Research Frontiers Inc (REFR) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Research Frontiers investor conference call to discuss the fourth quarter and full year 2024 results of operations and recent developments.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Research Frontiers 投資者電話會議,討論 2024 年第四季度和全年的營運業績和最新發展。

  • The company will be answering many of the questions that were emailed to it, prior to this conference call either in their presentation or as part of the Q&A session at the end.


  • In some cases, the company has responded directly to email questions, prior to this call or will do so afterwards, in order to answer more questions, of general interest to shareholders on this call.


  • Some statements today may contain forward-looking information identified by words such as expect, anticipate, and forecast.


  • These reflect current beliefs and actual results may differ materially from those expressed due to various risk factors, including those detailed in our SEC filings.


  • Research Frontiers assumes no obligation to update or revise these statements.

    Research Frontiers 不承擔更新或修改這些聲明的義務。

  • Today's call is in listen-only mode, with a Q&A session to follow.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • The call is being recorded, and I will be available for -- and will be available for replay on Research Frontiers' website at for the next 90 days.

    這通電話正在錄音,我將在接下來的 90 天內在 Research Frontiers 的網站 上提供重播。

  • If you find that your questions has been substantially answered as a courtesy, and to allow time, for other shareholders to ask their questions.


  • (Operator Instructions) Also, we ask that you keep your questions brief in the interest of time.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Joe Harary, President and Chief Executive Officer of Research Frontiers.

    現在,我想將會議交給 Research Frontiers 總裁兼執行長喬·哈拉里 (Joe Harary)。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Paul.


  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to our fourth quarter and full year of 2024 investor conference call.

    大家好,歡迎參加我們 2024 年第四季和全年投資者電話會議。

  • First of all, we've been asked by our largest shareholders to try to make these quarterly calls shorter and more focused, so we'll try to do this with your help.


  • And my remarks today will be relatively brief, and it's certainly easier to keep things short when the news is good.


  • Let's start with our financial results.


  • Revenues were up 47% to $1.336 million.

    營收成長 47% 至 133.6 萬美元。

  • This was an increase of $426,000 in royalty income over last year.

    與去年相比,特許權使用費收入增加了 426,000 美元。

  • This was driven by a 48% increase in royalties from the automotive market and an increase of 57% from aircraft.

    這是由於汽車市場特許權使用費增長 48% 和飛機市場特許權使用費增長 57% 所致。

  • Total expenses this year were down more than $165,000, which is a 6% reduction in an inflationary environment.

    今年的總支出下降了 165,000 多美元,在通貨膨脹的環境下下降了 6%。

  • Our expenses are the lowest they've been since 1996, and we have focused on operational efficiency consistently throughout the year.


  • The total improvement in our bottom line this year was $597,000, and this gets us closer to profitability.

    我們今年的底線總改善額為 597,000 美元,這使我們更接近盈利。

  • Our net loss for the entire year was $0.04 per share compared to $0.06 per share last year.

    我們全年淨虧損為每股 0.04 美元,而去年每股淨虧損為 0.06 美元。

  • This is the lowest annual per share loss since we went public 38 years ago.


  • Moving from our income statement to our balance sheet.


  • We had $2 million in cash as of the end of 2024 and working capital of $2.5 million.

    截至 2024 年底,我們擁有 200 萬美元現金和 250 萬美元營運資金。

  • Cash went down by $482,000 for the entire year or an average of $40,000 per month.

    全年現金減少 482,000 美元,平均每月減少 40,000 美元。

  • Our burn rate is much lower than ever before.


  • We have no debt and sufficient working capital for more than the next five years.


  • Both our domestic and foreign patent portfolios currently extend to 2037.

    我們的國內和國外專利組合目前均延伸至 2037 年。

  • Moving now to highlights from our business this year. 2024 marked notable growth in our Ferrari business and McLaren business as well as the introduction towards the end of 2024 of the Cadillac CELESTIQ with its amazing SPD-SmartGlass roof.

    現在來談談我們今年的業務亮點。 2024 年標誌著我們的法拉利業務和麥克拉倫業務取得顯著成長,同時在 2024 年底推出了配備令人驚嘆的 SPD-SmartGlass 車頂的凱迪拉克 CELESTIQ。

  • SPD remains a highly popular chosen option on the Ferrari and the Ferrari Purosangue and multiple McLaren car models and is standard equipment on the Cadillac CELESTIQ.

    SPD 仍然是法拉利、法拉利 Purosangue 和多款麥克拉倫車型上非常受歡迎的選配,並且是凱迪拉克 CELESTIQ 的標準配備。

  • Commercial airlines have begun to put SPD in their cabin windows, most notably in both Boeing and Airbus aircraft as decision-making has moved from the OEMs to their airline customers.

    商業航空公司已經開始在其客艙窗戶上安裝 SPD,最明顯的是波音和空中巴士飛機,因為決策權已經從 OEM 轉移到了航空公司客戶。

  • We also have steady business in small, medium and large VIP corporate jets as well.

    我們在小型、中型和大型 VIP 公務機方面也有穩定的業務。

  • We see the growth coming from the addition of new vehicles in 2025.

    我們預計 2025 年新車的增加將帶來成長。

  • Some of these were expected in 2024, but the launch of the entire model was delayed for reasons unrelated to our SPD-SmartGlass.

    其中一些預計在 2024 年推出,但由於與我們的 SPD-SmartGlass 無關的原因,整個型號的推出被推遲。

  • We are also working on major high-volume projects for 2026 and the volumes for these projects could dwarf anything that we or Gauzy have spoken about publicly to date.

    我們也正在為 2026 年開展一些大型高容量項目,這些項目的數量可能會超過我們或 Gauzy 迄今為止公開談論的任何項目。

  • We also expect that you'll see the introduction of more architectural projects this year, both with the traditional method of replacing the glass with SPD-SmartGlass and also retrofitting SPD-SmartGlass to the inside of homes and buildings to make the building envelope smart.

    我們也預計,今年您將看到更多建築項目的推出,既採用傳統的方法用 SPD-SmartGlass 替換玻璃,也將 SPD-SmartGlass 改裝到住宅和建築物內部,使建築圍護結構變得聰明。

  • No one else out there can retrofit smart windows.


  • This retrofit application promises to make it less expensive and less disruptive to building occupants to convert existing buildings from having ordinary glass to SPD-SmartGlass and will speed up the sales cycle considerably.

    此改造應用預計將降低將現有建築的普通玻璃轉換為 SPD-SmartGlass 的成本,減少對建築居住者的干擾,並將大大加快銷售週期。

  • Our licensee with this patented retrofit system has built an impressive manufacturing facility with high capacity supporting this retrofit application.


  • Next year, we can see market expansion from other areas as well.


  • Let me now speak about the recently announced Black Particle, which many of you have asked about.


  • This is something that the smart glass industry has sought for decades.


  • We and Gauzy have had sustained efforts on this, working together since day one.

    我們和 Gauzy 從第一天起就一直為此努力並共同努力。

  • And even prior to Gauzy becoming a licensee, Research Frontiers has been searching for the right materials for decades.

    甚至在 Gauzy 成為授權商之前,Research Frontiers 數十年來一直在尋找合適的材料。

  • It might be helpful now for me to explain a little bit about the physics behind SPD technology.

    現在我稍微解釋一下 SPD 技術背後的物理原理可能會有所幫助。

  • There are nanoparticles that are randomly suspended in capsules filled with special polymeric and non-polymeric liquids.


  • When an electric field is applied, these special particles line up and allow light to pass through.


  • When they are unpowered, they naturally return due to browning motion to a random state that blocks light.


  • The current particle appears blue because they are very, very efficient at blocking all areas of the visible spectrum except for blue light.


  • And that is why when you have an SPD window inside, it will look black because there's very little blue light in interior lighting.

    這就是為什麼當室內安裝 SPD 窗戶時,它看起來會是黑色的,因為室內照明中的藍光很少。

  • But when you move that same piece of glass outside, the blue light in daylight is the only area of the visible spectrum that is transmitted, and that is why SPD windows appear to be sapphire blue when it's outdoors and you're looking through it.

    但是,當你將同一塊玻璃移到室外時,日光中的藍光是可見光譜中唯一透射的區域,這就是為什麼當你在室外透過 SPD 窗戶看時,它會呈現藍寶石藍色。

  • This is where the significance of the Black Particle comes in now.


  • So if we could also block blue light in this process, the window would appear gray or black.


  • And I want to reiterate that black SPD that has been shown behind closed doors at Gauzy's booth at CES in January were R&D samples.

    我想重申的是,1 月 CES 上 Gauzy 展位上秘密展示的黑色 SPD 是研發樣品。

  • And even though they were R&D samples, they had an impressive range of light transmission and other optical characteristics.


  • More work needs to be done to refine things, and we are making excellent progress.


  • Now speaking from decades of experience, we know that there's a big difference between being a black particle, having it stay black when it's put into a liquid suspension and then putting it into a film.


  • The samples at CES accomplished all of these things beautifully.

    CES 上展示的樣品完美地實現了所有這些目標。

  • They were very well received by the special customers who saw it.


  • The next step is going from R&D samples to engineering samples.


  • These would be closer to the final product.


  • After the current engineering sample stage, we then go into mass production.


  • I've been asked how long does it take between the engineering sample stage and mass production stage, and that's relatively easy to explain.


  • The SPD film coater that Gauzy has near Stuttgart, Germany has been designed to be quite flexible in how it's configured.

    Gauzy 位於德國斯圖加特附近的 SPD 薄膜塗佈機的設計配置非常靈活。

  • That means that almost every relevant variable that you can think of between film coating width, SPD emulsion coating thickness, line speeds, et cetera, can be adjusted in mass production on the existing line.

    這意味著您能想到的幾乎所有相關變量,包括薄膜塗層寬度、SPD 乳劑塗層厚度、線速度等等,都可以在現有生產線的大規模生產中進行調整。

  • The specially designed coating head itself on Gauzy's SPD film coater is also capable of handling many different materials.

    Gauzy 的 SPD 薄膜塗佈機上專門設計的塗佈頭本身也能夠處理多種不同的材料。

  • If the final engineered materials are close in reology, such as viscosity and flow characteristics to the current SPD emulsion using the blue particle, the mass production of the black particle SPD film can happen very quickly thereafter.

    如果最終工程材料在黏度和流動特性等理論方面與目前使用藍色粒子的 SPD 乳液接近,那麼黑色粒子 SPD 薄膜的批量生產就可以很快實現。

  • Typically, there are some adjustments that are always made whenever you change a material that you're coding and the production experts at Gauzy and at Research Frontiers are quite adept and experienced at doing this.

    通常,每當您更改正在編碼的材料時,總是會進行一些調整,而 Gauzy 和 Research Frontiers 的生產專家在這方面非常熟練且經驗豐富。

  • Now from a market perspective, the black particle is a nice alternative to the current one, but is by no means a necessary item.


  • The current blue particle also can be made to look black or gray with post-production steps after the film is made.


  • And in areas like sunroofs or skylights where you're looking up at the sky, the sapphire blue color may actually be preferable.


  • For areas like side windows in cars, planes and homes and offices, black or gray may be preferable, and those are the primary areas where we believe that the black SPD can result in a meaningful market expansion beyond what we're doing now.

    對於汽車、飛機、家庭和辦公室的側窗等領域,黑色或灰色可能是更可取的,而這些是我們認為黑色 SPD 能夠帶來比我們現在所做的更有意義的市場擴展的主要領域。

  • Once again, this is not a necessary condition to commercial success, but it is extremely desirable and can expand the markets for SPD glass, as I explained, something that the SmartGlass industry has been trying to do for decades.

    再說一次,這不是商業成功的必要條件,但它是極其可取的,可以擴大 SPD 玻璃的市場,正如我所解釋的那樣,這是智慧玻璃行業幾十年來一直在努力做的事情。

  • We have said that we can at this point and at the joint -- we've said what we can at this point and the joint announcement that Gauzy and Research Frontiers made at CES is the extent of what we could talk about at this time, especially on an open call where competitors to our licensees have access, but stay tuned.

    我們已經說過,我們現在可以,在聯合會議上——我們已經說了我們目前能說的一切,Gauzy 和 Research Frontiers 在 CES 上發布的聯合聲明是我們目前可以談論的全部內容,特別是在公開電話會議上,我們的授權商的競爭對手可以訪問,但請繼續關注。

  • With that, I look forward to answering the questions that I've not already answered in the course of my presentation.


  • I'll read some of the additional questions that were e-mailed to us.


  • And I'm, in some cases, combining several questions into one.


  • One question is, I'd like to know where our income comes from, Asia, Europe, the United States, et cetera.


  • So most of – and Rod, thank you for that question.


  • Most of the revenues and the sales are occurring in Europe and in South America from the licensees there.


  • We do have also licensees headquartered in Asia with production both there and in Europe and of course The United States.


  • So, you have a mix around the world of production and that mix may shift more demonstrably towards The United States as the architectural application comes online and also as new cars that may be domestic come online as well.


  • We go to the next question here.


  • Judy asks, I’m hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.


  • If the administration goes ahead with its planned 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican auto parts, can you indicate if the retail price of the SPD pipeline vehicles will be affected?

    如果美國政府繼續對加拿大和墨西哥汽車零件徵收 25% 的關稅,您能否指出 SPD 管道車輛的零售價格是否會受到影響?

  • No, I don’t expect that this is going to have a meaningful impact on our revenues based on these tariffs.


  • And thanks for the question, Judy.


  • First, that as a former economist at the US Central Bank in the 1980s, my personal view is that free trade is usually the best solution.


  • However, that only works when there’s a level playing field.


  • And I think the tariffs are meant to create that, as well as address border security and the flow of fentanyl into The United States.


  • My guess is that if these other countries handle the border security and fentanyl issues, the tariffs will revert back to where they were.


  • And to answer your specific question, I don’t believe that these tariffs will have a significant impact on our automotive and other business.


  • Over the past few decades, there have been high import duties in some areas of the world on cars, for example, and that market typically is not affected mostly in the premium car area.


  • So tariffs will have an effect, we believe, on less expensive cars that are more price sensitive.


  • But I do not believe that it will affect our business or our revenues meaningfully.


  • John Nelson asked, are there any design ins for LTI’s architectural retrofit product that you can talk about?

    約翰尼爾森問道,您能談談 LTI 建築改造產品的設計細節嗎?

  • Yes, we have double government projects and some commercial projects that we are targeting and focusing on right now, and I’m actually meeting next week with them about it.


  • And the other question was indications that Ferrari and your other car customers could expand usage to windshields or windows.


  • And yes, 2025, I believe, will show SPD and other areas of the vehicle besides just Sunroof’s job.

    是的,我相信,2025 年,除了天窗的功能外,還將展示 SPD 和車輛的其他區域。

  • So thanks for that question.


  • Jared Albert, some of the questions we’ve already answered, but any real world indication that there’s room for SPD in a PDLC sunroof world outside of the super expensive aspirational kind of vehicles and the timeline for the architectural retrofit?

    Jared Albert,我們已經回答了一些問題,但有沒有現實世界的跡象表明,除了超級昂貴的理想型汽車和建築改造的時間表之外,SPD 在 PDLC 天窗領域還有空間?

  • Well, I mentioned that we expect the retrofit to generate revenues this year.


  • And in terms of your question about cars that use PDLC, first of all, we are working with carmakers that are not the super expensive ones that you referred to in your question.


  • So yes, we do expect that there is plenty of room and probably a preference because I think the automakers are beginning to see based on what we’re talking to them about that the PDLC sunroofs are not doing the job that they anticipated in terms of blocking heat and glare inside a vehicle.

    所以是的,我們確實預計會有足夠的空間並且可能存在偏好,因為我認為,根據我們與汽車製造商的交談,他們開始意識到 PDLC 天窗在阻擋車內熱量和眩光方面並沒有發揮他們預期的作用。

  • So, very much so, I believe that, if anything, those PDLC sunroofs are already wired for SPD as far as I'm concerned, and there'll be a lot more cars like that using it.

    因此,我非常相信,就我而言,那些 PDLC 天窗已經為 SPD 接線了,而且將會有更多這樣的汽車使用它。

  • Okay.


  • Well, we've discussed a lot of the questions so far that have been e-mailed to us.


  • I'm going to ask our operator, Paul, to open up the conference to any additional questions people participating today might have that we haven't already covered.

    我將請我們的接線生保羅 (Paul) 在會議上回答今天與會人員可能提出的我們尚未涉及的任何其他問題。

  • And in the interest of time, please try to keep them limited to questions of general interest.


  • And if you want to get into more specifics, we could certainly do that by e-mail or calls offline.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Jeff Harvey, an investor.

    (操作員指示) 投資者傑夫哈維 (Jeff Harvey)。

  • Jeff Harvey - Private Investor

    Jeff Harvey - Private Investor

  • Hi Joe. First of all, the fourth quarter was about half the third quarter.


  • What was the reason for that?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • A lot of our revenue comes from automotive and a lot of carmakers cut production in the fourth quarter to clear out what's on the factory showroom for the next year.


  • Jeff Harvey - Private Investor

    Jeff Harvey - Private Investor

  • Okay.


  • Given the fact that you've gotten some airlines to put the windows in and Gauzy announced last time that's 50,000 cars or something.

    鑑於您已經讓一些航空公司安裝窗戶,並且 Gauzy 上次宣布這將是 50,000 輛汽車左右。

  • The problem we have as an investor is nobody knows about this company because neither you nor Gauzy have been able to put out any press releases about new business.

    作為投資者,我們面臨的問題是沒有人知道這家公司,因為您和 Gauzy 都未能發布有關新業務的任何新聞稿。

  • I mean, what can we expect going forward this year to let people know about Research Frontiers because there certainly aren't any analysts that are going to follow this company until there's something that's worthwhile for them to take a look at.

    我的意思是,我們今年可以期待什麼來讓人們了解 Research Frontiers,因為肯定不會有任何分析師會關注這家公司,除非有值得他們關注的東西。

  • And I mean, we've been stuck in this mode for a long time and I realize that you have legal obligations with these companies.


  • But can we expect if you get an architectural contract that you could announce something like that?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks for the question.


  • Jeff Harvey - Private Investor

    Jeff Harvey - Private Investor

  • I'd like to see you go to some investor conferences and talk about your company.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Right.


  • Well, we will start to do that and we've been lining some up.


  • But getting back to your original point about trying to say things about projects.


  • Obviously, we have to defer to the request of the customers, but we've been pretty good at getting information out.


  • We talked about Ferrari for the last two years before the car was even introduced. with McLaren and Mercedes and Cadillac, in some cases, they've done the talking, in some cases, we have.


  • And Gauzy and Research Frontiers have it in our best interest to announce what we can.

    為了我們的最大利益,Gauzy 和 Research Frontiers 會盡力發布我們能發布的資訊。

  • So, we've been working together on that as well.


  • But thank you for the question.


  • Jeff Harvey - Private Investor

    Jeff Harvey - Private Investor

  • (inaudible) as much as you can.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • We will.


  • We want to do that, too.


  • It makes it easier to sell more cars later, too.


  • Operator


  • Michael Forrester, an investor.

    投資者邁克爾·福雷斯特(Michael Forrester)。

  • Michael Forrester - Private Investor

    Michael Forrester - Private Investor

  • Yes.


  • My question has to do with the black SPD developed by Gauzy and I guess, Research Frontiers.

    我的問題與 Gauzy 以及 Research Frontiers 開發的黑色 SPD 有關。

  • Is Gauzy going to apply for a patent or is Research Frontiers going to apply for a patent on that black particle SPD?

    Gauzy 會申請專利嗎?

  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Since a lot of this work was done jointly, we obviously want to have as strong a patent protection as possible.


  • But I'm not going to talk on an open call about IP strategy because most companies will do a combination of both, and that's probably no exception here.


  • Michael Forrester - Private Investor

    Michael Forrester - Private Investor

  • Well, the history, as I see it, is that the SPD film is part of the -- what Gauzy refers to as solar-powered smart glass.

    嗯,據我所知,SPD 薄膜是 Gauzy 所稱的太陽能智慧玻璃的一部分。

  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • That's different. that's different.


  • Solar-powered smart glass is the combination of photovoltaics with smart glass.


  • So that would apply to any type of smart glass that they make, PDLC or SPD.

    所以這適用於他們生產的任何類型的智慧玻璃,PDLC 或 SPD。

  • It was demonstrated at CES.

    它在 CES 上進行了展示。

  • We've had other licensees develop a combination of transparent photovoltaics and SPD.


  • And because our power requirements are so low, it's very feasible to do that.


  • And some of the retrofit applications are also using some proprietary systems to make these things self-powered.


  • So if you think about what that means in a retrofit, you may not need an electrician to ever come to the site.


  • You just pop this into the into the window frame and you're done.


  • So it's going to be an exciting time.


  • Michael Forrester - Private Investor

    Michael Forrester - Private Investor

  • Yeah.


  • You mentioned that the patent expiration is 2037, which is only 12 years away. -- when is...

    您提到專利到期日是2037年,只剩12年了。 ——什麼時候…

  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • And we always have new things coming online.


  • Michael Forrester - Private Investor

    Michael Forrester - Private Investor

  • When is the last time Research Frontiers applied for a patent?

    Research Frontiers 上次申請專利是什麼時候?

  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • We have a pretty extensive patenting effort.


  • So we spent quite a bit of money protecting.


  • Michael Forrester - Private Investor

    Michael Forrester - Private Investor

  • Most of them are before the year 2000.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Michael, I'm not going to go into IP strategies.


  • Sometimes you protect things with trade secrets and sometimes you protect it with patents.


  • Michael Forrester - Private Investor

    Michael Forrester - Private Investor

  • But I asked a specific question.


  • When is the last time Research Frontiers.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • I'll have to look that up.


  • We have things in the works, too.


  • Michael Forrester - Private Investor

    Michael Forrester - Private Investor

  • All right.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Chuck Michaels, an investor.

    投資者查克·邁克爾斯(Chuck Michaels)。

  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • Yes.


  • Hi, Joe.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Hey, Chuck.


  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • On your website, I looked on your website and I saw financials for the year, but I didn't see this year versus 2024 versus 2023, but I didn't see anything for the last quarter.

    在您的網站上,我查看了您的網站,看到了今年的財務狀況,但沒有看到今年與 2024 年以及 2023 年的對比,但我沒有看到上一季的任何數據。

  • Do you have quarterly financials somewhere I can look at?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • No.


  • So the 10-K only reports yearly.

    因此 10-K 僅每年報告一次。

  • You can derive the quarter from those numbers and comparing it to the nine months.


  • But the 10-K and the financial press releases have to follow a certain format according to the SEC.

    但根據美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 的規定,10-K 表和財務新聞稿必須遵循一定的格式。

  • So that's what we did.


  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • I see.


  • So can you tell us what the loss was for the quarter?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • It was lower than last year this quarter.


  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • But can you tell us what it was?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • I'd have to look it up because we don't break it out that way.


  • But if you want offline or you could derive it, you could derive it from comparing the nine-month loss and the 12-month loss

    但如果你想要離線,或者你可以推導出它,你可以透過比較 9 個月的損失和 12 個月的損失來推導出它

  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • Okay.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • To subtract one from the other.


  • Our loss per share was $0.04 for the whole year, though, which is the lowest it's been since we went public.

    不過,我們全年每股虧損為 0.04 美元,這是我們上市以來的最低虧損。

  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • Yes, I saw that.


  • That's great.


  • Also, I had a question -- you had mentioned some hopefully, rather large sales coming through in 2026?

    另外,我有一個問題——您曾提到希望 2026 年能夠實現相當大的銷售額嗎?

  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Right.


  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • How confident


  • --


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • That's not to say, we won't have -- yes, that's not to say we won't have large sales in 2025.

    這並不是說我們不會有——是的,這並不是說我們在 2025 年不會有大量的銷售。

  • But in the context of what I said, what we're expecting in 2026 may dwarf anything we've ever talked about or Gauzy has ever talked about.

    但就我所說的內容而言,我們對 2026 年的期望可能會超過我們或 Gauzy 曾經談論過的任何內容。

  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • Yes.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • And by the way, they have their conference call on Monday, so I urge everybody to listen to that as well.


  • I'm looking forward to it.


  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • Right.


  • I am as well.


  • Okay.


  • So how confident are you on the timing on that?


  • Do you have any -- give us any information with regard to that?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Well, I've mentioned it on the call, which means I'm relatively confident that what I say on these calls is going to happen.


  • It doesn't always happen.


  • I mean, we had the CEO of Ford announced on CNBC that our glass was going to be in the Lincoln Continental and it didn't.

    我的意思是,福特的執行長在 CNBC 上宣布我們的玻璃將會出現在林肯大陸汽車上,但事實並非如此。

  • So, sometimes things happen between the cup and the lip.


  • But for the most part, they happen on the -- in the way that we expect.


  • Not always on the timetable, though.


  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • Right.


  • I understand.


  • And likewise, I know you've mentioned a number of quarters about a car -- one or more cars coming out in the near future, and they don't seem to come out either.


  • I don't know if that was the Lincoln or if that's something else.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • No, no, this is something else.


  • The Lincoln was many years ago when that -- when they were rebranding their car.


  • Yes.


  • We expect these cars to come out, like I said earlier in the call.


  • They just -- they were delayed past 2024 when we thought they were coming out, but not because of SPD.

    他們只是——他們被推遲到了 2024 年以後,而我們原以為他們會問世,但這並不是因為 SPD。

  • Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

    Chuck Michaels - Private Investor

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks so much, Chuck.


  • Operator


  • Avi Gross, an investor.

    投資者阿維·格羅斯(Avi Gross)。

  • Avi Gross - Private Investor

    Avi Gross - Private Investor

  • On the topic of tariffs, royalty of like 10% or 15% paid sometime on top of the tariff or not?

    關於關稅問題,是否需要在關稅基礎上支付 10% 或 15% 的特許權使用費?

  • Like if you're shipping a module to a car company abroad.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • So typically -- and that's a great question, Avi.

    所以通常 — — 這是一個很好的問題,Avi。

  • Thank you for asking it.


  • So all of our license agreements have a definition of net selling price.


  • And the net selling price is basically the revenues minus some minor things, but it's basically revenues.


  • It's not profit.


  • And you do exclude out things that don't go into the licensee's pocket, like, for example, shipping costs and things like that.


  • But -- and when you get down to tariffs, you would exclude taxes and sales tax and tariffs and things like that from the calculation of the royalty.


  • However, there's a sub-limitation that limits how much they can deduct for all of those things I just mentioned.


  • So if you add up shipping costs and tariffs and other things, if they go above a certain level, the licensee cannot deduct that from the calculation.


  • So if we're talking about a 25% tariff, a very small piece of that is going to be deducted, if any.

    因此,如果我們談論的是 25% 的關稅,那麼其中的一小部分將會被扣除,甚至可能更少。

  • So like I said, they're not going to affect our royalty.


  • It may affect at the lower-end cars, how many cars are sold in general.


  • But when you're in the premium market.


  • And let me give you a simple example.


  • In China, for example, which was the largest market for Mercedes and BMW and Audi, the cars would typically sell for a multiple of the MSRP, not because necessarily of tariffs, but because the distribution was set up to create certain market leverage so they could command charging a lot for these cars.


  • And they still sold very well.


  • So at the high end, I don't expect there to be much movement in terms of what the tariffs are doing.


  • And I also -- as someone that's a student of politics and a student of economics don't think they're going to be that long-standing.


  • I may be wrong.


  • I don't want to make the same mistake and say they're transitory that they said about inflation because that didn't happen.


  • But I never said that either, and I never believed it was.


  • But in this case, I do believe that they will be somewhat more temporary than people expect.


  • Hope that answers your question?


  • Avi Gross - Private Investor

    Avi Gross - Private Investor

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) John Nelson, an investor.

    (操作員指示) 投資者約翰·尼爾森 (John Nelson)。

  • John Nelson - Private Investor

    John Nelson - Private Investor

  • Hi, Joe, a couple of questions.


  • First, one that I always ask is any progress on the Sun Visor development?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • There is both on the OEM side and in the aftermarket side, but I have to leave it to the licensees to continue their work, work with their customers and get the product out.

    無論是 OEM 還是售後市場方面,我都必須讓授權商繼續他們的工作,與他們的客戶合作,推出產品。

  • But it's something I believe a lot in.


  • John Nelson - Private Investor

    John Nelson - Private Investor

  • Okay.


  • Understood.


  • And up in the commercial jet market is Embraer.


  • Have you -- do you have any contacts with them?


  • Are they aware of your product?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, very much so, very much so.


  • Matter of fact, some of the early expansion that our licensee in the aircraft market, Vision Systems had done from being just European-based to being worldwide was because of Embraer.

    事實上,我們的飛機市場授權商 Vision Systems 早期從歐洲市場擴張到全球市場,部分原因在於巴西航空工業公司。

  • So -- and their transport category, regional jets are great.


  • John Nelson - Private Investor

    John Nelson - Private Investor

  • Yes.


  • And do you expect any of the new vehicles for 2025 to be in the middle market for cars?

    您預計 2025 年推出的任何新車都會進入中階汽車市場嗎?

  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • Yes, I do.


  • John Nelson - Private Investor

    John Nelson - Private Investor

  • Okay.


  • Good.


  • And then just lastly, last conference call, you mentioned work on Holy Grail patents.


  • Are they related to the black particle?


  • Or is this something


  • --


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Well, black is certainly the Holy Grail.


  • And when I talk about that, it's what the whole industry has been trying to get.


  • So we're very excited about the black particle.


  • We're experienced enough to know that we showed at CES was remarkable.

    我們有足夠的經驗知道我們在 CES 上展示的產品是非凡的。

  • I mean, if you saw this up close in personal, you would be extremely impressed with it.


  • But we have to go through the -- from R&D sample stage to engineering sample stage to mass production.


  • And assuming the viscosity and the flow characteristics of the emulsion are similar to the blue, I don't want to minimize it, but it may be simply as easy as pouring more -- different material into the bucket and coating it.


  • There's always adjustments.


  • So I wouldn't expect that to be what really happens.


  • But it shouldn't be that difficult of a material to translate up into mass production.


  • John Nelson - Private Investor

    John Nelson - Private Investor

  • Good.


  • Very encouraging.


  • That’s all are my questions.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks John.


  • Operator


  • August Berman, an investor.

    投資者奧古斯特·伯曼(August Berman)。

  • August Berman - Private Investor

    August Berman - Private Investor

  • Hey, Joe, how are you?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Hey, August.


  • How are you?


  • Dr. Berman, I must say.


  • August Berman - Private Investor

    August Berman - Private Investor

  • Calling -- just wanted to see with regards to the 2025, are we talking about introductions?

    打電話——只是想看看關於 2025 年,我們是在談論介紹嗎?

  • Or do we know -- it's more about revenues from the new vehicles?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • I kind of equate them for the following reason.


  • In the early days, there would be several years lead time between when an automaker wanted to think about putting SPD Smart Glass in a vehicle and when they would put it in, because there was testing.

    在早期,從汽車製造商想要在車輛上安裝 SPD 智慧玻璃到真正投入使用,中間需要經過幾年的準備時間,因為需要進行測試。

  • Mercedes went through what they told me, EUR5 million of testing and built special chambers and now they use it on all their materials.

    正如梅賽德斯告訴我的,他們進行了耗資 500 萬歐元的測試並建造了特殊的腔室,現在他們在所有材料上都使用它。

  • But in the case here of nowadays, there's only a very short time period that's often necessary between when you decide to put SPD Smart Glass in a vehicle and when it goes in.

    但就目前的情況而言,從您決定將 SPD 智慧玻璃安裝到車輛上到實際使用之間通常只需要很短的時間間隔。

  • It could be a year, 1.5 years, and we've been working with some of these companies for that period of time.


  • So I think you'll expect introductions in 2025.

    因此我認為你會期待 2025 年推出該產品。

  • August Berman - Private Investor

    August Berman - Private Investor

  • Got it.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • That's always the big assumption.


  • August Berman - Private Investor

    August Berman - Private Investor

  • Right.


  • Okay.


  • And I think maybe part of the frustration last year, just looking at the filings and I'm mentioning Daimler, SPD and then I'm looking at the web and seeing that the 2020 S-Class had been delayed.

    我認為這可能是去年令人沮喪的部分原因,只要查看文件,我就會提到戴姆勒、SPD,然後我在網路上看到 2020 年 S-Class 轎車已經被推遲了。

  • So I always kind of put -- connected the dots there.


  • But are we still expecting the Asian automobile to come out as well in 2025?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, we are.


  • August Berman - Private Investor

    August Berman - Private Investor

  • Okay.


  • And that’s all I had.


  • Thank you.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks a lot.


  • Take care.


  • Operator


  • Alan Ginsberg, an investor.

    投資者艾倫·金斯伯格(Alan Ginsberg)。

  • Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

    Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

  • Yeah.


  • Hi, Joe.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Hey, Alan.


  • Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

    Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

  • Hi.


  • One question.


  • The structure of the royalty agreement regarding the black particles, do you expect it to be similar to the royalty agreements that you have in place right now?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I mean that's something that we and Gauzy are going to determine, but I don't see a real need to change the royalty arrangement.

    我的意思是這是我們和 Gauzy 要決定的事情,但我認為沒有必要改變版稅安排。

  • We get a 10% to 15% royalty from the customer with the blue material.


  • And you would think that because the black is a better thing, we would get more.


  • But on the other hand, they would probably sell a lot more of the product or sell it at a higher price.


  • So our royalty could go up just with the same percentages in place.


  • Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

    Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

  • Right.


  • Your protection is similar with the black particle as it would be intellectual property protection as it would be in your other products.


  • Is that correct?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • We're very focused on protecting IP, as you could tell.


  • We have 250 patents and equal number of patent applications.

    我們擁有 250 項專利,還有同等數量的專利申請。

  • It's quite a bit.


  • Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

    Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • That’s all I have.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks Alan.


  • Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

    Alan Ginsberg - Private Investor

  • All right.


  • Operator


  • Alan Yakuboff, Kingsview Partners.

    艾倫‧雅庫博夫 (Alan Yakuboff),Kingsview Partners。

  • Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

    Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

  • Joe, how are you doing today?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Alan, how are you, and I'm sorry, we haven't been able to hook up.


  • I spoke to your partner when you had called, but wasn't able to get back to you.


  • Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

    Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

  • No problem.


  • Just a quick question.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • You're here, yes.


  • Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

    Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

  • Can you hear me?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

    Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

  • Can you hear me?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

    Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

  • You were up 47% for the year, and that's great.

    今年你的收益成長了 47%,這很棒。

  • And you're saying you have momentum in all the multiple -- all the markets for this year.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Right.


  • Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

    Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

  • And if you duplicate that number, it's terrific.


  • I know you're going to have some lumpy quarters from time to time, whatever reason.


  • If you see momentum in all these markets, do you anticipate the possibility of a profitable quarter this year?


  • Can you share that if you have?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, sure.


  • Sure.


  • We almost hit profitability this past year.


  • So I'm certainly looking forward to achieving a truly profitable quarter in the coming year.


  • A lot of it depends on the timing.


  • If the car comes out at the end of the year versus the beginning of the year, that affects our royalties.


  • But -- and also, if the architectural retrofit comes out, that could significantly increase our royalties.

    但是 — 而且,如果建築改造完成,這可以大大增加我們的版稅。

  • So we're very focused on that.


  • Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

    Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

  • And the 2026 event that you mentioned or the potential for 2026 is something, any -- can you give us any more detail as far which markets is that going to address?

    您提到的 2026 年活動或 2026 年的潛力是什麼——您能否向我們詳細介紹這將針對哪些市場?

  • Or is it multiple markets?


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Well, I would say that the most predictable market we have is automotive.


  • So if I'm projecting out to 2026, it's probably on an automotive project and multiple ones actually.

    因此,如果我預測到 2026 年,它很可能是一個汽車項目,實際上還有多個項目。

  • Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

    Alan Yakuboff - Analyst

  • All right.


  • That’s all I have.


  • Just wanted to be brief.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Alan.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • William Brazzel, an investor.

    投資者威廉·布拉澤爾(William Brazzel)。

  • William Brazzel - Private Investor

    William Brazzel - Private Investor

  • Yes.


  • Good afternoon.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Hi.


  • How are you?


  • William Brazzel - Private Investor

    William Brazzel - Private Investor

  • I’m good.


  • But I want to go back three years ago, because back in February of 2021, the stock was at $3.96. Today, it's up 4.72% to $1.33. And one of your earlier callers talked about the problem with the stock prices, nobody knows about Research Frontier.

    但我想回到三年前,因為 2021 年 2 月,該股價為 3.96 美元。今天,它上漲 4.72% 至 1.33 美元。您之前的一位來電者談到了股票價格的問題,沒有人知道 Research Frontier。

  • That's not the problem.


  • The problem is if you go out and do a roadshow now, you'd be wasting your time and the company's money because these broker-dealers will not be interested until you have significant revenues, and they will contact you and want to have a dialogue.


  • I mean, we need $500,000 to $1 million in revenue is not going to bring them to the table.

    我的意思是,我們需要 50 萬到 100 萬美元的收入,但這並不能讓他們參與其中。

  • I mean, I'm surprised that we're not -- based on what I knew three years ago, you're not in the hundreds of millions of dollars and obviously, that would take care of the stock price.


  • And that's why I'm disappointed and I'm wondering how much longer this is going to take to have that kind of significant revenue, if you can talk about it at this point.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Sure, sure.


  • Well, I appreciate it.


  • And I'm also in agreement with you that the real money is going to come into Research Frontiers as an investment when we have much higher revenues.


  • William Brazzel - Private Investor

    William Brazzel - Private Investor

  • That's true.


  • We need contracts and the problem is how to it's hard to be confident in that when I've been waiting for these significant contracts for three years.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Right.


  • No, and I've been -- I'm very sympathetic to what you're saying there.


  • We are working and Gauzy is working as hard as we can to land these contracts sooner to be able to talk about them sooner so that the stock price appreciates sooner.

    我們正在努力,Gauzy 也在盡最大努力盡快達成這些合同,以便能夠盡快談論這些合同,從而使股價盡快升值。

  • And of course, the least thing I'm worried about is revenue.


  • It's really what can we say about it and what -- and those are the things we're working on right now.


  • But I appreciate the question, and I am in agreement that our stock price will do much better when we could talk about more of this stuff and have higher revenue.


  • William Brazzel - Private Investor

    William Brazzel - Private Investor

  • Because I know all these companies and you have a fiduciary responsibility as a publicly traded company to make those announcements on a timely basis when you do have a significant contract.


  • So I'm not worried about that happening, but I do hope it does happen sometime soon.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Right, right.


  • Well, we try to have as many things in the works so that we could have more and more of those.


  • William Brazzel - Private Investor

    William Brazzel - Private Investor

  • Okay.


  • I'm hopeful, obviously, I've been hanging on.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you very much.


  • And I appreciate the trust.


  • William Brazzel - Private Investor

    William Brazzel - Private Investor

  • Okay.


  • Thank you for your time.


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Joe Harary - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • I think we've answered a lot of the questions.


  • And if we haven't fully answered the question -- anyone's questions, please feel free to either e-mail us or call us.


  • We're happy to talk to you.


  • I'd like to make a few closing remarks now, if I could.


  • For the past several years, you've seen a constant increase in revenues year-over-year, and a steady reduction in operating expenses without a reduction in operational or other business accomplishments.


  • The reason for this is simple.


  • We have a highly desirable and the best-performing smart glass technology in the world.


  • And by increasing revenues, reducing expenses and preserving the best aspects of our asset-light business model, we're steadily moving towards being cash flow positive and profitable.


  • Because of the nature of the industries we're in, winning a project today often results in many years of business.


  • The typical car model has a seven-year life and the typical aircraft model much longer.


  • We go elephant hunting, and nobody is better at this than us and our licensees, and it creates steady revenues from each of the programs that last for years as we land these programs.


  • In areas like architectural, the numbers can be even bigger by virtue of the sheer magnitude of the size of the glass market for buildings and homes.


  • Also, the sales cycle can be much shorter than aircraft and automotive, especially now with the SPD-SmartGlass retrofit application.

    此外,銷售週期比飛機和汽車短得多,尤其是現在有了 SPD-SmartGlass 改造應用。

  • Several of our competitors who have raised massive amounts of money and inevitably spent even more than they raised, notably companies such as View and Halio went bankrupt this year.

    我們的幾家競爭對手籌集了大量資金,但不可避免的資金比籌集的資金還要多,尤其是 View 和 Halio 等公司今年破產了。

  • Another company just got delisted.


  • Part of this relates to the limitations in their technologies.


  • And part of this is that they were only able to approach one market, and part of this was simply not paying attention to key areas of their business.


  • But by preserving our asset-light business model along the way, we're well positioned to reduce risks, apply more of our resources towards technology and market enhancements and expansion.


  • We can also leverage the expertise in production capacity and capital and technological resources of a large list of diversified licensees by working with them closely from a technological and business development perspective.


  • This allows us to have a strong presence in multiple industries that others can't, such as automotive, aircraft, architectural, marine and consumer electronics.


  • And with predictable and lower expenses, we can start to pay dividends to our investors more quickly.


  • I thank you very much for your continued support as we travel together down this road together.


  • And if you believe that the future is smart glass, and I believe all of us here do, and you like diversified asset-light companies and a management team focused on efficiency and driving the company towards profitability, then you've come to the right place.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for attending.
