Seadrill Ltd (Hamilton) (SDRL) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Thank you for standing by, and welcome to the Seadrill second-quarter earnings conference call.

    感謝您的耐心等待,歡迎參加 Seadrill 第二季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I'd now like to turn the call over to Lydia Mabry, Director of Investor Relations.

    我現在想將電話轉給投資者關係總監 Lydia Mabry。

  • You may begin.


  • Lydia Mabry - Director of Investor Relations

    Lydia Mabry - Director of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Welcome to Seadrill's second-quarter 2024 earnings call.

    歡迎參加 Seadrill 的 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • Today's call will feature prepared remarks from Simon Johnson, our President and Chief Executive Officer; Samir Ali, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer; and Grant Creed, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    今天的電話會議將包括我們的總裁兼執行長西蒙·約翰遜 (Simon Johnson) 準備好的演講;薩米爾·阿里,執行副總裁兼首席商務官;執行副總裁兼財務長 Grant Creed。

  • Also joining is Marcel Wieggers, Senior Vice President of Operations.

    營運資深副總裁 Marcel Wieggers 也加入其中。

  • Today's call includes forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties.


  • Actual results may differ materially.


  • No one should assume these forward-looking statements remain valid later in the quarter or year, and we assume no obligation to update.


  • Our latest Forms 20-F and 6-K filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, provide a more detailed discussion of our forward-looking statements and the risk factors affecting our business.

    我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的最新表格 20-F 和 6-K 更詳細地討論了我們的前瞻性陳述以及影響我們業務的風險因素。

  • During the call, will also refer to non-GAAP measures.


  • Our earnings release filed with the SEC and available on our website, includes reconciliations to the nearest corresponding GAAP measures.


  • Our use of the term EBITDA on today's call corresponds with the term adjusted EBITDA as defined in our earnings release.

    我們在今天的電話會議上使用的“EBITDA”一詞與我們的收益發布中定義的“調整後的 EBITDA”一詞相對應。

  • Now, let me turn the call to Simon.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you for joining us on today's call.


  • For the second quarter, Seadrill delivered EBITDA of $133 million on $375 million of total operating revenues for an EBITDA margin of 35.5%.

    第二季度,Seadrill 的 EBITDA 為 1.33 億美元,總營業收入為 3.75 億美元,EBITDA 利潤率為 35.5%。

  • Seadrill had a strong first half of the year with a combined $257 million in EBITDA.

    Seadrill 今年上半年表現強勁,EBITDA 總計 2.57 億美元。

  • However, we are lowering our second-half expectations based on revised estimates for contract start dates for the two rigs we're moving to Brazil and uncommitted near-term availability on other rigs within our fleet.


  • We entered 2024 knowing it will be a transition year.

    進入 2024 年,我們知道這將是一個過渡年。

  • We have operated fewer rigs while preparing units for long-term contracts and performing necessary calendar-based maintenance on several others.


  • We've acknowledged our willingness to incur idle time early in the cycle as we sought to reprice, relocate, and reintegrate rigs.


  • This was exemplified by the West Polaris, which we moved from a third-party managed contract in India, where it operated alone to a market rate term contract in Brazil, where we operate at scale.


  • Like our peers, we've encountered white space for some of our units with near-term availability, specifically the Sevan Louisiana, West Phoenix, and West Capella.


  • We're seeing indications of limited contracting options and intensifying competition that will impact on these rigs and possibly others into 2025.

    我們看到有跡象表明,承包選擇有限且競爭加劇,這將在 2025 年對這些鑽孔機以及可能的其他鑽孔機產生影響。

  • The emergence of more volatility inherent in the oilfield services subsector further enforces the importance of through-cycle resiliency.


  • To achieve durable earnings and cash flow across cycles: one, scale matters; two, balance sheet strength matters; three, management discipline matters; and four, most importantly, safe, efficient, responsible drilling operations matter.


  • At Seadrill, we achieve basin scale by concentrating on highly standardized rig fleet in advantaged geographies, primarily across the Golden Triangle.

    在 Seadrill,我們透過專注於優勢地理位置(主要是整個金三角)的高度標準化的鑽機隊來實現盆地規模。

  • We maintain a prudent balance sheet that allows us to invest in maximizing the useful life, competitiveness, and performance of the rigs across our fleet, when attractive economics justify doing so.


  • We consistently demonstrate discipline by doing what we say we will do, acting as strong stewards of capital.


  • We maximize the earnings potential of our contracted rig fleet by staying focused on maximizing one of the most important operational metrics, uptime.


  • When downtime events do occur, we learn from them, first identifying the root cause, then reshaping our efforts and behavior to deliver intended outcomes.


  • We are seeing results.


  • During the quarter, five of our rigs achieved nearly 100% uptime.

    本季度,我們的五台鑽機實現了近 100% 的正常運作時間。

  • Every year, I visit every rig in our fleet.


  • The level of operational performance and commitment to continuous improvement that I've personally seen across our rig sites will drive our success through the cycle.


  • I most recently returned from Angola, where our rigs continue to set examples with superior safety performance across our fleet, across all metrics.


  • Elsewhere in the fleet, the Phoenix recently celebrated nine years without a lost time incident, and the West Saturn six years without an LTI.

    在機隊的其他地方,鳳凰號最近慶祝了九年沒有發生誤時事件,西土星號也慶祝了六年沒有 LTI 事件。

  • Looking at the market, we remain confident in the long-term position of the deepwater drilling industry.


  • We still believe burgeoning broad-based demand will bolster what's largely been a supplier side-driven recovery.


  • However, major discoveries in places like Namibia, Cote d'Ivoire, and Indonesia have yet to convert into material rig activity.


  • We expect the slower conversion of demand to contract awards will persist into 2025.

    我們預計需求授予合約的轉換速度將持續到 2025 年。

  • Importantly, we've seen no indication that dayrate development is curtailing demand.


  • Rather, there are more likely paradoxes at play.


  • Firstly, E&P customers are out consolidating contractors.


  • When two becomes one, it can change the timing of tenders as projects that would have occurred consecutively often get deferred.


  • Second, E&Ps continue to prioritize returning capital to shareholders rather than spending it on the drill bit.


  • Even small independents appear to prioritize buybacks, dividends and debt retirement over new contracts.


  • Third, E&Ps appear largely unwilling to commit to long-dated projects.


  • Broader uncertainty related to demand for the underlying commodity and shifting sociopolitical situations in certain countries appear to be shortening our customers' actionable time horizons.


  • Asymmetry between partner expectations at the JV level can also prevent projects from proceeding.


  • In a less liquid market characterized by a smaller inventory of available rigs and contracts, it can be difficult to align supply and demand perfectly, contributing to idle time.


  • We believe that this is transitory.


  • Yes, E&Ps are showing some discretion on near-term projects, but by definition, they are responsible for producing a consumable resource.


  • What we're seeing is demand delay, not demand destruction.


  • Our positive view of the deepwater drilling market's longer-term outlook remains unaltered.


  • As frustrating as lack of a visibility and short-term congestion may be, we're satisfied with the ongoing development of the market and our relative position within it.


  • However, there will be volatility.


  • As an industry, we seem to be experiencing micro-cycles where the amplitudes may be greater, the period shorter, and the spread of dayrates potentially wider.


  • That means that now, as ever, scale, balance sheets, management teams, and operations matter.


  • As we look to the horizon, I'm convinced Seadrill will be a competitive player.

    當我們展望未來時,我相信 Seadrill 將成為一名有競爭力的球員。

  • I'm confident in our team's performance, potential, and progress.


  • Thank you to our employees for your continued commitment to the competitive, collaborative, and cost-conscious behaviors that will carry us forward.


  • With that, I'll pass the call to Samir.

    這樣,我會將電話轉給 Samir。

  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Thanks, Simon.


  • Trying to anticipate what our clients are going to do when is becoming more difficult.


  • For example, global floater contract awards through the first half of this year were half of what they were over the same period last year, adjusting for an unusual 10-year contract.

    例如,根據不尋常的 10 年期合約進行調整,今年上半年的全球浮動合約授予量僅為去年同期的一半。

  • Then, in late July, an IOC and an NOC launched multi-rig tenders within what seemed like hours of each other.

    然後,在 7 月下旬,國際奧委會和國家奧委會在短短幾個小時內啟動了多鑽機招標。

  • Though the market balance supports continued rig progression, uncertainty on the timing of demand and the competitive response that follows can contribute to idle time and dayrate dispersion.


  • Drilling contractors are card players that never really get to deal.


  • We can only play the hand in front of us.


  • More challenging still is we are not alone at the table.


  • We must anticipate, and where appropriate, respond with what other players may do with the cards they have.


  • Certain markets feel different than others right now.


  • Let's walk around the world reviewing the demand and outlook and contracting activity within each.


  • Starting with our primary focus area, the Golden Triangle.


  • Brazil remains the single most important deepwater market.


  • We expect the number of floating rigs there to remain flat around 30, though operators in the region appear to have expansionary ambitions that could yield incremental additions over time.

    我們預計該地區的浮式鑽井平台數量將保持在 30 座左右,儘管該地區的營運商似乎有擴張的雄心,隨著時間的推移可能會產生增量。

  • About seven rigs will roll off in the next 18 months, and there are two open tenders for up to seven units of varying specification that would keep the market in balance.

    大約七台鑽機將在未來 18 個月內下線,並且有兩次公開招標,最多可購買七台不同規格的鑽機,這將保持市場平衡。

  • As industry participants are aware, we have three rigs contracted with Petrobras through 2025, so these new tenders line up well with their scheduled completion dates.

    正如行業參與者所知,我們與巴西國家石油公司簽訂了到 2025 年為止的三座鑽井平台合同,因此這些新招標與預定的完工日期非常吻合。

  • We've begun dialogue on these rigs for future work both in and outside of Brazil, and we anticipate being able to provide an update on contracting later this year.


  • The US Gulf of Mexico remains an active market with generally high specification threshold that often drives dayrate development.


  • Recent contract awards here have been as short as one month and as high as three years, and the variability in demand can create for a larger fan of outcomes compared to other long-term drilling markets.


  • We operate three rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • The West Vela is committed through mid-2025 and the West Neptune through January 2026.

    West Vela 的承諾期限為 2025 年中期,West Neptune 的期限為 2026 年 1 月。

  • The Sevan Louisiana remains a shorter-term rig.

    Sevan Louisiana 仍然是一個短期鑽井平台。

  • She completed a well intervention campaign in May, then transitioned to traditional drilling work that should finish later this month, though it could extend.


  • The rig's contracting outlook for the remainder of the year changes week to week.


  • We continue to explore opportunities with multiple customers for both drilling and interventional work to fill its remaining white space.


  • West Africa remains a source of incremental demand for the industry in 2026 and beyond, driven by key geographies like Namibia and Nigeria, where we have extensive operating experience.

    在納米比亞和奈及利亞等關鍵地區的推動下,西非在 2026 年及以後仍是該產業需求增量的來源,我們在這些地區擁有豐富的營運經驗。

  • Currently, we have three rigs on contract in Angola through our Sonadrill joint venture through mid-2025 and are in active conversation with clients that should keep them contracted in the region in 2026 and beyond.

    目前,我們透過 Sonadrill 合資企業在安哥拉簽訂了三座鑽井平台的合同,合同期限到 2025 年中期,並且正在與客戶積極對話,以確保他們在 2026 年及以後繼續在該地區簽訂合同。

  • Outside of the Golden Triangle, Southeast Asia remains active with programs across various countries that could be of interest.


  • We continue to believe that West Capella is well positioned as one of two drillships in the region equipped with managed pressure drilling but acknowledge dispersed demand can contribute to idle time between campaigns.

    我們仍然認為,West Capella 作為該地區配備受控壓力鑽井的兩艘鑽井船之一,處於有利地位,但我們承認分散的需求可能會導致作業之間的閒置時間。

  • Norway remains precariously balanced, being either one rig oversupplied or one rig undersupplied.


  • When the Phoenix concludes its contract with Var Energi later this month, we will stack the rig in the absence of a contract that justifies the over $100 million investment required to continue operating in Norway, reducing costs and mitigating the impact of firm level EBITDA.

    當Phoenix 於本月稍後與Var Energi 簽訂合約時,我們將在沒有合約證明繼續在挪威運營所需的超過1 億美元投資的合理性的情況下堆疊鑽井平台,從而降低成本並減輕公司層面EBITDA 的影響。

  • Based on the current outlook, the soonest opportunity for the rig to work will be in the second half of 2025.


  • Across our fleet, we work hard for the rates we earn.


  • As we book new contracts, we aim to protect the margins and the terms and conditions to ensure we get the benefit of the bargain and maximize each rig's earnings and cash flow.


  • And now I'll hand it over to Grant.


  • Grant Creed - Chief Restructuring Officer

    Grant Creed - Chief Restructuring Officer

  • Thanks, Samir.


  • Before I begin, I want to review some administrative items.


  • Following the recent consolidation of our corporate office in Houston, we've transitioned from a foreign private issuer to a domestic issuer like all the other major international offshore drilling contractors.


  • That means we'll be filing 10-Ks and 10-Qs from 2025 onwards, which should be welcomed by our investor base.

    這意味著我們將從 2025 年起提交 10-K 和 10-Q,這應該會受到我們投資者群體的歡迎。

  • We are also voluntarily ending our secondary listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange.


  • The last day of the trading will be on Monday, September 9, and from then on, we'll trade exclusively on the New York Stock Exchange, consistent with efforts to simplify our business.

    交易的最後一天是 9 月 9 日星期一,從那時起,我們將只在紐約證券交易所進行交易,這與簡化我們業務的努力是一致的。

  • Now let's turn to second-quarter performance before moving on to our full-year outlook.


  • Second-quarter contract drilling revenues were $267 million, $8 million lower than the first quarter.


  • We received no contributions from the Polaris and Auriga in the second quarter as they underwent preparation for upcoming contracts in Brazil compared to the first quarter when they respectively contributed 25 and 60 revenue earning days.

    我們第二季沒有收到來自 Polaris 和 Auriga 的貢獻,因為他們正在為即將在巴西簽訂的合約做準備,而第一季他們分別貢獻了 25 和 60 個收入天數。

  • This was partially offset by contributions from Sevan Louisiana, which returned to work in April, completing a short well intervention contract before transitioning to a more traditional drilling contract.

    這部分被 Sevan Louisiana 的貢獻所抵消,該公司於 4 月恢復工作,完成了一份短期修井合同,然後過渡到更傳統的鑽井合同。

  • Reimbursable revenues were $15 million, with a $5 million sequential decline accompanied by a corresponding decline in reimbursable expenses.

    可報銷收入為 1,500 萬美元,季減 500 萬美元,同時可報銷費用也隨之下降。

  • Updates to our Sonadrill joint venture, through which we operate three rigs in Angola, affected both management contract and leasing revenues.

    我們的 Sonadrill 合資企業(我們透過該合資企業在安哥拉經營三個鑽井平台)的更新影響了管理合約和租賃收入。

  • First, we received an inflationary increase on the daily management fee we earn for operating the Sonadrill rigs, retroactively applied to January 1.

    首先,我們因營運 Sonadrill 鑽孔機而賺取的日常管理費因通貨膨脹而增加,追溯至 1 月 1 日。

  • This appears on our P&L as management contract revenues and was $65 million in the second quarter.

    這在我們的損益表中顯示為管理合約收入,第二季為 6,500 萬美元。

  • Second, we're now own a bareboat charter rate in the West Gemini, which we charter to the joint venture beyond the nominal $1 a day as the JV begins paying out earnings to its partners proportional to their rig contributions.

    其次,我們現在在 West Gemini 擁有光船租賃費率,隨著合資企業開始按照合作夥伴的鑽機貢獻比例向合作夥伴支付收入,我們將其租給合資企業的名義價格超過每天 1 美元。

  • Second-quarter leasing revenues of $26 million include two quarters of BBC income as well as revenue associated with the Qatar jack-up rigs we leased into the Gulfdrill joint venture.

    第二季 2,600 萬美元的租賃收入包括 BBC 兩個季度的收入以及與我們租賃給 Gulfdrill 合資企業的卡達自升式鑽井平台相關的收入。

  • Vessel and rig operating expense was $165 million compared to $180 million in the prior quarter, a delta of $15 million or 8%.

    船舶和鑽井平台營運費用為 1.65 億美元,而上一季為 1.8 億美元,增量為 1,500 萬美元,即 8%。

  • The change was primarily attributable to the Polaris and Auriga, as they undergo contract preparation and incur minimal OpEx, until they commence operations later this year.


  • Additionally, we no longer pay third-party rig managers on those units as we transition them to Seadrill management after they completed their previous contracts.

    此外,我們不再向這些設備的第三方鑽孔機經理支付費用,因為我們在他們完成之前的合約後將它們移交給 Seadrill 管理。

  • Management contract expense increased $3 million sequentially to $41 million, reflecting timing of repair and maintenance expense on the Sonadrill rigs.

    管理合約費用較上季增加 300 萬美元,達到 4,100 萬美元,反映了 Sonadrill 鑽機的維修和維護費用。

  • SG&A was $24 million and included $2 million of costs related to our move of corporate headquarters from London to Houston, which we consider an adjusting item to EBITDA.

    SG&A 為 2,400 萬美元,其中包括與我們將公司總部從倫敦遷至休士頓相關的 200 萬美元成本,我們認為這是 EBITDA 的調整項目。

  • We also recognized $203 million gain on sale of the Gulfdrill joint venture and Qatar jack-ups, which closed on June 25, representing the difference between the sale proceeds of $338 million and the net book value of the disposed assets.

    我們也確認了出售 Gulfdrill 合資企業和卡達自升式鑽井平台的 2.03 億美元收益,該交易於 6 月 25 日結束,相當於 3.38 億美元的出售收益與所處置資產帳面淨值之間的差額。

  • This translated into a strong quarter in terms of EBITDA performance of $133 million at a margin of 35.5%.

    這意味著本季 EBITDA 表現強勁,達到 1.33 億美元,利潤率為 35.5%。

  • We maintain a strong balance sheet, although the biggest change this quarter being the proceeds from the jack-up sale, partially offset by cash spent on our ongoing share repurchase program.


  • At quarter-end, we had gross principal debt of $625 million and $862 million in cash, for a net cash position of $237 million.

    截至季末,我們的總本金債務為 6.25 億美元,現金為 8.62 億美元,淨現金部位為 2.37 億美元。

  • We continues to deploy capital, consistent with our capital allocation policy, using it to maintain a healthy balance sheet and liquidity profile, invest in the maintenance and competitiveness of our existing fleet, evaluate potential growth opportunities, and return capital to shareholders.


  • We are always looking to invest our capital in value accretive activities.


  • We continue to award our shareholders with a robust capital return program.


  • Late in the second quarter, we completed our previous $500 million buyback facility and announced another $500 million program that we began executing in late June.

    第二季末,我們完成了先前 5 億美元的回購計劃,並宣布了我們於 6 月底開始執行的另一個 5 億美元計劃。

  • Since initiating our repurchase program in September 2023, we have reduced the issued share count by over 15%.

    自 2023 年 9 月啟動回購計畫以來,我們已將已發行股份數量減少了 15% 以上。

  • Cash flow from operations was $79 million for the quarter, including $60 million of long-term maintenance CapEx.

    本季營運現金流為 7,900 萬美元,其中包括 6,000 萬美元的長期維護資本支出。

  • Capital upgrades captured in investing cash flows were $43 million for the quarter, resulting in free cash flow of $36 million.

    本季投資現金流中的資本升級為 4,300 萬美元,自由現金流為 3,600 萬美元。

  • Now, let's review our full-year outlook.


  • Completion of the Gulfdrill sale on June 25 means we will not benefit from the $30 million of bareboat charter revenue related to those assets that would otherwise have been earned in the second half of this year, and it was previously included in our guided results.

    6 月25 日完成Gulfdrill 出售意味著我們將無法從與這些資產相關的3000 萬美元光船租賃收入中受益,而這些收入本應在今年下半年獲得,而該收入之前已包含在我們的指導業績中。

  • Adjusting our guidance to reflect its completion would move the midpoint of the previously disclosed EBITDA range to $395 million.

    調整我們的指引以反映其完成情況將使先前揭露的 EBITDA 範圍的中點移至 3.95 億美元。

  • We are further adjusting guidance to reflect updated expectations for Auriga and Polaris start dates that move EBITDA recognition into future periods and a softer outlook for speculative rig contracting on the Sevan Louisiana and the Phoenix for the remainder of 2024.

    我們正在進一步調整指引,以反映對 Auriga 和 Polaris 開工日期的最新預期,將 EBITDA 確認移至未來時期,以及 Sevan Louisiana 和 Phoenix 2024 年剩餘時間內投機性鑽井合約的疲軟前景。

  • We now expect full-year EBITDA between $315 million to $365 million, a range that reflects real risks and opportunities on either side.

    我們現在預計全年 EBITDA 在 3.15 億美元至 3.65 億美元之間,這個範圍反映了雙方的實際風險和機會。

  • The changes in Auriga and Polaris start dates reflect the realities of unexpected scope related to previous owners' and managers' differing approaches to rig repair and maintenance, exasperated by vendor and weather delays that disrupted our shipyard schedules.

    Auriga 和Polaris 開始日期的變化反映了與先前的船東和管理人員對鑽機維修和維護的不同方法相關的意外範圍的現實,供應商和天氣延誤擾亂了我們造船廠的日程安排,這激怒了我們。

  • Despite these challenges, we have hit major milestones on both rigs.


  • The rigs are departing shipyards and will soon set sail for Brazil, where they'll begin customer and regulatory acceptance testing.


  • Both rigs should still begin their contracts by year-end.


  • To the extent that Sevan Louisiana secures additional work in 2024 beyond its current contract, it represents upside to the midpoint of EBITDA guidance.

    如果 Sevan Louisiana 在 2024 年確保了當前合約之外的額外工作,則代表 EBITDA 指導中值的上行空間。

  • For revenue, we expect $1.355 billion to $1.405 billion.

    對於收入,我們預計為 13.55 億美元至 14.05 億美元。

  • Our CapEx guidance remains the same at $400 million to $450 million.

    我們的資本支出指引維持在 4 億至 4.5 億美元不變。

  • Our adjusted guidance does not detract from our belief in the market's strong underlying market fundamentals.


  • It reflects shifting schedules that delay EBITDA into future periods and transitory, softer outlook for lower specification assets for at least the remainder of the year.

    它反映了計劃的變化,將 EBITDA 推遲到未來的時期,以及至少在今年剩餘時間內較低規格資產的短暫且疲軟的前景。

  • It also reinforces the importance of the theme Simon addressed earlier, executing on our strategy of operating a highly standardized floater fleet in markets that matter, harnessing the strength of our balance sheet to create value for shareholders, demonstrating discipline in our pursuit of cash flow generation and value accretion, and delivering safe, efficient, reliable operations.


  • With that, we'll open the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Scott Gruber, Citi.

    (操作員說明)Scott Gruber,花旗銀行。

  • Scott Gruber - Analyst

    Scott Gruber - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Good morning.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Good morning, Scott.


  • Scott Gruber - Analyst

    Scott Gruber - Analyst

  • Wanted to ask, just on the market.


  • It seems that 7th gen rates are really strong here, and those will sustain through this soft patch here, based on recent awards and the demand uplift that's coming together for late '25 and then '26.

    根據最近的獎項以及 25 年末和 26 年的需求上升,第七代的價格似乎在這裡確實很強勁,而且這些價格將在這個疲軟的時期維持下去。

  • How do you think about rate resiliency on the 6th gen fleet?


  • And obviously, there could be some discounts taken for shorter-term work, but I'm really thinking about the term work for 6th gen rigs, do you think that is impacted by rates that could be taken on the shorter-term work?


  • Or do you think the 7th gen strengths helps to hold up the 6th gen rates on term work?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So this is Samir.


  • I'd say, on the 6th gen rates, at least on our 6th gen drill ships, we've been pretty conscious in where they're placed.


  • So we've got one in Brazil on a long-term contract.


  • We've got one in Southeast Asia.


  • That's one of two rigs in the market with MPD.

    這是市場上配備 MPD 的兩種鑽孔機之一。

  • So we think we can capitalize on that and continue to push -- keep rates at good levels.


  • And then one is in our JV venture in Angola, where having that protective mode is helpful.


  • So for us, when we look at the rates for those rigs, we've been pretty conscious of how we place them around the world to ensure that we can still maximize the rate on those rigs.


  • Scott Gruber - Analyst

    Scott Gruber - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And just on the West Phoenix, appreciate the color.


  • You mentioned that the next opportunity could arise late in '25, did I hear that correct?

    你提到下一次機會可能會在 25 年晚些時候出現,我沒聽錯嗎?

  • And you're essentially going to wait for the next opportunity in Norway, I assume, that that rig probably is not going to be bid out outside of the region?


  • Or would you look outside?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • No.


  • So we're focused on Norway, but we'd obviously look at other markets.


  • For us, it's really making sure we can justify the CapEx investment that's required in the rig.


  • We are looking at opportunities in the middle of '25, but there are other opportunities outside of Norway.

    我們正在尋找 25 年中期的機會,但挪威以外還有其他機會。

  • But I think I'd stress the key for us is if we're going to invest over $100 million in the rig, making sure that we've got a return on that capital.

    但我想我要強調的是,對我們來說,關鍵在於我們是否要在鑽井平台上投資超過 1 億美元,並確保我們能獲得資本回報。

  • Scott Gruber - Analyst

    Scott Gruber - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Appreciate it.


  • I'll turn it back.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Scott.


  • Operator


  • Ben Nolan, Stifel.


  • Benjamin Nolan - Analyst

    Benjamin Nolan - Analyst

  • Yeah, appreciate it.


  • So I guess my first question relates to just the competitive landscape.


  • I mean, obviously, a smaller competitor is about to be gone, and now that -- it means that you guys are the little train that go here.


  • So how do you -- does that change at all how you think about the competitive landscape, how you're positioned, the consolidation that is happening?


  • Just curious, Simon, if things are the same as they were before or if you think about the world a little bit differently now?


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • No, Ben, I don't think our posture is changed by that recent announcement.


  • We were charged by the Board, we've been agnostic between presenting ourselves as an attractive target for consolidation, and at the same time doing what we can to maximize growth opportunities for the company.


  • So we have an attractive fleet, we've got a clean balance sheet, good backlog.


  • So we're definitely a potential acquisition target for a larger peer.


  • But we also believe that we've created a very strong platform for growth.


  • And Seadrill today is a very well-run business, and this is reflected in our earnings results today.

    今天的 Seadrill 是一家經營良好的企業,這反映在我們今天的獲利結果中。

  • We're also disciplined.


  • So when we look at those opportunities for growth, there are certain metrics and thresholds that the opportunities need to meet or exceed.


  • So we have one eye on what we've got and one eye on what we're trying to build.


  • Benjamin Nolan - Analyst

    Benjamin Nolan - Analyst

  • Got you.


  • And then for my second question, Grant, you mentioned it a little bit, but could you maybe go into a little bit more color on what is driving some of the delays on the timing of the Auriga and the Polaris?


  • Grant Creed - Chief Restructuring Officer

    Grant Creed - Chief Restructuring Officer

  • Well, yeah, it's really the supply chain issues, and I guess, Simon can go into more detail there.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, I mean, essentially, what you're dealing with there is the rigs have -- there's some uncertainty in terms of our peers' performance in terms of rig acceptance.


  • So we're really changing our outlook to recognize the fact that there may be a longer period for the customer acceptance process.


  • The rigs have now left the quayside.


  • We've exited the shipyard, and we're doing load-outs and some sea trials in preparation for the voyage down to Brazil.


  • So most of the major project milestones are behind us.


  • Really, now the sole risk that's outstanding and the main reason that we've judged, we've changed our outlook relates to what's been a substantial growth in that customer acceptance process.


  • Benjamin Nolan - Analyst

    Benjamin Nolan - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • All right.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Thank you.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Ben.


  • Operator


  • Fredrik Stene, Clarksons Securities.

    Fredrik Stene,克拉克森證券。

  • Fredrik Stene - Analyst

    Fredrik Stene - Analyst

  • Hey, Simon and team.


  • Hope you are well.


  • I have a couple of questions.


  • And first, I wanted to touch a bit on the guidance.


  • I think clearly, the reduced guidance today will impact the estimates for the second half of this year.


  • I think all over the market is taking it relatively okay, given the magnitude of it.


  • But I'm interested to hear a bit more color about if we should read anything into 2025 based on your reduced guidance for 2024.

    但我很想聽聽更多關於我們是否應該根據您對 2024 年減少的指導對 2025 年進行任何解讀的資訊。

  • Or do you think, I guess for the Polaris and Auriga, it's fine, right?

    或者你認為,我想對於 Polaris 和 Auriga 來說,這很好,對吧?

  • Because they start their contract in '24 and they'll still work through to 2025.

    因為他們的合約是從 24 年開始的,而且他們仍然會工作到 2025 年。

  • But versus the last quarter and your previous guidance, have anything changed in terms of the opportunities, possible startups et cetera, for all your rigs that are not yet contracted through 2025?

    但與上一季和您之前的指導相比,對於 2025 年尚未簽約的所有鑽機,在機會、可能的新創公司等方面是否有任何變化?

  • Grant Creed - Chief Restructuring Officer

    Grant Creed - Chief Restructuring Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Well, hey, Fredrik, it's Grant, and I'll start and maybe others can add anything.


  • But on the guidance, the majority of that was the rig activity plus then the Auriga Polaris.

    但根據指導,其中大部分是鑽機活動,然後是 Auriga Polaris。

  • And like you say, Auriga Polaris, is really just a timing thing and that EBITDA then just pushes out into future periods and will not impact or should not impact 2025 and beyond.

    就像你說的,Auriga Polaris,實際上只是一個時間問題,然後 EBITDA 就會推到未來的時期,不會影響或不應該影響 2025 年及以後。

  • I think you'll see that Louisiana is a rig that we look at.


  • It is lower spec.


  • You see that we are assuming that she's warm stacked during the fourth quarter, which means that we have got confidence in her commercial opportunities going forward.


  • But like Samir has said, white space and air pockets may continue to be a theme.


  • So we can't discount that, if you're looking at 2025.

    因此,如果您著眼於 2025 年,我們就不能低估這一點。

  • Beyond that, we'd look at Phoenix and we talked about the contracting opportunities for her come middle of next year.


  • And then what I would say beyond those rigs, the rest of our contracting profile actually looks very good.


  • We're approximately 67% contract covered, which on a relative basis, is very strong.

    我們的合約覆蓋率約為 67%,相對而言,這是非常強勁的。

  • But maybe I'll hand over to Samir for


  • --


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • So Fredrik, I'd also add, we're 67% contracted through 2025.

    Fredrik,我還要補充一點,到 2025 年,我們 67% 的合約都已簽訂。

  • And if you look at our rollover profile next year, it's our rigs in Angola, where again, we have a strong JV, which we feel pretty confident in.


  • And then we've got an asset in the Gulf of Mexico in the second half of next year.


  • The Gulf of Mexico continues to be a strong market for a dual activity, dual BOP rig like the Vela.

    墨西哥灣仍然是 Vela 等雙作業、雙防噴器鑽井平台的強勁市場。

  • And then we've got -- we've got the Sevan Louisiana and the Phoenix.

    然後我們有 - 我們有 Sevan Louisiana 和 Phoenix。

  • And we spoke to the Phoenix that it'd probably be second half of next year at the earliest.


  • And then with the Sevan, she's a little engine that could -- so she always ends up finding work here and there.


  • We are still continuing to be optimistic that we think we can secure work into next year for that rig.


  • But that will be a shorter contracting cycle as it's always been.


  • Fredrik Stene - Analyst

    Fredrik Stene - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • No, that's very helpful.


  • Second, on your fleet, you were able to close the sale of the JV, I think, slightly earlier than expected.


  • So nice boost getting into the 2Q numbers there.


  • With the Phoenix now potentially being out of work for some time and a substantial investment needed to take that into play again, how do you view the Aquarius, the Eclipse in terms of taking order?


  • Prospero as well, if you have any comments, but have your attitude towards your cold stacked rigs changed, that is are you more likely to try to sell them, scrap them, et cetera, now that you're -- you still have some gaps to fill on your active fleet.

    普洛斯彼羅也是如此,如果你有任何意見,但你對冷堆鑽機的態度改變了,那就是你更有可能嘗試出售它們,報廢它們,等等,現在你 - 你仍然有一些填補你現役機隊的空白。

  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So I'd say the Phoenix is still the top priority out of those rigs, and we continue to actively market it.

    所以我想說,Phoenix 仍然是這些鑽孔機中的重中之重,我們將繼續積極推銷它。

  • So we are in active dialogue for work for that rig.


  • So we may have to stack it in the near term.


  • But for us, we're not giving up on that rig just yet.


  • In terms of asset sales, I'll leave it to Simon to comment on that.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I think we've been pretty clear through time, Fredrik, in terms of reactivation opportunities for the cold stacked units.


  • We're looking for a material contribution to the cost of reactivation from a potential client, and we want a good outlook on the contracting side for that unit and a good foundation initial contract.


  • So at the moment, the focus is on the existing working fleet and getting some term behind some of those units.


  • So I don't think you're going to see anything change.


  • There really hasn't been a change in our attitude as to how we might approach opportunities for those units, other than certainly the West Prospero is clearly a non-core asset, now that we're pivoting to a floater focus.


  • So I think that was probably a more likely sale candidate than the others.


  • Fredrik Stene - Analyst

    Fredrik Stene - Analyst

  • That's very helpful.


  • And just final on the Aquarius and Eclipse, do you have any current reactivation cost estimates that you can share?


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • No, we haven't scrubbed them for some time, which I think underlines my confidence in that, we're at an unchanged position there.


  • Yeah.


  • Fredrik Stene - Analyst

    Fredrik Stene - Analyst

  • Prefect.


  • Thanks so much, guys.


  • I'll leave it to the next one.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Fredrik.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Hamed Khorsand, BWS Financial.

    Hamed Khorsand,BWS Financial。

  • Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

    Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • I just wanted to follow-up on that comment -- question about the consolidation.


  • Do you think that is playing a role here as far as the contract tenders go?


  • Because last quarter and two quarters, the commentary was that dayrates aren't budging on the -- aren't causing any harm on the tender process.


  • But now, we have these pushouts that you and your peers are talking about.


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I'd say consolidation with our client base, one plus one doesn't equal two.


  • I mean, what ends up happening is sequential -- parallel programs become sequential programs for us as an industry.


  • So I think the consolidation that we've seen with our customer base has pushed out some demand.


  • Again, it's not a demand destruction, it's just -- it's a reshaping of the demand and it's just pushing it further out.


  • Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

    Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

  • And do you think the -- given the timing of the Phoenix being in Norway, is there enough time to generate revenue next year after you complete your maintenance process?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • We definitely do.


  • And I think for us, until we feel closer to a contract, we're not going to spend a significant amount of capital on that maintenance and those upgrades.


  • But if we're targeting programs in middle of next year, we have enough time to spend -- to complete the upgrades and be ready for them.


  • Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

    Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Greg Lewis, BTIG.


  • Gregory Lewis - Analyst

    Gregory Lewis - Analyst

  • Hey, guys.


  • Thanks.


  • I guess my question around the Phoenix is a little bit different.


  • I know the base case is that maybe the Phoenix can hopefully work in the back half of '25, if it can work in Norway.

    我知道基本情況是,如果鳳凰號能在挪威發揮作用的話,也許它可以在 25 年下半年發揮作用。

  • It seems like the high-end North Sea floater markets -- it seems like it's a plus or minus rig.


  • So just as we think about that and potential opportunities in regions where some of its sister rigs have worked in like Namibia, have we cost out what it would take to -- you mentioned this $100 million-plus number to stay in Norway.

    因此,正如我們思考這個問題以及其一些姊妹鑽機在納米比亞等地區工作過的潛在機會一樣,我們是否已經花費了您提到的留在挪威所需的 1 億多美元費用。

  • Obviously, that's a high-end gold plated market.


  • Have we cost it out, what it would cost to go through the survey and have the rig in a position to work in Namibia?


  • And obviously, we're actively bidding the Phoenix, but are we actually looking outside of North Sea or is it just all roads lead to Norway?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • We're actively looking outside of Norway as well, and we have looked at the costs, and I think our threshold is the same.


  • It's -- the further you get from Norway, candidly, the cheaper it gets for the Phoenix, but -- in terms of capital required to maintain her.


  • But at the end of the day, we keep coming back to -- we need to find a program that justifies that investment.


  • And if that's in Namibia, that's fine and that works for us.


  • If it's in Norway, that's also fine.


  • But for us, it is that focus on -- we do have a large CapEx investment, and we need to be able to cover that cost.


  • Gregory Lewis - Analyst

    Gregory Lewis - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • No, 100%.


  • And then just, as we think about Southeast Asia, I mean, I'd pay a lot more attention to the Golden Triangle than I do there.


  • As we think about those opportunities, I guess the rigs rolling off in early Q1.


  • Any broad strokes around the type of work, i.e., are there one plus year tenders in that market or is it, hey, if I wanted to be conservative thinking about opportunities for the Capella, there is going to be work, but there's also going to be pockets of idle time.


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • So there are some long-term programs.


  • There are some short-term programs in that market.


  • I think the unique thing about the Capella in that market is, she is equipped with MPD.


  • She's one of two assets in that market that have MPD.

    她是該市場上擁有 MPD 的兩名資產之一。

  • So we are targeting both of those.


  • Obviously, a longer-term program is preferable if we can secure it for the right return profile.


  • But you are seeing a good mix of multiyear tenders plus some smaller one-off wealth opportunities.


  • Gregory Lewis - Analyst

    Gregory Lewis - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Noel Parks, Tuohy Brothers.

    (操作員說明)Noel Parks,Tuohy Brothers。

  • Noel Parks - Analyst

    Noel Parks - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Good morning.


  • A question I had, when we see continued capital discipline by operators, I'm just wondering, has that changed the willingness at this point in the cycle or the reluctance for operators to involve more partners in development?


  • I'm just curious whether as they look at making fewer investments in general, whether you're seeing any impact on your tendency to go it more alone or to try to spread out the risk in a given project?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So you're seeing in certain markets where we've got clients that are trying to farm down a little bit their exposure, make small -- more bets, but smaller bets across the space, which can make it challenging to actually get approvals.


  • I don't think -- we're not seeing a ton of the opposite where clients are saying, hey, we want more of it.


  • But you're definitely -- at least in the Gulf of Mexico, seeing where clients are wanting to farm down a little bit of their exposure and spread their bets around, which has made it a little more challenging to secure rigs or secure contracts for us.


  • Noel Parks - Analyst

    Noel Parks - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • And I'm just curious to the degree that -- are there any customers you come across in discussions that are maybe particularly price insensitive at this point.


  • Year over year, it's been a big increase.


  • It doesn't seem like we're vaulting forward in dayrate pricing right at the moment.


  • And so, if -- I'm just wondering if there is a subset of clients out there where the discussion is really not so much about the price.


  • And I don't know if it's availability, scheduling, logistics or what have you, but any thoughts there?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So it's a mix, but I wouldn't say there's any client that's super -- every client is price sensitive at some point.


  • But I'd say the opposite of -- we're not seeing demand destruction because of the rates we're asking, right?


  • Clients aren't saying, oh, we're just going to turn that program off because the rates are too high.


  • There's other factors out there that are driving their decision.


  • The dayrate is a small piece of it, but it is -- it truly comes down to, can they get partners or can they get long lead equipment and some other items, not really driven by the dayrate itself.


  • Noel Parks - Analyst

    Noel Parks - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Josh Jayne, Daniel Energy Partners.


  • Josh Jayne - Analyst

    Josh Jayne - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • I just wanted to follow up on the last line of questioning.


  • I think it was Simon, in his prepared remarks, talked about characterizing the market as frustrated but satisfied, when talking about where we are today, I was hoping you could discuss what ultimately you think is going to get the ball rolling further from a contracting standpoint.


  • You just talked about rate and how customers aren't that rate sensitive.


  • That's not really the big sticking point.


  • But how much is it project timing?


  • How much is it rate?


  • You'd mentioned long lead-time items.


  • I was just hoping you could go through all of those factors and just talk about where we are today and what's ultimately going to get the ball rolling from a contracting standpoint.


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So this is Samir.


  • I'd say, as Simon mentioned in his prepared remarks, by definition, these guys are producing a consumable resource that can only last for so long, right?


  • You can only defer demand for so long.


  • We are starting to see that already happening.


  • There's strong conversations happening for second half of next year and into 2026.

    從明年下半年到 2026 年,將會有激烈的討論發生。

  • So we are starting to see that.


  • And part of it too is, as I mentioned, the long lead time equipment, that's starting to loosen itself.


  • Supply chains are starting to come back, and clients are being able to get equipment that they need to start bringing some of that demand back.


  • And you're seeing it in wellhead data, you're seeing in some other places that would be leading indicators for clients wanting to continue drilling.


  • I don't know if you want to add anything.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I think what I would add is that ullage is increasingly becoming an issue in some of the deepwater production hubs.


  • That's certainly a factor that we look at.


  • So while traditionally, people have been concerned about reserve replacement ratios, I think just the outlook of the customer base is a lot more short term these days.


  • So ullage in facilities, I think, is an important and often a little discussed factor.


  • But really, it gets back to this capital discipline.


  • Our customers are satisfying their shareholders first rather than their own thirst for production, and it's coming to the market in a somewhat staccato fashion.


  • Josh Jayne - Analyst

    Josh Jayne - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • And then just one shorter-term question on Louisiana.


  • You alluded to it earlier in the year, it did some intervention work and then some drilling work.


  • Are there options to stack back-to-back intervention projects for that rig over the next 12 to 24 months?

    是否有選擇在未來 12 至 24 個月內對該鑽機進行連續的干預項目?

  • And I'm just curious how you're thinking about that versus using it primarily for drilling work and what the opportunities are there?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So our focus is always drilling work.


  • I mean, it's more profitable for us, but we're absolutely looking at intervention work as gap fill as well.


  • We're in active dialogue on both, both inside and outside the Gulf of Mexico.


  • So we are looking at opportunities.


  • I'd say with the intervention work, it tends to pop up faster, even faster than the drilling work for the Louisiana, but we are pursuing both in the near term and into 2025.

    我想說的是,幹預工作往往會出現得更快,甚至比路易斯安那州的鑽探工作更快,但我們在短期內和 2025 年都在追求。

  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • I think you do make a good point there, though, in as much as the important element with that intervention work is that we have some discretion in the timing and that needs to come to market in a volume that's interesting.


  • We can prosecute that type of work most effectively when we have a campaign rather than just one or two wells here and there.


  • Josh Jayne - Analyst

    Josh Jayne - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks very much, Josh.


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Thanks, Josh.


  • Operator


  • And this concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
