美國銀行 (BAC) 2019 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone, and welcome to today's Bank of America earnings announcement.


  • (Operator Instructions) Please note this call may be recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • It is now my pleasure to turn today's conference over to Lee McEntire.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Lee McEntire - SVP of IR

    Lee McEntire - SVP of IR

  • Good morning.


  • Thank you, Katherine.


  • Thanks for joining the call to review our fourth quarter 2019 and our full year results.

    感謝您參加回顧我們 2019 年第四季和全年業績的電話會議。

  • By now, I hope everyone's had a chance to review the earnings release documents, which are available on the Investor Relations section of bankofamerica.com website.

    到目前為止,我希望每個人都有機會查看收益發布文件,這些文件可以在bankofamerica.com 網站的投資者關係部分找到。

  • Before I turn the call over to our CEO, Brian Moynihan, for a few remarks, let me remind you that we may make forward-looking statements during the call.

    在我將電話轉給我們的執行長布萊恩·莫伊尼漢(Brian Moynihan)發表幾句話之前,請允許我提醒您,我們可能會在電話會議期間做出前瞻性陳述。

  • For further information on those forward-looking comments, please refer to either our earnings release documents, our website or our SEC filings.

    有關這些前瞻性評論的更多信息,請參閱我們的收益發布文件、我們的網站或我們向 SEC 提交的文件。

  • After Brian's comments, our CFO, Paul Donofrio, will review more details on the 4Q results.

    在 Brian 發表評論後,我們的財務長 Paul Donofrio 將審查有關第四季度業績的更多詳細資訊。

  • We'll then open up for questions.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • So let's get rolling.


  • Brian?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you, Lee.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us to review our results.


  • I'm going to let Paul take you through the fourth quarter, which reflected a strong finish to close out 2019.

    我將讓保羅帶您回顧第四季度,這反映了 2019 年的強勁收官。

  • But before that, I want to give you a high-level view on our results.


  • Of course, our results continue to reflect the strength of the U.S. consumer in the biggest economy in the world.


  • We continue to be well positioned here in driving market share gains with great service and capabilities.


  • This quarter is also one of transition from a period of rising rates in 2018 to one that is moving through the impact of the declining rates in the second half of 2019.

    本季也是從 2018 年利率上升時期向 2019 年下半年利率下降影響過渡的時期之一。

  • How do you run a company, a big bank and deal with lower rates?


  • Well, we drive what we can control with our sempiternal commitment to responsible growth.


  • We drive more loans, more deposits, more assets under management and driving growth with the right pricing and at the right risks.


  • We also have to manage our cost base carefully while making the required investments, and we have to take advantage of a strong balance sheet to provide good capital return to our shareholders.


  • At Bank of America, we checked the box on all these in the quarter.


  • We grew loans -- average loans by 6% in our lines of businesses.

    我們增加了貸款——我們業務領域的平均貸款增加了 6%。

  • We grew the deposits by 5% with very disciplined deposit pricing.

    我們透過非常嚴格的存款定價將存款增加了 5%。

  • Our expenses were relatively flat again while we increased investments across our whole company.


  • And in doing that, we earned $7 billion after tax this quarter, with a return on tangible common equity of 15.4%.

    透過這樣做,我們本季稅後收入為 70 億美元,有形普通股回報率為 15.4%。

  • And due to our strong balance sheet, we returned $9.1 billion of capital to our common shareholders this quarter.

    由於我們強大的資產負債表,本季我們向普通股股東返還了 91 億美元的資本。

  • At the same time, we deployed capital to support growth for our clients, communities and teammates.


  • Let me -- let's start on Slide 2. I'm referring to the full year results excluding third quarter '19 joint venture impairment charge.

    讓我—讓我們從投影片 2 開始。我指的是全年業績,不包括 19 年第三季合資企業減損費用。

  • We generated $29 billion net income in 2019, a record for our company.

    2019 年,我們實現了 290 億美元的淨利潤,創下了公司的記錄。

  • That was 3% better than the prior year's results.

    這比前一年的結果好 3%。

  • We are also able to reduce shares by 9%, driving earnings per share up by 12% for 2019.

    我們也能夠減持 9% 的股份,從而推動 2019 年每股收益成長 12%。

  • These results were driven by execution on all the pillars of responsible growth.


  • We grew by serving our clients well and improved our market share across the board.


  • We remain disciplined in our risk and our client selection framework.


  • And by the way, our results are more sustainable as our focus on operational excellence led to a 58% efficiency ratio in 2019 while making the investments we need to make.

    順便說一句,我們的成果更具可持續性,因為我們對卓越營運的關注使得 2019 年的效率達到了 58%,同時進行了我們需要的投資。

  • Our return on equity was 11% for the year.

    今年我們的股本回報率為 11%。

  • Our return on tangible common equity was 15.8% for the year.

    今年我們的有形普通股報酬率為 15.8%。

  • Record earnings allowed us to invest in our client capabilities, invest in our people and invest in our communities, all while holding the expenses in check.


  • Take a look at Slide 3. You can see the investments we made across all our constituencies.

    看一下投影片 3。您可以看到我們在所有選區進行的投資。

  • And at the same time, we delivered strong returns for our shareholders.


  • To deliver for our clients, we continued our investment in talent.


  • In 2019, we grew the company by 3,600 teammates.

    2019 年,我們的公司增加了 3,600 名團隊成員。

  • Overall, we hired 32,000 teammates in 2019, including 6,300 new employees from low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, 4,000 college and MBA graduates, and we also completed our 5-year goal to hire 10,000 military veterans into our company.

    總體而言,2019 年我們聘用了 32,000 名員工,其中包括 6,300 名來自中低收入社區的新員工、4,000 名大學和 MBA 畢業生,我們還完成了聘用 10,000 名退伍軍人進入公司的 5 年目標。

  • We completed more than $3 billion in new technology code initiatives last year, building on years of investments in award-winning digital and mobile capabilities to serve our clients better and help our teammates be more efficient.

    去年,我們在多年來對屢獲殊榮的數位和行動功能的投資的基礎上,完成了超過 30 億美元的新技術代碼計劃,以更好地服務我們的客戶並幫助我們的團隊成員提高效率。

  • Most importantly, these investments are bearing fruit as you can see in our customer usage numbers that Paul will talk about.


  • Just a simple example.


  • We surpassed 10 million clients using Erica, our industry-leading consumer AI agent.

    我們使用業界領先的消費者 AI 代理商 Erica 的客戶數量已超過 1,000 萬人。

  • We introduced Erica about 18 months ago, and now it's starting to reap the scale benefits.

    我們大約 18 個月前推出了 Erica,現在它開始獲得規模效益。

  • Erica is an example of billions of dollars of scaled innovation fueled by our work on operational excellence.

    Erica 是我們卓越營運工作所推動的數十億美元規模創新的一個例子。

  • These savings generated by operational excellence also enable us to make capital investments in our company of $1.7 billion during 2019 for newer modernized facilities and other related priorities.

    卓越營運帶來的節省也使我們能夠在 2019 年對該公司進行 17 億美元的資本投資,用於更新的現代化設施和其他相關優先事項。

  • And in the past 3 years, we've built 207 new financial centers and modernized more than 1,300.

    在過去 3 年裡,我們新建了 207 個金融中心,並對 1,300 多個金融中心進行了現代化改造。

  • For our employees, we will start at $20 per hour minimum starting pay beginning in March.

    對於我們的員工,從 3 月開始,我們的起薪最低為每小時 20 美元。

  • The cost of all these enhancements, importantly, are in our run rate of expenses, providing the capacity to keep investing in the future without increasing expenses.


  • Also for 2019, for the third consecutive year, we shared our financial success with our teammates with special compensation awards to approximately 95% of them.

    同樣在 2019 年,我們連續第三年與我們的團隊成員分享我們的財務成功,並向其中約 95% 的團隊成員提供了特別薪酬獎勵。

  • 3 years of special compensation awards totaled $1.6 billion in compensation in addition to all other bonuses and merit and everything else, allowing our teammates to do more with their families.


  • Last year, we also delivered more than $5 billion of community development financing for affordable housing and other important local priorities.

    去年,我們也為經濟適用房和其他重要的當地優先事項提供了超過 50 億美元的社區發展融資。

  • We've made more than $250 million of philanthropic contribution to help drive economic mobility, including workforce training and development and many other local priorities where we help make a difference.

    我們已經提供了超過 2.5 億美元的慈善捐款來幫助推動經濟流動,包括勞動力培訓和發展以及我們幫助做出改變的許多其他當地優先事項。

  • We also completed our 10-year $125 billion environmental business initiative goal in 2019.

    我們也在 2019 年完成了 10 年 1,250 億美元的環境業務計畫目標。

  • We made that commitment 4 years ago.


  • And it was a 10-year commitment, and we completed 6 years early.

    這是一個為期 10 年的承諾,我們提前 6 年完成了。

  • That's why, this year, we set a new goal of $300 billion environmental initiatives across the next decade.

    這就是為什麼今年我們設定了一個新目標,在未來十年內為環保舉措投入 3000 億美元。

  • It was a strong year for our company and our team, capping our first decade.


  • But here at Bank of America we have a saying, nice start.


  • We know we can do so much more in the future.


  • So on Slide 4, I want to talk about the line of business results.

    在投影片 4 上,我想談談業務部門的績效。

  • The team's hard work has created strong improvement in earnings across the board in our lines of business.


  • Dean Athanasia and the consumer team generated impressive $13 billion in after-tax earnings in our consumer and small business group by driving responsible growth.

    Dean Athanasia 和消費者團隊透過推動負責任的成長,為我們的消費者和小型企業集團創造了令人印象深刻的 130 億美元稅後收入。

  • They continue to provide real value for clients through innovative products and services while driving improvements in upgraded facilities, entering new markets and driving innovation.


  • Consumer's record level of efficiency and customer satisfaction scores reflect the hard work done the right way.


  • Andy Sieg and Katy Knox together run our Global Wealth & Investment Management businesses.

    安迪西格 (Andy Sieg) 和凱蒂諾克斯 (Katy Knox) 共同經營我們的全球財富與投資管理業務。

  • They drove net new household growth in 2019 and more integration across those businesses with the rest of the franchise.

    他們推動了 2019 年新家庭的淨成長,並推動了這些業務與其他特許經營業務的進一步整合。

  • Merrill Lynch alone brought in more than 40,000 net new affluent households during 2019.

    2019 年,光是美林證券就淨新增超過 4 萬個富裕家庭。

  • Margins in that business remained near the record levels.


  • We generated $1 billion-plus in quarterly earnings in the quarters of 2019 and topped, this quarter, $3 trillion in client balances for the first time.

    我們在 2019 年季度的季度營收超過 10 億美元,本季客戶餘額首次突破 3 兆美元。

  • Tom Montag and his team across the Global Banking and Global Markets franchises are running one of the biggest commercial lending business in the world and one of the top market-making investment banking platforms.

    湯姆·蒙塔格(Tom Montag)和他的全球銀行和全球市場特許經營團隊正在經營世界上最大的商業貸款業務之一和頂級的做市投資銀行平台之一。

  • This powerful combination of Global Banking and Global Markets generated $11.6 billion in after-tax net income this year.

    全球銀行業和全球市場的強大組合今年創造了 116 億美元的稅後淨利。

  • The team continues to get its fair share of the fee pools across the globe and became more important partners for many of the world's largest clients.


  • With a renewed focus, our investment banking team regained some of lost market share from a couple of years ago, and Paul will give you those numbers later.


  • Matthew Koder and team have done a great job of doing that.

    馬修·科德 (Matthew Koder) 和團隊在這方面做得非常出色。

  • In addition, that team across the board continues to drive innovation in our Global Treasury Services platform.


  • Paul is going to show you some of those capabilities in the slides later.


  • All these business accomplishments across all these businesses while driving relatively flat cost.


  • Let's move to the trends on Slide 5. Our strong balance sheet and strong earnings have driven a corresponding strong increase in our return of capital.

    讓我們轉向幻燈片 5 中的趨勢。我們強勁的資產負債表和強勁的盈利推動了我們的資本回報率相應強勁增長。

  • We have now dropped below 9 billion shares outstanding, 9.1 billion shares on a fully diluted basis, as shown here on the left side of the page.

    現在,我們已發行的股票數量已降至 90 億股以下,完全稀釋後的股票數量為 91 億股,如頁面左側所示。

  • In total, we reduced the share count by nearly 2.5 billion shares from its peak a few years ago.


  • As we look into 2020, Paul will give you some specific guidance on the company's view of what we see in our outlook, but for more general guidance, our research team -- our award-winning research team sees more generally the U.S. GDP growth at just below 2% and a global GDP growth just above 3%.

    在我們展望 2020 年時,保羅將就公司對我們的前景的看法提供一些具體指導,但對於更一般的指導,我們的研究團隊——我們屢獲殊榮的研究團隊更普遍地認為美國 GDP 增長為略低於2%,全球GDP 成長率略高於3%。

  • We at Bank of America have seen in our consumer business a substantial amount of activity.


  • In our consumer business, we see that our customers are coming off a strong finish in 2019 in their spending activity.

    在我們的消費者業務中,我們看到客戶在 2019 年的支出活動表現強勁。

  • In addition, there's good loan demand.


  • This results from good employment levels and growing wages.


  • At Bank of America spending by our consumers grew at 5.9% over $3 trillion in spending from 2019 over 2018.

    與 2018 年相比,美國銀行 2019 年消費者支出成長了 5.9%,超過 3 兆美元。

  • We saw solid loan demand in our commercial client base throughout the year, but that moderated in the second half of the year as worries about global economic uncertainty and all the issues that are talked about every day dragged on.


  • Today, we see some resolution of those issues.


  • And that, combined with continued consumer strength, leads us to expect to see businesses continue their solid activity, and we're hearing more optimism.


  • All this provides a great backdrop to drive responsible growth and continue to deliver for you.


  • With that, I'll turn it over to Paul.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Thanks, Brian.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • You can see the summary of our Q4 results on Slide 6, and I'm going to begin on Slide 7.

    您可以在投影片 6 上看到我們第四季結果的摘要,我將從投影片 7 開始。

  • In the fourth quarter, we reported $7 billion in net income and $0.74 in EPS.

    第四季度,我們公佈了 70 億美元的淨利潤和 0.74 美元的每股盈餘。

  • EPS increased 6% from Q4 '18, reflecting modestly lower earnings more than offset by a 9% reduction in average diluted shares.

    每股盈餘較 18 年第 4 季成長 6%,反映出獲利小幅下降,但被平均攤薄股減少 9% 所抵銷。

  • Returns remained strong in Q4, with a return on assets of 113 basis points and a return on tangible common equity of 15%, well above the company's cost of capital.

    第四季的報酬率依然強勁,資產報酬率為 113 個基點,有形普通股報酬率為 15%,遠高於公司的資本成本。

  • Our results were driven by our team's focus and solid progress on managing what we can control and gaining market share in an economy that grew at a low single-digit pace.


  • In Q4, we again stayed focused on what we can control.


  • Client activity remained solid, allowing the benefit of loan and deposit growth to aid in offsetting the negative impact of lower short-term rates over the past 3 quarters.


  • We also continued to see healthy consumer trends in spending and asset quality.


  • Lastly, we experienced a nice rebound in FICC trading from a more negative environment a year ago.

    最後,我們的 FICC 交易從一年前更為不利的環境中出現了良好的反彈。

  • So having set the stage, let's turn to the details, starting with the balance sheet on Slide 8. Overall, compared to the end of Q3, the balance sheet was relatively flat at $2.4 trillion as growth of both loans and securities was modestly offset by lower global market assets.

    因此,在做好準備之後,讓我們轉向細節,從幻燈片8 中的資產負債表開始。總體而言,與第三季末相比,資產負債表相對持平,為2.4 兆美元,因為貸款和證券的成長被適度抵消了。全球市場資產下降。

  • Deposits grew $42 billion and were first deployed to fund $11 billion of loan growth, with most of the excess funding the growth in debt securities.

    存款增加了 420 億美元,首先用於為 110 億美元的貸款成長提供資金,其中大部分過剩資金為債務證券的成長提供資金。

  • Liquidity improved as the average global liquidity sources benefited from deposit growth.


  • Shareholders' equity declined $4 billion, driven mostly by the return of excess capital.

    股東權益下降了 40 億美元,主要是因為過剩資本的回饋所致。

  • In Q4, we returned $9.1 billion in capital through net share repurchases and dividends, which exceeded the $7 billion earned.

    第四季度,我們透過淨股票回購和股息返還了 91 億美元的資本,超過了 70 億美元的收入。

  • OCI declined by roughly $1 billion.

    OCI 下降了約 10 億美元。

  • Note that our book value per share of $27.32 has improved 9% from Q4 '18.

    請注意,我們的每股帳面價值為 27.32 美元,較 18 年第四季提高了 9%。

  • With respect to regulatory metrics, we remain comfortably above our minimum requirements, driven by the excess -- driven by the return of the excess capital I just reviewed.


  • Our CET1 standardized ratio decreased to 11.2% but remained well above our 9.5% minimum requirement.

    我們的 CET1 標準化比率下降至 11.2%,但仍遠高於 9.5% 的最低要求。

  • Our risk-weighted assets increased modestly from consumer loan growth and increased Global Banking exposures.


  • Lastly, our TLAC ratio also remained comfortably above our requirements.

    最後,我們的 TLAC 比率也始終高於我們的要求。

  • Looking at how client activity impacted average balances.


  • Let's start with deposits on Slide 9. Average deposits grew $65 billion or 5% year-over-year.

    讓我們從幻燈片 9 上的存款開始。平均存款年增 650 億美元,即 5%。

  • For 4.5 years now, we have grown deposits on a year-over-year basis every quarter by more than $40 billion.

    4.5 年來,我們每季的存款年增超過 400 億美元。

  • Consumer Banking deposits grew $33 billion or 5% as we believe customers value the convenience of our financial centers and ATM network, leading online and mobile capabilities and our unique Preferred Rewards program.

    消費者銀行存款增加了 330 億美元,即 5%,因為我們相信客戶重視我們金融中心和 ATM 網路的便利性、領先的線上和行動功能以及我們獨特的首選獎勵計劃。

  • But much of this growth continues to be led by checking balances, which we consider to be the core operational deposits of these customers.


  • Wealth management deposits grew $8 billion or 3% year-over-year.


  • Global Banking deposits grew $19 billion or 5% year-over-year and reflected both our strong GTS platform and the additional bankers we have deployed over the past couple of years.

    全球銀行存款年增 190 億美元,即 5%,反映了我們強大的 GTS 平台以及過去幾年我們部署的更多銀行家。

  • Looking at average loans on Slide 10.

    查看幻燈片 10 上的平均貸款。

  • You see pretty consistent client activity.


  • Overall, average loans of $974 billion were up more than 4% year-over-year.

    總體而言,平均貸款額為 9,740 億美元,年增超過 4%。

  • More importantly, average loans in our lines of business grew $54 billion or 6% year-over-year as consumer loans grew 7% and commercial loans grew 6%.

    更重要的是,我們業務領域的平均貸款年增 540 億美元,成長 6%,其中消費貸款成長 7%,商業貸款成長 6%。

  • As you can see in the bottom right-hand chart, we continued to demonstrate a fairly consistent range of responsible growth.


  • Commercial loan growth was broad-based.


  • Loans to middle-market clients grew 10%.

    向中間市場客戶提供的貸款成長了 10%。

  • But I would note the more stable linked-quarter balances here as revolver utilization moved a bit lower.


  • We also saw growth in lending to small businesses, growing 7%, and within consumer, we saw strong growth of residential mortgages.

    我們也看到小型企業貸款成長了 7%,而在消費者方面,我們看到住宅抵押貸款強勁成長。

  • I would also note that the stability of credit card balances, which reflects our decision last year to pull back on less profitable promotional balances as we continue to prioritize sustainable long-term profitability.


  • Turning to Slide 11 and net interest income.

    轉向幻燈片 11 和淨利息收入。

  • On a GAAP non-FTE basis in Q4, NII was $12.1 billion, $12.3 billion on an FTE basis and was relatively flat compared to Q3 '19.

    以 GAAP 非 FTE 計算,第四季的 NII 為 121 億美元,以 FTE 計算為 123 億美元,與 19 年第三季相比相對持平。

  • The benefits of loan and deposit growth, coupled with disciplined pricing, mostly offset the impact across short-term rates of a linked-quarter 47 basis point decline in the average Fed funds rate.

    貸款和存款成長的好處,加上嚴格的定價,大部分抵消了聯邦基金利率平均下降 47 個基點對短期利率的影響。

  • And while long-term rates were up modestly on a spot basis, on average, for the quarter, there was little change.


  • For the full year of 2019, GAAP NII of $48.9 billion was up 1% despite lower short-term rates.

    2019 年全年,儘管短期利率較低,但 GAAP NII 仍成長 1%,達 489 億美元。

  • This is consistent with the perspective we had conveyed to you since the middle of the year.


  • We remain disciplined with respect to deposit pricing.


  • In Q4, the rate paid on total interest-bearing deposits of 61 basis points declined 15 basis points.


  • In Consumer Banking, which accounts for more than half of our $1.4 trillion of deposits, customer pricing remained relatively unchanged.

    消費者銀行業務占我們 1.4 兆美元存款的一半以上,客戶定價相對保持不變。

  • On the other hand, in Global Banking and wealth management, the decline from Q3 in the rate paid on interest-bearing deposits was more in line with the 38 basis point drop in average 1-month LIBOR.

    另一方面,在全球銀行和財富管理領域,計息存款利率較第三季的下降與平均 1 個月 LIBOR 下降 38 個基點更為一致。

  • Okay.


  • Looking forward, as we move into 2020, let me start by saying our expectations assume a stable economic and interest rate environment, i.e., flat rates relative to the end of the year.

    展望未來,在我們邁入 2020 年之際,我首先要說的是,我們的預期假設經濟和利率環境穩定,即相對於年底的利率保持不變。

  • Given those assumptions, we expect NII in Q1 to be lower than Q4 as the benefits of loan and deposit growth will be more than offset by 3 things.


  • First, with respect to Q1, we will have 1 less day of interest.

    首先,對於第一季度,我們的利息將減少 1 天。

  • Second, we expect lower loan yields to be more fully reflected from the late October Fed rate cut.

    其次,我們預期貸款殖利率的下降將更充分反映在 10 月底聯準會降息。

  • Third, reinvestment rates are expected to dilute securities yields despite fractionally higher long-end rates.


  • Moving to Q2, we typically experience seasonally lower NII for 2 reasons.

    進入第二季度,我們通常會遇到季節性較低的 NII,原因有二。

  • First, we typically see higher interest expense from funding increased seasonal Global Markets client activity in equities.


  • The benefit of this activity shows up in noninterest income instead of interest income.


  • Second, we also typically see lower average card balances as clients pay down their holiday balances.


  • Both of these seasonal patterns have historically led to lower NII in Q2 compared to Q1.


  • So we would expect NII in the first 2 quarters of 2020 to be a bit lower than Q4 '19.

    因此,我們預計 2020 年前 2 季的 NII 將略低於 19 年第四季。

  • From there, we would expect NII to rise modestly in the second half of the year driven by an additional day of interest and continued loan and deposit growth.

    從那時起,我們預計在利息增加以及貸款和存款持續成長的推動下,NII 將在下半年小幅上升。

  • Turning to Slide 12 and quarterly expenses over the past 2 years.

    轉向投影片 12 和過去 2 年的季度支出。

  • At $13.2 billion this quarter, expenses were 1% higher than Q4 '18 as increased investments throughout 2019 in people, real estate and technology initiatives were largely offset by savings from operational excellence and lower amortization of intangibles.

    本季的支出為132 億美元,比2018 年第四季高出1%,因為2019 年全年在人員、房地產和技術計劃方面增加的投資在很大程度上被卓越營運帶來的節省和較低的無形資產攤銷所抵銷。

  • We have been operating in a tight range for more than 2 years now, with quarterly expense in the low $13 billion range in all but 1 quarter if you adjust for the 3Q '19 impairment.

    兩年多來,我們一直在狹窄的範圍內運營,如果對 2019 年第三季的減值進行調整,除第 1 季外的所有季度支出都在 130 億美元的低水平範圍內。

  • So annually, we've been able to maintain a $53 billion expense base despite increased investments in tech, infrastructure, buildings, people, philanthropy and the other costs that Brian mentioned in the opening of the call.

    因此,儘管增加了對技術、基礎設施、建築、人員、慈善事業以及布萊恩在電話會議開頭提到的其他成本的投資,但我們每年仍能夠維持 530 億美元的支出基礎。

  • With respect to headcount, year-over-year savings from improved processes and workflows allowed us to fund an increase in the number of sales professionals as our LOBs added nearly 4,000 associates over the past 12 months.

    就員工人數而言,改善流程和工作流程帶來的逐年節省使我們能夠為增加銷售專業人員的數量提供資金,因為我們的 LOB 在過去 12 個月內增加了近 4,000 名員工。

  • With respect to outlook, our expectations for expense in 2020 haven't really changed from where we provided it in 2016 despite all the added costs of the higher investments and unknowns like Brexit and others since 2016.

    就前景而言,儘管自 2016 年以來更高的投資和英國脫歐等未知因素增加了成本,但我們對 2020 年費用的預期與 2016 年相比並沒有真正改變。

  • We expect our full year expense to be in the low $53 billion range this year, and as long as client activity and the economic environment remain stable, our investment plans will likely remain unchanged.

    我們預計今年全年支出將在 530 億美元的低水準範圍內,只要客戶活動和經濟環境保持穩定,我們的投資計畫就可能保持不變。

  • Having said that, I want to provide you with a few reminders with respect to expenses.


  • First, Q1 is expected to include about $400 million of seasonally elevated personnel costs related to payroll taxes, with the remaining quarters of 2020 expected to return to a low $13 billion range.

    首先,預計第一季將包括約 4 億美元與工資稅相關的季節性上漲的人員成本,2020 年剩餘季度預計將恢復到 130 億美元的低水平。

  • Also, beginning in Q3, the accounting for the BAMS JV is expected to change following its dissolution.

    此外,從第三季開始,BAMS 合資企業的會計預計將在其解散後發生變化。

  • At that time, we will separately record revenue and expense from merchant servicing operations rather than reflecting our share of the joint venture earnings as a single amount in other income.


  • This will gross up both expenses and revenue with little bottom line impact.


  • And like we told you in Q3, it's not included in our forward guidance.


  • We will update you as we move closer to that time frame.


  • All right.


  • Turning to asset quality on Slide 13.

    轉向幻燈片 13 上的資產品質。

  • Our underwriting standards have been responsible and strong for years now, and asset quality trend reflect this even in this relatively benign credit environment.


  • Total net charge-offs in Q4 were $959 million compared to $811 million in Q3.

    第四季的淨沖銷總額為 9.59 億美元,而第三季的淨沖銷總額為 8.11 億美元。

  • When comparing to Q3, remember, we sold in Q3 -- we sold some loans in Q3 that resulted in recoveries totaling $198 million that reduced net charge-offs.

    與第三季相比,請記住,我們在第三季出售了——我們在第三季出售了一些貸款,收回了總計 1.98 億美元的貸款,從而減少了淨沖銷。

  • Adjusting for those recoveries, net charge-offs declined $50 million.

    根據這些回收情況進行調整後,淨沖銷減少了 5,000 萬美元。

  • And the net charge-off ratio declined 3 basis points to 39 basis points.


  • Compared to Q4 '18, net charge-offs were modestly higher driven primarily by seasoning of the card portfolio.

    與 18 年第 4 季相比,淨沖銷額略有上升,主要是由於信用卡組合的老化。

  • Provision expense was $941 million and mostly match net charge-offs with only modest releases in both Q4 '19 and Q4 '18.

    撥備費用為 9.41 億美元,大部分與淨沖銷相匹配,2019 年第 4 季和 18 年第 4 季僅適度釋放。

  • On Slide 14, we break out credit quality metrics for both our consumer and commercial portfolios.

    在投影片 14 中,我們列出了消費者和商業投資組合的信用品質指標。

  • These metrics show you that asset quality remains strong in both categories.


  • Before turning to the business segments, I will just provide a couple of perspectives on CECL.


  • Our day 1 implementation resulted in a $3.3 billion increase in allowance.

    我們第一天的實施導致津貼增加了 33 億美元。

  • This is in line with the last update we gave you.


  • All else equal, this would lower our CET1 ratio by roughly 20 basis points, but as you know, it is phased into regulatory capital evenly through 2023.

    在其他條件相同的情況下,這將使我們的 CET1 比率降低約 20 個基點,但如您所知,它將在 2023 年之前平均分階段納入監管資本。

  • Okay.


  • Turning to the business segments and starting with Consumer Banking on Slide 15.

    轉向業務部門,從幻燈片 15 上的消費者銀行業務開始。

  • Consumer Banking produced another solid quarter of revenue and earnings but was heavily impacted by lower rates in the second half of 2019.

    消費者銀行業務又一個季度實現了穩健的收入和盈利,但受到 2019 年下半年利率下降的嚴重影響。

  • Net income of $3.1 billion declined 10% as revenue fell 4%.

    淨利 31 億美元下降 10%,營收下降 4%。

  • As you know, we have been renovating and adding financial centers, adding sales professionals and advancing digital capabilities.


  • Plus, we increased our minimum wage in 2019 and will again in Q1.

    此外,我們在 2019 年提高了最低工資,並將在第一季再次提高。

  • Despite the cost of increased investments, we have been able to hold expenses relatively flat, and our efficiency ratio was 47%.

    儘管增加了投資成本,但我們仍能將開支維持在相對穩定的水平,我們的效率率為 47%。

  • Away from the impact of rates, which we can't control, client momentum continued as we saw healthy spending, borrowing and savings by clients.


  • As a result, year-over-year average deposits increased by $33 billion, up 5% to $720 billion, while maintaining strong pricing discipline.

    結果,平均存款年增 330 億美元,增幅 5%,達到 7,200 億美元,同時保持嚴格的定價紀律。

  • Client investments increased $54 billion, up 29% year-over-year to $240 billion, driven primarily by market, but we also saw $20 billion of client flows and our total net accounts grew 7%.

    客戶投資增加了 540 億美元,年增 29%,達到 2,400 億美元,這主要是由市場推動的,但我們也看到了 200 億美元的客戶流量,我們的總淨帳戶增長了 7%。

  • Loans were up a healthy 7% driven by home loans.

    在房屋貸款的推動下,貸款健康增加了 7%。

  • Debit and credit spending by our customers was up 6% year-over-year, consistent with a record holiday season and asset quality in this segment remained strong with a net charge-off ratio of 118 basis points, down modestly from last year.

    我們客戶的金融卡和貸記卡支出年增 6%,與創紀錄的假期季節一致,該細分市場的資產品質依然強勁,淨沖銷率為 118 個基點,較去年略有下降。

  • Turning to Slide 16.

    轉到投影片 16。

  • I will quickly note continued positive trends across deposits, loans and investments, all of which I touched upon earlier.


  • This level of activity continues to drive the acknowledgments and rankings in the upper left, and this is a short list of the more than 60 industry awards consumer and digital banking received in 2019.

    這種活動水準繼續推動左上角的致謝和排名,這是 2019 年消費者和數位銀行獲得的 60 多個行業獎項的簡短清單。

  • Turning to Slide '17.


  • Digital banking continued to drive growth and client engagement as we continued to invest heavily in this channel as a strong complement to our financial centers and ATM network.

    數位銀行持續推動成長和客戶參與,我們繼續大力投資這項管道,作為我們金融中心和 ATM 網路的有力補充。

  • Together, they allowed our customers to bank with us anywhere, anytime and any way they want.


  • Over 56% of our clients are now digitally active and logged in 8.1 billion times this year.

    我們超過 56% 的客戶現在處於數位活躍狀態,今年登入次數達到 81 億次。

  • That's up 9% year-over-year.

    較去年同期成長 9%。

  • Digital channels generated 27% of overall sales.

    數位管道佔總銷售額的 27%。

  • 34% of mortgages and 56% of client direct auto loans originated through our mobile app or online banking site.

    34% 的抵押貸款和 56% 的客戶直接汽車貸款是透過我們的行動應用程式或網路銀行網站發放的。

  • The digital mortgage experience itself originated $11 billion in loans in 2019 as we continued to add capabilities such as the ability to transfer HELOC balances on a mobile device.

    隨著我們不斷增加在行動裝置上轉移 HELOC 餘額等功能,數位抵押體驗本身在 2019 年帶來了 110 億美元的貸款。

  • And with respect to mobile car shopping, we closed the year with the ability to provide clients access to roughly 2 million cars from our participating dealer inventories.

    在行動汽車購物方面,我們能夠為客戶提供從我們參與的經銷商庫存中購買約 200 萬輛汽車的能力,結束了這一年。

  • Our market share of Zelle payments continued to increase this year as well.

    今年我們的 Zelle 支付市佔率也持續增加。

  • We now have 9.7 million Zelle users, and they sent and received 300 million transfers this year, totaling over $78 billion.

    我們現在有 970 萬 Zelle 用戶,他們今年發送和接收了 3 億筆轉賬,總額超過 780 億美元。

  • Erica surpassed 10 million total users and completed nearly 100 million requests since its launch with 38% penetration of active BAC mobile users.

    自推出以來,Erica 的用戶總數已超過 1,000 萬,完成了近 1 億個請求,活躍 BAC 行動用戶的滲透率為 38%。

  • 27% of total deposits are now coming from mobile and over 50% of our clients have gone completely paperless, enhancing our efficiency and their experience.

    現在,總存款的 27% 來自行動設備,超過 50% 的客戶已完全實現無紙化,從而提高了我們的效率和客戶體驗。

  • And customers increased their use of our mobile banking app to make appointments with 2.3 million digital appointments scheduled in 2019, up 19% year-over-year.

    客戶更多地使用我們的手機銀行應用程式進行預約,2019 年安排了 230 萬次數位預約,較去年同期成長 19%。

  • Our efforts to move customers past enrollment to engagement and digital capabilities are stronger than ever and, we believe, industry-leading.


  • Turning to Global Wealth & Investment Management on Slide 18.

    轉向投影片 18 上的全球財富與投資管理。

  • Strong results were led by growth across AUM, loans and deposits as well as good market conditions in the quarter but also reflected the headwinds of lower interest rates.


  • Record-level client balances topped $3 trillion, and our full year pretax margin was 29%.

    客戶餘額創歷史新高,突破 3 兆美元,全年稅前利潤率為 29%。

  • With $256 billion in deposits, this segment would rank standalone as the seventh or eighth largest bank in the U.S. So when rates fall, GWIM feels it, but much of the impact of falling rates was offset by advisories fees generated from our industry-leading wealth management platform.

    該部門擁有2560 億美元的存款,將獨立成為美國第七或第八大銀行。因此,當利率下降時,GWIM 會感覺到,但利率下降的大部分影響被我們行業領先的財富產生的諮詢費所抵銷管理平台。

  • Net income was just over $1 billion, down 4% from Q4 '18, reflecting lower interest rates and the absence of a prior year gain from the sale of a noncore asset, which also impacted the revenue comparisons.

    淨利潤略高於 10 億美元,比 18 年第 4 季下降 4%,反映出較低的利率以及去年出售非核心資產沒有帶來的收益,這也影響了收入比較。

  • Excluding the prior year gain, revenue was flat and earnings grew 3%.

    排除上一年度的收益,營收持平,獲利成長 3%。

  • Asset management fees grew 5% year-over-year due to higher market valuations and the fees from AUM flows, which more than offset general pricing pressures and lower transactional revenue.

    由於市場估值上升和資產管理規模流量費用增加,資產管理費用年增 5%,足以抵銷整體定價壓力和交易收入下降。

  • Expenses decreased slightly as investments in sales professionals, technology and our brand were more than offset by lower intangible amortization and deposit insurance costs.


  • Digital engagement with affluent clients continued to increase importance as 64% of Merrill clients are actively using our mobile or online platforms, and that statistic increased to more than 75% for our private bank clients.

    與富裕客戶的數位互動持續變得越來越重要,因為64% 的美林客戶正在積極使用我們的行動或線上平台,而對於我們的私人銀行客戶來說,這一統計數據增加到75% 以上。

  • Moving to Slide 19.

    轉到投影片 19。

  • GWIM activity reflects the confidence clients place in Bank of America and its advisers at both Merrill and the private bank.

    GWIM 活動反映了客戶對美國銀行及其在美林和私人銀行的顧問的信心。

  • As Brian mentioned, household growth has been strong as Merrill added more than 40,000 net new households this year, and we added 60% more private bank relationships in 2019 than we did in 2018.

    正如布萊恩所提到的,家庭成長強勁,美林今年淨新增超過 4 萬個家庭,而且 2019 年我們增加的私人銀行關係比 2018 年增加了 60%。

  • On the bottom right, note the $427 billion increase in client balances in Q4 '18.

    請注意右下角,2018 年第 4 季客戶餘額增加了 4,270 億美元。

  • $383 billion of that increase reflected strong market conditions increasing the value of assets.

    其中 3,830 億美元的成長反映了強勁的市場狀況增加了資產價值。

  • $44 billion of the increase is from client flows.

    其中 440 億美元的成長來自客戶流量。

  • AUM flows accounted for $25 billion while brokerage flows contributed $6 billion.

    資產管理規模流量為 250 億美元,經紀業務流量為 60 億美元。

  • Bank product flows were driven by loans of $12 billion, which doubled from 2018.

    銀行產品流由 120 億美元貸款推動,較 2018 年翻了一番。

  • And deposit flows were modestly negative as clients shifted cash back into investments during the year following the 4Q '18 equity market declines.

    18 年第 4 季股市下跌後,隨著顧客在一年內將現金轉回投資,存款流量出現小幅負值。

  • Average deposits rose 3%.


  • Turning to Global Banking on Slide 20.

    轉向幻燈片 20 上的全球銀行業。

  • The business earned $2 billion and generated 20% return on allocated capital in the quarter.

    該業務本季獲利 20 億美元,分配資本回報率為 20%。

  • An 8% decline in net income was driven by lower NII and higher investment costs, which outpaced the improvement from investment banking income and leasing-related gains.


  • Continued strong deposit and loan growth reflects the benefit of adding hundreds of bankers over the past few years, increasing our client coverage as well as continued advancement in how we deliver our loan product and treasury services.


  • These investments will continue to benefit the franchise for many years to come as new bankers deepen existing relationships and add new ones.


  • Looking at trends on Slide 21 and comparing to Q4 last year.

    查看投影片 21 上的趨勢並與去年第四季進行比較。

  • Throughout the year, we continue to add investment bankers both in the U.S. and internationally with a focus on expanding our client coverage.


  • This benefited NII fees, with Q4 fees of nearly $1.5 billion, up 9% year-over-year.

    這有利於 NII 費用,第四季費用接近 15 億美元,年增 9%。

  • Despite -- excuse me, double-digit increases in both debt and equity underwriting fees led the year-over-year improvement.


  • Bank of America was involved in 7 of the top 10 debt deals and 6 of the top 10 equity deals in the quarter.

    美國銀行參與了本季十大債務交易中的 7 項和十大股票交易中的 6 項。

  • Based upon Dealogic data, this performance drove a 50 basis point improvement in market share for the full year.

    根據 Dealogic 數據,這項業績推動全年市佔率提高了 50 個基點。

  • Turning to Slide 22.

    轉向投影片 22。

  • One of the reasons for the growth in deposits in Global Banking has been our consistent investment over multiple years in digital capabilities and transaction services.


  • Note the growth in mobile and digital uses at the top of the page and our focus on solutions for clients on the bottom of the page.


  • Switching to Global Markets on Slide 23.

    在投影片 23 上切換到全球市場。

  • As I usually do, I will talk about results excluding DVA.

    像往常一樣,我將討論不包括 DVA 的結果。

  • Global Markets produced $639 million of earnings.

    全球市場產生了 6.39 億美元的收益。

  • Year-over-year, revenue was up 10% from both higher sales and trading results and improved investment banking fees.

    由於銷售和交易業績的提高以及投資銀行費用的提高,收入同比增長了 10%。

  • Expenses were up a more modest 2% year-over-year.

    費用年增幅較為溫和,為 2%。

  • Within revenue, sales and trading improved 13% year-over-year driven by fixed income, currency and commodities with more a risk on environment when compared to Q4 last year.

    在收入方面,受固定收益、貨幣和大宗商品的推動,銷售和交易年增 13%,與去年第四季相比,環境風險更大。

  • FICC was up 25% from Q4 14 while equities declined modestly.

    FICC 較 2014 年第四季上漲 25%,而股市小幅下跌。

  • FICC revenue showed improved results across most products but was particularly strong in mortgage products.

    大多數產品的 FICC 收入均有所改善,但抵押貸款產品的表現尤其強勁。

  • The muted performance in equities was driven by lower client activities and derivatives, which was partially offset by our financing business where we have focused some investments.


  • On Slide 24, you can see that our mix of sales and trading revenue remains weighted to domestic activity, where global fee pools are centered.

    在投影片 24 上,您可以看到我們的銷售和交易收入組合仍然以國內活動為主,全球費用池集中在國內活動。

  • Within FICC, revenue mix remained weighted to our credit products.

    在 FICC 內,收入組合仍以我們的信貸產品為主。

  • And importantly, please note, on the bottom left, at roughly $13 billion, the consistency of our sales and trading revenue over the past 6 years in the face of declining fee pools.

    重要的是,請注意,左下角大約 130 億美元,是過去 6 年在費用池不斷下降的情況下我們的銷售和交易收入的一致性。

  • It is particularly noteworthy considering the risk reduction noted at the bottom right.


  • This goes against the perception that these revenues are generally considered to be more variable.


  • Finally, turning to Slide 25.

    最後,轉向投影片 25。

  • We show All Other, which reported a profit of $262 million.

    我們展示了 All Other,其報告利潤為 2.62 億美元。

  • Comparing against Q3 '19 is tough because that period included the $2.1 billion pretax impairment charge on our Bank of America Merchant Services joint venture.

    與 19 年第三季相比,情況很艱難,因為該時期包括我們的美國銀行商業服務合資企業 21 億美元的稅前減損費用。

  • But there are 2 things worth noting as I close out.


  • First, other income at the total company level this quarter included tax-advantaged investment partnership losses that were about $200 million higher when you compare to Q3.

    首先,本季公司整體層面的其他收入包括稅收優惠的投資合夥企業損失,與第三季相比,損失增加了約 2 億美元。

  • The benefits of this activity shows up in Global Banking -- in our Global Banking business and are produced by client activity related to tax-advantaged solar and wind investments.


  • These investments generate good returns.


  • However, the partnership losses, which reduced noninterest income, and the tax benefit in our tax line from these investments are not always realized in the same quarter, depending upon the type of investment.


  • The second thing I want to mention is the effective tax rate in the quarter of approximately 14%.


  • It included the impact of higher tax credits from the increased tax-advantaged investments, and it also included roughly $300 million in discrete benefits from the resolution of several tax matters.

    其中包括稅收優惠投資增加帶來的更高稅收抵免的影響,還包括解決多項稅務問題帶來的約 3 億美元的離散收益。

  • Absent the discrete benefits in the quarter, our Q4 '19 tax rate would have been roughly 18%, and absent any unusual items, this is roughly where we expect the ETR for full year 2020 to be.

    如果沒有本季的離散收益,我們 19 年第 4 季的稅率將約為 18%,並且如果沒有任何異常項目,這大致是我們預計 2020 年全年 ETR 的水平。

  • So thanks.


  • And with that, we'll open it up to Q&A.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We'll take our first question today from John McDonald with Autonomous Research.

    (操作員說明)今天我們將回答來自 Autonomous Research 的 John McDonald 的第一個問題。

  • John Eamon McDonald - Senior Analyst Large-cap Banks

    John Eamon McDonald - Senior Analyst Large-cap Banks

  • Paul, wanted to ask on the NII outlook.

    Paul 想問 NII 的前景。

  • When you put together your -- your commentary about the quarters, year-over-year, does that imply flat to down a little bit maybe on the NII in terms of your outlook against flat rates?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Year-over-year, modestly, I would say.


  • John Eamon McDonald - Senior Analyst Large-cap Banks

    John Eamon McDonald - Senior Analyst Large-cap Banks

  • Down modestly?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Yes.


  • John Eamon McDonald - Senior Analyst Large-cap Banks

    John Eamon McDonald - Senior Analyst Large-cap Banks

  • Okay.


  • And then how are you feeling -- I guess if we think about positive operating leverage for this year, you mentioned the stability in expenses while you continue to invest.


  • How are you feeling on fee income growth and when you wrap it all together, the prospects for positive operating leverage into 2020?

    您對費用收入成長有何看法?綜合考慮,您對 2020 年積極營運槓桿的前景有何看法?

  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • So obviously, we talked about in the prepared remarks the transition that we're going through in the rate environment.


  • I would just remind everybody we had 18 consecutive quarters of positive operating leverage, and admittedly, it's a little bit more difficult to achieve operating leverage given the decline in interest rates last year and the associated impact on NII.

    我想提醒大家的是,我們已經連續 18 個季度實現正營運槓桿,而且不可否認,考慮到去年利率下降以及對 NII 的相關影響,實現營運槓桿有點困難。

  • As I said though, assuming a more stable rate environment, we would expect NII to return to growth in the second half of 2020 driven by loan and deposit growth.


  • And remember, NII is not directly linked to expenses the way other revenue is in, for example, investment banking, sales and trading, wealth management.

    請記住,NII 並不像其他收入(例如投資銀行、銷售和交易、財富管理)那樣與支出直接相關。

  • We run and invest in the company for the long-term sustainability and for growth.


  • And by the way, these investments over many years laid the foundation for operating leverage.


  • So having said all that, we're not blind to changes in the operating environment, but we are also not managing rigidly to quarterly financial metrics.


  • We're focused on the things that we can control like driving like client activity, deposits, loans investments and efficiency improvements through our focus on operational excellence.


  • So if things change, we'll adjust, but currently, we feel our client activity and market share gains continue to support our investment plans in the near term.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Glenn Schorr with Evercore.

    我們將接受 Evercore 的 Glenn Schorr 提出的下一個問題。

  • Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I have a follow-up question on your comments on the promo balances in cards and your pullback there.


  • And I'm curious if that is a function of pricing getting tougher there, terms getting tougher there?


  • Or is that your just responsible thought process 11 years into a recovery?

    或者說,這就是您在經濟復甦 11 年後的負責任的思考過程嗎?

  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • I think it's more a reflection of responsible growth and how we run, how we're focused on the customer and how we're focused on total revenue and not necessarily NII or fees.


  • When you look at card balances, they certainly reflect a couple of items that we talked about, and it certainly reflects our focus more on profitability.


  • First, we've been reevaluating some relationship prospects who are just looking to gain rewards or take a short term -- take short-term advantage of promo balances.


  • So clearly, that's affected balances a little bit.


  • Also, with less promo balances, the percentage of the portfolio paying off these much has risen a bit.


  • I think what you see though, if you look at our risk adjusted margin, that's up 25 basis points year-over-year to 8.7%.

    我認為,如果你看看我們的風險調整利潤率,你會發現,比去年同期成長了 25 個基點,達到 8.7%。

  • If you adjust out the 4Q gains we had last year, and we continue to have more than 1 million cards each month.

    如果你調整掉我們去年第四季的收益,我們每個月的卡片數量仍然超過 100 萬張。

  • Again, with a focus on profitability of new accounts.


  • So I think that line's going to start to grow from here?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • I think, Glenn, just to be -- Paul's last point (inaudible) production of new customers taking the card product from us and the usage continues to grow.


  • So we had 1 million-plus new cardholders.

    所以我們有超過 100 萬的新持卡人。

  • We still have a lot of room to go from a 2/3 type of penetration at customer base and then how many people use that as a primary card.

    從客戶群的 2/3 滲透率到有多少人將其用作主要卡,我們還有很大的空間。

  • So we really focus a lot on that.


  • And what we're focusing on that, generating new customers who are serving is not exactly the strategy.


  • And so it's a mix of profitability, but also really sticking to that core holistic customer strategy.


  • Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Appreciate that.


  • Just 1 more, maybe on GWIM.

    還有 1 個,也許在 GWIM 上。

  • So market's up a lot and more people going fee-based offset lower rates, and you talked about that.


  • So we've been hanging in this 28% to 30% range, which is great.

    所以我們一直保持在 28% 到 30% 的範圍內,這很好。

  • But the question I have is can -- as scale continues to build and all the investments that you've made there, can we see margins start to tick up a little bit above there?


  • I know we're constrained by payouts and things like that.


  • Just curious, bigger picture over the next couple of years.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So think about it in 2 dimensions.


  • One, inside the Wealth Management business is a very large bank.


  • So if rate's stable here from here, then the loan and deposit growth, which have been strong, we'll then pick up that, and that's very leveraged to the margin, contribute to the margin.


  • That's 1 point.


  • So you're going through the same twist in that business with a 75 basis point drop in rates in the very late part of -- last few months of 2019.

    因此,在 2019 年最後幾個月的最後幾個月,該業務也將經歷同樣的曲折,利率下降了 75 個基點。

  • That's no different than many other situations.


  • So that will mitigate and go forward.


  • If you think about the other side of the question, which is sort of, can you get it higher, you've got the basic thing, the way that the compensation system runs from a way of presentation is you've got 50% of the revenue.

    如果你考慮問題的另一面,那就是,你能把它提高得更高嗎?你已經得到了基本的東西,薪酬體系從一種表述方式來看,你已經得到了 50% 的報酬。收入。

  • Round numbers goes into the compensation.


  • So you're basically making $0.30 on the other $0.50 in profit margin, which is a pretty strong margin.

    因此,您基本上可以透過另外 0.50 美元的利潤率賺取 0.30 美元,這是一個相當高的利潤率。

  • So it has all the opportunities along the dimensions, which is a (inaudible) set of things that we've got to go after, which is you think about the Merrill Edge assets growing in the MEGI portfolio, which is over $4 billion and growing 30%, 50% a year type of things.

    因此,它在各個方面都有所有的機會,這是我們必須追求的一系列(聽不清楚)事情,這就是你認為ME​​GI 投資組合中不斷增長的Merrill Edge 資產,該資產超過40 億美元,並且還在不斷增長。每年30%、50%之類的事情。

  • As they grow, and the products are available to Andy's to whole team of FAs, that provides additional efficiency.

    隨著他們的成長,Andy 的整個 FA 團隊都可以使用這些產品,這提高了效率。

  • And then you think about the digitization of that customer base in both private bank and Merrill Lynch, which is the least penetrated of all the customer bases in terms of digital statements and things like that, we can drive the margins that way.


  • Then the physical plant, we continue to increase the density of the physical plant with other physical plant in various cities and towns, consolidating offices and getting people in the common space that saves money.


  • So there's a lot of way we can work on digitization, physical plant efficiency, adding more financial advisers to have more scale and contributing to overhead, which then generates more margin.


  • So it's -- you're working -- it's pretty good to make $0.60 -- 60% of your margin after comp and we're not changing the comp system, so -- but there's a lot of things forward, and I think we can continue to improve.

    所以,你正在工作,能賺 0.60 美元就很好了,補償後利潤的 60%,我們不會改變補償系統,所以,但還有很多事情要做,我認為我們可以繼續改進。

  • It would be -- appear to be easier or if, in fact, rates stay stable and you drive loan growth, which is what our projection is, and if rates start rising again, it will look like (inaudible) in terms of margin.


  • But we've been able to sustain it even in a falling rate environment.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Steven Chubak with Wolfe Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Wolfe Research 的 Steven Chubak。

  • Steven Joseph Chubak - Director of Equity Research

    Steven Joseph Chubak - Director of Equity Research

  • So I wanted to ask a follow-up on fee income.


  • So the NII resiliency has been quite impressive.

    因此,NII 的彈性非常令人印象深刻。

  • Loan deposit account growth, as you noted, Paul and Brian continues to track very well.


  • The core fee growth was a bit softer this past year.


  • It declined modestly despite some of the strong market tailwinds.


  • I know, Brian, in the past, you haven't given explicit guidance on core fee growth expectations, but you did note that it showed traject in line with GDP.

    我知道,布萊恩,您過去沒有對核心費用成長預期給出明確的指導,但您確實注意到它顯示出與 GDP 一致的軌跡。

  • And just given some of the moderating U.S. and global GDP growth expectations you cited earlier, just trying to think about how we should be modeling or forecasting fee income expectations in the coming years?

    考慮到您之前提到的美國和全球 GDP 成長預期放緩,我們應該如何建模或預測未來幾年的費用收入預期?

  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • I think each category -- if you think about the broad categories where most of them come through, the strategy in the consumer business has been to reduce reliance over the last decade-plus on penalty fees and things like that.


  • We kind of hit status quo on that.


  • In other words, we brought it down significantly from Reg BI and all that stuff is kind of done.

    換句話說,我們從 Reg BI 中大幅降低了它,所有這些事情都已經完成了。

  • The interchange in the consumer fee areas, the card income and stuff, that's through the system at this point.


  • The rewards impact that, but you get the benefit back in a preferred rewards system through the ability to have that stable margin.


  • So I think we should see those fees, which have gotten to a point where they ought to grow marginally.


  • But remember, the part of the strategy is to invest in our client base, loyalty to our company and our products.


  • And so they'll be modest because of the NII growth.


  • Think about 8% growth in checking balances year-over-year in consumer.

    想想消費者的支票餘額年增 8%。

  • That is helped -- driven by people consolidating a relationship with you, which you pay back through the reward system through their card usage.


  • So it's always going to be that.


  • When you go to wealth management, you tell me what the market's going to do, and you'll see that will be heavily influenced there.


  • That should grow faster.


  • As you know, trading, as Paul said, isn't as volatile as people wanted to discuss it.


  • But on the other hand, there's compression on the fee side.


  • So each line items has a different element.


  • Treasury services revenue is up, I think, at the high single digits, but the fee line piece of it's flattish, that's because people are paying us through balances.


  • So I think that -- Steven, a guy like you has been around banks for a long time.


  • The differentiation between types of revenue fee versus spread is becoming harder as the business models have morphed them together in just terms of total revenue.


  • So we ought to go revenue slightly faster than the economy and have the expenses grow below that by a couple hundred basis points, and we've been able to do that.


  • And as this twist in rates ends this quarter, you'll see us get back on that track as we move through 2020.

    隨著利率的這種變化在本季結束,您將看到我們在 2020 年回到原來的軌道。

  • Steven Joseph Chubak - Director of Equity Research

    Steven Joseph Chubak - Director of Equity Research

  • And maybe just a follow-up for you, Paul.


  • You've been retaining a substantial percentage of mortgage loans on balance sheet.


  • In lieu of selling those loans, you're deploying that excess liquidity into MBS.


  • And I'm just wondering, as we prepare for CECL, does that inform your appetite or your willingness to continue down the same path?

    我只是想知道,當我們為 CECL 做準備時,這是否表明您有興趣或願意繼續走同樣的道路?

  • And just separately, just given the strength of your credit position and a relatively clean balance sheet.


  • I was sort of hoping you guys could be CECL pioneers and maybe be the first bank to provide some more concrete guidance in terms of day 2 provision impacts or expectations?

    我有點希望你們能夠成為 CECL 的先驅,也許成為第一家就第二天撥備影響或預期提供更具體指導的銀行?

  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Well, on your first point, we are originating mortgages and putting 94% of them, I think, this quarter on the balance sheet to continue the trend that we've been doing for many, many quarters now.

    好吧,關於您的第一點,我認為本季度我們正在發放抵押貸款並將其中 94% 納入資產負債表,以延續我們許多季度以來一直在做的趨勢。

  • We'll see how that develops over the long term, but for now, that's our plan.


  • Clearly, we consider the effect on liquidity.


  • We consider the effect on capital balancing, returning capital with growing the balance sheet.


  • Those loans don't really have a high amount of CECL impact.

    這些貸款對 CECL 的影響並不大。

  • So -- but I'm not saying we're going to never change what we're doing there.


  • In terms of CECL, I think we've given you the guidance that we're comfortable with.

    就 CECL 而言,我認為我們已經為您提供了我們滿意的指導。

  • We would expect provision to be a little higher than net charge-offs in 2020.

    我們預計 2020 年撥備將略高於淨沖銷。

  • And due to CECL, we've been running -- when you back everything out, we've been running at net charge-offs at approximately $1 billion a quarter.

    由於 CECL,我們一直在運行 - 當你收回所有資金時,我們一直在以每季度約 10 億美元的淨沖銷運行。

  • We don't see that changing much in the future.


  • And when you just factor CECL into that, it means that our provision's going to have to be a little bit higher than net charge offs.

    當您將 CECL 納入其中時,這意味著我們的準備金必須比淨沖銷額略高一些。

  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • You always have to remember that the -- not on the last part, but on the first part, at the end of the day, the reason why we have securities and mortgage-backed securities and treasuries is simple: When you generate $60 billion in deposit growth and your loan balances grow by $10 billion or whatever, $10 billion or $20 billion, the other half has to go to be invested somewhere and you're raising this money and all-in cost in the 40 basis points of deposit pricing across the whole board, and a lot of it's coming noninterest, you're not going to turn down that good customer activity.

    你總是必須記住,不是在最後一部分,而是在第一部分,歸根結底,我們擁有證券、抵押貸款支持證券和國債的原因很簡單:當你創造 600 億美元存款增長,你的貸款餘額增長100億美元或其他,100 億美元或200 億美元,另一半必須投資到某個地方,你要在存款定價40 個基點的基礎上籌集這筆資金和總成本整個董事會,其中很多都是不感興趣的,你不會拒絕良好的客戶活動。

  • And we don't take credit risk in that part of the portfolio because we take enough credit risk around the rest of the company.


  • And so the strategy on the investment side, mortgage-backed had put with treasuries, and think of that as just excess liquidity.


  • On mortgages, paul told you that we've been putting on the balance sheet because they're better yielding than mortgage-backed securities.


  • And frankly, our credit risk is better than the mortgage-backed securities' availability, so why would we pay somebody else for taking that risk?


  • Steven Joseph Chubak - Director of Equity Research

    Steven Joseph Chubak - Director of Equity Research

  • Fair enough.


  • And I appreciate you guys taking the day 2 plunge as well.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Betsy Graseck with Morgan Stanley.

    我們將回答摩根士丹利的貝特西·格拉塞克 (Betsy Graseck) 提出的下一個問題。

  • Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

    Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

  • Brian, 10 years of excellent management here driving the bus on improving operating leverage, especially over the past 3, 4 years.


  • Can you give us a sense as to how you see the rate of change go from here?


  • Because we've had, obviously significant improvement in the consumer side.


  • And the question I get from people is, is it over?


  • And by the way, how do you generate positive operating leverage in global banks and global markets given the SKU to producers?

    順便問一下,考慮到生產商的 SKU,您如何在全球銀行和全球市場中產生積極的營運槓桿?

  • And is there that much opportunity in the back office side?


  • So maybe you could hit on those, that'd be helpful.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • Sure.


  • So let me paraphrase a little bit, but it's a delectation to be able to run this company with all the power and have the honor of doing it for decades.


  • So we just passed a decade with the team, and they've done a great job.


  • But what you pointed out is they've done a great job of putting a position.


  • So if you look at the operating efficiency of the consumer business or the wealth management business or the banking business, which we show separate from the markets business, you can see these are 38%, 40% efficiency ratios here, 45% here.

    因此,如果你看看我們與市場業務分開展示的消費者業務、財富管理業務或銀行業務的營運效率,你可以看到這裡的效率比是 38%、40%,這裡是 45%。

  • It's how can you improve.


  • And Betsy, what I'd say is we just don't know how far this digitization of the actual processes and work goes in the company.


  • And we just keep coming up.


  • We have 6,000 simplified improved ideas over the last few years we've implemented -- they continue to produce great savings.

    在過去的幾年裡,我們實施了 6,000 個簡化的改進想法 - 它們繼續帶來巨大的節省。

  • And so we just don't see an end to that.


  • And so leave aside that the economy is growing at sub-2% level predicted for 20, leave aside that the rate environment's slow.

    因此,暫且不考慮 20 世紀經濟成長將低於 2% 的預測,也不考慮利率環境緩慢。

  • We've been able to push forward the activities that didn't -- can produce more efficiency.


  • And we think that's -- there's a lot ahead of us.


  • And so I'd like to -- we'd say a nice start to our team saying, thanks for all the hard work you've done.


  • But also, we're only getting started here.


  • And if you start thinking about we just passed the number of checking accounts that we had in 2007 in this company this quarter.

    如果您開始思考,本季我們剛剛超過了 2007 年該公司的支票帳戶數量。

  • And so we ran off all the non-primary accounts, but on the primary accounts, and now the average balance is 7,000.

    所以我們把所有非主要帳戶都去掉了,只保留了主要帳戶,現在平均餘額是 7,000。

  • If you think about the cost of deposits in consumer, I think it went down by 4 basis points year-over-year, something like that.

    如果你考慮消費者的存款成本,我認為它比去年同期下降了 4 個基點,類似的情況。

  • So they're just -- it's a grind, and it's a lot of hard work.


  • But incremental efficiency that we can get at this scale by these investments and by the digitization and the further taking out activity, which costs more.


  • Another example is checks written since Zelle became really pushed out there about 2 years ago has started dropping 10% per year.

    另一個例子是,自從 Zelle 大約 2 年前真正被推出以來,開出的支票開始每年下降 10%。

  • So 5 years ago, we had almost 1 billion checks written by consumers.

    5 年前,我們收到了近 10 億張消費者開出的支票。

  • Now, we're down to $600 million.

    現在,我們的資金減少到了 6 億美元。

  • Each 1 of those checks is a piece of paper that requires processing time.


  • And you're seeing that drop by 10% a year.

    你會發現這個數字每年下降 10%。

  • Is that going to change overnight when they're gone?


  • Absolutely not.


  • But on the other hand, it's constant positive operating pressure benefit for us.


  • So look for us to improve it across the board.


  • Your colleague earlier asked about the wealth management business.


  • We think we have upside there.


  • Andy and Katy and the teams are working on it.


  • There's a lot of process simplification that we've worked on hard.


  • There's a lot ahead of us.


  • And then you get the markets business, the electronification effect will make it more and more efficient over time, like we've seen in equities.


  • As you know though, that's a market price business, so you're always fighting the revenue changes at the same time.


  • In fact, if you look at most of us from 5 -- 4, 5 years ago, we actually had the same amount of trading profits we have then.

    事實上,如果你看看我們大多數人 5、4、5 年前的情況,我們實際上擁有與當時相同數量的交易利潤。

  • We just turned it into this quarter, $600 million of profit, generally, $1 billion of profit when it's going a little bit better in the earlier quarters and the activity is higher.

    我們剛剛將其轉變成本季度 6 億美元的利潤,一般來說,當前幾季情況稍好且活動較高時,我們將獲得 10 億美元的利潤。

  • That's a good business.


  • It's just you're fighting both sides of the equation.


  • So look for us to improve everything.


  • There's room to improve.


  • Tremendous scale advantages, the new markets opening up provide extra lift, and it's our job to do it and the team's excited to.


  • Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

    Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

  • Okay, good.


  • Good forward look there.


  • Paul, on the longer term, Paul, maybe I could just be a little bit nearer term with a question for you.


  • I think you mentioned a couple of times the NII expectation for 2020 being down modestly from 2019, full year, full year.

    我想您曾多次提到 2020 年的 NII 預期比 2019 年全年略有下降。

  • But then you talked a little bit about a better second half than first half.


  • And maybe you could give us a little bit more detail on the granularity, why you expect that to be the case.


  • I assume it's with the forward curve and flattish rates.


  • But -- and then you gave some color earlier on.


  • But maybe give a little sense more, like what's behind that conviction level that year-on-year, you get some improvement in the back half?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Well, I think it's -- look, it's about loan and deposit growth, and it's about deposit pricing discipline.


  • On deposit pricing, we plan some modest reductions in deposit pricing, assuming no further cuts.


  • As we continue to bring deposit pricing to an appropriate level given the 3 (inaudible) -- the 3 cuts that we've experienced.

    鑑於我們經歷了 3 次(聽不清楚)——我們經歷了 3 次降息,我們繼續將存款定價提高到適當水平。

  • If the forward curve materializes and we get another short end cut, we expect deposit rate paid for the industry and for us to decline even further as higher pass-through products in wealth management, global banking react relatively quickly to any rate cuts.


  • So it's about the confidence we have in how we price our products and the confidence we have in growing deposits and growing loans.


  • The guidance is more about -- we have an extra -- 1 less day in Q1 we've got to deal with.


  • We have the second quarter.


  • Normal activity that we see in equities, which, again, that's a plus.


  • That just shows up in noninterest income instead of interest income.


  • And by the time you get to the third quarter, we would expect, assuming the current sort of economic environment, we would expect our loan and deposit growth, the lack of that seasonality, the deposit pricing to have an effect, and we'll start growing again.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • Just to add to that.


  • Your question and John's question go the same direction, which is you've got this quarter in the first couple of quarters because (inaudible), Paul just described it, you have to push through.


  • But what we see is getting back on as we move into the middle of 2020, we're back on that basic operating leverage through NII stability to growth and expense flatness.

    但我們看到的是,隨著進入 2020 年中期,我們將透過 NII 穩定成長和費用平穩,恢復基本營運槓桿。

  • So it's -- but it just -- it takes a little while to get underneath the 75 basis point rate cut in 4 months.

    因此,需要一段時間才能在 4 個月內降息 75 個基點。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Jim Mitchell with Buckingham Research.


  • James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

    James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

  • Maybe I could just follow-up on that last question in a different way.


  • Is your expectation that the net interest margin should start to stabilize in the back half of the year, is that what gives you the confidence in the NII growth?


  • Or is it really -- do we still should expect maybe a grind down of NIMS, but the balance sheet growth starts to take over?

    或者,我們是否仍應該預期 NIMS 可能會被削弱,但資產負債表的成長開始接手?

  • How do we think about when in the current rate environment, that sort of net interest margin, assuming mix is unchanged.


  • Obviously, it's a big assumption, but do we assume that NIM starts to stabilize in the second half of this year?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • I think that's what -- you've correctly summarized succinctly what we said.


  • James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

    James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So maybe I get another question.


  • So just on the deposit growth...


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • We'll reward you a bonus question for that one.


  • James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

    James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

  • Just on the deposit growth, the industry, we've seen some acceleration in 4Q.


  • We have lower short-term rates.


  • We have the Fed balance sheet expansion.


  • There tends to be some seasonality in 4Q.


  • How do we -- do you think this acceleration can continue into at least the first half of this year.


  • I guess, how do you think about the deposit growth?


  • And if there -- if we could see continued sort of above mid single-digit growth.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I think if you look at Page 9, when you have great movement due to the types of things that reestablish and reserve levels by the -- at the Federal Reserve, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, that's going to affect the lower -- our markets business in the lower right-hand in a banking, stuff like that.

    我認為,如果你看看第 9 頁,當你看到由於美聯儲等機構重建和儲備水平的變化而發生巨大變動時,這將影響較低的 - - 我們的市場業務位於銀行的右下角,諸如此類。

  • But it really doesn't have that much of an impact in the bank -- the wealth management and the consumer banking area, and that's really what drives the value.


  • So for the $700-odd billion in the consumer business, which grew checking at 8% year-over-year, and that's fairly consistent with what they've been doing.

    因此,對於價值 700 多億美元的消費者業務來說,該業務同比增長 8%,這與他們一直在做的事情相當一致。

  • You remember that's 11 basis points all-in, including the interest bearing, part of which also grew year-over-year.

    你記得總共有 11 個基點,包括利息,其中一部分也逐年成長。

  • So that $700 million a year in total interest expense for $700 billion of deposits.

    因此,每年 7,000 億美元的存款利息支出為 7 億美元。

  • That's what drives the economics.


  • And then wealth management and Global Banking also, but the -- and so that doesn't really affect it by all the sort of broad macroeconomic variables.


  • That's just us doing a great job with consumers with great customer satisfaction, great product capabilities, great high-touch, high-tech, and then generating more and more checking accounts, while the average balance for checking account is $7,000 plus and growing.

    這只是我們在消費者方面做得很好,客戶滿意度很高,產品功能強大,高接觸性,高科技,然後產生越來越多的支票帳戶,而支票帳戶的平均餘額超過7,000 美元,並且還在不斷成長。

  • And that's what's going to drive it.


  • So I'd say you're absolutely right.


  • There can be momentary things that will enhance deposit growth in some of the pure institutional businesses.


  • But it doesn't make much difference to the general U.S. consumer.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Mike Mayo with Wells Fargo.


  • Michael Lawrence Mayo - Senior Analyst

    Michael Lawrence Mayo - Senior Analyst

  • A simple question is, what is the dollar amount of tech spending and investment spending in 2019, and how does that compare to last year and this coming one?

    一個簡單的問題是,2019 年科技支出和投資支出的金額是多少?與去年和今年相比如何?

  • And the backdrop for that question is, the efficiency -- we've gotten a lot of questions on efficiency on this call, and it was worse in the fourth quarter.


  • And your 58% efficiency for the year is not where some other banks are targeting, like 55%.

    你們今年 58% 的效率並不是其他一些銀行的目標,例如 55%。

  • Now we know that you're spending a lot of money.


  • We can see Slide 3. You've pointed out that the spending is paying off.

    我們可以看到投影片 3。您已經指出支出正在得到回報。

  • So if you could just put a wrapper around the spending and put a number to it, then we, as analysts, can figure out, okay, a more core efficiency level, if you would.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • So 1 of the things that just in our efficiency ratio compared to other people were 58% for the year.

    因此,我們與其他人相比,今年的效率是 58%。

  • But remember that we have a lot more wealth management at 30% -- 28%, 29% profit, pretax margin, i.e., 71% efficiency ratio than anybody else does.

    但請記住,我們的財富管理水準比其他任何人都高得多,稅前利潤率為 30%、28%、29%,即 71%。

  • So that changes that answer relative to some of our core banking peers.


  • It's just a bigger, bigger number because we have the biggest business with $3 trillion, assets making $1 billion a quarter after tax at the best margins, but it's just the sheer math.

    這是一個越來越大的數字,因為我們擁有最大的業務,價值 3 兆美元,資產每季稅後利潤達 10 億美元,利潤率最高,但這只是純粹的數學數字。

  • So when you look at it by business unit by business unit, our efficiency is the top in the class, it's just our mix is different.


  • So I'll let you figure that out, Mike.


  • But back to your tech spend, we spent $3 billion -- $3.2 billion or $3 billion in '18, the same in '19.

    但回到你的技術支出,我們在 18 年花了 30 億美元、32 億美元或 30 億美元,19 年也是如此。

  • We have it scheduled to be the same this year.


  • It's just this constant level of spending.


  • Now it's different projects, obviously, every year.


  • That's pure technology initiatives.


  • You put that on top of the backbone and everything, and the number people could talk about would be higher.


  • But that is just to drive new products and capabilities through the system, and we aren't changing that because that's what's driving that ability to keep expenses flat.


  • If you look across the chart Paul showed you, when you see '17, '18 and '19, and the expenses per quarter running [$13.1B, $13.3B] (corrected by company after the call), et cetera, think about how much we've done in there in terms of hundreds of new branches, thousands -- 2,000 -- 1,300 or so complete redos, new buildings for our teammates and wealth management, et cetera, et cetera.

    如果您查看Paul 向您展示的圖表,當您看到“17”、“18”和“19”以及每季度運行的費用[$13.1B、$13.3B](在電話會議後由公司更正)等時,請考慮如何我們在那裡做了很多工作,包括數百個新分支機構、數千個 - 2,000 - 1,300 個左右的完整重做、為我們的隊友和財富管理建立新建築等等。

  • And so that -- those are tremendous investment levels that are all in the run rate while we're chopping away, and that's coming from the operational excellence.


  • So we're spending that much on technology, but the question isn't spend, Mike, it's are you getting the usage out of it?


  • And that's where you got to look at things like the usage of Zelle, which we're going at 80%, 90% a year.

    這就是你必須關注 Zelle 的使用情況的地方,我們每年的使用率是 80%、90%。

  • The use of the cash pro mobile, which grew over 100% a year.

    Cash Pro 手機的使用量每年增長超過 100%。

  • That usage, what I talked about, in checks written coming down.


  • When I talked about that we have 4,300 branches.

    當我談到我們有 4,300 個分支機構時。

  • But in there, we've actually opened up in new markets for the last couple of years, 15 branch, 20 branches, et cetera, and continue to do that.

    但在那裡,我們實際上在過去幾年中開闢了新市場,15 個分支機構、20 個分支機構等等,並將繼續這樣做。

  • So the efficiency of the rest of the markets funds that, even though your numbers of branches are relatively flattish, so they're coming down slightly.


  • So it's a complex set of things.


  • But hopefully, that gives you some color.


  • Michael Lawrence Mayo - Senior Analyst

    Michael Lawrence Mayo - Senior Analyst

  • Yes.


  • I guess, I'll try 1 more time, since it's not in your tech number, like you are expanding to new markets, you are opening new branches, you are hiring new associates.


  • How much does this investing increase the growth rate of expenses?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • It's $3.3 billion.

    這是 33 億美元。

  • So it's in the run rate.


  • In last year, it will be like amount this year.


  • So could you take half of that out?


  • You could, it'd just be not the right thing to do for the company.


  • But it's paid for by the other -- the cost takeout it supports or the mix and how the customer uses, which provides efficiency.


  • So 50% -- more than 50% of our auto loans originated digitally.

    我們 50% 的汽車貸款(超過 50%)是透過數位方式發放的。

  • Yes, I think we did see $4 billion to $5 billion of mortgage origination.

    是的,我認為我們確實看到了 40 億至 50 億美元的抵押貸款發放。

  • So it's -- what we're reaping the benefits of my 3 years hence is the investments we made in '17 as you go into '20 are produced -- for example, digital auto did not exist.

    所以,我們在這三年裡所獲得的好處是我們在 17 年所做的投資,當你進入 20 世紀時,這些投資已經生產出來了——例如,數位汽車還不存在。

  • And now, you're getting 58%.

    現在,您獲得了 58%。

  • Just think how much more efficient that process is.


  • Digital mortgage -- yes?


  • Michael Lawrence Mayo - Senior Analyst

    Michael Lawrence Mayo - Senior Analyst

  • One more time.


  • Like this tax spend to run the bank, changed the bank.


  • I assume you're spending more to change the bank today versus 3 or 4 years ago.


  • That mix goes more towards change the bank.


  • What are the figures and where do you think they're headed?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • The $3 billion plus, obviously, with Brexit behind us, with a lot of the regulatory environment rules behind us in terms of implementing the CCAR and the capital rules and a lot of the modeling, and you're still spending money improving that data to make those models work.

    顯然,隨著英國脫歐的過去,在實施 CCAR 和資本規則以及大量建模方面的許多監管環境規則也已經過去,您仍然需要花錢改進這些數據,以達到 30 億美元以上的目標。讓這些模型發揮作用。

  • That's gone.


  • The only thing that works against that is -- so yes.


  • If you thought about how much it's going to -- sort of new business initiatives, the mobile banking feature functionality, it's higher in 2020, it was in '19 than it was in '18, largely around this issue that you're running off some of these long-term projects, which is good.

    如果你考慮過它會帶來多少——某種新的業務計劃、行動銀行功能,它在2020 年會更高,19 年的水平比18 年的水平要高,主要是圍繞你正在逃避的這個問題其中一些長期項目,這很好。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Gerard Cassidy with RBC.


  • Gerard S. Cassidy - MD, Head of U.S. Bank Equity Strategy & Large Cap Bank Analyst

    Gerard S. Cassidy - MD, Head of U.S. Bank Equity Strategy & Large Cap Bank Analyst

  • Brian, can you remind us -- you touched on -- in some of your comments already about the number of checks that were processed 5 years ago versus today.

    Brian,您能否提醒我們——您在一些評論中提到了 5 年前與今天處理的支票數量。

  • When you're moving from the paper to the digital, can you remind us what the cost savings are when you do that per unit?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So that was going to be checks written by our customers, which is this good point because that stops the thing before it starts.


  • But basically, if you look at deposits, which I think is what you're referencing, Gerard, we are now more mobile than we are at the branches and have been for about 5 quarters.

    但基本上,如果你看看存款,我認為這就是你所指的,傑拉德,我們現在比分行更具流動性,並且已經持續了大約 5 個季度。

  • And then the ATMs are still half.


  • The mobile's a little over like 27% or something like that, and branches are the rest.

    行動裝置的比例略高於 27% 左右,其餘的則是分公司。

  • So if you think about that, that is $5 in physical movement, $0.50 and $0.05.

    因此,如果您考慮一下,實際移動費用為 5 美元、0.50 美元和 0.05 美元。

  • $0.50 at the ATM and $0.05 around numbers.

    ATM 機上 0.50 美元,數字周圍 0.05 美元。

  • Gerard S. Cassidy - MD, Head of U.S. Bank Equity Strategy & Large Cap Bank Analyst

    Gerard S. Cassidy - MD, Head of U.S. Bank Equity Strategy & Large Cap Bank Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then moving over to credit.


  • Can you guys give us any color -- I mean, credit's strong across the board for almost all the banks.


  • And are you guys keeping an eye on any particular sectors within your portfolio?


  • And then as part of that question, we sensed from some of your peers that have reported that the corporates or commercial customers seem to be maybe a little more optimistic in the fourth quarter because of some of these trade issues.


  • If you could comment on that, if you're seeing that in your customer base as well?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • I'll take the second half, and I'll let Paul.


  • Yes, you are seeing, with the --- leave aside what happens day-to-day, but generally, the companies are seeing the resolutions emerge for some of these issues.


  • That makes -- a little bit more confidence.


  • In terms of their activities, we'll hopefully see that in the first half of this year, if nothing goes backwards.


  • The market being up, obviously, gives people a good feeling.


  • But one of the thing you have to think about is in the first part of '19, Gerard, you had your inventory decline recession, as people would call it.

    但你必須考慮的一件事是,傑拉德,在 19 年上半年,你經歷了庫存下降衰退,正如人們所說的那樣。

  • That went through the system.


  • So you've entered a new place, right?


  • So you come down, you hit a bottom, and then you start to grow off from there.


  • We're kind of in that transition phase.


  • So I think the combination of the external environment getting the deal today with China, obviously, is a resolution of 1 of the issues that was over people's minds.


  • There are other USMCA.

    還有其他 USMCA。

  • Everybody says it's going to be passed.


  • I think if that got passed, it'd be very helpful to people.


  • The fact that people have done what they needed to do, it was during the year '19, to change supply chains and think about it, that's disruptive without endpoint value to the customer, so to speak, and it's like us with Brexit.

    事實上,人們已經做了他們需要做的事情,那就是在19 年,改變供應鏈並思考這一點,可以說,這對客戶來說是顛覆性的,沒有終點價值,就像我們英國脫歐一樣。

  • We spent $400 million plus money.

    我們花了 4 億美元,還有其他錢。

  • The customers didn't get better services out of it.


  • We just had to create more entities and get them up and running.


  • Those things are sort of through the system.


  • So I think that -- what you're feeling is a little bit of a relief on the other side of that work, which was being done, and worry, which is being done without a lot of activity.


  • And so even capital expenditures, which grew at a much slower rate off the high in 2018, you're starting -- people -- our experts say will stabilize and kind of come out from there.

    因此,即使資本支出的成長速度比 2018 年的高點要慢得多,但我們的專家表示,資本支出將會穩定下來,並從那裡開始恢復。

  • And on credit, Paul?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Sure.


  • So on credit, I'd start by saying that we are always running through the portfolio, routinely analyzing various sectors, bringing it to senior management, discussing it.


  • So we've got a real great process for always looking for some risks that are on the horizon.


  • As you know, we've been -- we've been running the company with strong underwriting standards for years now.


  • You see that in our CCAR results.

    您可以在我們的 CCAR 結果中看到這一點。

  • So I mean, I hesitate to sort of pick 1 sector or another because we noticed stuff out in the marketplace, but it may not affect us directly, given how we've run the company for years now.


  • But if you're looking for some sectors that we're paying attention to, not that we think we're overly concerned about them given how we've managed the company, but we're certainly paying attention to leverage loan market, leverage lending.


  • We're certainly paying attention to energy with respect to natural gas prices.


  • We're certainly looking at retail with respect to enclosed malls.


  • We've got our eye on -- always have our eye on spots around the world that maybe experiencing a little disruption.


  • So that's how I'd answer that question.


  • Operator


  • We'll now go to Ken Usdin with Jefferies.

    現在我們將和 Jefferies 一起去見 Ken Usdin。

  • Kenneth Michael Usdin - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Kenneth Michael Usdin - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Just a question on the balance sheet and capital.


  • So you're at 11.2% CET1.

    所以你的 CET1 為 11.2%。

  • Your stated target has been around 10%.

    您設定的目標是 10% 左右。

  • We're still waiting for the SCB finalization.

    我們仍在等待 SCB 最終確定。

  • Two questions.


  • So one, any anticipated changes to where you think your capital goal might be?


  • Depending on what we get.


  • And then secondly, have you gone to a point where you might rethink the mix between your dividend payout, which is lower than peers, and the buyback in terms of the mix?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Maybe I'll start on, I guess, buffers, and you can -- Brian, you might want to pick up on the dividend or buybacks.


  • But look, today, as you point out, we have a meaningful cushion.


  • So it's really not an issue for us right now.


  • In terms of what our ultimate buffer is going to be when we don't have as much of a cushion, we haven't really talked about that publicly because we don't think it makes sense today to pre-charge what a buffer needs to be given the size of the current cushion, and given, as you mentioned, regulations, SCB, other things are still changing and lots of things can affect that buffer when we get there.


  • So but I would just emphasize, we have a sizable buffer right now.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • In terms of dividend versus buyback, we will keep increasing the dividend as we move up to sort of the 30% level and earnings payout.

    就股息與回購而言,當我們達到 30% 的水平和盈利支付時,我們將繼續增加股息。

  • We've been clear about that.


  • And then the rest will go into reducing the share count.


  • And when you look at the page we showed you earlier, part of the issue was the share count was a lot higher than we -- than people expected, sort of in the 2009 time frame after the Merrill transaction.

    當您查看我們之前向您展示的頁面時,您會發現問題的一部分是股票數量比我們預期的要高得多,比人們預期的要高,大約是在2009 年美林交易之後的時間範圍內。

  • So we're pushing that back down, and we think that's a good use of our capital.


  • We don't need the capital to fund the loan growth and deposit growth.


  • You're seeing us able to do that through continuing to fine-tune the balance sheet.


  • And so expect us to move the dividend up consistent with what we've done before, assuming CCAR approval and all that good stuff.

    因此,假設獲得 CCAR 批准以及所有這些好東西,預計我們將按照先前的做法提高股息。

  • But it's -- the idea is we'll keep it at a level that allows us to use the share buyback to help drive the EPS growth, and you saw the benefits of that year-over-year in an environment where the rate movements mid earnings flatten in the second half of the year.


  • What you saw was the EPS year-over-year was up double digits because we can retire the shares.


  • And so we think that's the best thing to do for the shareholders.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Matt O'Connor with Deutsche Bank.


  • Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

    Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

  • I was just wondering if you could talk about the pace of loan growth that you're expecting for 2020, maybe both kind of within the business lines and then net from the drive from runoff?

    我只是想知道您是否可以談談您對 2020 年貸款成長的預期,也許既包括業務範圍內的貸款成長速度,也包括徑流驅動的淨貸款成長速度?

  • And then the drivers of growth, and if that's changing at all versus what it's been in the last kind of 6, 12 months.

    然後是成長的驅動因素,以及與過去 6、12 個月相比是否有任何變化。

  • Obviously, commercial for the industry has slowed.


  • Maybe that's temporary.


  • So just talk about the pace and the drivers of loan growth this year.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Sure.


  • So look, growth in our business segments should continue to be kind of mid-single digits.


  • As you know, we grew 6% this quarter.

    如您所知,本季度我們成長了 6%。

  • Both consumer and GWIM grew at 7%, driven by increased residential mortgage activity.

    在住宅抵押貸款活動增加的推動下,消費者和 GWIM 均成長了 7%。

  • Global Banking grew 6% year-over-year, and that was driven by large corporates, middle market companies, leasing activity and solid growth in international regions.

    全球銀行業務年增 6%,這是由大型企業、中型市場公司、租賃活動和國際地區的穩健成長所推動的。

  • So pretty broad-based.


  • We anticipate solid growth in consumer loans, assuming the current economic environment, as well as the sort of pull-through of applications through the -- mortgage applications through the pipeline.


  • With respect to card, we've already talked a little bit about that.


  • We expect that we can start growing card over time here.


  • With respect to residential mortgages, originations were strong this quarter.


  • They were up significantly.


  • So that's going to translate to solid Q1 growth.


  • However, you have to remember that, that's going to be partially offset by continued runoff of the non-core portfolio.


  • We expect all growth to be up modestly year-over-year.


  • We expect solid growth in small business.


  • And remember, in all these categories that I'm talking about, we remain focused on prime and super prime.


  • And on commercial loans, our outlook remains favorable.


  • Again, growth year-over-year should be in sort of mid-single digits.


  • So that's how I'd run through it.


  • Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

    Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

  • Okay.


  • And then netting out the kind of mid- single-digit growth in the business segments with the runoff, do you think you could kind of stay in this pace of the 4% growth that you saw this quarter as some of the macro holes?

    然後用徑流扣除業務部門的中等個位數成長,您認為您是否可以保持 4% 的成長速度(您認為本季存在一些宏觀漏洞)?

  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • Yes.


  • And if you look at the runoff chart on the loan page there in the upper right-hand corner, you'll see that we basically have gotten really to the point where that's now natural runoff.


  • There won't be any sales of major impacts for purposes that we were doing before to continue to move loans, which we weren't getting income on because of their status in terms of restructuring and things like that out and clean the portfolio.


  • That's just smaller, so I think that helps the overall nominal growth number for the company.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • It's not going to be $1.5 billion to $2 billion...


  • Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

    Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

  • Sorry.


  • Maybe $1.5 billion or $2 billion of loan sales, but nothing major?

    也許是 15 億美元或 20 億美元的貸款銷售,但沒什麼大不了的?

  • Is that what you're saying?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • No, no, not loan sales.


  • The runoff.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • That's the runoff.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • The runoff is running at about $1.5 billion, $2 billion per quarter.

    決選金額約 15 億美元,每季 20 億美元。

  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • Of just natural paydowns in those mortgages and home equities.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our last question today from Saul Martinez with UBS.


  • Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

    Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

  • So forgive me for beating a dead horse on the efficiency ratio question.


  • But I guess I'll ask it in a slightly different way.


  • I mean, you guys are at, what, 57%, 58% even with GWIM being a big part of the overall mix, revenue mix.

    我的意思是,你們的比例是 57%、58%,即使 GWIM 是整體組合、收入組合的重要組成部分。

  • But if we assume that revenue growth gets back to, say, GDP growth over time, is there any reason why you couldn't reduce your efficiency ratio below, say, the mid-50s percent range into the low 50s, given some of the opportunities you talked about, Brian, and just secular trends towards digitization, electronification of payments, which obviously reduce this unit cost pretty materially.


  • Is there -- it doesn't seem like there's an obvious reason why you couldn't continue to drive that down pretty materially even from here?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • That's what we're doing.


  • If you keep the expenses flat, and the basis of the premise was if the revenue grows, PDP plus, that's 200 basis points of operating leverage, and that will keep producing efficiency ratio by definition.


  • So you're stating what our job is, and we've been able to do it, and we'll continue to.


  • Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

    Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So there's no obvious -- is there any point at which, or any obvious point at which it becomes just much more difficult?


  • Or is there -- the glide path from here is just seems like there's nothing really to prevent you from doing that for a while?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • We'll let you know when we think we can't do it anymore, but we don't see it, so.


  • Operator


  • So we have no further questions at this time.


  • It is now my pleasure to turn the call back to Brian Moynihan for any closing remarks.

    現在,我很高興將電話轉回給布萊恩·莫伊尼漢 (Brian Moynihan),讓其發表結束語。

  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, I thank all of you for your attention on the call.


  • We finished another strong year in 2019 for the team, and they did a great job growing the earnings, doing it the right way, making the investments across the franchise.

    我們團隊在 2019 年又迎來了強勁的一年,他們在增加收入、以正確的方式進行投資以及對整個特許經營權進行投資方面做得很好。

  • As we say, it's a nice start.


  • We'll continue to focus on responsible growth.


  • We've got a lot of room to run in this company.


  • Every business had good client activity, the loan to deposit, underlying customer growth at the size and scale of this institution are tremendous work of our teammates.


  • And all that helped us provide stable performance with the rate cut that came through relatively late in the year.


  • So we feel good about that, and we feel good about working through the other side of as Paul described earlier.


  • We are focused on the cost, as many of you asked about, but we're focused on continuing to develop and implement products and services, which meet the market's needs and continue to help us grow our market share across every business at the rate we're doing it, which we think is an opportunity, which is ours to continue to take.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • This does conclude today's program.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may disconnect at any time.
