, we believe, we anticipate, we're optimistic that, or similar statements.


  • Please refer to today's earnings release and the company's filings with the SEC for information about factors, which could cause our actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements.


  • You will find reconciliations of non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measures discussed today in our earnings release, which is posted on the company's Investor Relations website at ir.expediagroup.com, and I encourage you to periodically visit our IR website for other important content, including today's earnings release.

    您會在我們的收益發布中找到非 GAAP 措施與今天討論的最具可比性的 GAAP 措施的對賬,該發布發佈在公司的投資者關係網站 ir.expediagroup.com 上,我鼓勵您定期訪問我們的 IR 網站以了解其他信息重要內容,包括今天的財報發布。

  • Unless otherwise stated, all references to cost of revenue, selling and marketing expense, general and administrative expense and technology and content expense excludes stock-based compensation and depreciation expense, and all comparisons on this call will be against our results for the comparable period of 2017.


  • Finally, a reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA guidance to the closest corresponding GAAP measure is not provided because we are unable to predict the ultimate outcome of certain significant items without unreasonable efforts.

    最後,沒有提供調整後的 EBITDA 指導與最接近的相應 GAAP 衡量標準的對賬,因為我們無法在不付出不合理努力的情況下預測某些重要項目的最終結果。

  • These items include, but are not limited to, foreign exchange, returns on investment spending and acquisition-related restructuring expenses.


  • As such, the items that are excluded from our non-GAAP guidance are uncertain, depend on various factors and could have a material impact on GAAP results for the guidance period.

    因此,從我們的非 GAAP 指南中排除的項目是不確定的,取決於各種因素,並可能對指南期間的 GAAP 結果產生重大影響。

  • And with that, let me turn the call over to Mark.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Michael.


  • We were pleased with our overall financial performance for 2018.

    我們對 2018 年的整體財務表現感到滿意。

  • Not only did we deliver excellent financial results that exceeded our expectations, but we also moved into execution mode on the transformational strategy that we laid out at the beginning of the year.


  • As part of that strategy, we articulated 3 key themes: being locally relevant on a global basis, being customer-centric and speeding up the pace of execution and innovation across our platform.

    作為該戰略的一部分,我們闡明了 3 個關鍵主題:在全球範圍內與當地相關、以客戶為中心以及加快整個平台的執行和創新步伐。

  • We entered 2019 with solid operational and financial momentum and an organization more focused and aligned than ever before.

    進入 2019 年,我們的運營和財務勢頭強勁,組織比以往任何時候都更加專注和一致。

  • I'm truly excited about the opportunities ahead as we have only just begun harnessing the true power and potential of our platform.


  • For 2018, full year gross bookings grew 13%, reaching nearly $100 billion.

    2018 年全年總預訂量增長 13%,達到近 1000 億美元。

  • We increased stayed room nights 13% and revenue was up 12%.

    我們的入住間夜數增加了 13%,收入增加了 12%。

  • Our solid execution on marketing optimization led to even faster profit growth, with adjusted EBITDA increasing 15% and adjusted earnings per share up 35%.

    我們在營銷優化方面的紮實執行帶來了更快的利潤增長,調整後的 EBITDA 增長了 15%,調整後的每股收益增長了 35%。

  • We delivered these results while at the same time making strategic investments in several key initiatives, including our cloud migration and accelerated pace of supply acquisition.


  • On that note, our team added approximately 200,000 new properties to our core lodging platform in 2018, roughly double the amount added in 2017.

    在這一點上,我們的團隊在 2018 年為我們的核心住宿平台增加了大約 200,000 家新酒店,大約是 2017 年增加數量的兩倍。

  • We ended the year with over 1 million total properties, including over 370,000 HomeAway listings now integrated into our core platform.

    到年底,我們擁有超過 100 萬處房產,其中包括超過 370,000 處 HomeAway 房源,現已整合到我們的核心平台中。

  • We continue to make solid progress on our priority markets.


  • While we still have more work to do both on the supply and product side to be truly locally relevant for customers in these markets, we saw positive signs as we moved through the year.


  • We expect to build on that momentum as we head into 2019, and we remain confident that as we drive deeper supply coverage, deliver a more locally relevant product and layer in brand and other marketing efforts to increase awareness, we can accelerate both the top and bottom line growth in these markets over a multiyear period.

    我們希望在進入 2019 年時繼續保持這種勢頭,並且我們仍然有信心,隨著我們推動更深層次的供應覆蓋,提供更具本地相關性的產品和品牌層以及其他營銷努力以提高知名度,我們可以加速頂級和這些市場在多年期間的底線增長。

  • This focused market approach is now our standard international expansion strategy, and we plan to continue investing in the normal course of business.


  • HomeAway posted healthy financial results for the full year, with revenue increasing 29% and adjusted EBITDA up a robust 43%.

    HomeAway 公佈了全年穩健的財務業績,收入增長 29%,調整後的 EBITDA 強勁增長 43%。

  • Total online bookable listings increased 24% in 2018 to over 1.8 million, including over 1 million instantly bookable listings, which we think will provide a nice boost to conversion over time.

    在線可預訂房源總數在 2018 年增長了 24%,超過 180 萬個,其中包括超過 100 萬個即時可預訂房源,我們認為隨著時間的推移,這將極大地促進轉化。

  • Given the attractive growth prospects, we plan to keep investing significantly in this business in 2019.

    鑑於誘人的增長前景,我們計劃在 2019 年繼續對該業務進行大量投資。

  • That includes additional performance and brand marketing for HomeAway and VRBO as well as laying the groundwork to pursue the significant urban and international opportunities that we believe can unlock the next leg of growth for the business.

    這包括 HomeAway 和 VRBO 的額外業績和品牌營銷,以及為追求重要的城市和國際機會奠定基礎,我們認為這些機會可以為業務的下一階段增長打開大門。

  • We remain focused on positioning HomeAway and Expedia Group to capitalize on the significant long-term opportunity in the alternative accommodations space, and we believe we have a long runway of healthy top and bottom line growth ahead.

    我們仍然專注於 HomeAway 和 Expedia Group 的定位,以利用另類住宿領域的重要長期機​​會,我們相信我們在未來的收入和利潤增長方面有很長的路要走。

  • Egencia delivered solid results in 2018, growing gross bookings 14%, revenue 16% and adjusted EBITDA 13%.

    易信達在 2018 年取得了穩健的業績,總預訂量增長了 14%,收入增長了 16%,調整後的 EBITDA 增長了 13%。

  • The sales team continues to sign new business at a healthy pace, and we're investing in customer service and product to further differentiate Egencia's offering.

    銷售團隊繼續以健康的速度簽署新業務,我們正在投資於客戶服務和產品,以進一步區分 Egencia 的產品。

  • We're optimistic we can continue to take share in the managed corporate travel space while delivering attractive profit growth over the long term.


  • trivago is making nice progress on adjusting its strategic focus, posting strong profits for the second consecutive quarter.

    trivago 在調整其戰略重心方面取得了不錯的進展,連續第二個季度實現強勁利潤。

  • The team is executing well on its shift to better balance revenue and profit growth.


  • And as outlined on their call yesterday, we expect trivago to carry its operating momentum into 2019.

    正如他們昨天在電話會議上概述的那樣,我們預計 trivago 將在 2019 年保持其運營勢頭。

  • Overall, our team achieved a lot in 2018, making solid progress on our transformation while delivering excellent results.


  • I'm impressed with the high level of execution we exhibited across the company, and I'm optimistic we can carry that into 2019 and beyond.

    我對我們在整個公司展示的高水平執行力印象深刻,我樂觀地認為我們可以將其延續到 2019 年及以後。

  • The travel market is as competitive and as dynamic as ever, but the opportunity is large.


  • And we're confident that by continuing to execute our strategy, we can deliver exceptional products and services to our customers and create value for our partners, resulting in share gains, healthy growth and attractive returns for our shareholders for a long time to come.


  • With that, I'll turn it over to Alan.


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Thanks, Mark.


  • We finished the year with another strong quarter, growing gross bookings 11%, revenue 10% and adjusted EBITDA, 17%.

    我們以另一個強勁的季度結束了這一年,總預訂量增長了 11%,收入增長了 10%,調整後的 EBITDA 增長了 17%。

  • Total lodging revenue grew 10% on stayed room night growth of 11%.

    總住宿收入增長 10%,入住間夜增長 11%。

  • Across our core OTA segment, growth in both lodging revenue and stayed room nights were essentially in line with Q3 as we continued to execute on appropriately balancing healthy, quality top line growth with profitability.

    在我們的核心 OTA 細分市場中,住宿收入和入住間夜的增長與第三季度基本一致,因為我們繼續在健康、優質的收入增長與盈利能力之間取得適當的平衡。

  • When analyzing room night growth, keep in mind that our focused international strategy involves building supply depth in key markets by pushing into secondary and tertiary destinations.


  • As a result, we're adding smaller properties than we historically have, and alternative accommodations are a growing portion of our overall property mix.


  • We expect that pattern to continue going forward, and therefore expect room night growth to be less correlated with property growth than in the past.


  • Based on what we've seen, we believe the increasing depth and breadth of our supply will drive better conversion and higher customer repeat rates, leading to improved marketing efficiency over time.


  • At HomeAway, gross bookings growth moderated to 15%.

    在 HomeAway,總預訂量增長放緩至 15%。

  • The deceleration was primarily due to slower international trends, headwinds in SEO and ADR growth continuing to normalize.

    減速主要是由於國際趨勢放緩、SEO 和 ADR 增長持續正常化的逆風。

  • HomeAway's revenue and stayed room nights each increased 20%.

    HomeAway 的收入和入住間夜數各增長了 20%。

  • Total advertising and media revenue increased 9% for the quarter.

    本季度廣告和媒體總收入增長 9%。

  • Our Media Solutions business continued to perform well, growing 28% in Q4, partially offset by declines at trivago.

    我們的媒體解決方案業務繼續表現良好,第四季度增長 28%,部分被 trivago 的下滑所抵消。

  • Air revenue grew 18%, with tickets sold increasing 10% and revenue per ticket up 7%.

    航空收入增長了 18%,售出的機票增長了 10%,每張機票的收入增長了 7%。

  • We saw solid contributions from Brand Expedia and Egencia as well as some benefit from Expedia Partner Solutions' new partnership with Chase Ultimate Rewards.

    我們看到了 Brand Expedia 和 Egencia 的堅實貢獻,以及 Expedia Partner Solutions 與 Chase Ultimate Rewards 的新合作夥伴關係帶來的一些好處。

  • Similar to the prior few quarters, air revenue also included a modest benefit from the reclassification of distribution fees from contra revenue to cost of revenue.


  • As a reminder, this change is neutral to profitability, and Q4 is the last quarter it impacts our results.


  • We continue to drive leverage in the overall P&L, delivering over 100 basis points of year-over-year adjusted EBITDA margin expansion in Q4.

    我們繼續提高整體損益的槓桿率,第四季度調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率同比增長超過 100 個基點。

  • In the quarter, cost of revenue grew slightly slower than revenue.


  • That includes continued impact from our cloud migration and the accounting change related to the reclassification of air distribution fees, which combined, contributed over 300 basis points to cost of revenue growth.

    這包括我們的雲遷移帶來的持續影響以及與空氣分配費用重新分類相關的會計變更,它們加起來為收入增長成本貢獻了 300 多個基點。

  • Total selling and marketing and direct selling and marketing expenses each increased 7%.

    銷售和營銷總額以及直銷和營銷費用各增長 7%。

  • Leverage on direct expenses was largely driven by the ongoing marketing rationalization efforts at trivago.

    直接費用的槓桿作用主要是由 trivago 正在進行的營銷合理化工作推動的。

  • Excluding trivago, direct selling and marketing expenses grew 14%.

    不包括 trivago,直銷和營銷費用增長了 14%。

  • That was faster than the past few quarters due to increased spending at HomeAway and higher brand marketing investments across some of our core OTA brands.

    由於在 HomeAway 的支出增加以及對我們一些核心 OTA 品牌的品牌營銷投資增加,這比過去幾個季度要快。

  • Indirect selling and marketing growth decelerated in Q4 as we started to comp against the hiring ramp to support our supply initiative.

    間接銷售和營銷增長在第 4 季度放緩,因為我們開始與招聘人數的增加進行比較以支持我們的供應計劃。

  • Technology and content costs continued to deleverage, although growth came in a bit lower than expected at 16%.

    技術和內容成本繼續去槓桿化,儘管增長率為 16%,略低於預期。

  • General and administrative expense growth further decelerated from the past few quarters, increasing 8%.

    與過去幾個季度相比,一般和行政費用的增長進一步放緩,增長了 8%。

  • We also continued to leverage below the line in Q4, with depreciation expense up only 2% and net interest expense down year-over-year, while our adjusted tax rate came in at 24%.

    我們在第四季度的槓桿率也繼續低於該線,折舊費用僅增長 2%,淨利息費用同比下降,而我們調整後的稅率為 24%。

  • Those factors, along with a lower share count, led to strong adjusted earnings per share growth of 49%.

    這些因素,加上較低的股票數量,導致調整後每股收益強勁增長 49%。

  • We expect adjusted EPS to grow faster than adjusted EBITDA again in 2019, as we continue to see leverage on our below-the-line items.

    我們預計 2019 年調整後每股收益的增長速度將再次超過調整後的 EBITDA,因為我們繼續看到線下項目的槓桿作用。

  • Excluding CapEx investments for our new headquarters, free cash flow grew 7% in 2018 to $1.3 billion.

    不包括我們新總部的資本支出投資,自由現金流在 2018 年增長了 7%,達到 13 億美元。

  • That came on top of 46% growth in free cash flow, excluding headquarters, in 2017.

    2017 年,不包括總部在內的自由現金流增長了 46%。

  • The shift in timing of a couple of significant payments benefited 2017 and negatively impacted 2018.

    幾筆大額付款時間的轉變使 2017 年受益,並對 2018 年產生負面影響。

  • Normalized for that timing shift, growth would have been more balanced across the 2 years and faster than adjusted EBITDA growth each year.

    對於該時間轉移進行標準化,兩年內的增長將更加平衡,並且比每年調整後的 EBITDA 增長更快。

  • Our business continues to generate attractive free cash flow, and we see an opportunity to improve our free cash flow conversion in the coming years.


  • In terms of capital deployment, we returned nearly $1.1 billion of capital to our shareholders in 2018, primarily through share repurchases, along with our quarterly dividend.

    在資本部署方面,我們在 2018 年向股東返還了近 11 億美元的資本,主要是通過股票回購以及季度股息。

  • In total, we bought back 7.7 million shares for $903 million, our highest amount in any year since 2007.

    我們總共以 9.03 億美元回購了 770 萬股股票,這是自 2007 年以來的最高金額。

  • In addition, we deployed $186 million on acquisitions and strategic investments.

    此外,我們還部署了 1.86 億美元用於收購和戰略投資。

  • Going forward, we intend to continue prudently balancing opportunistic M&A with returning capital to shareholders.


  • Turning to our financial expectations for 2019.

    談談我們對 2019 年的財務預期。

  • We expect total adjusted EBITDA growth of 10% to 15%.

    我們預計調整後的 EBITDA 總額增長 10% 至 15%。

  • We expect the seasonality of our adjusted EBITDA growth to follow a similar pattern to 2018 with pressure on adjusted EBITDA in Q1 and the large majority of growth coming in the balance of the year.

    我們預計調整後的 EBITDA 增長的季節性將遵循與 2018 年類似的模式,第一季度調整後的 EBITDA 面臨壓力,而大部分增長將出現在今年餘下時間。

  • One factor to keep in mind is that Easter fully shifts into Q2 this year, creating a drag on consolidated first quarter stayed room nights, revenue and profit.


  • In addition, as a reminder, we invest in selling and marketing to drive bookings ahead of the busy travel season, with lodging revenue recognized at the time of the stay, which peaks in summer months.


  • This trend will continue to be even more pronounced at HomeAway due to its longer booking windows, and we expect that to result in an increase in losses in Q1 for HomeAway this year compared to last.

    由於 HomeAway 的預訂窗口更長,這一趨勢將繼續更加明顯,我們預計這將導致 HomeAway 今年第一季度的虧損與去年相比有所增加。

  • For the full year at HomeAway, as Mark mentioned, we intend to continue investing back into the business, including brand and performance marketing to position HomeAway to capitalize on the significant long-term opportunity we see in alternative accommodations.

    對於 HomeAway 的全年,正如 Mark 所提到的,我們打算繼續投資於業務,包括品牌和績效營銷,以使 HomeAway 能夠利用我們在替代住宿方面看到的重要長期機​​會。

  • We expect the increased investment levels to result in slower adjusted EBITDA growth for HomeAway in 2019, with the returns coming over time.

    我們預計投資水平的提高將導致 HomeAway 2019 年調整後的 EBITDA 增長放緩,隨著時間的推移會帶來回報。

  • Turning to our expense expectations for 2019.

    談談我們對 2019 年的支出預期。

  • We expect more significant deleverage in cost of sales compared to 2018.

    與 2018 年相比,我們預計銷售成本將出現更顯著的去槓桿化。

  • The key drivers are the increased investment in cloud, customer operations cost related to new deals at Expedia Partner Solutions and HomeAway's shift to become merchant of record on more of its transactions.

    關鍵驅動因素是對雲的投資增加、與 Expedia Partner Solutions 的新交易相關的客戶運營成本以及 HomeAway 轉變為更多交易的記錄商戶。

  • We also forecast tech and content expenses to deleverage due to higher cloud cost as well as continued investments in product enhancements and platform initiatives across the company.


  • In total, we currently expect cloud expenses to increase from $141 million in 2018 to around $250 million in 2019.

    總體而言,我們目前預計雲支出將從 2018 年的 1.41 億美元增加到 2019 年的約 2.5 億美元。

  • Excluding cloud expenses, adjusted EBITDA growth would be approximately 400 basis points higher.

    不包括雲費用,調整後的 EBITDA 增長將高出約 400 個基點。

  • We project total selling and marketing expense to leverage again in 2019, mainly reflecting the cost rationalization efforts at trivago, which will have a bigger impact on the first half of the year.

    我們預計 2019 年總銷售和營銷費用將再次槓桿化,主要反映了 trivago 的成本合理化努力,這將對上半年產生更大的影響。

  • Excluding trivago, we will lap the marketing optimization benefits we recognized in 2018 as we move through the year.

    不包括 trivago,我們將在這一年中獲得我們在 2018 年認識到的營銷優化收益。

  • Overall, we intend to maintain a balanced approach, strategically investing in both performance and brand marketing, where we see opportunities to drive good returns over time, while continuing to look for areas to optimize spend.


  • Meanwhile, we expect solid leverage on the general and administrative cost line.


  • Looking below the line, while we continue to receive additional guidance related to the U.S. tax reform, we currently expect our adjusted tax rate to be in the low 20% range.

    在線下看,雖然我們繼續收到與美國稅制改革相關的額外指導,但我們目前預計調整後的稅率將處於 20% 的較低範圍內。

  • Overall, I'm pleased with our performance in 2018 and believe we're entering 2019 with good momentum, leaving us well positioned to deliver solid growth this year and for years to come.

    總的來說,我對我們 2018 年的表現感到滿意,並相信我們將以良好的勢頭進入 2019 年,讓我們在今年和未來幾年實現穩健增長。

  • With that, operator, we're ready to take our first question.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We'll take our first question from Mark Mahaney.

    (操作員說明)我們將從 Mark Mahaney 那裡回答我們的第一個問題。

  • Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD and Analyst

    Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD and Analyst

  • Mark, you talked about these 3 factors that were driving -- or maybe, Alan, the 3 factors that are driving that gross bookings deceleration.

    馬克,你談到了推動總預訂量下降的這 3 個因素——或者,艾倫,也許是推動總預訂量下降的 3 個因素。

  • Could you just go through those again in a little bit more detail?


  • One of those was slower international trends.


  • And then one other big picture question, I always like the slides that you put out.


  • And the one that shows this huge opportunity in the market, and one of the things that's glaring about that is how small your share is in EMEA, Asia Pacific and Latin America versus what you've been able to do in North America.


  • Could you talk a little bit about how you can increase share?


  • Is there a different strategy that you can use to increase share in those 3, in EMEA, Asia Pacific and Latin America?

    在 EMEA、亞太地區和拉丁美洲,您是否可以使用不同的策略來增加這 3 個市場的份額?

  • I know it's a broad question, but it's one of the interesting takeaways from those slides.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes, thanks, Mark.


  • I'll have Alan answer the first one.

    我會讓 Alan 回答第一個問題。

  • I'll take the second part.


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes.


  • So As far as HomeAway's gross booking trends are concerned, I think the first thing I would just talk about is just level-setting on kind of what's happened with that business over the last 3 years.

    因此,就 HomeAway 的總預訂量趨勢而言,我想我要談的第一件事就是對該業務在過去 3 年中發生的事情進行水平設置。

  • And when we bought the business, just remember that 100% of their business was essentially off-line gross bookings.

    當我們收購這家公司時,請記住,他們 100% 的業務基本上都是線下總預訂。

  • And so we've gone through this transformation at HomeAway, turning it into a true travel e-commerce player and pulling gross bookings online.

    因此,我們在 HomeAway 經歷了這次轉型,將其轉變為真正的旅遊電子商務公司,並拉動了在線總預訂量。

  • And so obviously, when you do that, you're going to have a tailwind associated with a book of business that previously had been booked off-line that's now being booked online.


  • And that transformation has been quite successful, gotten us up to about $11.5 billion of online gross bookings for HomeAway in 2018 and shown pretty strong and healthy growth over that period.

    這一轉型非常成功,使我們在 2018 年的 HomeAway 在線總預訂量達到約 115 億美元,並在此期間顯示出相當強勁和健康的增長。

  • We did see some deceleration in 2018 as we went through the quarters, and I mentioned that as far as Q4's results are concerned.

    我們確實在 2018 年看到了一些減速,因為我們經歷了幾個季度,我提到就第四季度的結果而言。

  • And I would just point out a few factors there.


  • One is that the international business, we did some things last year that did pull gross bookings online, and we're comping over those things that we did while at the same time having international not be extreme focus for the team.


  • International will be more of a next leg of growth for us along with urban.


  • And so that's gone from something that did create a bit of a tailwind to something that's now not contributing that much growth to HomeAway's overall gross bookings.

    因此,這已經從確實創造了一點順風的東西變成了現在對 HomeAway 的整體總預訂量沒有太大貢獻的東西。

  • The second factor is we do have SEO headwinds.

    第二個因素是我們確實有 SEO 逆風。

  • And what I would say there is we stood up a proper search engine marketing team in the past years.


  • They have done quite well and are driving significant growth and healthy growth in gross bookings.


  • But at the same time, HomeAway is going through a period where they've got pressure on their SEO trends, and that's creating a headwind for them.

    但與此同時,HomeAway 正在經歷一段他們對 SEO 趨勢施加壓力的時期,這給他們帶來了不利因素。

  • This is something that all travel businesses have had to endure, I would say.


  • HomeAway is coming through that at a later date than some of the other ones because of the transition of their business, but it is creating a headwind.

    由於 HomeAway 的業務轉型,HomeAway 比其他一些公司更晚地完成了這項工作,但它正在製造逆風。

  • The last thing I would just say is that the ADR contribution, historically, we had some periods where ADRs were a bigger contributor to gross bookings growth.

    我要說的最後一件事是 ADR 的貢獻,從歷史上看,我們有一些時期 ADR 對總預訂量增長的貢獻更大。

  • That's because we had some larger properties coming online first, and those were coming on at high ADRs, and so it was driving a nice tailwind there.

    那是因為我們有一些更大的房產首先上線,而且這些房產的 ADR 很高,所以它在那裡推動了順風。

  • We still are seeing growth in ADRs, but it's moderated and not quite as big of a contributor.

    我們仍然看到 ADR 的增長,但它是緩和的並且不是那麼大的貢獻者。

  • But overall, I would just say that we're looking for HomeAway to be a good, healthy grower over a long period of time.

    但總的來說,我只想說,我們希望 HomeAway 在很長一段時間內成為一個優秀、健康的種植者。

  • We're very happy with the transition that we've been through in the last 3 years.

    我們對過去 3 年所經歷的轉變感到非常高興。

  • We think the market that the business is in is large and growing, and we've not even done anything really significant in the urban.


  • We've not done anything very big in international.


  • And we think those things will provide kind of the next phase of growth for HomeAway.

    我們認為這些東西將為 HomeAway 提供下一階段的增長。

  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • And then, Mark, in terms of our approach to international, it's really encapsulated in this first pillar of the 3-part transformational strategy we laid at the beginning of the year, which is this concept of being locally relevant on a global basis.


  • We've been able to build up an incredibly strong position in the U.S. and in Canada and a few other markets around the world largely because we've delivered an incredible service, a service where everyone knows Expedia, Hotels.com, Orbitz, Travelocity are places where they can come, where they have all of the inventory in terms of lodging choices, increasingly alternative accommodations in the case of Expedia, cruise, car, activities, flights.

    我們能夠在美國、加拿大和世界其他一些市場建立起令人難以置信的強大地位,這在很大程度上是因為我們提供了令人難以置信的服務,這種服務在 Expedia、Hotels.com、Orbitz、Travelocity 中廣為人知是他們可以來的地方,他們在住宿選擇方面擁有所有庫存,在 Expedia 的情況下,越來越多的替代住宿、郵輪、汽車、活動、航班。

  • You can find them all in one place.


  • There's great content.


  • It's in your local language.


  • You can use your payment types.


  • You pay us now or you can pay us later.


  • And then if something goes wrong, we'll help you sort it out.


  • And that's just an incredible customer experience.


  • So for the U.S. customer, the Canadian customer, we're truly locally relevant.


  • Outside of those countries, and again, a few others, we haven't concentrated on building incredible products.


  • We've been -- up until 15 months ago, going with really much more of a landgrab strategy, where we're expanding simultaneously in 30 to 60 countries around the world, depending on what brand you're looking at.

    直到 15 個月前,我們一直在實施更多的土地掠奪戰略,我們在全球 30 到 60 個國家/地區同時擴張,具體取決於您正在尋找的品牌。

  • And even though we would have got there over a long period of time, it would have taken us a long period of time.


  • So the approach now is really this focused strategy.


  • We talked about the Wave 1 markets.

    我們談到了 Wave 1 市場。

  • And it's a focused strategy, making sure that we have incredibly easy-to-use websites that have great descriptions and photos, all translated into local tone of voice, promotional offers that talk about things that are locally relevant in a similar way that we do in the U.S. We've got all of the lodging and other inventory available on our sites.


  • We've got local payment types.


  • And then we layer on good marketing with locally relevant messages, both in performance marketing and brand channels.


  • And that's the recipe for success.


  • And we have seen again very encouraging results in our Wave 1 push.


  • It's a multiyear journey when we prioritize these markets.


  • But now based on the historic data that let as to pursue this strategy, based upon the results that we've seen so far with the progress in 2018, this is now business as usual.

    但現在根據讓我們實施這一戰略的歷史數據,根據我們迄今為止在 2018 年取得的進展所看到的結果,現在一切照常。

  • And we're just incredibly optimistic that, that now $1.7 trillion travel opportunity, based upon where we can go geographically, where we can go by segment across leisure, corporate, off-line travel agencies, powering airlines, et cetera, we're very comfortable that all of that, to us, it looks very addressable.

    我們非常樂觀地認為,現在有 1.7 萬億美元的旅遊機會,基於我們可以在地理上去哪裡,我們可以通過休閒、企業、線下旅行社、航空公司等細分市場去哪裡,我們是對我們來說,所有這一切看起來非常容易解決,這讓我們感到非常欣慰。

  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Eric Sheridan with UBS.

    我們將接受 Eric Sheridan 和 UBS 的下一個問題。

  • Eric James Sheridan - MD and Equity Research Internet Analyst

    Eric James Sheridan - MD and Equity Research Internet Analyst

  • Maybe 2 if I can.

    如果可以的話,也許是 2。

  • Following up on there.


  • As you continue to sort of ramp marketing investments behind the opportunity you see, can you talk about some of the experiences you've had about shifting in and out of different channels on the marketing side, definitely leaning in more on branded and direct?


  • What does that for ROI for the platform over the medium to long term?


  • That's number one.


  • And then number two, I wanted to understand maybe some of the background or rationale behind the proposed or negotiation that's going on between yourselves and Liberty Media just so we can put that in the context of broader capital allocation.

    然後第二,我想了解你們和 Liberty Media 之間正在進行的提議或談判背後的一些背景或理由,以便我們可以將其置於更廣泛的資本配置背景下。

  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • So in terms of marketing investment, you know, I think we've spoken a fair bit about our marketing rationalization approach and what we were up to in 2018.

    因此,就營銷投資而言,我認為我們已經就我們的營銷合理化方法以及我們在 2018 年所做的工作談了很多。

  • And what we've done is essentially been able to get much more sophisticated in our ability to understand what type of marketing is truly incremental versus just shifting bookings from one channel to another.


  • And also, trying to get much more granular in the way that we -- essentially by marketing, not only in performance marketing channels, but also in other channels like television and digital video.

    而且,試圖以我們的方式變得更加細化 - 主要是通過營銷,不僅在績效營銷渠道,而且在電視和數字視頻等其他渠道。

  • That has enabled us, I would say, just to get smarter in terms of understanding where we want to put our marketing dollars.


  • I would just say that as we have done that, we have observed that in markets like the U.S., where we have an incredibly strong product, where our mobile applications are excellent, our customers find us, and in many cases, where we are less aggressive in certain performance marketing channels, our customers find us by either downloading our app through some of those placements or if they've already got the app, just booking on there.


  • And you'll see we put a disclosure in our investor deck, which talks about our app transaction growth on Hotels.com and Brand Expedia, which is up 50% year-over-year in 2018.

    你會看到我們在投資者平台上披露了一份信息,其中談到了我們在 Hotels.com 和 Brand Expedia 上的應用交易增長,2018 年同比增長 50%。

  • So we found that, again, in places where our product is excellent and where we are truly locally relevant that our customers find us, and it's allowing us to be much more efficient with our marketing spend.


  • So the strategy going forward, again, is to build a great product in all of these focus markets and then follow up that with exactly the same strategy: performance marketing, again, in prudent levels to support the strategy and to support the growth; and then where we've got a truly best-in-class product, layering on more brand spend.


  • With respect to Liberty, we did file an 8-K.

    關於 Liberty,我們確實提交了 8-K。

  • I would just refer you to that.


  • There's not a lot more that we can say at this time.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Kevin Kopelman with Cowen and Company.

    我們將接受來自 Cowen and Company 的 Kevin Kopelman 的下一個問題。

  • Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Can you give us an update on the ad ROI environment?


  • And also on room nights trends, as you comp against the ad spend rationalization last year, are you expecting to see nights accelerate?


  • And then lastly, how will Easter impact the room nights in the first and second quarter?


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • So I'll take the first couple and then I'll have Alan talk to you about Easter.


  • So in terms of ROIs, I'd say nothing remarkable for us.


  • I mean, we have been, again, quite focused on optimization.


  • And what that does is it allows you to drive essentially better ROIs.


  • As you mentioned, there are some situations where we were driving room nights that were in some cases unprofitable because we were dealing with averages.


  • And in those cases, some of those room nights go away and they get dispersed to the broader market.


  • That has been a headwind on our room night growth in 2018.

    這一直是我們 2018 年間夜量增長的不利因素。

  • trivago itself has been a headwind on our room night growth certainly in the third quarter and fourth quarter as well, it was a headwind.

    trivago 本身一直是我們間夜增長的逆風,當然在第三季度和第四季度也是如此,這是一個逆風。

  • In terms of whether that's going to result in acceleration, that's really hard for us to guide you on room nights.


  • It's obviously a dynamic market.


  • We just know that we've got a very clear strategy and focus and we hope to deliver very healthy room night growth and top line and bottom line growth over a long time to come.


  • Alan, you want to talk about Easter?


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes, just briefly, Kevin.


  • Last year, we had talked about the impact we saw of Easter moving partially into Q1, and we said it was about 150 -- we estimated it to be about 150 basis point benefit to Q1.

    去年,我們談到了我們看到復活節部分進入第一季度的影響,我們說它大約是 150——我們估計它對第一季度有大約 150 個基點的好處。

  • That would be the range of what we would still expect to see this year.


  • The only thing I'll say, it's a bit of a nuance.


  • But the impact is usually a larger impact to the first quarter because it's a smaller quarter in terms of total room nights and a slightly smaller impact on Q2 because it's a larger quarter.


  • But that's the range to think about.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Justin Post with Merrill Lynch.

    我們將與美林一起接受 Justin Post 的下一個問題。

  • Justin Post - MD

    Justin Post - MD

  • We go back to last year, it seemed like pretty conservative EBITDA guidance, and you've exceeded it, so congrats on that.

    我們回到去年,這似乎是相當保守的 EBITDA 指導,你已經超過了它,所以恭喜。

  • Just wondering about this year's guide.


  • It seems more aggressive with marketing leverage.


  • And just wondering if you've added any cushion in there for potential Google changes or potential actions by your competitors after a lot of people really did pull back last year.


  • And then, secondly, on the international bookings, I think you exited the year 11% growth.

    然後,其次,在國際預訂方面,我認為你退出了今年 11% 的增長。

  • Maybe just give us some progress update on some of the new international markets and if you're seeing traction there and if there's a chance that could accelerate.


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Thanks, Justin.


  • This is Alan.


  • So as far as guidance, I don't want to add too much color.


  • I'd say just as regards how 2018 developed.

    我想說的是 2018 年的發展情況。

  • Some of the things that turned out in our favor relative to our expectations coming into the year were trivago.

    與我們今年的預期相比,一些對我們有利的事情是 trivago。

  • Certainly, their full year performance compared to where we thought they were at the beginning of the year has quite improved.


  • Cloud is a bit -- turned out to be a little bit lower than we had originally anticipated.


  • We did have solid execution across the core OTA business, so that helped.

    我們在核心 OTA 業務方面確實有穩固的執行力,所以這有所幫助。

  • Mark spoke a few minutes ago about the benefit that we saw from some of this marketing optimization provided some good tailwind.


  • And we also just undertook to make sure that we had good fixed cost control and overhead control.


  • So all of those helped and kind of explain the difference between where we started the year and our expectations and how we delivered.


  • In terms of the guidance, going forward, I would say we feel comfortable with the 10% to 15% range.

    就指導而言,展望未來,我想說我們對 10% 到 15% 的範圍感到滿意。

  • Some of the main factors in there are, of course, trivago.

    其中的一些主要因素當然是 trivago。

  • trivago's performance.


  • They guided on their own, so you can take a look at the contribution they're expecting to provide.


  • We do have a headwind associated with the increased investment in cloud spend.


  • But we're expecting good, solid contribution across the core business.


  • And I can't really get into like whether there were things in there factored into specific marketing channels or anything like that, but those are some of the main factors to think about.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • And then in terms of international growth.


  • Listen, I think one thing that we do expect to see in 2019 is we should see a larger contribution to our lodging revenue, essentially from the new properties that we added through 2018 because we were ramping them up through the year.

    聽著,我認為我們確實希望在 2019 年看到的一件事是我們應該看到對我們的住宿收入有更大的貢獻,主要來自我們在 2018 年增加的新物業,因為我們全年都在增加。

  • Whether that's enough to actually drive acceleration in those markets, it's hard to tell.


  • As a reminder, in a number of these international markets, we're much more reliant on performance marketing channels like trivago, like other metasearch players.

    提醒一下,在許多這樣的國際市場中,我們更依賴像 trivago 這樣的效果營銷渠道,就像其他元搜索玩家一樣。

  • And those players have, I think as you've seen with the trivago, have been in a position where, in some cases, qualified referrals have been down year-over-year.

    我認為,正如你在 trivago 中看到的那樣,這些玩家在某些情況下,合格的推薦人數逐年下降。

  • So that is a headwind that is disproportionately hitting those markets in terms of their growth.


  • But the underlying fundamentals look strong.


  • And absent those impacts, again, we would expect those markets to deliver a better contribution and significantly so in 2019 than they did in 2018.

    如果沒有這些影響,我們預計這些市場將在 2019 年做出比 2018 年更好的貢獻,而且顯著。

  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Anthony DiClemente with Evercore.

    我們將接受 Evercore 的 Anthony DiClemente 的下一個問題。

  • Anthony Joseph DiClemente - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Anthony Joseph DiClemente - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • I had a question about, in the slides.


  • You talked about the headquarters and the CapEx spend, $425 million to $475 million in '19.

    你談到了總部和資本支出,19 年的支出為 4.25 億至 4.75 億美元。

  • Can you just talk about to what degree is that incremental versus '18 CapEx?

    您能談談增量與 18 年資本支出相比的程度嗎?

  • And then, just had a question really about the macro outlook in Europe.


  • I know others have asked about international.


  • But some of your -- some of the traditional tour operators like Thomas Cook, for example, are calling for a tougher growth outlook.

    但是你們中的一些 - 一些像 Thomas Cook 這樣的傳統旅遊運營商,例如,正在呼籲更艱難的增長前景。

  • You haven't mentioned macro conditions in Europe and the expectations for '19.

    您沒有提到歐洲的宏觀狀況和對 19 年的預期。

  • So any more color on the environment would be helpful there.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Great.


  • Well, I'll take the latter and Alan will talk about the headquarters.

    好吧,我會選擇後者,Alan 將談論總部。

  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes, so I'll just give you some additional data points on the headquarters.


  • Cumulatively, for the retrofit and the additional build through the end of 2018, we had spent just under $300 million.

    截至 2018 年底,我們總共花費了不到 3 億美元用於改造和擴建。

  • About $190 million of that was in 2018.

    其中約 1.9 億美元發生在 2018 年。

  • So that will go up to, as you mentioned, a range of $425 million to $475 million in '19 and then a range of $135 million to $185 million in 2020.

    因此,正如您提到的那樣,19 年的收入將達到 4.25 億美元至 4.75 億美元,然後在 2020 年達到 1.35 億美元至 1.85 億美元。

  • Total project in the neighborhood of $900 million, plus or minus.

    總項目在 9 億美元左右,上下浮動。

  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • And then in terms of the macro environment in Europe, I'd say there's a ton of uncertainty there.


  • Certainly, we watched and heard Thomas Cook's results and some of their commentary.

    當然,我們看到並聽到了 Thomas Cook 的結果和他們的一些評論。

  • Bank of England has taken their growth outlook down.


  • I think Germany has expressed similar concerns.


  • We have seen a dropoff in U.K. flight bookings, both outbound as well as inbound.


  • We expect this uncertainty around Brexit and just overall uncertainty in Europe.


  • So I think we are cautious on Europe.


  • The great thing with our business, though, is that first of all, we're a very global business, and so we're broadly diversified across all of these movements.


  • Generally, people do continue to still travel in economic downturns.


  • They often just take shorter trips.


  • They stay closer to home.


  • They do often trim their budgets.


  • But if you look at how that has actually played out for us over history, and particularly if you look at 2008, 2009, one of the world's largest global financial crises ever, we actually had some of our strongest core profit growth across those years.

    但如果你看看這在歷史上對我們的實際影響,特別是如果你看看 2008 年、2009 年,這是有史以來世界上最大的全球金融危機之一,我們實際上在那些年裡實現了一些最強勁的核心利潤增長。

  • And ultimately, what we see is essentially, we've got more unused capacity with our suppliers.


  • They start discounting into our channels.


  • Consumers get great deals.


  • And maybe they change their travel patterns, but ultimately, they still take their trips.


  • And so we're somewhat countercyclical.


  • But I think again, the travel market exited 2018 in a very stable and healthy state, near record highs in occupancy, air tickets growing, ADRs still going up.

    但我再次認為,旅遊市場以非常穩定和健康的狀態結束了 2018 年,入住率接近歷史新高,機票價格上漲,ADR 仍在上漲。

  • But I think as we sit here right now, particularly as we look at Europe, there's a little bit more uncertainty in the air.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Lloyd Walmsley with Deutsche Bank.

    我們將從德意志銀行的 Lloyd Walmsley 那裡回答下一個問題。

  • Lloyd Wharton Walmsley - Research Analyst

    Lloyd Wharton Walmsley - Research Analyst

  • Two, if I can.


  • First, just can you guys perhaps give us an update on what percent of your business is direct versus acquired?


  • I think it was about 2/3 direct at the Analyst Day you guys held in 2016.

    我認為在你們 2016 年舉行的分析師日上,這大約是直接的 2/3。

  • So I'm wondering if you can just give us an update there.


  • And then, I guess, as you look to HomeAway and investment, how do you think about balancing marketing investment and the core business kind of ski and beach, whole home versus urban and international?

    然後,我想,當您關注 HomeAway 和投資時,您如何看待平衡營銷投資和滑雪和海灘等核心業務、整個家庭與城市和國際之間的平衡?

  • It sounds like you're starting to think more about those markets, but it seems like there may be more competition there.


  • So how do you think about the company's competitive advantage as you look to expand into those markets?


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes, Lloyd, this is Alan.


  • On your first question, you're right, we did, in an investor deck, investor presentation, give that roughly 2/3 presentation.

    關於你的第一個問題,你是對的,我們在投資者平台上做了大約 2/3 的投資者介紹。

  • And we were essentially, just for those that maybe haven't seen it, we were essentially indicating that roughly 2/3 of the business comes from direct/proprietary channels, including things like e-mail, loyalty programs, branded SEM, direct type-in, as examples.

    我們基本上只是為了那些可能沒有看到它的人,我們基本上表明大約 2/3 的業務來自直接/專有渠道,包括電子郵件、忠誠度計劃、品牌 SEM、直接類型-in,例如。

  • We don't have an update for you on that today.


  • We continue to look for good balance in growing new customer acquisition through some of the paid search channels such as Google and other metasearch players, while at the same time providing great products and services so that those customers will repeat.


  • And then as we've spoken about earlier, having a good mix of brand marketing so that we can drive direct traffic.


  • So no update on the specific numbers today, but we look for growth in both.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • And I would just add to that, too, is that as you might expect, we essentially have 2 offsetting factors going on here.

    而且我還要補充一點,正如您所料,我們基本上有 2 個抵消因素在這裡發生。

  • As we optimize our marketing spend, we are shifting, in many cases, more of our traffic over to our direct proprietary channels.


  • You can certainly see that with the apps stat that we disclosed, but at the same time, as we get more aggressive in going into some of these international markets, where we're less well-known.


  • In those cases, we are really stepping on the gas in performance marketing channels, and that skews things the other way.


  • So I would think about it as an overall formula of the U.S. and our core markets where we're locally relevant.


  • Very, very strong direct proprietary channel bookings volume.


  • In international markets, less so but always improving.


  • And the playbook essentially is to make them all look like the U.S., and we track those metrics very closely in terms of repeat customer usage, new customers versus existing cost of customer acquisition, et cetera.


  • And generally, we feel very good about the trends that we're seeing there.


  • In terms of HomeAway, I think you used the word balance.

    就 HomeAway 而言,我認為您使用了平衡一詞。

  • We are absolutely going to balance.


  • I think the HomeAway team has shown the ability to be very disciplined in their overall approach.

    我認為 HomeAway 團隊展示了在整體方法上非常自律的能力。

  • Listen, the core resort and beach markets are highly important, and HomeAway is very strong there.

    聽著,核心度假村和海灘市場非常重要,HomeAway 在那裡非常強大。

  • And those are markets that we just have to continue to support and invest in.


  • But also, those are markets where -- that are performing quite well.


  • And so we have the capability to take profits from that part of the business and reinvest it in urban and reinvest it in international and essentially balance both of things quite appropriately.


  • I would also say that part of HomeAway's urban and international expansion strategy is getting new property signed up on to the platform, and not only marketing them to VRBO and HomeAway customers, but also providing them to Expedia and Hotels.com, brands that have already strong urban demand and have strong international presence and then increasingly stronger international presence as we expand more around the world.

    我還要說,HomeAway 的城市和國際擴張戰略的一部分是讓新物業在平台上註冊,不僅向 VRBO 和 HomeAway 客戶推銷它們,還向 Expedia 和 Hotels.com 提供它們,這些品牌已經強勁的城市需求和強大的國際影響力,隨著我們在世界各地的擴張,國際影響力也越來越大。

  • So that's part of it as well.


  • They're not doing this alone.


  • They've got the power of the Expedia Group behind them.

    他們得到了 Expedia Group 的支持。

  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Naved Khan with SunTrust.

    我們將與 SunTrust 一起接受 Naved Khan 的下一個問題。

  • Naved Ahmad Khan - Analyst

    Naved Ahmad Khan - Analyst

  • A couple from me.


  • How should we think about the growth in ADR versus revenue per night?

    我們應該如何考慮 ADR 與每晚收入的增長?

  • I think in the past, you've talked about a disparity of maybe 200 to 400 basis points.

    我想在過去,你曾談到過可能有 200 到 400 個基點的差異。

  • And then if I just look at the international room night growth, the deceleration there, what drove that?


  • And how we should reconcile that with your focus market and the growth in those markets?


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes.


  • So on the first one, Naved, we have spoken, as you said, of 200 to 400 basis point difference kind of expected in the rate of growth in revenue per room night relative to the rate of growth in ADRs.

    所以在第一個問題上,Naved,正如你所說,我們已經說過,相對於 ADR 的增長率,每間夜收入的增長率預計會有 200 到 400 個基點的差異。

  • That has been the case for a while.


  • We did see that narrow this quarter, which we were quite happy with.


  • There's no major story there as far as a particular component.


  • As we've discussed before, some of the things that impact that obviously are just our overall margins and our geographic mix.


  • FX impacts can be in there.


  • Loyalty -- the impact of our loyalty program, any couponing and refunds that we do play into that as well.


  • But we were happy to see it kind of more on the narrow end this quarter, but no major change to the story.


  • As far as the international room night deceleration, I would just point out 2 factors.


  • One is, as I mentioned, HomeAway, and we did see decelerating bookings -- international bookings growth for HomeAway as we moved through the year.

    一個是,正如我提到的,HomeAway,我們確實看到了預訂量的減速——隨著我們這一年的推進,HomeAway 的國際預訂量增長。

  • And you kind of start to see that impacting the room night growth.


  • We had done some things last year to move a lot of the bookings online, and we did some platform migrations.


  • That had an impact as well that we're comping over.


  • The other bit is that trivago is an important channel for us internationally as well.

    另一方面,trivago 也是我們在國際上的一個重要渠道。

  • And with their reset and the fact that their volumes are essentially down, their qualified referrals are down year-over-year, that has created a headwind for us in our room night growth.


  • It became a headwind in Q3 and continued and was a bit more of a headwind in Q4.


  • We do expect that to continue in the first half of 2019 as well.

    我們確實預計這種情況也會在 2019 年上半年繼續。

  • The important thing is that we've been able to pick some of that up through other channels, but that is having -- that is a net negative for us.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Brian Nowak with Morgan Stanley.

    我們將接受來自摩根士丹利的 Brian Nowak 的下一個問題。

  • Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

    Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

  • I have 2. Understanding you've been investing in the sales force for Wave 1, sort of increasing the supply in the new markets, can you just sort of talk to us about sort of the incremental step-up in the sales force investments as we go into 2019 to really capitalize on the next wave of the markets?

    我有 2. 了解到您一直在為 Wave 1 投資銷售隊伍,增加新市場的供應,您能不能跟我們談談銷售隊伍投資的增量升級我們進入 2019 年才能真正利用下一波市場浪潮?

  • How do you think about the dollar in investment headcount there?


  • And the second one, just thought philosophically about ways to reaccelerate HomeAway overall growth.

    第二個,只是從哲學上思考重新加速 HomeAway 整體增長的方法。

  • How do you think about potentially reducing consumer take rates or sort of making it more competitive and have more compelling offering for consumers to drive faster growth at HomeAway?

    您如何考慮潛在地降低消費者接受率或使其更具競爭力並為消費者提供更具吸引力的產品以推動 HomeAway 的更快增長?

  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Brian, it's Alan.


  • I'll take the first question, then Mark can handle the HomeAway question.

    我將回答第一個問題,然後 Mark 可以處理 HomeAway 問題。

  • Yes, so we did talk a lot last year in '18 about the investment that we needed for our Wave 1 and to add the supply.

    是的,所以我們去年在 18 年確實談了很多關於我們的 Wave 1 和增加供應所需的投資。

  • It was -- the supply gap in those markets was significant and required meaningful investment.


  • We had talked about it being a $50 million range for that first push.

    我們曾談到第一次推動的範圍是 5000 萬美元。

  • And so at that time, we felt like it was appropriate to share the details.


  • I think at this point, we've kind of fallen into, as Mark said earlier, kind of into a more of a business-as-usual mode.


  • We do have some additional wave markets that we're going to focus on in 2019.

    我們確實有一些額外的波浪市場,我們將在 2019 年關注這些市場。

  • We've been able to consider the investments required for that within kind of the envelope of the guidance that we gave.


  • And so we're not inclined to detail out what that specific investment is this year.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • And then in terms of reaccelerating HomeAway growth, it's really the playbook that we've laid out.

    然後就重新加速 HomeAway 的增長而言,這確實是我們制定的劇本。

  • Urban is a big opportunity for them.


  • International is largely an untapped opportunity.


  • They've just really got the bulk of the international products now on the new platform, which we talked about last quarter and they're working on optimizing those and honing their performance marketing capabilities in international markets.


  • But importantly, now that they've got the business re-platformed in addition to just entering into new, call it, categories or new segments, urban and international, they are very focused on front-end customer innovation, developing much better user experiences and planning tools.


  • I think you'll see an increased pace of that type of innovation roll out here as we move through 2019.

    我認為,隨著 2019 年的到來,您會看到此類創新的步伐加快。

  • And they're also working on making sure that they reach customers and that the investments that they're making in marketing are investments that really build the strength of some of the incredible brands that they've got in the portfolio.


  • So I think you'll see a little bit more of that and more to come on that in 2019.

    所以我認為你會在 2019 年看到更多這樣的東西,而且還會更多。

  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Justin Patterson with Raymond James.

    我們將與 Raymond James 一起接受 Justin Patterson 的下一個問題。

  • Justin Tyler Patterson - Internet Analyst

    Justin Tyler Patterson - Internet Analyst

  • One on HomeAway.

    一個在 HomeAway 上。

  • With the HomeAway business, you've taken a very measured pace toward listing inventory on Expedia.

    通過 HomeAway 業務,您在 Expedia 上列出庫存方面採取了非常謹慎的步伐。

  • With over 1 million instantly bookable properties on the site now, how are you thinking about stepping up that integration and optimizing conversion?

    現在網站上有超過 100 萬家可即時預訂的酒店,您如何考慮加強整合和優化轉化?

  • And then philosophically, is the consumer fee still the right approach for that business?


  • Or are you open to considering other avenues?


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes, thanks, Justin.


  • So with 1 million instantly bookable properties, the opportunity is getting larger for us to do integration.

    因此,有了 100 萬個可即時預訂的房產,我們進行整合的機會就越來越大。

  • I think you'll see us pick up the pace here as we move through 2019.

    我想你會看到我們在 2019 年加快步伐。

  • That's certainly the plan.


  • And then the goal is really to help customers pick between traditional accommodations and alternative accommodations and really solve the kind of search and navigation process.


  • The teams have been working on that a lot.


  • The 370,000 properties, it sounds like a lot.


  • But in the grand scheme of the millions that are available and the millions that are on HomeAway, it's really a small -- it's a small number.

    但在 HomeAway 上可用的數百萬和數百萬的宏偉計劃中,它確實很小 - 這是一個很小的數字。

  • So we've got enough on there to do testing.


  • We're learning lots about the type of content you need to really merchandise whole homes well and how that's different from lodging.


  • You're going to see that be an increased focus for us both on the full-line OTA businesses, like Brand Expedia, but also on Hotels.com as we move through 2019.

    你會看到,隨著 2019 年的到來,我們將更加關注全線 OTA 業務,如 Brand Expedia,以及 Hotels.com。

  • But we're happy with what we see so far.


  • I mean, when we have this inventory, it is absolutely a conversion grower.


  • More selection is absolutely the right thing to do.


  • You just got to find the right way to merchandise it.


  • In terms of the monetization method.


  • Again, we are in the position where we've got every monetization method on the planet and essentially in our menu of options.


  • We have pure supplier pay commission.


  • We've got consumer fee with very low credit card fee for the supplier side.


  • We've got subscription plus consumer fee.


  • And really, we're experimenting with all of those monetization methods to find out which works, which works for customers, which works for the different supply types, whether it's whole home, whether it's urban, whether it's property managed or by owner.


  • And I suspect that you're going to continue to see us evolve that over time.


  • We don't have the answer to what the exact right approach is at this point, but we suspect that it is an approach that is closer to what we have right now, which is really a menu of options that we can tailor to suit the needs of both customers that are shopping for a given market and the suppliers that are providing accommodations for those customers.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Deepak Mathivanan with Barclays.

    我們將接受巴克萊銀行的 Deepak Mathivanan 的下一個問題。

  • Deepak Mathivanan - Research Analyst

    Deepak Mathivanan - Research Analyst

  • You guys achieved good leverage in performance marketing last year through your own optimization efforts.


  • Obviously, some of that is going to moderate in 2019.

    顯然,其中一些將在 2019 年有所緩和。

  • But at what point can we expect similar step-up benefit in the future?


  • Or looking ahead, is it going to be more a continuous iteration?


  • And then second question on the cloud spend.


  • What should we expect the cadence to be this year?


  • When do we have most of the assets fully migrated and the growth in expense should be in line with maybe revenue growth?


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Yes, Deepak, so this is Alan.


  • I would say on the marketing leverage, we are expecting to see leverage from trivago in 2019.

    關於營銷槓桿,我想說的是,我們預計 2019 年會看到 trivago 的槓桿作用。

  • As we lap the significant optimization that we did on the core business, those will be difficult comps.


  • And so we don't think we'll see that same level of leverage in '19.

    因此,我們認為我們不會在 19 年看到同樣水平的槓桿作用。

  • So the core business is looking for opportunities to continue to optimize, looking for opportunities to continue to find non-incremental or highly inefficient spend.


  • And so there are opportunities, but we don't expect it to provide the same level of tailwind in '19 that we saw in '18.

    所以有機會,但我們不希望它在 19 年提供我們在 18 年看到的相同水平的順風。

  • As far as the cloud spend in '19, I don't want to give you kind of a quarterly cadence.

    至於 19 年的雲支出,我不想給你一個季度節奏。

  • I would say we just continue on somewhat of a routine path.


  • We're scaling up.


  • We have our fair bit of the shopping and booking traffic for the lodging stack in the cloud.


  • We continue to scale that up.


  • We've got additional components across air and the other lines of business to put into the cloud.


  • It will just kind of continue to grow as we move through the year.


  • If we go according to plan, then we'll have a good share of the compute in the cloud as of the end of 2019, but there will be more to move in 2020.

    如果我們按計劃進行,那麼到 2019 年底,我們將在雲計算中佔有相當大的份額,但到 2020 年會有更多需要轉移。

  • And so by 2020, we won't quite yet be to just a normalized rate, but we'll be getting closer.

    因此,到 2020 年,我們還不會完全達到正常化率,但我們會越來越接近。

  • And then I would imagine, without being too specific, when we get into 2021, we'll annualize the step-up in 2020 and be a lot closer to that, just normalized rate and growing with the business.

    然後我想,不用太具體,當我們進入 2021 年時,我們將在 2020 年實現年度化,並且更接近於正常化率並隨著業務增長。

  • I should say, too, though, that we are being -- we're trying to be very prudent and disciplined about the rollout to cloud.


  • We test things very carefully.


  • We'll roll things out and scale them back just to make sure that the customer experience is seamless and not disrupted.


  • We also in 2018 undertook efforts to get a lot better and smarter about how to be efficient at deploying into the cloud, and that includes things like just making sure that you don't have duplicate instances spun up in the cloud, that you're spinning up your compute only for the time that you need it and then pulling it back, and other ways of making sure that we're being as efficient as we can.

    我們也在 2018 年努力在如何高效地部署到雲中方面做得更好、更聰明,這包括確保你沒有在雲中啟動重複的實例,你是僅在需要時啟動計算,然後將其拉回,以及其他確保我們盡可能高效的方法。

  • And I think we made some pretty good ground in that regard.


  • I think we've got a better overall process in place now than we did it at the start of the year.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Stephen Ju with Crédit Suisse.

    我們將接受 Stephen Ju 與 Crédit Suisse 的下一個問題。

  • Stephen D. Ju - Director

    Stephen D. Ju - Director

  • So stepping back a little bit, Mark.


  • You just announced that you have 1 million properties on site with, call it, 630,000 hotels or so.

    你剛剛宣布你在網站上擁有 100 萬處房產,稱之為 630,000 家左右的酒店。

  • So from a selection perspective, you're probably where your competitor was about 2 years ago.

    所以從選擇的角度來看,你可能處於你的競爭對手大約 2 年前的位置。

  • And I think at that point, they were through putting what seems like 2x the amount of room nights that you are now.

    而且我認為在那個時候,他們通過將你現在的間夜量增加 2 倍來實現。

  • So it seems like your booking dollars should be much higher.


  • So can you talk about how cloud, marketing and other products will all kind of tie together for you to raise the purchase velocity among the users that you have now?


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes, I agree with you.


  • It should be much, much larger, and that is absolutely the goal.


  • Listen, it's just a playbook.


  • I mean, supply is just part of it.


  • It's also about the overall product experience and the effectiveness of reaching customers.


  • And that is the locally relevant on a global basis playbook.


  • We're happy with the penetration that we have into our existing hotel base.


  • We're watching very closely that penetration level as we add new properties.


  • And we are happy with the increased level of penetration that we're seeing into the new properties as we ramp them up.


  • But again, this is something that takes a little bit of time.


  • Particularly if you take some of the European destinations, these are highly seasonal destinations.


  • So as you build up your loyal repeat customer base, you may not see them again until a year later.


  • And so it goes with the travel cycle.


  • It's going to take a little bit of time.


  • But again, we really like what we see.


  • We think there's a ton of opportunity, and that went to Mark's question at the very beginning of this call.


  • And our playbook works.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, we'll take our last question from Jed Kelly from Oppenheimer.


  • Jed Kelly - Director and Senior Analyst

    Jed Kelly - Director and Senior Analyst

  • How much more did macro indicators factor into your guide?


  • Or how much did you build a cushion into your EBITDA guide for macro factors?

    或者您在 EBITDA 指南中為宏觀因素建立了多少緩衝?

  • And then just on scaling HomeAway into urban and more international destinations.

    然後將 HomeAway 擴展到城市和更多國際目的地。

  • Do you ever think about signing up exclusive relationships with property managers to get their inventory?


  • Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

    Alan R. Pickerill - Executive VP, CFO & Treasurer

  • Jed, it's Alan.


  • I'll take the first one.


  • Boy, it's tough to be super specific there.


  • I would say that on balance, we're not -- we don't try to put ourselves in the position of being prognosticators of ultimate macro outcomes.


  • We, of course, pay close attention to them, as you all do as well.


  • And I think as Mark spoke about earlier, on the one hand, we've come through a period where the macro looked pretty good.


  • The hotel industry, the airline industry, they're all posting numbers through 2018 that looked pretty good.

    酒店業、航空業,他們都發布了 2018 年的數字,看起來相當不錯。

  • But listen, there's lots of discussion about Brexit and the impact on Brexit -- from Brexit.


  • There's weather impacts, there's trade rhetoric and trade war potential.


  • And those are really difficult things for us to handicap.


  • We give a 10% to 15% range to give us some room.

    我們給出 10% 到 15% 的範圍,以便給我們一些空間。

  • But certainly, if things really went off the rails, we wouldn't be able to predict that.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • I would just add, though, that we do have a highly variable cost structure.


  • And so if top lines weaken, certainly, we've got a lot of discretionary spend items that we're able to pull the lever.


  • And I would just go back to, again, the commentary around 2008, 2009.

    我想再次回到 2008 年、2009 年左右的評論。

  • Yes, This business is very resilient and able to adapt.


  • In terms of exclusivity, a great question, I think.


  • We have never been big fans of exclusivity at the property level or at the building level or the property manager level.


  • And the reason is this: when you've got hard assets that have utilization factors, it seldom ends up being the right economic outcome and it can prevent a platform like ours from being essentially unbiased in the way that we treat essentially all of our partners and unbiased in terms of the way that we always want to serve up the best product for our customers.


  • So absolute exclusivity has never been something we're a huge fan of.


  • It can be useful in very specific situations and situations where we have platforms that can drive a huge amount of demand and it makes sense.


  • So we'll look at it selectively.


  • But it's not -- it's never been really core to our strategy.


  • And really, what we try to do is, generally speaking, is try to get unique offers.


  • Things like upgrades or things -- in hotels, or things like special amenities or things like special rates or certain packages that not at the property level but actually at the operating level are a little bit more unique.


  • And we feel like that generally is a good path to get a similar type benefits that you might get with exclusivity without really compromising some of the desire to be neutral.


  • But again, we look at, and this is not really a core part of our strategy.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, I would like to turn the floor back over to Mr. Mark Okerstrom for closing remarks.


  • Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

    Mark D. Okerstrom - President, CEO & Director

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Well, I just want to thank everyone for listening today and a big thanks to all of the Expedia Group employees around the world.

    好吧,我只想感謝大家今天的收聽,並非常感謝 Expedia Group 全球的所有員工。

  • Tons of hard work and great progress in 2018.


  • I know you are as well, but I'm super excited about what we can do together in 2019 and beyond.

    我知道你也是,但我對我們在 2019 年及以後可以一起做的事情感到非常興奮。

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's teleconference.


  • You may now disconnect.
