美國銀行 (BAC) 2020 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone, and welcome to today's Bank of America Earnings Announcement.


  • (Operator Instructions) Please note today's call is being recorded.


  • It is my pleasure now to turn the conference over to Lee McEntire.

    現在我很高興將會議交給 Lee McEntire。

  • Please go ahead.


  • E. Lee McEntire - SVP of IR

    E. Lee McEntire - SVP of IR

  • Good morning.


  • Thanks for joining the call to review our second quarter results.


  • I trust everybody has had a chance to review our earnings release documents.


  • They're available on the Investor Relations section of the bankofamerica.com website.

    它們可在 bankofamerica.com 網站的投資者關係部分找到。

  • I'm going to first turn the call over to our CEO, Brian Moynihan, for some opening comments and then ask Paul Donofrio, our CFO, to cover some other elements of the quarter.

    我將首先將電話轉給我們的首席執行官 Brian Moynihan,以獲得一些開場評論,然後請我們的首席財務官 Paul Donofrio 介紹本季度的其他一些內容。

  • Before I turn the call over to Brian, just let me remind you that we may make forward-looking statements during the call.


  • And for further information on those forward-looking comments, please refer to either our earnings release documents, our website or our SEC filings.

    有關這些前瞻性評論的更多信息,請參閱我們的收益發布文件、我們的網站或我們的 SEC 文件。

  • So with that, let me turn it over to you, Brian.


  • Thanks.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Thank you, Lee, and thank all of you for joining us for our results.


  • As I step back and thought about talking to you this quarter, I thought back to our discussion of last quarter's results.


  • In mid-April, as we were talking, we sat in the depths of the COVID-19 crisis.

    4 月中旬,正如我們所說,我們正處於 COVID-19 危機的最深處。

  • We saw -- we're seeing a rise in virus cases.

    我們看到 - 我們看到病毒病例有所增加。

  • We completed a massive move in our company and companies around the world to work from home, we were closing branches for safety and other facilities.


  • We had 1 million customers who had already approached us by mid-April, asking for assistance in terms of paying their loans.

    到 4 月中旬,我們已經有 100 萬客戶與我們聯繫,要求在償還貸款方面提供幫助。

  • We've seen a massive amount of commercial line draws in mid-March to mid-April and loan requests out of panic and the need to create instant liquidity.

    我們已經看到在 3 月中旬至 4 月中旬期間出現了大量的商業貸款申請,以及出於恐慌和創造即時流動性的需要而提出的貸款請求。

  • And as the -- we saw a flood of deposits looking for a safe haven at the same time.


  • Yet at that time, the core economic projections were still catching up to the worsening predictions of the future and the reality of the health officials' projections of the virus path and the reality of shut down and stay-at-home orders.


  • And now we're a quarter later.


  • In some areas, the cases are still rising and some areas are rising less.


  • Economic predictions have been revised, and the forward path has deteriorated from last quarter.


  • Baseline projections now extend the length of the recessionary environment into 2022, deep into 2022.

    現在,基線預測將衰退環境的持續時間延長至 2022 年,甚至延長至 2022 年。

  • We provide substantial additional reserves for expected future credit losses this quarter to reflect that, and that has impacted our earnings.


  • On the other hand, there has been some encouraging signs.


  • Consumer spending activity has vastly improved since April.

    自 4 月以來,消費者支出活動已大大改善。

  • Spending by Bank of America consumers during 2019 was a total of $3 trillion, so it's a sizable sample of U.S. activity.

    美國銀行消費者在 2019 年的支出總額為 3 萬億美元,因此這是美國活動的一個相當大的樣本。

  • For the month of April, that spending was down 26% compared to April of 2019.

    與 2019 年 4 月相比,4 月份的支出下降了 26%。

  • However, for the month of June, that spending was relatively flat to 2019.

    然而,在 6 月份,該支出與 2019 年持平。

  • And so far through the first couple of weeks of July, we're seeing that total spending actually be above what it was last year.

    到目前為止,到 7 月的前幾週,我們看到總支出實際上高於去年。

  • Customers and businesses have adapted to a new environment.


  • Some have reopened, and yes, some have also been reclosed or limited again.


  • We expect this start-stop to be the base case as we look ahead.


  • At present, core operating assumptions for making our credit projections and our reserving by the unemployment stays elevated and ends this year at around 10%.

    目前,我們做出信貸預測和我們的失業準備金的核心經營假設保持在高位,今年年底在 10% 左右。

  • And it remains at 9% in the first half of 2021 and 7.5% at the end of '21.

    2021 年上半年保持在 9%,到 21 年底保持在 7.5%。

  • In that provision setting scenario mix, it takes some time until late 2022 or early 2023 for the aggregate GDP level to get to the same size it was heading into 2020.

    在這種撥備設置情景組合中,到 2022 年底或 2023 年初,GDP 總水平需要一段時間才能達到與 2020 年相同的規模。

  • So it will be a bit of work to get out -- to get back to that level.

    因此,要退出- 回到那個水平將是一些工作。

  • The central banks around the world, led by actions of the Fed, provided unprecedented liquidity in the financial system.


  • The U.S. government has also provided direct payments through unemployment supplements EIP, the PPP program and many other things to help American citizens weather the storm.

    美國政府還通過失業補助 EIP、PPP 計劃和許多其他方式提供直接付款,以幫助美國公民度過難關。

  • Due to all that, the number of things are, in fact, different from our last quarter conversation.


  • Panic borrowing has dissipated as it marks to provide a financing source for many companies to extend their maturities.


  • Most companies have stabilized their operations.


  • Draw rates and middle market lines of credit are back to levels that they were mid last year.


  • In the smaller business segment, they are actually down as companies do not need the liquidity.


  • But many companies may not like where they are in terms of revenue growth, they have stabilized.


  • Consumers have benefited from direct stimulus and deferrals on loan payments from banks, such that delinquencies are far lower than what would be predicted in an 11% unemployment scenario.

    消費者從銀行的直接刺激和延期還款中受益,因此拖欠率遠低於在 11% 的失業率情景下的預測。

  • Consumers have more money in their accounts.


  • For those that received the PPP, the small business that received it at Bank of America, we estimate that the money has been spent out of the PPP proceeds at only 35% level so far.

    對於那些在美國銀行收到 PPP 的小企業,我們估計到目前為止,這筆錢已經從 PPP 收益中花掉了 35% 的水平。

  • So 65%'s left to be distributed from those companies to their employees and other vendors.

    因此,剩下的 65% 將從這些公司分配給他們的員工和其他供應商。

  • Coronavirus assistance requests have fallen, the consumer, what we call CAP program, the week of request for the last 3 weeks are down 98% from where they were in mid-April.

    冠狀病毒援助請求下降了,消費者,我們稱之為 CAP 計劃,過去 3 週的請求週比 4 月中旬下降了 98%。

  • The question we all get asked then is when will the storm end?


  • That is and has always been a health care question, not an economic one.


  • So our job continues to be prepared for whatever the economic scenario ahead brings.


  • And how do you get prepared?


  • Well it's too late to start in the second quarter 2020.

    好吧,在 2020 年第二季度開始為時已晚。

  • We did that through our adamantine team, decade-long effort to drive responsible growth in our company.


  • Portfolio is in great shape heading into this year.


  • And in the second quarter, we reviewed our commercial loan portfolios at a customer level across our businesses.


  • Our risk ratings are up to date.


  • We're moving credit quickly to criticize our NPL designations.

    我們正在迅速轉移信貸以批評我們的 NPL 指定。

  • We've also gone through every credit to assess the needs that they'll have to borrow in the near term for liquidity and business prospects.


  • On our consumer books, we also benefit from the decade-long improvement in our underwriting standards.


  • We remain consistent.


  • And since the virus, rising unemployment-related matters, we pared our consumer risk appetite.


  • A key difference in our company now versus the last crisis is the unsecured card portfolio.


  • It's basically half of what it was going into the Great Recession and with better asset quality.


  • Another example of difference is our commercial real estate, especially the far less exposure, especially in the construction area.


  • We saw recent stress tests prove this out again as we had the lowest losses among the large firms.


  • For the seventh of the 8 past -- for the seventh out of the 8 -- past 8 stress tests the Fed has run.

    對於過去 8 次中的第 7 次——8 次中的第 7 次——美聯儲已經進行了 8 次壓力測試。

  • We've also improved our fortress balance sheet get even from year-end to today, all this amidst this crisis.


  • We have built liquidity.


  • Our liquidity at the end of the quarter was up $800 billion on average.

    我們在本季度末的流動性平均增加了 8000 億美元。

  • It is significantly up from year-end.


  • We've doubled our credit reserves to $21 billion from where they stood at year-end.

    我們的信貸儲備從年底的水平翻了一番,達到 210 億美元。

  • We've built our capital levels, resulting in a common equity Tier 1 ratio at the end of the quarter of 11.4% versus 11.2% at year-end.

    我們已經建立了資本水平,導致本季度末的普通股一級比率為 11.4%,而年末為 11.2%。

  • And we're 190 basis points above our regulatory minimum.

    而且我們比我們的最低監管要求高出 190 個基點。

  • And as we disclosed to you after the stress test, we have room with -- even within a stressed capital buffer as we're floored at the 2.5% level despite the 2% actual calculation.

    正如我們在壓力測試後向您披露的那樣,我們有空間——即使在壓力資本緩衝內,因為儘管實際計算為 2%,我們仍處於 2.5% 的水平。

  • We earned $7.5 billion year-to-date even as we built those reserves, and we returned $10 billion of capital to you in the first half.

    即使我們建立了這些儲備,我們今年迄今仍賺取了 75 億美元,並且我們在上半年向您返還了 100 億美元的資本。

  • By the way, charge-offs in the quarter were stable, and the ratio remained low at 45 basis points this quarter, and our NPL has only increased modestly in this environment despite scouring the portfolio for rating changes.

    順便說一句,本季度的沖銷是穩定的,本季度的比率保持在 45 個基點的低位,儘管我們對投資組合進行評級變化,但在這種環境下,我們的不良貸款僅適度增加。

  • Quarterly expenses of $13.4 billion remained in a tight 4-year long range of $13 billion to $13.5 billion with little exception, even as we continued our investments over the period and incurred higher COVID operating expenses.

    134 億美元的季度支出保持在 130 億美元至 135 億美元的窄幅 4 年長期範圍內,幾乎沒有例外,儘管我們在此期間繼續投資並產生了更高的 COVID 運營費用。

  • During the crisis, we also haven't lost our way on our strategic programs.


  • During the first half, we have driven our promise as the digital leader across all our businesses.


  • Our capabilities have enabled smooth transitions for our companies and our institutional investors and our people who we work with as customers, whether they're working from home or shelter in place to transact their financial business whatever way they want to.


  • Where this goes, we will see.


  • Our raw data has provided some signs of cautious optimism.


  • We emphasize cautious here.


  • We aren't in the (inaudible) state here.


  • We are being diligent, and we're making sure we keep our company strong.


  • In any regard, we are ready for whatever happens because of the last decade of hard work on responsible growth.


  • Most importantly, we're ready because we have 212,000 talented teammates who work with me every day to come and do a great job for the customers, communities and our shareholders.

    最重要的是,我們已經準備好了,因為我們有 212,000 名才華橫溢的隊友每天與我一起工作,為客戶、社區和我們的股東做好工作。

  • So let's drop into quarter 2 results.


  • We're going to do Slide 2 and Slide 3 together.

    我們將一起做幻燈片 2 和幻燈片 3。

  • And I'd ask you to refer to that combination.


  • The commentary on 3 talks about the charts on Slide 2. This quarter, we showed the balance in our company.

    3 的評論談到了幻燈片 2 上的圖表。本季度,我們顯示了我們公司的平衡。

  • While our more credit-sensitive businesses saw lower earnings due to provisions and lower rates impacted our fast-growing deposit-intensive businesses, our position as a top capital markets platform for issuers and institutional investors allows us to produce solid overall results.


  • Markets served as an anchor to windward for the company.


  • In the second quarter, we produced $3.5 billion of net income.

    在第二季度,我們產生了 35 億美元的淨收入。

  • This concluded building our loan loss reserve by $4 billion due to a total provision expense of $5.1 billion.

    由於總撥備費用為 51 億美元,因此我們的貸款損失準備金增加了 40 億美元。

  • Earnings were $0.37 per share.


  • Earnings are down $3.8 billion from the second quarter of last year driven primarily by our reserve build.

    與去年第二季度相比,收益下降了 38 億美元,主要是由於我們的儲備增加。

  • As I did last quarter, I think it's useful to draw your attention to the pretax preprovision income number.


  • We believe that number helps assess the earnings power of the company to support credit costs in a downturn.


  • We produced $8.9 billion of pretax preprovision income, which was down 9% from quarter 2 '19, given the changes in interest rates, in the growth of deposits and the impact it has in our company, the forgiveness in fees we've made to help accommodate our consumer customers in time of stress and the overall lower economic activity of record drops in this quarter.

    我們產生了 89 億美元的稅前撥備收入,比 19 年第 2 季度下降了 9%,原因是利率的變化、存款的增長及其對我們公司的影響、我們對費用的減免幫助適應我們的消費者客戶在壓力和本季度創紀錄下降的整體經濟活動低迷時期。

  • It shows pretty remarkable resilience.


  • In fact, it's just below the average of pretax preprovision income for the level of the past 4 quarters.

    事實上,這僅低於過去 4 個季度的稅前預提收入平均值。

  • The 3% year-over-year decline in revenue was driven by lower NII.

    收入同比下降 3% 是由於 NII 下降所致。

  • NII fell to $11 billion this quarter.

    本季度 NII 跌至 110 億美元。

  • This bearing the brunt of the significant first quarter rate cuts for the entire quarter.


  • Mitigating the revenue decline from NII was strong Global Markets results.

    緩解 NII 收入下降的原因是強勁的全球市場業績。

  • Sales and trading revenues, excluding DVA of $4.4 billion were up 35% year-over-year.

    銷售和交易收入(不包括 44 億美元的 DVA)同比增長 35%。

  • Investment Banking fees of $2.2 billion were a record and grew 57% year-on-year.

    22 億美元的投資銀行費用創歷史新高,同比增長 57%。

  • In aggregate, we saw a $1.9 billion improvement in sales and trading investment banking year-over-year.

    總體而言,我們看到銷售和交易投資銀行業務同比增長 19 億美元。

  • Most importantly, and we think about profit in this company, our Global Markets team produced $1.9 billion in after-tax profit as a separate segment.

    最重要的是,考慮到這家公司的利潤,我們的全球市場團隊作為一個單獨的部門產生了 19 億美元的稅後利潤。

  • Our noninterest expense was $13.4 billion, as I said earlier, and it rough -- included roughly $400 million in net impact of expenses and savings related to COVID-19.

    正如我之前所說,我們的非利息支出為 134 億美元,而且很粗略——包括大約 4 億美元的與 COVID-19 相關的費用和儲蓄的淨影響。

  • Our return on tangible common equity was 8%.

    我們的有形普通股回報率為 8%。

  • Let's go to Slide 4. Here, we note the continuation and expansion of the programs to support our teammates and clients initiated last quarter.

    讓我們轉到幻燈片 4。在這裡,我們注意到上個季度啟動的支持我們的隊友和客戶的計劃的延續和擴展。

  • In quarter 1, we established broad measures to promote the health and safety of our teammates that helped limit their exposure to COVID.

    在第一季度,我們制定了廣泛的措施來促進我們隊友的健康和安全,這有助於限制他們接觸 COVID。

  • In quarter 2, we continue to expand in those efforts and have remained mostly in the work-from-home posture with less than 15% of our employees in offices or financial centers or call centers around the world.

    在第 2 季度,我們繼續擴大這些努力,並且主要保持在家工作的狀態,我們在全球辦公室、金融中心或呼叫中心的員工不到 15%。

  • We continue to provide ongoing access to comprehensive benefits and resources such as enhanced backup childcare and adult care services, among the many other supplements and incentives for frontline associates.


  • And all those costs are in the numbers you're seeing this quarter.


  • And we honor our commitments to hire the 2,800 students for summer jobs and permanent jobs coming out of college.

    我們履行我們的承諾,僱用 2,800 名學生從事暑期工作和大學畢業後的長期工作。

  • Taking care of employees is the right thing to do and enables each of them to play the important role they must as providers of critical services for the U.S. economy and the worldwide economy.


  • In addition to keeping our financial centers open to serve clients continuously through the crisis, we continue to offer assistance in our commercial, consumer and small business clients affected by COVID.

    除了保持我們的金融中心在危機中持續為客戶提供服務外,我們還將繼續為受 COVID 影響的商業、消費者和小型企業客戶提供幫助。

  • These actions include payment deferrals, refund of certain consumer fees, pausing certain foreclosure sales and repossessions of cars, evictions and other matters.


  • One noteworthy path was the PPP, the Paycheck Protection Program.

    一條值得注意的路徑是 PPP,即薪資保護計劃。

  • We all -- we originated the largest number of loans in that program at 334,000-plus small business clients receiving loan, providing funding of $25 billion.

    我們所有人——我們在該計劃中發起了最多的貸款,有 334,000 多家小企業客戶獲得貸款,提供了 250 億美元的資金。

  • We also supported the communities we live in.


  • After announcement of the -- in quarter 1 to donate $100 million to fight the immediate effects of the pandemic, we announced a new initiative in quarter 2. We recognized there are communities and certain people that have been disproportionately impacted by this health care crisis and the elevated racial tensions that existed for years in this country.

    在第一季度宣布捐贈 1 億美元以抗擊大流行的直接影響後,我們在第二季度宣布了一項新舉措。我們認識到有些社區和某些人受到了這場醫療保健危機的不成比例的影響,並且這個國家多年來存在的種族緊張局勢加劇。

  • We announced a $1 billion 4-year commitment to advance issues of racial equality, economic opportunity and health care initiatives.

    我們宣布了一項為期 4 年的 10 億美元承諾,用於推進種族平等、經濟機會和醫療保健倡議等問題。

  • Our market presidents and other leaders throughout the country are busy working to play their vital role in helping us plan how we deploy those critical funds to these critical actions.


  • I'm proud of how my teammates serve their customers and clients during this COVID crisis, but I'm even prouder how they're playing a part more generally to help.

    我為我的隊友在這場 COVID 危機期間如何為他們的客戶和客戶服務感到自豪,但我更自豪的是他們如何更廣泛地發揮作用來提供幫助。

  • On Page 5, we discuss the deferrals.

    在第 5 頁,我們討論了延期。

  • The assistance program, the customer systems program, as we call it CAP, for our clients to provide easy access to request loan deferrals and ease their immediate financial burdens.

    協助計劃,客戶系統計劃,我們稱之為 CAP,為我們的客戶提供方便的途徑來申請延期貸款並減輕他們直接的財務負擔。

  • Request built quickly, peaking in the first week of April at 415,000 requests in a single week.

    請求快速建立,在 4 月的第一周達到峰值,一周內有 415,000 個請求。

  • They started dropping from that point and have continued to drop.


  • By mid-May, the request fell in the last 3 weeks, we've been consistently 98% below that peak.

    到 5 月中旬,請求在過去 3 週內下降,我們一直低於該峰值 98%。

  • In total, we processed 1.8 million consumer deferrals with about 1.7 million of those remaining as we -- end of July.

    總共,我們處理了 180 萬份消費者延期付款,其中大約 170 萬份仍在我們之前 - 7 月底。

  • This represents $30 billion of consumer balance with payments on deferral.

    這代表了 300 億美元的消費者余額,其中包括延期付款。

  • The largest numbers of process deferrals, as you can see, are credit card holders.


  • Another area of concentrated request is the Practice Solutions group and small business.


  • Let me provide a little deeper insight into these categories.


  • You can see it on the lower right-hand part of the slide.


  • On credit card, 85% of the deferrals were initiated in late March, early April and has died down since then.

    在信用卡方面,85% 的延期是在 3 月下旬、4 月初開始的,此後逐漸減少。

  • 95% that initiated were current on their payments when the deferral was requested.

    當請求延期時,95% 的發起人是按時付款的。

  • More than 60% of the active card deferrals have made at least 1 payment since going on deferral, 1/3 have made every payment every month.

    超過 60% 的活躍卡延期自延期以來至少支付了 1 筆款項,1/3 每月支付了每筆款項。

  • As we look forward, if there are no other major changes in consumer spending habits or major macro deterioration, we'd expect card deferrals to decline significantly in quarter 3, given the expiration in these payment observations.


  • Importantly, our credit reserving that you see in our P&L today reflects the individual credit characteristics of all these deferred borrowers and a higher risk they propose.


  • Small business is where we saw the highest percentage of accounts requesting assistance.


  • As you may recall, last quarter, we talked about this.


  • These requests came from our business Practice Solutions group.


  • These are mostly dentists and doctors who were shut down during the crisis, but now are open.


  • As that -- they reopen, our internal survey shows that 80% of these borrowers as of a few weeks ago were all back to work with steady revenue.

    就這樣 - 他們重新開放,我們的內部調查顯示,截至幾週前,這些借款人中有 80% 都以穩定的收入重返工作崗位。

  • In our contacts with the accounts, 90% indicated no elevated level of continued distress and informed us they'll need not to continue their deferral.

    在我們與這些賬戶的聯繫中,90% 的人表示持續的痛苦沒有升高,並告訴我們他們不需要繼續延期。

  • And while not in this chart, our deferrals for commercial accounts amounted roughly 2% of our loans, being 1% of those are unsecured or through -- and through conversations with these borrowers, we'd not expect many of these to request a second deferral.

    雖然不在此圖表中,但我們對商業賬戶的延期大約占我們貸款的 2%,其中 1% 是無擔保或通過的——通過與這些借款人的對話,我們預計其中許多人不會要求第二次延期。

  • Now moving on to Page -- Slide 6 for consumer spending.

    現在轉到第 6 頁——關於消費者支出的幻燈片。

  • After a significant slowdown in consumer spending in April, we began to see signs of improvement beginning in May.

    在 4 月份消費者支出顯著放緩之後,我們開始看到 5 月份開始出現改善的跡象。

  • And while still early, we have seen momentum in early July.

    雖然還為時過早,但我們已經在 7 月初看到了勢頭。

  • Chart on Slide 6 shows a 7-day moving average of payments and compares that to same week last year.

    幻燈片 6 上的圖表顯示了 7 天的付款移動平均值,並將其與去年同一周進行了比較。

  • There are 3 lines representing credit, debit and total spending.

    有 3 行分別代表信用卡、借方和總支出。

  • Again, credit is about 12%.

    同樣,信貸約為 12%。

  • Debit's about the same amount.


  • And total spending, it's obviously the $3 trillion I talked about before.

    總支出,顯然是我之前談到的 3 萬億美元。

  • Overall, in the first couple of months of the year, at -- in a healthy U.S. economy, payments were running as high single-digit percentage pace ahead of the same period in 2019.

    總體而言,在今年前幾個月,在美國經濟健康的情況下,支付速度比 2019 年同期高出個位數百分比。

  • That changed as the pandemic spread and the economy shutdown.


  • We saw a severe decline across all payment types, particularly in discretionary spending on categories like travel, leisure and entertainment, which drives credit card spending to lower levels than other forms of payment, including debit card.


  • This was followed by a large increase in payments for necessities around groceries and staples like health supplies.


  • But as you can see, those payments are made largely with debit cards or cash.


  • As states began to reopen over the past couple of months, we saw an improvement in spending levels as customers became more active buying fuel and spending on home projects and eating out.


  • Much of that improvement has been paid through debit usage as customers saw the stimulus payments and other assistance in their checking accounts.


  • On a monthly basis, comparing spending to the prior year's month, April '20 was down 26% from April '19.

    按月計算,與去年同期相比,20 年 4 月的支出比 19 年 4 月下降了 26%。

  • May was down 13% from May '19.

    5 月比 19 年 5 月下降了 13%。

  • And as I said earlier, June returned to basically flat.


  • We had seen some spending leveling off on a weekly basis as COVID cases rose recently in hotspots around the country, causing municipalities or states to pause further on further phases of reopening or impose more restrictions.

    我們每週都看到一些支出趨於平穩,因為最近全國熱點地區的 COVID 病例有所增加,導致市政當局或州在重新開放的進一步階段進一步暫停或施加更多限制。

  • But even with that, July is actually running ahead of last year and is much higher during the shutdown periods of early April and May.

    但即便如此,7 月實際上比去年提前,並且在 4 月初和 5 月的停工期間要高得多。

  • It appears consumers are demonstrating they're quickly adapting to the environment by changing shopping habits and moving back and forth between physical and online as needed and are doing the same with delivery and takeout restaurants as restrictions change.


  • We continue to monitor this behavior every day and accept -- and expect that there'll be starts and stops as you see the ebbs and flows of cases and people's and government's reactions to them and also until we learn to operate in this new normal.


  • Let us go to lending activity on Page 7 -- Slide 7. Here we see that the borrowing credit shows modest growth beyond the commercial activity involving loans and paydowns.

    讓我們轉到第 7 頁的貸款活動——幻燈片 7。在這裡,我們看到借貸信貸在涉及貸款和還款的商業活動之外顯示出適度的增長。

  • We've seen some modest recovery in some consumer lab loan applications, which all troughed in April.

    我們在一些消費者實驗室貸款申請中看到了一些溫和的複蘇,這些申請都在 4 月份達到了低谷。

  • As you can see during the quarter, total loans declined $52 billion from the end of quarter 1, but there are several dynamics worth mentioning, including the sale of $9 billion of mortgage loans.

    正如您在本季度看到的那樣,總貸款比第一季度末下降了 520 億美元,但有幾個動態值得一提,包括出售 90 億美元的抵押貸款。

  • Within commercial, excluding PPP activity, loans grew $5 billion year-to-date as clients paid down $62 billion of the $67 billion loan growth in quarter 1. While this isn't good for the balance sheet and loan growth, it is a good sign as many borrowers in quarter 1 accessed emergency or panic borrowing to get liquidity but has since paid those funds back or they've accessed capital markets and termed out the financing, many of which we were able to assist in helping them do.

    在商業領域(不包括 PPP 活動),由於客戶支付了第一季度 670 億美元貸款增長中的 620 億美元,因此貸款今年迄今增長了 50 億美元。雖然這對資產負債表和貸款增長不利,但這是一個好消息在第一季度簽署盡可能多的借款人進入緊急或恐慌借款以獲得流動性,但此後已經償還了這些資金,或者他們已經進入資本市場並終止了融資,我們能夠幫助他們中的許多人做到這一點。

  • As I said earlier, revolver usage has returned to levels in our middle market business about where it was last year and is lower than those levels in our business -- banking business.


  • Consumer lending shows solid residential mortgage build -- growth but a decline in credit card during the spending levels I described earlier.


  • The point is there are a lot of COVID-related activity.

    關鍵是有很多與 COVID 相關的活動。

  • But underneath that, while soft, there were some underlying demands for loans in the first half of the year.


  • Mortgage apps continued to be solid despite conservative price and credit at Bank of America.


  • We've also seen auto loan apps fight their way back to the levels they were precrisis as dealers have opened and people have bought cars.


  • And last, I would note that we continue to supply capital to these customers.


  • Our total commitments have been consistent to our commercial customers.


  • And they've remained above $1 trillion throughout all these periods.

    在所有這些時期,它們一直保持在 1 萬億美元以上。

  • And year-to-date, we've approved nearly $160 billion in new and expanded commercial commitments for our customers to help them weather the storm.

    年初至今,我們已經為我們的客戶批准了近 1600 億美元的新的和擴大的商業承諾,以幫助他們度過難關。

  • On deposits, we talk about those on Slide 8. We see an impressive client activity, and that activity has continued during the quarter across every single line of business.

    關於存款,我們在幻燈片 8 上討論了存款。我們看到了令人印象深刻的客戶活動,並且該活動在本季度的每一個業務領域都在繼續。

  • Since the end of 2019, total deposits have risen $284 billion to more than $1.7 trillion.

    自 2019 年底以來,存款總額已增加 2840 億美元,超過 1.7 萬億美元。

  • It is also worth noting that the disciplined pricing of rates paid moved from 44 basis points paid to the customer to 9 basis points as short rates decline.

    還值得注意的是,隨著短期利率下降,已付利率的嚴格定價從支付給客戶的 44 個基點變為 9 個基點。

  • Consumer deposits grew $123 billion or 17%.

    消費者存款增長 1230 億美元或 17%。

  • 69% of the growth has been in checking, further cementing our position as the leading core transactional bank for American consumers.

    69% 的增長用於支票,進一步鞏固了我們作為美國消費者領先的核心交易銀行的地位。

  • Global Banking deposits have risen $118 billion or 31%.

    全球銀行存款增加了 1180 億美元或 31%。

  • Our Wealth Management deposits were up $29 billion or 11%.

    我們的財富管理存款增加了 290 億美元或 11%。

  • Continue to -- customers continue to value our company as, of course, a partner.


  • Importantly, in -- on Slide 9, we'll talk about this.

    重要的是,在幻燈片 9 中,我們將討論這個問題。

  • It's the last thing I'll mention before I turn it over to Paul to go more in-depth on numbers is our clients' digital usage.


  • Our customers value the year as a continuous investment in innovation as they found an ever-increasing need for our digital capabilities in the COVID environment.

    我們的客戶將這一年視為對創新的持續投資,因為他們發現在 COVID 環境中對我們的數字能力的需求不斷增長。

  • Providing this proves once again that we are a digital bank and a physical bank.


  • In consumer, there are many examples, and I'll touch on a few.


  • Digital log-ins were 2.3 billion log-ins in the quarter and have increased 20% in the past 12 months.

    本季度數字登錄為 23 億次,在過去 12 個月中增長了 20%。

  • The average log-ins per user is also up 14%, demonstrating engagement in quantity of users and depth of use by those users.

    每個用戶的平均登錄次數也增加了 14%,這表明用戶參與度和這些用戶的使用深度。

  • More customers discover these, convenience and safety in opening accounts digitally as the number of units sold digitally increased 20% since last year, representing 47% of sales.

    隨著數字化銷售的單位數量自去年以來增加了 20%,佔銷售額的 47%,越來越多的客戶發現了這些,以數字方式開設賬戶的便利性和安全性。

  • We added over 1 million new mobile check deposit users with a surprising 22% of those being baby boomers or seniors who have been traditionally harder to engage digitally.

    我們增加了超過 100 萬新的移動支票存款用戶,其中 22% 的用戶是嬰兒潮一代或老年人,他們傳統上更難進行數字化互動。

  • This engagement efforts are keeping our physical centers and call centers running have our customer satisfaction running at all-times high at Bank of America.


  • On the commercial side, we've seen an equally impressive growth in our users and usage as commercial users have the need for similar conveniences, whether in a work-from-home mode.


  • And Wealth Management, in addition to convenient online banking capability and increased engagement, we utilize WebEx and other methods to have secure video conference applications to engage with our clients, which result in household growth in our Wealth Management business even during the crisis.

    而財富管理方面,除了便捷的網上銀行功能和增加參與度外,我們還利用 WebEx 和其他方法擁有安全的視頻會議應用程序與客戶互動,即使在危機期間,我們的財富管理業務也實現了家庭增長。

  • Digital log-ins across Merrill clients were up more than 100% year-over-year.

    美林客戶的數字登錄同比增長超過 100%。

  • And 39% of checks deposit were digitally versus less than 25% last year.

    39% 的支票存款是數字化的,而去年這一比例還不到 25%。

  • If you look on Slide 10, this looks at the more active consumer segment.

    如果您查看幻燈片 10,則可以看到更活躍的消費者細分市場。

  • A lot of you focus on single-purpose payment providers.


  • I want to draw your attention to the top right chart for Zelle to illuminate how much money is moving through our customers through that system.

    我想提請您注意 Zelle 的右上角圖表,以說明通過該系統通過我們的客戶轉移了多少資金。

  • We now have 11 million customers actively using Zelle every month, adding 3 million in just the past 12 months alone.

    我們現在每月有 1100 萬客戶積極使用 Zelle,僅在過去 12 個月內就增加了 300 萬。

  • And you can see in the chart, we nearly doubled the volume of transactions every year for the past 4 years to now more than 117 million transactions in the quarter.

    您可以在圖表中看到,在過去的 4 年中,我們每年的交易量幾乎翻了一番,現在本季度的交易量超過了 1.17 億筆。

  • And that volume has resulted nearly doubling the dollars used to $32 billion in transfers during this quarter.

    這一數量導致本季度用於轉移的美元幾乎翻了一番,達到 320 億美元。

  • That's impressive gains, given the fact that total payment volumes have dropped.


  • And Zelle is free to our industry's clients and benefits our shareholders through lower costs.

    Zelle 對我們行業的客戶免費,並通過降低成本使我們的股東受益。

  • Above all, it's better for our customers.


  • And with that, let me turn it over to Paul.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Thank you, Brian.


  • I'm going to start on Slide 11, with the balance sheet.

    我將從第 11 張幻燈片開始,從資產負債表開始。

  • Our balance sheet, end of the quarter, at $2.7 trillion in total assets, increasing $122 billion since the end of Q1 driven by a surge in deposits.

    在本季度末,我們的資產負債表總資產為 2.7 萬億美元,在存款激增的推動下,自第一季度末以來增加了 1220 億美元。

  • During Q2, deposits grew by $135 billion, while loans declined by $52 billion as commercial borrowers repaid much of their lines.

    在第二季度,存款增加了 1350 億美元,而貸款減少了 520 億美元,因為商業借款人償還了大部分貸款。

  • Excess liquidity continued to be invested predominantly in cash and cash equivalents.


  • Shareholders' equity increased modestly as earnings exceeded distributions to shareholders.


  • With respect to regulatory ratios, for the past 2 years, our CET1 ratio under the standardized approach has been binding, but this quarter, the ratio under the advanced approach is lower and, therefore, binding.

    在監管比率方面,過去兩年,我們標準法下的 CET1 比率一直具有約束力,但本季度,高級法下的比率較低,因此具有約束力。

  • Our CET1 ratio under the standardized approach improved 80 basis points linked quarter to 11.6% primarily driven by an $86 billion decline in RWA.

    我們在標準化方法下的 CET1 比率提高了 80 個基點,與季度掛鉤至 11.6%,這主要是由於 RWA 下降了 860 億美元。

  • This RWA decline was mainly driven by commercial loan paydowns as well as lower credit card balances.

    RWA 下降的主要原因是商業貸款還款以及信用卡餘額減少。

  • In addition, we earlier adopted the Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk, aka SA-CCR, for derivatives.

    此外,我們早些時候對衍生品採用了交易對手信用風險的標準化方法,即 SA-CCR。

  • Our CET1 ratio under the advanced approach improved to 11.4% as RWA under advanced declined modestly.

    由於高級方法下的 RWA 適度下降,我們在高級方法下的 CET1 比率提高到 11.4%。

  • Also this quarter, we received our preliminary stress capital buffer, or SCB, from the Federal reserve pursuant to our CCAR results.

    同樣在本季度,根據我們的 CCAR 結果,我們從美聯儲收到了初步壓力資本緩衝(SCB)。

  • Our stress depletion was approximately 150 basis points, and including the dividend add on, our SCB was a little under 2%; however, as you know, SCBs are floored at 2.5%.

    我們的壓力消耗約為 150 個基點,加上股息,我們的 SCB 略低於 2%;但是,如您所知,SCB 的最低利率為 2.5%。

  • So our minimum standardized and advanced CET1 requirement is 9.5% and remained unchanged.

    因此,我們的最低標準化和高級 CET1 要求是 9.5%,並且保持不變。

  • The capital cushion above our 9.5% CET1 minimum was $28 billion at quarter end.

    季度末,高於我們 9.5% CET1 最低要求的資本緩衝為 280 億美元。

  • The CET1 ratio under the advanced approach became our binding ratio primarily due to the impact on RWA of the migration of corporate credit risk ratings under the advanced approach.


  • Our TLAC ratios increased and remained comfortably above our minimum requirements.

    我們的 TLAC 比率有所增加,並保持在我們的最低要求之上。

  • Turning to Slide 12 and net interest income.

    轉向幻燈片 12 和淨利息收入。

  • On a GAAP non-FTE basis, NII in Q2 was $10.8 billion, $11 billion on an FTE basis.

    按 GAAP 非 FTE 計算,第二季度的 NII 為 108 億美元,按 FTE 計算為 110 億美元。

  • Net interest income declined $1.3 billion for both Q1 '20 as well as Q2 '19.

    20 年第一季度和 19 年第二季度的淨利息收入均下降了 13 億美元。

  • As we noted on our Q1 call and experienced this quarter, NII fell to roughly $11 billion this quarter as variable rate assets repriced lower following a more than 100-basis-point decline in average 1-month LIBOR from Q1.

    正如我們在第一季度的電話會議中所指出的以及本季度所經歷的那樣,由於浮動利率資產在第一季度平均 1 個月 LIBOR 下跌超過 100 個基點後重新定價較低,本季度 NII 跌至約 110 億美元。

  • Other notable NII headwinds in the quarter include roughly $300 million of higher premium amortization on our asset-backed securities, given the lower rate environment and a decline in higher-yielding credit card balances.

    鑑於較低的利率環境和高收益信用卡餘額的下降,本季度其他值得注意的 NII 不利因素包括我們的資產支持證券的溢價攤銷增加約 3 億美元。

  • These negative impacts were partially offset by deposit growth, coupled with lower deposit pricing.


  • The addition of PPP loans in the quarter was marginally -- it also marginally aided NII as did lower Global Markets funding costs.

    本季度 PPP 貸款的增加是微不足道的——它也對 NII 有所幫助,同時降低了全球市場的融資成本。

  • Given the sharp decline in NII, coupled with the increase in the balance sheet driven by deposit growth, net interest yields declined notably quarter-over-quarter by 46 basis points.

    鑑於 NII 急劇下降,加上存款增長推動資產負債表增加,淨利息收益率環比顯著下降 46 個基點。

  • Looking at the bottom-right chart, the largest driver of that decline was lower interest rates quarter-over-quarter.


  • Another large impact was the increase in deposits, which is modestly helping NII, but diluting net interest yield, given that most of the excess funding in Q2 was invested in cash or cash equivalents, earning only 10 or 15 basis points.

    另一個重大影響是存款的增加,這對 NII 有一定幫助,但會稀釋淨利息收益率,因為第二季度的大部分超額資金都投資於現金或現金等價物,僅賺取 10 或 15 個基點。

  • We continue to assess uncertainty with respect to the duration of these deposits.


  • Two other elements diluted net interest yield.


  • They are the higher level of premium amortization, and the lower balances of high-yielding credit cards.


  • In terms of forward NII guidance, we believe the largest impact from the interest rate declines occurred in Q2 as expected.

    在前瞻性 NII 指引方面,我們認為利率下降的最大影響發生在第二季度,正如預期的那樣。

  • As we enter Q3, we face a headwind from the paydowns of commercial loans, which could reduce NII by a couple of hundred million dollars.

    當我們進入第三季度時,我們面臨商業貸款償還的阻力,這可能會使 NII 減少數億美元。

  • And as a reminder, NII will be impacted by the long end of the curve as our securities portfolio continues to reprice lower.

    提醒一下,隨著我們的證券投資組合繼續重新定價較低,NII 將受到曲線長端的影響。

  • Beyond Q3, NII stability, absent material changes from the economic conditions, will be dependent on asset growth and/or redeployment of deposits into higher-yielding securities rather than cash.

    第三季度之後,在沒有經濟狀況發生重大變化的情況下,NII 的穩定性將取決於資產增長和/或將存款重新部署到收益更高的證券而不是現金中。

  • Beyond NII, as Brian mentioned, the balance and diversity of our revenue streams, combined with strong expense management, has supported pretax preprovision income despite the unprecedented decline in interest rates.

    正如布賴恩所說,除了 NII,我們收入流的平衡和多樣性,加上強大的費用管理,支持了稅前預提收入,儘管利率出現了前所未有的下降。

  • I would also just remind you that short-term rates were near 0 in 2014 and 2015 before rates rose.

    我還要提醒您,在利率上升之前,短期利率在 2014 年和 2015 年接近於 0。

  • In those years, we produced solid profits.


  • Plus today, we have $150 billion in higher loan balances and $500 billion in higher deposit balances with -- which will benefit NII versus those periods.

    再加上今天,我們有 1500 億美元的更高貸款餘額和 5000 億美元的更高存款餘額——與那些時期相比,這將使 NII 受益。

  • Turning to Slide 13 and expenses.

    轉到幻燈片 13 和費用。

  • At $13.4 billion this quarter, expenses were modestly lower than Q1 '20.

    本季度的支出為 134 億美元,略低於 20 年第一季度。

  • For 3 years now, despite investments in areas such as technology, sales professionals, marketing, philanthropy, new or renovated financial centers, expanded benefits and increased minimum wage, we have managed expenses well and have operated in a tight range of $13 billion to $13.5 billion in expense each quarter outside of the impairment charge taken in Q3 '19.

    3 年來,儘管在技術、專業銷售人員、市場營銷、慈善事業、新建或翻新金融中心、擴大福利和提高最低工資等領域進行了投資,但我們仍能很好地管理開支,並在 130 億美元至 13.5 美元的狹窄範圍內運營除了 19 年第三季度的減值費用外,每個季度的費用為 10 億美元。

  • This quarter was no exception even with the added costs related to COVID-19.

    即使增加了與 COVID-19 相關的成本,本季度也不例外。

  • In Q2, we estimate that COVID-related spending versus COVID-related savings netted to an increase in expense totaling $400 million.

    在第二季度,我們估計與 COVID 相關的支出與與 COVID 相關的儲蓄相比,總支出增加了 4 億美元。

  • We will be working hard to reduce this cost as we move through this crisis while, at the same time, ensuring that our customers and employees are safe.


  • The higher cost of COVID was mostly offset by the absence of elevated payroll tax when comparing total noninterest expense to Q1.

    將總非利息費用與第一季度進行比較時,COVID 的較高成本主要被沒有提高的工資稅所抵消。

  • With respect to expenses beyond Q2, please note that on July 1, we began accounting for merchant services provided directly to our customers versus through a joint venture.

    關於第二季度之後的費用,請注意,從 7 月 1 日起,我們開始計算直接向客戶提供的商家服務,而不是通過合資企業提供的服務。

  • Accordingly, again in Q3, we will record revenue and expense for these operations separately as opposed to netting them under the equity method of accounting.


  • As a result, we expect the expense for this business to add roughly $200 million per quarter to our expense run rate.

    因此,我們預計該業務的費用每季度將增加大約 2 億美元的費用運行率。

  • Additional revenue for merchant services in the near term should be roughly $100 million a quarter, improving as the economy recovers and operations become even more fully integrated, driving increased value for clients.

    短期內,商家服務的額外收入應約為每季度 1 億美元,隨著經濟復甦和運營變得更加全面整合而有所改善,從而推動客戶價值的增加。

  • We are excited to integrate merchant services into our lines of business.


  • Merchant services is an important product for many of our clients, from small businesses to large multinationals, who rely on accepting credit and debit cards for significant portions of their revenue.


  • As such, it is core to transactional banking and working capital management.


  • Because our LOBs enjoy leading market share across both consumers and businesses, we can innovate, connect and provide services that add value across the spectrum of payment users, including offering innovations in expedited settlement, enhanced authorization, lease cost routing, liquidity management, credit, FX data, analytics and many other products.

    由於我們的 LOB 在消費者和企業中均享有領先的市場份額,因此我們可以創新、連接和提供服務,為各種支付用戶增加價值,包括在加速結算、增強授權、租賃成本路由、流動性管理、信貸、外匯數據、分析和許多其他產品。

  • Our new proprietary platform is flexible, resilient and enables us to grow and facilitate the evolution of the payment ecosystem as the marketplace evolves.


  • Turning to asset quality on Slide 14.

    在幻燈片 14 上轉向資產質量。

  • Our underwriting standards have been responsible and strong for many years now, and we expect this fact to benefit us as we advance through this health crisis.


  • One independent indicator of the relative quality of our balance sheet is the Federal Reserve's annual CCAR stress test.

    我們資產負債表相對質量的一個獨立指標是美聯儲的年度 CCAR 壓力測試。

  • Our net charge-off ratio under this year's stress test was once again the lowest of our peers and has been the lowest in 7 of the last 8 years.

    今年壓力測試下,我們的淨沖銷率再次成為同業中最低的,並且是過去 8 年中的 7 年中最低的。

  • Total net charge-offs this quarter were $1.1 billion or 45 basis points of average loans.

    本季度的淨沖銷總額為 11 億美元或平均貸款的 45 個基點。

  • Net charge-offs rose $24 million from Q1, with an uptick in commercial losses, mostly offset by lower consumer losses.

    與第一季度相比,淨沖銷額增加了 2400 萬美元,商業損失增加,大部分被消費者損失減少所抵消。

  • Provision expense was $5.1 billion.

    撥備費用為 51 億美元。

  • Our reserve build of $4 billion reflects a weaker economic outlook since the end of Q1, which impacted expected future losses.

    我們增加 40 億美元的儲備反映了自第一季度末以來經濟前景疲軟,這影響了預期的未來損失。

  • While we saw increases in commercial reservable criticized exposures impacted by the virus, overall, credit thus far has been better than expected as NPLs only rose modestly versus our expectations.


  • As the economy reopened, we saw lower deferral requests, better payment trends from the stressed borrowers, a slower pace of commercial downgrades towards the end of the quarter and faster payments of line draws than we anticipated.


  • On Slide 15, we break out our credit quality metrics for both our consumer and commercial portfolios.

    在幻燈片 15 上,我們打破了消費者和商業投資組合的信用質量指標。

  • On the consumer front, COVID effects on asset quality remained benign.


  • This is driven by deferrals extended to consumer borrowers, coupled with government stimulus for individuals and small businesses.


  • Consumer net charge-offs declined $138 million, which is partially attributable to a deferral, which should be -- which should provide a better chance of recovery with stimulus and other assistance.

    消費者的淨沖銷減少了 1.38 億美元,部分原因是推遲,這應該是——這應該通過刺激和其他援助提供更好的恢復機會。

  • In commercial, we saw $162 million increase in net charge-offs with concentrations in commercial real estate and energy.

    在商業方面,我們看到淨沖銷增加了 1.62 億美元,主要集中在商業房地產和能源領域。

  • Our commercial loan book, excluding small business, ended the quarter at 88% investment-grade or collateralized.

    我們的商業貸款賬簿(不包括小企業)在本季度末為 88% 的投資級或抵押貸款。

  • One could see COVID impact more clearly in reservable criticized exposures, which increased $9 billion from Q1.

    人們可以更清楚地看到 COVID 對可保留的批評風險的影響,這比第一季度增加了 90 億美元。

  • This increase was driven, not surprisingly, by exposures to cruise Iines, restaurants, real estate and retailing.


  • Turning to Slide 16.

    轉到幻燈片 16。

  • This table provides a full picture of our allowance build since year-end 2019.

    該表提供了自 2019 年底以來我們的配額增長的全貌。

  • As you can see, our allowance, including reserves for unfunded commitments, was $10 billion at year-end and has doubled to more than $21 billion, while our overall loan balances are relatively flat.

    如您所見,我們的準備金(包括未到位承諾的準備金)在年底為 100 億美元,翻了一番,達到 210 億美元以上,而我們的整體貸款餘額相對持平。

  • Note that we ended Q2 with an allowance to loans and leases of 2%.

    請注意,我們以 2% 的貸款和租賃準備金結束了第二季度。

  • I would also note that coverage ratio for credit card increased to 11%, total commercial loans increased to 1.6%, and CRE rose to 11.5% -- excuse me, 3.5%.

    我還要注意到信用卡的覆蓋率增加到 11%,商業貸款總額增加到 1.6%,CRE 增加到 11.5%——對不起,是 3.5%。

  • These ratios reflect our loan mix with consumer concentrated and secured loans with consistent-high underwriting standards, which, for the past 10 years, has focused on high-FICO borrowers with whom we have strong relationships.

    這些比率反映了我們的貸款組合與具有一致高承銷標準的消費者集中和擔保貸款,在過去的 10 年中,這些貸款一直專注於與我們有牢固關係的高 FICO 借款人。

  • It also reflects the investment-grade nature of our commercial portfolio with strong payment and debt service characteristics.


  • Our increase in reserves from Q1 reflect an outlook based upon the most recent economic consensus estimates.


  • In addition, we continue to include downside scenarios.


  • A weighting of these new scenarios produced a recessionary outlook with a deeper decline and gap to return to positive GDP.

    這些新情景的加權產生了衰退前景,下降幅度更大,並且與 GDP 恢復正數之間存在差距。

  • It is worth noting that if one looks at the Fed's stress credit losses in the latest CCAR and just assumes that we have pushed all those losses into reserves today, our CET1 ratio would still be above 10.25% versus our minimum of 9.5%.

    值得注意的是,如果在最新的 CCAR 中查看美聯儲的壓力信用損失,並假設我們今天已將所有這些損失推入準備金,我們的 CET1 比率仍將高於 10.25%,而我們的最低比率為 9.5%。

  • Obviously, there remain many unknowns, including how government fiscal and monetary actions will impact the outcome and how our own deferral programs will impact losses.


  • But perhaps the biggest uncertainty is how long economic activity and conditions will be significantly impacted by the virus.


  • Okay.


  • Turning to the business segments and starting with Consumer Banking on Slide 17.

    轉向業務部門,從幻燈片 17 上的個人銀行業務開始。

  • Despite the enormous financial challenges of various impacts -- COVID-related impacts, including dramatically lower rates, fee reductions, higher provision and increased expense, the business remained profitable in the quarter.

    儘管各種影響帶來了巨大的財務挑戰——與 COVID 相關的影響,包括大幅降低費率、降低費用、增加撥備和增加費用,但該業務在本季度仍保持盈利。

  • And as Brian discussed, this health crisis has proven the value of our high-tech and high-touch strategy.


  • The significant investments and innovation in our digital capabilities have been a valuable resource for our customers, complementing investments in our financial centers and differentiating us from peers.


  • Provision expense reflected higher expected future losses from the worsened economic conditions.


  • And note that net charge-offs in the period actually declined.


  • So much of the financial burden of expected future losses were incurred in the first half of this year.


  • And because of deferrals, significant charge-offs in this segment are not likely until the end of this year or later.


  • Revenue in this business absorbed the brunt of company's NII decline as the segment has the bulk of our deposits.

    由於該部門擁有我們的大部分存款,因此該業務的收入首當其沖地吸收了公司 NII 下降的影響。

  • And this segment also bore the brunt of the fee waivers, negatively impacting revenue.


  • Card fees were down as a result of lower spending activity as well as fee waivers.


  • Service charges were down as well due to fee waivers and fewer overdraft and related fees as a result of increased balances in customers' accounts.


  • With respect to expenses, as you know, banking is considered an essential service.


  • And across the country, we have managed to keep 60% of our financial centers open.

    在全國范圍內,我們成功地保持了 60% 的金融中心開放。

  • The team worked through enormous challenges in the first half of the year to assure ongoing service, which has been a daily balance between the service our customers' need and the safety of our employees as well as customers.


  • Our costs reflect this balancing act.


  • We've added roles to service calls and managed digital interactions, not only for existing products and services, but also for small business applications to the Paycheck Protection Program.


  • Many of these additional personnel work from home.


  • We also continue to invest in the franchise.


  • We added salespeople in addition to the associates to handle customer calls that I have just mentioned.


  • We renovated and added financial centers, and we increased minimum wages.


  • The expense from these investments continued to be mitigated, at least in part, by process improvements, digitalization and technology improvements.


  • Client momentum continued as we saw average deposits rise $104 billion or 15% from Q2 '19.

    隨著我們看到平均存款比 19 年第二季度增加 1040 億美元或 15%,客戶勢頭繼續保持。

  • Even more impressive was the fact that 70% of this growth was in checking accounts as clients received stimulus, delayed their tax payments and slowly are ramping up spending.

    更令人印象深刻的是,70% 的增長來自支票賬戶,因為客戶收到了刺激措施,推遲了納稅,並慢慢增加了支出。

  • Average loans increased 8% driven by mortgage demand even in this low-rate environment.

    即使在這種低利率環境下,在抵押貸款需求的推動下,平均貸款也增加了 8%。

  • Mortgage growth was mitigated by a decline in credit card and other consumer balances.


  • We continue to add consumer investment accounts and see strong flows into our Merrill Edge platform.

    我們繼續增加消費者投資賬戶,並看到大量資金流入我們的 Merrill Edge 平台。

  • In Q2, we added 9% more customer investment accounts this year than last year, with more than 30% of those added digitally.

    在第二季度,我們今年新增的客戶投資賬戶比去年增加了 9%,其中超過 30% 的新增賬戶是數字化的。

  • AUM rose 17%, driven by flows and market valuation.

    在流量和市場估值的推動下,AUM 增長了 17%。

  • Let's skip Slide 18 and move to Wealth Management as I think we've covered most of the trends already.

    讓我們跳過幻燈片 18 並轉到財富管理,因為我認為我們已經涵蓋了大部分趨勢。

  • So referring to Wealth Management and -- to wealth -- to Global Wealth and Investment Management on Slide 19 and 20, here again, you saw lower rates as COVID-related credit costs impact an otherwise solid quarter with good AUM flows as well as strong deposit and loan growth.

    因此,在幻燈片 19 和 20 中提到財富管理以及全球財富和投資管理,您再次看到較低的利率,因為與 COVID 相關的信貸成本會影響原本穩健的季度,同時擁有良好的 AUM 流動和強勁存貸款增長。

  • Merrill Lynch and the private bank both continue to grow clients as we remained a provider of choice for affluent clients.


  • Despite our sales force working from home, in Q2, we added nearly 6,000 net new households at Merrill Lynch and nearly 500 net new relationships in the private bank.

    儘管我們的銷售人員在家工作,但在第二季度,我們在美林增加了近 6,000 個淨新家庭,並在私人銀行增加了近 500 個淨新關係。

  • Total client balances rose to $2.9 trillion from Q1 driven by the rebound in equity markets.

    在股市反彈的推動下,客戶總餘額較第一季度上升至 2.9 萬億美元。

  • Compared to a year ago, they are up 1% driven by strong growth in deposits, AUM flows and loans.

    與一年前相比,在存款、資產管理規模和貸款強勁增長的推動下,它們增長了 1%。

  • Net income of $624 million was down 42% driven by a 10% decline in revenue as well as higher provision expense.

    由於收入下降 10% 以及撥備費用增加,淨收入為 6.24 億美元,下降了 42%。

  • The revenue decline was driven equally by the lower NII as well as fees.

    收入下降同樣是由較低的 NII 和費用推動的。

  • Noninterest income decreased 7%, driven by lower transactional revenues and lower asset management fees driven by market valuations, partially offset by the benefit of AUM flows.

    非利息收入下降了 7%,原因是交易收入下降和市場估值推動的資產管理費用下降,部分被 AUM 流動的好處所抵消。

  • Expenses were stable year-over-year as investments made in the past 12 months in sales professionals and technology were offset by lower revenue-related incentives and net savings associated with COVID.

    由於過去 12 個月對銷售專業人員和技術的投資被較低的收入相關激勵措施和與 COVID 相關的淨節省所抵消,因此費用同比保持穩定。

  • Provision expense increased from reserves built for future COVID-related net charge-offs, while current net charge-offs remained low.

    為未來與 COVID 相關的淨沖銷而建立的儲備增加了撥備費用,而當前的淨沖銷仍然很低。

  • Moving to Global Banking on Slides 21 and 22.

    轉到幻燈片 21 和 22 上的全球銀行業務。

  • As noted earlier, Global Banking saw a strong average loan growth from Q1 line draws, record deposit levels and record investment banking fees.


  • But those benefits were not enough to offset the impact of lower rates and higher provision expense as a result of COVID.

    但這些好處不足以抵消 COVID 導致的較低利率和較高的撥備費用的影響。

  • The business earned $726 million, falling $1.2 billion from Q2 '19, but this included adding $1.5 billion to the allowance for credit losses this quarter.

    該業務賺取了 7.26 億美元,比 19 年第二季度減少了 12 億美元,但這包括在本季度的信貸損失準備金中增加了 15 億美元。

  • On a pretax preprovision basis, results improved 4% year-over-year driven by record Investment Banking results.

    在稅前準備金的基礎上,在創紀錄的投資銀行業績的推動下,業績同比增長 4%。

  • In Q2, we were able to improve notably both our Investment Banking revenue and market share for the second straight quarter.


  • Investment Banking fees of $2.2 billion were up 57% year-over-year.

    投資銀行費用為 22 億美元,同比增長 57%。

  • This record result included records in both investment-grade as well as equity capital markets.


  • While average loans were up 14% from Q2 '19, I would note that repayment of Q1 draws built significantly as the quarter progressed, which will be an headwind to NII in Q3.

    雖然平均貸款比 19 年第二季度增長了 14%,但我注意到隨著季度的進展,第一季度的還款額顯著增加,這將是第三季度 NII 的逆風。

  • I would also note that new loan origination spreads increased quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year.


  • At the same time, we continued to see strong growth in deposits, which were up $131 billion or 36%, even as the rate paid decline following the decline in LIBOR rates.

    與此同時,我們繼續看到存款強勁增長,增加了 1,310 億美元或 36%,儘管在 LIBOR 利率下降後支付的利率下降。

  • Rates paid are now back to levels seen at the end of 2015 just before rates began to rise.

    支付的利率現在回到了 2015 年底利率開始上漲之前的水平。

  • Growth in Investment Banking fees, loans and deposits reflect, not only what we believe to be applied to quality, but also the addition of hundreds of bankers over the past few years, increasing and improving our client coverage.


  • Turning to digital on Slide 23 as we have already covered most of the important points around loan and deposit activity on 22.

    在幻燈片 23 上轉向數字化,因為我們已經在 22 日介紹了有關貸款和存款活動的大部分要點。

  • As in consumer and GWIM, our digital capabilities are more important and useful than ever in this health crisis, enabling clients to work from home and seamlessly manage their treasury needs.

    與消費者和 GWIM 一樣,我們的數字能力在這場健康危機中比以往任何時候都更加重要和有用,使客戶能夠在家工作並無縫管理他們的資金需求。

  • And it's no surprise that in this environment, we would continue to see increased use of these capabilities.


  • Switching to Global Markets on Slide 24.

    在幻燈片 24 上切換到全球市場。

  • Our teams performed well in an unusual environment, producing the best quarter of revenue since the first quarter of 2012.

    我們的團隊在不尋常的環境中表現出色,創造了自 2012 年第一季度以來最好的季度收入。

  • We saw the fixed income market mostly strengthen through the quarter and prices recover from Q1, with particular strength in credit products.


  • As I usually do, I will talk about results excluding DVA.

    像往常一樣,我將討論不包括 DVA 的結果。

  • This quarter, net DVA was a loss of $261 million.

    本季度,淨 DVA 虧損 2.61 億美元。

  • Global Markets produced $2.1 billion of earnings in Q2, nearly doubling the prior year's period and increased 42% from solid Q1 results.

    全球市場在第二季度創造了 21 億美元的收益,幾乎是去年同期的兩倍,並且比第一季度的穩健業績增長了 42%。

  • Year-over-year, revenue was up 34% from higher sales and trading results and improved Investment Banking fees, partially offset by the absence of a gain on an equity investment, which occurred in Q2 '19.

    收入同比增長 34%,原因是銷售和交易業績的增長以及投資銀行費用的提高,但部分被 19 年第二季度股權投資收益的缺失所抵消。

  • Expenses were well controlled and flat compared to Q2 '19.

    與 19 年第二季度相比,費用得到了很好的控制並且持平。

  • Within sales and trading -- within revenue, sales and trading improved 35% year-over-year, driven by a 50% improvement in FICC and a 7% improvement in equities.

    在銷售和交易方面——在收入方面,在 FICC 增長 50% 和股票增長 7% 的推動下,銷售和交易同比增長 35%。

  • Compared to Q1, sales and trading revenue also improved as growth in FICC linked quarter overcame a decline in equities from a record in Q1.

    與第一季度相比,銷售和交易收入也有所改善,因為 FICC 相關季度的增長克服了股票從第一季度創紀錄的下降趨勢。

  • Trading comparisons to Q2 '19 for FICC reflected better trading performance across all products, both macro and credit.

    FICC 與 19 年第二季度的交易比較反映了所有產品(包括宏觀和信貸)的更好交易表現。

  • FICC results benefited from improved client flows, credit spread tightening, lower funding costs and asset prices, which rallied through the quarter.

    FICC 業績受益於客戶流動改善、信貸利差收緊、融資成本降低和資產價格在本季度上漲。

  • Equity revenue was driven by stronger performance in cash and client financing, partially offset by a weaker performance in derivatives.


  • On Slide 25, note the half year comparisons, which shows sales and trading up 28% year-over-year, but otherwise pretty stable over the past several years at around $7 billion.

    在幻燈片 25 上,請注意半年比較,其中顯示銷售額和交易量同比增長 28%,但在過去幾年中相當穩定,約為 70 億美元。

  • Finally, on Slide 26, we show All Other, which reported a profit of $216 million.

    最後,在幻燈片 26 上,我們展示了 All Other,它報告了 2.16 億美元的利潤。

  • Revenue benefited from a gain of $704 million from the sale of $9 billion in mortgage loans, which drove the improvement in revenue from Q1.

    收入受益於出售 90 億美元抵押貸款帶來的 7.04 億美元收益,這推動了第一季度收入的改善。

  • Our effective tax rate this quarter was 7%, reflecting the 11% tax rate expected for the rest of 2020 due to the greater impact of tax credits related to tax-advantage investments on lower pretax income as well as the related adjustment to the year-to-date tax rate.

    我們本季度的有效稅率為 7%,反映了 2020 年剩餘時間預計為 11% 的稅率,因為與稅收優惠投資相關的稅收抵免對較低的稅前收入以及相關調整的影響更大-迄今為止的稅率。

  • Okay.


  • With that, let's open it up for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We'll go first to Glenn Schorr with Evercore.

    (操作員說明)我們將首先與 Evercore 一起前往 Glenn Schorr。

  • Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Two quick clarifications.


  • On your net interest income comments of down a couple of hundred million, I'm assuming that is off the current base?


  • And then do we stabilize from there?


  • I heard your comments about depending on how we assess the duration of and stickiness of the deposits.


  • So maybe you could talk about how do you assess the duration.


  • It sounds good, but I don't know how you -- if clients can help you assess that, but how do you assess the duration and stickiness of the deposits?


  • And what would you redeploy into, if you thought that they were somewhat sticky?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Yes.


  • So just to be clear, we're talking about a couple of hundred million off of -- from Q2 to Q3.


  • I won't repeat all the current drivers of that.


  • Beyond Q3, NII is really kind of -- the growth of NII is going to be dependent upon sort of asset growth and redeployment of deposits into higher-yielding securities.

    在第三季度之後,NII 確實有點——NII 的增長將取決於某種資產增長和將存款重新部署到高收益證券中。

  • We've added $284 billion in deposits since year-end.

    自年底以來,我們已經增加了 2840 億美元的存款。

  • All of that has gone into cash, earning 10 basis points.

    所有這些都變成了現金,賺取了 10 個基點。

  • So as we assess the future of this pandemic, as we kind of assess how much of that is going to stick around and we get a little bit more confident on those 2 elements, that can be deployed into securities or a portion of it, let's say, can be deployed into securities.


  • And that's -- there's a big difference even in these rates between what you can earn on a mortgage-backed security or a treasury bond and 10 basis points.

    這就是 - 即使在這些利率之間,您可以通過抵押貸款支持的證券或國債獲得的收益與 10 個基點之間也存在很大差異。

  • So there's some opportunity there, but it has to -- I think we're going to be thoughtful about it, and it's one of those things I think you know when you see it.

    所以那裡有一些機會,但它必須 - 我認為我們將對此進行深思熟慮,這是我認為當你看到它時你知道的事情之一。

  • Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Maybe a similar question on expenses.


  • The $400 million in COVID-related expense, I'm assuming that's a combination of PPP and work-from-home related things.

    與 COVID 相關的 4 億美元費用,我假設這是 PPP 和在家工作相關的事情的組合。

  • Do -- does that roll off starting now that stick around?

    做 - 從現在開始,它會持續下去嗎?

  • I want to get to the core number that we're adding the $200 million of merchant servicing expenses on top of.

    我想得到核心數字,我們在此基礎上增加了 2 億美元的商家服務費用。

  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Yes, sure.


  • So as we said, we're sort of estimating that if you take all the increases from COVID-related spending and all the decreases, you had a net $400 million.

    因此,正如我們所說,我們在某種程度上估計,如果您從與 COVID 相關的支出中獲得所有增加和所有減少,您將獲得 4 億美元的淨收益。

  • If you think about all those increases, it's not just PPP, there's supplemental pay, there's child care, there's masks, there's food.


  • There's more financial guards at our financial centers.


  • You've got all the PPP-related expenses.

    你已經得到了所有與 PPP 相關的費用。

  • You've got all the tech expenses, moving people -- virtually all our employees moving from home -- moving to work from home.


  • You got some offsets in sort of some travel and other employee expenses in terms of meetings, that all kind of nets down this quarter to $400 million.

    在會議方面,你得到了一些差旅和其他員工費用的補償,所有這些都在本季度下降到 4 億美元。

  • We're going to work on that.


  • I don't think you can say it's all going to go away in Q3, but we're going to work on those expenses as we move forward.


  • But of course, we're going to make sure anything we do, we're not jeopardizing the safety of our customers and employees, so we think there's some opportunity there.


  • Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Glenn Paul Schorr - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Last one.


  • The Wealth Management reserve build, I wonder if you could talk about the profile of those loans?


  • How much of that is to things like a building for a wealthy individual that that's corporation?


  • Just curious on what in Wealth Management would require that build.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • I think most of it is mortgages.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • And there's some commercial lending in there, but it's all very high-quality and personal wealthy people's loans and some are -- there were 30% of our mortgage originations this quarter paid at the 25th.

    那裡有一些商業貸款,但都是非常高質量的個人富人貸款,有些是——本季度我們 30% 的抵押貸款在 25 日支付。

  • And so it's a significant mortgage book, and that picks up some and just the estimates, whether it happens or not is a separate question.


  • But we feel good about that portfolio, but it's just the same factors applied to the rest of the portfolio's applied in that business.


  • We look at things like real estate exposure, we consider real estate exposure in that business that people have buildings and things we're talking about.


  • There's -- going back, Glenn, to the many years, there's no hidden sort of really an exposure on our Wealth Management business that's handled as real estate.

    有 - 回溯,格倫,多年來,我們的財富管理業務沒有任何隱藏的真正風險,它被視為房地產。

  • Operator


  • Next question is from Mike Mayo with Wells Fargo.

    下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Mike Mayo。

  • Michael Lawrence Mayo - MD, Head of U.S. Large-Cap Bank Research & Senior bank Analyst

    Michael Lawrence Mayo - MD, Head of U.S. Large-Cap Bank Research & Senior bank Analyst

  • Brian, you mentioned July activity is above last year.


  • Is that right?


  • So just a little bit more color on the green shoots.


  • It seems like the trends are all in your favor.


  • But I'm just wondering if that's backward looking.


  • In many of your markets, like Florida, or Texas or California, I mean, that's where you're big, you're seeing an increase in COVID cases.

    在你的許多市場,比如佛羅里達、德克薩斯或加利福尼亞,我的意思是,在你做大的地方,你看到 COVID 病例有所增加。

  • And I guess that leads to death, and that leads to shutdown.


  • So from an on-the-ground perspective, do you expect these green shoots to continue?


  • What advice do you give the governors in those states?


  • How does it all shake out?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • The first advice we give to everybody is try to be safe.


  • The faster you can get the environment to tip over, as you've seen in some of the hotspots we talked about last April, you can see the activity pick up.

    正如您在我們去年 4 月討論的一些熱點中所看到的那樣,您可以越快地讓環境翻轉,您就會看到活動開始回升。

  • But just to be very precise, the data through the 14th of July.

    但更準確地說,是截至 7 月 14 日的數據。

  • So that's about as recent as you might be able to get is up over last year.


  • If you look in the first 2 weeks of July, it fell a little bit in Texas and places like that, but it's still 25% higher as an aggregate than where they were in the shutdown phase.

    如果您查看 7 月的前 2 週,德克薩斯州和類似的地方會有所下降,但總體上仍比關閉階段高出 25%。

  • So it will plateau a little bit, Mike, I think, and you'll see that ebb and flow.


  • But there are other activities that just overwhelm that what you see in terms of the bars closing stuff, just the general activities, the improvement in people's homes, spending on their homes.


  • And you saw some of the data today that supports that in the retail sales numbers.


  • So yes, it's flattened a little bit because it flattened in credit card.


  • You'll see that more dramatically because the credit card spending that goes on in restaurants and travel and stuff.


  • But it -- just in the last couple of weeks, it fell mid-single digit percentages, I think, in some of those in Texas and Florida, but it's still 25% compared to that week-to-week -- the weeks before the reopening.

    但它——就在過去幾週,我認為,在德克薩斯州和佛羅里達州的一些人中,它的百分比下降了中個位數,但與前幾週相比,它仍然是 25%。重新開放。

  • That's 25% up.


  • So we'll see it play out.


  • It's hard to be any more down to date than July 14.

    很難比 7 月 14 日更過時了。

  • Michael Lawrence Mayo - MD, Head of U.S. Large-Cap Bank Research & Senior bank Analyst

    Michael Lawrence Mayo - MD, Head of U.S. Large-Cap Bank Research & Senior bank Analyst

  • And then a separate question.


  • I guess you've added more to your reserve, what, $8 billion added to your reserves the last 2 quarters, another $4 billion this quarter, pretty remarkable.

    我猜你的儲備增加了更多,過去兩個季度增加了 80 億美元,本季度又增加了 40 億美元,非常了不起。

  • And your net charge-off ratio was flat quarter-to-quarter.


  • Talk about a disconnect.


  • However, maybe it's not a disconnect.


  • So I guess it's a tough question.


  • But what would your charge-offs be?


  • What would your NPAs be if you didn't have the forbearance in place?

    如果您沒有適當的寬容,您的 NPA 會是什麼?

  • Like if it ended tomorrow and you had to recognize the full extent of the problems, just in a sense of order of magnitude, would it be 5% higher?

    就像它明天結束,你必須認識到問題的全部程度,只是在數量級上,它會高出 5% 嗎?

  • Or 10% higher?

    還是高出 10%?

  • 15% higher?

    高出 15%?

  • What?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Just to give you a simple answer.


  • If you -- and a little bit of this, Mike, will always depend on timing because if you think about credit cards, then there's a roll rate to them, as you well know.


  • But just for the second quarter, I think the number would have been another $40 million higher if you took all the stuff and assume the payment behavior took place, but there was no deferral.

    但就第二季度而言,如果你拿走所有的東西並假設付款行為發生了,我認為這個數字會再高出 4000 萬美元,但沒有延期。

  • And so that's $40 million on what, $600 million to $700 million.

    所以這是 4000 萬美元,6 億到 7 億美元。

  • So it's something small.


  • Interesting enough, for the nondeferred customers, the delinquency quarter-to-quarter actually went down 15 or 20 basis points.

    有趣的是,對於非延期客戶,拖欠率實際上每季度下降了 15 或 20 個基點。

  • For the nondeferred customer, excuse me, the nondeferred customers.


  • So 90% of people in cards that didn't defer their delinquency went down quarter-to-quarter, and so as you think about that, it's a mixed bag.

    因此,90% 的持卡人沒有推遲他們的拖欠,每季度都有所下降,所以你想想看,情況好壞參半。

  • The other thing that's inherent in your question is all of us getting used to CECL versus the old methods of providing, which is you provide for a lifetime, and then the losses are going to come later down the road, by definition, or else you have it as CECL provision.

    您的問題中固有的另一件事是,我們所有人都習慣了 CECL 與舊的提供方法,即您提供終生的服務,然後根據定義,損失將在以後出現,否則您將其作為 CECL 條款。

  • So yes, we'll see the actual losses that's come in later quarters.


  • But you're right, right now we are seeing nothing that is consistent with an 11% unemployment rate in the actual consumer payment behavior.

    但是你是對的,現在我們在實際的消費者支付行為中沒有看到任何與 11% 的失業率相一致的東西。

  • And that has to do with the stimulus and things that's helping that -- the margins quite substantially.


  • So it's hard to predict because there's a lot of factors in it, but that's kind of the data points I'd give you to give you a sense of it.


  • Michael Lawrence Mayo - MD, Head of U.S. Large-Cap Bank Research & Senior bank Analyst

    Michael Lawrence Mayo - MD, Head of U.S. Large-Cap Bank Research & Senior bank Analyst

  • And just last follow-up.


  • I mean, clearly, the stock market, based on your stock price doesn't believe you.


  • They think your customers are a lot weaker.


  • Are we just not seeing it yet?


  • I mean, 2 or 3 quarters from now, you say, "Ah, it was a lot worse than we expected." Or do you think this is going to play out in that like actually the borrowers are in better shape than people realize?

    我的意思是,從現在起 2 到 3 個季度,你會說,“啊,這比我們預期的要糟糕得多。”或者你認為這會像實際上借款人的狀況比人們意識到的要好一樣?

  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • I think part of this will play out in terms of how the path forward on Phase 4 stimulus and everything occurs.

    我認為這部分將在第 4 階段刺激的前進道路和一切發生方面發揮作用。

  • But even on the commercial side, if you look our -- the NPLs went up $350 million or something on the commercial NPLs for the quarter and 40 basis points.

    但即使在商業方面,如果你看看我們的 - 不良貸款在本季度的商業不良貸款上增加了 3.5 億美元或 40 個基點。

  • So even on the commercial side, and we went through -- we asked our team to go through every commercial borrower in our business banking and our middle market segment, which is tens of thousands of borrowers, and assess everyone and rerate to make sure they're all up to date.


  • Make sure, yes, just really go work on it when the -- they were at home and not able to do as much.


  • And they've gone through that book.


  • And what you see criticized moved up, and that's expected.


  • The actual nonperformers aren't.


  • And so their -- those commercial customers are adapting, and you're seeing it, so I think the -- we basically have looked at the assessment, the provision setting methodology is, as we said, 10% unemployment year-end, 9% first half of next year, it gets down to 7.5%.

    所以他們的——那些商業客戶正在適應,你也看到了,所以我認為——我們基本上已經看過評估,正如我們所說,準備金設置方法是,年底失業率為 10%,9明年上半年,下降到7.5%。

  • So it's not a rosy picture in a lot of ways.


  • But -- and the proof is, we give all those data to the Fed, as Paul said, and they do a stress test.


  • And under those scenarios, our losses run, I don't know, 4%, 4.7%.


  • And we're sitting with 2% reserves today, and we're not in that scenario in terms of actual payment behavior by customers or delinquencies or -- and cash, and that has to do with the stimulus is different in this crisis than it's ever been.

    我們今天有 2% 的準備金,就客戶的實際支付行為或拖欠或現金而言,我們不在那種情況下,這與刺激措施有關,在這場危機中與現在不同曾經。

  • It was given directly to consumers to sustain their ability to carry their day-to-day expenses.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Hey, Mike.


  • It's obviously -- hey, Mike, it's obviously hard to see data yet, right?


  • But there are some clues out there, and you can start looking at those clues across the industry.


  • And I would -- you mentioned one of them, let's just look at losses.

    我會 - 你提到其中之一,讓我們看看損失。

  • You can look at NPL growth.


  • You can look at reserve credit growth.


  • And then as Brian just said, I mean, it's not like this is one-time where our loss ratios in the Fed stress tests have been the lowest among peers.


  • They've done 8 exams.


  • Every one of those exams is kind of different.


  • They did this thing and that one stress this thing more on that other one and change something else on the next one.


  • 7 out of 8 of them, no matter what they changed, no matter what they did, we had the lowest loss rate.

    其中 8 個中有 7 個,無論他們改變了什麼,無論他們做了什麼,我們的損失率都是最低的。

  • So there is some evidence out there if you look carefully at it.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Jim Mitchell with Seaport Global.

    下一個問題來自 Seaport Global 的 Jim Mitchell。

  • James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

    James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

  • Maybe, Brian, just a follow-up on your corporate credit comment.


  • If you look at your NPLs, you absolutely had the least amount of increase quarter-over-quarter versus your peers.

    如果您查看您的 NPL,與您的同行相比,您的季度環比增幅絕對是最少的。

  • And I appreciate your comments that you did really a real micro as opposed to macro look at every individual loan.


  • So when we think about that, do you think it's -- your performance is more to do with the fact that you took a micro look rather than some peers maybe doing a macro look?


  • Or is it really just your higher exposure to investment grade, your industry mix?


  • And how do you think about the massive amount of capital raising in the second quarter and the liquidity that provides to corporate borrowers and how you factor that in?


  • Just -- that's it.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • I'm not sure where it is in that sequence, but it's the latter part of it, which is that basically, it's the quality of the portfolio.


  • So our commercial real estate exposure, as Paul said earlier, is much -- it's not going into last crisis, we had $14 billion or something of construction-related for housing.

    因此,正如保羅之前所說,我們的商業房地產敞口很大——它沒有進入上一次危機,我們有 140 億美元或一些與建築相關的住房。

  • We have like $400 million or something like that.

    我們有大約 4 億美元或類似的東西。

  • It's very little.


  • So the kinds of exposure to get pulled on pretty quickly.


  • Remember, we took a lot of charge-offs in the first quarter for, what?


  • For gas company exposure, I think a couple of hundred million, Paul.


  • And those -- yes, so we've been taking care of the portfolio.


  • So it's not a macro-micro.


  • It's actually just the quality of what we have done in client selection across the last decade gets us there.


  • And so -- and that's why you see differences in the rates in the stress tests and other things.


  • But that's responsible growth, and we built this company so there'd be adamantine in all times and fortress, and that's how we build it.


  • And we'll see where this all goes.


  • But remember that our SCB is under the floor, yet the losses -- and there's a lot of objective third-party evidence that shows, and that has a lot to do with our mix of businesses and how we build them.

    但請記住,我們的 SCB 處於低位,但仍有虧損——而且有很多客觀的第三方證據表明,這與我們的業務組合以及我們如何建立它們有很大關係。

  • James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

    James Francis Mitchell - Research Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Absolutely.


  • And then maybe on deposit growth, it continues to be, I think, surprisingly strong.


  • Appreciate the comment of not sure how it holds up, and you're holding it in cash for now.


  • But when you think about -- is there any kind of trends throughout the quarter as the stimulus money got paid?


  • Do you see deposit growth slowing?


  • Or are you seeing it turn negative lately?


  • How do we think about the ability for those, at least near term, what are you seeing in terms of deposits over the last month?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Well and I'll let Paul talk about this on the commercial side, especially because he used to run that business for us a long time ago before we got him to be a CFO.


  • But the reality is this, the place we're uncertain is in the large cash inflows from corporate customers that you're not sure when they're going to start using the money and redeploy the money and you want them to, frankly.


  • We should want them to redeploy that money into the economy as opposed to having drawn or raise money in the markets and have it sitting on the balance sheet.


  • So that's the real volatility question is, when do they -- when do those companies move some money out for higher yield because, yes, some of the money market has been through settling in with a little more yield to them and things like that, and the stability allows them to take -- think about putting it off a bank's balance sheet.

    所以真正的波動性問題是,他們什麼時候 - 這些公司什麼時候將一些資金轉移出去以獲得更高的收益,因為,是的,一些貨幣市場已經通過給他們更多的收益以及類似的事情來安頓下來,並且穩定性允許他們採取 - 考慮將其從銀行的資產負債表中刪除。

  • So that's the volatility question in terms of deposits.


  • It's around that.


  • But when you look at consumer, just to give you a sense, the linked-quarter growth in consumer checking was $50 billion.

    但是,當您查看消費者時,只是為了給您一個感覺,消費者檢查的相關季度增長為 500 億美元。

  • We had 180,000 net new checking accounts.

    我們有 180,000 個淨新支票賬戶。

  • Year-over-year, up almost 900,000.

    同比增長近 900,000 人。

  • Those are numbers that are normal quarters sort of net production.


  • I think we might have been 250,000 or something like that in a quarter like this.

    我認為在這樣的一個季度中,我們可能會有 250,000 人或類似的人數。

  • And so what's happened is we still are building up that core consumer base, and the average amount in accounts are up 12%, 20%.

    所以發生的事情是我們仍在建立核心消費者基礎,賬戶中的平均金額增長了 12%、20%。

  • Some of that's been spent down.


  • We think all the EIP-type stimulus is largely out of people's accounts, it's been gone through the system.

    我們認為所有 EIP 類型的刺激措施大部分都來自人們的賬戶,它已經通過了系統。

  • Obviously, the unemployment supplements for the limited number of customers we have.


  • That's a small -- in any group, that's 10% of the population, so it's smaller than the whole.

    那是很小的——在任何群體中,佔人口的 10%,所以它比整體要小。

  • But you're seeing that stimulus was -- that $1,200-type stimulus went -- came and went out of people's accounts pretty much.

    但是您會看到刺激措施——那種 1,200 美元的刺激措施過去了——幾乎從人們的賬戶中來來去去。

  • On a small business, you're seeing the PPP, the 65% to be spent, which is also good because that's future stimulus to be deployed.

    在小型企業中,您會看到 PPP,即要花費的 65%,這也很好,因為這是未來要部署的刺激措施。

  • And so if you think about all those pieces, I would focus more on this.


  • Paul's comments about understanding whether this deposit are going to stick is more of a commercial question.


  • And a large corporate question than it is a wealth management consumer question because what's going on behind this is we've ground out another even with half -- yes, 40% of our branches shut down due to the environment, we have ground out digital sales and digital growth and even nondigital growth to the tune of 180,000 new core checking accounts with average balance moving up at 92% core, and that sticks to your ribs money, and we will deploy that over time.

    與財富管理消費者問題相比,這是一個更大的企業問題,因為這背後發生的事情是我們已經淘汰了另一個,即使有一半——是的,我們 40% 的分支機構由於環境而關閉,我們已經淘汰了數字銷售和數字增長,甚至非數字增長,達到 180,000 個新的核心支票賬戶,平均餘額以 92% 的核心增長,這對你來說很重要,我們將隨著時間的推移進行部署。

  • But you had to make sure that, like all of you are worried about where we go next, and that's why we're trying to keep the liquidity position that might run out of here for that clients' purposes or whatever.


  • So Paul, I think all the volatility comments were around on the institutional side.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Yes.


  • I'm not sure to add anything, Brian.


  • Maybe just a macro point of obviously, if the money supply grows more, our deposit balances are going to go up.


  • And you -- when you look at -- in addition, when you look at the treasuries, bank account at the Fed, it's got an enormous balance way higher than usual.


  • And my guess is some of that's going to end up in the private sector as well.


  • So there were some -- perhaps some macro forces that would suggest that deposit balances are going to grow at banks, and we're going to get our fair share.


  • There are a couple of little just tiny things about the third quarter that's worth reminding people.


  • Tax payments were delayed, and they're going to get paid in the third quarter.


  • Plus, we're all hoping, as Brian says, that spending continues to increase.


  • And so some of that excess money that's sitting on people's accounts may get spent both in the corporate and consumer side.


  • And then in GWIM, you've just got a lot of deposits came out of the market and went into deposit accounts.

    然後在 GWIM 中,您剛剛有大量存款從市場流出並進入存款賬戶。

  • And if markets continue to feel good to people, you expect to see some of that come out of deposits and go back into the market.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Betsy Graseck with Morgan Stanley.

    下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Betsy Graseck。

  • Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

    Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

  • A couple of follow-ups there.


  • One on the points that you were making about the deposits.


  • It's interesting that you had all those drawdowns and paybacks, but the deposits didn't leave yet.


  • That's basically what you're referring to, right?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes, Betsy, that's the interesting point.


  • You'd expect if they pay them back, you would have seen it.


  • But other cash came into those companies, and it came on the books, and I think we grabbed more than our fair share.


  • Nothing to do with the consumer side, but on the institutional side.


  • It's been interesting because our predictions would have been that we'd have seen the deposits decline already, and they haven't.


  • Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

    Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

  • So my 2 questions.


  • One is on just the forbearance and the waivers.


  • Can you give us an update as to how you're dealing with those?


  • Do they roll off automatically?


  • Are you going person-by-person?


  • How should I be modeling this fee waiver fading?


  • Is it going to come back?


  • Do you kick it back in?


  • And I mean, do you stop the fee waivers in 3Q?


  • Or is it going to be more of a phase-in through 2021?

    還是會在 2021 年之前逐步實施?

  • Just help us understand how you're dealing with that.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • I think waiver side of mortgage has different aspects because of statutes and stuff.


  • The rest of the lending side stuff begins, especially like the small business, as I said earlier, it really runs off as we speak.


  • And then some of the other products run through.


  • We're always going to help consumers in distress.


  • So if somebody calls up and says I'm unemployed and I can't work and stuff, we're going to work with them, and we're going to work both on the fee side and on the collection side, for the lack of a better term.


  • But our view from the start was we want to have that dialogue with the consumer to help figure out where they stand.


  • And so that activity starts to pick up.


  • The waivers, by definition, were 90 days and things they roll off.

    根據定義,這些豁免是 90 天,並且它們會滾滾。

  • But in -- what you'll get away from is people who did it out of panic, which when you see somebody's paid every month, obviously, they didn't need the waiver.

    但是在 - 你會遠離那些出於恐慌而這樣做的人,當你看到有人每月支付時,顯然,他們不需要放棄。

  • Those people roll off and disappear, and you'll get down to the people that you need to actually help.


  • They're unemployed and struggling, and we'll help them.


  • We'll work with them, like we always do in our collection efforts.


  • So that's the sort of credit side of the thing.


  • And the big numbers will move.


  • The numbers of requests, I said, have dropped 98%, so it's really nothing.

    我說,請求的數量已經下降了 98%,所以這真的沒什麼。

  • If you look at our percentages relative to industry and mortgage were lower across the board 200 basis point, 150 basis points in terms of requests and stuff.

    如果您查看我們相對於行業和抵押貸款的百分比,則全面降低了 200 個基點,就請求和東西而言,降低了 150 個基點。

  • So we feel good about that.


  • When you get to the fees, this is really going to come down to this.


  • We all -- we went into this thinking about it as a bit of a natural-disaster type approach process.

    我們所有人 - 我們都將其視為一種自然災害類型的方法過程。

  • So that's going to come down to where the consumer lives, the market, the condition, what's going on in that market and whether they're able to work and things like that.


  • So we'll see that play out.


  • If there's another round of stimulus payments, we waive the fees, so people wouldn't have the fees.


  • We've held off on the fees that they had that could have been negative in their account to make sure they got the whole $1,200 in the case of last payment.

    我們已經推遲了他們可能在他們的賬戶中為負數的費用,以確保他們在最後一次付款的情況下獲得全部 1,200 美元。

  • We will do that again because that's the right thing to do to make sure they get the benefits of that -- those payments.


  • But those things will sort of ease through the third quarter depending on really a specific question.


  • And then as you get towards next year, they'll normalize.


  • Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

    Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

  • And then as we go through this pandemic, obviously, we've got flash points building again in certain locations.


  • Like you were asked earlier on the call, you've got a big footprint of branches in these locations.


  • So I would think that your programs are open, obviously, for folks who are coming back into that second wave.


  • Just want to confirm that.


  • And then how are you thinking about the branch footprint just generally?


  • I mean, you mentioned earlier about opportunities to improve efficiencies to call back the $400 million net COVID cost increase that you experienced this quarter.

    我的意思是,您之前提到過提高效率的機會,以收回您本季度經歷的 4 億美元的淨 COVID 成本增加。

  • But a little bit longer term, given the increase in digital, the fast ramp that we've seen in the most recent couple of months, does that make you think, "Hey, we can pull back on our branches even more than we had been thinking before?" Give us an update there.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes.


  • I think the time to figure that out will be a little bit later, Betsy, not because we don't work it all the time.


  • So even year-over-year, I think we're down 30 or 40 branches or something like that in terms of branch count.

    因此,即使與去年同期相比,我認為我們在分支機構數量方面減少了 30 或 40 個分支機構或類似的數量。

  • This -- last year's second quarter or this year's second quarter, we're always working as dynamic.

    這 - 去年的第二季度或今年的第二季度,我們一直在動態地工作。

  • They might be bigger and replace 2 or 3 small ones.

    它們可能更大,可以替換 2 或 3 個小的。

  • They might be places that we just had too many, whatever, but we'll always be working that.


  • So 6,100 to 4,300 branches continue to work, and we're doing that by following customer behavior.

    因此,6,100 到 4,300 家分支機構繼續工作,我們通過跟踪客戶行為來做到這一點。

  • So if this -- some of this behavior changes stick to the ribs, you'll see us keep fine tuning our system.


  • By the way, the cost of deposits now with all the operating costs in consumer over deposits actually went down year-over-year again to -- by about 7 basis points or something like that.

    順便說一句,現在的存款成本加上消費者存款的所有運營成本實際上又同比下降了大約 7 個基點或類似的東西。

  • So we continue to manage that overall operating cost down.


  • And it's not just the branches, it's all of the call centers and all the things around it.


  • So let us play that out.


  • I don't think -- and then by the way, remember, we're deploying, and we opened branches in the middle of this thing in places in Ohio and stuff we didn't have.

    我不認為 - 然後順便說一下,請記住,我們正在部署,我們在俄亥俄州的一些地方開設了分支機構以及我們沒有的東西。

  • And so that replaces on the account at a much different execution than something that may have been left over from years ago.


  • So it will play out.


  • I don't think they'll get -- they'll go one way or the other way dramatically.

    我不認為他們會得到 - 他們會以一種或另一種方式戲劇性地走。

  • But what will happen is some of the count, we believe, will be consolidated markets as we've always been doing and deploy to markets where we don't have reach.


  • I think on a given day, we're still getting 0.5 million business to the branches.

    我認為在某一天,我們仍然為分支機構帶來了 50 萬筆業務。

  • So it is an important part of what we do, and the teammates in those branches have done incredible work being open every day during this crisis despite what was going on in the environment around them.


  • So I -- they will always be an important -- an incredibly important part, which makes us different.


  • We are a big digital company and we're a big physical company, and that combination produces superior customer reach and results.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Matt O'Connor with Deutsche Bank.


  • Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

    Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

  • Can you just talk about the small business PPP in terms of the timing of when you think it will be repaid or forgiven and remind us of the accounting there?

    您能否就您認為何時會償還或寬恕的時間來談談小企業 PPP 並提醒我們那裡的會計?

  • And is that included in your net interest income outlook?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Why don't I start with the accounting?


  • So the -- if you look at this quarter, there's about a little under $100 million.

    所以 - 如果你看一下這個季度,大約有不到 1 億美元。

  • It will be a little more than that next quarter in NII for PPP.

    對於 PPP 而言,這將比 NII 的下個季度多一點。

  • That's a function of 1% interest rate plus under FAS 91, you're going to amortize the fees into NII over the life of the loans.

    這是 1% 利率加上 FAS 91 下的函數,您將在貸款期限內將費用攤銷到 NII。

  • In terms of the overall program, we're -- we did about 335,000 loans in a few weeks.

    就整體計劃而言,我們在幾週內完成了大約 335,000 筆貸款。

  • That was quite expensive in terms of all that we had to do, to do that well.


  • And so I would not expect much, if any, profitability out of PPP.

    因此,我對 PPP 的盈利能力不抱太大期望。

  • Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

    Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

  • Okay.


  • And does that include the fees that you get if it's accelerated from a forbearance?


  • I think there were some articles out there that you're going to donate any profits.


  • But obviously, there's just the focus on the revenue and, to your point, there is the cost as well, so.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Yes.


  • If -- once there's forbearance, to the extent that we were amortizing the fees into NII, once a loan is forgiven, then you have to accelerate the remaining fees that haven't been amortized.

    如果 - 一旦有了寬容,在某種程度上我們將費用攤銷到 NII 中,一旦貸款被免除,那麼你必須加速尚未攤銷的剩餘費用。

  • So it could be a spike in a quarter or 2 if we start seeing a lot of forbearance.


  • But again, as you know, we've -- we said we're going to donate profits, but I wouldn't expect a lot of profits out of this program.

    但是,正如你所知,我們已經 - 我們說過我們將捐贈利潤,但我不希望從這個計劃中獲得很多利潤。

  • 335,000 loans in a quarter is probably, I don't know, I think somebody, a consumer, told me it was like 10 years of loans in small business.

    一個季度可能有 335,000 筆貸款,我不知道,我想有人,一個消費者,告訴我這就像小企業的 10 年貸款。

  • This was a massive effort that involved people outside the company, in the company to get -- to do it well.

    這是一項巨大的努力,涉及公司外部和公司內部的人員,以得到 - 把它做好。

  • Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

    Matthew D. O'Connor - MD in Equity Research

  • Okay.


  • And then just separately, on the criticized commercial loans, it's helpful that you do disclose this.


  • I'm not sure everybody does.


  • So I appreciate that.


  • But how would you think about the loss content on that?


  • Obviously, it's a much bigger bucket than, say, nonperformers and -- are loans that you're watching.


  • But how should we kind of think about the risk of loans that are kind of criticized versus, say, nonperforming?


  • Or how much might flow into nonperforming?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes.


  • Well I'd say that, that's -- that depends on the loan.

    好吧,我會說,那是 - 這取決於貸款。

  • They're largely secured.


  • They're collateralized, what sort of recovery.


  • But remember, the criticized is -- the ratings driven is a loss -- a probability to follow the loss, given default and then the collateral structure.


  • So that's all built into the reserving methodology that results in a reserve build.


  • So it's not something that you have to think of separately than NPLs.

    因此,這不是您必須與 NPL 分開考慮的事情。

  • It's just -- there are different stages in the process of getting through the system.


  • But -- so it's really -- you have to say, if it's -- we -- for example, we have a lot of retailers who have gone through bankruptcy over the last several years.

    但是 - 所以真的 - 你不得不說,如果是 - 我們 - 例如,我們有很多零售商在過去幾年中經歷了破產。

  • We haven't lost anything because of the method of securing yourself and things like that.


  • And that's -- but that's a business we've had for decades that has done a great job there.


  • Whereas if it's an unsecured line and somebody, you have a follow-on -- somebody follows quickly, that can be more problematic.

    而如果它是一條不安全的線路並且有人,你有一個後續 - 有人很快跟進,這可能會更有問題。

  • But it's -- just rest assured, it's all built into the methodology which produces the loss content, which produces the reserves, which -- in the scenarios we use.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Ken Usdin with Jefferies.

    下一個問題來自 Ken Usdin 和 Jefferies。

  • Kenneth Michael Usdin - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Kenneth Michael Usdin - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • I had a couple of questions on the JV dissolution.


  • So just wondering, Paul, relative to your $100 million fees, first of all, where is it located, kind of where are we going to see it?

    所以只是想知道,保羅,相對於你 1 億美元的費用,首先,它在哪裡,我們要去哪裡看它?

  • And second of all, can you help us give perspective of what it was maybe at its peak?


  • And you've mentioned it could get better as the economy improves.


  • What's the best metric we can watch of your disclosures to track that progress?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • A portion of that revenue is going to be in consumer.


  • A portion of it is going to be in Global Banking.


  • I -- we'd have to think about how to help you see it because it's -- it never -- certainly, on a net basis, it never was a big number in terms of net profits coming out of that JV.

    我 - 我們必須考慮如何幫助你看到它,因為它 - 它從來沒有 - 當然,在淨額基礎上,就該合資企業的淨利潤而言,它從來都不是一個很大的數字。

  • We expect it, now that we can integrate it, do it our way, really leverage our customer relationships, put our full sales force more directly behind it and innovate.


  • We think this is incredibly important to our customers, and we can grow it.


  • But right now, it's -- we gave you, I think we gave you some perspective.


  • It's about -- I would expect the revenues there to be about $100 million in the near term.

    大約是 - 我預計短期內的收入約為 1 億美元。

  • But we would expect them to grow as we ramp up and some of our investments start to bear fruit.


  • And again, I don't know how to answer your question on how you can see it.


  • I have to think about that whether it's something appropriate for the supplement or not.


  • Kenneth Michael Usdin - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Kenneth Michael Usdin - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just in terms of fees, other categories, wealth management, the asset management part was down.


  • Was that because of the averaging effect?


  • And should that improve given the period-end market levels that we saw?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Yes.


  • You have to remember that AUM fees are on a 1-month lag, so you're picking up there what happened at the end of the first quarter.

    您必須記住,AUM 費用滯後 1 個月,因此您要了解第一季度末發生的情況。

  • Kenneth Michael Usdin - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Kenneth Michael Usdin - MD and Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Yes.


  • And lastly, just any comments about the Investment Banking pipeline, given the relative strength that we saw in the second quarter?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Yes, sure.


  • The Investment Banking had a great, great quarter.


  • And we know we picked up significant market share.


  • We've been picking up significant market share for many quarters now.


  • I think all of you have sort of recognized that.


  • It was a record.


  • I think our market share is above 8% at this point.

    我認為我們目前的市場份額在 8% 以上。

  • And our market share in middle market investment banking is also rising, given our emphasis there on the bankers we add.


  • I think we're up to -- we're over 9% there.

    我認為我們達到了 - 我們在那裡超過了 9%。

  • A lot of activity as we help clients raise capital to address their needs.


  • You can't really expect -- I don't -- we don't know the answer, but we're already sort of seeing a little bit of a slowdown in activity in the first couple of weeks of this quarter.


  • So I don't think you can expect that the third quarter is going to be as robust as the second quarter has been.


  • But what I will want to emphasize, we feel really good about the progress we have made with our clients in terms of market share, both for large companies around the world and the middle market companies.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Saul Martinez.

    我們將在 Saul Martinez 旁邊。

  • Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

    Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

  • I wanted to start off on NII, I want just a bit of a clarification.

    我想從 NII 開始,我想澄清一下。

  • You said NII would be down a couple of hundred million quarter-on-quarter on commercial paydowns.

    您說 NII 將在商業支付上環比下降數億美元。

  • You also said that long-end rates would also weigh on NII.

    您還說長期利率也會對 NII 造成壓力。

  • Just can you give us a sense of what the order of magnitude could be in terms of additional NII pressure to the third quarter from long-end rates.

    您能否讓我們了解從長期利率到第三季度的額外 NII 壓力可能有多大數量級。

  • I know -- I would assume that the redeployment of cash into securities is something that helped but only over a longer period of time.

    我知道 - 我會假設將現金重新部署到證券中是有幫助的,但只是在更長的時間內。

  • And I know, Paul, in the past, we've talked about reinvestment risk and kind of sized up the impact of long-end rates on securities cash flow.


  • So if you can help us understand the potential impacts on third quarter, and how to think about it beyond that.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • Yes, look, I will say in terms of our $200 million of current perspective being down quarter-over-quarter 2Q to 3Q, we're kind of putting all that stuff in there, right?

    是的,看,我會說,就我們 2 億美元的當前前景而言,第二季度到第三季度環比下降,我們有點把所有的東西都放在那裡,對嗎?

  • You've got loans being potentially down.


  • You've got average LIBOR coming down.

    你的平均 LIBOR 正在下降。

  • You've got the securities portfolio.


  • It's kind of all in there.


  • Securities portfolio, about $20 billion, $25 billion matures every quarter.

    證券投資組合,約 200 億美元,每季度到期 250 億美元。

  • And reinvestment yields right now are significantly below where that -- where the portfolio is.


  • So that's just going to slowly dilute over time.


  • We can offset some of that if we decide to take these deposits that are now sitting in cash and put them into securities, we can get a -- sort of a natural offset.

    如果我們決定將這些現在以現金形式存放的存款並將其投入證券,我們可以抵消其中的一部分,我們可以獲得 - 一種自然的抵消。

  • But we have to sort of just see how that all plays out.


  • Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

    Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I don't think -- I may have misunderstood.


  • I thought that you meant that, so the $200 million, a couple of hundred million is all in, not simply from the impact of commercial paydowns but from a number of things, I guess.

    我以為你的意思是,所以 2 億美元,幾億美元全部投入,我猜不僅僅是商業回報的影響,還有很多事情。

  • The -- I guess, I wanted to go back and follow-up on Matt's question on PPP and get a little bit better sense for what the order of magnitude of the impact could be because I mean, when you have $25 billion of PPP loans, and I think it's fair to assume that a pretty sizable proportion of those will be forgiven.

    - 我想,我想回去跟進馬特關於 PPP 的問題,並更好地了解影響的數量級,因為我的意思是,當你有 250 億美元的 PPP 貸款時,我認為可以公平地假設其中相當大的比例會被原諒。

  • And given the fee rates on those, I mean, we're not talking about small numbers, even relative to your -- the size of your NII, I mean, you get to easily over $1 billion.

    考慮到這些費用,我的意思是,我們不是在談論小數字,即使是相對於你的 - 你的 NII 的規模,我的意思是,你很容易超過 10 億美元。

  • So I guess my first question is, why should we see a pretty significant spike in NII in 4Q and 1Q as those loans start to get forgiven and the income is recognized?

    所以我想我的第一個問題是,為什麼我們會看到第四季度和第一季度的 NII 大幅飆升,因為這些貸款開始被免除並且收入得到確認?

  • And I guess, relatedly, on the expenses, I guess I'm trying to understand what do you mean by you're not going to make a lot of money on that.


  • Is it just that it's sort of in the expense base already, and you've had to ratchet up expenses?


  • Or is it that as revenues are recognized from an accounting standpoint, you'll donate those accounting -- that accounting revenue away as one of your competitors is doing.

    還是從會計的角度確認收入時,您將捐贈那些會計 - 作為您的競爭對手之一正在做的會計收入。

  • I guess I'm trying to understand the order of magnitude, timing and geography of the impact.


  • So they don't seem to be small to me.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • We announced in April, I think it was, that we'd go away the net profits from this activity.

    我們在 4 月份宣布,我認為是,我們將取消這項活動的淨利潤。

  • There's a lot of costs -- internal costs, obviously, allocation of 10,000 people we had working on the origination platform of this to the high point.

    有很多成本——內部成本,很明顯,我們在這個創始平台上工作的 10,000 人的分配達到了最高點。

  • The forgiveness, what, we've got 3,000 people lined up to work on forgiveness that are already working on it, and we open for business in a couple of weeks.

    寬恕,什麼,我們已經有 3,000 人排成一排,致力於寬恕,他們已經在努力,我們將在幾週內開始營業。

  • And then we had -- in part, we also had to hire third party to come and do some work and supplement us then -- and so there's a lot of elements.

    然後我們 - 在某種程度上,我們還必須聘請第三方來做一些工作並補充我們 - 所以有很多元素。

  • So where it shows up in revenue and -- we'll deal with it.

    所以它出現在收入中的地方 - 我們會處理它。

  • But just I -- well the revenue you're saying is not insignificant.


  • The issue is there's a lot of cost against it.


  • Some are in the P&L and some are going to be next quarter's P&L because on the forgiveness side, we have these teammates working on it.


  • So we'll reconcile it all for you, but the base of commitment was to give away the net profits.


  • That was something we committed in April.


  • This is not new news.


  • Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

    Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

  • Okay.


  • But am I thinking about it right in terms of -- yes.


  • Go ahead.


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • You're not going to see -- to your point on the revenue, you're not going to see it in the revenue until the loans start to get forgiven.


  • Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

    Saul Martinez - MD & Analyst

  • Yes, which we would assume is what, fourth quarter?


  • First quarter?


  • Or?


  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • We don't know when it's going to be.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes.


  • And by the way in Phase 4, they're talking about extending and doing more loans, and -- yes, there's a bunch of proposals.

    順便說一句,在第 4 階段,他們正在討論延長和提供更多貸款,而且——是的,有很多提案。

  • So a little bit of this was hard to predict because if they say you can do loan A and then do another loan or extend it, that's -- even in the last quarter, we're going from 8 weeks to -- or 12 weeks to 24 weeks and things like that.

    所以這有點難以預測,因為如果他們說你可以做 A 貸款,然後再做另一筆貸款或延長它,那就是 - 即使在最後一個季度,我們也會從 8 週縮短到 - 或 12 週到 24 週之類的。

  • So it's -- just, look, there's no mystery here.

    所以它 - 只是,看,這裡沒有什麼神秘之處。

  • We'll just -- we just don't know until we get through it what exactly is going to happen because the rules change so much.

    我們只是 - 我們只是不知道直到我們完成它到底會發生什麼,因為規則變化如此之大。

  • Operator


  • Next question is from Vivek Juneja with JPMorgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Vivek Juneja。

  • Vivek Juneja - Senior Equity Analyst

    Vivek Juneja - Senior Equity Analyst

  • Brian, Paul, a question that I wanted to just clarify.


  • The consumer loans that have been deferred, I'm presuming in sort of late June or early July, you started to see some of those stock to get through that deferral period, just deferrals on 90 days.

    已經延期的消費貸款,我假設在 6 月底或 7 月初,你開始看到其中一些股票通過延期,只是延期 90 天。

  • And so what are you seeing in the ones where


  • deferrals are done?


  • What percentage are re-upping and asking for a deferral to continue versus how many are going off?


  • And of those going off, what are you seeing?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • We're not -- the -- your point, Vivek, is that we're sort of -- it's now the time for that.

    我們不是 - 你的觀點,Vivek,是我們有點 - 現在是時候了。

  • It all kind of -- the time period that most of it occurred is now in a time period where it rolls off.

    這一切 - 大部分發生的時間段現在處於它滾動的時間段。

  • And so we'll know better.


  • But you separate the card, we've already seen a couple of hundred thousand roll off, and a bunch of them are rolling off as we speak.


  • So that is 85% of our card, and so separate that.

    所以這是我們卡的 85%,所以分開。

  • From the standpoint of all the other aspects, what I said earlier about small business, which is the next biggest -- which is the biggest-percentage category, yes, those are docs and dentists in there.

    從所有其他方面的角度來看,我之前所說的關於小企業,這是下一個最大的 - 這是最大百分比的類別,是的,那些是那裡的醫生和牙醫。

  • They've all told us they're paying us, and their payments are now coming up in July and early August.

    他們都告訴我們他們正在付錢給我們,現在他們的付款將在 7 月和 8 月初到來。

  • In terms of home loans, we're seeing the numbers on deferral drop every week because the new requests are less than people who have continued to pay.


  • And so it's going to come down to cards, and we're in that period of time.


  • But there are substantial reserves set up based on the credit characteristics of those individual card holders and what our expected outcome for them are.


  • And as we said earlier, a lot of them -- a substantial number have been paying us every month, some haven't been paying us at all, some have been paying us partly and that all play out this quarter.

    正如我們之前所說,他們中的很多人 - 很多人每個月都在向我們付款,有些人根本沒有向我們付款,有些人一直在向我們支付部分費用,所有這些都在本季度發揮作用。

  • When they charge-off with them, we'll be down -- as that plays out over the roll-rate type of thing.

    當他們與他們沖銷時,我們會失望 - 因為這在滾動率類型的事情上發揮作用。

  • But it's all in the reserves today and while we say there is a decent chunk of reserves in the card business that is specifically built by these deferred loans.


  • What I said earlier, if you didn't hear it, was that for the second quarter, for the people who had deferred, the actual increase in charge-offs would have been about, I don't know, $30 million, $40 million on a basis to $600-and-some million, whatever it is.

    我之前說過,如果你沒有聽到的話,第二季度,對於那些推遲的人來說,實際的核銷增加大約是,我不知道,3000 萬美元,4000 萬美元以 600 美元和數百萬美元為基礎,不管它是什麼。

  • So it wasn't a substantial difference yet.


  • And so those have been people that are only good enough that they were rolled and charged off during the quarter.


  • So let us see it play out.


  • It's in the reserves.


  • It will be covered by the reserves.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Brian Kleinhanzl with KBW.

    我們的下一個問題來自 KBW 的 Brian Kleinhanzl。

  • Brian Matthew Kleinhanzl - Director

    Brian Matthew Kleinhanzl - Director

  • Just 2 quick questions.

    只需 2 個快速問題。

  • I mean, first, on the expenses.


  • Just how we should be thinking about the expense trajectory as we look out to the third quarter, fourth quarter?


  • I get the extra $200 million from merchant services, but then how much of these COVID-type expenses are expected to roll off into the third quarter and then that still if we get the typical seasonality as well in the back half of the year?

    我從商家服務中獲得了額外的 2 億美元,但是這些 COVID 類型的費用中有多少預計將滾落到第三季度,如果我們在下半年也獲得典型的季節性,那還有多少?

  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes.


  • So all of those factors, I think Paul laid out earlier, but what we were reminding people is last year when we unwound the joint venture and told you about it this time last year, we said when we took it from a joint venture interest through a -- through the P&L on the balance sheet interest, it was going to increase our expenses.

    所以所有這些因素,我認為保羅早先列出了,但我們提醒人們的是去年我們解散合資企業並在去年這個時候告訴你的時候,我們說當我們通過a -- 通過資產負債表上的損益表利息,這將增加我們的開支。

  • That $200 million, this is the quarter where it happens.

    那 2 億美元,這是它發生的季度。

  • And so we just want to make sure people are factoring that in.


  • Absent that, you know that we manage expenses tightly in this company and we'll manage them down, and we'll have some pluses and minuses, and we'll work it down, but we didn't want people to forget that we told you that last year.


  • All the rest of it will be the same sort of management practice we had.


  • You have some PPP expenses come down a little bit.

    你有一些 PPP 費用下降了一點。

  • You have -- as we've -- people have moved around, opened up a little bit, you have a little more business activity expenses.

    你有 - 正如我們一樣 - 人們已經四處走動,開放了一點,你有更多的商業活動費用。

  • We'll see it play out.


  • But then, and you have the seasonality as you mentioned.


  • And that will all be standard fare, but the key difference is we want to make sure people didn't forget what we told you last year.


  • Brian Matthew Kleinhanzl - Director

    Brian Matthew Kleinhanzl - Director

  • Okay.


  • And then a separate one, just simple, is the tax rate guide that you gave in the second half, does that roll forward into 2021?

    然後一個單獨的,很簡單,是你在下半年給出的稅率指南,它會延續到 2021 年嗎?

  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • I don't think we have a good answer for year 2021 yet.

    我認為我們對 2021 年還沒有一個好的答案。

  • At least I don't have an answer, but we can get back to you on that if you need it.


  • But for the rest of the year, it will be around 11%.

    但在今年剩下的時間裡,這一比例將在 11% 左右。

  • Operator


  • And we'll take our final question today from Charles Peabody with Portales.

    今天,我們將從查爾斯·皮博迪(Charles Peabody)和 Portales 那裡回答我們的最後一個問題。

  • Charles Peabody;Portales;President

    Charles Peabody;Portales;President

  • Yes.


  • I wanted to get some more color on your consumer and community bank and particularly the profitability of the various product lines like cards, mortgages, autos, branching.


  • And I ask that because on a relative basis, your consumer and community bank has done much better than the other big 3, Wells, JPMorgan and Citi.


  • And I know a big part of it is probably cards, where the other businesses are losing money -- the other companies are losing money in cards.

    而且我知道其中很大一部分可能是卡片,其他企業正在賠錢 - 其他公司正在賠錢。

  • So can you talk a little bit about the profitability of your different product lines and the relative value that they produced for you guys versus other major banks?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • I'm not sure.


  • I frankly agree with your premise that the profitability of our consumer bank is driven by the deposit business.


  • And so given that you're in the middle of a twist right now with rates falling and the floors of 0 rates in the consumer business.

    因此,鑑於您現在正處於一個轉折之中,利率正在下降,消費者業務的利率最低為 0。

  • That -- the card, it fell this quarter, but that would be expected as you go through this twist.


  • So it's been running -- the deposit segment have been running $2-billion-a-quarter type of numbers.

    所以它一直在運行——存款部分一直在運行每季度 20 億美元的數字。

  • And if that's in the consumer lending segment would have been running even back in '19 about $1 billion a quarter.

    如果這是在消費貸款領域,甚至可以追溯到 19 年,每季度大約 10 億美元。

  • So it's a business which is -- and that's all lending, not just the card lending.


  • So it's a business which is driven by the deposit business and when the rates fell this quickly and we moved rates down in the quarter, it's going to take a little while to catch back up.


  • And -- but that's -- but I'm not sure I agree with the premise and that is driven by the card business.

    而且 - 但那是 - 但我不確定我是否同意這個前提,這是由卡業務驅動的。

  • The card business is a portion of that 1/3 of the general operating profit.

    卡業務是一般營業利潤的 1/3 的一部分。

  • Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

    Paul M. Donofrio - CFO

  • I think you're right, Brian.


  • I think it -- the way to think about it is we started at a position of profitability before rates came down.

    我認為它 - 考慮它的方式是我們在利率下降之前從盈利的位置開始。

  • That was stronger than many of our competitors, given the strength of our deposit franchise and given how careful we have been with respect to credit -- unsecured consumer credit.


  • You're now seeing us getting hurt on the -- because that deposit franchises and those deposits aren't as valuable in a lower-rate environment, but you're not seeing us have the same sort of potential losses in unsecured consumer because we just don't have as much as others.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes.


  • Be that as it may, the lending portion's lost money this quarter and the deposit business continue to make money this quarter.


  • So I'm not sure I get the starting point, but just to give you a sense.


  • And so there wasn't a lot of money overall, but it was made by the deposit business.


  • Charles Peabody;Portales;President

    Charles Peabody;Portales;President

  • I guess the starting point was that the card businesses tend to be an outsized product for the other big banks, and they're -- they clearly are losing money.


  • And so is that the big differentiation?


  • Is your card business losing money this quarter as well and -- but less so than the other big businesses, other big companies?


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Yes.


  • The lending business lost money.


  • We don't -- I don't have a separate card P&L.


  • But the lending business and consumer lost money.


  • The deposit business made money and brought it to profit and offset $0.75 billion of losses on the lending side because of the provisions versus $0.75 billion of profit after tax.

    存款業務賺錢並實現盈利,抵消了貸款方面的 7.5 億美元損失,因為這些準備金與 7.5 億美元的稅後利潤相比。

  • So -- but remember, what drives the profitability consumer business is the position we have across all of the products.


  • We don't think of a lending business.


  • And as we think of a customer business, that is #1 position in deposits, 92% core checking account.

    當我們想到客戶業務時,即存款排名第一,核心支票賬戶佔 92%。

  • Checking account growth of 1 million accounts year-over-year.

    支票賬戶同比增長 100 萬個。

  • The average balances of accounts growing year-over-year or even taking out the COVID impact, they're still growing at double digits typically in a year.

    賬戶的平均餘額同比增長,甚至消除了 COVID 的影響,它們通常在一年內仍以兩位數的速度增長。

  • That -- the operating cost coming down year-over-year in terms of as a percentage of deposits.

    那 - 就存款百分比而言,運營成本同比下降。

  • These are all good measures that give you a great anchor, but when -- It gets tougher when rates are very low.


  • That's -- we played that.


  • I've been CEO for what, this is my 11th year and (inaudible), I think that the Fed fund rate has basically been 0 a quarter.

    我擔任 CEO 的目的是什麼,這是我的第 11 年,而且(聽不清),我認為聯邦基金利率基本上每個季度都為 0。

  • And so that that's what we're doing.


  • The card business is a nice business.


  • We keep it to a size that we think is consistent with our adamantine commitment for responsible growth.


  • And therefore, that it's never going to drive the P&L one way or the other way.


  • And the risk-adjusted margin is 8% in that business today.

    如今,該業務的風險調整後利潤率為 8%。

  • They're in actual charge-offs.


  • Remember what we've -- what's causing the losses is you're putting up reserves for the rest of the life of the portfolio in one quarter, given an economic scenario that's deteriorated.


  • So it's a good -- it's a wonderful business for us.


  • It's our biggest business in terms of profit.


  • And it -- but we don't run it as a card business or as a home loan business.

    而且它 - 但我們不會將其作為信用卡業務或房屋貸款業務來運營。

  • We got out of that many -- a decade ago, saying it is the consumer business, and we drive it on a unified basis.


  • Operator


  • It appears we have no further questions.


  • I'll return the floor to Brian for closing remarks.


  • Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

    Brian Thomas Moynihan - Chairman, CEO & President

  • Well thank you, and thank you for spending time with us this morning.


  • It's another quarter where we've driven responsible growth.


  • We continue to manage this company tightly, given the environment we're in, and we continue to drive the core activities forward.


  • And this quarter, we're especially pleased with the work our team did in Global Markets and Investment Banking area, that gaining share and providing the earnings power to have us earn twice our dividend, build our capital, build our liquidity and have that in the worst economic quarter since the Great Depression.


  • So thank you.


  • We'll talk to you next time.


  • Operator


  • This will conclude today's program.


  • Thanks for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
