戴爾 (DELL) 2020 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon and welcome to the Fiscal Year 2020 Fourth Quarter and Year-end Financial Results Conference Call for Dell Technologies, Inc.

    下午好,歡迎參加戴爾科技集團 2020 財年第四季和年終財務業績電話會議。

  • I'd like to inform all participants this call is being recorded at the request of Dell Technologies.

    我想通知所有參與者,本次通話是應 Dell Technologies 的要求進行錄音的。

  • This broadcast is the copyrighted property of Dell Technologies, Inc.

    本廣播是 Dell Technologies, Inc. 的版權財產。

  • Any rebroadcast of this information in whole or part without the prior written permission of Dell Technologies is prohibited.

    未經 Dell Technologies 事先書面許可,禁止全部或部分轉播此資訊。

  • (Operator Instructions) I'd now like to turn the call over to Rob Williams, Head of Investor Relations.

    (操作員說明)我現在想將電話轉給投資者關係主管 Rob Williams。

  • Mr. Williams, you may begin.


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • Thanks, everyone, for joining us.


  • With me today is our Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer, Jeff Clarke; our CFO, Tom Sweet; and our Treasurer, Tyler Johnson.

    今天與我在一起的是我們的副董事長兼營運長傑夫克拉克 (Jeff Clarke);我們的財務長湯姆·斯威特(Tom Sweet);還有我們的財務主管泰勒·約翰遜。

  • During this call, unless we indicate otherwise, all references to financial measures refer to non-GAAP financial measures, including non-GAAP revenue, gross margin, operating expenses, operating income, net income, EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA and adjusted free cash flow.

    在本次電話會議中,除非我們另有說明,否則所有提及的財務指標均指非GAAP 財務指標,包括非GAAP 收入、毛利率、營運費用、營運收入、淨利潤、EBITDA、調整後EBITDA 和調整後自由現金流。

  • A reconciliation of these measures to their most directly comparable GAAP measures can be found in our web deck and press release.


  • Please also note that all growth percentages refer to year-over-year change unless otherwise specified, and that VMware historical segment results have been recast to include pivotal results.

    另請注意,除非另有說明,否則所有成長百分比均指同比變化,且 VMware 歷史部門業績已重新調整以包含關鍵績效。

  • Finally, I'd like to remind you that all statements made during this call that relate to future results and events are forward-looking statements based on current expectations.


  • Actual results and events could differ materially from those projected during -- I'm sorry, from those projected due to a number of risks and uncertainties, which are discussed in our web deck and SEC reports.

    很抱歉,由於存在許多風險和不確定性,實際結果和事件可能與預測期間的預測有重大差異,這些風險和不確定性在我們的網路平台和 SEC 報告中進行了討論。

  • We assume no obligation to update our forward-looking statements.


  • Now I'll turn it over to Jeff.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Thanks, Rob.


  • As Dell Technologies begins our fourth year as a combined company, we've never been better positioned to help our customers unlock the potential of all of the data coming their way.


  • No one stores, processes, moves and protects more data than we do across any environment.


  • No competitor enjoys our advantaged positions across physical and virtual infrastructure.


  • Our investment in talent, innovation and breadth of capabilities gives us an advantaged starting position as we head into the data decade.


  • I am optimistic, yet I know we have some hills to climb, that is evident in our FY '20 results.

    我很樂觀,但我知道我們還有一些困難需要克服,這在我們 20 財年的表現中顯而易見。

  • In FY '20, we delivered revenue of $92.5 billion and EPS of $7.35.

    20 財年,我們實現了 925 億美元的營收和 7.35 美元的每股盈餘。

  • Revenue grew modestly at 1%.

    營收小幅成長 1%。

  • We delivered strong profitability with operating income up 15%.

    我們實現了強勁的獲利能力,營業收入成長了 15%。

  • I know you want to understand what is going on with Infrastructure Solutions Group results.


  • So let's start there.


  • In ISG, our FY '20 revenue was down 7% to $34 billion, but up 10% versus FY '18 as large enterprises that -- our large enterprise customers digested FY '19 CapEx investments in China slowed.


  • Server and networking revenue declined in FY '20, but profitability was up as we didn't chase unprofitable server deals in a down market.

    伺服器和網路收入在 20 財年有所下降,但盈利能力有所上升,因為我們沒有在低迷的市場中追逐無利可圖的伺服器交易。

  • Our long-term server share trajectory remains strong.


  • We are winning in the consolidation, gaining approximately 590 basis points of share over the last 3 years, and we have been #1 in mainstream server revenue for 7 quarters according to IDC.

    我們在整合中取得了勝利,在過去 3 年中獲得了約 590 個基點的份額,並且根據 IDC 的數據,我們已連續 7 個季度在主流伺服器收入中排名第一。

  • In FY '21, we're planning for both the overall server market and our server revenue to return to growth, driven by higher value workload servers, increasingly more robust AI and machine-learning solutions and distributed IT requirements at the edge.

    在 21 財年,我們計劃在更高價值的工作負載伺服器、日益強大的人工智慧和機器學習解決方案以及邊緣的分散式 IT 需求的推動下,使整個伺服器市場和我們的伺服器收入恢復成長。

  • According to IDC, mainstream server revenue is expected to grow at 3.3% in calendar year 2020, and we plan to grow at a premium to the IDC forecast.

    根據 IDC 的預測,2020 年主流伺服器收入預計將成長 3.3%,我們計劃以高於 IDC 預測的速度成長。

  • Shifting to storage.


  • Roughly 2.5 years ago, we began to take actions to stabilize the business and lay the foundation for growth.


  • We have reclaimed over 300 basis points of share since 2017.

    自 2017 年以來,我們的份額已恢復超過 300 個基點。

  • One action, we have invested approximately $1 billion on a run rate basis into sales, coverage, capacity and marketing, including critical investment in storage specialists.

    其中一項行動是,我們在銷售、覆蓋範圍、容量和行銷方面投資了約 10 億美元(按運行率計算),其中包括對儲存專家的關鍵投資。

  • This year, these specialists will reach full productivity.


  • Earlier this month, we combined into 1 sales organization, and we will realize the next level of synergies and cross-sell opportunities, like selling more storage and data protection to our server customers.


  • We have made considerable progress simplifying our storage portfolio, moving from over 80 products 2 years ago to roughly 20 today, including our new mid-range storage solution being evaluated now by dozens of customers.

    我們在簡化儲存產品組合方面取得了相當大的進展,從兩年前的 80 多種產品增加到今天的大約 20 種,其中包括目前正在接受數十家客戶評估的新中端儲存解決方案。

  • And by Dell Technology World in May, we will have refreshed our entire storage product lineup under the Power brand, completing a 2.5-year journey of modernizing our entire ISG portfolio.

    到 5 月的戴爾科技世界,我們將更新 Power 品牌下的整個儲存產品陣容,完成整個 ISG 產品組合現代化 2.5 年的旅程。

  • We have never been more competitive from top to bottom.


  • We are planning to grow FY '21 storage revenue at a premium to the market with growth strongest in HCI, followed by core storage and data protection.

    我們計劃以高於市場的價格成長 21 財年儲存收入,其中 HCI 成長最為強勁,其次是核心儲存和資料保護。

  • Our team is tenured and ready to sell, the business is simplified and stabilized, and the portfolios -- is the best it's ever been.


  • FY '21 is the year of ISG.

    21 財年是 ISG 年。

  • FY '20 was an outstanding year for the Client Solutions Group with a record revenue of $45.8 billion, up 6%, with commercial up 11%.

    20 財年對客戶解決方案集團來說是出色的一年,營收創紀錄地達到 458 億美元,成長 6%,其中商業收入成長 11%。

  • We shipped a record 46.5 million units during the calendar year.

    我們全年出貨量達到創紀錄的 4,650 萬台。

  • We executed well, taking advantage of tailwinds from the Windows 10 refresh cycle, declining component cost while navigating through CPU shortages and a dynamic tariff environment.

    我們執行得很好,利用了 Windows 10 更新周期的順風,降低了組件成本,同時應對了 CPU 短缺和動態關稅環境。

  • What's more, we're winning in the consolidation, taking share and growing at a premium to the market.


  • We have gained share for 7 years in a row according to IDC, and the plan is to continue this momentum as the market consolidates further.

    根據 IDC 的數據,我們的市場份額已連續 7 年增加,並且計劃隨著市場的進一步整合繼續保持這一勢頭。

  • In FY '21, we expect the PC market to remain solid through the first part of the year before declining in the second half.

    在 21 財年,我們預計 PC 市場將在今年上半年保持穩定,然後在下半年下滑。

  • This means we're facing a tougher compare as the windows 10 refresh wanes.

    這意味著隨著 Windows 10 更新的減弱,我們將面臨更艱難的比較。

  • IDC, PC units -- excuse me, IDC forecasts PC units to be down 7.1% this year.

    IDC,PC 銷售量-對不起,IDC 預測今年 PC 銷量將下降 7.1%。

  • The result is a slowing CSG revenue, making growth in ISG that much more important but that's the advantage of our diversified business, including VMware.

    結果是 CSG 收入放緩​​,使得 ISG 的成長變得更加重要,但這正是我們包括 VMware 在內的多元化業務的優勢。

  • Our VMware business unit had another strong year with FY '20 revenue of $10.9 billion, up 12%, another year of double-digit revenue growth.

    我們的 VMware 業務部門又迎來了強勁的一年,20 財年營收達到 109 億美元,成長 12%,又是兩位數營收成長的一年。

  • And the business is well positioned going forward.


  • For example, we have hundreds of thousands of VMware customers today and the combined workloads are running on the VMware installed base are bigger than all of the public clouds combined.

    例如,我們現在擁有數十萬個 VMware 客戶,在 VMware 安裝基礎上運行的總工作負載比所有公有雲的總和還要大。

  • And more customers have decided multi-cloud is the answer.


  • Couple VMware Cloud Foundation and NSX with our leading Dell EMC infrastructure, and we have the industry's best multi-cloud solution.

    將 VMware Cloud Foundation 和 NSX 與我們領先的 Dell EMC 基礎架構結合,我們就擁有了業界最佳的多雲解決方案。

  • The advantage of the Dell Technology Cloud as an operating model is that provides consistency across the entire ecosystem.


  • In application development, we strengthened and simplified our approach with VMware's acquisition of Pivotal combining critical IP and go-to-market capabilities.

    在應用程式開發方面,我們透過 VMware 收購 Pivotal 加強並簡化了我們的方法,將關鍵 IP 和上市能力結合起來。

  • With Project Pacific, VMware is integrating and embedding Kubernetes into vSphere.

    透過 Project Pacific,VMware 正在將 Kubernetes 整合並嵌入到 vSphere 中。

  • And with Tanzu, they are building an enterprise-grade container-based development platform, and it runs anywhere.

    他們正在透過 Tanzu 建立一個企業級基於容器的開發平台,並且可以在任何地方運作。

  • In security, Carbon Black is integrated into our commercial PC security offering, and we are seeing promising attach rates already.

    在安全性方面,Carbon Black 已整合到我們的商用 PC 安全產品中,並且我們已經看到了有希望的附加率。

  • Going forward, expect us to continue to innovate across the portfolio.


  • We put together a model that allows us to work across Dell Technologies to do joint product planning and development, collaborative innovation and integration to deliver better end-to-end solutions for our customers.


  • We are also seeing increasing customer traction with our co-engineered first and best solutions, including Dell Technology Cloud, Unified Workspace, VxRail with VCF and Smart Fabric Director with NSX.

    我們還看到,我們共同設計的首個最佳解決方案(包括戴爾技術雲、統一工作區、帶有 VCF 的 VxRail 以及帶有 NSX 的 Smart Fabric Director)對客戶的吸引力不斷增加。

  • This is especially true when we collaboratively go to market as 1 unified Dell Technologies sales team to help our customers on their digital transformation journey.

    當我們作為一個統一的 Dell Technologies 銷售團隊合作進入市場以幫助我們的客戶完成數位轉型之旅時,尤其如此。

  • We do this with our largest customers today, and it is a unique customer experience that only Dell Technologies can provide.

    如今,我們與最大的客戶合作,這是只有 Dell Technologies 才能提供的獨特客戶體驗。

  • Customers love it, and it's driving differentiated growth.


  • For this set of customers, we saw FY '20 revenue grow in every major line of business and 9% in total.

    對於這群客戶,我們看到 20 財年每個主要業務線的收入都成長了,總計成長了 9%。

  • Looking at the rest of our customer segment performance.


  • Enterprise Preferred accounts, orders revenue grew 6%.


  • Our commercial business orders revenue, excluding China, grew 9% in FY '20.

    我們的商業業務訂單收入(不包括中國)在 20 財年成長了 9%。

  • The investments we have made in small and medium business have both delivered strong double-digit orders revenue growth in FY '20.

    我們對中小型企業的投資在 20 財年實現了強勁的兩位數訂單收入成長。

  • This segment is especially valuable to VMware as we work together to reach downstream and growth of VMware customer base with Dell's direct reach in the mid-market.

    這個細分市場對 VMware 來說尤其有價值,因為我們將與戴爾直接接觸中端市場,共同努力進入下游並擴大 VMware 客戶群。

  • And the good news is the volume of VMware deals going through Dell is increasing across the board as we simplify and streamline our go to market.

    好消息是,隨著我們簡化上市流程,透過戴爾進行的 VMware 交易量正在全面增加。

  • For example, in DFS, VMware originations grew 15% to $1.4 billion in FY '20.

    例如,在 DFS 領域,VMware 的創收在 20 財年成長了 15%,達到 14 億美元。

  • And when a VMware transaction includes a DFS payment solution, the transaction is more profitable, it's significantly larger in size, longer in duration and includes more services.

    當 VMware 交易包含 DFS 支付解決方案時,該交易的利潤更高、規模更大、持續時間更長並且包含更多服務。

  • We are still in the early innings of realizing our full go-to-market synergies with significant cross-sell opportunities.


  • For example, we have approximately 30,000 server customers every quarter, and only half of them buy storage from Dell Technologies.

    例如,我們每季大約有 30,000 個伺服器客戶,其中只有一半從 Dell Technologies 購買儲存。

  • To address this opportunity, we've rolled out our new global power-up program across all segments to enable selling across our lines of businesses, providing additional incentives and marketing programs to sell new lines of business to existing customers who do not purchase them today.


  • While there is more work ahead, I am confident in our strategy, and we are increasingly well positioned for the long term.


  • Our job is clear, ignite ISG growth, manage the Win 10 transition and drive Dell Technologies' synergies.

    我們的工作很明確:促進 ISG 成長、管理 Win 10 過渡並推動 Dell Technologies 的協同效應。

  • Dell Technologies has no ceiling on the potential in the data era.


  • We remain focused on maximizing value for our aligned shareholders.


  • And now I'll turn it over to Tom.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Jeff.


  • We are focused on maximizing value for all aligned shareholders across 5 levers: current operations, synergies, new opportunities in our corporate and capital structures, and we have made significant progress in each of these areas.

    我們致力於透過 5 個槓桿為所有一致股東實現價值最大化:當前營運、協同效應、公司和資本結構中的新機會,並且我們在每個領域都取得了重大進展。

  • Since 2017, our first full year as a combined company, we have grown revenue at a roughly 77% compound annual growth rate.

    自 2017 年(我們合併後公司的第一個全年)以來,我們的收入以約 77% 的複合年增長率成長。

  • We have reinvested between $4 billion and $5 billion per year in R&D.

    我們每年在研發上再投資 40 億至 50 億美元。

  • And since the EMC transaction, roughly $5.5 billion in M&A, primarily through VMware.

    自 EMC 交易以來,併購金額約為 55 億美元,主要透過 VMware 完成。

  • At the same time, we are simplifying our solutions portfolio and corporate structure.


  • Including the RSA transaction announced last week, we will have divested approximately $9 billion of nonstrategic assets on a gross basis, and we have paid down $19.5 billion gross debt since the EMC transaction, while continuing to optimize the amount of debt due in any one given calendar year.

    包括上周宣布的RSA 交易在內,我們將剝離總計約90 億美元的非戰略資產,自EMC 交易以來,我們已償還了195 億美元的總債務,同時繼續優化任何給定債務的到期債務金額公曆年。

  • Today, we are increasing our previously announced fiscal '21 debt paydown target from $4 billion to approximately $5.5 billion, using the proceeds from the RSA divestiture.

    今天,我們利用 RSA 剝離的收益,將先前宣布的 21 財年債務償還目標從 40 億美元提高到約 55 億美元。

  • We remain committed to achieving investment-grade ratings, and are confident in reaching a 3x core debt leverage ratio by the end of the fiscal year.

    我們仍致力於實現投資等級評級,並有信心在本財年末達到 3 倍的核心債務槓桿率。

  • We are also announcing a share repurchase program of up to $1 billion over the next 24 months, effective immediately.

    我們也宣佈在未來 24 個月內實施高達 10 億美元的股票回購計劃,立即生效。

  • Share repurchase provides an additional lever to help maximize value for shareholders as we opportunistically take advantage of what we believe is a significant discount in our stock price.


  • Our overall capital allocation framework and financial policy remains unchanged, and we'll continue to principally focus on debt pay down.


  • Turning to Q4.


  • We continue to balance revenue and profitability through challenging market conditions, particularly in large enterprise and in China.


  • Q4 revenue was $24.1 billion, up 1%.

    第四季營收為 241 億美元,成長 1%。

  • FX remained a headwind this quarter, impacting growth by approximately 100 basis points.

    本季外匯仍是一個阻力,影響成長約 100 個基點。

  • Our deferred revenue balance grew 16% to $27.8 billion, driven by the sales of software maintenance and services.

    在軟體維護和服務銷售的推動下,我們的遞延收入餘額增加了 16%,達到 278 億美元。

  • Our recurring revenue, which is the combination of deferred revenue amortization, utility and as a service model, is now approximately $6 billion or 24% of our quarterly revenue, and we will continue to focus on growing these offerings.

    我們的經常性收入(遞延收入攤銷、公用事業和服務模式的組合)目前約為 60 億美元,占我們季度收入的 24%,我們將繼續專注於發展這些產品。

  • Gross margin was up 4% to $8.4 billion and was 34.7% of revenue, up 120 basis points, driven by lower component costs, pricing discipline and mix shift to software.

    毛利率成長 4%,達到 84 億美元,佔營收的 34.7%,成長 120 個基點,這得益於較低的組件成本、定價規則和轉變為軟體的組合。

  • Operating expenses were $5.6 billion, up 4% due in part to investments we have made in sales coverage to broaden solution sales capabilities and target specific customer segments, including small and medium business.

    營運費用為 56 億美元,成長 4%,部分原因是我們在銷售覆蓋範圍上進行了投資,以擴大解決方案銷售能力並瞄準包括中小型企業在內的特定客戶群。

  • Operating income was up 4% to $2.8 billion or 11.5% of revenue.

    營業收入成長 4%,達到 28 億美元,佔營收的 11.5%。

  • Our consolidated net income was $1.7 billion, up 6%, benefiting primarily from operating improvements and a reduction in interest expense.

    我們的綜合淨利潤為 17 億美元,成長 6%,主要受益於營運改善和利息支出減少。

  • Our EPS was $2 for the quarter.

    本季我們的每股收益為 2 美元。

  • Adjusted EBITDA was $3.2 billion or 13.3% of revenue and a record $11.8 billion for the year.

    調整後 EBITDA 為 32 億美元,佔營收的 13.3%,全年創紀錄的 118 億美元。

  • Over the last 2 years, we have generated over $22 billion of adjusted EBITDA.

    過去 2 年,我們的調整後 EBITDA 超過 220 億美元。

  • We generated $3.8 billion of adjusted free cash flow in Q4, up 49%, driven by strong profitability and working capital discipline.

    在強勁的獲利能力和營運資本紀律的推動下,第四季度我們產生了 38 億美元的調整後自由現金流,成長了 49%。

  • And our full year adjusted free cash flow was a record $8.9 billion, up 31%.

    我們全年調整後自由現金流達到創紀錄的 89 億美元,成長 31%。

  • We repaid approximately $1.5 billion of gross debt in the quarter or $5 billion for the year, in line with our fiscal '20 commitment.

    我們在本季償還了約 15 億美元的總債務,全年償還了 50 億美元,這符合我們 20 財年的承諾。

  • Shifting to our business unit results, Client Solutions group delivered strong Q4 revenue growth and profitability.


  • Revenue was $11.8 billion, up 8%, as the team did a nice job working through CPU shortages.

    由於團隊出色地解決了 CPU 短缺問題,收入達到 118 億美元,成長 8%。

  • Commercial revenue was $8.6 billion, up 10%, including double-digit growth in commercial desktops and workstations.

    商業收入為 86 億美元,成長 10%,其中商業桌上型電腦和工作站實現兩位數成長。

  • Consumer revenue was $3.2 billion, up 4% as we continued to prioritize CPUs to our commercial business.

    由於我們繼續將 CPU 優先用於我們的商業業務,消費者收入達到 32 億美元,成長 4%。

  • CSG operating income was $624 million or 5.3% of revenue.

    CSG 營業收入為 6.24 億美元,佔營收的 5.3%。

  • Profitability was driven primarily by component cost declines, pricing discipline and our commercial consumer mix.


  • As Jeff said, we have work to do in the Infrastructure Solutions Group.


  • ISG revenue was $8.8 billion, down 11%.

    ISG 營收為 88 億美元,下降 11%。

  • Storage revenue was $4.5 billion, down 3%, with strong double-digit demand growth in HCI, offset by softness in core storage.

    儲存收入為 45 億美元,下降 3%,HCI 需求強勁成長,但被核心儲存疲軟所抵消。

  • Servers and networking revenue was $4.3 billion, down 19%, due in large part to a soft market, particularly in China and in certain large enterprise customers in the U.S. and Europe.

    伺服器和網路收入為 43 億美元,下降 19%,這在很大程度上是由於市場疲軟,特別是在中國以及美國和歐洲的某些大型企業客戶。

  • ISG operating income was $1.1 billion or 12.7% of revenue.

    ISG 營業收入為 11 億美元,佔營收的 12.7%。

  • Our VMware business unit had another solid quarter.

    我們的 VMware 業務部門又迎來了一個穩健的季度。

  • Revenue was $3.1 billion, up 12%, with operating income of $1 billion or 32.8% of revenue.

    營收為 31 億美元,成長 12%,營業收入為 10 億美元,佔營收的 32.8%。

  • And NSX, vSAN and EUC product bookings grew over 20%, mid-teens and over 30%, respectively.

    NSX、vSAN 和 EUC 產品預訂量分別成長超過 20%、青少年和超過 30%。

  • Dell Financial Services originations were a record $2.8 billion, up 30%, with record managed assets of $11.6 billion, up 19%.

    戴爾金融服務發起額達到創紀錄的 28 億美元,成長 30%,管理資產達到創紀錄的 116 億美元,成長 19%。

  • With DFS, we facilitate solution sales across Dell Technologies, driving incremental recurring revenue and operating income.

    借助 DFS,我們促進整個 Dell Technologies 的解決方案銷售,從而推動經常性收入和營業收入的增量。

  • Across the portfolio, we are offering our customers' choice with industry-leading as-a-service and flexible consumption solutions through Dell Financial Services.


  • With our data center utility, Flex On Demand and PC as a Service offerings, we now have approximately $3.5 billion in flexible consumption model assets under management, and our flex -- and our FY '20 flexible consumption billings totaled nearly $900 million.

    憑藉我們的資料中心實用程式、Flex On Demand 和 PC 即服務產品,我們現在管理著約 35 億美元的靈活消費模式資產,而我們的 Flex 和 20 財年的靈活消費帳單總額接近 9 億美元。

  • Turning to our balance sheet and capital structure, we ended the quarter with $10.2 billion of cash and investments.

    談到我們的資產負債表和資本結構,本季末我們的現金和投資為 102 億美元。

  • Our total debt ended the year at $52.7 billion.

    截至年底,我們的總債務為 527 億美元。

  • Because our total debt includes VMware's debt obligations, DFS funding where the majority is non-recourse to Dell and the over-collateralized margin loan, we feel core debt is more representative of the core Dell debt service obligations.

    由於我們的總債務包括 VMware 的債務、DFS 資金(其中大部分對戴爾無追索權)以及超額抵押保證金貸款,因此我們認為核心債務更能代表戴爾的核心償債義務。

  • Our core debt ended the year at $33.8 billion, down $5.5 billion in fiscal '20.

    截至年底,我們的核心債務為 338 億美元,比 20 財年減少了 55 億美元。

  • Our core leverage ratio ended FY '20 at 3.2x down a full turn from 4.2x at the beginning of the year.

    截至 20 財年,我們的核心槓桿率為 3.2 倍,較年初的 4.2 倍下降了整整一倍。

  • Core debt excludes our DFS-related debt, which has grown with the increase in our financing originations.

    核心債務不包括我們與 DFS 相關的債務,隨著我們融資來源的增加而增加。

  • Majority of our $9.3 billion of DFS-related debt is nonrecourse to the company and is backed by high-quality receivable streams.

    我們 93 億美元的 DFS 相關債務中的大部分是對公司無追索權的,並有高品質的應收帳款流支持。

  • It's important to note that it does not require cash flow from operations to pay down.


  • Moving to guidance.


  • We continue to monitor the macroeconomic and IT spending environments, including current softness in large enterprise in China.

    我們持續監控宏觀經濟和 IT 支出環境,包括中國大型企業目前的疲軟狀況。

  • We also monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our sales and supply chain.

    我們也監控 COVID-19 對我們的銷售和供應鏈的影響。

  • We expect the Win 10 refresh to continue into the first half of fiscal '21.

    我們預計 Win 10 更新將持續到 21 財年上半年。

  • While CPU shortages have improved, we expect them to continue through at least the first half of the year.

    雖然 CPU 短缺情況有所改善,但我們預計這種情況至少會持續到今年上半年。

  • And as discussed in our Q3 earnings call, we expect the component cost environment to be inflationary in fiscal '21, a headwind to margins.

    正如我們在第三季財報電話會議中所討論的那樣,我們預計 21 財年的零件成本環境將出現通膨,這對利潤率構成不利影響。

  • We also talked about our operating income percentage trending closer to fiscal '19 levels on the Q3 call.

    我們也在第三季電話會議上談到了我們的營業收入百分比趨勢更接近 19 財年的水平。

  • Because of these factors, and assuming the RSA sale closes in Q3, we expect fiscal '21 GAAP revenue of $91.8 billion to $94.8 billion, operating income of $3.4 billion to $4 billion, and EPS of $0.37 to $1.07.

    由於這些因素,假設 RSA 銷售在第三季完成,我們預計 21 財年 GAAP 收入為 918 億美元至 948 億美元,營業收入為 34 億美元至 40 億美元,每股收益為 0.37 美元至 1.07 美元。

  • We expect our non-GAAP revenue range for the current fiscal year to be $92 billion to $95 billion, our non-GAAP operating income range to -- is $8.9 billion to $9.5 billion, and our non-GAAP EPS guidance range is $5.90 to $6.60.

    我們預計本財年的非 GAAP 收入範圍為 920 億美元至 950 億美元,我們的非 GAAP 營業收入範圍為 89 億美元至 95 億美元,我們的非 GAAP 每股收益指引範圍為 5.90 美元至 6.60 美元。

  • Our non-GAAP tax rate is expected to be 18.5%, plus or minus 100 basis points.

    我們的非 GAAP 稅率預計為 18.5%,上下浮動 100 個基點。

  • This full year guidance does not factor in any potential COVID-19 impact.

    本全年指引並未考慮任何潛在的 COVID-19 影響。

  • Like our customers, our top priority is ensuring the health and safety of our employees and communities.


  • We do anticipate a negative impact on our normal Q1 seasonality driven by softness in China, our second largest market.


  • We will manage the supply chain-related dynamics with extended lead times for certain products, particularly in client.


  • In closing, last year, we leaned on CSG growth with PC demand driven by Win 10 refresh and CSG margin expansion given the favorable component cost environment.

    最後,去年,由於 Win 10 更新和 CSG 利潤率擴張(考慮到有利的組件成本環境)推動 PC 需求,我們依賴 CSG 的成長。

  • This year, we will lean on ISG growth and share gains.

    今年,我們將依靠 ISG 的成長和股票收益。

  • As Jeff said, fiscal '21 is the year of ISG.

    正如 Jeff 所說,21 財年是 ISG 年。

  • We see great potential and possibilities at Dell Technologies as we enter the data decade.


  • We will continue to focus on winning in the consolidation in our core hardware markets and delivering differentiated value by innovating and integrating across the business for our customers, our investors and our employees.


  • Our model is focused on long-term profitable growth, and is advantaged given our ability to adjust as needed based on market conditions.


  • We are focused on growing faster than competitors in the industry, growing operating income and EPS faster than revenue over the long term and generating strong cash flow.


  • With that, I'll turn it back to Rob to begin Q&A.

    接下來,我將把它轉回給 Rob 來開始問答。

  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • Thanks, Tom.


  • Let's go to Q&A.


  • (Operator Instructions) Erica, can you please introduce the first question.


  • Operator


  • And we'll take our first question from Rod Hall with Goldman Sachs.

    我們將回答高盛羅德霍爾 (Rod Hall) 提出的第一個問題。

  • Roderick B. Hall - MD

    Roderick B. Hall - MD

  • I guess, I wanted to focus on the DFS expansion, and just see if you could give us a little bit more color in terms of why that expanded faster this quarter.

    我想,我想專注於 DFS 的擴張,看看你能否給我們更多的資訊來解釋為什麼本季擴張速度更快。

  • And is that a signal that you guys intend to use DFS more aggressively as we look forward into the next fiscal year.

    這是一個訊號,表示你們打算在我們展望下一個財年時更積極地使用 DFS。

  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Rod, it's Tom.


  • So hey, look, I think we've been very pleased with the DFS growth and their ability to facilitate the selling of our solutions across our customer base and provide the necessary financing capabilities and we've seen great receptivity of the Flex On Demands, and the flexible consumption models and the utility models that we've been driving through the business.

    所以,嘿,看,我認為我們對 DFS 的成長及其促進我們在客戶群中銷售解決方案並提供必要的融資能力的能力感到非常滿意,而且我們看到了 Flex On Demands 的巨大接受度,以及我們一直在業務中推動的靈活消費模式和實用模式。

  • We were very pleased with the -- what we saw in Q4 in terms of the family of Dell Technologies, principally VMware utilizing the financing capabilities to help drive sales.

    我們對第四季所看到的 Dell Technologies 系列(主要是 VMware)利用融資能力來幫助推動銷售感到非常滿意。

  • And obviously, you saw that in the origination numbers.


  • And so I think we're ending the year with roughly over $11.8 billion in managed assets.

    因此,我認為今年年底我們的管理資產將大約超過 118 億美元。

  • We're pleased with that.


  • You know, Rod, obviously, that we've financed the DFS business using the securitized debt, for the most part, securitized by the financing receivables.

    羅德,你顯然知道,我們使用證券化債務為 DFS 業務提供融資,其中大部分是透過應收帳款融資進行證券化的。

  • And so that structure works very efficiently.


  • So relatively inexpensive cost of capital.


  • And we're going to continue to drive it.


  • It's proven to be a facilitator of our selling people -- our team members, I should say.


  • And we think that we can continue to grow originations and continue to drive solutions.


  • And with the demand that we're seeing around flexible consumption models and as-a-service models, I think we're excited by that economic framework and the ability of our -- of DFS to continue to provide that type of capability.

    鑑於我們對靈活消費模式和即服務模式的需求,我認為我們對這種經濟框架以及我們的 DFS 繼續提供此類功能的能力感到興奮。

  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Rod, I would add to that.


  • I mean, so much so that we launched a program called Dell Technologies On Demand last November, which packages our consumption, our various as-a-service, our metering usage capabilities and look at some modern way customers want to digest or ingest IT.

    我的意思是,我們去年11 月推出了一個名為Dell Technologies On Demand 的計劃,該計劃將我們的消費、各種即服務、計量使用功能打包在一起,並著眼於客戶想要消化或吸收IT的一些現代方式。

  • And I think you're going to see us continue to build upon the programs that allow us to give our customers the flexibility they need to consume IT in a variety of ways, whether it's pay as you grow, Flex On Demand, some of the data center utility that Tom mentioned.

    我認為您將會看到我們繼續以這些計劃為基礎,使我們能夠為客戶提供以各種方式使用 IT 所需的靈活性,無論是按需付費、按需彈性還是某些方式。的資料中心實用程式。

  • We think it is the wave of the future.


  • We think we have a very differentiated offering that you're able to consume IT from us without being forced to use our managed services or various services.

    我們認為我們擁有非常差異化的產品,您可以使用我們的 IT,而不必被迫使用我們的託管服務或各種服務。

  • You can pick and choose as you please.


  • And we offer this capability across the entire portfolio from our PCs to our servers, all the way to our infrastructure gear.

    我們在從 PC 到伺服器、一直到基礎設施設備的整個產品組合中提供此功能。

  • And then earlier this week, you might have seen, on the Dell Technology Cloud, our VxRail plus VMware Cloud Foundation, we added a subscription service capability along with that.

    本週早些時候,您可能已經看到,在戴爾技術雲、我們的 VxRail 和 VMware Cloud Foundation 上,我們新增了訂閱服務功能。

  • So I -- look, I think, as Tom said, this is a key component.


  • It's sticky with our customers, and it's how they want to -- increasingly want to consume IT.

    它對我們的客戶具有黏性,這就是他們想要的方式——越來越想要使用 IT。

  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Amit Daryanani with Evercore.

    我們將回答 Evercore 的 Amit Daryanani 提出的下一個問題。

  • Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • I guess, to start off with -- can you just talk about -- Jeff, I think you mentioned fiscal '21 to be the year of infrastructure segment or something thereabouts.

    我想,首先——你能談談嗎——傑夫,我想你提到 21 財年是基礎設施領域或相關領域的一年。

  • Can you just help me understand, what does that really mean for Dell?


  • Is there a growth bogie, a revenue bogie that you have when you made that statement?


  • Or how do you deal with operating margins, maybe that's it.


  • But I'm sort of trying to understand, what is the year of infrastructure segment mean for the company?


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Look, I think Tom and I will kind of ham and egg this together.


  • But if you step back and you look at our business and the fact that we think the Windows 10 transition on the CSG side, last year, the first half of the year, and then we'll be facing tougher compares.

    但如果你退後一步,看看我們的業務,以及我們認為去年、今年上半年 Windows 10 是在 CSG 方面進行過渡的事實,那麼我們將面臨更艱難的比較。

  • And for us to hit the revenue guidance that Tom mentioned earlier, our ISG has to perform better than it did in FY '20.

    為了達到 Tom 先前提到的營收指引,我們的 ISG 必須比 20 財年表現得更好。

  • It's that simple.


  • And then if you think about a core construct of the strategy that company is to win in the consolidation, in this case, win in the consolidation of the core server market, win in the consolidation of the core storage market, we have to outperform the market, and that requires us to grow.


  • Yes, we have growth bogies for our business.


  • We have a gain share plan and a revenue share gain.


  • I'm not going to give those numbers out.


  • It's implied in the guidance that Tom gave.


  • And we have to see the ISG perform on a year-over-year basis, it has to be a dramatic improvement.

    我們必須看到 ISG 的表現與去年同期相比,必須是一個巨大的進步。

  • I mean, you heard the numbers that we talked about where the whole business was down over the year and our Q4 performance wasn't where Tom and I would have liked it.


  • So as we think about what will change -- because if I would guess your next question is, what will be different?


  • Why will it be the year of ISG?


  • And I think you have to look at it from maybe 2 components, the server side and the storage side.


  • I'll start with storage.


  • We have invested a lot in capacity and coverage.


  • That capacity and coverage is increasingly more tenured.


  • We'd head into FY '21 with the most tenured productive capacity we've had in our storage sellers, period.

    進入 21 財年,我們的儲存銷售商將擁有最長期的生產能力。

  • You couple that with the completeness of the product portfolio or if you prefer the overhaul of the product portfolio that we spent the last 2.5 years modernizing that stack.

    您可以將其與產品組合的完整性結合起來,或者如果您更喜歡對我們在過去 2.5 年中對堆疊進行現代化改造的產品組合進行徹底改革。

  • It's completed by mid-year.


  • So our belief is, and why it's part of the gain share plan in storage is a modern competitive portfolio, best-in-class in many areas with the most tenured sales force that we have in storage.


  • That's our growth plan.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Jeff, I would add on the storage comment.


  • Just that as we look at the opportunity to cross sell and the synergy opportunity there between our server buyers and those buyers that buy storage, it's roughly a 3:1 ratio or something like that of servers to storage.

    正如我們看到交叉銷售的機會以及我們的伺服器買家和購買儲存的買家之間的協同機會一樣,大約是 3:1 的比率,或者類似於伺服器與儲存的比率。

  • There's an opportunity there to cross sell with the more tenured sales organization with the coverage expansion that we're driving.


  • I think we're -- feel good about the opportunity to go mine that customer base and expand the customer base for storage.


  • I think that's the other thing that, as we think our way through what's different about fiscal '20 versus fiscal '21, that's going to be important for the folks on the phone to think about.

    我認為這是另一件事,當我們思考 20 財年與 21 財年的不同之處時,電話中的人們需要考慮這一點。

  • You want to talk about servers real quick?


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • I'm happy to add servers on top of that as well.


  • When you think about servers and our performance this year.


  • If you step back and over the last 3 years, I think we mentioned in our remarks, roughly 590 basis points of share gain.

    如果你退後一步,我想我們在演講中提到了過去 3 年的股價上漲了大約 590 個基點。

  • We've added $4 billion of server revenue left over the last 3 years.

    過去 3 年,我們的伺服器收入增加了 40 億美元。

  • Calendar '19, fiscal '20 was a year of digesting the large capital investments of the 2 previous years.

    '19 日曆、'20 財政年度是消化前兩年大量資本投資的一年。

  • Surveying of customers, the IDC outlooks are vastly improved for the demand profile in calendar '20 than they were last year at this time.

    透過對客戶的調查,IDC 對 20 世紀的需求狀況的展望比去年同期有了很大改善。

  • So we're optimistic that the demand comes back.


  • We have historically ran at a premium.


  • We've run at a premium to the point where we've taken share -- a pretty significant share, as I mentioned, over that 3-year period, become the #1 server provider in the marketplace, and we think that's a catalyst for growth.


  • And that's how we built our plan this year.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • And just to remind everybody, we have, for most of the year, this year, talked about, quite frankly, the challenges we've seen in the server space, principally around China and around North America Enterprise, that large bid business, and we've chatted about that over the last calls that we've done.


  • So when you think about the fact -- look, I mean, overall, server revenue's down roughly 14% year-over-year.

    因此,當你考慮這個事實時,我的意思是,總體而言,伺服器收入比去年同期下降了約 14%。

  • You dissect that and you look back at our demand or our orders velocity and while server revenue is down 14% on a ship basis, if you dissect that, China demand's down roughly 35%, and the rest of the world's down roughly 5%.


  • So what does that translate to?


  • It really means that we saw above-market growth in areas like North America, commercial, medium business, small business in Latin America.


  • We saw market growth or our market rate growth in APJ and EMEA, and the softness was in China and within that North American Enterprise space, which was roughly down double digits there.


  • And so look, I think we understand where the soft spots have been.


  • China will continue to navigate -- situationally, we're focused on expanding the buyer base there.


  • We're focused on changing that business model to make sure that we expand the server buyer base over time and derive lifetime value for the customers that we acquire.


  • And obviously, there's dynamics there, with the coronavirus that's going on now, but we're going to work -- we'll continue to work our way on the business model in China.


  • And so we're really focused on how do we drive velocity back into the business, while being thoughtful about profitability.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Toni Sacconaghi with Bernstein.


  • A.M. Sacconaghi - Senior Analyst

    A.M. Sacconaghi - Senior Analyst

  • I was just wondering if you can comment on sort of your longer-term outlook.


  • I think before you became public, you talked about 4% to 6% revenue growth at the Analyst Day.

    我想在你公開之前,你在分析師日談到了 4% 到 6% 的營收成長。

  • In the fall, you said 4%, plus or minus 1%, which is 3% to 5% top line growth.

    在秋季,你說 4%,正負 1%,也就是 3% 到 5% 的營收成長。

  • And if I look at your 4 years, last 4 years, your revenue growth has been, 1, 1, 2, and 3 and 13.

    如果我看看你的 4 年,過去 4 年,你的收入成長是 1、1、2、3 和 13。

  • So you've been 1 or 2 for 3 of the 4 years.

    所以,在這 4 年中,有 3 年你一直處於 1 或 2 狀態。

  • And ex-VMware, you really -- you haven't grown in essentially 3 of the 4 years.

    對於前 VMware 公司,您確實在 4 年中的 3 年裡基本上沒有成長。

  • So it does feel like you've become increasingly cautious about your long-term outlook.


  • And I'd like -- if you could explain why that is.


  • And should we be thinking about core Dell, ex-VMware sort of flattish on a go-forward basis in the top line, given the historical track record and sort of given the nebulous commentary around longer-term growth provided in your slide deck.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Toni, it's Tom.


  • So look, I would think about it like this.


  • So I think over the last 3 years, we've had a compound growth rate at the top around 7%.

    所以我認為在過去 3 年裡,我們的複合成長率最高約為 7%。

  • And yes, there has been variability by year.


  • And much of that has been situational on where the market is.


  • And even if -- so if you're in a down market, and you're growing at a premium.


  • It's still a -- their growth rates continue to have been under some pressure, to your point.


  • But our model is built on long-term growth and consolidation of the market and share gain.


  • I think what you've seen us do is navigate our way through the environment that we've been in.


  • So fiscal '18 and fiscal '19 was clearly the year of velocity where we added roughly $11 billion of revenue to the business.

    因此,18 財年和 19 財年顯然是高速發展的一年,我們為業務增加了約 110 億美元的收入。

  • Fiscal '20 has clearly been one where we've had to navigate through what I would call a tough sort of infrastructure spend environment, and we leaned into the client business.

    顯然,20 財年我們必須應對我所說的艱難的基礎設施支出環境,因此我們專注於客戶業務。

  • And so -- and at the same point in time, generated extra --I think, strong profitability and cash flow as we navigated through the business.


  • So your point's valid in the sense of, yes, we've had to navigate through it.


  • Look, I think, longer term, what we've talked about is the fact that we'd like -- we think our growth is sort of going to mirror GDP.

    我認為,從長遠來看,我們所討論的是我們希望的事實——我們認為我們的成長在某種程度上反映 GDP。

  • And so the range we gave you for next year sort of has the GDP range as it exists today at that upper end of the range.

    因此,我們給你的明年的範圍有點像今天的 GDP 範圍,處於該範圍的上限。

  • Obviously, we're trying to be thoughtful around the dynamics in the environment right now, although our guidance doesn't specifically include coronavirus.


  • But again, you're looking at a market in FY '21 for us, or fiscal '21, that you've got an IDC forecast of negative, I think, 7 or negative 8 in the client business, so we're going to grow at a premium there.

    但同樣,你正在關注我們 21 財年的市場,或者 21 財年,你的 IDC 預測是負數,我認為,客戶業務為 7 或負 8,所以我們將在那裡以溢價增長。

  • You've got an IDC forecast that essentially says low single-digit growth in mainstream server revenue, and you've got an IDC forecast that essentially is relatively flat on external storage.

    IDC 的預測實質上顯示主流伺服器收入的個位數成長較低,而 IDC 的預測實質上外部儲存的收入相對持平。

  • And so even with the growth premiums we're driving, it does create a bit of growth dynamics that we're going to have to work our way through.


  • But I think we're bullish in the long term on the overall business.


  • Yes, VMware has been clearly been a positive from a growth story.

    是的,VMware 的成長故事顯然是正面的。

  • And we have driven a lot of synergies with VMware in the context of driving velocity for VMware, and we'll continue to do so.

    在提高 VMware 速度的背景下,我們與 VMware 實現了許多協同效應,並且我們將繼續這樣做。

  • So look, we have been, I think, tried to be thoughtful about how we're guiding the business in the context of the environment we're in, I think we're bullish in the long term, but we're going to have to navigate through some of the short-term dynamics that we're seeing.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Shannon Cross with Cross Research.

    我們將回答來自 Cross Research 的 Shannon Cross 的下一個問題。

  • Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

    Shannon Siemsen Cross - Co-Founder, Principal & Analyst

  • Tom, can you talk a bit about the comfort level with cash generation, given some of the puts and takes with the weakness in TCs that's coming theoretically because of coronavirus, but they may be getting back toward the end of the year.


  • And then also just in terms of the amount of investment you need to make.


  • And then just a below-the-line question, think you can talk a little bit about some of the puts and takes, interest in the equity line and all of that, just so we can make sure we're all in the same camp in terms of where we should be for fiscal 2021?

    然後是一個線下問題,我想你可以談談一些看跌期權和看跌期權、對權益線的興趣等等,這樣我們就可以確保我們都在同一個陣營2021 財年我們應該做什麼?

  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Great.


  • Thanks, Shannon.


  • Let me start on the cash and then Tyler is here.


  • So I'd also -- I also would like him to comment on any additional insight.

    所以我也 - 我也希望他對任何其他見解發表評論。

  • So look, I think we feel good about -- with what we know today about our cash flow forecast.


  • We did up it given the RSA -- or did up the debt repayment given the RSA transaction that's scheduled to close in, I think we're estimating Q3 time frame at this point.

    考慮到 RSA,我們完成了債務償還——或者考慮到計劃結束的 RSA 交易,我們完成了債務償還,我認為我們此時正在估計第三季度的時間表。

  • Yes, the coronavirus is a -- has created some level of uncertainty, if you will, and we signaled in the guidance conversation that I had in my prepared remarks that we did expect our sequentials -- or normal sequentials from Q4 to Q1 to be softer as a result of the coronavirus impact.


  • We are not looking at that at this point with what we know that, that isn't -- that it affects the full year.


  • The question that we've been thinking our way through is, as we look at the impact of the coronavirus is, there's 2 principal impacts right now.


  • One is in our domestic China business, which has been, obviously, with the Chinese economy softening, and given the -- what they're going through to try to contain the virus.


  • We do expect an impact in Q1 in the China business itself.


  • And then the question becomes to this extent that there's supply chain or lead time dynamics, how do you think about demand as a perishable, or does it defer?


  • I think our thinking right now is that, to the extent that it's the only demand that we see that is perishable at this point is that consumer demand, where they want to buy a product now, and if you don't have the right product or the lead times don't work, perhaps they move elsewhere.


  • Now, we'll obviously continue to refine that as we move forward and learn more about impacts.


  • But I do think for the full year, we feel good about our cash forecast at this point in time.


  • We've got a very efficient working capital model.


  • I think if you look at the amount of debt coming due, I think it's very, very manageable this year.


  • And our whole goal was to get ahead and try and drive some of the future maturity stacks down.


  • And Tyler, maybe you can comment on that?


  • Tyler W. Johnson - Senior VP & Treasurer

    Tyler W. Johnson - Senior VP & Treasurer

  • Shannon, maybe a couple of additional points.


  • So one, obviously, we're -- if you look at the balance sheet and where we ended cash, right, we're ending it at very healthy levels.


  • So I feel good about that.


  • And then Tom talked about some of the dynamics in China.


  • And if you think about where our cash is generated and what we actually use to really run the company, the cash in China is not always immediately accessible.


  • So from a liquidity perspective, it's not necessarily an impact in terms of what I'm using kind of for day-to-day liquidity.


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • And then the below-the-line question?


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Oh, yes.


  • So page -- I think if I point you to the slide deck, where we lay out the -- and I think it's like Page 26 or Slide 26 in the deck where we talk about the F&O impact.

    所以,我想如果我把你指向幻燈片,我們在那裡佈置了——我認為這就像幻燈片中的第 26 頁或幻燈片 26,我們在其中討論了 F&O 的影響。

  • If you look at that this year, what you essentially see is about $2.8 billion below the line, principally made up of interest expense and some FX costs.

    如果你看看今年,你基本上會看到線下約 28 億美元,主要由利息支出和一些外匯成本組成。

  • The way I think about it is, if you roughly think about the fact that for FY '21, we should have reduced interest expense at the Dell level, Dell EMC level, if you will, roughly a couple of hundred million dollars.

    我的想法是,如果你粗略地考慮一下這樣一個事實,即對於 21 財年,我們應該在戴爾層面、戴爾 EMC 層面(如果你願意的話)減少大約幾億美元的利息支出。

  • We are getting -- VMware has additional debt and less interest income.

    我們得到-VMware 的債務增加,利息收入減少。

  • So you've got an offset of that couple of hundred million by say, $100 million or so and then you got FX.

    因此,您可以抵消這幾億美元,例如 1 億美元左右,然後您就獲得了外匯。

  • And we don't forecast the gains coming out of the venture portfolio.


  • That will happen as it happens or not.


  • And so we think the right number to be thinking about is between roughly $2.6 billion to $2.7 billion at the F&O line.

    因此,我們認為 F&O 線的正確數字是在 26 億至 27 億美元之間。

  • It's in that range, Shannon.


  • And I would think from a share count perspective, you ought to be in sort of that 760-ish -- $760 million range, given some of the dilution we're seeing out of the equity program.

    我認為從股票數量的角度來看,考慮到我們從股權計劃中看到的一些稀釋,你的股票應該在 760 美元左右——7.6 億美元的範圍內。

  • So that's sort of rough math.


  • Now you know that share count will fluctuate depending upon, obviously, share price and not of exercises, but that's sort of the number that we've been modeling.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Katy Huberty of Morgan Stanley.


  • Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

    Kathryn Lynn Huberty - MD and Research Analyst

  • Tom, first to you.


  • Should we think about the share repurchase that was announced today as potentially the start of a bigger capital return program once you get to investment-grade?


  • And then just wanted to ask a follow-up for Jeff, given the importance of storage, the ISG business, can you just talk about what happened to delay the midrange storage launch, whether you think there's a revenue impact from that delay?

    然後我想問 Jeff 的後續問題,考慮到儲存、ISG 業務的重要性,您能否談談延遲中階儲存推出的原因,您認為這種延遲是否會對收入產生影響?

  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Katy, it's Tom.


  • Let me talk a little bit about the share repurchase, which is -- we have always thought about, at the appropriate time, a shareholder value, shareholder return program.


  • I think as we thought about it, and given where we were in our debt repayment schedule and our ability to continue to pay down debt, we thought it was appropriate and timely, if you will, to put in a share repurchase plan.


  • Now, obviously, it's $1 billion over 2 years, and we're going to be thoughtful about -- and a bit opportunistic.

    現在,顯然,兩年內的投資額將達到 10 億美元,我們將深思熟慮——而且會有點機會主義。

  • We think our stock is trading at a discount that doesn't quite make sense to us.


  • And so we're going to begin to take advantage of that.


  • I do think, to answer your second part of the question, which is, I think we have in the past said once we hit investment-grade, we would have -- the capital allocation framework would adjust and change so that we are create -- having some type of a shareholder value creation opportunity for our shareholders.

    我確實認為,要回答問題的第二部分,我認為我們過去曾說過,一旦我們達到投資級別,我們就會——資本配置框架將進行調整和改變,以便我們創造—— - 為我們的股東提供某種類型的股東價值創造機會。

  • And so yes, I think this is the first step in that journey.


  • We are obviously focused on making sure that we hit our commitments around debt repayment.


  • That is a -- the primary use of our capital at this point in time and as we work our way back to investment-grade.


  • And -- but I do think that a shareholder return or shareholder value comp framework makes sense as we move forward.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Midrange.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Midrange.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Katy, so let me tell you where we're at, what we've done and then you can ask a follow-up question if I'm not clear enough.


  • So first of all, we delivered a number of arrays to our beta program, quite honestly, the largest beta program that we've ever run in the history of the company in Q4.

    首先,我們向 Beta 計劃交付了許多陣列,老實說,這是我們在第四季度運行的公司歷史上最大的 Beta 計劃。

  • So we have dozens upon dozens of customers that have the product in their hands today, and we're really pleased the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.


  • From the flexibility of the platform to the absolute performance of the platform.


  • So we're excited with what we're hearing to date.


  • It is late.


  • I committed to be done by the end of the year.


  • It didn't get done by the end of the year.


  • That's on me.


  • And the reason that it's late is being the quality and reliability leader in the marketplace, I was pushing us to really drive on the customer experience side and learn from the last mega launches that we've done in storage.


  • And what we learned during that studying of how do we enable a quick launch with our sales force, we wanted to do the broadest at-scale system test we've ever done.


  • That's what we did.


  • Quite honestly, I underestimated how long it would take.


  • And as a result, we've been late as sort of the byproduct of that decision that I made to do a larger -- the most comprehensive at-scale system test.


  • But it gave us an opportunity to address what we've learned in the beta program.


  • It gave us an opportunity to keep our sales force focused on year-end of the last fiscal year.


  • Two weeks ago, we stood up in front of the entire sales force, we trained them on the Midrange.


  • NEXT platform.


  • They're excited about it and we will begin selling the product before the end of this fiscal quarter in Q1, and there is no material impact to our revenue plans in storage or the midrange.


  • We're actually quite excited.


  • When we think about the midrange, Tom mentioned earlier, that yes, calendar '20 storage forecast is actually slightly down.

    當我們考慮中端時,Tom 之前提到過,是的,20 世紀的儲存預測實際上略有下降。

  • But the midrange is expected to grow about 4.5%.


  • It's the area where we've been most challenged.


  • And with this product, we really crispened up the mid to the high end of the midrange portfolio and with our Unity XT platform, which is performing quite well, we have a really comprehensive coverage of the midrange storage marketplace, which is the largest segment, and we're pretty excited about the prospects there.

    透過這款產品,我們真正提升了中階產品組合的中高端,並且憑藉我們表現良好的 Unity XT 平台,我們真正全面覆蓋了中階儲存市場,這是最大的細分市場,我們對那裡的前景感到非常興奮。

  • We need to get the product done.


  • It will be done.


  • We will be taking orders and delivering before the end of the quarter.


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Wamsi Mohan with Bank of America.

    我們將回答美國銀行 Wamsi Mohan 提出的下一個問題。

  • Wamsi Mohan - Director

    Wamsi Mohan - Director

  • I was wondering if you can talk a little bit about where you are with portfolio reorganization.


  • Clearly, you had a decision to sell RSA.

    顯然,您決定出售 RSA。

  • Wondering what sort of prompted that from a timing perspective?


  • And then, I mean, historically, EMC had done a ton of acquisitions.

    然後,我的意思是,從歷史上看,EMC 進行了大量的收購。

  • There's a lot that's buried in there that I don't know how core Dell used that or not.


  • So any color on where you think the portfolio changes, if there are more to go and magnitude of those and the users potentially of that, would that be more towards capital return, if they were to happen.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Wamsi, it's Tom.


  • So I think what we have said consistently over the last year or 2 has been that we continue to look at the corporate structure and the capabilities and the assets that we have within the family.


  • And as you recall, shortly after we combined the companies, we did sell the services -- the legacy Dell Services business, the software business and the...


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • ECD.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • ECD business.


  • Thank you.


  • And so look, we continue to look at it.


  • But we're triggered the RSA -- decision was essentially, as we continue to look at our security strategy, we are increasingly focused on intrinsic security.

    但我們觸發了 RSA——決定本質上是,隨著我們繼續審視我們的安全策略,我們越來越關注內在安全。

  • How do we build security into the core of the products.


  • RSA is a nice asset.

    RSA 是一項很好的資產。

  • I think our perspective was that if it wasn't going to be core to our security platform and strategy, that was probably better to do something different with that asset, and put it in the hands of an ownership structure that was going to optimize the platform and optimize the asset.

    我認為我們的觀點是,如果它不會成為我們安全平台和策略的核心,那麼最好對該資產做一些不同的事情,並將其置於所有權結構手中,以優化該資產。 。

  • And so that was the decision to sell.


  • I think the team did a nice job running the process.


  • We're going to continue to evaluate the rest of the portfolio.


  • And assume -- thinking through the alignment of assets, the alignment of capability with where we're headed strategically in a number of areas, including security and data management, data services.


  • So all of those areas are of interest to us.


  • Obviously, I don't want to go over my skis here.


  • So but our commitment to you is that we'll continue to think about where is the right -- what capabilities do we need to own, what capabilities do we partner for, what capabilities should not be part of the family.


  • And we'll continue to simplify their corporate structure.


  • Because that's been -- continues to be feedback around the complexity of the Dell Technologies' portfolio.


  • And obviously, we want to think our way through thoughtfully where what capabilities belong in the family and what capabilities are better off outside of the family.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Well I think, Tom, to add to that, maybe more of a product and offer and IP point of view, we've made a tremendous amount of progress simplifying the portfolio, consolidating IP, changing the way that we build integrated products across the Dell Technologies companies.


  • So if you think about the work we've done now with Carbon Black, Unified Workspace, VMware, Dell PCs, Dell services and building an integrated platform that we can sell a modern PC experience by, you're going to see us consolidate more of our technology that way, where I point to Dell Technology Cloud, the work that we've done with VMware, with VMware Cloud Foundation, VxRail, now a series of offers that we're building around that and the multi-hybrid cloud world that we operate in, yet another form of a consolidation of portfolio and simplifying our offers to our customers.

    因此,如果您考慮我們現在在Carbon Black、統一工作空間、VMware、戴爾PC、戴爾服務所做的工作,以及建立一個我們可以銷售現代PC 體驗的整合平台,您會看到我們整合了更多就我們的技術而言,我指的是戴爾技術雲,我們與 VMware、VMware Cloud Foundation、VxRail 所做的工作,現在我們圍繞這些技術和多混合雲世界構建了一系列產品我們以另一種形式整合產品組合併簡化我們向客戶提供的服務。

  • Remember, the second component of our strategy, I mentioned the first one was all about win in the consolidation, the other one is to go build deeply integrated solutions that drive incremental value for our customers, which is really about simplifying the individual products across the portfolio and building integrated solutions.


  • And we spent a great deal of time there.


  • You'll see us do more of that going forward.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Jeriel Ong with Deutsche Bank.

    我們將回答德意志銀行 Jeriel Ong 提出的下一個問題。

  • Kanghui Ong - Research Analyst

    Kanghui Ong - Research Analyst

  • So it seems -- I want to kind of maybe just paint a picture a little bit and think about ISG, there's a little bit more bullishness in ISG for the year.

    看來——我想稍微描繪一下ISG,今年ISG 的前景更樂觀。

  • And I think you've kind of painted your storage picture in terms of then having products in the mid-range, et cetera, so I can kind of see your point of view there.


  • But on the server networking side, it seems like the year-on-year growth has kind of declined more and more with each passing quarter.


  • So what gives you confidence in that turning around and contributing to growth for the full year?


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Well, I think I'd point back to the earlier question and comments that Tom and I made.


  • You're clearly right.


  • When we look at the performance over the fourth quarter, there was a deceleration of the store -- of the server business.


  • I recall correctly minus 9, minus 12, minus 16, minus 19, for the annual number that Tom represented, minus 14.


  • If you break that down, it really is concentrated in Greater China.


  • Greater China was down 35% on an orders basis over the year.

    大中華區訂單量較去年同期下降 35%。

  • Rest of the world was minus 5%.


  • Inside that minus 5%, what slowed down was our North America enterprise business.

    在這負 5% 的成長率中,放緩的是我們的北美企業業務。

  • In other words, we actually grew in small business, medium business, North America, commercial and LatAm.


  • We grew at market in APJ and in EMEA, and then the 2 hotspots are the ones that we've called out consistently have been China and North America Enterprise.


  • Tom talked about the China market and the dynamics that's going on there, so I think the real follow-up question is "What are we doing differently in North America Enterprise to change our performance?"


  • And as we think about that, we're driving a -- if you will, a different coverage alignment.


  • We're going back through the coverage models.


  • We're enhancing that because at the core, we have to grow the buyer base.


  • And if I think about the number of PC customers that we have across our enterprise accounts and the number of server customers that we have in our enterprise accounts, there is a big drop off between the 2. And we need to cross sell.

    如果我考慮一下我們的企業帳戶中擁有的 PC 客戶數量和我們的企業帳戶中擁有的伺服器客戶數量,兩者之間會出現很大的下降。

  • We're already in those accounts.


  • Yes, they are different buyers inside those different customers but we have to bring our end-to-end capability across the customer set and cross-sell and expand what we sell in each of those customers and change the coverage map, so we can bring on new customers to the fold.


  • That's fundamentally the work that's underway.


  • We have some new programs inside the corporation.


  • You would not know about it, but we've trained our sales force 2 weeks ago on this, a power-up program, which is essentially allowing us to go build cross-sell, build the buyer base, bring seed units and marketing programs and incentives for us to expand the buyer base across the various segments, in this case, North America Enterprise, our largest customers.


  • We're pretty optimistic there.


  • We see that our sales force is more tenured, again, bringing back that notion of a more tenured sales force is a more productive sales force, and we're going to lean on that as we head into this fiscal year.


  • So that's what is changing.


  • The market's better, too.


  • Depending on how you look at it, the x86 market's forecasted to be up 1%.

    根據您的看法,x86 市場預計將成長 1%。

  • That's 5 points better than the same time last year.

    比去年同期高出 5 個百分點。

  • Mainstream place -- space, where we predominantly operate is projected to be or forecasted to be up 3.3%.

    主流領域-我們主要經營的太空領域預計將成長 3.3%。

  • We're going to grow at a premium.


  • Content rate's up.


  • Our exposure to high-value workloads is increasing.


  • Those drive higher TRUs.

    這些驅動更高的 TRU。

  • And we're pretty optimistic about our ability to take share and outperform the marketplace broadly across the server market.


  • Tom, anything to add?


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • No.


  • I would just also comment on the fact that with that higher content and with the commodity cost inflation that's being forecasted, you would see a positive impact on TRUs as you think about how you're adjust -- you'll adjust pricing as you go through the year.

    我還要評論這樣一個事實,即隨著內容的增加以及所預測的商品成本通膨,當您考慮如何調整時,您會看到對 TRU 的積極影響 - 您將隨時調整定價經過一年。

  • So that's also a benefit to top line.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Exactly.


  • All right.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Aaron Rakers with Wells Fargo.

    我們將接受富國銀行 Aaron Rakers 提出的下一個問題。

  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Analyst

  • One of the comments that was made during the prepared remarks was the 3:1 ratio, as far as your server customers that actually purchase the storage portfolio.

    就實際購買儲存產品組合的伺服器客戶而言,在準備好的發言中提出的意見之一是 3:1 的比例。

  • I'm curious if you could help us understand how that's evolved over the past 12 or 24 months.

    我很好奇您能否幫助我們了解過去 12 或 24 個月的發展。

  • What does that look like, call it, 1 year or 2 ago?


  • And how do you think about driving that?


  • What kind of initiatives have you put in place?


  • And how would you define success in that ratio looking forward?


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Well, in the prepared remarks, I believe I said we have roughly 30,000 server customers a quarter and less than half buy our storage.

    嗯,在準備好的發言中,我相信我說過我們每個季度大約有 30,000 個伺服器客戶,其中不到一半購買我們的儲存。

  • I didn't say that, that's certainly what I meant to say.


  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Analyst

  • Yes.


  • You did.


  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • Look, if you look at the long-term trend there, the server component of that buyer base is modestly growing and the storage one isn't.


  • That has been our challenge.


  • And the capacity and coverage that we put in place is intended to change that direction -- change that trajectory.


  • It takes longer for a sales person, a sales maker, a sales specialist in storage to come up the productivity ramp.


  • So I think Tom and I have made reference throughout the session this afternoon that the tenured productivity of our storage sellers is the greatest it's been as we head into fiscal '21.

    因此,我認為湯姆和我在今天下午的整個會議中都提到,隨著我們進入 21 財年,我們的儲存銷售商的長期生產力是最高的。

  • That's important to us.


  • That is a driver.


  • So if you think about more tenured productivity, broad coverage of the marketplace, a more competitive product line from top to bottom, that's the lever that we are going to drive our storage business with.


  • And then I just made reference in the previous question to a program that we put in place called Power Up, which is, again, an internal program, centered around driving cross-sell and upsell of our portfolio, winning new customers.

    然後我在上一個問題中提到了我們實施的一個名為「Power Up」的計劃,這又是一個內部計劃,其核心是推動我們產品組合的交叉銷售和追加銷售,贏得新客戶。

  • It really is about seed units, promotional offers, we're putting sales incentives in place.


  • In fact, Tom and I improved a sales compensation plan that incents our sales force to sell multiple lines of business in an account.


  • So if you start with -- we have the most customers in our PC division, the next most customers in servers and the next most customers in storage, cross-selling, incenting our sales force to sell more lines of business as we move down the stack is certainly where we've tilted the compensation plan this year.

    因此,如果你從——我們的PC 部門擁有最多的客戶,其次是伺服器領域的客戶,其次是儲存領域的客戶,交叉銷售,隨著我們向下移動,激勵我們的銷售人員銷售更多的業務線。

  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Hey, Jeff, the other thing I think that's important to comment on, as we talk about storage and storage velocity is the velocity of the VxRail capability and product solution set, right?

    嘿,Jeff,我認為值得評論的另一件事是,當我們談論儲存和儲存速度時,VxRail 功能和產品解決方案集的速度,對吧?

  • I mean, that's growing plus 60% year-over-year, and so there's great velocity in our ACI solution capability that will continue where it's appropriate for the workloads, we're clearly focused on driving that.

    我的意思是,這一數字同比增長了 60%,因此我們的 ACI 解決方案能力將在適合工作負載的地方繼續高速發展,我們顯然致力於推動這一速度。

  • And then I think as part of this -- you've mentioned the more tenured sales organization, but also, we need -- we'd call out the fact that since we have combined the selling organizations, we have adjusted coverage models to reach farther into the customer population.

    然後我認為,作為其中的一部分 - 您提到了更長期的銷售組織,而且我們需要 - 我們會指出這樣一個事實:由於我們合併了銷售組織,我們已經調整了覆蓋模型以達到更深入地深入顧客群體。

  • Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

    Jeffrey W. Clarke - Vice Chairman & COO

  • We freed up capacity.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • To drive a selling motion that touches more customers.


  • And so it's going to be -- there's no 1 magic bullet here.


  • This is going to be a combination of the mid-range capability we're bringing online, the coverage model expansion, the marketing programs and the tenure of our capacity, so -- selling capacity.


  • So those combined, coupled with great velocity in our VxRail capability, I think, all point to opportunities for us to grow.

    因此,我認為,這些因素結合起來,再加上我們 VxRail 能力的高速發展,都為我們帶來了成長的機會。

  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Simon Leopold with Raymond James.


  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • Thanks for the color that you gave around your vision for ISG for the -- looks for the year '21.

    感謝您為 ISG 21 年外觀的願景提供了色彩。

  • That's pretty helpful.


  • But I guess my question is, given that you've been making these investments around capacity and coverage, and commentary from competitors that imply that they're seeing more aggressiveness from Dell.


  • I guess, I would have expected fiscal 4Q results to have trended a bit more towards stable, I guess, to better reflect that.


  • So could you just help us understand maybe if there were some specific puts and takes that were unique to this quarter?


  • Or if the headwinds that you saw in North America were incremental to what you've been seeing?


  • So maybe if you could just help us flesh that out a little better.


  • Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

    Thomas W. Sweet - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Look, I think our philosophy here as we have navigated through the year, this year has been to where we think it's appropriate to be aggressive to when customer business that we think has longer-term value, then we'll be appropriately aggressive in terms of acquisition pricing to win that business.


  • As we went through the -- and so I don't really think -- and where quite frankly, it doesn't make sense or where we don't see long-term value, and there's the competitive dynamics of the competitive pricing environment haven't made sense to us, you have seen us step back from some of that business.


  • And I think essentially, we saw a couple of things.


  • As it relates to servers in the North America Enterprise, large enterprise space, for instance, the number of bids is down and the price aggressiveness on most of those contracts or bid opportunities has been quite aggressive.


  • And so we have been selective in where we have chosen to participate, and then you get into decisions around do you have other lobs that you're selling to that customer?


  • What's the customer overall profitability look like?


  • Do you have the opportunity to recover some of that aggressive pricing over time.


  • And that's the balance.


  • And the needle that we've been threading as we've gone through the year.


  • And as a result of that, you saw softness in North America Enterprise.


  • I'll talk to China in a second.


  • And so look, did we -- do see anything incremental in Q4?


  • I think the trends that we've talked about have essentially continued in Q4, in terms of the aggressiveness of the pricing, and the cycle time on opportunities is clearly longer.


  • And so that's been a dynamic that we just had to work our way through.


  • And so as you think then and pivot into fiscal '21, you said, well, what's different, well, the market is supposed to be better, we've got better coverage.

    因此,當您思考並轉向 21 財年時,您說,嗯,有什麼不同,嗯,市場應該更好,我們有更好的覆蓋範圍。

  • I think the dynamics around our reach into selling organizations to cross-sell opportunities are all going to be positive for us in the coming year.


  • And on the storage side, it's been the -- we've had great success with our VxRail product.

    在儲存方面,我們的 VxRail 產品取得了巨大成功。

  • We've seen softness in the core array.


  • Again, that infrastructure space has been soft.


  • We've taken share, a firm 270 to 300 basis points of share over the last 3 years.

    我們已經佔據了市場份額,在過去 3 年裡,我們的市佔率穩定在 270 到 300 個基點。

  • We've been navigating through what I think has been a challenging environment there.


  • But I think as we step into FY '21, I think we're better positioned from a coverage model and from a solution perspective.

    但我認為,當我們進入 21 財年時,我認為從覆蓋模型和解決方案的角度來看,我們處於更好的位置。

  • And so look, I think it's a -- those are the navigation we've had to do as a result of that.


  • Granted, there was some revenue pressure clearly in the ISG space, but yet, we drove great profitability across the business and strong cash flow.

    誠然,ISG 領域顯然存在一些收入壓力,但我們在整個業務中實現了巨大的盈利能力和強勁的現金流。

  • And so it's all about how do you balance the model given the market that we see and that we participate in.


  • Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

    Robert L. Williams - SVP of IR

  • All right.


  • Well, good.


  • Well, thanks, Simon.


  • We're going to wrap up there.


  • Just as a reminder, we'll be at Morgan Stanley next week in San Francisco.


  • And we will be hosting an IR track at Dell Technologies World.

    我們將在 Dell Technologies World 舉辦 IR 分會場。

  • We'll begin that the evening of May 3 and continue on the 4. So hopefully, we'll see many of you there, and there'll be additional information in the coming weeks on that event.

    我們將從5 月3 日晚上開始,並在5 月4 日繼續。 。

  • So thanks for joining us today.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • We appreciate your participation.


  • You may now disconnect at this time.
