RLI Corp (RLI) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning, and welcome to the RLI Corp. Third Quarter Earnings Teleconference.

    早安,歡迎參加 RLI 公司第三季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Before we get started, let me remind everyone that through the course of the teleconference, RLI management may make comments that reflect their intentions, beliefs and expectations for the future.

    在我們開始之前,讓我提醒大家,透過電話會議的過程,RLI 管理層可能會發表反映他們的意圖、信念和對未來的期望的評論。

  • As always, these forward-looking statements are subject to certain factors and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially.


  • Please refer to the risk factors described in the company's various SEC filings, including in the annual report on Form 10-K and supplemented in Forms 10-Q, all of which should be reviewed carefully.

    請參閱本公司向 SEC 提交的各種文件中所述的風險因素,包括表格 10-K 中的年度報告以及表格 10-Q 中的補充內容,所有這些都應仔細審查。

  • The company has filed a Form 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission that contains the press release announcing third quarter results.

    該公司已向美國證券交易委員會提交了 8-K 表,其中包含宣布第三季業績的新聞稿。

  • During the call, RLI management may refer to operating earnings and earnings per share from operations, which are non-GAAP measures of financial results.

    在電話會議期間,RLI 管理階層可能會參考營業利潤和每股營業利潤,這些是非公認會計準則財務績效指標。

  • RLI's operating earnings and earnings per share from operations consist of net earnings after the elimination of after-tax realized gains or losses and after-tax unrealized gains or losses on equity securities.

    RLI 的營業利潤和每股營業利潤包括扣除股本證券稅後已實現損益和稅後未實現損益後的淨利。

  • RLI's management believes these measures are useful in gauging core operating performance across reporting periods but may not be comparable to other companies' definitions of operating earnings.

    RLI 管理層認為,這些指標有助於衡量報告期間的核心營運績效,但可能無法與其他公司對營運收益的定義進行比較。

  • The Form 8-K contains a reconciliation between operating earnings and net earnings.

    8-K 表包含營業收入和淨利潤之間的調節表。

  • The Form 8-K and press release are available at the company's website at www.rlicorp.com.

    8-K 表格和新聞稿可在公司網站 www.rlicorp.com 上取得。

  • I will now turn the conference over to RLI's Chief Investment Officer and Treasurer, Mr. Aaron Diefenthaler.

    我現在將會議交給 RLI 首席投資長兼財務主管 Aaron Diefenthaler 先生。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Aaron Diefenthaler - Chief Investment Officer, Treasurer

    Aaron Diefenthaler - Chief Investment Officer, Treasurer

  • Thank you, Adam.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • Thank you for joining RLI's third quarter earnings call for 2024.

    感謝您參加 RLI 2024 年第三季財報電話會議。

  • Joining us are Craig Kliethermes, President and CEO; Jen Klobnak, Chief Operating Officer; Todd Bryant, Chief Financial Officer.

    加入我們的還有總裁兼執行長 Craig Kliethermes; Jen Klobnak,營運長;托德·布萊恩特,財務長。

  • Today's agenda will include Craig opening up the call with some high-level remarks.


  • Todd will add detail on our financial results for the quarter.


  • Jen will offer some additional commentary on market conditions in our product portfolio.

    Jen 將對我們產品組合中的市場狀況提供一些額外的評論。

  • The operator will then open the line for questions, and Craig will close with some final thoughts.


  • Craig?


  • Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, thank you, Aaron, and good morning, everyone.


  • I want to start by acknowledging the devastating hurricanes that occurred over the last several months and the impact they have had on our customers, business partners and team members.


  • We continue to extend our heartfelt support to all who were affected by these destructive and life-threatening events.


  • RLI is committed to doing our part to store our customers' livelihoods.

    RLI 致力於盡我們的一份力量來保障客戶的生計。

  • Our purpose is to protect people and organizations from life's uncertainties to help them explore, create, build and thrive.


  • Our financial strength and stability empower us to help individuals and businesses diversify and sustain risks that they can't manage on their own.


  • It also enables us to deliver consistent returns for our shareholders.


  • I will let Todd and Jen go into more detail on the financials, the market in general, the opportunities we see and the impact that these storms had on our financials.


  • All things considered, we were pleased with the opportunities to grow profitably during the quarter and lean into the disruptions in the marketplace where we have expertise.


  • I'll now turn it over to Todd for his comments.


  • Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

    Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks, Craig.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • Yesterday, we reported third quarter operating earnings of $1.31 per share, positive underwriting performance and a 15% rise in investment income contributed to the increase in operating earnings on a comparative basis.

    昨天,我們公佈了第三季營業利潤為每股 1.31 美元,良好的承保業績和投資收入成長 15% 推動了營業利潤的比較成長。

  • Our combined ratio was 89.6% for the quarter and now stands at 83.3% on a year-to-date basis.

    本季的綜合成本率為 89.6%,今年迄今為 83.3%。

  • Top line growth continued in the quarter, with gross premiums advancing 13%.

    本季營收持續成長,毛保費成長 13%。

  • Jen will offer some additional details on premium growth, which remains very balanced across our product segments.

    Jen 將提供有關保費成長的一些額外細節,我們的產品領域保持非常平衡。

  • As referenced in our pre-announcement on October 7, results were affected by storm activity in the quarter, most acutely Hurricanes Helene and Beryl.

    正如我們在 10 月 7 日的預告中所提到的,結果受到本季風暴活動的影響,其中最嚴重的是颶風海倫和貝裡爾。

  • On a GAAP basis, net earnings of $2.06 per share compared to $0.29 per share in Q3 of 2023.

    以 GAAP 計算,每股淨利潤為 2.06 美元,而 2023 年第三季為每股 0.29 美元。

  • Last year's results were heavily influenced by the Hawaii wildfire losses and an equity market that was in retreat over the quarter.


  • Underwriting income in Q3 2024 was primarily driven by continued growth in earned premium, lower current year catastrophe losses and favorable prior year development.

    2024 年第三季的承保收入主要是由於已賺保費的持續增長、本年度巨災損失的減少以及上一年的良好發展所推動的。

  • In combination, this resulted in an improved combined ratio of 89.6% compared to 98.7% in 2023.

    總而言之,這使得綜合成本率從 2023 年的 98.7% 提高到 89.6%。

  • The losses recorded from Hurricanes Helene and Beryl totaled $37 million, $35 million of that effect of the Property segment, while $2 million was tied to packaged policies in the casualty segment.

    颶風「海倫」和「貝麗爾」造成的損失總計 3,700 萬美元,其中 3,500 萬美元來自財產部門的損失,而 200 萬美元則與意外事故部門的打包保單相關。

  • In non-hurricanes, we recorded $2 million of other storm losses in the quarter.

    在非颶風方面,本季我們記錄了 200 萬美元的其他風暴損失。

  • Although we are largely focused on Q3 results in our discussion today, I do want to take a moment to outline a range of loss estimates for Hurricane Milton, which made landfall in Florida on October 9.

    儘管我們今天的討論主要關注第三季度的結果,但我確實想花點時間概述 10 月 9 日在佛羅裡達州登陸的颶風米爾頓的一系列損失估計。

  • This was a very large storm and our estimates are subject to change.


  • We currently estimate that pretax losses from Hurricane Milton, net of any reinsurance benefits will be between $45 million and $55 million.

    我們目前估計,風米爾頓造成的稅前損失(扣除任何再保險福利)將在 4500 萬至5500 萬美元之間。

  • We will reflect a final loss estimate in our fourth quarter financials but would not expect to publish any narrowing or adjustment to this range between now and our fourth quarter earnings release, unless our claim estimates change materially.


  • Turning to segment level results.


  • As mentioned, Growth in gross premium was very balanced in the quarter, and our underwriters continue to find top line opportunities.


  • Casualty has been growing at double-digit pace this year and Q3 came in at plus 16%.

    今年傷亡人數一直以兩位數的速度成長,第三季的增幅為 16%。

  • The bottom line for Casualty benefited from $9 million of favorable prior year loss development.

    傷亡險的盈利得益於上一年 900 萬美元的有利虧損發展。

  • Of note, we continue to monitor wheeled base and other excess liability exposures where we believe it is prudent to reflect an extended pattern for loss of merchants.


  • Considering similar uncertainty on wheels based or liability exposures in the current accident year, our casualty booking ratio was up slightly weighing on the underlying loss ratio.


  • On an overall basis, Casualty remains profitable for the 98.8% combined ratio for the quarter.

    整體而言,Casualty 仍保持獲利,本季綜合成本率為 98.8%。

  • Surety growth remained robust at a 9% increase in gross premium in the third quarter alongside $3.1 million of favorable prior year loss development.

    保證成長依然強勁,第三季毛保費成長了 9%,同時上年虧損也實現了 310 萬美元的有利成長。

  • This resulted in an 8.5 point benefit to Surety loss ratio which was partially offset by an increase in the expense ratio.

    這使得擔保損失率提高了 8.5 個百分點,但部分被費用率的增加所抵消。

  • Acquisition costs have moved higher, influenced in part by the mix of business as well as our continued investments in people and technology to support Surety's growth.

    收購成本有所上升,部分原因是業務組合以及我們為支持 Surety 成長而對人員和技術的持續投資。

  • Away from the discussion on catastrophes, the Property segment continued to grow and was up 10% in the quarter.

    除了對災難的討論之外,房地產領域繼續增長,本季增長了 10%。

  • By product, Marine and Hawaii homeowners are outpacing moderating growth in E&S property.

    從產品來看,海洋和夏威夷房主的成長速度超過了 E&S 房地產的放緩。

  • Overall, we reduced prior year reserves by $4.4 million associated with marine in contrast to some strengthening in Q3 of 2023.

    總體而言,我們將上一年與海洋相關的儲備金減少了 440 萬美元,而 2023 年第三季的儲備金則有所增加。

  • Additionally, prior year storm losses were adjusted favorably by $3.3 million.

    此外,去年的風暴損失也調整了 330 萬美元。

  • Underlying results per property were very comparable to last year, and the segment's 77% combined ratio for the quarter again highlighted the influence of growth in earned premium.

    每項物業的基本業績與去年非常相似,該部門本季 77% 的綜合成本率再次凸顯了已賺取保費成長的影響。

  • Operating cash flow was strong in the quarter at $219 million and helped to support continued purchase activity in the investment portfolio, where yields averaged 4.9%.

    本季營運現金流強勁,達 2.19 億美元,有助於支持投資組合的持續購買活動,平均收益率為 4.9%。

  • Opportunities remain available to add high-quality bonds that are accretive book yield, and our approach has remained fairly consistent.


  • The portfolio's average durations extended slightly to 4.8 years as we have been focused on intermediate maturities.

    由於我們一直專注於中期期限,因此該投資組合的平均久期略有延長至 4.8 年。

  • Total return for the quarter was 4.8%, with significant contribution from bonds as rates decline and from stocks due to the market's continued upswing.

    本季的總報酬率為 4.8%,其中利率下降帶來的債券貢獻顯著,市場持續上漲帶來的股票貢獻較大。

  • Beyond the core portfolio, our investment in Prime contributed investing earnings of $1.2 million in Q3.

    除了核心投資組合之外,我們對 Prime 的投資在第三季貢獻了 120 萬美元的投資收益。

  • Putting it all together, comprehensive earnings were $3.79 per share and put book value per share to $38.17, an increase of 26% from year-end 2023, inclusive of dividends.

    總而言之,綜合收益為每股 3.79 美元,每股帳面價值為 38.17 美元,較 2023 年底增長 26%(含股息)。

  • For 2024, we are pleased with the results for three quarters.

    2024 年,我們對三個季度的業績感到滿意。

  • And now I'll turn the call over to Jen.

    現在我將把電話轉給 Jen。

  • Jen?


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • Thank you, Todd.


  • Let me provide some more color by segments.


  • As Todd mentioned, the Casualty segment grew by 16%.

    正如托德所提到的,傷亡險業務成長了 16%。

  • Growth was wide spread coming from almost all of our products.


  • Our Casualty Brokerage group, which rises primary general liability and excess liability coverage grew by 8%.

    我們的傷亡經紀業務集團的主要一般責任保險和超額責任險增加了 8%。

  • Submissions were up 15% as we continue to stay in front of producers and ask for business.

    由於我們繼續領先製作人並尋求業務,提交量增加了 15%。

  • Some competitors have experienced adverse loss development and are restricting their appetite, giving us a chance to see more opportunities.


  • At the same time, there continue to be new MGAs and carriers entering that market.

    同時,不斷有新的 MGA 和營運商進入該市場。

  • As Todd mentioned, we are seeing claims taking longer results, a trend that we have incorporated into our loss development factors.


  • In addition, our dedicated claim examiners work closely with our underwriters -- making adjustments as needed so we can remain a consistent participant in the market.


  • Our transportation division grew by 15%.

    我們的運輸部門成長了 15%。

  • This area remains a target for legal system of use.


  • This has caused some competitors to rethink their strategies, which supported a 20% increase in our solutions.

    這導致一些競爭對手重新考慮他們的策略,這支持我們的解決方案增加 20%。

  • We are focused on risk selection and maintaining adequate rates.


  • We have walked away from accounts that became under price and achieved an 11% rate increase on the business we retained.

    我們放棄了價格過低的客戶,並在我們保留的業務上實現了 11% 的成長率。

  • Investments in new products, including moving in storage and a VNS offerings are starting to pay off as we provide a new alternative to our producers.

    隨著我們為生產商提供新的替代方案,對新產品的投資(包括遷移儲存和 VNS 產品)開始獲得回報。

  • We remain cautious but see a lot of opportunity in this market.


  • Personal umbrella grew 36%, including a 16% rate increase, which is supported by a nationwide rate approval effective in the third quarter.

    個人雨傘增加了 36%,其中利率上漲了 16%,這得益於第三季生效的全國利率批准。

  • We actively monitor rate adequacy given the growth in this book.


  • We continue to win new business as underlying carriers focus on homeowners or auto issues, creating opportunities for our stand-alone product.


  • Our dedicated claims team is providing regular feedback to our underwriters and actuaries, helping our product leaders optimize the growth in this book.


  • The only area of the casualty segment that is contracting is our Executive Products group which focuses on directors and office service insurance and other management liability coverages.


  • Our book is about 1/3 public company insurance, which is the most competitive space.


  • We are focused on growing in the private company business.


  • Rates were down 4% in the quarter, while we pick and choose which accounts we can give on REIT and which accounts to walk away from.

    本季利率下降了 4%,同時我們挑選哪些帳戶可以提供給 REIT,哪些帳戶可以放棄。

  • It appears the market is getting a bit more stable in this space, so the business is difficult to win.


  • Overall, casualty rate change was 9% increase, which matches the rate change from last quarter.

    總體而言,傷亡率變化增加了 9%,與上季度的比率變化相符。

  • On a combined ratio of 98.8% is a notable increase from last quarter's third quarter.


  • We have the system in place with strong collaboration between our underwriting, claims and analytical support teams to continuously optimize our approach as the market evolves.


  • The Surety segment premium grew by 9%.

    擔保業務保費增加了 9%。

  • Contract Surety led the way with 25% growth due to the lift from the elevated cost of materials as well as winning new business.

    由於材料成本上漲以及贏得新業務的推動,合約擔保公司以 25% 的成長領先。

  • Commercial and transactional surety grew at a slower pace as competition remains fierce.


  • We continue to be selective as inflation and economic conditions are creating a disparity in individual company's financial strength.


  • Our focus for this segment is marketing and educating producers on our appetite.


  • The combined ratio for surety of 78.8% reflects our underwriting discipline and the lack of any large loss activity in the quarter.

    78.8% 的擔保綜合比率反映了我們的承保紀律以及本季沒有任何大規模損失活動。

  • Finally, the property segment grew by 10%.

    最後,房地產領域成長了 10%。

  • I'll start with Hawaii homeowners.


  • Last year's third quarter was heavily influenced by the Lahaina wildfire loss.


  • We are happy to report that over 90% of our reported loss has been paid to our insurance.

    我們很高興地報告,我們報告的損失中 90% 以上已支付給我們的保險。

  • Claim resolution is the core of our business.


  • Due to our proactive play handling, customer service-oriented underwriting and with select competitors pulling back, we continue to see growth in this book as evidenced by the 22% increase in premiums this quarter.

    由於我們積極主動的遊戲處理、以客戶服務為導向的承保以及特定競爭對手的退出,我們繼續看到這本書的成長,本季保費成長 22% 就證明了這一點。

  • Rate increase totaled 4% for the quarter with more rate approvals becoming effective in the fourth quarter.

    本季利率總計上漲 4%,更多利率批准將於第四季生效。

  • Marine also grew by 21% in the third quarter.

    海事業務第三季也成長了 21%。

  • We are very responsive and identify opportunities through conversations with our brokers.


  • In addition, we continue to add rates on the book.


  • This quarter, we achieved a 5% rate increase.

    本季度,我們實現了 5% 的成長率。

  • We see a lot of opportunities in the gravitation of business to the wholesale market.


  • Our E&S Property Group grew by 5% in the quarter.

    我們的 E&S 房地產集團本季成長了 5%。

  • The increase in rates and premium over the last year is earning through and giving us the foundation to resolve hurricane and other claims while producing an underwriting profit.


  • It's been an active hurricane season, starting with Hurricane Beryl's landfall in early July and continuing through early October when Hurricane Milton arrived in Florida.

    這是一個活躍的颶風季節,從 7 月初颶風貝裡爾登陸開始,一直持續到 10 月初颶風米爾頓抵達佛羅裡達州。

  • Throughout the season, we remain diligent in the basis, capturing our exposure at a very granular level, maintaining policy terms and conditions and staying prepared to mobilize our claims staff immediately following an event.


  • We continue to have a physical claim presence at Florida to assist our insurers as they need us.


  • Our boots on the ground approach supports our ability to quantify the extent of damage and inform our loss estimate on a timely basis, as demonstrated by our Milton estimate provided today, less than two weeks after the event.


  • In terms of market conditions, the property market has been softening from a peak prior to the most recent events.


  • In the third quarter, hurricane rates were down 8% with overall E&S property rate change flat.

    第三季度,颶風發生率下降了 8%,E&S 房地產整體發生率變化持平。

  • It's too early for most carriers and MGAs to react to the three sizable hurricanes this year.

    對於大多數航空公司和 MGA 來說,現在對今年的三場大型颶風做出反應還為時過早。

  • What we are focused on is staying available to cold new business, providing timely feedback to our producers trying to retain our renewals and continuing to resolve claims as quickly and fairly as possible.


  • Our exposure has decreased over the last year as competition became more aggressive in the market.


  • If that competition recedes, we have some room to take advantage of any changes in the market.


  • This quarter showcased our ability to execute.


  • Over the last few years, we've invested in the RLI community with additional staff, training and tools to improve processes.

    在過去的幾年裡,我們對 RLI 社群進行了投資,增加了員工、培訓和工具,以改善流程。

  • We have also spent significant time and resources investing in producer relationships and technology, particularly technology that enhances ease of use as well as enabling our claims staff to resolve claims more effectively.


  • These investments are resulting in profitable growth.


  • This quarter, we grew premium by 13% and produced an 89.6 combined ratio.

    本季度,我們的保費成長了 13%,綜合成本率為 89.6。

  • We have three quarters behind this, and we're sitting on an 83 combined ratio for the year.

    我們已經落後了四分之三,今年的綜合比率為 83。

  • We're doing what we can to finish strong.


  • With that, I will turn the call over to the moderator to open it up to questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Bill Carcache, Wolfe Research.


  • Bill Carcache - Analyst

    Bill Carcache - Analyst

  • Craig, I wanted to follow up on your comment about wanting to lean into the disruptions in the marketplace where you see the greatest opportunities.


  • Perhaps could you discuss the most attractive opportunities for incremental profitability across your business lines that you see currently?


  • Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure, Bill.


  • Thanks.


  • I mean, obviously, the way our business is set up with narrow and deep expertise in both underwriting and claims.


  • We have to be prepared to lean in when there is opportunity and some disruption.


  • We've been seeing that in our personal umbrella space for probably the last several years.


  • Jen mentioned transportation.


  • Obviously, we're always prepared to lean in.


  • We've been in that business for 40 years with people that only underwrite transportation only handle transportation-related claims.

    我們從事該行業已有 40 年,我們的員工只承保運輸,只處理與運輸相關的索賠。

  • Our marine business continues to see opportunities, particularly on the inland side of the house.


  • Jen mentioned Hawaii Homeowners.

    Jen 提到了夏威夷房主。

  • We remain steadfast in our commitment to that market.


  • Obviously, we'd like to continue to get rate increases over time so we can continue to remain competitive in that market, but a lot of people are working backwards there.


  • And obviously, we're kind of in a wait-and-see mode around our E&S property.

    顯然,我們對 E&S 資產處於觀望狀態。

  • We saw a huge opportunity over the last two or three years.


  • We lean in heavily into that opportunity.


  • We'll see what happens as a result of these three fairly sizable collective hurricanes that we had this year. always prepared to lean into surety and obviously, our commercial access business as well.


  • So I mean, we see a fair amount of opportunity in our portfolio.


  • The beauty of our very diverse portfolio is we have some products that there is opportunity and in other products where we have to pull back.


  • And our model has always allowed our underset do the right thing in all markets, so they can lean in, they have proven track record of success over time, which gives us the confidence to let them lean into markets where there is an opportunity and it's pretty much self-regulating in regards to them pulling back in regards to where the market is a little too competitive and the underwriting profit is not available to us.


  • Bill Carcache - Analyst

    Bill Carcache - Analyst

  • Great.


  • That's helpful.


  • Separately, it would be great to hear any observations on the trajectory of pricing versus loss cost inflation trends you're seeing and any changes you anticipate in the aftermath of the hurricanes.


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • This is Jen.


  • So regarding property, I think if you look at, obviously, loss trends are up a little bit even for property given material costs and somewhat litigation environment around when there's significant claims to be handled and the public adjusters and whatnot.


  • We have been pushing rate a lot.


  • Our rates are up about 200% over the last five years, not even for the last three years.

    我們的費率在過去五年中上漲了約 200%,甚至在過去三年中也沒有上漲。

  • We're up probably almost 200%.

    我們的漲幅可能接近 200%。

  • And so we've already taken a significant amount of rate.


  • We think our portfolio is very low priced.


  • I think the opportunity here at a minimum is that with these large events, it will stabilize the market.


  • So instead of the market is starting to deteriorate with regard to both rate as well as some terms of conditions, I'm hoping that this will provide a foundation for people to say, okay, these losses do happen.


  • Let's make sure that we are being diligent around what coverage we want to provide and the charging of rates to cover those losses when they happen.


  • So I think property, it's, again, too early to say because these events are just unfolding yet.


  • But I'm hoping that's the impact to the market.


  • On the casualty side, I would say our rate change is keeping up with loss trend.


  • And the benefit we have is that with the connection between underwriters, planes and some analytical support.


  • The others know where we're at.


  • And so they know to continue to push that rate and kind of where they are with regard to profitability so that they can reach account and they look at it, they know kind of where they need to be.


  • So that's on the advantage on the Casualty side.


  • Bill Carcache - Analyst

    Bill Carcache - Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • If I could squeeze in one final sort of higher-level question for the broader team.


  • So we saw another quarter of favorable development across your casualty, property and surety segments.


  • And I think the market fully appreciates that your underwriting is exceptional, but could you take us inside the business and perhaps give a bit more perspective on what's driving that kind of consistency at a time where social inflation has been pervasive and reserve adequacy remains a concern for many of your competitors?


  • Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I mean, I'll try and maybe Todd can join in here.


  • But I mean, we obviously have always taken a long-term view of loss cost trends of, I'll say, a prudent view of risk that's factored into all of our estimates our starting booking ratios, we try to look at a reasonable range and try to be prudent and booked the initial loss ratio in maybe the higher end of that range, but certainly within the range.


  • But to factor in the risks that are out there, particularly right now, you have lingual system of use.


  • We invest heavily in our claim department and the communication between our claim department and our actuaries which gives us real-time feedback of what the actuaries are seeing.


  • Sometimes actuaries get caught up in just data and we get the claim perspective on what might be driving that data. [Obviously], people are sharing them with our underwriters as well, which helps give them information to either pull back or lean into a market.

    有時精算師只專注於數據,而我們則從索賠角度了解可能驅動該數據的因素。 [顯然],人們也與我們的承銷商分享這些信息,這有助於為他們提供信息,以撤回或投入市場。

  • We've had the same approach around here for much longer than I've ever been here.


  • I mean at least 30 years it's been the same approach.

    我的意思是,至少 30 年來一直採用同樣的方法。

  • We've not changed our approach.


  • I'm not going to say we've always had favorable development.


  • If you go back way far like in the last, really, really soft market in the early the 2000s, late 1990s, we had adverse development as well, but just not as much as the rest of the industry and not as much as our peers.


  • And I think I would say that speaks to kind of our overall long-term approach to thinking about things a risk-based approach thinking about things.


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • I'll add just a couple of other things if I can.


  • I think part of it is our risk appetite with regard to small to middle market insurers that we target, generally speaking, in most of our businesses.


  • We don't put out excessive limits to those insurers.


  • So you have maybe less of a target for some of the legal system of -- that goes on.


  • And then it comes down to hard work.


  • So when it comes to underwriting, you're going through the submission and you're underwriting.


  • You're actually paying attention to where that [insure] is in terms of venues, what their work is covering what their work is and not what they don't do.


  • They might get kind of slotted in there.


  • In claims, we're doing investigation early in that claim line.


  • We are strategizing around knowing that the plant's attorney has a playbook and we know that we can counteract that playbook by getting the investigation early staying ahead of public adjusters as an example, offering up a reasonable settlement a proper time and trying to be in that contact with our insurers to resolve those claims.


  • So it's really about kind of being diligent going deep into our processes, whereas underwriting our clients and also our risk appetite so that we're not as much of a target and then those cases do come up where they look a little here, we know how to address that and try to resolve the claim prior to getting kind of out control.


  • Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

    Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

  • The only thing I would add, I think Jen talked about it in her opener as well, and Craig spoke to it just a moment ago.


  • Where we are, we tend to be a little bit slow, we believe, in recognizing good news.


  • We are extending the reporting balances in some of the auto and excess liability areas where we have seen a bit higher emergence, maybe not to the level of others.


  • But we have seen a few things there.


  • So we believe it is prudent to be a bit cautious there.


  • So you do see that a little bit lower from a favorable development on the casualty side compared to third quarter of last year.


  • And third quarter of last year, this moved around a bit.


  • The process is consistent, but we had significant favorable on EPG third quarter of last year, I think about $9 million.

    這個過程是一致的,但我們在去年第三季的 EPG 上獲得了很大的優惠,我認為約為 900 萬美元。

  • So that accounts for a lot of the difference here, quarter-to-quarter, we take a consistent approach.


  • We are cautious or prudent and where we set the initial booking ratios, we believe we may be a bit slower to move off of that.


  • So that, I think, helps -- has helped historically with some of the consistency you'd have seen.


  • Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • And again, I would add one more thing.


  • I think we're adamant of getting information in the hands of our underwriters and because of our business model, because our underwriters are focused on underwriting profit, they listen for one thing, maybe their ego is a bit in check in regards to those conversations and they're wanting to try to continue to grow underwriting profit.


  • And I think Jen mentioned, I mean, obviously we manage our limits.

    我認為 Jen 提到,我的意思是,顯然我們管理著我們的極限。

  • We're not a big limit carrier.


  • We don't put out really big limits.


  • We avoid deep pocket insurance for the most part, manage our jurisdictions and our underwriters do a pretty good job of overall managing our exposure to, I'll say this -- the legal system of use.


  • However, we are not immune.


  • All we can do is mitigate and either both through our underwriters who have the information and exceptional claim people who try to get the best outcomes for the company, we do a pretty good job.


  • Operator


  • Michael Phillips, Oppenheimer.


  • Michael Phillips - Analyst

    Michael Phillips - Analyst

  • Maybe a little bit more on -- some comment -- you actually just made a couple of comments on the extended reporting patterns in the Casualty.


  • And I guess I want to ask on that with the backdrop of some prior quarters where you've talked about having to monitor the tail.


  • So when you talk about the extended reporting patterns, are you talking specifically sort of late reporting from older accident years?


  • Or is it more recent accident years where you're being a little more cautious there?


  • Thank you.


  • Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

    Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

  • I would say, yes.


  • It's a little bit of both from that standpoint.


  • And we talked kind of the reporting patterns that you mentioned or extending the tail, that's the same.


  • I mean we're just some of the business that excess liability that we write in [Altese], that can have a longer tail to it, slower to get to finality from that standpoint whether it was COVID or post-COVID, whether you see the course being a bit slowed, lots of things on the wheel space, Jen talked about some of that.

    我的意思是,我們只是我們在[Altese]中寫的超額責任業務中的一部分,它可能有更長的尾巴,從這個角度來看,無論是在新冠疫情期間還是在新冠疫情之後,無論你是否看到,最終確定的速度都會較慢賽道有點慢,方向盤上有很多東西,Jen 談到了其中的一些。

  • It just -- you go a little bit slower on how long it may take for those claims to settle.


  • So that can


  • -- (inaudible).


  • Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes.


  • So I would just add that I think that -- I'm not sure that we have seen in our data that the actual reporting pattern is longer.

    所以我想補充一點,我認為 - 我不確定我們在數據中是否看到實際的報告模式更長。

  • I mean you've got to wipe out some of the COVID stuff because that messed up some of the numbers.


  • But certainly, the development, the time it takes to get final resolution of claims.


  • I think that takes longer.


  • People hanging out waiting for a jackpot sometimes, and we're trying to get claim resolution and it depends how hard that power of attorney is pushing and they can be can take a while.


  • So that's why we're trying to reflect that in our loss development patterns.


  • Michael Phillips - Analyst

    Michael Phillips - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I guess, specifically on your commercial excess book, can you say what you're seeing there for current kind of severity trends there and maybe how that compares to what you thought just a few years ago?


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • Well, on -- liability book, we're focused a lot on construction where you're in a project and a lot of it is project business, but some of them are practice policies where you're ensuring the contractor for all of the work that they do throughout the year.


  • So there's a mix within that book.


  • But a lot of it is construction related.


  • So you do have some -- entry where someone gets hurt on the construction site.


  • But I would say from a -- in terms of trend, we're not seeing a lot of change in that trend.


  • The trend difference.


  • I think that we've seen in our book is more about auto than it is about like your traditional excess liability coverages.


  • Operator


  • Gregory Peters, Raymond James.


  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • Good morning, everyone.


  • So I just I guess, building on the last answer.


  • Just you mentioned construction.


  • And I guess this is to step back, I'm interested in the areas of growth and your general liability and transportation lines because there can be a lot of different types of business that are included in there, and I think you're pretty specific.


  • In construction, are you focused on GC or are you getting involved in subcontractors?

    在建築領域,您是專注於 GC 還是參與分包商?

  • Are you geographically focused.


  • Can you give us some color there?


  • And then pivot to the transportation book.


  • I assume you're not writing taxi cabs or limos, but maybe if you could give us some color on what you're getting involved with on transportation as well.


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • Sure.


  • This is Jim.


  • So on the construction side, we have actually a very diverse portfolio of construction businesses.


  • I would say a little -- probably a little bit less than 1/3 of our entire portfolio is focused on construction.

    我想說一點——我們整個投資組合中可能有不到 1/3 的部分專注於建築。

  • In the surety space, we focus on public construction on the insurance side of the house, we focus more on private construction.


  • We're in all regions of the country, but each region kind of acts differently in terms of the areas of investment, our areas of the coast are being invested in.


  • I'd say the great state of Illinois where we're sitting today, not so much investment.


  • If you look at our E&S businesses, we tend to focus on general contractors.

    如果你看看我們的 E&S 業務,我們傾向於關注總承包商。

  • If you look at our admitted businesses, we tend to focus on subcontractors.


  • So those are the general guidelines in the general landscape of our construction book.


  • You can see we depending on the type of insured and the region and the type of project, we kind of focus on what type of coverage we're comfortable providing.


  • So it's a very diverse book which makes it hard to talk about globally in terms of how it's doing.


  • But if I were to say something, -- I would say, overall, we keep waiting for construction to slow as an industry.


  • And I would say, particularly on the public side and the -- , it remains very healthy.


  • The private side has been -- had a lower investment rate lately.


  • We've had more issues with financing and things of that nature.


  • And so it's been a little slower.


  • But again, we continue to be in consistent market that our producers can use, whereas some of our competitors have been in and out.


  • So that's allowed us to continue to grow despite maybe the underlying market being a little slow on the private side.


  • Then transitioning over to transportation.


  • We do focus on some major buckets.


  • So we do have a truck largely truck group.


  • We have a public group, which enters a lot of transforms and buses.


  • And we have our commercial specialty auto, which is kind of a hodge podge of classes, although it does not include -- does not include taxis, just to be clear.


  • And there's very little, if no, mineral exposure there as well.


  • It's really few classes that we tend to be good at such as (the ambulance) or construction fleece -- nature, but there's a lot of different classes within that book.

    我們真正擅長的課程很少,例如(救護車)或建築羊毛 - 自然,但那本書中有很多不同的課程。

  • More recently, we invested in a focus on moving and storage business.


  • And also, we provide a little bit of E&S availability as well given that market has gone through a lot of turmoil, and I think we'll continue to so there might be some accounts that move naturally towards the inner state.

    而且,鑑於市場經歷了許多動盪,我們還提供了一些 E&S 可用性,我認為我們將繼續這樣做,因此可能會有一些帳戶自然地轉向內部狀態。

  • And so we have an answer for that as well, we offer for that.


  • So that kind of lays out, I think, both of those books, but I'm happy to answer any other questions on those.


  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • Well, actually, that's great detail.


  • I also wanted to pivot my second follow-up question relates to another comment you made, Jen.


  • You talked about investments in technology.


  • It's such a big comment that includes a lot of information, but we very rarely get any details on what's actually going inside of those investments.


  • You talked about how these investments are generating, help you generating growth opportunities.


  • Maybe you can give us the 30 second pitch on what you're investing in and why it's able to deliver growth opportunities for you?

    也許您可以用 30 秒的時間向我們介紹您正在投資的專案以及為什麼它能夠為您帶來成長機會?

  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • Sure.


  • So like every question about RLI, it's hard to answer because it's specific to each business unit. -- I'll give you a couple of examples here.

    因此,就像有關 RLI 的每個問題一樣,很難回答,因為它特定於每個業務部門。 ——我在這裡舉幾個例子給你聽。

  • So in our personal, -- which has been a lot of growth, we've done a lot of investing in the front line there.


  • The application that the insurer goes through to fill it out the order of the question.


  • So some of the technology comes in the process.


  • The order the questions we have to ask every single question, eliminate a few and then we provide a system that is very user-friendly and similar to what you see in other industries that you might use on a personal basis.


  • So there's been a lot of investment there.


  • And then for that policy to kind of go through our systems without being touched too many times.


  • If you look at other places, we have a contractors application similarly where we have redone the application process and got input from our producers to say, how do you actually use our system.


  • And then we reconfigure the system using newer technology that supports a better experience so that, again, we can capture that business at the level we need to upfront and have it flow through our systems without against too many touches.


  • I'll give you one more, which is in our marine division where we -- there's a lot of steps actually issuing a policy, and we have basically taken work off of the underwriter's desk and help those qualities get issued more quickly so that the underwriter can focus more on marketing and underwriting versus all the follow up that's required to actually service that business.


  • So it's basically an emphasis here at ROI for continuous improvement and to take time.


  • So focusing on your inbox to actually step back and look at processes and see how we can make them better, faster, so that we can have the right people doing the right jobs when they need to.


  • Operator


  • Meyer Shields, KBW.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • This is Gene on for Meyer.


  • Just have follow-up questions on casualty segments.


  • You talked about a lot of favorable reserve development.


  • I was just curious about the accident year loss ratio on casualty segment.


  • Just pick up on kind of like sequentially in year-over-year.


  • I'm just wondering, is it just a prudence on you have baked in the logic.


  • Any color you can provide there will be great.


  • (technical difficulty)


  • Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

    Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • Thank you.


  • This is Todd.


  • It is, we believe, prudent from that standpoint.


  • If you do the comparative, the current accident year on casualty quarter-to-quarter, is up 1.5 to 2 points with some second half increases that we made in the loss booking ratio.

    如果進行比較,目前事故年度的傷亡人數較上月上升了 1.5 至 2 個百分點,下半年我們的損失登記比率有所增加。

  • That is done for the entirety of the calendar year.


  • So the [accident] year.


  • So if you think about it, if you do it in the third quarter, it's retro to the first part of the year.


  • So you'll see a little bit more of a spike in the quarter.


  • And some of it really is kind of what we've been talking about from a real state standpoint, we believe, prudent there, and that will have an influence.


  • If you go to the fourth quarter of last year, -- if you look at full year, 2023, we're actually about with this increase about on par with where we ended the year from an underlying loss ratio on Casualty.

    如果你看看去年第四季度,如果你看看 2023 年全年,我們實際上會發現這一增長與我們年底的基本傷亡損失率持平。

  • So nothing alarming there.


  • I think certainly being prudent in our approach to reserving the current accident here.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Got it.


  • I have a follow-up specifically on commercial auto.


  • Like given competitors noted that was a severity trend.


  • Can you please provide some colors of what you're seeing in your book?


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • So it's the very trends in our commercial auto book because competitors are seeing some severity.


  • I mean we do see some severity as well.


  • I think I'm not sure everybody else does business, but when you look at our commercial auto business, the one thing that I would point to that we've added over the last few years is our internal loss control resources where our underwriting really listens to people who contact our potential insurers or our renewals before the renewal takes place to say, what are you doing with your business in terms of training drivers, maintain your vehicles, all the things that it takes to run a safe operation.


  • And so our underwriters have the input as they renew.


  • And some of the things that you learned in that process point to potential severity.


  • You can see where you're not investing in training of your drivers, for example, that's a terrible story in front of a jury when you have a claimant that's injured in front of you.


  • So I think the quality of the insured can be evaluated through that process.


  • And then it just comes down to pushing our key freezers have to get up timing.


  • So we know what the losses are is we're pricing the business.


  • And then our team, our underwriting team is focused on getting rate because they know that the severity is up.


  • It also comes down to risk selection though, too.


  • We don't have top line goals here at RLI in any of our business units.

    在 RLI,我們的任何業務部門都沒有最高目標。

  • I think it's particularly important in our auto division where, yes, rates are up.


  • So people saying, I can grow.


  • This is great.


  • I can grow my top line, but we've actually gotten off of several of our largest accounts because they don't make sense anymore.


  • Somebody is going to undercut us with the rate or they're just not a quality insured anymore.


  • So we're walking away from that premium because that's the right thing to do because we think that, that severity could happen for those accounts.


  • So I can't speak to what competitors are doing, but that gives you some insight into what we're doing.


  • Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I mean all I would offer is -- I have been in this business for about 38, 39 years is the only place I've ever worked toward the underwriter is telling the claim people to get the money up if it needs to go up as soon as possible.

    我的意思是,我能提供的是——我從事這個行業已經有大約 38、39 年了,我唯一為承保人工作過的地方就是告訴索賠人,如果需要上漲的話,就可以把錢上漲。盡快。

  • So as Jen pointed out, they use that business to price the account and to try to factor in risk.

    因此,正如 Jen 指出的那樣,他們利用該業務來為帳戶定價並嘗試考慮風險。

  • And they want to know if a claim is going to be a bad loss, they want to be able to factor that in as they renew the account price for the product.


  • So our underwriters demand that our claim people get money up as quickly as possible.


  • Operator


  • Andrew Andersen, Jefferies.


  • Andrew Andersen - Analyst

    Andrew Andersen - Analyst

  • Maybe on the casualty rate, you called out 9%, which was consistent quarter-over-quarter.

    也許在傷亡率方面,您提到了 9%,這與季度相比是一致的。

  • But I thought I heard you say that rate change is keeping up with loss I would have thought 9% would be ahead of that.

    但我想我聽到你說利率變化跟上了損失,我以為 9% 會提前。

  • Could you kind of help us think through that?


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • Well, explaining how we do loss trend here.


  • We look at a lot of industry results to hear loss trend here and then we compare it to our book.


  • Now that we don't have the best data in the industry, some of our divisions are a very niche product where we have only our data.


  • It doesn't really compare the industry.


  • So when we look at our own severity and our loss trend and our results, it tends to be a little lower in reality than this the numbers that we select to say, hey, lost term is probably going to be this.


  • So the 9% is keeping up with our actual experience.


  • When we talk about loss trend and we talk to our units, we probably talk like we reflect also industry results.


  • Andrew Andersen - Analyst

    Andrew Andersen - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then maybe just curious what you're expecting to see in the reinsurance market at 1,1, whether it be pricing or perhaps changes to premium retention.

    然後也許只是好奇您期望在 1,1 的再保險市場中看到什麼,無論是定價還是保費保留的變化。

  • Maybe any early views you may have?


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • Well, at the full end market, the reinsurance right now, we have, we're in discussions with our reinsurers as we speak.


  • So it's a little early to say.


  • There was a lot of positioning by the reinsurers earlier this season with regard to casualty, I think that's quieted down a little bit.


  • I think property, it looks like we like the whole industry might get a little bit of relief there.


  • But with these events, maybe that will be more stable to be, my guess, I think when it comes to retention, reinsurers are not going to budge on retention.


  • So I think we are where we are.


  • So I would characterize the market probably as stable with regard to our 1,1 renewals.

    因此,就我們的 1,1 續約而言,我認為市場可能是穩定的。

  • Andrew Andersen - Analyst

    Andrew Andersen - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And maybe just two more questions on investment portfolio.


  • As you think about the growth in casualty is outpacing property right now and duration has kind of ticked up the last couple of years.


  • Would you be surprised to see that go above 5 as we kind of enter 2025?

    當我們進入 2025 年時,如果看到這個數字超過 5,您會感到驚訝嗎?

  • Aaron Diefenthaler - Chief Investment Officer, Treasurer

    Aaron Diefenthaler - Chief Investment Officer, Treasurer

  • Well, I think what we're focused on right now is to maintain durability of the income profile, and that's why you've seen the duration tick up a bit throughout this last year.


  • There will be some point in time where cash is not offering the returns that we've seen lately.


  • And so us terming out that maturity profile is an important part of our near-term strategy.


  • To the extent can we get all the way to 5 or above 5, we've been there in the past.

    如果我們能一直達到 5 或 5 以上,我們過去就達到這樣的水準。

  • So that's not unusual for us based on balance sheet and the strength of our capital base.


  • We certainly have been near that level but we're not that far away from it now at 4.8 years.

    我們當然已經接近這個水平,但現在距離 4.8 年也不遠了。

  • So that's a nuanced difference, I'll call it, and not necessarily driven by quarter-to-quarter growth in casualty necessarily.


  • Andrew Andersen - Analyst

    Andrew Andersen - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • And last, have you shared how much of the investment portfolio is floating rate?


  • Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

    Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

  • We have a small amount of floating rate exposure.


  • It's around 4% of the fixed income portfolio and largely comprised of senior secured bank loans, that's the bulk of that exposure, a smaller amount in the CLO space and then a few structured products that have a floating rate coupon to them.

    它約佔固定收益投資組合的 4%,主要由高級擔保銀行貸款組成,這是該風險敞口的大部分,CLO 領域的金額較小,然後是一些具有浮動利率優惠券的結構性產品。

  • Operator


  • Scott Heleniak, RBC.


  • Scott Heleniak - Analyst

    Scott Heleniak - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Just wanted to touch on the property combined ratio was really good, 77.2% despite the Helene and Beryl losses you had in there.

    只是想談談財產綜合比率非常好,儘管海倫和貝麗爾損失了 77.2%。

  • I know you had a little bit of benefit from reserve releases, but anything else in there that was the benefit like non-cat weather or lower fire losses or anything in there that kind of drove that, come to mind?


  • Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

    Todd Bryant - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • I think there is significant growth on the revenue side, if you think of -- in total, or the win premium we're writing.


  • I think the result of that is there's a lot there to cover, whether it's the hurricane losses or attritional losses.


  • So I think the growth in that portfolio is really what's driving.


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • And the rate -- I mean, gotten the last few years -- sorry, just the exposure growth is longer

    我的意思是,過去幾年得到的比率 - 抱歉,只是暴露增長更長

  • (technical difficulty).


  • Scott Heleniak - Analyst

    Scott Heleniak - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Okay.


  • And just on the Milton loss of $45 million to $55 million, can you just talk a little bit about your Florida exposure in terms of how close to the coast you're writing, I assume a fair amount of these losses would probably be marine.

    就米爾頓4500 萬至5500 萬美元的損失而言,您能簡單談談您在佛羅裡達州的風險嗎?海洋損失。

  • But any other color you can give on that forecast and just how you're thinking about the Florida market in general after this?


  • Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

    Jennifer Klobnak - Chief Operating Officer

  • Sure.


  • This is Jen.


  • So when you look at our Florida exposure, as you may have heard earlier this year, we had actually been decreasing our exposure for a couple of reasons.


  • One was the market was getting more competitive, particularly MGAs trying to take advantage of that nice pricing that we had, but they were cutting into a little bit, both the pricing in terms of commissions.

    一是市場競爭變得更加激烈,特別是 MGA 試圖利用我們擁有的優惠定價,但他們正在削減一點,無論是佣金方面的定價。

  • So we start to walk away from a handful of accounts.


  • And so our exposure, if you look at the Florida region and you count of policy limits, for example, we were down about 20% from the end of last year. which set us up for this wind season was a little bit less exposure than we had last year.

    例如,如果你看看佛羅裡達地區併計算政策限制,我們的風險敞口比去年年底下降了約 20%。為我們這個風季做好準備的暴露程度比去年要少一些。

  • If you look at where we're right, we've -- a lot of coastal exposure because we are in an E&S wind market.

    如果你看看我們的正確位置,你會發現我們擁有大量沿海風險,因為我們處於 E&S 風電市場。

  • We do cover commercial buildings.


  • So we don't do the home owners, which is the


  • -- .


  • If you look at the Milton event itself, it's a lot of wins, which is what we're trying to cover.


  • So that's a traditional event that we would expect to have and expect to respond to.


  • The event itself was not very large.


  • It did hit some commercial, but it hit a lot of residential areas, too, when you get away from that long okay area.


  • So within the local area of landfill, there was like commercial buildings with it and is spread out a lot of residential actually picked up.


  • So I'm expecting probably the residential loss to be larger than the commercial loans.


  • Again, it's very early to say what is that market going to be like.


  • We are committed to the Florida and hurricane market.


  • We've collected a lot of premium over the years, so we are ready to stand and pay losses when those happen.


  • You can't get premiums unless you pay losses.


  • So we are ready to continue in that market.


  • Our processes are mature with our underwriters, claims, actuarial support, et cetera.


  • So we're ready to respond to what that market brings, but it's too early to say what will happen with rates or in terms of conditions after the event.


  • Again, I'm hoping that it stabilizes and that would be a great scenario for us.


  • It's a very adequate pricing as we speak.


  • So we'd like to stay where we're at.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) If there are no further questions, I will now turn the conference over to Mr. Craig Kliethermes for some closing remarks.

    (操作員指示)如果沒有其他問題,我現在將會議轉交給 Craig Kliethermes 先生做總結發言。

  • Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Craig Kliethermes - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, thanks to everyone who joined us today.


  • The financial results we reported yesterday reflect our organizational resiliency.


  • Consistent profitability and top line growth are a testament to our diversified specialty product portfolio our deep underwriting claim expertise in our chosen markets and a willingness to prudently lean into disruption, where we understand the exposures and the market environment.


  • Consistency also comes as a result of maintaining underwriting discipline when the market is too soft and a willingness to prune unprofitable business when necessary.


  • Our disciplined commitment to make the best long-term decisions for our customers and our shareholders has served us well and differentiates our ownership culture.


  • I am proud of our associate owners efforts this quarter and particularly our outreach to our customers in need during these recent natural catastrophes.


  • RLI is committed to being different because being different continues to work.

    RLI 致力於與眾不同,因為與眾不同會持續發揮作用。

  • Look forward to visiting with you all next quarter.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to access the replay for this call, you may do so on the RLI homepage at www.rlicorp.com. This concludes our conference for today.

    女士們先生們,如果您希望觀看本次電話會議的重播,您可以在 RLI 主頁 www.rlicorp.com 上進行操作。我們今天的會議到此結束。

  • Thank you all for participating, and have a nice day.


  • All parties may now disconnect.
