NetApp Inc (NTAP) 2016 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen.


  • Welcome to the NetApp first-quarter FY16 results conference call.

    歡迎參加 NetApp 2016 財年第一季業績電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • As a reminder, this conference call may be recorded.


  • I'd now like to turn the conference over to Kris Newton, Vice President Investor Relations.

    現在我想將會議交給投資者關係副總裁克里斯牛頓 (Kris Newton)。

  • You may begin.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Hello, and thank you for joining us on our Q1 FY16 earnings call.

    您好,感謝您參加我們 2016 財年第一季的財報電話會議。

  • With me today are our CEO, George Kurian, and CFO, Nick Noviello.

    今天與我在一起的有我們的執行長 George Kurian 和財務長 Nick Noviello。

  • This call is being webcast live and will be available for replay on our website at, along with the earnings release, our financial tables, a historical supplemental data table and the non-GAAP to GAAP reconciliation.

    本次電話會議正在進行網路直播,並將在我們的網站 上重播,同時提供收益發布、我們的財務表格、歷史補充資料表以及非 GAAP 與 GAAP 調節表。

  • As a reminder, during today's call we will make forward-looking statements and projections with respect to our financial outlook and future prospects, such as our guidance for the second quarter and full FY16, our expectations regarding our ability to respond to changing demands of our customers, our ability to manage our portfolio to drive efficiency, profitability and growth, our expectations regarding market acceptance of Clustered Data ONTAP, our ability to drive operational and financial performance, our expectations regarding our business model in FY16, all of which involve risk and uncertainty.

    提醒一下,在今天的電話會議中,我們將就我們的財務前景和未來前景做出前瞻性陳述和預測,例如我們對第二季度和整個2016 財年的指導、我們對我們應對不斷變化的需求的能力的期望。的期望,所有這些都涉及風險和不確定性。

  • Such statements reflect our best judgment based on factors currently known to us and are being made as of today.


  • We disclaim any obligation to update our forward-looking statements and projections.


  • Actual results may differ materially from our statements and projections for a variety of reasons.


  • We described some of these reasons in our accompanying press release, which we have furnished to the SEC on a form 8-K.

    我們在隨附的新聞稿中描述了其中一些原因,並透過 8-K 表格向 SEC 提供了該新聞稿。

  • Please refer to the documents we file from time to time with the SEC, specifically our form 10K for FY15 and our current reports on form 8-K, all of which can be found on our website.

    請參閱我們不時向 SEC 提交的文件,特別是 2015 財年的 10K 表格和 8-K 表格中的當前報告,所有這些都可以在我們的網站上找到。

  • During the call, all financial measures presented will be non-GAAP unless otherwise noted.


  • These non-GAAP measures are [not] prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.


  • A reconciliation of our GAAP and non-GAAP results is provide in today's press release and on our website.

    今天的新聞稿和我們的網站上提供了我們的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 業績的調整表。

  • I'll now turn the call over to George.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Thank you Kris, and good afternoon.


  • This is my first earnings call as NetApp's CEO, and it's an honor to be here.

    這是我擔任 NetApp 執行長的第一次財報電話會議,我很榮幸來到這裡。

  • We delivered revenue above the midpoint of our prior guidance with gross margin, operating margin, and EPS all above our previous guidance ranges.


  • We did what we said we would, but we are clear that we have a lot more work to do.


  • We're committed to helping our customers navigate their IT transformations, to improving our own execution, and to enhancing value for our shareholders.

    我們致力於協助客戶實現 IT 轉型、提高我們自身的執行力並提高股東的價值。

  • We are making progress against our plan, adding new customers and expanding the adoption of our portfolio by aggressively pivoting towards modern architectures such as scale-out, software-defined, Flash, converged and hybrid cloud, all while planning to return to our operating model in the second half of this fiscal year.


  • This is my first time addressing many of you, and what you will hear from me today is a focus on portfolio management, execution, and enhancing shareholder value.


  • I want to start by sharing my views on how I think about managing our business and how we are shaping our strategy to respond to the transformation in the IT industry to increase efficiency and to deliver strong financial returns.

    我想先分享我對如何管理我們的業務以及我們如何制定策略以應對 IT 產業轉型以提高效率並提供強勁財務回報的看法。

  • Then I will provide an update on our business in the quarter, and hand it over to Nick to cover our financial results before we open the call for Q&A.


  • In my first days as CEO, I spent time to insure that we had a well articulated view of the industry transition and a clear understanding of customers' IT transformation priorities, but this alone is not enough.

    在擔任執行長的第一天,我花時間確保我們對產業轉型有清晰的認識,並清楚地了解客戶的 IT 轉型優先事項,但僅此還不夠。

  • To maximize results from our strong portfolio of technologies, we need to operate the business with a greater level of discipline and to align resources against our most important priorities.


  • In addition to improving alignment and inspection, you can expect from me highly disciplined portfolio management across all aspects of the business: technology, customers, and go-to-market.


  • We must manage the business to drive efficiency and profitability from the mature parts of our portfolio so we can afford investment in emerging high growth areas, to deliver innovation ahead of the market, drive increased awareness and expand our footprint.


  • You can expect to hear about the results of this rigorous portfolio management as we come back over successive quarters.


  • The requirement for digital capabilities and cloud-based solutions is driving fundamental change across the IT industry.

    對數位功能和基於雲端的解決方案的需求正在推動整個 IT 行業的根本性變革。

  • Enterprises must transform in order to survive, and data management is at the heart of the transition they need to make.


  • Whether it's dealing with data growth efficiently, drawing real-time insight from data, or integrating data across their globally distributed value chain, managing data is of great importance to our customers.


  • This is where NetApp has a profoundly important role to play.

    這正是 NetApp 可以發揮極為重要作用的地方。

  • We are the only Company that can help customers manage their data seamlessly across multiple cloud architectures and provide the scale needed to accommodate the exponential data growth generated by the digital world.


  • This is what I see as our big opportunity.


  • To accelerate this transformation, customers are seeking to take advantage of new applications and modern data center storage and data management architectures.


  • This implies a reduced opportunity in the traditional storage market, but at the same time growth in new areas such as scale out storage, software-defined, Flash, converged and hybrid cloud.


  • We are and will continue to actively drive a shift within our product and go-to-market portfolio to meet the changing demands of our customers, And you will see me drive a more disciplined approach around managing this portfolio, both to increase focus on the growth and emerging parts of our business, and to drive efficiency in the mature parts.


  • As customers transform their IT environments, they are reducing their spend on traditional storage, which has put pressure on our ONTAP 7-mode business.

    隨著客戶轉變 IT 環境,他們正在減少傳統儲存方面的支出,這給我們的 ONTAP 7 模式業務帶來了壓力。

  • The 7-mode storage operating system was shipped in only 35% of FAS units in the quarter, down from roughly 75% a year ago.

    本季度,7 模式儲存作業系統僅在 35% 的 FAS 設備中出貨,低於一年前的約 75%。

  • Customers are also slowing investment in the capacity expansion of their traditional storage environments.


  • Both of these dynamics, lowered new unit shipments of and lower incremental capacity in ONTAP 7-mode systems, put downward pressure on our product revenue, despite strong growth in other parts of our business.

    儘管我們業務的其他部分強勁成長,但這兩種動態降低了 ONTAP 7 模式系統的新單位出貨量和增量容量,給我們的產品收入帶來了下行壓力。

  • We have a heightened sense of urgency in working with our customers to enable their move to the modern architectures delivered by our portfolio.


  • As customers replace their traditional storage architectures and transform their data centers, they want scale-out and software-defined storage functionality to both manage data growth efficiently and deliver service provider-like flexibility.


  • Clustered Data ONTAP provides this through a highly efficient multi-tenant non-stop shared storage infrastructure to replace legacy stovepipe architectures for enterprise applications like databases, virtualization, VDI, and e-commerce.

    叢集模式 Data ONTAP 透過高效的多租戶不間斷共享儲存基礎架構來實現這一點,以取代資料庫、虛擬化、VDI 和電子商務等企業應用程式的傳統煙囪架構。

  • Clustered ONTAP also enables customers to seamlessly manage their applications and data across Flash, disc, and cloud footprints.

    叢集模式 ONTAP 還使客戶能夠跨快閃記憶體、磁碟和雲端足跡無縫管理其應用程式和資料。

  • And as customers plan their hybrid cloud architectures, the software-defined architecture of Clustered ONTAP provides a consistent way to manage data across private and public clouds, regardless of underlying hardware.

    當客戶規劃其混合雲架構時,叢集 ONTAP 的軟體定義架構提供了跨私有雲和公有雲管理資料的一致方法,無論底層硬體為何。

  • Clustered ONTAP was deployed on 65% of the FAS systems shipped in Q1, up from roughly 25% a year ago.

    第一季出貨的 FAS 系統中有 65% 部署了叢集 ONTAP,而一年前這一比例約為 25%。

  • Unit shipments of clustered ONTAP systems grew by approximately 115%, the 13th consecutive quarter of triple-digit growth.

    叢集 ONTAP 系統的單位出貨量成長約 115%,連續第 13 季實現三位數成長。

  • The value proposition of Clustered ONTAP for the next-generation data center is strong, as evidenced by continued rapid customer adoption.

    叢集模式 ONTAP 對於下一代資料中心的價值主張非常強大,客戶的持續快速採用就證明了這一點。

  • We are migrating our install base customer sequestered ONTAP and gaining new customers in competitive environments.

    我們正在遷移固定 ONTAP 的安裝基礎客戶,並在競爭激烈的環境中贏得新客戶。

  • The number of customers using clustered ONTAP grew by more than 130% in Q1 from Q1 a year ago.

    第一季使用叢集 ONTAP 的客戶數量比一年前第一季增加了 130% 以上。

  • The fastest growth was in new-to-NetApp customers, which grew 225%.

    成長最快的是 NetApp 新客戶,成長了 225%。

  • Let me give you some examples to illustrate why new customers are choosing NetApp.


  • We won the business of a mid-sized internet radio provider who had moved off a leading hyper-scale cloud service provider due to cost and onto a solution from one of the start-ups.


  • Ultimately, that infrastructure could not scale to meet the customer's needs, so they turned to Clustered ONTAP for its ability to spread the load across multiple controllers and for its virtual storage tiering capability, which efficiently prioritizes work loads.


  • At a multi-billion dollar construction services company, we replaced an established vendor.


  • Clustered ONTAP was able to solve their problem with less hardware and greater flexibility.

    叢集模式 ONTAP 能夠以更少的硬體和更大的靈活性解決他們的問題。

  • In addition to buying new systems from us, the customer is also using our FlexArray software to run Clustered ONTAP on the undepreciated hardware assets from their now legacy vendor.

    除了從我們這裡購買新系統外,客戶還使用我們的 FlexArray 軟體在來自其現有供應商的未折舊硬體資產上運行叢集 ONTAP。

  • We told you last quarter that we would make investments to accelerate the migration of our customers' ONTAP 7-mode install base to Clustered ONTAP, and we have.

    我們上個季度告訴您,我們將進行投資,以加速客戶的 ONTAP 7 模式安裝基礎向叢集模式 ONTAP 的遷移,我們已經做到了。

  • Our transition programs offer customers and certified partners with transition support, temporary gear, and financial incentives.


  • Just formalized in Q1, this program is already showing early results.


  • A large semiconductor manufacturer in Asia Pacific building its private cloud on Clustered ONTAP leveraged the program to deploy a cluster of all Flash FAS systems, beating out Flash offerings from established and emerging vendors.

    亞太地區的一家大型半導體製造商在集群 ONTAP 上建立其私有雲,利用該計劃部署了一個全快閃 FAS 系統集群,擊敗了老牌和新興供應商的閃存產品。

  • And they plan to migrate additional 7-mode systems in the future to clustered ONTAP.

    他們計劃將來將更多 7 模式系統遷移到叢集模式 ONTAP。

  • A US-based multi-campus university is replacing its existing storage silos systems from NetApp and multiple competitors.

    美國一所多校區大學正在更換 NetApp 和多個競爭對手現有的儲存孤島系統。

  • They will standardize on Clustered ONTAP and on OnCommand Insight to provide services for all of their campuses and medical Centers.

    他們將在 Clustered ONTAP 和 OnCommand Insight 上實現標準化,以便為所有園區和醫療中心提供服務。

  • Only NetApp could fulfill their performance, archive, and reporting needs.

    只有 NetApp 能夠滿足他們的效能、存檔和報告需求。

  • Over the course of FY16 we will continue to refine and expand our transition programs.

    在 2016 財年,我們將繼續完善和擴展我們的過渡計畫。

  • Customers are seeking to gain competitive advantage and economic benefits from accelerating business transactions, processes, and their supporting enterprise applications.


  • To do so, they're deploying high performance enterprise-grade Flash technology.


  • Our All Flash FAS products offer built-in data protection, multi-protocol support, scale-out performance, and seamless data movement from Flash to disc to cloud.

    我們的全快閃 FAS 產品提供內建資料保護、多重協定支援、橫向擴展效能以及從快閃記憶體到磁碟再到雲端的無縫資料移動。

  • These benefits have driven rapid customer adoption of our All Flash FAS solutions, with unit shipments growing almost 140% year on year, the fifth consecutive quarter of triple-digit growth.

    這些優勢推動客戶快速採用我們的全快閃 FAS 解決方案,單位出貨量年增近 140%,連續第五個季度實現三位數成長。

  • In Q1 we launched new lower cost All Flash FAS products with Flash essentials innovations to improve performance and efficiency.

    在第一季度,我們推出了全新的低成本全快閃 FAS 產品,採用快閃元素創新來提高效能和效率。

  • Customer reception to this launch has been tremendous, and we saw a strong uptick in All Flash FAS sales momentum during the quarter.

    客戶對此次發布的反應非常熱烈,我們看到本季全快閃 FAS 銷售勢頭強勁上升。

  • We had significant and growing numbers of competitive wins against established and emerging Flash-only vendors.


  • For example, at a major software as a service provider designing their next-generation infrastructure to migrate from a traditional database architecture to an in-memory architecture, All Flash FAS beat solutions from both established and emerging Flash-only and hybrid Flash competitors.

    例如,當一家主要的軟體即服務供應商設計其下一代基礎設施以從傳統資料庫架構遷移到記憶體架構時,全快閃 FAS 擊敗了成熟的和新興的純快閃記憶體和混合快閃記憶體競爭對手的解決方案。

  • At a leading online retail financial services company with demanding mission-critical applications that monitor and analyze trading data throughout the day, the EFC resolve Flash array easily out-performed all of the leading competitors.

    一家領先的線上零售金融服務公司擁有要求全天監控和分析交易數據的關鍵任務應用程序,EFC 解決快閃記憶體陣列的表現輕鬆超過了所有領先的競爭對手。

  • To improve business insight and decision-making, customers are also deploying new web scale and analytic applications, like Hadoop and Splunk, as well as increasing the amount of data that they retain online.

    為了提高業務洞察力和決策能力,客戶還部署新的網路規模和分析應用程序,例如 Hadoop 和 Splunk,並增加他們在線上保留的資料量。

  • To support the performance, availability, and cost requirements of these applications, customers are using our E-series platforms.

    為了支援這些應用程式的效能、可用性和成本要求,客戶正在使用我們的 E 系列平台。

  • As we aggressively target this part of the market, we see continued growth of the E-series platforms, with unit shipments up almost 50% from Q1 last year.

    隨著我們積極瞄準這部分市場,我們看到 E 系列平台持續成長,單位出貨量較去年第一季成長近 50%。

  • To help with their digital transformation and to better manage their IT portfolio, customers over the medium to long term are looking to enable hybrid cloud architectures.

    為了幫助其數位轉型並更好地管理其 IT 產品組合,中長期客戶正在尋求啟用混合雲架構。

  • The challenge of the hybrid cloud is that it is a series of isolated and incompatible data silos.


  • Every cloud provider has a different way to manage data, making it difficult for customers to move and share data across clouds.


  • Our customers are looking for a consistent way to secure and manage data regardless of location.


  • And our focus on data management enables customers to utilize cloud resources while leveraging existing investments and maintaining control of their data.


  • Our hybrid cloud solutions are important in positioning us ahead of the market, but do not contribute meaningfully to revenue today.


  • The products included in our hybrid cloud solution portfolio are NetApp private storage for cloud, cloud ONTAP, storage grid web scale, and AltaVault.

    我們的混合雲解決方案組合中包含的產品包括適用於雲端的 NetApp 私有儲存、雲端 ONTAP、儲存網格 Web 規模和 AltaVault。

  • Of these, NetApp private storage represents the largest opportunity.

    其中,NetApp 私有儲存代表了最大的機會。

  • It enables customers to take advantage of the elastic compute resources of multiple clouds for cloud bursting or data analytics while maintaining complete control of their data.


  • Cloud ONTAP is a rent-by-the-hour version of Cluster Data ONTAP, available on Amazon Web Services for use cases such as agile software development.

    Cloud ONTAP 是 Cluster Data ONTAP 的按小時租賃版本,可在 Amazon Web Services 上用於敏捷軟體開發等用例。

  • The number of hours of usage continues to grow nicely, with hours of usage more than doubling from last quarter.


  • AltaVault is the most recent addition to this part of our portfolio.

    AltaVault 是我們這部分產品組合中的最新成員。

  • It helps customers preserve the investments in their existing backup software while enabling them to take advantage of low cost cloud storage as a long-term back up and archival target.


  • In Q1, we announced new AltaVault solutions and extended service offerings.

    在第一季度,我們發布了新的 AltaVault 解決方案和擴展服務產品。

  • Our hybrid cloud portfolio is delivering strategic wins.


  • We've had several NetApp private storage wins at companies with strong cloud band aids because it enables them to leverage cloud resources while avoiding data governance risk and data mobility challenges.

    我們在擁有強大雲端輔助功能的公司中贏得了多個 NetApp 私有存儲,因為它使他們能夠利用雲端資源,同時避免資料治理風險和資料移動性挑戰。

  • We gained a foothold in a new financial services customer with AltaVault, displacing our leading competitor's legacy backup solution because of our ability to unlock the economics of cloud for backup.

    我們透過 AltaVault 在新的金融服務客戶中站穩了腳跟,取代了我們領先競爭對手的傳統備份解決方案,因為我們有能力釋放雲端備份的經濟性。

  • With storage grid web scale, we beat established and emerging vendors at a photo-sharing cloud provider because it enabled the customer to leverage their existing infrastructure while moving to object storage for data management at web scale.


  • Finally, customers are looking for pre-integrated converge solutions.


  • Today NetApp offers the highly successful Flex Part converge system in conjunction with Cisco.

    如今,NetApp 與 Cisco 合作推出了非常成功的 Flex Part 融合系統。

  • You can expect to see exciting innovations on Flex Part this year.

    今年您可以期待在 Flex Part 上看到令人興奮的創新。

  • We recently began shipping NetApp integrated EVO: RAIL Solutions, bringing the proven benefits of NetApp storage for VMWare to a hyper-converge form factor.

    我們最近開始交付 NetApp 整合 EVO: RAIL 解決方案,將 NetApp 儲存為 VMWare 帶來的經過驗證的優勢引入到超融合外形中。

  • We will continue to monitor the evolution of hyper-converge infrastructure.


  • As we move to better address the growth areas of the storage market, our confidence in our direction comes from our customers.


  • Our strategy and technology portfolio resonate with enterprises and service providers, positioning us as a strategic advisor to assist them through their IT and digital transformations.

    我們的策略和技術組合與企業和服務提供者產生共鳴,將我們定位為策略顧問,幫助他們完成 IT 和數位轉型。

  • As I have said, elements of our technology portfolio are growing rapidly.


  • We are shifting investments in our go-to-market teams to accelerate that growth, and those actions are showing early signs of success.


  • We added incremental sales headcount in Q4 of last year and the beginning of this year, and they are already driving meaningful expansions to our pipeline.


  • We also took action to regain traction in our channel.


  • We added a Global Channel Chief, a worldwide channel leadership team, and made investments in channel marketing programs, all by reallocating resources within our operating expense envelope.


  • I personally have met with partners in the Americas and EMEA and have seen their excitement over the opportunity with NetApp.

    我親自會見了美洲和歐洲、中東和非洲的合作夥伴,並看到他們對 NetApp 的機會感到興奮。

  • Be clear that we have a sense of urgency and a high level of focus to insure that our investments continue to translate into productive sales conversations, and ultimately pipeline and bookings growth.


  • We expect that investments in Clustered ONTAP transition, sales capacity and channel traction combined with our shift to better address the industry trends will deliver improving results over the course of this fiscal year, and we are committed to returning to our target operating model in the second half.

    我們預計,對集群ONTAP 轉型、銷售能力和通路吸引力的投資,加上我們為更好地應對行業趨勢而進行的轉變,將在本財年中帶來更好的業績,我們致力於在第二個財年恢復到我們的目標營運模式一半。

  • We continue to work through the declines in the mature part of our business, but are encouraged by the many areas of growth.


  • Before I hand it over to Nick to go over the quarter in more detail, I'd like to summarize by saying our strategy is to assist our customers' IT transformation with a unique and differentiated vision for data management.

    在我將其交給 Nick 更詳細地介紹本季之前,我想總結一下,我們的策略是透過獨特且差異化的資料管理願景來協助客戶的 IT 轉型。

  • We plan to deliver against this vision by actively pivoting the Company to execute against the industry trends of scale-out, software-defined storage, Flash, converge infrastructure, and hybrid cloud data management.


  • At the same time, we have an intense focus on disciplined cost management and cost structure.


  • We are confident that we're on the right path, but clearly have more work to do.


  • I will focus on driving disciplined portfolio management, streamline decision-making for efficiency, alignment and accountability, and instill more rigorous inspection and corrective action for high performance execution.


  • As I continue my rigorous analysis of the business, these, plus understanding our customers' plans to consume technology, are all considerations that I will take into account as we position the Company for success and increase shareholder value.


  • On our next quarterly earnings call, I will have more details to share with you.


  • I'm excited for the future.


  • The feedback from our customers on our technology and strategic direction has been strongly positive.


  • Partners feel confident that our portfolio provides a unique value proposition for them and their customers, and by raising the bar on our executions and actively addressing the industry trends, we will emerge from this transition a stronger, more focused and disciplined Company.


  • I'll now pass it over to Nick.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thank you, George.


  • Good afternoon everyone, and thank you for joining us.


  • NetApp delivered Q1 results that were generally on track and in line with our expectations.

    NetApp 交付的第一季業績大致上符合預期並符合我們的預期。

  • As George highlighted, the storage industry is in transition as customers drive IT transformations to take advantage of new technologies and architectures while planning their journey to the hybrid cloud.

    正如 George 所強調的那樣,隨著客戶推動 IT 轉型以利用新技術和架構,同時規劃混合雲之旅,儲存產業正在轉型。

  • As you know, this industry transition has impacted our business as well.


  • We have embarked on a new chapter, and we are aggressively shifting our efforts to better position ourselves for the future.


  • We saw progress on many fronts in Q1, but we still have a lot of work ahead.


  • For the first half of FY16 we are raising the bar on execution across all aspects of the business.

    2016 財年上半年,我們提高了業務各方面的執行標準。

  • For the second half of the year, you can expect us to deliver against our plan and return to our target operating margins.


  • Beyond FY16 we will do a much better job demonstrating our broad value proposition to customers and translating that to financial results, top and bottom line, and increased shareholder value.

    2016 財年之後,我們將更能向客戶展示我們廣泛的價值主張,並將其轉化為財務績效、營收和利潤以及增加的股東價值。

  • Please note that I will be referring to non-GAAP numbers in today's presentation unless otherwise indicated.


  • Fiscal Q1 net revenues were $1.34 billion, down about 13% sequentially and down 10% year over year.

    第一財季淨收入為 13.4 億美元,季減約 13%,較去年同期下降 10%。

  • FX headwinds had an unfavorable impact of about 4 points on the year-over-year comparison.

    外匯逆風對年比產生了約 4 個百分點的不利影響。

  • We estimate that the extra week in Q1, which occurs every six years to realign fiscal and calendar months, added approximately $40 million of revenue to the quarter.

    我們估計,第一季每六年增加一周,以重新調整財政和日曆月份,為本季增加了約 4,000 萬美元的收入。

  • Product revenue was $664 million in the first quarter, down 27% sequentially and 25% year over year.

    第一季產品營收為 6.64 億美元,季減 27%,年減 25%。

  • FX headwinds had an unfavorable impact on the year-over-year product revenue comparison by about 5 points.

    外匯逆風對產品收入較去年同期產生了約 5 個百分點的不利影響。

  • The decline in product revenue, due largely to the decline in ONTAP 7-mode sales, was in line with our expectations and prior guidance.

    產品收入的下降主要是由於 ONTAP 7 模式銷售的下降,這符合我們的預期和先前的指導。

  • The combination of software maintenance and hardware maintenance and other services revenues, primarily comprised of existing new and renewed service contracts, was $671 million in the first quarter, up 7% sequentially and up 11% year over year.

    第一季軟體維護和硬體維護及其他服務收入(主要包括現有新的和續約的服務合約)合計為 6.71 億美元,環比增長 7%,同比增長 11%。

  • The increase reflects the continued growth of our install base and short-term renewals from existing customers, as well as the benefit from the extra week in Q1.


  • Indirect revenue through the channels and OEMs was 77% of Q1 net revenues compared to 78% in Q4 and 76% in Q1 of last year.

    透過通路和 OEM 獲得的間接收入佔第一季淨收入的 77%,而第四季為 78%,去年第一季為 76%。

  • Gross margin of 63.6% was down just under 1 point from Q1 last year, and was negatively impacted by about 1 point from FX, consistent with our prior expectations.

    毛利率為 63.6%,較去年第一季下降近 1 個百分點,並受到外匯影響約 1 個百分點,與我們先前的預期一致。

  • Product gross margin was 51.2%, reflecting a decline of about 6 points year over year.


  • Roughly half of this decline was due to FX headwinds with the remainder from lower volume, unfavorable product mix, and some higher discounting.


  • Software maintenance gross margin was relatively flat year over year, while hardware maintenance and other services gross margin was up just under 1.5 points, reflecting increased revenue and leverage of existing infrastructure investments and the benefit of the 14th week.


  • Operating expenses of $746 million were up 3% year over year.

    營運費用為 7.46 億美元,年增 3%。

  • FX reduced operating expenses by about 4 points on a year-over-year basis, and consistent with my comments last quarter, the 14th week contributed about $41 million of sequential growth.

    FX 營運支出年比減少了約 4 個百分點,與我上季度的評論一致,第 14 週貢獻了約 4,100 萬美元的環比增長。

  • Operating margin of 7.7% was above our previous guidance range, driven by lower spending and the benefit of our previously announced realignment action on largely in line revenues and gross margins.

    7.7% 的營業利潤率高於我們先前的指導範圍,這得益於支出減少以及我們先前宣布的對收入和毛利率基本一致的調整行動的好處。

  • Our realignment action resulted in a headcount reduction of approximately 3% and a GAAP restructuring charge of approximately $27 million in the quarter.

    我們的重組行動導致本季員工人數減少約 3%,GAAP 重組費用約 2,700 萬美元。

  • Our effective tax rate for the quarter and projected rate for the year was 17%, up 0.5 points from Q1 last year, due to greater investment income in our foreign subsidiaries taxed at US rates.

    我們本季的有效稅率和全年的預估稅率為 17%,比去年第一季上升 0.5 個百分點,原因是我們的外國子公司按美國稅率徵稅的投資收入增加。

  • Q1 weighted average diluted share count of 308 million shares decreased by approximately 5 million shares sequentially due to share repurchase activity in the quarter.

    由於本季的股票回購活動,第一季加權平均稀釋股份數量為 3.08 億股,比上一季減少約 500 萬股。

  • EPS was $0.29, $0.04 over the high end of our prior guidance range, driven by higher operating margin and lower diluted share count.

    每股收益為 0.29 美元,比我們之前指導範圍的上限高出 0.04 美元,這得益於較高的營業利潤率和較低的稀釋股數。

  • Now turning to cash and balance sheet metrics.


  • We closed Q1 with $5 billion in cash and short-term investments, approximately 8% of which was held by our domestic entities.

    第一季結束時,我們擁有 50 億美元的現金和短期投資,其中約 8% 由我們的國內實體持有。

  • Inventory turns decreased to 10, due in part to our factory move which is now complete.

    庫存週轉率下降至 10,部分原因是我們的工廠搬遷現已完成。

  • I anticipate inventory turns returning to a normalized mid to high teens level in Q2, and in fact much of the additional inventory we built up during Q1 has already been shipped.


  • Q1 Day Sales Outstanding decreased to 30 days, due to invoicing occurring earlier in the quarter and an extra week of collections from the 14th week.

    由於本季稍早開立發票以及從第 14 週開始額外增加一週收款,第一季應收帳款天數減少至 30 天。

  • Deferred revenue decreased by $131 million in Q1 versus Q4 and decreased $10 million from Q1 last year.

    第一季遞延營收較第四季減少 1.31 億美元,較去年第一季減少 1,000 萬美元。

  • We expected the decline, about $40 million of which was due to the 14th week and the remainder commensurate with the decline in product revenue.

    我們預計會出現下降,其中約 4000 萬美元是由於第 14 週造成的,其餘部分與產品收入的下降相當。

  • Q1 cash from operations was approximately $129 million versus $216 million in Q1 a year ago.

    第一季營運現金約為 1.29 億美元,而去年同期為 2.16 億美元。

  • At 7% of revenue, free cash flow was down as expected, due to lower net income resulting from the year-over-year revenue decline.

    由於收入同比下降導致淨利潤下降,自由現金流按預期下降,佔收入的 7%。

  • We repurchased approximately $430 million of our stock and paid $54 million in cash dividends during the quarter.

    本季我們回購了約 4.3 億美元的股票,並支付了 5,400 萬美元的現金股利。

  • As you may recall, our Board of Directors authorized $2.5 billion of repurchases by the end of May 2018, with the first $1 billion of repurchases expected to be completed by the end of May 2016.

    您可能還記得,我們​​的董事會在 2018 年 5 月底之前授權進行 25 億美元的回購,首批 10 億美元的回購預計將於 2016 年 5 月底完成。

  • Today, we announced our next cash dividend of $0.18 per share of the Company's stock that will be paid on October 21, 2015.

    今天,我們宣布下一次現金股利為該公司股票每股 0.18 美元,將於 2015 年 10 月 21 日支付。

  • Now I'd like to spend a few minutes discussing our business outlook and guidance.


  • As I discussed earlier, FY16 is one of transition.

    正如我之前討論的,2016 財年是轉型期之一。

  • We are aggressively focused on our top priorities: rebuilding pipeline, and momentum in the first half of the year and executing against our plan to return to our targeted operating model for the second half of the year.


  • We have a strong portfolio of technologies, but can do a better job of fully monetizing it.


  • With George at the helm, we are doing a deeper dive to understand our business and market opportunity beyond this fiscal year.


  • You can expect to hear from us on our next quarterly earnings call with a further update on how we expect to evolve the business to deliver greater value to customers and shareholders.


  • For FY16 we now expect revenue to be down about 5% with impact from FX headwinds and limited top-line predictability in the first half of the year easing in the second half.

    對於 2016 財年,我們目前預計收入將下降約 5%,原因是受到外匯逆風的影響以及上半年有限的營收可預測性,下半年將有所緩解。

  • Though ultimately dependent on revenue mix, growth, and our continued actions to drive down costs, we expect FY16 gross margin as a percentage of revenue to be down about 1 point from FY15.

    儘管最終取決於收入組合、成長以及我們持續降低成本的行動,但我們預計 2016 財年毛利率佔收入的百分比將比 2015 財年下降約 1 個百分點。

  • We expect operating margin as a percentage of revenue to be down about 2 points for the year, with a challenging first half and a return to our 18% to 20% target operating margin range for the second half.

    我們預計今年營業利潤率佔收入的百分比將下降約 2 個百分點,上半年充滿挑戰,下半年將恢復到 18% 至 20% 的目標營業利潤率範圍。

  • Although off to a slow start in the first quarter, we expect a year of continued cash flow generation with free cash flow as a percentage of revenue for the year in the mid-teens.


  • Finally, we remain committed to driving shareholder value through share repurchases and dividends.


  • Based on current stock prices, we expect to reduce share count in FY16 by approximately 5%.

    根據目前的股價,我們預計 2016 財年的股份數量將減少約 5%。

  • And between dividends and share repurchases, we will again return over 100% of free cash flow generated to shareholders in FY16.

    在股利和股票回購之間,我們將在 2016 財年再次將超過 100% 的自由現金流返還給股東。

  • For Q2 we expect continued FX headwinds and limited top-line predictability as we rebuild pipeline and momentum.


  • As such, we expect net revenues for Q2 to range between $1.4 billion and $1.5 billion, which at the midpoint implies a sequential increase of approximately 9% and a 6% decrease year over year.

    因此,我們預計第二季的淨收入將在 14 億美元至 15 億美元之間,這意味著季增約 9%,年減 6%。

  • We expect Q2 consolidated gross margins of approximately 63% to 63.5% and operating margins of approximately 14% to 15%.

    我們預計第二季綜合毛利率約為 63% 至 63.5%,營業利潤率約為 14% 至 15%。

  • Based on our share repurchases in Q1 and in the first 10 days of Q2, we expect our diluted share count for the quarter to be approximately 303 million shares, and earnings per share for Q2 to range from approximately $0.55 to $0.60 per share.

    根據我們第一季和第二季前 10 天的股票回購情況,我們預計本季的稀釋後股票數量約為 3.03 億股,第二季的每股盈餘約為每股 0.55 美元至 0.60 美元。

  • In summary, we are confident in our differentiated strategy for data management in the hybrid cloud.


  • We are shifting our investments and efforts to accelerate growth in the areas of our portfolio that address our customers' most pressing IT imperatives.

    我們正在改變投資和努力,以加速我們產品組合領域的成長,以滿足客戶最迫切的 IT 需求。

  • FY16 is a year of transition as we rebuild our pipeline, help customers through their IT transition, and return the business to our targeted operating model.

    2016 財年是轉型的一年,我們重建通路、協助客戶完成 IT 轉型,並將業務恢復到我們的目標營運模式。

  • The positive feedback we've received from customers and partners reinforce our confidence in our direction.


  • Last but not least, I am excited about the change that George brings as the CEO of NetApp.

    最後但並非最不重要的一點是,我對 George 作為 NetApp 執行長帶來的變化感到興奮。

  • I believe his focus on portfolio management, execution, and shareholder value combined with his perspective and frank assessment of the entirety of our business will yield positive results for partners, customers, and shareholders.


  • At this point, I'll turn the call over to Kris to open it up for questions and answers.

    此時,我會將電話轉給 Kris,以便提問和解答。

  • Kris?


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • We'll now open the call for Q&A.


  • (Caller Instructions)


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Our first question comes from the line of Amit Daryanani of RBC Capital Markets.

    我們的第一個問題來自 RBC 資本市場的 Amit Daryanani。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, Good afternoon, guys.


  • And congrats, George, on the nice start to the job.


  • I guess my question really is when you think about the initiatives and execution improvement you're talking about, how do you think about is, there room for cost curtailment as you go forward?


  • Because even if I take your assumptions for FY16, you'll probably exit the year with low single digit revenue growth, in a good scenario.

    因為即使我採用您對 2016 財年的假設,在良好的情況下,您可能會以低個位數的收入增長結束這一年。

  • In that case do you think 45%, 50% of sales going to expenses is a reasonable target for a company to have, or do you think there's room to lower?

    在這種情況下,您認為 45%、50% 的銷售額用於支出對於公司來說是一個合理的目標嗎?

  • And if so, what are the levers, or what are the metrics you could do to lower that operating expense structure?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • We have been and continue to be disciplined around the cost structure of the Company.


  • I think if you look into our plans for this fiscal year, there are already expense containment strategies in place that improve the target operating model of the Company back to our guidance range within the second half of the year.


  • So we have plans already in place.


  • I continue to inspect them, and I'm also rigorous that we align the resources of the Company against the biggest opportunities and harvest the mature parts of our portfolio for profit.


  • In addition both Nick and I are study the evolution of the storage market and will have a broader perspective to you about the operating structure of the Company, as well as the way to maximize both the return on our assets as well as shareholder value at our next earnings call.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Amit, it's Nick as well.


  • Let me just get real granular for a second.


  • If I look on a year-over-year perspective or a first-half to second-half perspective, I would expect that the expenses of the Company, the operating expenses, would be down in the second half of the year.


  • So we have operating plans and we are operating against all of those plans across the functions to achieve just that.


  • We also have the additional levers of gross margin that you can imagine we always look at.


  • We always look at our spending there, we always look at our structure on that side, work with suppliers, et cetera.


  • And then even to go further up the stack, the value we get out of our software value proposition.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Amit.


  • Next question?


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Sherri Scribner of Deutsche Bank.

    我們的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的雪莉‧斯克里布納 (Sherri Scribner)。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks.


  • I just wanted to get a sense from you, George.


  • On the last call we heard a lot about customers waiting to transition to Clustered ONTAP.

    在上次通話中,我們聽到很多有關客戶等待過渡到叢集模式 ONTAP 的消息。

  • I want to understand what changed this quarter and what makes you confident in the growth for next quarter?


  • I mean, you're guiding to up 9%.

    我的意思是,你的指導價上漲了 9%。

  • What are you seeing that's making you confident about that?


  • Thank you.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • The growth that we see is from both the investments in sales capacity translating to pipeline expansion and is a combination of customer acquisition and usage of Cluster Data ONTAP for new workloads within existing customers.

    我們看到的成長既來自於銷售能力投資轉化為管道擴展,也來自於客戶獲取和使用 Cluster Data ONTAP 來處理現有客戶中的新工作負載。

  • The pace of transitions from 7-mode to Clustered ONTAP within our install base will be benefited from the work that we're doing to make it easier for customers to transition, but will be prioritized against their broader landscape of IT priorities.

    我們的安裝基礎中從 7 模式到叢集模式 ONTAP 的過渡速度將受益於我們為使客戶更容易過渡而所做的工作,但將根據他們更廣泛的 IT 優先事項來優先考慮。

  • So we are by no means counting on just install base transitions to drive growth.


  • We are counting on the pipeline expansion and the capacity investment that we're making to drive that upside.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Sherri.


  • Next question?


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Alex Kurtz of with Sterne CRT.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Sterne CRT 的 Alex Kurtz。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking the question, guys.


  • Nick, just on the product margin in the quarter.


  • It sounded like maybe FX had some impact here, but this is one of the lowest prints you put up in awhile.

    聽起來也許 FX 在這裡產生了一些影響,但這是您一段時間以來發布的最低印刷品之一。

  • Was there mix issues there, were there any component issues?


  • And as you look at the second-half statements you were making on operating leverage, what is your expectation for product margin recovery as we get into Q3 and Q4?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thanks, Alex.


  • Just to be clear, on that product gross margin for Q1 versus Q1 a year ago, yes it was a pretty significant decline in gross margin percentage.


  • Half of that was FX all by itself.


  • So you're seeing that FX really hitting the product side of the fence versus the deferred side of the fence.


  • In addition to that, it's a combination of volume and mix, which you would expect given the rebuild of the pipeline and some discounting.


  • So we talked about discounting last quarter, we talked, again, discounting this quarter.


  • I indicated that I would talk about that to the degree that it changes on a year-over-year basis.


  • So you can imagine with a lower pipeline and a need to rebuild, those are the types of things we have to work through.


  • Over the course of the year in terms of product gross margin, we're going to expect that FX certainly fades in the back half of the year.


  • We shouldn't have, assuming there's not another dramatic change out there, we shouldn't have the type of compares we've had.


  • So we'll be back to the typical, which is looking at the mix of business.


  • We'll be looking at the combination of pricing, discounting, and savings out of the supply chain to really look at the gross margins there.


  • So that's probably the good perspective for you.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Katie Huberty of Morgan Stanley.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks.


  • As it relates to hitting the target model in the back half of the year, can you get there with the current booked maintenance and cost cuts and the gross margin acceleration that you've talked about already, or do you need the product revenue to grow again in the back half to hit that target?


  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Well, Katie.


  • Let me start on that and if George has a perspective, he can weigh in as well.


  • Remember, the first hall of this year was about pipeline rebuild.


  • We were talking about pipeline rebuild from a perspective of rebuilding sales capacity, of channel investments, of CDOT transition programs.


  • And we're seeing the beginning of those things.


  • So in terms of the back half of the year, what we expected to happen and what we're seeing the green shoots on, if you will, are those metrics are coming in and they are starting to build, and we expect to monetize some of that in the second half.


  • Is it a dramatic shift of product revenue from the second quarter, let's say, to the third or the fourth?


  • I wouldn't call it a dramatic shift.


  • Certainly the first quarter was impaired, and we knew that coming into the first quarter.


  • The maintenance streams of the Company we can look at those year over year, quarter over quarter and that's reflective of that install base.


  • The installed base, as we indicated, continues to grow.


  • It's a combination of new, renewal and that -- we see that, sometimes we see that in short term, sometimes we see that in longer term pieces.


  • So is there a dramatic shift from the second quarter to the second half of the year?


  • I wouldn't say it's a dramatic shift.


  • Obviously we expect some uptick in terms of product revenue.


  • We will no longer hopefully have the FX pressure on product revenue, but certainly Q1 was a low point, and Q1 was reflective of what happened to the pipeline.


  • And Q1 is the area where we will be the lowest.

    Q1 是我們最低的區域。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you our next question comes from the line of Brian Alexander, Raymond James.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Just following onto that.


  • The revenue guidance up 5% to 12% sequentially, Nick, it's the most growth you've guided to for a July quarter in many years.

    尼克,營收指引比上一季成長 5% 到 12%,這是多年來您對 7 月季度的最高成長指引。

  • So can you just talk about your confidence level and the key drivers of what appears to be an above seasonal growth outlook?


  • And specifically how should we think about, on a sequential basis, the product revenue versus software and services?


  • Thanks.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • You're talking about a sequential basis from Q1 to Q2, obviously there is going to be an uptick we expect on the product revenue side.


  • That is a granular build-up.


  • We do a pipeline and a granular build-up.


  • We do of our expectations for the quarter.


  • Obviously what comes in off the balance sheet on the software and hardware components, we know very, very well.


  • So there is a sequential increase on the product revenue side of the fence in Q2.


  • It's reflective of some of that pipeline that started to build and the metrics there.


  • It is a pretty significant increase quarter-over-quarter sequentially.


  • So a year from now I'll be reminding you of that, but that is built on our (technical difficulties) projection of the business.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Do you still expect software and service revenues to grow double digits on a year-over-year basis in the October quarter?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • I would not.


  • Okay?


  • They come in off the balance sheet.


  • I would not.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • All right.


  • Thank you, Brian.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Jayson Noland of Robert Baird.

    我們的下一個問題來自羅伯特貝爾德 (Robert Baird) 的傑森諾蘭 (Jayson Noland)。

  • Again, Jayson Noland of Robert Baird, your line is now open.

    羅伯特貝爾德 (Robert Baird) 的傑森諾蘭 (Jayson Noland),您的熱線現已開通。

  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Let's move on to the next caller.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Steve Milunovich of UBS.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Could you talk a bit more about the transition to ONTAP 8 from 7?

    您能否詳細談談從 ONTAP 7 到 ONTAP 8 的過渡?

  • You gave us percentages that you haven't given before.


  • It sounds like there's a pretty significant shift toward 8, but you didn't give us any kind of sequential percentages.

    聽起來好像有一個相當顯著的轉向 8,但你沒有給我們任何類型的連續百分比。

  • So is that really accelerating at this point?


  • And even though it seems to have accelerated, obviously the total number has gone down.


  • And I guess that plays to your comment about just people transactionally holding back right now.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • I think at the highest level when we talked about percentages, we talked about the percentages of FAS shipments.

    我認為在最高層面上,當我們談論百分比時,我們談論的是 FAS 出貨量的百分比。

  • And we said that the 7-mode systems were down to 35% of FAS shipments from 75% a year ago and the Clustered ONTAP 8 versions are up to 65% of FAS shipments from 35% -- from 25% a year ago.

    我們表示,7 模式系統佔FAS 出貨量的比例從一年前的75% 下降至35%,集群ONTAP 8 版本佔FAS 出貨量的比例從一年前的35% 上升至65%(從一年前的25%)。

  • So there's a dramatic growth in Clustered ONTAP systems as a percentage of our total mix as well as just year on year.

    因此,叢集模式 ONTAP 系統在我們總組合中所佔的百分比以及同比都出現了顯著增長。

  • And it represents the value proposition of Clustered ONTAP.

    它代表了叢集模式 ONTAP 的價值主張。

  • Those include shipments being made to new customers, new workloads within existing customers, and as we mentioned, some early benefit from the transition programs around our install base.


  • I would say on the last bucket, meaning the transitions, we're still very early in that program.


  • It's seen some good momentum and confidence building within our customers but hasn't materially translated into results yet.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Louis Miscioscia of CLSA.

    我們的下一個問題來自里昂證券的 Louis Miscioscia。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Maybe go back to Brian's question.


  • It looks like most of the extra week fell into software entitlement and also services.


  • So how much would we expect those to be down on a quarter-to-quarter basis, or do you expect them to be flat, which will help us think about how we should also then model in the product revenue?


  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yes, Lou.


  • I'm not going to get into a granular level of specific there.


  • But really the $40 million of the 14th week was in software and was in the service revenue line.

    但實際上,第 14 週的 4,000 萬美元來自軟體和服務收入。

  • So it was all there.


  • And in fact, you can see it on the deferred revenue side of the fence.


  • So deferred revenue was down pretty substantially in Q1 on a year-over-year basis, and we haven't seen that kind of decline, really in quite some time.


  • If you take $40 million out of that, which is the deferred component, you get back to a number that we're not thrilled about but that's a lot closer to those types of a sequential decline we've seen before.

    如果你從中取出 4000 萬美元(即遞延部分),你會得到一個我們並不感到興奮的數字,但這與我們之前看到的連續下降類型要接近得多。

  • So what we expect to happen is obviously that 14th week doesn't occur again in Q2.

    因此,我們期望發生的情況顯然是第 14 週不會在第二季度再次出現。

  • We go back to a 13th week.

    我們回到第 13 週。

  • We won't talk about 14th week again for six more years from now.

    六年後我們不會再談論第 14 週。

  • So we're going to look at those pieces.


  • It obviously means that the amount of revenue of $40 million was shared between software and hardware, and the share was $18 million and $25 million respectively.


  • That's not going to occur again in Q2.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • All right.


  • Thanks, Lou.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Aaron Rakers of Stifel Nicolaus.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Stifel Nicolaus 的 Aaron Rakers。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Thanks for taking the questions.


  • Just so I'm clear, [I want to go] back to Brian's question and I think a prior question as well.


  • At what point does the decline in deferred catch up with the software entitlement maintenance?


  • And if you do expect that to decline or not grow at the double digit rate, it seems to imply a fairly high teens if not 20% sequential growth in product revenue for the current quarter.

    如果你確實預期這一數字會下降或不會以兩位數的速度成長,那麼這似乎意味著本季產品收入的環比成長率即使不是 20%,也至少是 10%。

  • So I'm just curious of how we should expect the deferred revenue trend.


  • Should we expect that to grow going forward, and what that implies for the product revenue in the current quarter?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Okay.


  • So if I think about deferred being software entitlements and service revenue, on a year-over-year bases in Q2 I would expect those things to go up.


  • They're not going to go up dramatically, they're not going to be reflective of the 14th week because there will be no such thing, okay?

    它們不會大幅上升,也不會反映第 14 週的情況,因為不會有這樣的事情,好嗎?

  • On the product revenue side, and I think the real question is what's going to happen with product revenue, on a sequential basis (multiple speakers) expected a pretty reasonable increase in product revenue.


  • Why is that?


  • That is because at the time we came to the end of Q4, we did not have a pipeline on the product revenue side of the fence and we had to rebuild that pipeline.


  • What we're seeing and what we're doing as we build up the guidance for Q2 is that we're going to see some return on the product revenue side, and that's reflected in the guidance that we pulled out there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • As you know, we don't guide below the overall revenue line for a quarter.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • All right.


  • Thanks, Aaron.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Brent Bracelin of Pacific Crest Securities.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Pacific Crest Securities 的 Brent Bracelin。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • George, wanted to go back to kind of the decision here to kind of pivot to this modern data architectures.


  • The question is, how quickly can you pivot?


  • And will that include divestitures or acquisitions?


  • And the reason why I ask, obviously CDOT has been years in the making.

    我之所以問這個問題,顯然 CDOT 已經醞釀多年了。

  • So help us understand your appetite, how quickly can you pivot here, and will that include divestitures or acquisitions?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • First of all, I think we have a strong portfolio of technologies that are relevant to the modern architectures within our customers.


  • In some cases, it is developing core technology.


  • In other cases it is qualifying our technology for emerging use cases within our customers, what we call solutions development.


  • I think that is all well underway.


  • And we feel good about the portfolio we have.


  • We are also constantly looking at the evolution of our customers' perspective on the IT landscape, their requirements for data management.

    我們也持續關注客戶對 IT 環境的看法以及他們對資料管理的要求的演進。

  • And we'll always be on the look out for M&A tuck-ins where they make sense, have strategic fit, have the right financial criteria associated with them.


  • And we have a disciplined way of scanning the landscape and discussing with our customers their choices ahead of them and for us.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • All right thanks, Brent.


  • Next question?


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Rod Hall of JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的羅德霍爾(Rod Hall)。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Hi, guys.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • I just had one, which is could you give us -- you gave us all the year-over-year trajectory on Clustered ONTAP, but would you be able to give us the proportion of the install base that has adopted it, just to give us some idea where we are, where we're tracking (multiple speakers) compare that to last quarter?

    我剛剛有一個,您可以給我們 - 您給了我們集群模式 ONTAP 的所有逐年軌跡,但是您能否給我們採用它的安裝基礎的比例,只是為了給與上季度相比,我們知道我們在哪裡,我們在追蹤哪裡(多個發言者)?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • We are, as a percentage of our install base, we are about 15% of the total install base.

    我們佔安裝基數的百分比約為總安裝基數的 15%。

  • And remember, the install base is growing.


  • And last quarter we were at 11% of the install base.

    上季我們的安裝基數為 11%。

  • So pretty good sequential growth.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Okay.


  • Thank you George.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Rod.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Maynard Um of Wells Fargo.

    我們的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Maynard Um。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks, Nick, you talked about next quarter being based on a bottoms-up basis.


  • Can you just talk about how much of that is based on fiscal year government spending, or what your expectation is there?


  • And then George, if you could just talk about -- you talked about making sure to understand customer mindsets and if they are changing.


  • Wondering if you are seeing any changes within your customer mindsets, since you did bring that up?


  • Thanks.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Okay.


  • So Maynard, why don't I just get started.


  • So second quarter is when we generally see the government, the US government I should say, tic in.


  • So our bottom-up includes our expectations from the US fed.


  • It includes our view of contracts that are taking shorter, longer or sideways in terms of the time to land them.


  • And as you know, we have a very strong presence there and a very good business condition overall and value proposition for them.


  • So the second quarter will include a US public sector element to it, a federal fiscal year end element to it.


  • We plan on all of those.


  • We look at risks or opportunities to those as we build that bottom-up guidance.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • I think to answer your question in terms of the discussions we have with our customers, I've actually had several meetings with customers from all different parts of the world, and I'm just headed out to Asia Pacific as well.


  • I think the things that encourage me are the breadth of discussions we have and the adoption of multiple products in our portfolio by the enterprise customers that we work with.


  • I think they are expanding the range of things they are doing with us, and we are excited and encourage strong growth in terms of the number of customers, enterprises buying multiple products from us for broad sets of use cases.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Maynard.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Nehal Chokshi of Maxim Group.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Maxim 集團的 Nehal Chokshi。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • What has been the capture rate of new workloads across the market with Clustered ONTAP over the past year?

    去年,叢集模式 ONTAP 在整個市場上捕獲新工作負載的比率是多少?

  • It seems like its been depressed, and I think you've talked about needing to refill that pipeline.


  • Is that a fair way of looking at that?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • I would say that if you were to look at two dimensions of new workloads being captured, I think the first one is new to NetApp customers where Cluster Data ONTAP has given us a footprint that we didn't have before.

    我想說的是,如果您要查看正在捕獲的新工作負載的兩個維度,我認為第一個維度對於 NetApp 客戶來說是新的,其中 Cluster Data ONTAP 為我們提供了以前沒有的足跡。

  • And as we said in our commentary, that has seen strong growth, up triple digits, 225%.

    正如我們在評論中所說,增長強勁,增長了三位數,即 225%。

  • And so that's a measure of the competitiveness of Clustered ONTAP in net new to NetApp environments.

    因此,這是衡量 Clustered ONTAP 在 NetApp 環境中的競爭力的指標。

  • Within existing customers, the preponderant majority of Clustered ONTAP sales have been to new footprints.

    在現有客戶中,叢集模式 ONTAP 銷售的絕大部分來自新客戶。

  • As we mentioned, the percentage of our install base that has migrated from their legacy 7-mode environments to Clustered ONTAP has been small.

    正如我們所提到的,從舊版 7 模式環境遷移到叢集 ONTAP 的安裝基礎的百分比很小。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Jim Suva of Citigroup.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much, and congratulations both George and Nick.


  • First a question for George and an easy clarification for Nick.


  • George, you talked about stay tuned to many things you're looking at for the next quarter.


  • Can you help us understand these many things?


  • Are they more operational focused or are they more capital allocation deployment focused?


  • The reason why I asked is I'm sure you're aware of where your stock price is and your financial strength of your Company.


  • And so one could beg, why not even buy back more stock.


  • But one could also say, maybe you need to spend that more for strategic acquisitions, or maybe some different go-to-market strategy or something like that.


  • So kind of if you can help understand what [selection] you're looking at for stay tuned.


  • And then for Nick, can you just help us understand, you guided for, I think, 303 million in shares.

    然後尼克,您能否幫助我們了解一下,我認為您引導了 3.03 億股股票。

  • Does that include the share count today and what you've bought back so far this month?


  • Or does it also include your estimated stock buyback that you will do after today's call?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Let me answer first.


  • The perspective I'm taking is a broad perspective looking at all aspects of the business, both the operating model of the Company as well as the opportunity to optimize our capital structure to maximize returns to shareholders.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Then my quick clarification on the 303 million.


  • This is what we've done based upon the first 10 days in the quarter.

    這是我們根據本季前 10 天所做的工作。

  • So we have not in the past and don't in the future plan to project out what we'll buy over the quarter.


  • It is really based upon first 10 days, what happens last quarter, and how that falls in.

    它實際上是基於前 10 天、上個季度發生的情況以及具體情況。

  • But then really just the first 10 days of buying.

    但實際上只是購買的前 10 天。

  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Jim.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks so much.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Eric Martinuzzi of Lake Street Capital.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Lake Street Capital 的 Eric Martinuzzi。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, I was hoping you could comment on the international aspects of your business.


  • Just as you've rebuilt the pipeline exit in Q1, pockets of strengthen the international, EMEA, APAC, rest of world, if you could comment on that, I'd appreciate it.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • We've had a strong start to the year in the European theater with all of our parts of Europe doing very well year on year, both -- especially with FX being accounted for.


  • So that's a reflection of both the leadership team in Europe as well as the value proposition for Clustered ONTAP.

    這既反映了歐洲的領導團隊,也反映了群集模式 ONTAP 的價值主張。

  • Some of the key features that our European customers were waiting for were made available to them in 8.3, and that is now translating into results from the capacity investments as well as the product readiness.

    我們的歐洲客戶等待的一些關鍵功能已在 8.3 中提供給他們,現在正在轉化為容量投資和產品準備的結果。

  • Within APAC, we continue to monitor the situation in China.


  • Of course, our China business is a small business and hasn't been affected by the changes in China.


  • But we are evaluating the impact of the Chinese economy for the rest of the Asia Pacific theatre.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Eric.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Andrew Nowinski of Piper Jaffrey.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Piper Jaffrey 的 Andrew Nowinski。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks.


  • You mentioned pretty strong growth out of your (inaudible) pipeline this quarter.


  • Just curious your thoughts regarding the acquisition of Dot Hill last night, and whether you'll now be competing against one of your largest suppliers in Seagate?

    只是想知道您對昨晚收購 Dot Hill 的想法,以及您現在是否會與希捷最大的供應商之一競爭?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • The focus for our E-series business is on the branded customer business and it is about building a pathways to market through our more traditional routes to market, resellers, system integrators and service providers.

    我們的 E 系列業務的重點是品牌客戶業務,它是透過我們更傳統的市場、經銷商、系統整合商和服務提供者的途徑建立一條市場途徑。

  • I think we feel good about the progress we've made.


  • We think we feel good about the relationships that we have with enterprise and service provider customers who look to buy directly from us or through our reseller model.


  • So we feel that the acquisition does not materially affect that business.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Andy.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our last question comes from the line of Srini Nandury of Summit Research.

    我們的最後一個問題來自 Summit Research 的 Srini Nandury。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you for taking my call.


  • Congratulations on a good quarter.


  • I had a question on the Clustered ONTAP option within your install base.

    我對您的安裝基礎中的叢集 ONTAP 選項有疑問。

  • Are they -- when you sell into install base, are they going to the net new workloads or are they going to your existing workloads?


  • Or in other words, are people replacing the old installation of 7-mode and putting the new boxes in?

    或者換句話說,人們是否更換了舊的 7-mode 安裝並安裝了新的盒子?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • When we look at that, so there's sort of two or three sets of use cases within our existing customers.


  • One is competitive displacement, or new workload growth.


  • We are certainly seeing a strong set of trajectory around that.


  • The second is replacing 7-mode for a workload that could have run on 7-mode where they choose to go to a new architecture.

    第二個是替換本來可以在 7 模式上運行的工作負載的 7 模式,他們選擇採用新的架構。

  • That certainly happens as part of our footprint.


  • And then the percentage of those where you have a workload that is running on an old 7-mode system that now gets essentially upgraded and converted to a Clustered ONTAP system.

    然後是在舊 7 模式系統上運行工作負載的百分比,該系統現在已基本升級並轉換為叢集模式 ONTAP 系統。

  • The last one is the small percentage of the total.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Srini.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • I'd like to hand the call back over to NetApp for any further remarks.

    我想將電話轉回 NetApp 以徵求進一步意見。

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Thank you.


  • I'd like to conclude by saying I'm excited about honored to lead NetApp through the industry transition.

    最後我想說,我很榮幸能夠領導 NetApp 完成產業轉型,對此我感到非常興奮。

  • I want to extend my thanks to the entire NetApp team for your hard work and for your support as we create opportunity for NetApp during this transition.

    我要感謝整個 NetApp 團隊的辛勤工作和支持,因為我們在此過渡期間為 NetApp 創造了機會。

  • We are taking action to better address the trends in the storage market and will manage our portfolio of solutions to target the requirements created by those trends.


  • Our strategy resonates with partners, enterprises and service providers.


  • And we are making investments to insure we are engaging in more customer conversations and opportunities.


  • Those investments are yielding results that position us for a successful future, but we have more work ahead of us.


  • We are committed to enhancing shareholder value and plan to return to our target operating model in the second half of this fiscal year.


  • Our focus on cost structure, stock buyback program and dividends are important demonstrations to this commitment and to our confidence in our future.


  • Thank you all for joining us, and I'll talk with you again on our next earnings call with a further update on how we're evolving the business to deliver greater value to customers and shareholders.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in today's conference.


  • This concludes today's program.


  • You may all disconnect.


  • Have a great day, everyone.
