祥茂光電 (AAOI) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


應用光電召開電話會議,討論 2024 年第二季財務表現。營收符合預期,資料中心產品成長,有線電視業務營收下降。該公司預計第三季的營收成長將受到資料中心基礎設施和下一代有線電視技術需求的推動。



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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon.


  • I will be your conference operator.


  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to Applied Optoelectronics' Second Quarter 2024 Earnings Conference Call.


  • (Operator Instructions) Please also note, today's call is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the call over to Lindsay Savarese, Investor Relations for AOI.

    我現在想將電話轉給 AOI 投資者關係部門的 Lindsay Savarese。

  • Mrs. Savarese, you may begin.


  • Lindsay Savarese - Investor Relations

    Lindsay Savarese - Investor Relations

  • Thank you.


  • I'm Lindsay Savarese, Investor Relations for Applied Optoelectronics.

    我是應用光電公司投資者關係部的林賽·薩瓦雷塞 (Lindsay Savarese)。

  • I am pleased to welcome you to AOI's second quarter 2024 financial results conference call.

    我很高興歡迎您參加 AOI 2024 年第二季財務業績電話會議。

  • After the market closed today, AOI issued a press release announcing its second quarter 2024 financial results and provided its outlook for the third quarter of 2024.

    今天收盤後,AOI 發布新聞稿,公佈了 2024 年第二季財務業績,並提供了 2024 年第三季的展望。

  • The release is also available on the company's website at ao-inc.com. This call is being recorded and webcast live.

    該版本還可在該公司網站 ao-inc.com 上取得。此次通話正在錄音並進行網路直播。

  • A link to the recording can be found on the Investor Relations section of the AOI website and will be archived for one year.

    錄音的連結可以在 AOI 網站的投資者關係部分找到,並將存檔一年。

  • Joining us on today's call is Dr. Thompson Lin, AOI's Founder, Chairman and CEO; and Dr. Stefan Murry, AOI's Chief Financial Officer and Chief Strategy Officer.

    參加今天電話會議的還有 AOI 創辦人、董事長兼執行長 Thompson Lin 博士;以及 AOI 財務長兼首席策略長 Stefan Murry 博士。

  • Thompson will give an overview of AOI's Q2 results, and Stefan will provide financial details and the outlook for the third quarter of 2024.

    Thompson 將概述 AOI 第二季業績,Stefan 將提供財務細節和 2024 年第三季的前景。

  • A question-and-answer session will follow our prepared remarks.


  • Before we begin, I would like to remind you to review AOI's safe harbor statement.

    在我們開始之前,我想提醒您查看 AOI 的安全港聲明。

  • On today's call, management will make forward-looking statements.


  • These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties as well as assumptions and current expectations, which could cause the company's actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements of the company, or its industry to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements.


  • In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as believes, forecast, anticipates, estimates, projects, intends, predicts, expects, plans, may, should, could, would, will, potential or things or by the negative of those terms or other similar expressions that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes.


  • The company has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections.


  • While the company believes these expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections are reasonable, such forward-looking statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company's control.


  • Forward-looking statements also include statements regarding management's beliefs and expectations related to the expansion of the reach of our products into new markets and customer responses to our innovation, as well as statements regarding the company's outlook for the third quarter of 2024.

    前瞻性陳述還包括有關管理層對將我們的產品範圍擴展到新市場的信念和期望以及客戶對我們的創新的反應的陳述,以及有關公司 2024 年第三季度前景的陳述。

  • Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this earnings call to confirm these statements to actual results or to changes in the company's expectations.


  • More information about other risks that may impact the company's business are set forth in the Risk Factors section of the company's reports on file with the SEC, including the company's annual report on Form 10-K and the company’s quarterly report on Form 10-Q.

    有關可能影響公司業務的其他風險的更多信息,請參閱公司向 SEC 歸檔的報告的“風險因素”部分,包括公司 10-K 表中的年度報告和 10 表中公司的季度報告-Q。

  • Also, all financial results and other financial measures discussed today are on a non-GAAP basis, unless specifically noted otherwise.


  • Non-GAAP financial measures are not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for results prepared in accordance with GAAP.


  • A reconciliation between our GAAP and non-GAAP measures as well as a discussion of why we present non-GAAP financial measures are included in our earnings press release that is available on our website.

    我們的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 指標之間的調整以及我們為何提出非 GAAP 財務指標的討論都包含在我們網站上的收益新聞稿中。

  • Before moving to the financial results, I'd like to announce that AOI management will virtually participate at the Rosenblatt 4th Annual Technology Summit- The Age of AI on August 20, and is attending the Jefferies Semi, IT Hardware & Communications Technology Summit on August 28.

    在公佈財務業績之前,我想宣布 AOI 管理層將虛擬參加 8 月 20 日舉行的 Rosenblatt 第四屆年度技術高峰會 - 人工智慧時代,並參加 8 月舉行的 Jefferies Semi、IT 硬體和通訊技術高峰會28.

  • I’d like to note that the date of our third quarter 2024 earnings call is currently scheduled for November 7, 2024.

    我想指出的是,我們 2024 年第三季財報電話會議的日期目前定於 2024 年 11 月 7 日。

  • Now, I would like to turn the call over to Dr. Thompson Lin, Applied Optoelectronics' Founder, Chairman and CEO.


  • Thompson?


  • Thompson Lin - Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

    Thompson Lin - Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Lindsay, and thank you for joining our call today.


  • Our revenue for the second quarter was in line with our expectations.


  • While our non-GAAP gross margin came in below our expectations, primarily due to product mix, our non-GAAP loss per share was favorable compared to our expectations.


  • During the second quarter, we delivered a revenue of $43.3 million, which was within our guidance range of $41.5 million to $46.5 million.

    第二季度,我們實現了 4,330 萬美元的收入,處於 4,150 萬至 4,650 萬美元的指導範圍內。

  • We delivered non-GAAP gross margin of 22.5%, which was below our guidance range of 25.5% to 27.5%.

    我們的非 GAAP 毛利率為 22.5%,低於我們 25.5% 至 27.5% 的指引範圍。

  • Our non-GAAP loss per share was $0.28, which was favorable compared to our guidance range of loss of $0.29 to $0.35 per share.

    我們的非 GAAP 每股虧損為 0.28 美元,這與我們每股虧損 0.29 至 0.35 美元的指導範圍相比是有利的。

  • Our revenue for our data center product of $34.4 million was up 25% year-over-year and 19% sequentially.

    我們的資料中心產品營收為 3,440 萬美元,較去年同期成長 25%,較上季成長 19%。

  • Revenue for our 100G products increased 21% year-over-year and revenue for our 400G products more than double in the same period.


  • We are pleased to report that we have begun to receive initial order for 400G products from a large hyper-scale customer, and we are very excited about this new customer interaction.

    我們很高興地報告,我們已經開始收到一家大型超大規模客戶的 400G 產品的初始訂單,我們對這種新的客戶互動感到非常興奮。

  • With this new customer, we now are shipping 400G products to three out of the five largest hyper-scale data center customers in the US.

    有了這個新客戶,我們現在正在向美國五個最大的超大規模資料中心客戶中的三個提供 400G 產品。

  • Total revenue in our CATV segment was $5.8 million, which was down 38% year-over-year and 33% sequentially largely driven by continued generally slow sales of DOCSIS 3.1 equipment.

    我們的 CATV 部門的總收入為 580 萬美元,年減 38%,環比下降 33%,這主要是由於 DOCSIS 3.1 設備的銷售持續普遍緩慢所致。

  • As the industry prepares to transition to DOCSIS 4.0, we believe that this transition is underway and expect our [CATV 6] to begin to ramp in Q3.

    隨著產業準備過渡到 DOCSIS 4.0,我們相信這種過渡正在進行中,並預計我們的 [CATV 6] 將在第三季開始成長。

  • With that, I'll turn the call over to Stefan to review the details of our Q2 performance and our outlook for Q3.

    接下來,我將把電話轉給 Stefan,以審查我們第二季業績的詳細資訊和第三季的前景。

  • Stefan?


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Thank you, Thompson.


  • As Thompson mentioned, our revenue for the second quarter was in line with our expectations.


  • While our non-GAAP gross margin came in below our expectations largely due to product mix, our non-GAAP loss per share was favorable compared to our expectations.


  • As a reminder, on our Q1 call, we discussed a number of key reasons why we felt optimistic about the second half of the year despite a slow start to 2024.

    提醒一下,在第一季的電話會議上,我們討論了儘管 2024 年開局緩慢,但我們對下半年感到樂觀的一些關鍵原因。

  • Today, we're pleased to report that we have executed on many of these initiatives that we believe will position the company for long-term success and continue to give us optimism for the second half of the year and beyond.


  • As Thompson mentioned earlier, we've begun to receive orders for 400G products from another large hyper-scale customer, and we expect to ship these initial orders in Q3.

    正如 Thompson 之前提到的,我們已經開始收到另一家大型超大規模客戶的 400G 產品訂單,我們預計在第三季度發貨這些初始訂單。

  • While the initial orders are relatively small, we are very excited about this new customer interaction.


  • With this new customer, we are now shipping 400G products to three out of the five largest hyper-scale data center customers in the US.

    有了這個新客戶,我們現在正在向美國五個最大的超大規模資料中心客戶中的三個提供 400G 產品。

  • We previously discussed on our Q1 call how we had begun to receive forecasted orders for the VCSEL-based 400G active optical cables, for which Microsoft provided development funding last year.

    我們之前在第一季電話會議上討論了我們如何開始收到基於 VCSEL 的 400G 有源光纜的預測訂單,微軟去年為此提供了開發資金。

  • As demonstrated by our Q2 datacenter results, we have started to see business improvements and expect to see continued improvement throughout the year.


  • While the initial ramp has been slower than originally anticipated, recent forecasts indicate a substantial improvement in revenue in late Q3 and into Q4 and beyond.


  • We anticipate that this will represent a longer-term, sustainable increase in business and are excited for this product to finally transition to wider usage within our customers' datacenters.


  • Lastly, in our CATV business, we have finalized the qualification testing with three out of the four individual 1.8 gigahertz amplifier models with one of our major MSO customers.

    最後,在我們的 CATV 業務中,我們已經與我們的主要 MSO 客戶之一完成了四個獨立 1.8 GHz 放大器型號中的三個的資格測試。

  • The testing has gone well, and we have begun to negotiate our first orders for these new amplifiers and expect our CATV results to improve markedly in Q3 as a result.

    測試進展順利,我們已經開始協商這些新擴大機的第一批訂單,並預計我們的 CATV 業績將在第三季顯著改善。

  • Turning to the quarter.


  • Our total revenue for the second quarter was $43.3 million, which was up 4% year-over-year and 6% sequentially and which was in line with our guidance range of $41.5 million to $46.5 million.

    我們第二季的總營收為 4,330 萬美元,年增 4%,季增 6%,符合我們 4,150 萬美元至 4,650 萬美元的指導範圍。

  • During the second quarter, 79% of our revenue was from our datacenter products, 13% was from our CATV products, with the remaining 8% from FTTH, telecom and other.


  • In our datacenter business, our Q2 datacenter revenue came in at $34.4 million, which increased 25% year-over-year and 19% sequentially.

    在我們的資料中心業務中,第二季資料中心營收為 3,440 萬美元,年增 25%,較上季成長 19%。

  • In the second quarter, 73% of our data center revenue was from our 100G products, 18% was from our 200G and 400G transceiver products and 7% was from our 40G transceiver products.


  • As we have discussed on several prior earnings calls, we signed two agreements with Microsoft in 2023 for the development of 400G products and beyond.

    正如我們在之前的幾次財報電話會議上討論的那樣,我們在 2023 年與微軟簽署了兩項協議,用於開發 400G 及更高版本的產品。

  • This included a development program to make next-generation lasers for its datacenters and for the development of its 400G and next-generation active optical cables.

    其中包括為其資料中心製造下一代雷射以及開發 400G 和下一代主動光纜的開發計劃。

  • While not guaranteed, we continue to believe that the revenue opportunity for our 400G and 800G products could be greater and a longer duration than the revenue contribution we saw from this customer during the peak of the 40G product cycle, which suggests that revenue from these products may exceed $300 million over the several years of these buildouts.

    雖然不能保證,但我們仍然相信,我們的 400G 和 800G 產品的收入機會可能比我們在 40G 產品週期高峰期從該客戶那裡看到的收入貢獻更大、持續時間更長,這表明這些產品的收入這些擴建項目在未來幾年內可能會超過3 億美元。

  • In Q2, we began to see some business improvement, and we believe that this business will continue to ramp in Q3 and Q4.


  • As our datacenter customers work on building out their next-generation, AI-focused data center architectures, we have been very active in our 800G qualification efforts with several hyperscale customers.

    隨著我們的資料中心客戶致力於建立下一代、以人工智慧為中心的資料中心架構,我們一直非常積極地與多個超大規模客戶一起進行 800G 認證工作。

  • We believe that orders for 800G products will begin for us in Q4 of this year, with a ramp from that point.

    我們相信 800G 產品的訂單將於今年第四季開始,並從那時起開始增加。

  • Turning to our CATV business.


  • CATV revenue in the second quarter was $5.8 million, which was down 38% year-over-year and down 33% sequentially, largely driven by generally slow sales of DOCSIS 3.1 equipment as the industry transitions to DOCSIS 4.0.

    第二季 CATV 收入為 580 萬美元,年減 38%,季減 33%,主要是由於產業向 DOCSIS 4.0 過渡,DOCSIS 3.1 設備銷售普遍放緩。

  • With the encouraging results from our customer qualification and our new 1.8 gigahertz amplifier products, we expect significant improvement in our CATV business starting in Q3, with an additional ramp in Q4 and into 2025, as we believe customer upgrades to their networks will begin in earnest.

    憑藉我們的客戶資格和新的1.8 GHz 放大器產品取得的令人鼓舞的成果,我們預計我們的CATV 業務將從第三季度開始顯著改善,並在第四季度和2025 年進一步增長,因為我們相信客戶將認真開始對其網路進行升級。

  • Now turning to our telecom segment.


  • Revenue from our telecom products of $2.4 million was down 44% year-over-year and up 5% sequentially, largely driven by ongoing softness in 5G demand, particularly in China.

    我們的電信產品收入為 240 萬美元,年減 44%,環比增長 5%,這主要是由於 5G 需求持續疲軟,特別是在中國。

  • Looking ahead, we continue to expect telecom sales to fluctuate from quarter-to-quarter.


  • For the second quarter, our top 10 customers represented 94% of revenue, up from 88% in Q2 of last year.

    第二季度,我們的十大客戶佔營收的 94%,高於去年第二季的 88%。

  • We had three greater than 10% customers, two, in the data center market, which contributed 60% and 16% of our total revenue, respectively; and one in the CATV market, which contributed 12% of our total revenue.

    我們有三個超過 10% 的客戶,其中兩個來自資料中心市場,分別貢獻了我們總收入的 60% 和 16%;有線電視市場占我們總收入的 12%。

  • In Q2, we generated non-GAAP gross margin of 22.5%, which was below our guidance range of 25.5% to 27.5% and was up from 18.9% in Q1 of 2024 and down from 24.8% in Q2 of 2023.

    第二季度,我們的非 GAAP 毛利率為 22.5%,低於 25.5% 至 27.5% 的指引範圍,高於 2024 年第一季的 18.9%,低於 2023 年第二季的 24.8%。

  • The decrease in gross margin was driven mainly by product mix.


  • Looking ahead, we expect continued improvement in gross margins throughout the year as product mix improves in our datacenter business and as our CATV business begins to ramp.


  • We remain committed to our long-term goal of returning our non-GAAP gross margin to around 40% and believe that this goal is achievable.

    我們仍然致力於實現將非 GAAP 毛利率恢復到 40% 左右的長期目標,並相信這一目標是可以實現的。

  • Total non-GAAP operating expenses in the second quarter were $26 million or 60% of revenue, which compared to $19 million or 46% of revenue in Q2 of the prior year due to higher R&D spend to improve time to market for our 800G and 1.6 terabit data center products.

    第二季非GAAP 營運支出總額為2,600 萬美元,佔營收的60%,而上年第二季為1,900 萬美元,佔營收的46%,這是由於為縮短800G 和1.6 的上市時間而增加的研發支出太比特資料中心產品。

  • Looking ahead, we continue to expect non-GAAP operating expenses to range from $24 million to $26 million per quarter to account for the acceleration of R&D expenses.

    展望未來,我們繼續預期非 GAAP 營運支出每季將在 2,400 萬美元至 2,600 萬美元之間,以應對研發支出的加速成長。

  • Non-GAAP operating loss in the second quarter was $16.2 million compared to an operating loss of $8.7 million in Q2 in the prior year.

    第二季非 GAAP 營運虧損為 1,620 萬美元,而上年第二季營運虧損為 870 萬美元。

  • GAAP net loss for Q2 was $26.1 million or a loss of $0.66 per basic share compared with a GAAP net loss of $16.9 million or a loss of $0.57 per basic share in Q2 of 2023.

    第二季 GAAP 淨虧損為 2,610 萬美元,或每股基本股虧損 0.66 美元,而 2023 年第二季 GAAP 淨虧損為 1,690 萬美元,或每股基本股虧損 0.57 美元。

  • On a non-GAAP basis, net loss for Q2 was $10.9 million or $0.28 per share, which was favorable to our guidance range of a loss of $11.6 million to $13.5 million or a loss per share in the range of $0.29 to $0.34 per basic share.

    以非公認會計準則計算,第二季淨虧損為1,090 萬美元,即每股0.28 美元,這有利於我們的指引範圍,即虧損1,160 萬美元至1,350 萬美元,或每股基本股虧損0.29 至0.34美元。

  • This compares to a non-GAAP net loss of $6.1 million or a loss of $0.21 per basic share in Q2 of the prior year.

    相比之下,去年第二季的非 GAAP 淨虧損為 610 萬美元,或每股基本股虧損 0.21 美元。

  • The fully diluted shares outstanding used for computing the earnings per share in Q2 were $39.4 million.

    用於計算第二季每股收益的完全稀釋後已發行股票為 3,940 萬美元。

  • Turning now to the balance sheet, we ended the second quarter with $16.1 million in total cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments and restricted cash.

    現在轉向資產負債表,第二季末我們的現金、現金等價物、短期投資和限制性現金總額為 1,610 萬美元。

  • This compares with $17.4 million at the end of the first quarter.

    相比之下,第一季末為 1740 萬美元。

  • As was the case last quarter, we had significant cash collections that came in shortly after the end of the quarter, including roughly $15 million in collections within the two-week period following the end of the quarter.

    與上季的情況一樣,我們在季度末後不久收到了大量現金回款,其中包括在季度末後兩週內收到的約 1500 萬美元的現金回款。

  • During the quarter, we also used some cash to pay down debt in order to control our interest expense.


  • We ended the quarter with total debt, excluding convertible debt of $27.5 million, compared to $34.8 million at the end of last quarter.

    本季末,我們的總債務(不包括可轉換債務)為 2,750 萬美元,而上季末為 3,480 萬美元。

  • As of June 30, we had $54.3 million in inventory, which was flat compared to $54.3 million at the end of Q1.

    截至 6 月 30 日,我們的庫存為 5,430 萬美元,與第一季末的 5,430 萬美元持平。

  • We made a total of $4 million in capital investments in the second quarter, which was mainly used for production and R&D equipment.


  • Moving now to our Q3 outlook.


  • We expect Q3 revenue to be between $60 million and $66 million and non-GAAP gross margin to be in the range of 24% to 26%.

    我們預計第三季營收將在 6,000 萬美元至 6,600 萬美元之間,非 GAAP 毛利率將在 24% 至 26% 之間。

  • Non-GAAP net loss is expected to be in the range of $5.9 million to $8.6 million and non-GAAP loss per share between $0.14 per basic share and $0.20 per basic share, using a weighted average basic share count of approximately 43.2 million shares.

    根據加權平均基本股數約為 4,320 萬股,預計非 GAAP 淨虧損將在 590 萬美元至 860 萬美元之間,非 GAAP 每股虧損將在每股基本股 0.14 美元至 0.20 美元之間。

  • The gross margin in Q3 is somewhat lower than what we had earlier anticipated, mainly due to additional costs that we expect to incur due to the rapid ramp of our 1.8 gigahertz CATV products in the quarter.

    第三季的毛利率略低於我們先前的預期,主要是由於我們預計本季 1.8GHz CATV 產品的快速成長將產生額外成本。

  • We believe the gross margin will expand for these products in Q4 as we gain efficiency and economies of scale in our manufacturing process for these new products.


  • Looking ahead, we continue to be optimistic about the long-term demand drivers for both our data center and CATV businesses and that we are well positioned to benefit from these growing trends.


  • At the midpoint of our third quarter guidance range, we are projecting in excess of 45% revenue growth sequentially.

    在我們第三季指導範圍的中點,我們預計營收季增將超過 45%。

  • While we are not yet in a position to provide guidance for Q4, we believe that this growth rate will accelerate from Q3 to Q4, benefiting from the tailwinds driven by the adoption of generative AI, which we continue to believe will require our datacenter customers to deploy more infrastructure, including more optical interconnect.


  • Due to our US-based production ability and our automated manufacturing capabilities and experience, we believe we are uniquely positioned to help our customers meet the significant demand.


  • Also, we believe that we are very well positioned with the right team, product portfolio and strategy in place as our CATV customers transition to next-generation architecture and implement new technologies like DOCSIS 4.0.

    此外,我們相信,隨著我們的 CATV 客戶過渡到下一代架構並實施 DOCSIS 4.0 等新技術,我們已處於非常有利的位置,擁有合適的團隊、產品組合和策略。

  • With that, I will turn it back over to the operator for the Q&A session.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Simon Leopold, Raymond James.


  • Simon Leopold - Analyst

    Simon Leopold - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you for taking the questions.


  • I've got a handful.


  • Let me start out with on this - the new hyperscale win, which sounds nice, and I guess something you guys have been shooting for a bit.


  • Can you give us a little bit more color on the nature of this award?


  • Is this another AOC type of device, or any kind of color you can give us on the contents of what you're selling to this - in this new project?

    這是另一種 AOC 類型的設備,還是您可以在這個新項目中向我們提供的有關您銷售的產品內容的任何顏色?

  • Then I've got a follow-up on the CATV segment?

    那我有關於 CATV 部分的後續報導嗎?

  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I mean, for confidentiality reasons, I really can't disclose too much about it, but it's a product that's more in line with our standard data center type transceiver product, and it is a 400 gig product.


  • And then a single mold.


  • Simon Leopold - Analyst

    Simon Leopold - Analyst

  • 400G.


  • Great.


  • And then on the CATV.


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Go ahead


  • Simon Leopold - Analyst

    Simon Leopold - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • On the CATV side, I kind of thought we were bottoming last quarter, so a little bit surprised, but everything suggests that the ramp of DOCSIS 4.0 is still coming, maybe just slower than we once expected.

    在有線電視方面,我認為我們上個季度已經觸底,所以有點驚訝,但一切都表明 DOCSIS 4.0 的增長仍在到來,可能只是比我們曾經預期的要慢。

  • So, I'm wondering if you could level set us in terms of, how you expect that product segment to develop, and maybe this is a little bit of an artificial metric, but I'm just trying to figure out where do we kind of get back to maybe a $25 million quarterly run rate?

    所以,我想知道您是否可以根據您期望該產品細分市場如何發展來對我們進行水平設定,也許這有點人為的指標,但我只是想弄清楚我們在哪裡恢復到2500 萬美元的季度運行率?

  • Is that a second half '25 event, or can that happen earlier than that?

    這是 25 年下半年的活動嗎,還是可以更早發生?

  • Any kind of guidance you could give us around the timing of the CATV ramp would help?

    您可以就 CATV 坡道的時間表向我們提供任何指導嗎?

  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, as we said in our prepared remarks, I expect a substantial improvement in CATV revenue in Q3.


  • So I expect we'll be back at a $25 million number before the end of the year, on that range.

    因此,我預計我們將在今年年底前恢復到 2500 萬美元的水平。

  • The challenge that we have right now, as we noted in the Cable TV section, is really on the gross margin in Q3, based on the guide.


  • What we expected was Cable TV gross margin to come in, significantly higher than our data center business.


  • And in Q3, we had some cost overruns and things, as we start to ramp this product.


  • So, we're expecting that gross margin to not be, where we wanted to ultimately settle out.


  • So for us, the excitement in Q3 around the revenue ramp in CATV is real.


  • It's a little bit muted, because of the additional expenses that we're incurring, but those are temporary.


  • Simon Leopold - Analyst

    Simon Leopold - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And just the last one, hopefully easy.


  • The share count is jumping in the guidance for the third quarter.


  • Could you just help explain that?


  • Thank you.


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yeah, I mean, it's a combination of stock grants that have already been made, and some provision for additional issuance of shares.


  • Simon Leopold - Analyst

    Simon Leopold - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Tim Savageaux, Northland Capital Markets.

    Tim Savageaux,北國資本市場。

  • Tim Savageaux - Analyst

    Tim Savageaux - Analyst

  • Hi, good afternoon, and congrats on the outlook in particular and the new win.


  • Just to go back on, well, kind of the guidance, I guess, it sounds like based on your answer to the last question, maybe as we look into this solid increase with Q4, the expected seller rate, sorry, Q3, the expected seller rate into Q4, seems like maybe it's 50-50, data center and cable.

    只是回顧一下,嗯,某種指導,我想,這聽起來像是基於您對上一個問題的回答,也許當我們研究第四季度的穩步增長時,預期的賣家率,對不起,第三季度,預期的第四季度的賣家利率似乎可能是 50-50,資料中心和電纜。

  • But any more color on - for this $20 million sequential increase you're looking for, is that about right and thinking about where it's coming from?

    但還有更多的顏色嗎 - 對於您正在尋找的 2000 萬美元的連續增長,這是否正確並考慮它來自哪裡?

  • And then, I will follow-up?


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • In Q3, more of the additional revenue is coming from cable than data center.


  • And in Q4, the opposite we think will be true.


  • That is data center will outgrow Cable TV and a dollar base in Q4 sequentially.


  • Tim Savageaux - Analyst

    Tim Savageaux - Analyst

  • It sure did, and that's super helpful.


  • And then, just on the quarter, you had a new 10% customer pop up in data center, I assume not a new customer.

    然後,就在這個季度,資料中心突然出現了 10% 的新客戶,我想這不是新客戶。

  • And it looks like Microsoft is pretty flat from an absolute dollar standpoint, but you did see an increase in 100 gig.

    從絕對美元的角度來看,微軟的表現相當平淡,但你確實看到了 100 兆的成長。

  • So should we assume that one of the maybe not hyperscale, but big kind of internal, I guess we're in data centers for internal capabilities, you've had a few of those guys, not necessarily internal, but associated with the business.


  • I can think of a few names that might fit that bill and doing a lot of AI investing, and maybe pulling along 100 gig or any more color on that new customer joining the list there?

    我能想到一些可能符合這個要求的名字,並進行大量的人工智慧投資,也許會為加入名單的新客戶帶來 100 億美元或更多的色彩?

  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • No, the customer that popped up above 10%, it has been a customer for a while, but that's not the new customer that we were referring to.

    不,突然出現超過 10% 的客戶,它已經成為客戶一段時間了,但這不是我們所說的新客戶。

  • However, it is another hyperscale customer.


  • And they're predominantly buying 400 gig, not 100 gig.

    他們主要購買 400 演出,而不是 100 演出。

  • And they're doing that, because they're aggressively building out their AI infrastructure as well.


  • Tim Savageaux - Analyst

    Tim Savageaux - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And we'll - not to be dense here, but this is not

    我們會 - 不要在這裡太密集,但這不是

  • -


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • The customers up on a revenue basis, they've grown almost 4x since Q1 in terms of their purchasing.

    從營收來看,客戶的購買量自第一季以來成長了近 4 倍。

  • Tim Savageaux - Analyst

    Tim Savageaux - Analyst

  • Great, awesome color, but that's not the new hyperscaler that you're referencing.


  • Or is it?


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Right, it's not.


  • Tim Savageaux - Analyst

    Tim Savageaux - Analyst

  • It's not.


  • Okay.


  • And I guess last question started parse semantic so much here, but you mentioned the newer 400 gig customer.

    我想最後一個問題在這裡開始解析語義,但你提到了較新的 400 gig 客戶。

  • I think Thompson referred to that as a new customer, but is it better referred to as a historical customer that's come back, or this is a net new customer for applied offer?


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • So, we would classify a customer that hasn't stayed done business with us in a while, two years or something as a new customer, because it really is a new interaction for us.


  • Tim Savageaux - Analyst

    Tim Savageaux - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great and should we….?


  • Operator


  • Sorry, please go ahead.


  • Tim Savageaux - Analyst

    Tim Savageaux - Analyst

  • I guess the last one was on, I hear you on the gross margin with the ramp in Q3 and the pressure coming out of cable.


  • And you've given not guidance, but at least some directional idea on Q4 for revenue.


  • Do you think, and maybe you said this, do you think you'll be able to resolve some of those gross margin issues in cable and Q4 to drive gross margin types?


  • That's it from me.


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yeah, I think a lot of the extra costs that we're incurring in the production are really Q3.


  • I think by Q4 we'll have most of that recovered.


  • It may take us another quarter to get entirely back to where we expected to settle out longer-term, which would be circa 40%, maybe a little bit higher.

    我們可能還需要一個季度才能完全恢復到我們預期的長期穩定水平,即大約 40%,甚至更高一點。

  • So I think the bulk of the extra expense will be resolved by Q4.


  • That's driving gross margin.


  • Tim Savageaux - Analyst

    Tim Savageaux - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Dave Kang, B. Riley FBR.

    (操作員說明)Dave Kang,B. Riley FBR。

  • Dave Kang - Analyst

    Dave Kang - Analyst

  • Yeah, thank you.


  • First question is just a follow-up on Tim's question about third quarter as well as fourth quarter for that matter.


  • You expect data com, to drive strong growth, especially in fourth quarter.


  • Just can you provide a little bit more color, more flavor, you know, whether it's 100 gig, 400 gig, 800 gig, any additional color would be appreciated?

    只是你能提供更多一點的顏色,更多的味道嗎,你知道,無論是 100 GB、400 GB、800 GB,任何額外的顏色都會受到讚賞嗎?

  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Sure, it's expected to be mostly 400 gig and some contribution from 800 gig in Q4.

    當然,預計第四季大部分是 400 場演出,還有 800 場演出的部分貢獻。

  • Dave Kang - Analyst

    Dave Kang - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Because it's very relative to this table.


  • Dave Kang - Analyst

    Dave Kang - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then just Microsoft AOC program sounds like starting to ramp.

    然後,微軟 AOC 計畫聽起來似乎開始加速。

  • And you're still sticking with $300 million, because I'm wondering if you think maybe by exiting at what level to give us some comfort, maybe you can do $100 million next year.

    你仍然堅持 3 億美元,因為我想知道你是否認為也許透過在什麼水平退出來給我們一些安慰,也許你明年可以做 1 億美元。

  • I mean, you think you can do $20 million, $25 million exiting this year?

    我的意思是,你認為你今年可以賺 2000 萬、2500 萬美元退出嗎?

  • Or what, I guess, what are they forecasting?


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • I mean, I think it remains to be seen.


  • I think it would be tough to get all the way up to $25 million, let's say, in Q4.

    我認為第四季要一路達到 2500 萬美元是很困難的。

  • Things as we noted in our prepared remarks earlier, things in that project have gotten off to a slower start than what we had expected.


  • They are starting to ramp, however, so, you know, we're still sticking with that $300 million aggregate number.

    然而,它們已經開始增加,所以,你知道,我們仍然堅持 3 億美元的總數。

  • Just a little bit later to get started than we expected.


  • Dave Kang - Analyst

    Dave Kang - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then on 800 gig in our previous meeting, you talked about two hyperscalers ramping in third quarter.

    然後在我們之前的會議上的 800 場演出中,您談到了第三季的兩家超大規模企業。

  • Now I think you said in the prepared remarks, now it's pushed the fourth quarter.


  • Did I hear that correctly?


  • And are we talking about - same hyperscalers or different customers?


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I remember correctly, the commentary you had was that - we would expect 800 gig sales for one or two hyperscale customers in late Q3 or early Q4.

    我沒記錯的話,您收到的評論是 - 我們預計在第三季末或第四季初為一兩個超大規模客戶提供 800 份零工銷售。

  • And that's pretty consistent with what we're seeing now.


  • There are scenarios where we could literally get some orders in Q3, but I think if you saw enough that I'm more comfortable putting into the Q4 thing.


  • But it's not a dramatic change from what we had talked about it.


  • Dave Kang - Analyst

    Dave Kang - Analyst

  • And my last question is on gross margin.


  • I think you said the long-term target is 40%.


  • Are we talking like the second half of next year?


  • And if so, what kind of volume would you require for you to hit your target?


  • Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan Murry - Chief Financial Officer,Chief Strategy Officer

  • It's not as much about volume as it is about product mix.


  • Dave, that's what we were talking about earlier.


  • I mean the products that we have in our portfolio will have in our portfolio within the next year or so, have gross margins that range from in excess of 40% to somewhere in the low 20s.

    我的意思是,我們的產品組合中的產品將在未來一年左右的時間內出現在我們的產品組合中,其毛利率範圍從超過 40% 到 20% 以下。

  • And actually, there's probably a few products that are even below that.


  • But in terms of the major products, so it's the mix between those products.


  • And in particular, the cable TV products generally come in, especially the DOCSIS 4.0 products are going to come in at a higher gross margin towards that upper end of the range that I mentioned a minute ago.

    特別是,有線電視產品,尤其是 DOCSIS 4.0 產品,將以更高的毛利率進入我一分鐘前提到的範圍上限。

  • And some of the 800 gig products will come in at pretty high gross margins as well.

    一些 800 場演出的產品也將獲得相當高的毛利率。

  • And the third factor that's going to drive the gross margins up, is the shift in 400 gig from predominantly multi-mode optics to single mode optics.

    第三個推動毛利率上升的因素是 400 gig 從多模光學器件為主轉向單模光學元件。

  • So, we've seen some customer interest in particular, some of the new customer interactions that we talked about earlier.


  • Those have been for single mode for 400 gig optics, which are significantly more expensive and have better gross margin than the multimode optics.

    這些適用於 400 gig 光學的單模,與多模光學元件相比,它們的價格要高得多,而且毛利率更高。

  • So all three of those things are what will combine to drive gross margin up.


  • Dave Kang - Analyst

    Dave Kang - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • And ladies and gentlemen, this concludes our question-and-answer session.


  • I'd like to turn the call back over to Dr. Thompson Lin for closing remarks.

    我想將電話轉回給 Thompson Lin 博士做總結演講。

  • Thompson Lin - Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

    Thompson Lin - Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

  • Okay.


  • Thank you for joining us today.


  • As always, we want to extend a thank you to our investors, customers and employees for your continued support, as we discussed today, we believe the long-term demand drivers remain strong for both our datacenter and CATV business, and we believe we are well positioned to capitalize on these opportunities.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, Dr. Lin.


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • We thank you all for attending today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect your lines, and have a wonderful evening.
