Expedia Group Inc (EXPE) 2019 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the Expedia Group, Inc.

    美好的一天,歡迎來到 Expedia Group, Inc.

  • Fourth Quarter 2019 Earnings Call.

    2019 年第四季度財報電話會議。

  • Today's conference is being recorded.


  • At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to Michael Senno, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    此時,我想將會議轉交給投資者關係副總裁 Michael Senno。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Michael Senno - VP of IR

    Michael Senno - VP of IR

  • Good afternoon and welcome to Expedia Group's Financial Results Conference Call for the Fourth Quarter and Full Year ended December 31, 2019.

    下午好,歡迎來到 Expedia Group 截至 2019 年 12 月 31 日的第四季度和全年財務業績電話會議。

  • I'm pleased to be joined on the call today by our Chairman, Barry Diller; our Vice Chairman, Peter Kern; and acting CFO, Eric Hart.

    我很高興今天我們的主席巴里·迪勒 (Barry Diller) 加入電話會議;我們的副主席 Peter Kern;和代理首席財務官埃里克哈特。

  • The following discussion, including responses to your questions, reflect management's views as of today, February 13, 2020, only.

    以下討論,包括對您問題的回答,僅反映管理層截至 2020 年 2 月 13 日今天的觀點。

  • We do not undertake any obligation to update or revise this information.


  • As always, some of the statements made on today's call are forward-looking, typically preceded by words such as we expect, we believe, we anticipate, we are optimistic or confident that, or similar statements.


  • Please refer to today's earnings release and the company's filings with the SEC for information about factors which could cause our actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements.


  • You'll find reconciliations of non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measures discussed today in our earnings release, which is posted on the company's Investor Relations website at ir.expediagroup.com.

    您會在我們的收益發布中找到非 GAAP 措施與今天討論的最具可比性的 GAAP 措施的對賬,該發布發佈在公司的投資者關係網站 ir.expediagroup.com 上。

  • And I encourage you to periodically visit our IR website for other important content, including today's earnings release.

    我鼓勵您定期訪問我們的 IR 網站以獲取其他重要內容,包括今天的收益發布。

  • Unless otherwise stated, all references to cost to revenue, selling and marketing expense, general and administrative expense, and technology and content expense, exclude stock-based compensation and depreciation expense.


  • And all comparisons on this call will be against our results for the comparable period of 2018.

    本次電話會議的所有比較都將與我們 2018 年同期的結果進行比較。

  • A reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA guidance to the closest corresponding GAAP measure is not provided because we are unable to predict the ultimate outcome of certain significant items without unreasonable effort.

    沒有提供調整後的 EBITDA 指導與最接近的相應 GAAP 衡量標準的對賬,因為我們無法在不付出不合理努力的情況下預測某些重要項目的最終結果。

  • These items include, but are not limited to, foreign exchange, returns on investment spending and acquisition-related or restructuring expenses.


  • As such, the items that are excluded from our non-GAAP guidance are uncertain, depend on various factors and could have a material impact on GAAP results for the guidance period.

    因此,從我們的非 GAAP 指南中排除的項目是不確定的,取決於各種因素,並可能對指南期間的 GAAP 結果產生重大影響。

  • And with that, let me turn the call over to Barry.


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Thank you, Michael.


  • I haven't been on one of these analyst calls in, I don't know, endless amount of time.


  • So I'm probably a bit raggy, but I won't ask your indulgence.


  • I'll just kind of plunge in.


  • Since December 4, which is when we made the management change, Peter Kern and I, not a day has gone by that we have not been engaged in Expedia business.

    自 12 月 4 日以來,也就是我們進行管理層變動的時候,Peter Kern 和我,沒有一天不從事 Expedia 業務。

  • And during this period of time -- and so I mean having been Chairman of Expedia for, I don't know, I think almost 20 years or so, I thought I knew a lot about the company.

    在這段時間裡——我的意思是我擔任 Expedia 董事長的時間,我不知道,大約 20 年左右,我認為我對這家公司了解很多。

  • But there's nothing like being on the ground, and we've been on the ground.


  • And I've gotten to know the leaders of the businesses, and I'm definitely impressed.


  • I believe in the future of Expedia as do my colleagues, emphatically.

    我和我的同事們都堅信 Expedia 的未來。

  • We bought, in the last couple of months, 634 million of our stock, which is more than we've ever bought in an entire year.

    在過去的幾個月裡,我們購買了 6.34 億股股票,這比我們一整年的購買量都多。

  • And we're not going to end that process now.


  • But what we've really done is we've taken, as immediate steps as we can, to refocus the company on the day-to-day operations of -- and the execution for what the company is engaged in every day.


  • Last year, we spent probably 9 months of the year on this massive reorganization.

    去年,我們大概花了一年中的 9 個月進行這次大規模重組。

  • We were contemplating changing 350, I think, of 500 jobs.

    我認為,我們正在考慮改變 500 個工作崗位中的 350 個。

  • It was this vastly complicated process that froze us.


  • Management at the same time didn't really have a clear path how to grow the company.


  • It just kind of a top-down commandment to deliver x earnings.

    它只是一種自上而下的命令來提供 x 收益。

  • And that misled a lot of people into actions that kind of made sense for a quarter of a day.


  • And the rest of the day the results of kind of this top-down pressure without understanding how to actually execute and simplify the business and give it clarity.


  • We've somewhat become a kind of consultant-led and wildly complex business.


  • I said and I think sclerotic and bloated.


  • And I'll give you one anecdote that kind of rang in my ears, that I've heard, I don't know, I guess, 1.5 months or 2 months ago, kind of out there in Seattle, that at Amazon, the whole concept of work and life balance, that at Amazon it was all work and no life, and then Expedia was all life and no work.

    我會給你講一個我耳邊響起的軼事,我不知道,我猜是在 1.5 個月或 2 個月前,在西雅圖,在亞馬遜,工作和生活平衡的整個概念,在亞馬遜,只有工作,沒有生活,然後 Expedia,只有生活,沒有工作。

  • Now that's an enormous exaggeration.


  • We've got wonderful people in the business.


  • This is not damning our employees, but for several years, we really lost clarity and discipline.


  • So we're changing a great deal.


  • We're stopping this too large complexity.


  • We're simplifying our strategy.


  • We're stopping doing dumb things and starting to do what we think are good things.


  • So from doing that dumb to doing this smart, here are a few examples.


  • From wasteful activities that weren't core to our business, to actually driving sustained growth.


  • From every brand working in silos around the world to one strategy on marketing and the geographies across all of our brands.


  • From our reliance on Google and Metasearch, to aggressively moving to grow our own direct business and have loyal relationships with our customers.


  • The separate teams and data that's dispersed all over the place to one platform driving the entire company.


  • From an air business we basically took for granted as just another line of business, to actually prioritizing it, energizing it as a true competitive differentiator.


  • And from chasing all these grand goals to focusing on day-to-day execution and making that customer experience great.


  • So we're in.


  • We're energized, we're enthusiastic.


  • And from now on, I hope, I think, you'll see the effect of that and the excellent people of Expedia and what we can all accomplish together.

    從現在開始,我希望,我想,你會看到它的影響和 Expedia 的優秀員工,以及我們可以共同完成的事情。

  • So with that, Mr. Kern, my colleague, my partner in this process, is going to say a few things.


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • Thanks, Barry, and good afternoon, everybody.


  • Let me start by reiterating what Barry said.


  • I think we've learned a ton in the last 2 months.

    我認為我們在過去 2 個月中學到了很多東西。

  • We've seen some great people and great things.


  • And we've seen a fair bit of wasted energy and calories going at things that may not have promised -- may not get us to the promised land.


  • And certainly we have not learned and been agile enough and willing to say no to things and willing to acknowledge failure when it happens.


  • I think we are getting about the business of that and being highly disciplined.


  • And I think that is working its way through the organization, and it's just frankly a terrific feeling.


  • And to get into a few specifics, I wanted to start by just covering guidance a little more closely.


  • There's sort of 3 components to how we built our way to this broad guidance approach.

    我們如何建立這種廣泛的指導方法的方式有 3 個組成部分。

  • One is the core business, the base business, if you will, with the new disciplines we put in with some attention to wasted marketing spend and a few other areas.


  • We believe the core itself will accelerate as against 2019.

    我們相信與 2019 年相比,核心本身將加速。

  • It will be somewhat back-end loaded, but it will accelerate.


  • On top of that, as we said in the press release, we are going after $300 million to $500 million of incremental savings, and that is across the waterfront.

    最重要的是,正如我們在新聞稿中所說,我們正在尋求 3 億至 5 億美元的增量節省,而且是在整個海濱。

  • We are looking at every part of the business, whether it be tech licenses and procurement to geography, et cetera.


  • And we think there's a lot of money there, the timing of which, however, is uncertain as it lays out through the course of this year.


  • But we do believe by the end of the year, we will be at that run rate level.


  • On the other hand, of course there is the coronavirus, a terrible thing for humanity and also a not very good thing for our business.


  • And that is highly tough to predict.


  • We have a pretty good line of sight on its impact on the first quarter.


  • But in terms of its duration and the depth of its impact, it is hard to predict.


  • So taking all that uncertainty, running a number of scenarios on the virus based on historic patterns, we have generally taken all that together and said notwithstanding all those uncertainties, we believe and are confident we will get into the double digits.


  • Of course, if the virus becomes something completely unexpected, who knows, but we feel confident about that.


  • Moving on to the operations and digging slightly deeper on a few of the themes Barry was talking about.

    繼續操作並稍微深入挖掘 Barry 正在談論的一些主題。

  • This idea of bringing our brands together and out of silos and collaborating in a whole new way is super important to the future success of our business.


  • I would add to that, that the best example and the cleanest example today is probably geographical rationalization.


  • We have many brands all over the world.


  • They are -- different ones are strong in different markets.

    他們是 - 不同的人在不同的市場中很強大。

  • We have historically taken a brand-by-brand approach, and now we are taking a market-by-market approach.


  • And we will push the best brands in every market, and we may take some brands out of certain markets.


  • And we will do whatever is smart, both on an operational basis and on a marketing basis to advance the greater good.


  • On the marketing side as an extension of that more generally, we are looking to rationalize some of our spend.


  • We are looking at common measurement, common tools.


  • These silos didn't always look at marketing the same way.


  • They didn't always attack performance marketing with the same metrics.


  • We are unifying those things so that we have better ways of measurement and therefore better ways to collaborate and cooperate for the greatest return.


  • On Vrbo, which I know everybody has followed closely, the trends remained fairly muted through the fourth quarter.

    在我知道每個人都密切關注的 Vrbo 上,整個第四季度的趨勢仍然相當溫和。

  • The re-platforming last year and the rebranding were definitely a distraction, slightly different than the distractions Barry more broadly talked about.


  • But now the team is keenly refocused on fundamentals driving core operations, and they too are beneficiary of our geographic rationalization as they have looked at where they had really inefficient spend to drive recent geographies that did not make sense.


  • And candidly now that we have the capacity to drive their supply through our other brands, we don't need to have Vrbo in every market in the same way because alternative accommodations can be provided to the customer base through our other brands.

    坦率地說,現在我們有能力通過我們的其他品牌推動他們的供應,我們不需要以相同的方式在每個市場都有 Vrbo,因為可以通過我們的其他品牌為客戶群提供替代住宿。

  • Expedia Partner Solutions continues to be a very strong story for us.

    Expedia 合作夥伴解決方案對我們來說仍然是一個非常重要的故事。

  • We believe in the momentum there.


  • We believe in the opportunity to fill in gaps in demand whether they're geographical or just customer based.


  • And we believe that EPS can add to that momentum by capitalizing on all the things we are now going to be able to do with our core technology platform.

    我們相信 EPS 可以通過利用我們現在將能夠用我們的核心技術平台做的所有事情來增加這種勢頭。

  • So a lot of exciting stuff going on there.


  • It will give EPS greater configurability and improve customer experience for their end business partners.

    它將為 EPS 提供更大的可配置性,並改善其最終業務合作夥伴的客戶體驗。

  • We recently also brought Egencia together with EPS.

    我們最近還將 Egencia 與 EPS 結合在一起。

  • We -- under a business we're calling Expedia Business Services.

    我們 - 在我們稱為 Expedia Business Services 的業務下。

  • It's simply an effort on our part to further simplify, get advantages between businesses.


  • These businesses are not the same.


  • They don't -- same end users, but they have a number of common practices from which they can learn and help one another, including sales and customer management and a variety of other business-to-business techniques.

    他們不是 - 相同的最終用戶,但他們有許多共同的做法,他們可以從中學習和互相幫助,包括銷售和客戶管理以及各種其他企業對企業的技術。

  • Our platform is perhaps the biggest story.


  • It, in part, was to blame for this reorganization to get us to this place, but it is in many ways, our biggest opportunity.


  • They shared technology across our businesses in bringing together groups.


  • Barry mentioned the data and AI group.

    Barry 提到了數據和 AI 組。

  • I am really excited about what's possible here.


  • It's early days, but for the first time, we are bringing together all the data in the company into one place where our best data scientists and AI and machine learning engineers can use that data to learn faster and build solutions across the company that will help us improve the customer experience, and obviously, our monetization.


  • The teams in our marketplace have also come together and are working to better match supply with demand, which we believe, again, enhances the customer experience and enhances monetization.


  • We've also brought together a group that will monitor cloud and work on the cloud spend.


  • I know this has been an interesting area for everybody as we have migrated to the cloud.


  • It's been a bumpy and expensive road.


  • We are getting to the end of that road.


  • But importantly, we are getting to a point where we need to and have to optimize our cloud spend.


  • And we now have a centralized group that will look at cloud spend across the company and work to optimize that and get the most out of it and ultimately, get the leverage we've all been looking for there.


  • But overall, the common themes here as we've said, are really about simplification, precision, really bringing an efficient operating mind to everything we do.


  • We will be aggressive about that.


  • And we plan to get a lot out of that as we push through the year.


  • And we, of course, we'll keep you apprised as we get through that.


  • I'd just like to point out before I pass it on to Eric, that the year will be noisy, not only because of the virus, but because the first half of the year, we are getting the benefit or detriment of a slow back half of 2019.


  • We are also spending into our strength areas where we believe we can drive growth in the back half of the year, rationalizing out some of our less efficient spend areas.


  • So there will be noise between revenue and EBITDA.

    所以收入和 EBITDA 之間會有噪音。

  • But as I said and Barry said, we believe strongly we will be in double-digit EBITDA territory this year.

    但正如我和巴里所說,我們堅信今年我們的 EBITDA 將達到兩位數。

  • We're excited about the future, and I think we'll have terrific momentum going into '21 if we can pull all of this off.

    我們對未來感到興奮,而且我認為如果我們能夠實現所有這些目標,我們將在進入 21 世紀時擁有巨大的動力。

  • And with that, I will pass it on to Eric.


  • Eric Hart - Acting CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - Acting CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Thanks, Peter.


  • Before diving into our results, I want to lay out 3 main areas we're focused on in 2020: one, driving margin expansion unit economics; two, positioning the company to move faster and invest back into key areas to accelerate top line growth; and three, delivering attractive shareholder returns.

    在深入研究我們的結果之前,我想列出 2020 年我們關注的 3 個主要領域:一是推動利潤率擴張單位經濟;第二,定位公司以加快步伐並重新投資到關鍵領域以加速收入增長;第三,提供有吸引力的股東回報。

  • Turning to the fourth quarter results.


  • While gross booking and revenue trends moderated, disciplined marketing spend and overhead cost containment resulted in a 1% increase in adjusted EBITDA.

    雖然總預訂量和收入趨勢放緩,但嚴格的營銷支出和管理費用控制使調整後的 EBITDA 增加了 1%。

  • And for the full year, we came in slightly ahead of our revised guidance range.


  • The slowdown in gross bookings largely related to our air business as we started to comp the enterprise deals at Expedia Partner Solutions, which drives significant air volume for us.

    總預訂量的放緩在很大程度上與我們的航空業務有關,因為我們開始在 Expedia Partner Solutions 計算企業交易,這為我們帶來了可觀的航空量。

  • Lodging revenue grew 9% in Q4 on 11% stayed room night growth and a 2% decrease in revenue per room night, largely related to growth in our loyalty program.

    第四季度住宿收入增長 9%,入住間夜增長 11%,每間夜收入下降 2%,這主要與我們忠誠度計劃的增長有關。

  • Domestic room night growth remained strong, accelerating to 10% as we continued to gain share in the U.S. on the back of strong trends and direct channels.

    國內間夜量增長依然強勁,加速至 10%,因為我們在強勁趨勢和直銷渠道的支持下繼續擴大在美國的市場份額。

  • Cost of revenue was up 19% for the quarter.

    本季度的收入成本增長了 19%。

  • The majority of the growth related to the increase in cloud costs, inorganic impact of bodybuilding.com, and processing fees related to the ramp-up in Vrbo's transition to the Expedia payment platform.

    大部分增長與云成本的增加、bodybuilding.com 的無機影響以及與 Vrbo 向 Expedia 支付平台過渡的增加相關的處理費用有關。

  • By leveraging Expedia's payment platform, we expect Vrbo to see improved conversion and unit economics as it benefits in several areas, including fraud detection, order completion rates and flexibility on payment options.

    通過利用 Expedia 的支付平台,我們預計 Vrbo 會看到更高的轉換率和單位經濟效益,因為它在多個領域受益,包括欺詐檢測、訂單完成率和支付選項的靈活性。

  • Also as a reminder, bodybuilding.com is essentially neutral to adjusted EBITDA.

    另外提醒一下,bodybuilding.com 對調整後的 EBITDA 基本上是中性的。

  • Free cash flow grew 46% for full year 2019.

    2019 年全年自由現金流增長 46%。

  • Normalized for Vrbo's payments transition, free cash flow grew approximately in line with adjusted EBITDA to nearly $1.1 billion.

    對於 Vrbo 的支付過渡正常化,自由現金流的增長與調整後的 EBITDA 大致一致,達到近 11 億美元。

  • Based on Vrbo's current payment structure, the funds are held at a third party and are restricted.

    根據 Vrbo 目前的支付結構,資金由第三方持有並受到限制。

  • On a normalized basis, we expect solid free cash flow growth.


  • And going forward with declining capital intensity and favorable working capital dynamics, we are well positioned to drive healthy free cash flow growth going forward.


  • On the balance sheet in September, we placed $1.25 billion and 3.25% 10-year notes.

    在 9 月份的資產負債表上,我們投放了 12.5 億美元和 3.25% 的 10 年期票據。

  • We will use a portion of that to redeem $750 million notes that mature in August 2020.

    我們將使用其中的一部分贖回 2020 年 8 月到期的 7.5 億美元票據。

  • Our prudent approach to managing the balance sheet is unchanged, and we are committed to operating within our investment-grade credit rating.


  • In terms of capital allocation, given our conviction and Expedia's growth prospects, we repurchased 5.8 million shares for $634 million from early December through this month.

    在資本配置方面,鑑於我們的信念和 Expedia 的增長前景,從 12 月初到本月,我們以 6.34 億美元的價格回購了 580 萬股股票。

  • We believe our stock remains undervalued and plan to use our free cash flow and cash position to continue actively repurchasing shares.


  • Now turning to 2020.


  • As Peter mentioned, we will continue to drive efficiency on direct marketing spend.


  • That will lead to some trade-offs and modestly slower unit growth through most of the year, but we believe focusing on higher-quality unit growth and on driving our direct business will lead to a stronger, more sustainable top and bottom line growth over time.


  • On cost of sales, we expect growth to remain elevated in the next few quarters due to the same factors we saw in Q4.


  • Our cost of sales outlook also incorporates higher digital service taxes as we currently expect legislation to take effect in additional countries this year.


  • This remains a dynamic issue and we are closely monitoring developments.


  • In terms of the quarterly phasing, it will take time to work through the carryover effects from the trends of the past 2 quarters, so we do expect the majority of our profit growth to come in the second half of 2020.

    就季度階段而言,需要時間來解決過去兩個季度趨勢的結轉效應,因此我們確實預計我們的大部分利潤增長將出現在 2020 年下半年。

  • Now looking at Q1 specifically we expect adjusted EBITDA to be down substantially.

    現在具體來看第一季度,我們預計調整後的 EBITDA 將大幅下降。

  • Vrbo losses will be significantly higher due to the usual seasonal trends as we invest to drive growth that will come later in the year.

    由於通常的季節性趨勢,Vrbo 損失將顯著增加,因為我們投資以推動今年晚些時候的增長。

  • Cloud costs continue to ramp and will have some carryover effect from the operational headwinds that we experienced late in 2019.

    云成本繼續攀升,並將對我們在 2019 年末經歷的運營逆風產生一些遺留影響。

  • Each of these is magnified in the first quarter as a reminder, given our seasonally low adjusted EBITDA base.

    考慮到我們季節性調整後的 EBITDA 基數較低,這些中的每一個都在第一季度被放大作為提醒。

  • In addition, the coronavirus outbreak is adding further pressure on the top and bottom line in Q1.


  • Based on the current trends, we expect approximately $30 million to $40 million impact to adjusted EBITDA in Q1, and we expect some impact beyond Q1 and 2020 as well.

    根據目前的趨勢,我們預計第一季度調整後的 EBITDA 將受到大約 3000 萬至 4000 萬美元的影響,我們預計在第一季度和 2020 年之後也會產生一些影響。

  • But the exact amount will depend on how long it takes for travel trends to normalize.


  • Looking below the line, we started to recognize depreciation related to our new headquarters in Q4 and forecast approximately $30 million of incremental depreciation related to the building for the full year in 2020, which will account for the majority of our depreciation growth this year.

    在線下看,我們在第四季度開始確認與新總部相關的折舊,並預測 2020 年全年與建築物相關的增量折舊約為 3000 萬美元,這將占我們今年折舊增長的大部分。

  • In closing, we are excited.


  • We are executing on a clear formula that we believe can create significant value, positioning the company for consistent healthy revenue growth with leverage down the P&L to drive even faster profit growth.


  • And with strong cash conversion, we expect to generate substantial free cash flow to fund capital returns through shareholder repurchases and our dividend.


  • We believe executing that formula will create significant shareholder value over time.


  • Operator, we're ready for our first question.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We'll take our first question from Eric Sheridan of UBS.

    (操作員說明)我們將從瑞銀的 Eric Sheridan 那裡回答我們的第一個問題。

  • Eric James Sheridan - MD and Equity Research Internet Analyst

    Eric James Sheridan - MD and Equity Research Internet Analyst

  • Maybe one big picture and one modeling question, if I can.


  • Barry, Peter, I wanted to know, maybe we can get a little more granularity on your vision where online travel is going over the next couple of years?


  • And then filling that back to how you're thinking about the exposure to those big trends and whether Expedia has the right assets or not, how we should be thinking about aligning the assets within Expedia against your longer-term vision where online travel's going?

    然後再回到你如何考慮這些大趨勢的風險以及 Expedia 是否擁有合適的資產,我們應該如何考慮將 Expedia 內的資產與你在線旅行的長期願景相結合?

  • And then on the model, with the $300 million to $500 million of cost savings, is there a way to think through what that might mean on a division-by-division basis or where you see the biggest areas where you could gain leverage in your model year-on-year from cost cutting?

    然後在模型上,隨著 3 億到 5 億美元的成本節省,是否有一種方法可以在逐個部門的基礎上思考這可能意味著什麼,或者您可以在哪些領域看到您可以在您的業務中獲得影響力的最大領域通過削減成本實現同比模型?

  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Thanks.


  • Well, look, online travel started 20-some-odd years ago.

    好吧,你看,在線旅遊始於 20 多年前。

  • That was the easiest area to colonize when the Internet came along.


  • There's no indication that it is going to do anything but continue to gain adoption.


  • There's been a lot of adoption.


  • It will continue to grow.


  • There's nothing in its path.


  • There are existential issues that have been raised.


  • Of course, one is Google.


  • And the other, I just heard the other day, it's an existential issue, which is that we're losing share to hotels.


  • I'll start with hotels first because this was in a -- I think it was an analyst who's -- it must be Heath Terry who I think has been consistently wrong about -- actually if you had paid attention to him at my other companies, IAC, you would have given up, I don't know, an enormous billions of dollars.


  • But anyway, I don't want to do that.


  • It's pointless.


  • The point is that he said that hotels were -- gaining strength, gaining share, et cetera.


  • So here are the stats.


  • For the business of, a whole business, the OTA share of online hotel bookings has basically remained steady at about 38%, I don't know, for many, many years.

    對於整個業務來說,在線酒店預訂的 OTA 份額基本上穩定在 38% 左右,我不知道,很多很多年了。

  • But the OTAs continue to gain share in the overall market as this shift goes -- continues to go online.

    但隨著這種轉變的進行——繼續上線,OTA 在整個市場中繼續獲得份額。

  • For instance from 2015, it's gone from 17% to 19%.

    例如,從 2015 年開始,它從 17% 上升到 19%。

  • And at Expedia, our total room nights continue to grow, 11.2% [share in the U.S.] (added by company after the call) in '19 versus 10.5%.

    在 Expedia,我們的總間夜數繼續增長,19 年為 11.2% [在美國的份額](由公司在電話會議後添加),而 10.5%。

  • So I would say, yes, there are some direct channels that people like to use.


  • But overwhelmingly, people use online agents to book hotels and are going to continue to do so.


  • As far as Google is concerned, it's a much bigger topic.


  • I've been quite vocal about this that Google has, certainly, a monopoly share all over the world.


  • And it does what monopoly shares get you to do, which is extend its business in every direction they can.


  • Now so long as they don't use unfair practices, I've got no problem with that.


  • But when they compete against their advertisers, and we are one of their largest advertisers, we have Booking.com within their top 5 of advertisers.

    但是當他們與他們的廣告商競爭時,而我們是他們最大的廣告商之一,我們的 Booking.com 就位列他們廣告商的前 5 名。

  • They're using their tactics to squeeze these entities that are delivering real service is, among many things, antisocial.


  • I mean I think it's bad practice.


  • I think the government, which is getting engaged in this, whether it's at the state level or the federal level, which I absolutely believe in the next period, I don't think I ask anybody to come and save us from our mistakes.


  • And by the way, we've made our own mistakes in our SEO practices, which we are fast correcting.

    順便說一下,我們在 SEO 實踐中犯了自己的錯誤,我們正在快速糾正這些錯誤。

  • I told the senior management of Google exactly what we feel about this and have implored upon them to basically stop actually taking away the profits from businesses that are probably one of their main contributors to their advertising revenue.


  • And I don't know whether that will have much effect, but I've been very straightforward about it.


  • And I think that there will be -- look, when businesses get to this size, they absolutely have to have regulation, sensible regulation.

    而且我認為會有 - 看,當企業達到這種規模時,他們絕對必須有監管,明智的監管。

  • I'm not talking about breakups, I'm not talking about any crazy stuff.


  • But I do believe that will happen.


  • But we are making our own efforts.


  • We're driving direct relationships with consumers.


  • Our app downloads, we have about 400 million of them [cumulatively] (added by company after the call).

    我們的應用程序下載量,我們 [累計] 大約有 4 億次(由公司在電話會議後添加)。

  • And their [transaction] (added by company after the call) growth, like a force, was actually up 40% [last] (corrected by company after the call) year.

    他們的[交易](由公司在電話會議後添加)增長,就像一股力量,實際上 [去年](由公司在電話會議後更正)增長了 40%。

  • We're going to drive more downloads.


  • We're going to do everything we can to diversify our traffic to more direct arenas.


  • We also have in EPS, our business-to-business business, which does not depend upon Google.

    我們還有 EPS,我們的企業對企業業務,不依賴於 Google。

  • And that's growing terrifically, and we're going to push that too.


  • So sorry, I went on a bit.


  • But as I said, I haven't done this in a while.


  • Peter, do you want to say anything?


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • I would just add to that a couple of things.


  • One, around the question of cost savings by division, that's something we really can't identify yet and won't identify.


  • There's a lot of shared costs and a lot of -- we're doing more to make the businesses collaborate.


  • So I think it's really not helpful even for you, I think, long term, to think of it on a by-division basis.


  • I think we're looking across shared opportunities, shared inefficiencies and where we can get out of things that don't make sense and eliminate friction.


  • And so I think it's something we're looking for anywhere it exists, and it's not a division-by-division question.


  • I think also just to add to Barry's point at the end about EPS, and you asked whether we have the right assets to compete.

    我想也只是為了補充 Barry 最後關於 EPS 的觀點,你問我們是否擁有合適的資產來競爭。

  • I think actually we have terrific assets to compete.


  • We've got brands that are strong in certain places and not in others.


  • We've got -- and vice versa.


  • We've got to do a better job of differentiating our brands and the customer proposition that our brands provide.


  • But we have a lot of ways to serve a lot of different demand.


  • And we're using EPS to fill in the gaps and serve geographies and certain demand pools that we can't get at directly.

    我們正在使用 EPS 來填補空白,並為我們無法直接獲得的地理區域和某些需求池提供服務。

  • So I think we have a very attractive way to go eat as much gross bookings as are out there in the world, and that's what we're going to try to do as efficiently as we can.


  • Operator


  • Our next question from Mark Mahaney of RBC.

    我們的下一個問題來自 RBC 的 Mark Mahaney。

  • Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD & Lead Internet Research Analyst

    Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD & Lead Internet Research Analyst

  • Barry, it's nice to have you back on the call.


  • I think the question I want to focus on is Vrbo...

    我想我想關注的問題是 Vrbo ...

  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • So count your blessings it's not going to go on that long.


  • Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD & Lead Internet Research Analyst

    Mark Stephen F. Mahaney - MD & Lead Internet Research Analyst

  • The -- I think I want to ask you about is a high level, the growth in the lodging business between alternative accommodations in Vrbo and the growth in core kind of hotel industry as you've kind of -- looking at it from a 30,000-foot level for a while and you're now getting back into the weeds, where are you most -- where do you think the growth is most interesting for the industry and for Expedia in particular?

    我想我想問你的是一個高層次的問題,Vrbo 的替代住宿和核心酒店業的增長之間的住宿業務的增長——從 30,000 的角度來看-腳水平了一段時間,你現在又回到了雜草叢中,你在哪裡 - 你認為增長對行業尤其是 Expedia 來說最有趣?

  • And how confident are you that if the -- it does seem from where we sit that the growth is superior in the alternative accommodations.

    你有多大信心,如果 - 從我們所處的位置來看,替代住宿的增長確實更好。

  • Is Vrbo where you need it to be?

    Vrbo 在您需要的地方嗎?

  • It seems like you've gone through like a branding strategy part a, branding part b over the last 2 years.

    在過去的 2 年裡,您似乎經歷了品牌戰略 a 部分、品牌 b 部分。

  • Is Vrbo where you need it to be in terms of operations, in terms of marketing, et cetera, in order to attack that alternative accommodations market?

    Vrbo 在運營、營銷等方面是否符合您的要求,以便進軍替代住宿市場?

  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • No.


  • Vrbo is not where it needs to be, but it is a lot different than it was, I'd say, a few months ago.

    Vrbo 不是它需要的地方,但它與幾個月前有很大不同。

  • It has a new leader who we have confidence in, and he's also on the ground.


  • And look, what happened to Vrbo is, it was as I think all of you know, a collection of a bunch of disparate businesses, brands all over the world, basically, that were brought together and put under the name of -- dumb name, called HomeAway, and -- which meant nothing to no one.

    看,發生在 Vrbo 上的事情是,我想你們都知道,一群來自世界各地的不同企業、品牌,基本上,它們被聚集在一起,並以——愚蠢的名字命名,稱為 HomeAway,並且 - 這對任何人來說都毫無意義。

  • We did have one business called Vrbo that did mean something to people.

    我們確實有一項名為 Vrbo 的業務,它確實對人們有意義。

  • And so called V-R-B-O, which we've tried and I think -- or at the very beginning of branding Vrbo.

    所謂的 V-R-B-O,我們已經嘗試過並且我認為 - 或者在品牌 Vrbo 的最開始。

  • And whether I don't know if we went too fast, actually, or too slow on this, but we did this absolute change Day 1 to Day 2, from everything to then one thing Vrbo.

    我不知道我們在這方面是走得太快了,還是太慢了,但我們從第一天到第二天做了這個絕對的改變,從一切到 Vrbo。

  • That caused us to lose a ton of SEO traffic.

    這導致我們損失了大量的 SEO 流量。

  • And given the trends in SEO, anyway, that was hardly -- it was not well executed, I mean.

    考慮到 SEO 的趨勢,無論如何,這很難——我的意思是它執行得不好。

  • So we've been now cleaning all of that up.


  • And I think it's -- I don't know, somebody here, one of my colleagues may comment on the progress of that to date.


  • But look, Vrbo is in a great, actually, somewhat stand-alone category.

    但是你看,Vrbo 屬於一個很棒的,實際上,有點獨立的類別。

  • It's not kind of rooms that in the attic that people rent you and stand next to you while you go to the bathroom.


  • It is basically accommodations, a family of homes, large apartments, things like that in resort areas and other places.


  • It's got great product.


  • We just need to market it better than we have, but it's got, I think, it's got -- certainly, it's got large opportunity for us.


  • And we've also just plugged it into Expedia recently.

    我們最近也剛剛將其接入 Expedia。

  • That took 6 months of somewhat disarray.

    這花了 6 個月的時間,有些混亂。

  • But now all of Vrbo, I think, is available on Expedia, is that true?

    但我認為,現在所有 Vrbo 都可以在 Expedia 上使用,這是真的嗎?

  • Or...


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • It might be.


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Almost all.


  • And -- but that was a difficult thing.

    而且 - 但這是一件困難的事情。

  • As far as the category, I -- look, I'm very impressed with what Airbnb has done over time.

    至於類別,我 - 看,我對 Airbnb 隨著時間的推移所做的事情印象深刻。

  • I wouldn't call it a revolution, but it has opened up -- not only has it opened up inventory that didn't exist, but it's also brought people into traveling that couldn't afford it before or didn't want to mess with big, stiff hotels.


  • And also people who wanted a different experience, older people who were lonely and didn't want to go to some cold place.


  • It's done a great job.


  • But basically -- but by the way, you put its inventory as against the hotel inventory, they have kind of different audience.

    但基本上 - 但順便說一下,你將其庫存與酒店庫存進行比較,他們有不同的受眾。

  • I'm not -- I don't -- I'm not a big believer that they're going to emerge.


  • So I think there's a very healthy standard hotel business, and there's going to be this business.


  • We're participants in it.


  • So that's as much as I got to say about that.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Justin Post, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.


  • Justin Post - MD

    Justin Post - MD

  • Great.


  • Barry, maybe you can give us an update on CEO outlook and how you're thinking about that role going forward?

    巴里,也許你可以向我們介紹一下 CEO 的最新前景,以及你對未來這個角色的看法?

  • And then, secondly, I thought it was interesting, in your prepared remarks talked about improved revenue growth.


  • Is that just as you take out the fact this year, easier comps next year?


  • Or do you see some real drivers for improvement in revenue growth as you look out to the second half and next year?


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Okay.


  • We're not doing a CEO search.

    我們不是在尋找 CEO。

  • I don't know that we'll ever do an actual search.


  • I'm not a big believer in "searches".


  • I think they usually turn out the usual and obvious suspects.


  • And when you only know somebody from interviewing and recommendations, I'd say your failure rate is usually -- certainly, it's above 50%, in my experience, other peoples' for sure.

    當你只通過面試和推薦認識某人時,我會說你的失敗率通常是——當然,它超過 50%,根據我的經驗,其他人肯定是這樣。

  • Anyway, we're not doing that.


  • I'll say this.


  • First of all, Peter and I are completely engaged.


  • We are operating the company.


  • We are responsible for the company, and we are -- definitely, it is our responsibility.


  • That is not to say that during the calendar year '20, a Chief Executive will emerge from this process.

    這並不是說在 20 日曆年期間,首席執行官將從這一過程中脫穎而出。

  • But right now, look, time will tell.


  • But what happened is, amazingly, once we had to make this management changes, unfortunate management change, and I've said before, it was not to demean Mark Okerstrom or the CFO, but it really was a real difference in what we actually thought, and that happens.

    但令人驚訝的是,一旦我們不得不進行這種管理變革,不幸的管理變革,我之前說過,這並不是貶低 Mark Okerstrom 或首席財務官,但這確實是我們實際想法的真正差異,然後就發生了。

  • So there's no damning here.


  • But from that moment, I got incredibly energized about this because I actually began, other than superficially, as the Chairman.


  • I began to really understand the levers of this business and what the opportunities were and what the condition of the company was.


  • Now I thought, relatively quickly, we could turn.


  • So we're at it.


  • And it's not going to last beyond '20, but that's where we are for now.

    它不會持續超過 20 年,但這就是我們現在的處境。

  • As far as drivers for revenue growth, Mr. Kern?


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • Sure.


  • So Justin, I think the way we look at the revenue drivers, it's not a comp issue.


  • We want to drive healthy -- as much healthy revenue growth as we can find.


  • In the near term, we are in a period where we are coming off a weaker back half of '19, so that's a dulling effect.

    在短期內,我們正處於 19 年後半段較弱的時期,所以這是一種遲鈍的影響。

  • And we are being very clinical about as I mentioned, geographies and marketing spend and trying to get rid of empty calories.


  • It's not a bad thing to drive performance marketing and to drive throughput when you're good at getting repeat customers and you're good at turning them into being great customers.


  • But when you're not as good as you could be, it's not the most efficient use of capital.


  • So we want to get better at all of those things.


  • And so in the near term, I think you'll see some pressure on the top line from those movements, which we think are very healthy.


  • But out of that, we believe we will find much better ways to invest our capital geographically, by brand.


  • We think we will do a better job of repeat business and direct customer experience because we will be better at the customer experience side of the business.


  • We have huge leverage that we can't even really calculate that will come out of the platform technology group, whether it be the data and AI side, the management and yield side, the cloud -- there's just a number of places where we can just do a lot better.


  • And so we believe all of those things will drive conversion, will drive better customer experience, will drive stickier customer relationships, will allow us to invest more aggressively, and all of those things will accelerate revenue going forward.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Justin Patterson of Raymond James.

    我們將從 Raymond James 的 Justin Patterson 那裡接受下一個問題。

  • Justin Tyler Patterson - Internet Analyst

    Justin Tyler Patterson - Internet Analyst

  • Great.


  • Barry, you called out the consumer experience and your initial remarks, that and loyalty.


  • What are the key things you need to do to get right, to improve the customer experience and build loyalty?


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Well, look, one of the things I think we suffered from is -- so would you believe, we lost attention on the product itself.

    嗯,看,我認為我們遭受的其中一件事是 - 你會相信,我們失去了對產品本身的關注。

  • What the consumers get, what do they see?


  • How do they interact with it?


  • What is the user experience, et cetera, et cetera?


  • How do we not only ease their path to travel, but how do we really add value?


  • And so one of the things that has come out of this is now an absolute focus on what that experience is.


  • That's where a lot of the organization and investment is going to come from.


  • And by the way, it's investment in focus and time.


  • It's not investment really in cost.


  • But making that -- look, OTAs have not had, in my opinion, enough differentiation.

    但是,在我看來,OTA 還沒有足夠的差異化。

  • And differentiation, meaning that Expedia, which has the benefit, the only one that's got the benefit.

    而差異化,意味著 Expedia 是唯一受益的公司。

  • I mean I've gotten those would -- poured money into it.

    我的意思是我已經得到了那些 - 將錢投入其中。

  • It has the benefit of being able to get you hotels, air, cars, experiences.


  • Anything you need in travel is in one place at Expedia.

    在 Expedia,旅行中所需的一切盡在一處。

  • It is not -- certainly, it has not been as efficient as Booking.com in hotels, particularly in Western Europe, though in the United States it's been fine.

    它不是——當然,它在酒店方面不如 Booking.com 高效,尤其是在西歐,儘管在美國還不錯。

  • But that's a solitary diet, and that's fine for some people.


  • But if you come to Expedia, increasingly, you're going to have a product that is actually going to not only ease the process, but it's going to add value to the process because we're the only ones who can really package.

    但如果你越來越多地來到 Expedia,你將擁有一種產品,它實際上不僅會簡化流程,而且會增加流程的價值,因為我們是唯一可以真正打包的人。

  • We're the only ones who can efficiently put things together and magically offer people a lower price and probably a better experience.


  • So it's -- anyway, I think I kind of said it.

    所以它 - 無論如何,我想我有點說過了。

  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • And then I would...


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • On loyalty?


  • Peter will talk about.


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • Okay.


  • I'll talk about loyalty, but I was going to add that...


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Oh, I'm sorry.


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • No, that's okay.


  • The -- I would say that the industry has suffered or benefited from a high degree of commercialization around everything they did.

    - 我想說的是,該行業圍繞他們所做的一切進行了高度商業化,或從中受益。

  • It was an aggressive, how can we turn a customer into a consumer, into a buying a hotel room?


  • And that goes for all OTAs.

    這適用於所有 OTA。

  • And I think ironically to tie a few of these questions together, that Google's pressure and the pressure on performance marketing puts the pressure back on all of us to make it really about the consumer experience.


  • You can't just cash your ticket every time and not have the consumer feel like they're having a great experience and they have a reason to come back.


  • So it's on us to do.


  • There's a lot of work streams going on against that.


  • It covers a lot of activities, including what you serve up to the customer and how well you match content and supply with them, all the way through to how you take care of customer service calls and everything else.


  • So we are on that path, and we are aggressively focused on that.


  • And we may have Google and the rest to thank for driving us there, but we should have been there, and we will be there.


  • As for loyalty, it's an important part of our consumer proposition from Hotels.com.

    至於忠誠度,這是我們來自 Hotels.com 的消費者主張的重要組成部分。

  • Again, we are going to strive to better differentiate our brands.


  • Barry took you through the end-to-end opportunity that brand Expedia offers.

    Barry 帶您了解了 Expedia 品牌提供的端到端機會。

  • Hotels.com is another thing, Vrbo again another thing.

    Hotels.com 是另一回事,Vrbo 又是另一回事。

  • So we are going to differentiate those and drive to the biggest pools of demand.


  • We can take them all, and hopefully, they will work symbiotically and to the greater benefit.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Brian Nowak of Morgan Stanley.


  • Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

    Brian Thomas Nowak - Research Analyst

  • Barry, it's good to hear your energy.


  • I guess I wanted to sort of ask about your view over the next 2 to 3 years for the company.

    我想我想問問你對公司未來 2 到 3 年的看法。

  • So understanding that the near term, focusing more on higher-quality room night growth, rationalizing some ad spend, really focusing on direct, it's going to pressure near-term room nights.


  • But talk to us about how you think about the keys to really driving sustained faster room night growth in '21, '22 and beyond after you sort of get through the important steps you're going to take in 2020?

    但是,在您完成 2020 年要採取的重要步驟之後,您如何看待真正推動 21 年、22 年及以後持續更快的間夜增長的關鍵?

  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Continued execution and focus, and not resting, not being very patient.


  • That is one of the things that we're going to have to imbue in this organization.


  • And again -- look, I think the outlook is good.


  • It's got some challenges.


  • I'm less worried now, having gotten into it, about these existential challenges than I was before I got into it.


  • Those are what they are.


  • But Expedia has, with its brands, with differentiation, within -- by the way, increased, hopefully more interesting forms of loyalty, rewards and things like that, Expedia is going to be able to, which I think it's going to be able to do as against its competitors, I think we're going to be able to build up loyalty.

    但 Expedia 憑藉其品牌和差異化,在 - 順便說一句,增加了,希望更有趣的忠誠度,獎勵和類似的形式,Expedia 將能夠,我認為它能夠與其競爭對手一樣,我認為我們將能夠建立忠誠度。

  • The whole concept of all of this was you paid a lot for your first experience with an OTA with what you did in advertising, but you were hoping for the second.

    所有這一切的整個概念是,你為第一次使用 OTA 的體驗付出了很多,但你卻希望獲得第二次體驗。

  • From now on, it's going to be the second, third and fourth for us because what we're -- because all we're really -- which I'd say driving ourselves down to is this kind of pragmatic focus on the, basically, the varieties, which is what is the experience?


  • We are -- we have chased the tail.


  • The tail was pretty good to start off.


  • Online travel started off with a boom because it was an obvious better experience.


  • It's kind of raw.


  • But we have simply chased it with -- look, working on conversion, working on all those things is good.


  • But the reason that I think 2, 3, 5, 10 years from today, Expedia can continue to actually beat its competition is because of what we're focusing on now.

    但我認為 2、3、5、10 年後,Expedia 可以繼續真正擊敗競爭對手的原因是因為我們現在關注的是什麼。

  • That would give us -- we won't have to do -- we don't have to look for other pools.


  • There's enough there for us.


  • If we just get back to pragmatic focus on streamlining our business, simplifying our business.


  • As I said before, we were a bloated organization.


  • I mean not because people were lazy or whatever, but over the years, just chasing the tail of growth and all that, we're just adding people, and people, and complexity, and all this stuff until, frankly, very few people could figure out what the hell they were supposed to do during the day.


  • So simplifying that has a great by-product of cutting our costs.


  • Our costs were too high.


  • And our costs are going to come down beyond this first level of $300 million to $500 million over the future.

    在未來,我們的成本將超過 3 億至 5 億美元的第一個水平。

  • Because we are going to simplify.


  • Simplifying lets us pay attention.


  • If we pay attention, given the opportunity, I am not worried about 2 or 3 years.

    如果我們注意,如果有機會,我不擔心 2 或 3 年。

  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Deepak Mathivanan of Barclays.

    我們將從巴克萊銀行的 Deepak Mathivanan 那裡回答下一個問題。

  • Deepak Mathivanan - Research Analyst

    Deepak Mathivanan - Research Analyst

  • So 2 quick ones from us.

    所以我們有 2 個快速的。

  • First, can you elaborate on the cost savings.


  • You noted that the expected cost savings to reach $300 million, $500 million run rate.

    您指出,預計成本節約將達到 3 億美元,運行率為 5 億美元。

  • Should we assume this progression to be relatively linear?


  • Just trying to understand how much is factored in the low double-digit EBITDA guidance.

    只是想了解低兩位數的 EBITDA 指導中有多少因素。

  • And then the second question about coronavirus.


  • Is the impact currently largely contained to Asia Pacific?


  • Or is there demand softness in other markets as well?


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • I'm just going to spout out something here on the virus thing.


  • I think it's going much beyond it.


  • I think people are worried.


  • People are just saying -- I mean, they're all over the place.


  • New York City people are in buses and subways with masks on.


  • I think there's been one case reported in New York.


  • So I think this is a damper.


  • How far this goes, I mean, a week ago, it was supposed to kind of be lessening.


  • And yesterday, it again shot up in terms of the infected cases and I guess death.


  • I mean do we have a pandemic?


  • I don't know.


  • I have to believe that now the activism of every country in the world on this is going to contain it quickly.


  • Now by the way, that's a statement with no facts and no knowledge, so you can all toss it.


  • But we don't truly know the extent of it.


  • And it is going beyond Asia, and it will go beyond Asia.


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • And Deepak, this is Peter.


  • I would just -- to your question of the timing and how to think about the expenses, I'm afraid we're not going to give you much satisfaction here.


  • This is a work in progress across literally the entire company in all pockets of spend and all activities.


  • And we are making progress on many, many fronts, but some will take time to germinate and some will be sooner.


  • And you'll know as soon as we know, but we can't give you much color, except to say obviously as we take these things out and they stack up, they obviously get better as the quarters -- they should -- we should get more savings as the quarters go by.


  • But how much and how volatile that number is, it's still pretty early to tell.


  • So we're committed to getting through it in an orderly fashion in a way that helps the business and doesn't break something new.


  • And we believe we can get through the lion's share of that by the end of the year and be kind of at our full run rate.


  • But again, it's across so many things that it would be impossible to give you a schedule of that.


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • I'll just add one more thing because I think it should be said, which is, this process of simplifying our business and lowering our cost has an effect, obviously on people.


  • We have been in the process of going through this over the last, at least, month.


  • I have never seen a process like this.


  • I keep saying at my colleagues that are involved, how impressed I am with the thoughtfulness the deliberations that go on in every part, because this is not just saying, okay, there's one little piece of the company.


  • Every one of our senior leaders has participated in this.


  • And in a way, I almost feel like we should publish the process we've gone through because I've never -- look, I have been around, and I have been through a lot of these processes.


  • I've never seen one as thoughtfully and decently done as this and the plan for communications is -- I mean I'm sure we'll make mistakes here or there, but it's just impressive anyway.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Lloyd Walmsley of Deutsche Bank.

    我們將從德意志銀行的 Lloyd Walmsley 那裡回答下一個問題。

  • Christopher Louis Kuntarich - Research Analyst

    Christopher Louis Kuntarich - Research Analyst

  • This is Chris on for Lloyd.


  • How are you guys thinking about driving app downloads from here?


  • It seems like you guys have gotten some good download growth.


  • But should we be thinking about a rebuild of the app?


  • Or spending to drive app downloads?


  • Or expanding a loyalty program?


  • Yes, just any color you can share beyond what you guys have shared so far.


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • Thanks for the question, Lloyd.


  • I think the specifics are -- take place on many fronts.


  • This isn't a rebuild or anything else.


  • In fact as you probably know as well as Barry and I, the company has been moving to PWA to drive mobile abilities across our brands.

    事實上,正如我和 Barry 所知道的那樣,公司一直在轉向 PWA 以推動我們品牌的移動能力。

  • That trend solution has taken time.


  • There's been some bumps in the road, but now all our biggest brands are there and -- or nearly there.


  • And I think that's a big opportunity for us to improve on that app experience.


  • In fact, the app growth and app conversion has been showing signs of being better than the rest of the business.


  • I attribute some of that to PWA and the experimentation people can do.

    我將部分原因歸功於 PWA 和人們可以做的實驗。

  • We obviously -- once we have it nailed, we've got to push into it, and push into it with marketing and push into it with getting our consumers there more, getting them to sign in more and all of those things.

    我們顯然 - 一旦我們確定了它,我們就必須推動它,並通過營銷推動它,並通過讓我們的消費者更多地進入它,讓他們更多地登錄以及所有這些東西來推動它。

  • So it's across a whole waterfront.


  • I think the biggest sea change is just our push to the company that this has to be our focus, and this has to be where we want to move people.


  • We need to get them out of re-fishing for them in the performance channels and into having real relationships with us.


  • So it's a holistic kind of approach, but it's taking place on the marketing side, on the product side, on the innovation side and everything else.


  • And so I think we're going to push across all those things.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Kevin Kopelman of Cowen and Company.

    我們將從 Cowen and Company 的 Kevin Kopelman 那裡回答下一個問題。

  • Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I had a question on SEO.

    我有一個關於 SEO 的問題。

  • Can you give us a better sense of what happened to SEO in the third quarter?

    您能否讓我們更好地了解第三季度 SEO 發生的情況?

  • Because externally looking at the revenue and ad trends, it's really hard to tell how big of an impact that was and what changed there?


  • And on that, how big ballpark is Expedia's exposure to SEO?

    就此而言,Expedia 對 SEO 的曝光度有多大?

  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • Well -- this is Peter.


  • I'll take the end of that, Kevin, which is we don't really disclose how big SEO is, and don't intend to, but it's still a significant part of the business and a good part of the business.

    凱文,我將結束這一點,我們並沒有真正透露 SEO 有多大,也不打算透露,但它仍然是業務的重要組成部分,也是業務的重要組成部分。

  • We've been belaboring this, but clearly as we move to direct relationships and direct traffic with our customers, that is the single best way we can offset any declines that come from SEO.

    我們一直在強調這一點,但很明顯,當我們轉向與客戶的直接關係和直接流量時,這是我們可以抵消 SEO 帶來的任何下降的唯一最佳方式。

  • In terms of what happened in the third quarter, I think it was a compounding of a number of tactical things that Google did and we did not respond well to.


  • Again, Barry mentioned in the very beginning, we were caught up in a rather large undertaking in terms of reorganization.


  • And that took people's eyes off the ball, in our view.


  • And we could have done better.


  • We should have done better.


  • We will do better.


  • There are also some changes to auction -- some auction dynamics in meta that we did not respond particularly well to.


  • So there are a number of things that were going on that we were not really on top of.


  • SEO is one of them.


  • But I think as you think about it, we expect SEO to be a continued headwind.

    但我認為,正如您所想的那樣,我們預計 SEO 將成為持續的逆風。

  • Google, until someone stops them, is not going to stop doing what they've been doing.


  • We've seen signs as early -- as recently as last week of some changes that may have impact, and hopefully they will think better of it and create a fair marketplace.


  • But we can only control what we can.


  • We're working really hard to offset those headwinds in pure SEO activity as well as do everything we can around the rest of the business to make up for whatever we give up in SEO

    我們正在非常努力地抵消純 SEO 活動中的這些不利因素,並儘我們所能圍繞其他業務來彌補我們在 SEO 中放棄的一切

  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • SEO is not going to kill us, and SEO is not the future of our business.

    SEO 不會殺死我們,SEO 也不是我們業務的未來。

  • The trends have been -- these trends began 7 or 8 years ago.

    趨勢是——這些趨勢始於 7 或 8 年前。

  • We should have been more alert, obviously, to the continued consequence of this.


  • As I said, I don't think we're going to be saved by some bell, by a government bell.


  • I absolutely believe there will be regulation.


  • But we are doing all the things that we intend to do to de-emphasize it.


  • It's still a part.


  • It's not a huge part, but it is a part of our business, but it is not the future.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from...


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • No.


  • You can go ahead.


  • What did you want to add?


  • Or you would now...


  • Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Kevin Campbell Kopelman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I just -- I wanted to ask a -- I appreciate that Barry.


  • I just want to ask a follow-up on coronavirus.


  • Everyone's asking us about it.


  • What are you seeing?


  • Obviously, you can't predict it, but what are you seeing quarter-to-date in the Asia Pacific business?


  • And I appreciate the EBITDA guidance is very helpful, but just in terms of -- how much is that decline?

    而且我很欣賞 EBITDA 指南非常有幫助,但就 - 下降多少而言?

  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Our very good Eric Hart is going to respond.

    我們非常優秀的埃里克·哈特 (Eric Hart) 將會做出回應。

  • Eric Hart - Acting CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - Acting CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes.


  • Hi, this is Eric Hart.


  • So if you think about how it has affected the business over time, it started in mainland China domestic, then inbound/outbound.


  • Then it started going through APAC.


  • And then as we believe that it is impacting other areas of the business.


  • We've broken down as best we can, looking at the fundamental underlying drivers for it and of the business.


  • And what we see is in APAC itself, upwards of 50% plus.

    我們看到的是亞太地區本身,超過 50%。

  • And obviously higher that as you get closer to an APAC to China that, that can get very much north of that.


  • But then when you try to control for APAC and you look at North America and EMEA, it does appear that there is weakening of the business as well in those areas of the business.

    但是,當您嘗試控制亞太地區並查看北美和 EMEA 時,您會發現這些業務領域的業務確實出現了疲軟。

  • So overall concentration in APAC, obviously, is an issue for us.


  • We do see that -- we believe that is having some impact in other areas of the world as well.


  • And then the $30 million to $40 million is what we're able to estimate based on the different scenarios that are...

    然後 3000 萬到 4000 萬美元是我們能夠根據不同的場景估計的……

  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • $30 million to $40 million.


  • Eric Hart - Acting CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Eric Hart - Acting CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • $30 million to $40 million.


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Yes.


  • It -- listen, it truly is an unknown.


  • I know everybody's asking about it.


  • Look, you've got to believe it's going to be contained.


  • If it's not contained, by the way, the entire world is going to shut down.


  • So all you can do is every day you'll read the news and react to it.


  • I think anybody, as an investor, unless you think this is going to be the end of life as we know it, who cares?


  • Believe me, I don't mean who cares that a lot of people are going to get sick and whatever.


  • But really this is an exogenous event, will end.


  • And frankly no one should count it.


  • All we're trying to do is separate what we absolutely believe is the effect of the virus from our ongoing business, so we can prepare ourselves and make that ongoing business as strong as possible when this thing is over.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Jed Kelly of Oppenheimer.


  • Jed Kelly - Director and Senior Analyst

    Jed Kelly - Director and Senior Analyst

  • Great.


  • Back to Vrbo it's primarily domestic and it seems like you're rationalizing your marketing outside the U.S. So does that have the most opportunity this year to inflect back to growth?

    回到 Vrbo,它主要是國內的,而且你似乎正在合理化你在美國以外的營銷。那麼今年是否有最多的機會恢復增長?

  • And then as another question, as you think of driving more differentiation, more loyalty, do you ever think about getting more closer to the inventory and taking more inventory risk?


  • Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

    Peter Maxwell Kern - Vice Chairman of the Board

  • So I think I'll start at the top there.


  • I think Vrbo, yes, we're rationalizing some international spend.

    我認為 Vrbo,是的,我們正在合理化一些國際支出。

  • But that by no means, all international spend and ambition.


  • And as I mentioned, now that Vrbo inventory is available on brand Expedia and actually went live partially in Hotels.com for the first time a few days ago, we have many ways to get that inventory into other markets that may be way more efficient than trying to build a brand in a place where we have no brand recognition.

    正如我所提到的,既然 Vrbo 庫存在品牌 Expedia 上可用,並且實際上幾天前第一次在 Hotels.com 上部分上線,我們有很多方法可以將這些庫存投放到其他市場,這可能比試圖在我們沒有品牌知名度的地方建立品牌。

  • So there's lots of ways to look at that.


  • I don't think we believe Vrbo is on a path to any greater inflection than any other of our businesses.

    我不認為我們相信 Vrbo 正在走向比我們任何其他業務更大的變化。

  • All the businesses are working hard, and there's a lot of various drivers.


  • So I wouldn't think of it that way, -- but we do believe Vrbo will grow EBITDA and get back to growing top line.

    所以我不會那樣想,但我們確實相信 Vrbo 會增加 EBITDA 並回到增長的頂線。

  • Again, as we lean into our stronger opportunities in the beginning of this year.


  • And no, inventory risks?


  • No.


  • Not right now.


  • We got plenty of other things to do before we get to figuring out whether we're going to take inventory risk.


  • Operator


  • And sir, we have no further questions in queue.


  • Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

    Barry Diller - Executive Chairman of the Board & Senior Executive

  • Well, good timing.


  • Well, thank you all.


  • Actually, I've said before, I'm really -- I'm enjoying this process now.


  • And I think so too is Mr. Kern, and I hope many of our executives are enjoying that, too.


  • But nevertheless, we'll plow through and on.


  • In any event, thank you for being with us, and we'll talk to you in a few months and update you with our progress.


  • Good day.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's call.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
