高通 (QCOM) 2007 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the QUALCOMM third quarter conference call.


  • At this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • Later, we'll conduct a question-and-answer session.


  • (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded July 25, 2007.

    (操作員說明)提醒一下,本次會議的錄製時間為 2007 年 7 月 25 日。

  • The playback number for today's call is 800-642-1687.

    今天電話的播放號碼是 800-642-1687。

  • International callers please dial 706-645-9291.

    國際呼叫者請撥打 706-645-9291。

  • The playback reservation number is 6342604.

    播放預約號為 6342604。

  • I would now like to turn the call over to John Gilbert, Vice President of Investor and Industry Analyst Relations.


  • John, please go ahead.


  • - VP, Investor Relations

    - VP, Investor Relations

  • Thank you, and good afternoon.


  • Today's call will include prepared remarks by Dr.


  • Paul Jacobs, Steve Altman, Dr.


  • Sanjay Jha and Bill Keitel.


  • In addition, Lou Lupin will be available during the question-and-answer session.

    此外,Lou Lupin 將在問答環節提供。

  • An Internet presentation and audio broadcast accompanies this call and you can access it by visiting www.QUALCOMM.com.

    此次電話會議附帶互聯網演示和音頻廣播,您可以通過訪問 www.QUALCOMM.com 訪問它。

  • During this conference call, if we use any non-GAAP financial measures as defined by the SEC and Regulation G, you can find the required reconciliations to GAAP on our web site.

    在本次電話會議期間,如果我們使用 SEC 和 G 條例定義的任何非 GAAP 財務指標,您可以在我們的網站上找到所需的 GAAP 對賬。

  • I would also direct you to our 10-Q and earnings release, which were filed and furnished, respectively, with the SEC today and are available on our web site.

    我還將引導您查看我們今天分別向美國證券交易委員會提交和提供的 10-Q 和收益發布,並在我們的網站上提供。

  • We may make forward-looking statements relating to our expectations and other future events that may differ materially from QUALCOMM's actual results.


  • Please review our SEC filings for a detailed presentation of each of our businesses and associated risks, and other important factors that may cause our actual results to differ from these forward-looking statements.


  • And now, it is my pleasure to introduce QUALCOMM's CEO, Dr.


  • Paul Jacobs.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Thank you, John.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • We had another tremendous quarter.


  • But before discussing our performance and the status of the market, let me start by briefly commenting on our continuing legal issues.


  • Obviously, we were disappointed with the rulings on behalf of Broadcom both in the Santa Ana case and in front of the ITC.

    顯然,我們對在 Santa Ana 案和 ITC 面前代表 Broadcom 的裁決感到失望。

  • We continue to believe that the rulings were wrong and are pursuing all avenues to reverse and to mitigate the effects of these rulings, including working with our partners who may obtain a license from Broadcom.


  • We have been unable to come to agreement ourselves with Broadcom because they've insisted that a comprehensive settlement include the ability for its customers to obtain royalty-free rights to significant portions of our patent portfolio which would have a material impact on our licensing business.


  • This business has funded R&D and innovations that we have transferred to our approximately 140 licensees.

    該業務為研發和創新提供了資金,我們已將其轉移給我們大約 140 名被許可人。

  • We remain committed to defend our business model and the benefits it provides the wireless industry.


  • Unfortunately, given the threat of injunctions against certain of our products, the next few months represent a crucial litigation time frame and we can't predict the outcomes at this time.


  • Let's talk about the business.


  • As I said, we had another outstanding quarter at QUALCOMM.


  • Record CDMA-based chipsets and strong handset shipments delivered record revenue and earnings per share in the third fiscal quarter.

    創紀錄的基於 CDMA 的芯片組和強勁的手機出貨量在第三財季創造了創紀錄的收入和每股收益。

  • The worldwide 3G CDMA market is accelerating and our results demonstrate that we continue to successfully execute on our current and long-term strategic goals.

    全球 3G CDMA 市場正在加速發展,我們的結果表明我們繼續成功地執行我們當前和長期的戰略目標。

  • These excellent results demonstrate the commitment and execution by our employees, industry partners and licensees as they continue to deliver the most innovative technology and solutions to the global market place.


  • We thank them for their support.


  • I would now like to highlight of some our key business achievements.


  • QCT delivered their eighth consecutive quarterly record for MSM shipments as CDMA-based chipset shipments were up 18% year-over-year.

    QCT 連續第八個季度創下 MSM 出貨量記錄,基於 CDMA 的芯片組出貨量同比增長 18%。

  • We continued our leadership position in wireless semiconductor process technology by powering the world's first 3G handsets based on 65-nanometer chips.

    通過為世界上第一款基於 65 納米芯片的 3G 手機提供動力,我們繼續保持在無線半導體工藝技術方面的領先地位。

  • Several handset models are commercially available today and more than 40 additional models are expected to become available this year.

    目前有幾種手機型號已上市,預計今年還將推出 40 多種型號。

  • These leading edge chipsets enable higher speed data capabilities and advanced applications supported by 3G, while driving lower manufacturing costs and greater power efficiency.

    這些領先的芯片組可實現更高速度的數據功能和 3G 支持的高級應用,同時降低製造成本和提高能效。

  • In QW&I, our BREW business made significant strides.

    在 QW&I,我們的 BREW 業務取得了重大進展。

  • The WCDMA operator Hutchinson H3G announced its plans to use BREW to enable an integrated user experience in their handsets, providing their subscribers with differentiated applications and services.

    WCDMA 運營商 Hutchinson H3G 宣布計劃使用 BREW 在其手機中實現集成的用戶體驗,為其用戶提供差異化的應用程序和服務。

  • Warner Music Group will utilize our comprehensive UI1 offering to deliver personalized over-the-air downloadable artist themes to their mobile customers.

    華納音樂集團將利用我們全面的 UI1 產品向其移動客戶提供個性化的無線下載藝術家主題。

  • And Major League Baseball became the first customer for our BREW BrandXtend Signature Solution enabling them to provide compelling major league baseball content to baseball fans' phones directly from their web site.

    美國職業棒球大聯盟成為我們 BREW BrandXtend 簽名解決方案的第一個客戶,使他們能夠直接從他們的網站向棒球迷的手機提供引人注目的美國職業棒球大聯盟內容。

  • In QSI, our MediaFLO USA service is now available in 32 markets in the U.S.

    在 QSI,我們的 MediaFLO USA 服務現已在美國的 32 個市場推出。

  • as we continue to expand our service footprint.


  • We remain excited about potential MediaFLO expansion into international markets.

    我們仍然對 MediaFLO 進入國際市場的潛力感到興奮。

  • MediaFLO won the best TV and video service award by the European Mobile Entertainment Forum, further validating FLO as a globally recognized open standard that provides the mass market with cost effective, high quality multimedia content.

    MediaFLO 榮獲歐洲移動娛樂論壇頒發的最佳電視和視頻服務獎,進一步驗證了 FLO 作為全球公認的開放標準,可為大眾市場提供具有成本效益的高質量多媒體內容。

  • Turning to the 3G CDMA market around the world, we're pleased to see the number of 3G CDMA-based networks and subscribers continuing to grow rapidly.

    談到全球 3G CDMA 市場,我們很高興看到基於 3G CDMA 的網絡和用戶數量繼續快速增長。

  • Data from the CDMA Development Group and the GSM association shows that over 380 CDMA-based 3G networks have been launched as of June 2007.

    來自 CDMA Development Group 和 GSM 協會的數據顯示,截至 2007 年 6 月,已經推出了 380 多個基於 CDMA 的 3G 網絡。

  • This includes more than 75 operators deploying the higher speeds of 1x EV-DO and nine operators that have deployed EV-DO revision A.

    這包括超過 75 家運營商部署了更高速度的 1x EV-DO,以及 9 家運營商部署了 EV-DO 修訂版 A。

  • In addition, more than 115 operators have launched high-speed HSDPA networks and HSUPA commercial launches commenced in South Korea, Germany and Austria.

    此外,超過 115 家運營商已推出高速 HSDPA 網絡,HSUPA 已在韓國、德國和奧地利開始商用。

  • According to Wireless Intelligence, worldwide 3G subscribers, including CDMA2000 and WCDMA grew to approximately 484 million as of June 2007, representing an increase of approximately 32% from the year ago quarter.

    根據 Wireless Intelligence 的數據,截至 2007 年 6 月,全球 3G 用戶(包括 CDMA2000 和 WCDMA)增長到約 4.84 億,比去年同期增長約 32%。

  • Based on worldwide handset shipments reported by Strategy Analytics, CDMA-based handset shipments continue to grow faster than total worldwide handset shipments and represented an estimated 36% of the total worldwide shipments in the March quarter.

    根據 Strategy Analytics 報告的全球手機出貨量,基於 CDMA 的手機出貨量繼續以高於全球手機總出貨量的速度增長,估計佔 3 月季度全球總出貨量的 36%。

  • This compares to 29% of the total worldwide shipments in the year ago quarter.

    相比之下,去年同期佔全球總出貨量的 29%。

  • I would like to now update you on what we're seeing in some of our markets around the world.


  • In Japan, the launch of HSDPA is further driving competition and subscriber growth of 3G CDMA.

    在日本,HSDPA 的推出進一步推動了 3G CDMA 的競爭和用戶增長。

  • Operators in Japan continue to launch compelling 3G CDMA devices in a very competitive market environment.

    日本運營商在競爭激烈的市場環境中不斷推出引人注目的 3G CDMA 設備。

  • The cumulative number of 3G CDMA subscribers as of the end of June has grown to over 74 million, or 76% of wireless subscribers.

    截至 6 月底,3G CDMA 用戶累計已超過 7400 萬,佔無線用戶的 76%。

  • We continue to see positive wireless data trends in the United States market.


  • Recently, both Sprint and Verizon announced they have upgraded their EV-DO networks to EV-DO revision A.

    最近,Sprint 和 Verizon 都宣布他們已將其 EV-DO 網絡升級到 EV-DO 修訂版 A。

  • Verizon recently noted that 50% of their growth in total service revenues were driven by data.

    Verizon 最近指出,其總服務收入增長的 50% 是由數據驅動的。

  • In addition, data revenues doubled year-over-year driven by applications such as internet access and e-mail, and Verizon subscribers downloaded over 100 million songs, videos, games, ring tones and exclusive content in their last quarter.

    此外,在互聯網接入和電子郵件等應用的推動下,數據收入同比翻了一番,Verizon 用戶在上個季度下載了超過 1 億首歌曲、視頻、遊戲、鈴聲和獨家內容。

  • Similarly, AT&T noted on their recent earnings call that the number one driver behind their increase in total RPU growth was strong gains in wireless data.

    同樣,AT&T 在最近的財報電話會議上指出,其總 RPU 增長背後的第一大驅動力是無線數據的強勁增長。

  • AT&T also noted significant 3G handset growth as 3G subscribers reached over five million, more than double the previous quarter.

    AT&T 還注意到 3G 手機的顯著增長,因為 3G 用戶已超過 500 萬,是上一季度的兩倍多。

  • We continue to work hard to serve emerging markets with great services on low-cost devices and we've made some excellent progress.


  • In India, Reliance announced a very significant CDMA2000 network expansion covering more than 20,000 towns, as well as a broad range of compelling devices at competitive price points including color handsets at just over $30.

    在印度,Reliance 宣布了一項非常重要的 CDMA2000 網絡擴展,覆蓋了 20,000 多個城鎮,並以具有競爭力的價格推出了一系列引人注目的設備,包括價格剛剛超過 30 美元的彩色手機。

  • QCT's single-chip solutions continue to enable cost effective competition with handsets available at both Reliance and Tata Teleservices.

    QCT 的單芯片解決方案繼續與 Reliance 和 Tata Teleservices 提供的手機進行成本效益競爭。

  • In addition, BSNL announced plans to deploy the higher data rate speeds of 1xEV-DO.

    此外,BSNL 宣布計劃部署更高數據速率的 1xEV-DO。

  • India's CDMA2000 cumulative subscriber base grew to 49 million, over 26% of the total wireless market.

    印度的 CDMA2000 累計用戶群增長到 4900 萬,佔整個無線市場的 26% 以上。

  • In Korea, CDMA-based technologies continue to drive a high level of competition in the market place as estimated handset sales during the first six months represent an increase of 35% year-over-year.

    在韓國,基於 CDMA 的技術繼續推動市場的激烈競爭,因為預計前六個月的手機銷量同比增長 35%。

  • In only four months since launch, HSDPA subscribers surpassed the one million mark which compares favorably to the cumulative 22,000 WiBro subscribers since its June 2006 commercial launch.

    自推出以來僅四個月,HSDPA 用戶就超過了 100 萬大關,與自 2006 年 6 月商業推出以來累積的 22,000 名 WiBro 用戶相比,這一數字具有優勢。

  • Moving to Europe, according to our licensee reports for the period ending March 2007, we estimate WCDMA handset shipments increased 89% year-over-year.

    移至歐洲,根據我們截至 2007 年 3 月的被許可方報告,我們估計 WCDMA 手機出貨量同比增長 89%。

  • According to Wireless Intelligence, in the first calendar quarter of 2007, GSM experienced negative net additions for the first time as consumer demand for advanced feature-rich WCDMA handsets continues to accelerate.

    據 Wireless Intelligence 稱,在 2007 年第一季度,隨著消費者對功能豐富的先進 WCDMA 手機的需求持續加速,GSM 首次出現負增長。

  • The increased revenue opportunities driven by 3G were also noted by Vodaphone in their recent comments as data revenue was up 32% year-over-year driven by increased penetration of 3G devices.

    Vodaphone 在最近的評論中也提到了 3G 帶來的收入機會增加,因為 3G 設備普及率的提高推動了數據收入同比增長 32%。

  • Vodaphone also noted that the speed advantages of HSDPA are a key factor in stimulating significant demand for mobile data connectivity.

    Vodaphone 還指出,HSDPA 的速度優勢是刺激對移動數據連接的巨大需求的關鍵因素。

  • In closing, I'm very proud that we continue to deliver excellent results to our shareholders despite various attempts to distract us.


  • These achievements provide market validation for the innovative products and solutions provided by the more than 11,000 employees at QUALCOMM worldwide.

    這些成就為高通公司全球 11,000 多名員工提供的創新產品和解決方案提供了市場驗證。

  • We'll continue to invest in innovative technologies and bring the highest quality solutions to benefit wireless consumers and our industry partners globally, and we'll continue to defend the business model that's made all of this possible.


  • That concludes my comments, and I will now turn the call over to Steve Altman.


  • - President

    - President

  • Thank you, Paul.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • As Paul highlighted, there are many exciting developments throughout the industry, enabled by our technology, employees, and partners.

    正如 Paul 強調的那樣,在我們的技術、員工和合作夥伴的推動下,整個行業出現了許多令人興奮的發展。

  • Although the industry and consumers have received substantial benefits from our efforts, a small group of companies continue to attack our business model.


  • In the most recent quarter, we have made progress in some of these battles while losing ground in others.


  • We were disappointed with the rulings in our disputes with Broadcom, both in the California litigation and in the ITC.

    我們對與博通在加州訴訟和 ITC 的糾紛中的裁決感到失望。

  • We continue to believe that the rulings were incorrect and are pursuing all avenues to reverse and mitigate the effect of these rulings, including seeking a presidential disapproval of the ITC ruling.

    我們仍然認為這些裁決是不正確的,並正在尋求所有途徑來扭轉和減輕這些裁決的影響,包括尋求總統不批准 ITC 裁決。

  • In the event that an injunction is issued against our business, we will seek to stay the application of such an injunction while we appeal the infringement findings.


  • Given the threat of injunctions against certain of our products, the next few months represent a crucial litigation time frame and the outcomes and impact of any injunction or exclusion order is uncertain for us, as well as for our customers and consumer who stand to be harmed significantly if denied access to our market-leading technology.


  • Regarding the ITC, last week, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit denied the request for a stay of the exclusion order solely on procedural grounds.

    關於 ITC,上週,聯邦巡迴上訴法院僅以程序為由駁回了中止排除令的請求。

  • In essence, the Court's decision was that the exclusion order is not subject to appeal until after the presidential review period.


  • The Court made no determination of the substantive merits of the stay request and we're free to renew our request, as are our customers, for a stay if the President does not disapprove the ITC decision.

    法院沒有確定中止請求的實質性優點,如果總統不反對 ITC 的決定,我們可以像我們的客戶一樣自由地更新我們的中止請求。

  • The last day for the President to act is August 6.

    總統採取行動的最後一天是 8 月 6 日。

  • Last week, Verizon Wireless and Broadcom announced a license agreement.

    上週,Verizon Wireless 和 Broadcom 宣布了一項許可協議。

  • Although the license agreement with Broadcom appears to eliminate certain risk of not being able to import handsets using our chips for use in Verizon's network, a comprehensive settlement between us and Broadcom is unlikely for the reasons Paul mentioned earlier.

    儘管與 Broadcom 的許可協議似乎消除了無法使用我們的芯片進口手機以用於 Verizon 網絡的某些風險,但出於 Paul 前面提到的原因,我們與 Broadcom 之間不太可能達成全面和解。

  • As a result, over the next few months, we'll be defending ourselves from Broadcom's attempts to obtain an injunction precluding the sale of certain of our chips sold in handsets for use in the United States other than in Verizon's network.

    因此,在接下來的幾個月裡,我們將保護自己免受博通試圖獲得禁令的影響,該禁令禁止銷售我們在手機中銷售的某些芯片,以供在 Verizon 網絡以外的美國使用。

  • While we view the Verizon agreement as a positive development, it does not address the negative implications for the many other wireless carriers, subscribers, manufacturers, public safety and other organizations affected by the ITC's order.

    雖然我們認為 Verizon 協議是一個積極的發展,但它並沒有解決對許多其他無線運營商、用戶、製造商、公共安全和其他受 ITC 訂單影響的組織的負面影響。

  • Given these facts, we'll continue to work tirelessly with our partners to seek a presidential disapproval of the ITC's ban.

    鑑於這些事實,我們將繼續與我們的合作夥伴不懈努力,尋求總統對 ITC 禁令的反對。

  • With respect to the California patent infringement case, on May 29 the jury found certain products of ours infringed three Broadcom patents and awarded Broadcom approximately $20 million in damages.


  • While we'll appeal the jury's verdict and believe there are compelling reasons why no injunction should be imposed, the decision remains with the judge.


  • Regarding next steps, in mid-August, there will be a trial before the judge regarding injunctive relief and scope.

    關於接下來的步驟,8 月中旬,法官將就禁令救濟和範圍進行審判。

  • Broadcom has proposed a running royalty in lieu of an injunction for certain existing products for a period of 18 months, and that all other products be enjoined.

    Broadcom 已提議對某些現有產品實施為期 18 個月的持續特許權使用費代替禁令,並禁止所有其他產品。

  • We'll oppose the requested injunction and we will ask the Court to allow continued sales under a compulsory license to avoid unnecessary disruption for our customers and the carriers.


  • Looking forward regarding Nokia, there are some important cases that will be heard this year.


  • In the arbitration filed by Nokia in 2005, we expect a decision in the coming weeks.

    在諾基亞於 2005 年提起的仲裁中,我們預計將在未來幾週內作出裁決。

  • In September, the first of our patent infringement cases against Nokia's GSM products begins in Germany, followed by the U.K.

    9 月,我們針對諾基亞 GSM 產品的第一起專利侵權案件在德國開始,隨後是英國。

  • case in November.

    11 月的案件。

  • Just this week, we learned that Nokia's case in Germany alleging patent exhaustion as a bar to our infringement claims against Nokia's GSM products will likely be significantly delayed.

    就在本週,我們得知諾基亞在德國指控專利用盡是我們對諾基亞 GSM 產品侵權索賠的障礙的案件可能會被大大推遲。

  • The trial of a similar case brought by Nokia in the Netherlands case is scheduled to begin in September.


  • In addition, the stay of our action against Nokia in the ITC has been lifted and the trial will take place in September of this year.

    此外,我們在 ITC 中對諾基亞的訴訟已被解除,審判將於今年 9 月進行。

  • At our November 2006 analyst day, we disclosed that out of all of our licenses, only four licensees' WCDMA subscriber unit royalty obligations will expire during the next 10 years for the limited number of patents licensed under their capture period.

    在我們 2006 年 11 月的分析師日,我們披露,在我們的所有許可中,只有四個被許可方的 WCDMA 用戶單元專利使用費義務將在未來 10 年內到期,因為在他們的捕獲期內許可的專利數量有限。

  • I'm pleased to report that we have successfully negotiated an extension with one of these licensees, so now there are only three licensees that will require the negotiation of an extension, one of which, as previously explained, is Nokia.


  • We continue to expand or broad licensing program, as we announced over five new licensees this quarter.


  • This includes another OFDMA chip license, and to date we have over five OFDMA licensees.

    這包括另一個 OFDMA 芯片許可證,迄今為止,我們擁有超過五個 OFDMA 許可證持有者。

  • Our licensing model continues to provide the innovation that fuels worldwide mobile wireless broadband growth.


  • We remain firmly convinced of the validity of our positions and the benefits bestowed upon many by our business model.


  • We'll continue to vigorously defend our business, and at the same time continue to provide the world with the innovative solutions for which QUALCOMM has been and always will be known.


  • That concludes my comments.


  • I'll now turn the call over to Sanjay Jha.

    我現在將把電話轉給 Sanjay Jha。

  • - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

    - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

  • Thank you, Steve.


  • QCT had another excellent quarter.

    QCT 有另一個出色的季度。

  • I would like to discuss the highlights.


  • We continue to maintain focus on delivering exceptional results.


  • The third quarter of fiscal 2007 was another record-setting quarter in terms of revenue, operating profit and shipments.

    2007 財年第三季度在收入、營業利潤和出貨量方面又是一個創紀錄的季度。

  • QCT generated revenue of $1.37 billion.

    QCT 創造了 13.7 億美元的收入。

  • This was our fifth consecutive record revenue and represents a growth of 21% over the third quarter of fiscal 2006, and 9% compared to the previous quarter.

    這是我們連續第五次創紀錄的收入,比 2006 財年第三季度增長 21%,與上一季度相比增長 9%。

  • Our operating profit was 32% of revenue, an increase of 27% year-over-year and 19% quarter-over-quarter.

    我們的營業利潤佔收入的 32%,同比增長 27%,環比增長 19%。

  • We shipped over 65 million MSM chipsets in the third quarter and set a record for the eighth consecutive quarter.

    我們在第三季度出貨超過 6500 萬個 MSM 芯片組,連續第八個季度創下紀錄。

  • QCT reached an additional milestone as we shipped our cumulative one billionth MSM during the month of June.

    QCT 達到了另一個里程碑,因為我們在 6 月份累計出貨了第 10 億個 MSM。

  • This growth can be partially attributed to consumer demand for mobile broadband services on a global basis.


  • As a result, our UMTS chipset shipments increased 127% year-over-year, and 79% quarter-over-quarter.

    因此,我們的 UMTS 芯片組出貨量同比增長 127%,環比增長 79%。

  • As the estimated quarter-over-quarter growth for the UMTS market overall was just over 20%, we believe we gained market share during this time.

    由於 UMTS 市場整體的季度環比增長率估計剛剛超過 20%,我們相信我們在此期間獲得了市場份額。

  • Meanwhile, CDMA2000 EV-DO remains strong as shipments increase 34% year-over-year.

    與此同時,CDMA2000 EV-DO 依然強勁,出貨量同比增長 34%。

  • Wireless users in developing markets such as after Africa, South America and India are driving demand for entry-tier products.


  • We have noticed a trend for wireless users in these markets to migrate toward more feature-rich devices, thus increasing demand for our multimedia tier of chipsets.


  • Demand in established markets for our higher end products is increasing, as well.


  • In the third fiscal quarter, QCT started volume shipments of our 7000 series convergence platform chipset.

    在第三財季,QCT 開始批量出貨我們的 7000 系列融合平台芯片組。

  • These dual core solutions power advanced smart phones and other devices that are now available in North America and Japan.


  • The strong initial uptake indicates that our technologically advanced products will be an important contributor for future MSM shipments.

    強勁的初始吸收表明我們技術先進的產品將成為未來 MSM 出貨量的重要貢獻者。

  • The combination of increasing demand for multimedia tier devices and shipment of our first convergence platform chipsets had a positive effect on our ASP.


  • Even in a highly competitive market place we have today, our chipset ASP was marginally higher by 2% quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year.

    即使在我們今天擁有的競爭激烈的市場中,我們的芯片組 ASP 也比上一季度和去年同期略微高出 2%。

  • Yesterday, iSupply announced that QUALCOMM is now the world's top supplier of semiconductor for wireless products by revenue in the first quarter of calendar 2007.

    昨天,iSupply 宣布,按 2007 日曆年第一季度的收入計算,高通現在是全球最大的無線產品半導體供應商。

  • Even during the seasonably slow first calendar quarter when the global market for wireless ICs fell by 5.5%, our revenues increased -- our revenue increases and strong performance have launched us to become the top supplier for the first time since iSupply began tracking this data in 2004.

    即使在全球無線 IC 市場下降 5.5% 的季節性緩慢的第一季度,我們的收入也有所增長——我們的收入增長和強勁的業績使我們成為自 iSupply 開始跟踪該數據以來首次成為頂級供應商2004 年。

  • QUALCOMM continues to accelerate the next evolution of wireless capabilities and we have reached several milestones in this area.


  • For example, we're now demonstrating Ultra Mobile Broadband, the next step after EV-DO revision B in San Diego in a fully mobile environment.

    例如,我們現在正在展示超移動寬帶,這是繼聖地亞哥 EV-DO 修訂版 B 之後在完全移動環境中的下一步。

  • We also concluded an over-the-air UMB demonstration in Japan at Expo Comm last week.

    上週,我們還在 Expo Comm 上結束了在日本的無線 UMB 演示。

  • Our lead in position location technology continues to grow as there are now approximately 300 million devices that have shipped featuring our GPS1 solution.

    我們在定位技術方面的領先地位繼續增長,因為現在大約有 3 億台設備已經出貨,配備了我們的 GPS1 解決方案。

  • Fully integrated into our chipsets, GPS1 delivers quick and accurate location data to power the majority of location services that have been rolled out by network operators worldwide.

    GPS1 完全集成到我們的芯片組中,可提供快速準確的定位數據,為全球網絡運營商推出的大多數定位服務提供支持。

  • QCT's traditional sources of revenue remain well positioned to grow and we expect to see new sources of revenue emerge later this calendar year.

    QCT 的傳統收入來源仍然處於良好的增長狀態,我們預計今年晚些時候會出現新的收入來源。

  • We have now sampled the first fully draft 2.0 compliant 802.11n wi-fi chipset to several customers.

    我們現在已經向多個客戶提供了第一個完全符合 2.0 草案的 802.11n wi-fi 芯片組樣品。

  • QCT's Bluetooth product line has secured multiple handset design wins as part of our strategy to provide highly integrated wireless connectivity solution on our CDMA and UMTS platforms.

    作為我們在 CDMA 和 UMTS 平台上提供高度集成的無線連接解決方案的戰略的一部分,QCT 的藍牙產品線已贏得多項手機設計。

  • As a result, we have expanded our reach into new market segments, and the first commercial products should be on the market later this year.


  • The computing and consumer electronics segment of the industry have shown strong interest in our Snapdragon platform.

    該行業的計算和消費電子領域對我們的 Snapdragon 平台表現出濃厚的興趣。

  • We anticipate that by the second half of 2008, there will be commercial launches of consumer electronics devices using our Snapdragon chipset to offer powerful computing and exceptionally low power consumption and always-on connectivity.

    我們預計,到 2008 年下半年,將推出使用我們的 Snapdragon 芯片組的消費電子設備的商業發布,以提供強大的計算能力、極低的功耗和始終在線的連接。

  • Thank you, and I will now turn this call over to Bill Keitel for an overview of our financial results.


  • - EVP, CFO

    - EVP, CFO

  • Thank you, Sanjay.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • We're pleased to report another quarter of record revenues, chipset shipments and earnings per share as 3G adoption around the world continues to accelerate.

    隨著全球 3G 應用的持續加速,我們很高興地報告另一個季度的創紀錄收入、芯片組出貨量和每股收益。

  • Revenues increased 19% year-over-year to more than $2.3 billion, and pro forma earnings per share increased 31% year-over-year to $0.55.

    收入同比增長 19% 至超過 23 億美元,每股備考收益同比增長 31% 至 0.55 美元。

  • GAAP diluted earnings for the June quarter were $0.47 per share, including a $0.04 loss in estimated share-based compensation and a $0.04 loss attributable to our QSI segment.

    6 月份季度的 GAAP 攤薄收益為每股 0.47 美元,其中包括估計的基於股票的薪酬損失 0.04 美元和歸因於我們 QSI 部門的 0.04 美元損失。

  • During the quarter, we returned $363 million in capital to our shareholders, including $234 million of cash dividends, or $0.14 a share, and $129 million to repurchase 3.1 million shares of our common stock.

    本季度,我們向股東返還了 3.63 億美元的資本,其中包括 2.34 億美元的現金股息,即每股 0.14 美元,以及用於回購 310 萬股普通股的 1.29 億美元。

  • Cash flow was strong in this quarter with operating cash flow of nearly $1 billion, up 21% year-over-year and pro forma free cash flow of nearly $1 billion, up 23% year-over-year.

    本季度現金流強勁,經營現金流接近 10 億美元,同比增長 21%,備考自由現金流接近 10 億美元,同比增長 23%。

  • Our fiscal 2007 pro forma effective tax rate is estimated to be 23% compared to our previous estimate of 24%.

    我們 2007 財年的備考有效稅率估計為 23%,而我們之前的估計為 24%。

  • The decrease in our estimated annual effective tax rate is primarily the result of our estimate of additional foreign earnings taxed at less than the United States federal tax rate.


  • Due to this change in estimate, the third quarter rate is lower than the expected annual rate.


  • QCT, again, had record shipments during the quarter, including strong sequential growth and demand for WCDMA chipsets.

    QCT 在本季度的出貨量再次創紀錄,包括強勁的連續增長和對 WCDMA 芯片組的需求。

  • Compared to the year ago quarter, MSM shipments and QCT earnings before tax increased 18% and 27%, respectively, as QCT continues to deliver exceptional financial results while maintaining and extending its technical leadership position.

    與去年同期相比,MSM 出貨量和 QCT 稅前收益分別增長 18% 和 27%,因為 QCT 在保持和擴大其技術領先地位的同時繼續提供卓越的財務業績。

  • QTL revenues increased 20% year-over-year to $766 million for royalties on handset shipments that occurred in the March quarter and were reported to us in the June quarter.

    QTL 收入同比增長 20% 至 7.66 億美元,用於 3 月季度發生並在 6 月季度向我們報告的手機出貨版稅。

  • We estimate new handset shipments during the March quarter were approximately 88 million units at an average selling price of approximately $217.

    我們估計 3 月季度的新手機出貨量約為 8800 萬部,平均售價約為 217 美元。

  • For the first time, WCDMA was the largest contributor of royalty revenues representing approximately 51% of total royalties reported this quarter.

    WCDMA 首次成為特許權使用費收入的最大貢獻者,約佔本季度報告的特許權使用費總額的 51%。

  • And QTL's operating margin increased to 87%, up from 83% in the March quarter.

    QTL 的營業利潤率從第三季度的 83% 上升至 87%。

  • Based on our recent checks and estimates, we believe the channel inventory levels remain within the historical norm of approximately 15 to 20 weeks.

    根據我們最近的檢查和估計,我們認為渠道庫存水平保持在大約 15 至 20 週的歷史標準範圍內。

  • Last quarter, we reported favorable arbitration decision related to Ericsson's and Sony Ericsson's underpayment of royalties per the terms of their license agreement.


  • In the fiscal third quarter, we recorded $30 million of royalty revenue for a payment received from Sony Ericsson related to the time period covered by the arbitration ruling and as ordered by the arbitrator.

    在第三財季,我們記錄了 3000 萬美元的版稅收入,用於從索尼愛立信收到的與仲裁裁決所涵蓋的時間段相關的付款以及仲裁員的命令。

  • We have not yet received a report from Sony Ericsson for the March quarter, and an audit process is underway to ensure the arbitrator's decision is applied appropriately to all prior periods.

    我們尚未收到索尼愛立信 3 月季度的報告,並且正在進行審計以確保仲裁員的決定適用於所有前期。

  • Turning to our guidance, I'll first remind everyone that we face a period of increased uncertainty given the threat of injunctions.


  • The following guidance is based on unconstrained importation of our chipset products.


  • Furthermore, our guidance provides for substantial legal costs which are reasonably consistent with our experience over the past year, but does not include any provision for the consequences of injunctions or significant damages or costs related to litigation matters, including support we may agree to provide to our customers.


  • We're increasing our estimate for the calendar year 2007 CDMA-based handset market.

    我們提高了對 2007 日曆年基於 CDMA 的手機市場的估計。

  • We now estimate shipments of approximately 378 million to 398 million units in calendar 2007, an increase of 26% to 32% over calendar 2006.

    我們現在估計 2007 日曆年的出貨量約為 3.78 億至 3.98 億台,比 2006 日曆年增長 26% 至 32%。

  • Based on the 388 million midpoint of this estimate for calendar 2007, we're reaffirming our prior estimate for approximately 208 million CDMA2000 units.

    根據 2007 年這一估計的 3.88 億中點,我們重申我們先前對大約 2.08 億部 CDMA2000 的估計。

  • We are increasing our estimate for WCDMA by five million units to approximately 180 million WCDMA handsets, reflecting stronger growth in Asia and the rest of the world.

    我們將 WCDMA 的估計數上調 500 萬部至約 1.8 億部 WCDMA 手機,反映出亞洲和世界其他地區的強勁增長。

  • Our regional summary of the updated handset forecast can be found on our Investor Relations web site.


  • We're also increasing our guidance for fiscal 2007 revenue and earnings per share.

    我們還提高了對 2007 財年收入和每股收益的指導。

  • We now expect fiscal 2007 revenues to be in the range of approximately $8.72 billion to $8.82 billion, an increase of 16% to 17% over fiscal 2006.

    我們現在預計 2007 財年的收入將在大約 87.2 億美元到 88.2 億美元之間,比 2006 財年增長 16% 到 17%。

  • We anticipate pro forma diluted earnings per share to be in the range of $1.95 to $1.97, an increase of 19% to 20% year-over-year.

    我們預計每股攤薄後備考收益將在 1.95 美元至 1.97 美元之間,同比增長 19% 至 20%。

  • We now estimate the fiscal 2007 average selling price for CDMA2000 and WCDMA phones combined will increase modestly year-over-year to approximately $216 as WCDMA handsets become a larger portion of the total market and demand remains strong for increased handset functionality and wireless data capabilities.

    我們現在估計 2007 財年 CDMA2000 和 WCDMA 手機的平均售價將同比小幅上漲至大約 216 美元,因為 WCDMA 手機在整個市場中佔據了更大的份額,並且對增加手機功能和無線數據功能的需求仍然強勁。

  • We expect the combination of pro forma R&D and SG&A expense for fiscal 2007 to increase approximately 30% to 31% year-over-year.

    我們預計 2007 財年的備考研發和 SG&A 費用將同比增長約 30% 至 31%。

  • Turning to our guidance for the fiscal fourth quarter of 2007, we estimate revenues to be in the range of approximately $2.15 billion to $2.25 billion dollars, an 8% to 13% increase year-over-year.

    轉向我們對 2007 財年第四季度的指導,我們估計收入將在大約 21.5 億美元到 22.5 億美元之間,同比增長 8% 到 13%。

  • We estimate fourth quarter pro forma diluted earnings per share to be approximately $0.48 to $0.50, a 14% to 19% increase year-over-year.

    我們估計第四季度備考攤薄每股收益約為 0.48 美元至 0.50 美元,同比增長 14% 至 19%。

  • This estimate includes shipments of approximately 65 million to 68 million MSM chipsets during the September quarter.

    這一估計包括 9 月季度大約 6500 萬至 6800 萬片 MSM 芯片組的出貨量。

  • We continue to see strong demand across multiple product segments including CDMA2000 EV-DO, WCDMA and HSDPA.

    我們繼續看到多個產品領域的強勁需求,包括 CDMA2000 EV-DO、WCDMA 和 HSDPA。

  • We estimate approximately 90 million to 94 million CDMA-based handsets shipped in the June quarter, a 29% to 34% increase year-over-year.

    我們估計 6 月季度的 CDMA 手機出貨量約為 9000 萬至 9400 萬部,同比增長 29% 至 34%。

  • Our unit forecasts reflect sequential growth for unit shipments in Europe, North America, Korea, and lower sequential shipments in Japan, China and India.


  • We estimate the average selling price at approximately $222.

    我們估計平均售價約為 222 美元。

  • We anticipate fourth quarter pro forma R&D and SG&A expenses combined to decrease between 5% and 8% as compared to the third quarter.

    我們預計第四季度的備考研發和 SG&A 費用與第三季度相比將下降 5% 至 8%。

  • As a reminder, our financial guidance does not include an estimated $0.05 earnings per share and related revenue, which we estimate will be owed by Nokia for the fourth fiscal quarter of this year, though our CDMA-based handset forecast does include estimates for unreported activity.

    提醒一下,我們的財務指導不包括估計的每股收益 0.05 美元和相關收入,我們估計諾基亞將在今年第四財季拖欠這些收入,儘管我們基於 CDMA 的手機預測確實包括對未報告活動的估計.

  • Also in July, we concluded the sale of a manufacturing building that we have no future use for and will record an approximately $40 million gain on sale in our September results, which will be reflected in our fourth quarter operating expenses.

    同樣在 7 月,我們完成了對一座我們沒有未來用途的製造大樓的出售,並將在我們的 9 月業績中記錄約 4000 萬美元的銷售收益,這將反映在我們的第四季度運營費用中。

  • In closing, it has been another strong quarter of record financial results driven by the growing adoption of 3G CDMA technology around the world and continued strong execution in our business units.

    最後,在全球範圍內越來越多地採用 3G CDMA 技術以及我們業務部門的持續強勁執行力的推動下,這是又一個強勁的季度創紀錄的財務業績。

  • That concludes my comments.


  • I'll now turn the call back to John Gilbert.

    我現在將電話轉回給 John Gilbert。

  • - VP, Investor Relations

    - VP, Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Bill.


  • Before we go into our question-and-answer session, I would like to remind our participants that our goal is to address as many questions as possible before we run out of time on the call.


  • Operator, we're ready for questions.


  • Operator


  • (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) One moment, please, for the first question.


  • Mike Walkley from Piper Jaffray, please go ahead with your question.

    Piper Jaffray 的 Mike Walkley,請繼續提問。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • First question is for Sanjay.


  • If you look at your historic range of guidance for your operating margins, you've hit the high end of the range.


  • How should we think about that going forward, if you could help us on the margin side of your business?


  • - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

    - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

  • Mike, we have certainly had a very, very good quarter this quarter.


  • The range that we have established before, which is 25% to 32%, continues to be the operating range in which we plan -- we hope to bring our operating income.

    我們之前確定的範圍,即 25% 到 32%,仍然是我們計劃的運營範圍——我們希望帶來我們的營業收入。

  • I certainly won't apologize if we exceed that.


  • But our plan is to, again, stay in that 25% to 32% range.

    但我們的計劃是再次保持在 25% 到 32% 的範圍內。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • If I can ask a follow-up question for Bill.


  • A lot of moving parts here in the first quarter without Nokia and the injunction.


  • Can you walk us through with you taking up your macro guidance, and you say Nokia is a $0.05 impact how we go from the $0.55 this quarter to your $0.48 to $0.55 range?

    您能否指導我們進行宏觀指導,您說諾基亞對我們的影響為 0.05 美元,我們如何從本季度的 0.55 美元到您的 0.48 美元到 0.55 美元的範圍?

  • - EVP, CFO

    - EVP, CFO

  • Sure, Mike.


  • If we take the midpoint of that fourth quarter guidance, $0.49, and we walk $0.55 down to $0.49, $0.06 differential, number one, the major component is Nokia.

    如果我們採用第四季度指導的中點 0.49 美元,然後我們將 0.55 美元降至 0.49 美元,0.06 美元的差異,排名第一,主要組成部分是諾基亞。

  • Obviously, we're anticipating that Nokia will not report for the fourth fiscal quarter.


  • So, that's $0.05.

    所以,這是 0.05 美元。

  • The remaining $0.01 is tax.

    剩下的 0.01 美元是稅。

  • Let me explain that.


  • We lowered our estimated effective tax rate for the year effective with the third quarter.


  • That added to the third quarter $0.02 of extra earnings.

    這增加了第三季度 0.02 美元的額外收益。

  • So, without that improved tax rate, our results would have been $0.53, $0.01 above our guidance based on hitting the high end of our MSN guidance and royalty reports coming in a bit stronger.

    因此,如果沒有提高稅率,我們的結果將比我們的指導值高 0.53 美元,比我們的指導值高 0.01 美元,這是基於我們達到 MSN 指導的高端和版稅報告的更強一點。

  • Of that $0.02 improvement, approximately $0.01 related to a catch up for Q1 and Q2 as we lowered the effective tax rate estimate effective the third quarter.

    在這 0.02 美元的改進中,大約 0.01 美元與第一季度和第二季度的赶超有關,因為我們降低了第三季度生效的有效稅率估計。

  • $0.01 was for the third quarter alone.

    僅第三季度就有 0.01 美元。

  • Now, that $0.01 catch up in the third quarter from Q1 and Q2, obviously, that's not going to be in the fourth quarter.

    現在,從第一季度和第二季度開始,第三季度的 0.01 美元顯然不會出現在第四季度。

  • So that basically walks you through that $0.06 differential; $0.05 to Nokia, $0.01of tax.

    因此,這基本上可以幫助您完成 0.06 美元的差價;諾基亞 0.05 美元,稅費 0.01 美元。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Edward Snyder from Charter Equity Research.

    特許股票研究公司的愛德華·斯奈德(Edward Snyder)。

  • Please go ahead with your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I have a question for Paul.


  • Paul, how long do you expect the period of more intense litigation to last once you have (inaudible.) Also, have there been or do you anticipate any discussions regarding compensation for customers like Verizon incurring costs or payout in a settlement to Broadcom on this issue?

    保羅,一旦您(聽不清),您預計更激烈的訴訟期將持續多長時間。此外,您是否曾經或是否預計任何關於賠償像 Verizon 這樣的客戶產生的費用或支付給博通的和解的討論。問題?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • We have a number of things that are going on that could lead to continued litigation, whether it is the Nokia situation, which we've talked about their option period and which could possibly even extend beyond the option period.


  • Broadcom right now, we have one other case that has not yet commenced.

    Broadcom 目前,我們還有一個尚未開始的案件。

  • And then there's still the stuff going on relative to antitrust, and then, of course, the continuing things we've talked about already.


  • So, essentially, those things can -- could last over some reasonable period of time.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • In discussing in terms of higher expenses, are you talking a quarter, two quarters, now that you're getting to the more difficult period?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Say that again?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • You're referring to higher expenses or at least the exposure to higher litigation costs and uncertainties in that more intense period.


  • You're obviously referring to what's going on with the ITC case, what's going on with Broadcom, some of the settlements with your carrier customers.

    您顯然指的是 ITC 案件的進展情況、博通的情況以及與運營商客戶的一些和解。

  • You see that lasting through the end of the year or well into 2008?

    你認為這種情況會持續到年底還是到 2008 年?

  • I'm not looking for a resolution of all issues.


  • Of course there is a lot of outstanding, but in this period of more intense litigation, is that something that's going to happen through the rest of this year or do you expect it to go into '08?

    當然有很多未完成的事情,但在這個訴訟更加激烈的時期,這件事會在今年剩下的時間裡發生,還是你認為它會進入 08 年?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • There are different components to it.


  • So, for example, some our costs on the legal side have actually decreased.


  • But it can ebb and flow depending on how the litigation goes.


  • So, it is a little bit hard to predict.


  • It is also hard to predict because as these litigations -- as you get results, it also impacts the decisions made both by us and by the companies who are initiating the litigation where they would want to increase or decrease.


  • As an example, some of the things that we did on the Nokia side where we went into arbitration, I think that led to less litigation than we had anticipated or that other people had anticipated.


  • And so these various decisions can impact those costs in one way or another.


  • Now, clearly, you had asked about the carrier, our discussions with carriers.


  • We are here to work with our partners to try and minimize the impact to their businesses, but any of those discussions that we've been having are very preliminary at this point.


  • And so we're working through that over a period of time.


  • Clearly, we also continue to focus on things like workarounds and so forth, and so that could also impact a period of time over which, if we made some support to a carrier partner, it would impact the amount of time that that would happen.


  • Operator


  • Tim Long From Banc of America.

    來自美國銀行的 Tim Long。

  • Please go ahead with your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • A question for Paul and Steve, and then I might have a quick one for Bill after that.


  • Could you talk a little bit about the -- what you think the implications are from the various Broadcom decisions in Santa Ana and with the ITC as it relates to what's going to be coming down the pike with Nokia?

    您能否談談您認為博通在聖安娜和 ITC 的各種決定所產生的影響,因為它與諾基亞將要發生的事情有關?

  • In other words, do you think the hard line that's been taken favors QUALCOMM relative to some of the GSM action against Nokia in the U.S., and what do you think the relationship is to any actions that Nokia may take against QUALCOMM on the CDMA side?

    換句話說,相對於 GSM 在美國對諾基亞採取的一些行動,您認為高通採取的強硬路線是否有利於高通?您認為這與諾基亞可能在 CDMA 方面對高通採取的任何行動有什麼關係?

  • - President

    - President

  • Yes -- this is Steve.


  • I think it clearly impacts our thinking and I think would -- should impact Nokia's thinking in terms of the potential downside of these various patent litigations.


  • The types of royalties that Broadcom is asking for for even one patent, I think, justifies and validates how reasonable our licensing program is.

    我認為,即使是一項專利,Broadcom 要求的版稅類型證明並驗證了我們的許可計劃的合理性。

  • And gives us, I think, greater strength of continuing that aspect of it.


  • But clearly, there's -- as with litigation, in any case, there is downsides for both companies and continued negotiations and discussions occur with Nokia.


  • There is still no significant progress that I can report to you.


  • But I think that our belief is that as we continue down our path with Nokia, certain things are going to happen in the litigation process that will cause the companies to get closer and closer together on a deal.


  • And I believe that as both of us kind of look to see how this litigation with Broadcom transpires, I think that impacts the various thinking.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • If I could just, for Bill, my preliminary math here shows that kind of the effective royalty rate, if you look at just the royalties as a percentage, did pick up in the June quarter.

    如果我可以的話,對比爾來說,我在這裡的初步計算表明,如果你只看版稅的百分比,那麼有效版稅率在 6 月季度確實有所回升。

  • If you could just let us know if that's the case, and how we should look at that royalty rate going forward and if it is moving up, what are the pieces, is it Sony Ericsson, is it less market development funds?


  • If you could just clarify that, that would be great?


  • - EVP, CFO

    - EVP, CFO

  • Yes, Tim, it did tick up in the June quarter, at least based on the information we disclosed.


  • There are a couple of other variables in there we don't disclose.


  • But it did tick up from about 3.8% to 3.9%.

    但它確實從大約 3.8% 上升到了 3.9%。

  • One of the factors in there was the $30 million payment from Sony Ericsson.

    其中一個因素是索尼愛立信支付了 3000 萬美元。

  • Looking into the September quarter, you do have a diversion there in terms of what we got -- what we disclose and now we're giving revenue guidance with -- without an assumption that Nokia will not report or pay.

    展望 9 月份的季度,你確實對我們得到的東西有所轉移——我們披露了什麼,現在我們正在提供收入指導——沒有假設諾基亞不會報告或支付。

  • Just based purely on the numbers we disclose, one would calculate a decrease in that effective royalty rate.


  • But if you take that $0.05 estimate, what Nokia owes us, and factor that up into revenue and royalties, you would find that the effective royalty rate we're expecting to stay constant into the September quarter relative to the June quarter, Nokia aside.

    但是,如果您估計諾基亞欠我們的 0.05 美元,並將其計入收入和特許權使用費,您會發現我們預計 9 月季度的有效特許權使用費率相對於 6 月季度保持不變,諾基亞除外。

  • Operator


  • Tim Luke from Lehman Brothers.


  • Please go ahead with your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, very much.


  • Just a couple of clarifications then a question.


  • Bill, I was wondering if you might be able to give a sense of where the inventory was and where you see the channel inventory and what you may be targeting going forward?


  • And then for Steve or Paul, with following the Verizon/Broadcom arrangement, should we think about it being fairly logical, obviously, you perceived that in your release to be somewhat positive for the industry, should we perceive that other carriers may be likely to follow that structure?

    然後對於史蒂夫或保羅來說,按照 Verizon/Broadcom 的安排,我們是否應該認為它是相當合乎邏輯的,顯然,如果我們認為其他運營商可能會遵循那個結構?

  • And in the Verizon commentary, they suggested that beyond the current sort of issues at hand, there may be other suits pending and I was just wondering if you might have provided any color on what you felt they may be alluding to?

    在 Verizon 的評論中,他們建議,除了當前手頭的問題之外,可能還有其他未決訴訟,我只是想知道您是否可以就您認為他們可能暗示的內容提供任何顏色?

  • Was it just the Santa Ana process that Steve talked of or not?


  • Those were the couple of questions.


  • Thank you.


  • - EVP, CFO

    - EVP, CFO

  • Tim, it is Bill.


  • First, on your inventory question.


  • So, we continue to see the total inventory channel for CDMA technology products to be continuing within the 15 to 20-week band.

    因此,我們繼續看到 CDMA 技術產品的總庫存渠道將繼續在 15 至 20 週的區間內。

  • Our most current estimates still have us at higher end of the band where we've been for now -- we think we've been for a few quarters.


  • Our estimates are based on a slight decrease in that channel in -- looking out into the current quarter.


  • But having said that, honestly, we're having some discussions here and the analysis going in as to whether there is just a -- the fact that there are so many more models and variety of handsets into the market, the range from high end to low end and the variety in between has grown so significantly that we're wondering if the 15 to 20-week band is going to continue to be a relevant guide looking forward.

    但話雖如此,老實說,我們在這裡進行了一些討論,並分析是否只有一個事實——市場上有更多型號和種類的手機,從高端到高端到低端,其間的變化如此顯著,以至於我們想知道 15 到 20 週的區間是否會繼續成為未來的相關指南。

  • So, we haven't completed or concluded that analysis, but there is reason to believe that what was normal in the past is -- could have ticked up a bit going forward.


  • - President

    - President

  • In terms of the Verizon deal, obviously, we haven't seen that deal ourselves.

    顯然,就 Verizon 的交易而言,我們自己還沒有看到這筆交易。

  • But it wouldn't be illogical for us to expect that other operators might talk to Broadcom, and in fact, I think Broadcom made some statements about how they were open to making similar type offers to others.


  • So, that's certainly possible and if you look at the history of the way licensing traditionally has been done, these kinds of things have happened upstream of the chip manufacturer.


  • In terms of comments about beyond the current issues, it is not clear to us exactly what they were talking about, but we think that they were talking about existing patent litigation outside of the ITC.

    關於當前問題之外的評論,我們不清楚他們到底在談論什麼,但我們認為他們談論的是 ITC 之外的現有專利訴訟。

  • And so that would account for those statements.


  • Operator


  • Tal Liani from Merrill Lynch.


  • Please go ahead with your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I have one question and another question.


  • So, let's count it as one, on the same subject.


  • First, is when you speak with handset makers on workaround solution which is one of the ways for you to bypass, or to sort of resolve the ITC case, then you get very different views depending on who you speak with.

    首先,當您與手機製造商討論變通解決方案時,這是您繞過或解決 ITC 案件的一種方式,然後您會根據與誰交談而獲得截然不同的觀點。

  • On one hand, the Samsung and Sprints of the world are telling you piece of cake, it is in the works.

    一方面,世界上的三星和 Sprint 告訴你小菜一碟,它正在開發中。

  • It is coming.


  • It has already been and lapsed.


  • On the other hand, Verizon is clearly voting against it by signing this kind of deal because they're willing to shell $200 million to resolve it.

    另一方面,Verizon 簽署此類協議顯然是投反對票,因為他們願意斥資 2 億美元來解決它。

  • Can you take us through the process?


  • I understand you have nothing currently to say about it.


  • But can you take us through the process of the workaround solution?


  • What does it mean?


  • How long does it take to implement it?


  • Where is it in the process and a little bit more color on this issue?


  • Thank you.


  • - EVP, General Counsel

    - EVP, General Counsel

  • Hi, Tal.


  • It is Lou Lupin.


  • I'll tackle that one or at least give it a shot.


  • When we talk about the ITC in particular and the patent involved in the ITC, I think as you've seen from a variety of comments made by us and others, that potential workarounds are, in fact, at different stages of acceptance and deployment with different manufacturers and different carriers.

    當我們特別談論 ITC 和 ITC 所涉及的專利時,我認為正如您從我們和其他人的各種評論中看到的那樣,潛在的變通辦法實際上處於接受和部署的不同階段不同的製造商和不同的運營商。

  • And we have been emphasizing that there are -- there are commercial uncertainties, as well as legal uncertainties, with respect to a workaround and that's one of the very important reasons that we think the President should disapprove this it order because, although we may feel very strongly that a particular new design does not infringe, it is a question of acceptance by the manufacturers, by the carriers and then ultimately, there will be some kind of a process, no doubt in which that new design will face some is kind of a challenge.


  • Broadcom has made it very clear what their intentions are.


  • We think it is very, very likely that any new design that we propose would be subject to that challenge.


  • And I think as we've touched on the pass that that kind of a legal challenge for workaround can play itself out in a couple of places.


  • One would be at the Customs service which is charged with enforcing the order of the Commission, and in fact, has the authority in the first instance not only to enforce the order but to determine which handsets are within the scope of the order and which handsets and other products are outside the scope of the order.


  • And then if Customs is unable to resolve it, or if a party chooses to pursue a different path, the International Trade Commission itself can also consider that question.


  • So, there are multiple possible paths, timing is different depending on which path you're talking about, and in fact, depending upon when proceedings get initiated and who brings them and what happens.


  • So, it is a bit unpredictable in terms of trying to map out the expected time frames for a process.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And on the same subject, assuming the worst case scenario happens in the Court case, on the other patents or the other dispute with Broadcom and the Court case bans the importation of chips to the U.S.


  • that are based on your patent -- sorry, Broadcom patents, what are the implications?

    基於您的專利——抱歉,Broadcom 專利,這意味著什麼?

  • Here we're not dealing with handsets, we're dealing with chips.


  • So what are the implications then if you would not be able to import any handsets, including to yourself, or to your customers to the U.S.?


  • If any?


  • - EVP, General Counsel

    - EVP, General Counsel

  • This is Lou again.


  • Again, it is a fairly complex question because we don't have in hand any order from that Court and the question of whether an injunction should even issue is still open and then even if one should issue, what's the scope.


  • That Court will have to carefully consider the impact on others besides QUALCOMM.


  • QUALCOMM is the only party before that Court and any release that the Court could order would have to flow through QUALCOMM and be directed primarily at QUALCOMM and the only way others really get directly affected by the order is if, in legal terms, the legal terms are if they're acting in concert with QUALCOMM and there are a lot of requirements before you can find that some third party that was never present, never had an opportunity to defend itself meets that definition of acting in concert.


  • So, I think, to make a long story short, I think there is an awful lot of complexity here that has to sort itself out over the next few weeks and months as we move through the process in that case of having the judge consider whether an injunction is appropriate, and there will be an opportunity in the course of that process to better understand Broadcom's position to put our position out there and then ultimately get a ruling from the judge at the end of the day which we will then consider.


  • We'll certainly comply, but we'll also consider what alternatives, like alternative design, that leaves for us.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • I should just add that in that case though, Broadcom -- shipments to Verizon should not be impacted.

    不過,在這種情況下,我應該補充一點,博通——向 Verizon 的出貨量不應該受到影響。

  • It's our understanding.


  • Operator


  • Brian Modoff from Deutsche Bank.


  • Please go ahead with your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, a couple of questions.


  • Is there any precedence from the Broadcom agreement with Verizon relative to your case, relative to fair and reasonable terms and what they're asking of you versus what they were willing to give to Verizon for that amount of money?

    Broadcom 與 Verizon 的協議相對於您的案件、公平合理的條款以及他們對您的要求與他們願意為 Verizon 支付的金額是否有任何優先權?

  • And then, Sanjay, any indication of what you think your 3G WCDMA market share is exiting the last quarter, thanks?

    然後,Sanjay,有任何跡象表明您認為您的 3G WCDMA 市場份額將在上個季度退出,謝謝?

  • - EVP, General Counsel

    - EVP, General Counsel

  • It's Lou.


  • U.S.


  • law is very focused on actual arm's length deals between patent holders and licensees for helping to determine what the fair value of patents are.


  • It is the primary factor that courts look at under cases going back for decades.


  • So, we believe that the true economics of the Verizon deal are very important to help gauge whether the previous offers that Broadcom had made to us were reasonable.

    因此,我們認為 Verizon 交易的真實經濟性對於幫助衡量 Broadcom 之前向我們提出的報價是否合理非常重要。

  • Clearly, they're unreasonable by any measure and, in particular, in light of the actual economics of the Verizon deal.

    顯然,從任何方面來看,它們都是不合理的,特別是考慮到與 Verizon 交易的實際經濟性。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Can you -- is there a process you can engage in now to bring that into some of the legal proceedings?

    您能否 - 您現在可以參與一個流程來將其納入某些法律程序嗎?

  • - EVP, General Counsel

    - EVP, General Counsel

  • I'm sorry.


  • Could you repeat your question?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Is there a process now that you can engage in to bring that agreement or that arrangement into the legal proceedings between yourselves and Broadcom?

    現在是否有一個流程可以讓您將該協議或安排納入您與 Broadcom 之間的法律程序?

  • - EVP, General Counsel

    - EVP, General Counsel

  • It will certainly be a very important factor that the Court considers in the Santa Ana case as to whether an injunction should issue, for example, because I think Broadcom has demonstrated by agreeing to a license that includes a payment that when the caps are properly taken into account, it is probably a dollar or maybe even less than a dollar a unit.

    例如,法院在 Santa Ana 案中考慮是否應該發布禁令肯定是一個非常重要的因素,因為我認為 Broadcom 已經通過同意包括支付的許可來證明,當適當地採取上限時考慮到,它可能是一美元,甚至可能不到一美元。

  • They've shown not only what they think is an acceptable amount, but that they're not going to be irreparably injured, that they can be compensated by money.


  • And that's one of the very important tests as to whether an injunction should issue.


  • One of the primary things you have to show to get an injunction is one, that you'll be irreparably injured, and, two, that you can't be adequately compensated by money.


  • I think the Verizon deal cuts very sharply against both of those factors when you consider what they've done.

    當你考慮到他們所做的事情時,我認為與這兩個因素相比,Verizon 的交易會大幅削減。

  • So, yes, we absolutely have the opportunity to introduce that evidence, and we think it should be an important consideration.


  • - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

    - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

  • Brian, this is Sanjay.


  • With regards to my best understanding of Broadcom's market share and the UMTC chipset, I think, if I just go back to the iSupply numbers, they're in wireless at least not in the top five chipset providers, provider.

    關於我對 Broadcom 的市場份額和 UMTC 芯片組的最佳理解,我認為,如果我回到 iSupply 的數字,他們在無線領域至少不在前五名的芯片組供應商之列。

  • And I -- to the best of my knowledge, they're not shipping large volume as of right now.

    而且我 - 據我所知,他們現在還沒有大量出貨。

  • I believe that there are some design activities that they have ongoing with some customers, but in terms of volume, my best understanding is that they're shipping extremely limited volume.


  • If I compare ourselves and our position in the market place in contrast, I think we're shipping high volume products in every single market place with a large number of customers, and maintaining our technology leadership both in terms of modem technology, as well as application process technology, as well as multimedia technology, and now with the introduction of Bluetooth and wireless LAN, and peripheral wireless connectivity also.


  • So, I believe that we're very well-positioned to, one, increase our market share and, secondly, increase our -- increasingly capture more of the silicon in the handsets.


  • So, I can't, with precision comment on their market share.


  • I don't see today that they're my top competitor.


  • But I think we're very well-positioned.


  • Operator


  • Mike Ounjian from Credit Suisse.

    來自瑞士信貸的 Mike Ounjian。

  • Please go ahead with your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • First, Lou, you went through a number of the cases with Nokia, but I believe we got an update on the arbitration demands you brought earlier this year.


  • If we could just get an update on that process, and then, Paul, would be interested in your thoughts on some of the discussions in the EU about creating a mobile TV standard.

    如果我們能獲得有關該流程的最新信息,那麼 Paul 會對您對歐盟關於創建移動電視標準的一些討論的想法感興趣。

  • Seems to be going in the direction of DVBH and where you see that process today, and what that might mean for the future of MediaFLO outside the U.S.?

    似乎正在朝著 DVBH 的方向發展,你今天在哪裡看到這個過程,這對美國以外的 MediaFLO 的未來意味著什麼?

  • - EVP, General Counsel

    - EVP, General Counsel

  • With respect to the Nokia arbitration, we have now arrived at a process for selecting arbitrators and that process is underway and we expect to have the arbitration panel in place in fairly short order.


  • And then once the panel is in place, we think that the procedure will start moving forward substantively.


  • The panel will set a schedule and, of course, we'll be pushing for a pretty aggressive schedule.


  • I suspect Nokia will be pushing for a delayed schedule and we won't know what kind of schedule we get, obviously, until the arbitrators order it.


  • That would be the next step.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • With respect to the discussions in the EU on the mobile TV standard, obviously, we've all been watching those comments and also the responses to those comments.


  • And so I think that that is not firm and, in fact, there's discussions between EU authority over that and national regulators and I've had some discussions with various national regulators about those issues.


  • So, I think that the opportunity still exists for MediaFLO, and I think the fact that we've demonstrated substantially better performance of the MediaFLO system with third parties helps a lot, and you can see that there are other trials that are going on around the world.

    所以,我認為 MediaFLO 的機會仍然存在,而且我認為我們已經與第三方證明了 MediaFLO 系統的性能大大提高這一事實有很大幫助,你可以看到還有其他試驗正在進行中世界。

  • So, in my opinion, the international momentum for MediaFLO continues to grow, and will we'll continue to follow these developments in the EU and hopefully they go in the right direction.

    因此,在我看來,MediaFLO 的國際勢頭繼續增長,我們將繼續關注歐盟的這些發展,並希望它們朝著正確的方向發展。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mark McKechnie from American Technology Research.

    美國技術研究公司的 Mark McKechnie。

  • Please go ahead with your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks.


  • Congrats on a good, solid quarter.


  • It looks like 3G is finally really starting to accelerate after a long period here.


  • So, good job.


  • I just want to get these numbers right here.


  • You said UMTS was up 78% quarter-on-quarter and 128% year-on-year.

    您說 UMTS 環比增長 78%,同比增長 128%。

  • Was that your chip shipments, Sanjay?


  • - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

    - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

  • 127% year-over-year.

    同比增長 127%。

  • 79% quarter-over-quarter.

    環比增長 79%。

  • Those are chipset shipments, yes.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Wow.


  • And, I mean, with that kind of shipment, did you have some falloff -- I mean was there a weak part of your business at all or was this -- or what offset some of that strength?

    而且,我的意思是,對於這種出貨量,你是否有一些下降 - 我的意思是你的業務是否存在薄弱部分,或者是這樣 - 或者是什麼抵消了一些優勢?

  • - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

    - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

  • I think, if you look at our operating profit, this was a record that we've hit in probably the last six to eight quarters, so as I look at our chipset portfolio, I'm extremely pleased with where we stand, and I would just like to point out that we're delivering these numbers with record investment in next generation technologies.


  • So, Mark, I think I'm very delighted with the execution that the team is delivering right now.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I'm just trying to find something wrong and I can't.


  • On the chip ASPs and margins were pretty strong, as well.


  • I mean is that -- on the ASP, I would guess a mixed shift toward UMTS or is this QSC ramping up or what's -- how should we look at the ASP uptick?

    我的意思是——在 ASP 上,我猜想是向 UMTS 的混合轉變,或者這個 QSC 是否正在上升,或者是什麼——我們應該如何看待 ASP 的上升?

  • - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

    - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

  • There are three things that go on which govern ASP.

    管理 ASP 的三個因素。

  • One, is that in our business, there is a volume-based decline in pricing that we deliver to our customers.


  • Secondly, then it depends on the mix of low end, medium, and high end chipsets.


  • In that mix, there are two factors.


  • One, is whether it is DO chipset or whether it is low end 1x chipset, or whether it's high end UMTS chipset or low end.


  • The second one is the multimedia and application processor, so whether it's 7000 series or low end 6000 series.


  • The third thing that contributes to the mix is customer mix.


  • If we have a large customer shipping a lot of volume, then that tends to depress our ASP a little bit because they tend to get to higher volumes and lower prices faster.


  • But I would say a combination of all of these factors right now is looking pretty good for us and as a result of the success of 7000 series, we feel pretty comfortable that our ASP will remain relatively in a narrow band looking forward.

    但我想說的是,所有這些因素的結合現在對我們來說看起來相當不錯,並且由於 7000 系列的成功,我們對我們的 ASP 將保持在一個相對較窄的範圍內展望感到很舒服。

  • Operator


  • James Faucette from Pacific Crest.

    來自 Pacific Crest 的 James Faucette。

  • Please go ahead with your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I had a couple of questions related to the accounting and the like, as well as the handset ASP.

    我有幾個與會計等有關的問題,以及手機 ASP。

  • The handset ASP on which you're able to calculate your royalties has remained amazingly stable for the last year.

    去年,您可以計算版稅的手機 ASP 一直保持驚人的穩定。

  • I'm just wondering if you have any idea what that ASP might look like in constant currency, or constant dollar terms?

    我只是想知道您是否知道以固定貨幣或固定美元計算的 ASP 可能是什麼樣的?

  • - EVP, CFO

    - EVP, CFO

  • James, it is Bill Keitel.


  • We have had some favorable FX improvements in the last year or so.


  • The number is in single-digit percentage, though, in terms of the FX advantage that we've enjoyed here.


  • So, the stability is really more of a -- an increase in demand for handset functionality and data capabilities, number one.


  • And number two, the higher growth of the WCDMA market.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And then the question for Sanjay.


  • Sanjay, you indicated that you're, obviously, spending more on R&D now than really at any time in the past.


  • And I'm just wondering with the continued growth and strength of the chip business, if you are seeing opportunities for investment that are currently underfunded, or not funded at all such that you could further increase the R&D budget beyond maybe what -- beyond what you traditionally would have been able to -- as we go into next year?

    我只是想知道芯片業務的持續增長和實力,如果您看到目前資金不足或根本沒有資金的投資機會,那麼您可以進一步增加研發預算,超出可能 - 超出在我們進入明年的時候,您傳統上能夠做到這一點?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • This is Paul.


  • Sanjay always sees opportunity for additional R&D investment.

    Sanjay 總是看到額外研發投資的機會。

  • (laughter)


  • - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

    - COO, President, CDMA Technologies Group

  • I don't know how to respond to that except to say that I'm very comfortable with the level of investment that we're making in our business, and what I have committed to you, to the investors, is that we will not increase our R&D faster than our revenue.


  • That we have a number of -- a large number of opportunities in front of us to grow our revenues and with the execution that we're seeing, we can certainly -- we could certainly invest in a number of other areas, but we're not intending to grow our R&D faster than our revenue in coming quarters and years.


  • Operator


  • John Lau from Jefferies & Co.

    Jefferies & Co. 的 John Lau

  • Please go ahead with your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • You had mentioned that you hadn't seen the Verizon agreement.

    您曾提到您沒有看到 Verizon 協議。

  • In terms of the Verizon comments, it was clear to imply they'll probably be seeking the $6 from you.

    就 Verizon 的評論而言,很明顯暗示他們可能會向您尋求 6 美元。

  • My questions are, what is your position on that $6, and second part is did Verizon discuss this with you before they answered that agreement with Broadcom?

    我的問題是,你對那 6 美元的立場是什麼,第二部分是 Verizon 在他們回答與博通的協議之前是否與你討論過這個問題?

  • And, finally, I guess, this is the most difficult point is what is the legal implication or your liability/responsibility to someone that is probably two degrees removed from your customer base?


  • Thank you.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • So, as I said earlier, we've had some preliminary discussions, but I just want to point out that if you look at the caps and the expected volumes over the time period, that deal is nowhere near a $6 per device deal.

    因此,正如我之前所說,我們已經進行了一些初步討論,但我只想指出,如果您查看該時間段內的上限和預期交易量,該交易遠不及每台設備 6 美元的交易。

  • And so while we've had some preliminary discussions, and I can't -- I couldn't put any numbers around any financial support we might be willing to give, $6 is not the right number.

    因此,雖然我們已經進行了一些初步討論,但我不能——我無法給出我們可能願意提供的任何財務支持的任何數字,但 6 美元不是正確的數字。

  • Operator


  • Your final question comes from Ehud Gelblum from JPMorgan.

    您的最後一個問題來自摩根大通的 Ehud Gelblum。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Couple of quick questions, if I could.


  • One, is the three patents that were in the Santa Ana case, do you have workarounds pending for those patents, too, just in case as kind of a backup or have you looked at that in the backup scenario?

    第一,Santa Ana 案中的三項專利,您是否也有針對這些專利的解決方法,以防萬一,或者您是否在備用方案中查看過?

  • In addition, Lou, I think you mentioned that the -- that the offers that Broadcom had made to you for the ITC case were not reasonable and that the offer they made to Verizon sounded a lot more reasonable.

    此外,Lou,我想你提到過——Broadcom 就 ITC 案向你提出的報價不合理,而他們向 Verizon 提出的報價聽起來更合理。

  • Are they under obligation for that patent to be reasonable at all?


  • I don't know if actually they have a [fran] commitment on that patent or not.

    我不知道他們是否真的對該專利有[fran] 承諾。

  • Bill, when you look at the tax rate, the incredibly shrinking tax rate, not just with you guys but a lot of companies in our sector, how low can that go?


  • Does it stay down at that rate?


  • You mentioned it was from a mix of international revenues.


  • How should we look at that and is it a 20%, does it break through 20%?

    我們應該如何看待它,它是 20%,它是否突破了 20%?

  • What other kind of moving parts on taxes going forward?


  • - EVP, General Counsel

    - EVP, General Counsel

  • Ehud, hi, it is Lou.

    Ehud,嗨,我是 Lou。

  • I'll take the first two questions.


  • We look at all of our options whenever we're confronted with any claim of patent infringement and, obviously, as the claims either become more serious, or in this case, are vindicated at least at the trial court level.


  • We increase the level of effort that we put into all avenues.


  • So certainly we're very carefully looking at alternative designs with respect to all of those patents just like we did with respect to the ITC case.

    因此,就像我們對 ITC 案所做的那樣,我們當然會非常仔細地研究所有這些專利的替代設計。

  • Again, the same complexities are associated with implementing workarounds, including commercial acceptance, technical acceptance and continuing legal uncertainty about acceptability.


  • But having said that, yes, we're certainly putting very significant effort into pursuing all avenues and that would include workarounds as well as alternatives.


  • With respect to the second question, the particular patent in the ITC has never been declared by Broadcom or any of the predecessor owners as essential to any standards body.

    關於第二個問題,ITC 中的特定專利從未被 Broadcom 或任何前任所有者宣佈為任何標準機構的必要專利。

  • However, the way in which they construed it and attempted to read it on our products in the litigation actually raises a very interesting question about whether, in fact, they do consider it to be essential and, therefore, failed to declare it and did not live up to their obligations to the relevant standards bodies.


  • And it is quite possible that that will be a subject of future litigation and it is not an issue that was raised in the ITC, however.

    這很可能會成為未來訴訟的主題,但這不是 ITC 提出的問題。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So, it would not necessarily be right now under a [fran] commitment but you think you could perhaps interpret it to be under a [fran] commitment?

    所以,它現在不一定是在 [fran] 承諾下,但您認為您可以將其解釋為在 [fran] 承諾下?

  • - EVP, General Counsel

    - EVP, General Counsel

  • If, in fact, it is essential and at least, again, with respect to some of the products in the ITC, they attempted to read it on the standard.

    事實上,如果它是必要的,至少對於 ITC 中的某些產品,他們試圖在標准上閱讀它。

  • If, in fact, it is essential, it would be subject to a [fran] commitment whether they've made the declaration to the relevant standards body or not, but, frankly, that's an open issue presently because they have not made a declaration.

    如果事實上,這是必要的,那麼無論他們是否已向相關標準機構作出聲明,都將受到 [fran] 承諾的約束,但坦率地說,這目前是一個懸而未決的問題,因為他們尚未作出聲明.

  • So, we would have to proceed through some legal channel to establish that, in fact, they had an obligation and, indeed, if they had an obligation and they didn't fulfill it and it was a knowing failure to fulfill, that might, in fact, affect the enforceability of the patent.


  • But these issues are not currently pending in the ITC case.

    但這些問題目前並未在 ITC 案中懸而未決。

  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached the end of our time.


  • - EVP, CFO

    - EVP, CFO

  • Excuse me, operator, one more question very quickly.


  • The tax question, Ehud, I think you're aware, QUALCOMM, we have an offshore operation and then a domestic operation.


  • A simple way to think of it is the chip business is primarily offshore, taxed at a fairly low rate and the onshore operation is essentially the licensing business taxed at a full rate.


  • So, the relative mix of the two net income of the two is what is a major driver on the tax rate.


  • Business mix aside, there is a modest further opportunity to improve the tax rate, but I would say it is fairly modest.


  • Operator


  • And we have now reached the end of the allotted time for questions and answers.


  • Dr.


  • Jacobs, do you have any closing comments?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Yes.


  • I am very proud of the results that we delivered this quarter.


  • And while it is true that increased uncertainty has been introduced into our future business results by the legal issues, fundamentally, our businesses continue to execute extremely well, and I would say that we're even more focused on working closely with our partners going forward to ensure that we can bring the best technology to the wireless market and the best possible results to our shareholders.


  • So, thank you, everyone.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude today's conference.


  • You may now disconnect.
