高塔半導體 (TSEM) 2024 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Thank you, and welcome to Tower financial results conference call for the first quarter of 2024.

    謝謝,歡迎參加 Tower 2024 年第一季財務業績電話會議。

  • Before we begin, I would like to remind you that some statements made during this call maybe forward-looking and are subject to uncertainties and risk factors that could cause actual results to be different from those currently expected.


  • These uncertainties and risk factors are fully disclosed in our Forms 20-F and 6-K, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as filings with the Israeli Securities Authority.

    這些不確定性和風險因素在我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的 20-F 和 6-K 表格以及向以色列證券管理局提交的文件中得到了充分披露。

  • They are also available on our website.


  • Tower assumes no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements.

    Tower 不承擔更新任何此類前瞻性聲明的義務。

  • Please note that the first quarter of 2024 financial results have been prepared in accordance with US GAAP.

    請注意,2024 年第一季財務業績是根據美國公認會計準則編製的。

  • The financial tables and data in today’s earnings release and in this earnings call also include certain adjusted financial information that may be considered non-GAAP financial measures under Regulation G and related reporting requirements as established with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    今天的財報發布和本次財報電話會議中的財務表格和數據還包括某些調整後的財務信息,這些信息可能根據 G 條例以及美國證券交易委員會制定的相關報告要求被視為非 GAAP 財務指標。

  • The financial tables include a full explanation of these measures and the reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures to the GAAP financial measures.


  • We have a supporting slide deck that complements today’s conference call.


  • This presentation is accessible on our company’s website and is also integrated in today’s webcast for your convenience.


  • Now, I’d like to turn the call to our CEO, Mr. Russell Ellwanger.

    現在,我想將電話轉給我們的執行長 Russell Ellwanger 先生。

  • Russell, please go ahead.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Welcome, everyone.


  • Thank you for joining our first quarter of 2024 earnings conference call.

    感謝您參加我們的 2024 年第一季財報電話會議。

  • I have been looking forward to this opportunity to discuss our performance and positive outlook.


  • Revenue for the first quarter was in the upper half of our guidance at $327 million.

    第一季的營收為 3.27 億美元,處於我們指引的上半部分。

  • We delivered a net profit of $45 million, representing a net margin of 14%.

    我們實現淨利潤 4500 萬美元,淨利潤率為 14%。

  • For the remainder of 2024, our target is to achieve quarter-over-quarter revenue and margin increases.

    在 2024 年剩餘時間內,我們的目標是實現營收和利潤率環比成長。

  • Our guidance for the second quarter is for revenue to be $350 million, plus minus 5%.

    我們對第二季營收的指引是 3.5 億美元,加上負 5%。

  • I’ll now provide a breakdown of Q1 revenue per major technology group.


  • For reference, please see slide 3.

    如需參考,請參閱投影片 3。

  • I’ll refer to the business momentum we see for each group and highlight significant achievements.


  • RF Mobile, predominantly RF SOI, represented 37% of revenue in the first quarter of 2024, a strong increase against the 2023 run rate.

    RF Mobile(主要是 RF SOI)佔 2024 年第一季營收的 37%,與 2023 年的運作率相比大幅成長。

  • We continue to experience strong demand from RF SOI customers.

    我們持續感受到 RF SOI 客戶的強勁需求。

  • Our 300-millimeter RF SOI capacity at Uozu is fully utilized.

    我們在魚津的 300 毫米射頻 SOI 產能已充分利用。

  • We are addressing excess demand by transitioning some production to Agrate, where we are currently working through final steps of production qualification towards production ramp, which remains on track with the planned schedule.

    我們正在透過將部分生產轉移到 Agrate 來解決過剩的需求,目前我們正在那裡完成生產資格的最後步驟,以實現產量提升,該產量仍按計劃進行。

  • This transition and capacity expansion will extend through 2024 into 2025 to meet the forecasted growth in customer demand.

    這項過渡和產能擴張將持續到 2024 年至 2025 年,以滿足客戶需求的預測成長。

  • Wrapping up the new facility in Agrate will bring, as previously communicated, some expected reduction to margins in the short term due to added depreciation and startup costs, but will be offset and become accretive with the ship volumes we expect to achieve within the first half of 2025.


  • This is enabled by an accelerated corridor for profitability through having partnered with ST.

    這是透過與 ST 合作加速獲利走廊來實現的。

  • We continue developments in 200-millimeter and 300-millimeter RF SOI technologies, setting industry benchmarks in efficiency and power handling, having customer-demonstrated sub-60 femtosecond Ron-Coff, enhancing battery life and signal receptions in handsets.

    我們繼續開發 200 毫米和 300 毫米 RF SOI 技術,在效率和功率處理方面樹立行業基準,擁有客戶演示的 60 飛秒以下 Ron-Coff,提高手機的電池壽命和訊號接收能力。

  • Please see slide 4.

    請參閱幻燈片 4。

  • The increasing RF content in 5G handsets drives market growth, and our technological advancements have captured increased market share.

    5G 手機中射頻含量的增加推動了市場成長,我們的技術進步也贏得了更大的市場份額。

  • This momentum is expected to be strong throughout all of 2024 and expected to be so for 2025 as well.

    預計這一勢頭將在 2024 年全年保持強勁,2025 年也將如此。

  • RF Infrastructure business represented 14% of revenue this quarter, an increase from 10% in the fourth quarter of 2023.

    射頻基礎設施業務佔本季營收的 14%,高於 2023 年第四季的 10%。

  • During the past quarter, we experienced strong performance in our RF Infrastructure business, where we provide optical transceiver components such as Silicon Germanium and Silicon Photonics for AI infrastructure, data centers, and data comm markets.


  • This performance is a testament to our strategic initiatives and technological advancements in this sector.


  • The growth was attributed to several factors, expanded market opportunities driven by substantial investments in AI, the introduction of new products for higher data rates spurred by AI developments, and the unexpected rapid adoption of Silicon Photonics for 800G with an increased interest in lower latency and lower power architectures like linear pluggable optics, LPO.

    這一成長歸因於多種因素:人工智慧的大量投資推動了市場機會的擴大,人工智慧發展推動了更高數據速率的新產品的推出,以及矽光子技術在800G 領域的意外快速採用,人們對更低延遲和更高性能的興趣日益濃厚。

  • Additionally, we’ve seen a recovery in legacy product orders after the previous quarters of inventory adjustments.


  • Our achievements in Silicon Photonics were marked by a technology award from Coherent and a partnership with InnoLight, the top two worldwide optical integrators.


  • We’re advancing in 400G and 800G products, and pioneering with select customers on 200G per lane technologies for future 1.6 T systems.

    我們正在推進 400G 和 800G 產品,並與精選客戶一起開創未來 1.6 T 系統的每通道 200G 技術。

  • Including InnoLight and Coherent, the top two, we have active Silicon Photonics programs with six of the top 10 optical integrators.

    包括前兩名的旭創科技和相干公司,我們與前 10 名光學積分商中的 6 名擁有活躍的矽光子專案。

  • Validating these achievements, the Optical Fiber Conference, March 25 to 29 in San Diego, felt much more like a family reunion than a conference.

    為了驗證這些成就,3 月 25 日至 29 日在聖地牙哥舉行的光纖會議感覺更像是家庭聚會,而不是一次會議。

  • It’s gratifying to see our vision of creating an open Silicon Photonics Foundry coming to fruition.


  • Beyond datacom, our engagement with automotive leaders in frequency-modulated continuous wave based LiDAR and other sensors, including SiPhO-based positioning gyros with Anello, confirm the broad-based need and usage for advanced photonics.

    除了數據通訊之外,我們還與汽車領導者在基於調頻連續波的 LiDAR 和其他感測器(包括 Anello 的基於 SiPhO 的定位陀螺儀)方面進行合作,證實了先進光子學的廣泛需求和使用。

  • Please see slide 5.

    請參閱投影片 5。

  • Please note, we have over 50 SiPhO customers, most of which in active silicon phases.

    請注意,我們有超過 50 個 SiPhO 客戶,其中大部分是活性矽相。

  • Silicon Photonics currently represents 5% of our revenue, greatly accelerated by the adoption of AI, with momentum that is extremely strong and promises to be long lasting.

    矽光子學目前占我們收入的 5%,人工智慧的採用大大加速了這一發展,其勢頭非常強勁,並且有望長期持續。

  • In thesilicon germanium segment, we are experiencing renewed demand, thanks to new high data rate products, active cable and LPO technologies.

    在矽鍺領域,由於新的高資料速率產品、主動電纜和 LPO 技術,我們正在經歷新的需求。

  • LPO is enhancing the silicon germanium market by integrating equalizers in receivers and transmitters, eliminating the need for the DSP in the pluggable module, hence reducing costs, power consumption and latency, all crucial for AI and data center applications.

    LPO 正在透過在接收器和發射器中整合均衡器來增強矽鍺市場,消除可插拔模組中對DSP 的需求,從而降低成本、功耗和延遲,這對於人工智慧和資料中心應用至關重要。

  • Please see slide 6.

    請參閱幻燈片 6。

  • Momentum is strong through the year and expected to be so beyond as well.


  • Sensors and Displays represented 15% of the total revenue in Q1.

    感測器和顯示器佔第一季總收入的 15%。

  • We continue with all development and manufacturing activities as detailed last quarter.


  • Please see slide 7 for a review.

    請參閱投影片 7 進行檢討。

  • We expect a notable increase in imaging revenue from Q1 to Q2, and to maintain that strong level throughout the year.


  • Power IC business, excluding power discrete, represented 10% in the first quarter of our corporate revenue.


  • Present POs show substantial increase in Q2 revenue, with further increases throughout the year.


  • We view Q1 as the low point in revenue for our power business and expect long-term growth thereafter.


  • We are progressing with power management platforms qualification in Albuquerque, under our capacity agreement with Intel, with on-target initial silicon results.


  • We anticipate starting customer prototyping in the second half of 2024, leading to qualification and production ramp start in 2025.

    我們預計將於 2024 年下半年開始客戶原型設計,並於 2025 年開始進行資格認證和量產。

  • Please see slide 8, showing our power offerings over a large voltage range.

    請參閱投影片 8,其中顯示了我們在大電壓範圍內提供的電源產品。

  • Power discrete business was 14% of revenue and expected to be stable at this revenue level throughout 2024.

    功率分立元件業務佔營收的 14%,預計 2024 年將穩定在這一收入水準。

  • Mixed Digital CMOS business was 8% of revenue and about 2% was miscellaneous for this period.

    在此期間,混合數位 CMOS 業務佔收入的 8%,約 2% 為雜項業務。

  • Our fab utilizations for the quarter, Fab 1, which as announced will be operationally consolidated into Fab 2, was about 65%.

    我們本季的晶圓廠利用率約為 65%,晶圓廠 1 已宣布將在營運上合併到晶圓廠 2。

  • Fab 2 8 inch was about 75%.

    Fab 2 8吋約為75%。

  • Fab 3 8 inch at about 45%, presently at a very high ramp.

    Fab 3 8 吋產能約 45%,目前處於非常高的坡度。

  • Fab 5 8 inch was about 40%, impacted by the earthquake in Japan and is presently ramping.

    Fab 5 8吋產能約40%,受日本地震影響,目前正在加速成長。

  • Fab 7 12 inch was about 75% due to earthquake impact and since recovery from the earthquake, it has been fully loaded, which to remind per our model is 85% utilization.

    Fab 7 12吋由於地震影響約為75%,自從地震恢復以來,它已經滿載,根據我們的模型提醒的是85%的利用率。

  • Fab 9 8 inch was about 60%, related to the worldwide decreased demand for power management.

    Fab 9 8吋約為60%,與全球範圍內電源管理需求下降有關。

  • With that, I’ll turn the call to our CFO, Mr. Oren Shirazi.

    接下來,我將把電話轉給我們的財務長 Oren Shirazi 先生。

  • Oren, please?


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Hello, everyone.


  • Earlier today, we released our first-quarter financial results.


  • For the first quarter of 2024, we reported revenue of $327 million, gross profit of $73 million and net profit of $45 million, reflecting 14% net profit margins.

    2024 年第一季度,我們報告營收為 3.27 億美元,毛利為 7,300 萬美元,淨利潤為 4,500 萬美元,淨利潤率為 14%。

  • I will now begin a more detailed review of our results, first analyzing the P&L highlights, followed by our balance sheet.


  • Revenue for the first quarter of 2024 was $327 million in the upper range of our guidance, compared to $352 million in the fourth quarter of 2023.

    2024 年第一季的營收為 3.27 億美元,處於我們指引範圍的上限,而 2023 年第四季的營收為 3.52 億美元。

  • Gross profit and operating profit for Q1 were $73 million and $34 million, respectively, aligned to our financial model, compared to $84 million and $45 million, respectively, in the prior quarter.

    根據我們的財務模型,第一季的毛利和營業利潤分別為 7,300 萬美元和 3,400 萬美元,而上一季分別為 8,400 萬美元和 4,500 萬美元。

  • Net profit was $45 million, reflecting 14% net profit margins or $0.40 diluted earnings per share, compared to net profit of $54 million, reflecting 15% net margins or $0.48 diluted per share in the prior quarter.

    淨利潤為 4,500 萬美元,反映淨利潤率為 14%,即攤薄每股收益 0.40 美元,而上一季淨利潤為 5,400 萬美元,反映淨利潤率為 15%,即攤薄每股收益 0.48 美元。

  • Moving to balance sheet and future CapEx and cash plans.


  • As of end of Q1 2024, our balance sheet assets totaled $2.98 billion, compared to $2.58 billion in the same period last year, primarily comprised of $1.18 billion of fixed assets mostly machinery and equipment and $1.74 billion of current assets.

    截至2024 年第一季末,我們的資產負債表資產總額為29.8 億美元,而去年同期為25.8 億美元,主要包括11.8 億美元的固定資產(主要是機械和設備)和17.4 億美元的流動資產。

  • Last week, we were very happy to receive an updated corporate credit rating from Standard & Poor’s.


  • Following their annual review, our rating has been reaffirmed at ilAA, including a stable outlook for the company.

    經過年度審查後,ilAA 重申了我們的評級,包括公司的穩定前景。

  • This reflects the robustness of our financial position and underscores our ongoing commitment to maintaining a strong financial foundation.


  • Current assets ratio, reflecting the multiple by which current assets are larger than short-term liabilities, is very strong at 5.4x. Shareholder’s equity reached a total of $2.5 billion at the end of Q1, further increasing from $2.4 billion at the end of December 2030 -- 2023 and from $2.0 billion as of the end of March 2023.

    流動資產比率反映了流動資產大於短期負債的倍數,達到 5.4 倍,非常強勁。截至第一季末,股東權益總額達 25 億美元,較 2030 年 12 月底至 2023 年的 24 億美元以及截至 2023 年 3 月末的 20 億美元進一步增加。

  • Our strong financial position enables us to plan the following investments in strategic opportunities that are aligned to our vision.


  • Approximately $500 million of total aggregate cash was allocated to make investments in equipment and other CapEx items required for the 12-inch factory in Agrate, Italy, following the previously announced ST Micro Partnership Agreement signed in 2021.

    繼先前宣布的 ST Micro 於 2021 年簽署合作夥伴協議後,約 5 億美元的現金總額被分配用於投資義大利阿格拉特 12 吋工廠所需的設備和其他資本支出項目。

  • We have already invested $340 million to date, while $160 million are to be paid from Q2 2024 to the end of 2025.

    迄今為止,我們已投資 3.4 億美元,從 2024 年第二季到 2025 年底將支付 1.6 億美元。

  • In addition, as previously announced, we will invest up to $300 million in the coming two and a half years to buy equipment and other CapEx items that we will own in Intel Fab in New Mexico, enabling us to ramp up Fab capacity and capabilities for our customers.

    此外,正如先前宣布的,我們將在未來兩年半內投資最多 3 億美元,購買我們將在新墨西哥州英特爾工廠擁有的設備和其他資本支出項目,使我們能夠提高工廠產能和能力我們的顧客。

  • These payments will commence in Q2 2024.

    這些付款將於 2024 年第二季開始。

  • In addition, we expect our maintenance CapEx baseline level to remain as previously announced at about $200 million per annum.

    此外,我們預計維護資本支出基準水準將維持在先前宣布的每年約 2 億美元。

  • And lastly, we expect to invest additional cash to acquire more capability CapEx tools and other assets to expand our technology offerings, including increasing our 5G and SiPho capacity and technological offerings, to enhance our flexibility and support our customers from our various sides, as well as change our product mix to a richer mix from a margins perspective.

    最後,我們預計投資額外的現金來獲取更多能力的資本支出工具和其他資產,以擴展我們的技術產品,包括增加我們的5G 和SiPho 產能和技術產品,以增強我們的靈活性並從各個方面為我們的客戶提供支援從利潤的角度來看,將我們的產品組合改為更豐富的組合。

  • In summary, the above investments are aligned to our business strategy, as well as financial model as previously presented by the company this past November.

    總之,上述投資符合我們的業務策略以及公司去年 11 月提出的財務模型。

  • In the model, we outline a revenue target of $2.66 billion per annum that could be achieved by loading our existing facilities at 85% utilization, which would result in $500 million annual net profit.

    在模型中,我們概述了每年 26.6 億美元的收入目標,可以透過以 85% 的利用率加載現有設施來實現,這將帶來 5 億美元的年度淨利潤。

  • Now, I’d like to turn this call back to our CEO, Mr. Ellwanger.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Oren.


  • We’d like to go ahead at this point with whatever questions you might have, at which time, at the end of which I will come in and give some summary and conclusion statements.


  • Please?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Cody Acree, Benchmark.

    (操作員指示)Cody Acree,基準。

  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Hey, Cody.


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Hey, guys.


  • Thanks for taking my questions and congrats on the progress.


  • Oren, if I can maybe start real quickly on a point of clarification or further color on your CapEx expectations.


  • You’ve mentioned increasing your -- I guess, your maintenance level, but increasing some of your core CapEx on your fabs to, what did you say, further expand some of your leadership products and shift your mix to those areas.


  • Can you just add some specification to what you’re expecting to spend?


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • We did not mention -- I mean, I mentioned the $500 million Agrate of which we are left with $160 million to pay from Q2 until the end of 2025, plus the Intel’s 11X $300 million that will start to be paid this quarter and the maintenance CapEx $200 million a year.

    我們沒有提到——我的意思是,我提到了5 億美元的Agrate,從第二季度到2025 年底,我們還有1.6 億美元需要支付,加上英特爾的11X 3 億美元將於本季開始支付每年維護資本支出 2 億美元。

  • In regards to the additional machines that we wanted to buy for 5G and SiPho and others, we are still evaluating now the plans.

    至於我們想為 5G 和 SiPho 等購買的額外機器,我們現在仍在評估計劃。

  • We didn’t yet come up with final numbers.


  • It will be in the order of many, many tens of millions, but of course, we have the cash to support it from our balance sheet.


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And any swath at what that might do to your $2.66 billion of revenue potential suppose

    假設這可能會對您 26.6 億美元的收入潛力產生什麼影響

  • --?


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • No.


  • This is already included.


  • Meaning, when we presented the model in November with the $2.66 billion revenue, all these CapEx that I’m saying here are already included.

    這意味著,當我們在 11 月推出具有 26.6 億美元收入的模型時,我在這裡所說的所有資本支出都已經包括在內。

  • The fact that we don’t yet know exactly how much they will cost and didn’t finalize the plan.


  • It’s still our multi-year plan that’s reached the $2.66 billion, include revenue from those machines that will improve the mix and this is already built into the model.

    這仍然是我們的多年計劃,達到 26.6 億美元,包括來自那些將改善組合的機器的收入,這已經內建在模型中。

  • It’s not an addition.


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Very good.


  • Thank you for that clarification.


  • And Russell, I guess, for you, your comments in the prepared remarks and in the press release were very encouraging.


  • You talked about gaining some visibility from customer forecasts.


  • Has that also translated to improving customer orders or is that more of a longer term outlook?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Good question.


  • The orders that we have is very much related into the optimistic forecast we have for this year of quarter-over-quarter growth.


  • What I was referring to was, inputs from customers, forecasts from customers specific around data center that would show that the inventory has been burnt off in the legacy data center in addition to the orders that we’re getting for acceleration of 800G.

    我指的是,來自客戶的輸入、來自特定於資料中心的客戶的預測,這些預測表明,除了我們收到的 800G 加速訂單之外,遺留資料中心的庫存已被消耗殆盡。

  • And then we’ve also begun to start seeing some increases both in PO then in forecast for power management.

    然後我們也開始看到 PO 和電源管理預測都有增加。

  • But power management, as I stated, Q1, we see it as having been the low in our business.


  • If I look really very closely at our plan for 2024, but the power management specific, the automotive is still, I think, burning off inventory, but with signs right now that there will be new buys.

    如果我真的非常仔細地審視我們的 2024 年計劃,但具體到電源管理,我認為汽車行業仍在消耗庫存,但現在有跡象表明將會有新的採購。

  • But the overall power management market, I think, is still weak.


  • If we look at our own numbers for 2024 versus 2023, it is deficient for 2023 total.

    如果我們比較一下 2024 年和 2023 年的數據,就會發現 2023 年的總數是有缺陷的。

  • But the growth that we have within our plans is really dependent on POs and pretty vetted forecasts, not what I’m talking about the trend of the market itself recovering.


  • So


  • --


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And Russell, thank you.


  • I am sorry.


  • Yeah.


  • I am sorry.


  • Go ahead.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Should the market recover within some short-term, which I don’t know, that would be accretive to the targets that we have right now.


  • But it’s not that clear.


  • What I stated was really signs of recovery.


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And specifically, in power management, just to be clear, you are still seeing inventory excesses pressure that market, but you are expecting Q2 to be a low point for that market?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • No.


  • Q1 already passed was a low point.


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Q1, sorry.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you for that, Russell, are you I guess just two quick ones.


  • Are you seeing any impact in March or June from the end-of-life pull-ins from Fab one shutdown and not material.

    您是否看到 3 月或 6 月 Fab one 關閉帶來的生命週期終結帶來的影響,而不是實質影響?

  • Yeah.


  • We have substantial increase in power management from Q1 to Q2, which you might see reflected in the increased guidance.


  • But -- and then we would see also growth in power management throughout the year, but not having recovered to highs of previous years.


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That’s very helpful.


  • Thank you very much.


  • I guess, if you could handicap your in-market either order rates or forecast visibility improvements, where do you think you’re going to get the best growth recovery from through the second half?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • The growth is very strongly related to data center, a lot with AI, I think.


  • And then also with RF SOI.

    然後還有 RF SOI。

  • Those are the two bigger growth markets.


  • As well, against the Q1 baseline, is 300-millimeter power management.

    此外,與第一季的基準相比,電源管理寬度為 300 毫米。

  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Thank you very much, Russell, for that.


  • I guess just on the AI business, I think, I’ve asked this in the past, but maybe we can revisit it.


  • Just have you had a chance to parse out your business that is AI levered, whether that be on the data center, piece of business or even as we’re looking at AI shifting more toward consumer end devices, as such as smartphones.


  • Can you talk about your overall AI leverage?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I think the bulk of it right now is pluggables going into data center.


  • I don’t think there’s an awful lot going into a mobile phone at this point, if any.


  • But certainly, the movement within AI and the pluggable to move away from discrete indium phosphide detector and modulator to a monolithic SiPho with an integrated modulator and silicon detector, then the passes within the guide being part of the pluggable, that’s where we see the growth right now.


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Thank you for that, Russell.


  • Are you -- I guess, just two quick ones, are you seeing any impact in March or June from the end of life pull-ins from Fab 1 shutdown?

    我想,只是兩個簡單的問題,您是否看到 3 月或 6 月 Fab 1 關閉帶來的生命週期結束帶來的任何影響?

  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Not material.


  • If we were to look at Fab 1, I would say, probably, the revenue levels in Fab 1 are higher for the year because of end of life than they would be otherwise and that’s why we decided to consolidate certain flows into Fab 2, and to end of life those that were really by customer demand going to be end of life in general.

    如果我們看一下 Fab 1,我會說,由於生命週期結束,Fab 1 的當年收入水準可能比其他情況下要高,這就是為什麼我們決定將某些流量合併到 Fab 2、到生命週期結束時,那些真正符合顧客需求的產品一般都會終止生命週期。

  • But it’s not an appreciable increase against previous year run rates.


  • If anything, it brings it back almost to previous year run rates.


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you for that.


  • And then lastly, just any impact on pricing, wafer pricing, as the business is recovering as you’re looking at the rest of the year?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I’m not exactly sure what you mean by recovery.


  • We’ve not had a decrease in pricing.


  • We’re not seeing huge increases in pricing, but what we do have always is the newer the platform, the higher the prices for the platform.


  • So I expect as with most years that our ASP will, this year maybe especially, will probably increase if we look at for all of the silicon layers that were sold versus the silicon layers last year, because of a much richer mix with Silicon Photonics, which is a new platform that has a different price point on a price per layer and other platforms and probably is the highest price per layer that we offer.


  • Cody Acree - Analyst

    Cody Acree - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Thank you guys.


  • I really appreciate all that color.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Appreciate your question.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Richard Shannon, Craig-Hallum.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Hey, Richard.


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Russell, hi.


  • How are you?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Very good.


  • Thank you.


  • Yourself?


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Excellent.


  • I can’t complain.


  • It’s a nice spring day here.


  • Thanks for asking.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you before, right?


  • Got a little jumbled, Richard.


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Sorry, I lost my headset.


  • So I’m doing the speaker phone.


  • Hopefully this is good enough.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Now it’s better, okay?


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Let’s hear a couple of questions here.


  • You mentioned an RF SOI, which are gaining share.

    您提到了 RF SOI,它的市場份額正在增加。

  • Maybe you can discuss this a little bit here.


  • I think you’ve talked about having a subset of the customer base out there.


  • Are you gaining new customers or getting more share from them?


  • And any way to think about the magnitude of the increase you’re expecting to see in the next generation?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • We certainly have new customers that had been supplied by other foundries prior to us serving them now.


  • So there I am quite convinced that we’re gaining share.


  • We also have existing customers whose demand last year was much lower than it is presently.


  • So nominally, they’ve gained share and potentially gained share against people that maybe weren’t using us.


  • As far as giving a specific quantitative measurement at this point as to how many points of share we’ve gained, I wouldn’t feel very comfortable to give that as I’ve not really seen the overall numbers for RF SOI.

    至於目前對我們獲得了多少份額的具體定量測量,我不太願意給出這個,因為我還沒有真正看到 RF SOI 的總體數字。

  • But as the reports get out talking about the amount of modules having been sold and the amount of SOI wafers having been sold, when that data is available, I’ll be happy to make comments on it.

    但當報告談到已售出的模組數量和已售出的 SOI 晶圓數量時,當這些數據可用時,我將很樂意對此發表評論。

  • But I really don’t know what the overall market is at this point.


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Fair enough for those comments.


  • Let’s jump over to Silicon Photonics.


  • Did I hear correctly that this was 5% of sales in the first quarter?

    我沒聽錯吧,這是第一季銷售額的 5%?

  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, sir.


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • An excellent number here, obviously in the early stages of growth here.


  • I guess a few questions around this here.


  • Do you have any sense of what kind of share Silicon Photonics has in the 800-gig generation and any thought process about how that changes?

    您是否了解 Silicon Photonics 在 800G 世代中所佔的份額以及對此有何變化的思考過程?

  • I assume it increases as you go to 1.6 T.

    我認為當你達到 1.6 T 時它會增加。

  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • A qualitative feel, certainly.


  • At the 800-gig, it’s basically a 4 by 200, right?

    在 800 場演出中,它基本上是 4 x 200,對吧?

  • So the cost of doing the discrete detectors and as compared to doing the monolithic SiPho becomes substantial, as well as the form factor.

    因此,與製作單片 SiPho 相比,製作分立探測器的成本以及外形尺寸都變得相當大。

  • If you go to the 1.6 T, it’s an 8 by 200, in which case form factor becomes very critical as well as cost.

    如果選擇 1.6 T,它是 8 x 200,在這種情況下,外形尺寸和成本都變得非常關鍵。

  • So how much SiPho is right now at 800G?

    那麼現在 SiPho 的 800G 是多少呢?

  • I don’t know.


  • I really don’t.


  • That’s where I think our biggest cutting is and I believe that the bulk of all the 5% of the corporate revenue of Q1 was into 800G.

    我認為這就是我們最大的削減,而且我相信第一季公司收入的 5% 中的大部分都投入了 800G 業務。

  • What percentage that is, I don’t think that it’s the major percentage of 800G at this point.

    這個比例是多少,我不認為這是目前 800G 的主要比例。

  • But 800G itself is surprisingly quickly being adopted.

    但 800G 本身卻令人驚訝地迅速被採用。

  • According to reports of two years ago, there’ll be very little 800G now and I would think 800G is probably 40%, 50% in the market at this point.

    根據兩年前的報道,現在 800G 已經很少了,我認為目前 800G 可能佔市場的 40%、50%。

  • But -- and 1.6 T is probably already going to be cutting in at the end of 2024, certainly in 2025.

    但是,1.6 T 可能已經在 2024 年底投入使用,當然是 2025 年。

  • But I couldn’t tell you exactly at 800 what the SiPho percent of sales will be.

    但我無法準確告訴您 800 時 SiPho 的銷售額百分比是多少。

  • But I think at 1.6 T, it’ll be very substantial.

    但我認為 1.6 T 的重量將非常可觀。

  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That sounds great here.


  • And you also called out in Silicon Photonics having six of the top 10 pluggable module suppliers as customers here.

    您還指出,矽光子公司擁有排名前 10 名的可插拔模組供應商中的 6 家作為這裡的客戶。

  • I get two questions around this.


  • Do you see it


  • --


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • What I said, I said is SiPho engagements.

    我所說的,我所說的是 SiPho 約定。

  • There might be more that are customers, but not with SiPho.

    可能有更多的客戶,但 SiPho 的客戶則不然。

  • What I talked about specifically was six of the 10 top players that were engaged with SiPho and not that all 10 are engaged with SiPho themselves.

    我具體談論的是與 SiPho 合作的 10 名頂級玩家中的 6 名,而不是所有 10 名玩家本身都與 SiPho 合作。

  • But six of the top 10 were engaged with SiPho.

    但前 10 名中有 6 名與 SiPho 合作。

  • I didn’t say how many are our customers specifically.


  • But at least six of 10 are our customers.


  • Maybe more are our customers outside of SiPho.

    也許更多是 SiPho 以外的客戶。

  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And it gets to that point here.


  • Do you see the potential for seeing that number increase here as you go to 1.6?

    當您達到 1.6 時,您認為這個數字有可能增加嗎?

  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, sir.


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay, excellent.


  • Great to hear.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I actually think it’s already increased.


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I wasn’t sure, so I didn’t say it.


  • Whereas to say six was a sure bet.


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Fair enough.


  • Wonderful.


  • I guess a quick question here as we think about your overall revenue profile with 300-millimeter versus 200-millimeter.

    當我們考慮 300 毫米與 200 毫米的整體收入狀況時,我想問一個簡單的問題。

  • You’ve talked about, I think even today here, about expecting some increase in 300-millimeter power management.

    我想即使在今天,您也已經談到了期望 300 毫米電源管理有所提高。

  • I know you’re trying to drive 300-millimeter into more of your product lines here.

    我知道您正在嘗試將 300 毫米推向更多產品線。

  • So can you give me a general sense of where you sit in terms of revenue exposure at 300-millimeter and then how does that progress over the next one to two years?

    那麼,您能否讓我大致了解一下您在 300 毫米的收入敞口方面所處的位置,以及未來一到兩年的進展如何?

  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Right now it’s a bit over 20% of our revenue, and it is, obviously, if you look at the fact that the capacity that we’re growing is in Agrate that’s 300-millimeter and in Albuquerque that’s 300-millimeter, it’ll be substantially higher.

    目前它占我們收入的 20% 多一點,很明顯,如果你看看我們正在增長的產能是在 Agrate(300 毫米)和阿爾伯克基(Albuquerque)如果是 300 毫米,則要高得多。

  • So a good portion of our plan of the $2.6 billion is 300-millimeter growth.

    因此,我們 26 億美元計劃的很大一部分是成長 300 毫米。

  • So I would say that --(technical difficulty) by the target of the $2.6 billion then the majority of our business will be 300-millimeter.

    所以我想說——(技術難度)到了 26 億美元的目標,那麼我們的大部分業務將是 300 毫米。

  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay, excellent.


  • Last question for you, I’ll jump out of line, Russell.


  • I want to get your sense here of thinking about the revenues for the year.


  • I think you’ve characterized this call as in the last call, where you can see sequential growth throughout the rest of the year.


  • I guess two questions to that end.


  • How do we think about the growth profile in the next two quarters of the year, kind of qualitatively?


  • Would you expect the third quarter to be similar or higher sequential growth?


  • And then as we’ve seen in your normal patterns in the past, the fourth quarter tends to be more flat or at least a lot more growth than the third.


  • Is that still a revenue profile that we should count on?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Well, I’m not sure I want to commit to that question, but what I said at the previous call is that there’d be notable growth in the quarters.


  • I still feel that we’ll have notable growth in the quarters.


  • Will it be a continuum of a 7% or an 8% or a 9%?

    它會是 7%、8% 或 9% 的連續體嗎?

  • No, I’m not committing to that.


  • But I do believe that Q2 to Q3 will be a notable growth.


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Maybe I’ll ask the question in a slightly different way, which is to ask you a question I asked you on the last call, which is do you expect to grow this year?


  • I think you said be disappointed if you did not.


  • Is that still your expectation?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I’d still be disappointed if we don’t.


  • Richard Shannon - Analyst

    Richard Shannon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Excellent.


  • That is all my questions.


  • I’ll jump in the line.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Richard.


  • Appreciate you.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mehdi Hosseini, UCL.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • I have a couple of follow-ups from my end.


  • Russell, if Silicon Photonics is going to profit some of your revenue in Q1, how should we think about the contribution, either in terms of revenue or sequential growth by Q4 of this year?


  • And I understand, I’m not asking for the year end guide, but I just want to see how these new wins and new markets are helping you with the overall revenue trajectory?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • The level of revenue of Q1, we would see it in Q4 being higher, but the level of revenue for the company will be higher in Q4 as well.


  • So I don’t think that we’ll necessarily have higher than 5% of the corporate revenue being Silicon Photonics.

    因此,我認為矽光子技術不一定會占公司收入的 5% 以上。

  • But staying at the 4.5% to 5.5% level would be a higher Silicon Photonics revenue baseline for that 4.5% to 5% contribution, if that answers your question.

    但如果這回答了你的問題,保持在 4.5% 到 5.5% 的水平將是矽光子收入基準的更高的 4.5% 到 5% 的貢獻。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Absolutely.


  • And then, is there like a kind of synergy between Silicon Photonics and Silicon Germanium?


  • And is that what’s enabling you to be that basically you’re the first on the Silicon Photonics revenue?


  • Is that simply Germanium enabling you to do that?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Certainly, there is -- it’s both at this point going into the pluggable.


  • So it’s more or less the same ecosystem of customers and end customers.


  • Also within the cycle platform that we have, we’re doing a Germanium modulator.


  • So we have experience with 5G to be depositing and dealing with Germanium.


  • So, yeah, there’s certainly overlap both in the space, in the customers, in the knowledge.


  • And then specifically, and I’m not trying to sound overly arrogant, but I think that our RF technology team is pretty much the best in the world.


  • So it’s all within the frame of what they serve and what they know.


  • And just (technical difficulty) the advancements that we’re continuing on the platform, looking at new modulator materials, et cetera, I think that that will keep us in a very strong leadership position and it’s based on having incredibly capable people.


  • President of the company, Marco Racanelli is an RF expert.

    該公司總裁 Marco Racanelli 是一位射頻專家。

  • The person running this activity is Ed Preisler is, I think, the best of the best.

    我認為,負責這項活動的 Ed Preisler 是最優秀的人。

  • So (technical difficulty) really having his whole team.


  • I mean, I could give you several handfuls of people, but I’d be fearful of them getting recruited.


  • But really excellent, excellent people.


  • And that’s -- but it is related to our Silicon Germanium, but as well, it’s related to the capabilities of the people that are doing Silicon Germanium.


  • I know that RF space so well.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • And I want to play this.


  • We have extremely good customers that are very good partners within that.


  • Now, we’ve done several press releases with Anello in the past.

    現在,我們過去曾與 Anello 合作發布過幾份新聞稿。

  • The CEO of Anello, Mario Paniccia, has been an amazing partner that, in general, has been very helpful for us.

    Anello 的執行長 Mario Paniccia 是一位出色的合作夥伴,總的來說,他對我們非常有幫助。

  • So the customer base that we have and the way we work with our customers are also tremendous enablers in technical advancement.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Just on that note, given how sophisticated the Anello design is and the characterization of silicon, even if competition catches up, these wins are sticky.

    就這一點而言,考慮到 Anello 設計的複雜性和矽的特性,即使競爭迎頭趕上,這些勝利也是黏性的。

  • And I shouldn’t be concerned with any pricing pressure looking to next year because competition is catching up.


  • You could be a single source for some time.


  • Is that the right way of thinking about these new wins?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • If it’s the right way, it’s the way I’d like to look at it.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I think it’s predominantly correct.


  • It’s very sticky.


  • And pricing pressure, you always have to work with your customers very closely on prices that allow them to win as well.


  • Pricing pressure, if you have a good customer, it’s not that you’re being leveraged against A, B or C competitor.

    定價壓力,如果您擁有良好的客戶,那麼您就不會被用來對抗 A、B 或 C 競爭對手。

  • It’s that you’re working together to make sure that they’re successful in the market.


  • So pricing pressure, I see it, honestly, in many cases, as being a partner to help each other be successful and win.


  • But the way that one mitigates any pricing pressure is by having technological advancements to where you’re either decreasing form factor and hence increasing the amount of devices per silicon aerial unit or you’re increasing performance to where the value becomes higher of the silicon that you’re selling.


  • So, but the pricing pressure, I am not -- I don’t think that that’s such a big problem.


  • The fact of having a sole supplier relationship is really where we try to work with all of our customers and that’s off of having a partnership and trust.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • And in that context, combined with Silicon Photonics, Germanium, and combined with certain RF SOIs, are these going to be margin accretive or margin neutral?

    在這種情況下,與矽光子、鍺結合,並與某些 RF SOI 結合,這些技術會增加利潤還是保持利潤中性?

  • Hopefully it’s not margin to do this.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • The Silicon Photonics is definitely margin accretive and Silicon Germanium has always been at the upper end of our margin spectrum in general.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • And RF SOI?

    還有射頻 SOI?

  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • RF SOI itself is very, very good margin.

    RF SOI 本身的利潤率非常非常好。

  • What dilutes RF SOI margin to some extent is that the SOI substrate itself is very expensive.

    在一定程度上削弱RF SOI裕度的是SOI基板本身非常昂貴。

  • So RF SOI has a very good revenue contribution, but the margin that you get on the RF SOI is really off of the silicon that you’re processing.

    因此,RF SOI 具有非常好的收入貢獻,但您從 RF SOI 獲得的利潤實際上來自您正在處理的矽。

  • You’re not doing a big uplift on the substrate and the substrate’s expensive.


  • So if you look at the total margin of an RF SOI wafer, it’s not going to be a very good margin.

    因此,如果您查看 RF SOI 晶圓的總利潤率,您會發現這並不是一個很好的利潤率。

  • It’s not the highest margin that we sell.


  • If you look at the margin per layer of silicon manufacturing, it’s very, very good.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then lastly, OpEx sold $33.5 million for Q1.

    最後,第一季營運支出銷售額為 3,350 萬美元。

  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I couldn’t hear the beginning of the question.


  • If you could repeat it.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • I’m shifting to OpEx.


  • You did $33.5 million for Q1.

    您第一季的收入為 3350 萬美元。

  • How should we model this for the rest of the year?


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Our OpEx are pretty much flat.


  • I mean, despite the revenue increase that Russell is talking about, we do not expect to increase those OpEx because they are fixed cost.


  • So I think current level is the level that we’ll take.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • So just the model’s kind of sluggish going forward.


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • Yeah.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Got it.


  • Thank you for that.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you for the questions.


  • Appreciate your coverage as well.


  • Operator


  • Lisa Thompson, Zacks Investment Research.


  • Lisa Thompson - Analyst

    Lisa Thompson - Analyst

  • Hi, there.


  • I do have a couple of questions for you.


  • I was wondering, could you talk a little bit about the electronic market of how your products go into that and what you’re seeing as to what’s going on there?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I’m sorry.


  • I really couldn’t make out the question.


  • Could you answer it again or question it again, please?


  • Lisa Thompson - Analyst

    Lisa Thompson - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Could you talk a little bit about the electronic vehicle market and what you’re seeing for your products there?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Sure.


  • Thank you.


  • So the biggest market that we serve and have served within the EV is the battery management, which was right now is not as strong as it had been as the overall automotive is not.


  • But that is an area that we serve.


  • We have a new platform, which is a research platform that is gaining a lot of traction for designs for battery management.


  • I think the first protos on that will be happening in the fourth quarter and first quarter, fourth quarter of this year and first quarter of 2025, according to recent customer interactions that I had asked.

    根據我最近詢問的客戶互動,我認為第一個原型將在第四季和第一季、今年第四季和 2025 年第一季出現。

  • So the biggest area on the EV that we have is within battery management.


  • Within automotive in general, we have a variety of other activities that we do.


  • We have another that had been press released over the years.


  • We do radar, Silicon Germanium based radar that was with Denso, Toyota.


  • We have a variety of activities with automatic door openings, spinning mirrors, certain amount of activities with cameras and right now, a lot of activities, be it with electric vehicle or not, dealing with LiDAR.


  • I think I mentioned that in the script.


  • With dealing with Silicon Photonics for FMCW based LiDAR, which has not gone into mass manufacturing yet, but promises to really be that which will take over on autonomous driving for the LiDAR market.

    與矽光子公司合作開發基於 FMCW 的 LiDAR,該產品尚未進入大規模製造,但預計將真正取代 LiDAR 市場的自動駕駛。

  • So those are the major activities that we have with automotive and specific with electric vehicles.


  • Now, there’s many other products that we serve within automotive as well that comes from having purchased the Maxim facility where the bulk of the long-term contract we have is serving automotive.

    現在,我們在汽車領域還提供許多其他產品,這些產品都來自於購買了 Maxim 工廠,我們在那裡簽訂的大部分長期合約都是為汽車服務的。

  • That’s very captive within Maxim and the specific applications that are served within there, I really shouldn’t get into because that’s Maxim’s business and not mine.

    這在 Maxim 以及其中提供的特定應用程式中是非常嚴格的,我真的不應該介入,因為那是 Maxim 的業務,而不是我的業務。

  • But we serve Maxim on a contract, well, ADI at this point, and that’s predominantly automotive.

    但我們目前是透過合約為 Maxim 提供服務,嗯,目前是 ADI,而且主要是汽車領域。

  • Lisa Thompson - Analyst

    Lisa Thompson - Analyst

  • So are you seeing demand up, down, or sideways?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I said initially that the automotive demand is weak right now and I reiterated that for battery management, that it’s also down right now.


  • Lisa Thompson - Analyst

    Lisa Thompson - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then a question for Oren, could you explain what happened with the taxes this quarter and whether we should still expect it to be about 14% for the full year?

    然後問 Oren 一個問題,您能否解釋一下本季度的稅收情況以及我們是否仍應預期全年稅收約為 14%?

  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • The model should be that you should expect, I mean, all in effective rate, whatever you want.


  • The Israeli operations create 7.5%, our taxable at 7.5%, the U.S. at 20%, the Japan at 30%, so you can assume 14% or whatever.

    以色列的業務創造了 7.5%,我們的應稅稅率為 7.5%,美國為 20%,日本為 30%,所以你可以假設 14% 或其他。

  • For this, from Q2 and beyond, for this quarter, as you see, there was a one-time benefit, which is the base for your question, instead of having an expensive, we had a benefit from some historical accrual reduction.


  • But of course, this cannot be the baseline assumption for the future that we’ll have tax benefits when we have pre-tax income, like in this quarter.


  • So for the future, the assumption should remain the same.


  • Lisa Thompson - Analyst

    Lisa Thompson - Analyst

  • And then just to ask you about the interest and other, at $4 million, that was significantly lower than I was guesstimating just based on interest income.

    然後問一下利息和其他,400 萬美元,這比我僅根據利息收入的猜測要低得多。

  • So what do we think about that going forward?


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • So usually it’s between $4 million per quarter to $7 million per quarter.

    因此,通常每季的費用在 400 萬美元到 700 萬美元之間。

  • Last quarter, we had a one-time benefit there in that line from -- usually in this line, it’s not only interest, it’s also gains from some sale of machinery or other specific transactions in that line and gains from exchange rate.


  • So this line is not something that is like the OpEx, which I could answer before so that it’s a fixed amount.


  • Usually it’s between $4 million to $7 million.

    通常為 400 萬至 700 萬美元。

  • Obviously Q4 of 2023 last quarter, I mean, previous quarter was exceptionally good, but you see that it’s coming back to this level of $4 million to million $7.

    顯然,上個季度是 2023 年第四季度,我的意思是,上一季非常好,但你會發現它又回到了 400 萬美元到 100 萬美元 7 的水平。

  • Lisa Thompson - Analyst

    Lisa Thompson - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I think, did you have -- you had kind of a big exchange rate hit there, didn’t you, this quarter, according to the cash flow?


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • No.


  • Not exchange rate hit, no.


  • Lisa Thompson - Analyst

    Lisa Thompson - Analyst

  • No.


  • That wasn’t it.


  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Actually cash flow it is -- we have a cylinder hedging transaction that hedge against any material change in the exchange rate, and actually the exchange rate this quarter, the Israeli exchange rate and the Japanese exchange rate didn’t make any impact, if at all it was a little bit positive.


  • So there was no significance of any material or anything.


  • Lisa Thompson - Analyst

    Lisa Thompson - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • That’s all my questions.


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • David Dooley, Steelhead Securities.

    大衛杜利,Steelhead 證券公司。

  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • Congratulations on nice execution and


  • --


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, David.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • I just had a couple of questions.


  • I guess, they’re more housekeeping.


  • Oren, you gave us a bunch of CapEx numbers, but they seem to kind of be over a multiyear period.


  • I was wondering if you’d give us your best guess as to what CapEx is going to be in 2024?

    我想知道您是否願意向我們提供您對 2024 年資本支出的最佳猜測?

  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • So, I mean, it’s pretty straightforward from what I said.


  • I mean, $200 million a year maintenance CapEx.

    我的意思是,每年 2 億美元的維護資本支出。

  • So it’s $50 million a quarter, plus we said $160 million is remained this year and next year.

    所以每季 5,000 萬美元,另外我們說今年和明年還剩下 1.6 億美元。

  • You can assume about $30 million, $40 million a quarter for Agrate, and you saw it in Q1 that the CapEx is $98 million, which means that on top of the $50 million baseline, there was probably $40 million to $50 million for Agrate.

    您可以假設Agrate 約為3000 萬美元,每季度4000 萬美元,您在第一季度看到資本支出為9800 萬美元,這意味著除了5000 萬美元的基準之外,Agrate 可能還有4000 萬至5000萬美元。

  • So you can assume this will be also for the next quarter.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • So $40 million or $50 million a quarter for Agrate?

    那麼 Agrate 每季 4,000 萬美元還是 5,000 萬美元?

  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • Yeah.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Now for Intel Fab 11X, I don’t want to speak about it.

    現在對於英特爾 Fab 11X,我不想談論它。

  • It’s also related to Intel business CapEx that we buy from them and that they buy from Pentos [ph] and sell to us.

    這也與我們從他們那裡購買以及他們從 Pentos [ph] 購買並出售給我們的英特爾業務資本支出有關。

  • And I don’t want to enter into the number.


  • I just said that it’s a $300 million that will start this quarter, Q2 2024, for the coming two and a half years.

    我剛才說過,將從本季(2024 年第二季)開始,在未來兩年半內投入 3 億美元。

  • If you want, you can divide the $300 million by 10 quarters, which is two and a half years, and reach $30 million, but everybody can make it assumption.


  • I don’t want to enter into specific numbers.


  • And that’s all.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • And then you will spend some more on SiPho and 5G, right?

    然後你會在 SiPho 和 5G 上花更多的錢,對嗎?

  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • SiPho, 5G capability tools.

    SiPho,5G 功能工具。

  • I said it’s multiple dozens of, multiple tens of millions of dollars.


  • This year, if you average it over a few quarters, it’s almost a quarter of that, but it will not be material amounts this year, because we are now ordering those tools for capability and most of the payments will not be this year.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • So that sounds like it adds up to somewhere like around $125 million a quarter, CapEx?

    聽起來每季的資本支出總計約 1.25 億美元?

  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • It could be.


  • We don’t give a guidance for that.


  • It’s a reasonable calculation.


  • Although it’s not something that is linear, but.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • Just along the same lines, I’m looking at your cash flow statement and your press release.


  • The depreciation expense was down like $6 million quarter-over-quarter.

    折舊費用較上季下降約 600 萬美元。

  • First of all, why was this depreciation down so much with you ramping up CapEx?


  • And then if you could help us understand what that depreciation number is going to do on a quarterly basis for the balance of the year, I’d appreciate it?


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • On the depreciation, as you can see in the -- you’re looking at the appendix to the cash flow, it’s a $60 million average per quarter.

    至於折舊,正如您在現金流量附錄中看到的那樣,平均每季 6000 萬美元。

  • So a year ago it was $62 million, a quarter ago it was $65 million, now it’s $60 million, so it’s pretty much the same numbers.

    一年前是 6,200 萬美元,一個季度前是 6,500 萬美元,現在是 6,000 萬美元,所以數字幾乎相同。

  • The fact that it was down is not attributed to new CapEx, of course, that you are justifiably pointing out that it’s going up.


  • It’s a result of tools that finished their depreciation 15 years ago.

    這是 15 年前完成折舊的工具的結果。

  • So, yeah, so, I didn’t say 15 years ago?

    所以,是的,所以,我沒有說 15 年前?

  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • From 15 years ago.


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • I think, yeah.


  • So


  • --


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • $40 million to $50 million


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Anyway, it’s probably tools that were purchased in 2009 and finished their depreciation, but that the -- that $60 million is the baseline and you’re right that you should add to that whatever amount of new CapEx that should be now depreciated.

    不管怎樣,它可能是 2009 年購買並完成折舊的工具,但是 6000 萬美元是基準,你是對的,你應該添加現在應該有的新資本支出已貶值。

  • Will not change a lot.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • But what do you think that will be for the balance of the year, because it’s kind of important for your gross margin, so


  • --


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • So I don’t think it will go up much above the $60 million, maybe $65 million maximum, because one reason is that, as I mentioned, both, I mean, the Intel CapEx index, for Fab 11 CapEx, this is, will not be starting to be depreciated this year, right, until it will start production.

    因此,我認為它不會超出 6000 萬美元,也許是 6500 萬美元的上限,因為一個原因是,正如我提到的,我的意思是,英特爾資本支出指數,對於 Fab 11 資本支出,這是,今年不會開始折舊,對吧,直到它開始生產。

  • And the other tools, until we start to be in play, also, it’s not that we are paying and immediately start depreciation.


  • First, you’re paying.


  • Unfortunately, you get the tools after a few quarters, until it’s qualified, and then start depreciation.


  • It’s usually sometimes a year delay.


  • There will be an impact from the aggressive tools that will start depreciation, right?


  • And the Russell refer to that as one of the reasons for the headwind.


  • So I would assume $65 million the new level.

    所以我假設新水準為 6500 萬美元。

  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just final question from me and it has a lot to do with these depreciation questions, is going forward you’re ramping up your CapEx, and obviously, depreciation’s going to be going up and during that timeframe, I’m kind of wondering what you think the drop rate of the business is going to be.

    然後是我的最後一個問題,它與這些折舊問題有很大關係,接下來你會增加你的資本支出,顯然,折舊將會上升,在這段時間內,我 -我有點想知道您認為該業務的下降率會是多少。

  • You’ve always given us a target drop rate, but that’s not when you’re spending $125 million a quarter in CapEx.

    您總是給我們一個目標下降率,但當您每季的資本支出支出為 1.25 億美元時,情況就不是這樣了。

  • So I’m kind of wondering, when we’re at these elevated CapEx levels, what the drop rate to gross margin is you expect with revenue growth through the balance of the year?


  • Thank you.


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • So we believe strongly in our financial model that we published in November and it already included, baked into that all those CapEx of Agrate for sure, 11X for sure, and also the additional capability tool.

    因此,我們堅信我們在 11 月發布的財務模型,它已經包含並融入了 Agrate 的所有資本支出(肯定是 11 倍)以及附加功能工具。

  • And the margins are outlined there very clear.


  • I mean, that we expect to be $500 million at $2.66 billion, so it’s almost 20% net profit margin and you have the growth and operating, so.

    我的意思是,我們預計營收為 5 億美元,達到 26.6 億美元,因此淨利潤率幾乎為 20%,並且您擁有成長和營運。

  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • I don’t -- I can’t see that right now, so what -- could you just please articulate what you think the gross margins drop rate is going to be this year?


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • This year?


  • We didn’t give a guidance for this year.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So longer term, you think the drop rate’s going to be what again?


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • According exactly to the slide, which is publicly filed with the financial model.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • I can’t see the slides right now, Oren, that’s why I’m just asking.


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • We can have it in front of us either, but we’ll pick it up.


  • David Duley - Analyst

    David Duley - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • One second.


  • All right.


  • That’s great.


  • Thank you.


  • Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

    Oren Shirazi - Vice President, Finance & CFO

  • So the financial model clearly states, I’m just reading the publicly filed document, that the gross profit’s supposed to go up from $347 million baseline that was in the end of last year to $740 million a year gross profit out of $2.66 million, which is 32% incremental margin.

    因此,財務模型明確指出,我剛剛閱讀了公開提交的文件,毛利應該從去年年底的 3.47 億美元基準上升到每年 7.4 億美元的毛利。

  • Operating profit to go from less than $200 million to $560 million a year, which is 30% incremental.

    營業利潤將從每年不到 2 億美元增加到 5.6 億美元,增幅為 30%。

  • And net profit from $200 million to $500 million, which is a $2.4 billion growth, which is 24% incremental margin.

    淨利潤從 2 億美元增至 5 億美元,成長了 24 億美元,即增量利潤率 24%。

  • Operator


  • There are no further questions at this time.


  • Mr. Ellwanger, would you like to make your concluding statement?


  • Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

    Russell Ellwanger - Chief Executive Officer

  • I would, indeed.


  • Thank you.


  • So to summarize, as we move through the year, remain focused on and confident about continuous growth, driven by the performance of several of our differentiated technologies, being critical to present market needs and that having partnered with market leader customers who really are true partners.


  • This growth is against the landscape of a not yet robust market.


  • Recent customer forecasts give us reason to believe the market recovery is forthcoming.


  • We greatly appreciate your continued support and confidence in our vision.


  • Our team is eager, fully prepared to continue to capitalize on opportunities, targeting substantial value for our customers and shareholders.


  • As far as activities going on within the next month to two and conferences where we really hope that we’ll have opportunity to see you, on May 20th and 21st, we’ll participate in the 52nd Annual JPMorgan Global Technology, Media and Communication Conference in Boston.

    至於下個月到兩個月內進行的活動以及我們真正希望有機會見到您的會議,5 月 20 日至 21 日,我們將參加第 52 屆摩根大通全球科技、媒體和媒體年會波士頓通訊會議。

  • On May 26th, we’ll participate in the 25th Annual Israeli Oppenheimer Conference in Tel Aviv.

    5 月 26 日,我們將參加在特拉維夫舉行的第 25 屆以色列奧本海默年度會議。

  • And on May 29th and 30th, we will be attending the 52nd Annual TD Cowen Technology, Media & Telecom Conference in New York.

    5 月 29 日至 30 日,我們將參加在紐約舉行的第 52 屆 TD Cowen 技術、媒體和電信年度會議。

  • As many as you would have opportunity to come, we would look forward to meeting, talking with you and explaining where we’re at, where we’re going and why we’re confident where we will be.


  • So thank you very much again and have a wonderful day and following week.


  • Bye-bye.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. This concludes the Tower Semiconductor conference call. Thank you for your participation.

    謝謝。 Tower Semiconductor 電話會議到此結束。感謝您的參與。

  • You may go ahead and disconnect.
