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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Research Frontiers's investor conference call to discuss the third quarter of 2023 results of operations and recent developments. (Operator Instructions) This conference is being recorded today. A replay of this conference call will be available starting later today in the Investors section of research Frontier's website at www.smartglass.com, and will be available for replay for the next 90 days.
女士們、先生們,午安。歡迎參加 Research Frontiers 的投資者電話會議,討論 2023 年第三季的營運業績和最新進展。 (操作員指示)今天正在錄製本次會議。從今天稍晚開始,我們將在 Research Frontier 網站 www.smartglass.com 的投資者部分提供本次電話會議的重播,並將在未來 90 天內提供重播。
Please note that some of the comments made today may contain forward-looking information. The words expect, anticipate, plans, forecasts, and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions that are part of the Securities Litigations Reform Act of 1995. These statements reflect the company's current beliefs, and a number of important factors could cause actual results for future periods to differ materially from those expressed.
請注意,今天發表的一些評論可能包含前瞻性資訊。期望、預期、計劃、預測和類似表達等詞語旨在識別前瞻性陳述。非歷史事實的陳述是根據 1995 年《證券訴訟改革法案》中的安全港條款做出的前瞻性陳述。這些陳述反映了公司當前的信念,許多重要因素可能會導致實際結果在未來期間與所表達的期間存在重大差異。
Significant factors that could cause results to differ from those anticipated are described in our filings with the SEC. Research Frontiers undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements to reflect new events or uncertainties. The company will be answering many of the questions that were e-mailed to it prior to this conference call, either in their presentation or as part of the Q&A session at the end.
我們向 SEC 提交的文件中描述了可能導致結果與預期不同的重要因素。研究前沿不承擔更新或修改這些前瞻性陳述以反映新事件或不確定性的義務。該公司將回答本次電話會議之前透過電子郵件發送給其的許多問題,無論是在演示中還是在最後的問答環節中。
In some cases, the company has responded directly to e-mail questions prior to this call, or will do so afterwards. (Operator Instructions)
在某些情況下,該公司會在此次電話會議之前或之後直接回覆電子郵件問題。 (操作員說明)
I would now like to turn the conference call over to Joe Harary, President and Chief Executive Officer of Research Frontiers. Please go ahead, sir.
我現在想將電話會議轉交給研究前沿公司總裁兼執行長喬·哈拉里 (Joe Harary)。請繼續,先生。
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thank you, Paul. And hello, everyone, and welcome to our third quarter of 2023 investor conference call. First, let me start off by saying a number of our shareholders have asked about Gauzy and their safety and business with the war going on in Israel.
謝謝你,保羅。大家好,歡迎參加我們的 2023 年第三季投資者電話會議。首先,我首先要說的是,我們的一些股東詢問了 Gauzy 的情況以及他們的安全以及與以色列正在進行的戰爭有關的業務。
Some of the questions to date, has Israeli war with Hamas impacted the Gauzy's business operations in any significant way? Please comment on the effect of any of the war in the Middle East is having on Gauzy's operations in Israel. Is Gauzy currently producing and shipping SPD film coating to their plant in Germany? Gauzy has worldwide locations, but can it continue to function effectively if its headquarters location is seriously impacted by conflict?
迄今為止的一些問題是,以色列與哈馬斯的戰爭是否對 Gauzy 的業務運作產生了重大影響?請評論中東戰爭對 Gauzy 在以色列業務的影響。 Gauzy 目前是否正在生產 SPD 薄膜塗層並將其運送到他們位於德國的工廠? Gauzy 的分店遍佈全球,但如果總部所在地受到衝突嚴重影響,它還能繼續有效運作嗎?
Well, first of all, I want to thank all of you for your concern, and Eyal Peso and I and everyone at Gauzy really appreciate the messages inquiring about their safety. Thankfully, everyone is safe.
嗯,首先,我要感謝大家的關心,Eyal Peso 和我以及 Gauzy 的每個人都非常感謝詢問他們安全的資訊。值得慶幸的是,每個人都很安全。
And while I'm horrified by the situation in Israel and see things happening in the world that I never thought I'd see in my lifetime or ever, I can report that Gauzy's operations have not been interrupted by the war there. Of course, they pay attention to it. How can one not do that? Good entrepreneur must factor in things like resources and competitions, and Israeli entrepreneur has a whole different dimension of things to add to that normally, and especially right now.
And Gauzy has been incredibly busy both before and after October 7. And they've been admirably juggling work and family safety and doing it with very calm determination. Everyone pulls together in normal times and especially now. And they know they have investors and employees and customers, and they're depending on them.
Gauzy 在 10 月 7 日之前和之後都非常忙碌。他們令人欽佩地兼顧工作和家庭安全,並以非常冷靜的決心做到這一點。平時大家都會齊心協力,尤其是現在。他們知道自己有投資者、員工和客戶,而且他們依賴這些人。
And we've been working with them daily, and things appear much closer to normal than one would expect. As a matter of fact, the only reason Eyal Peso cannot be on this call today is that he has a pack business schedule. And that should give you an idea about business pressing on even more time. But at once again, thank you. And on behalf of Eyal, he asked me to thank everyone for their good wishes and concerns.
The Tesla Cybertruck was announced in 2019 with production slated for late 2021. Reports now indicate that production will start November 30 of this year, 2023. When the first prototype of the Cybertruck was demonstrated at the launch event, my friend, Franz von Holzhausen, Tesla's Chief Designer, threw a metal ball at the bulletproof glass and it cracked.
特斯拉Cybertruck 於2019 年宣布,預計於2021 年底生產。現在有報導稱,生產將於今年2023 年11 月30 日開始。當在發布會上展示Cybertruck 的第一個原型時,我的朋友Franz von Holzhausen特斯拉的首席設計師向防彈玻璃扔了一個金屬球,防彈玻璃破裂了。
When I first met Elon Musk in person, it was at the Model S concept launch event in New York. And prior to that, Tesla was making the Tesla Roadster with the body being produced by Lotus out of fiberglass. At another in-person meeting, Elon Musk was trying to figure out how to produce 10,000 cars a year.
我第一次見到伊隆馬斯克本人是在紐約的 Model S 概念發表會上。在此之前,特斯拉正在製造特斯拉跑車,其車身由蓮花公司用玻璃纖維生產。在另一次現場會議上,馬斯克試圖弄清楚如何每年生產 10,000 輛汽車。
On 2022, Tesla produced 1.37 million vehicles, which was a 47% increase over 2021. And in 2023, Tesla is expected to produce and sell around 1.8 million vehicles, far more than the 10,000 they were originally trying to figure out how to produce.
So what do all these things tell us? That if you're in the automotive industry, even the most capable players don't always get it right, at least not right away. And sometimes there's technical issues like the glass on the Cybertruck prototype, which incidentally was not our smart glass at the time. And sometimes it's timing issues as shown by the multiple delays in the introduction of the Cybertruck.
那麼所有這些事情告訴我們什麼呢?如果你身處汽車產業,即使是最有能力的參與者也不總是能做對,至少不能立即做對。有時會出現技術問題,例如 Cybertruck 原型車上的玻璃,順便說一下,當時它不是我們的智慧玻璃。有時是時間問題,正如 Cybertruck 推出的多次延遲所表明的那樣。
But for the most part, a company that had never produced a car is now the dominant player in the electric vehicle market with the highest margins and volumes. In other words, things get done and they often get done in a big way, but really on schedule and almost never in a straight line. This is the world of the automotive manufacturer, and it's also the world we live in.
We are told timeframes and sometimes they're delayed as witnessed by the first car to use our technology, the SLK convertible roadster, which is five months overdue, once again, not because of our glass by the way. And sometimes things are ahead of schedule. The SLK convertible came out with our glass, and it was ahead of the target date.
我們被告知時間表,有時它們會被推遲,第一輛使用我們技術的汽車 SLK 敞篷跑車證明了這一點,它再次推遲了五個月,順便說一句,並不是因為我們的玻璃。有時事情會提早。 SLK 敞篷車配備了我們的玻璃,比目標日期提前了。
And sometimes marketing plans change. Just six months before the launch of the Cadillac's CELESTIQ at CES, the head of the project did not know when it would be launched and when it would be announced. It came out six months later with much fanfare.
有時行銷計劃會發生變化。就在凱迪拉克的 CELESTIQ 在 CES 上推出的六個月前,該專案的負責人並不知道它何時推出,何時公佈。六個月後,它大張旗鼓地問世了。
So we do our best to operate in this environment. And we try to strike a balance between providing guidance when we can to our shareholders or simply waiting for something to happen and announcing it afterwards. So there's a balance there. And many people, including myself and our licensees were disappointed to learn that an Asian mid-priced auto manufacturer had decided to move back the introduction of its special luxury edition for the first half of next year.
We share what we know when we can, and often it is just what we're told. And in the world we live in, it's not possible to thread the needle in terms of timing. So there is that balance, and the Asian automaker has moved the timetable back by about half a year. But it's still on track there.
Fortunately, we plan for such contingencies to make sure we're not going to run out of resources before anticipated events happen. For the past 37 years, we've been debt free. We have been successful at raising capital long before we may need it to keep the number of shares outstanding relatively low compared to our peers.
幸運的是,我們為此類突發事件做好了計劃,以確保我們不會在預期事件發生之前耗盡資源。過去 37 年來,我們一直沒有負債。早在我們可能需要資金之前,我們就成功地籌集了資金,以保持流通股數量與同行相比相對較低。
For the past eight years, we've been constantly focusing on reducing operating expenses. Some of our competitors are not so fortunate or successful at achieving the same thing, and we are rapidly running out of cash. While they may measure their cash runway in terms of weeks, we have over five years' worth of cash and continue to be debt free.
View is trading pre-reverse stock split at less than a nickel per share, and Crown is less than half a penny. At Research Frontiers, we don't want our shareholders to have to speculate about whether our technology will make it out of the lab and into the real world. It has already done that in multiple industries.
View 在反向股票分割前的交易價格低於每股 5 美分,而 Crown 的交易價格不到半美分。在研究前沿,我們不希望我們的股東必須猜測我們的技術是否會走出實驗室並進入現實世界。它已經在多個行業中做到了這一點。
We don't want our shareholders to have to speculate about whether the technology will be high-performing and reliable, two qualities that are essential in any upscale market. Mercedes and then McLaren and then General Motors and then Ferrari, all have proven this in serial production. Airbus and Boeing and numerous other jet and turboprop and helicopter manufacturers are also proving this.
New products, in addition to the manufacturers I just mentioned, will be coming out. Since our last conference call, we added yet another auto manufacturer project. This one is from North America.
Now, as a caveat for this new project, do we have an estimated timeline and volumes? Yes. Will there be a straight line towards commercial production on that timeline? Maybe yes, maybe no. However, our long-standing experience in both -- in this industry has taught us to plan for both: things coming out ahead of schedule and things coming out behind schedule.
Let's go to the numbers. Our fee income was up 46% for the first nine months of this year. Automotive income was up 81% in Q3 2023 compared to Q3 2022. For the first nine months of this year, automotive fee income was up over 120% from last year. And Ferrari has shown healthy growth in sales each quarter of this year for their new Purosangue.
讓我們看一下數字。今年前 9 個月,我們的費用收入成長了 46%。與 2022 年第三季相比,2023 年第三季的汽車收入成長了 81%。今年前 9 個月,汽車費用收入比去年增加了 120% 以上。法拉利今年每季的新款 Purosangue 銷售都呈現出健康成長的態勢。
Our net loss is substantially lower. And we're looking forward to becoming cash flow positive and profitable by executing on our business plan. We expect revenue in all market segments to increase as new car models, aircraft, trains, and other products using our SPD-SmartGlass technology are introduced into the market.
我們的淨虧損大幅降低。我們期待透過執行我們的業務計劃來實現正現金流和盈利。我們預計,隨著使用我們的 SPD-SmartGlass 技術的新車型、飛機、火車和其他產品進入市場,所有細分市場的收入都會增加。
And with that, I look forward to answering your questions. And we took some of them that were e-mailed to us and included them in my presentation earlier. Here are some additional questions that were e-mailed to us. And in some cases, I'm combining several related questions into one.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
[John Nelson] had asked, in the markets that the film was sold into, which market sales are growing fastest quarter over quarter and year over year?
Clearly, automotive followed by aircraft. And we expect the architectural to become more significant in 2024 and later years.
顯然,汽車緊隨其後的是飛機。我們預計該架構將在 2024 年及以後的幾年中變得更加重要。
Another question by Mr. Nelson. Any potential new markets that REFR plans to move into?
納爾遜先生的另一個問題。 REFR 計劃進入哪些潛在的新市場?
I'm certainly excited about our bread-and-butter industry growth prospects, more cars, trains, and planes; the traditional usage. As far as non-traditional markets, I'm particularly excited about the use of SPD with transparent OLED technology for displays; and alternative areas of the car to the sunroof such as headlights, heads-up displays, and sun visors; and in sun visors, both as an attached visor or built into the windshield.
我當然對我們的麵包和黃油行業的成長前景感到興奮,更多的汽車、火車和飛機;傳統用法。就非傳統市場而言,我對 SPD 與透明 OLED 技術在顯示器中的使用感到特別興奮;以及汽車天窗的替代區域,例如前燈、平視顯示器和遮陽帽;以及遮陽板,無論是作為附加遮陽板還是內建於擋風玻璃中。
I'm also excited about some of the new projects for SPD-SmartGlass and architectural. And there, we believe it's going to be both in retrofit and in new installations. And I think that's going to be very significant.
我也對 SPD-SmartGlass 和建築領域的一些新項目感到興奮。在那裡,我們相信它將同時用於改造和新安裝。我認為這將非常重要。
Next question. Given the slow sales of EVs and no announced adoptions, the market for SPD may not be a high priority considering, say, Ford is losing $40,000 a vehicle. The EV market is slowing down as the lack of interest stems from the lack of charging stations. Coupled with the auto strikes, I presume the royalties from the auto sector are now pushed out further. And also, why have we not heard about any architectural wins?
下一個問題。鑑於電動車銷售緩慢且沒有宣布採用,考慮到福特每輛車損失 40,000 美元,SPD 市場可能不是重中之重。由於缺乏充電站而缺乏興趣,電動車市場正在放緩。再加上汽車罷工,我認為汽車產業的特許權使用費現在被進一步推高。而且,為什麼我們沒有聽過任何建築上的勝利?
Well, thank you, Jeff, for that question. First of all, based on what's in the pipeline, I expect architectural projects, both new and retrofit in 2024. And I don't think the UAW strike affected us at all. We're mostly in Europe and in Asia, and the strike is also basically over now. And things are returning to normal.
好吧,謝謝傑夫提出這個問題。首先,根據正在進行的項目,我預計 2024 年將有新建和改造的建築項目。而且我認為 UAW 罷工根本不會影響我們。我們主要在歐洲和亞洲,罷工現在基本上已經結束了。一切正在恢復正常。
Regarding EVs, I think a lot of companies were caught up in the EV development momentum and did not fully realize the economic and technical challenges. I don't think that will help us. It will affect us, however, I don't think it's going to hurt us.
For some companies like BMW and Mercedes and Tesla have a leg up on other traditional card companies trying to make EVs, much higher margins than, let's say, Ford. Also, the same 5.5% increase in driving range for EVs applies to increase gas mileage for internal combustion engine vehicles and is also added in ICE's, 4 grams per kilometer reduction in CO2 emissions. So we'll be fine either way. I mean, there's even an argument, Jeff, that if EV slow down, you're going to have to do more to reduce CO2 emissions through the reduction techniques of using things like smart glass.
對於寶馬、梅賽德斯和特斯拉等一些公司來說,它們在生產電動車方面比其他試圖生產電動車的傳統信用卡公司具有優勢,其利潤率比福特等公司要高得多。此外,電動車的行駛里程同樣增加了 5.5%,從而增加了內燃機汽車的油耗,並且在 ICE 中也增加了每公里二氧化碳排放量減少 4 克。所以無論如何我們都會沒事的。我的意思是,傑夫,甚至有人認為,如果電動車減速,你將不得不採取更多措施,透過使用智慧玻璃等減排技術來減少二氧化碳排放。
So it may actually help us, although, I'm not rooting for a reduction in EVs. I think some are very good vehicles, and some have challenges that eventually will be overcome.
Next question. LG is introducing multiple models of transparent OLED for commercial and residential applications. I would think that any used in windows in an outdoor sunny environment, we need SPD. Do you have any ballpark estimate as to what percentage of these different markets might use SPD? Thank you.
下一個問題。 LG 正在為商業和住宅應用推出多種型號的透明 OLED。我認為任何用於室外陽光明媚環境的窗戶,我們都需要SPD。對於這些不同市場中可能使用 SPD 的百分比,您有什麼大致的估計嗎?謝謝。
First of all, I agree that anytime a transparent OLED is used outdoors or with daylight behind it, such as turning the window in your home into a television or putting infill on a vehicle window. Like BMW spoke about at CES this year with their SPD-SmartGlass equipped car that they demo then -- highlighted at Oliver Zipse's keynote address, you're going to need SPD film. Anytime there's daylight behind a display, I think you're going to need it.
首先,我同意在任何時候在戶外或在日光照射下使用透明 OLED,例如將家中的窗戶變成電視或在車窗上填充填充物。就像BMW在今年的 CES 上展示的配備 SPD-SmartGlass 的汽車一樣 - Oliver Zipse 的主題演講中強調,您將需要 SPD 薄膜。每當顯示器後面有日光時,我想你都會需要它。
I don't think anyone can predict today, including LG, the penetration rates there. But I think that the markets are enormous. And I mentioned earlier, it's one of the new markets for SPD that I'm quite excited about.
我認為今天沒有人能夠預測那裡的滲透率,包括 LG。但我認為市場是巨大的。我之前提到過,這是令我非常興奮的 SPD 新市場之一。
Another question. Hi, Joe. In the Q1 2023 conference call, you talked about retrofit SPD windows accordingly. But we have a very well established, mature, well-capitalized licensee that has developed their own retrofit solution or architectural. And we see that as being a game changer for architectural SPD-Smart windows too.
另一個問題。嗨,喬。在 2023 年第一季的電話會議中,您相應地談到了改造 SPD 窗戶。但我們有一個非常完善、成熟、資本充足的被授權人,他們開發了自己的改造解決方案或架構。我們認為這也將改變建築 SPD 智慧窗戶的遊戲規則。
And then in Q2, I'm quoted at saying, we haven't put a timeframe on it. I don't see any showstoppers and why it could come out tomorrow if it needed to. And I think we're all pushing for that because I think we all understand that in the architectural market, it's a game changer.
Well, thank you, Rick, for the question. As I mentioned earlier, this is one of the new emerging areas that I'm quite excited about and expect retrofit architectural applications to come online next year.
And just to maybe put a little bit more detail into why I think it's a game changer. Right now, you either have to take out your glass and put a new glass, which in a residential application for a home is not that big of a deal. But for a building, a multi-family unit, which is the prime area for smart glass, you'd have to put up scaffolding if you're in New York, get landlord approval, and all sorts of things.
So being able to retrofit it from the inside like the system we have allows us to do, I think, is definitely a game changer and would substantially reduce the costs and simply allow a building to be retrofitted, perhaps even over a weekend when there's nobody in the buildings, if it's an office building.
Another, Jeff asked four questions. We've answered three of them. Here's the fourth. Does management believe the company website is adequate and upgrading with fresh content and a new design is unnecessary?
Well, thanks for that question, Jeff. We're a business-to-business company. So while websites are important, it's less critical than if we were a B2C business. And then I'm sure some differences of opinion.
好吧,謝謝你提出這個問題,傑夫。我們是一家企業對企業的公司。因此,雖然網站很重要,但它的重要性不如 B2C 企業那麼重要。然後我肯定會有一些意見分歧。
Some of the automakers we work with actually have complimented us on our current website. So I don't think it's affecting sales. And they know where to go, and they want to get the best switchable glass.
But having said that, and to put this in context, in 1995, when the Internet was first becoming commercialized, we saw the potential. In 1995, there were an estimated 23,500 websites in the world. We were one of them. And I actually had to learn HTML coding because the current tools for web design just didn't exist back then. And today, there's over 1.5 billion estimated websites around the world.
但話雖如此,並結合上下文來看,在 1995 年,當網路首次商業化時,我們看到了潛力。 1995 年,全球估計有 23,500 個網站。我們就是其中之一。事實上,我必須學習 HTML 編碼,因為當時還不存在目前的網頁設計工具。如今,全球估計有超過 15 億個網站。
Over the years, we've gone through multiple evolutions of our website. And while it may not be an immediate priority, I'm sure we will upgrade it. And while opinions can differ on our website, there's always room for improvement in everything we do. So it's something that we'll probably focus on.
Next question. The Lucid car has a large sunroof, and I have read that they're complaining about the interior heat. Has anyone approached Research Frontiers for a solution?
下一個問題。 Lucid 汽車有一個大天窗,我讀到他們抱怨車內過熱。有人向研究前沿尋求解決方案嗎?
Well, thank you, Mr. Hutton, for that question. Yes, we actually have an ongoing project with Lucid to help them with this. And we're seeing heat buildup inside the vehicle is becoming more and more of a problem in need of a solution, especially with panoramic glass roofs becoming more common. And if you just go out there and look at the blogs, you'll see a lot of people are complaining about a number of different vehicles that have massive heat buildup.
嗯,謝謝赫頓先生提出這個問題。是的,我們實際上與 Lucid 正在進行一個專案來幫助他們解決這個問題。我們發現車內的熱量累積越來越成為一個需要解決的問題,尤其是隨著全景玻璃天窗變得越來越普遍。如果您出去看看博客,您會發現很多人都在抱怨許多不同的車輛產生大量熱量。
And I remember, there was a wonderful video actually. When the McLaren first came out, the automotive news reported that was doing the test drive did a video. And he was talking about how the prior version of it was like sitting in a microwave oven but how cool the SPD-SmartGlass was in that vehicle and how cool to the touch it was.
我記得,實際上有一個很棒的視頻。當麥克拉倫第一次問世時,汽車新聞報道稱正在試駕並製作了影片。他正在談論它的早期版本就像坐在微波爐中一樣,但 SPD-SmartGlass 在該車輛中是多麼酷,而且摸起來是多麼酷。
Anyway, today, we've discussed a lot of exciting topics. And I'll now ask our operator, Paul, to open up the conference to any additional questions people participating today might have that we haven't already covered.
(Operator Instructions) [Francis Cortado].
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
Hello. Good afternoon, Joe.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Hi. How are you doing?
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
Pretty good. Last conference call, you mentioned that the shareholders are going to be greatly rewarded in this particular 2023. Do you stand by that statement?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Well, the timing is obviously off. Our stock is down. And as a shareholder, I don't -- I'm not happy about that because my net worth is tied up in this company.
But I do think that part of this was the delay in the Asian vehicle that we were expecting to have happen in the fourth quarter. And like I said, we take ownership of that.
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
Yeah. But with all the uncertainly, why would you make such a statement like that Joe?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Because we were told that that would be the timing, and then we were told that the timing changed. That's the nature of the automotive industry.
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
But it's the nature of the CEO to present himself in such a case that he doesn't bring all the hope together for all the shareholders, don't you agree?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
It's a fair point. Like I said, we do the best we can with the information we're given. I mean, the alternative is just wait for everything to happen and announce it after the fact. But I think that a lot of people would prefer to get at least a sense as to the directions that we're moving in and the progress we're making. (multiple speakers) And I'll admit it was a judgement call, and I was wrong on that one.
這是一個公平的觀點。就像我說的,我們會盡力利用所獲得的資訊。我的意思是,另一個選擇是等待一切發生並在事後宣布。但我認為很多人至少希望了解我們正在前進的方向和正在取得的進展。 (多名發言者)我承認這是一種判斷,而我在這一點上是錯誤的。
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
Francis Cortado - Private Investor
Thank you.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thank you.
John Nelson.
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Hi, Joe.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Hi, John. By the way, thank you for your renewed investment in the company.
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Well, it's all about potential. So I'm feeling good about my investment in Research Frontiers.
The press release states that fee income during the first nine months was up 46% versus nine months last year. And then the income for the third quarter was up 9% compared to last year's quarter. What accounted for the difference --?
新聞稿稱,前 9 個月的費用收入比去年 9 個月增加了 46%。第三季的營收比去年同期成長了9%。是什麼造成了這種差異──?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
What's the difference?
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
A lot of it is timing. I mean, when you're comparing quarter to quarter, there could be specific events in one particular quarter last year that where there was a blip up. And when you take a longer period of time like nine months versus nine months, you get -- it's a little more smoothed out. And that's why the automotive income was up substantially for the nine months.
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Okay. Good --
好的。好的 -
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
And also, as I mentioned earlier, I think you started to see Ferrari really kick in with some good growth in the adoption of SPD. Just to --
而且,正如我之前提到的,我認為您開始看到法拉利在 SPD 的採用方面取得了一些良好的增長。只為了 -
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Okay. Thank you.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thanks a lot.
(Operator Instructions) [Art Brady].
(操作員說明)[Art Brady]。
Art Brady - Private Investor
Art Brady - Private Investor
Hi, Joe. Art Brady here.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Hi, Art.
Art Brady - Private Investor
Art Brady - Private Investor
Can you give us a little picture on when the actual billings would start with LG?
能為我們介紹一下 LG 何時開始實際計費嗎?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
All of our license agreements have a provision that the licensee typically pays us 45 days after the end of the quarter in which a product is sold. So there may be products sold as part of the development process and things like that. But the real numbers come in when it hits the consumer markets, just like automotive, just like aircraft, just like architectural.
我們所有的授權協議都有一項規定,即被授權人通常在產品銷售季度結束後 45 天向我們付款。因此,可能會有作為開發過程的一部分出售的產品以及類似的事情。但當它進入消費市場時,真正的數字就會出現,就像汽車、飛機、建築一樣。
Art Brady - Private Investor
Art Brady - Private Investor
So that would mean starting maybe early January?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
When they decide to introduce the products, that's when you'll start to see revenues kick in. And to understand, there's also a lot of licensees have to achieve a minimum royalty before you see additional income. And they would have to exceed the minimum royalty for the year before you start having accretive new income.
So just to use numbers, if somebody had a $100,000 minimum royalty, that means -- and a 10% royalty, let's say, for automotive, you only see new revenue come in after they've achieved the $1 million in sales of products, which would generate $100,000 in royalty income. Then the next dollar after that generates another additional revenue.
因此,僅用數字來說,如果某人的最低特許權使用費為100,000 美元,這意味著- 比如說,對於汽車業,特許權使用費為10%,您只有在產品銷售額達到100 萬美元後來才會看到新的收入,這將產生 10 萬美元的特許權使用費收入。然後下一美元就會產生另一筆額外收入。
Art Brady - Private Investor
Art Brady - Private Investor
Okay. Thank you.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thanks a lot, Art.
(Operator Instructions) [David Paradiso].
(操作員說明)[David Paradiso]。
Dave Paradiso - Private Investor
Dave Paradiso - Private Investor
Hi, Joe.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Hi, Dave.
Dave Paradiso - Private Investor
Dave Paradiso - Private Investor
I've been a shareholder for 29 years now and still waiting. And given that the price of the stock is where it is, I'm concerned once again about delisting. Can you talk about the timing of when REFR could be delisted and ramifications and all that?
我已經成為股東 29 年了,但仍在等待。鑑於該股的價格就是現在的水平,我再次擔心退市問題。您能談談 REFR 何時下市以及後果等問題嗎?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Sure. So first of all, I don't expect it to happen. And I don't think we're going to have to do what our two competitors did with the 60-to-1 reverse stock split just to get their stock over $1. And one of them has already drifted down and got another delisting notice.
當然。所以首先,我不希望它發生。我認為我們不必像我們的兩個競爭對手那樣,透過 60 比 1 的反向股票分割來讓他們的股票超過 1 美元。而其中一家已經漂流下來,再次收到下市通知。
But typically, the Nasdaq rules require that if you trade below $1 for a certain period of time, then you have 180 days to come into compliance and trade above $1. And if that doesn't happen, typically, there's another six-month period that's granted. And usually, what companies have done is do things like Woodview and Crown did, which is reverse stock splits to try to get their stock above $1. I don't expect that to happen.
但通常情況下,納斯達克規則要求,如果您在一段時間內的交易價格低於 1 美元,那麼您有 180 天的時間遵守規定,交易價格高於 1 美元。如果這種情況沒有發生,通常還會再給予六個月的期限。通常,公司所做的就是像 Woodview 和 Crown 那樣做,即反向股票分割,試圖讓他們的股票高於 1 美元。我不希望這種情況發生。
I think we're in a period where there hasn't been any news. And I'm pretty confident that there will be good news well within the timeframe I just mentioned. So I'm not at all even thinking about it.
Dave Paradiso - Private Investor
Dave Paradiso - Private Investor
Okay. Thank you.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thanks a lot, Dave.
[David Forrester].
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Well, actually, it's Michael Forrester, if you can hear me.
嗯,實際上,我是邁克爾·福雷斯特(Michael Forrester),如果你能聽到我的話。
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
It's Michael Forrester. How are you doing, Michael?
I apologize, sir. Michael Forrester.
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
In regard to -- we had two suppliers of the film, Gauzy for one and Hitachi, which I think sold off its interest. Is there a problem in getting people to adapt the SPD technology because of a lack of multiple suppliers?
關於——我們有兩家薄膜供應商,一家是 Gauzy,另一家是日立,我認為日立已經賣掉了它的權益。由於缺乏多個供應商,讓人們採用 SPD 技術是否有問題?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
No. There's more to the Hitachi story, which I think people will be pleased with when they hear about it. But no, we haven't encountered that.
What the automakers, especially where they like to have multiple suppliers, have been focusing on is on multiple sources of lamination. So they have the glass laminator that -- which is the person that set -- the company that sets the price for the automaker for things like sunroofs.
It's having multiples. And that's part of the supply chain that has been important. And then we have basically the who's who of the auto glass industry license.
So the automakers seem very comfortable with everything. And in this recent North American project, we went through a good list of potential licensees to supply the project. And they were all companies that the automaker would welcome working with. So it's been fine.
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Well, you brought up at the beginning the problems in Israel right now. And I'm just -- it strikes me that if it's realistically that Gauzy is the only producer of volume of film, there's a limit on what Gauzy can currently produce, and maybe they haven't hit the limit yet. But is that a barrier? Do you get that feedback from potential customers?
嗯,你一開始就提到了以色列現在的問題。我只是 - 令我震驚的是,如果 Gauzy 實際上是唯一電影產量的製片人,那麼 Gauzy 目前可以製作的內容是有限的,也許他們還沒有達到極限。但這是障礙嗎?您是否從潛在客戶那裡得到了回饋?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
No, I don't. It's a fair question, though. So let me delve a little bit deeper into that, maybe give people some comfort on that.
So Gauzy actually has locations throughout the world, not just in one place. And they also have multiple locations even within Israel. So if God forbid something happened to their main facility in Tel Aviv-Yafo, and I've seen the Iron Dome at work, and it works quite well. So it's a low chance in a populated area like that of something striking.
所以 Gauzy 實際上在世界各地都有分支機構,而不僅僅是一處。即使在以色列境內,他們也有多個地點。因此,如果上帝保佑他們在特拉維夫-雅法的主要設施發生什麼事,我已經看到鐵穹正在工作,而且效果很好。因此,在人口稠密的地區,像引人注目的地方那樣,發生這種情況的可能性很小。
But even if it did, there's a facility not 10 minutes away that things can be moved to. And then there's also facilities in Germany and other places that can house it. So they -- unfortunately, the world they live in involves contingency planning that we don't have to do in New York. Nobody's threatened, thankfully, not right now.
但即使這樣做了,不到 10 分鐘路程就有一個設施可以把東西搬到那裡。德國和其他地方也有可以容納它的設施。因此,不幸的是,他們所處的世界涉及應急計劃,而我們在紐約則不必這樣做。謝天謝地,目前沒有人受到威脅。
So it's very much part of their strategic planning to be able to deal with situations like that. And --
因此,能夠處理此類情況是他們策略規劃的重要組成部分。和 -
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
I have another.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Yeah. You've talked about reduction of costs that's primarily administrative or internal. And I --
是的。您談到了主要是管理或內部成本的降低。和我 -
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Yeah, at Research Frontiers. The other focus on cost is that the end product side. And there, we've gotten the cost of the SPD film to a fraction of what it was in the beginning.
是的,在研究前沿。成本的另一個重點是最終產品方面。在那裡,我們已經將 SPD 膠片的成本降低到了最初的一小部分。
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Well, I'll preface my question with -- I understand you have contracts with various licensees. And I presume, correct me if I'm wrong, that a typical provision is that the licensee gets the cheapest price that's offered to any licensee now or in the near future.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
There's no most favorite nations provisions. But with volume, you get discounts. And if somebody is developing a large use of SPD film, for example, they'll get a better price I'm sure from Gauzy than someone that's doing a couple of windows.
沒有最受喜愛國家的規定。但隨著數量的增加,你會得到折扣。例如,如果有人正在開發大量使用 SPD 膠片的產品,我確信他們會從 Gauzy 那裡得到比生產幾扇窗戶的人更好的價格。
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Well, return, as I understand it, is typically 10%.
嗯,據我了解,回報率通常為 10%。
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
10% in automotive, 15% in the other markets of the revenue.
收入的 10% 用於汽車市場,15% 用於其他市場。
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Okay. In that regard, if we offered 9.5% to a big buyer, so that increases the use of the product and gets other competitors of that buyer interested in competing. Has that been considered as a way of even though if we lose some revenue in the [short] --?
好的。在這方面,如果我們向大買家提供 9.5% 的折扣,那麼就會增加產品的使用,並使該買家的其他競爭對手有興趣競爭。即使我們在[短期]中損失一些收入,這是否被視為一種方式?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
It's certainly been -- yeah, yeah. No. I mean, look. We're -- and that's an excellent question. Maximizing revenue, because we get paid based on revenue, is positive for Research Frontiers. So going from, let's say, 10% to 9.5%, if there was huge volumes in a product that someone could commit to, it's definitely something we've considered and discussed.
這當然是——是的,是的。不,我是說,看。我們是——這是一個很好的問題。收入最大化,因為我們根據收入獲得報酬,這對研究前沿是積極的。因此,從 10% 到 9.5%,如果有人可以承諾生產大量產品,那麼這絕對是我們考慮和討論過的事情。
The issue, though, is that for that to happen, the licensee has to commit to large volumes. And for that to happen, their automotive customers have to commit to large volumes. So they have to either make the standard equipment, and you know how much class place you're putting in a vehicle and how much of it is smart glass, or commit to a certain make rate. So you know, once again, how much glass you're putting.
Or the way it is now, it's the customer deciding the configuration of what cars they want. And that's less predictable for the automaker, obviously. And less predictable for the glass laminating licensee. So if someone's willing to make a commitment, we certainly would consider a reduction if it was an impediment, or if we can get more some more revenue out of it. Because our cost (multiple speakers)
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Last topic. I see that there's -- warrants were purchased. Can you tell us what the lowest cost price to purchase stock of Research Frontiers by a warrant holder?
最後一個話題。我看到有——認股權證被購買了。您能否告訴我們認股權證持有人購買 Research Frontiers 股票的最低成本價格是多少?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
I'd have to look. I don't have that number in front of me. It's in our 10-Q though, the weighted average and the exercise price of the warrants. Some go as high as $4 or $5.
我得看看。我面前沒有這個號碼。不過,它是在我們的 10-Q 中,即認股權證的加權平均價和行使價。有些價格高達 4 或 5 美元。
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
(multiple speakers) warrants.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Yeah. Some go -- some are exercisable at $4, $4.30. Some are exercisable at lower prices.
是的。有些行使——有些可以以 4 美元、4.30 美元的價格行使。有些可以以較低的價格行使。
No warrants were purchased, though. I mean, there were some that were exercised in the first nine months of this year because they were in the money. And I think that was at $1.38, if I remember right, per share.
不過,沒有購買任何認股權證。我的意思是,今年前九個月有一些股票被行使,因為它們是實值的。如果我沒記錯的話,我認為每股價格為 1.38 美元。
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
All right. Well, last question. Are there any warrant holders who could purchase stock now at a price less than the market?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
Michael Forrester - Private Investor
All right. Thanks.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thanks a lot, Michael.
John Nelson.
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Hi, Joe. This is a follow-up. Earlier in the call, you mentioned the project near and dear to both of us due to the massive potential size of the market of the visor project, either attached or built into --
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Or built the window field, right?
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Yeah. Without naming names, can you share any further details on the visor project?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
So I could probably talk about what's been public only. In McLaren, there's one version of the McLaren that has, what's called, the charlotte roof, which is a panoramic roof that wraps down into the windshield of the car, if you can imagine. So that band between the windshield and the roof is not metal. It's a curved piece of glass.
And they've actually done the sun visor built into that. It's been done in low volume. And for other manufacturers that have much higher volumes, we've had development projects, building that into this -- into the windshield itself.
And what's cool about that, John, is that you can actually do multi segmented -- multiple segments in the sun visor. So then if you combine that with, let's say, a photocell, it detects where the (technical difficulty).
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
I'm sorry. Mr. Harary, we seemed have lost you.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Okay. Is that better now?
Yes. You're back, sir.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Okay. Thank you. Yeah. So you could adjust the -- which segment of the sun visor actually goes up and down or goes dark or light with a photocell when you build it into the windshield.
[Alan Ginsberg].
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Okay. Yes. Hello. Joe, how are you?
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
I'm good. My question is a follow up to one of the previous questions, and that has to do with suppliers. Now, I understand what you said about fabricators, et cetera. But I'm sure that end users also look at the situation in Israel.
So you mentioned Hitachi, and that will be hearing something. And I'm very interested in that as a second supplier. So can you give us a little more color on that?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
At this point (technical difficulty).
Okay. Thank you. I apologize. We had a voiceover Internet issue, and I think it's been resolved now.
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Yes. Can you hear me?
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Yeah. Am I on the line with you now, Joe?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
You still are. Okay.
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Hi. I asked you about Hitachi, and that's when we got cut off.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Okay. Yeah. At this point, I'm not able to give more details about that, but I think everyone will be very happy with some of the details when they do come out. And hopefully, there will be a time soon when I can do that.
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
So is that a near-term thing that we might hear something about it?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
It's not within my control, but it could be very near term.
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor
Okay. That's important to me. Thank you.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
You're welcome.
(Operator Instructions) [Tom Smith].
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Hi, Joe.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Hi, Tom. How are you?
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Good, good. So as you've probably seen, there was rumors that Cybertruck might have electrochromic. You opened the conference call and mentioned the Cybertruck. Then you mentioned that at that time it didn't have SPD. I don't think investors have much -- (multiple speakers)
好好。正如您可能已經看到的那樣,有傳言稱 Cybertruck 可能具有電致變色功能。您打開電話會議並提到了 Cybertruck。然後你提到當時沒有SPD。我認為投資者沒有太多——(多位發言者)
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
I don't want you to read too much. I don't want you to read too much into that. It was more of an example of a vehicle that came out from a very reputable and innovative auto manufacturer that had its share of delays and technical issues too. And it is the world we live in.
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Tom Smith - Private Investor
(multiple speakers) making sure.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thanks for asking that.
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Yeah. And then how about Rivian? Anything on Rivian talk, because they seem to be growing, and they have shown SPD before?
是的。那麼 Rivian 呢?有什麼關於 Rivian 的談話嗎?因為他們似乎在成長,而且他們以前也表現過 SPD?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Yeah, they have shown SPD. And we hope that they will show it again, because they are having issues with the heat buildup inside the vehicle. So we're out there [as] this solution for many, many people.
是的,他們展示了 SPD。我們希望他們能再次展示它,因為他們遇到了車內熱量積聚的問題。因此,我們為許多很多人提供了這個解決方案。
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Tom Smith - Private Investor
And then as far as the Hyundai, you said first half. I mean, that's a large timeframe. Do you have -- is it more towards Q1 or Q2, or you just have no idea?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
I'm reluctant to give more of a precise timing, because last time I did I was called out on it. So if you don't mind, I got to leave it somewhat long term.
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Has there been any more (multiple speakers)?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
I was talking about the next. Yeah. First half, we're talking about within the next six to eight months.
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Has there any been more -- any more confirmation on it, or does it stand where the confirmation was before? Or is it looking more certain, or you can't say, or you don't know?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
It's looking more certain. But, like I said, I'm reluctant to make any predictions given the fact that one of them just bit me in the butt.
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Tom Smith - Private Investor
Okay. All right. Thank you.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
John Nelson.
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Hi. Joe, we got cut off.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Sorry about that, John.
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Don't know what happened.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
We had an Internet issue that -- [he] said.
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Did I miss anything on comments? Any more comments on the -- or details on the visor project?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Other than that we have development efforts in the past and currently, both in the windshield and as a standalone, and that McLaren had actually put it in series production. And you can have a system where it detects where the sun is on the horizon and decides which segment to darken and lighten based on where the sun is. So it's something that I think is a very good application, and something near and dear to my heart as well. (multiple speakers) quite a bit.
除此之外,我們過去和現在都在擋風玻璃和獨立產品方面進行了開發工作,麥克拉倫實際上已將其投入批量生產。您可以擁有一個系統,它可以偵測太陽在地平線上的位置,並根據太陽的位置決定哪個部分變暗或變亮。所以我認為這是一個非常好的應用程序,也是我所喜愛的。 (多個發言者)相當多。
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Okay. Are the partners that you're in project with this -- one partner for both fixed and attached or two parts?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Different. Different licensees.
John Nelson - Private Investor
John Nelson - Private Investor
Okay, excellent. Thank you very much.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thank you. Thanks a lot, John.
[Tom McCarthy].
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Hi, Joe.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Hi, Tom. How are you?
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Good. Enjoying retirement. And as a former financial adviser, I'm very aware that the investment community is going to be looking at Research Frontiers and painting it with the same as we did View and Crown and other similar companies or similar products that aren't going to be successful. In other words, Research Frontiers is going to have to do a good, strong, aggressive PR initiative, I believe, to really get the investment community to take a serious look at it. What are the plans to do that?
好的。享受退休生活。作為一名前財務顧問,我非常清楚投資界將專注於研究前沿,並以與 View 和 Crown 以及其他類似公司或類似產品相同的方式進行繪製,但這些公司不會成功的。換句話說,我相信,研究前沿必須採取良好、有力、積極的公關舉措,才能真正讓投資界認真對待它。這樣做的計劃是什麼?
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Sure. So that's a fair question and something that both we and Gauzy incidentally have discussed many, many times in terms of that. There are big differences between us and Crown, and us and View. First of all, the economics.
View is a bad company, in my opinion, because the technology doesn't perform well. And they had an accounting fraud issue. And it's not for lack of sales, it's for lack of performance. And they are highly subsidized their sales, so they lost $250 million in cash last year.
在我看來,View 是一家糟糕的公司,因為技術表現不佳。他們還存在會計欺詐問題。這並不是因為銷量不足,而是因為業績不佳。而且他們的銷售得到了高額補貼,因此去年他們損失了 2.5 億美元的現金。
We didn't. And I can pretty much assure you that there's nobody in our supply chain that is building a business around that business model of highly subsidizing to the point of losing massive amounts of money. That's just not in anyone's DNA. Every project has to stand on its own economically, and it will, and that's one of the key differences.
我們沒有。我幾乎可以向你保證,我們的供應鏈中沒有人圍繞著高額補貼的商業模式建立業務,以至於損失大量資金。這不存在於任何人的 DNA 中。每個項目都必須在經濟上獨立,而且它會的,這是關鍵的區別之一。
Crown doesn't have a product that came out the door. So I don't think anybody is comparing us to them. There have been a lot of promises over the years and moving goalposts and things like that. But their Smart Window Insert has not come out yet, and it's always around the corner. So I don't think we have to worry too much about that.
Crown 還沒有推出任何產品。所以我認為沒有人將我們與他們進行比較。多年來,我們做出了許多承諾,也做出了許多改變,諸如此類。但他們的智慧窗插還沒有問世,而且它總是指日可待。所以我認為我們不必對此過於擔心。
And you have things like the Dynamic Glass Act. That's part of the IRA that is giving tax credits for smart windows. So that changes the economics also in our favor. So I wouldn't really say that View is a fair comparison. I think that it's certainly something that we and Gauzy have to work to distinguish ourselves from, and we do.
還有《動態玻璃法案》之類的法案。這是 IRA 的一部分,為智慧窗戶提供稅收抵免。因此,這對經濟的改變也對我們有利。所以我真的不會說 View 是一個公平的比較。我認為這肯定是我們和 Gauzy 必須努力使自己與眾不同的事情,而我們也確實做到了。
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
But it's not a direct comparison. And I've been -- in the last three to four conference calls, pointing out from time to time some of the differences between us and them. But on the marketing side, you have a window that goes darker, goes lighter, and switches faster. It's not a direct comparison.
We're much better performing than them. It's a film which makes the logistics easier, which means we don't have to ship glass across the world. We could ship film and have it laminated locally. So there's a lot of things that are different, and we point that out to the customers.
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
I know that, and there are major differences. I'm not talking about potential customers. I'm talking about brokerage firms and newsletter writers and research services. Excuse me.
They can be very superficial when they're looking at something new. And the inclination is going to be -- to think that REFR is another View or another Crown. My point is --
當他們看待新事物時,他們可能會非常膚淺。人們傾向於認為 REFR 是另一種視圖或另一種皇冠。我的觀點是——
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Yeah, except that anybody who does even more of a super visual -- than super visual analysis will see we're not losing a $0.25 billion a year in cash. We're not subsidizing the product, and we're in multiple industries. So it's a little bit different.
是的,除了超級視覺分析以外的任何人都會發現我們每年不會損失 2.5 億美元的現金。我們不對產品提供補貼,而且我們涉及多個行業。所以有點不同。
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
It's a good point. It's very different. But the point I'm trying to make, I guess -- and I'm sorry, I'm belaboring this, is you can expect the folks I'm talking about to come to you unless you've gone to them, so to speak, unless you've already do.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Right. And I think that -- yeah. Yeah, and there is a messaging and PR initiative that is being launched, but you'll see as well.
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Tom McCarthy - Private Investor
Terrific. Okay. Keep up the good work, Joe.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
But thanks, and I appreciate the question.
Jarrod Sherman, Strategic Planning Group.
Jarrod Sherman,策略規劃小組。
Jarrod Sherman - Analyst
Jarrod Sherman - Analyst
Thank you. Hey, Joe, at what point to you, yourself, or the Board, or any other insiders feel that it's a fairly cheap price to purchase the shares in the open market? I can't think of a better way because you can't control any other news of supporting the stock just to put your own money in it.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Yeah. Well, some of our Directors have purchased stock. There's, at any given time, different levels of information within the company that would restrict people also from buying it. I'm sure you're familiar with windows opening and closing. And right now, the window is closed. It may open up soon, it may not.
Jarrod Sherman - Analyst
Jarrod Sherman - Analyst
Yeah. I guess, things like --
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
But we don't know free reign to purchase anytime we want because of the insider trading rules that apply.
Jarrod Sherman - Analyst
Jarrod Sherman - Analyst
I understand that. But I mean, it's the year since of the news other the Ferrari. I'm sure there's been plenty of windows that you guys could have dabbled. And other than a few thousand shares here or there, which is not really an impactful purchase, I just think that it would bode us all well if you guys stepped up and actually purchase some shares in the open market.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Yeah. Well, I agree. And we try to do what we can do when we can do it. There also, within the last year, was a fairly significant event that was expected to be right on the horizon, which would have made any kind of purchase in opportune. So you do have restrictions even within a long period of time.
But I hear what you're saying, and I appreciate the question.
Jarrod Sherman - Analyst
Jarrod Sherman - Analyst
Okay. Thank you.
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thank you. And seeing no further questions, I'll turn the call back over to Mr. Harary for final comments.
謝謝。由於沒有其他問題,我會將電話轉回給 Harary 先生以徵求最終意見。
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Joe Harary - President, CEO, Director, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Thanks. I'm going to make a few closing remarks, and thank you, Paul. This year, our fee income was up 46% for the first nine months of the year, with automotive income up 81% quarter over quarter and up over 120% for the first nine months of the year compared to last year.
謝謝。我將做一些結束語,謝謝你,保羅。今年,我們的前 9 個月的費用收入增長了 46%,其中汽車收入環比增長 81%,今年前 9 個月的收入比去年增長了 120% 以上。
Ferrari has shown healthy growth in sales in each quarter of this year for the new Purosangue. And that uses our SPD-SmartGlass in the roof. And I'm told that further growth is expected in sales in the fourth quarter.
法拉利今年每季的新款 Purosangue 銷售均呈現健康成長。這在屋頂上使用了我們的 SPD-SmartGlass。我獲悉第四季度的銷售額預計將進一步成長。
We expect revenue in all market segments to increase as new car models, aircraft frames, architectural, and other products using our SPD-SmartGlass are introduced into the market. And we're very much on our way of becoming cash flow positive and profitable by executing on our business plan.
我們預計,隨著使用我們的 SPD-SmartGlass 的新車型、飛機框架、建築和其他產品進入市場,所有細分市場的收入都會增加。透過執行我們的業務計劃,我們正在努力實現正現金流和盈利。
There's a lot of analogies between sports and business. And perhaps, I'm just making this analogy because I have the World Series on my mind. But in baseball, less than 2.7% of games are won at the end with a walk-off homerun. And in football, less than 10% of Hail Mary passes are completed.
運動和商業之間有很多相似之處。也許,我只是做這個類比,因為我腦子裡有世界職棒大賽。但在棒球比賽中,只有不到 2.7% 的比賽最終以離場本壘打獲勝。而在足球比賽中,只有不到 10% 的萬福瑪利亞傳球能夠完成。
Statistically, baseball games and division titles are the one mostly by hitting singles. And if you're investing in Research Frontiers based on the battery getting a grand slam home run, it has happened several times. But it's much more likely that your success will come from the singles and doubles and triples that we've hit, and all the preparation that has gone into that.
We have long-standing seats placed throughout many industries. And I'm pretty sure that we're well on our way to victory and have a very good team of players throughout the world to get us there.
And in keeping with the sports analogy, some of the players on the opposing team are on the injury list and may have even had some career ending mistakes, but not us. We'll continue to focus on hitting singles, doubles, and triples, and an occasional home run. And we also hope to throw in a grand slam from time to time. We hope you'll be enjoying the game with us, and we're working hard to win in all of our industries. Thank you all.
The Research Frontiers's investors conference call has now come to an end. Thank you for joining and have a pleasant day.