Visa Inc (V) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


Visa 公佈了 2024 年第四季和全年的強勁財務業績,淨收入年增 12%,每股收益較去年同期成長 16%。該公司強調了支付量和跨境交易量的穩定成長,以及與全球客戶的新合作夥伴關係和續約。

Visa對其抵禦司法部最近提起的訴訟的能力充滿信心,並繼續關注未來的成長機會。他們對收購 Featurespace 感到興奮,並積極採用人工智慧驅動的解決方案來打擊詐欺。

該公司將美國最終的開放銀行規則視為成長機會,並計劃遵守法規。 Visa 專注於提供支付以外的增值服務,並對 2025 財年的持續成長持樂觀態度。


使用警語:中文譯文來源為 Google 翻譯,僅供參考,實際內容請以英文原文為主

  • Operator


  • Welcome to Visa's fiscal fourth quarter and full year 2024 earnings conference call.

    歡迎參加 Visa 第四財季和 2024 年全年收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Today's conference is being recorded, if you have any objections, you may disconnect at this time.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to your host, Ms. Jennifer Como, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor relations.

    現在我想將會議交給東道主、高級副總裁兼投資者關係全球主管 Jennifer Como 女士。

  • Ms. Como, you may begin.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to Visa's fiscal fourth quarter and full year 2024 earnings call.

    大家下午好,歡迎參加 Visa 第四季和 2024 年全年財報電話會議。

  • Joining us today are Ryan McInerney, Visa's Chief Executive Officer; and Chris Suh, Visa's Chief Financial Officer.

    今天加入我們的還有 Visa 執行長 Ryan McInerney;以及 Visa 財務長 Chris Suh。

  • This call is being webcast on the investor relations section of our website at A replay will be archived on our site for 30 days.

    本次電話會議正在我們網站 的投資者關係部分進行網路直播。重播將在我們的網站上存檔 30 天。

  • A slide deck containing financial and statistical highlights has been posted on our IR website.


  • Let me also remind you that this presentation includes forward-looking statements.


  • These statements are not guarantees of future performance and our actual results could differ materially as the result of many factors.


  • Additional information concerning those factors is available in our most recent in a report on Form 10-K and any subsequent reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K which you can find on the SECs website and the Investor Relations section of our website.

    有關這些因素的更多信息,請參閱我們最新的 10-K 表格報告以及 10-Q 和 8-K 表格的任何後續報告,您可以在 SEC 網站和我們網站的投資者關係部分找到這些報告。

  • Our comments today regarding our financial results will reflect revenue on a GAAP basis and all other results on a non-GAAP nominal basis.

    我們今天對財務表現的評論將反映按 GAAP 計算的收入以及按非 GAAP 名義計算的所有其他結果。

  • Unless otherwise noted, the related GAAP measures and reconciliation are available in today's earnings release and related materials available on our IR website.


  • And with that, let me turn the call over to Ryan.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Thank you for joining us.


  • Our fourth-quarter results were very strong with $9.6 billion in net revenue, up 12% year-over-year, and EPS up 16%.

    我們第四季的業績非常強勁,淨收入為 96 億美元,年增 12%,每股收益成長 16%。

  • Our key business drivers were relatively stable compared to Q3.


  • In constant dollars, overall payment volume grew 8% year-over-year.

    以不變美元計算,整體支付量年增 8%。

  • US payment volume grew 5% and international payment volume grew 10%.

    美國支付量成長 5%,國際支付量成長 10%。

  • Cross-border volume, excluding intra-Europe, rose 13%, and processed transactions grew 10% year-over-year.

    跨國交易量(不包括歐洲內部)增加了 13%,處理的交易量年增 10%。

  • As I reflect on this quarter and the full fiscal year, I'm incredibly proud of the more than 31,000 Visa employees who have been focused on delivering our strategy and enabling our clients with compelling solutions, which resulted in the company's strong performance.

    當我回顧本季和整個財年時,我為超過31,000 名Visa 員工感到無比自豪,他們專注於實施我們的策略並為我們的客戶提供引人注目的解決方案,從而使公司取得了強勁的業績。

  • We have continued to grow our consumer payments business through an intense focus on product design and innovation.


  • In new flows are targeted strategy for non-consumer payments is paying off.


  • And in value added services, we have deepened our relationships with our clients through multiple different solutions and continued to expand our services to non-Visa transactions.

    在加值服務方面,我們透過多種不同的解決方案加深了與客戶的關係,並繼續將我們的服務擴展到非 Visa 交易。

  • We have done all this while further increasing our suite of solutions.


  • Now let's dive into some of the highlights for the fourth quarter and the year.


  • In consumer payments, we continued to increase credentials and acceptance.


  • We have over [4.6 billion] credentials, up 7% year-over-year and 11.5 billion tokens with more than 30% of our total transactions tokenized.

    我們擁有超過 [46 億] 個憑證,年成長 7%,擁有 115 億個代幣,其中超過 30% 的總交易已代幣化。

  • Global merchant locations crossed 150 million.


  • The Olympics and Paralympics certainly helped with more than 7 million Paris 2024 branded cards issued and more than 130,000 merchant locations added in Europe, and I am particularly excited about new acceptance use cases.

    奧運和殘奧無疑幫助發行了超過 700 萬張巴黎 2024 年品牌卡,並在歐洲增加了超過 13 萬個商家網點,我對新的受理用例感到特別興奮。

  • For example, we renewed an agreement with Cantaloupe, a leading provider of self-service commerce across sectors such as food and beverage automated retail with over 1 million active devices globally and more than 1 billion transactions annually.

    例如,我們與 Cantaloupe 續簽了協議,Cantaloupe 是食品和飲料自動化零售等領域領先的自助商務提供商,在全球擁有超過 100 萬台活躍設備,每年交易量超過 10 億筆。

  • And in the Netherlands, we reached agreement with the country's largest grocer, Albert Heijn to expand in store acceptance to all Visa products.

    在荷蘭,我們與全國最大的雜貨商 Albert Heijn 達成協議,以擴大商店對所有 Visa 產品的接受度。

  • We also recently renewed our agreement with AppFolio in the US for rental payments acceptance.

    我們最近也與美國 AppFolio 續簽了接受租金付款的協議。

  • AppFolio is one of the largest software providers in the property management space and services 8 million-plus units across more than 20,000 clients.

    AppFolio 是物業管理領域最大的軟體供應商之一,為超過 20,000 個客戶的 800 多萬個裝置提供服務。

  • Throughout the year, we have continued to innovate in order to expand Visa's capabilities to non-card payments.

    在這一年裡,我們不斷創新,將 Visa 的功能擴展到非卡支付。

  • This quarter, we announced Visa A2A, bringing the power of Visa's brand infrastructure and rules as well as consumer protections to enable simpler, safer and more secure account-to-account payments.

    本季度,我們宣布推出 Visa A2A,利用 Visa 品牌基礎設施和規則以及消費者保護的力量,實現更簡單、更安全的帳戶到帳戶支付。

  • We are excited to be collaborating with several banks, including NatWest and Nationwide Building Society and several leading fintechs, including Modular, to deliver an industry driven solution to unlock the full potential of account to account transactions in the UK.

    我們很高興能夠與 NatWest 和 Nationwide Building Society 等多家銀行以及 Modular 等多家領先的金融科技公司合作,提供行業驅動的解決方案,以釋放英國帳戶到帳戶交易的全部潛力。

  • And Visa A2A is open, open to any eligible bank open banking provider and verified biller.

    而且 Visa A2A 是開放的,向任何符合資格的銀行開放銀行提供者和經過驗證的記帳機構開放。

  • Initially, this is targeted at bill payments and we plan to launch in 2025 in the UK.

    最初,它的目標是帳單支付,我們計劃於 2025 年在英國推出。

  • We are very excited to bring this to market.


  • In prior quarters, I've mentioned, our account-to-account fraud risk-scoring solution, Visa Protect for A2A payments.

    在之前的幾個季度中,我曾提到我們的帳戶到帳戶詐欺風險評分解決方案,即用於 A2A 支付的 Visa Protect。

  • It was recently announced as Juniper Researches Platinum Winner for Fraud and Security Innovation of the Year award and we will be piloting on 10 new RTP networks in 2025.

    它最近被宣佈為瞻博網路研究公司年度詐欺和安全創新白金獎得主,我們將在 2025 年在 10 個新的 RTP 網路上進行試點。

  • We're also seeing very strong interest in our new flexible credential, which enables multiple payment options from one Visa credential.

    我們也看到人們對我們新的靈活憑證非常感興趣,該憑證可以透過一個 Visa 憑證提供多種付款選項。

  • We have hundreds of issuers in the pipeline and several launches planned for 2025 in the US, Asia Pacific, Europe, and CEMEA.

    我們有數百家發行人正在籌備中,並計劃於 2025 年在美國、亞太地區、歐洲和 CEMEA 發行幾家發行人。

  • Last quarter, I mentioned the expansion of tapping use cases on a mobile device.


  • Tapped to add card is now enabled by issuers in more than 15 countries across our five regions.

    我們五個地區超過 15 個國家的發卡機構現已啟用「點擊新增卡」功能。

  • We know the transit is a key activator for tapping and global top to ride transactions exceeded 2 billion for the first time in fiscal year 2024, up 25% year-over-year.

    我們知道,交通是點擊量的關鍵推動因素,2024 財年全球頂級乘車交易額首次突破 20 億筆,較去年同期成長 25%。

  • We added more than 110 new transit systems throughout the year in cities such as Boston, Athens, Beijing, Las Vegas and Lima to total over 870 globally.

    我們全年在波士頓、雅典、北京、拉斯維加斯和利馬等城市新增了 110 多個新交通系統,全球總數超過 870 個。

  • And more than 40% of these new systems also use our value added services Excel Upton solutions tap to pay penetration globally, excluding the US was at 82%, up 6 points from 2023.

    這些新系統中超過 40% 也使用我們的加值服務 Excel Upton 解決方案進行支付,在全球範圍內的滲透率(不包括美國)為 82%,比 2023 年增長了 6 個百分點。

  • And in the US, it was at 54%, up 13 points from last year with 29 out of the top 30 US.

    在美國,這一比例為 54%,比去年上升 13 個百分點,在美國前 30 名中佔 29 個百分點。

  • Merchants accepting Tap to Pay.

    接受 Tap to Pay 的商家。

  • Now pivoting to some deal highlights.


  • We had some significant renewals this quarter around the globe.


  • First with one of our largest clients in Latin America, Grupo Pramerica in credit, debit and commercial across eight countries.

    首先是我們在拉丁美洲最大的客戶之一,Grupo Pramerica,在八個國家提供信貸、金融卡和商業服務。

  • Second with our largest Asia Pacific clients, SMCC across consumer and commercial credit.

    其次是我們最大的亞太客戶 SMCC,涉及消費和商業信用領域。

  • Third, with our largest CEMEA client, Alrajhi across consumer commercial and value added services, including Cybersource and Visa risk manager, our network agnostic risk product, and across both Asia-Pacific and CEMEA, with Standard Chartered Bank, a credit renewal across key markets in Asia, a debit renewal with key markets in Africa as well as a new expansion in the Middle East for credit.

    第三,與我們最大的CEMEA 客戶Alrajhi 合作,涵蓋消費者商業和增值服務,包括Cyber​​source 和Visa 風險管理器(我們的網路不可知風險產品),並與渣打銀行合作,在亞太地區和CEMEA 提供跨關鍵市場的信用更新在亞洲,在非洲主要市場進行借記更新,並在中東進行新的信貸擴張。

  • In addition, they will continue to use our value added services.


  • In North America, we had three very important renewals.


  • In Canada, we renewed our relationship with the country's top issuer RBC across consumer credit and debit, small business credit and commercial credit.


  • In the US, we recently extended our long-standing partnership with US Bank to grow our relationship across their consumer and commercial portfolios.


  • And we have renewed with USAA across both their consumer debit and credit portfolios.

    我們也與 USAA 續簽了其消費者金融卡和信貸投資組合。

  • Finally in Europe, building upon our strong relationship in Italy and across 11 other markets.

    最後是歐洲,我們在義大利和其他 11 個市場建立了牢固的關係。

  • We are pleased to have renewed the strategic agreement with Intesa Sanpaolo, expanding our collaboration in Italy with the largest bank in the country for innovative solutions amongst businesses and consumers.


  • In addition, together, we will enable new value added services for their Visa customers.

    此外,我們還將共同為他們的 Visa 客戶提供新的加值服務。

  • Across all of our regions and all of our fintech partners from early-stage to mature, we signed over 650 commercial partnerships, up 30% from last year.

    在我們所有地區以及所有從早期到成熟的金融科技合作夥伴中,我們簽署了超過 650 個商業合作夥伴關係,比去年增長了 30%。

  • As you can see, we have continued to grow our businesses through active engagement with our clients and a relentless focus on new product innovations.


  • Now moving to new flows where our targeted strategy for capturing newer areas of growth is paying off.


  • This quarter, new flows revenue grew 22% year over year in constant dollars.

    本季度,以不變美元計算,新流量收入年增 22%。

  • Visa Direct transactions grew 38% for the quarter to 2.8 billion and commercial volumes grew 5% year over year.

    Visa Direct 交易量本季成長 38%,達到 28 億筆,商業交易量較去年同期成長 5%。

  • We finished the year with almost 10 billion Visa Direct transactions and 1.7 trillion in Commercial Payments volume.

    今年結束時,我們的 Visa Direct 交易量接近 100 億筆,商業支付量達到 1.7 兆筆。

  • Commercial credentials grew at 18% year over year, significantly faster than the 7% growth for total credentials that I mentioned earlier.

    商業證書年增 18%,明顯快於我之前提到的總證書 7% 的成長速度。

  • We are very focused on growing B2B in new verticals such as travel.

    我們非常注重在旅遊等新垂直領域發展 B2B。

  • We are pleased to announce that we signed a virtual card issuing deal with JPMorgan Chase in Europe.


  • This is a significant opportunity for Visa to further build on our strong issuing relationship in North America as well as further grow in the B2B travel vertical.

    對 Visa 來說,這是一個重要的機會,可以進一步鞏固我們在北美的強大發行關係,並在 B2B 旅遊垂直領域進一步發展。

  • Additionally, in Europe, we will be partnering with Adyen so that they can offer online travel agencies or OTAs Visa.

    此外,在歐洲,我們將與 Adyen 合作,以便他們可以提供線上旅行社或 OTA Visa。

  • Another area of focus is the cross-border B2B space where we offer significant value for complex payments through both Card and Visa B2B Connect.

    另一個重點領域是跨國 B2B 領域,我們透過 Card 和 Visa B2B Connect 為複雜支付提供巨大價值。

  • For Visa B2B Connect, we increased the number of banks that have signed on by almost 40% year over year, and the number of transacting bank tax is up nearly 60%.

    對於Visa B2B Connect,我們簽約的銀行數量比去年同期增加了近40%,交易銀行稅的數量增加了近60%。

  • In Korea, we reached two agreements with Hana Card. The first is a commercial and consumer credit and debit issuance partnership with enhanced multi-currency capabilities targeted towards the cross border needs of its customers.


  • The second is an agreement with Hana Card and the government trade agency KOTRA so that small business exporters can receive cross-border B2B payments via card.

    第二個是與 Hana Card 和政府貿易機構 KOTRA 達成協議,以便小型企業出口商可以透過卡片接收跨境 B2B 付款。

  • In Canada, we are very pleased to have won the multicurrency credit issuance with fintech loop, a cross-border banking platform for Canadian-based SMBs.

    在加拿大,我們很高興贏得了 Fintech Loop 的多幣種信貸發行,Fintech Loop 是一個針對加拿大中小企業的跨境銀行平台。

  • In addition, our cross-border capabilities to currency cloud will provide FX solutions across accounts, digital wallets and international payments.


  • In Australia, we reached a multi-currency commercial debit agreement with OFX, a leading global money transfer company that offers foreign exchange services, international payment and spend management controls.

    在澳大利亞,我們與 OFX 達成了多幣種商業借記協議,OFX 是一家提供外匯服務、國際支付和支出管理控制的全球領先匯款公司。

  • Now moving to Visa Direct, where we have continued to grow through new and expanded relationships.

    現在轉向 Visa Direct,我們透過新的和擴展的關係不斷發展。

  • In Europe, we expanded our existing cross-border P2P partnership with Resolute to now allow real-time card transfers for their business customers via the Visa Direct platform form in over 78 countries supporting over 50 currencies.

    在歐洲,我們擴大了與 Resolute 現有的跨境 P2P 合作夥伴關係,現在允許其企業客戶透過 Visa Direct 平台形式在超過 78 個國家/地區進行即時銀行卡轉賬,支援 50 多種貨幣。

  • In the US, we are excited about an expanded partnership with daily pay, whose users are currently accessing earnings on demand to be a Visa Direct to now seamlessly send those earnings as international remittances to friends and family around the world.

    在美國,我們對與 daily pay 擴大合作夥伴關係感到興奮,其用戶目前可以透過 Visa Direct 按需獲取收入,現在可以將這些收入作為國際匯款無縫發送給世界各地的朋友和家人。

  • In Brazil, we reached a new agreement with Travelex Banco de Cambio, one of the largest foreign exchange banks in the country and the first to specialize in FX operations regulated by the Central Bank.

    在巴西,我們與通濟隆銀行 (Travelex Banco de Cambio) 達成了新協議,這是該國最大的外匯銀行之一,也是第一家專門從事受中央銀行監管的外匯業務的銀行。

  • The client will use Visa Direct for import and export payments and for remittances to a broad range of destinations.

    客戶將使用 Visa Direct 進行進出口付款以及向多個目的地進行匯款。

  • So across our new flows, we have seen our specific strategies succeeding in the marketplace and now on to value added services where revenue was up 22% in the fourth quarter and full year in constant dollars.

    因此,在我們的新流程中,我們看到我們的具體策略在市場上取得了成功,現在又轉向增值服務,按固定美元計算,第四季度和全年收入增長了 22%。

  • Let's look at the progress we have made across our value added services, our issuance solutions, our core banking and issuer processing platform.


  • Pismo has a good pipeline and its solutions are resonating with clients with nearly 12 billion API calls a month.

    Pismo 擁有良好的管道,其解決方案每月有近 120 億次 API 調用,與客戶產生共鳴。

  • Recently, Pismo renewed its agreement with Itau in Brazil.

    最近,Pismo 與巴西 Itau 續簽了協議。

  • And in 2025, we plan to expand business offerings to clients in more than five countries across four regions.

    到 2025 年,我們計劃向四個地區超過五個國家的客戶拓展業務。

  • In risk and identity solutions, we recently announced our intent to acquire feature space, a developer of real-time artificial intelligence payments protection technology., it will enable Visa to provide enhanced fraud prevention tools to our clients and protect consumers in real time across various payment methods.

    在風險和身分解決方案方面,我們最近宣布有意收購即時人工智慧支付保護技術開發商Feature Space,這將使Visa能夠為我們的客戶提供增強的詐欺預防工具,並在各種情況下即時保護消費者。

  • And worldwide, already a Visa partner and leading European acquirer will soon be launching an optimized fraud management solution, utilizing decision manager to provide businesses with AI based e-commerce fraud detection capabilities.

    在全球範圍內,Visa 合作夥伴和領先的歐洲收單機構很快就會推出優化的詐欺管理解決方案,利用決策管理器為企業提供基於人工智慧的電子商務詐欺偵測功能。

  • In acceptance, food delivery platform, foodpanda has been a long-standing Cybersource client in Asia across several markets.

    在食品配送平台方面,foodpanda 一直是亞洲多個市場的 Cyber​​source 長期客戶。

  • They will also soon be using our AI powered data token solution, which we had earlier this year, enabling customers to control how their data is used to experienced tailored shopping experiences.


  • In advisory services, Visa consulting and analytics delivered more than 3,000 consulting engagements during the year, and we estimate that we help clients realize over $5 billion of incremental revenue as a result.

    在諮詢服務方面,Visa 諮詢和分析在這一年中提供了超過 3,000 項諮詢業務,我們預計我們將幫助客戶實現超過 50 億美元的增量收入。

  • So our value added services have continued to show strong momentum across both Visa and non-Visa transactions and nonpayment value added services.

    因此,我們的增值服務在 Visa 和非 Visa 交易以及非支付增值服務方面繼續表現出強勁的勢頭。

  • Before I close, I wanted to make a few comments on the recent lawsuit by the Department of Justice.


  • We believe the lawsuit is meritless and shows a clear lack of understanding of the payments ecosystem in the United States.


  • We will defend ourselves vigorously and are confident in our ability to demonstrate that Visa competes for every transaction in a thriving debit space that continues to grow and see new entrants.

    我們將積極捍衛自己,並對我們的能力充滿信心,證明 Visa 在蓬勃發展的借記卡領域的每筆交易中都具有競爭力,而且借記卡領域不斷發展並不斷出現新的進入者。

  • In closing, I'm proud of our team and all that we have accomplished.


  • We delivered on our financial expectations while also investing in Visa's future through important product innovation.

    我們實現了財務預期,同時也透過重要的產品創新投資於 Visa 的未來。

  • Back at 2020, at our Investor Day, we set a goal for new flows and value-added services revenue to represent more than 30% of net revenue by the end of 2024.

    回到 2020 年,在投資者日,我們設定了到 2024 年底新流量和增值服務收入佔淨收入 30% 以上的目標。

  • I am pleased to say that we have exceeded that goal and we will be hosting another Investor Day on February 20, 2025 here in San Francisco when we can talk more about our strategy to continue growing value, added services, new flows, and consumer payments.

    我很高興地說,我們已經超越了這一目標,我們將於2025 年2 月20 日在舊金山舉辦另一場投資者日活動,屆時我們可以更多地討論我們繼續增長價值、增值服務、新流量和消費者支付的策略。

  • I see tremendous opportunity ahead and fuel cost confident in our plans to get us there.


  • Now over to Chris.


  • Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

    Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks Ryan.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • We closed the year with another strong quarter.


  • In Q4, we saw relatively stable growth across payments volume, cross border volume, and process transactions when compared to Q3.


  • In constant dollars, global payments volume was up 8% year-over-year and cross border volume excluding Intra Europe was up 13% year-over-year process transactions grew 10% year over year.

    以不變美元計算,全球支付量較去年同期成長 8%,不包括歐洲內部的跨國交易量較去年同期成長 13%,流程交易量較去年同期成長 10%。

  • Fiscal fourth quarter, net revenue was up 12% above our expectations primarily due to lower than expected incentives stronger than expected other revenue and FX being less of a drag than expected.

    第四財季淨收入比我們的預期成長 12%,主要是由於低於預期的激勵措施強於預期的其他收入以及外匯的拖累小於預期。

  • Net revenue was also up 12% in constant dollars.

    以不變美元計算,淨收入也成長了 12%。

  • EPS was up 16% year over year and 17% in constant dollars, higher than expected from the strong net revenue performance and a lower than expected tax rate.

    每股盈餘年增 16%,以固定匯率計算成長 17%,高於預期,原因是強勁的淨收入表現和低於預期的稅率。

  • Let's go into the details.


  • In the US, total payments volume grew 5% year over year in line with Q3 credit and debit also each grew 5% card, present volume grew 2% and card not present volume grew 6%.

    在美國,總支付量年增 5%,與第三季信用卡和金融卡支付額各成長 5% 一致,卡片支付量成長 2%,無卡支付量成長 6%。

  • Consumer spend across all segments from low to high spend has remained relatively stable to Q3.


  • Our data does not indicate any meaningful behavior change across consumer segments from last quarter.


  • Moving to international markets.


  • Total payment volume was up 10% in constant dollars stable to Q3.

    以固定匯率計算,總支付量與第三季相比成長了 10%。

  • In most major regions, payments volume year over year growth rates in constant dollars were strong for the quarter with Latin America up 24%, CEMEA up 19%, and Europe up 12%.

    在大多數主要地區,以固定美元計算,本季支付量年增率強勁,其中拉丁美洲成長 24%,CEMEA 成長 19%,歐洲成長 12%。

  • Asia Pacific payments volume saw a marginal improvement from Q3 in constant dollars for the quarter but was still less than 1% year over year growth primarily due to the macroeconomic environment most notably in Mainland China.

    以固定美元計算,本季亞太地區的支付量較第三季略有改善,但年成長仍低於 1%,主要是由於宏觀經濟環境(尤其是中國大陸)的影響。

  • Asia Pacific payments volume growth excluding mainland China was relatively consistent to Q3.


  • Now to cross border volume, which I will speak to today in constant dollars and excluding Intra Europe transactions.


  • Total cross border volume was up 13% in Q4 below Q3 in line with our expectations, Q4 cross border e-commerce measured as card not present volume excluding travel and crypto purchases grew 15% which was faster than cross border travel volume growth at 12% in line with our expectations.


  • Indexed to 2019, cross border travel was relatively consistent with Q3.


  • As we look at the travel corridors, the primary driver of the lower year over year cross border travel volume growth was Asia Pacific inbound and outbound, which continued to be impacted by the same primary factors we've been mentioning all year, macroeconomic conditions, currency weakness and flight bookings being below pre-COVID levels.


  • We also saw a step down in CEMEA outbound travel volume growth compared to Q3 due to Ramadan timing.

    由於齋戒月時間的原因,我們也發現 CEMEA 出境游量增速較第三季下降。

  • Normalized for this, the CEMEA growth was stable.

    對此進行標準化後,CEMEA 成長穩定。

  • Now, let's review our fourth quarter financial results.


  • I'll start with the revenue components.


  • Service revenue grew 8% year-over-year versus the 7% growth in Q3 constant dollar payments volume due to mix and improving utilization of card benefits.

    由於卡片優惠的混合和利用率的提高,服務收入年增 8%,而第三季以固定美元計算的支付量成長 7%。

  • Data processing revenue grew 8% versus 10% process transaction growth primarily due to fees and penalties being lower than the prior year.

    資料處理收入成長 8%,而處理交易成長 10%,這主要是由於費用和罰款低於上一年。

  • International transaction revenue was up 9% versus the 13% increase in constant dollar cross border volume excluding Intra Europe impacted by lapping higher currency volatility from last year, even with the average quarterly volatility being slightly higher in Q4 versus Q3.


  • Other revenue grew 30%, primarily driven by strong marketing services revenue growth related to the Olympics consulting and to a lesser extent pricing, client incentives grew 6% as expected.

    其他收入成長了 30%,主要是由於與奧運諮詢相關的行銷服務收入強勁增長,以及較小程度上的定價、客戶激勵措施如預期增長了 6%。

  • Q4 was the annual low point for year over year growth due to lapping significant renewals from the prior year.


  • In addition, it was further lowered from some one-time adjustments due to client performance.


  • While Ryan mentioned a significant amount of renewal activity in his remarks, the majority of that impact will begin in Q1 of '25.

    雖然 Ryan 在演講中提到了大量的更新活動,但大部分影響將在 25 年第一季開始。

  • Now on to our three growth engines.


  • Consumer payments revenue growth was driven by relatively stable payments volume, cross border volume, and process transaction growth.


  • New flows revenue grew 22% year over year in constant dollars helped by a one-time rebate adjustment due to deal timing.

    新流量收入以固定美元計算年增 22%,這得益於交易時機造成的一次性回扣調整。

  • Visa direct transactions grew 38% year over year helped by growth in Latin America for interoperability among P2P apps.

    Visa 直接交易年增 38%,這得益於拉丁美洲 P2P 應用程式互通性的成長。

  • Commercial volume rose 5% year-over-year in constant dollars below Q3 primarily due today's mix.

    以固定美元計算,商業銷量年增 5%,低於第三季度,這主要是由於今天的組合。

  • Value added services revenue grew 22% in constant dollars to $2.4 billion led by strong growth in marketing services and consulting and issuing solutions.

    在行銷服務以及諮詢和發布解決方案強勁增長的帶動下,增值服務收入以固定美元計算增長了 22%,達到 24 億美元。

  • Operating expenses grew 11% led by increases in marketing and personnel expenses.

    由於行銷和人員費用的增加,營運費用增加了 11%。

  • FX was a minimal drag instead of the half point benefit we had expected.


  • Our acquisition of Pismo represented an approximately half point drag as well.

    我們對 Pismo 的收購也代表了約半個百分點的拖累。

  • Non-operating income was $69 million.

    營業外收入為 6,900 萬美元。

  • Our tax rate was 16.5% due to an update in our tax position across jurisdictions.

    由於我們跨司法管轄區的稅務狀況更新,我們的稅率為 16.5%。

  • EPS was $2.71 up 16% over last year with an approximately one point drag from exchange rates and an approximately half point drag from Pismo.

    每股收益為 2.71 美元,比去年增長 16%,匯率影響約 1 個百分點,Pismo 影響約 0.5 個百分點。

  • In Q4, we bought back approximately $5.8 billion in stock and distributed over $1 billion in dividends to our stockholders.

    第四季度,我們回購了約 58 億美元的股票,並向股東分配了超過 10 億美元的股利。

  • We also funded the litigation escrow account by $1.5 billion which has the same effect as a stock buyback.

    我們也為訴訟託管帳戶提供了 15 億美元的資金,其效果與股票回購相同。

  • At the end of September, we had $13.1 billion remaining in our buyback authorization.

    截至 9 月底,我們的回購授權還剩 131 億美元。

  • As we closed out fiscal 2024 and readied for fiscal 2025, I reflected on our full year performance relative to what we had expected at the start of the year.

    當我們結束 2024 財年並為 2025 財年做好準備時,我相對於年初的預期回顧了我們的全年業績。

  • With the strong Q4 full year, net revenue grew 10% in line with our expectations and EPS grew 15% above our expectations, a testament to Visa's diversified business model.

    由於第四季全年表現強勁,淨收入成長 10%,符合我們的預期,每股盈餘成長 15%,高於我們的預期,證明了 Visa 的多元化業務模式。

  • Volatility started strong in Q1 but then declined and remained at lower than expected levels throughout most of the year.


  • For incentives, we anticipated year over year growth will be lower than fiscal 2023 due primarily to smaller impacts from renewals in fiscal 2024.

    對於激勵措施,我們預計年成長將低於 2023 財年,主要是因為 2024 財年續約的影響較小。

  • The growth rate ended up being even lower than we expected due to client performance adjustments and deal timing.


  • On the business driver front process transactions grew 10% as expected.

    在業務驅動因素方面,前端流程交易量成長了 10%,符合預期。

  • Payments volume grew 8% in constant dollars below expectations due to a combination of weakness in Asia Pacific as we have discussed and in the US from ticket size not improving as expected and to a lesser extent from the Reg II impact.

    以固定美元計算,支付量增長 8%,低於預期,原因是亞太地區的疲軟(正如我們所討論的)、美國的票據規模未按預期改善以及較小程度上受到 Reg II 影響的疲軟。

  • Total cross border volume growth excluding Intra Europe was 15% in constant dollars. generally in line with our original expectations, though the growth in cross border travel volume was lower, primarily due to Asia Pacific travel and card not present excluding travel volume growth performed better than we expected.

    以不變美元計算,不包括歐洲內部的跨國交易總量成長 15%。整體符合我們原來的預期,儘管跨境旅行量增長較低,主要是由於亞太旅行和不帶卡旅行量增長表現好於我們的預期。

  • As we've seen this year volumes and transactions can swing quarter to quarter, as these drivers fluctuate, we work carefully to manage our business to deliver on our expectations.


  • So as we thought about our budget and guidance philosophy, going into fiscal 2025, it's largely the same approach and represents our best view based on today.

    因此,當我們考慮 2025 財政年度的預算和指導理念時,它基本上是相同的方法,代表了我們目前的最佳觀點。

  • So let's get into the guidance details and a quick note when I reference 2024 and 2025 I'm referring to our fiscal years.

    因此,讓我們深入了解指導細節和快速說明,當我提到 2024 年和 2025 年時,我指的是我們的財政年度。

  • As we regularly say we are not economic forecasters, so we're assuming the macroeconomic environment stays generally where it is today.


  • As such, we expect payments volume and process transaction growth to remain strong and generally in line with full year 2024 levels.

    因此,我們預計支付量和流程交易成長將保持強勁,並與 2024 年全年水準基本一致。

  • For cross border volumes, we expect the Q4, '24 trend to generally continue with card not present excluding travel volume growing slightly more than travel volume.

    對於跨國交易量,我們預計 24 年第 4 季的趨勢將普遍延續,不存在卡片的情況(不包括旅行量的成長略高於旅行量)。

  • Now let's cover our underlying assumptions for net revenue growth.


  • First volatility, we're expecting that the full year currency volatility levels are roughly in line with the Q4, '24 average which implies that volatility will no longer be a drag starting with Q2, '25.

    首先是波動性,我們預期全年貨幣波動性水準大致與 24 年第四季的平均值一致,這意味著從 25 年第二季開始,波動性將不再成為拖累。

  • Next pricing, we will continue to price to value in 2025 with the pricing impact being generally the same as 2024, however, the cadence is expected to be different as we expect the vast majority of the incremental pricing impact will take effect in April versus being more balanced between October and April as it was in 2024.

    下一步定價,我們將繼續在2025 年按價值定價,定價影響與2024 年基本相同,但是,預計節奏會有所不同,因為我們預計絕大多數增量定價影響將在4 月份生效,而不是2024年。

  • On incentives, first, there were a significant amount of renewals in Ryan's remarks that will be impacting Q1, '25 incentives.

    關於激勵措施,首先,Ryan 的言論中有大量更新,這將影響 25 年第一季的激勵措施。

  • In total, we expect more than 20% of our payments volume to be impacted by renewals in 2025 compared to less than 15% that was impacted in 2024.

    總的來說,我們預計 2025 年超過 20% 的付款量將受到續約的影響,而 2024 年受影響的比例不到 15%。

  • Second, remember that in the first and second quarters of 2024 we called out client performance and deal timing as helping incentive.

    其次,請記住,在 2024 年第一和第二季度,我們將客戶表現和交易時機視為有助於激勵的因素。

  • And in Q4, we had additional one time performance adjustments.


  • Adding this up 2025 year over year incentives growth is expected to be significantly higher than 2024.

    加起來,2025 年激勵措施的年成長率預計將顯著高於 2024 年。

  • We expect to close on Prosa and Featurespace in 2025.

    我們預計 Prosa 和 Featurespace 將於 2025 年關閉。

  • And when we do, we will update our estimates for the acquisition impacts.


  • We pull these assumptions together on an adjusted basis defined as non-GAAP results in constant dollars and excluding acquisition impacts.


  • You can review these disclosures in our earnings presentation for more detail.


  • In 2025 we expect full year adjusted net revenue growth to be in the high single to low double digits with incentives being the key driver of the difference between '24 and 2025.

    到 2025 年,我們預計全年調整後淨收入成長將達到高個位數到低兩位數,其中激勵措施是 24 年與 2025 年之間差異的關鍵驅動因素。

  • As always revenue performance is sensitive to several factors, so to the extent that that there are deal delays or significant deal performance adjustments and or macro volatility and driver performance that is better than expected adjusted net revenue growth would be on the higher end of the range.


  • In terms of quarterly variability, we expect the second half revenue performance to be better than the first due to some of the dynamics, I have spoken about volatility pricing and to a lesser extent incentive.


  • Now, moving to expenses, we currently expect to grow adjusted operating expense in the high single digit to low double digits as we continue to fund new flows and value added services projects, our sales efforts and growth initiatives in specific countries.


  • Non-operating income is expected to be between $150 million and $200 million.

    營業外收入預計在 1.5 億至 2 億美元之間。

  • As a result of lower interest rates, our tax rate is expected to be between 18% and 18.5%.

    由於利率較低,我們的稅率預計在 18% 至 18.5% 之間。

  • On capital return, the Board has declared an increase to our quarterly dividend by 13% and we intend to return excess free cash flow to shareholders through buyback.

    在資本回報方面,董事會宣布將季度股息增加 13%,並打算透過回購將多餘的自由現金流返還給股東。

  • All this results in adjusted EPS growth to be in the high end of low double digits.


  • Now moving to Q1, for the first three weeks of October 21 with volume growth in costs and dollars us payments volume was up 6% with debit up 7% and credit up 6% year over year.

    現在進入第一季度,截至 10 月 21 日的前三週,成本和美元支付量年增 6%,其中藉方增長 7%,貸方增長 6%。

  • Cross border volume excluding intra Europe grew 13% year over year.

    不包括歐洲內部的跨國交易量年增 13%。

  • Process transactions grew 11% year over year.

    流程交易量較去年同期成長 11%。

  • Now the financial expectations.


  • We expect Q1 adjusted net revenue growth in the high single digits.


  • Three things to note when we look at the step down in adjusted net revenue growth from the fourth quarter in 2024 to the first quarter in 2025.

    當我們看到調整後淨收入成長從 2024 年第四季到 2025 年第一季的下降時,需要注意三件事。

  • First incentives, there are a number of factors impacting incentives especially in Q1 and H1.


  • So let me go through each part.


  • As I mentioned earlier, Q4 incentives growth was even lower than expected with the combined impact of the lapping of significant renewals in 2023 and the one-time adjustments due to client performance.

    正如我之前提到的,受 2023 年重大續約週期和客戶業績造成的一次性調整的綜合影響,第四季度激勵成長甚至低於預期。

  • As I also mentioned in 2025 we expect a significantly higher amount of our payments volume to be impacted by renewals approximately 20% compared to under 15% in 2024.

    正如我在 2025 年提到的,我們預計續約對我們的付款量的影響將顯著增加約 20%,而 2024 年這一比例將低於 15%。

  • This is a combination of the large amount of renewals in Q4, '24 that will go into effect plus the amount of renewals we expect in 2025.

    這是 24 年第四季即將生效的大量續訂加上我們預計 2025 年續約數量的組合。

  • In addition, the timing of the deal terms in 2025 is such that we expect about 60% of the 2025 renewal volume to go into effect in Q1.

    此外,根據 2025 年交易條款的時間表,我們預計 2025 年續約量的約 60% 將在第一季生效。

  • Putting those all together, we expect a significant step up in the dollar amount of incentives from Q4 of '24 to Q1 of '25.

    綜上所述,我們預計從 24 年第四季到 25 年第一季度,激勵措施的金額將大幅增加。

  • Second, the timing of pricing actions.


  • As I mentioned, whereas in 2024, the pricing impact was similar quarter to quarter, this year we expect less pricing impact in the first half than the back half with Q1 having the smallest impact.

    正如我所提到的,雖然 2024 年每季的定價影響相似,但今年我們預計上半年的定價影響將小於下半年,其中第一季的影響最小。

  • Third other revenue as we do not have a major event in Q1 like the Olympics or FIFA, we anticipate lower growth in consulting and marketing services related revenue compared to Q4.


  • We expect adjusted operating expense growth to be in the high single digit to low double digits on a year over year basis, remember that the first quarter of 2024 had a lower operating expense growth rate both from lapping FIFA related expenses in 2023 and from the allocation of Olympic related marketing spend to other quarters.

    我們預計調整後的營運費用年增將在高個位數到低兩位數之間,請記住,2024 年第一季的營運費用成長率較低,無論是由於2023 年FIFA 相關費用的計算還是分配的奧運相關行銷支出分配給其他方面。

  • Non-operating income is expected to be between $35 million and $45 million and our tax rate is expected to be around 18.5%.

    營業外收入預計在 3,500 萬美元至 4,500 萬美元之間,稅率預計在 18.5% 左右。

  • This puts our first quarter adjusted EPS growth in the low double digits.


  • As always if the environment changes and there are events that impact our business, we will remain flexible and thoughtful and balancing short and long term considerations.


  • As we are several weeks into fiscal 2025 Visa's underlying business continues to be healthy and the growth opportunities are significant.

    距離 2025 財年還有幾週時間,Visa 的基礎業務持續保持健康發展,成長機會龐大。

  • We look forward to discussing this and our long term growth algorithm at the upcoming Investor Day.


  • And now Jennifer, I'll hand it back to you.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Chris.


  • And with that, we're ready to take questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Harshita Rawat, Bernstein.


  • Harshita Rawat - Analyst

    Harshita Rawat - Analyst

  • Good afternoon, Thank you for taking my question.


  • A lot going on in the US regulatory fund with regards to the DOJ lawsuit, Reg II, MDL, CCA.

    美國監管基金在 DOJ 訴訟、Reg II、MDL、CCA 方面發生了很多事情。

  • Can you share your overall thoughts on the regulatory and litigation environment in the US, And Chris just as a follow up, can you help us maybe size your revenue exposure to US debit both including as well as excluding Visa DPS?


  • Thank you.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, thanks for the question.


  • As you note a lot going on, not just in the US, but all over the world, I think regulators appropriately are looking at the payments ecosystem and want to ensure that there's fair competition that there's multiple options both for consumers and merchants and that's a process of engagement that we have in the US to your question, but also with regulators, elected officials all around the world.


  • And we feel very good about our ability to manage through that complexity, we feel very good about the ability to continue to run and grow our business.


  • And we feel very good about the ability to continue to innovate and to continue to serve our clients.


  • And in terms of revenue exposure, that's not something that, we disclose and as it relates to us debit or other parts of the business like that.


  • But in terms of our ability to compete, we feel really good about it.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Ramsey El-Assal, Barclays.


  • Ramsey El-Assal - Analyst

    Ramsey El-Assal - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Can you give us your updated thoughts on the competitive environment, especially as it pertains to or specifically as it pertains to pay by bank?


  • We're seeing Walmart move forward with a new product and chatter around some other offerings.


  • We've seen these products in the past, but I'm just wondering if there's anything that sort of changed on the ground to make these a little more interesting for consumers.


  • I know you guys are involved as well serving that part of the market now.


  • So curious to get your comments.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, there's a lot going on with account to account payments in the US and around the world as you know, it as well pay by bank is not a new capability, it's not a new capability.


  • In the United States is not a new capability for Walmart.


  • Actually, I think as of today, you can load three different bank accounts into your wallet to pay for things.

    實際上,我認為從今天開始,您可以將三個不同的銀行帳戶加載到您的 錢包中來支付費用。

  • And as you alluded to, they've also put some news out that they're going to have a new partnership that I think is going to further enhance that.


  • We expect that account to account payments will continue to proliferate here and around the world.


  • We think there's a lot that we can add in terms of value to account to account payments I mentioned some of those things in my prepared remarks.


  • But as I've talked about several times on this call.


  • It's a very competitive environment in which we operate, but we feel very good about our products, our innovation, our ability to provide value to end users in terms of buyers and also sellers and therefore our ability to continue to grow the business.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Sanjay Sakhrani, KBW.

    桑傑·薩赫拉尼 (Sanjay Sakhrani),KBW。

  • Sanjay Sakhrani - Analyst

    Sanjay Sakhrani - Analyst

  • Thank You.


  • I had a question on commercial volumes.


  • I know they decelerated these days mix.


  • But I'm just wondering, what kind of growth rate we should expect on a go forward basis?


  • I mean, I know there's some macro impact and maybe just talk about that specifically?


  • Thanks.


  • Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

    Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

  • Hi Sanjay, this is, Chris.


  • Yeah, as you noted, we did see a day's mix impact in Q4 with commercial volumes.


  • But if I just back way up, we're excited about the opportunity in new flows.


  • We're optimistic about the big opportunity ahead and over time, we do anticipate that we'll see a continued growth of commercial volumes ahead of consumer volumes over time.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Paul Golding, Macquarie.


  • Paul Golding - Analyst

    Paul Golding - Analyst

  • Thanks so much.


  • With the Featurespace acquisition in process, I just wanted to ask how you see AI playing into the business model.


  • Do you see it more as driving vast or incremental business model uplift revenue or cost improvement or is it more of a competitive differentiator that will just keep you ahead of your competition?


  • Thanks.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, thank you.


  • In short, I see it as both, but let me unpack a couple of things that you said.


  • First in terms of Featurespace, we're very excited about the opportunity to close on the Featurespace acquisition.

    首先就Featurespace 而言,我們對有機會完成Featurespace 收購感到非常興奮。

  • As I travel around the world, financial crime, fraud is at the top of mind of clients, partners, regulators all around the world.


  • And Featurespace is a world leader in providing AI driven solutions to combat that fraud to reduce that fraud, to enable our clients and partners to continue to serve their customers in a safe way.

    Featurespace 是提供人工智慧驅動解決方案的世界領導者,以打擊欺詐,減少欺詐,使我們的客戶和合作夥伴能夠繼續以安全的方式為其客戶提供服務。

  • So we're very excited about that.


  • As it relates more broadly to especially generative AI at Visa.

    因為它與 Visa 的生成式人工智慧有著更廣泛的關係。

  • I see it really in two different buckets.


  • The first is we are adopting it aggressively across our company to drive productivity and we've seen some great results from everywhere to our engineering teams, to our accounting teams, to our sales teams, our client service teams.


  • And we're still in the early stages of, I think the very significant impact this will have on the productivity of our business.


  • I also see it as a real different differentiator to the products and services that we're putting in market.


  • You've heard me talk about some of the new risk capabilities, risk management capabilities, for example, that we've deployed in the account to account space which are all enabled with generative AI, you mentioned Featurespace.


  • We've had some really good success in other parts of both our value added services business, and the broader consumer payments business as well.


  • And we've got a product pipeline that is very heavily tilted towards, we think very exciting generative AI capabilities that hopefully you'll hear more from us on soon.


  • One of those I mentioned in my prepared remarks, which was the data token that we're starting to pilot with foodpanda, which is one example of that.

    我在準備好的發言中提到的其中之一,就是我們開始用 foodpanda 試點的數據令牌,這就是一個例子。

  • Thank you.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Tien-tsin Huang, JP Morgan.


  • Tien-tsin Huang - Analyst

    Tien-tsin Huang - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Just wanted to ask how growth in '25 might look different than '24 across consumer payments, new flows and value added services?

    只是想問「25 年」在消費者支付、新流量和加值服務方面的成長與「24 年」有何不同?

  • Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

    Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, hi, this is Chris.


  • So we don't guide by consumer payments, new flows and value added services.


  • But let me just give you a little bit more color on how we think about the guide that we did give.


  • At the highest level, we took the same approach to guidance as we did a year ago, which is really to provide guidance based on our best estimate of what we expect to happen throughout the year.


  • And so, if we take all our assumptions and those assumptions play out, as we've articulated, we'd expect total revenue growth adjusted net revenue growth to be in the middle of the range that we provided, and obviously, if those assumptions, those variables turn out to be better, that could push us to the high end of revenue growth and vice versa, if those assumptions turn out to be slightly worse.


  • The key variables that I would call out are there's three probably four here to talk about.


  • So one is incentives, our plan is based on our best estimate of renewals and deal activity.


  • But as we saw in FY24 those results can vary quarter to quarter with client performance and timing of deals and lower growth could push revenue growth toward the upper end of the range.

    但正如我們在 2024 財年所看到的,這些結果可能會因客戶表現和交易時機而有所不同,而較低的成長可能會將營收成長推向區間上限。

  • Two, would be cross border volumes, higher or lower growth in cross border volumes would also contribute toward higher, lower within that revenue range.


  • Third, would be volatility.


  • We've assumed FY25 full year on average to the levels that we saw in Q4 and any significant swing could impact revenue in '25.

    我們假設 25 財年全年的平均水平達到我們在第四季度看到的水平,任何重大波動都可能影響 25 年的收入。

  • And of course, across all of it is the assumption on the macro economy.


  • As we've always said, we're not forecasters of the economy, but in the event, in the US or globally, if PC grows faster than currently forecasted, then we should also see stronger growth as well.


  • And so, all these factors can play a role.


  • We feel good about the plan that we shared here for the full year at the start of the year.


  • And we'll obviously continue to update you as the year unfolds.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Rayna Kumar, Oppenheimer.


  • Rayna Kumar - Analyst

    Rayna Kumar - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • Last week, the CFPB issued a final open banking rule for the US.

    上週,CFPB 發布了美國開放銀行業的最終規則。

  • Can you talk about what opportunities this could present for Visa from [Tink's] perspective and what potential headwinds it could create?

    您能否從 [Tink] 的角度談談這可能為 Visa 帶來哪些機會以及可能帶來哪些潛在阻力?

  • Thank you.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • My understanding is that the new rules that they, I guess finalized are largely consistent with the CFPB's initial proposal.

    我的理解是,我認為他們最終確定的新規則與 CFPB 的最初提案基本一致。

  • And you know, we are strong advocates for consumers having more control and more access to the financial data, but ensuring that it's in a safe and secure way.


  • We're still evaluating all the details of the potential impacts from the more detailed regulations across the industry.


  • But I -- it goes without saying our own capabilities will comply with the CFPB's rules as well as our clients.

    但我——不用說,我們自己的能力將遵守 CFPB 的規則以及我們的客戶。

  • Very high bar for security and privacy.


  • Widening the aperture a little bit to the opportunities that it creates.


  • I think, in an environment that open banking is even more available in the United States like it is in places like Europe.


  • What we found is that the Visa brand can be a meaningful differentiator.

    我們發現 Visa 品牌可以成為一個有意義的差異化因素。

  • The Visa brand can give confidence to end users and data providers and that if we can bring our capabilities to market like we've done in Europe.

    Visa 品牌可以為最終用戶和數據提供者帶來信心,如果我們能夠像在歐洲一樣將我們的能力推向市場。

  • With Visa A2A, we can give more confidence to the whole ecosystem and help resolve a lot of the complexities that exist in open banking.

    借助 Visa A2A,我們可以為整個生態系統帶來更多信心,並幫助解決開放銀行業務中存在的許多複雜問題。

  • So we remain excited about the opportunities to add value especially in the US where we're still in the pretty nascent stages of all this.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Andrew Schmidt, Citi.


  • Andrew Schmidt - Analyst

    Andrew Schmidt - Analyst

  • Hi, Ryan.


  • Hey Chris, thanks for taking my questions this afternoon.


  • I wanted to ask about value add services growth, it's really good to see the consistency there.


  • Maybe you could just talk about the predictability and then maybe comment a little bit more on the planning process of how you sort of feed the engine and continue to drive that growth.


  • I know there's an organic and inorganic components of penetration aspects to this.


  • But if you could help unpack that, I know it's a lot of things in there if you could help unpack that, it'd be great.


  • Thanks so much.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, we too are very excited about the consistent growth.


  • We've been able to deliver year after year with the value added services businesses.


  • And we deliver that through planning, sales planning, client planning, product road mapping, all the things that you would expect we do business by business and the issuer solutions business, the acquirer solutions business, risk and advisory business, and so on and so forth.


  • And when you think about the opportunity, here's how I would encourage you to think about it, which is the same way.


  • We kind of plan to go to market.


  • We deliver value added services for Visa transactions and these are offerings that are built to enable Visa to be the best way to pay and be paid market by market around the world, and we're continuing to invest to add new functionality to improve the payment, success and the security on the network.

    我們為 Visa 交易提供增值服務,這些產品旨在使 Visa 成為全球各個市場支付和收款的最佳方式,並且我們將繼續投資添加新功能以改善支付、網路的成功和安全。

  • So these are products and services like Visa Account Updater, the risk products that we talk a lot about like Visa Secure, the dispute tools that we deliver, like Visa Resolve Online, the benefits that we offer.

    這些產品和服務包括 Visa Account Updater 等我們經常談論的風險產品,例如 Visa Secure,我們提供的爭議工具,例如 Visa Resolve Online,我們提供的福利。

  • So that's kind of one component of the opportunity.


  • The second part of the opportunity is services for non-Visa transactions.

    機會的第二部分是非 Visa 交易服務。

  • This is an area you've heard me and us talking a lot more about in recent quarters, this includes acceptance services like Cybersource,, Verifi, risk tools like Decision Manager, processing solutions like DPS like Pismo.

    這是您和我們在最近幾季中經常談論的一個領域,其中包括 Cyber​​source、、Verifi 等驗收服務,Decision Manager 等風險工具,以及 Pismo 等 DPS 等處理解決方案。

  • And again, these are all capabilities that we're bringing to market for our clients that add value for all different types of payment transactions.


  • And then the third sets of opportunities that we're going after our services beyond payments.


  • This is a much broader category, it includes things like our consulting and analytics teams, our marketing services teams, open banking services such as Tink, we were talking about earlier in terms of their data aggregation solutions.

    這是一個更廣泛的類別,它包括我們的諮詢和分析團隊、行銷服務團隊、Tink 等開放銀行服務,我們之前討論過他們的資料聚合解決方案。

  • We're now offering core banking platform services as part of the Pismo acquisition as well.

    作為 Pismo 收購的一部分,我們現在也提供核心銀行平台服務。

  • So that hopefully gives you a sense of how we look at the opportunities, we look at the competitive sets, we build and deliver products.


  • We build and deliver our sales motions and go to market and ultimately deliver the consistent growth that you referenced.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Dave Koning, Baird.


  • Dave Koning - Analyst

    Dave Koning - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Hey guys.


  • Thank you.


  • On the cross border line revenue growth was stable at 9% this quarter, same as last quarter, but reported volumes accelerated a percent.

    本季跨境收入成長穩定在 9%,與上季相同,但報告的交易量增加了 1%。

  • And I would think FX volatility was less bad, so that probably helped a little bit and mix seemed about the same.


  • So I was wondering, is there anything else any other little headwinds emerging there?


  • What, maybe -- what created the GAAP?


  • Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

    Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, sure.


  • So a couple of things.


  • So as you pointed out, international revenue grew slower than total cross border volumes, it really did have to do with the volatility.


  • So Q4 volatility did improve from Q3 a bit, but it was lower than the volatility that we saw last year.


  • And secondly, the associated volume, the cross border volume 13% in Q4 as expected, but also lower than the volume growth that we saw in Q4 a year ago.

    其次,相關交易量,第四季跨境交易量按預期成長 13%,但也低於我們去年第四季看到的交易量成長。

  • And so when you combine those things, that had the impact of the differential that you see between volumes and revenue.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Tim Chiodo, UBS.


  • Tim Chiodo - Analyst

    Tim Chiodo - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you for taking the question.


  • So I wanted to dig into two specific aspects of value added services.


  • So first being DPS and the second being Cybersource.

    首先是 DPS,第二個是 Cyber​​source。

  • I believe those two combined make up a reasonably large portion of the transaction based value added services.


  • I think the last disclosure on DPS was about $2.5 trillion in volume and Cybersource in the roughly $1 trillion.

    我認為 DPS 上最新披露的交易量約為 2.5 兆美元,而 Cyber​​source 的交易量約為 1 兆美元。

  • I was hoping you could give sort of relative growth rates relative to the rest of value added services and maybe some updated stats if possible.


  • Thanks.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, thanks for the question.


  • We're super proud about the progress that we're making in DPS and in Cybersource.

    我們對 DPS 和 Cyber​​source 方面取得的進展感到非常自豪。

  • DPS being primarily in the US, and in Cybersource being a really out scale global platform now.

    DPS 主要在美國,而 Cyber​​source 現在已經成為一個非常大規模的全球平台。

  • But we don't provide transaction, volume growth or break out of metrics at that level of reporting.


  • So appreciate the interest.


  • Sorry, not to be able to provide in more detail.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Bryan Keane, Deutsche Bank.


  • Bryan Keane - Analyst

    Bryan Keane - Analyst

  • Hi guys.


  • Good afternoon.


  • Wanted to ask about the pickup you've seen in October for volume growth, especially in debit.

    想詢問您在 10 月看到的交易量成長的回升情況,尤其是藉方交易量的成長。

  • Looks like it's perked up a little bit to 7%.


  • Anything you're seeing there in new wins or is that potentially a better economic environment driving that?


  • And then just quickly secondly, on the price, the value, just a change in timing.


  • What was the reason for the change?


  • What -- why is the timing different this year?


  • Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

    Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

  • Sure.


  • Okay.


  • I'll start with your question about October and then, and then I think Ryan will handle your second part of your question.


  • So in terms of October.


  • So as we've consistently said, three weeks, don't make a trend.


  • It was true in July when we started a little bit slower and then Q4 ended up being stable and it's, and we think it's true now, as we see a strong start to October.

    7 月確實如此,當時我們開始的速度有點慢,然後在第四季度最終穩定下來,我們認為現在也是如此,因為我們看到 10 月有一個強勁的開局。

  • Now that said, here's a couple of things that we see in terms of relative strength between the month of October and how we ended Q4.

    話雖如此,從 10 月到第四季結束時的相對強度來看,我們看到了一些事情。

  • Two things that I point to one is, day's mix.


  • So the growth in the month of September was lower due to today's mix.

    因此,由於今天的混合,9 月的增長較低。

  • Last year, September had an extra Friday and Saturday, which are two of the highest spend days of the week.


  • And this September that was replaced with a Sunday and Monday, which are two of the lower spend days, and so that had an impact on September growth.

    今年 9 月,這一天被周日和周一取代,這是支出較低的兩個日子,這對 9 月的成長產生了影響。

  • And then secondly, in the US, in addition to that day's mix point, we are starting to lap the modest impact of Reg II that we started to talk about a year ago in Q1.

    其次,在美國,除了當天的混合點之外,我們還開始考慮一年前第一季我們開始討論的 Reg II 的適度影響。

  • And so those combined things are contributing to what we see is the start of October.

    因此,這些綜合因素對我們所看到的 10 月初的情況做出了貢獻。

  • But as we said, it's three weeks, let's see how the quarter plays out.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hey, Bryan.


  • Yeah, as you noted and we've said many times we price to value.


  • So when we price the value, we have to ship products, we have to ship services.


  • We have to deliver solutions that are adding value and increasing value to our clients.


  • And our product pipeline in 2025 is a bit more backloaded especially as we bring some new and exciting products and services to the market.

    到 2025 年,我們的產品線會更加擁擠,尤其是當我們向市場推出一些令人興奮的新產品和服務時。

  • And so that really drives the difference in pricing cadence in 2025.

    因此,這確實會導致 2025 年定價節奏的差異。

  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Jason Kupferberg, Bank of America.


  • Jason Kupferberg - Analyst

    Jason Kupferberg - Analyst

  • Thanks guys, just looking at the US card, present volume growth.


  • I think we've been in the 2% range here for the past two or three quarters.

    我認為過去兩三個季度我們一直處於 2% 的範圍內。

  • So wondering if you're expecting that to accelerate in fiscal '25.

    所以想知道您是否預計這種情況會在 25 財年加速。

  • And Chris, can you just quantify with that favorable adjustment to Q4 new flows revenues were?


  • Thank you.


  • Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

    Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

  • Got it, Jason, you cut out a little bit at the end.


  • What was the second part of your question, Jason?


  • Jason Kupferberg - Analyst

    Jason Kupferberg - Analyst

  • The one time helper to new flows revenue in Q4, if you could quantify that?


  • Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

    Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • Got it.


  • I'll start with the second one since you just asked it.


  • Yeah, we feel great about the momentum of new flows.


  • Q3 was 18%, now the 22% in Q4.

    第三季為 18%,第四季為 22%。

  • As I said on the call though Q4 was helped by this one time rebate adjustment due to deal timing.


  • So we had expected a client to earn a rebate, which was contingent on them achieving a milestone, and they didn't achieve it.


  • So as such, we recorded a one-time adjustment to that rebate which landed in Q4.


  • And I think your first question was around a card present and just sort of volumes as we look forward into FY25.

    我認為你的第一個問題是關於一張卡片以及我們對 2025 財年的展望。

  • And maybe that's where I'll go out, I'll just broaden it a little bit and said for our call, we, our overall assumptions on underlying drivers is that in '25 they may relative typically stable to the trends that we see both for the full year on payment volume and payment transactions relative to '24 and then on cross border to the trends that that we see in in Q4.

    也許這就是我要出去的地方,我會稍微擴大一下範圍,並在我們的電話會議中說,我們對潛在驅動因素的總體假設是,在 25 年,它們可能相對通常穩定於我們看到的趨勢相對於24 年全年的支付量和支付交易,然後是我們在第四季度看到的跨境趨勢。

  • And they will remain relatively strong and healthy.


  • And like I said, we'll continue to update you throughout the course of the year.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Craig Maurer, FT Partners


  • Craig Maurer - Analyst

    Craig Maurer - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks everybody, for taking my questions.


  • Wanted to ask first, haven't asked in a long time about your thoughts on operating leverage.


  • And your growing expenses at a similar rate to revenue in the forecast for fiscal year '25.

    在 25 財年的預測中,您的支出成長速度與收入成長速度相似。

  • And going forward long term, is there a commitment to grow revenue faster than expenses or are we looking at limited operating leverage in the future?


  • And secondly, considering the fiscal year '25 guide, what are your assumptions around APAC embedded in the guide?

    其次,考慮到 25 財年指南,您對指南中包含的亞太地區的假設是什麼?

  • Do you need acceleration in China to achieve that or is it basically assuming the same steady no growth situation there?


  • Thanks.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I'll take the first question.


  • You can take the second question, Chris.


  • On your first question, as I said on this call and earlier calls, we have an enormous set of opportunities that we're pursuing and the way we're running the business day in and day out, quarter in quarter out, year in year out is, we're going through the assessment of those opportunities, we're figuring out the product pipeline that we can deploy.


  • We're looking at inorganic and organic opportunities.


  • And we're putting together a plan that we think maximizes the long term growth that we can deliver.


  • That's the way we approach it, that's the way we think about it.


  • And you see the results that we've delivered and you heard what Chris' comments were on the guide for this year.


  • So that's kind of where we are with that


  • Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

    Christopher Suh - Chief Financial Officer

  • I'll address your comments on AP specifically.


  • So again at a global basis, we expect overall trends to be relatively similar to where we're ending FY24.

    因此,在全球範圍內,我們預期整體趨勢將與 2024 財年結束時的情況相對相似。

  • And the situation in AP so much of that has been driven by the macro-economic conditions in China.


  • And as we've consistently said, we don't forecast the economy.


  • And so again, in the context of relatively stable drivers, we'll see how AP performs, but again, it'll really be dependent on the health of the overall economy.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Next question.


  • Operator


  • Trevor Williams, Jefferies.


  • Trevor Williams - Analyst

    Trevor Williams - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Yeah, I wanted to follow up on value added services.


  • I think the general framework you've given is roughly two-thirds of vast revenue is transaction linked in some form, of that portion that's tied to transactions or volume.


  • How much of that today needs to be over VisaNet for you to be earning those vast revenue streams?

    如今,您需要透過 VisaNet 傳輸多少內容才能獲得如此龐大的收入流?

  • Ryan, it sounds like most of it today is still running over your network, but maybe the off network piece should be increasing as a percentage of the mix over time, but anything more specific, there would be helpful?


  • Thanks.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I mean, the largest component of our vas revenue today is that first bucket of services I mentioned for Visa transactions, And obviously we've been doing that the longest time.

    是的,我的意思是,我們今天的 vas 收入的最大組成部分是我提到的 Visa 交易的第一桶服務,顯然我們已經這樣做了最長的時間。

  • And just to comment on that what that really does is it drives additional yield on top of our Visa transactions.

    只是評論一下,它真正的作用是在我們的 Visa 交易之上帶來額外的收益。

  • So we're adding more value to the transaction, We're adding more value to the client and ultimately driving additional yield on top of the Visa payment volume growth that we see.

    因此,我們正在為交易增加更多價值,我們正在為客戶增加更多價值,並最終在我們看到的 Visa 支付成長的基礎上推動額外收益。

  • But as I said we also see we make meaningful progress building out our platforms to service non-Visa transactions.

    但正如我所說,我們也看到我們在建立服務非 Visa 交易的平台方面取得了有意義的進展。

  • Cybersource I mentioned, Verifi I mentioned, Pismo I mentioned, Decision Manager I mentioned these are all becoming meaningful platforms for us with a meaningful opportunity.

    我提到的 Cyber​​source、我提到的 Verifi、我提到的 Pismo、我提到的 Decision Manager 這些都成為對我們有意義的平台,為我們帶來了有意義的機會。

  • And you can just imagine the TAM that we're able to go after when we're not just delivering services for visa transactions, but we're able to work with clients to deliver services on top of a much broader array of payment transactions is just significant.

    您可以想像,當我們不僅為簽證交易提供服務,而且能夠與客戶合作,在更廣泛的支付交易之上提供服務時,我們能夠追求的 TAM 是只是意義重大。

  • So we're we remain very excited about both.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • Last question, please.


  • Operator


  • Darrin Peller, Wolfe Research.


  • Darrin Peller - Analyst

    Darrin Peller - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks guys.


  • Look just coming off of the, I think it was 12% growth in incentives and rebates in '24.

    看看剛結束的情況,我認為 24 年激勵和回扣增長了 12%。

  • And now you're saying obviously higher '25 it's obviously great to see the activity should help us see in growth.


  • Maybe just help us understand a little more around you mentioned a lot of renewals.


  • But what about just net new business and market share gains?


  • How does that build in?


  • And I guess related to that?


  • Looks like this year is a big year of that contra revenue growth rate.


  • So, does that have an impact on how you think about this year's growth versus long term?


  • We think it could be actually more so even better this year being a little bit of an outline here in terms of growth and incentives and rebates if we're thinking about that correctly?


  • Thanks guys.


  • Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ryan McInerney - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, Darrin.


  • I mean, I don't think we're going to get into like the outer years, but I'd say a couple of things.


  • One is we're winning, like we're winning region by region and market by market around the world.


  • You look at the size and sophistication of some of those names that I mentioned in my prepared remarks and I've mentioned for the last couple quarters.


  • We are winning and we feel really good about that market by market around the world.


  • The second thing is, as we've also talked about in the past.


  • We can't necessarily predict the time of when these renewals are going to happen, when the competitive situation is going to happen in our client.


  • We have to be ready at any given time to give our best and hopefully ultimately win.


  • And as you were alluding to, there's been kind of a string of those recently and more of them this quarter that we're excited about.


  • So we'll continue to deploy a great product.


  • We'll continue to, we've got a great team that I acknowledged during the prepared remarks that serving these clients, which is ultimately a big reason.


  • They choose to both continue to do business with us and expand the business that they're doing with us.


  • Expand the consumer business, expand in the commercial business, expand into new flows, and we feel really good about it.


  • Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

    Jennifer Como - Senior Vice President and Global Head of Investor Relations

  • And with that, we'd like to thank you for joining us today.


  • If you have additional questions, please feel free to call or email our Investor Relations team.


  • Thanks again, and have a great day.


  • Operator


  • Thank you all for participating in Visa's fiscal fourth quarter and full year 2024 earnings conference call.

    感謝大家參加 Visa 第四財季和 2024 年全年收益電話會議。

  • That concludes today's conference.


  • You may disconnect at this time, and please enjoy the rest of your day.
