菲利普莫里斯國際 (PM) 2016 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day and welcome to the Philip Morris International 2016 fourth-quarter and full-year earnings conference call.

    美好的一天,歡迎來到菲利普莫里斯國際 2016 年第四季度和全年收益電話會議。

  • Today's call is scheduled to last about one hour including remarks by Philip Morris International management and the question-and-answer session.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I will now turn the call over to Mr. Nick Rolli, Vice President of Investor Relations and Financial Communications.

    我現在將把電話轉給投資者關係和金融傳播副總裁 Nick Rolli 先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Nick Rolli - VP, IR & Financial Communications

    Nick Rolli - VP, IR & Financial Communications

  • Welcome and thank you for joining us.


  • Earlier today we issued a press release containing detailed information on our 2016 fourth-quarter and full-year results, and you may access the release on our new Company website at www.PMI.com or the PMI investor relations app.

    今天早些時候,我們發布了一份新聞稿,其中包含我們 2016 年第四季度和全年業績的詳細信息,您可以在我們新的公司網站 www.PMI.com 或 PMI 投資者關係應用程序上訪問該新聞稿。

  • During our call today we will be talking about results for the fourth-quarter and full-year 2016 and comparing them to the same period in 2015 unless otherwise stated.

    在我們今天的電話會議中,除非另有說明,否則我們將討論 2016 年第四季度和全年的結果,並將它們與 2015 年同期進行比較。

  • A glossary of terms, adjustments and other calculations as well as reconciliations to the most directly comparable US GAAP measures are at the end of today's webcast slides which are posted on our website.

    術語表、調整和其他計算以及與最直接可比的 US GAAP 措施的對賬在今天發佈在我們網站上的網絡廣播幻燈片的末尾。

  • Reduced-Risk Products or RRPs is the term we use to refer to products that present, are likely to present or have the potential to present less risk of harm to smokers who switch to these products versus continued smoking.

    降低風險產品或 RRP 是我們用來指代與繼續吸煙相比,對轉而使用這些產品的吸煙者存在、可能存在或有可能存在較低危害風險的產品的術語。

  • Today's remarks contain forward-looking statements and projections of future results.


  • And I direct your attention to the forward-looking and cautionary statements disclosure in today's presentation and press release for a review of the various factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from projections or forward-looking statements.


  • Please also note that in the first quarter of 2017, we will begin to report our shipment volume on a combined basis including both cigarettes and HeatSticks.

    另請注意,在 2017 年第一季度,我們將開始報告我們的出貨量,包括香煙和 HeatSticks。

  • We will also report our combined estimated market share in certain markets as we currently do for Japan to the extent that reliable data is available.


  • It is now my pleasure to introduce Andre Calantzopoulos, our Chief Executive Officer.

    現在我很高興介紹我們的首席執行官 Andre Calantzopoulos。

  • Jacek Olczak, our Chief Financial Officer, will join Andre for the question-and-answer period.

    我們的首席財務官 Jacek Olczak 將與 Andre 一起參加問答環節。

  • Andre?


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Thank you, Nick, and welcome ladies and gentlemen.


  • 2016 was a pivotal year for PMI, reflecting exciting progress in our transformation from combustible tobacco products to a Reduced-Risk Products focused Company.

    2016 年對 PMI 來說是關鍵的一年,反映出我們在從可燃煙草產品向專注於降低風險產品的公司轉型方面取得了令人振奮的進展。

  • While our combustible tobacco portfolio continued to drive our income growth we began to see clear signs of the enormous potential of our RRP portfolio.

    雖然我們的可燃煙草產品組合繼續推動我們的收入增長,但我們開始看到 RRP 產品組合巨大潛力的明顯跡象。

  • As expected, we closed 2016 with exceptionally strong quarterly results driven by the annualization of price increases and the growth of RRPs coupled with a favorable cost comparison.

    正如預期的那樣,我們在 2016 年結束時取得了異常強勁的季度業績,這得益於價格年化增長和建議零售價的增長以及有利的成本比較。

  • Net revenues increased by 10.5% excluding currency while adjusted OCI and adjusted diluted EPS increased by over 47% and 51% respectively on the same basis.

    不包括貨幣在內的淨收入增長了 10.5%,而調整後的 OCI 和調整後的稀釋每股收益在同一基礎上分別增長了 47% 和 51% 以上。

  • Full-year net revenues increased by 4.4% excluding currency driven by a favorable pricing variance equivalent to 6% of prior-year net revenues and the strong performance of RRPs, notably HeatSticks and IQOS devices.

    全年淨收入增長 4.4%,不包括貨幣,這是由於有利的定價差異(相當於上一年淨收入的 6%)和 RRP(尤其是 HeatSticks 和 IQOS 設備)的強勁表現。

  • As in any year, we faced some unique challenges in 2016 such as the very large excise tax increase in Argentina, the surge of illicit trade in Pakistan and the cigarette industry volume declines in the Philippines and Thailand.

    與往年一樣,我們在 2016 年面臨一些獨特的挑戰,例如阿根廷的消費稅大幅增加、巴基斯坦的非法貿易激增以及菲律賓和泰國的捲煙業銷量下降。

  • In aggregate, these items had an adverse effect on our volume and net revenues but a very limited impact on our adjusted OCI due to the low corresponding margins.

    總的來說,這些項目對我們的銷量和淨收入產生了不利影響,但由於相應的利潤率較低,對我們調整後的 OCI 的影響非常有限。

  • Please note that approximately 22% of our $733 million in 2016 RRP net revenues were from IQOS devices which yielded a negative margin due to introductory discounts offered in the initial commercialization phase to accelerate adult smokers switching.

    請注意,我們 2016 年 7.33 億美元的 RRP 淨收入中約有 22% 來自 IQOS 設備,由於在初始商業化階段提供介紹性折扣以加速成年吸煙者轉換,因此產生了負利潤。

  • Clearly the economics of the devices will improve over time as we reach broader adult smoker acceptance.


  • Adjusted operating Company's income increased by a robust 10.3% excluding currency, driven by higher net revenues on the same basis and a favorable cost comparison versus 2015, notwithstanding continued investment behind RRPs.

    調整後的運營公司收入強勁增長 10.3%(不包括貨幣),這是由於相同基礎上更高的淨收入和與 2015 年相比有利的成本比較,儘管建議零售價背後的持續投資。

  • Our results were strong across all four Regions with currency-neutral adjusted OCI growth ranging from 8.7% in the European Union to 12.6% in EEMA.

    我們在所有四個地區的業績都很強勁,貨幣中性調整後的 OCI 增長率從歐盟的 8.7% 到 EEMA 的 12.6% 不等。

  • Adjusted OCI margin increased by 0.6 points to 41.8% or by 2.4 points to 43.6% excluding currency, again with gains across all four Regions.

    調整後的 OCI 利潤率上升 0.6 個百分點至 41.8% 或上升 2.4 個百分點至 43.6%(不包括貨幣),所有四個地區均有增長。

  • Adjusted diluted EPS increased by 11.8% excluding currency in 2016.

    2016 年不計貨幣調整後的攤薄每股收益增長 11.8%。

  • Importantly, adjusted diluted EPS grew by 1.4% including currency, representing the first such increase since 2015.

    重要的是,包括貨幣在內的調整後攤薄每股收益增長了 1.4%,這是自 2015 年以來的首次增長。

  • Full-year free cash flow was stable at $6.9 billion despite unfavorable currency of $340 million and our previously announced increase in capital expenditures to support the manufacturing capacity expansion of HeatSticks.

    儘管 3.4 億美元的不利貨幣以及我們之前宣布增加資本支出以支持 HeatSticks 的製造能力擴張,但全年自由現金流穩定在 69 億美元。

  • Excluding currency, free cash flow increased by 4.9%.

    不包括貨幣在內,自由現金流增長了 4.9%。

  • As I mentioned previously, strong financial results were achieved despite the cigarette shipment volume decline in 2016.

    正如我之前提到的,儘管 2016 年捲菸出貨量下降,但仍取得了強勁的財務業績。

  • Some 40% of the decline was due to Pakistan and the Philippines where the volume erosion was concentrated in low unit margin brands that had a limited impact on our bottom line.

    約 40% 的下降是由於巴基斯坦和菲律賓,銷量下降集中在對我們的底線影響有限的單位利潤率較低的品牌。

  • A portion of our cigarette volume decline was also due to in-switching to HeatSticks from our own cigarette brand, a trend that we expect to continue going forward.

    我們捲菸銷量下降的一部分也是由於從我們自己的捲煙品牌轉向 HeatSticks,我們預計這一趨勢將繼續向前發展。

  • HeatSticks volume reached 7.4 billion units which reflected our maximum manufacturing capacity for 2016.

    HeatSticks 銷量達到 74 億個,這反映了我們 2016 年的最大製造能力。

  • HeatSticks volume would have been much higher absent this capacity restriction which obliged us to limit IQOS device sales in Japan since June.

    如果沒有這種容量限制,HeatSticks 的銷量會高得多,這迫使我們自 6 月以來限制 IQOS 設備在日本的銷售。

  • Our cigarette market share excluding China and the US declined by 0.6 points in 2016 with low-price Fortune and super-low price Jackpot, both in the Philippines, accounting for 0.5 points of the total decline.

    我們在不包括中國和美國的捲煙市場份額在 2016 年下降了 0.6 個百分點,菲律賓的低價 Fortune 和超低價 Jackpot 佔總下降的 0.5 個百分點。

  • Cigarette share for the balance of our portfolio was essentially stable.


  • Marlboro continued its widespread growth with cigarette share increases in the EU, Asia and Latin America and Canada Regions.


  • Importantly, the brand cigarette share growth in Asia was achieved despite the impact of Marlboro HeatSticks growth in Japan.

    重要的是,儘管日本的 Marlboro HeatSticks 增長帶來了影響,但品牌捲菸在亞洲的份額仍實現了增長。

  • Marlboro's decline in EEMA was due essentially to Algeria, reflecting significant adult smoker rejection of the 2.0 architecture for Marlboro Round Taste.

    萬寶路 EEMA 的下降主要是由於阿爾及利亞,反映出成年吸煙者對萬寶路圓味 2.0 架構的強烈拒絕。

  • As noted during our September Investor Day, we instituted a number of initiatives to address this weakness.

    正如我們在 9 月的投資者日所指出的那樣,我們制定了一系列舉措來解決這一弱點。

  • And as of the fourth quarter the brand had already recovered close to 6 points of market share compared to its nadir in the second quarter.

    與第二季度的最低點相比,截至第四季度,該品牌的市場份額已經恢復了近 6 個百分點。

  • I will now discuss our performance in a few of our key geographies beginning with the European Union Region.


  • Currency-neutral adjusted OCI increased for the second straight year with higher pricing driving growth of over 8%.

    貨幣中性調整後的 OCI 連續第二年增長,較高的定價推動增長超過 8%。

  • Full-year cigarette industry volume declined by 0.6% with the decrease concentrated in the fourth quarter.

    全年捲菸行業銷量下降 0.6%,下降集中在第四季度。

  • This primarily reflects a difficult comparison with 2015 which benefited from the estimated positive impact of immigration and a recovery from illicit trade.

    這主要反映了與 2015 年的艱難比較,後者受益於移民的估計積極影響和非法貿易的複蘇。

  • Our Regional cigarette share was flat in 2016 with growth notably in France, Poland and Spain, offset mainly by a decline in Italy as a result of our price increase in the second quarter of 2016 and the growth of the super-low price segment.

    我們的區域捲菸份額在 2016 年持平,在法國、波蘭和西班牙增長顯著,主要被我們在 2016 年第二季度的價格上漲和超低價格段的增長導致的意大利下降所抵消。

  • Marlboro's share increased by 0.2 points growing in most key markets with the exception of Italy.

    萬寶路在除意大利以外的大多數主要市場的份額增加了 0.2 個百分點。

  • Moving to Russia, cigarette industry volume again exceeded our expectations in 2016 with the decline moderating to 4.6% despite a third straight year of weighted-average industry retail price increases of about 20%.

    轉向俄羅斯,儘管加權平均行業零售價格連續第三年上漲約 20%,但 2016 年捲菸行業銷量再次超出我們的預期,降幅放緩至 4.6%。

  • Our cigarette market share declined by 1.2 points due mainly to the slower penetration of competitors' price increases at retail.

    我們的捲煙市場份額下降了 1.2 個百分點,這主要是由於競爭對手零售價格上漲的滲透速度較慢。

  • In addition, following the ban of the production of big packs effective July 2016, many competitors launched limited pack editions at a discount equivalent to the per-stick price of big packs.

    此外,繼 2016 年 7 月大包裝禁令生效後,許多競爭對手以相當於大包裝每支價格的折扣推出限量版。

  • We have deployed initiatives to improve our share performance and indeed stabilized our sequential quarterly share in the second half of the year.


  • Strong pricing drove another year of double-digit OCI growth, excluding currency, more than offsetting the adverse cigarette volume impact.

    強勁的定價推動了又一年的 OCI 兩位數增長(不包括貨幣),足以抵消不利的捲煙銷量影響。

  • For reference, amendments to the tax code effective 2017 were enacted last November, raising the ad valorem rate to 14.5% and increasing both the specific and minimum excise tax.

    作為參考,去年 11 月頒布了 2017 年生效的稅法修正案,將從價稅率提高到 14.5%,並提高了從量稅和最低消費稅。

  • The weighted-average total excise tax pass-on for the industry is around RUB13 per pack which equates to an average retail price increase of around 10%.

    該行業的加權平均總消費稅轉嫁約為每包 13 盧布,相當於平均零售價格上漲 10% 左右。

  • It is about the approximately RUB10 per pack average pass-on for 2016.

    這大約是 2016 年每包平均轉嫁約 10 盧布。

  • Importantly, the tax code also now includes the introduction of a weight-based specific excise tax on heated tobacco products.


  • Turning now to Japan, the growth of our RRPs in 2016 had a notable impact on cigarette industry volume which declined by 4.6% for the full year and by 7.4% in the fourth quarter.

    現在轉向日本,我們 2016 年建議零售價的增長對捲菸行業銷量產生了顯著影響,全年下降 4.6%,第四季度下降 7.4%。

  • HeatSticks' national marketshare continued its strong sequential growth, reaching 4.9% in the fourth quarter.

    HeatSticks 的全國市場份額繼續保持強勁的環比增長,第四季度達到 4.9%。

  • During the final week of December HeatSticks' national marketshare reached an estimated 5.5% and its offtake share increased to 7%.

    在 12 月的最後一周,HeatSticks 的全國市場份額估計達到 5.5%,其承購份額增加到 7%。

  • Our full-year cigarette market share declined by 0.4 points to 24.9% due mainly to the impact of HeatSticks.

    我們的全年捲菸市場份額下降了 0.4 個百分點至 24.9%,這主要是由於 HeatSticks 的影響。

  • The rate of in-switching to HeatSticks from our own cigarette portfolio declined as the year progressed to an estimated 32% in late 2016.

    隨著時間的推移,從我們自己的捲煙產品組合轉向 HeatSticks 的比例下降到 2016 年底的估計 32%。

  • Our combined market share, including cigarettes and HeatSticks, increased by 1.7 points to 27.1% in 2016 and by 3.1 points to 28.3% in the fourth quarter.

    我們的合併市場份額(包括香煙和 HeatSticks)在 2016 年增長了 1.7 個百分點至 27.1%,在第四季度增長了 3.1 個百分點至 28.3%。

  • Indonesia continued to be an important profit driver for PMI in 2016 with double-digit OCI growth mainly reflecting strong pricing.

    印度尼西亞繼續成為 2016 年 PMI 的重要利潤驅動因素,OCI 兩位數增長主要反映了強勁的定價。

  • Cigarette industry volume declined by 1.4% due mainly to the soft economic environment and higher retail prices driven by a weighted-average excise tax increase in 2016 of around 15% industry-wide.

    捲菸行業銷量下降 1.4%,主要是由於疲軟的經濟環境和 2016 年全行業 15% 左右的加權平均消費稅增加導致零售價格上漲。

  • The excise tax increase for 2017 is around 10% on the same basis, though the government also increased the VAT rate on cigarettes to 9.1% from 8.7% last year.

    在同一基礎上,2017 年的消費稅增幅約為 10%,不過政府還將捲煙的增值稅稅率從去年的 8.7% 提高到 9.1%。

  • As a result, the weighted-average total pass-on for the industry in 2017 is approximately 6% at the retail level compared to 8% in 2016.

    因此,2017 年該行業零售層面的加權平均總轉嫁率約為 6%,而 2016 年為 8%。

  • The 0.9 points decline in our cigarette market share was due mainly to the soft performance of our lighter-tasting machine-made kretek brands, reflecting the impact of competitors' discounted product offerings.

    我們的捲煙市場份額下降 0.9 個百分點,主要是由於我們口味較淡的機制丁香煙品牌表現疲軟,反映了競爭對手打折產品的影響。

  • Our share decline was partly offset by the strong performance of our full-flavor machine kretek brand U Bold.

    我們的全味機器丁香煙品牌 U Bold 的強勁表現部分抵消了我們的份額下降。

  • In addition, our Marlboro Filter Black kretek offering, which we launched in 25 cities last September, is performing well and already reached a national marketshare of 0.5% in the fourth quarter.

    此外,我們去年 9 月在 25 個城市推出的 Marlboro Filter Black kretek 產品表現良好,第四季度已達到 0.5% 的全國市場份額。

  • Our actions to address our last year share weakness will continue bearing fruit this year and we project that Indonesia will again be a key contributor to our OCI growth in 2017.

    我們解決去年份額疲軟的行動今年將繼續取得成果,我們預計印度尼西亞將再次成為我們 2017 年 OCI 增長的主要貢獻者。

  • Profit in the Philippines continued to improve in 2016 through higher pricing and favorable mix.

    菲律賓的利潤在 2016 年通過更高的定價和有利的組合繼續改善。

  • While our total cigarette share declined by 2.1 points due mainly to Fortune and Jackpot Marlboro performed exceptionally, increasing its volume by 25%.

    雖然我們的捲煙總份額下降了 2.1 個百分點,這主要是由於 Fortune 和 Jackpot Marlboro 表現出色,其銷量增加了 25%。

  • Cigarette industry volume declined by 12% due principally to the impact of excise tax-driven retail price increases at the bottom of the market in late 2015.

    捲菸行業銷量下降了 12%,這主要是由於 2015 年底市場底部消費稅驅動的零售價格上漲的影響。

  • Industry volume decreased by 13.2% in the fourth quarter, reflecting the impact of further excise tax-driven price increases at the end of October last year.

    第四季度行業銷量下降 13.2%,反映了去年 10 月底消費稅進一步推動價格上漲的影響。

  • Effective January 1 of this year, the excise tax structure in the Philippines was reduced to one tier with a specific rate of PHP30 per pack.

    自今年 1 月 1 日起,菲律賓的消費稅結構降至一級,具體稅率為每包 PHP30。

  • This completed the tax tier harmonization process which saw weighted-average excise tax increases of 33% on a compound annual basis since 2013.

    自 2013 年以來,這完成了稅級協調進程,加權平均消費稅年復合增長 33%。

  • Based on current legislation, the specific rate is scheduled to increase by 4% annually beginning in 2018.

    根據現行立法,從 2018 年開始,具體稅率計劃每年增加 4%。

  • While we expect continued followed softness this year due mainly to the final step in the excise tax tier convergence we remain positive about the long-term growth potential in this important market.


  • In the Latin America and Canada Region strong currency-neutral adjusted OCI growth of 12.4% in 2016 was driven by higher pricing, notably in Argentina and Canada.

    在拉丁美洲和加拿大地區,2016 年強勁的貨幣中性調整後 OCI 增長 12.4% 是由更高的定價推動的,尤其是在阿根廷和加拿大。

  • Our Regional cigarette market share increased by 0.7 points, driven by Marlboro and supported by share gains in Brazil, Canada and Mexico.

    在萬寶路的推動下,以及在巴西、加拿大和墨西哥的份額增長的支持下,我們的區域捲菸市場份額增加了 0.7 個百分點。

  • Regional cigarette industry volume declined by 5.9% in 2016 due mainly to tax-driven retail price increases in Argentina and Brazil.

    2016 年區域捲菸行業銷量下降 5.9%,主要是由於阿根廷和巴西的稅收驅動的零售價格上漲。

  • We expect the industry volume declines in both markets to moderate in 2017.

    我們預計 2017 年這兩個市場的行業銷量下滑將放緩。

  • To close on 2016 I will highlight the favorable performance of IQOS across the many launch markets beyond Japan.

    在 2016 年結束之際,我將強調 IQOS 在日本以外的許多發布市場的良好表現。

  • While this performance requires some additional context given the smaller scale of the launches and the role of HeatSticks capacity constraints in the second half of last year, it nonetheless serves as a positive indicator of the potential for IQOS broadly.

    考慮到去年下半年推出的規模較小以及 HeatSticks 容量限制的作用,雖然這種表現需要一些額外的背景,但它仍然是 IQOS 廣泛潛力的積極指標。

  • One measure that we closely monitor is the rate of IQOS purchases who fully or predominantly convert to the product.

    我們密切監控的一項指標是完全或主要轉換為該產品的 IQOS 購買率。

  • Conversion rates have grown over time and at the end of 2016 stood at approximately 70% or higher.

    轉化率隨著時間的推移而增長,在 2016 年底達到約 70% 或更高。

  • As a reminder, Japan only reached this level in May last year, over 18 months after launch.

    提醒一下,日本在去年 5 月才達到這個水平,即發射後 18 個月。

  • This confirms that IQOS resonates strongly with adult smokers who try it irrespective of the market.

    這證實了 IQOS 與嘗試 IQOS 的成年吸煙者產生強烈共鳴,無論市場如何。

  • We also clearly monitor HeatSticks offtake volumes.

    我們還清楚地監控 HeatSticks 的承購量。

  • During the fourth quarter of 2016 estimated offtake volume in all markets with launches prior to midyear grew at a compound weekly rate of over 6%, comparable to Japan during the initial launch phase.

    2016 年第四季度,在年中之前推出的所有市場的估計承購量以超過 6% 的複合週增長率增長,與日本在初始推出階段相當。

  • Such performance augurs well for our planned national expansions which in Japan had an accelerating effect.


  • Turning now to 2017, we enter the year with positive momentum and favorable trends across many of our key geographies, although currency volatility remains an issue.

    現在轉向 2017 年,儘管貨幣波動仍然是一個問題,但我們在許多主要地區都以積極的勢頭和有利的趨勢進入了這一年。

  • As announced this morning, our reported diluted EPS guidance for 2017 at prevailing exchange rates is a range of $4.70 to $4.85 versus $4.48 in 2016 and includes an unfavorable currency impact of approximately $0.18.

    正如今天上午宣布的那樣,我們報告的 2017 年攤薄後每股收益指引按現行匯率計算為 4.70 美元至 4.85 美元,而 2016 年為 4.48 美元,其中包括約 0.18 美元的不利貨幣影響。

  • This guidance represents a growth rate excluding currency of approximately 9% to 12% compared to our adjusted diluted EPS of $4.48 in 2016.

    與我們 2016 年調整後的攤薄每股收益 4.48 美元相比,該指引表示不包括貨幣在內的增長率約為 9% 至 12%。

  • We expect our currency-neutral financial growth to be slightly skewed over the second half of 2017, reflecting the timing of HeatSticks capacity and phasing of RRP investments as well as unfavorable cigarette industry volume comparisons with the first half of 2016 notably in Argentina, the EU Region and Turkey.

    我們預計 2017 年下半年我們的貨幣中性財務增長將略微傾斜,反映出 HeatSticks 產能的時機和 RRP 投資的階段性以及與 2016 年上半年相比不利的捲煙行業銷量,特別是在阿根廷、歐盟地區和土耳其。

  • The $0.18 of unfavorable currency impact at prevailing exchange rates included in our 2017 guidance is driven primarily by the Turkish lira, euro, Japanese yen and Mexican peso, partly offset by the Russian ruble.

    我們 2017 年指南中包含的按現行匯率計算的 0.18 美元的不利貨幣影響主要由土耳其里拉、歐元、日元和墨西哥比索推動,部分被俄羅斯盧布抵消。

  • We have currently hedged approximately 40% of our 2017 forecast sales to Japan which at prevailing exchange rate translates to an effective rate of JPY114 to the US dollar versus JPY111 in 2016.

    我們目前已對沖約 40% 的 2017 年日本預測銷售額,按現行匯率計算,2016 年兌美元的有效匯率為 114 日元兌 111 日元。

  • As I noted during last September's Investor Day the advent of RRPs introduces some additional variables into the attractive and predictable growth equation of our industry.

    正如我在去年 9 月的投資者日指出的那樣,RRP 的出現為我們行業具有吸引力和可預測的增長方程式引入了一些額外的變量。

  • These variables are somewhat less range bound and linear given the emerging nature of the category but also offer exponential upside.


  • For this reason, we have widened our EPS guidance range this year to $0.15.

    出於這個原因,我們將今年的 EPS 指導範圍擴大到 0.15 美元。

  • Our EPS guidance reflects net revenue growth in excess of our current currency-neutral annual growth target range of 4% to 6%.

    我們的每股收益指引反映了淨收入增長超過我們目前 4% 至 6% 的貨幣中性年度增長目標範圍。

  • We expect this growth to be driven by two main factors: higher RRP volume reflecting both HeatSticks and IQOS devices and a favorable pricing variance.

    我們預計這一增長將由兩個主要因素推動:更高的 RRP 數量反映了 HeatSticks 和 IQOS 設備以及有利的價格差異。

  • The anticipated pricing variance is equivalent to approximately 6% of our 2016 net revenues.

    預期定價差異相當於我們 2016 年淨收入的約 6%。

  • As of today we have implemented or announced over 60% of the pricing that is included in our guidance.

    截至今天,我們已經實施或宣布了指南中包含的超過 60% 的定價。

  • Our guidance also reflects significant incremental investment behind the deployment of our RRP portfolio, partly offset by the judicious reallocation of resources from our combustible tobacco portfolio to RRPs in the relevant markets.

    我們的指引還反映了部署我們的 RRP 產品組合背後的大量增量投資,部分被我們將資源從可燃煙草產品組合明智地重新分配到相關市場的 RRP 所抵消。

  • For this year we are targeting operating cash flow of approximately $8.5 billion, reflecting higher net earnings.

    今年我們的目標是運營現金流量約為 85 億美元,反映出更高的淨收益。

  • We plan to use this cash flow primarily for capital expenditures to support the growth of our business and for dividends at the Board's discretion to our shareholders.


  • We anticipate capital expenditures of approximately $1.5 billion this year versus $1.2 billion in 2016.

    我們預計今年的資本支出約為 15 億美元,而 2016 年為 12 億美元。

  • The projected increase is driven by higher investment to support RRP capacity expansion, notably for HeatSticks.

    預計增長是由支持 RRP 產能擴張的更高投資推動的,尤其是 HeatSticks。

  • Last September we increased our annual dividend for the ninth consecutive year since the spin in 2008, representing a total increase of approximately 126% at a compound annual growth rate of approximately 11%.

    去年 9 月,我們自 2008 年分拆以來連續第九年增加了年度股息,總增幅約為 126%,複合年增長率約為 11%。

  • While we expect our combustible tobacco business to remain the primary driver of our financial results in the near-term, our Reduced-Risk Products portfolio provides us with the single largest opportunity to significantly accelerate the growth of our Company and generously reward our shareholders.


  • In 2017 the majority of our RRP commercialization focus will remain on IQOS.

    2017 年,我們的大部分 RRP 商業化重點仍將放在 IQOS 上。

  • To date, we have launched IQOS in key cities in 20 markets as seen on this slide and aim to expand nationally in many of these markets this year as HeatSticks capacity becomes available.

    迄今為止,我們已經在 20 個市場的主要城市推出了 IQOS,如本幻燈片所示,併計劃在今年隨著 HeatSticks 容量的可用而在其中許多市場向全國擴張。

  • We are also targeting launches in key cities in an additional 10 to 15 markets by year-end subject to capacity.

    我們還計劃在年底前在另外 10 到 15 個市場的主要城市推出新產品,具體視容量而定。

  • We began 2017 with approximately 15 billion units of installed annual HeatSticks capacity and expect over 32 billion units in total capacity to be available for commercialization this year.

    2017 年初,我們的 HeatSticks 年裝機容量約為 150 億個,預計今年的商業化總容量將超過 320 億個。

  • We continue to anticipate an installed annual capacity of approximately 50 billion units by year-end.

    我們繼續預計年底前的年裝機容量約為 500 億台。

  • We look forward to unleashing the true potential of IQOS once the pressure on HeatSticks capacity eases as the year unfolds.

    我們期待在 HeatSticks 產能壓力隨著時間的推移而緩解後釋放 IQOS 的真正潛力。

  • Moving to our other RRP platforms, we expect to conduct city tests for our Platform 2 heated tobacco product and our Platform 3 nicotine-containing product this year.

    轉向我們的其他 RRP 平台,我們預計今年將對我們的平台 2 加熱煙草產品和我們的平台 3 含尼古丁產品進行城市測試。

  • We began the city test of our Platform 4 MESH vaporization technology in Birmingham, UK late last year and though still very early we are pleased by the initial results and are related learnings thus far.

    去年底,我們在英國伯明翰開始了我們的 Platform 4 MESH 汽化技術的城市測試,雖然還很早,但我們對初步結果和迄今為止的相關學習感到滿意。

  • In conclusion, 2016 was a pivotal year for PMI, reflecting exciting progress in our transformation from combustible tobacco products to Reduced-Risk Products focused Company.

    總之,2016 年對 PMI 來說是關鍵的一年,反映出我們從可燃煙草產品向專注於降低風險產品的公司轉型取得了令人振奮的進展。

  • We recorded strong full-year currency-neutral financial results driven by our combustible tobacco business and including an important net revenue growth contribution from RRPs for the first time.

    在我們的可燃煙草業務的推動下,我們錄得強勁的全年貨幣中性財務業績,其中首次包括來自 RRP 的重要淨收入增長貢獻。

  • IQOS is performing exceptionally, which is most visible success in Japan and high conversion rates and offtake volume growth broadly.

    IQOS 的表現非常出色,這在日本取得了最明顯的成功,而且轉化率高,銷售量普遍增長。

  • As of year-end 2016 we estimate that approximately 1.4 million adult consumers have quit smoking cigarettes and converted to IQOS.

    截至 2016 年底,我們估計約有 140 萬成年消費者已戒菸並轉而使用 IQOS。

  • Finally, the outlook for our business remains strong.


  • Our 2017 EPS guidance reflects a growth rate of approximately 9% to 12% excluding currency compared to adjusted diluted EPS of $4.48 in 2016.

    我們的 2017 年每股收益指引反映了與 2016 年 4.48 美元的調整後攤薄每股收益相比,不包括貨幣在內的增長率約為 9% 至 12%。

  • Thank you.


  • Jacek and I will now be happy to answer your questions.

    Jacek 和我現在很樂意回答您的問題。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Judy Hong, Goldman Sachs.

    (操作員說明)Judy Hong,Goldman Sachs。

  • Judy Hong - Analyst

    Judy Hong - Analyst

  • Thank you, hi, everyone.


  • So first, just in terms of 2017 guidance it's now calling for 9% to 12% earnings growth.

    因此,首先,就 2017 年的指引而言,它現在要求盈利增長 9% 至 12%。

  • It's a little bit better than the 8% to 10% algorithm that you had given at the September meeting.

    它比您在 9 月的會議上給出的 8% 到 10% 的算法要好一點。

  • So can you just talk about what's changed in terms of thinking about 2017?

    那麼,您能否談談對 2017 年的思考發生了什麼變化?

  • And obviously you've talked about the IQOS contribution from a revenue standpoint, but are you expecting profit contribution to kick in in 2017 from an IQOS standpoint?

    顯然你已經從收入的角度談到了 IQOS 的貢獻,但你是否期望從 IQOS 的角度來看 2017 年的利潤貢獻?

  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • The reason, first of all, we increased the range as I explained is because there is, obviously, a bit more volatility as regarding the IQOS HeatSticks sales but also our capacity.

    首先,正如我所解釋的那樣,我們增加範圍的原因是,顯然,IQOS HeatSticks 的銷售以及我們的產能存在更大的波動。

  • And that explains more or less the vast majority of the variability, I would say.


  • Clearly IQOS is going to play a big role in our revenue growth next year.

    顯然,IQOS 將在明年的收入增長中發揮重要作用。

  • And here I would like to give some clarification for all the people on the call broadly to understand.


  • There is always in the revenues coming from part of the revenues coming from IQOS is due to the revised sales.

    來自 IQOS 的部分收入總是來自修訂後的銷售收入。

  • And as I said, at this initial commercialization phase the bottom-line contribution of device sales is negative.


  • And if we take 2016 as a proxy if you look at total IQOS revenues 22% of those revenues were linked to device sales.

    如果我們以 2016 年為代表,如果你看一下 IQOS 的總收入,那麼這些收入的 22% 與設備銷售有關。

  • Just to give you another rule of thumb for your own projections, if we look forward, and I would think that will work for the first year or two, obviously, of IQOS sales if we have rapid expansion, you should count for every incremental 1 billion sales of HeatSticks roughly 300,000 to 350,000 sales of devices of IQOS which have a negative margin.

    只是給你另一個關於你自己預測的經驗法則,如果我們向前看,我認為這將在第一年或第二年起作用,顯然,如果我們快速擴張,IQOS 銷售,你應該計算每一個增量 1億的 HeatSticks 銷售額大約有 300,000 到 350,000 的 IQOS 設備的銷售額為負。

  • So we cannot apply our current operating profit margins to the devices, that's all I want all of you to understand, okay?


  • Having said that, clearly IQOS will be an increasingly important contributor to our revenue growth, and also we have to take into consideration there will be much more substantial cannibalization.

    話雖如此,顯然 IQOS 將對我們的收入增長做出越來越重要的貢獻,而且我們必須考慮到會有更多的實質性蠶食。

  • As I said, 32% of the people switching into IQOS in Japan come from our own brand and if we take European Union countries we will be north of 40%.

    正如我所說,在日本轉用 IQOS 的人中有 32% 來自我們自己的品牌,如果我們考慮歐盟國家,我們將超過 40%。

  • That's why we said as we approach this as one Company and one business we will be reporting combined volumes because it will be very difficult over time to split the two and calculate cannibalization rates.


  • So overall I think we have very strong guidance for the year, that's really clear.


  • And I'm very happy with -- I don't know if I answered your question entirely.


  • Judy Hong - Analyst

    Judy Hong - Analyst

  • Yes, I think that certainly helpful.


  • If I can follow up on Japan, Andre, just in terms of what you've seen post the Glo launch in Sendai and how you think that bad impacting the broader, the heated tobacco category as well as your market share performance in that market?

    如果我能跟進日本,安德烈,就你在仙台推出 Glo 後所看到的情況以及你認為這對更廣泛的加熱煙草類別以及你在該市場的市場份額表現有何不利影響而言?

  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Well, first of all, it's a very good thing that other companies launch heat-not-burn and in general Reduced-Risk Products.


  • Because as I've said many times once you convince people to move out of cigarettes, then clearly in my view the better products in the new category will eventually succeed and prevail.


  • It's very early days and, obviously, as in any test market you also have some sales not staying in the city but going somewhere else, but the results are fairly good.


  • Now this has not impacted at all the IQOS share that continued to grow during the period, which to your point outlines that there is a lot of demand for this new category in Japan.

    現在,這絲毫沒有影響在此期間持續增長的 IQOS 份額,就您而言,這表明日本對這一新品類的需求很大。

  • And that's very encouraging for all of us.


  • Judy Hong - Analyst

    Judy Hong - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Okay, and then just finally Jacek, just the inventory impact in the quarter, it sounds like you had a pretty positive impact in both Japan and Russia, maybe a 2 point of an impact.

    好的,最後是 Jacek,只是本季度的庫存影響,聽起來你在日本和俄羅斯都產生了非常積極的影響,可能有 2 點的影響。

  • So maybe just at the total Company level if you can quantify the inventory impact and how that will impact the 2017 combustible volume if this reverses in the coming quarters?

    因此,如果您可以量化庫存影響,以及如果這種情況在未來幾個季度出現逆轉,這將如何影響 2017 年的可燃物量,那麼也許只是在整個公司層面?

  • Thanks.


  • Jacek Olczak - CFO

    Jacek Olczak - CFO

  • Russia ended up with higher inventory but it was pretty normal reaction to the price rollouts and into the market.


  • So usually you hide a little bit the inventory, and I think some of this is going to unwind during the year.


  • And the second thing on Japan is the more, look, we have a little bit to be frank and to link back to what Andre said, I mean IQOS volumes versus the combustible volumes in Japan is a little bit harder for us to predict, so you might have some temporary dislocations of inventories to the sales there.

    關於日本的第二件事是,看,我們有一點坦率地說,回到安德烈所說的,我的意思是 IQOS 銷量與日本可燃物銷量相比,我們更難預測,所以您可能會暫時將庫存與那裡的銷售錯位。

  • I think we are going to correct there, on the other hand we ended up, frankly, speaking with almost no inventories for the IQOS combustibles -- sorry, for the IQOS RRPs.

    我認為我們會在那裡糾正,另一方面,坦率地說,我們最終幾乎沒有 IQOS 可燃物的庫存——對不起,對於 IQOS RRPs。

  • So I think you'll see this corrections going forward in 2017.

    所以我認為你會在 2017 年看到這種更正。

  • Judy Hong - Analyst

    Judy Hong - Analyst

  • Okay, got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Matthew Grainger, Morgan Stanley.


  • Matthew Grainger - Analyst

    Matthew Grainger - Analyst

  • Hi, I guess first question on IQOS, you've referenced it being present in 30 to 35 markets during 2017 or by the end of 2017.

    你好,我想第一個問題是關於 IQOS,你提到它在 2017 年或到 2017 年底出現在 30 到 35 個市場。

  • Is it possible to give a sense for how markets you are targeting to potentially receive full investment in field sales resources, essentially the level of resources that you need to fully activate the IQOS platform and break through that 2% to 3% marketshare threshold as opposed to markets that you will be in more just in an initial capacity?

    是否有可能了解您的目標市場如何潛在地獲得現場銷售資源的全部投資,本質上是您完全激活 IQOS 平台並突破 2% 到 3% 的市場份額門檻所需的資源水平,而不是您將以初始身份進入的市場?

  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • The first thing is we need to differentiate whether in these markets we do city introductions or national launches because that absorbs capacity clearly and resources.


  • Now as an overall picture, for this year clearly there is substantial incremental investment in commercial expenses behind IQOS.

    現在總體來看,今年顯然 IQOS 背後有大量的商業支出增量投資。

  • Despite the fact that in the relevant markets we have also reallocated resources from our existing business to IQOS because everybody will be doing IQOS for a national launch.

    儘管事實上在相關市場我們也將資源從我們現有的業務重新分配到 IQOS,因為每個人都將在全國推出 IQOS。

  • So overall I think this is all in the guidance, bearing in mind that if we see more traction and we have the capacity we may put even more resources behind during the year in terms of field forces and other commercial activities.


  • And if we have capacity constraints we may postpone some launches, and we all need to live with this variability because it's very difficult for me to predict precisely how this is going to unfold.


  • But overall the trend is extremely positive, and that's why it is reflected in the guidance.


  • Matthew Grainger - Analyst

    Matthew Grainger - Analyst

  • Okay, understood.


  • Thanks Andre.


  • And Jacek, I was hoping you could speak maybe at a general level to the potential impact of US tax reform on the Company.


  • And I know there's a range of possibilities.


  • The statutory rate may go down.


  • That applies to your repatriation you could have a territorial system where repatriation is tax-free, interest deductibility could be changed.


  • So I'm just curious how you'd contextualize the potential implications for PM.

    所以我很好奇您如何將對 PM 的潛在影響背景化。

  • Jacek Olczak - CFO

    Jacek Olczak - CFO

  • You about mentioned all the variables which have been discussed between the President Trump and the Republicans, but we will have to see how it's going to reconcile.


  • I think it would be preemptive at this stage to give a more sound estimate.


  • I mean, clearly the tax reform should allow with what we hear from the US it should allow for the different repatriation pattern to US, but we will have to see what is going to happen.


  • If you go to note 11 in our filings you will see we always break down how much tax we pay on a foreign basis and how much profit taxes we pay before repatriations to US.

    如果您查看我們的文件中的註釋 11,您會發現我們總是會細分我們在國外支付的稅款以及在匯回美國之前我們支付的利潤稅。

  • And the rate, the blended rate would be somewhere in the range 22%, 22.5%.

    而比率,混合比率將在 22%、22.5% 的範圍內。

  • So the foreign taxes which we paid in our earnings which we generate outside US.


  • And then, obviously, to (inaudible) our effective tax rate which you have today you have to add the different various cost of a repatriation of these earnings to US and, obviously, the top-up to the 35% statutory in the US.

    然後,很明顯,除了(聽不清)我們今天的有效稅率,你必須加上將這些收入匯回美國的各種不同成本,顯然,還要加上美國 35% 的法定稅率。

  • But whatever happens we will not be able with the current tax regime staying as they are today to go to the tax rate lower than this 22%, 22.5%.

    但無論發生什麼情況,我們都無法在目前的稅收制度下保持現狀,將稅率降至低於 22%、22.5% 的水平。

  • Okay, this is a rule of thumb I would use.


  • Matthew Grainger - Analyst

    Matthew Grainger - Analyst

  • Okay, that's helpful.


  • Thanks again.


  • Operator


  • Bonnie Herzog, Wells Fargo.


  • Bonnie Herzog - Analyst

    Bonnie Herzog - Analyst

  • I guess my first question is on pricing which was very strong during the quarter.


  • So I'm curious what you learned from consumer behavior by taking this much pricing, and then what your elasticity was?


  • And then with pricing consistent across your different brands, in other words I guess I'm trying to understand if you were able to maintain the same level of price gaps within your portfolio?


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Well, there were a couple of price increases that came a bit earlier.


  • In the Philippines we increased, if I recall correctly, in October, we came in the quarter.

    在菲律賓,如果我沒記錯的話,我們在 10 月份增加了這個季度。

  • And in Turkey the government adjusted the minimum excise specific tax.


  • Effective January 1 we took the pricing a bit ahead of that.

    從 1 月 1 日起,我們提前了一點定價。

  • So all these prices appear in the quarter clearly.


  • There is nothing exceptional in the normal course of things.


  • I think the pricing was more or less the same across segments in absolute terms in the majority of the market.


  • So there is no any particular opening of price gaps that I can think about.


  • And we have not seen elasticities changing.


  • However, the only thing we need to observe now is Turkey, because in Turkey if you take the beginning of 2016 to the end we took TRY3 per pack price increase which is roughly 30% plus average, and Turkey grew also because of the reduction of the contraband volume last year, especially in the first half of the year.

    然而,我們現在唯一需要觀察的是土耳其,因為在土耳其,如果你從 2016 年初到年底,我們將每包價格上漲 3 土耳其里拉,大約是平均價格的 30% 以上,而土耳其的增長也是因為減少了去年尤其是上半年的違禁品數量。

  • So we can expect a little bit of weaknesses I would assume given that magnitude of price increases.


  • And I think we will recover as the year unfolds as of second half.


  • But we will see softness in the first part of the year, but that's all I can say about this whole thing.


  • Bonnie Herzog - Analyst

    Bonnie Herzog - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Then I wanted to go back to something on your guidance that you mentioned.


  • Just wanted to be clear, so your guidance assumes that IQOS in total will still be breakeven.

    只是想清楚一點,所以你的指導假設 IQOS 總體上仍將達到收支平衡。

  • I think that's what you mentioned at your Investor Day, so I just wanted to clarify that.


  • Then I wanted to understand your plans for spending by IQOS or behind IQOS this year and then maybe help us quantify how big of an increase you are anticipating if you could do that?

    然後我想了解你今年在 IQOS 上或在 IQOS 之後的支出計劃,然後也許可以幫助我們量化如果你能做到這一點,你預計會有多大的增長?

  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Yes, IQOS will breakeven towards the end of next year.

    是的,IQOS 將在明年年底實現收支平衡。

  • If you remember, I'm sorry this year (multiple speakers).


  • We are still in 2016, okay.


  • I'm sorry about that.


  • This year.


  • And we still have significant capacity constraints in the third quarter if you remember.


  • And then we had a very aggressive capacity buildup plan.


  • And clearly the whole volume is going to be skewed towards the second half of the year.


  • This is also the reason that the first quarter is going to be probably the weakest in the year because we don't have the capacity.


  • But many European markets, for example, and others are making all the investments ahead of the deployment in the first quarter and second quarter.


  • So that's how I see it unfolding during the year.


  • And these are substantial incremental investments.


  • I can't quantify but they are very substantial.


  • The increment is much higher than this year.


  • Bonnie Herzog - Analyst

    Bonnie Herzog - Analyst

  • All right, that's helpful.


  • And then just my final question, I'd be curious to hear from you guys the feedback you've been receiving from public health experts and then governments around the world given the success you've had with IQOS and the science you've been publishing.

    然後是我的最後一個問題,我很想听聽你們從公共衛生專家那裡收到的反饋,然後是世界各國政府,鑑於你們在 IQOS 上取得的成功以及你們一直以來的科學出版。

  • Anything you can share with us regarding conversations in progress you are making would really be helpful.


  • Thanks.


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • I can comment generally.


  • I also have direct contacts with a number of people.


  • I think there is a positive momentum building, and I must say faster than I personally anticipated.


  • Now as you know very well there are still people that have not embraced the principle of harm reduction through product, and that will continue requiring a significant amount of work going forward.


  • But I believe the trend is very positive, and I'm very happy with the progress we are making.


  • I am not saying there will be no hurdles.


  • I'm not going there is not going to be difficulties.


  • But I think the way we are received and the science is received is positive, very positive.


  • Bonnie Herzog - Analyst

    Bonnie Herzog - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Chris Growe, Stifel.


  • Chris Growe - Analyst

    Chris Growe - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you.


  • I just had a couple of questions for you if I could.


  • The first, and I hope this is not a repeat of earlier questions, but you talked about shifting resources from combustibles to RRPs.

    第一個,我希望這不是重複之前的問題,但你談到了將資源從可燃物轉移到 RRP。

  • And I know you are probably trying to find the right balance across many of those markets.


  • I'm thinking like a market like Japan, can you talk about how resources have shifted if that's a percentage or some measurement of that to explain how that shifts from one to the other?


  • And then just to be clear, I'm sorry if I missed it, have you said how much your costs are up in 2017 and would that be inclusive of RRP investments?

    然後明確一點,如果我錯過了,我很抱歉,你有沒有說過你的成本在 2017 年增加了多少,這是否包括 RRP 投資?

  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Okay, on your first question, first of all, the allocation, the reallocation is done on the relevant market.


  • We are not reducing resources in a market where we don't plan to launch RRPs and put them behind the RRPs.

    在我們不打算推出 RRP 並將其置於 RRP 之後的市場中,我們不會減少資源。

  • And the explanation is -- the allocation is based on the fact that as I said at Investors Day we tried to get as fast as possible to the 2% or 3% marketshare that we believe is the tipping point to go from near expansion to exponential growth of IQOS, because then the consumers or the adopters of IQOS become the ambassadors of the product and the brand.

    解釋是——分配是基於這樣一個事實,正如我在投資者日所說,我們試圖盡快達到 2% 或 3% 的市場份額,我們認為這是從接近擴張到指數增長的轉折點IQOS 的增長,因為那時消費者或 IQOS 的採用者成為產品和品牌的大使。

  • So it's market-specific, and the amount of reallocation you do is also based on the competitive environment, the consumer dynamics and so on and so forth.


  • So there is no rule of thumb.


  • And I don't remember exactly how much money we reallocated in Japan, but there has been significant shift of things that are very measurable like your direct marketing budget.


  • But also that's where it becomes a little bit more difficult is how really the time of a field force that exists is allocated between the two categories.


  • In many markets, as I said, you need incremental ground forces during the initial period well and above the field forces we have.


  • Because we have seen very clearly that the more people you put on the ground the faster the reaction.


  • As we see in Italy now, as we see in Switzerland now more resources, in Italy we have doubled the market share in just 10 weeks because now we have the resources on the ground.

    正如我們現在在意大利看到的那樣,正如我們現在在瑞士看到的更多資源一樣,在意大利,我們在短短 10 週內就將市場份額翻了一番,因為現在我們擁有實地資源。

  • So that's the rule of thumb.


  • But now as of the overall costs, clearly in 2017 we will be above our 1% to 3% more or less target because of all these deployments.

    但現在就總體成本而言,由於所有這些部署,我們顯然在 2017 年或多或少會超過 1% 到 3% 的目標。

  • But are all in the guidance, by the way.


  • Jacek Olczak - CFO

    Jacek Olczak - CFO

  • We have said -- it's Jacek here -- we had said that we look to grow the revenues above the 6% or the upper end of the current grow (inaudible), and clearly still we're lifting EPS.

    我們已經說過——這裡是 Jacek——我們曾說過我們希望收入增長超過 6% 或當前增長的上限(聽不清),顯然我們仍在提高每股收益。

  • So you can see that we are not diluting the margins.


  • I think we should look for the year when we will have a small but still the margin expansion, operating profit margin expansion not to the tune which we had in 2016.

    我認為我們應該尋找利潤率小幅擴張但營業利潤率擴張不及 2016 年的那一年。

  • Andre mentioned that there is a device sales in this revenue and for the time being the yield, the negative margins.


  • So that is, obviously, dilutive, but the HeatSticks and still the performance of a combustible with 6% pricing should allow us for some margin expansion, say 10, 20 basis points.

    因此,這顯然是稀釋性的,但 HeatSticks 以及定價為 6% 的可燃物的性能應該允許我們擴大利潤率,比如 10、20 個基點。

  • We will see how the year unfolds.


  • Chris Growe - Analyst

    Chris Growe - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Then just one other follow-up question if I could which is that if you were able to get approval as a modified risk tobacco product in the US in 2017, I'm just curious would that would mean to you in other international markets, in Japan?

    如果可以的話,還有一個後續問題是,如果你能夠在 2017 年在美國獲得作為改良風險煙草產品的批准,我很好奇這對你在其他國際市場意味著什麼,在日本?

  • I'm obviously getting to could you make a or would you make a claim and would that for some reason cause you to accelerate your investments in IQOS?

    我顯然要問你能不能提出索賠,或者你會提出索賠,這會不會因為某種原因導致你加速對 IQOS 的投資?

  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • First of all, it is highly unlikely we will get approval for MRTP in 2017.

    首先,我們極不可能在 2017 年獲得 MRTP 批准。

  • As you know, the FDA gave a guidance that they may take X days but that may take more time.

    如您所知,FDA 給出的指導意見可能需要 X 天,但也可能需要更多時間。

  • What we believe is more within the 2017 real is the product authorization for the US market without claims.


  • And we will submit that application, PMTA application, in the first quarter this year.

    我們將在今年第一季度提交該申請,即 PMTA 申請。

  • Now irrespective of the approval in the US, the FDA approval obviously helps the credibility internationally but it doesn't apply for Japan.


  • In Japan and other markets our claims structure, as we said, follows the local legislation but also the conclusion of our own science.


  • So what we communicate to the consumers is driven by local laws and our own science.


  • And the FDA cannot be applied to displace it.

    並且不能應用 FDA 來取代它。

  • But, obviously, it will add credibility to the entire scientific dossier, and that's why it is an important.


  • Chris Growe - Analyst

    Chris Growe - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you for your time.


  • Operator


  • Vivien Azer, Cowen and Company.

    Vivien Azer, Cowen and Company。

  • Vivien Azer - Analyst

    Vivien Azer - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • So I was hoping to get a little bit more color on your go-to-market execution on IQOS for some of the newer markets that you've entered.

    因此,我希望對您進入的一些新市場的 IQOS 上市執行有更多的了解。

  • So perhaps Canada if you could comment on the excise tax structure, retail footprint and relative pricing versus combustibles.


  • Thanks.


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Okay.


  • First of all, the first variable is clearly what marketing frequency you have.


  • What we learned as I said for many markets is in the initial phase until you get this critical mass you need the right amount of people on the ground that talk to the consumers, explain the product and help the consumers in the conversion.


  • And as a general principle as of this year we will start introducing digital tools -- we are a little bit too manual and labor intensive and we will introduce where the law allows digital tools to help the conversion.


  • And that is something we do everywhere but the speed by which IQOS switching occurs depends also on the freedoms we have in a market.

    這是我們在任何地方都做的事情,但 IQOS 切換發生的速度也取決於我們在市場上的自由度。

  • In Canada you have very limited ability to communicate with consumers under the current regime.


  • So Canada is going to take some time.


  • Clearly the tax we received is more favorable than the tax levy on cigarettes in Canada.


  • And pricing, I don't exactly remember because it depends on the state of Canada in which we go, but I think in any case we will be at the premium end of the market.


  • Yes, we are premium like Belmont price.


  • But in Canada it varies from province to province, so I can't make a general comment.


  • Okay, did I answer your question?


  • Vivien Azer - Analyst

    Vivien Azer - Analyst

  • You did.


  • Thank you.


  • If I could just follow up, so of the 20 markets is there any market where you have not gotten a favorable tax treatment?

    如果我可以跟進,那麼在這 20 個市場中,有沒有哪個市場沒有獲得優惠稅收待遇?

  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • No.


  • Vivien Azer - Analyst

    Vivien Azer - Analyst

  • Very good.


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • (multiple speakers)


  • Vivien Azer - Analyst

    Vivien Azer - Analyst

  • Just one on the combustibles if I could.


  • In the EU you guys called out the anniversarying of a benefit from immigration as well as illicit.


  • How do we think about full-year industry volumes for the EU?


  • And I think you called out some softness on the comps in the first half, but order of magnitude much is one half versus two half going to differ do you think?

    而且我認為你在上半場對 comps 提出了一些軟化,但數量級是一半與二分之一你認為會有所不同嗎?

  • Thanks.


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • For the moment we assume that EU will go to a secular 2% to 3% decline rate this year.

    目前,我們假設歐盟今年的長期增長率將達到 2% 至 3%。

  • Last year we assume the same, we had a positive surprise, but logically it should go there because we don't have the one-offs of immigration and so on.


  • And, yes, the employment is getting better in Europe.


  • The outlook in GDP growth is moderately better.

    GDP 增長前景略有改善。

  • But when you look at the whole thing I have to assume at this stage a 2% to 3% decline, and that's what we are working with.

    但是當你看整個事情時,我必須假設在這個階段下降 2% 到 3%,這就是我們正在努力的。

  • Now just for your own, on this quarter comparison don't forget that in the European Union countries we have the implementation of the Tobacco Products Directive.


  • And there are cut-off days for certain products, for 10s, for 20s, for 19s.

    某些產品有截止日期,10 秒,20 秒,19 秒。

  • So it has been a little bit of a rocky thing with trade loadings and unloadings which should ease now as we move into this year.


  • So, yes, there will be some unfavorable comparisons at the beginning of the year but that's how I see EU, we will see as the year unfolds.


  • Vivien Azer - Analyst

    Vivien Azer - Analyst

  • Very helpful.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Michael Lavery, CLSA.


  • Michael Lavery - Analyst

    Michael Lavery - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I just wanted to touch on the Philippines.


  • We know about a week or two ago your local competitor took some pricing and you took pricing in the fourth quarter on Marlboro.


  • Mix has been a big driver there, obviously lifting with Marlboro share up.

    Mix 一直是其中的重要推動力,顯然提升了萬寶路的份額。

  • What do price gaps look like now and can you sustain that trading-up momentum over the course of this year?


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Look, our major competitor increased prices but they are implementing also some discounting schemes.


  • So we still need to see the prices flowing through to the market.


  • Plus as you know there is still a lot of non-tax paid volumes and fake stamps on the market, but I am very encouraged that the government seems to start moving in this direction but still we need to see it happening.


  • Now we increased the price of Marlboro and the per-stick price is theoretically [PHP3.50].


  • In some places it went up to [PHP4].

    在某些地方它上升到 [PHP4]。

  • We have to assume there will be some impact on Marlboro initially, but so far it looks better than what we anticipated.


  • So I think the up-trading may stop for a while at the beginning but it will continue over time because still the price gaps are very attractive.


  • The problem in the Philippines that we had in 2016 in terms of low end of the market volumes will continue.

    我們在 2016 年在菲律賓遇到的低端市場銷量問題將繼續存在。

  • Because with the implementation of our price increase per-stick prices still went up at the bottom end, and these are pretty substantial increases for low income consumers.


  • The good news is we don't see smoking incidence decrease, but we see a decrease in sticks per day which means that once we get up stability now as we go to the excise tax convergence of the tiers done, I hope that over time, probably towards the end of this year, we will start seeing some stability and then daily consumption will start coming up to the previous level.


  • But we have to assume conservatively at least for the Philippines the trend is not going to change in terms of volume for the year.


  • Michael Lavery - Analyst

    Michael Lavery - Analyst

  • Okay, that's helpful.


  • Then on IQOS you've touched on some of the capacity constraints.

    然後在 IQOS 上你已經觸及了一些容量限制。

  • Sorry if I missed this, can you just revisit, I believe you'd been saying you thought that those capacity constraints would ease at the end of this quarter.


  • Is that still the case?


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Yes.


  • But we start the year with 15 billion installed capacity which if everything goes right that gives you mathematically the equivalent of 1.2 billion per month.

    但我們以 150 億裝機容量開始了這一年,如果一切順利,從數學上講,這相當於每月 12 億裝機容量。

  • And we ramp up the capacity to 50 billion at the year-end but the average for the year is something around 32 billion given all these machines that are being installed and assuming the plan goes into perfection.

    我們在年底將產能提高到 500 億,但考慮到所有這些正在安裝的機器並假設該計劃正在完善,今年的平均產能約為 320 億。

  • So that's basically a variable.


  • So we will have some constraints still in the first quarter, obviously.


  • And we start getting more capacity as we move on and we have the max capacity, obviously, in the fourth quarter of the year.


  • And that will dictate, obviously, the pace of sales, as well.


  • Michael Lavery - Analyst

    Michael Lavery - Analyst

  • We talked to consumers in Korea and Hong Kong who are getting product from Japan, obviously, because you haven't launched there yet.


  • But do you expect to move into those markets sooner than later?


  • Do you have any sense of what timing that might look like?


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Yes we have a plan, obviously.


  • Jacek Olczak - CFO

    Jacek Olczak - CFO

  • There are more markets where consumers are getting a product from other places.


  • So --

    所以 -

  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Okay, so, yes, I think Korea has very good potential given the characteristics of consumers in the market.


  • And eventually we will be in these markets, but appreciate I can't say exactly when.


  • Michael Lavery - Analyst

    Michael Lavery - Analyst

  • No, that makes sense.


  • And then just one last one on Indonesia.


  • We've seen the leaf crop there this year be hurt by bad weather.


  • It looks like it's set to rebound very strongly next year.


  • I know you have some ability to smooth, you at least have big inventories in leaf stocks.


  • How much can you smooth any potential impact from the expensive leaf that might be coming through now?


  • Is that any headwind there or do you have different ways to offset that?


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • It's more the class than the leaf, the leaf as well.


  • I think we are able to amortize these shocks now because we have sufficient inventory.


  • It's a bit tighter on the leaf, a bit better on the class --


  • Michael Lavery - Analyst

    Michael Lavery - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Jon Leinster, Berenberg.


  • Jon Leinster - Analyst

    Jon Leinster - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning gentlemen.


  • A couple a few questions if I can.


  • Just a very quick accounting one.


  • When you put in the $733 million of sales, is that counting all of the IQOS HeatSticks and devices at full price with the discounts going through as a cost of sales or is that actually the net realizations?

    當你計算 7.33 億美元的銷售額時,是將所有 IQOS HeatSticks 和設備的全價計算在內,並將折扣作為銷售成本計算,還是實際上是淨實現?

  • Jacek Olczak - CFO

    Jacek Olczak - CFO

  • It's the net realization.


  • Discounts going to consumers and to the trade will be deducted from, obviously, from the revenues.


  • You have on a net basis net after allowances.


  • Jon Leinster - Analyst

    Jon Leinster - Analyst

  • Okay, and just out of interest on the fourth-quarter sales, how much of that was actually do you think sold on discount?


  • Jacek Olczak - CFO

    Jacek Olczak - CFO

  • Depends by the market.


  • There are different schemes.


  • Devices they were all sold at the promotional price and a discount.

    設備 他們都以促銷價和折扣價出售。

  • And the HeatSticks you will have to go market by market, in the different stages they might run the different schemes.

    而 HeatSticks 則必須逐個市場進行銷售,在不同的階段,它們可能會運行不同的方案。

  • Usually market at the beginning will have some small discount on the HeatSticks and then depends on the market situation at the full price (multiple speakers)


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • The market full price.


  • In many markets you are given discount.


  • The HeatSticks it's illegal by legislation, so it's most of the discount is --

    根據立法,HeatSticks 是非法的,所以它的大部分折扣是——

  • Jacek Olczak - CFO

    Jacek Olczak - CFO

  • The bulk is from the devices.


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • It's the devices.


  • And that's why I caution everybody not to take this to the bottom line straight at the same margin as the rest because it's negative.


  • But it pays off very quickly, it's pretty obvious I mean.


  • Jon Leinster - Analyst

    Jon Leinster - Analyst

  • And then just today the French put out their pricelist today and, obviously, there's been some quite big tax increases going through.


  • And yourself and one of your big competitors didn't change prices at all.


  • What was the thinking behind that?


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • I cannot comment on pricing.


  • You appreciate that.


  • The only thing I can tell you is in France given the structure of the excise tax that is all ad valorem essentially it's not a big deal because the trade-off between volume and pricing is very often neutral.


  • And that's the only comment I can make, at least temporarily.


  • Jon Leinster - Analyst

    Jon Leinster - Analyst

  • I thought it was a turnover tax on the actual companies.


  • (multiple speakers)


  • Jacek Olczak - CFO

    Jacek Olczak - CFO

  • Which works like an ad valorem component.


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • Yes (multiple speakers) of the distributors net of excise taxes.


  • That boils down to a pass-on of around EUR0.18, euro cents.

    這歸結為約 0.18 歐元,歐分的傳遞。

  • Jon Leinster - Analyst

    Jon Leinster - Analyst

  • EUR0.18, okay.

    0.18 歐元,好的。

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Adam Spielman, Citi.


  • Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

    Andre Calantzopoulos - CEO

  • We lost Adam.


  • Operator


  • There is no response from that line.


  • At this time I will return the call to management for any additional or closing remarks.


  • Nick Rolli - VP, IR & Financial Communications

    Nick Rolli - VP, IR & Financial Communications

  • Well, thank you very much.


  • That concludes the call.


  • If you have any follow-up questions you can contact the investor relations team.


  • We are currently in Switzerland and the next presentation will be at the CAGNY Conference on February 22 in Florida.

    我們目前在瑞士,下一次演示將在 2 月 22 日在佛羅里達州舉行的 CAGNY 會議上進行。

  • Thank you again.


  • Have a great day.


  • Operator


  • Thank you for participating in the Philip Morris International 2016 fourth-quarter and full-year earnings conference call.

    感謝您參加菲莫國際 2016 年第四季度和全年收益電話會議。

  • You may now disconnect.
