Pegasystems Inc (PEGA) 2018 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the Pegasystems Third Quarter 2018 Earnings Results Call.

    美好的一天,歡迎來到 Pegasystems 2018 年第三季度收益結果電話會議。

  • Today's conference is being recorded.


  • At this time, I'd like to turn the conference over to Ken Stillwell, Chief Financial Officer.

    此時,我想將會議轉交給首席財務官 Ken Stillwell。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

    Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

  • Thank you.


  • Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Pegasystems Q3 2018 Earnings Call.

    女士們先生們,晚上好,歡迎來到 Pegasystems 2018 年第三季度財報電話會議。

  • Before we begin, I'd like to read our safe harbor statement.


  • Certain statements contained in this presentation may be construed as forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    本演示文稿中包含的某些陳述可被解釋為 1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》中定義的前瞻性陳述。

  • The words expects, anticipates, intends, plans, believes, could, should, estimates, may, targets, strategy, intends to, projects, forecasts, guidance, likely and usually or variations of such words or other similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statement was made and are based on current expectations and assumptions.


  • Because such statements deal with future events, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties.


  • Actual results for fiscal year 2018 and beyond could differ materially from the company's current expectations.

    2018 財年及以後的實際結果可能與公司當前的預期存在重大差異。

  • Factors that could cause the company's results to differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements are contained in the company's press release announcing its Q3 2018 earnings and in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017, and other recent filings with the SEC.

    可能導致公司結果與前瞻性陳述中表達的結果存在重大差異的因素包含在公司宣布其 2018 年第三季度收益的新聞稿和公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中,包括其表格 10 的年度報告- K 截至 2017 年 12 月 31 日的年度,以及最近向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他文件。

  • Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, and there are no assurances that the matters contained in such statements will be achieved.


  • Although subsequent events may cause our view to change, except as required by applicable law, we do not undertake and specifically disclaim any obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


  • And with that, I'll turn the call over to Alan Trefler, Founder and CEO of Pegasystems.

    有了這個,我將把電話轉給 Pegasystems 的創始人兼首席執行官 Alan Trefler。

  • Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

    Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

  • Thank you, Ken.


  • Right now, I'm in the midst of a busy week with clients.


  • I'm actually in London, dialed in remotely.


  • But if the connection goes bad, I'm sure Ken will step in until I can reconnect.

    但如果連接出現問題,我相信 Ken 會介入,直到我重新連接。

  • In terms of some highlights, I'm pleased, really pleased with our year-to-date results.


  • They reflect our strong business momentum.


  • And I continue to be encouraged with the progress we're making as we focus on delivering the best solutions for digital transformation.


  • As I said, one of our key goals is to accelerate growth and the cloud.


  • Our performance today is a good example of the progress we're making.


  • We continue to see acceleration in our move to the cloud and recurring arrangements.


  • Year-to-date, cloud represented 51% of all new deals, about double the rate from a year ago.

    年初至今,雲計算佔所有新交易的 51%,大約是一年前的兩倍。

  • This faster-than-anticipated move to cloud arrangements is really good for our business long time.


  • And our strong underlying business trends are also reflected in license and cloud ACV, which grew 36% from a year ago.

    我們強大的潛在業務趨勢也反映在許可和雲 ACV 中,與一年前相比增長了 36%。

  • Total ACV, which includes maintenance on former types of licenses, grew a healthy 20% from a year ago as well to $537 million.

    總 ACV,包括對以前類型許可證的維護,比一年前增長了 20%,達到 5.37 億美元。

  • As you know, it can be a lumpy business.


  • So I'm particularly pleased to see a strong Q3 following on a strong Q2.

    因此,我特別高興看到強勁的 Q3 緊接著強勁的 Q2。

  • In a moment, Ken will provide additional financial details.

    稍後,Ken 將提供更多財務細節。

  • I'd like to touch on some of our strategy and differentiators.


  • We continue to focus our efforts on delivering the best solutions for digital transformation.


  • And we believe that requires both effective customer engagement capabilities and the capability to do serious digital process automation.


  • Now the strategy is driven by our 6 core differentiators: our real-time omni-channel AI; our end-to-end automation and robotics; our journey-centric rapid delivery; the Situational Layer Cake technology that promotes reuse; the -- having the ability to actually have software that writes your software in Cloud Choice.

    現在,該戰略由我們的 6 個核心差異化因素驅動:我們的實時全渠道人工智能;我們的端到端自動化和機器人技術;我們以旅程為中心的快速交付;促進重用的情境層蛋糕技術; -- 能夠實際擁有在 Cloud Choice 中編寫您的軟件的軟件。

  • This unique combination allows us to do several things better than any of our competitors.


  • We help our clients make better decisions by delivering one-to-one customer engagement powered by that real-time AI.

    我們通過提供由實時 AI 提供支持的一對一客戶參與,幫助我們的客戶做出更好的決策。

  • We help our clients get work done by making customer and employee-facing processes more efficient through that end-to-end automation.


  • And very often, we do both, for example, in customer service, when customer interactions involve both dealing with clients effectively and processing work to resolve request on the spot.


  • Now our results this quarter reflect the value of these differentiated solutions and what we're able to offer to the market.


  • We saw a good mix of business across new and existing clients in our core verticals, our platform, our applications and across geographies.


  • And we're pleased to see that we continue to win and expand our business into accounts that are already working with competitors like and ServiceNow.

    我們很高興看到我們繼續贏得勝利並將我們的業務擴展到已經與 和 ServiceNow 等競爭對手合作的客戶。

  • We believe this demonstrates the recognition of our differentiated value proposition in a whole set of settings.


  • Now financial services continues to be a core strength for us.


  • For example, Bank of Nova Scotia extended our partnership as part of their global one bank digital transformation strategy.


  • They've been a customer for this goal, and Pega is helping Scotia give its customer true omni-channel experiences.

    他們一直是實現這一目標的客戶,Pega 正在幫助 Scotia 為其客戶提供真正的全渠道體驗。

  • Customer journey is able to start and complete on any channel seamlessly and intelligently.


  • And Lloyds Banking Group, the largest retail bank here in the U.K., continues to extend its work with Pega, most recently with the new Pega Cloud solution that's helping Lloyds comply with new regulations, increase productivity and importantly, increase customer satisfaction.

    英國最大的零售銀行勞埃德銀行集團 (Lloyds Banking Group) 繼續擴展與 Pega 的合作,最近推出了新的 Pega Cloud 解決方案,該解決方案幫助勞埃德銀行遵守新法規、提高生產力,更重要的是,提高了客戶滿意度。

  • We also see good momentum in government businesses.


  • In the U.S., we continue to expand our work within the federal government with both new and existing organizations.


  • Similar to our private sector clients, government agencies are pursuing digital transformation, looking to focus on both increasing efficiency and responsiveness while improving citizen engagement.


  • We're interesting -- seeing similar interest globally in governments in EMEA and Asia Pacific as well.


  • For example, in Japan, our new client, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, chose Pega as part of the digital transformation initiative to optimize and digitize the processes they use to monitor the safety of companies working with potentially dangerous materials.

    例如,在日本,我們的新客戶經濟產業省選擇 Pega 作為數字化轉型計劃的一部分,以優化和數字化他們用來監控使用潛在危險材料的公司的安全性的流程。

  • These are the sorts of systems that improve employee productivity and satisfaction while ensuring that the right processes are followed to comply with appropriate regulations.


  • We continue to see real momentum in the government sector.


  • I'll tell you, from just having been to a variety of industries in the field over the last 3 weeks, there is a lot of enthusiasm.

    我會告訴你,在過去的 3 周里,剛去過該領域的各個行業,就充滿了熱情。

  • And I'm very excited about how things are going.


  • From the technology point of view, the customer response is enthusiastic regarding our biggest product launch when we introduced Pega Infinity at PegaWorld in June.

    從技術的角度來看,我們 6 月份在 PegaWorld 推出 Pega Infinity 時,客戶對我們最大的產品發布反應熱烈。

  • Now we continue to enhance our product suite and last month, for the first time, released the newest versions of both our platform and applications as a single wave.


  • This release includes substantial new capabilities in the real-time omni-channel AI, the end-to-end robotics and automation and will really help our marketing, sales, service and platform clients delight their customers.


  • We've made our software easier to adopt with redesigned user-focused studios.


  • And we've made the software increasingly frictionless to deploy with advanced testing, DevOps capabilities to improve deployment, and of course, Pega Cloud.

    我們通過高級測試、用於改進部署的 DevOps 功能,當然還有 Pega Cloud,使軟件的部署變得越來越順暢。

  • From an industry recognition point of view, we also have continued to receive awards and recognition from the leading industry analysts like Gartner, Forrester and Ovum.

    從行業認可的角度來看,我們也不斷獲得來自 Gartner、Forrester 和 Ovum 等領先行業分析師的獎項和認可。

  • Just this quarter, Forrester named Pega the leader in digital decisioning platforms.

    就在本季度,Forrester 將 Pega 評為數字決策平台的領導者。

  • That picture is just wonderful and available on our website.


  • Pega has the highest aggregate Critical Capabilities score in Gartner's just published Critical Capabilities for the CRM Engagement Center report.

    Pega 在 Gartner 剛剛發布的 CRM Engagement Center 關鍵能力報告中的關鍵能力總分最高。

  • Gartner named Pega Visionary in their Magic Quadrant for Mobile App Development.

    Gartner 在其移動應用開發魔力像限中將 Pega Visionary 命名為 Pega Visionary。

  • And Chartis Research named Pega a category leader with the highest scores among 21 solutions in the Know Your Customer space for the second year in a row.

    Chartis Research 連續第二年將 Pega 評為“了解你的客戶”領域 21 個解決方案中得分最高的類別領導者。

  • This continued recognition, I think, is just a demonstration that Pega is relentlessly focused and committed to building our technology and making sure that we're able to attract and retain top talent, able to make Pega a great place to work and able to turn that into tangible technical and business goals.

    我認為,這種持續的認可只是表明 Pega 不懈地專注並致力於構建我們的技術,並確保我們能夠吸引和留住頂尖人才,能夠使 Pega 成為一個工作的好地方,並能夠轉變將其轉化為切實的技術和業務目標。

  • And in closing, you may recall that last February, I filed a shareholder letter describing interest in gathering feedback on potentially creating a second class of equity.

    最後,您可能還記得去年 2 月,我提交了一封股東信,描述了有興趣收集有關可能創建第二類股權的反饋。

  • Since then, we've had a number of interesting discussions and tonight, just filed the supplemental second letter that outlined some updated thinking and questions.


  • To ensure that we discuss possibilities with shareholders, there isn't a risk that we actually that we create a possible Reg FD issue.

    為確保我們與股東討論可能性,我們實際上沒有創建可能的 Reg FD 問題的風險。

  • As I said in February, there aren't specific plans and I expect to continue to learn through further conversations.


  • That supplemental letter was filed tonight as an 8-K.

    那封補充信是今晚作為 8-K 提交的。

  • And if you have questions, feel free to reach out to me or Ken.

    如果您有任何疑問,請隨時與我或 Ken 聯繫。

  • So in summary, I'm really pleased with our performance through Q3.


  • We've seen good acceleration quarter-to-quarter in license and cloud ACV.

    我們已經看到許可和雲 ACV 的季度環比加速增長。

  • We continue to invest appropriately in marketing and sales to reach our ambitious goals and targets.


  • And we're very positive about how our software is being adopted by -- and our long-term growth opportunities.


  • To provide more color on the financial results, I will now turn it over to Pega's CFO, Ken Stillwell.

    為了提供更多關於財務結果的顏色,我現在將其轉交給 Pega 的首席財務官 Ken Stillwell。

  • Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

    Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

  • Thanks, Alan.


  • Year-to-date 2018 has highlighted the very positive momentum we're seeing in the business.

    2018 年初至今,我們在業務中看到了非常積極的勢頭。

  • Not only did we have the strongest Q3 in Pega's history, we also experienced significant growth sequentially over Q2 of 2018, which by the way was a very solid quarter as well.

    我們不僅擁有 Pega 歷史上最強勁的第三季度,而且我們在 2018 年第二季度也經歷了連續的顯著增長,順便說一句,這也是一個非常穩健的季度。

  • We experienced a continued acceleration of our ACV growth and consistent shift toward cloud commitments.

    我們經歷了 ACV 增長的持續加速和向雲承諾的持續轉變。

  • As we've discussed in the past, our strategy has been to accelerate growth with a much higher mix of term and cloud commitments.


  • Year-to-date, cloud commitments were 51% of total commitments.

    年初至今,雲承諾佔總承諾的 51%。

  • The associated short-term revenue tradeoff that occurs with a significant movement to the cloud is, well, today, pretty well understood by the market.


  • Over time, we can leverage the movement to recurring contracts by expanding our margin as we gain operating leverage.


  • That said, I want to reiterate that if one just looks at our reported year-to-date revenue, it would lead to an incorrect conclusion about the growth of the business.


  • Our year-over-year term and cloud subscription ACV growth of 36% is more indicative of our overall business momentum.

    我們的期限和雲訂閱 ACV 同比增長 36% 更能說明我們的整體業務勢頭。

  • Year-to-date 2018, our mix of new commitments was 90% term and cloud subscription.

    2018 年初至今,我們的新承諾組合是 90% 的定期和雲訂閱。

  • Conversely, perpetual deals dropped to only 10% year-to-date 2018.

    相反,2018 年至今,永續交易下降至僅 10%。

  • This confirms our belief that customers are increasingly comfortable with contracting under recurring arrangements and aided by cloud -- by Pega's Cloud Choice differentiation.

    這證實了我們的信念,即通過 Pega 的 Cloud Choice 差異化,客戶越來越願意在雲的幫助下定期安排合同。

  • We had anticipated the cloud portion of new commitments would increase to 30% for the full year 2018 versus the actual 51% we're experiencing year-to-date.

    我們曾預計 2018 年全年新承諾的雲部分將增加到 30%,而今年迄今實際為 51%。

  • As I've said throughout the past few quarters, it's a pretty significant shift but really welcomed.


  • The short-term revenue impact to the shift is obvious if you look at the top line revenue, impacting our year-to-date revenue by at least $40 million.

    如果您查看頂線收入,這種轉變對短期收入的影響是顯而易見的,影響我們年初至今的收入至少 4000 萬美元。

  • Let me talk a little more about the details.


  • I'll also remind everyone that we had a very large term renewal of $35 million that occurred in the first quarter of 2017.

    我還要提醒大家,我們在 2017 年第一季度進行了 3500 萬美元的非常大的續約。

  • If you normalize our revenue for these 2 elements, those elements being the $35 million renewal in the first quarter of 2017 and the significant movement to cloud, total revenue growth will look very different.

    如果您將這兩個要素的收入標準化,這些要素是 2017 年第一季度的 3500 萬美元續訂和向雲的重大轉移,總收入增長將看起來非常不同。

  • Our maintenance revenue growth came in at 9%, which is slowing a bit but reflects our big acceleration away from perpetual to cloud.

    我們的維護收入增長率為 9%,雖然有所放緩,但反映出我們從永久性到雲的巨大加速。

  • Consulting revenue grew 5% year-over-year, consistent with our strategy to increase the share of implementation work that our partners lead.

    諮詢收入同比增長 5%,這與我們增加合作夥伴主導的實施工作份額的戰略一致。

  • Cloud revenue grew by an amazing 60% year-over-year.

    雲收入同比增長驚人的 60%。

  • So when you look at the individual revenue elements, you can clearly see our movement to recurring and specifically cloud playing out favorably.


  • So our strategy is working well.


  • As I've mentioned, we model the full year with an estimate for cloud at 30% of new commitment versus the 51% that I mentioned previously.

    正如我所提到的,我們對全年進行建模,估計雲計算佔新承諾的 30%,而我之前提到的是 51%。

  • Cloud momentum's been accelerating through the year and is driving -- is driven by market demand as well as improvements to our go-to-market.


  • As we have said in the past, each 1% shift toward cloud has the potential to reduce full year 2018 revenue by over $3 million as the economic value is reflected in ACV but the revenue is taken over the length of the arrangement under a cloud agreement.

    正如我們過去所說,每向雲轉移 1% 就有可能使 2018 年全年收入減少超過 300 萬美元,因為經濟價值反映在 ACV 中,但收入是在雲協議下的安排期限內收取的.

  • And the short-term reduction in reported revenue and EPS is exchanged for more favorable higher long-term cash flows.


  • We began disclosing annual contract value, or ACV, a couple of years ago.

    幾年前,我們開始披露年度合同價值或 ACV。

  • With the impact of implementing the new revenue standard, we believe ACV is highly correlated to recurring and predictable cash flows.

    由於實施新收入準則的影響,我們認為 ACV 與經常性和可預測的現金流高度相關。

  • Our term and cloud subscription ACV grew by 36% year-over-year, which highlights the growth in predictable future cash flows from license and increasingly cloud.

    我們的期限和雲訂閱 ACV 同比增長 36%,這突顯了來自許可和日益增長的雲的可預測未來現金流的增長。

  • Including maintenance, we entered the third quarter with $537 million of total ACV, which is up 20% from a year ago and 40% over the past 8 quarters.

    包括維護在內,我們以 5.37 億美元的總 ACV 進入第三季度,比去年同期增長 20%,比過去 8 個季度增長 40%。

  • Total ACV now equals 60% of our trailing 12-month revenue, which is up from approximately 50% of our trailing 12-month revenue just a couple of years back.

    現在,ACV 總額相當於我們過去 12 個月收入的 60%,而幾年前這一比例約為我們過去 12 個月收入的 50%。

  • We have consciously continued our strategic investments in go-to-market capacity.


  • And in fact, we're looking to continue investing in our capacity to capture a larger share of the growth opportunity.


  • We finished the period with approximately 4,500 employees, up 9% from September 30, 2017.

    我們在此期間擁有約 4,500 名員工,比 2017 年 9 月 30 日增加了 9%。

  • We're confident in the market, our product leadership, Cloud Choice and our ability to capture share and that the ACV acceleration we're seeing supports the long-term value stream that we're creating at Pega.

    我們對市場、我們的產品領導地位、Cloud Choice 和我們獲取份額的能力以及我們看到的 ACV 加速支持我們在 Pega 創造的長期價值流充滿信心。

  • Turning to profitability.


  • On a year-to-date basis, our non-GAAP fully diluted net income and earnings per share have been materially impacted by the sharp shift to cloud and the lack of near-term revenue associated with a shift like what we're experiencing.

    從年初至今,我們的非 GAAP 完全攤薄淨收入和每股收益受到向雲的急劇轉變以及與我們正在經歷的轉變相關的短期收入缺乏的重大影響。

  • Although the results could look confusing during such a transition, we are fully committed to continuing to drive to recurring and specifically cloud.


  • Our cloud margin continues to expand as we scale our cloud business, contributing to confidence that our overall margins will improve over time.


  • The outcome over the next few years will result in our ability to generate a significant amount of recurring cash flow and expand our free cash flow margins.


  • We're disclosing $522 million of commitments from customers that have not been taken to revenue as of September 30, 2018, including perpetual, term, cloud, maintenance and consulting.

    我們披露了截至 2018 年 9 月 30 日尚未轉化為收入的 5.22 億美元客戶承諾,包括永久、定期、雲、維護和諮詢。

  • You'll note that 60% of these commitments are projected to convert to revenue in the next 12 months.

    您會注意到,這些承諾中的 60% 預計將在未來 12 個月內轉化為收入。

  • This is commonly referred to as remaining performance obligation, or RPO.

    這通常稱為剩餘履約義務或 RPO。

  • The absolute number will fluctuate over time based on the growth of the underlying business and also the average duration of the contracts that are in backlog.


  • However, this number is helpful to illustrate the scale of commitments made from our customers.


  • And I hope this helps to provide additional visibility to total commitments.


  • From a cash flow perspective, year-to-date, we produced $67 million of operating cash flow and finished the period with total cash and marketable securities of over $200 million.

    從現金流的角度來看,年初至今,我們產生了 6700 萬美元的運營現金流,並以超過 2 億美元的總現金和有價證券結束了這一時期。

  • As we transition to cloud and create long-term recurring cash flow from our clients, during this transition, there will be lower free cash flow compared to under our perpetual model, which has a large upfront payment but lesser recurring payments.


  • Once we're through the transition, operating cash flow will normalize and align very close to our operating margins over the long term.


  • Year-to-date 2018, we returned over $71 million to shareholders through dividends, net settlements of equity and share buybacks.

    2018 年初至今,我們通過股息、股權淨結算和股票回購向股東返還了超過 7100 萬美元。

  • In summary, we're very pleased with our year-to-date execution against our strategy and are focused on finishing what has been so far an incredible 2018.

    總而言之,我們對年初至今的戰略執行情況感到非常滿意,並專注於完成迄今為止令人難以置信的 2018 年。

  • And with that, operator, we open the call to questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And we'll take our first question today from Rishi Jaluria with D.A. Davidson.

    (操作員說明)今天我們將與 D.A. 一起回答 Rishi Jaluria 的第一個問題。戴維森。

  • Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Nice to see some continued cloud momentum.


  • Alan, let me start with you.


  • I believe in your prepared remarks, you talked about ServiceNow as a competitor.

    我相信你準備好的言論,你談到 ServiceNow 作為競爭對手。

  • And maybe I missed it in the past.


  • This is the first time I've heard you talk about ServiceNow as a competitor on a conference call.

    這是我第一次聽到您在電話會議上作為競爭對手談論 ServiceNow。

  • So maybe if you could square a little bit into -- on what angles you're competing against ServiceNow.

    所以也許如果你能稍微考慮一下——你在什麼角度上與 ServiceNow 競爭。

  • And since it's a company a lot of us know well, how are you thinking about your differentiation versus them?


  • Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

    Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

  • Well, we see ServiceNow as a company that's also seeking to be a platform company, seeking to be a CRM firm and talking about digital transformation.

    好吧,我們將 ServiceNow 視為一家也在尋求成為平台公司、尋求成為 CRM 公司並談論數字化轉型的公司。

  • And we're routinely asked by clients how we should see ourselves -- or how they should see us compared to Salesforce or ServiceNow because to some degree, we run into those folks all the time.

    我們經常被客戶問到我們應該如何看待自己——或者他們應該如何看待我們與 Salesforce 或 ServiceNow 相比,因為在某種程度上,我們總是會遇到這些人。

  • And we recently scored some pretty major wins in organizations that had large deployments of both of those firms.


  • And so as they grow, we are, of course, going to see them more.


  • And we do want to make sure we're alert in the market to all possible competitors.


  • And they have been mentioned as well.


  • Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And Ken, as we look at your remaining performance obligations -- and by the way, thank you for coming up with a catchier name than committed not yet recognized revenue.

    肯,當我們查看您剩餘的履約義務時 - 順便說一下,感謝您提出一個比承諾尚未確認的收入更吸引人的名字。

  • But since this is a new metric for us, how should we be thinking about the sequential changes at least from Q2 to Q3 here?


  • I mean, I think it looks like we saw about a $50 million increase in cloud performance obligations sequentially, but would just want to get some context around that number.

    我的意思是,我認為看起來我們看到雲性能義務依次增加了大約 5000 萬美元,但只想了解有關該數字的一些背景信息。

  • Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

    Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

  • So good question, Rishi.


  • So there are some things in the remaining performance obligation that are probably less relevant to look at quarter-to-quarter.


  • For instance, the amount of perpetual revenue that hasn't been taken to revenue.


  • That will move -- that will have different seasonality changes, depending on contracts, et cetera.


  • So I would say that's probably less helpful.


  • But certainly, the cloud one, if you look at the next 12 months, that is really a leading indicator to the amount of commitments that are already under contract for cloud.

    但可以肯定的是,雲計算,如果你看看未來 12 個月,這確實是一個領先指標,表明已經根據云合同簽訂的承諾數量。

  • And so as our cloud business grows, you would expect the next 12 months of cloud commitments to grow.

    因此,隨著我們雲業務的增長,您會預計未來 12 個月的雲承諾會增長。

  • Not always in a linear fashion to our actual underlying growth because timing of renewals can be slightly less linear.


  • But that's a helpful one.


  • And in additional -- additionally, term is an interesting one because as you know, under 606, term commitments, when booked, largely come into revenue upfront.

    此外 - 此外,術語是一個有趣的術語,因為如您所知,根據 606,術語承諾在預訂時大部分會提前進入收入。

  • But there are some situations when they don't like if there's usage tranches or there's things that cause that revenue to be earned over time.


  • So it's helpful that you can actually use that, coupled with our revenue, to be able to understand the total amount of commitments that were made to Pega in a specific time period, similar to the way that we use backlog under the old accounting standard.

    因此,您可以實際使用它以及我們的收入來了解在特定時間段內對 Pega 做出的承諾總量,這很有幫助,類似於我們在舊會計準則下使用積壓的方式。

  • Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Got it.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then last one for me, and I'll jump off.


  • But as we think about the numbers -- and I don't want to read too much into this, but if my notes are correct, you've done 51% of new sales being cloud year-to-date.

    但是當我們考慮這些數字時——我不想對此讀太多,但如果我的筆記是正確的,你已經完成了今年迄今為止 51% 的新銷售額。

  • Last quarter, it was 54%.

    上個季度,這一比例為 54%。

  • Q1 was 48%.

    第一季度為 48%。

  • Does that mean that it declined sequentially from Q2 to Q3?


  • Or am I thinking about this wrong?


  • Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

    Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

  • It may have declined a couple of percentage points.


  • But I would say it's still been in a fairly narrow range through the first 3 quarters of about 50%.

    但我要說的是,在前 3 個季度,它仍然處於一個相當狹窄的範圍內,約為 50%。

  • So I certainly wouldn't suggest that a slight movement like that would indicate any market trend change.


  • What I would say is we're seeing about 50%.

    我要說的是我們看到大約 50%。

  • And the conclusion I would draw from that has been largely consistent for each of the first 3 quarters.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We now have from Mark Schappel with Benchmark.

    (操作員說明)我們現在有 Mark Schappel 和 Benchmark。

  • Mark William Schappel - Director of Research & Supervisory Analyst

    Mark William Schappel - Director of Research & Supervisory Analyst

  • Alan, starting with you.


  • Your public sector has been a big focus of the company.


  • Obviously, 3Q is a big public sector quarter.


  • And you referenced a couple of good deals this quarter.


  • With respect to the delivery mechanism in the government and the shift to cloud, what are your -- your government customers, what's their approach to cloud versus licenses?

    關於政府的交付機制和向雲的轉變,你的 - 你的政府客戶是什麼,他們對雲與許可證的方法是什麼?

  • Are they still hanging on to licenses?


  • Or are you starting to see them adopt -- or starting to adopt cloud deals?

    或者您是否開始看到他們採用 - 或者開始採用雲交易?

  • Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

    Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes, we're seeing them adopt cloud deals.


  • The interesting thing that's an option for us is the entire -- the whole question of Cloud Choice because we give them a lot of options as to whether a government customer might choose to use a cloud from Pega or whether a government customer might choose, for example, to move it to one of the AWS or Azure-type instances that they might use externally.

    有趣的是,對我們來說,這是一個選擇——整個 Cloud Choice 問題,因為我們為他們提供了很多選擇,比如政府客戶是否會選擇使用 Pega 的雲,或者政府客戶是否會選擇,因為例如,將其移動到他們可能在外部使用的 AWS 或 Azure 類型的實例之一。

  • Or some of them actually are still focusing on having some level of private cloud.


  • We deal with a number of agencies actually in several countries that have an extreme security expectation.


  • And frankly, some of those agencies would never buy from an American cloud company to run on the American cloud because of some of the laws that have been passed, which could make them subject to U.S. subpoenas.


  • So in those cases, I think we're seeing the move to cloud.


  • It just may want to be a cloud that they choose to run.


  • I think that's great for us from a positioning point of view.


  • It really enforces the value of that Cloud Choice proposition.

    它確實體現了 Cloud Choice 主張的價值。

  • Mark William Schappel - Director of Research & Supervisory Analyst

    Mark William Schappel - Director of Research & Supervisory Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then, Ken, in your prepared remarks, I believe you noted that the company plans to increase investment in the sales and marketing area.


  • I was wondering if you could just expand on that a little bit such as where you plan to focus those investments in terms of, say, geography, sector, customer size.


  • Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

    Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

  • So we have some primary markets, geography and also verticals, where we've been very successful over the years.


  • And as you can imagine, at our size, we have a lot of runway to improve our coverage of some of these very, very viable and interesting enterprise organizations.


  • So I think I would be less focused on Denver versus Boston versus the U.K and more just highlighting the fact that we have a lot of runway to really grow the business to a much bigger size than what we are right now.


  • And naturally having customer-facing capacity is important to be able to drive that.


  • Alan, you want to add to that?


  • Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

    Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes.


  • I can jump in.


  • You're not going to see us running into slews of new geographies because we've done actually quite a bit of analysis this year.


  • And we've decided that what we really want to do is increase our density in a number of organizations that we might be covering with a fraction of a person or that we might be covering with an individual when the scale of the company and the scale of the opportunity in it would mean that to cover it effectively, you need to be several times just one person.


  • And so by taking that as a strategy, I actually feel really good that we're going to be able to improve the reliability of our selling because we're not going into experimental new places.


  • I mean, just talking about the government for a moment, to properly cover the opportunities we have in the government, we could be several times our current size in that team and still, frankly, have what I would consider only partial coverage.


  • So I feel good that we know where and how to increase that density and to increase that coverage, which should be more reliable than if we say we're running into a whole bunch of new geographies.


  • Mark William Schappel - Director of Research & Supervisory Analyst

    Mark William Schappel - Director of Research & Supervisory Analyst

  • Great.


  • Then finally, Ken, again for you.


  • With respect to operating margins in the quarter, where do you estimate operating margins would have been if it wasn't for the aggressive shift to the cloud?


  • Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

    Kenneth R. Stillwell - SVP, Chief Administrative Officer & CFO

  • So if you adjust -- if you think about the cloud -- the impact of moving to a much higher cloud percentage and really have to think, Mark, not just of the 30% to the 50%, but you have to think about what our cloud percentage was last year, which was in the low 20s to where we are, which is, just call it, 50%, 51%.

    因此,如果你調整 - 如果你考慮雲 - 遷移到更高雲百分比的影響並且真的必須考慮,馬克,不僅僅是 30% 到 50%,但你必須考慮什麼我們的雲百分比是去年的,比我們現在的水平低 20%,也就是 50%、51%。

  • If you compare that, that's a fairly significant amount of impact, which actually all hits the bottom line, to your -- which is where your question is coming from.

    如果你比較它,那是相當大的影響,實際上所有影響都觸及底線,對你的 - 這就是你的問題的來源。

  • We've looked at it kind of in a -- to get a directional estimate of where our margin would be, then our margin would be somewhere in the high teens, right, which is slightly better than where we would have been last year.

    我們已經看過它 - 以獲得我們的利潤率的方向性估計,然後我們的利潤率將處於高位,對,這比我們去年的水平略好。

  • But once again, we're growing at a faster pace.


  • And we're actually increasing selling capacity to prepare for kind of the next year and the follow-on year growth.


  • And that helps to offset what would have otherwise been greater margin expansion.


  • The problem with it is the accounting because of the -- pushing the revenue out under cloud arrangements really obfuscates that natural inherent margin we have because you won't see that until you have a number of cloud years kind of stacked in, which we're really only in about the first 18 months of that big shift to cloud.

    它的問題在於會計,因為 - 在雲安排下推出收入確實混淆了我們擁有的自然固有利潤率,因為你不會看到這一點,直到你有一些雲年堆積起來,我們'真正只發生在向雲的重大轉變的前 18 個月。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We do have a question from Stephen Bersey with MUFG.

    (操作員說明)我們確實有來自 MUFG 的 Stephen Bersey 提出的問題。

  • Stephen D. Bersey - Analyst

    Stephen D. Bersey - Analyst

  • Nice quarter.


  • Just wondering if you're noticing any trends as far as industry vertical and acceptance or pushback to cloud adoption.


  • Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

    Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

  • Yes, this is Alan.


  • I'll say that -- so cloud has become truly a mainstream capability and desire across, I would say, pretty much all the verticals.


  • So there are specific applications where customers are not as interested for a variety of special security or other sorts of reasons.


  • But the cloud has been really subject to a huge transition.


  • With hindsight, I wish we had accelerated our transition.


  • And I referenced to this 3 years ago.

    我在 3 年前提到過這個。

  • But since we've put the pedal down, we're seeing the results that we want.


  • And so we think that's just going to continue.


  • I'm, frankly, almost a little surprised that in some of the industries that folks have become so accepting.


  • But at this point, we're all in.


  • Operator


  • There are no questions, sir.


  • Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

    Alan Trefler - Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board

  • Well, in that case, I'm just going to wrap it up.


  • It's a little bit late here in London, and it's been a long week.


  • But I want to thank everyone and let you know that we're working very diligently on your behalf and are really pleased with what's going on and how we think we can continue to drive success.


  • Talk to you all soon.


  • Operator


  • That does conclude today's conference call.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
