索尼 (SONY) 2022 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Ladies and gentlemen, we will now begin FY '21 Q2 earnings announcement of Sony Group Corporation.

    女士們,先生們,我們現在開始發布索尼集團公司 21 財年第二季度的收益公告。

  • I am Okada from Corporate Communications.


  • I'll be serving as master of ceremonies today.


  • This session is for media analysts and institutional investors to whom we have sent out an invitation in advance.


  • This session is webcast live on our Investor Relations website.


  • First, Mr. Hiroki Totoki, Executive Deputy President and Chief Financial Officer, will explain the consolidated results for FY '21 Q2 and consolidated results forecast for FY '21, followed by Q&A.

    首先,執行副總裁兼首席財務官 Hiroki Totoki 先生將解釋 FY '21 Q2 的合併結果和 FY '21 的合併結果預測,然後是 Q&A。

  • Duration is 70 minutes.

    持續時間為 70 分鐘。

  • Mr. Totoki, the floor as yours.

    Totoki 先生,您的發言權。

  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Today, I will discuss the following topics.


  • The consolidated results for second quarter ended September 30, '21 increased 13% compared to the same quarter of the previous fiscal year to JPY 2.3694 trillion and consolidated operating income increased JPY 3.2 billion year-on-year to JPY 318.5 billion, both record highs for the second quarter.

    截至 21 年 9 月 30 日的第二季度合併業績與上一財年同期相比增長 13% 至 23694 億日元,合併營業收入同比增長 32 億日元至 3185 億日元,均創歷史新高第二季度。

  • Income before income taxes decreased JPY 20.6 billion year-on-year to JPY 283.1 billion primarily due to a deterioration of valuation gains and losses on securities investment.

    所得稅前收入同比減少 206 億日元至 2831 億日元,主要是由於證券投資的估值損益惡化。

  • Net income attributable to Sony Group Corporation's shareholder was JPY 213.1 billion, a decrease of JPY 245.5 billion compared to the same quarter of the previous fiscal year, which included the recording of JPY 214.3 billion reversal of valuation allowances recorded against the deferred tax assets.

    歸屬於索尼集團公司股東的淨利潤為 2,131 億日元,與上一財年同期相比減少 2,455 億日元,其中包括對遞延所得稅資產的估值準備金轉回 2,143 億日元。

  • Please see Pages 3 to 6 of the presentation material for a description of each profit metrics.

    請參閱演示材料的第 3 頁至第 6 頁,了解每個利潤指標的描述。

  • This slide shows the results by segment for FY '21 Q2.

    這張幻燈片按部分顯示了 21 財年第二季度的結果。

  • Next, I will show the consolidated results forecast for FY '21.

    接下來,我將展示 21 財年的綜合業績預測。

  • Consolidated sales are expected to increase JPY 200 billion compared to our previous forecast to JPY 9.9 trillion, and operating income is expected to increase JPY 60 billion to JPY 1.040 trillion.

    合併銷售額預計將增加 2,000 億日元,而我們之前的預測為 9.9 萬億日元,營業收入預計將增加 600 億日元至 1.040 萬億日元。

  • We have also upwardly revised our forecast for income before income taxes to JPY 990 billion and our forecast for net income attributable to Sony Group Corporation's shareholders to JPY 730 billion.

    我們還將所得稅前收入預測上調至 9900 億日元,並將歸屬於索尼集團公司股東的淨利潤預測上調至 7300 億日元。

  • Forecast for consolidated operating cash flow excluding the Financial Services segment is unchanged at JPY 890 billion.

    不包括金融服務部門的合併經營現金流預測保持不變,為 8,900 億日元。

  • This slide shows our forecast by segment for FY '21.

    這張幻燈片顯示了我們對 21 財年的分部預測。

  • I will now explain the situation in each of our business segments.


  • First is the Game & Network Services segment.


  • FY '21 Q2 sales increased a significant 27% year-on-year to JPY 645.4 billion primarily due to an increase in PlayStation 5 hardware sales and an increase in game software sales of third-party titles.

    21 財年第二季度銷售額同比大幅增長 27% 至 6454 億日元,這主要是由於 PlayStation 5 硬件銷售額的增加和第三方遊戲的遊戲軟件銷售額的增加。

  • Operating income decreased JPY 22.7 billion year-on-year to JPY 82.7 billion primarily due to a deterioration in the profitability of hardware and peripheral devices.

    營業收入同比減少 227 億日元至 827 億日元,主要是由於硬件和外圍設備的盈利能力惡化。

  • FY '21 forecast remains unchanged from the previous forecast.

    21 財年的預測與之前的預測保持不變。

  • Driven by an increase in add-on content sales, Q2 game software sales exceeded those in the same quarter of the previous fiscal year when stay-at-home demand was strong.


  • Total game play time of PlayStation users decreased 17% year-on-year.

    PlayStation 用戶的總遊戲時間同比減少 17%。

  • But the fact that add-on content sales exceeded those in the same quarter of the previous fiscal year is a positive sign that the quality of user engagement has increased.


  • In the second half of this fiscal year, the first-party software titles, Horizon Forbidden West and Gran Turismo 7, as well as major third-party software titles are scheduled to be released.


  • As more game fans play these exciting titles, we expect user engagement to increase even more.


  • At this time, there is no change to our FY '21 unit sales target for PS5 hardware, but several factors are significantly impacting the supply of the product such as the disruption of the global distribution, supply chain and limitations on the supply of components, especially semiconductors.

    目前,我們對 PS5 硬件的 21 財年單位銷售目標沒有變化,但有幾個因素正在顯著影響產品的供應,例如全球分銷、供應鏈的中斷和組件供應的限制,尤其是半導體。

  • We are continuing to exert every effort to maintain the momentum of the PlayStation platform by meeting the expectations of the people who are waiting for PS5.

    我們將繼續盡一切努力通過滿足等待 PS5 的人們的期望來保持 PlayStation 平台的勢頭。

  • To further strengthen our software development capability, we announced the acquisition of Firesprite in September and Bluepoint Games this month.

    為了進一步加強我們的軟件開發能力,我們在 9 月宣布收購 Firesprite,本月宣布收購 Bluepoint Games。

  • Both companies have excellent technical capabilities and superb track records, and they have, heretofore, contributed to the development of many of our gaming software titles.


  • Going forward, we plan to leverage these studios to increase the development capability of the PlayStation Studio and diffuse the expertise necessary to deploy games to PCs and mobile devices.

    展望未來,我們計劃利用這些工作室來提高 PlayStation Studio 的開發能力,並傳播將游戲部署到 PC 和移動設備所需的專業知識。

  • As a result of the acquisition announced since the beginning of this fiscal year, the number of PlayStation studios will increase by 4 to 16, and the number of developers will increase by almost 20%.

    由於本財年初宣布的收購,PlayStation 工作室的數量將增加 4 家至 16 家,開發者數量將增加近 20%。

  • We plan to continue to aggressively invest in our development capability going forward.


  • Next is the Music segment.


  • FY '21 Q2 sales increased a significant 18% year-on-year to JPY 271.6 billion primarily due to an increase in streaming revenue.

    21 財年第二季度銷售額同比大幅增長 18% 至 2716 億日元,主要是由於流媒體收入的增加。

  • Despite the impact of the increase in sales, operating income decreased to JPY 50.6 billion, JPY 3.7 billion lower than the same quarter of the previous fiscal year, in which a JPY 5.9 billion onetime gain was recorded for the transfer of business outside of Japan.

    儘管受到銷售額增長的影響,但營業收入減少至 506 億日元,比上一財年同期減少 37 億日元,其中因業務轉移到日本境外而錄得 59 億日元的一次性收益。

  • The combination to the operating income of the quarter from Visual Media and Platform, which includes mobile game application and anime, accounted for approximately 1/4 of the operating income of the segment.


  • FY '21 sales are expected to increase JPY 30 billion compared to our previous forecast to JPY 1.070 trillion, and FY '21 operating income is expected to increase JPY 10 billion to JPY 200 billion.

    21 財年的銷售額預計將增加 300 億日元,而我們之前的預測為 1.070 萬億日元,21 財年的營業收入預計將增加 100 億日元至 2000 億日元。

  • Streaming revenue in Q2 continued to grow at a high rate, 58% -- 38% year-on-year in Recorded Music and 47% year-on-year in Music Publishing.

    第二季度的流媒體收入繼續保持高速增長,錄製音樂同比增長 58%——38%,音樂出版同比增長 47%。

  • Sony Music Group, which is responsible for our music business outside of Japan, where the growth of the streaming market is conspicuous, is expected to reach record high operating income this fiscal year for the fifth consecutive year.


  • We continue to generate hits, thanks to our enhanced efforts to discover and nurture artists.


  • In Q2, the Recorded Music business had an average of 38 songs in Spotify's Global Top 100 Songs ranking.

    在第二季度,錄製音樂業務平均有 38 首歌曲進入 Spotify 的全球 100 首歌曲排行榜。

  • Moreover, the new song, Easy On Me, which was released by world renowned singer-songwriter, Adele, after a 6-year absence, on October 14 made history as the most played on Spotify in a single day.

    此外,時隔6年的世界著名創作歌手阿黛爾在10月14日發布的新歌《Easy On Me》也創下了Spotify單日播放量最高的歷史記錄。

  • And we have high expectations for album, 30, which will be released next month.


  • And Sony's competitive advantages in the music business lie in our global ecosystem that can meet the diverse needs of artists and the fact that because our music business is part of the Sony Group, we can offer artists opportunities to express their creativity in areas such as games and pictures.


  • In addition, we are enhancing our many artist-friendly initiatives such as offering them financial and other support.


  • And we believe these initiatives anticipate the strong financial performance of this segment.


  • Next is the Pictures segment.


  • FY '21 Q2 sales increased a significant 40% year-on-year to JPY 260.7 billion primarily due to an increase in sales of Television Productions and Media Networks.

    21 財年第二季度銷售額同比大幅增長 40% 至 2607 億日元,主要是由於電視製作和媒體網絡的銷售額增加。

  • Despite the impact of the increase in sales, operating income decreased JPY 1.2 billion year-on-year to JPY 31.6 billion primarily due to an increase in marketing expenses related to the release of films in theaters.

    儘管受到銷售額增長的影響,但營業收入同比下降 12 億日元至 316 億日元,主要是由於與影院上映相關的營銷費用增加。

  • FY '21 sales are expected to increase JPY 60 billion compared to our previous forecast to JPY 1.180 trillion, and operating income is expected to increase JPY 18 billion compared to our previous forecast to JPY 108 billion.


  • Primarily in the U.S., we have begun to gradually release major films in theaters, and our film, Venom: Let There be Carnage, which was released this month, generated box office revenue approximately JPY 10 billion in the first 3 days of its release in the U.S., which is the best opening performance of any film during the pandemic.

    主要在美國,我們已經開始逐步在影院上映主要電影,我們本月上映的電影《毒液:大屠殺》在上映的前 3 天創造了約 100 億日元的票房收入。美國,這是大流行期間所有電影的最佳開場表演。

  • We are planning to release our compelling IP from Sony to theaters going forward such as Ghost Busters: Afterlife and Spider-Man: No Way Home.

    我們計劃將我們引人入勝的索尼 IP 發佈到未來的影院,例如 Ghost Busters: Afterlife 和 Spider-Man: No Way Home。

  • On the other hand, we plan to monetize family-oriented films this fiscal year such as Hotel Transylvania: Transformania by directly licensing them to video streaming services as we do not believe they will draw us sufficient theatrical audiences during the pandemic.


  • Going forward, we plan to continue to respond appropriately to the changes in the environment through a flexible releasing strategy aimed at maximizing the long-term value of our films.


  • Last month, we signed a nonbinding term sheet to merge subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment, SPE, and Zee Entertainment Enterprises, a media company in India.

    上個月,我們簽署了一份不具約束力的條款清單,以合併 Sony Pictures Entertainment、SPE 和印度媒體公司 Zee Entertainment Enterprises 的子公司。

  • Under the proposed merger, SPE will hold a majority stake in the resulting merged company.

    根據擬議的合併,SPE 將持有合併後公司的多數股權。

  • Under the term sheet, the 2 parties are conducting mutual due diligence, and Zee has agreed to negotiate exclusively with SPE for a period of 90 days with a goal of reaching definitive agreements.

    根據條款清單,雙方正在進行相互盡職調查,Zee 已同意與 SPE 進行為期 90 天的獨家談判,以達成最終協議。

  • India has an economic base, which is rapidly growing, primarily among the younger generation and is the largest linear TV market in the world that is still growing.


  • In addition, the opportunity for digital distribution services is beginning to grow rapidly due to improvements in India's communications infrastructure.


  • SPE's Indian business, which includes the video distribution service, SonyLIV, is a leading TV broadcasting business in India.

    SPE 的印度業務(包括視頻分發服務 SonyLIV)是印度領先的電視廣播業務。

  • And it accounts for slightly less than 40% of the sales of Media Networks in Q2.

    它佔媒體網絡第二季度銷售額的比例略低於 40%。

  • As the growth area in the Pictures segment, we plan to continue to proactively seek opportunities to expand this business by using the profitability of the TV broadcasting business and our content assets to strengthen our digital distribution service.


  • Now I will explain our anime business that spans the Music and Pictures segment.


  • On August 9 of this year, we completed the acquisition of Crunchyroll by Funimation, a joint venture between SPE and Aniplex.

    今年 8 月 9 日,我們完成了 SPE 和 Aniplex 的合資企業 Funimation 對 Crunchyroll 的收購。

  • Crunchyroll is the world's largest anime-dedicated direct-to-consumer service with more than 120 million registered users and more than 5 million paying subscribers in more than 200 countries and territories.

    Crunchyroll 是全球最大的動漫專用直接面向消費者的服務,在 200 多個國家和地區擁有超過 1.2 億註冊用戶和超過 500 萬付費用戶。

  • The market for Japanese anime outside of Japan has grown significantly at a compound annual growth rate of 30% since 2014.

    自 2014 年以來,日本以外的日本動漫市場以 30% 的複合年增長率顯著增長。

  • We aim to create the most beloved video distribution platform for anime fans around the world by delivering compelling content through enhanced distribution service brought about by the integration of Funimation and Crunchyroll.

    我們的目標是通過 Funimation 和 Crunchyroll 的集成帶來的增強分發服務提供引人入勝的內容,為全世界的動漫迷創建最喜愛的視頻分發平台。

  • And next is the Electronics Products & Solutions segment.


  • Primarily due to the impact of foreign exchange rates and an increase in the sales of smartphones, Q2 sales increased 9% year-on-year to JPY 581.9 billion.

    主要受匯率影響和智能手機銷量增長的影響,第二季度銷售額同比增長 9% 至 5819 億日元。

  • Operating income increased a significant JPY 19.3 billion year-on-year to JPY 72.7 billion primarily due to the benefit of the increase in sales and improvement in the product mix.

    營業收入同比大幅增長 193 億日元至 727 億日元,這主要得益於銷售額的增加和產品結構的改進。

  • FY '21 sales are expected to decrease JPY 40 billion compared to our previous forecast to JPY 2.280 trillion, while operating income is expected to increase JPY 20 billion compared to the previous forecast to JPY 190 billion to reflect the results of FY '21 Q2.

    與我們之前的預測相比,21 財年的銷售額預計將減少 400 億日元至 2.280 萬億日元,而營業收入預計將比之前的預測增加 200 億日元至 1900 億日元,以反映 21 財年第二季度的結果。

  • During Q2, we were unable to meet the demand for some products because the resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic in Southeast Asia led to limitations on our factory operations and on the supply of content.

    在第二季度,我們無法滿足對某些產品的需求,因為東南亞 COVID-19 大流行的死灰復燃導致我們的工廠運營和內容供應受到限制。

  • However, we maintained a high level of profitability due to our ability to maintain prices and shift to higher value-added models.


  • In the TV business, although we were able to maintain market prices during Q2, a rapid decrease in panel prices going forward could impact the market prices of our products.


  • So we have incorporated that possibility in our forecast, and we'll closely monitor market trends in order to control inventory and margin.


  • In addition, limitations on the supply of components, especially semiconductors, have recently become apparent.


  • And we have incorporated the impact of these shortages in our forecast for the fiscal year.


  • Prior to incorporating these risks, the forecasted operating income for the second half of the fiscal year was essentially flat compared to the second half of the previous fiscal year.


  • Next is the Imaging & Sensing Solutions segment.


  • FY '21 Q2 sales decreased 9% year-on-year to JPY 278.3 billion, and operating income decreased JPY 1.0 billion year-on-year to JPY 49.7 billion.


  • Our FY '21 sales forecast remains unchanged from the previous forecast.

    我們的 21 財年銷售預測與之前的預測保持不變。

  • But operating income is expected to increase JPY 10 billion compared to our previous forecast to JPY 150 billion.

    但營業收入預計將增加 100 億日元,而我們之前的預測為 1500 億日元。

  • Although the mobile sensor business was impacted by the recent weakness in the Chinese smartphone market, a tight supply and demand situation for semiconductors in general and delays in the production of smartphone and components for smartphones in the southeast, there is no major change to our FY '21 forecast for the business primarily due to the positive impact of foreign exchange rates and the reduction in expenses.

    儘管移動傳感器業務受到近期中國智能手機市場疲軟、半導體供需總體緊張以及東南部智能手機和智能手機零部件生產延遲的影響,但我們的財年並無重大變化'21 對業務的預測主要是由於匯率的積極影響和費用的減少。

  • We are taking steps to minimize the impact on our financial performance this fiscal year of restriction on the quality and increase in the price of logic wafers procured from foundries.


  • The efforts we have made to expand our customer base are also progressing steadily.


  • However, securing the logic wafers necessary to increase the quantity and the enhanced added value of our sensors from the next fiscal year has become a major issue.


  • We are continuing to negotiate with our foundries, but the tight supply and demand situation is expected to continue next fiscal year.


  • Despite these challenges, we upwardly revise our fiscal year forecast for image sensors sold to audio visual and industrial equipment.


  • The market for these sensors is growing faster than anticipated primarily due to recovery in the market for digital cameras and increasing demand for factory automation.


  • This market is more stable than the market for mobile application and has helped our profitability.


  • So we expect that it will contribute to the stabilization of profit of the entire image sensor business going forward.


  • Now I'd like to discuss the potential construction of a semiconductor factory in Japan by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, which was announced by TSMC the other day.


  • Sony outsources almost all the production of logic wafers as part of the process of our manufacturing image sensors.


  • So securing a stable supply of logic wafers is a critical business issue at the time when the global semiconductor shortage is expected to be prolonged.


  • Because building a factory of this nature could serve as a possible solution to this problem, in close collaboration with TSMC and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, we are studying the possibility of adding TSMC's Japan factory to our sources of logic wafer by leveraging our expertise, managing our own semiconductor factories in Japan to assist TSMC in building the new factory.


  • We believe that further strengthening and deepening our partnership with TSMC, which has a world-leading semiconductor production technology, is extremely meaningful for Sony.


  • However, this matter is subject to further study and discussion.


  • Last is the Financial Services segment.


  • FY '21 Q2 Financial Services revenue was JPY 368.4 billion, essentially flat year-on-year.

    21 財年第二季度金融服務收入為 3684 億日元,與去年同期基本持平。

  • And operating income increased JPY 6 billion to JPY 43.1 billion primarily due to an increase in profit at Sony Life Insurance Company Ltd.

    營業收入增加 60 億日元至 431 億日元,主要是由於索尼人壽保險公司的利潤增加。

  • New policy amount in force at Sony Life during Q2 exceeded that in the same quarter of the previous fiscal year primarily due to the strength of our business selling to corporation.


  • FY '21 Financial Services revenue is expected to increase JPY 90 billion compared to our previous forecast to JPY 1.490 trillion.

    與我們之前預測的 1.490 萬億日元相比,21 財年金融服務收入預計將增加 900 億日元。

  • Our forecast for operating income remains unchanged from the previous forecast.


  • Lastly, I will discuss the strategic investments we are accelerating in order to grow over the medium to long term.


  • Approximately JPY 1 trillion of -- approximately JPY 1.4 trillion in strategic investment we made from April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2021, was used to acquire businesses, while the rest was used to obtain minority equity stakes and repurchase Sony's stock.

    我們在 2018 年 4 月 1 日至 2021 年 3 月 31 日期間進行的戰略投資中,約有 1 萬億日元——約 1.4 萬億日元用於收購業務,其餘用於獲得少數股權和回購索尼的股票。

  • We expect to generate operating cash flow of approximately JPY 180 billion from the acquired businesses over the 3 years from April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2024.

    我們預計在 2021 年 4 月 1 日至 2024 年 3 月 31 日的 3 年內,從收購業務中產生的經營現金流約為 1800 億日元。

  • As a part of our resources for capital allocation, we intend to use this cash flow from further investment accelerating the cycle, thereby returns generated from previous investments are used to invest in future growth.


  • Our ability to invest early in areas with high growth potential has increased.


  • And opportunities to invest have also steadily increased, especially in the entertainment space.


  • During the period of current midrange plan, we plan to make strategic investment more than JPY 2 trillion, including Sony's stock repurchases.


  • The total amount paid so far for companies and assets that have already been acquired, including Crunchyroll, is approximately JPY 280 billion.

    迄今為止,已為包括 Crunchyroll 在內的已收購公司和資產支付的總金額約為 2800 億日元。

  • The total amount of investment already decided upon is approximately JPY 120 billion.


  • Last week, we announced the sale of GSN Games, a casual mobile game business under [SPE] (corrected by the company after the call).

    上週,我們宣佈出售 [SPE] 旗下的休閒手游業務 GSN Games(公司在電話會議後更正)。

  • We plan to reallocate the capital generated from the sale of businesses and assets like this to strategic investment in growth area.


  • This concludes my remarks.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Thank you very much.


  • It was Totoki, Executive Vice President and CFO.

    是執行副總裁兼首席財務官 Totoki。

  • From now -- from 5 minutes to 4, we'll have a QA by journalists, and from 4:20, Q&A for investors and analysts.

    從現在開始 - 從 5 分鐘到 4 分鐘,我們將進行記者問答,從 4:20 開始,我們將進行投資者和分析師的問答。

  • We are scheduled to have 20 minutes each for Q&A.

    我們計劃每人有 20 分鐘的問答時間。

  • Those media, investors, analysts who have registered in advance, please connect to the number designated in advance.


  • Also, those of you who have not registered in advance, you can continue to see the Q&A session on the webcast.


  • Would you kindly wait until the Q&A session begins.


  • We'll start Q&A from media shortly, which you can wait for a few minutes.


  • Thank you very much for waiting.


  • Now we are going to entertain questions from the media.


  • We have with us Hiroki Totoki, Executive Deputy President and CFO; Naomi Matsuoka, Senior Vice President, in charge of Corporate Planning, Control, Finance and IR.

    我們有常務副總裁兼首席財務官 Hiroki Totoki; Naomi Matsuoka,高級副總裁,負責公司規劃、控制、財務和 IR。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Now we'd like to start Q&A session.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The first is Inamoto-san from NHK.


  • Hiroyuki Inamoto

    Hiroyuki Inamoto

  • I'm Inamoto from NHK.


  • Can you hear me?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Yes, we can.


  • Hiroyuki Inamoto

    Hiroyuki Inamoto

  • I have 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • First question has to do with the impact of COVID-19.

    第一個問題與 COVID-19 的影響有關。

  • The state of emergency was lifted and economic activities are recovering gradually.


  • The impact -- how do you factor in the impacts this time?


  • And also, are there going to be changes in the stay-home demand?


  • And what would be the possible impacts upon your business?


  • That's my first question.


  • Second question.


  • The semiconductor production, TMSC of Taiwan -- TSMC is going to establish a plant in Japan, and you are a candidate for working together with TSMC.


  • To the extent that you can share with you, can you explain how you're going to collaborate with them?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Thank you for your questions.


  • Two questions, I am going to respond to both of your questions.


  • First, impact of COVID-19; and secondly, TSMC construction of the plant of TSMC and our position as to that.

    首先,COVID-19 的影響;其次,台積電在台積電的工廠建設以及我們對此的立場。

  • With regard to your first question, COVID-19.


  • In the second quarter, the impact of the production and logistics is large, and we have difficulty and challenge in managing, but frontline people have worked well, and it was managed well as a business.


  • Going forward, pandemic might spread in the future and it may subside.


  • So we have to -- we should be accumulating the know-how to respond to such pandemics and respond accordingly.


  • Last year, in game business, impact -- effect of the stay-home demand was large.


  • And this was a tailwind for our business.


  • This year, this tailwind is less -- we have less impact from stay-home demand.


  • Your second question, TSMC's new factory.


  • As I mentioned earlier, for us, image sensor logic wafer and a stable procurement of that is a very important thing for us.


  • And the stable supply of semiconductor is the key for the Japanese industry as a whole.


  • Therefore, to be -- as much as possible, we'd like to collaborate on this front.


  • As for the details, it is a matter -- there are many things which are still under discussion.


  • And of course, when decisions are made, promptly, we are going to explain to you.


  • Thank you.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The next question, Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, [Sasaki-san], please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, [Sasaki].


  • Can you hear me?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Yes, please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • I have 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • First, imaging and the imaging issue.


  • As you explained, TSMC and Sony will be collaborating, I understand.


  • But more specifically, are you going to hold a stake in the company?


  • Can I ask -- answer that?

    我可以問 - 回答嗎?

  • And also, you said that it will contribute to the Japanese industry on the whole.


  • But automotive sectors -- excuse me?


  • So I believe that automotive sectors will also be involved in about gaming.


  • The PS5 production is not picking up.

    PS5 的生產沒有回升。

  • The second quarter again is 3.3 million units, so it's slow.

    第二季度又是 330 萬台,所以速度很慢。

  • And I'm wondering if you can reach 14 million that you are targeting towards.

    我想知道您是否可以達到您的目標 1400 萬。

  • So is there a possibility that you'll be reducing your target?


  • Can you elaborate on that?


  • So these are my 2 questions.


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Thank you for your questions.


  • I will respond to both questions.


  • Well, first, about the TSMC and the factory of TSMC, whether we will hold a stake in the new factory.


  • Well, we are targeting towards securing stable supply.


  • And that is the reason why we are going to support them in building and operating this new factory.


  • And so when it comes to investment and the amount in investment, those details, this is currently under study and being discussed.


  • And therefore, once something is decided, we would like to promptly inform you.


  • And about PlayStation 5. Well, this fiscal year's target -- well, this fiscal year.

    關於 PlayStation 5。嗯,本財年的目標——嗯,本財年。

  • In the second year of PS4, it was, to be more precise, 14.8 million units.

    PS4 的第二年,更準確地說是 1480 萬台。

  • And we were targeting to exceed this number, and we have not changed this target.


  • Meanwhile, well, worldwide, there is a disruption in the logistics and mainly semiconductors device supply are being constrained.


  • And this is having a larger impact.


  • And as you know, the hardware sales due in the first quarter was less unit-wise.


  • And so this is having an impact on us and likewise, for the second quarter.


  • But I think that with our effort in putting in place different measures, the PS platform momentum can be maintained.


  • And especially to the users that are waiting for the PS5, we want to be able to supply as many PS5s as possible to our customers who are waiting.

    尤其是對於等待 PS5 的用戶,我們希望能夠為等待的客戶提供盡可能多的 PS5。

  • That is our thinking.


  • Thank you.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The next question, from Nikkei, [Mr.


  • Bam], please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • This is [Bam] from Nikkei.


  • Can you hear me?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Yes.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • And the answer to Asahi Shimbun question, you have a comprehensive negotiation and consultation.


  • And can we understand that includes equity investment?


  • TSMC, in their press conference for the joint venture, normally, they didn't engage in that.


  • But this time, case-by-case, they study this possibility.


  • So equity investment or the part of the factory is on and some funding is provided.


  • Do you have that kind of equity investment?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Thank you very much for your question about this particular issue.


  • Let me be redundant.


  • Let me repeat myself.


  • Currently, the discussion is underway and consultation is underway.


  • And therefore, I'm not able to make comments further.


  • And once decisions are made, I would like to share with -- that decision immediately with you.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • (Operator Instructions) [Mr.


  • Masuda-san] from Nikkei Shimbun, please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • [Masuda] from Nikkei.


  • Can you hear me?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Yes, we can.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • I have 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • Earlier, semiconductor -- their plant was stopped due to COVID-19, and you had difficulty in managing the situation.

    早些時候,半導體——他們的工廠因 COVID-19 而停產,你很難管理這種情況。

  • In order to conduct a stable procurement, how are you managing this?


  • Can you elaborate me that?


  • And also the impact of the shortage of semiconductor is seen in games and electronics.


  • And how much monetary impact is there?


  • Can you explain?


  • Second question, capital allocation.


  • In the -- you have been conducting acquisitions, and cumulatively, JPY 180 billion operating cash flow is forecasted.


  • More specifically, in what area are you going to do this?


  • Are you going to do investment or return to the shareholders?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Thank you for your questions.


  • I would like to respond to both of the questions.


  • First, semiconductor -- shortage of semiconductor and other issues of the supply chain.


  • In order to stably procure, what can we do?


  • In various ways, we have been addressing this question.


  • Making commercialization of parts and components and also we ask the affiliated companies to produce for us.


  • And where there's a forecast of a shortage, we will be increasing the level of inventory higher than usual and also change the design so that other parts and components can be used.


  • So various measures can be taken with a combination of these measures.


  • So far, at least up until the first half of this fiscal year, we have been able to minimize the negative impact.


  • And as to the monetary amount, how much impact is there, I think it's difficult to tell how much.


  • But rather, I think that we are managing the situation rather well.


  • In the second half, this situation is likely to continue.


  • So as I touched upon in my presentation, we have factored in the risk in the EP&S segment.

    因此,正如我在演講中提到的那樣,我們已將 EP&S 部分的風險考慮在內。

  • With regards to your second question, capital allocation going forward.


  • Basically, from this fiscal year, for 3 years, in the mid-range plan, more than JPY 2 trillion is to be allocated for strategic investment.


  • As we have stated, strategic investment for the growth of the business in the future, we will be making strategic investments.


  • That is our top most priority, followed by CapEx and return to the shareholders, share buyback, repurchase of our shares, that is the order.


  • Operator


  • Next question, [Nishida-san], freelancer, please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Can you hear me?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Yes.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • I have 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • First, imaging sensor -- about the imaging sensor.


  • I think there is some instability for those for smartphones and -- but what about the product mix changes?


  • Can you explain about the changes in product mix?


  • Are you going to shrink the smartphone portion?


  • Or are you going to add on more for the industrial applications?


  • So can you give me a total view about it?


  • PlayStation 5, the second question.

    PlayStation 5,第二個問題。

  • Well, the production is not picking up.


  • And therefore, I would like to know what is happening about the momentum.


  • And I do understand that there is a problem about unit sales and consumer momentum.


  • Are you not facing any adverse situation?


  • Or do you need to come up with measures in the mid- to long term?


  • Can you talk about your future plans?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Again, I will try to respond to both of those questions.


  • Well, about the image sensor -- imaging sensor, those for smartphones and the other is for industrial equipment cameras and for those applications.


  • So it's a mix of those semiconductors are imaging sensors.


  • We are planning to add on.


  • But about the size, scale, and the smartphone market is much bigger.


  • And therefore, I think we have to observe the trend in the smartphone market.


  • We have to carefully monitor what is happening in the smartphone market.


  • That's the first part.


  • And about PS5, we -- as early as possible, we'd like to release as many units.

    關於 PS5,我們希望盡可能早地發布盡可能多的單位。

  • This is what we have in mind.


  • But so far, overall, in MAU, it's about 100 million people.

    但到目前為止,總體而言,MAU 約為 1 億人。

  • PS5, ratio-wise, it's less than 20%.

    PS5,按比例計算,不到 20%。

  • And so when it comes to user engagement, PS5 sales does not immediately have impact on users' engagement.

    因此,在用戶參與度方面,PS5 銷量不會立即對用戶參與度產生影響。

  • So it's hard to believe that there will be a direct impact now.


  • The add-on content, it is more than last -- the second quarter year-on-year because we think that the user engagement has improved.


  • We want to try to positively take advantage of this momentum in PS5.

    我們希望在 PS5 中積極利用這一勢頭。

  • And also, we have another release in the fourth quarter, and therefore, we would like to carefully monitor the trend.


  • Thank you.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Time is getting short.


  • And therefore, the next question will be the last question.


  • From Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, [Yaskawa-san], please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Can you hear me?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Yes, we can, please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • [Yaskawa] from Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.


  • I have 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • Regarding the yen depreciation and how much the business incorporates the impacts of the cheap yen.


  • And the government -- regarding the quarterly disclosure, the government will begin the discussion about that.


  • And how -- what is your view about this new initiative by the government?

    以及如何 - 您對政府的這項新舉措有何看法?

  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Thank you very much for your question.


  • The first question is about the impact of the yen depreciation on the business results.


  • And the second is regarding the review and the revision of the quarterly disclosure, what is our view on it.


  • And regarding the first question, I would like to answer your question.


  • And the second question will be answered by Matsuoka-san.


  • So regarding the cheap yen, the currency, this time, compared to the previous forecast, the forecast this time is -- the currency assumption is the euro is -- 1 yen higher for the yen, JPY 131 to JPY 130.


  • And so there is a change assumption.


  • And for dollar, the exchange rate is -- stays at the same level, JPY 110.

    而對於美元,匯率是 - 保持在同一水平,即 110 日元。

  • And so this impact has not changed significantly as this indicates.


  • And this has been already disclosed, and 1 yen higher means -- and what is the impact on the consolidated results.


  • And for the Game Network Service and EP&S and I&SS businesses, 1 yen higher means that in terms of dollar, it's positive.

    而對於遊戲網絡服務和 EP&S 和 I&SS 業務,上漲 1 日元意味著以美元計,這是積極的。

  • And in terms of euro, JPY 5.5 billion negative impact is recorded.

    以歐元計,產生了 55 億日元的負面影響。

  • And that is a simulation that we include for our forecast.


  • And for Music and Pictures combined, 1 yen higher means that in terms of dollar, the JPY 2 billion negative impact.

    而對於音樂和圖片來說,上漲 1 日元意味著以美元計,將產生 20 億日元的負面影響。

  • And that is the impact on the operating profit, operating income.


  • And so that is the sensitivity that we use for forecast.


  • Excuse me, dollar is JPY 111, that is our assumption.

    對不起,美元是 111 日元,這是我們的假設。

  • So 1 yen lower.


  • So that is JPY 111 versus -- against the dollar.

    所以這是 111 日元兌 - 兌美元。

  • Naomi Matsuoka - Senior General Manager of Corporate Planning, Control Department & Finance Department

    Naomi Matsuoka - Senior General Manager of Corporate Planning, Control Department & Finance Department

  • The second question.


  • So I will answer the question.


  • I believe that there are many different opinions on this.


  • But on our part, for the policy, the discussion is still underway.


  • And at this moment, I would like to refrain from making any comments.


  • That's the comment from myself.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Since time is up, we would like to now bring to an end the question from the media members in order to change the questioners.


  • And our question and answer from the analysts will begin at 04:21.


  • (Break)


  • Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

    Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

  • Thank you very much for waiting, ladies and gentlemen.


  • Now we are going to entertain questions from the investors and analysts.


  • (inaudible) as emcee, Hayakawa from Finance and IR.

    (聽不清)作為司儀,來自 Finance and IR 的 Hayakawa。

  • The respondents are Hiroki Totoki, Executive Deputy President and Chief Financial Officer; Naomi Matsuoka, Senior Vice President, in charge of Corporate Planning and Control, Finance and IR; and Hirotoshi Korenaga, Senior Vice President, in charge of Accounting.

    受訪者是常務副總裁兼首席財務官 Hiroki Totoki; Naomi Matsuoka,高級副總裁,負責公司計劃和控制、財務和 IR;和負責會計的高級副總裁 Hirotoshi Korenaga。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • The first question, JPMorgan, Ayada-san, please.


  • Junya Ayada - Research Analyst

    Junya Ayada - Research Analyst

  • Ayada from JPMorgan.


  • Game and semiconductor, I have one question each.


  • First is about games, user engagement.


  • In the supplementary material, Page 9, monthly active user and member of PlayStation Plus and how you analyze the numbers.

    在補充材料第 9 頁中,每月活躍用戶和 PlayStation Plus 會員以及您如何分析這些數字。

  • Monthly active users have been decreasing over the past quarters, but it has stopped the decline.


  • And PS Plus members on a quarter-on-quarter basis is increasing.

    PS Plus 會員數量環比增加。

  • Third quarter, towards the Christmas period, quarter -- are you expecting that there will be a stop in the decline of MAU and PS Plus?

    第三季度,臨近聖誕節,季度——你是否期待MAU和PS Plus的下降會停止?

  • At this timing, we are not expecting that the number will increase.


  • PS Plus collection contributed to increasing the number of members.

    PS Plus 收藏有助於增加成員數量。

  • If you have any ideas, please let us know.


  • My second question, image sensor.


  • As usual, capacity and the record of wafer input and actual results.


  • Also in relation to that, Totoki-san earlier talked about the procurement of logic in the future.


  • And this is -- might become a point of concern in the future.

    這是 - 可能成為未來的一個關注點。

  • But putting that aside for the time being, from mobile customers -- encouraged from the mobile customers, especially in this area, toward next year, the mix will increase with the size becoming larger.


  • So is there any change?


  • As you talk with the customers, what are the focus of the discussion with the customers?


  • Can you share with us your ideas?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Thank you very much for your questions.


  • Both questions, I am going to respond to both of the questions that you have asked.


  • First point, MAU, monthly active users, and the PS Plus members, the trend of the membership.

    第一點,MAU,月活躍用戶,以及PS Plus會員,會員的趨勢。

  • How do I look at this was the question.


  • PS Plus.


  • At the end of June, there was a decrease in the number of members, but it was a temporary phenomenon as we analyze.


  • It is not -- what trigger the temporary decline is difficult to pinpoint, but at any rate, it has already hit the bottom.


  • Second quarter, especially including promotion activities, it was increased, taking measures to increase the membership.


  • So promotion becoming effective is not wrong at all.


  • And the recent trend is such that whether or not there is a stay-home demand, it fluctuates and difficult to analyze.


  • So after the second quarter has ended and the factor of the stay-home demand is -- has already disappeared as we move to the year-end holiday seasons, we look at the current situation as positive and we'd like to come up with strong momentum.


  • And then I&SS capacity.

    然後是 I&SS 容量。

  • The numbers, FY '21 second quarter end, in total, 140,000 per month.

    21 財年第二季度末的數字總計為每月 140,000。

  • And the third quarter end, 137,000 per month.


  • It is expected.


  • And this is due to the change in model mix.


  • And the number of wafers input in the second quarter result, 3-month average is about 139,000.


  • As of first quarter, forecast was 138,000.

    截至第一季度,預測為 138,000。

  • So it is practically about the same level as forecasted at full capacity.


  • In the third quarter, the number of wafers, simple average of 3 months, is 138,000.


  • We are expecting full utilization.


  • And the trend of larger size as they are changed smoothly, the discussion with the customers, not only next year, but we are talking with looking into the longer future.


  • And as we have expected and forecast, the trend of larger size is likely to continue.


  • Specific customer in China is going to drive larger size.


  • And the vacuum created by their disappearance is not completely filled.


  • So the pace might slow down slightly as compared to what I have explained last year.


  • Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

    Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

  • Next question.


  • SMBC Nikko, Katsura-san, please?

    SMBC Nikko,桂先生,好嗎?

  • Ryosuke Katsura - Senior Analyst

    Ryosuke Katsura - Senior Analyst

  • The supply chain issue including the pandemic impact and Page 22, cash allocation, on your slide.

    供應鏈問題,包括大流行的影響和第 22 頁,現金分配,在您的幻燈片上。

  • That included, I would like to ask 2 questions.


  • First, about the impact of COVID-19.

    首先,關於 COVID-19 的影響。

  • Well, to the extent in your presentation, you said that second half of the year compared to last year, do you think that there will be a risk of JPY 38 billion to JPY 40 billion?


  • But other than that, the game or I&SS, the impact in those categories as well, overall, the pandemic impact, how do you see it?

    但除此之外,遊戲或 I&SS,以及這些類別的影響,總體而言,大流行的影響,你怎麼看?

  • So if you could elaborate on the overall impact on different segments.


  • And the second, Page 22 is capital allocation.

    第二,第 22 頁是資本配置。

  • And in the 3 years, it was 5.3 and CapEx of more than JPY 2 trillion.

    而在 3 年裡,它是 5.3,資本支出超過 2 萬億日元。

  • And at TSMC talks, once this comes up, which -- and once it's made public, which will be included in?


  • It's just a hypothetical question, but -- and the reason why I ask this is as an investment size, it's huge, and we hear and we're wondering if there is an add-on effect.

    這只是一個假設性問題,但是 - 我之所以問這個問題是因為投資規模很大,而且我們聽到並且想知道是否存在附加效應。

  • I just want to understand the thinking behind this.


  • And other than that, the strategic investment, you said about JPY 120 billion has already been decided.


  • And I believe that India's Zee is included here or if it's not, please say so.

    我相信印度的 Zee 包括在內,或者如果不是,請說出來。

  • So more than JPY 2 trillion.


  • I think in terms of the implementation size, it's still limited.


  • So can you elaborate?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Thank you for your questions.


  • Well, first, your first question about the supply chain risk.


  • So as you have rightly said, for EP&S, it is included.

    所以正如你所說的,對於 EP&S,它是包括在內的。

  • And the amount is close to what you were saying.


  • So this is factored in, estimated.


  • But if there are other segments, well, I cannot say anything for sure, but I think those game network segment, which is also producing hardware, will be impacted.


  • But unlike EP&S, I believe that the supply delay and impact on profit and loss will be totally different.


  • And in case of PS5, just because shipment is late, it will not aggravate -- this fiscal year's performance is not as direct an impact.

    而對於 PS5 來說,僅僅因為出貨延遲,並不會加劇——本財年的表現並沒有那麼直接的影響。

  • So I think for this fiscal year, the risk is maybe factored in the EP&S.

    所以我認為在本財年,風險可能會被計入 EP&S。

  • And that is the current thinking behind what we have put together here for this fiscal year in the forecast.


  • And now about capital allocation, the TSMC.


  • If I talk about TSMC, I will have to go into the detailed specifics.


  • And it's very difficult for me to explain, trying to avoid that.


  • But in general terms, if we are going to hold a stake, it will be a strategic investment.


  • If it's CapEx, it will be included under CapEx.


  • Please understand that to be the case.


  • But this is still under discussion, and there is nothing decided.


  • Please understand that is the current situation.


  • And about the content, about Zee, Matsuoka-san can explain that part.


  • Naomi Matsuoka - Senior General Manager of Corporate Planning, Control Department & Finance Department

    Naomi Matsuoka - Senior General Manager of Corporate Planning, Control Department & Finance Department

  • You talked about whether Zee is included in the strategic investment, which has already been decided.


  • No, it is not included.


  • And we have to follow up on what happens from here and after.


  • Well, the ones that are included on those already decided, those are the ones where we have already made an official approval and made a decision.


  • So that is included in the ones that have been already decided.


  • But in order to get to that stage, Zee, as I explained, we are still doing due diligence and nothing is finalized and decided yet.


  • Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

    Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

  • Now we would like to move on to the next question.


  • Nakane-san from Mizuho Securities.


  • Yasuo Nakane - Global Head of Technology Research & Senior Analyst

    Yasuo Nakane - Global Head of Technology Research & Senior Analyst

  • My name is Nakane from Mizuho Securities.


  • Can you hear me?


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Yes.


  • Yasuo Nakane - Global Head of Technology Research & Senior Analyst

    Yasuo Nakane - Global Head of Technology Research & Senior Analyst

  • I had 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • They are not related to the consolidated results this time.


  • The first question is Mr. Yoshida mentioned in MLP connected to 1 billion people.


  • And for games, there are other figures disclosed, but Crunchyroll and Zee may be included and many other new connections will be emerging.

    而對於遊戲,還有其他數據披露,但可能會包括 Crunchyroll 和 Zee,並且還會出現許多其他新的聯繫。

  • So to the extent possible, the Crunchyroll 120 million, and that is what you mentioned.

    所以在可能的範圍內,Crunchyroll 1.2 億,這就是你提到的。

  • At the end of September, if there is anything that you can disclose, please share that with us.

    在 9 月底,如果您有任何可以透露的信息,請與我們分享。

  • And if possible, at the end of the term, the fiscal year, what is your prospect?


  • And how -- what way are you going to disclose those figures?

    以及如何 - 您將如何披露這些數據?

  • And the second question is related to the project in India.


  • And at this moment, under the current mid-range plan on a group basis, how clear the strategy about India is within the group?


  • And according to my understanding so far, in each business segment has its own strategy.


  • And currently, the synergy is emphasized.


  • But still, it looks like each business has its own.


  • And in India, Media Network and other pictures and films, pictures and music, I think the situation is getting better.


  • And for instance, the collaboration between the different segments like in America, and therefore, the regional strategy, if you have any strategy group-wide, please let us know.


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • So your questions -- there are -- the questions from you, and I will answer 2 questions.


  • And Matsuoka-san will supplement my answer.


  • And the connection with 1 billion people, our challenge for that target.

    與 10 億人的聯繫,是我們對這個目標的挑戰。

  • And that is our long-term vision.


  • And also, that is defined as our aspiration.


  • That's the way I interpret.


  • And so every quarter or every fiscal year, it's not like something that we show like subscription.


  • And so connecting with 1 billion people, in order to fulfill that vision, we do need to make investments strategically, and that has been executed and other measures are incorporated and group synergy is also fully maximized.

    因此,連接 10 億人,為了實現這一願景,我們確實需要進行戰略性投資,並且已經執行並結合其他措施,並充分發揮集團協同作用。

  • Personally, I believe that throughout a year, we engage in different kinds of activities, and there are updates about the activities.


  • And following that cycle, I think we are able to share that information with you.


  • And as for the policy of disclosure, we do not have any, the finalized one yet.


  • So what we do and announced it, whether we are able to connect with 1 million people, I hope that you observe the trend and progress and give us your feedback.

    所以我們做了什麼並宣布了,我們是否能夠連接到 100 萬人,我希望您觀察趨勢和進展,並給我們您的反饋。

  • And second question, that is the group-wide strategy vis-a-vis India.


  • In answering that question, there is SonyLIV.

    在回答這個問題時,有 SonyLIV。

  • And within the group in India, this business unit is a very important driver to promote the growth.


  • And so that is the reason we engage in the deal in India.


  • So information obtained through this project and the opportunities for other business areas.


  • And among the top executives within the group, the discussion is constantly held.


  • So through those dialogue, group synergy will be manifested and realized, in my view.


  • And not just limiting this as a slogan, we'd like to translate that into actions.


  • Matsuoka-san, do you have any point to supplement?


  • Naomi Matsuoka - Senior General Manager of Corporate Planning, Control Department & Finance Department

    Naomi Matsuoka - Senior General Manager of Corporate Planning, Control Department & Finance Department

  • India, as you know, is a big area with the potential for great growth.


  • And SonyLIV has been increasing subscriber size at the end of September, the 470 million is the number.


  • And therefore, going forward, in India, as Totoki-san mentioned now, the video and music, the pictures and music, we would like to use the synergy between the 2. And also going forward, the gain potential does exist in India.

    因此,在印度,正如 Totoki 先生現在提到的,視頻和音樂、圖片和音樂,我們希望利用兩者之間的協同作用。而且展望未來,印度確實存在增益潛力。

  • So that potential will be also taken into the consideration, and a lot of discussions and dialogue has been going on.


  • Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

    Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

  • Time is running short.


  • So the next person will be the last person.


  • Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities, Ono-san.


  • Masahiro Ono - Research Analyst

    Masahiro Ono - Research Analyst

  • I'm Ono from Morgan Stanley.


  • I have a question and confirmation regarding CMOS in the market.

    我對市場上的 CMOS 有疑問和確認。

  • Supply chain CMOS sensor for mobile, Sony is lowering the price, and the market -- the inventory of mobile sensor is getting unhealthy, some people say.


  • And to the extent that you can share with us, what are the changes in the mobile?


  • How do you look at the changes in the market?


  • And in relation to that, last time, at the time of the first quarter results, mobile wafer unit price has gone down by 10% year-on-year.

    與此相關的是,上一次,在發布第一季度業績時,移動晶圓單價同比下降了 10%。

  • Currently, on a monetary amount basis, for mobile and for AV, mainly camera, the ratio is about 70% to 30%, according to my understanding.


  • Including the first question, as you think about the mix in the future, there's going to be a further forecast upon AV or related to the question by Ayada-san, custom order will support next year and go back to mobile, which will result in improvement of profit.


  • So can you please explain this?


  • Sorry for the vague question.


  • Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

    Hiroki Totoki - Executive Deputy President, CFO, Representative Corporate Executive Officer & Director

  • Thank you very much for your questions.


  • The market of mobile sensor, how do I look at this market?


  • If I am to explain this, mobile market will continue to expand.


  • And of course, for the industrial machine and for AV, stably -- it's stable and the margin is high.

    當然,對於工業機器和 AV,穩定——它是穩定的,而且利潤率很高。

  • But in terms of the size of the market, mobile market is much larger.


  • You said 70% to 30%, but the ratio of mobile is even higher than that.


  • Well, the inventory level of the sensor market, to the extent of my knowledge, by -- the kind of inventory, which will have a difficulty for negotiation with the customers, we do not hear such voices at all.


  • Prices, it is in the course of negotiation and discussion with the customers, price is discussed.


  • But when it comes to specific prices, I would like to refrain from referring to specific prices.


  • On our part, our policy remains unchanged.


  • For high-end, larger size, this market will grow and expand.


  • So this is where we can leverage the strength of our technology.


  • Higher quality and larger number of pixels are more minute, and there is move to pursue both.


  • So depending upon the needs of the customers, we have to grasp the needs of the customers.


  • And we will be competing in the field where our strengths can be maximized.


  • So the big trend remains unchanged.


  • The production capacity will be increased as demand increases and strengthen R&D.


  • This policy remains unchanged.


  • That's all from me.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

    Sadahiko Hayakawa - General Manager of Finance Department

  • It's time now for us to end today's Q2 earnings announcement meeting.


  • Thank you for your participation.
