Tenaris SA (TS) 2019 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to the Tenaris Fourth Quarter and Annual Results Conference Call.


  • (Operator Instructions) Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions) I would now like to hand the conference to your speaker today, Giovanni Sardagna, Investor Relations of Tenaris.

    (操作員指示)我現在想將會議交給今天的發言人,泰納瑞斯投資者關係部的 Giovanni Sardagna。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Giovanni Sardagna - IR Director

    Giovanni Sardagna - IR Director

  • Thank you, Victor, and welcome to Tenaris 2019 Fourth Quarter and Annual Results Conference Call.

    謝謝 Victor,歡迎參加泰納瑞斯 2019 年第四季和年度業績電話會議。

  • Before we start, I would like to remind you that during this conference call, we will be discussing forward-looking information and that our actual results may vary from those expressed or implied during this call.


  • With me on the call today are Paolo Rocca, our Chairman and CEO; Alicia Mondolo, our Chief Financial Officer; Guillermo Vogel, Vice Chairman and member of our Board of Directors; Germán Curá, Vice Chairman and member of our Board of Directors; Gabriel Podskubka, President of our Eastern Hemisphere Operations; and Luca Zanotti, President of our U.S. Operations.

    今天與我一起參加電話會議的是我們的董事長兼執行長 Paolo Rocca; Alicia Mondolo,我們的財務長; Guillermo Vogel,我們的副主席兼董事會成員; Germán Curá,副主席兼董事會成員; Gabriel Podskubka,東半球業務總裁;以及我們美國業務總裁 Luca Zanotti。

  • I would like to start by mentioning that we will host an investor presentation in London on April 3, and we hope to see many of you there.

    首先我想提一下,我們將在 4 月 3 日在倫敦舉辦投資者介紹會,希望在那裡見到你們中的許多人。

  • Before passing over the call to Paolo for his opening remarks, I would like to briefly comment our quarterly results.


  • During the fourth quarter of 2019, sales reached $1.7 billion, down 17% compared with those of the corresponding quarter of the previous year and 1% sequentially mainly as a result of a slowdown in activity in Argentina and lower prices in the Americas.


  • Our quarterly EBITDA at $290 million was down 10% sequentially, and our EBITDA margin decreased to around 17% mainly due to a drop in average selling prices and higher professional fees mainly related to the closing of the IPSCO acquisition for around $10 million.

    我們的季度EBITDA 為2.9 億美元,比上一季下降10%,我們的EBITDA 利潤率下降至17% 左右,這主要是由於平均售價下降以及以約1000 萬美元完成IPSCO 收購導致的專業費用上漲。

  • Average selling prices in our Tubes operating segment declined 3% compared to the corresponding quarter of '18 and 3% sequentially.

    與 18 年同期相比,我們管材業務部門的平均售價下降了 3%,比上一季下降了 3%。

  • During the quarter, cash flow from operation was $264 million.

    本季營運現金流為 2.64 億美元。

  • Our net cash position rose by $16 million to $980 million, following the payment of an interim dividend of $153 million in November last year and capital expenditure of $80 million.

    繼去年 11 月支付 1.53 億美元中期股息和 8,000 萬美元資本支出後,我們的淨現金部位增加了 1,600 萬美元,達到 9.8 億美元。

  • The Board of Director has decided to propose for the approval of the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting to be held at the end of April the payment of an annual dividend of $0.41 per share or $0.82 per ADR, which includes the interim dividend of $0.13 per share or $0.26 per ADR that we paid at the end of November of last year.

    董事會決定提請4月底召開的年度股東大會批准支付每股0.41美元的年度股息或每份ADR 0.82美元,其中包括每股0.13美元的中期股息或我們在去年 11 月底支付的每份 ADR 0.26 美元。

  • If approved, a dividend of $0.28 per share or $0.56 per ADR will be paid on May 20.

    如果獲得批准,每股股息 0.28 美元或每份 ADR 0.56 美元將於 5 月 20 日支付。

  • Now I will ask Paolo to say a few words before we open the call to questions.


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you very much, Giovanni.


  • Good morning to all of you.


  • 2019 was a more difficult year for Tenaris than we expected.

    2019 年對泰納瑞斯來說是比我們預期更困難的一年。

  • The adjustment in drilling activity in the U.S. shales, in response to lower cash flow and a less accommodating financing environment, was prolonged.


  • And only now as we begin 2020, we are starting to see activities stabilizing at a level, 25%, lower than it was a year ago.

    直到 2020 年伊始,我們才開始看到經濟活動穩定在 25% 的水平,低於一年前。

  • Pricing in the Americas was also affected by the drop in U.S. activity, coupled with the partial resurgence of U.S. domestic welded pipe production, following the steep fall in cultural steel prices in the first part of the year.


  • Meanwhile, in Argentina, political and economic uncertainty in the second half of the year has resulted in a sharp fall in investment activity in Vaca Muerta.


  • In Saudi Arabia, Aramco started a lengthy destocking process, which may last through the end of this year.


  • Against this background, Tenaris has achieved important milestone and strengthened this position in key markets.


  • On safety, we have made good progress over the past 2 years.


  • Our lost time injury frequency rate has halved to an annual average of 1.2 lost time accident per million man-hour worked, including contractor.

    我們的誤工工傷頻率已減半,達到年平均每百萬工時 1.2 起誤工事故,其中包括承包商。

  • And in the fourth quarter of 2019, we were able to reduce it below 1. This reflect the constant and management focus over years and the cultural change that we've been able to extend to our 45 facility around the world.

    在 2019 年第四季度,我們能夠將其降至 1 以下。這反映了多年來持續的關注和管理重點,以及我們已經能夠擴展到全球 45 個工廠的文化變革。

  • Financially, we have worked hard to maintain the strength of our balance sheet.


  • On sales of $7.3 billion, our free cash flow margin was 16% for the year as we reduced working capital by over $500 million.

    在銷售額為 73 億美元的情況下,由於我們減少了超過 5 億美元的營運資本,因此我們當年的自由現金流利潤率為 16%。

  • At year-end, our net cash position had risen by $495 million to $980 million after maintaining our annual dividend payments in $484 million over the year and acquiring 48% of Saudi Steel Pipe for $132 million in January.

    截至年底,我們的年度股息支付維持在 4.84 億美元,並在 1 月份以 1.32 億美元收購了沙特鋼管公司 48% 的股份,之後,我們的淨現金頭寸增加了 4.95 億美元,達到 9.8 億美元。

  • Even with the acquisition of IPSCO, after the close of the year, we have a net debt-free balance sheet.

    即使收購了 IPSCO,年底後我們仍擁有淨無債務資產負債表。

  • We were finally able to complete the acquisition of IPSCO on January 2 after receiving clearance from the U.S. antitrust authorities in late December.


  • This process lasted 9 months, much longer than we had anticipated.


  • During this time, the market deteriorated, and our Rig Direct competitors, the distributor, were able to switch their pipe purchases away from IPSCO to other producers.

    在此期間,市場惡化,我們的 Rig Direct 競爭對手(經銷商)能夠將其管道採購從 IPSCO 轉向其他生產商。

  • Consequently, we are now integrating a company operating at a loss with high inventory and with many production facilities shutdown.


  • This will act as a drag on our first quarter results.


  • We're acting rapidly to reduce cost, to recover market share and implement the synergies we identify for the transaction.


  • Despite the change in market condition and the lower activity level in the mills, all the assumptions that originally justified the acquisition remain valid as it will strengthen our commercial, industrial and technological leadership in the U.S. market.


  • With the Koppel electric arc furnaces steel shop, we now have our first steelmaking facility in the U.S., which will be able to supply with limited investment a significant portion of our steel requirement for the Ambridge and Bay City mills.


  • The Ambridge's seamless pipe mill complemented the product range of our Bay City mill, and the geographical distribution of the acquired asset will help us to strengthen our Rig Direct service and reduce lead time, particularly in the northern part of the U.S. The contribution of the enhanced team and expansion of our technology portfolio will further strengthen our positioning in the U.S. market.

    Ambridge 的無縫管廠補充了我們 Bay City 工廠的產品範圍,所收購資產的地理分佈將幫助我們加強 Rig Direct 服務並縮短交貨時間,特別是在美國北部地區。團隊的建設和技術組合的擴展將進一步加強我們在美國市場的地位。

  • Also, in the U.S., our Bay City mill has reached targeted levels of production and efficiency and is fully prepared to further enhance our competitive position.


  • During the year, we strengthened our position in Saudi Arabia through the integration of Saudi Steel Pipe even if in the current market condition, this is not yet fully reflected in our cash flow.


  • In Abu Dhabi, we successfully won a long-term contract valued at $1.9 billion to supply the majority of ADNOC OCTG requirement over the next 5 years.

    在阿布達比,我們成功贏得了一份價值 19 億美元的長期合同,以滿足未來 5 年內 ADNOC OCTG 的大部分需求。

  • This will start to be reflected in our cash flow from mid-'20s, 2020, I'd say.

    我想說,從 20 世紀 20 年代中期到 2020 年,這將開始反映在我們的現金流中。

  • We have a strong focus on reducing the environmental impact of our operation, whether locally in our communities or more globally through addressing the challenge of climate change.


  • During 2019, we completed important investment to improve air quality and reduce our environmental footprint at our mills in Argentina and Mexico.

    2019 年,我們完成了重要投資,以改善阿根廷和墨西哥工廠的空氣品質並減少環境足跡。

  • In other part of our industrial system, we also have industry-leading emission level.


  • On Bay City mill, for example -- our Bay City mill, for example, is the only operation of its type qualified in the U.S. as a minor source of emission.


  • With respect to CO2 emission, we have relatively low levels of emission compared to our competitor and other steelmakers since we only use electric arc furnaces and gas-based direct reduction of iron for steelmaking.


  • We have also integrated gas-fired combined cycle power generation for a large proportion of our production.


  • Over the past 5 years, we have reduced the CO2 emission intensity of our operation by 18% to 1.18 tons of CO2 per ton of steel.


  • This is 35% below the global average for steelmaking reported by the worldsteel.

    這比世界鋼鐵協會報告的全球煉鋼平均值低 35%。

  • This data is referring to the 4 major facility that also have steelmaking.

    該數據指的是 4 家也有煉鋼的主要工廠。

  • As I mentioned before, we have, overall, worldwide, 45 facility operating, but the steelmaking operation are focused on 4 and now on 5, considering also the acquired asset [income].

    正如我之前提到的,我們在全球範圍內總共有 45 座工廠在運營,但煉鋼業務主要集中在 4 座,現在是 5 座,同時考慮到收購的資產[收入]。

  • Sustainability has long been embedded in our managing -- management practices, and we look forward to leading our industry response to the global climate challenge.


  • During 2020, we do not expect a substantial change in the market environment, but it's still difficult to assess the impact of the coronavirus on the global economy and the oil prices.


  • However, the repositioning in the U.S. with the integration of IPSCO, the action we are taking worldwide to reduce costs, to increase efficiency in our industrial system and to reduce lead time in our supply chain should allow us to recover our margins to around 20%.

    然而,透過整合 IPSCO 在美國進行重新定位,以及我們在全球範圍內採取的降低成本、提高工業系統效率並縮短供應鏈交貨時間的行動,應該能讓我們將利潤率恢復到 20% 左右。

  • I will stop here and leave the floor open for any questions you may have.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And our first question will come from the line of Igor Levi from BTIG.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題將來自 BTIG 的 Igor Levi。

  • Igor Levi - Director and Energy & Shipping Analyst

    Igor Levi - Director and Energy & Shipping Analyst

  • So based on the North American numbers you reported being slightly up, assuming Mexico was up and Canada slightly seasonally up, it implies that the U.S. was only down marginally when the rig count was down more than 10% in the quarter.

    因此,根據您報告的北美數據略有上升,假設墨西哥和加拿大略有季節性上升,這意味著當本季度鑽機數量下降超過 10% 時,美國才略有下降。

  • Could you talk about the reason for this outperformance of the rig count and just a bit more on the market in the U.S. and whether we've seen the trough in U.S. OCTG demand?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, thank you.


  • I think spite of a reduction in the size of the market, we've been able to maintain our position, but I will ask Luca Zanotti to comment more deeply into the situation in the American market.

    我認為儘管市場規模縮小了,我們仍然能夠保持我們的地位,但我會請Luca Zanotti更深入地評論美國市場的情況。

  • Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

    Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

  • Thank you, Paolo.


  • Good morning, Igor.


  • As you certainly know this, international competitors that traditionally targeted the U.S. market eventually encountered difficulties to export on this market.


  • And so as a consequence, imports dropped significantly to 35% of the demand in the fourth quarter of 2019.

    因此,2019 年第四季進口量大幅下降至需求的 35%。

  • And leveraging our redirect model and our large manufacturing footprint in the United States, we were able to tap into this space, and therefore, we were able to maintain flat our sales.


  • Now looking ahead, what we see is that, given current circumstances, we don't see this situation to change.


  • As a matter of fact, if we consider the import license of January 2020, they were pretty low.

    事實上,如果我們考慮 2020 年 1 月的進口許可證,它們的價格相當低。

  • So we expect to be able to maintain our levels.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Ian MacPherson from Simmons.


  • Ian MacPherson - Research Analyst

    Ian MacPherson - Research Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could perhaps talk about the level of results that you saw from the IPSCO assets in the fourth quarter and maybe quantify for us how much of a drag it represents in Q1.

    我想知道您是否可以談談您在第四季度從 IPSCO 資產中看到的結果水平,並為我們量化它對第一季的拖累有多大。

  • Because I know that you have an objective to capture integration benefits and synergies as we march through the year, but maybe if you're talking about margins being flat from Q4 into Q1, how much of that is the impact of the IPSCO drag in Q1?

    因為我知道您的目標是在今年前進時獲得整合效益和協同效應,但如果您談論的是從第四季度到第一季的利潤率持平,那麼其中有多少是第一季 IPSCO 拖累的影響?

  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, you are right that due to the lengthy process to clear the transaction through the antitrust and the DOJ, the company has been subjected to important stress during 2019.

    嗯,你是對的,由於反壟斷和司法部批准交易的程序漫長,該公司在 2019 年承受了巨大的壓力。

  • So the EBITDA on the company stand-alone went down, became negative in the third Q and become even more negative in the fourth Q of 2019.

    因此,公司單獨的 EBITDA 下降,在 2019 年第三季變為負值,並在 2019 年第四季變得更加負值。

  • Now in the first Q, this will have a drag on our results because we could not turn around the situation within a very, very short period of time, but we are acting very fast on all front and we're expected to be able to reduce fast the drag and gradually to get to the synergies that were embedded in our business plan since the very beginning.


  • As I mentioned before in my prepared statement, all the consideration and -- that led us to the acquisition are still very valid.


  • And in the first month in which we get contact with the people, the operation, the technology, we're confirming, let's say, the rationale and objective of the acquisition, but we will have a drag.


  • This drag is also embedded in a high level of inventory in the company because the company in the end reacted slowly to the change of policy by the distribution system.


  • So we have a level of inventory that are priced at a level that is reflecting the costs and are different from the costs that we have.


  • So there will be a gradual reduction of this inventory, and this will be part of the drag that I mentioned for the first Q.


  • I will ask Luca to comment on the path, the road map and the synergy that we plan to get in the coming quarter.


  • Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

    Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

  • Yes, Paolo.


  • Thank you.


  • Ian, specifically to synergies, what we have seen when we start looking into the company carefully, we see that compared to what we previously announced, we see a higher level of synergies.


  • We estimate an annual run rate in the range of USD 80 million to USD 100 million.

    我們估計年運轉率在 8,000 萬美元至 1 億美元之間。

  • Now those synergies will come from 4 main buckets.


  • The first 1 is the optimization of the allocation.


  • We're going to be certainly favoring the most efficient and lower-cost mills.


  • And at the same time, we want to reduce logistic costs, allocating in proximity of the consumption is forecasted.


  • The second is going to be capacity reduction.


  • And I believe that what we've done following the previous management is already public, but we rightsized production capacity.


  • The third 1 is coming from the fixed cost reduction deriving from the integration.


  • And the fourth is deriving for -- from the operational and purchasing/makeup by decision.


  • So as I said before, these 4 main buckets are supposed to bring between USD 80 million and USD 100 million.

    正如我之前所說,這 4 個主要領域應該帶來 8,000 萬美元至 1 億美元的收入。

  • We expect those synergies to kick in gradually through the year and to accrue the full benefit towards the end of 2020, the last quarter of 2020.

    我們預計這些協同效應將在今年逐步發揮作用,並在 2020 年底(即 2020 年最後一季)產生全部效益。

  • Ian MacPherson - Research Analyst

    Ian MacPherson - Research Analyst

  • My follow-up question, I wondered if you could maybe provide some range of expectations for first quarter revenues given the stabilization of your base business and then the full -- almost a full quarter capture of top line, even though at a dilutive margin from IPSCO, that would help provide a helping -- helpful starting point for us.


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, in the first quarter, as you remember in -- 3 months ago, we were considering that we should have had positive impact from reduction in our costs coming from the lower price of hot-rolled coils getting through our inventory, from lower level of maintenance, because last year, we had some overrun in maintenance and some change in mix.


  • Now what we see today has been -- will be affected by the drag of the IPSCO acquisition.

    我們今天看到的情況將受到 IPSCO 收購拖累的影響。

  • Some of the costs related to the closing of the transaction.


  • We have lawyer and consultants that are supporting us.


  • There will be some cost related to the final closing that happens in January.


  • But there are specific issue that we need to complete during this month concerning inventory assessment and so on.


  • And the Pipe Logix reduction.

    以及Pipe Logix 的減少。

  • We didn't anticipate in October, but the Pipe Logix went down between October and January by another additional 5%.

    我們沒有預料到 10 月的情況,但 Pipe Logix 在 10 月到 1 月之間又下降了 5%。

  • So this has an impact that is offsetting the improvement that we were considering for the first Q. So we now assume that in the first Q, EBITDA ratio should be and the margin should be in the range of the fourth Q. So the first Q will be more or less aligned in our view in term of margin with 4Q.

    因此,這會產生抵消我們為第一個Q 考慮的改進的影響。因此,我們現在假設在第一個Q 中,EBITDA 比率應為且利潤率應在第四個Q 的範圍內。因此第一個 Q我們認為利潤率將或多或少與第四季保持一致。

  • Now from that point on, we expect things to start to improve, and we expect in the second part of the year to be able to get to the level of margin that we had in the first half of 2019, which is around 20% margin by that time.

    從那時起,我們預計情況會開始改善,預計今年下半年將能夠達到 2019 年上半年的利潤率水平,即 20% 左右的利潤率到那個時候。

  • Ian MacPherson - Research Analyst

    Ian MacPherson - Research Analyst

  • I understand the margin guidance.


  • I don't understand what we're talking about in terms of top line as a starting point for the year.


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • In the top line, I think that considering the reduction in Pipe Logix that occur up to now, we will also be able to recover gradually.

    總而言之,我認為考慮到到目前為止 Pipe Logix 的減少,我們也將能夠逐漸恢復。

  • But if you look at, let's say, the entire company, we expect that in the second half of 2020, we will be at the top line, in the range again of the first half of 2019.

    但如果你看看整個公司,我們預計在 2020 年下半年,我們將再次達到 2019 年上半年的最高水準。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Sean Meakim from JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Sean Meakim。

  • Sean Christopher Meakim - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Sean Christopher Meakim - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • So maybe just to continue on to that line of thinking.


  • If we think about the decline in Pipe Logix pricing in the fourth quarter, what's the average pricing that we should be thinking about in the first quarter relative to 4Q?

    如果我們考慮第四季度 Pipe Logix 定價的下降,那麼相對於第四季度,我們應該考慮第一季的平均定價是多少?

  • Meaning, how much do we need to -- if we're stabilizing here, how much do we need to catch up first quarter relative to 4Q?


  • And then just can we distinguish between seamless and welded?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • I think this is considering the shift in the mix worldwide between, let's say, different regionals, if we are referring to the company as a whole, it's more difficult to give a clear answer in the level of pricing for this.


  • The 5% reduction that we have seen between the 4Q and the first Q is in the Pipe Logix, but it didn't reflect entirely in our pricing.

    我們在第四季和第一季之間看到 Pipe Logix 下降了 5%,但這並沒有完全反映在我們的定價上。

  • So from that point on, we also will be recovering.


  • The difference in contracts, long-term contracts, short-term sales makes a little more difficult to forecast how the recovery in price may happen during 2020.

    合約、長期合約、短期銷售的差異使得預測 2020 年價格復甦的情況變得更加困難。

  • Sean Christopher Meakim - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Sean Christopher Meakim - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then maybe talk a little more about IPSCO.

    然後也許再多談談 IPSCO。

  • So start of the year, maybe not as good as you would have thought a few months ago, but understandable given all the moving parts.


  • It seems like the distributors maybe are getting through a lot of the destocking process in North America.


  • Could you give us a sense of your expectations for IPSCO's contribution to cash flow in 2020?

    您能否告訴我們您對 IPSCO 2020 年現金流貢獻的期望?

  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • As I mentioned before, this will be growing over time, but Luca, maybe you can add some comment on the cash flow coming from IPSCO during 2020 after, let's say, the third quarter, it will be...

    正如我之前提到的,這將隨著時間的推移而增長,但是盧卡,也許你可以對 2020 年 IPSCO 的現金流添加一些評論,比如說第三季度之後,這將是…

  • Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

    Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

  • Yes, Paolo.


  • Sean, as I was anticipating before, we see IPSCO (inaudible) with a negative profitability.

    肖恩,正如我之前預計的那樣,我們看到 IPSCO(聽不清楚)的盈利能力為負。

  • And then thanks to the 2 things that Paolo already mentioned in his opening, so a recovery in volumes and the full implementation of the synergy's action, we're going to see profitability to improve and get positive to -- in the second half of 2020.

    然後,由於 Paolo 在開場白中提到的兩件事,即銷量的復甦和協同行動的全面實施,我們將看到盈利能力得到改善,並在 2020 年下半年取得積極進展。

  • Sean Christopher Meakim - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Sean Christopher Meakim - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • And so when we think about CapEx associated with the business, on a full year basis, do we think that it's cash flow positive?


  • Or is -- in 2020, as we're working through the process, is it maybe a net use of cash for the year?

    或者是 - 2020 年,當我們正在完成這個過程時,這可能是當年的現金淨使用嗎?

  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, at this point in time, we are looking at the, let's say, the investment level for the entire company, considering the facility.


  • There will be really operational in this.


  • We consider that the company should -- as a whole, Tenaris should have capital investment in the range of $350 million, $360 million, including the investment that I mentioned to expand the range of the Koppel continuous casters, so to be able to supply the entire American system, Bay City and Ambridge.

    我們認為,作為一個整體,泰納瑞斯公司應該進行 3.5 億至 3.6 億美元的資本投資,包括我提到的擴大 Koppel 連鑄機系列的投資,以便能夠供應整個美國系統,灣城和安布里奇。

  • We will have to invest on this.


  • So as a whole, this will be in the range of $360 million investment in capital.

    總的來說,這將在 3.6 億美元的資本投資範圍內。

  • Now the EBITDA, we expect EBITDA of the single [BDD] the IPSCO asset to become positive in the second half of 2020.

    現在是 EBITDA,我們預計 IPSCO 單一資產 [BDD] 的 EBITDA 將在 2020 年下半年變為正數。

  • Operator


  • And our next question will come from the line of Marc Bianchi from Cowen.

    我們的下一個問題將來自考恩 (Cowen) 的馬克·比安奇 (Marc Bianchi)。

  • Marc Gregory Bianchi - MD

    Marc Gregory Bianchi - MD

  • I guess, first, back on the Pipe Logix question.

    我想,首先,回到 Pipe Logix 問題。

  • Maybe not so much related to how it affects your revenue here in the first and second quarter, but just on a leading-edge basis, given the commentary about low imports and maybe where inventories sit, how do you see the Pipe Logix pricing index progressing from here?

    也許與它如何影響您在第一季和第二季的收入沒有太大關係,但只是在領先的基礎上,考慮到有關進口量低以及庫存狀況的評論,您如何看待 Pipe Logix 定價指數的進展從這裡?

  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • We expect a recovery.


  • We expect a recovery after that, let's say, the point that has been reached in these months.


  • Frankly, I think that we should be bottoming out from here.


  • But I would ask Luca.


  • He share this feeling and if Pipe Logix is bottoming out.

    他也有同樣的感覺,如果 Pipe Logix 正在觸底的話。

  • Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

    Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

  • Yes, thank you.


  • Marc, I believe that yes, we need to consider different pieces.


  • And the first 1 that you certainly have also seen is that recently, there is a number of an array negative results coming in from the industry.


  • You have seen increase in negative EBITDA generation from some competitors, industrial restructuring from other competitors, recapitalization from other as well.

    您已經看到一些競爭對手產生的負 EBITDA 增加、其他競爭對手的產業重組以及其他競爭對手的資本重組。

  • And this is the first part.


  • The second, you've seen towards the end of 2019, competitors to announce price increases.

    第二,到 2019 年底,競爭對手宣布漲價。

  • And overall, these are all signs that the industry is in a situation that really needs prices to go up.


  • My -- I share your point, and I believe that we are scraping the bottom of the barrel.


  • And I see prices going up in the future.


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I think -- yes, really, we are -- you should be touching the bottom.


  • And this level of Pipe Logix and price is basically unsustainable in the medium term for the competitor, domestic, and global competitor for the U.S. market.

    對於美國市場的競爭對手、國內和全球競爭對手來說,這種水準的 Pipe Logix 和價格在中期內基本上是不可持續的。

  • Marc Gregory Bianchi - MD

    Marc Gregory Bianchi - MD

  • Okay.


  • I wanted to go back to IPSCO and the losses.

    我想回到 IPSCO 和損失。

  • A few questions around this IPSCO...

    關於 IPSCO 的幾個問題...

  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Let me add one -- sorry, let me add one comment here to make it -- just to keep in mind.


  • Here, we are considering that there is no more relevant impact from coronavirus.


  • I mean, if -- because this is the discussion we have, without considering additional disruption coming from the coronavirus on the level of economic activity worldwide in China and maybe consequently on the price of oil in China.


  • So it's a scenario, the one that we are mentioning to you, that is consistent with the level of rigs in the level of 800 rigs, I mean, and no major disruption in the main variable of this.

    因此,這是一個場景,我們向您提到的場景,與 800 台鑽機的水平一致,我的意思是,並且對此主要變數沒有重大干擾。

  • If something happens on the ground, obviously, things would be -- could be different.


  • Sorry for interrupting you.


  • Marc Gregory Bianchi - MD

    Marc Gregory Bianchi - MD

  • No, that's helpful.


  • Makes sense.


  • In terms of the IPSCO impact on results here, so it's negative right now.

    就 IPSCO 對結果的影響而言,目前是負面的。

  • It sounds like it's going to be negative in the first half.


  • Can you help quantify just on an EBITDA basis what we're talking about here?

    您能幫忙量化一下我們在這裡討論的 EBITDA 嗎?

  • Is it like a $10 million kind of drag per quarter?

    這是否相當於每季 1000 萬美元的拖累?

  • Or is it much more substantial than that?


  • And then are we talking about breakeven...


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • As I mentioned before, I mean -- yes, as I mentioned before, what we expect today, considering this impact and considering the other elements that I mentioned, still, our margin in the first quarter should be in line with the margin of the 4Q.

    正如我之前提到的,我的意思是- 是的,正如我之前提到的,我們今天的預期,考慮到這種影響並考慮到我提到的其他因素,我們第一季的利潤率應該與第四季。

  • Marc Gregory Bianchi - MD

    Marc Gregory Bianchi - MD

  • Okay.


  • And is there -- you mentioned some professional fees and such.


  • I would suspect that there might also be some restructuring if you're changing some of the fixed costs there.


  • Is there a number that you care to quantify as to how much of a onetime headwind some of those things could be in the first half?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • This was a component that I was including in the consideration of cost related to the integration of IPSCO.

    這是我在考慮與 IPSCO 整合相關的成本時所考慮的一個組成部分。

  • Let's say, I don't know in this moment, I wouldn't give a figure, but I don't know if, Luca, you could have an estimate.


  • There will be some additional cost due to the restructuring.


  • Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

    Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

  • There will be some additional cost.


  • We are still putting together the numbers and -- but certainly, we need to consider, on top of what you just mentioned before, some severance that we're going to need to materialize the synergies on the fixed cost.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Stephen Gengaro from Stifel.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Stifel 的 Stephen Gengaro。

  • Stephen David Gengaro - MD & Senior Analyst

    Stephen David Gengaro - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Just -- I think 2 things.


  • One, just a follow-up on Marc's question.


  • Those costs associated with the integration, are they part of your flat EBITDA margin guidance for 1Q?

    與整合相關的成本是否屬於第一季 EBITDA 利潤率固定指引的一部分?

  • Or are they not included in that number?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Included.


  • I mean, when I say -- I think this is a forecast.


  • But in -- for the first Q, we expect to be able to reach a margin in line with the fourth quarter, including this, let's say, extraordinary expenditure for the integration of IPSCO and its first restructuring that we will incur between now and end of March.

    但在第一個季度,我們預計能夠達到與第四季度一致的利潤率,其中包括,比如說,用於 IPSCO 整合和我們將在現在到年底之間進行的首次重組的額外支出三月的。

  • Stephen David Gengaro - MD & Senior Analyst

    Stephen David Gengaro - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then I guess 2 other things, actually.


  • The first is, if we looked at IPSCO's numbers from 2018 and we sort of thought about some decremental margins to get to negative EBITDA, it seems like the revenue run rate on a quarterly basis is kind of like in the $175 million to $200 million range right now.

    首先,如果我們查看 IPSCO 2018 年的數據,並考慮一些遞減的利潤以實現負 EBITDA,那麼季度收入運行率似乎在 1.75 億美元至 2 億美元之間現在。

  • Is that a reasonable guess for the first quarter?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Can you say again, because -- to understand it?


  • Stephen David Gengaro - MD & Senior Analyst

    Stephen David Gengaro - MD & Senior Analyst

  • So I think IPSCO did about -- it seems like IPSCO did about $1.3 billion in revenue in 2018.

    所以我認為 IPSCO 在 2018 年的收入似乎約為 13 億美元。

  • And just looking at what the market has done and looking at the fact that they've moved to an EBITDA negative position in the fourth -- third and fourth quarters of '19, it seems like their quarterly revenue is running a little bit under $200 million.

    只要看看市場的表現,再看看他們在 19 年第四季、第三季和第四季的 EBITDA 為負值的事實,他們的季度收入似乎略低於 200 美元百萬。

  • Is that a reasonable starting point?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • I think it's, I would say, even lower than what you mentioned.


  • I mean, the compression in revenue that happens during the 9 months, in which we completed discussion with the antitrust, has been substantial.

    我的意思是,在我們與反壟斷機構完成討論的 9 個月內,收入受到了巨大的壓縮。

  • So the company enter to the strong squeeze for -- on the top line, well below, let's say, in the fourth quarter, the $200 million that you mentioned, and on a negative EBITDA that also is relevant in this model.

    因此,該公司進入了強勁的擠壓階段——在營收上,遠低於你提到的第四季度的 2 億美元,並且在該模型中也存在相關的負 EBITDA。

  • Now this will change in the first quarter.


  • But in -- fourth quarter has been below what you mentioned as a top line for IPSCO.

    但第四季的 IPSCO 營收低於您所提到的水平。

  • Stephen David Gengaro - MD & Senior Analyst

    Stephen David Gengaro - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just one final one.


  • When you think about your Rig Direct model and you think about moving IPSCO volumes through Rig Direct, based on conversations with customers that you've had since the deal closed, are you -- what's your sort of optimism around how rapidly you can kind of get the IPSCO volumes ramp back up through the Rig Direct distribution system?

    當您考慮您的 Rig Direct 模式並考慮透過 Rig Direct 轉移 IPSCO 銷售時,根據交易完成後您與客戶的對話,您對能夠以多快的速度實現目標持何種樂觀態度?透過Rig Direct 分發系統恢復IPSCO 磁碟區?

  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, at this time, will be Tenaris acting as a whole, expanding this portfolio with the existing client and establishing, let's say, contract some of the client, existing client also of IPSCO.

    好吧,此時,泰納瑞斯將作為一個整體,與現有客戶擴大這一產品組合,並與一些客戶(包括 IPSCO 的現有客戶)建立合約。

  • We will gain ground, I think, during 2020, pretty fast.

    我認為,我們將在 2020 年取得進展,速度相當快。

  • But I will look how the client are reacting and if you see room for this catch-up and the rebuilding of the customer base and enhancing the expansion of the customer base.


  • Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

    Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

  • Yes, Paolo.


  • First of all, we need to mention that we have a commitment that was taken by IPSCO.

    首先,我們需要提及 IPSCO 所做的承諾。

  • And of course, we're going to respect those commitments.


  • So I mean the speed at which you're going to be switching to Rig Direct also depends on the previous commitment that -- of what they can mine.

    所以我的意思是,你切換到 Rig Direct 的速度也取決於先前的承諾——他們可以開採什麼。

  • Going into the specific question.


  • Well, you don't see this any more difficult than what we did at the beginning.


  • Actually, we see this much easier because let's remember that we started from scratch in 2015, and in 2017, we were already in the range of 60% of our sales.

    實際上,我們看到這一點要容易得多,因為讓我們記住,我們在 2015 年從頭開始,到 2017 年,我們已經達到了銷售額的 60%。

  • Today, the understanding of the U.S. customer base is much higher than what we have at the beginning.


  • So we don't have to go in and explain everything from scratch.


  • So I see this happening through 2020.

    所以我認為這種情況在 2020 年都會發生。

  • And according also to the commitments that were taken by IPSCO in the past.

    並根據 IPSCO 過去所做的承諾。

  • But I believe we can complete this through this year.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Sahar Islam from Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Sahar Islam。

  • Sahar Islam - Analyst

    Sahar Islam - Analyst

  • If I can start with another one on IPSCO, please.

    如果我可以從 IPSCO 上開始另一篇文章,請。

  • How should we think about the normalized through the cycle margins at IPSCO?

    我們該如何考慮 IPSCO 週期裕度的標準化?

  • And how would that be different under your management versus previous management?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • I'm not sure, I mean, the normalized.


  • In this -- in the integration that we are carried on in this, really, we will manage the entire system in a unified way since day 1. So it's correct to say the level of invoicing of IPSCO went down through 2019.

    在這方面——在我們正在進行的整合中,實際上,我們將從第一天起就以統一的方式管理整個系統。因此,可以正確地說 IPSCO 的發票水平在 2019 年有所下降。

  • It touched around $200 million in the third Q and then went down again substantially in the fourth Q. But at this point in time, we are looking at this as a Tenaris challenge, would be difficult to understand or to separate IPSCO from Tenaris.

    它在第三季度觸及約 2 億美元,然後在第四季度再次大幅下降。但此時,我們將其視為泰納瑞斯的挑戰,很難理解或將 IPSCO 與泰納瑞斯分開。

  • We are looking at our combined market share, and I would say that it will not be something like a normalized level of IPSCO operation.

    我們正在研究我們的綜合市場份額,我想說這不會是 IPSCO 營運的正常水平。

  • We will also allocate material in the most efficient mill for rolling, for casting, for finishing, for heat treatment in a system that will be based on many different mills in the U.S. What we think we should do, and we are very confident we could do, that we will be able to establish the leadership that Tenaris has in volume, in service and in technology and our market share, which get to the level that we design and we have in mind when we launched the acquisition of IPSCO more than 1 year ago.

    我們還將在一個基於美國許多不同軋機的系統中,在最高效的軋機中分配材料,用於軋製、鑄造、精加工和熱處理。我們認為我們應該做什麼,我們非常有信心我們可以這樣做,我們將能夠建立泰納瑞斯在數量、服務和技術以及市場份額方面的領先地位,達到我們設計的水平,以及我們在發起收購IPSCO 時所考慮的水平超過 1一年前。

  • Sahar Islam - Analyst

    Sahar Islam - Analyst

  • And then my second question can be away from the U.S. Can we get some more color on pricing in the international markets, please?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you, Sahar.


  • I would ask Gabriel to give us -- to give a view how we perceive the tension to this up to now and further condition.


  • Gabriel Podskubka - President of Eastern Hemisphere

    Gabriel Podskubka - President of Eastern Hemisphere

  • Yes.


  • Thank you, Paolo.


  • Sahar, pricing in the (inaudible) international market remain competitive.


  • This really has decoupled from the Pipe Logix dynamic that we're mentioning before.

    這確實與我們之前提到的 Pipe Logix 動態脫鉤了。

  • So there is not a direct link.


  • There is a very limited impact of the Pipe Logix into the -- into our formulas of some of our contracts in international market, but this is very limited.

    Pipe Logix 對我們國際市場上一些合約的公式的影響非常有限,但這也是非常有限的。

  • We have a positive momentum in our average pricing, given our backlog of enriched mix due to the gas developments in Middle East and some offshore as well.


  • So year-over-year, the pricing moves in a positive dynamic within a competitive environment.


  • And we also see some tightness in some specific niches of our service, corrosion-resistant alloys, where we're able to push some price increases.


  • But this is a limited impact in the overall portfolio.


  • It's a little bit of the dynamic at the general level.


  • Operator


  • And our next question will come from the line of Alessandro Pozzi from Mediobanca.

    我們的下一個問題將來自 Mediobanca 的 Alessandro Pozzi。

  • Alessandro Pozzi - Research Analyst

    Alessandro Pozzi - Research Analyst

  • My first question is on cash flow for 2020.


  • Just wondering, in particular, how do you expect working capital to evolve?


  • Clearly, we've seen a positive contribution in 2019.

    顯然,我們在 2019 年看到了積極的貢獻。

  • I was wondering how much positive contribution do you expect, if any, from working capital in 2020?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you, Alessandro.


  • We also -- we continue to intervene on the entire supply chain, on the lead time.


  • And we think that the integration of IPSCO will also support after the initial period in which we have to reduce the inventory that we are receiving with IPSCO.

    我們認為,在我們必須減少 IPSCO 收到的庫存的初始階段之後,IPSCO 的整合也將提供支援。

  • We will continue to reduce inventory, and we expect to have positive contribution in the range of some $200 million or in this range during 2020.

    我們將繼續減少庫存,預計 2020 年將做出約 2 億美元的積極貢獻。

  • So this will contribute to our cash flow.


  • We are confident that we will get a very strong cash flow in 2020.

    我們有信心在 2020 年獲得非常強勁的現金流。

  • The recovery in the margin in the second part of the year, combined with a relatively contained level of investment and reduction in working capital, should allow us to be able to give a very robust cash flow in 2020.

    今年下半年利潤率的回升,加上相對有限的投資水準和營運資本的減少,應該使我們能夠在 2020 年提供非常強勁的現金流。

  • Alessandro Pozzi - Research Analyst

    Alessandro Pozzi - Research Analyst

  • Do you have in mind what net cash you could end up with at year-end?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • As I can tell you, we can -- always considering, let's say, the situation as it is today without, let's say, relevant slowdown of the economy or reduction in the level of rigs.


  • We consider that, as we mentioned before, we can have a level of cash flow similar to the level that we had in 2019.

    我們認為,正如我們之前提到的,我們可以擁有與 2019 年相似的現金流水準。

  • Alessandro Pozzi - Research Analyst

    Alessandro Pozzi - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just 1 thing on the CapEx.


  • I think you mentioned, say, $50 million to, say, $60 million.

    我想你提到了 5000 萬美元到 6000 萬美元。

  • Does that include the IPSCO CapEx as well?

    這也包括 IPSCO 資本支出嗎?

  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes, we are including the investments that we are planning to undertake in the -- especially in the Koppel steel shop, to advance in the capability to supply the entire need of the U.S. operation from Koppel.


  • Alessandro Pozzi - Research Analyst

    Alessandro Pozzi - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's fine.


  • And just the last 1 on the -- you mentioned the global OCTG demand is likely to fall in 2020.

    就在最後 1,您提到 2020 年全球 OCTG 需求可能會下降。

  • I was wondering if you can maybe give us a bit more color on where you see -- which regions you see more strength there.


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, I will say that in 2020, we are considering that it will be -- there will be a low recovery in Argentina.

    嗯,我想說的是,到 2020 年,我們正在考慮阿根廷的復甦將會緩慢。

  • We do not expect so much from the demand in Argentina in the first part of the year until some of the key issue of the economic plan will be defined and negotiation also for the debt will be completed.


  • But then we will see.


  • Argentina could be [capped].


  • It could be, let's say, increasing, expanding the market in the second half.


  • And second area that, in our view, is important is the Gulf of Mexico from the -- both the American and the Mexican side.


  • The international oil company are working actively in Mexico.


  • But in the Gulf of Mexico, we are seeing project going on.


  • We have the contract with ADNOC that was mentioned in my prepared remarks.


  • We have a very large contract, the majority of the need of ADNOC.


  • We estimate around $1.9 billion in the period of 5 years.

    我們估計 5 年內的營收約為 19 億美元。

  • This will kick in during the second part of the year, in our view, depends also from how fast ADNOC will work on this.


  • Another area that could be positive for 2020 second part, is Brazil.

    另一個可能對 2020 年第二階段產生正面影響的地區是巴西。

  • We have an important market share in Brazil offshore.


  • If, as it seems, Petrobras and private company -- international company are maintaining the programs of drilling, this will be also a positive area.


  • One is a niche but it's still important is the connector that we sell worldwide for the offshore project are also an area in which we will expand our sales.


  • So these are the area in which we may have, let's say, positive development during the course of 2020 that may compensate for a relatively weak demand due to the destocking in Saudi and the Argentina situation as far as we can see today.

    因此,我們可以說,這些領域在 2020 年期間可能會出現積極的發展,這可能會彌補由於沙烏地阿拉伯和阿根廷去庫存而導致的相對疲軟的需求,就我們今天所看到的情況而言。

  • Operator


  • Our next question will come from the line of Alan Spence from Jefferies.

    我們的下一個問題將來自 Jefferies 的 Alan Spence。

  • Alan Henri Spence - Equity Analyst

    Alan Henri Spence - Equity Analyst

  • I've just got 2. The first one, regarding those extraordinary expenses, you mentioned -- still related to IPSCO for Q1.

    我剛剛收到 2。第一個,關於您提到的那些非常費用,仍然與第一季的 IPSCO 有關。

  • Can you give us a rough ballpark or estimate of what those would total during the quarter?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Extraordinary expenses of IPSCO, Luca?


  • Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

    Luca Zanotti - President of U.S.A. Operations

  • Yes, Paolo.


  • I mean, as I said before, we are still finalizing the number, but we expect this to be in the range of $15 million to $20 million.

    我的意思是,正如我之前所說,我們仍在最終確定這個數字,但我們預計該數字將在 1500 萬美元至 2000 萬美元之間。

  • Alan Henri Spence - Equity Analyst

    Alan Henri Spence - Equity Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Okay.


  • Apologies if I missed you saying that number earlier.


  • So the second one, when you talk about the second half '20 improvement in IPSCO and it turned into a positive contribution, is that driven by any forecasts around improved pricing?

    那麼第二個問題,當你談到 20 世紀下半年 IPSCO 的改進並轉化為積極的貢獻時,這是由任何有關定價改進的預測推動的嗎?

  • Or is that predominantly due to your expectations around synergies and maybe some better volumes?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • As I mentioned before, I think the present level of pricing in Pipe Logix is difficult to sustain.

    正如我之前提到的,我認為 Pipe Logix 目前的定價水準很難維持。

  • So it's worth assuming that there would be -- there could be some limited rebound but -- at least in this.


  • But mainly, what we are counting on the synergies that Luca was mentioning before due to allocation, to restructuring of the production system, efficiency in this and some cost reduction that we can get in working -- integrating the 2 companies.


  • Operator


  • And our next question will come from the Lillian Starke from Morgan Stanley.


  • Lillian Starke - Research Associate

    Lillian Starke - Research Associate

  • Just 1 quick question from my end.


  • You mentioned the accumulated inventory at IPSCO.

    您提到了 IPSCO 的累積庫存。

  • I was just wondering if, at any point, do you think we could expect an impairment on the back of this.


  • Or are these tubulars that you expect to be putting in the market, just at a lower margin?


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, according to a contract, we are reviewing the inventory.


  • We will sure assess quality condition of inventory, and then we have to close the contract and the agreement with TMK based on this.


  • Once we completed this, I expect no impairment.


  • We expect to be able to sell to the market.


  • But as I mentioned before, the cost of sales for this product and this inventory is higher than the average cost of sales for our -- the material we provide from the rest of the facility.


  • So this is part of the drag that we will have in the first.


  • Let me tell you that gradually, the new production and the new material, in our view, will be competitive in term of cost after the dimension and the restructuring that we will have.


  • Now we didn't complete the first stage, which is the overall assessment of inventory.


  • We have, according to the contract, 75 days to complete this.

    根據合同,我們有 75 天的時間來完成這項工作。

  • So in general, this is the sense we have.


  • There are no major issue coming from this.


  • Operator


  • And our next question will come from the line of Rodrigo Almeida from Santander.


  • Rodrigo Reis de Almeida - Research Analyst

    Rodrigo Reis de Almeida - Research Analyst

  • So I have a couple of questions from my side.


  • The first one is related to the IPSCO acquisition and the margins that you mentioned at the 20% level for the second half of 2020.

    第一個與 IPSCO 收購以及您提到的 2020 年下半年 20% 的利潤率有關。

  • Just a quick question.


  • If you do include the synergies that you mentioned, the $80 million to $100 million in synergies for this 20% margin for the second half of 2020.

    如果你確實包括你提到的協同效應,那麼 2020 年下半年 20% 的利潤率將帶來 8,000 萬至 1 億美元的協同效應。

  • And my second question is related to the JV you made in Russia, in Siberia.


  • If you -- how is that going, if you're spending any cash from that?


  • And if you could -- if you are, if you could give us a breakdown of how much is going towards that, that would be interesting to know also.


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you, Rodrigo.


  • On the first point, when I mentioned the recovery of the margin to get back to the range of 20%, I'm considering this is the margin for all of the Tenaris and is considering all of the element company to it, including synergy that we plan to have in -- gradually into this.


  • We mentioned $80 million to $100 million in the annualized figure.

    我們提到年化數字為 8,000 萬至 1 億美元。

  • But we can expect it to enter -- starting gradually, I mean.


  • Say gradually but at least we plan to reach it by the fourth quarter, for sure.


  • The second issue on the Russian venture, we are proceeding for our investment.


  • We will be investing during 2020.

    我們將在 2020 年進行投資。

  • Maybe, Gabriel, you can comment on how things are going on in the -- in Russia.


  • Gabriel Podskubka - President of Eastern Hemisphere

    Gabriel Podskubka - President of Eastern Hemisphere

  • Yes, Paolo, thank you very much.


  • Rodrigo, indeed, JV in Russia is progressing very well.


  • We have a great understanding and dialogue and cooperation with our partner, Severstal.


  • We are advancing full speed in the engineering and the construction, targeting as planned commission -- commissioning of the facility by the second half of 2021.

    我們正在全速推進工程和建設,目標是按計劃在 2021 年下半年投入使用。

  • So we're looking forward to complete that facility, another line of business.


  • In terms of CapEx, our provision is around $70 million for 2020 and probably a similar number or a bit lower into 2021.

    就資本支出而言,我們在 2020 年的撥款約為 7,000 萬美元,到 2021 年可能會是類似數字或略低。

  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • This figure is not included -- I mean, is in the $350 million --

    這個數字不包括在內——我的意思是,在 3.5 億美元中——

  • Alicia Mondolo - CFO

    Alicia Mondolo - CFO

  • No, it's not included in the $360 million because this is our participation in the joint venture.

    不,它不包括在 3.6 億美元中,因為這是我們參與的合資企業。

  • So we are expecting to -- our investment in 2020 will be $70 million.

    因此,我們預計 2020 年的投資將達到 7,000 萬美元。

  • And in 2019, we invested about $20 million.


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • This is our participation in the venture, so it's not considered a part of the $360 million that we are mentioning is CapEx.

    這是我們參與的合資企業,因此它不被視為我們提到的 3.6 億美元資本支出的一部分。

  • Alicia Mondolo - CFO

    Alicia Mondolo - CFO

  • And it is our...


  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • But are included in the overall vision of the cash flow that I gave before.


  • Operator


  • And I'm not showing any further questions at this time.


  • I'd like to turn the call back over to Giovanni for any closing remarks.


  • Giovanni Sardagna - IR Director

    Giovanni Sardagna - IR Director

  • Okay.


  • Thanks a lot for joining us in the call, and we hope to see you in London, April 3. Thank you.

    非常感謝您參加我們的電話會議,我們希望 4 月 3 日在倫敦見到您。謝謝。

  • Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

    Paolo Rocca - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you very much.


  • Alicia Mondolo - CFO

    Alicia Mondolo - CFO

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may now disconnect.
