Under Armour Inc (UAA) 2017 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Under Armour, Inc.

    女士們,先生們,美好的一天,歡迎來到 Under Armour, Inc.

  • First Quarter Earnings Webcast and Conference Call.


  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference call is being recorded.


  • I would now like to introduce your host for today's conference, Mr. Lance Allega.

    我現在想介紹一下今天會議的主持人,Lance Allega 先生。

  • Sir, you may begin.


  • Lance Allega - VP of IR

    Lance Allega - VP of IR

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • Thank you for joining us on today's call to discuss Under Armour's first quarter 2017 results.

    感謝您加入我們今天的電話會議,討論安德瑪 2017 年第一季度的業績。

  • I'd like to remind everyone that participants on the call will make forward-looking statements.


  • These statements are based on current expectations and are subject to certain uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially.


  • These uncertainties are detailed in this morning's press release and documents filed regularly with the SEC.


  • The company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which the statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


  • Additionally, we may reference certain non-GAAP financial information.


  • We provide a reconciliation of non-GAAP financial information in our earnings release and in the electronic version of portions of the script today from today's call, which will be available at uabiz.com.

    我們在我們的收益發布和今天電話會議部分腳本的電子版本中提供了非公認會計原則財務信息的對賬,這些信息將在 uabiz.com 上提供。

  • Joining us on today's call will be Under Armour Chairman and CEO, Kevin Plank; and Dave Bergman, our CFO.

    加入我們今天電話會議的將是 Under Armour 董事長兼首席執行官 Kevin Plank;和我們的首席財務官戴夫·伯格曼。

  • Following our prepared remarks, we'll open the call for questions.


  • And with that, I'd like to turn it over to Kevin.


  • Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

    Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

  • Thanks, Lance.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us today.


  • 2017 is a year we're empowering Under Armour to become a single, more agile, stronger and smarter company.

    2017 年是我們授權 Under Armour 成為一家單一、更敏捷、更強大和更智能的公司的一年。

  • Our first quarter marks a good start to this journey.


  • In January, we detailed some of the challenges we're facing in North America as well as what we feel our competitive advantage is to manage through this rapidly changing environment.


  • We talked about the imbalance caused by extreme growth due to more than doubling our size over the past 3 years.

    我們談到了由於過去 3 年我們的規模增加了一倍以上而導致的極端增長造成的不平衡。

  • We spoke of the unique strength of our brand, unparalleled ability to connect with global athletes and our tremendous portfolio of growth drivers.


  • That said, our strategy is about more than this quarter or the next.


  • And while parts of the broader environment remain uneven, we feel very good about the evolution of our brand strength, relations with consumers around the world and our ability to gain share in key markets and categories.


  • We've been analyzing the next 3, 5 or 10 years by product type, gender, category, channel or geography.

    我們一直在按產品類型、性別、類別、渠道或地理位置分析未來 3 年、5 年或 10 年。

  • We are underpenetrated comparatively by any measure: Market share, mind share and potential.


  • So now, as the third largest athletic brand in the world with more than $15 billion ahead of us to second place and another $15 billion ahead of that to first place, the fact remains that we have significant and scalable opportunities before us.

    因此,現在,作為世界第三大運動品牌,我們以超過 150 億美元的價格位居第二,另外 150 億美元位居第一,但事實仍然是,我們面臨著重大且可擴展的機會。

  • To build on commentary from our last call, the road to the first $5 billion was much different than we expect the road to the next $5 billion to be.

    根據我們上次電話會議的評論,通往第一個 50 億美元的道路與我們預期的通往下一個 50 億美元的道路大不相同。

  • Yet we can't talk about results or opportunity without considering the need for balance.


  • With a shifting terrain, we're hyperfocused on balancing external marketplace growth with internal operational excellence, working both in concert to embolden the strength of our brand.


  • By balancing investments in innovation, consumer connectivity and experiences, with the appropriate operational discipline, we are on a long-term path to ensure more consistent returns to shareholders.


  • The core of our strategy, though, remains aspirational great products with a relentless pursuit of innovation and the creation of compelling experiences for our consumers.


  • We have one of the most unique brand communities on the planet, a relationship we cherish and never take for granted, particularly our relationship with kids, the youth of this generation.


  • We aspire to be a brand that is both trusted and desired.


  • This consumer-led approach continues to take shape by the transformation toward category management.


  • That said, I'd like to take a few minutes to highlight how we're progressing against that goal.


  • 18 months ago, we made the decision to reset the company around key sport categories.

    18 個月前,我們決定圍繞關鍵運動類別重新設置公司。

  • This decision was driven by extreme growth, changing consumer behavior and the immense opportunity to address the unmet needs of our consumers.


  • For men's and women's training, running, basketball and global football, to outdoor, team sports, youth and lifestyle sportswear, this evolution is well underway.


  • 2016 and 2017 have a high focus on leveraging and empowering our team structurally.

    2016 年和 2017 年高度關注在結構上利用和授權我們的團隊。

  • With our move in the category management, we're working to enhance our product creation, supply chain and speed-to-market processes and functionally, how we will bring products to market in the future via merchandising, demand creation and our overall distribution strategy.


  • By emphasizing a clear go-to-market capability, we'll take a better approach of driving the core basics that our business was built on, while also emphasizing elevated product across all categories with innovation and experiences that inspires consumers.


  • The purpose of this structure is to drive authenticity within each sport category, getting us as close as possible to the consumer as efficiently and effectively as possible.


  • So how is it working?


  • So let's touch on a few highlights.


  • I'm going to go ahead and start with our smallest category, yet potentially one of our largest, long-term growth opportunities, our sportswear business.


  • In only 24 months, we've gone from an idea to a fully dedicated team of product designers headquartered in New York City who have set up the backbone of this key growth driver.

    在僅僅 24 個月的時間裡,我們已經從一個想法變成了一個總部設在紐約市的完全敬業的產品設計師團隊,他們建立了這一關鍵增長動力的支柱。

  • Built on leadership.


  • There's 2 ways we're approaching this.


  • First, with the launch of our UAS collection last fall, and the second line this past quarter, we began to interpret and authenticate the Under Armour brand within fashion.

    首先,隨著我們去年秋天發布的 UAS 系列以及上個季度的第二線,我們開始在時尚界詮釋和驗證 Under Armour 品牌。

  • This top of the pyramid approach, that is pinnacle, premium product, blends the intersection of our brand's core sport and performance elements with a unique personal style and creative expression.


  • Understanding this is a longer-term strategic position, we are hitting the benchmark we set for ourselves to make lifestyle a core competency of our brand and the halo impression that we'll have access across all the categories that we do business in today.


  • Secondly, it's emphasizing a lifestyle throughout our product line in influencing style, silhouettes and distribution we already serve.


  • One example is we've taken lessons from UAS' quick-to-market strategy to create the Unstoppable lifestyle collection, which is due out later this year.

    一個例子是我們從 UAS 的快速上市戰略中吸取了教訓,創造了 Unstoppable 生活方式系列,該系列將於今年晚些時候推出。

  • This will represent our first complete better level men's and women's sports fashion expression.


  • Turning to basketball.


  • It's a global category that continues to post consistent growth as the brand gains more visibility, authenticity and performance around the world.


  • Some of this hard work certainly paid off in the first quarter with 11 women's and 12 men's teams making the NCAA tournament for Under Armour, which is a record for the company.

    其中一些努力在第一季度得到了回報,11 支女子球隊和 12 支男子球隊為 Under Armour 參加了 NCAA 錦標賽,這是該公司的記錄。

  • And most exciting, our brand's first-ever NCAA national championship in basketball as the University of South Carolina women's team took home the title and the men's team made South Carolina's and Under Armour's first Final Four.

    最令人興奮的是,我們的品牌首次在 NCAA 全國籃球錦標賽中奪冠,南卡羅來納大學女隊奪得冠軍,而男隊則進入了南卡羅來納和安德瑪的第一個四強。

  • Yet our success in basketball hasn't been without its learning.


  • In spring 2015, we debuted our first signature basketball shoe with Stephen Curry, the Curry One, who since become a 2-time NBA MVP and global icon.

    2015 年春天,我們與庫裡一號斯蒂芬庫里合作推出了我們的第一款簽名籃球鞋,此後他成為了兩屆 NBA MVP 和全球偶像。

  • The limited launch of the Curry One was a strong success and set us up well to realize even greater growth with Curry Two, which included a much broader spectrum of distribution, color and launches.

    Curry One 的有限推出取得了巨大的成功,並為我們與 Curry 2 實現更大的增長做好了準備,其中包括更廣泛的分銷、顏色和發布。

  • Lock-step with other franchises, like Drive, Lightning and Jet, our performance offering has continued to evolve nicely, mixing speed, support, balance and style with the NBA's running gun positionless style of play.

    與 Drive、Lightning 和 Jet 等其他球隊保持同步,我們的性能產品繼續得到很好的發展,將速度、支持、平衡和風格與 NBA 的跑槍無位置打法相結合。

  • As we launched the Curry 3 late last year, our expectations continue to run high.

    當我們去年底推出 Curry 3 時,我們的期望繼續高漲。

  • And while the 3 plays very well on court for Stephen Curry and our athletes, a sluggish signature market and a warm consumer reception has led to softer-than-expected results.


  • This has created an inventory imbalance that we're working through, one that, yes, is baked into our full year outlook, which hasn't changed and, most importantly, yield the lessons we're applying ahead with the Curry 4 and beyond.

    這造成了我們正在解決的庫存不平衡問題,是的,這一問題已納入我們的全年展望,這一點並沒有改變,最重要的是,我們在 Curry 4 及以後應用中吸取了教訓.

  • Not only for the 4, but moving forward, we've retooled our test-learn scale approach in this business to be sharper, sharper through a spectrum of number of color offerings, scarcity, exclusives and cadence of launches to drive more consistent engagement and results, and sharper with our basketball portfolio composition to target balanced growth across all assortments to address players at all levels.

    不僅針對 4,而且向前邁進,我們已經重新調整了我們在該業務中的測試學習規模方法,通過一系列顏色產品、稀缺性、獨家性和發布節奏來更清晰、更清晰,以推動更一致的參與和結果,並且通過我們的籃球組合組合更加清晰,以實現所有類別的平衡增長,以解決各個級別的球員。

  • One of the highlights for UA is the strong grassroot systems we've built across AU and our high school teams, where athletes are competing and winning championships.

    UA 的亮點之一是我們在 AU 和我們的高中團隊中建立的強大的草根系統,運動員們在這裡競爭並贏得冠軍。

  • We're incredibly proud of our basketball business and see tremendous runway ahead as we continue to take market and mind share with this key consumer.


  • Another area we remain incredibly bullish on is our overall women's business.


  • We reached $1 billion in revenue in 2016, a huge milestone for our brand, and our confidence continues to build.

    我們在 2016 年實現了 10 億美元的收入,這對我們的品牌來說是一個巨大的里程碑,我們的信心繼續增強。

  • And of course, it starts with great product.


  • Our women's team has been working relentlessly thinking differently to elevate style and performance as we continue to earn her trust and greater closet share behind key core items.


  • A great example is the Misty Inspired collection that launched in the first quarter, designed purposely to elevate style, silhouettes and layering pieces that can be worn anywhere.

    一個很好的例子是第一季度推出的 Misty Inspired 系列,旨在提升風格、輪廓和可在任何地方穿著的分層單品。

  • We're seeing strong demand for the entire collection and have gained valuable insights into how we market these collections and engage her into our brand even more deeply.


  • Across our whole women's business, we're proud of the foundation we've laid, but really feel we're just getting started, identifying her unique UA voice.

    在我們整個女性業務中,我們為我們奠定的基礎感到自豪,但我們真的覺得我們才剛剛開始,確定她獨特的 UA 聲音。

  • As we continue to learn, engage and drive insights, we see an incredible amount of runway for this business, but there's work to be done.


  • In addition to the success for moves toward category management, we made progress against operational goals as well.


  • This quarter marked the completion and go-live of our work with SAP to build what we call the single view of the consumer.

    本季度標誌著我們與 SAP 合作的完成和上線,以構建我們所謂的消費者單一視圖。

  • This system combines global point of sale, E-Commerce and transactional information with our Connected Fitness business.

    該系統將全球銷售點、電子商務和交易信息與我們的 Connected Fitness 業務相結合。

  • As we make the transition from data collection to data analytics and reporting, we're now equipped with realtime information on over 200 million users.

    隨著我們從數據收集過渡到數據分析和報告,我們現在擁有超過 2 億用戶的實時信息。

  • This empowers our teams to leverage our speed to create, drive and accelerate value for our consumers through new personalized products, services and experiences.


  • So what used to take weeks or even months for us to get information on new product performance, training workouts and demographics now takes seconds to speed and analytical horsepower provided by this incredible Consumer Insight Engine.


  • Two first quarter examples of utilizing single view of the consumer include our athlete recovery sleepwear launch with Tom Brady and the Project Rock collection, a collaboration with Dwayne Johnson.

    第一季度利用消費者單一視圖的兩個例子包括我們與 Tom Brady 合作推出的運動員恢復睡衣以及與 Dwayne Johnson 合作的 Project Rock 系列。

  • Two launches for us that drove incredible demand and now, we are currently working to replenish, except where we're building scarcity.


  • Using UA's SVoC, we're able to instantaneously analyze consumer purchase behavior, including gender, ages and workout frequency, among other attributes.

    使用 UA 的 SVOC,我們能夠即時分析消費者的購買行為,包括性別、年齡和鍛煉頻率等屬性。

  • These insights will now be integrated in the next-gen product development, helping drive discussions about product planning, assortments, future marketing and, ultimately, a better and more premium experience for our consumers.


  • Next up, and only a few months out, is an upgrade of our entire enterprise resource planning system that we've been investing heavily in since 2015, specifically SAP's FMS, or Fashion Management Solution.

    接下來,也就是幾個月後,是我們自 2015 年以來一直在大力投資的整個企業資源規劃系統的升級,特別是 SAP 的 FMS 或時尚管理解決方案。

  • FMS will allow us to manage all of our processes across one data landscape with the ability to analyze large information volumes, also ensuring greater operational efficiency, better inventory planning and greater speed-to-market.

    FMS 將使我們能夠在一個數據環境中管理我們的所有流程,並能夠分析大量信息,同時確保更高的運營效率、更好的庫存規劃和更快的上市速度。

  • This has been no easy effort and I take great pride in calling out and thanking the hundreds of global teammates that have been working tirelessly, living, breathing, testing and retesting again and again to ensure that we're optimally aligned for this game-changing evolutionary step for Under Armour.

    這並非易事,我非常自豪地呼籲並感謝數百名全球隊友,他們一直在不知疲倦地工作、生活、呼吸、測試和一次又一次的重新測試,以確保我們在這場改變遊戲規則的過程中保持最佳狀態Under Armour 的進化步驟。

  • Once combined, category management, Connected Fitness and our SAP capabilities will become a powerful instrument to further address the rapidly changing consumer environment.

    一旦結合起來,品類管理、Connected Fitness 和我們的 SAP 功能將成為進一步應對快速變化的消費者環境的強大工具。

  • From insight-driven product creation to purchase, through end use, this data-fueled ecosystem creates one of the most powerful and unique consumer connections in our industry, a true 2-way consumer-led conversation that will directly integrate and strategically influence our go-to-market strategy.


  • This highly sophisticated engine represents a critical asset and competitive advantage as we work toward becoming a $10 billion business.

    在我們努力成為價值 100 億美元的企業時,這種高度複雜的引擎代表了一項關鍵資產和競爭優勢。

  • So what does Q1 tell us about Under Armour?

    那麼 Q1 告訴我們關於 Under Armour 的哪些信息?

  • It tells us that we're stable and staying healthy even if segments of our wholesale business in North America fight through uneven terrain.


  • It tells us that we're actively managing our growth, that our inventory levels are appropriate and that we have a strong innovation agenda.


  • It demonstrates meaningful progress against our move toward category management, a structure strengthened by vital systems upgrades.


  • And it confirms that we're in a good position to invest in growth opportunities, both short and long-term, while driving to become even more efficient and effective across our business.


  • With the start to the year, where we did what we said we would do, we're tracking well against our targets.


  • As we look to the future, we will continue to make the best long-term decisions for our brand, teammates, communities, and, of course, our shareholders.


  • And we're going to do it while adding more than $0.5 billion in revenue in 2017, implementing new SAP systems, standing up our category management structure and keeping an energized flow of exciting product and experiences coming for our consumers.

    我們將在 2017 年增加超過 5 億美元的收入、實施新的 SAP 系統、建立我們的品類管理結構並為我們的消費者提供充滿活力的令人興奮的產品和體驗。

  • We know we've got hard work ahead of us.


  • And while we're certainly used to that, we respect the challenge and are pursuing it full force, and that's what I will leave you with.


  • Our team is hungry and humble with our heads down, engaging, empowering, editing and executing.


  • And with that, I'll turn the call over to Dave to take a deeper look at our results.


  • David E. Bergman - CFO

    David E. Bergman - CFO

  • Thanks, Kevin.


  • We are pleased with our first quarter results, which came in a little better than we expected due to some cadence and timing shifts.


  • And we remain on track with our full year outlook.


  • So let's take a look at how we did.


  • Total revenue in the first quarter was up 7% to $1.1 billion.

    第一季度總收入增長 7% 至 11 億美元。

  • By product type, apparel revenue increased 7% to $715 million, driven by strength in golf, team sports and training.

    按產品類型劃分,服裝收入增長 7%,達到 7.15 億美元,這主要得益於高爾夫、團隊運動和訓練領域的實力。

  • By continuing to focus on improved assortments, newness and innovation, including premium apparel platforms like Threadborne and athlete recovery sleepwear, we feel well positioned to deliver a solid year.

    通過繼續專注於改進的分類、新穎性和創新,包括 Threadborne 和運動員恢復睡衣等優質服裝平台,我們感到有能力實現穩健的一年。

  • In line with our expectations, revenue for our footwear business was up 2% to $270 million.

    符合我們的預期,我們的鞋類業務收入增長 2% 至 2.7 億美元。

  • Recall that we're lapping 64% growth in last year's first quarter, which had significant strength in basketball sales.

    回想一下,我們在去年第一季度實現了 64% 的增長,這在籃球銷售方面具有顯著優勢。

  • Some footwear standouts in the quarter included golf, women's training and running.


  • Additionally, we had less liquidation in the quarter as we're working to ensure appropriate-to-channel inventory and driving our premium position in the category.


  • Hitting $1 billion in revenue in 2016 was a great accomplishment, and we expect another year of growth that outpaces the overall company.

    2016 年收入達到 10 億美元是一項了不起的成就,我們預計又一年的增長將超過整個公司。

  • Revenue for accessories increased 12% to $89 million in the quarter with solid results for men's training, youth and global football.

    本季度配件收入增長 12% 至 8900 萬美元,在男子訓練、青年和全球足球方面取得了可觀的成績。

  • Looking at revenue by channel.


  • Our wholesale business was up 4% to $773 million, reflecting an uneven North American environment and a tough comp given the bankruptcies of several key partners in 2016.

    我們的批發業務增長了 4%,達到 7.73 億美元,這反映了北美環境的不平衡以及 2016 年幾個主要合作夥伴破產的艱難競爭。

  • Direct-to-consumer revenue grew 13% to $302 million, representing 27% of global revenue in the quarter.

    直接面向消費者的收入增長 13% 至 3.02 億美元,佔本季度全球收入的 27%。

  • This growth was balanced across all 3 concepts: Factory and Brand Houses and E-Commerce.

    這種增長在所有 3 個概念中得到平衡:工廠和品牌公司以及電子商務。

  • Our licensing business grew 25% to $24 million in the first quarter, driven by strength in our socks business and our licensed partner in Japan.

    我們的授權業務在第一季度增長了 25%,達到 2400 萬美元,這得益於我們的襪子業務和我們在日本的授權合作夥伴的實力。

  • In addition, our Connected Fitness business was up 2% to $19 million.

    此外,我們的互聯健身業務增長了 2%,達到 1900 萬美元。

  • On a regional basis, in line with our expectations, our North American business was down 1% to $871 million as the promotional environment we saw in the fourth quarter of last year carried into 2017.

    從地區來看,與我們的預期一致,我們在去年第四季度看到的促銷環境持續到 2017 年,因此我們的北美業務下降了 1% 至 8.71 億美元。

  • Accordingly, we continue to proactively manage our inventory, while still protecting brand health with meaningfully less liquidation product in this year's mix as previously noted.


  • Also important to note is that growth from new wholesale distribution in the quarter was not enough to offset the bankruptcies of 2016.

    另外需要注意的是,本季度新批發分銷的增長不足以抵消 2016 年的破產。

  • Our international business, which we define as everything outside the U.S. and Canada, continues to deliver strong top line results, posting a 52% increase in revenue to reach $227 million, or 20% of total revenue in the quarter.

    我們將國際業務定義為美國和加拿大以外的所有業務,繼續取得強勁的營收業績,收入增長 52%,達到 2.27 億美元,佔本季度總收入的 20%。

  • Currency-neutral revenue was up 57%.

    貨幣中性收入增長了 57%。

  • Looking down into geographies.


  • EMEA revenues were up 55% to $103 million, driven by continued momentum in the U.K. and Germany with balanced strength across wholesale and DTC, and increases in nearly every sport category.

    歐洲、中東和非洲地區的收入增長了 55%,達到 1.03 億美元,這得益於英國和德國在批發和 DTC 領域的持續發展勢頭,以及幾乎所有運動類別的增長。

  • Asia Pacific revenues increased 60%, driven by strength in China and Australia as well as the first full quarter of contribution from South Korea, which is now direct versus previously being through a license.

    亞太地區的收入增長了 60%,這得益於中國和澳大利亞的實力以及韓國第一季度的貢獻,現在是直接的,而不是以前通過許可證。

  • And finally, our Latin American business was up 30% with broad-based growth across distribution channels and categories.

    最後,我們的拉丁美洲業務增長了 30%,分銷渠道和類別的廣泛增長。

  • Turning to margins.


  • First quarter gross margin was down 70 basis points to 45.2% due to continued inventory management efforts, a regional mix that skewed heavier toward international, and foreign currency impact.

    由於持續的庫存管理工作、更傾向於國際化的區域組合和外匯影響,第一季度毛利率下降了 70 個基點至 45.2%。

  • These headwinds were partially offset by channel mix, which included a lower mix of liquidations.


  • SG&A expenses increased 12% to $498 million, driven by investments in our direct-to-consumer, international and footwear businesses.

    在我們直接面向消費者、國際和鞋類業務的投資推動下,SG&A 費用增長 12% 至 4.98 億美元。

  • This increase was slightly better than planned due, in part, to some timing shifts, including headcount additions and demand creation expenses, which had moved into future quarters based on execution needs.


  • First quarter operating income was $8 million.

    第一季度營業收入為 800 萬美元。

  • Interest expense in the quarter was up 73% to $8 million.

    本季度的利息支出增長了 73% 至 800 萬美元。

  • And our tax rate in the first quarter approached 200% compared to 42% last year due to discrete items taken in certain foreign markets and the implementation of new accounting rules related to the tax treatment of equity compensation.

    由於在某些國外市場採取的離散項目以及與股權補償稅收處理相關的新會計規則的實施,我們第一季度的稅率從去年的 42% 接近 200%。

  • Combined, these were about $3.5 million with the biggest portion driven by discrete international items, which are particularly impactful to our effective tax rate in periods, such as the first quarter, with lower consolidated pretax income levels.

    這些加起來約為 350 萬美元,其中最大的一部分是由離散的國際項目驅動的,這對我們在第一季度等時期的有效稅率影響特別大,合併稅前收入水平較低。

  • Taking all of these to the bottom line, we had a net loss of $2 million in the first quarter, or a $0.01 loss of diluted earnings per share compared to a $0.04 gain in the prior year.

    考慮到所有這些,我們在第一季度淨虧損 200 萬美元,或稀釋後每股收益損失 0.01 美元,而去年同期為 0.04 美元。

  • Now turning to our balance sheet.


  • Cash and cash equivalents was up 10% to $172 million.

    現金和現金等價物增長 10% 至 1.72 億美元。

  • Inventory was up 8% to $902 million, while we focus on efforts to manage product flow with demand to ensure brand and channel health.

    庫存增長 8% 至 9.02 億美元,同時我們專注於根據需求管理產品流,以確保品牌和渠道健康。

  • Total debt was down 8% to $861 million.

    總債務下降 8% 至 8.61 億美元。

  • And finally, CapEx was down 28% to $65 million, demonstrating our disciplined approach to infrastructure investments.

    最後,資本支出下降 28% 至 6500 萬美元,這表明我們對基礎設施投資的嚴謹態度。

  • With respect to our full year 2017 outlook, there are no changes from the prior targets we gave on January 31, which were included in our press release this morning.

    關於我們 2017 年全年的展望,我們在 1 月 31 日給出的先前目標沒有變化,這些目標已包含在我們今天上午的新聞稿中。

  • Next, I want to provide some color on the balance of the year.


  • As we look to transition our new SAP platform early in the third quarter, we are proactively taking measures to ensure as little disruption as possible to our business operations and delivery of customer orders.

    由於我們希望在第三季度初過渡我們的新 SAP 平台,我們正在積極採取措施,以確保盡可能減少對我們的業務運營和客戶訂單交付的干擾。

  • With some potential movement depending on how SAP timing flows through, we expect the revenue growth rate in the second quarter to be approximately 1 point higher than the first quarter.

    由於 SAP 時間流逝方式的一些潛在變動,我們預計第二季度的收入增長率將比第一季度高出約 1 個百分點。

  • And in the second half of the year, we expect revenue to be up at a mid-teen percentage rate, with, by far, the strongest comparison of 2017 being in the fourth quarter.

    在今年下半年,我們預計收入將以 10% 左右的速度增長,到目前為止,與 2017 年的最強對比是在第四季度。

  • We expect first-half gross margin to be down approximately 120 basis points due to the impact of changes in foreign currency, efforts to manage inventory and higher air freight expense, which more than offset the benefits of channel mix.

    我們預計上半年毛利率將下降約 120 個基點,原因是受外匯變動、庫存管理努力和空運費用增加的影響,這抵消了渠道組合帶來的好處。

  • In line with revenue expectations, gross margin should also see its strongest comp in the fourth quarter of this year.


  • Turning to SG&A.


  • The previously mentioned timing shifts of marketing and other expenses into future quarters, combined with ongoing investments in our DTC, international and footwear businesses, are expected to result in an operating loss of approximately $15 million to $20 million in the first half of 2017.

    前面提到的營銷和其他費用到未來幾個季度的時間轉移,加上我們對 DTC、國際和鞋類業務的持續投資,預計將導致 2017 年上半年的運營虧損約為 1500 萬至 2000 萬美元。

  • And finally, we expect a mid-teen effective tax rate in the second quarter due, again, to discrete international items.


  • To close, I've been with Under Armour for 12 years, and I've seen a constantly changing map versus terrain and have the greatest confidence in the team we have in place to meet these opportunities as we continue to position ourselves for the future.

    最後,我已經在 Under Armour 工作了 12 年,我看到了不斷變化的地圖與地形,並且對我們擁有的團隊充滿信心,能夠迎接這些機會,因為我們將繼續為未來定位.

  • We are focused on financial and operational discipline that drive efficiency across the organization.


  • We are working collaboratively to determine the balance between growth, share and scale, and the right return on investments necessary to deliver consistent and profitable long-term growth.


  • We have already begun to identify specific opportunities to reduce complexity and drive towards a leaner and more responsive organization.


  • And we look forward to sharing more details later this year.


  • With that, I will turn it back to the operator for your questions.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And our first question comes from the line of Bob Drbul of Guggenheim.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自古根海姆的 Bob Drbul。

  • Robert Scott Drbul - Senior MD

    Robert Scott Drbul - Senior MD

  • I guess, the 2 questions that I have for you this morning, the first one is on the footwear, with the 2% number this quarter, what did you learn and sort of the optimism that you have going forward for a rebound in footwear?

    我想,今天早上我要問你的 2 個問題,第一個是關於鞋類的,本季度的數字為 2%,你學到了什麼以及你對鞋類市場反彈的樂觀態度?

  • And the second question is you engaged in detail on the expectation for the revenues to reaccelerate throughout the remainder of the year, especially the back half, can you just discuss a little bit more of the confidence that you have in that forecast as well?


  • Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

    Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

  • Bob, so number one, let me just begin with as regards to the footwear is that we don't like it, we don't accept it.


  • We believe in footwear.


  • We believe what we've built in the infrastructure that's now in place.


  • And our footwear for the year is actually going to outpace the overall growth of the company for '17.

    我們今年的鞋類實際上將超過 17 年公司的整體增長速度。

  • So we realize the base that we put in place going back to '16 crossing $1 billion, and that's given us scale and has given us the ability to invest.

    所以我們意識到我們建立的基礎可以追溯到 16 年超過 10 億美元,這給了我們規模,給了我們投資的能力。

  • So the infrastructure that we have from the global innovations (inaudible) over the last 11 years, we've been building locally, where we manufacture (inaudible) where it all comes together at the Under Armour Lighthouse as well as the new footwear building that we're putting up in Portland, where our team can have a house that they can actually call a home.

    因此,我們在過去 11 年中從全球創新(聽不清)中獲得的基礎設施,我們一直在本地建設,我們在那裡製造(聽不清),所有這些都在 Under Armour 燈塔以及新的鞋類建築我們正在波特蘭建造,我們的團隊可以在那裡擁有一棟他們實際上可以稱之為家的房子。

  • So we understand though, as we look at what's happening in the marketplace, number one, we're a performance brand and we continue to see momentum in some of our on-field and on-court categories, things like cleated and things like running, as well as what we're seeing in basketball.


  • There's other momentum that we have in the marketplace.


  • But we see and we understand the shift in lifestyle.


  • The one thing, we think is important though is that all the lifestyle that we'll introduce, whether it's apparel, whether it's footwear, will things that will build on the credibility we have because of our authentic athletic base.


  • We've also seen some things in our lifestyle families like the 24/7, our Encounter product and the new product we just unveiled called Threadborne Shift a couple of weeks ago.

    我們還在我們的生活方式系列中看到了一些東西,例如 24/7、我們的 Encounter 產品以及我們在幾週前剛剛推出的名為 Threadborne Shift 的新產品。

  • It's also important to note that the international demand for our footwear is very, very strong right now.


  • It's a competitive landscape here in the U.S. and that's nothing we shy away from.


  • But we understand that we can win and we are doing that.


  • And it's -- and we're doing it at premium price points.

    它是 - 我們正在以高價位做這件事。

  • So there's 3 things we're really focused on for footwear right now.


  • And first and foremost, it always comes back to products.


  • Innovation and building great, great product, and I want to tell you that our pipeline is full.


  • And we understand the need and the key for beautifully designed product that also raises our technical game.


  • We also have some technical game that we can bring into that through beautiful delivered product, things like our new Connected shoe, which we launched V2 of this year at CES.

    我們也有一些技術遊戲,我們可以通過精美的交付產品來實現這一點,比如我們今年在 CES 上推出的 V2 新款 Connected 鞋。

  • And there's more innovation coming in the future, where, we believe, leveraging the business that we have at Connected Fitness.

    未來還會有更多創新,我們相信,利用我們在 Connected Fitness 的業務。

  • We think that there's a real product opportunity there.


  • And we've seen some things that really give us encouragement.


  • We're also doing some things in the personalization standpoint, like UA Icon, which is going to be launching later this summer, which is a customization capability for consumers to go on to ua.com and be able to build their favorite Under Armour footwear and customize it to anything that they'd like on the shoe.

    我們還在個性化方面做一些事情,比如將於今年夏天晚些時候推出的 UA Icon,這是一種定制功能,消費者可以訪問 ua.com 並能夠打造他們最喜歡的 Under Armour 鞋履並將其定制為他們想要的任何鞋子。

  • So a couple of programs we really think are going to make the differentiators for us.


  • But we understand that this comes from driving product first and foremost.


  • And for us, that means building franchise.


  • And this is sort of an ethos for the company this year, is that Under Armour is officially out of acquisition mode and we're in activation mode.

    這是公司今年的一種精神,是 Under Armour 正式退出收購模式,我們處於激活模式。

  • We have franchises in footwear, things like Bandit and Gemini, Slingflex, Highlight, Curry and many more in the pipeline, which has proven that we can sell a product above $100, and that's the unique thing for any brand.

    我們在鞋類方面擁有特許經營權,例如 Bandit 和 Gemini、Slingflex、Highlight、Curry 等等,這已經證明我們可以銷售 100 美元以上的產品,這對任何品牌來說都是獨一無二的。

  • So as we sit here as the third largest brand in the world, and we think about the competition we have in front as well as that behind us, we understand that, that's the key.


  • With running styles approaching nearly 20 running styles above $100, we need to make sure that they all sell through and that happens.

    100 美元以上的跑步款式接近 20 種,我們需要確保它們都賣光了,而且這種情況會發生。

  • We also have to focus on -- thirdly, is our expanding access to consumers.

    我們還必須關注 - 第三,是我們擴大對消費者的訪問。

  • And we're fortunate to be in that position that we have the distribution lever to be able to utilize this year, because that is what helps gives us the critical volumes to compete with the 2 companies in front of us versus worrying about the multiple companies behind us.


  • And again, just to remind you, when we say expanding distribution, we are not going to any new distribution other than what's been commented on out there.


  • We said a couple of years ago that we have 11,000 points of distribution.

    幾年前我們說過,我們有 11,000 個分銷點。

  • We are targeting 13,000 points of distribution.

    我們的目標是 13,000 個分銷點。

  • We feel good about where we are right now.


  • And we feel that this is going to give us a distribution lever that allows us to continue to push the critical volumes that we can continue to build product at the premium end of our business as well.


  • So Under Armour is focused on $100-plus footwear, and we feel like we're making great strides to get there.

    因此,Under Armour 專注於 100 美元以上的鞋類,我們覺得我們在實現這一目標方面取得了長足的進步。

  • So we, again -- and I just want to reiterate again is that we do see the growth for the full year outpacing the overall company growth, too.

    因此,我們再次 - 我只想再次重申,我們確實看到全年的增長也超過了公司的整體增長。

  • David E. Bergman - CFO

    David E. Bergman - CFO

  • And Bob, this is Dave.


  • I'll jump in on the second part of your question relative to back half and Q4.


  • Q4 and back half confidence comes really from product, distribution and also pricing strategy.


  • From a product perspective, we have new offerings, such as our Unstoppable lifestyle product with new running technology.

    從產品的角度來看,我們提供了新產品,例如採用新跑步技術的 Unstoppable 生活方式產品。

  • We also have a lot of confidence in Reactor product, just as a few examples.

    我們對 Reactor 產品也很有信心,舉幾個例子。

  • And also, we learned a lot from last fall-winter.


  • And so we broadened our fall-winter assortment with more layers, such as lightweight fleece to be better prepared for any type of winter.


  • We've revisited our auto replenishment program.


  • We also have more price and distribution levers that we're pulling, as Kevin mentioned, along with a better strategy to refresh our product on the floor more quickly.


  • So -- and you add it all up, we also have a smaller comp in Q4, and we're just definitely excited about what we can deliver in the back half and Q4, all together.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Kate McShane of Citi Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Citi Research 的 Kate McShane。

  • Kate McShane - MD, Head of the U.S. Discretionary and U.S. Apparel and Retail Analyst

    Kate McShane - MD, Head of the U.S. Discretionary and U.S. Apparel and Retail Analyst

  • My first question is just on the North America market.


  • I think there's been evidence of a high-level promotions in this market.


  • How are you feeling about North America over the next few quarters from a promotional standpoint?


  • And do you think we can return to inflation and price increases after a prolonged period of promotion?


  • David E. Bergman - CFO

    David E. Bergman - CFO

  • So Kate, this is Dave.


  • I'll start off with that one.


  • North America being down 1%, simply put, we don't like it, and we don't really accept it.

    北美下降了 1%,簡而言之,我們不喜歡它,我們並不真正接受它。

  • It was in line with our expectations, though.


  • We expected the choppy promotional environment with carryover from Q4.


  • We did anticipate that our new distribution wasn't going to be enough to offset the prior year bankruptcies.


  • But we are proactively managing our inventory and brand health in the marketplace and that also included less liquidation this quarter.


  • So in general, we did expect the lower growth in Q1 for North America, but it's not something that we're going to accept.


  • Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

    Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

  • So Kate, let me start underscoring that from David.


  • But more importantly, like the promotional environment that exists out there, it's pervasive.


  • It's something that's very real and it's something that we need to be prepared for.


  • And I think I feel really good about it.


  • In the back half of '16, it's something that we knew we could have done a better job with and it's the lessons learned that we are applying going forward.

    在 16 年下半年,我們知道我們可以做得更好,這是我們正在應用的經驗教訓。

  • So that being said, it's just understanding the way that we've approached 2017 because when we look at growth overall for our company, it's been a heck of 3 years of going of doubling the business over that period of time and has us looking forward about what's next.

    話雖如此,這只是了解我們接近 2017 年的方式,因為當我們審視公司的整體增長時,在那段時間裡業務翻番已經是 3 年了,讓我們期待關於接下來會發生什麼。

  • And so we really are focused this year on operational excellence and what we can do to being a better-run company.


  • And again, we're going to do that while still adding more than $0.5 billion in revenue.

    再一次,我們要做到這一點,同時仍然增加超過 5 億美元的收入。

  • So we're definitely not going to stand still.


  • And we certainly don't like going backwards.


  • And so focusing on going forward is where we are.


  • We have a lot of executional opportunities in the near term and also, while building, I think the bigger better engine for the future.


  • And as we do that, I think there's a couple ways that we're looking to make that happen.


  • I mentioned in my script 3 real focuses we have at the company.

    我在腳本中提到了我們在公司的 3 個真正重點。

  • First is structure.


  • I think of having just the alignment of evolving from a small company to a mid-company to getting to a bigger-sized business.


  • Category management, we believe, is going to be a big difference of keeping us close to the consumer as well giving P&L responsibility in a matrix approach that allows and drives real accountability for us.


  • Secondly, but probably, it's the most important, it's absolutely the most important, is just great product.


  • Reinventing our core basics, that's one thing that I wanted people to know is that, that is where my focus has been.


  • As we've seen and looked at sort of where we are right now when we made the calibration of things, '17 for us is the year that we're going to change the growth outlook.

    正如我們在對事物進行校準時所看到並觀察到的那樣,17 年對我們來說是我們將改變增長前景的一年。

  • And so we have the ability to make the best decisions for our business and making sure that there's 3 ways we want to look to do that, is reinventing our core basics, which means being productive, is that we lived on a legacy business for a long time where our product would just sell.

    因此,我們有能力為我們的業務做出最佳決策,並確保我們希望通過 3 種方式來做到這一點,即重塑我們的核心基礎,這意味著提高生產力,是我們以傳統業務為生很長一段時間,我們的產品只會出售。

  • And we had these big key item volumes.


  • But now, when you hear me emphasis the idea of go-to-market strategy, I think really being clear and deliberate about the products that we have in the marketplace, with each and every product, not just selling because it's heritage, but selling it because it's the best product out there.


  • And I feel like we have addressed that and particularly, in the back half of this year.


  • It also means getting behind from the planned programs we have for energy and excitement this year, things like Project Rock and our new sleepwear line.

    這也意味著我們今年計劃的精力和興奮計劃的落後,比如 Project Rock 和我們的新睡衣系列。

  • And then also, I touched on this, but the new product that we're bringing to market.


  • And listen, we get it.


  • We understand what lifestyle is about and we have a new product line called Unstoppable that'll be hitting in toward the end of Q3 and into Q4 of this year, too.

    我們了解生活方式的意義,我們有一個名為 Unstoppable 的新產品線,它將在第三季度末和今年第四季度推出。

  • So we're chasing the opportunities.


  • And I think probably, more importantly, a better way to say is we're attacking those opportunities.


  • And third and finally is that we're editing.


  • The reliance that we've had on that key item volume is something where we can't just put items into the marketplace and expect them to sell.


  • The consumer expects more.


  • But more importantly, our shift to lifestyle isn't about a new line or one collection or one drop.


  • It's about truly evolving the entire company toward the space.


  • And so you'll see that reflected, and this is nothing new.


  • We've been in the lifestyle business for over 2 years, building it out, starting at the premium and evolving that throughout our product line.

    我們從事生活方式業務已有 2 年多的時間了,從高端開始,在我們的整個產品線中不斷發展壯大。

  • As far as it goes with the promotional environment, that's the reality of where we are today.


  • We don't feel like we control that.


  • We feel like people are making decisions from all different angles, which are going to impact what's happening in the broader base.


  • So I think one thing that I just want to sort of underscore, as you think about North America maybe, which is a broader statement on where the company (inaudible).


  • Under Armour is a performance company and we don't want to shy away from that.

    Under Armour 是一家性能公司,我們不想迴避這一點。

  • We know our foundation, but we also know that, that foundation is what gives us the credibility because there's a lot of people that have now jumped into the athletic space in some way, shape or form.


  • But as companies endured, and as brands endures, Under Armour is a great brand and we expect to endure through this.

    但隨著公司和品牌的持續發展,Under Armour 是一個偉大的品牌,我們希望能夠堅持下去。

  • And so we're going to play offense this year, but we'll be prepared for whatever the market brings us.


  • And we feel pretty good about that.


  • Kate McShane - MD, Head of the U.S. Discretionary and U.S. Apparel and Retail Analyst

    Kate McShane - MD, Head of the U.S. Discretionary and U.S. Apparel and Retail Analyst

  • Kevin, if I could just follow up with one quick question that I think kind of rolled in to what you were saying.


  • Could you comment at all about how you're thinking about segmentation, especially now that you're in Kohl's?

    您能否評論一下您是如何考慮細分的,尤其是現在您在 Kohl's 時?

  • And how are you feeling about the differentiation of product between what you're selling there in the mid-tier versus your premium-end customers?


  • Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

    Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

  • Yes.


  • So as I mentioned a minute ago, we told you a while back that we had about 11,000 points of distribution.

    正如我在一分鐘前提到的,我們不久前告訴過你,我們有大約 11,000 個分發點。

  • We were targeting roughly 13,000, so we've now hit that.

    我們的目標是大約 13,000,所以我們現在已經達到了這個目標。

  • As far as distribution goes, number one, it's important to me that we -- when we announced the expanded distribution, that was the same day that we announced being on Fifth Avenue and committing to building the greatest retail store in the world that will open the middle of 2019.

    就分銷而言,第一,對我來說很重要的是,當我們宣布擴大分銷範圍時,就在同一天,我們宣布進駐第五大道,並致力於打造世界上最大的零售店。 2019 年中。

  • So our commitment to being premium brand has never wavered or changed, but to compete at the levels where we want to run, we feel that we need to be the best.


  • And we feel like we need coverage, and coverage is about some of the volumes that we can drive.


  • And again, where we talk about being in 13,000 points of distributions, it's important to remind people that some of our key competition has more than 23,000 points of distribution in North America alone.

    再一次,當我們談到在 13,000 個分佈點時,重要的是要提醒人們,我們的一些主要競爭對手僅在北美就有超過 23,000 個分佈點。

  • So apples-to-apples, we feel very good about where we are.


  • Now that does lead to the question of segmentation strategy, which we told you then the beginning of 2016 was the first time that we really stood up merchandising for ourselves as a brand.

    現在這確實導致了細分策略的問題,我們在 2016 年初告訴過你,這是我們第一次真正站出來為自己作為一個品牌進行商品營銷。

  • And with that comes having clear segmentation between our product lines.


  • So I think that we're good today, but we understand that consumers are -- or what our customers want.


  • And they want differentiation, and they expect it, and they demand it.


  • And frankly, that we have a brand that has the capability of doing it.


  • In things like some of the investments we're making between systems and between some of the structural things in category management, we feel pretty good about our ability to do that.


  • As far as additional distribution or anything there goes, we are completely, as I said, out of acquisition mode and in activation mode.


  • The goal that we have is making all of our existing partners better, and this means doing a better job in the stores where we are.


  • And so you're not going to hear of any additional big-box opening happening in the United States for a very long period of time.


  • We like the team that we have on the court.


  • We like our distribution.


  • And we think that we have a great, great opportunity there.


  • As far as our relationship, the kickoff and launch that we've had at Kohl's has been -- it's exceeded our expeditions to date and they've been a very good partner.

    就我們的關係而言,我們在 Kohl's 的啟動和發射已經超過了我們迄今為止的探險次數,他們一直是一個非常好的合作夥伴。

  • That being said, I want to reiterate that we have some amazing partners right now as well.


  • And our goal that we have as a company is focusing that we don't have to -- I don't believe we have to open any new distribution.


  • I don't think that we need new categories.


  • I don't think that the platforms that we've unrolled -- unveiled as a company doesn't mean we won't have any new ones.


  • But I'm really giving my team the ability to just relax and just focus on what we have right now in becoming excellent in every category, every sports marketing asset, in the pieces we have and using 2017 as the year to get better at doing that.

    但我真的讓我的團隊能夠放鬆,專注於我們現在擁有的東西,在每個類別、每個體育營銷資產、我們擁有的作品中變得優秀,並利用 2017 年作為做得更好的一年那。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Matt McClintock of Barclays.


  • Matthew J. McClintock - Senior Analyst

    Matthew J. McClintock - Senior Analyst

  • Kevin, the comment was made just a second ago about that you're proactively managing the brand health.


  • And I thought it would be helpful if maybe at high level, we could just get your assessment of where the brand health stands today overall.


  • And then as a follow-up, I was just wondering if you could elaborate a little bit more on the innovation.


  • You've talked a lot about lifestyle and there's been a lot of discussion about that.


  • But what changes to the innovation pipeline are you making?


  • And maybe can you provide some visibility into innovation on the horizon in '17 and maybe beyond?

    也許您能提供一些關於 17 年及以後即將出現的創新的可見性嗎?

  • Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

    Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Matt.


  • So first of all, financially, we did exactly what we said we're going to do this quarter.


  • So I think anything as it relates to brand health from that standpoint is that we had a pretty good idea of where we were.


  • As far as our brand goes, and this is somebody with 21 years having been in this industry, I truthfully wouldn't change positions with anyone else in the world, with any other brand.

    就我們的品牌而言,這是一個在這個行業工作了 21 年的人,我真的不會與世界上任何其他人、任何其他品牌改變立場。

  • I believe that our brand is positioned.


  • I believe that our brand is strong.


  • I believe that our brand demonstrates that we can take punches.


  • And I believe that our brand also demonstrates that we can throw them too.


  • So you look at the bevy of assets that we built and the things that we have as a company today.


  • We've got international business that's growing more than 50%, which remains one of our largest opportunities as a company.

    我們的國際業務增長超過 50%,這仍然是我們公司最大的機遇之一。

  • As far as the base of partnerships we have here in the U.S., we've got more than 40 all-school collegiate deals where we outfit them head to toe.

    就我們在美國的合作夥伴基礎而言,我們有 40 多個全校大學交易,我們從頭到腳為他們提供裝備。

  • We're introducing ourselves to the State of California this year with the introduction of signings of Cal-Berkeley and UCLA.


  • We've added a new outfitting deal with Major League Baseball that goes through 2030.

    我們與美國職業棒球大聯盟新增了一項到 2030 年的新裝備協議。

  • And declaring to build the greatest retail store in the world on Fifth Avenue that opens in 2019.

    並宣佈在 2019 年開業的第五大道上建造世界上最大的零售店。

  • This brand is looking forward, and we expect to bring our consumers with us.


  • And if you're starting a brand today or looking at who we had and the support that we had, I think a lot of these things have been misstated in terms of where and how people are aligned with our company.


  • Tom Brady, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Stephen Curry, Lindsey Vonn, Misty Copeland, Jordan Spieth, Anthony Joshua, who will be fighting for the heavyweight championship of the world this weekend, as well as some that you've never heard of like a boxer from Baltimore named Gervonta.

    湯姆·布雷迪、巨石強森、史蒂芬·庫裡、林賽·沃恩、米斯蒂·科普蘭、喬丹·斯皮思、安東尼·約書亞,他們將在本週末為世界重量級冠軍而戰,還有一些你從未聽說過的就像來自巴爾的摩的拳擊手 Gervonta。

  • There's more people buying Under Armour this year than they did last year.

    今年購買 Under Armour 的人比去年多。

  • We're adding and putting -- standing up new systems.


  • Our category management structure and energized flow of exciting new product experiences from -- for our consumers.


  • And we're also adding $0.5 billion of revenue this year.

    我們今年還將增加 5 億美元的收入。

  • So I can't tell you exactly how other people feel, but I know how our athletes, our team, our partners and I know how I feel about the future of the company.


  • So I think we definitely have work to do.


  • But I think the strength of the brand is something that's been built over the last 21 years.

    但我認為品牌的實力是在過去 21 年中建立起來的。

  • And I think as people continue to learn and hear our story and as you start to hear our marketing and our voice tuned up throughout the balance of this year and amplified, we feel pretty good about where that would be.


  • On innovation, if you want me to keep riffing, I can give you sort of where we are and how we see from a product standpoint is that anything that begins with brand health just comes back to products.


  • It's where we've been focused.


  • It's where we are right now.


  • So let me give you sort of innovation as we're seeing it in 3 buckets.

    所以讓我給你一些創新,因為我們在 3 個桶中看到它。

  • The first should be apparel.


  • So a big part of our marketing push this year has been around the platform of Threadborne.

    因此,我們今年營銷推廣的很大一部分都圍繞著 Threadborne 平台。

  • The Threadborne is -- it's not going away and it's something we're going to continue to lean on.

    Threadborne 是——它不會消失,它是我們將繼續依靠的東西。

  • It is a ridiculously soft and beautiful performance fabric that fits into a number of different platforms for us and something that goes from apparel all the way through to footwear.


  • You're also going to hear about something called Reactor, which is an exclusive down insulation that allows your body to heat up, cool down, depending on what's happening from external temperature side.

    您還將聽到一種叫做 Reactor 的東西,它是一種獨特的羽絨絕緣材料,可以讓您的身體根據外部溫度方面發生的情況而升溫、降溫。

  • On the footwear side, I mentioned the Connected Shoe before, which is something that's pretty -- we believe in that market and we think there's a story.

    在鞋類方面,我之前提到過 Connected Shoe,這很漂亮——我們相信這個市場,我們認為這是一個故事。

  • We think we're the ones who can tell the story because we don't think it's been told yet.


  • And that's on the come.


  • And then -- we also -- I think we've got lifestyle and few things like Slingflex.

    然後 - 我們也 - 我認為我們有生活方式,很少有像 Slingflex 這樣的東西。

  • It's on (inaudible) at $100.

    它在(聽不清)100 美元。

  • A new product.


  • Again, I mentioned the Threadborne Shift.

    我再次提到了 Threadborne Shift。

  • And then it's also innovating around our core.


  • Again, we've got this consumer, with the youth of this country, we believe we have great positioning with things like the Highlight Cleat.

    再一次,我們有這個消費者,隨著這個國家的年輕人,我們相信我們在諸如 Highlight Cleat 之類的東西上有很好的定位。

  • We're looking forward to the Curry 4 and building those franchises.

    我們期待著 Curry 4 並建立這些特許經營權。

  • And the third thing, I'd say, from an innovation standpoint and this may not be innovation to others, but for us, it's something that's a key growth driver of where we're going.


  • It's just the addition of lifestyle.


  • Lifestyle and what makes us unique, when we talk about innovation, is ours won't just be product that just looks better.


  • Everything does something.


  • It will all fit the Under Armour DNA of being better, being best-in-class.

    這一切都將符合 Under Armour 的 DNA,即更好、一流。

  • And so you'll see that happen through -- and I mentioned Unstoppable, the Inspired collection by Misty.

    所以你會看到這種情況發生——我提到了 Unstoppable,Misty 的 Inspired 系列。

  • We've got The Rock.


  • More launches, dropping super event, a few surprises in store as well.


  • So our differentiation, we believe, is something that's significant.


  • And we think that our credibility as an authentic, athletic brand is something that gives us the right to be here and play here.


  • And we'll -- frankly, there'll be few standing as all these different trends come and go.

    而且我們將 - 坦率地說,隨著所有這些不同的趨勢來來去去,很少有人能站穩腳跟。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Michael Binetti of UBS.

    我們的下一個問題來自瑞銀的 Michael Binetti。

  • Michael Binetti - MD and Senior Analyst

    Michael Binetti - MD and Senior Analyst

  • Just a quick modeling question and maybe just a higher-level clarification for Kevin.


  • The -- can you talk to us a little bit more about the puts and takes on the gross margin as we head into the second quarter?


  • It looks like the first-half guide implies 2Q will be down about 180 basis points.

    上半年指引似乎暗示第二季度將下跌約 180 個基點。

  • Obviously, worse than the first quarter, but the compares get easier.


  • I would think the currency you pointed out would start to diminish.


  • Inventories look like they're in better shape and it seems like you took some pain in the first quarter there to clean it up.


  • I know you said something about air freight being a bit more of a headwind in 2Q.


  • But maybe just give us a little bit more on the second quarter and what some of the headwinds are get to a more significant 2Q compare versus 1Q.


  • David E. Bergman - CFO

    David E. Bergman - CFO

  • Mike, this is Dave.


  • I'll take that one.


  • When you think about Q2 gross margin, some of the inventory management and promotional environment challenges we had in Q1, we're still expecting to persist into Q2.


  • We also did mention that we're going to have a little bit higher airfreight.


  • Some of that has to do with managing around our SAP go-live.

    其中一些與圍繞我們的 SAP 上線進行管理有關。

  • We do expect some continued headwinds from the FX impacts.


  • But also, our international business is actually growing a little bit faster than we even planned, even though we were excited about to begin with.


  • And as you know, that creates a little bit of a margin headwind also.


  • So when you add all of those up, it does make Q2's margin a little bit tougher.


  • But then as you trend back into the back half of the year, we do expect in our planning on a little bit more of improved product costing benefits in the back half, which we're excited to see.


  • You'll have less year-over-year impacts to promotions and discounts when you're comping that.


  • And also we're expecting a beneficial mix of product -- or actually, channel when you think about DTC going to be -- being up more and then also the fact that we've talked about liquidation being a smaller mix of our business.

    而且我們還期望產品的有益組合 - 或者實際上,當你考慮 DTC 時,渠道 - 會上升更多,然後我們已經談到清算是我們業務的一個較小組合。

  • So we've got some bigger favorability in the back half, which should be able to, for the most part, offset the continued pressure on FX headwinds along with the footwear and international pressure that we always have with their high growth rates.


  • So we feel pretty good about the back half.


  • Michael Binetti - MD and Senior Analyst

    Michael Binetti - MD and Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I mean, Kevin, just sort of higher level.


  • You mention sportswear, the very first category upfront there today.


  • So maybe just tell us a little bit about -- you're in the second round there, maybe how you see the evolution of that sportswear business going over the next few years as far as maybe how you see it -- how you see distribution growing and when you think it could be a more meaningful contributor on the total company revenue line.

    所以也許只是告訴我們一點 - 你在那裡的第二輪,也許你如何看待運動服裝業務在未來幾年的發展,以及你如何看待它 - 你如何看待分銷增長,並且當您認為它可能成為公司總收入線中更有意義的貢獻者時。

  • And then the same question for Connected Fitness.

    然後是 Connected Fitness 的相同問題。

  • Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

    Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

  • Okay, so let me begin with sportswear.


  • So there's 4 categories or ways that we think about our overall brand positioning with the different categories we have.

    因此,我們有 4 種類別或方式來考慮我們擁有的不同類別的整體品牌定位。

  • The first would be on field and think about them left to right.


  • On-field would be cleated.


  • Sport performance would be things like you could wear with a pair of jeans, like basketball.


  • All the way out to the right would be sportswear, which is what we launched this past fall with UAS.

    一直到右邊是運動服,這是我們去年秋天與 UAS 一起推出的。

  • And sitting right in the middle, which is the meat of the business, which is more than 1/3 for our 2 largest competitors of their business, is what we call sports lifestyle.

    坐在中間,這是業務的核心,對於我們的兩個最大的業務競爭對手來說超過 1/3,這就是我們所說的運動生活方式。

  • So today, we obviously want to get to the sports lifestyle category, but we thought we'd have a better opportunity of doing that by putting this flag all the way out there, which is UAS.

    所以今天,我們顯然想進入運動生活方式類別,但我們認為通過將這面旗幟一直放在那裡,我們會有更好的機會,那就是 UAS。

  • And so having time for that to curate and position ourselves at the high end of fashion, giving us the ability to attack the massive market of sport lifestyle from the top versus trying to simply evolve it from the field.


  • So we believe that's important, so having that positioning is something that we're very bullish on.


  • Sport lifestyle still remains, again, our largest opportunity and, frankly, by a mile.


  • And we look at the different categories of where we can grow.


  • And so everything we've been doing to authenticate ourselves has put us in a position for sport lifestyle.


  • It's not a new category for us, but I think I keep coming back to saying what's going to make us different and unique is that some brands rely on their logo being cool or a good line.


  • What's makes Under Armour unique is that every product does something.

    Under Armour 的獨特之處在於,每件產品都可以發揮作用。

  • And so that DNA is something that we'll carry through in every product we do.

    因此,DNA 是我們將在我們所做的每件產品中貫徹的東西。

  • And again, where the emphasis is not just going to be on the fiber technology, like, we get it, like, we're not just blind and saying we're just looking at product through a performance lens.


  • But we think there's a much bigger opportunity.


  • We think authenticity and equity are really what drive us there.


  • And again, it's not something, which needs to be a new category for the business.


  • It needs to be something that can really evolve into our overall total business.


  • So -- but we've got the cool people.

    所以 - 但我們有很酷的人。

  • We have access to all the same color agencies that the rest of them do.


  • We feel like we're driving there in a big way.


  • So we understand the emphasis of getting the lifestyle, but it doesn't mean abandoning what we have in performance, so wrapping our arms around the fact that we are a deep performance company and getting ourselves to the next step.


  • Connected Fitness, Michael, your question there.


  • Michael Binetti - MD and Senior Analyst

    Michael Binetti - MD and Senior Analyst

  • Just on the -- how you see the evolution from here yet.


  • Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

    Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

  • So I think it's a good opportunity for me just to sort of explain where we were when we made the acquisitions, the original vision that we have of becoming digital as a company and what we think that payoff is for us.


  • So the Connected -- I'm sorry, the Connected Fitness investment for us was always about having a better understanding of our consumer.

    所以 Connected——對不起,Connected Fitness 對我們的投資始終是為了更好地了解我們的消費者。

  • And we view that through the lens though is that it would help us sell more shirts and shoes.


  • To be clear, like that was the goal.


  • And we believe that original vision is still very much intact.


  • The resources community team that Connected Fitness has given us has really -- it's opened the aperture of the way that we believe consumers are going to expect an athletic brand to deliver for them in the future, like, helping them make better decisions about how to improve their lives, like, it's not just going to be a cool logo or a nice shoe.

    Connected Fitness 為我們提供的資源社區團隊確實 - 它打開了我們相信消費者期望運動品牌在未來為他們提供服務的方式的大門,例如幫助他們做出更好的決定改善他們的生活,例如,這不僅僅是一個很酷的標誌或一雙漂亮的鞋子。

  • It'll be all those things.


  • Of course, it will be stylistically portrayed, but it also has to be in the context of how are you helping me live a healthier life.


  • So today, just for perspectives and a reminder, our Connected Fitness community, we have the #1 app in the fitness store with just alone our MFP, across the 3 of the 4 different apps that we have, we have over 200 million strong with more than 80,000 downloads occurring every single day, downloading 1 of our 4 apps and giving us the insight that we believe gets us much closer now.

    因此,今天,僅出於觀點和提醒,我們的 Connected Fitness 社區,我們擁有健身商店中排名第一的應用程序,僅使用我們的多功能一體機,在我們擁有的 4 個不同應用程序中的 3 個中,我們擁有超過 2 億每天發生超過 80,000 次下載,下載了我們 4 個應用程序中的 1 個,並為我們提供了我們認為讓我們現在更接近的洞察力。

  • I mentioned we're just beginning to plug in some aspects of the SVoC program, the Single View of the Consumer, through some of our SAP go-live.

    我提到我們剛剛開始通過我們的一些 SAP 上線插入 SVOC 程序的某些方面,即消費者的單一視圖。

  • And we think the data that we'll have as a result of that is ultimately going to help us drive toward selling more shirts and shoes.


  • The information that we have with the holistic experience from fitness, to activity, to sleep and nutrition, we think gives us a purview of: number one, that helps us and it's good for consumers and that we have great trust and respect of protecting that for them.


  • But it also helps us be a better brand for them and help build better products that will get them closer.


  • And as you look at things like standing up category management, it's pretty powerful and we can see how many people went for a walk in Australia or how many people are running or what the average run trend was.


  • The last part I want to say is we also recognize that monetizing this is very important.


  • We've been doing that.


  • And again, understanding this is less than 2% of our total as a company, it doesn't mean that we like small numbers or accept them.

    再說一次,理解這不到我們公司總數的 2%,這並不意味著我們喜歡小數字或接受它們。

  • So we recognize that we have today a pretty amazing ad platform in Connected Fitness and one that we want to drive forward.

    因此,我們認識到,我們今天在 Connected Fitness 中擁有一個非常棒的廣告平台,並且我們希望推動這一平台向前發展。

  • And so we're attacking that right now inside the existing business while utilizing this data.


  • The last thing I'll say about Connected Fitness because when we get people looking at us and asking what the big plan there is.

    我要說的最後一件事是關於 Connected Fitness,因為當我們讓人們看著我們並詢問有什麼大計劃時。

  • Speaking now as the third largest brand in the world with the 2 in front of us that are long ways away and the many behind us that are not too distant, we believe that Connected Fitness differentiation for potential quantum leap in our industry.

    現在,作為世界第三大品牌,我們前面的 2 個距離我們很遠,而我們後面的許多品牌並不太遙遠,我們相信 Connected Fitness 差異化對於我們行業的潛在飛躍。

  • And we think that's something that's only beginning to take hold and something that will play out over the next 6 months effectively, but through the next year and as we look to the future.

    我們認為這只是剛剛開始發生的事情,並且會在接下來的 6 個月內有效地發揮作用,但會持續到明年以及我們展望未來。

  • And meanwhile, utilizing some of those resources just make us a better connected company.


  • So we are bullish about our investment in digital and what this means and how this combines into not only the direct benefits for our consumer, but also how it ties back into our dot-coms like E-Commerce and giving us intelligence about our consumer and making us make better decisions, better products for them.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Randy Konik of Jefferies.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的 Randy Konik。

  • Randal J. Konik - Equity Analyst

    Randal J. Konik - Equity Analyst

  • I guess, a question for Kevin.


  • I just want to kind of get some perspective on how you think your marketing strategies will continue to evolve or need to change or not change.


  • We went from the football kids on the bus to now, more athletes.


  • And you have Rock as well.


  • So how do you think about -- you have this huge community of fitness people with the MyFitnessPal, et cetera.

    那麼你怎麼想——你有這個龐大的健身社區和 MyFitnessPal 等等。

  • How do you want to market digitally to them, showing them specific products or not?


  • And how do you think about the evolving message of the brand or to communicate some of the lifestyle offerings you plan to -- you'll further bring to the market?


  • How do you kind of try to want to change the marketing tactics with the consumer?


  • Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

    Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

  • Yes, the kids on the bus is a good walk down memory lane.


  • It's a great spot.


  • And it was a different time when people were just looking at the 30 or the 60 commercial that we ran during live broadcast.

    這是一個不同的時代,人們只是在看我們在直播期間播放的 30 或 60 廣告。

  • Today, it's changed very much.


  • And I think that we've got some great amplifiers for us within the athletes that we have, the teams that we have, the partnerships that we signed recently.


  • And it's really all inclusive is that the understanding what social means for us -- and I don't think we've been a great social company to date.


  • I don't think we've done a great job with our social media.


  • And I think the understanding is there's a couple ways for us to leverage our social media.


  • One is that we have an incredible athlete community that's creating authentic content for us every single day.


  • And simply as curators of our athlete community is something that I think that we can do to tell bigger, bolder brand stories that keep us out there in the marketplace.


  • I think from a social media standpoint, you'll also see us get much better with what we do with telling product stories.


  • The market is incredibly crowded now.


  • The things that made us unique -- Under Armour unique 3 or 4 or 5 years ago, there's -- everyone has their version of athletic something.

    讓我們與眾不同的東西——Under Armour 在 3、4 或 5 年前是獨一無二的,有——每個人都有自己的運動版。

  • Every company has gotten into their version of jumping on athleisure or jumping and making their version of a tight.


  • And so moving beyond just yarn differentiation of what makes our fiber fabric better is no place for us to live.


  • And so I keep coming back and driving home this theme of when you think about companies that last and there is a -- it's a difficult time for many retailers out there.


  • As we look at Under Armour, like, we understand the shifting landscape, we look at the investments that we've been making, we look at 2017 and delivering what we said we are going to do.

    當我們審視 Under Armour 時,我們了解不斷變化的格局,我們關注我們一直在進行的投資,我們關注 2017 年並實現我們所說的我們將要做的事情。

  • And we understand the focus that we have of making ourselves a better company by getting closer to category management and having the true insights that allow us to understand what that consumer wants and delivering for it, both especially beginning with the product that delivers (inaudible) to them and to the way that we communicate them is that Under Armour product, it's complex and what we've always done a good job is that heat gear you wear for when it's hot and cold gear for when it's cold.

    我們了解我們的重點是通過更接近品類管理並擁有真正的洞察力來讓自己成為一家更好的公司,從而使我們能夠了解消費者想要什麼並為其提供什麼,尤其是從提供的產品開始(聽不清)對他們以及我們與他們交流的方式是 Under Armour 產品,它很複雜,我們一直做得很好的是,當它是熱的時候你穿的加熱裝置和當它冷的時候穿的裝置。

  • So we've got a lot more innovation.


  • There's a lot -- much broader competitive set that we have now as well, that we need to make sure we're explaining that product.


  • When I talk about our positioning for lifestyle, I think it's one that no other brand can have, is that it can be a beautiful sweater, that V-neck and comfortable and something that you could wear to the office or out to the club.


  • We want to make that sweater, but we also think it's important that the sweater performs and maintains the DNA that's Under Armour.

    我們想做那件毛衣,但我們也認為毛衣的性能和保持 Under Armour 的 DNA 很重要。

  • Now we're not going to be blind to this.


  • We just need to make beautiful products.


  • We get it.


  • But we also needed to understand that the reason the consumer will buy our beautiful product is because of the DNA that makes us authentically Under Armour and authentically sport.

    但我們也需要了解,消費者購買我們精美產品的原因是因為我們的 DNA 使我們真正成為 Under Armour 和真正的運動。

  • And so you'll continue to see us partner with whether it's the sleepwear line that we did with Tom Brady, the Project Rock collection that really begins to hit his consumer dead on and he's been a great partner for us and also the reach that they have.

    因此,您將繼續看到我們與 Tom Brady 合作的睡衣系列,Project Rock 系列真正開始讓他的消費者死心塌地,他一直是我們的好合作夥伴,也是他們的影響力有。

  • Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has over 80 million Instagram followers.

    Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson 在 Instagram 上擁有超過 8000 萬粉絲。

  • And so when he gets behind something, it can move the needle.


  • And so we actually have -- between -- amongst all of our athletes, we have a pretty powerful channel that you'll continue to see us activate.

    所以我們實際上有 - 在我們所有的運動員之間,我們有一個非常強大的渠道,你會繼續看到我們激活。

  • And you'll also see -- continue to see them bring lifestyle more into what they're doing.

    您還會看到 - 繼續看到他們將生活方式更多地融入他們正在做的事情中。

  • So that's a bit of a mixture question.


  • Hopefully, you got a bit of mixture answer there between we expect to tell great stories about the products that we build.


  • We expect them to be more relevant, more stylistic, more beautiful and still performing.


  • And so I think we're just getting started this journey, but we feel good about our basis and really, where we're heading with it directionally.


  • Randal J. Konik - Equity Analyst

    Randal J. Konik - Equity Analyst

  • And can I just follow up with one more item?


  • I'm just intrigued by the amount of -- the systems implementation, and it sounds pretty exciting.


  • Can you give us maybe some perspective on any type of measuring sticks or yard sticks you're trying to kind of work towards -- like, we think the systems can help us reduce our inventory levels by some amount or the liquidation levels can continue to move lower, our design to market cycles can be reduced by some level of X. And I'm just curious what your thoughts are there.

    您能否就您嘗試使用的任何類型的量尺或碼尺給我們一些看法-例如,我們認為這些系統可以幫助我們將庫存水平降低一定數量,或者清算水平可以繼續降低,我們的設計到市場週期可以減少一定程度的 X。我只是好奇你的想法是什麼。

  • And then you said these systems are going to also help with things like the implementation of Curry 4. Are you going to kind of you -- is the system -- these systems going to allow you to use a different type of [penetrating] strategy and so forth?

    然後你說這些系統也將有助於像 Curry 4 的實施這樣的事情。你會善待你嗎——是系統——這些系統將允許你使用不同類型的 [滲透] 策略等等?

  • Just curious there.


  • David E. Bergman - CFO

    David E. Bergman - CFO

  • Randy, this is Dave.


  • I'll take that.


  • I mean, we're not going to give you specific numbers or percentages, but as Kevin mentioned, we're definitely investing in the one global instance of SAP across our business.

    我的意思是,我們不會給你具體的數字或百分比,但正如凱文所說,我們肯定會在我們的業務中投資於一個全球性的 SAP 實例。

  • So it really does enable us to simplify and automate our process, enable a more transparent supply chain.


  • The largest part of that implementation goes live in early Q3, but there will be stages after that as well.


  • It's definitely be creating capabilities to efficiently operate a value chain at scale.


  • When you think about some of those future benefits you were mentioning, we'll definitely see some of that relative to revenue growth and speed-to-market, definitely around inventory optimization, also service level improvements because there's a big supply chain component to that, and all that comes through on effective margin management as well.


  • So there's definitely a lot of exciting aspects that we'll see.


  • I think you're going to see more of the meaningful improvements of that coming out in 2019 and beyond, but it's definitely a big play for us.

    我認為你會在 2019 年及以後看到更多有意義的改進,但這對我們來說絕對是一場大戲。

  • Operator


  • And now we'll take our last question from the line of Andrew Burns of D.A. Davidson.

    現在我們將從 D.A. 的 Andrew Burns 中提出最後一個問題。戴維森。

  • Andrew Shuler Burns - VP and Senior Research Analyst

    Andrew Shuler Burns - VP and Senior Research Analyst

  • As a follow-up, I'm trying to better understand how quickly you can pivot the assortment to where you want it to be with your key wholesale partners as well as in DTC.

    作為後續行動,我試圖更好地了解您可以多快將分類轉移到您希望它與您的主要批發合作夥伴以及在 DTC 中的位置。

  • From a consumer's point of view, as they shop your key wholesale partners and DTC in the upcoming holiday season, how visible will this assortment shift be?

    從消費者的角度來看,當他們在即將到來的假日季節購買您的主要批發合作夥伴和 DTC 時,這種分類轉變會有多明顯?

  • And how do you expect to communicate the lifestyle and sportswear initiatives to consumers?


  • Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

    Kevin A. Plank - Founder, Chairman, CEO and President

  • Thank you.


  • So I believe in 80-20 rules.


  • And I still believe that the basis that we have is the foundation that people need.


  • People need T-shirts and people need golf polos and people need quarter zips.

    人們需要 T 卹,人們需要高爾夫 Polo 衫,人們需要四分之一拉鍊。

  • But beyond that, there's a lifestyle component that we think that we can accelerate onto our brand.


  • The ability for us to affect that in Q1, Q2, we look at where we were in the first half of the year and frankly, the lessons learned coming out of the end of 2016, we said we think we can be better and where we were able to affect once we had that information was really going after Q3 and Q4.

    我們在第一季度和第二季度影響的能力,我們看看我們在上半年的情況,坦率地說,從 2016 年底汲取的經驗教訓,我們說我們認為我們可以做得更好,我們在哪裡一旦我們掌握了真正在第三季度和第四季度之後的信息,就能夠產生影響。

  • And it doesn't mean there needs to be a seismic shift, but it means some of the key items were -- the Unstoppable collection was something that we drove hard, really, from December last year to be able to deliver this year.

    這並不意味著需要發生翻天覆地的變化,但它意味著一些關鍵項目是 - Unstoppable 系列是我們從去年 12 月開始努力推動的,真的,以便能夠在今年交付。

  • So it's great practice for us of learning just how fast we can be as a company from a supply chain standpoint and understanding why we're not that fast everywhere.


  • And so fast fashion in the way that they operate, being close to consumer is something that we want to get a lot smarter about and something that we're continuing to drive.


  • We feel good about the collections that we have now.


  • We feel good about the line that we have out on the floor.


  • We're just saying we can be better, and better means a real sense of focus.


  • And I guess, if -- when I started to feel and sort of look at the year and where we are, the one place that I've thrown myself into in the last several months and really looking at this year where I want to be going forward is just in the product, any product -- any issue that anyone has with any company.


  • You can create the greatest commercial you can do, anything that you want, but it just comes down to product.


  • And where we look at 2017 and part of our alignment was how do we get our product in line with being the kind of growth company that the market has become accustomed to Under Armour being, we know how to do that.

    我們展望 2017 年,我們的部分調整是我們如何讓我們的產品符合市場已經習慣於 Under Armour 的那種成長型公司,我們知道如何做到這一點。

  • We haven't missed any trends in the marketplace.


  • We could be faster.


  • We could be better.


  • But again, this comes back to the foundations of what we're going to do going forward.


  • And so I think that people walk out and they're not sure if we understand what cool looks like, and we can't do style what a consumer wears.


  • I believe in the sport authenticity that we have.


  • I believe the consumer likes us.


  • I believe the consumer loves us.


  • I believe we just have to tell them why they do.


  • And most importantly, we need to show them product that inspires them to want to love us.


  • And so it is a -- the consumer has a pretty short memory, and they also have a really long, I think, affinity though.


  • So I think that we've established that to a point and where they might have gotten to know Under Armour as a tight shirt compression T-shirt company, we also then evolved to a full-scale athletic brand.

    所以我認為我們已經確立了這一點,他們可能已經知道 Under Armour 是一家緊身襯衫壓縮 T 卹公司,然後我們也發展成為一個全面的運動品牌。

  • Where they might have known us as just a North American company, I think we're doing a pretty good job evolving to being a true global brand.


  • Where they might have known us as just as performance company and just that tight T-shirt, I think what you'll see is us continue to evolve moving into being a truly -- a true company that could be worn in a lot more wearing occasions than just the gym, on the field, on the court or the pitch.

    他們可能知道我們只是一個表演公司和那件緊身 T 卹,我想你會看到我們繼續發展成為一個真正的——一個真正的公司,可以穿得更多不僅僅是在健身房,在球場上,在球場上或球場上。

  • So we're pretty far down that road and I think we feel pretty good about where we're going.


  • We're not perfect.


  • We don't think we're there yet.


  • It all speaks into the guidance or the outlook that we provided for the year.


  • So we're using 2017 as the year really to get better.

    因此,我們將 2017 年作為真正變得更好的一年。

  • And I think we've got a lot of seismic internal things that we're doing, meaning just make us a better company that will position us because we haven't said the word being a $10 billion company in a while.

    而且我認為我們正在做很多令人震驚的內部事情,這意味著只是讓我們成為一家更好的公司,這將為我們定位,因為我們已經有一段時間沒有說過成為一家價值 100 億美元的公司這個詞了。

  • And I want you to hear that.


  • You're not hearing people talk about that.


  • But I want you to know, Under Armour is leaning forward, Under Armour is moving forward and we're moving on and ready to run.

    但我想讓你知道,Under Armour 正在向前傾,Under Armour 正在向前推進,我們正在繼續前進並準備好奔跑。

  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in today's conference.


  • This concludes today's program.


  • You may all disconnect.


  • Everyone, have a great day.
