康尼格拉食品 (CAG) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the Conagra Brands Q4 and fiscal year 2024 earnings conference call. (Operator Instructions). Please also note, today's event is being recorded. At this time, I'd like to turn the call over to Melissa Napier, Head of Investor Relations. Ma'am, please go.

    大家早安,歡迎參加康尼格拉品牌第四季和 2024 財年財報電話會議。 (操作員說明)。另請注意,今天的活動正在錄製中。現在,我想將電話轉給投資者關係主管 Melissa Napier。女士,請走吧。

  • Melissa Napier - SVP of Investor Relation

    Melissa Napier - SVP of Investor Relation

  • Thanks, Jamie. Good morning, everyone. Thanks for joining us today for our live question and answer session and today's results. Once again, I'm joined this morning by Sean Connolly, our CEO., and Dave Marberger, our CFO. We may be making some forward looking statements and discussing non-GAAP financial measures during this session. Please see our earnings release prepared remarks, presentation materials and filings with the SEC, which can be found in the Investor Relations section of our website for more information, including descriptions of our risk factors, GAAP to non-GAAP reconciliation and information and our comparability items. Hope you all had a chance to listen this morning to our prepared remarks and I will now ask Jamie to introduce the first question.

    謝謝,傑米。大家,早安。感謝您今天加入我們的現場問答環節和今天的結果。今天早上,我們的執行長 Sean Connolly 和財務長戴夫馬伯格 (Dave Marberger) 再次與我會面。我們可能會在本屆會議期間做出一些前瞻性陳述並討論非公認會計原則財務措施。請參閱我們為收益發布準備的評論、演示材料和向SEC 提交的文件,這些信息可以在我們網站的投資者關係部分找到,以了解更多信息,包括我們的風險因素的描述、GAAP 與非GAAP的調節和資訊以及我們的可比性項目。希望大家今天早上都有機會聽我們準備好的發言,我現在請傑米介紹第一個問題。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instruction) Andrew Lazar, Barclays Bank PLC

    (操作指示)Andrew Lazar,巴克萊銀行 PLC

  • Andrew Lazar - Analyst

    Andrew Lazar - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks so much. Good morning, everybody. Sean. You talked in the prepared remarks about you're expecting sort of gradual transition in fiscal '25 to a more normal operating environment as consumers adjust their reference prices. And I know you've talked a lot through the back part of this last fiscal year that consumers are increasingly ready to sort of engage in your categories just needed to be not just a bit. And it seems like that adjustments taking longer, not just for Conagra, obviously, but the industry at large, why do you think that is and isn't going to require? Or is it requiring more investment than maybe you initially anticipated? And obviously, I ask is one of the biggest debate in the space right now.

    偉大的。非常感謝。大家早安。肖恩.您在準備好的評論中談到,隨著消費者調整參考價格,您預計 25 財年將逐步過渡到更正常的營運環境。我知道您在上一財年的後半段多次談到,消費者越來越願意參與您的類別,而不僅僅是一點點。顯然,調整似乎需要更長的時間,不僅對於康尼格拉來說,而且對於整個行業來說,您認為為什麼需要或不需要?或者它需要比您最初預期更多的投資?顯然,我問的是目前該領域最大的爭論之一。

  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure, Andrew here. So I think about that the operative word is transition. It's a process. It's not an event. And as we showed in our charts today for Conagra, that process is working. You saw in the materials today, steady positive inflection on our volume, which is the key metric for us in the past three quarters. And that indicates that our investments to nudge volumes back toward positive territory. We are successfully engaging consumers and importantly, we were able to expand our margins despite that investment. So I was particularly pleased to see volume consumption growth in Q4 in our snacks business in our largest frozen business, which is frozen meals in our refrigerated business and in our international business, all of those posted positive volume growth in the core grocery has a couple of businesses that we'll get more support in fiscal '25, but those investments are baked into our plants.

    當然,安德魯在這裡。所以我認為關鍵字是過渡。這是一個過程。這不是一個事件。正如我們今天在康尼格拉的圖表中所顯示的那樣,這個過程正在發揮作用。您在今天的材料中看到,我們的銷量穩步增長,這是我們過去三個季度的關鍵指標。這顯示我們的投資將推動銷售回到正值。我們成功地吸引了消費者,重要的是,儘管有這些投資,我們仍能夠擴大利潤。因此,我特別高興地看到第四季度我們最大的冷凍業務(即我們的冷藏業務和國際業務中的冷凍食品)的零食業務的銷量增長,所有這些核心雜貨業務的銷量都有正增長我們將在25 財年獲得更多支持的企業,但這些投資已融入我們的工廠。

  • So overall, we have been nudging, nudging is working, but it is a transition. It's a process and we've moved the needle meaningfully, and that will continue to move positive. But it's a transition. It's not one of these events where sprinkle little money on the consumer and they forget that the ever experienced runaway inflation. It's a period of adjustment. And for us, that is clearly happening.


  • Andrew Lazar - Analyst

    Andrew Lazar - Analyst

  • Thanks for that. And I know a good portion of the negative year over year pricing in Refrigerated & Frozen is, I think, more pass through on some refrigerated items. But I guess I'm more curious on what the pricing and competitive environment looks like in the frozen space specifically and sort of how you see that playing out as we start the new fiscal year. Thanks so much.


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure. Yes, absolutely, yes. We invested in frozen as a result, volume consumption in frozen overall back to just about flat, again with our largest frozen business, single-serve meals already growing volume in our shares are there hit record highs. As you saw materials, merchandising, advertising and innovation have all contributed to that. So it's not been a situation where it's a price-based driver that is driving that, that positive news in the frozen business. It's all of those things. And with respect to the merchandising for us, it's really been about quality display and it's been about frequency, not about deep discountin g. I think what you're seeing in frozen overall and I called this out last year is when when we were at the peak of the inflationary period and people were having to make choices and trade-offs to make their household balance sheet work, they moved some of their purchases of convenience oriented items toward more scratch cooking, and they kept their leftovers and things like that


  • The challenge with that is that consumers don't really like planning for meals. They don't like preparing meals. They don't like cleaning up after meals. So the need for convenience, that's why I showed that 40 year chartered in our materials today is as strong as it's ever been. And after the consumer has to cut back for a while, they grow weary of those work around behaviors and they come flying back to convenience, which i s why the investments we've made in frozen to nudge consumers have materialized . And we saw growth in our frozen single-serve meals business in the quarter. So I would say this is a category of space that has a 40-year compound annual growth rate of 4%, which I think is the highest department in the grocery store. We went through a challenging period last year where we saw some trading down. We put some targeted investments against it. And now we've seen real positive response and knocking on the door positive in our total frozen business overall, with key businesses like single-serve meals growing and Birds Eye gaining share again, which is great to see as well

    這樣做的挑戰是消費者並不真正喜歡計劃膳食。他們不喜歡準備飯菜。他們不喜歡飯後打掃。因此,出於對便利性的需要,這就是為什麼我今天在我們的材料中展示了 40 年特許權與以往一樣強烈。在消費者必須削減一段時間後,他們會對這些變通的行為感到厭倦,他們會飛回便利的地方,這就是為什麼我們在凍結方面進行的投資來推動消費者已經實現。本季我們看到了冷凍單份餐點業務的成長。所以我想說這是一個40年複合年增長率為4%的空間類別,我認為這是雜貨店中最高的部門。去年我們經歷了一段充滿挑戰的時期,我們看到了一些交易的下滑。我們對此進行了一些有針對性的投資。現在,我們看到了真正的積極回應,並在我們的整體冷凍業務中取得了積極的進展,單份餐點等關鍵業務不斷增長,鳥眼再次獲得份額,這也很高興看到

  • Andrew Lazar - Analyst

    Andrew Lazar - Analyst

  • Thanks so much.


  • Operator


  • Ken Goldman from JPMorgan.


  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning and thank you. I wanted to first better understand the comment about the outlook being prudent. On the one hand, your sales and EPS guidance is lower than the Street expected. I think that's helpful and certainly setting a lower bar. On the other hand, as Andrew mentioned, your outlook requires volume accelerate, especially on a two-year basis and you're relying on the consumer getting used to higher prices, as you mentioned, and we just haven't seen that yet. So I'm just trying to dig in a little bit on where you think you're being most


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Ken I think it's important to you just say we haven't seen that yet and and look at the charts we demonstrated to date, we absolutely have seen we have seen three straight quarters of volume trend improvement in our businesses. And in this most recent quarter, we saw snacks volume consumption that was positive. Our frozen meals consumption grew our refrigerated business volume assumption grew our international business group. So we absolutely have seen traction, and we expect to see continued traction from here. We do. I do not have one of the portfolios out there that some have where there just hasn't been investments and there has not been movement an inflection in the volume line.


  • We have had steady inflection and no doubt a fair amount of the portfolio is already either close to flat or turning part. So that's an encouraging thing is that it indicates that our investments are doing a good job job of managing the consumer along and engaging with respect to the comment that the guidance is prudent . It's prudent in that it recognizes that consumer adaptation is a process and it's an event. And therefore, it embeds some conservativism around consumer buying behavior, but also some flexible ability for us to continue investing behind volume growth, which, by the way, as we've said from the beginning, is our top priority in terms of nurturing the long-term health of the business. So given that the slope of our volume trends for the last three quarters, we think the outlook is it as a prudent outlook, we had no desire to tried to be heroic with our guide for fiscal '25. I think if you really just digest the progress we've made on these discrete businesses where we've placed investment, I think you can only conclude that it's prudent play.

    我們已經經歷了穩定的轉折點,毫無疑問,相當一部分投資組合已經接近持平或轉向部分。因此,這是一件令人鼓舞的事情,它表明我們的投資在管理消費者方面做得很好,並參與了有關指導是審慎的評論。它是謹慎的,因為它認識到消費者的適應是一個過程,也是一個事件。因此,它在消費者購買行為方面嵌入了一些保守主義,但也為我們在銷售增長背後繼續投資提供了一些靈活的能力,順便說一句,正如我們從一開始就說過的,這是我們培育消費者的首要任務。因此,考慮到過去三個季度我們銷售趨勢的斜率,我們認為前景是審慎的,我們不想在 25 財年的指南中表現得過於英雄主義。我認為,如果你真的只是消化我們在這些投資的離散業務上取得的進展,我想你只能得出這樣的結論:這是謹慎的做法。

  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • Thank you for that. And then for my follow-up, I wanted to clarify the first quarter outlook. It's the messaging first that the gross margin from on an absolute level will be down or will be the lowest of the year. Is that year on year ex? Wanted to clarify the gross margin comment? And then more broadly, you talked about on volume and gross margin, tough SG&A lap . It certainly seems like consensus of $0.65 or so many to come down a bit. So understanding you don't provide quarterly specifics, but just trying to get maybe a slightly tighter sense of where you think some of the puts and takes in 1Q will be just so maybe investor expectations are properly aligned

    謝謝你。然後,對於我的後續行動,我想澄清第一季的前景。首先傳達的訊息是毛利率的絕對水準將下降或將是今年的最低水準。是前年還是前年?想澄清毛利率評論嗎?然後更廣泛地說,您談到了銷量和毛利率,以及艱難的 SG&A 圈。當然,這似乎是 0.65 美元左右的共識,但要下降一點。因此,了解您不提供季度具體信息,但只是想稍微更嚴格地了解您認為第一季度的一些看跌期權和買入期權的情況,以便投資者的預期可能得到適當調整

  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yes, Ken and its Dave, let me let me give you some color on that. So if you look at Q1 a year ago, that was the last quarter where we had significant price mix, right? So around the mid single digit periods. So we're wrapping on that quarter. So if you if you break it down, if you look at our domestic retail business, we expect improvement in volumes, but they're still going to be down year on year, but we expect improvement versus where we came in at Q4 . In terms of volumes, our international business, we actually expect to be lower. We called out some supply chain issues in Canada, and that will impact some of the business than Q1. So we expect Q1 sales a year on year growth in Canada to be lower than it was in Q4.


  • A couple of things in terms of the margin side, SG&A, we're going to have much higher SG&A in Q1 this year versus last year. Last year, we had an accrual to take down our incentive compensation. So year on year, that's a bounce back and you're going to see that in expense and at that obviously is going to depress operating margin. And then on the gross margin side,

    在利潤率、SG&A 方面,我們今年第一季的 SG&A 將會比去年高出許多。去年,我們有一項應計費用來減少我們的激勵薪酬。因此,年復一年,這是一個反彈,你會在費用中看到這一點,這顯然會壓低營業利潤率。然後在毛利率方面,

  • Q1 is a lower sales quarter for us than other quarters. So you do normally get a little bit of drag from fixed cost relative to the other quarters. And we have the higher trade investments kind of rolling in from the end of last year. But as we said in Sean made said in his comments, we expect gross margins to be stable for the full year. So we're pleased with the productivity. We expect that to continue inflation we call or 3% net for the year. So that a benefit there helps us fund the additional investment that we're going to make. So all those things together that hopefully gives you some color on our Q1. Thank you very much.

    對我們來說,第一季的銷售額低於其他季度。因此,相對於其他季度,固定成本通常確實會帶來一些阻力。從去年年底開始,我們的貿易投資開始增加。但正如我們在 Sean 的評論中所說,我們預計全年毛利率將保持穩定。所以我們對生產力感到滿意。我們預計今年通膨率將持續為 3%。因此,那裡的好處可以幫助我們為我們將要進行的額外投資提供資金。所有這些事情加在一起,希望能讓您對我們的第一季有所了解。非常感謝。

  • Operator


  • David Palmer from Evercore ISI.

    Evercore ISI 的大衛‧帕爾默 (David Palmer)。

  • David Palmer - Analyst

    David Palmer - Analyst

  • Thanks. I wanted to just ask you about the challenging environment comments you made that comment a few times during the prepared remarks, but sometimes we can assume what you mean by that. But I would assume also that there's going to be some differences in the types of challenges you see for category. And I said that you might have more category issues, for example, in Andrent Mills for the you speak to price cap issues, perhaps in vegetables, for example. So could you speak specifically to what those challenges you're talking about, the types of investments that you're making, whether that's just price adjustments through promotion, display or other activity?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes, David, sure. Today in our material as an example, to your point, I shared the consumption trends for our frozen business. And I showed a line chart that showed our consumption in Q1 was at minus [7.5] and in Q4 was also flat and it's pretty much straight line between from one from Q1 through Q4. So so the volume decline in that business is virtually gone over the course of three periods, and that did not happen by accident. You'll recall that after Q1 we made some, I'll call it test investments in frozen traded, nudge the consumer along to see if they would, it would work. And we got a great response to that in Q2, expanded those investments in Q3 , it was a combination of everything from advertising to merchandising to more support for our innovation and it all had the desired effect.


  • I think, the types of merchandising that you'd look at. Really, as I mentioned earlier, we're high quality displays. I'd say almost every quarter, the overall merchandising level in the last couple of years was down substantially versus pre-COVID. Now it's moving back up in line with kind of where we've been historically. But the type of promotion is and I'd say in the industry in general has been pretty high quality. It's been I would describe it is reasonable. There are we always have a keen sense for what are the more than price gaps in frozen, David, it's price thresholds where what thresholds can we hit that drive maximum lifts. So we can and we know where those are, we've hit those. That's why we've basically wiped out the volume declines in the fall frozen business because we know what thresholds are particularly important. And and the reason the consumer is ready to be nudged in the frozen business, as an example is because that 40-year chart shows that people rely on high quality, good tasting prepared foods that don't require any prep time and don't require any cleanup when they're forced to . They might have to trim those purchases a little as we experienced a couple of years ago in the last year, but they typically come roaring back. And that's kind of what's happened on the business.

    我想,你會關注的行銷類型。確實,正如我之前提到的,我們是高品質的顯示器。我想說,過去幾年幾乎每季的整體商品銷售水準都比新冠疫情之前大幅下降。現在它又回到了我們歷史上的位置。但我想說的是,促銷類型在整個行業中品質相當高。一直以來我都會描述它是合理的。我們總是對冷凍食品的價格差距有敏銳的感覺,大衛,這是價格閾值,我們可以達到什麼閾值來推動最大的提升。所以我們可以而且我們知道那些在哪裡,我們已經擊中了它們。這就是為什麼我們基本上消除了秋季冷凍業務的銷售下降,因為我們知道什麼閾值特別重要。舉個例子,消費者願意在冷凍行業受到推動的原因是,40 年的圖表顯示,人們依賴高品質、美味的預製食品,這些食品不需要任何準備時間,也不需要當他們被迫時要求進行任何清理。他們可能不得不像我們幾年前去年經歷的那樣稍微削減這些採購,但他們通常會捲土重來。這就是企業中發生的事情。

  • And that's no, that's the strategy that will have across the portfolio is we'll look to your point category by category around what are the key thresholds that we need to hit to maximize our engagement. S ome categories are more price gap oriented, and those tend to be categories where there really was just a couple of competitors. So canned tomatoes is it good example where that's more of a price gap type of category than than others. But most of our categories are more about high quality display and hitting the right thresholds. And just one follow-up on on.


  • David Palmer - Analyst

    David Palmer - Analyst

  • Thanks for that. By the way, on AP margin, do you mentioned that fear and maybe is this the type of year that may be advertising is in this much of the priority, but maybe that starts to step up from future years? How are you thinking about advertising in the past going forward?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • It's about the same yes.


  • David Palmer - Analyst

    David Palmer - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Peter Galbo from Bank of America.


  • Peter Galbo - Analyst

    Peter Galbo - Analyst

  • Hey, guys, good morning. Thanks for taking the question. Davis, kind of going through your comments. If we take kind of the productivity savings net of the inflation rate, it's roughly, I think $85 million that will kind of get reinvested back into back into brand investment or price came at a verify that that that kind of checked out on on your end. And maybe just give us a sense maybe of this being kind of incremental investment where and where in the second half, it was it, is it more weighted to refrigerated or way at the grocery? Any kind of color there would be helpful.

    嘿,夥計們,早安。感謝您提出問題。戴維斯,正在查看您的評論。如果我們扣除通貨膨脹率後的生產力節省,我認為大約有 8500 萬美元會被重新投資回品牌投資或價格,以驗證您的最終結果是否正確。也許只是讓我們感覺到這可能是下半年的增量投資,是在冷藏還是在雜貨店更重要?任何一種顏色都會有幫助。

  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Why don't why don't I hit that? And then I'll let Sean fill in any blanks. So you have from a high level, we're really pleased with our productivity. We talked about expecting 4% productivity and inflation, we have around 3%. So clearly, there's some benefit there. And we expect stable gross margins for the full year that allows us to make investments. Those investments will be continued investment in certain trade merchandise that obviously impacts margin. And Sean just described how we go about that. Obviously, frozen and snacking, our priorities, but we also have select operation Unity's in grocery that we're evaluating that we think are important. But we also have other investments that we make that hit cost of goods sold in terms of continue innovation and product quality that we build and other investments that we're making in the supply chain of those do hit cost of goods sold. And in our part of that whole margin basket . So a high level, we feel really good about the efficiency, the operation right now where we can invest to get the volumes continuing to go in the right direction and maintain the gross margin that we finished fiscal 24.

    為什麼我不打那個?然後我會讓肖恩填補任何空白。所以你從高水準來看,我們對我們的生產力非常滿意。我們談到預期生產力和通膨率分別為 4% 和 3% 左右。很明顯,這有一些好處。我們預計全年毛利率穩定,使我們能夠進行投資。這些投資將是對某些明顯影響利潤的貿易商品的持續投資。肖恩剛剛描述了我們如何做到這一點。顯然,冷凍和零食是我們的首要任務,但我們也在雜貨店中選擇了 Unity 的業務,我們正在評估我們認為重要的業務。但我們也進行了其他投資,這些投資在我們建構的持續創新和產品品質方面影響了銷售成本,而我們在供應鏈中進行的其他投資確實影響了銷售成本。在整個保證金籃子中我們的部分。因此,在高水準上,我們對效率和目前的營運狀況感到非常滿意,我們可以進行投資,以使銷售繼續朝著正確的方向發展,並維持我們在 24 財年完成的毛利率。

  • Peter Galbo - Analyst

    Peter Galbo - Analyst

  • Got it. Okay. That's all it. And then, Sean, just kind of thinking about the productivity number and it's a question your peers as well. I guess just what's the risk that we start to push the productivity lever to hard and you know that did that create, I don't know, lower lower ingredient quality or potential issue is just in your as your kind of getting maybe to productive. I think it's a question that we face a lot of well. So thanks very. much


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes, I think our investors should know that that's like the third rail for us. We would not cut quality of our products and we've been and worse in the consumer experience to drive productivity. In fact, if you look at Pete, over what we've done over the last 10 years, it's exactly the opposite of that. We have infused tons of money into our food quality and our packaging to modernize this portfolio to make it the kind of stuff that people are willing to pay more for and conclude that it's a better value than and when it was lower quality and lower price. And so that is that is precious for us that is central to our innovation success that we've had. And that is not the kind of productivity we're talking about.

    是的,我認為我們的投資者應該知道這對我們來說就像第三軌道。我們不會降低產品質量,而且我們一直在提高消費者體驗以提高生產力。事實上,如果你看看皮特,看看我們過去 10 年所做的事情,情況恰恰相反。我們在食品品質和包裝上投入了大量資金,以使該產品組合現代化,使其成為人們願意花更多錢購買的東西,並得出結論,它比低品質和低價格時更有價值。因此,這對我們來說很寶貴,也是我們創新成功的核心。這不是我們談論的生產力。

  • We're talking about really a lot of what we've been doing is not only just getting our service levels back in our labor pool stable, but investing technology and harnessing technology. So we can run our plants more efficiently and really, really kind of do the opposite, which is the time zero loss and no waste and be a high-quality as we can be. So rest assured that's not part of the playbook.


  • Peter Galbo - Analyst

    Peter Galbo - Analyst

  • Thanks Sean.


  • Operator


  • [Mats Gulfport] from BNP.

    [Mats Gulfport] 來自法國巴黎銀行。

  • Unidentified_Participant


  • Thanks for the question. I might be reading a bit too much into it. It feels like while you are still encouraged by the direction of the volume recovery, you're maybe a bit less optimistic on the pace of that recovery than you were just last quarter. And it felt like you were moving towards that Mendoza line of flat to positive volumes. If that threat to just give us an update on sort of what's changed over the last three months in terms of what you're seeing in the consumer environment, thanks.


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • That sound right, max on that's now I feel at all, in fact, if you look at the trends of the consumption that we've shown, there has not been a business that has stalled. I you know, in our we've had steady upward trajectory from Q1 through Q4, just virtually everywhere in the business. Now as Dave points out, there's plenty of noise in this year's Q1. So I get that we've got to be helpful for you guys and understand Q1, for example, part of that is not just on on the stuff that impacts margin. But we've got some significant merchandising events in Q1 of last year that we've shifted to Q2 this year to take more advantage of holiday and the lift we get there.


  • So I I feel like what we're seeing here is , as I mentioned to you, Andrew, and Ken process that's unfolding in a fairly linear way, ex the noise in terms of just the underlying trend line. And I think that's going to continue. And I think we've these are discrete investments that we put business by business and where we've done that, we've seen a response.


  • So we'll do that against more businesses as we go into into fiscal '25, here, and I think we'll see a continued response. And meanwhile, while we're doing it, if you think about our two most critical strategic businesses in the portfolio, frozen and snacks, we held or grew market share in 80% of those two that combined business, that is about the best you're going to find in the industry. So so these are not only being the volume line in a very predictable way, but we are gaining share. And that just shows you the how well our brands are resonating vis a vis either competitors and how well our innovation is resonated with consumers as well.

    因此,當我們進入 25 財年時,我們將對更多企業採取這種做法,我認為我們會看到持續的反應。同時,在我們這樣做的同時,如果你考慮我們投資組合中最關鍵的兩項策略業務——冷凍和零食,我們在這兩項合併業務中保持或增長了80% 的市場份額,這對你來說是最好的選擇。因此,這些不僅以非常可預測的方式成為銷售線,而且我們正在獲得份額。這只是向您展示了我們的品牌與競爭對手的共鳴程度以及我們的創新與消費者的共鳴程度。

  • Unidentified_Participant


  • Great. And then on food service with volumes down 10% in the quarter, you called out the QSR weakness as well as some actions to eliminate a low profit business. I was just curious if you could disaggregate for us the magnitude of each of those two impacts and also what you're seeing on the QSR side in terms of how that weakness could progress over the coming year?

    偉大的。然後,關於本季銷量下降 10% 的餐飲服務,您指出了 QSR 的弱點以及一些消除低利潤業務的行動。我只是好奇您能否為我們分解這兩種影響的嚴重程度,以及您在 QSR 方面看到的情況,即這種弱點在未來一年會如何發展?

  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yes, I'll just make a quick comment here, David, add whatever you want. But our foodservice, I think everybody knows as a channel we can do, you know, in the last several months and traffic's been down and no company, I think has been exempt from that. But so we've had a bit of that. But that's really kind of out with a big part of what you're seeing in our foodservice business. We have had a very serious margin experiment expansion philosophy on our foodservice business, where in the last year we exercised a fair amount of value over volume strategy. And so that negatively pressured our volumes. But I think our operating margin foodservices up a massive amount. Dave, I don't know if we were going to want to find that, but up 400 basis points.

    是的,我將在這裡快速發表評論,大衛,添加您想要的任何內容。但是我們的餐飲服務,我想每個人都知道我們可以做的一個管道,你知道,在過去的幾個月裡,流量一直在下降,我認為沒有一家公司可以倖免。但我們已經經歷過一些這樣的事情了。但這與您在我們的餐飲服務業務中看到的很大一部分確實有點不相符。我們對餐飲服務業務實行了非常認真的利潤率實驗擴張理念,去年我們實施了相當數量的價值超過數量的策略。因此,這對我們的銷量造成了負面壓力。但我認為我們的餐飲服務營業利潤率大幅上升。戴夫,我不知道我們是否想要找到這個,但上漲了 400 個基點。

  • So we've gotten the impact we were looking for from our value over volume. The top line part is a little bit soft attributable to the traffic piece that we've seen elsewhere. But but that the overall takeaway around top-line foodservice, the primary driver is our value over volume strategy, and that has had a very material expansion on our operating margins there. Anything else you'd add to it yet? Not just going to and especially in light of popcorn and some tomato businesses, we're just we're not just weren't making the money that we wanted to make. So we got out of those businesses.


  • Unidentified_Participant


  • Great. Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Robert Moskow from CD. Cowen.

    CD 中的羅伯特·莫斯科。考恩.

  • Robert Moskow - Analyst

    Robert Moskow - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you, Sean. Getting you have a lot of brands that skew more heavily towards towards lower income consumers and you have a lot of brands that skew the other way. Are you seeing any differences in terms of how those brands are performing, like low income versus high income? Because there's a lot of of when food companies are asking why things are slowing, they tend to point to that that cohort and you have a pretty broad portfolio. So do you see more in one versus the other?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes. I think any large diversified food companies is going to sell products to pretty much every income level. And I think the headline in the last year and level people in support and higher income consumers just on principle didn't like the new price points they were seeing in the basket and they would say would trim their normal purchases. So to get to your point, it's things like when we looked at Snap and and some of the sunsetting of the excess payments, did we see any material impact in the business? Not really a little bit, but not much.

    是的。我認為任何大型多元化食品公司都會向幾乎所有收入水平銷售產品。我認為去年的頭條新聞和支持者以及高收入消費者原則上不喜歡他們在購物籃中看到的新價格點,他們會說會削減他們的正常購買量。那麼,為了表達你的觀點,當我們研究 Snap 以及部分超額付款的取消時,我們是否看到了對業務的任何實質影響?確實不是一點點,但也不是很多。

  • So I would just I would say that the value seeking behavior we saw in the last year really was across income cohorts. You're always going to have more sensitivity for the lowest income bracket. And and that's where you tend to see those thresholds that I talked about a little earlier with Dave matter the most, Rob, because if you if you are going to invest in a high quality merchandising event and you can get to material a meaningful threshold for that lower income consumer, i t tends to manifest itself in high lifts. And we have we've done that. We have seen higher lifts than we've seen on average kind of in the last 10 years. I think what that tells you is people who have trimmed their buying rate are ready to get back to buying rate. They just need a little bit of that nudging. And I think those those thresholds probably mean that most of the people who need them the most.

    所以我只想說,我們去年看到的價值追求行為確實是跨收入族群的。您總是會對最低收入階層更加敏感。羅布,這就是我之前與戴夫討論過的那些門檻最重要的地方,因為如果你打算投資高品質的行銷活動,並且你可以為以下活動設定一個有意義的門檻:對於低收入消費者來說,它往往表現在高電梯上。我們已經做到了。我們看到的升力比過去 10 年的平均升力還要高。我認為這告訴你的是,那些降低了購買率的人已經準備好恢復購買率了。他們只需要一點點推動。我認為這些閾值可能意味著大多數最需要它們的人。

  • Robert Moskow - Analyst

    Robert Moskow - Analyst

  • Great. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Nik Modi from RBC.


  • Nik Modi - Analyst

    Nik Modi - Analyst

  • Thanks. Good morning, everyone. I just thought maybe I can just follow up on Rob's question out from a different angle. And Sean, I'd love your perspective on this . I mean, I'm wondering if there's a mismatch between, you know, where the consumers are versus how you're spending on in Canagra has been very on a on the forefront of digital on marketing for many years. But it seems like a lot of older consumers tend to over-index categories. And I'm curious if you think there's a mismatch between where you're spending the money, which is more digital versus kind of more traditional media, which is where some of these older consumers tend to Tropic . Any thoughts on that?

    謝謝。大家,早安。我只是想也許我可以從不同的角度跟進羅布的問題。肖恩,我很想聽聽你對此的看法。我的意思是,我想知道消費者所在的位置與您的消費方式之間是否存在不匹配。但似乎許多老年消費者傾向於過度索引類別。我很好奇你是否認為你花錢的地方不匹配,更數位化的媒體與更傳統的媒體,而這正是一些老年消費者傾向於 Tropic 的地方。對此有什麼想法嗎?

  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, if you think about our what I'll call our brand building spend in total, by far the biggest investment we make is in new product innovation, product and package. So it's actually right into the COGS line. And if you look across the food space, you feel you won't probably find the breadth of innovation that we do around here. Why does that matter? Because that the consumer spend the bulk of their time shopping, whether it's shopping online, shopping in store, and we want our products to be a resting at the point of purchase. We want our products to be provocative to look modern and contemporary because we believe that appeals to us all age groups, young, middle older, it doesn't matter. So that's our biggest spend. And then we also invest with our customers.

    好吧,如果你考慮我們的品牌建設總支出,到目前為止,我們最大的投資是在新產品創新、產品和包裝上。所以它實際上就進入了 COGS 線。如果你放眼整個食品領域,你會覺得你可能找不到我們在這裡所做的廣泛的創新。為什麼這很重要?因為消費者大部分時間都花在購物上,無論是網上購物還是實體店購物,我們希望我們的產品能夠在購買時得到休息。我們希望我們的產品具有挑釁性,看起來現代和現代,因為我們相信這對我們所有年齡層的人都有吸引力,無論是年輕人還是中老年人,這並不重要。所以這是我們最大的支出。然後我們也與我們的客戶一起投資。

  • We invest in high-quality display. We invest in the proper shelving, right eye level. And again, that's the kind of investment that is agnostic to age group. And the smallest piece of it is the AP. piece of it, which is heavily focused on the social media around. And the reason for that is because we're trying to find we're trying to drive by reality, we're trying to get word of mouth about our products and just because virality may start online in TikTok or on Instagram. It doesn't now the point of those types of investments as they get consumers talking. And when you get consumers talking, they talk to their friends, they talk to their families, t hey talk to their moms and dads. And that's how you drive brand saliency top of mind this an intriguing, the new innovation. So. So we have investments all across the board from product to in store to online. And we're highly confident we're reaching every demographic. And frankly, if we weren't, you would not have seen the types of volume inflection domains.

    我們投資於高品質的顯示器。我們投資於合適的貨架、合適的視線高度。再說一次,這種投資與年齡層無關。其中最小的部分是 AP。其中一部分主要集中在周圍的社交媒體上。原因是我們試圖發現我們正在努力以現實為導向,我們正在努力獲得有關我們產品的口碑,只是因為病毒式傳播可能始於 TikTok 或 Instagram 上。現在,這些類型的投資不再是它們的重點,因為它們讓消費者議論紛紛。當你讓消費者交談時,他們會與朋友交談,與家人交談,與父母交談。這就是您如何將品牌顯著性放在首位,這是一項有趣的新創新。所以。因此,我們進行了從產品到實體店再到線上的全面投資。我們非常有信心能夠涵蓋每個人群。坦白說,如果我們不這樣做,您就不會看到音量變形域的類型。

  • Nik Modi - Analyst

    Nik Modi - Analyst

  • That's helpful. And then just maybe if you can give us an update on plunging and some of the channel work with suggest there's some pressure there, some kind of encroachment competitors McFadden. I'm just curious if you have any perspective on kind of how that brand is faring right now?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes. I think to kind of wrap your mind or a Slim Jim slit, you got to think Slim Jim enjoyed it absolutely explosive growth through the pandemic. Which saw the business increase in size dramatically. That led to some capacity constraints for us. And so between this past year, between the capacity constraints and the tough comps, those are things we had to deal with in fiscal '24, but now with good investment, good innovation and capacity available to us. Again, the business is already growing again, volumetrically and I would expect that to continue Slim Jim is a $1 billion juggernaut And and that's not going to change.

    是的。我認為,要讓你的頭腦或 Slim Jim 的開衩,你必須認為 Slim Jim 在大流行期間享受了絕對爆炸性的增長。這使得業務規模急劇擴大。這給我們帶來了一些產能限制。因此,在過去的一年中,在產能限制和艱難的競爭之間,這些是我們在 24 財年必須處理的事情,但現在我們擁有良好的投資、良好的創新和產能。再說一次,業務量已經再次成長,我預計 Slim Jim 會繼續發展,成為價值 10 億美元的巨頭,而且這一點不會改變。

  • Nik Modi - Analyst

    Nik Modi - Analyst

  • Great. I'll pass it on. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Tom Palmer from Citi.


  • Thomas Palmer - Analyst

    Thomas Palmer - Analyst

  • Thanks for fitting in. I just wanted to clarify on promotional activity, other types of brand building that you referenced, both in response to consumers compare to historical norms and relative to what we might have seen, say in late 2023? And then are you seeing much response from your competitors are based on your actions?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I would say on the categories that have been described as normal rate when you go to a store for frozen meal is 10 and you cut that back to 8. That means that after you run out after eight people in the household or job of opening the freezer, expecting their fee to more instead, they've got to make a sandwich from scratch or they had something and that grows frustrating. And so what happens then is if we can get to the right price thresholds and get a high-quality display people like, I think good this phenomenon, I'm going to replenish it in my normal cadence . And that's kind of what we've seen two shows up in in better lifts on it. In terms of competition across the category, look at anybody, I think in the industry is trying to get volumes on north again.

    我想說的是,在被描述為正常價格的類別中,當你去商店購買冷凍食品時,價格是10 份,然後你將其減少到8 份。中的8 個人後,冰箱,期望他們的費用更多,相反,他們必須從頭開始做三明治,否則他們有一些東西,這會變得令人沮喪。那麼接下來會發生的是,如果我們能夠達到正確的價格閾值並獲得人們喜歡的高品質顯示器,我認為這種現像很好,我將以正常的節奏補充它。這就是我們所看到的兩個在更好的電梯中出現的情況。就整個類別的競爭而言,看看任何人,我認為該行業正在努力再次擴大銷量。

  • And so I think everybody has had room to do more promotion and that's fine. That's fine because the consumer need some help. And I think there are getting it on, but not everybody has equal brands. So you're not going to get equal lifts in frozen it as an example, we've got look at our market shares there. Wherever all-time record market shares are the biggest frozen player there is and that's in large part. And all the category growth in the last 10 years is because of the quality of the innovation, which frankly is just difficult for anybody to match.

    所以我認為每個人都有進行更多促銷的空間,這很好。這很好,因為消費者需要一些幫助。我認為確實有,但不是每個人都有相同的品牌。因此,以冷凍為例,您不會獲得同等的提升,我們已經了解了我們在那裡的市場份額。凡是市佔率創歷史新高的地方,都有最大的凍結玩家,而且這在很大程度上是這樣。過去 10 年所有品類的成長都歸功於創新的質量,坦白說,這是任何人都難以匹敵的。

  • Thomas Palmer - Analyst

    Thomas Palmer - Analyst

  • Thanks for that. And then just a quick one on Ardent Mills. The language in the release or the prepared remarks will refer to it is moving towards a more normalized level of operation. I just want to make sure I understand this because we think about that $150 million outlook, which is kind of consistently started off last year as well as a more normalized rate, or is that like normalizing and we should look for maybe a glide path slightly lower for over a series of years?

    感謝那。然後快速介紹一下 Ardent Mills。新聞稿或準備好的評論中的語言將表明它正在朝著更規範的操作水平邁進。我只是想確保我理解這一點,因為我們考慮了 1.5 億美元的前景,這是從去年開始的,也是一個更加正常化的利率,或者是像正常化一樣,我們應該尋找一個稍微下滑的路徑連續多年走低?

  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thom, let me trying to give you some color on that. I did spend a little time in the remarks on on Ardent Mills. That's really split into two basic businesses , just the flower business that they sell at a margin. And then this business that I called commodity revenue type business. And this is things like, you know, them hedging flow, lower transactions, you know, storing we know based on futures curves speculating on on feed prices and wheat and corn future. So all that kind of trading activity that is very difficult to forecast with precision, right and Ardent Mills as they have significant capability in the area. And so the way that we're going to do this with Ardent Mills, as we're going to give you guidance on what the number is based on our latest estimate from management and in each quarter or we're going to update on it because it can it can ebb and flow. But over over the course of the year right now, the guidance we gave is our best ever estimate.

    湯姆,讓我試著給你一些解釋。我確實花了一點時間在關於 Ardent Mills 的評論中。這實際上分為兩個基本業務,只是他們以利潤出售的花卉業務。然後這個業務我稱之為商品收入型業務。這就是,你知道,他們對沖流量,減少交易,你知道,儲存我們根據飼料價格以及小麥和玉米期貨推測的期貨曲線所知道的資訊。因此,所有此類貿易活動都很難準確、正確和熱情地預測,因為他們在該領域擁有強大的能力。因此,我們將與 Ardent Mills 合作,我們將根據管理層的最新估計以及每個季度為您提供有關數字的指導,或者我們將對其進行更新因為它可以,它可以潮起潮落。但在今年的過程中,我們給出的指導是我們有史以來最好的估計。

  • Thomas Palmer - Analyst

    Thomas Palmer - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you for that.


  • Operator


  • Chris Harris from Wells Fargo.


  • Chris Harris - Analyst

    Chris Harris - Analyst

  • Hey, thank you very much. So I just wanted to maybe clarify or clarify, but get a bit more context on the pricing comments in the presentation around competitive price tomato pricing will be lapping and then you'll be taking new pricing on some cocoa? I guess when you when you think about those two things, does that net out neutral for the year? And then how would you see overall pricing trending perhaps ex those items for the broader business, especially after the context of the stable gross margin, despite some investments. Then I have a quick follow-up.


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • While this let me start, Sean , you can fill. And so, you know, all of our pricing is inflation justified. So we've obviously taken significant pricing over the last two to three years. But you look in fiscal '24, there was significant inflation in tomatoes. So we took pricing during fiscal '24. So that will all -- wrap on that in fiscal '25. And then as you know, there's been significant inflation in cocoa. So with our Swiss Miss business, we are going to have pricing that will be effective Q2, so that it's all based on on inflation. So they're really the two big areas right now .

    讓我開始吧,肖恩,你可以填補。所以,你知道,我們所有的定價都是通貨膨脹合理的。因此,在過去的兩到三年裡,我們顯然採取了重大定價。但你看看 24 財年,西紅柿出現了嚴重的通貨膨脹。因此我們在 24 財年進行了定價。這將在 25 財年結束。如你所知,可可出現了嚴重的通貨膨脹。因此,對於我們的瑞士小姐業務,我們的定價將在第二季生效,因此一切都基於通貨膨脹。所以它們現在確實是兩大領域。

  • In terms of the impact on price mix there, obviously, tailwinds to price mix, right? So when you take prices, you're going to get benefit from that. But then when we increase investment and trade merchandising, that's above, that's within the net sales line. So that shows up as more of a headwind in terms of the overall impact. So so those will net. So as we go into fiscal '25, you'll start to see kind of price mix play out for our Grocery & Snacks business. Sean mentioned we see some select opportunities in grocery and where we want to, but we want to do some investment. And so that will play out as fiscal '25 moves on. And that will be reflected in the price mix line. So we're not going to give specific guidance on price mix by segment, but they're there and the general dynamics that should help you.

    就對價格組合的影響而言,顯然對價格組合有利,對吧?因此,當您採取價格時,您將從中受益。但是,當我們增加投資和貿易商品時,這超出了淨銷售線。因此,就整體影響而言,這更像是一種逆風。所以那些都會淨的。因此,當我們進入 25 財年時,您將開始看到我們的雜貨和零食業務出現某種價格組合。肖恩提到,我們在雜貨店和我們想要的地方看到了一些精選機會,但我們想做一些投資。隨著 25 財年的推進,這種情況將會顯現出來。這將反映在價格組合中。因此,我們不會按細分市場提供有關價格組合的具體指導,但它們的存在以及一般動態應該對您有所幫助。

  • Chris Harris - Analyst

    Chris Harris - Analyst

  • Okay, great. I said it would be a quick follow-up, maybe maybe a bit more than that, but we'll still see some 80% holding or gaining share. And the strategic frozen and snacks, clearly very good share momentum in those areas w here your focus you did, however, mention that the Staples work in progress.

    好的,太好了。我說這將是一個快速的後續行動,也許比這更多一點,但我們仍然會看到大約 80% 的控股或獲得份額。戰略冷凍食品和零食顯然在您關注的領域表現良好,但是,請提到史泰博的工作正在進行中。

  • Can you just comment on the areas where you are seeing competitive encroachment and perhaps specifically how you see private label developing and some of these areas that given the that's a retailer focus? Just any context on this that comes to mind is helpful. Thank you.


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes, we've had we've as I mentioned, we've seen value-seeking behavior now for a couple of years. And it really is in every category that people buy in food and beyond food, we've tackled and much of that in the portfolio. There's still some places that we haven't pursued to that. So we've got a couple of canned food businesses as an example, with tomatoes and canned pasta, where we haven't put a lot of attention. Those are categories where they are not like other categories, they're not exempt from a trade down if your price thresholds are not right if you're gaps or not, right . So we've got the vast portfolio. We've got a couple we've got a handful of space is not many that we haven't really put energy against that will put some investment against.


  • That's baked into the outlook that we gave you today. And we know on those businesses, they are the kinds of businesses we talked about earlier where when you get your fundamentals in the right spot be at a gap, albeit a threshold. And you get the right kind of display support, you tend to see outsized lift. So there are few spaces there.


  • But overall, I mean, if you think about the peer set, our strategic spaces are back to pretty much flat. We're already growing volumetrically. I don't think you're seeing that a lot of other portfolios. And I also don't think that you're seeing in other folks, key strategic domains, 80% of that portfolio holding or gaining share. So I want to make sure we emphasize that because we have been we were one of the first companies to say that we were going to guide. We said overtly, we're going to target our key strategic domains for investment. If we since we believe the consumer was ready to be nudge and we have seen tremendous response, we're back to pretty close to that and then does align and in some cases already positive territory, there are.

    但總的來說,我的意思是,如果你考慮一下同行,我們的戰略空間又回到了幾乎持平的狀態。我們已經在規模上成長。我認為您沒有看到很多其他投資組合。我也不認為你在其他人、關鍵策略領域看到 80% 的投資組合持有或獲得份額。所以我想確保我們強調這一點,因為我們一直是最早表示我們將提供指導的公司之一。我們公開表示,我們將針對關鍵策略領域進行投資。如果我們相信消費者已經準備好接受推動並且我們已經看到了巨大的反應,那麼我們就會回到非常接近的水平,然後確實會保持一致,並且在某些情況下已經是積極的領域。

  • So so that's in between that and our share performance in those strategic domains. I'd like to set up as we go into the fiscal year. We'll deal with the noise in Q1, but the fundamentals look pretty solid to me to my eyes.


  • Chris Harris - Analyst

    Chris Harris - Analyst

  • Okay. Thank you. Both .

    好的。謝謝。兩個都 。

  • Operator


  • Rob Dickerson from Jefferies.


  • Robert Dickerson - Analyst

    Robert Dickerson - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks so much. I guess, Sean, just to come back to the grocery will be more Staples business. There does seem like it's lagging a little bit there for the various reasons you mentioned and feel a bit more investment going in there as we get through the year . But I am just curious kind of we're much more broadly speaking as we if we go back to pre-COVID, right cut as you enter the company and we look through all the different brands and segments, there did seem to be kind of a feel a bit of a the potential of divestment.


  • You know, on some of those grocery brands just to kind of focus the overall portfolio, right? And then we can come back particularly will 80% holding didn't share and strategic domains. This is our focus. So I'm just curious, as you think forward in the next few years, like, I guess, why not just kind of step away, you know, from some of those brands sort of in line with what you've been speaking about Oilfield Service side?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes. There's a bunch in there, Rob. Let me just mention real quick on the first bar in terms of our what we call our Staples domain, which are basically staple products for assets that's refrigerated combination, refrigerated businesses and some grocery businesses. And we invested in some of the refrigerated businesses in Q4. I actually saw our refrigerated brands grow volume metric.

    是的。那裡有很多人,羅布。讓我在第一個欄位快速提一下我們所謂的 Staples 領域,這些領域基本上是冷藏組合資產、冷藏業務和一些雜貨業務的主要產品。我們在第四季度投資了一些冷藏業務。我實際上看到我們的冷藏品牌的銷量有所增長。

  • In our grocery business. We had some businesses that were wrapping an easy comp because some supply chain challenges. Last year, they grew meaningfully in Q4. And then we had some other businesses that infact mentioned a couple that we've got to get through. So there's a lot that goes in there. We also under shipped consumption in that Grocery & Snacks business in Q4. So that was that was really a part of what you saw in terms of where we stood versus consensus in the quarter. But to your broader point, if you go back to the deck we shared at the last cagney, I don't know that there's been a more active portfolio in the last nine or so so years in terms of reshaping the portfolio for better growth and better margins, including divestitures, we've done as many spins or divestitures as they think about anybody.


  • So we're always open to that. I think what I would want investors to assume there's anything that's not strategic for us where So somebody else would offer something that is above the intrinsic value of the asset. Why wouldn't we be open to that? Of course, we have been in the past, we would be again in the future, but we also have to be we have that sharp pencils in terms of how much overhead to those assets absorb, what would the margin, what does the economic value we would lose if we were to exit them and are we going to be paid for that?


  • So so you won't find any on entrenchment here against the concept, but we have to be very buttoned up in terms of does it create value or does destroyed value for our shareholders? Because over time, I think what you'll see as we invest in the businesses we own will add bolt-ons that are additive to our growth into our margin. And we'll we'll divest stuff that is a drag either on growth or margin and not a strategic fit. I think that's always been our playbook, and I don't think that will change over time.


  • Robert Dickerson - Analyst

    Robert Dickerson - Analyst

  • Got it. Yes, fair enough. And then just maybe quickly for Dave. I normally don't ask about impairments of the quarter, the colored being called out previously, well, I understand it changes in rates. What have you like? Are there certain areas that we should just be aware of or certain brands that maybe have been driving a bit more those impairments? And that's all I guess.


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yes, no, from So yes, obviously, the fourth quarter we go through our impairment testing. We do it every year. I mean, we really look at impairment both at the brand level and for goodwill, which is based on our reporting level, which means there's several different brands that come together that then go against goodwill that's been allocated to those. So it's two different types of impairment. This quarter, we actually had impairments both in brands and goodwill. And as I mentioned in my comments, there were three key drivers that the higher interest rates, which obviously impact discount rates because you're basically doing discounted cash flows when you do impairment on goodwill and you're using a room royalty methods, which essentially is a discounted cash flow type concept.


  • So obviously, discount rates have an impact in there, but they're up based on interest rates. You also when you do goodwill, you look at the industry market multiples and that that is something that impacted this year as part of the impairment. When you look at the food industry and you look at it as an average that we have much lower industry market multiple. So that actually impacted us and was part of our impairment that we took.


  • And then the third, these assumptions we have on net sales. And obviously in this environment where we're your volumes are down, we're investing that does impact your short-term forecasts on net sales. And when you do that, that can impact any particular reporting unit our brand, depending on kind of where it sits. So we feel great about our business. We talk about our business very openly and you guys have a very good feel for what our strategic priorities are. This is the standard analysis that we go through. But but more than 50% of the impact is really from the interest rate and a lower market multiple,

    第三,我們對淨銷售額的假設。顯然,在您的銷售量下降的環境下,我們的投資確實會影響您對淨銷售額的短期預測。當你這樣做時,這可能會影響我們品牌的任何特定報告單位,這取決於它所處的位置。所以我們對我們的業務感覺很好。我們非常公開地談論我們的業務,你們對我們的策略重點有很好的認識。這是我們要經歷的標準分析。但超過 50% 的影響實際上來自利率和較低的市場倍數,

  • Robert Dickerson - Analyst

    Robert Dickerson - Analyst

  • Makes sense. Thank you so much.


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • And ladies and gentlemen, at this time, I'm showing no additional questions. I'd like to turn the floor back over to Melissa Napier for closing remarks.

    女士們先生們,此時我沒有提出其他問題。我想請梅麗莎·納皮爾(Melissa Napier)致閉幕詞。

  • Melissa Napier - SVP of Investor Relation

    Melissa Napier - SVP of Investor Relation

  • Thanks, everyone, for joining us for our live Q&A session today. Investor relations is around and available to take any follow-up questions that you may have. H ave a good day, everyone. Thank you
