Seadrill Ltd (Hamilton) (SDRL) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Thank you for standing by.


  • My name is Eric, and I will be your conference operator today.


  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the Seadrill fourth-quarter 2023 earnings release call.

    此時此刻,我歡迎大家參加 Seadrill 2023 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator instructions)


  • I would now like to turn the call over to Lydia Mabry, Director of Investor Relations.

    我現在想將電話轉給投資者關係總監 Lydia Mabry。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Lydia Mabry - Director, IR

    Lydia Mabry - Director, IR

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Welcome to Seadrill's fourth-quarter and full-year 2023 earnings call.

    歡迎參加 Seadrill 的第四季和 2023 年全年財報電話會議。

  • With me for the call today are Simon Johnson, our President and Chief Executive Officer; Grant Creed, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; Samir Ali, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer; and Marcel Wieggers, Senior Vice President of Operations.

    今天與我一起參加電話會議的有我們的總裁兼執行長西蒙·約翰遜 (Simon Johnson); Grant Creed,執行副總裁兼財務長;薩米爾·阿里,執行副總裁兼首席商務官;和 Marcel Wieggers,營運資深副總裁。

  • Today's call may include forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainty.


  • Actual results may differ materially.


  • No one should assume these forward-looking statements remain valid later in the quarter or year, and we assume no obligation to update them.


  • Our latest Forms 20-F and 6-K filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission provide a more detailed discussion of our forward-looking statements and the risk factors affecting our business.

    我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的最新表格 20-F 和 6-K 更詳細地討論了我們的前瞻性陳述以及影響我們業務的風險因素。

  • During today's call, we may also refer to non-GAAP measures.


  • Reconciliations to the nearest corresponding GAAP measures are in the earnings release filed with the SEC and available on our website, Our use of the term EBITDA corresponds with the term adjusted EBITDA as defined in our earnings release.

    與最接近的相應 GAAP 衡量標準的對帳資訊包含在向 SEC 提交的收益報告中,也可在我們的網站 上查看。我們使用的術語 EBITDA 與我們的收益發布中定義的調整後 EBITDA 術語相對應。

  • Now, let me turn the call over to Simon.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Today, I will address our recent accomplishments, near-term positioning, and future potential.


  • Samir will then discuss our commercial activity and outlook, and Grant will review our financial results and 2024 guidance.

    然後,薩米爾將討論我們的商業活動和前景,格蘭特將審查我們的財務業績和 2024 年指引。

  • Then we will open the call to questions.


  • Seadrill is a leading offshore driller.

    Seadrill 是一家領先的海上鑽井公司。

  • We consistently execute on our stated strategy, achieving financial and operational results that allow us to deliver industry-leading total shareholder returns relative to our offshore floater peers.


  • We were the best performing equity in the peer group in the 2023 calendar year, and we've bought back over $340 million worth of Seadrill shares through our ongoing repurchase program.

    我們是 2023 年同業中表現最好的股票,我們透過持續的回購計畫回購了價值超過 3.4 億美元的 Seadrill 股票。

  • Throughout the year, we continued our efforts to simplify and strengthen our business.


  • We operate a modern floater-focused fleet, concentrated primarily in the Golden Triangle.


  • We achieved minimum efficient scale through our Aquadrill acquisition, adding four drillships with near-term contracting exposure.

    我們透過收購 Aquadrill 實現了最低有效規模,增加了四艘具有近期承包業務的鑽井船。

  • We secured leading-edge contracts for term work and are announcing two major Brazil awards, representing $1.1 billion in firm revenue at rates our peers would envy, and we followed that with another announcement of a benchmark rate in late January for the US Gulf of Mexico.

    我們獲得了領先的定期工作合同,並宣布了兩項重要的巴西合同,代表著11 億美元的公司收入,其收入水平令我們的同行羨慕不已,隨後我們又於1 月底宣布了美國墨西哥灣的基準費率。

  • We have long telegraphed and prepare to headwinds in 2024, first calling attention to them on our second-quarter 2023 earnings call.

    我們很早就發出了電報,並為 2024 年的逆風做好了準備,首先在 2023 年第二季度的財報電話會議上呼籲人們關注這些逆風。

  • Our trade rivals seem to be recognizing varying degrees of emerging white space, supply chain pressures, and inflationary capital expenditure and OpEx trends in 2024.

    我們的貿易競爭對手似乎不同程度地認識到 2024 年將出現不同程度的空白空間、供應鏈壓力以及通膨資本支出和營運支出趨勢。

  • At Seadrill, we continue to manage and mitigate the impact these trends may have on our operational and financial results.

    在 Seadrill,我們繼續管理和減輕這些趨勢可能對我們的營運和財務表現產生的影響。

  • We aim to secure the right contracts for the right rigs in the right place at the right rates.


  • Moving, for example, the West Polaris to a term contract in Brazil, a growing market for the industry and a key operating region for Seadrill where we've costed rigs and benefit from economies of scale.

    例如,將西北極星號轉移到巴西的定期合同,巴西是該行業不斷增長的市場,也是 Seadrill 的關鍵營運區域,我們在那裡計算了鑽機成本並從規模經濟中受益。

  • We made early decisions to implement wage increases and retention programs, securing talent that's critical to our continued delivery of safe, efficient operations.


  • We invest in our drilling crews continued development, providing high-fidelity simulator-based training programs that allow them to practice and prepare for real-life scenarios in an immersive classroom environment.


  • We maintain an active dialogue with key vendors on supply chain requirements and realities, proactively ordering long lead time items to minimize schedule risk and to improve our ability to recover from unplanned events.


  • Lastly, to the extent we are able, we've begun performing special periodic surveys and related work on an accelerated schedule to limit interruption to our fleet's revenue profile and coincide with a broader transition year.


  • We're commencing a transition to a more continuous approach to require with classification in coming years.


  • Going forward, we anticipate that we will see less time out of service for five yearly surveys.


  • For 2025, we continue to de-risk our outlook and build greater earnings visibility through term contracts and optimize maintenance schedules.

    2025 年,我們將繼續降低前景風險,並透過定期合約和優化維護計劃來提高獲利可見度。

  • Our active fleet is now over 60% contracted for the year 2025, and that number will rise higher as we approach recontracting windows.

    目前,我們的現役機隊中超過 60% 的機隊已簽訂了 2025 年合同,而且隨著重新簽約窗口的臨近,這一數字還會上升。

  • Additionally, reduced maintenance obligations limit future out-of-service days and related impact to revenue margin.


  • We remain steadfast in our belief in a long and enduring offshore drilling upcycle as the world's population continues to grow in both size and wealth, so to, will be attendant demand for hydrocarbons as they remain some of the most economic, efficient, and reliable sources of energy.


  • Increasingly, we expect offshore will be the source of supply of rising oil and gas demand given the size and strength of its reserves by rig supply remains constrained as most industry participants expressed reluctance to reactivate the thin inventory of stacked assets and to customer terms and contract economics justify the time and capital investment needed.


  • The resulting delta between supply and demand reaffirms our view that this will be a multiyear cycle.


  • We're not alone in this, as third-party analysts expect drillship demand to increase by nearly 20% in 2025 compared to 2023.

    我們並不是唯一這樣做的公司,第三方分析師預計 2025 年鑽井船需求將比 2023 年增加近 20%。

  • At the firm level, we believe our ability to maintain a strong balance sheet and generate healthy cash flow allows us to withstand any near-term adversity and capitalize on mid- to longer-term opportunities that will develop as the cycle progresses, creating continued value for our customers and shareholders.


  • Based on current market conditions, we believe we can deliver meaningful EBITDA expansion and free cash flow generation from our existing business in 2025 and beyond.

    根據當前的市場狀況,我們相信我們能夠在 2025 年及以後實現有意義的 EBITDA 擴張並從現有業務中產生自由現金流。

  • Let's elaborate and what that might look like in four simple steps using high-level estimates in round numbers.


  • So let's begin with 2023 reported EBITDA of $495 million.

    讓我們從 2023 年報告的 EBITDA 為 4.95 億美元開始。

  • First, 2023 actions only included nine months of Aquadrill contribution.

    首先,2023 年的行動僅包括 9 個月的 Aquadrill 貢獻。

  • Future results will benefit from the full year.


  • Second, we are on track to deliver our stated synergies of $70 million of value per year in respect of the Aquadrill transaction, largely associated with the elimination of third-party rig management fees.

    其次,我們預計在 Aquadrill 交易中實現每年 7000 萬美元的協同效應,這主要與取消第三方鑽機管理費有關。

  • As many of you are aware, legacy Aquadrill was more of a regain of an operator subcontracting drillers to operate rigs on their behalf.

    正如你們許多人所知,傳統的 Aquadrill 更像是運營商分包鑽井人員代表他們操作鑽機的重新獲得。

  • When we acquired the company, we acquired those contracts effectively, paying industry competitors to perform a job we do ourselves every day. as the rigs transition to new contracts through 2024, we will eliminate those management fees and see immediate bottom-line impact.

    當我們收購這家公司時,我們有效地獲得了這些合同,付錢給行業競爭對手來完成我們每天自己做的工作。隨著鑽機在 2024 年過渡到新合約,我們將消除這些管理費並立即看到獲利影響。

  • Third, repricing near term-contracts to market rates supports further EBITDA expansion.

    第三,根據市場利率重新定價近期合約支持 EBITDA 進一步擴張。

  • West Polaris was a meaningful EBITDA improvement when it moves from India to its new leading-edge contract in Brazil at the end of the year despite India being a much lower-cost operating environment.

    儘管印度的營運環境成本要低得多,但西北極星公司在年底從印度轉移到巴西的新的領先合約時,EBITDA 取得了有意義的改善。

  • Finally, repricing should become particularly impactful when we mark to market of three rigs we currently operate in Brazil on long-dated legacy contracts booked in the fourth quarter of 2022.

    最後,當我們根據 2022 年第四季度預訂的長期遺留合約對目前在巴西運營的三台鑽機進行市場評估時,重新定價應該會變得特別有影響力。

  • These three rigs have a current average disclose day rate of just over $250,000 per day.

    這三台鑽機目前的平均揭露日費率略高於每天 25 萬美元。

  • Were they to secure contracts at rates like that awarded to the West Auriga by would earn nearly twice as much revenue and assuming costs remain the same, approximately $250 million more in annual EBITDA.

    如果他們以授予 West Auriga 的價格獲得合同,他們將獲得近兩倍的收入,並且假設成本保持不變,年度 EBITDA 將增加約 2.5 億美元。

  • Should the market improve, as we believe it can, that number could be even higher.


  • So bringing this together, you can see how we can materially improve from that 2023 baseline.

    因此,將這些綜合起來,您可以看到我們如何在 2023 年基線的基礎上實現實質改進。

  • We believe this level of EBITDA expansion and resulting cash flow generation is both reasonable and realistic.

    我們相信這種 EBITDA 擴張水平以及由此產生的現金流既合理又現實。

  • We should soon benefit from a full year's contribution from the legacy Aquadrill fleet and the elimination of third-party rig management fees.

    我們很快就會受益於傳統 Aquadrill 船隊的全年貢獻以及第三方鑽機管理費的取消。

  • And we will continue to see impact of near- and longer-term repricing as rigs roll off existing contracts.


  • We remain confident in the value we can create in the coming years.


  • We actively manage our business in a way that reflects tomorrow's realities and tomorrow's opportunities, which Samir and Grant will discuss in more detail.


  • With that, I'll turn the call to Samir.


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Thank you, Simon.


  • I will review our recent contract awards, and then walk through our fleet status, providing a Seadrill-specific market outlook.

    我將回顧我們最近授予的合同,然後介紹我們的船隊狀況,提供針對 Seadrill 的市場前景。

  • Since we last spoke during our third-quarter earnings call, we have secured approximately 80 months, or 6.5 years, worth of additional backlog across four drillships on an average day rate close to $475,000 per day.

    自從我們上次在第三季財報電話會議上發言以來,我們已經在四艘鑽井船上獲得了大約 80 個月(即 6.5 年)的額外積壓訂單,平均日費率接近每天 475,000 美元。

  • These awards are a testament to the strong brand and industry-leading team at Seadrill.

    這些獎項證明了 Seadrill 強大的品牌和領先業界的團隊。

  • In December of last year, as a part of the busiest tender, Petrobras awarded both the West Auriga and the West Polaris multiyear contracts for offshore Brazil, representing $1.1 billion in combined contract backlog.

    去年 12 月,作為最繁忙招標的一部分,巴西國家石油公司授予了巴西近海的 West Auriga 和 West Polaris 多年期合同,合約積壓總額達 11 億美元。

  • We expect the contracts to commence in late 2024.

    我們預計合約將於 2024 年底開始。

  • Notably, the West Auriga represents one of the highest day rates achieved thus far in the cycle by any industry player with an implied day rate of approximately $500,000 per day.

    值得注意的是,West Auriga 是迄今為止所有行業參與者在該週期中實現的最高日費率之一,隱含日費率約為每天 50 萬美元。

  • In January, we announced another market-leading rate, this time in the US Gulf of Mexico.


  • The West Vela secured 150-day contract, an implied day rate of approximately $490,000 per day excluding managed pressure drilling services.

    West Vela 獲得了 150 天的合同,隱含的日費約為每天 490,000 美元,不包括控壓鑽井服務。

  • We expect the work to commence in direct continuation of the rig's existing firm term contracts, securing the rigs in the US Gulf of Mexico to the middle of next year.


  • Lastly, the operator of the West Capella exercise a priced one-well option valued at $24 million to maintain her for their current program.

    最後,West Capella 的營運商行使價值 2,400 萬美元的單井選擇權,以維持其當前專案。

  • While we anticipate the option would carry the Capella through November, recent changes in the client's well schedule means you will only be working through August.

    雖然我們預計該選項將使 Capella 工作到 11 月,但最近客戶油井計劃的變更意味著您只能工作到 8 月。

  • Unlike firm-term contracts, while base agreements may move to the left or the right, depending on drilling programs and schedules.


  • As of today, our 2024 contracted utilization is a solid 80%, excluding three cold-stacked rigs, which we market selectively.

    截至今天,我們 2024 年的合約利用率穩定在 80%,不包括我們選擇性銷售的三台冷堆鑽機。

  • We currently have 39 months of uncontracted rig time across our fleet for the calendar year 2024.

    目前,我們的船隊在 2024 年有 39 個月的未合約鑽機時間。

  • Scheduled maintenance should consume approximately seven months' worth of this idle time, with five rigs requiring varying amounts of out-of-service time based on our current plans.


  • Contract preparation could consume an additional 17 months, largely related to our two Brazil contract awards I mentioned earlier.

    合約準備工作可能還需要 17 個月的時間,這主要與我之前提到的兩項巴西合約有關。

  • We're actively looking to secure work for the remaining 15 months.

    我們正在積極尋找剩餘 15 個月的工作。

  • The Sevan Louisiana is currently undergoing five-year maintenance through the first half of March after completing her well-based contract earlier and effectively drilling herself out of work in December of last year.

    Sevan Louisiana 號早些時候完成了基礎良好的合同,並於去年 12 月有效地擺脫了工作,目前正在進行為期五年的維護,一直持續到 3 月上半月。

  • The Louisiana is one of the last remaining semisubmersibles and an increasingly bifurcated US Gulf of Mexico.


  • She competes in a smaller secondary segment focused on lower priced and more niche applications.


  • We continue to market her actively in the US Gulf and further abroad.


  • And while we don't have anything to announce today, we remain optimistic on her contracting potential.


  • Turning to the two rigs that were awarded contracts in Brazil, both the West Polaris and the West Auriga require significant modifications, mobilization, and intake and acceptance by Petrobas and regulatory agencies before they begin their new contracts at year end.

    談到在巴西獲得合約的兩座鑽井平台,West Polaris 和 West Auriga 都需要進行重大修改、動員,並獲得 Petrobas 和監管機構的接收和認可,然後才能在年底開始新合約。

  • So while the rigs are technically available to work now, the opportunity to slot in short-term work is limited as any delays could jeopardize the rig schedule arrival offshore Brazil.


  • We knew meaningful white space was a possible outcome when we pursued these contracts.


  • Securing a fifth and sixth rigs in Brazil strengthens our already leading position in the local market and enhances our economies of scale.


  • We expect the West Phoenix, our harsher environment semi in Norway, to finish its well-based contract in August.

    我們預計 West Phoenix(我們在挪威環境較惡劣的半成品)將在 8 月完成其基礎良好的合約。

  • The rig will require shipyard stay for upgrades and maintenance before she begins her next contract, and her destination market will influence the type and level of investment made.


  • The Phoenix will be the first floater available in the Norwegian market.

    Phoenix 將成為挪威市場的第一款漂浮設備。

  • While we remain optimistic about her contracting process, we expect any potential future work will not start before the second quarter as a North Sea operators typically wait until spring to begin drilling programs.


  • As previously stated, we now expect the West Capella to end its current contract in August, subject to our schedule.


  • She's one of the few available rigs in Southeast Asia; additionally, she's equipped with MPD.


  • Given recent discoveries in Indonesia and elsewhere, we are confident we can secure further work for the rig soon.


  • Lastly, we expect the West Neptune to be out of service for 45 days in the third quarter for its special periodic survey and upgrades scheduled between wells on its existing contract in the US Gulf of Mexico.

    最後,我們預計西海王星號將在第三季停止服務 45 天,因為其在美國墨西哥灣現有合約的井間計劃進行特別定期調查和升級。

  • That concludes my walk through the Seadrill rig fleet.

    我對 Seadrill 鑽井平台的了解就到此結束。

  • We expect to provide more insight on our 2025 contracting outlook, the deeper we get into the year.

    隨著我們對 2025 年合約前景的深入了解,我們預計將提供更多有關 2025 年合約前景的見解。

  • Lead times for future contracts vary by region from 6 to 18 months, depending on geography.

    未來合約的交貨時間因地區而異,從 6 個月到 18 個月不等,具體取決於地理位置。

  • In some regions, customers are initiating conversations for projects with start dates in 2026 and beyond and others that are not even yet discussing the fourth quarter.

    在某些地區,客戶正在就開始日期為 2026 年及以後的專案發起對話,而其他地區甚至尚未討論第四季度的專案。

  • In either case, we believe we're well-positioned to secure the right contracts to generate the earnings potential, as Simon alluded to earlier.


  • And with that, I'll pass the call to Grant.


  • Grant Creed - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Grant Creed - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thanks, Samir.


  • I'll start by reviewing our recent financial results before providing our full-year guidance.


  • For the full year '23, we delivered $495 million of adjusted EBITDA and $1.5 billion in revenue.

    23 年全年,我們實現了 4.95 億美元的調整後 EBITDA 和 15 億美元的營收。

  • This translates into industry-leading EBITDA margin of 33%.

    這相當於業界領先的 EBITDA 利潤率 33%。

  • Turning to the fourth quarter, adjusted EBITDA was $100 million, consistent with expectations as our 2023 full-year guidance implied softer fourth quarter EBITDA of $90 million to $110 million.

    轉向第四季度,調整後 EBITDA 為 1 億美元,與預期一致,因為我們的 2023 年全年指引意味著第四季度 EBITDA 較弱,為 9,000 萬美元至 1.1 億美元。

  • Total operating revenues were relatively flat quarter on quarter at $408 million.

    總營業收入環比持平,為 4.08 億美元。

  • We recognized $315 million in contract revenues, a slight decline from the prior quarter, primarily due to unplanned downtime related to well control equipment and the Sevan Louisiana finishing a well-based contract earlier than anticipated.

    我們確認了 3.15 億美元的合約收入,較上一季略有下降,主要是由於與井控設備相關的計劃外停機以及 Sevan Louisiana 比預期提前完成了基礎良好的合約。

  • We recognized an additional $73 million in management contract revenues, which represents income generated from the three rigs we operate as part of our Sonadrill JV.

    我們確認了另外 7300 萬美元的管理合約收入,這是我們作為 Sonadrill 合資企業一部分運營的三台鑽機產生的收入。

  • The $5 million sequential increase reflects higher reimbursable revenue relating primarily to rig maintenance that was offset by a corresponding increase in management contract expenses.

    環比增加 500 萬美元反映了主要與鑽機維護相關的可償還收入增加,但管理合約費用的相應增加抵消了這一增加。

  • Lastly, we recognized $14 million in other revenues, which includes bareboat charter income from our Gulfdrill joint venture and $6 million in reimbursables, which is offset by corresponding reimbursable expenses.

    最後,我們確認了 1400 萬美元的其他收入,其中包括來自我們的 Gulfdrill 合資企業的光船租賃收入和 600 萬美元的可報銷費用,該收入被相應的可報銷費用所抵消。

  • Now, turning to expenses.


  • For the fourth quarter, vessel and rig operating expenses were up $36 million sequentially, primarily composed of three components.

    第四季度,船舶和鑽井平台營運費用較上季增加 3,600 萬美元,主要由三個部分組成。

  • Noncash accruals represented $15 million and much of the remaining $21 million was distributed relatively equally across two primary categories.

    非現金應計費用為 1500 萬美元,其餘 2100 萬美元的大部分相對平均地分配在兩個主要類別中。

  • The first category was planned maintenance projects and capital spares purchases, which was heavily related to timing.


  • The second was rig personnel.


  • Fourth-quarter results include the impact of pay rise and retention programs, reflecting a tight labor market and inflationary environment.


  • Additionally, we saw third-party managers on legacy Aquadrill rigs use temporary contract labor to fill crew vacancies.

    此外,我們還看到傳統 Aquadrill 鑽孔機上的第三方管理人員使用臨時合約工來填補船員空缺。

  • SG&A costs were $6 million higher than the prior quarter, primarily related to severance.

    SG&A 成本比上一季高出 600 萬美元,主要與遣散費有關。

  • Moving on to the balance sheet and cash flow statements, we maintained a strong balance sheet and sound capital structure.


  • At year end, we had total gross debt of $625 million, and $697 million in unrestricted cash, resulting in a net cash position of $72 million.

    截至年底,我們的總債務為 6.25 億美元,非限制性現金為 6.97 億美元,淨現金部位為 7,200 萬美元。

  • Fourth-quarter operating cash flow totaled $140 million on the back of solid earnings and supported by a reduction in working capital.

    在穩健的獲利和營運資本減少的支持下,第四季營運現金流總計 1.4 億美元。

  • Capital expenditure for the fourth quarter totaled $90 million, divided almost equally across long-term maintenance costs, which, for your awareness, are treated as operating cash flows and the cash flow statements and capital upgrades related to contract preparation and incremental equipment spend.

    第四季的資本支出總計 9000 萬美元,幾乎平均分配給長期維護成本,據您所知,這些成本被視為營運現金流以及與合約準備和增量設備支出相關的現金流量表和資本升級。

  • This was slightly higher than previously guided on our third-quarter call due to the need to secure long-lead items for the Auriga and Polaris projects.

    由於需要為 Auriga 和 Polaris 專案確保長期供貨,這一數字略高於我們第三季電話會議的預期。

  • This yielded free cash flow of $92 million for the quarter.

    該季度的自由現金流為 9,200 萬美元。

  • Now, let's discuss our guidance.


  • Our full-year guidance reflects our expectations that 2024 is a transition year.

    我們的全年指引反映了我們對 2024 年是過渡年的預期。

  • We expect total operating revenues between $1.47 billion and $1.52 billion.

    我們預計總營業收入在 14.7 億美元至 15.2 億美元之間。

  • Guidance largely reflects firm revenues, including 92% of contract drilling revenue already secured in our backlog, as well as the fleet status and outlook that Samir reviewed earlier.

    指導很大程度上反映了公司收入,包括我們積壓訂單中已獲得的 92% 的合約鑽井收入,以及薩米爾先前審查的船隊狀況和前景。

  • We anticipate adjusted EBITDA to be $400 million to $450 million, key points to note our extensive contract preparation and mobilization of the West Auriga and the West Polaris ahead of the Brazil contracts and planned out-of-service time related to special periodic surveys and associated maintenance.

    我們預計調整後的EBITDA 為4 億至4.5 億美元,值得注意的是,我們在巴西合約之前對西奧裡加號和西北極星號進行了廣泛的合約準備和動員,以及與特別定期調查和相關的規劃停運時間。維護。

  • Note that our revenue and adjusted EBITDA guidance includes amortized mobilization revenues and expenses of approximately $40 million and $45 million, respectively.

    請注意,我們的收入和調整後 EBITDA 指引包括攤銷的動員收入和支出,分別約為 4,000 萬美元和 4,500 萬美元。

  • It also includes reimbursable revenue and expenses of approximately $70 million.

    它還包括約 7000 萬美元的可償還收入和支出。

  • And as a reminder, reimbursables are low margin revenues.


  • And finally, we expect CapEx of $400 million to $450 million.

    最後,我們預期資本支出為 4 億至 4.5 億美元。

  • This reflects a spike in our SPS cycle as well as major projects for the Auriga and Polaris, which are due to commence long-term campaigns toward the end of the year.

    這反映出我們的 SPS 週期以及 Auriga 和 Polaris 的主要專案的激增,這些專案將於年底開始長期活動。

  • As it relates to capital allocation, we remain committed to shareholder returns.


  • The pace at which we've bought back our own shares certainly demonstrates this.


  • We initiated a $250 million share repurchase program in September.

    我們於 9 月啟動了 2.5 億美元的股票回購計畫。

  • We completed it by November.

    我們在 11 月完成了它。

  • And in December, we expanded it by an incremental $250 million.

    12 月,我們將規模擴大了 2.5 億美元。

  • To date, we have repurchased $342 million worth of Seadrill shares at what we believe is a highly accretive price level, which represents 11% of our total share capital.

    迄今為止,我們已經以我們認為具有高度增值性的價格水平回購了價值 3.42 億美元的 Seadrill 股票,占我們總股本的 11%。

  • We remain committed to continued value creation across the cycle.


  • Back to you, Simon.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Before we open the call for questions, I want to thank our employees for their continued contributions to our progress.


  • As you're aware, we are closing our corporate office in London and concentrating our headquarters in Houston, bringing together our senior leadership and broader corporate team and aligning our presence with key customers, vendors, and fleet operations.


  • The move marks yet another transition this calendar year.


  • We're excited about the energy and enthusiasm that being together will create.


  • To our London team, thank you for your efforts to strengthen our organization during your tenure.


  • For those who make the move to Houston, thank you for your continued commitment to Seadrill and interest in making us one of the best in the industry.

    對於那些搬到休士頓的人,感謝您對 Seadrill 的持續承諾以及對使我們成為業內最好的公司之一的興趣。

  • So in closing, to all of our employees, suppliers, and customers, thank you for your engagement and ideas as we consider how we can be more collaborative, efficient, and responsive in our daily operations through our combined efforts that we will continue to improve.


  • With that, we can open the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator instructions) Ben Nolan, Stifel.

    (操作員指示)Ben Nolan,Stifel。

  • Frank Galanti - Analyst

    Frank Galanti - Analyst

  • Yeah, hi.


  • This is Frank Galanti on for Ben.


  • Thanks for taking our questions.


  • In the past, you had talked about renegotiating the existing contracts early for the couple of assets in Brazil with Petrobras.


  • Can you provide us an update on where that stands?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Sure.


  • This is Samir.


  • I don't think we've said previously we'd renegotiate them, but we are definitely looking to recontract those rigs in Brazil.


  • I'd say we're starting to enter that window in the prepared remarks that certain markets are nearing six months.


  • Certain markets are 18, I'd say Brazil is probably on the upper end of that range.

    某些市場是 18,我認為巴西可能處於該範圍的上限。

  • So we are starting to have those early conversations with Petrobras and others about recontracting those assets.


  • But as we get deeper into 2024, you should expect us to provide some more guidance about where we are in that recontracting for those rigs.

    但隨著 2024 年的深入,您應該期待我們提供更多關於我們在這些鑽孔機重新承包方面的進展的指導。

  • And also, say, they're all Brazil ready, and they could stay in that market, but we're not opposed to moving them to other markets if required as well.


  • Frank Galanti - Analyst

    Frank Galanti - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • And so the -- I wanted to sort of follow up on the CapEx.


  • It's a pretty meaningful step-up in '24.

    這是 24 年非常有意義的進步。

  • But can you sort of talk about what sort of what goes into that number and, really, to sort of get visibility on what that number looks like on a go-forward basis in '25 and going forward?

    但是你能談談這個數字的具體內容嗎?實際上,能否了解這個數字在 25 年以及未來的基礎上是什麼樣子?

  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Good morning, Frank.


  • It's Simon.


  • Well, let me just kick off and then I'll pass to Grant to get into the numbers.


  • But, I mean, our CapEx is meaningfully higher next year because of the SPS intensity.

    但是,我的意思是,由於 SPS 強度,明年我們的資本支出會顯著提高。

  • And that is really itself a function of the delivery anniversary dates when these rigs originally constructed.


  • So we've been talking for many quarters now that this was coming at us.


  • It was going to be a reality and that we are planning for how to mitigate its impact.


  • The key thing to understand is there going to be more revenue days in '25 and '26.

    需要理解的關鍵一點是,25 年和 26 年將會有更多的收入天數。

  • We're proactively doing maintenance where we have the opportunity to do that as part of contract preparation.


  • And we expect to be a materially higher average rates across the fleet in future years, and that's going to be at the benefit of the work that we're doing now.


  • But Grant will go into detail in terms of the quantum.


  • Grant Creed - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Grant Creed - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah, sure.


  • I'll just break it down into three categories that we typically talk about being the maintenance, SPS, and then the customer-specific requirements.


  • But starting with the LTM, we have said consistently now that maintenance for one of our rigs is between $20,000, $25,000 a day, which for our fleet translates into approximately $100 million, $120 million per annum, and that will continue to be the case 2024.

    但從LTM 開始,我們現在一直表示,我們的一台鑽機的維護費用每天在20,000 至25,000 美元之間,這對於我們的船隊來說相當於每年約1 億至1.2 億美元,而且到2024 年仍將如此。 。

  • Then going on to SPSs, we've said previously, we've mentioned a figure of seven rigs on SPS is now leading excludes the rig appliance, which I'll come on to.

    然後繼續 SPS,我們之前說過,我們提到 SPS 上的七台鑽機現在領先,不包括鑽機設備,我將繼續討論。

  • We said that Neptune and Louisiana are going to go through the full SPS cycle with associated downtime days.

    我們說過,海王星和路易斯安那州將經歷完整的 SPS 週期以及相關的停機天數。

  • I'm sorry, you can model in your full SPS cost.

    抱歉,您可以對全部 SPS 成本進行建模。

  • Phoenix, we put in the SPS category.

    Phoenix,我們將其歸類為 SPS 類別。

  • I guess, technically that's regulatory compliance work, but that's going to be undertaken this year, and that we'll have associated downtime days to the extent that when that's done rolling off the Vela contract.

    我想,從技術上講,這是監管合規工作,但這將在今年進行,並且我們將在 Vela 合約完成後進行相關的停機天數。

  • Then on the four Brazil rigs that are currently in Brazil.


  • Jupiter, Carina, Saturn, Tellus, those have SPS works, but we are not doing, or not having associated, SPS or out-of-service days.

    木星、船底座、土星、特勒斯,這些都有 SPS 工作,但我們沒有或沒有相關的 SPS 或停止服務日。

  • That's going to our continuous classing that Samir and Simon have talked to previously.


  • And then finally, a rig at Polaris, numbers are in there.


  • Important when you look at it per rig at Polaris.


  • We've got the project, of course as well.


  • But within that, we're taking the opportunity to do some SPS work and long-term maintenance as well.

    但在此期間,我們也藉此機會進行一些 SPS 工作和長期維護。

  • Frank Galanti - Analyst

    Frank Galanti - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks for the questions, Frank.


  • Operator


  • Greg Lewis, BTIG.


  • Greg Lewis - Analyst

    Greg Lewis - Analyst

  • Yeah, hi.


  • Thank you and good morning -- good afternoon, everybody.


  • Simon, thanks for the guidance.


  • As we kind of match, what free cash flow could look like?


  • Kind of curious, just given the transition here.


  • This is -- kind of curious how you're thinking about the buyback.


  • I mean, clearly, we still have some available capacity still have a lot of cash on the balance sheet, any kind of thoughts around how you're thinking about the implementation of the buyback as kind of 2024 plays out?

    我的意思是,很明顯,我們仍然有一些可用產能,資產負債表上仍然有大量現金,您對 2024 年回購實施有何想法?

  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, good morning, Greg.


  • Yes, certainly.


  • Look, I think capital return is going to be the heart of our proposition to the market in coming years.


  • We have a facility in place that takes us through to at least the middle of this year.


  • And I think we're very mindful that a lot of people like our stock for that visibility and that commitment to deliver value to shareholders that can't be otherwise utilized in the ordinary business of the firm.


  • So we think it's important and it's -- we're somewhat unique in the space.


  • We've got only one other major peer who's able to deliver in the way that we've been delivering.


  • And yeah, we think it's a great feature.


  • But Grant, maybe you like to add some color?


  • Grant Creed - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Grant Creed - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • I think as it relates to the buyback, I think it's important to say that we will always assess the buyback at the point in time that we're making the decisions, and we'll always have reference to a financial policy, and we've been through that on previous calls.


  • But then just to recap very quickly.


  • Looking at where the market is, looking at leverage and liquidity projections, looking at maintenance of the fleet, including SPSs.

    關注市場狀況,關注槓桿和流動性預測,關注機隊維護,包括 SPS。

  • Then we look at any growth opportunities and with a focus on accretive growth opportunities.


  • But in the absence of that with excess cash and visibility with comfortable leverage and liquidity, we'll look to return capital to shareholders.


  • Greg Lewis - Analyst

    Greg Lewis - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then I was hoping for some color or I guess it's a two-part question on the Gulfdrill jackups.

    然後我希望有一些顏色,或者我猜這是一個關於 Gulfdrill 自升式鑽井平台的由兩部分組成的問題。

  • I guess, one, how are we thinking about or how should we be thinking about the impact on the guidance around those rigs, i.e., I know we've been exploring a potential sale since at least last, the back half of last year.


  • And then beyond that, what's the appetite been on realizing that the market is still digesting the news out of Saudi Arabia, not that these rigs are in Saudi Arabia, but did the news around Saudi Arabia and that impact on the jackup market.


  • That's kind of what I'm wondering.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • And that's sort of interesting question, Greg.


  • I think, first of all, it's important to say that the reaction to the Saudi news, we believe has been disproportionate.


  • And, really, for us, the big takeaways that growth outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been really undervalued by market spectators.


  • The opportunities in Qatar, that's the biggest potential source of jackup demand outside of Saudi Arabia.


  • And in Spain, somewhat off everyone's radar.


  • The Qatar market is also typically lag, activity in other market segments as well.


  • So we have a in a great position there with our joint venture partner.


  • We believe that they have a preferred status in terms of providing a supply to that market.


  • And as we think about the future, we're happy to stay with those rigs.


  • But unoccupied a lot of management bandwidth, as we said before, and we'll be patient on if we choose to conclude a sale.


  • It's going to be at terms that will be satisfactory to our shareholders.


  • We don't feel pressured to hasten that sale process.


  • We're going to wait to get the right buyer at the right price.


  • We are obviously transitioning out of the jackup segment.


  • That's no secret, but we are going to be patient and rational in the manner in which we do that.


  • So we continue conversations with interested potential buyers.


  • And when we've got some firm news, we'll come back and share that with the market, Greg.


  • But at this point, we don't see any bad read across from the Saudi news.


  • We think is great news to come in terms of the Qatar market and the value of those assets in that market.


  • Greg Lewis - Analyst

    Greg Lewis - Analyst

  • Super helpful.


  • Thanks, Simon.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Have a great day.


  • Operator


  • Fredrik Stene, Clarksons Securities.

    Fredrik Stene,克拉克森證券。

  • Fredrik Stene - Analyst

    Fredrik Stene - Analyst

  • Hey, Simon and team.


  • I hope you are all well, and thanks for all the color today.


  • I wanted to touch a bit on your contracting strategy.


  • As you said in your prepared remarks, you'll provide more color, particularly on 2025, as we move along but after working through the opportunities that you're currently looking at, are you inclined based on your market view to chase shorter-term opportunities or longer-term opportunities?

    正如您在準備好的演講中所說,您將提供更多的色彩,特別是在2025 年,隨著我們的前進,但在研究了您目前正在尋找的機會之後,您是否傾向於根據您的市場觀點追逐短期目標機會還是長期機會?

  • Do you have any preference in how you would like to lock in rates or if you would be bold and if they go even higher?


  • That's kind of the first question I have.


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Sure, Fredrik.


  • This is Samir.


  • I'd say both, right?


  • So I think it's rig specific, geography specific.


  • There are certain rigs that we're not opposed to chasing some short-term work, but we do have some longer-term prospects that we're also looking at.


  • So I think for us, it's being balanced to making sure that we're generating cash flow in the near term for some of our open capacity, but we're trying to box smart as well, right?


  • So we're also looking at and being very surgical and strategic with where we place our assets.


  • So we're not just going to chase everything.


  • We're going to look for the right work for the right rig.


  • So long way of saying, yes on both accounts.


  • I've got some assets that will take short term, and then we've got some assets that we're waiting for that right opportunity and locking along the rate.


  • As you saw with the Auriga and the Polaris, we thought there would be some turbulence in the market, so we went along on those.

    正如您在 Auriga 和 Polaris 上看到的那樣,我們認為市場會出現一些動盪,所以我們繼續這樣做。

  • And there's some other shorter-term contracts in the Gulf of Mexico that we went short on and got high day rates off.


  • So we will be pretty strategic about how we do it.


  • Fredrik Stene - Analyst

    Fredrik Stene - Analyst

  • That's very helpful, Samir.


  • Thanks.


  • And just one more from me.


  • On the West Phoenix, I think you said and it's heard that side of contract work needs to be done, and it will probably not work until the second quarter of next year.


  • I got that right, right?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • I think that's reasonable.


  • I mean, I guess for us right now, she does roll off later this year.


  • We do have some capital investment in her, depending on the market she goes to that will drive that capital investment and her contract outlook.


  • So I think we are working a few leads right now, but realistically speaking, probably drilling season of '25.

    所以我認為我們現在正在尋找一些線索,但實際上,可能是 25 年的鑽探季節。

  • It's probably when she picks back up.


  • Fredrik Stene - Analyst

    Fredrik Stene - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • And then just as a follow-up on that, depending on what kind of a reach opportunities you're chasing.


  • Will you, before you put capital into or will you have to have something firm defined, or is there some work that you could do that would be needed to do anyway and then new contract-specific things or how are you going to play that so that you make sure that you actually get the return on whatever you put into her cash wise?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Absolutely.


  • So that's something that I spend a lot of time and the team spend a lot of time thinking through, right?


  • So we will not spend a significant amount of capital in her unless we have clear line of sight to something.


  • We're looking at a few things.


  • But for us to ask for a reasonable amount of capital, we need to, I wouldn't say a firm contract, but we need to have very, very clear line of sight towards something.


  • Fredrik Stene - Analyst

    Fredrik Stene - Analyst

  • All right, great.


  • Thanks so much, all.


  • I'll hand it back.


  • Have a good day.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Fredrik.


  • Operator


  • (Operator instructions) Hamed Khorsand, BWS Financial.

    (操作員指令)Hamed Khorsand,BWS Financial。

  • Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

    Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning.


  • So first question I had was, what type of conversation, if any, are you having with customers at this point as far as the rigs are concerned?


  • Is there -- are you seeing pushback on the contract day rates, or is it really just more the customers or potential customers push back on their own timelines?


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Hey, Hamed.


  • Maybe I'll kick off, and then Samir can jump on the back.


  • But look, I mean, I think your reference is the fact that rates have been sort of tracking sideways a bit.


  • I don't think that's so much a function of some kind of structural resistance in the market.


  • It's really more a reflection of the market absorbing some idle capacity from short number of our active competitors.


  • There's a declining inventory of those idle rigs now.


  • And I think the fact that the market has been able to absorb them pretty well in the last couple of quarters gives good indication of the potential for further development in the future.


  • So we're not too worried about that.


  • What I would tell you is that we still believe that the fundamentals are strong.


  • The medium-term outlook is great for the rig business.


  • We're seeing steady but continuous improvement in demand across a wide range of geographies.


  • And, really, that's what is going to drive the development of rates going forward.


  • It's going to be about the interaction of that growth and demand with a relatively elastic supply of rigs.


  • It's really quite straightforward, I think.


  • And I think we saw recently one of our major customers take a position in rig ownership.


  • I think that was a great signal for the market.


  • It was certainly great for the contractor in question, they have unparalleled visibility in the revenue profile.


  • I think what that does indicate is also potential for flexibility in the commercial bargain.


  • The customers and their bid to maintain costs at levels that they deem acceptable are having to get more creative about how they reward contractors.


  • So that may mean that you see them being willing to commit more money upfront to defray CapEx challenges and assisting contractors in that manner, as well as maybe giving them some near-term relief or some long-term security of supply.


  • So I think there's lots of things happening in the market.


  • Overall, the trend is up and to the right, and we continue to be encouraged by that.


  • And one last thing I'll leave before I pass to Samir that people, I think, should be reflective of is that we're nowhere near the levels of customer demand that we saw at the height of the last cycle.


  • We're roughly halfway, I would say, in that regard.


  • So as people think about potential for where the market might go, that clear analog is what happened last time.


  • So with that, I'll past to Samir.


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So we definitely saw '24 as the transition year.

    所以我們確實將 24 年視為過渡年。

  • You saw a flurry of rewards in the second half of last year.


  • I think customers are just digesting now and going through it.


  • And historically, if you look, Q1 has always been slower as well.


  • So nothing terribly surprising.


  • I think we saw this coming, that's why you've seen us make the moves we have.


  • And as we look at 2025, we continue to see the progression going.

    展望 2025 年,我們將繼續看到這項進展。

  • So I think for us, none of this seems terribly surprising on where we are in the market.


  • Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

    Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

  • And just given the downtime you're taking this year, any estimate what kind of downtime you would have in '25?

    考慮到今年的停機時間,您可以估計一下 25 年您會遇到什麼樣的停機時間嗎?

  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • We haven't guided to 25 yet, but we have said it will be significantly less, right?

    我們還沒有指導到 25,但我們說過會明顯減少,對嗎?

  • We have a bunch of rigs going to survey this year and that just takes them out of service for in terms of our ability to market them.


  • So a part of that was us being conscious about doing a lot of this year as we could because that transition was happening.


  • But going forward, you should expect it to be significantly less than '25.

    但展望未來,您應該預期它會明顯低於 '25。

  • Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

    Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

  • And last question is on the Capella.


  • Have you already started marketing the rig?


  • And how is the market up there as far as being able to get another contract as soon as possible?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Absolutely.


  • So we started marketing the day we closed on Aquadrill.

    因此,我們在 Aquadrill 關閉的那天就開始行銷。

  • So we've been actively having those conversations because part of our synergy capture was bringing those back all in-house.


  • Paying a third-party manager to do something that we can do doesn't make a lot of sense for us.


  • So we are doing that actively.


  • In terms of when we could get something, she's on a well-based contract.


  • You saw it slipped.


  • So it could go to the left, it could go to the right.


  • We do have to transition back to ourselves as well.


  • But really, that well-based contract will make it kind of a little difficult to nail down to start window.


  • But I can say we are in active dialogue with that rig and we hope to be able to announce something in the near term.


  • Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

    Hamed Khorsand - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Hamed.


  • Operator


  • Kurt Hallead, Benchmark.


  • Kurt Hallead - Analyst

    Kurt Hallead - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning, everybody.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Hey, Kurt.


  • Kurt Hallead - Analyst

    Kurt Hallead - Analyst

  • Simon, team, everybody.


  • So I had a follow-up.


  • There was the reference there to the fact that demand in this current, where we sit currently, is not anywhere near where it was last cycle.


  • I was just wondering like what kind of data can people who are not so living the business like we are, and you are, what kind of things can journalist investors look at to give them the same level of conviction that you guys have about, and others in this business, about the fact that demand is still on the way higher and hasn't plateaued, right?


  • Because that's part of the concern.


  • You've already addressed part of it in the pricing dynamic.


  • But again, you guys live it, breath it every day.


  • So what are some things that people on the outside can look to kind of give them the same conviction you have?


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, sure.


  • Look, I think other than rule or rig market data and that picture is a little less transparent than it has been in the past because there's a lot of direct negotiations and extensions.


  • So there's a lot of work programs that aren't visible even to inform participants in the market necessarily.


  • So I'd say that the outset, but there's a lot of other proxies for activity, be it wellheads, be it Christmas tree orders.


  • We look at seismic programs.


  • A good one was the 261-lease sale in December of last year where you saw $382 million spent by the operators.

    一個很好的例子是去年 12 月出售的 261 份租賃合同,營運商花費了 3.82 億美元。

  • It was the largest Gulf of Mexico sale since 2015.

    這是自 2015 年以來墨西哥灣最大的一筆銷售。

  • I think that doesn't translate into immediate drilling activity, but these are all great data points in terms of giving us confidence in the future and subsequent years ahead.


  • So we look at what other segments of the upstream business are doing, how all of that interacts with rig days that are in the market and supply.


  • Most of the people in the management teams that our peer group have been through multiple of these cycles.


  • So look, part of it is muscle memory, but it is informed, ultimately, by underlying data, and we spent a lot of time dredging through that and drawing conclusions about what the future might deliver.


  • I've been in this business for almost 30 years now, and this is a good picture as I've ever seen at this point in the cycle.

    我從事這個行業已經近 30 年了,這是我在這個週期中所見過的美好景象。

  • Kurt Hallead - Analyst

    Kurt Hallead - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's great.


  • Appreciate that.


  • So maybe on a follow-up to that, in the context of economics.


  • So we've seen a lot of third-party data out there that shows that ultra-deepwater projects in multiple basins are generating 30% plus returns at $70 [Brent] and are breakeven at $40 Brent and below, again, I've heard numbers lower for Guyana and Brazil, et cetera.

    因此,我們看到大量第三方數據表明,多個盆地的超深水項目在70 美元[布倫特] 價格下產生30% 以上的回報,並且在40 美元及以下布倫特原油價格下實現盈虧平衡,我再次聽說圭亞那和巴西等國的數字較低。

  • So another setup here is that beginning some questions around how much pushback will the offshore drillers get on pricing improvement in the context of how that impacts overall drilling economics.


  • Can you give us a refresher as when you think about the all-in spread rate for an ultra-deepwater rig, what is the percent of project economics that the rig represents?


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Look, it's a difficult question to answer concisely, Kurt.


  • I think the issue is that the operators, there's a wide variety of projects in their portfolios, some near-term tieback opportunities that are much more driven by rig rate.


  • And then you're looking at big multiyear field developments, where the rig rate is relatively unimportant as a proportion of the total cost.


  • So typically, the rule of thumb we use is that the spread rate these days is typically about $1 million a day.

    因此,通常情況下,我們使用的經驗法則是,目前的點差通常約為每天 100 萬美元。

  • And with rig rates tracking as they are at the moment, close to $500 a day, we represent about 50% of that total cost mix, but it does vary according to the project.

    根據目前的鑽機費率跟踪,每天接近 500 美元,我們約佔總成本組合的 50%,但它確實根據項目而有所不同。

  • What I would say though is and what I think is more important than how much of the spread cost is in the rig rate constitutes.


  • What I think is more important is the fact that all the understanding that the operators are constrained in terms of their capital allocation by their desire to return money to their shareholders.


  • And I think that really is the more important thing rather than any sort of ultimate rate level.


  • So they're wanting to reward their shareholders and some of their major suppliers are in a similar boat.


  • And increasingly, as you've seen with our share repurchase agreement, we're also focused on that, too.


  • So I never have seen such synchronicity through the value chain in that regard.


  • So when we're thinking about how our rates might sort of drive activity, will demand get pinched out at some point?


  • Well, conceivably, yes.


  • But really, I think we're more focused on how these project economics stack up relative to the return profile that the principal customers are offering their shareholders.


  • So yeah, I didn't quite answer the question, Kurt, but hopefully, that gives you a bit of color.


  • Kurt Hallead - Analyst

    Kurt Hallead - Analyst

  • No, that's good.


  • Now, there is one more follow-up, if I may, is the other dynamic here, I would have to imagine, is that when an oil company is assessing their future projects and assessing, the guy says, okay, what rigs are available that have the spec that you want, et cetera, et cetera.


  • I really have to assume when they go through that budgeting process, they're not looking in the rearview mirror with respect to potential price of a rig, right?


  • And I have to imagine that they're looking at different ranges and what they may be willing to accept?


  • But I have to imagine that they're not looking at these projects and saying, I can only do them at $400,000 a day.

    但我必須想像他們不會在看到這些項目後說,我每天只能以 40 萬美元的價格完成這些項目。

  • So again, you have some like -- am I completely off base in that process?


  • And I guess the real answer to that question is are customer, the oil company customers factoring in?


  • I have to imagine they're factoring in some sort of price increase for rates, so when they assess these projects.


  • Any -- do you want to set me straight on any of that?


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • No.


  • I think we're in all agreement with you.


  • What I would say is different technical specifications, the customer's ability to make active choices their declines as the market gets tighter.


  • And I think you also see less price discrimination between rigs of differing specification in a tight market as well.


  • So care to add anything, Samir?


  • Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Samir Ali - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • No.


  • Yeah, I'd say the clients claim that our rig rate makes a huge difference to their project FIDs, but in the reality is no, they don't, right?


  • I mean, the projects work.


  • It's just making sure that they can get all of their other equipment put together and do the process.


  • And to Simon's point, it's a return on capital for them, right?


  • It is -- does this make sense for their capital.


  • But in terms of rates, we'll get beat over the head that it makes a huge difference, but the reality is it does not really move the needle.


  • Kurt Hallead - Analyst

    Kurt Hallead - Analyst

  • That's great.


  • Thanks.


  • Thanks for the call.


  • Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Simon Johnson - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Kurt.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, there are no further questions at this time.


  • That concludes today's call.


  • Thank you all for joining, and you may now disconnect your lines.
