BW LPG Ltd (BWLP) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Hi, everyone, a warm welcome to BW LPG's third-quarter 2024 results.

    大家好,熱烈歡迎 BW LPG 2024 年第三季業績。

  • The presentation today will be given by our CEO, Kristian; and our CFO, Samantha.

    今天的演講將由我們的執行長克里斯蒂安 (Kristian) 進行;以及我們的財務長薩曼莎(Samantha)。

  • Afterwards, we will open up for a question-and-answer session.


  • Before we begin, I would like to highlight the legal disclaimers displayed on the current slide.


  • Please also note that today's call is being recorded.


  • I will now give the word to Kristian.


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Hi, everyone, and thank you for taking time to join us today as we present our financial results and recent events.


  • It's been another eventful quarter for our company, so let's turn to slide 4 for the highlights and our market outlook.

    對於我們公司來說,這又是一個多事之秋,因此,讓我們翻到第 4 張幻燈片來了解亮點和我們的市場展望。

  • Our time charter income per available day ended at $46,800, somewhat lower than the previous quarter, but above our guiding of $43,000 per day.

    我們的每日定期租船收入最終為 46,800 美元,略低於上一季度,但高於我們預期的每日 43,000 美元。

  • The market went through a roller coaster during the quarter with rates fluctuating in the range from low $20,000 per day and back into the $50,000 per day within a short period of time.

    本季度市場經歷了過山車式波動,利率在短時間內從每天 20,000 美元低點波動至每天 50,000 美元左右。

  • In addition to a great job done by our chartering team by navigating through the ups and downs, we are pleased to see that our downside protection through our time charter portfolio and FFAs took out quite a lot of this volatility.

    除了我們的租船團隊在波動中出色地完成了工作之外,我們很高興地看到,透過定期租船組合和遠期運輸協議 (FFA) 提供的下行保護,我們消除了相當多的波動。

  • We're also very happy with the new ships starting to enter our fleet.


  • And as of today, we have 5 out of the 12 acquired Avance Gas ships safely delivered.

    截至今天,我們收購的 12 艘 Avance Gas 船舶中已有 5 艘安全交付。

  • As explained in this slide, another four ships are expected to be delivered which are issued in time with right to receive dividends for Q3.


  • The Board has declared a dividend of $0.42 per share, which translates to 100% payout of the NPAT from our shipping activities.

    董事會宣布每股派息 0.42 美元,相當於從航運業務派發 100% 的稅後利潤。

  • Moving on to product services, and as per our trading update in October, our trading activities benefited from a considerable uptick in the 12 months forward mark-to-market valuation of the trading portfolio, reflected in a net accounting profit of $58 million.

    談到產品服務,根據我們 10 月的交易更新,我們的交易活動受益於交易組合 12 個月遠期市價估值的大幅上漲,反映在 5,800 萬美元的淨會計利潤中。

  • Although we're glad to see that the forward trading portfolio is becoming more valuable, the volatility in the trading markets may drive the portfolio valuation up or down before the positions are realized, and it's important to understand that it is the profitable realized trading positions, which matter as we move forward when they are eventually converted to cash in the bank accounts.


  • Two subsequent events since end-September were the refinancing of our $400 million revolving credit facility, which is now replaced by a new seven years and larger facility of $460 million.

    自九月底以來,我們又完成了兩項後續活動:一是對我們的4 億美元循環信貸額度進行了再融資,現在該額度已被一項新的為期七年、金額更大的4.6 億美元的信貸額度所取代。

  • Samantha will comment more on this later.


  • In addition, we recently announced two sale and purchase transactions where we sold the 2007 vintage vessel BW Cedar from our India subsidiary at around $65 million while declaring a purchase option on the 2019-built BW Kizoku at just below $70 million, which is equivalent to a new building price in the mid-$80 million.

    此外,我們最近宣布了兩筆買賣交易,其中,我們以約6500 萬美元的價格從印度子公司出售了2007 年建造的BW Cedar 號,同時宣布以略低於7000 萬美元的價格購買2019 年建造的BW Kizoku 號,相當於新建築的價格約為 8000 萬美元。

  • This is a strong testament to our business model, which creates optionality, we think, along the way, allowing us to harvest profits.


  • Our market outlook for Q4 and next year is positive as the export levels from the US Gulf have stabilized after a period of maintenance and slightly reduced exports.


  • However, it is important to note that the small market like the VLGC market is quite sensitive to only a few cargoes being added or taken out of the market.

    然而,值得注意的是,像 VLGC 這樣的小型市場對於少量貨物的加入或退出市場非常敏感。

  • And at the moment, freight rates in US Gulf seem to have found an equilibrium level plus/minus $40,000 per day.

    目前,美國墨西哥灣的運費似乎已經找到了每天上下浮動 40,000 美元的平衡水平。

  • There is currently little to no delays from the Panama Canal, which means that there is an upside potential from today's rate level the way we see it.


  • Let's turn to page 6 for a closer look at the market fundamentals.

    讓我們翻到第 6 頁來仔細看看市場基本面。

  • The market volatility we have been through lately is well illustrated in this slide.


  • When you see the rate movements against the variation in US Gulf Coast loadings on the right side of the slide, it shows how finely balanced the VLGC market is at the moment with no delays in Panama.

    當您在幻燈片右側看到費率變動與美國墨西哥灣沿岸裝載量的變化時,它顯示了目前 VLGC 市場是多麼的平衡,巴拿馬沒有延誤。

  • I used to say that our market is driven by three engines: exports from the US Gulf, exports from the Middle East, and the availability of Panama Canal slots for VLGCs.


  • The next round of US export capacity increase starts second half next year as energy transfer increased their ethane and LPG export capacity at the Nederland terminal in the US Gulf.


  • The enterprise terminal follow up in 2026 with their planned expansion.


  • And we estimate that the North American export will increase another 10 million tons from '24 to 2026 on the back of increased production of oil and natural gas in the US combined with increased terminal capacity.

    我們預計,隨著美國石油和天然氣產量增加以及終端容量增加,北美出口量將從 2024 年到 2026 年再增加 1,000 萬噸。

  • Looking at the Middle East, the growth in export volumes is expected to ramp up from 2026 as Qatar commenced the expansion of their new LNG trains.

    放眼中東,隨著卡達開始擴建新的液化天然氣列車,預計出口量將從 2026 年開始加速成長。

  • Abu Dhabi's LNG project is coming a bit later, we expect 2028.

    阿布達比的液化天然氣計畫將會稍晚一些,我們預計在 2028 年。

  • Looking at the Panama Canal, it remains a wildcard in the market.


  • And unexpectedly, we can see that the number of container vessels passing through the canal so far in Q4 has come down, leaving more slots available for VLGCs, and consequently, more VLGCs sailing the shortest route from the US Gulf to Asia.


  • Whether we will see more congestion in Panama is hard to predict.


  • But the number of daily slots in the Neo Panama locks is fixed at 10 transits totally, both directions combined.

    但新巴拿馬船閘每日的過境艙數量固定為 10 個,雙向合計。

  • So it takes only a couple of additional container or LNG vessels to pass through to tilt the availability of slots in the other direction.


  • Let's turn to slide 8 for a look at the LPG demand side.

    讓我們翻到第 8 張幻燈片來看看液化石油氣的需求面。

  • The picture is pretty much unchanged since our last update.


  • And directionally, the Asian region continued to grow their appetite for LPG in the residential sector in the Indian subcontinent, as well as Southeast Asia, while the pet chem sector in China specifically continue to expand their consumption of propane as feedstock.


  • The trade pattern, which has developed over the last years on the back of increased LPG demand in India, deserves attention.


  • The country is absorbing close to 50% of the Middle East exports and all countries further East in Asia are increasingly dependent on sourcing LPG from the US, underpinning a growing need for long-haul shipping.


  • If you look at the VLGC fleet and the newbuildings, there is good visibility on the newbuilding deliveries over the next 18 months.

    如果你看一下 VLGC 船隊和新造船,你會發現未來 18 個月新造船的交付情況非常好。

  • And for 2025, we have 13 vessels on our list over newbuilding deliveries.

    到 2025 年,我們的名單上將有 13 艘新船交付。

  • Worthwhile to note is that the number of ships going into dry docks in 2025 will more than double from this year as we count approximately 80 ships due for dry dock next year.

    值得注意的是,我們計算出明年將有大約 80 艘船舶進入乾船塢,因此 2025 年進入乾船塢的船舶數量將比今年增加一倍以上。

  • And then I leave the floor to you, Samantha, for an update on the financials.


  • Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

    Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Kristian, and hello, everyone.


  • Coming to slide 11, we're very pleased to share that we delivered a solid shipping performance in a volatile quarter.

    來到第 11 張幻燈片,我們非常高興地分享,我們在這個動蕩的季度中實現了穩健的運輸業績。

  • For Q3, we achieved a 98% fleet utilization and a TCE of USD46,500 per calendar day or $46,800 per available day.

    第三季度,我們實現了 98% 的車隊利用率,TCE 為每日曆日 46,500 美元或每可用日 46,800 美元。

  • Maintaining a healthy time charter and FFA portfolio has been a key for success.

    維持健康的定期租船和 FFA 組合一直是成功的關鍵。

  • In this quarter, the portfolio represents about 48 -- 45% of our shipping exposure.

    本季度,該投資組合約占我們航運風險的 48% 至 45%。

  • For the fourth quarter, we have fixed a 90% of the available base at about $36,000 per day.

    對於第四季度,我們已將 90% 的可用基數固定為每天約 36,000 美元。

  • Looking at 2024, our time charter-out fleet generates a profit of around USD31 million of our time charter in fleet.

    展望 2024 年,我們的期租船隊將產生約 3,100 萬美元的利潤。

  • The remaining of our fixed time charter out portfolio is estimated to generate USD69 million for year '24.

    我們剩餘的定期租船組合預計將在 24 年創造 6,900 萬美元的收入。

  • Next slide, please.


  • As shared in our earlier trading update, product services booked a strong quarter and yielded a net profit of USD58 million.

    正如我們先前的交易更新中所分享的,產品服務本季表現強勁,實現淨利 5,800 萬美元。

  • The result was contributed by gross profit of USD71 million after netting off G&A and tax provisions.

    該業績是由扣除一般行政費用和稅項撥備後的 7,100 萬美元毛利貢獻的。

  • The gross profit includes a unrealized mark-to-market gain of USD86 million, which consists of open cargo positions and hedges.


  • This is offset by $14 million of a realized trading loss.

    這被 1,400 萬美元的已實現交易損失所抵消。

  • The unrealized gain is expected to be realized in the future periods, although some volatilities are expected to impact the final realized results to be higher or lower.


  • At the end of Q3 '24, product services book equity position arrived at $128 million.

    截至 24 年第三季末,產品服務帳面權益部位達到 1.28 億美元。

  • We would also like to highlight that the reported book equity does not include the unrealized physical shipping position of USD17 million, which was based on our internal valuation.

    我們還要強調的是,報告的帳面權益不包括 1700 萬美元的未實現實體運輸頭寸,該頭寸基於我們的內部估值。

  • You can recall, we have announced a multiple-year term contract with the Enterprise Products Partners back in Q2.


  • The related fiscal volume has started to phase in our 12 months rolling mark-to-market valuation.


  • As such, we expect greater volatility in our unrealized position in the future quarters.


  • For Q3, our average VAR was USD5 million on a well-balanced trading book, including cargoes, shipping, and derivatives.

    第三季度,我們在包括貨物、航運和衍生性商品在內的均衡交易帳簿上的平均價值價值為 500 萬美元。

  • Coming to our financial highlights, on the back of a good performance from both shipping and product services, we reported a net profit after tax of USD120 million in Q3, including a profit of $12 million from BW LPG India and 55 -- sorry, $58 million from product services.

    談到我們的財務亮點,在航運和產品服務良好表現的推動下,我們報告第三季度稅後淨利潤為1.2 億美元,其中包括來自BW LPG India 的1200 萬美元利潤和55——抱歉,是5800 萬美元百萬來自產品服務。

  • Profit attributed to equity holders of the company was $105 million, which translates to an earnings per share of $0.79. This translates into an annualized earnings yield of 23% when compared against our share price at the end of September.

    歸屬於公司股東的利潤為 1.05 億美元,相當於每股收益 0.79 美元。與九月底的股價相比,這相當於年化報酬率為23%。

  • We reported a net leverage ratio of 21% in Q3, an increase from 12% reported at the end of June.

    我們報告第三季的淨槓桿率為 21%,高於 6 月底的 12%。

  • The net leverage ratio change was driven mainly by increase in short-term trade finance and margin requirements, deposit pay for Avance Gas fleet acquisition, and increase in lease liability from the exercise of the purchase option for BW Kizoku.

    淨槓桿率變動主要是由於短期貿易融資和保證金要求的增加、收購 Avance Gas 船隊的押金支付以及行使 BW Kizoku 購買選擇權導致的租賃負債增加。

  • These factors impacting the net leverage ratio as outlined above are mostly temporary.


  • The delivery of Avance Gas fleets commenced in November and is expected to complete by the end of this month.

    Avance Gas 船隊於 11 月開始交付,預計將於本月底完成。

  • When the fleet delivery finalizes, we expect that our net leverage ratio will gradually increase to approximately range of 30% to 35% as we draw down on our financing facility.

    當船隊交付完成後,我們預計,隨著我們利用融資手段,我們的淨槓桿率將逐步上升至約 30%至 35% 的範圍。

  • For Q3, our Board has declared a dividend of $0.42 per share, a 100% payout of shipping impact.

    對於第三季度,我們董事會宣布派發每股 0.42 美元的股息,其中 100% 用於支付運輸費用。

  • This excludes the dividend to be paid to newly issued share to Avance Gas shareholders and ensures that existing shareholders are fully paid for.

    這不包括向 Avance Gas 股東支付新發行股票的股息,並確保現有股東獲得全額支付。

  • This also shows our confidence to deliver growth to our business and our continuous commitment to return value to our shareholders.


  • The balance sheet ended in quarter with a shareholder equity of USD1.6 billion, and our annualized Q3 return on equity.

    本季末的資產負債表顯示股東權益為 16 億美元,而我們第三季的股本回報率為年化值。

  • Capital return employed were 30% and 26%, respectively.


  • Looking at our year-to-date OpEx, it arrived at $8,400, a slight reduction than the previous quarter reported.

    查看我們今年迄今為止的營運支出,其達到 8,400 美元,比上一季報告的略有減少。

  • For 2024, we expect our own fleet operating cash breakeven to be about $18,800 and $22,800 for the whole fleet, including time charter per vessels.

    到 2024 年,我們預計我們自己的船隊的營運現金損益平衡點約為 18,800 美元,整個船隊的營運現金損益平衡點約為 22,800 美元,包括每艘船的定期租船。

  • As you can see, we continue to have a healthy repayment profile with outstanding shipping loan at $216 million of which $120 million is a term loan for BW LPG India, only due to be refinanced in 2026, a very manageable position.

    如您所見,我們的還款狀況依然良好,未償還的航運貸款為2.16 億美元,其中1.2 億美元是BW LPG India 的定期貸款,將於2026 年再融資,這是一個非常易於管理的狀況。

  • On the liquidity side, we ended the quarter with a strong position of $750 million, paving the way for Avance Gas fleet delivery.

    在流動性方面,我們在本季結束時擁有 7.5 億美元的強勁流動性,為 Avance Gas 船隊的交付鋪平了道路。

  • The vessels delivery have been smoothly taking place since November and scheduled to be completed at end of this month, as mentioned earlier.


  • Post-delivery, our liquidity is expected to remain healthy at a level of USD552 million supported by our shareholder loan and the seven-year revolving facility of $460 million, newly signed in November this year.

    交付後,我們的流動性預計將保持在 5.52 億美元的健康水平,這得益於我們的股東貸款和今年 11 月新簽署的 4.6 億美元的七年期循環貸款。

  • We also -- we will also evaluate and start refinancing our vessels in early 2025, following the Avance Gas fleet's delivery.

    我們還將在 Avance Gas 船隊交付後,於 2025 年初評估並開始對我們的船舶進行再融資。

  • We are very confident to maintain a healthy leverage and financing structure, as well as a sustainable repayment profile with a larger fleet.


  • On the product services side, trade finance drawdown stood at a moderate level of $248 million or 30% of our available credit line, leaving a healthy headroom for the growth.

    在產品服務方面,貿易融資提取額處於中等水平,為 2.48 億美元,占我們可用信貸額度的 30%,為成長留下了健康的空間。

  • With that, I conclude my update.


  • Back to you, Kaya.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Petter Haugen.

    (操作員指令)Petter Haugen。

  • Petter Haugen - Analyst

    Petter Haugen - Analyst

  • I have -- thank you.


  • Good afternoon.


  • Quick question on the process of taking those vessels from Avance, to what extent should one expect cost to come in earlier than revenues?

    關於從 Avance 接收這些船隻的過程,快速提問,在多大程度上應該預期成本會早於收入?

  • Is it more or less back to back or should we, for instance, use a month of sort of overall lap here?


  • Yeah, that's the first question.


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Petter.


  • I can just start off with saying that, of course, we pay for the ships now.


  • And when you fix the ships for the next voyage, we will not get -- we are not able to invoice before the vessel is about to discharge as per normal shipping practice.


  • So there will be like normal delay, you can say, because we are not able to invoice our charters before the voyage that the ships have performed is finished.


  • Petter Haugen - Analyst

    Petter Haugen - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So yeah, I understand there will obviously be a cash flow effect here.


  • But in terms of your P&L bookings, I suppose


  • --


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Samantha, I don't know if you -- would you like to say anything about that?


  • Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

    Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, maybe just from -- well, commercial side, Kristian has just explained maybe a little bit from a financing perspective as the vessel is being delivered.


  • We will be drawing down our financial facilities to finance each of the vessels.


  • I think the details, Petter, you can very well refer to the earlier deal structure, so to get a sense of how much each needs to be drawn down.


  • I won't be able to give you absolute number as the delivery is spread across the November to end of December.

    由於交貨時間跨度為 11 月至 12 月底,因此我無法提供絕對數字。

  • Additionally, you would know that the depreciations will come in as we take ownership as well.


  • Petter Haugen - Analyst

    Petter Haugen - Analyst

  • Yes, naturally, yeah.


  • Okay, thank you.


  • Just one more from me then, because from the asset market, it seems as if prices are still holding up to, well, more or less the same levels that we saw in the first half of the year as well.


  • If you were to do something on the newer side now, how do you think that is going to compare to the Avance transaction?

    如果您現在要做一些較新的事,您認為這與 Avance 交易相比如何?

  • Is it any -- sort of any data points that we could use to either mark the current resale price up or down from the Avance transaction?

    是否有任何數據點可以用來標記當前轉售價格相對於 Avance 交易的上漲或下跌?

  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • I think the market for the assets and the, let's say, sale and purchase market is pretty much unchanged for the new ships since last quarter.


  • So I think there is no real change from the last, I would say, six to eight months in terms of valuation for newer ships or newbuildings, if that answers your questions.


  • Petter Haugen - Analyst

    Petter Haugen - Analyst

  • It does, Kristian.


  • Thank you, that was all for me.


  • Operator


  • Jørgen Lian.

    約爾根‧利安 (Jørgen Lian)。

  • Jorgen Lian - Analyst

    Jorgen Lian - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Hello, Kristian, Samantha, you are now taking on a bit more debt as part of the VLGC acquisition from Avance and you have a pretty rigid net leverage ratio dividend policy.

    你好,克里斯蒂安,薩曼莎,作為從 Avance 收購 VLGC 的一部分,你們現在承擔了更多的債務,而且你們的淨槓桿率股息政策相當嚴格。

  • So just, any question or any more information about what we potentially need to account for to adjust the net leverage for the short-term effects that you mentioned, Samantha, or is that sort of set in stone on how to think about the dividend payouts going forward?


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Well, I can start off by saying that the dividend policy is what it is, but it's always up to the Board to finally declare the dividend.


  • So it's not -- I mean, there's no change in that respect.


  • So I am -- I wouldn't -- it's hard for the management to comment any further on the future dividend payouts.


  • But the dividend policy is what it is.


  • Jorgen Lian - Analyst

    Jorgen Lian - Analyst

  • All right.


  • And, Samantha, I don't know if you have anything to add on or if that's then irrelevant in terms of the net leverage ratio where you talked about short-term events or short-term impacts from product services.


  • Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

    Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, I think, Jørgen, you are referring to my comments about Q3, the elements are driving up the leverage ratio.


  • I have mentioned a couple of things that -- for example, the product services are drawing on the trade finance and the margin finance, et cetera.


  • As you know very well that that's a reflection of a slight -- I would say, a slide of time of the number of the cargoes are carrying on our balance sheet, that would change by days.


  • So that's what I meant as a temporary effect similarly for the purchase of BW Kizoku as well.

    所以這就是我所說的暫時影響,對於購買 BW Kizoku 也是如此。

  • So that's due to the accounting rules that we have to gross it up, which drives up the leverage ratio once we take over of the vessel, and then it would just be normal asset.


  • Jorgen Lian - Analyst

    Jorgen Lian - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • And then finally for me, on the product services part of the business and just to make sure that we understand correctly, but the way you booked this is sort of on a 12-month forward-looking basis, right?

    最後,對我來說,關於業務的產品服務部分,只是為了確保我們理解正確,但您預訂的方式是基於 12 個月的前瞻性基礎,對嗎?

  • So when we're talking about length and the unrealized position, that would be sort of a fair working assumption.


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • So the positions are -- the forward positions are spread, as we always have, over a 12 months forward rolling period.

    因此,正如我們一直以來所做的那樣,遠期部位分佈在 12 個月的遠期滾動期內。

  • That's right.


  • Jorgen Lian - Analyst

    Jorgen Lian - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • [Clement Mullins].


  • Clement Mullins

    Clement Mullins

  • Hi, good afternoon.


  • Thank you for taking my questions.


  • I wanted to start by asking about the Q3 TCE.

    我想先詢問有關 Q3 TCE 的問題。

  • Considering the guidance you provided alongside Q2 earnings, it seems the low-to-discharge accounting had a positive impact on earnings.


  • Could you talk a bit about that?


  • And secondly, do you expect low-to-discharge accounting to once again have an impact on Q4 earnings relative to the guidance you provided?


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Are you now referring to the IFRS adjustment?

    您現在指的是 IFRS 調整嗎?

  • Clement Mullins

    Clement Mullins

  • Exactly, yeah.


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So -- I can say on a general basis, and then Samantha can also fill in here, that when the market is going up, there is -- the mechanism is that there is a negative IFRS adjustment.

    所以 — — 我可以一般性地說,然後薩曼莎也可以在這裡填寫,當市場上漲時, — — 機制是存在負面的 IFRS 調整。

  • When the market is going down, you have a positive IFRS adjustment.

    當市場下滑時,您會有一個積極的 IFRS 調整。

  • So that is the way IFRS is smoothing out the fluctuations during the year.

    這就是 IFRS 平滑年度內波動的方式。

  • So that's just to kind of explain the mechanism on a general basis.


  • Then, Samantha, if you could just comment on the IFRS adjustment for this quarter specifically.

    那麼,薩曼莎,您能否具體評論一下本季的 IFRS 調整。

  • Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

    Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, so I think, Kristian, you captured most of the elements impacting IFRS 15.

    是的,所以我認為,克里斯蒂安,你抓住了影響 IFRS 15 的大部分因素。

  • So it also, of course, has something to do with when the cargo is -- when the vessel is being ladened or in a last voyage.


  • In such a case, often, we are not able to give a forward-looking estimate.


  • It can only -- after we have closed the quarter, we know exactly what's the impact.


  • So I will say, to answer your question is that, yes, there will be impact.


  • As for the quantum as well as the direction, it's hard to give you advice over there, Clement.


  • Clement Mullins

    Clement Mullins

  • Makes sense, thanks for the color.


  • And given the sale of the Cedar, should we expect net proceeds to be distributed from the India JV to the parent or is there any appetite to buy another vessel in the JV level?


  • And secondly, could you provide an update on the infrastructure investments in India?


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, so on the sale of the Cedar, it's something, which will take place -- the delivery will take place in Q1, so then we will decide on how to distribute the net proceeds as and when we get to that point in time.

    是的,關於 Cedar 的銷售,這將會發生——交付將在第一季進行,所以我們將決定如何在該時間點分配淨收益。

  • So I am -- we will get back to you in the next earnings release on how we have dealt with that.


  • When it comes to the infrastructure investments, there haven't been any major change since the last time, but we are proceeding according to plan, and hope to and expect to start the first phase of the construction of the terminal on this side of the new year, all going well.


  • Clement Mullins

    Clement Mullins

  • That's helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • That's all for me.


  • Thank you for taking my questions.


  • Operator


  • August Klemp.


  • August Klemp - Analyst

    August Klemp - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • A question kind of following up on Jørgen's question about product services, can you give some color on sort of -- I mean, Q3 was a fantastic result in the P&L with a very large ARB and kind of a more normalized rate, should we call it.

    一個關於 Jørgen 關於產品服務問題的後續問題,您能否解釋一下——我的意思是,第三季度的損益表結果非常好,ARB 非常大,而且利率也更加正常化,應該我們稱之為。

  • Rates have been sort of flattish into Q4, while the ARB has come down.

    利率在第四季度保持平穩,而 ARB 則有所下降。

  • Can you talk a little bit about sort of, in general, the environment this leaves for the product services division?


  • Is it more difficult to extract value at this point?


  • And secondly, seeing as it's unrealized, a large portion of the gain in Q3, which you will then realize kind of in the following quarters here, is there an argument to be made for paying out more than 100% of shipping NPAT because you will have a cash flow contribution from product services as well?

    其次,鑑於第三季的大部分收益尚未實現,而這些收益將在接下來的幾個季度中實現,那麼是否有理由支付超過 100% 的運費稅後利潤,因為你會產品服務也對現金流有貢獻嗎?

  • Thank you.


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, August.


  • I can start with the last one.


  • I mean, if you look at how we distribute the profits from product services and the capital return to us as shareholders.


  • I think you will get kind of the answer to your last question there.


  • And I think, with regards to actually -- if you can repeat your first question, August, because that was -- I lost my mind here now.


  • August Klemp - Analyst

    August Klemp - Analyst

  • That was a bit long, sorry.


  • No, it's more about the market environment for product services now that the ARB has come in quite lot while shipping rates are more or less flattish from Q3.

    不,現在更多的是關於產品服務的市場環境,因為 ARB 已經進入相當多的水平,而運費與第三季相比或多或少持平。

  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, I would say it's hard to guide exactly on how product services is performing from week to week and month to month.


  • But they have many handles to pull.


  • They have physical cargoes, FOB cargoes.


  • They have outlet positions in Europe and Asia where they have deliveries and commitments fixed on certain price mechanisms.


  • They have derivative positions and shipping positions.


  • So they have, I would say, a wide range of ways to create profit and value even though the market is, like you say, in a state where the ARB is coming down and the shipping is also kind of flattish.

    因此,我想說,儘管市場如您所說,ARB 正在下降,運輸量也持平,但他們仍有很多方法來創造利潤和價值。

  • So I would say it's -- on a general basis, it's hard for us to comment specifically how they may perform in a market like this, except for that they have many ways of positioning themselves depending on the prevailing market conditions.


  • So I'm sorry it's hard to be more specific, August.


  • August Klemp - Analyst

    August Klemp - Analyst

  • No, no, that's great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • And then finally, just kind of a housekeeping question, G&A was down quite a lot this quarter.

    最後,這只是一個常規問題,本季的 G&A 費用下降了不少。

  • Any guidance there for Q4 and maybe also for depreciation as you take over the Avance vessels?

    當您接管 Avance 船舶時,您對第四季度以及折舊方面有何指導?

  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • I can just start off with the G&A because I think what we are doing is that we are accruing for bonus, tax, et cetera, which is based on realized profits, and that will go a little bit up and down during the year.


  • Because we do this on a quarterly basis, adjusting it.


  • So I think you have to see the G&A over the year to get the full picture of how the G&A is playing out because there are certain elements of bonus, tax, et cetera, which is being adjusted from quarter to quarter.


  • And, Samantha, would you like to add anything there?


  • Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

    Samantha Xu - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, I think that's correctly said.


  • I think, if you're referring to contrast with the previous year, I will say that there is no drastic changes expected as we've seen last year.


  • August Klemp - Analyst

    August Klemp - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We have, during the Q&A session, also answered a few incoming questions on the chat channel.


  • Are there any more Q&As you would like to raise on the chat?


  • If not, I will round off the Q&A session.


  • Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

    Kristian Sorensen - Chief Executive Officer

  • It seems like we have answered all the questions here now.


  • So I'd like to thank everyone for joining us.


  • And I think that concludes our third-quarter 2024 result presentation.

    我想這就是我們 2024 年第三季業績報告的結束。

  • So thanks, everyone, for dialing in, and we wish you a good rest of the day wherever you are in the world.


  • Thank you.
