美國運通 (AXP) 2019 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the American Express Q3 2019 Earnings Call.

    歡迎參加美國運通 2019 年第三季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, today's call is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to our host, Head of Investor Relations, Ms. Rosie Perez.

    現在我想將會議交給我們的房東、投資者關係主管 Rosie Perez 女士。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Rosie Perez - Senior VP & Head of IR

    Rosie Perez - Senior VP & Head of IR

  • Thank you, Allen, and thank you all for joining today's call.


  • As a reminder before we begin, today's discussion contains forward-looking statements about the company's future business and financial performance.


  • These are based on management's current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties.


  • Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these statements are included in today's slides and in our reports on file with the SEC.

    可能導致實際結果與這些陳述有重大差異的因素包含在今天的幻燈片和我們向 SEC 提交的報告中。

  • The discussion today also contains non-GAAP financial measures.


  • The comparable GAAP financial measures are included in this quarter's earnings materials as well as the earnings materials for the prior periods we discussed.


  • All of these are posted on our website at ir.americanexpress.com.

    所有這些都發佈在我們的網站 ir.americanexpress.com 上。

  • We'll begin today with Steve Squeri, Chairman and CEO, who will start with some remarks about the company's progress and results.

    今天我們將由董事長兼執行長 Steve Squeri 開始,他將首先介紹公司的進展和成果。

  • And then Jeff Campbell, CFO, will provide a more detailed review of our financial performance.

    然後財務長 Jeff Campbell 將對我們的財務業績進行更詳細的審查。

  • After that, we'll move to a Q&A session on the results with both Steve and Jeff.


  • With that, let me turn it over to Steve.


  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Thanks, Rosie.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thanks for joining us.


  • As you saw in our release earlier today, our third quarter results are a continuation of the consistent steady performance we've been delivering over the last few years.


  • We had strong FX-adjusted revenue growth of 9% in the quarter, and our EPS of $2.08 was 11% higher than last year.

    本季經匯率調整後的營收成長了 9%,每股收益為 2.08 美元,比去年成長了 11%。

  • The consistently high levels of revenue growth we're delivering is the result of the focused approach we've taken in executing our strategy and the strength of our differentiated business model.


  • This was the ninth straight quarter where FX-adjusted revenue growth was 8% or higher.

    這是連續第九個季度經匯率調整後的營收成長達到 8% 或更高。

  • I'm especially pleased that our revenue growth continues to be driven by a well-balanced mix of spend, loans and fees.


  • Card fee revenues were particularly strong, growing 19% and exceeding $1 billion this quarter for the first time.

    卡費營收尤其強勁,本季成長 19%,首次超過 10 億美元。

  • Nearly 70% of the cards we've acquired this year are fee-based products, providing us recurring subscription-like revenues.

    我們今年收購的卡片中有近 70% 是收費產品,為我們提供了類似訂閱的經常性收入。

  • The trends we saw in the business remain consistent with an economy that continues to expand, albeit at a more modest pace than last year.


  • Our FX-adjusted proprietary billings grew 7% led by strong growth in our U.S. and international consumer businesses.

    在我們的美國和國際消費者業務強勁成長的帶動下,我們的外匯調整後自營業務收入成長了 7%。

  • We continued to deliver healthy loan growth, and our credit performance remained at industry-leading levels, in fact, better than the expectations we had at the beginning of the year.


  • So as you can see, even with some uncertainty in the global economic and political environment, our strategy of investing in share, scale and relevance is enabling us to deliver steady, solid results.


  • With that in mind, I'd like to discuss our progress on the 3 company-wide initiatives I laid out at Investor Day.

    考慮到這一點,我想討論一下我在投資者日提出的 3 項全公司舉措的進展。

  • As a reminder, these cut across all of our strategic imperatives.


  • They are focusing on our customer as a platform for growth, expanding and leveraging our network of strategic partners and prioritizing our investments in international to drive growth.


  • Let's start with customers as a platform for growth.


  • Our global diverse customer base has become a major source of growth for us.


  • One of the ways we're deepening relationships with existing customers is through the disciplined strategic approach we've taken to continuously refresh our products.


  • These refreshers are not just cosmetic changes.


  • We're redefining membership by adding innovative, experiential and rational value that our customers respond well to, and we're pricing for that additional value.


  • In the third quarter, we continued the refresh of our Platinum Card portfolio across several international markets, and we're following a similar playbook with our Gold Cards.


  • Now we're updating our iconic Green Card.


  • A few weeks ago, we introduced a new Ocean Plastic design.


  • And later this month, we'll announce an array of changes to the product, including new benefits, broader payment flexibility and a digital focus.


  • And just yesterday, we announced the major refresh of our Corporate Card program, which includes a number of new features, including new or enhanced benefits with Uber; Hilton; and CLEAR, which is the biometric identification system that expedites the airport security process.

    就在昨天,我們宣布對公司卡計劃進行重大更新,其中包括許多新功能,包括 Uber 的新優惠或增強優惠;希爾頓; CLEAR 是一種生物辨識系統,可加快機場安檢流程。

  • As part of that announcement, we introduced an extension of our Corporate Card program designed to meet the needs of startups with features that include corporate liability and dynamic spending capacity.


  • As I've said on prior occasions, we typically see a significant increase in spending when our customers add an additional Amex product to their wallets.


  • And our Corporate Card members represent a great opportunity here.


  • For many of our customers, the Corporate Card is their first American Express product.


  • To encourage them to add a personal card, we're creating ways that provide benefits for carrying both such as a new program that offers an incentive for Corporate Card Members to obtain one of our select Consumer Cards.


  • These initiatives are proving to be a terrific platform for growth.


  • We're seeing a lift in spending and engagement on our refreshed products.


  • Over 60% of our total loan growth is coming from existing card members, and we're earning a steady stream of revenues as more customers move to fee-based products, which are priced to the additional value we're delivering.

    我們總貸款成長的 60% 以上來自現有的持卡會員,隨著越來越多的客戶轉向收費產品,我們正在賺取穩定的收入,這些產品的定價取決於我們提供的附加價值。

  • Our customers have also become one of the best and most efficient ways to bring new card members into the franchise.


  • Through Our Member Get Member referral program, we've acquired over 250,000 new customers this year so far.

    透過我們的「會員獲取會員」推薦計劃,今年到目前為止,我們已經獲得了超過 250,000 名新客戶。

  • In addition, successful referrals have increased 35% compared to last year's third quarter.

    此外,與去年第三季相比,成功推薦增加了 35%。

  • Turning to partnerships.


  • The third quarter continue to demonstrate the benefits of our powerful network of partners, who help us deliver enhanced value across the enterprise.


  • As I've said before, partnerships are essential to each of our strategic imperatives, and they take many forms: from the over 50 co-brand relationships we have around the world, to our recent digital partnerships, to expanding our merchant network.

    正如我之前所說,合作夥伴關係對於我們的每項策略要務都至關重要,並且有多種形式:從我們在世界各地擁有的50 多個聯名品牌關係,到我們最近的數位合作關係,再到擴大我們的商業網絡。

  • When we talk about partnerships, we have to start with Delta, our largest, deepest and longest-running relationship.


  • At the end of September, we announced 7 refreshed Delta SkyMiles co-brand cards as part of our renewed 11-year agreement with the airline.

    9 月底,我們宣布推出 7 張更新的達美「飛凡哩程常客計畫」聯名卡,作為我們與達美航空續簽 11 年協議的一部分。

  • The new cards, which will be available in January in the U.S., will feature a range of customized travel benefits for both consumers and small business card members.


  • Also in the third quarter, we launched a new Small Business Credit Card in the U.K. with British Airways and one in Singapore with Singapore Airlines.


  • And we announced a -- we announced refreshed Consumer Cards in Canada with AIR MILES and Scotiabank.

    我們宣布了——我們宣佈在加拿大推出透過 AIR MILES 和豐業銀行更新的消費卡。

  • In addition to co-brands, we've been expanding our digital partnerships.


  • Earlier this week, we announced 2 new offerings with PayPal and Venmo for U.S. Consumer Card members.

    本週早些時候,我們宣布與 PayPal 和 Venmo 合作為美國消費者卡會員提供 2 項新服務。

  • First is the ability to pay for purchases made through PayPal with membership rewards points, and we're also introducing split-the-bill functionality within the Amex mobile app.

    首先是能夠使用會員獎勵積分透過 PayPal 支付購買費用,我們也在 Amex 行動應用程式中引入了分攤帳單功能。

  • On the merchant side, with the help of our OptBlue partnerships, we remain on track to achieve virtual parity coverage in the U.S. by the end of the year.

    在商家方面,在 OptBlue 合作夥伴的幫助下,我們預計在今年年底前在美國實現虛擬平價覆蓋。

  • In international, our strategy of selectively increasing our investments to drive share, scale and relevance through a country-by-country approach is delivering strong results.


  • Despite political and economic uncertainty in some regions, international remains the highest growth area of our business.


  • Third quarter results showed continued strong growth across both consumer and small business segments driven by results on our top strategic countries, where we've allocated incremental investments.


  • Since the beginning of the year, we've launched 18 new or refreshed proprietary cards, 3 co-brand cards and 30 network cards across international.

    自今年年初以來,我們已在全球推出了 18 款全新或更新的專有卡、3 款聯名卡和 30 款網卡。

  • As a result, we're taking share and generating strong billings growth in the -- in most of our proprietary countries with overall FX-adjusted consumer proprietary billings up 14% in the quarter and FX-adjusted SME billings up 18%.


  • And finally, we're making good progress on expanding merchant coverage, which is key to our overall international growth strategy.


  • As you can see, we've made a lot of progress in each of our 3 priority areas since March, and there's more to come.

    正如您所看到的,自 3 月以來,我們在 3 個優先領域中的每一個領域都取得了很大進展,而且還會有更多進展。

  • In summary, I feel very good about our performance in the quarter and year-to-date.


  • As we look ahead, I expect the consistent trends we've seen to continue into Q4, translating into revenue growth of 8% to 10% in the quarter.

    展望未來,我預計我們所看到的一致趨勢將持續到第四季度,這意味著該季度的營收將成長 8% 至 10%。

  • And we're reaffirming our full year guidance of adjusted EPS between $7.85 and $8.35.

    我們重申調整後每股收益在 7.85 美元至 8.35 美元之間的全年指引。

  • Our performance reinforces my confidence in our ability in today's environment to sustain high levels of revenue growth and consistent double-digit EPS growth, which creates value for our shareholders.


  • I'm excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to updating you on our progress.


  • Now let me turn it over to Jeff.


  • Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

    Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

  • Well, thank you, Steve, and good morning, everyone.


  • It's good to be here today to talk about yet another solid quarter of steady and consistent performance.


  • Let's get right to our summary financials on Slide 3. Third quarter revenues of $11 billion grew 9% on an FX-adjusted basis with this growth driven again by a well-balanced mix of spend, lend and fee revenues.

    讓我們直接看投影片 3 上的財務摘要。第三季營收為 110 億美元,經匯率調整後成長了 9%,這一成長再次受到支出、貸款和費用收入的均衡組合的推動。

  • You continue to see a spread between our reported revenue growth of 8% and FX-adjusted revenue growth of 9%.

    您將繼續看到我們報告的 8% 收入成長與 9% 的外匯調整收入成長之間的差距。

  • Although the U.S. dollar has strengthened recently, the spread between our reported and FX-adjusted revenue growth has lessened slightly relative to Q2.


  • As you recall, the year-over-year strengthening of the U.S. dollar began in the third quarter of last year.


  • Assuming the dollar stays roughly where it is today, you should see reported and FX-adjusted revenue growth levels more similar to each other in the fourth quarter 2019.

    假設美元大致保持在今天的水平,您應該會看到 2019 年第四季度報告的收入增長水平和匯率調整後的收入增長水平更加相似。

  • Our strong top line revenue performance drove net income of $1.8 billion, up 6% from a year ago.

    我們強勁的營收表現推動淨利潤達到 18 億美元,比去年同期成長 6%。

  • And earnings per share was $2.08, representing EPS growth of 11% in the third quarter.


  • This EPS growth was supported by the 4% reduction in our share count, enabled by our continued prudent management of the capital-generating capabilities of our business model as we returned $5.5 billion in excess capital to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases in the last 4 quarters.

    每股盈餘的成長得益於我們的股份數量減少了4%,而這得益於我們對業務模式的資本生成能力的持續審慎管理,我們在過去4 年透過股利和股票回購向股東返還了55 億美元的超額資本。宿舍。

  • Turning now to the details of our performance.


  • I'll start with billed business, which you see several views of on Slides 4 through 6.

    我將從計費業務開始,您可以在投影片 4 到 6 中看到多個檢視。

  • Starting on Slide 4. Our FX-adjusted total billings growth for the third quarter was 6%.

    從投影片 4 開始。經過匯率調整後,我們第三季的總帳單成長率為 6%。

  • We think it is important though to continue to break out the billings growth between our proprietary and network businesses due to the differing trends as we exit our network business in Europe and Australia.


  • We expect to fully lap the billings impact from these exits in 2020.

    我們預計將在 2020 年完全消除這些退出對帳單的影響。

  • Our proprietary business, which makes up 86% of our total billings and drives most of our financial results, was up 7% in the third quarter on an FX-adjusted basis.

    我們的自營業務占我們總營業額的 86%,並推動了我們大部分的財務業績,經匯率調整後,第三季度增長了 7%。

  • The remaining 14% of our overall billings, which comes from our network business, GNS, was down 2% in the third quarter on an FX-adjusted basis.

    我們整體帳單的其餘 14% 來自我們的網路業務 GNS,經匯率調整後,第三季下降了 2%。

  • Turning to our proprietary billed business growth on Slide 5. The trends this quarter continue to be consistent with the economic tone.

    轉向投影片 5 上我們的自營計費業務成長。本季的趨勢持續與經濟基調一致。

  • The U.S. Consumer continues to show solid growth with even some modest acceleration as we have gone through 2019.

    2019 年,美國消費者持續呈現穩健成長,甚至略有加速。

  • The International Consumer shows even higher levels of growth, and our commercial customers are lapping a particularly strong 2018 with spending trends that have diverged a bit from the consumer segment.

    國際消費者表現出更高水準的成長,我們的商業客戶在 2018 年表現尤為強勁,其支出趨勢與消費者領域略有不同。

  • You see this as you turn to Slide 6. We first spoke last quarter about potential signs of caution in commercial spending trends relative to the strong and steady growth we see in consumer.

    當你翻到幻燈片 6 時,你會看到這一點。我們上個季度首次談到了商業支出趨勢相對於我們看到的消費者強勁而穩定增長的潛在謹慎跡象。

  • Over the last few months, the headlines in macro data would suggest that these trends continue, particularly among the larger corporations within our customer base.


  • We see these dynamics in our large and global Corporate Card trends, where we had a 1% decline in billed business on an FX-adjusted basis in the third quarter.

    我們在大型和全球公司卡趨勢中看到了這些動態,第三季按匯率調整後的計費業務下降了 1%。

  • So adjusting for the reduction in spending from just 2 large customers where we saw some client-specific decreases, the growth rate would have been a bit above 1% this quarter.

    因此,根據 2 個大客戶的支出減少(我們看到一些特定客戶的支出減少)進行調整,本季的成長率將略高於 1%。

  • In contrast, spending from our U.S. small and midsized enterprise Card Members, or SMEs, grew a solid 6% in the third quarter with importantly, relatively stable growth throughout the 3 months of the quarter.

    相比之下,我們的美國中小型企業卡會員 (SME) 的支出在第三季度穩健增長了 6%,重要的是,在整個季度的 3 個月內增長相對穩定。

  • We continue to feel great about the long-term opportunities with both of these customer types.


  • And as Steve highlighted a few minutes ago, we are making investments that leverage our strong leadership position and differentiated business models take advantage of these opportunities.


  • International SME remains our highest-growing customer type with 18% FX-adjusted billings growth in the third quarter.

    國際中小企業仍然是我們成長最快的客戶類型,第三季經匯率調整後的帳單成長了 18%。

  • Given our focus on this segment and the low penetration we have in the top countries where we offer international small business products, we believe we have a long runway to sustain this strong growth.


  • Moving to U.S. Consumer, which made up 33% of the company's billings in the third quarter, billings were up 8% and taking the number out of decimal, actually a bit stronger than Q1 and Q2.

    美國消費者業務在第三季占公司營業額的 33%,營業額成長了 8%(小數點後的數字),實際上比第一季和第二季強一些。

  • This growth reflects continued strong acquisition performance and solid underlying spend growth from existing customers.


  • These trends also highlight the continued strength of the consumer in the U.S.


  • Moving to the right.


  • International Consumer growth remained in the teens at 14% on an FX-adjusted basis.

    經匯率調整後,國際消費者成長率仍維持在 14% 左右。

  • As we mentioned earlier, we continue to have widespread growth in our proprietary business across key markets despite the mixed macroeconomic and geopolitical environment.


  • While growth in Australia and Mexico moderated to the high single digits this quarter, we continued to see strong growth of 19% in both the U.K. and Japan as well as double-digit growth in our top markets across the EU, all on a FX-adjusted basis.

    雖然本季澳洲和墨西哥的成長放緩至高個位數,但我們繼續看到英國和日本 19% 的強勁成長,以及歐盟頂級市場的兩位數成長,所有這些都得益於外匯 -調整的基礎。

  • Finally, on the far right, as I mentioned earlier, Global Network Services was down 2% on an FX-adjusted basis driven by the impacts of regulation in the European Union and Australia, where we are in the process of exiting our network business.

    最後,正如我之前提到的,在最右邊,由於歐盟和澳洲監管的影響,全球網路服務公司在匯率調整後下跌了 2%,我們正在退出這兩個國家的網路業務。

  • Although network billings are down in these regions, if you were to exclude the European Union and Australia, the remaining portion of GNS was up 3% on an FX-adjusted basis.

    儘管這些地區的網路帳單有所下降,但如果排除歐盟和澳大利亞,則經匯率調整後,GNS 的其餘部分增加了 3%。

  • Overall then, we continue to feel good about the breadth of our billings growth and the opportunities we see across the range of geographies and the customer segments in which we operate.


  • Turning next to loan performance.


  • On Slide 7, total loan growth was 9% in the third quarter with over 60% of that growth, again, coming from our existing customers.

    在投影片 7 中,第三季總貸款成長率為 9%,其中超過 60% 的成長再次來自我們的現有客戶。

  • We feel good about our lending strategy, which is focused on taking advantage of the unique opportunity we have to deepen our share of our existing customers' borrowing.


  • We believe we have a long runway to continue this strategy.


  • Moving to the right-hand side of Slide 7, net interest yield was 11.1% in the third quarter, up 30 basis points relative to the prior year, reflecting continued positive impacts from mix and pricing risk.

    轉向投影片 7 的右側,第三季淨利息收益率為 11.1%,較去年同期上升 30 個基點,反映出組合和定價風險的持續正面影響。

  • We remain focused on optimizing our lending capabilities and pricing constructs, and we have seen lower loan balances on promotional offers as we have shifted towards more premium products.


  • The combination of loan growth and yield increases are contributing to the 12% growth in net interest income that we delivered this quarter.

    貸款成長和收益率成長共同推動我們本季實現的淨利息收入成長 12%。

  • Slide 8 then shows the credit implications of our strategy.

    然後投影片 8 顯示了我們策略的信貸影響。

  • As you can see, the trends on both write-off rates and delinquencies continued to be stable and benign, reflecting, in part, the low unemployment rate and relatively stable economy.


  • We see these trends across both our consumer and commercial segments.


  • The GCP net loss ratio remains lower than last year.


  • And as you see on the tables that accompany our earnings release, both consumer and small business credit trends also remain steady.


  • These trends lead to the same conclusion we have reached in each quarter so far this year.


  • We do not see anything in our portfolio that would suggest a significant change in the credit environment, both on the consumer and commercial side.


  • In fact, all of these portfolios are performing much better than we expected at the beginning of the year.


  • This brings us to provision expense.


  • In the third quarter, provision expense growth was 8%, reflecting the greater stability in our credit trends that began in the second half of 2018.

    第三季撥備費用成長 8%,反映出 2018 年下半年開始的信貸趨勢更加穩定。

  • Clearly, as we've gone through the year, credit performance for us as well as for others in the industry has been better than expected.


  • That's what we saw again in the third quarter, and as a result, we now expect full year provision growth of around 10%.

    這就是我們在第三季再次看到的情況,因此,我們現在預計全年撥備成長約為 10%。

  • While we are on the subject of provision though, let me take a few minutes to talk about CECL.

    雖然我們正在討論條款的主題,但讓我花幾分鐘時間談談 CECL。

  • We are making good progress on our efforts to prepare for implementation on January 1, 2020.

    我們為 2020 年 1 月 1 日實施做好準備的工作正在取得良好進展。

  • Consistent with our comments last quarter, based on our work so far, we estimate that if we implemented CECL today, our current total reserves of $2.8 billion would increase by roughly 25% to 40%.

    與我們上季度的評論一致,根據我們迄今為止的工作,我們估計,如果我們今天實施 CECL,我們目前 28 億美元的總儲備將增加約 25% 至 40%。

  • This estimate includes a roughly 55% to 70% increase in lending card reserves, somewhat offset by a significantly lower charge card reserve, given the extremely short life of a charge receivable.

    這項估計包括貸款卡準備金增加約 55% 至 70%,但考慮到應收帳款的壽命極短,借記卡準備金的大幅降低在一定程度上抵消了這一增長。

  • Stepping back, there were 3 important takeaways on CECL that I would like to leave you with.

    退一步來說,我想向您介紹 CECL 的 3 個重要要點。

  • First, we believe that the capital impact of the onetime implementation increase in reserves will likely be very manageable, given our strong balance sheet, 30%-plus ROE and spend-centric model.

    首先,我們認為,考慮到我們強大的資產負債表、超過 30% 的 ROE 和以支出為中心的模式,一次性增加準備金的資本影響可能是非常可控的。

  • Second, it is important to keep in mind that CECL will have an impact on our provision expense going forward.

    其次,重要的是要記住,CECL 將對我們未來的撥備費用產生影響。

  • Although the ultimate impact will be heavily dependent on many factors, we will likely have higher provision expense under CECL relative to the current accounting methodology as we continue to grow our loan book.

    儘管最終影響將在很大程度上取決於許多因素,但隨著我們繼續擴大貸款帳簿,相對於當前的會計方法,CECL 下的撥備費用可能會更高。

  • Since we are currently finalizing our CECL models and working on our 2020 plan, we'll provide more color on the expected 2020 impact from CECL on next quarter's call.

    由於我們目前正在最終確定 CECL 模型並製定 2020 年計劃,因此我們將在下季度的電話會議上提供有關 CECL 對 2020 年預期影響的更多資訊。

  • Finally, CECL is nearly an accounting-driven acceleration of estimated losses.

    最後,CECL 幾乎是會計驅動的估計損失加速。

  • There is no change to the underlying economics, our view of the risk profile or the ultimate expected losses in our portfolios.


  • Given this as well as our strategy of investing for growth, we do not intend to change our investment plans because of the impact CECL will have on provision expense growth in 2020.


  • Now let's get back to our results and turn to the strong revenue growth of 9% on an FX-adjusted basis that you see on Slide 10.

    現在讓我們回到我們的結果,並轉向您在幻燈片 10 中看到的基於匯率調整的 9% 的強勁收入成長。

  • The consistent execution of our strategies and our focus on investing in share, scale and relevance has driven top line revenue growth of 8% or more for over 2 years.

    我們對策略的一致執行以及對份額、規模和相關性的投資的重點推動了兩年多來收入增長 8% 或以上。

  • This consistent revenue performance has occurred in both the robust economic environment of 2018 and the somewhat slower growth environment of 2019.

    這種穩定的營收表現既發生在 2018 年強勁的經濟環境中,也發生在 2019 年成長稍慢的環境中。

  • And despite the modest sequential deceleration in volume growth we saw this quarter, our revenue growth of 9.4% in the third quarter was relatively flat to the 9.6% growth we delivered last quarter.

    儘管本季銷量成長略有放緩,但第三季 9.4% 的營收成長與上季 9.6% 的成長相對持平。

  • This revenue growth was, again, driven by broad-based growth across spend, lend and fee revenues as you can see on Slide 11.

    正如您在幻燈片 11 中看到的那樣,這種收入成長再次受到支出、貸款和費用收入廣泛增長的推動。

  • And importantly, the portion of our revenue coming from spend and fee revenues remained at 80% in the third quarter, in line with those -- with both recent history and a much longer view of our history.

    重要的是,第三季我們來自支出和費用收入的收入比例保持在 80%,與近期歷史和更長遠的歷史一致。

  • Discount revenue was up 6% on a reported basis and was up 7% on an FX-adjusted basis, which I'll come back to on the next slide.

    根據報告,折扣收入成長了 6%,根據匯率調整後,折扣收入成長了 7%,我將在下一張投影片中討論這一點。

  • Net card fee growth accelerated to 19% and, as Steve said, surpassed $1 billion in the third quarter for the first time.

    網路卡費用成長加速至 19%,正如 Steve 所說,第三季首次超過 10 億美元。

  • This is a financial outcome of the disciplined approach to product refreshment and our unique value propositions that Steve also talked about in his opening remarks.


  • We are really pleased by the confidence that our customers place in our value propositions when they choose to pay these subscription-like fees.


  • And as Steve mentioned earlier, but I think it bears repeating, we continue to see that the majority of our new card members, around 70% so far this year, are choosing our fee-based products as well.

    正如史蒂夫之前提到的(但我認為值得重複),我們繼續看到我們的大多數新卡會員(今年迄今為止約 70%)也選擇了我們的收費產品。

  • Going forward, we feel good about our ability to maintain strong growth in these membership revenues, given the breadth of products that are driving this momentum across geographies and across customer segments.


  • Net interest income grew at 12% in the third quarter driven by the growth in loans and net yield that I just mentioned a few moments ago.


  • So let's come back now to the largest component of our revenue, discount revenue, on Slide 12.

    現在讓我們回到幻燈片 12 上我們收入的最大組成部分——折扣收入。

  • On the right, you see that discount revenue grew at 7% on an FX-adjusted basis, in line with the last 2 quarters, making this the eighth consecutive quarter with discount revenue growth above 6%.

    在右側,您可以看到經匯率調整後折扣收入增長了 7%,與過去兩個季度一致,這使得折扣收入增長連續第八個季度超過 6%。

  • We see this as continued evidence that our strategy of focusing on driving discount revenue, not the average discount rate, is working.


  • Moving on now to the things we are investing in to drive our strong revenue growth.


  • Let's start with our customer engagement costs, which you can see on Slide 13 were $5 billion in the third quarter, up 11% versus last year.

    讓我們從我們的客戶參與成本開始,您可以在投影片 13 上看到第三季的客戶參與成本為 50 億美元,比去年成長 11%。

  • Starting at the bottom.


  • Marketing and business development costs were up 11% in the third quarter and were in line with Q2.

    第三季行銷和業務開發成本成長 11%,與第二季持平。

  • Remember that this line has 2 components, our traditional marketing and promotion expenses and then payments we make to certain partners, primarily corporate clients, GNS partner banks and co-brand partners.

    請記住,這條線有兩個組成部分:我們的傳統行銷和促銷費用,以及我們向某些合作夥伴(主要是企業客戶、GNS 合作銀行和聯合品牌合作夥伴)支付的款項。

  • Also remember that this is the second quarter where we are seeing the impact of our renewed agreement with Delta, which increased our marketing and business development costs by $200 million relative to our original outlook for the full year.

    請記住,這是第二季度,我們看到了與達美航空續約協議的影響,該協議使我們的行銷和業務開發成本相對於我們最初的全年預期增加了 2 億美元。

  • Continuing on to rewards expense, you can see that it was up 9% relative to the prior year, a bit higher than our billing trends, given our evolving value propositions.

    繼續討論獎勵支出,您可以看到,鑑於我們不斷變化的價值主張,與前一年相比,獎勵支出增加了 9%,略高於我們的計費趨勢。

  • Moving then to the top of the slide, Card Member Services costs were up 22% in the third quarter.

    然後到投影片的頂部,卡片會員服務成本在第三季增加了 22%。

  • We continue to expect this line to be our fastest-growing expense category as it includes the cost of many components of our differentiated value propositions such as airport lounge access and other travel benefits, which we believe are difficult for others to replicate and help support the strong acquisition and engagement we are seeing on our fee-based products.


  • Moving on into operating expenses on Slide 14.

    接下來討論投影片 14 上的營運費用。

  • We saw a 5% increase in the third quarter, consistent with our long track record of getting operating expense leverage by growing OpEx more slowly than revenues.

    我們在第三季度看到了 5% 的成長,這與我們透過營運支出成長慢於收入成長來獲得營運支出槓桿的長期記錄是一致的。

  • I would offer 2 comments here.


  • First, as I mentioned last quarter, some of the investments we are making to deliver continued strong revenue growth, growth in sales force, premium servicing, digital capabilities, these will cause us for this year to see more growth in this line than we have seen in recent years.


  • Second, as a reminder, through our Amex Ventures group, we have a strategic investment portfolio of over 40 investments.

    其次,提醒一下,透過我們的 Amex Ventures 團隊,我們擁有超過 40 項投資的策略性投資組合。

  • This quarter's OpEx included a net benefit of roughly $0.05 related to the impact of mark-to-market adjustments on our strategic investment portfolio, which is somewhat higher than the benefit we saw last year.

    本季度的營運支出包括約 0.05 美元的淨收益,該淨收益與按市值調整對我們的策略投資組合的影響有關,這略高於我們去年看到的收益。

  • Altogether, I would just sum up by saying that we are confident that we have a long runway to continue to grow our operating expenses more slowly than our revenues.


  • Turning to capital on Slide 15.

    轉向投影片 15 上的資本。

  • Our CET1 ratio in the second quarter (sic) [third quarter] was 11%, at the top end of our 10% to 11% target range.

    我們第二季(原文如此)[第三季]的 CET1 比率為 11%,處於我們 10% 至 11% 目標範圍的上限。

  • And we returned $1.8 billion of capital to our shareholders.

    我們向股東返還了 18 億美元的資本。

  • As we've said, our primary focus is on maintaining our CET1 ratio within our 10% to 11% target range as the governor of our capital distribution plan.

    正如我們所說,作為資本分配計劃的管理者,我們的主要重點是將 CET1 比率維持在 10% 至 11% 的目標範圍內。

  • We've historically been very focused on maintaining capital strength while aggressively returning excess capital to our shareholders, and we will continue with that philosophy going forward.


  • So that brings us to our outlook, and then we'll open the call for your questions.


  • With each quarter of this year, we've demonstrated consistent progress against our objectives of delivering high levels of revenue growth and double-digit EPS growth.


  • Now looking ahead, given today's economic environment, we see a long runway to sustain this performance.


  • In the near term, give you a bit more color on the fourth quarter.


  • We expect revenue growth to continue with the strong levels we have seen and to be within our 8% to 10% guidance range for the quarter.

    我們預計營收成長將繼續保持我們所看到的強勁水平,並在我們本季 8% 至 10% 的指導範圍內。

  • And if FX rates stay where they are, the headwind from the strong dollar should lessen in the fourth quarter.


  • We expect the stability we have seen in our credit trends to continue with full year provision growth of around 10%.

    我們預期信貸趨勢將保持穩定,全年撥備成長率將達到 10% 左右。

  • And given the consistent operating performance trends we have seen throughout the first 3 quarters of the year, we expect our Q4 EPS results will be very much in line with our year-to-date results, excluding the $0.05 mark-to-market benefit of our investment portfolio that we saw in the third quarter and, of course, any other contingencies that may occur in the fourth quarter, which would bring us to reaffirm our adjusted earnings guidance of $7.85 to $8.35 for the full year.

    鑑於我們在今年前三個季度看到的一致的經營業績趨勢,我們預計第四季度的每股收益結果將與我們今年迄今的結果非常一致,不包括 0.05 美元的按市值計算的收益我們在第三季看到的投資組合,當然還有第四季可能發生的任何其他突發事件,這將使我們重申全年調整後的獲利指引為7.85 美元至8.35 美元。

  • In addition, we are working towards having a 2020 plan, showing high revenue growth and double-digit EPS growth off of the middle part of our 2019 EPS guidance range.

    此外,我們正在努力製定 2020 年計劃,顯示高收入增長和兩位數的每股收益增長,超出 2019 年每股收益指導範圍的中間部分。

  • Of course, this assumes we do not see a material deterioration in the economic environment versus where we are today.


  • And given my earlier comments around CECL, it does not factor in any potential impacts from CECL in 2020.

    鑑於我之前對 CECL 的評論,它沒有考慮到 2020 年 CECL 的任何潛在影響。

  • To close, our year-to-date performance and expectations for the full year demonstrate consistent execution against our strategies as well as the financial growth algorithm I shared with you at our last Investor Day.


  • We remain focused on sustaining high levels of revenue growth and in today's environment, double-digit EPS growth.


  • With that, I'll turn the call back over to Rosie.

    這樣,我會將電話轉回給 Rosie。

  • Rosie Perez - Senior VP & Head of IR

    Rosie Perez - Senior VP & Head of IR

  • Thank you, Jeff.


  • (Operator Instructions) And with that, the operator, we'll now open up the line for questions.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question will come from the line of Craig Maurer from Autonomous Research.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題將來自 Autonomous Research 的 Craig Maurer。

  • Craig Jared Maurer - Partner, Payments and Financial Technology

    Craig Jared Maurer - Partner, Payments and Financial Technology

  • I had a question on net card fees that -- basically, what I'm trying to get at is you showed some acceleration in net card fee growth.


  • Cards in the U.S. -- basic cards-in-force has been largely range-bound throughout the year.


  • So can net card fees continue to accelerate if card remains somewhat flattish?


  • And should card growth in the U.S. accelerate again?


  • Or how should we think about that?


  • Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

    Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

  • Craig, as you recall, we tend to discourage people a little bit from looking at that gross cards-in-force number because what's really important here is the quality of the cards you have and the quality of the cards you're bringing in.


  • Both Steve and I talked about the fact that 70% of the new card members we're bringing in are on fee-based products.

    史蒂夫和我都談到了這樣一個事實:我們引進的新卡會員中有 70% 使用的是收費產品。

  • We've talked for a couple quarters now about bringing in, in general, a more premium-oriented mix of Card Members.


  • And that cards-in-force number is also influenced by our periodic efforts, frankly, to go back and cancel some inactive card members.


  • So we feel tremendously strong about the breadth of the products that are driving card fee growth.


  • I think there's a long runway to continue.


  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • And I think the -- just to add one other point.


  • I think the other thing that's really important is the recent strategy of consistently refreshing our products is critically important to not only growing card fees, but it's also what we've seen is we see an uptick in spending even from existing cardholders.


  • So again, I think the number's a little bit deceptive because you've got a clean out, and you also have a switch.


  • You've got a lot of upgrades in there as well.


  • So we feel really confident about the strategy we're on.


  • Operator


  • We'll next go to the line of Bob Napoli from William Blair.

    接下來我們將轉到威廉布萊爾 (William Blair) 的鮑勃納波利 (Bob Napoli) 路線。

  • Robert Paul Napoli - Partner and Co-Group Head of Financial Services & Technology

    Robert Paul Napoli - Partner and Co-Group Head of Financial Services & Technology

  • A question on your B2B payment strategy.

    關於您的 B2B 支付策略的問題。

  • You acquired acompay during the quarter.

    您在本季收購了 acompay。

  • You -- it does automated AP.

    你——它會自動執行 AP。

  • You have a lot of different partnerships there.


  • And so it's an area that massive market TAM that could move the needle, I would think, for American Express.

    因此,我認為,對於美國運通來說,這是一個巨大的市場 TAM 可以推動發展的領域。

  • Can you update your thoughts on your investments in the B2B payment space and AP and AR automation and if that can move the needle materially for Amex over the long term?

    您能否更新一下您對 B2B 支付領域以及 AP 和 AR 自動化投資的看法?從長遠來看,這是否能為 Amex 帶來實質推動?

  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I think -- look, Bob, I think as we've said, and we said this at Investor Day as well, our belief this is a long-term opportunity.


  • Having said that, we are -- we've entered into partnerships with people like Bill.com at the real small end of the market.

    話雖如此,我們已經與像 Bill.com 這樣的公司在真正的小端市場建立了合作關係。

  • We've done MineralTree and WEX in sort of the midspace.

    我們已經在中間空間完成了 MineralTree 和 WEX。

  • We've done Tradeshift.

    我們已經完成了 Tradeshift。

  • We've done Ariba.

    我們已經完成了 Ariba。

  • We have now an investment in ACON to help sort of automate those processes.

    我們現在對 ACON 進行了投資,以幫助實現這些流程的自動化。

  • But one thing I will point out is while it is a long-term play, most of our spending in an SME segment today is B2B spending and that continues to grow.

    但我要指出的一件事是,雖然這是一項長期投資,但我們今天在中小企業領域的大部分支出都是 B2B 支出,而且還在持續成長。

  • So we feel really confident about what we're doing.


  • But as I've said before, the integration into the procurement process, it's a tough integration and it takes time.


  • And that's why we do these partnerships, that's why we make these investments and that's why we still believe it's a long-term play.


  • But we are seeing value just from a B2B perspective, especially in SME, where the majority of our spending is B2B, not T&E.

    但我們僅從 B2B 角度看到了價值,尤其是在中小企業,我們的大部分支出是 B2B,而不是差旅娛樂。

  • Operator


  • Our next question, we'll go to the line of Rick Shane with JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題是摩根大通的里克·肖恩 (Rick Shane)。

  • Richard Barry Shane - Senior Equity Analyst

    Richard Barry Shane - Senior Equity Analyst

  • Just wanted to sort of delve into the divergence between acceleration of billed business on an account basis at the consumer level and deceleration on the commercial business.


  • Historically, has that provided any signal that we should be paying attention to?


  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • No.


  • Not necessarily.


  • I think if you look at the last recession, you would have seen sort of a reverse.


  • You would have seen consumer coming down first and then commercial.


  • So I don't think that is a signal at all.


  • As Jeff pointed out, our consumer business has grown slightly in the U.S. quarter-over-quarter, really strong across all segments as it relates to international whether it's SME or whether it's consumer, mid-teen, double-digit growth.


  • Let me comment on where you may be seeing some softness as we look at the numbers.


  • You're seeing a 1% decline as it relates to global.

    您會看到 1% 的下降,因為它與全球相關。

  • A couple of adjustments in there with maybe some jet fuel or things like that.


  • But you also have to realize we're coming off a high.


  • It was almost 10% growth in the third quarter of last year.


  • So to me, that's almost stable.


  • And when I think about large and global having been involved with this for a really long time, I'm pretty comfortable about that.


  • When you look at SME in the U.S., and we're about 6% up year-over-year, again, off a double-digit high, you've got to delve into it.

    當你觀察美國的中小企業時,你會發現我們的同比增長約為 6%,再次脫離了兩位數的高點,你必須深入研究它。

  • When we look at it, we look at it sort of 3 components of that billing.

    當我們查看它時,我們會查看計費的 3 個組成部分。

  • We look at, are we continuing to acquire?


  • And that has been steady for us.


  • Are we losing accounts either from a competitive perspective or from the perspective of losses, accounts such as go out of business?


  • And that has been steady.


  • Where we're seeing sort of a softening a little bit is in the organic spend.


  • What -- if you think about it from a retail perspective, you would think of same-store sales.


  • But even that, again, we came off a high in the third quarter of last year, and that's still a positive trend.


  • So what would concern me is if that same account spending had gone down, it is not.


  • It is still in positive territory, albeit not in the same sort of significant growth that we saw.


  • And to be honest, that was growth that we had not seen before.


  • So the sustainability of that was questionable in our minds anyway, and so we feel pretty good about it.


  • And again, as Jeff mentioned, the credit quality, credit quality is still pristine.


  • Operator


  • We'll next go to the line of Bill Carcache with Nomura Instinet.

    接下來我們將進入 Bill Carcache 和 Nomura Instinet 的系列。

  • Bill Carcache - Research Analyst

    Bill Carcache - Research Analyst

  • I had a follow-up question on your fee-based products.


  • Some innovative fintech players like Square are enjoying some success in targeting the unbanked and underbanked customer segment, for example, with their cash app and goal of getting customers to use it as their primary bank account through direct deposit.

    Square 等一些創新金融科技公司在針對無銀行帳戶和銀行服務不足的客戶群體方面取得了一些成功,例如,他們的現金應用程式以及讓客戶透過直接存款將其用作主要銀行帳戶的目標。

  • You guys were well ahead of this trend years ago when you identified an opportunity to generate fee-based income in the segment with products like Bluebird and Serve.

    幾年前,當你們發現透過 Bluebird 和 Serve 等產品在該領域產生收費收入的機會時,你們就遠遠領先於這一趨勢。

  • Can you give us some general color on how you guys are thinking about those products today?


  • Do you still see the growth opportunity there as attractive?


  • How focused are you on growing those products?


  • Is continued innovation and enhancement of the underlying app something that you guys are investing in?


  • And just in general, are you seeing some customers use Bluebird and Serve for direct deposit?

    總的來說,您是否看到一些客戶使用 Bluebird 和 Serve 進行直接存款?

  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Not -- we're not focused on it at all.


  • In fact, we sold that last year to InComm.

    事實上,我們去年把它賣給了 InComm。

  • That's not a segment that we see as an opportunity for us.


  • We took a run at it.


  • And the theory of the case was that you would be able to upgrade those customers into our product, into our traditional product set.


  • The reality is that was a bridge too far to cross.


  • And so we sold off that portfolio of Bluebird, of Serve and the gift cards to InComm last year.

    因此,我們去年將 Bluebird、Serve 和禮品卡的投資組合賣給了 InComm。

  • And I think InComm's really happy with that transaction, and we are really happy with that transaction.

    我認為 InComm 對這筆交易非常滿意,我們對這筆交易也非常滿意。

  • We do not see that as a growth opportunity for us at all.


  • Operator


  • Our next question will be from the line of Moshe Orenbuch with Crédit Suisse.

    我們的下一個問題將來自瑞士信貸銀行的 Moshe Orenbuch。

  • Moshe Ari Orenbuch - MD and Equity Research Analyst

    Moshe Ari Orenbuch - MD and Equity Research Analyst

  • Recognizing that credit, no sign of deterioration, in fact, actually has probably improved over the course of the year.


  • Any sense as to how to think about just the impact of CECL on ongoing provisions relative to that kind of 50-ish percent increase on the credit piece as we think about the growth of provisions into next year?

    當我們考慮明年的準備金成長時,相對於信貸部分 50% 左右的成長,如何考慮 CECL 對持續準備金的影響有什麼意義嗎?

  • Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

    Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Obviously, Moshe, that's a very fair question.


  • We're still not ready to quantify.


  • I do think the range we've given for the onetime impact, you can sort of do some back-of-the-envelope math off of that.


  • But there are so many complex pieces for CECL.

    但 CECL 有許多複雜的部分。

  • Obviously, CECL will also require us to incorporate into our accounting provision forward-looking economic forecast amongst the over 100 other variables that will be part of the 150-plus customer segments and models that drive this.

    顯然,CECL 還將要求我們將前瞻性經濟預測納入我們的會計準備中,其中包括 100 多個其他變量,這些變量將成為驅動這一趨勢的 150 多個客戶群和模型的一部分。

  • So directionally, I am very comfortable saying there is some -- given our levels of growth, some higher provision expense you would expect in a normal economic environment under CECL.

    因此,從方向上來說,我很高興地說,考慮到我們的成長水平,在 CECL 的正常經濟環境下,您會預期會有一些更高的撥備費用。

  • I am just not ready to give an exact number.


  • I really want to emphasize though what I said in my earlier remarks, which are that from our perspective, this is pure accounting-driven acceleration of losses that ultimately would have run through our financial statements.


  • Anyway, it has 0 impact on real economics.


  • It has 0 impact on our view of risk.


  • And that is why as we think about 2020, we think we are going to make a series of decisions about what we're willing and what we think is prudent to invest in continuing to drive the business for the long term.

    這就是為什麼當我們考慮 2020 年時,我們認為我們將就我們願意和我們認為謹慎的投資做出一系列決定,以繼續長期推動業務發展。

  • And then we'll let the CECL changes to the recent fall where they will.

    然後我們將讓 CECL 在最近秋天進行更改。

  • Operator


  • We'll go now to the line of Betsy Graseck with Morgan Stanley.

    現在我們將討論摩根士丹利的貝特西·格拉塞克 (Betsy Graseck) 的觀點。

  • Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

    Betsy Lynn Graseck - MD

  • Okay.


  • So I just wanted to dig in a little bit, Steve, to the comment that you were making earlier around the opportunity to penetrate your Corporate Card customers with Personal Card.


  • And the reason I asked the question is, I would have thought this was something that was well done and already was maxed out.


  • But your comment suggests it's not.


  • So I wanted to understand is this -- is the go-to-market strategy different?


  • And what kind of opportunity set you could get?


  • And then Jeff, if you could just reiterate the mark-to-market benefit that you had and where we're supposed to strip that out?


  • I'm getting a couple of questions in on exactly where we're supposed to strip that $0.05 out of things.

    我收到了幾個問題,關於我們應該從哪些方面扣除 0.05 美元。

  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • The reality is we really have not focused on penetrating our Corporate Card base with our Personal Cards for pretty much forever.


  • We did some tests last year.


  • Part of it was a reluctance in our -- with our Corporate Card customers for us to access the base.


  • But the tide has changed.


  • The tide has changed.


  • We've had companies come to us and ask us as they look to bring more value to their employees, "Can we do that?" And so this is a welcome opportunity for us.


  • So I would say, it is absolutely new territory for us.


  • So it's not been maxed out at all.


  • That's not to say that our Corporate Card holders do not have Personal Cards, but it is to say that we've never utilized our Corporate Card distribution opportunities within the Corporate Card -- companies that have our Corporate Card.


  • So we're excited about the opportunity and think that it's going to provide another opportunity to lift our overall cards.


  • Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

    Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

  • On the mark-to-market, Betsy, I made 2 points.

    關於以市值計價,Betsy,我提出了 2 點。

  • Just to remind everyone, beginning last January, we -- all companies began to have to mark-to-market various investments.


  • For us, that really means the 40-or-so investments we have through our Amex Ventures Fund.

    對我們來說,這實際上意味著我們透過 Amex Ventures 基金進行了大約 40 項投資。

  • In general, those marks have not been material.


  • This quarter, they were a little bit more material.


  • They netted to about $0.05 positive.

    他們的淨收益約為 0.05 美元。

  • We see that as an ongoing part of our business.


  • My only reference to the $0.05 in terms of -- to use your phrase, Betsy, not mine, stripping out was that when I talked about Q4, I made the observation that we feel really good about the consisting -- consistent operating performance of the company.

    我唯一提到的 0.05 美元——用你的話來說,貝特西,而不是我的,剝離出來是,當我談到第四季度時,我觀察到我們對持續的運營表現感到非常好。公司。

  • And we expect Q4 to look very similar to the first 3 quarters.


  • So as you think about the pure operating performance of the company in the first 3 quarters, in Q1, I take the merchant litigation charge out so that puts you at $2 a share in Q2, it's $2.07 a share.

    因此,當你考慮公司前 3 季的純經營業績時,在第一季度,我去掉了商業訴訟費用,這樣你在第二季度的股價為每股 2 美元,即每股 2.07 美元。

  • And again, going back to this operating performance concept in Q3, that takes you to the about $2.03 level.

    再次回到第三季的營運績效概念,這將使您達到約 2.03 美元的水平。

  • So that's the only context in which I was trying to bring up the $0.05.

    所以這是我試圖提出 0.05 美元的唯一背景。

  • Thank you for the question.


  • Operator


  • We will move on to the line of Mark DeVries with Barclays.

    我們將繼續討論馬克·德弗里斯 (Mark DeVries) 與巴克萊銀行 (Barclays) 的合作。

  • Mark C. DeVries - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Mark C. DeVries - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • I don't imagine you've gotten this question in a while, just given how strong your revenue growth has been.


  • And it sounds like you're pretty confident in the outlook for 2020 as well around revenue growth.

    聽起來您對 2020 年的前景以及收入成長非常有信心。

  • But I had been getting some questions from investors asking how much room you guys have to control and slow the growth of OpEx should revenue growth as Steve, I guess, is the guy who is responsible for getting those OpEx under control when revenue is weak?


  • I'd be interested in hearing your commentary on thoughts there.


  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I mean, look, I think if you look at sort of how we've controlled OpEx over the last 8 years, I think it was an aggregate growth of probably about 6% or so.

    我的意思是,如果你看看我們在過去 8 年中如何控制營運支出,我認為整體成長率可能約為 6% 左右。

  • As we look at it and as we've sort of changed philosophy a little bit to look at high revenue growth, it made sense to not walk away from some of these OpEx opportunities that we had.


  • As Jeff said, I don't think this is a consistent playbook that we're going to run.


  • But I have all the confidence in the world in our ability to control OpEx.


  • We're still providing operating leverage when you think about sort of 9 to 5 here, which is what we've done.


  • The problem is when you're growing revenue at 4, and you're growing revenue at 5, if you want that leverage, you've got to grow OpEx at about 1. So the delta is relatively similar to what we've been doing.

    問題是,當你的收入成長為4 倍,而你的收入成長為5 倍時,如果你想要這種槓桿作用,你就必須將營運支出成長到1 左右。因此,增量與我們之前的情況相對相似正在做。

  • And we'll look at good investment opportunities.


  • But you're right.


  • I was known as the OpEx guy here for a lot of years and still am.


  • I still drive people crazy about it, and I will continue to do that.


  • But we're not going to make any foolish decisions, and I believe that we still have operating leverage opportunities as it relates to OpEx and revenue.


  • Operator


  • We have a question from the line of David Togut with Evercore ISI.

    Evercore ISI 的 David Togut 向我們提出了一個問題。

  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • David, you there?


  • Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

    Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

  • David?


  • All right.


  • Operator


  • We will move on to the line of Chris Donat with Sandler and O'Neill (sic) [Sandler O'Neill].


  • Christopher Roy Donat - MD of Equity Research

    Christopher Roy Donat - MD of Equity Research

  • I had a question about marketing spend because as I think about this year and even last year, you had some elevated marketing spend with the brand refresh in 2018 that's built into 2019.

    我有一個關於行銷支出的問題,因為我認為今年甚至去年,隨著 2018 年品牌更新(2019 年的品牌更新),行銷支出有所增加。

  • Then you have the Delta agreement, which also led to the $200 million of elevated spending.

    然後是達美航空協議,這也導致了 2 億美元的支出增加。

  • And then you've all these product refreshes.


  • I'm just wondering as we think about 2020, do you come up against some easier comps on spending?

    我只是想知道,當我們思考 2020 年時,您是否遇到過一些更容易的支出補償?

  • Or there are things in the pipeline that will likely absorb marketing spend in 2020?

    或者正在醞釀的事情可能會吸收 2020 年的行銷支出?

  • Just thinking about how to compare 2020 to 2019.

    只是想如何比較 2020 年和 2019 年。

  • Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

    Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

  • Yes.


  • In many ways, Chris, I think the examples you cited are a wonderful illustration of why a few years ago, we began to encourage people to focus on broadly what we call our customer engagement costs, right?


  • Because we pull different levers at different times in the rewards category or to your point, in the traditional marketing category around brand spending or in spending we do in the payments department -- partner area with Delta.


  • And at other times, we used to put resources into Card Member Services.


  • So the trends in any one of those lines may vary a little bit from year-to-year or from quarter-to-quarter.


  • The broad group of all of them, however, is what we're using to drive high levels of revenue growth.


  • And we've been very consistent for some years now, Chris, in saying we do expect that collectively, those costs are going to grow a little bit faster than revenue.


  • But that's what's going to enable us to drive, in today's environment, 8% to 10% revenue growth.

    但這將使我們能夠在當今環境下推動 8% 至 10% 的營收成長。

  • It's why the OpEx leverage, Steve just talked about, is so important to help mitigate that margin compression you get from customer engagement because OpEx would grow more slowly than our revenues.


  • You combine that with our strong balance sheet, and that's how we have a model that is consistently producing double-digit EPS.


  • Operator


  • Our next question will be from the line of Dominick Gabriele with Oppenheimer.

    我們的下一個問題將來自多米尼克·加布里埃爾(Dominick Gabriele)和奧本海默(Oppenheimer)的問題。

  • Dominick Joseph Gabriele - Director & Senior Analyst

    Dominick Joseph Gabriele - Director & Senior Analyst

  • Look, the diversity of the revenue growth is really strong, for sure.


  • And I think one thing that is taking some investors by surprise is not only the fee for card or the NIM expanding this quarter but -- to some extent, but really the discount rate has been on quite a nice trajectory.


  • And I know that you talked about not managing to the discount rate.


  • But your strategy has shown at least over the last number of quarters that the discount rate is moving up as well, and that's a nice benefit as well.


  • Can you just talk about what you've lapped?


  • And what's going into the discount rate expanding just as a natural piece of the puzzle here?


  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • As you know, and I always say this, I really don't focus on the discount rate all that much.


  • Yes, it's been consistent.


  • It's a little bit up.


  • But I think you've got a couple things going on.


  • I mean you've got -- there's some strategic renegotiations that we lapped.


  • There was activity in Europe.


  • There was activity in Australia.


  • In any given quarter, there's a mix of business.


  • And so all those things contribute.


  • What I really focus in on is the consistent discount revenue growth.


  • And if you want to project this out, the reality is, is that as you expand into B2B, you're not going to have the same kind of discount rate in B2B.

    如果你想預測這一點,現實是,當你擴展到 B2B 時,你不會在 B2B 中獲得相同的折扣率。

  • But again, there, what I'd like to focus on is what the margin is, right?


  • And so if you look at a lower discount rate, you'll also look at lower rewards costs and things like that.


  • And so ultimately, what we really focus in is the margin between the discount rate and the cost that go along with those billings.


  • But we're really pleased with the way discount revenue has gone.


  • And when all the numbers come in, the discount rate is flattish to up and that's okay, too.


  • Operator


  • We'll go to the line of James Friedman with Susquehanna for your question.


  • James Eric Friedman - Senior Analyst

    James Eric Friedman - Senior Analyst

  • Congrats on the numbers, guys.


  • I just wanted to ask, Jeff, with regard to the GNS, Slide 6, up 3% adjusted.

    我只是想問,傑夫,關於 GNS,幻燈片 6,調整了 3%。

  • I think you made -- in your prepared remarks, you said that we were -- lapping that in 2020 might be -- this might be over, meaning like the tough compares.

    我認為你在準備好的演講中說過,我們正在——2020 年可能會——這可能會結束,這意味著艱難的比較。

  • Is 3% what we should be thinking about as kind of the new norm when we expect the business...

    當我們預期業務成長時,3% 是我們應該考慮的新常態嗎?

  • Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

    Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

  • Yes.


  • So a couple of questions or a couple of comments, James.


  • First, remember, in many ways, the most important aspect of our GNS network these days is driving coverage in 170-or-so countries around the globe.

    首先,請記住,從許多方面來看,如今我們的 GNS 網路最重要的方面是推動全球 170 多個國家/地區的覆蓋範圍。

  • And we rely on a network of great partners to do that for us in many countries, and that's priority 1.

    我們依靠優秀合作夥伴網絡在許多國家為我們做到這一點,這是首要任務 1。

  • Second thing is that not all GNS billings are the same.

    第二件事是並非所有 GNS 帳單都是相同的。

  • In general, as you know, the financial contribution from GNS itself is more modest than its billing contribution.

    一般來說,如您所知,GNS 本身的財務貢獻比其計費貢獻要小。

  • That contribution also varies a lot from country to country.


  • And we have a few large countries that drive a whole lot of billings, much more modest economics.


  • And those billings can be a little bit volatile quarter-to-quarter.


  • So I don't -- I wouldn't take the 3% as a mark of what you will consistently see once we finish lapping Europe and Australia.

    所以我不會——我不會把 3% 當作我們完成歐洲和澳洲繞行後你將持續看到的標誌。

  • I think you'll see it probably trend back up a little bit from there.


  • But the most important thing to keep in mind is the GNS network around the globe is really about coverage.

    但最重要的是要記住,全球的 GNS 網路實際上是覆蓋範圍。

  • Operator


  • We have a question in queue from the line of Jason Kupferberg with Bank of America.

    我們有一個來自美國銀行 Jason Kupferberg 的問題。

  • Jason Alan Kupferberg - MD in US Equity Research & Senior Analyst

    Jason Alan Kupferberg - MD in US Equity Research & Senior Analyst

  • I'm Jeff.


  • Just wanted to put a finer point on your EPS math because I know you didn't formally narrow the full year EPS range, but it sounds like you're pointing us to around $2.03 or so for Q4, which I think would get us to around $8.19 or so for the full year.

    只是想對您的EPS 數學進行更詳細的說明,因為我知道您沒有正式縮小全年EPS 範圍,但聽起來您向我們指出第四季度的每股收益約為2.03 美元左右,我認為這會讓我們全年約為 8.19 美元左右。

  • So I just wanted to clarify that.


  • And then do you think that we've troughed in terms of large enterprise volume growth, just the down 1 this quarter?

    那麼您是否認為我們在大型企業數量成長方面已經觸底,但本季下降了 1?

  • I know there were some moving parts there, but...


  • Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

    Jeffrey C. Campbell - CFO

  • Well, let me make a few comments on guidance, maybe including philosophy, Jason.


  • And then, Steve, you can comment on the large and global customers.


  • Look, our philosophy, which we have tried to be true to this year as we come out at the beginning of the year, and we tell you, "Here is our expectation for the full year," and we give you some color around that.


  • And then our expectation is as we report our results each quarter, we're going to tell you if something has happened so dramatically that it takes us out of that original range.


  • But beyond that, we're just going to give you some color about how things are going.


  • We also really we want to emphasize that we are running the company for the long term.


  • We're certainly not running it to produce quarter-by-quarter results, but we will be true to our annual kinds of earnings commitments.


  • So that's just, I think, important background.


  • As to the specific math, look, I think, Jason, you did your math.


  • I'm not going to confirm or not confirm your specific math.


  • But I think I was trying to be very clear that our operating performance has been really consistent across the first 3 quarters.


  • You can measure that $2 a share or $2.07 a share, probably $2.03 for this quarter.

    您可以衡量每股 2 美元或每股 2.07 美元,本季可能為 2.03 美元。

  • And we'd expect the fourth quarter to look something like that.


  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • As far as global and large accounts, global and large accounts in 2018 had a really terrific year.

    就全球和大客戶而言,2018 年的全球和大客戶確實度過了非常棒的一年。

  • And so going into this year, our expectations weren't the same expectations as they were last year.


  • As we think about sort of planning forward, I would think about sort of the 0% range for the fourth quarter for global and large accounts.

    當我們考慮未來的規劃時,我會考慮全球和大型帳戶第四季度的 0% 範圍。

  • And then I think it gets back to historical levels for us, which is anywhere between 1% and 4%.

    然後我認為它會回到我們的歷史水平,即 1% 到 4% 之間。

  • It's just because a lot of that is T&E.


  • As we start to penetrate more into the B2B space, then I think you'll see that go up.

    當我們開始更多地滲透到 B2B 領域時,我想您會看到這一數字的上升。

  • But as I said, traditionally, as I've met with CFOs and so forth, they're not driving to move their T&E spend up.


  • What they're looking for us to do is actually to help them manage their T&E spend down.


  • And so it's a very interesting business in that our value proposition is we help you manage your cost down.


  • And we do that through benchmarking, we do that through helping them negotiate, and we do that by providing insights.


  • And so it's an interesting business where to retain count -- to retain accounts, you actually help them shrink a little bit.


  • And so then you need to go get some more accounts.


  • So we're very comfortable with sort of the traditional levels.


  • I think what you saw last year was just people getting out a lot more, including ourselves actually and just spending a little bit more on T&E.


  • But I think it's fair to think about this in sort of the 0% to 3% range going forward.

    但我認為,以 0% 到 3% 的範圍來考慮這一點是公平的。

  • Operator


  • We'll go next to the line of Don Fandetti with Wells Fargo.

    我們將沿著唐范德蒂 (Don Fandetti) 與富國銀行 (Wells Fargo) 的路線進行。

  • Donald James Fandetti - Senior Analyst

    Donald James Fandetti - Senior Analyst

  • Yes.


  • So wanted to dig in a little bit on the small business year-over-year spend growth rate.


  • I mean there's a couple of factors.


  • Obviously, you've got potentially like weaker or more caution on the core business front.


  • But I assumed you're still getting that secular penetration.


  • I want to know if that's still happening at the same rate.


  • And then also your position in small business is remarkably higher than your peers.


  • Is there any change in competition?


  • Are you holding share?


  • Or is this all just sort of normal caution and tougher comps?


  • And then lastly, around that same thing, when does B2B kick in as these small businesses automate accounts payable, accounts receivable?

    最後,圍繞著同樣的事情,隨著這些小型企業自動化應付帳款、應收帳款,B2B 何時開始發揮作用?

  • I think you had said you get a 42% uplift in spend if that happens.

    我想您曾說過,如果發生這種情況,您的支出將增加 42%。

  • I mean is it just still early in that process, what we see in 2020, '21?

    我的意思是,我們在 2020 年、21 年所看到的情況是否還處於這個過程的早期階段?

  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So, Don, the last question first.


  • I think it's still early in the process.


  • Automating that spend and what you do with someone like acom or what you do with some of the other providers, these are interfaces to whatever sort of accounts receivable, procurement systems that they have.

    自動化支出以及您與 acom 等公司或其他一些提供者的合作,這些都是他們擁有的任何類型的應收帳款、採購系統的介面。

  • And it's not always their priority to do that.


  • So that takes a little bit of time.


  • So you'll see a little bit of uptick in 2020, 2021, so forth and so on.

    因此,您將在 2020 年、2021 年等等看到一點點上升。

  • Look, I think that let's just talk about sort of secular penetration.


  • I think we are still acquiring accounts.


  • And we don't look at so much at accounts as we look at acquired billed business.


  • We're acquiring billed business at pretty much the same rate we've been acquiring it.


  • As I mentioned before, we're not losing accounts at any higher level or lower level than we've had probably for the last 8 quarters.

    正如我之前提到的,我們失去的帳戶數量不會比過去 8 個季度的水平更高或更低。

  • We're pretty consistent on that.


  • As far as our overall position in the market, I think it's really, really consistent and hasn't really changed.


  • I think I'll point you back to what I said before.


  • I think the downturn that we've seen in our growth rate here is really around what we would call organic.


  • And now that it's not growing, it's just not growing fast enough or it's not growing at the same rate it did last year when it had a lot of momentum, especially from the Tax Act.


  • Having said all that, there is more competition in this space than we've seen in a long, long time because much like banks found after sort of the Great Recession that the consumer credit card business was an attractive area.


  • Banks have now found out that this area is attractive as well.


  • Having said that, if you added the next 5 largest issuers up in the small business space, I'll have the same refrain that I've had for the last 2 years, we're bigger than them all put together.

    話雖如此,如果你把小型企業領域接下來的 5 家最大發行人加起來,我會像過去兩年一樣強調,我們的規模比它們加起來還要大。

  • So we're really comfortable where we are.


  • We don't see anything, from a competitive perspective, that is any different other than it keeps to step up the competition, but -- and we continue to add to our array of products whether it's working capital terms, whether it's merchant financing, cross-border and, obviously, the continued enhancements to our small business products.

    從競爭的角度來看,我們沒有看到任何不同,除了不斷加強競爭之外,但是 - 我們繼續增加我們的產品系列,無論是營運資金條款,無論是商業融資,跨境,顯然還有我們小型企業產品的持續增強。

  • So we still feel really good about where we are from a small business perspective.


  • Operator


  • Our final question will come from the line of Sanjay Sakhrani with KBW.

    我們的最後一個問題將來自 KBW 的 Sanjay Sakhrani。

  • Sanjay Harkishin Sakhrani - MD

    Sanjay Harkishin Sakhrani - MD

  • Maybe just to follow up with some of the lines of questioning previously.


  • When you guys think about your comfort in delivering the high levels of revenue growth next year, which I assume is within the range of what we saw in 2019, how possible is it to hit those numbers with some more moderation in billed business volumes?

    當你們想到明年實現高水準收入成長的舒適度時(我認為這在我們 2019 年看到的範圍內),如果計費業務量更加適度,如何可能達到這些數字?

  • Is your level of comfort because you feel like some of the investments you've made will sustain that type of billed business growth?


  • Or do you expect the high levels of fee income growth will persist, given the Delta fees come on in 2020?

    或者考慮到 2020 年開始實施達美費用,您預計費用收入的高水準成長將持續下去嗎?

  • Any color would be helpful.


  • Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Joseph Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So I mean, look, I think when you're making -- here's the issue, right?


  • So many investments that you make this year don't pay off this year.


  • They pay off as it goes next year.


  • And so you hit the nail on the head.


  • When you think about sort of what we've done from a Delta perspective, when you think about the cards that we've acquired, when you think about so many investments that we've made in some of the digital properties, when you think about sort of the consistent high discount revenue that we've had, yes, even with a tick down in billings, that still will be positive and yet our fee revenue due to our continued maniacal focus on card refreshes.


  • The other thing I would point out is that this is a growth story globally.


  • This is not a growth story just in the United States.


  • And so when you think about 14% billings growth in consumer internationally, 18% SME growth, even a tick or 2 down there is not really going to hurt you all that much.

    因此,當你考慮國際消費者 14% 的帳單成長、18% 的中小企業成長時,即使下降一兩個刻度,也不會對你造成太大傷害。

  • And we've been pretty consistent from an SME and consumer perspective.


  • So I think when you think about the 3-legged stool that we have from a revenue perspective of fees, net -- interest income and discount revenue, we feel really comfortable.


  • And that's why as Jeff said in his -- sort of at the end of his remarks, in this same economic environment, we feel good about 8% to 10%.

    這就是為什麼正如傑夫在他的演講結束時所說的那樣,在同樣的經濟環境下,我們對 8% 到 10% 的成長率感覺良好。

  • Look, the billings wasn't -- the billings this year weren't exactly what we had projected and look at where we are from a revenue perspective.


  • So yes, our comfort level is there.


  • Rosie Perez - Senior VP & Head of IR

    Rosie Perez - Senior VP & Head of IR

  • With that, we'll bring the call to an end.


  • Thank you, Steve.


  • Thank you, Jeff.


  • Thank you, again, for joining today's call, and thank you for your continued interest in American Express.


  • The IR team will be available for any follow-up questions.

    IR 團隊將隨時解答任何後續問題。

  • Operator, back to you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this conference will be made available for digitized replay beginning at 11:00 a.m.

    女士們、先生們,本次會議將於上午 11 點開始提供數位化重播。

  • Eastern Time today and running until October 25 at midnight, Eastern Time.

    東部時間今天持續到東部時間 10 月 25 日午夜。

  • You can access the AT&T teleconference replay system by dialing 1 (800) 475-6701 and entering the replay access code 471806.

    您可以透過撥打 1 (800) 475-6701 並輸入重播存取碼 471806 來存取 AT&T 電話會議重播系統。

  • International participants may dial 1 (320) 365-3844 with the access code 471806.

    國際參與者可撥打 1 (320) 365-3844,接入碼為 471806。

  • That will conclude our conference call for today.


  • Thank you for your participation and for using AT&T Executive TeleConference Service.

    感謝您的參與並使用 AT&T Executive TeleConference Service。

  • You may now disconnect.
