康尼格拉食品 (CAG) 2025 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the Conagra Brands Q1 fiscal year 2025 Q&A conference call. (Operator Instructions) Please also note, today's event is being recorded.

    大家早安,歡迎參加康尼格拉品牌 2025 財年第一季問答電話會議。 (操作員說明)也請注意,今天的活動正在錄製中。

  • At this time, I'd like to turn the floor over to Melissa Napier. Ma'am, please go ahead.

    現在,我想把發言權交給梅麗莎·納皮爾 (Melissa Napier)。女士,請繼續。

  • Melissa Napier - Senior Vice President of Investor Relations

    Melissa Napier - Senior Vice President of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Jamie. Good morning, everyone. Thanks for joining us today for our live question-and-answer session on today's results. Once again, I'm joined this morning by Sean Connolly, our CEO; and Dave Marberger, our CFO.

    謝謝,傑米。大家早安。感謝您今天加入我們關於今天結果的現場問答環節。今天早上,我們的執行長 Sean Connolly 再次與我會面。以及我們的財務長戴夫·馬伯格 (Dave Marberger)。

  • We may be making some forward-looking statements and discussing non-GAAP financial measures during this session. Please see our earnings release, prepared remarks, presentation materials and filings with the SEC, which can be found in the Investor Relations section of our website for more information, including descriptions of our risk factors, GAAP to non-GAAP reconciliations, and information on our comparability items.

    我們可能會在本屆會議期間做出一些前瞻性陳述並討論非公認會計原則財務措施。請參閱我們的收益發布、準備好的評論、演示材料和向SEC 提交的文件,這些信息可以在我們網站的投資者關係部分找到,以了解更多信息,包括我們的風險因素的描述、GAAP 與非GAAP 調節以及有關資訊我們的可比較項目。

  • Jamie, please introduce the first question.


  • Operator


  • Ken Goldman, JPMorgan.


  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • I wanted to ask two questions. First, your commentary or your tone on snacking is certainly better than what we're seeing and hearing from a lot of other snack makers, really almost all other snack makers out there right now. What are you seeing? Obviously, you have a little more of a protein bent in your snacking business. But even your popcorn business, the tone was positive on, and most popcorn brands that we see are not doing great.


  • So just trying to get a sense of sort of is it execution? Is it the portfolio? What are you seeing out there that's giving you that advantage right now?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hey, Ken. It's Sean. Yeah, our snack business is larger than I think people realize, and it's also quite a bit different from other snack businesses in a couple of ways. Number one, it's extremely focused on permissible snacks of protein- and fiber-rich snacks. And number two, it's a non-DSD snack business. So we stay out of the chip space, and we've been building scale in the permissible snack space for years now. We have a substantial business.

    嘿,肯。是肖恩。是的,我們的零食業務比我認為人們意識到的要大,而且在幾個方面與其他零食業務也有很大不同。第一,它非常關注允許的富含蛋白質和纖維的零食。第二,這是一個非 DSD 零食業務。因此,我們遠離晶片領域,多年來我們一直在允許的零食領域擴大規模。我們有大量的業務。

  • But what we're seeing is more broadly in snacks, there's a clear pivot toward healthier permissible snacks, and in particular, anything that's rich in protein or rich in fiber seems to be among the top priorities in those people who are consuming snacks. Obviously, snacking is a huge space. We're very excited to add the fatty to our mix because that gives us an even more premium meat stick product. But meat sticks, as you could see in the prepared remarks, is the fastest growing snack subspace of all snacks, and that's where the bulk of our business is.


  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • Okay. And then quickly on frozen food, there's a lot of comments being made in the industry about scratch cooking and how that's picking up because -- partly because of the cost of eating away from home. I understand that. But what are your data showing about frozen food? It would seem to me that scratch cooking costs more than a frozen dinner.


  • So do your data show a pick-up or a significant pick-up in consumers really shifting from restaurants over the last few months? Is that an accelerating trend? I know, Sean, you thought it would happen. I just don't know quite how much you're actually seeing in the data?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I think it's a really interesting question because our demand science team is constantly giving us this data, and what we're seeing is interesting. A year or so ago, we did see some behavior shifts toward more scratch cooking, and I'm talking very affordable stuff, a bag of rice, a pound of ground beef, things like that. Our products like cans of tomatoes would do well in that environment.


  • But from what we're seeing in the data now, the scratch cooking behavior shift we saw a year ago seems to be running its course. And specifically, what we're seeing now is there's a pivot back to more convenient items. Even the some of the strength you guys point out in the perimeter of the store tends to be things that can be prepared in less than five minutes. So consumers have pivoted back to convenience, which we are capitalizing on in our frozen space.


  • I pointed out that frozen has been a growth engine for over 40 years in large part because of the convenience and affordability. We see that consumer pivot happening. We are more active as we should be as the leaders in frozen than just about anybody else in this space, and we're gaining as a result.

    我指出,冷凍食品 40 多年來一直是成長動力,很大程度上是因為其便利性和價格實惠。我們看到消費者轉向正在發生。作為冷凍領域的領導者,我們比這個領域的任何其他人都更活躍,因此我們正在取得進展。

  • So we invested to nudge consumers back to this practice, but we had tremendous confidence that of all the consumer benefit areas we've tracked in the last 50 years, the single most unshakable one is the need for convenience, and that's what we offer with our frozen business.

    因此,我們投資推動消費者重新採用這種做法,但我們非常有信心,在過去50 年追蹤的所有消費者利益領域中,最不可動搖的一個領域是對便利的需求,而這正是我們提供的我們的冷凍業務。

  • Operator


  • Andrew Lazar, Barclays.


  • Andrew Lazar - Analyst

    Andrew Lazar - Analyst

  • So it's clear Conagra has made obviously very good progress on large parts of the portfolio, most notably frozen and snacks domains. But this progress has maybe too often been clouded by various other parts of the portfolio, like maybe a little bit of a leaky bucket at times. And some of those businesses, I think, what seem to be at least appear to be less core at least from the outside. And interesting, each business plays a different role within your portfolio.


  • But maybe in light of your much more, it sounded to me, pointed remarks in today's prepared commentary around getting back to portfolio reshaping, I guess, I'm curious if we should take this to mean maybe now there's a greater appreciation to the benefits of portfolio reshaping, like even if it comes with maybe some near-term earnings dilution but longer term growth and value creation. If I'm not mistaken, you definitely made more of a direct point, I thought, in today's prepared remarks than I've seen in the past.


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, let me unpack that for you. First, I will say that having a Hebrew National issue in grilling season is like getting a flat tire on the way to your wedding. It's unfortunate timing. But just like the flat, it's a minor issue when you have to deal with and you keep moving on.


  • With respect to the portfolio reshaping, as I've said many times, our true north long term has been perpetually reshaping our portfolio for better growth and better margins. And we do that three ways. Number one, we invest in the businesses we own, especially innovation, as you all know. Number two, we seek to acquire faster growing businesses in snacks or in frozen. And number three, we divest slower growth assets.


  • So as I mentioned in our prepared remarks, our strong cash flow and our balance sheet progress have put us in a position to put more focus on this, but, as I said, all while continuing to make progress getting to our leverage target of 3.0 times. So that means that when it comes to acquisitions, we're really not talking more than bolt-ons, and you saw that with fatty in this quarter. And as for divestitures, if it's a slower growth asset or not a strategic fit, it's a candidate to go if an exit would generate a number at or above intrinsic value.

    因此,正如我在準備好的發言中提到的,我們強勁的現金流和資產負債表進展使我們能夠更加關注這一點,但正如我所說,同時繼續取得進展,實現我們的槓桿目標 3.0次。因此,這意味著在收購方面,我們實際上談論的只是補充,您在本季的 Fat 身上就看到了這一點。至於剝離,如果它是一種成長較慢的資產,或者不符合策略,那麼如果退出會產生等於或高於內在價值的數字,那麼它就是剝離的候選者。

  • So we've done quite a bit of this over the years, and we're very disciplined to ensure that if we do it, we're going to create value and not destroy value. And now that we've got the cash flow and the balance sheet in place, we think we can be more active reshaping and continue to make progress on our balance sheet. And that's hitting the target.


  • Andrew Lazar - Analyst

    Andrew Lazar - Analyst

  • And then a quick follow-up. Obviously, even if we take out the Hebrew National disruption, organic for the quarter maybe came in, I guess, a little bit -- I mean, it was sequentially improved as you thought it would be but still maybe not quite where maybe you'd hoped it had been or where Street estimates were. It sounds like 2Q also, right, it's some gradual sequential improvement but still a greater amount of reinvestment. So it seems like more of the pressure than even maybe you might have thought at the start of the year is going to be in the second half.

    然後快速跟進。顯然,即使我們排除了希伯來國家的干擾,本季度的有機可能會進來,我想,一點點- 我的意思是,它按照你的預期得到了連續改善,但仍然可能不完全是你可能的情況。聽起來第二季也是如此,對吧,這是一些逐步的連續改善,但仍然是大量的再投資。因此,下半年的壓力似乎比年初想像的還要大。

  • I guess, what gives you the confidence of the visibility that the full-year reiteration is the right approach given it seems more second half-weighted, but maybe I'm seeing that not in the right way?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. And no question, there was a lot of noise in the quarter. That's why we're trying to unpack it today. In terms of the the organic dollar sales mix versus consensus standards, it's two places, and Dave will unpack this in just a second after I make another point. One is mix, and the other is foodservice, what you guys were expecting in foodservice.


  • But the bottom line from my vantage point is that after Q1, we are largely where we expected to be. While we didn't expect the Hebrew National disruption, to me, that is not as noteworthy as the fact that our investments are working quite well, our scan volume was positive in frozen and snacks, and our share performance was outstanding. So it's not lost on me, there's a lot of noise in the quarter. That's why we're endeavoring on unpacking in detail, so we can enable clarity on the core fundamentals.


  • So back over to Dave to talk about this -- the other two factors I just mentioned.


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. So Andrew, there's -- when we originally gave guidance, and we gave some color on Q1, we were trying to give some perspective on, we didn't expect Q1 to be strong. It was going to be our lowest sales quarter. It was going to be our lowest margin quarter. We had some wraps on SG&A.

    是的。所以安德魯,當我們最初給出指導時,我們對第一季給了一些顏色,我們試圖給出一些觀點,我們沒想到第一季會很強勁。這將是我們銷售額最低的季度。這將是我們利潤率最低的季度。我們對 SG&A 進行了一些總結。

  • So we try to put that out there. But as you know, we don't give specific guidance on Q2. So other than the Hebrew National situation, we were in line or better than our internal plans for Q1. It was just different than consensus. And so we'll manage that.


  • As we look going forward, I gave some color on the call in terms of Q2 and then full year. I did make the comment that Q2 would be our highest trade merchandising quarter of the year. It's also our highest sales quarter of the year by a good amount. So that's part of it.


  • We do expect some of the key variables going forward. We do expect our absorption to start to the moderate and get positive. That's really important because absorption was a headwind in Q1. That tamped down our gross margins because volumes have been down. But as volumes inflect and get positive, we'll start to see that as more of a tailwind than a headwind. So that's a big part of our forecast.


  • We talked about sales mix in Q1 being unfavorable. We expect that to normalize as we move forward as well. Our productivity, we are very pleased with that in Q1, and we expect that to continue to accelerate as we move forward. So it's pretty much right now playing out like we thought. The two big differences are, one, the Hebrew impact, the lost sales of $27 million, and then the lost -- the overall additional cost and lost profit of $11 million that hit in Q1. And then secondly, we took up our forecast for inflation 20 basis points.

    我們談到第一季的銷售組合不利。我們預計隨著我們的前進,這種情況也會正常化。我們對第一季的生產力感到非常滿意,並且我們預計隨著我們的前進,生產力將繼續加速。所以現在的情況幾乎就像我們想像的那樣。兩大差異是,一是希伯來語的影響,銷售額損失 2700 萬美元,然後是第一季的總體額外成本和利潤損失 1100 萬美元。其次,我們將通膨預測上調了 20 個基點。

  • So those two things, given the momentum we see in productivity, given our expectation that absorption will start to flip, and what we're seeing so far with the strong ROI on our merchandising and our expectation that volumes are going to continue to improve each quarter, we feel like we have a line of sight to offset the two headwinds with Hebrew and inflation, and that's why we're holding guidance. So there's a lot there, but it's pretty consistent with the way we originally built the plan for the year.


  • Operator


  • Alexia Howard, Bernstein.


  • Alexia Howard - Analyst

    Alexia Howard - Analyst

  • So two questions. The first one is just about where price/mix goes from here now that we're lapping the tomato product price increase, especially as I think you commented that the trade spend investments are going to be higher next quarter? Then I have a follow-up.


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yes. So as we mentioned, Alexia, we expect our overall sales to continue to improve going forward. So we expect volume improvement each quarter. So a year ago, we expect volumes to be positive. We do expect for the full year that price/mix will be negative, but that rate of decline that we saw -- year-on-year decline that we saw in Q1 should start to moderate going forward.


  • So yes, we have higher merchandising in Q2, but it is a higher sales quarter as well. And it's going into -- it's the holiday -- beginning of the holiday season, so there's some more seasonal promotion there. So I don't want that to be taken out of context that it's above what we planned. It's just the way it flows, Q2, we have more spend given the sales and the seasonal dynamics.


  • Alexia Howard - Analyst

    Alexia Howard - Analyst

  • Got it. And then as a follow-up, more of a sort of taking a step back question. For a number of years, you've been focusing less on advertising and promotion within the SG&A line and maybe a little bit more on promotional, though I recognize that today you laid out that promotional spending is still pretty rational. I think in fiscal '24, your advertising spend was at about 2.5% of sales, 2.4%, which seems lower than the peer average.

    知道了。然後作為後續行動,更多的是一種退後一步的問題。多年來,您一直較少關注SG&A線內的廣告和促銷,也許更多地關注促銷,儘管我認識到今天您指出促銷支出仍然相當理性。我認為在 24 財年,你們的廣告支出約為銷售額的 2.5%、2.4%,這似乎低於同業平均。

  • Is there -- the share trends are looking good, but is the category growth being affected by some of that pullback particularly in light of the fairly significant pullback that you saw this quarter?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, sure, Alexia. The investment we make in brand building, which is how I'll frame it as opposed to what's in the A&P line below the line, is in multiple places in the P&L. The place where we put probably significantly more emphasis than some of our peers in terms of investing in brand building actually goes into COGS. And it shows up in higher quality product innovations, more innovation, and higher quality packaging innovation.


  • So we are probably more relentless, and we have greater scope in terms of the magnitude of the innovation we do on an annual basis. And that has been the key to us driving category health over time. Look at frozen, as an example, almost 10 years ago now, we said we're going to turn the frozen category, frozen meals category from a decliner to a grower. That has happened on the back of unmatched innovation as opposed to unmatched A&P.

    因此,我們可能更加堅持不懈,而且我們每年進行的創新規模也更大。隨著時間的推移,這一直是我們推動品類健康發展的關鍵。以冷凍食品為例,大約 10 年前,我們表示我們要將冷凍類別、冷凍食品類別從衰退者轉變為成長者。這是在無與倫比的創新而不是無與倫比的 A&P 的支持下發生的。

  • Now within the A&P line, what we've done over the years is we've taken the rate from 4%-ish to 2.5%, largely by eliminating nonworking dollars and eliminating low ROI investments like traditional in-line TV. Instead, we focus our A&P investments largely in the digital social realm, in particular, in the last number of years, as you've seen TikTok, Insta, working with influencers because our brand resonance and our innovation success has been terrific. It's just we managed to do that as efficiently as we can so that we can continue to invest more in the COGS line in the form of unmatched innovation.

    現在,在 A&P 領域,我們多年來所做的就是將費率從 4% 左右提高到 2.5%,主要是透過消除非工作資金和消除傳統線上電視等低投資回報率投資。相反,我們的 A&P 投資主要集中在數位社交領域,特別是在過去幾年,正如你所看到的 TikTok、Insta 與影響者合作,因為我們的品牌共鳴和創新成功非常出色。只是我們設法盡可能高效地做到這一點,以便我們能夠繼續以無與倫比的創新形式對 COGS 系列進行更多投資。

  • Operator


  • Leah Jordan, Goldman Sachs.


  • Leah Jordan - Analyst

    Leah Jordan - Analyst

  • I just wanted to follow up on the snacking discussion. Great to see the share gains you called out in that category broadly. But meat stick is a notable one missing, and you noted it's a high-growth category. Maybe you could comment on how you see the competitive environment there, the positioning of Slim Jim today and any potential outlook for more distribution opportunities, and more color on how the new Fatty edition plays into all of that.

    我只是想跟進有關零食的討論。很高興看到您在該類別中廣泛呼籲的份額增長。但肉棒是一個值得注意的缺失,你指出這是一個高成長的類別。也許你可以評論一下你如何看待那裡的競爭環境、《Slim Jim》今天的定位以及更多發行機會的潛在前景,以及更多關於新 Fatty 版本如何參與所有這些的色彩。

  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah. Great question. Here's what's happening in meat snacks and meat sticks specifically, and it's super interesting. The category is really poised for material growth because you've got an $80 billion-ish overall snack space, and there's a lot of potential shifting that we're beginning to see here from more carb- or sugar-laden snacks into protein snacks specifically, protein snacks broadly and meat sticks specifically.

    是的。很好的問題。這是肉類零食和肉棒中發生的具體情況,非常有趣。這個類別確實已經做好了實質成長的準備,因為零食整體空間價值 800 億美元左右,而且我們開始看到從富含碳水化合物或糖的零食到蛋白質零食的巨大潛在轉變,廣義上是蛋白質零食,具體來說是肉棒。

  • When categories experience explosive growth like that, one of the first things you'll see is the addition of more variety. So if you think of a large category like cookies or, back in the old days, cereal, you would see a lot of varieties emerge as categories grow. That's a normal thing, and that's what we've seen in the meat sticks world. And one of the new additions to the meat stick space was fatty smoked meat sticks. And so we've been tracking that business since its inception.


  • It's additive to what we do with Slim Jim because Slim Jim skews to a younger demographic. Fatty is a more sophisticated product, more premium product that skews to an older demographic. So it's incremental, and we thought it was a terrific fit to our portfolio with Slim Jim and Duke's. And as I said, now we've got the trifecta Smokehouse, which we're already the market leader in the fastest-growing snacking space in meat sticks, and now we've got another arrow in our quiver.

    它是我們對 Slim Jim 所做的事情的補充,因為 Slim Jim 偏向年輕族群。 Fatty 是一種更複雜、更優質的產品,主要針對老年人。所以它是增量的,我們認為它非常適合我們與 Slim Jim 和 Duke 的投資組合。正如我所說,現在我們已經有了三連勝煙屋,我們已經是成長最快的肉棒零食領域的市場領導者,現在我們的箭袋裡又多了一支箭。

  • Leah Jordan - Analyst

    Leah Jordan - Analyst

  • Great. And for my follow-up, also in the prepared remarks, you said you expect the consumer to remain challenged. Have you seen any shifts in behavior across your brands given the wide portfolio?


  • And then just given this assumption that they remain challenged, I guess, why should promotional activity not revert back further to historical norms given they're still below 2019 levels? Are they responding to promotional activity differently anyway in the current environment?

    然後,考慮到它們仍然面臨挑戰,我想,既然促銷活動仍低於 2019 年的水平,為什麼不應該進一步恢復到歷史正常水平呢?在當前環境下,他們對促銷活動的反應是否有所不同?

  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure. Well, it's -- what's happening in the world of promotions is predictable in my eyes because promotions were suppressed because there were supply chain issues. They've moved back toward prepandemic levels, but I think the key thing for me to see is that it remains rational.


  • Our promotional activity has been very specific. Number one, it has been targeted in frozen. And number two, it has been about quality merchandising frequency and not depth. It's really a reminder effect that it has in the shopping experience. But one of the things that we've seen when we mentioned the consumer is challenged is there is still value-seeking behavior happening. And we have a broad and diverse portfolio, and we have some products that offer exceptional value.


  • Some of those products are the products that we have promoted and we put on display. And what we've seen when we've done that is incredibly high lifts versus what we might have historically seen. That's one of the things that is creating a mix effect on a dollar per unit basis that Dave talked about. But that's perfectly fine in our mind because those products, while they might be a negative mix at dollar sales, the gross margins tend to be equivalent.


  • So what we're really doing is offering a value-seeking consumer a tremendous value through the form of promotion and getting really good lifts, which is great because we bring households back to our portfolio, and that's ultimately what we're trying to do for the long-term cash flows of the business is keep that relationship strong with our households.


  • Operator


  • Nik Modi, RBC.


  • Nik Modi - Analyst

    Nik Modi - Analyst

  • Sean, wondering if you could just opine on all the noise between the out-of-home and in-home, like you have obviously restaurant traffic has been weak. We've seen a lot of the foodservice businesses that many consumer companies have struggled over the past few months and quarters. But then you also have these very sharp price points at some of the QSRs and value meals, and I have to assume that there's some interplay. So I would just love your observations on what you guys are seeing from that standpoint from a consumer behavior perspective.


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I think of it in the simplest sense, as people seek value, you do see trade downs. And one of the obvious trade downs you see is within away-from-home eating and the types of restaurants people eat at, more toward value types of restaurants and then from away from home into the grocery store. And so we've seen that.


  • Our focus in foodservice, as you've heard in our remarks today, in this kind of unusual environment has been to protect the margin that we worked so hard to claw back after COVID and after the pricing super cycle, and we've managed to do that. One of the ways we've managed to do that is by exiting some unprofitable business, which obviously pressures the top line, but we think it's the right thing to do for the long term.


  • But the foodservice dynamic you're poking at is really just -- it goes under the banner of continued value-seeking behavior. It's happening from away from home into the store, and then it's happening within the stores. But ultimately, what people will pivot to are the benefit areas that are most necessary for them to live their lives. And as I mentioned, convenience is pretty much at the top of the list.


  • Nik Modi - Analyst

    Nik Modi - Analyst

  • And maybe if I can ask the other question just on the input costs and anything that you would highlight in terms of things that are moving in the right or wrong direction, just to give us a state of the union there would be helpful.


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Sure, Nik. So to take it from the top, we had originally estimated our overall inflation, and that's everything that's material in our manufacturing and our transportation, warehousing, we had estimated that as a 3% increase for the year. We're now estimating at 3.2%.

    當然,尼克。因此,從頂部來看,我們最初估計了我們的整體通膨,這就是我們的製造、運輸、倉儲中的所有材料,我們預計今年的成長為 3%。我們現在估計為 3.2%。

  • The biggest change is in some of the material areas. And really, for us, it's coming down to just a few things. Our -- we spend a lot on beef in our inputs, and we're seeing double-digit inflation even higher than we originally estimated. And it's just -- it's a supply issue, just the lack of herd expansion, lower cattle weights from the heat. We're just seeing the impacts of this on our forecast for beef, and it's a big spend for us.


  • Another one is sweeteners. There's just some tighter supply conditions driven mostly by the drought. So double-digit inflation in these -- what are big input categories for us. We're seeing some other more moderate inflation areas like chicken. We're seeing inflation in milk, but that's a smaller spend for us.


  • So it's really coming down to a handful of categories that we watch closely, and we manage everything we can do. If we can take positions and try to manage that the best we can, we do. But that's our latest call on where we see the overall inflation.


  • Operator


  • Peter Galbo, Bank of America.


  • Peter Galbo - Analyst

    Peter Galbo - Analyst

  • Dave, thanks for the detail on the beef cycle, always a fun topic. I maybe just wanted to make a clarification on Hebrew National. Just given the seasonality in that business and then Sean, I think in your comments, it shouldn't be that we expect really a meaningful rebound now that it's behind you in the rest of the year. It's kind of -- we have to wait more until grilling season of next year. And I think you had a similar issue with fish sticks a few years ago, so maybe you can just clarify that.


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hotdogs is a business that has a baseline. But on top of that baseline between Memorial Day and Labor Day, Pete, there is a seasonal spike. So if you miss out on a good chunk of that, you don't get it back to the following season. You're absolutely right.


  • Peter Galbo - Analyst

    Peter Galbo - Analyst

  • Okay. And then maybe, Sean, you spent some time talking about snacking and Slim Jim is obviously a pretty important product in the convenience store channel. There's been a lot of debate, I think, amongst investors just around the cyclical versus structural nature of convenience store traffic declines. So just curious, anything you're hearing from the demand science team or just views there on how you're thinking about that channel specifically within snacking.

    好的。 Sean,也許你花了一些時間談論零食,而 Slim Jim 顯然是便利商店通路中非常重要的產品。我認為,圍繞著便利商店客流量下降的周期性與結構性性質,投資者之間存在著許多爭論。所以只是好奇,你從需求科學團隊聽到的任何訊息,或者只是看到你如何看待零食領域的這個管道。

  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure. Well, it's obviously a huge channel in the snacking space, but as you all well know, there has been a fair amount of channel shifting literally from the onset of COVID through today. At the beginning of COVID, it was because people were moving out of big stores into small stores because they thought it was safer. And then after COVID passed, then we had the pricing super cycle, and then it was the pursuit of value. So you saw more volume moving through club stores and mass merch. And you also saw foodservice at the peak of inflation cycles, not foodservice -- convenience can be challenged because people get their gas and they may not go into the store.


  • Those tend to be kind of cyclical transitory dynamics. So we try to remain agile. I think what we're seeing right now is to the degree there's any temporary softness in convenience stores, you tend to see strength in mass merchant club as an example. So it's just a -- we've got huge businesses with all of these customers. We've got to be agile and meet the shopper where they are.


  • Operator


  • Robert Moskow, TD Cowen.


  • Rob Moskow - Analyst

    Rob Moskow - Analyst

  • Dave, I was wondering if you could help us in refrigerated and frozen just how to think about price mix going forward. Have you fully lapped the price rollbacks that you -- I think you had last year in frozen entrees and maybe some other categories? And therefore, does that level off? And then also, was there more deflation pass-through in margarine, I guess? Do we -- are you still living with that for the next few quarters? And then a quick follow-up.


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. So Rob, in terms of the cadence of price mix for refrigerated and frozen, we'll still see some reduction in negative price mix in Q2. As we go through Q2, we'll start to wrap. So the second half, we will be fully wrapped on that. So we shouldn't see kind of the down driver on that in terms of timing.


  • But what was your second question?


  • Rob Moskow - Analyst

    Rob Moskow - Analyst

  • Is there like a deflation pass-through just on like commodity-related oils in this division, like for margarine, for example?


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. So we've seen deflation in our edible fats and oils, and so we have passed that through. And that was in my comments today. We've had pass-through price reductions on our spreads businesses, which are obviously prominently oils.


  • Rob Moskow - Analyst

    Rob Moskow - Analyst

  • Okay. So that continues for the rest of the -- that continues for the year unless there's a change in the underlying commodity.


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah, but that's where -- After Q2, we're wrapping on that.


  • Rob Moskow - Analyst

    Rob Moskow - Analyst

  • You're wrapping on that, too. Okay, okay. And then a follow-up. There's a discrepancy, I think, between the IRI data and the Nielsen data on your meat snacks sales.

    你也正在討論這一點。好吧,好吧。然後是後續行動。我認為,IRI 數據和尼爾森肉類零食銷售數據之間存在差異。

  • Your presentation today says things look pretty strong. Nielsen is a little different. Like is this a -- do you think that this data -- is your meat snacks business up year over year in the quarter overall in retail and in your shipments?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Rob, I can't speak to the difference between the two data sources. We're just showing you the strength we've got in the business overall. But we're very pleased with where we are, and we're very pleased to add fatty to the mix. But as you can see from the data, the universe we compete in is significantly outpacing the broader snacks universe, and we are participating in that.


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • For Slim Jim from the IRI data, for the quarter, we're seeing volume increases, little below 1% volume increase in Slim Jim.

    從 IRI 數據來看,對於 Slim Jim,本季的銷量有所成長,略低於 1%。

  • Rob Moskow - Analyst

    Rob Moskow - Analyst

  • Okay. What about dollars though, David, is that up as well? Or is that down a little?


  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Dollars are down slightly.


  • Operator


  • Tom Palmer, Citi.


  • Thomas Palmer - Analyst

    Thomas Palmer - Analyst

  • You noted the higher lifts from items on promotion. And I guess, ultimately, a portion of the percentage of sales on promo are driven by consumer decisions and not just what's on shelf. I was wondering about the frequency of promotions on shelf. Relative to prepandemic levels, do you think that's back to full levels? Or do you think maybe we'll see some changes there still to come?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, the quality promotion that we try to drive on -- and particularly, it has been on our frozen business and mostly within our biggest frozen business with single-serve meals, we try to drive quality display. So we try to -- in addition to just our normal shelf space in the frozen aisle, we try to get into the end caps because that is ultimately what drives the highest lift as opposed to just a tag on the shelf that has a modest price decline. So it's quality display at the end of the frozen aisle is really what we're after to drive those maximum lifts.


  • Thomas Palmer - Analyst

    Thomas Palmer - Analyst

  • And a quick one on Ardent. It was a bit light of the implied run rate for the year. I know there can be fluctuations, but this was the lowest in almost three years. Just any kind of thoughts on when we might see the rebound in that business and if there was anything notable to think about in 1Q that maybe drove the slight downside.

    還有關於 Ardent 的快速介紹。這與今年的隱含運行率相比有點輕。我知道可能會有波動,但這是近三年來的最低水準。關於我們何時會看到該業務的反彈以及第一季是否有任何值得注意的事情可能導致輕微下行的任何想法。

  • David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    David Marberger - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • No, and I mentioned on my comments, and we've talked about it before, Ardent's results can fluctuate based on volatility with the wheat market. So the core business of Ardent and the milling and selling of flower products at a margin is very strong. They do a great job servicing customers. The remaining business is this commodity revenue, and that's the more volatile part of the business. And it can be volatile where it's a bit down and then it can be -- it can go the other way and be positive.

    不,我在評論中提到過,我們之前已經討論過,Ardent 的結果可能會根據小麥市場的波動而波動。因此,Ardent的核心業務以及花卉產品的加工和毛利銷售非常強勁。他們在為客戶服務方面做得很好。剩下的業務就是商品收入,這是業務中波動性較大的部分。當它有點下跌時,它可能會波動,然後它可以 - 它可以朝另一個方向發展並變得積極。

  • So we're holding our forecast for the year with Ardent. There is going to be some volatility, but we were a little bit softer than we wanted to be in Q1, but we're holding the year right now because the volatility can really swing both ways.

    因此,我們維持對 Ardent 今年的預測。將會出現一些波動,但我們在第一季的表現比我們想要的要軟一些,但我們現在堅持今年,因為波動確實可以雙向波動。

  • Operator


  • Max Gumport, BNP Paribas.


  • Max Gumport - Analyst

    Max Gumport - Analyst

  • With regard to the expectation for volumes to improve through the year, is that really a category dynamic or is it a market share expectation?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • It's a mix, Max. We've got a fair -- a good percentage of our categories are growing, which is great to see. But the share, as you saw in our numbers, is share strength is broad-based, particularly in the key domains of frozen snacks.


  • Max Gumport - Analyst

    Max Gumport - Analyst

  • Great. Yeah. And on that market share, you're right. I mean, it does look quite impressive. I think that was a highlight for the quarter. And I'm curious what you think the key drivers are for the outperformance on a volume basis?


  • And then do you think there's any help you're getting on volume market share because you perhaps invested in price first? It feels maybe similar to what you were talking about a couple of years ago but also taking price first and lapping that price increase first. I just wonder if you're still ahead of your competitors in that cycle?


  • Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Sean Connolly - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • It's a good question. It's a different answer in each of the domains. So if you take the frozen space first, what we see happening in the frozen space is the category has returned to growth, driven by Conagra basically. We -- the category goes in frozen as we go. So what we've done there is not deep discounting.


  • So I would not put under the heading of major price incentives. We saw the consumer desire to get back to convenience. We saw the fatigue on some of the scratch cooking. And so we nudged them along by giving them a shallow discount, but importantly, getting the product to -- in the end of the aisle in a display so we can remind them.


  • And we've seen good responsiveness there. And that typically is what happens. That drives strength in the category and outsized strength for our portfolio.


  • In snacks, I think you're dealing with a little bit of a different dynamic because we've been -- we started later in terms of more merchandising support on snacks there. It has been about price pack architecture to help the value seekers. So in the case of Slim Jims, it's selling smaller sizes, things like that.

    在零食方面,我認為你正在處理一些不同的動態,因為我們後來開始為那裡的零食提供更多的銷售支援。它是關於價格包架構來幫助價值尋求者的。因此,就 Slim Jims 而言,它銷售的是較小尺寸的產品,諸如此類。

  • But the big tailwind on our snacking business is when it comes to share and overall growth is just what we talked about earlier, which is a pivot toward permissible snacking, particularly high-protein, high-fiber choices.


  • Operator


  • And ladies and gentlemen, at this time, we'll be ending the question-and-answer session. I'll be turning the floor back over to Melissa for any closing remarks.


  • Melissa Napier - Senior Vice President of Investor Relations

    Melissa Napier - Senior Vice President of Investor Relations

  • So once again, thank you all for joining us for our call this morning, and please reach out to Investor Relations with any additional questions.


  • Operator


  • And ladies and gentlemen, with that, we'll be concluding the question-and-answer session and presentation for today. We do thank you for joining. You may now disconnect your lines.
