Nike Inc (NKE) 2020 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Welcome to NIKE, Inc.'s Fiscal 2020 Third Quarter Conference call.

    歡迎來到 NIKE, Inc. 的 2020 財年第三季度電話會議。

  • For those who want to reference today's press release, you will find it at

    對於那些想參考今天的新聞稿的人,您可以在 找到它。

  • Leading today's call is Matt Friend, CFO, Nike, Operating Segments, and Vice President, Investor Relations.

    主持今天電話會議的是 Nike 首席財務官、運營部門兼投資者關係副總裁 Matt Friend。

  • Before I turn the call over to Mr. Friend, let me remind you that participants on this call will make forward-looking statements based on current expectations, and those statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially.


  • These risks and uncertainties are detailed in the reports filed with the SEC, including the annual report filed on Form 10-K.

    這些風險和不確定性在向美國證券交易委員會提交的報告中有詳細說明,包括以 10-K 表格提交的年度報告。

  • Some forward-looking statements may concern expectations of future revenue growth or gross margin.


  • In addition, participants may discuss non-GAAP financial measures, including references to constant dollar revenue.

    此外,與會者還可以討論非 GAAP 財務指標,包括對固定美元收入的參考。

  • References to constant dollar revenue are intended to provide context as to the performance of the business eliminating foreign exchange fluctuations.


  • Participants may also make references to other nonpublic financial and statistical information and non-GAAP financial measures.

    參與者還可以參考其他非公開財務和統計信息以及非 GAAP 財務措施。

  • To the extent nonpublic financial and statistical information is discussed, presentations of comparable GAAP measures and quantitative reconciliations will be made available at NIKE's website

    在討論非公開財務和統計信息的範圍內,耐克網站 上將提供可比較的 GAAP 措施和定量調節的介紹。

  • Now I'd like to turn the call over to Matt Friend, CFO, Operating Segments, and Vice President, Investor Relations.

    現在我想把電話轉給運營部門首席財務官兼投資者關係副總裁 Matt Friend。

  • Matthew Friend - CFO of Nike Operating Segments & VP of IR

    Matthew Friend - CFO of Nike Operating Segments & VP of IR

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining us today to discuss NIKE, Inc.'s fiscal 2020 third quarter results.

    大家好,感謝您今天加入我們討論 NIKE, Inc. 2020 財年第三季度業績。

  • As the operator indicated, participants on today's call may discuss non-GAAP financial measures.

    正如接線員所指出的,今天電話會議的參與者可能會討論非 GAAP 財務措施。

  • You will find the appropriate reconciliations in our press release, which was issued about 1 hour ago, or at our website,

    您可以在我們大約 1 小時前發布的新聞稿中或在我們的網站 上找到適當的調節。

  • Joining us on today's call will be NIKE, Inc.

    NIKE, Inc. 將與我們一起參加今天的電話會議。

  • President and CEO, John Donahoe; and our Chief Financial Officer, Andy Campion.

    總裁兼首席執行官 John Donahoe;以及我們的首席財務官 Andy Campion。

  • We are sitting together in a conference room 6 feet apart practicing social distancing.

    我們坐在相距 6 英尺的會議室裡練習社交距離。

  • Following Andy and John's prepared remarks, we will take your questions.

    在 Andy 和 John 準備好的發言之後,我們將回答您的問題。

  • We would like to allow as many of you to ask questions as possible in our allotted time.


  • (Operator Instructions) Thanks for your cooperation on this.


  • I will now turn the call over to Nike, Inc.


  • President and CEO, John Donahoe.


  • John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

    John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Matt, and hello to everyone on the call.


  • Over the last quarter, Nike delivered 7% currency-neutral revenue growth despite the material impact from COVID-19 in China.

    儘管在中國受到 COVID-19 的重大影響,但在上個季度,耐克實現了 7% 的貨幣中性收入增長。

  • This performance reflects the strong business momentum we had in Q3 across all of our geographies and categories.


  • But let's take a step back.


  • We're living in an unprecedented moment.


  • And like never before, each day requires a close inspection of a very dynamic external environment and a clear determination of how we will respond.


  • So let me tell you what we've seen over the past 2 months.


  • When COVID-19 began to aggressively spread across China in late January, our top priority was to protect the health and safety of our teammates and our consumers.

    當 COVID-19 在 1 月下旬開始在中國廣泛傳播時,我們的首要任務是保護我們的團隊成員和消費者的健康和安全。

  • We immediately began closing stores.


  • And as of 45 days ago, we had closed more than 5,000 stores in Greater China while the remaining open doors were operating with severely reduced hours.

    截至 45 天前,我們已經關閉了大中華區 5,000 多家門店,而其餘未關門的門店則大幅縮短營業時間。

  • Not surprisingly, retail volume in China plummeted, but we acted quickly and decisively, leveraging our diverse sourcing base and digital capabilities to manage the business with flexibility and shifting our inventory to serve consumer digital demand.


  • At a time when people were confined to their homes, we moved swiftly to leverage our digital app ecosystem and Nike Expert Trainer network to inspire and support consumers across China to stay active and connected while at home.

    在人們被限制在家中的時候,我們迅速採取行動,利用我們的數字應用程序生態系統和 Nike Expert Trainer 網絡來激勵和支持中國各地的消費者在家中保持活躍和聯繫。

  • As a result, our Nike Training Club workouts in China saw an extraordinary rise in sign up and engagement.

    因此,我們在中國的 Nike Training Club 訓練活動的註冊人數和參與度都出現了驚人的增長。

  • In fact, our weekly active users for all of our NIKE activity apps were up 80% by the end of Q3 versus the beginning of the quarter.

    事實上,與本季度初相比,到第三季度末,我們所有 NIKE 活動應用程序的每週活躍用戶增加了 80%。

  • And here's what happened.


  • The strong engagement of Chinese consumers with our activity apps translated into strong engagement with our NIKE commerce app.


  • As a result, our digital business in China grew more than 30% and maintained strong momentum throughout this challenging period, a powerful statement of NIKE's agile problem-solving in times of disruption.

    因此,我們在中國的數字業務增長超過 30%,並在這個充滿挑戰的時期保持強勁勢頭,這是耐克在混亂時期靈活解決問題的有力證明。

  • Then approximately 30 days ago, we began to gradually reopen stores in China.


  • People got back to work, and retail traffic began improving significantly.


  • Today, nearly 80% of our stores in China have reopened, with more coming back online every day.

    如今,我們在中國近 80% 的門店已經重新開業,而且每天都有更多門店重新上線。

  • In fact, just last week, we reopened our first store in the Wuhan area.


  • And the results are encouraging.


  • Our digital business in China has accelerated even further over the past month, and we are now seeing double-digit increases in retail traffic week-over-week with some stores having already returned to prior year levels.


  • Credit for this response goes to Angela Dong, who leads our Greater China geography and her talented team of more than 1,600.

    這一回應歸功於領導我們大中華區及其 1,600 多名才華橫溢的團隊的 Angela Dong。

  • I spoke with Angela 2 nights ago, and she has been telling me about the positive sentiment consumers in China are feeling for NIKE, and I can't overstate how impressed I am.


  • It's become quite clear to me that when NIKE says we are a brand of China for China, it's really true.


  • And it's no surprise to see the business already rebounding given the depth of our connection and the incredible strength of our local leadership team.


  • So today, I can say that we're seeing the other side of the crisis in China.


  • And due to the resilience and creativity of our team in China, we now have a playbook that we can use elsewhere.


  • In addition to Greater China, we've applied that playbook in Japan and South Korea over the past 2 months, and we're seeing early momentum in those markets as well.


  • And with COVID-19 now spreading across Europe and the U.S., we are applying the same playbook.

    隨著 COVID-19 現在在歐洲和美國蔓延,我們正在應用相同的策略。

  • We have prioritized the health and safety of our teammates, and we have closed our stores.


  • Over the weekend, we drove a strong digital marketing campaign to engage consumers across Europe and across the U.S. to stay healthy and connected while they're at home.


  • And our digital commerce remains open and in growth mode, supported by our teammates in our distribution centers.


  • We also know that this is a moment in society where the private sector has a major role to play.


  • Companies like NIKE need to do our part.

    像 NIKE 這樣的公司需要盡我們的一份力量。

  • So our teams in innovation and manufacturing are exploring designs for personal protective equipment, or PPE, to support doctors, nurses and others on the frontline of this outbreak.

    因此,我們的創新和製造團隊正在探索個人防護裝備 (PPE) 的設計,以支持醫生、護士和其他處於此次疫情爆發前線的人員。

  • Based on needs identified by the teams and health professionals at Oregon Health and Science University, our teammates are working right now about how to best help, including prototyping face shields of OHSU and others.

    根據俄勒岡健康與科學大學的團隊和衛生專業人員確定的需求,我們的隊友現在正在研究如何提供最好的幫助,包括製作 OHSU 和其他機構的面罩原型。

  • It's been so energizing to see the quick strike efforts of the cross-functional team to try to help with this critical need.


  • That said, we expect the next several weeks to be a challenging period for those living in the U.S. and Europe.


  • And I can't precisely predict how long the containment phase of the outbreak will last.


  • But our experience in China, Japan and South Korea gives us confidence that we will see the other side of this crisis in the near future.


  • And I can assure you this, as the situation continues to evolve, we will be ready, and we will respond.


  • We'll be guided by our values, and we will execute with empathy and with decisiveness.


  • For instance, we'll continue to maintain pay continuity even while our facilities are closed or have altered schedules.


  • We know that our people are vital to fueling our deep connections with consumers, whether they work in our stores or our distribution centers.


  • And what's more, it's simply the right thing to do.


  • So while this is an uncertain and challenging time, NIKE has the foundation in place to emerge from it stronger than ever.

    因此,儘管這是一個不確定且充滿挑戰的時期,但 NIKE 擁有比以往任何時候都更強大的基礎。

  • Thanks to our competitive advantages, the power of our brand in connection with consumers, our digital capabilities, our compelling product innovation and most importantly our extraordinary team, we will manage our business back to full recovery.


  • We know in times like these that strong brands get even stronger.


  • And I truly believe that no one is better equipped than NIKE to navigate the current climate.

    我堅信,沒有人比 NIKE 更有能力駕馭當前的氣候。

  • So with that said, let's go a bit deeper.


  • I spent the last 90 days digging into this extraordinary company.

    在過去的 90 天裡,我深入了解了這家非凡的公司。

  • I thought I knew NIKE after 5 years on the board, but believe me, when you get to dive even deeper, this place is even more impressive than I imagined.

    我以為我在董事會工作 5 年後就了解 NIKE,但相信我,當你深入了解時,這個地方比我想像的更令人印象深刻。

  • Let me walk you through what I've learned through the lens of the 4 strengths I just mentioned: our strong brand, our digital advantage, our product innovation and our extraordinary team.

    讓我通過我剛才提到的 4 大優勢向您介紹我所學到的知識:我們強大的品牌、我們的數字優勢、我們的產品創新和我們非凡的團隊。

  • These are the strengths that will continue to set us apart, and these are the strengths that will allow us to shape the future marketplace going forward.


  • Since I started as CEO in January, I have visited with our teams in several of our key cities, experiencing firsthand our deep connections with local consumers around the world as well as our innovative retail concepts.


  • I've also had the opportunity to meet with many of our most important strategic partners.


  • During my first week as CEO in early January, I spent time in China and Japan before the virus took hold.

    在 1 月初擔任 CEO 的第一周,我在病毒肆虐之前在中國和日本呆了一段時間。

  • I got to see firsthand just how deeply the NIKE, Jordan and Converse brands are connecting with consumers, both in compelling retail executions and in the many ways that NIKE partners with regional, local governments to grow physical activity and sports.

    我親眼目睹了 NIKE、Jordan 和 Converse 品牌與消費者的聯繫有多深,無論是在引人注目的零售執行方面,還是在 NIKE 與地區、地方政府合作以促進體育活動和體育運動的許多方面。

  • Our brand is driving these powerful connections to consumers worldwide.


  • In fact, we were the #1 favorite brand in all 12 of our key cities in Q3, and we continue to gain market share in key cities, such as Berlin, Mexico City and Tokyo.

    事實上,我們在第三季度的所有 12 個主要城市中都是最受歡迎的品牌第一名,並且我們繼續在柏林、墨西哥城和東京等主要城市獲得市場份額。

  • And during a time of physical store closures around the world, we know that our digital foundation will help us emerge out of this situation in an even stronger position.


  • For instance, in Q3, digital delivered 36% currency-neutral growth, and it will continue to be a powerful driver of our deep consumer connections.

    例如,在第三季度,數字業務實現了 36% 的貨幣中性增長,它將繼續成為我們深入消費者聯繫的強大推動力。

  • As I mentioned early, we are executing our learnings from China about fueling sport and fitness all over the world.


  • We're using our digital advantage to connect with and support our consumers as behaviors around staying healthy at home continue to evolve.


  • Over the weekend, we made the NTC premium free for everyone in the U.S. for 90 days.

    上週末,我們為美國所有人免費提供 NTC 保費 90 天。

  • NTC premium offers the best on-demand workouts and expert tips from our master trainers and others as well as inspiration and support for healthy living.

    NTC premium 提供最佳的按需鍛煉和來自我們的主教練和其他人的專家提示,以及對健康生活的啟發和支持。

  • Digital remains our fastest-growing channel, with owned and partnered digital already representing more than 20% of our overall business.

    數字仍然是我們增長最快的渠道,擁有和合作的數字已經占我們整體業務的 20% 以上。

  • And our apps continue to be the sharp point of our growth.


  • With the Nike App growing revenue close to triple digits once again in Q3, fueling member acquisition and strong monthly engagement.

    隨著 Nike App 的收入在第三季度再次增長接近三位數,推動了會員獲取和強勁的每月參與度。

  • And while we've driven impressive results, acquiring new members, engaging them and fueling increased digital demand, we know that the opportunity here is still far greater than what we've realized to date and will become an even greater advantage for NIKE as we move forward.


  • And even while our stores remain closed in Europe and the U.S., we continue to work on defining the future of seamless physical and digital retail.


  • To expand the advantage we have in digital, we continue to invest in our NIKE Direct businesses, enhancing rich experiences like those in the Nike App at Retail.

    為了擴大我們在數字領域的優勢,我們繼續投資於我們的 NIKE Direct 業務,增強豐富的體驗,例如零售的 Nike App。

  • And we are increasingly concentrating on our online to off-line journey and accelerating our work to fully connect the marketplace while creating frictionless experiences for consumers throughout the world.


  • Another clear competitive advantage is our product innovation.


  • Our product and innovation have always set NIKE apart from others, and I firmly believe this will become even more important of a differentiator as we look ahead.

    我們的產品和創新一直讓 NIKE 脫穎而出,我堅信,展望未來,這將成為更加重要的差異化因素。

  • Over the past couple of months, I've spent a lot of time with our innovation, design, product and merchandising teams.


  • I've done several deep dives in these areas, and I am truly blown away.


  • As a Board member, you get to see a lot, but you can never fully understand how impressive NIKE's product innovation capability is until you spend time with our teams.

    作為董事會成員,您可以看到很多東西,但只有與我們的團隊共度時光,您才能完全了解 NIKE 的產品創新能力有多麼令人印象深刻。

  • For instance, today, we have more than 1,000 designers working at NIKE, with broad and deep talent across footwear and apparel.

    例如,今天,我們有 1,000 多名設計師在 NIKE 工作,他們在鞋類和服裝領域擁有廣泛而深入的人才。

  • And you can just feel how their creativity and vision for product inspires everyone here and inspires consumers around the world.


  • I got to see some of this innovative product on display at the Nike 2020 Forum last month in New York, which served as a great illustration of the power of our 2X Innovation offense.

    上個月在紐約舉行的 Nike 2020 論壇上,我看到了一些展示的創新產品,這很好地說明了我們 2X 創新進攻的力量。

  • There, we announced a powerful array of breakthrough products, such as our Next% footwear line which offers measurable benefits to consumers.

    在那裡,我們宣布了一系列強大的突破性產品,例如我們的 Next% 鞋類系列,它為消費者帶來了可衡量的好處。

  • We also launched a new aesthetic for sustainability where we're delivering new scalable platforms like no one else.


  • And by bringing together athletes and creative partners as only NIKE can, the forum was an optimistic statement about the future of sport culture.

    通過像 NIKE 一樣將運動員和創意合作夥伴聚集在一起,該論壇是對體育文化未來的樂觀聲明。

  • And our advantage goes beyond our incredible product pipeline.


  • It has become even more clear to me why NIKE leads the industry.

    我更加清楚為什麼 NIKE 引領行業。

  • Our innovation, product and design teams have an unrelenting commitment to discovering what's next.


  • This culture of innovation is pervasive across our organization and deeply embedded within NIKE teams around the world.

    這種創新文化在我們的組織中無處不在,並深深植根於世界各地的 NIKE 團隊中。

  • From those who engage consumers at retail, to those creating the next wave of digital experiences that connect with consumers daily.


  • Fueled by data and analytics capabilities, we are equipped with deep consumer insight that we combine with our design expertise and athlete research.


  • This process directly translates into breakthrough product season after season, allowing us to drive more separation in the marketplace.


  • There's one last thing I'd like to mention.


  • As you know, the organized sports world remains on hold and yet the global culture of health and wellness continues unabated.


  • In fact, in many ways, people are looking to health and wellness now more than ever.


  • Whether it's to stay in shape at home or with a focus on mental health in stressful times, people all over the globe are finding ways to make sport a daily habit wherever, whenever and however they can.


  • And as you may have seen, this past weekend, we encouraged consumers worldwide to work out at home with a simple message: Play inside, play for the world.


  • We're seeing new behaviors normalize in countries all over the globe, and we're shifting our entire consumer ecosystem to deliver access to sports that speaks to consumers' changing lives.


  • Across key markets, we're working to create shared experiences and opportunity for virtual participation, connecting people to something bigger and showing how sport can inspire.


  • And though there's no predicting when organized sports will restart when our athletes, teams and leagues can return to competition, I do have one guarantee.


  • When the gates reopen, when the first whistle sounds, the energy is going to be off the charts.


  • The world's passion for sports remains undiminished.


  • And when it all returns, NIKE will be right there with sports fans everywhere.

    當一切回歸時,NIKE 將與各地的體育迷同在。

  • In summary, I'm incredibly proud of our team and the results they delivered in Q3.


  • And amidst unprecedented conditions across the globe, we are staying focused on not simply managing through this situation but taking the actions that will allow us to emerge from it even stronger than before.


  • We know it won't be easy, but NIKE is better prepared than anyone else to regain that momentum, extend our brand leadership and reshape the future marketplace.

    我們知道這並不容易,但 NIKE 比其他任何人都做好了更充分的準備,以重新獲得這種勢頭,擴大我們的品牌領導地位並重塑未來的市場。

  • NIKE has a long history of rising to the occasion in extraordinary times to deliver strong results and effect extraordinary change in the world of sport and beyond.

    NIKE 有著悠久的歷史,在非凡的時代挺身而出,在體育界及其他領域取得出色的成績並實現非凡的變革。

  • And that's what we're going to do once again.


  • With that, I'll now turn the call over to Andy.


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

  • Thanks, John, and hello to everyone on the call.


  • Before I speak to our business, our priority right now is, first and foremost, our people.


  • Ensuring the health, safety and well-being of our teammates around the world is the foundation for all of the business decisions we're making.


  • We have a maxim at NIKE, we win as a team.

    我們在 NIKE 有一句格言,我們作為一個團隊獲勝。

  • And I can tell you that the resilience, strength, empathy and creativity of our teammates has never been on greater display.


  • Our team has always been NIKE's greatest advantage.


  • On that note, I want to congratulate one of my teammates, Matt Friend, on his new role going forward.

    在這一點上,我想祝賀我的一位隊友 Matt Friend 擔任新角色。

  • Matt and I have worked closely together since he joined NIKE 11 years ago.

    自 11 年前加入耐克以來,馬特和我一直密切合作。

  • He's been a great thought partner to me over that time, and we're working seamlessly together through this transition.


  • As I move into my new role with NIKE, I could not be more confident in NIKE's financial management with Matt as our CFO.

    當我進入 NIKE 的新職位時,我對 Matt 擔任首席財務官的 NIKE 財務管理充滿信心。

  • So as we close Q3 and look ahead, we see 3 key themes.

    因此,當我們關閉第三季度並展望未來時,我們看到了 3 個關鍵主題。

  • First, as we enter these challenging circumstances, NIKE's brand leadership and business momentum have been stronger than ever and unrivaled around the world.

    首先,隨著我們進入這些充滿挑戰的環境,NIKE 的品牌領導地位和業務勢頭比以往任何時候都更加強大,在全球範圍內無可匹敵。

  • In Q3, we delivered 7% currency-neutral revenue growth overall, led by 13% growth in both EMEA and APLA.

    在第三季度,我們實現了 7% 的整體貨幣中性收入增長,其中 EMEA 和 APLA 均增長了 13%。

  • NIKE Greater China was also on pace to deliver another quarter of strong double-digit revenue growth prior to the impact of COVID-19.

    在 COVID-19 的影響之前,耐克大中華區也有望實現又一個季度強勁的兩位數收入增長。

  • And in North America, our strong mid-single-digit reported rate of revenue growth would have been roughly 3 points higher if not for noncomparable items, including the sale of Hurley and our shift to a licensed business model with Fanatics relative to the NFL.

    在北美,如果不是不可比較的項目,包括 Hurley 的出售以及我們轉向 Fanatics 相對於 NFL 的許可商業模式,我們強勁的中個位數報告收入增長率將高出大約 3 個百分點。

  • While those transactions had a negative impact on our year-over-year revenue growth comparisons, they also result in higher profitability for NIKE.


  • Across all of our geographies and Converse, digital remained our fastest-growing channel, growing 36% on a currency-neutral basis.

    在我們所有的地區和匡威,數字仍然是我們增長最快的渠道,在貨幣中性的基礎上增長了 36%。

  • In fact, each of our geographies and Converse exceeded 30% digital revenue growth in the quarter.

    事實上,我們每個地區和 Converse 在本季度的數字收入增長都超過了 30%。

  • Our growth was also broad-based across categories as well as across women's and men's, all fueled by innovation platforms and power franchises such as the Air Max 270, the Air Force 1 and the Air Jordan 1. Our launch of the Air Jordan 11 "Bred" was the largest in our history with the product selling out in 28 minutes powered by the SNKRS App.

    我們的增長也廣泛涉及各個品類以及男女鞋款,這一切都得益於創新平台和強大的特許經營權,例如 Air Max 270、Air Force 1 和 Air Jordan 1。我們推出的 Air Jordan 11“ Bred”是我們歷史上最大的產品,在 SNKRS 應用程序的支持下,該產品在 28 分鐘內售罄。

  • In fact, the Jordan Brand grew double digits globally in the quarter.

    事實上,Jordan Brand 在本季度在全球範圍內實現了兩位數的增長。

  • The LeBron 17, Giannis Zoom Freak and the City Edition NBA jerseys fueled basketball's strong growth.

    LeBron 17、Giannis Zoom Freak 和城市版 NBA 球衣推動了籃球運動的強勁增長。

  • And in running, we unveiled our most advanced performance running shoe ever, the Alphafly Next%.

    在跑步方面,我們推出了有史以來最先進的高性能跑鞋 Alphafly Next%。

  • We also launched the new Infinity React, designed to help runners run longer, and we've seen very strong sell-through, particularly with women.

    我們還推出了新的 Infinity React,旨在幫助跑步者跑得更遠,我們看到了非常強勁的銷售,尤其是女性。

  • Apparel also fueled growth in the quarter, growing faster than footwear, with double-digit apparel growth in our sportswear, training, basketball, women's and kids' categories.


  • Setting aside the noncash nonrecurring charges related to our business model changes in South America, NIKE, Inc.'s earnings exceeded the earnings that were implied in the financial guidance we provided 90 days ago.

    拋開與我們在南美的商業模式變化相關的非現金非經常性費用,NIKE, Inc. 的收益超過了我們 90 天前提供的財務指南中隱含的收益。

  • We were able to deliver that strong bottom line performance, even including the impact of COVID-19 on Greater China.

    我們能夠實現強勁的底線業績,甚至包括 COVID-19 對大中華區的影響。

  • The second key theme as we look ahead, relates to how we're addressing the evolving implications of COVID-19.

    我們展望未來的第二個關鍵主題與我們如何應對 COVID-19 不斷演變的影響有關。

  • As John said, we are executing on an operational playbook focused on positioning NIKE for an expedited return to profitable, capital-efficient growth.

    正如 John 所說,我們正在執行一份運營手冊,重點是將 NIKE 定位為快速恢復盈利、資本效率增長。

  • We see each of our markets progressing through a time series that begins with the country addressing the COVID-19 outbreak, followed by 3 phases from a business perspective: one, a recovery period, including, for example, the ramp-up of store reopenings; two, a period of normalization across consumer demand and supply; and three, a period in which we return to strong growth.

    我們看到我們的每個市場都經歷了一個時間序列,從國家應對 COVID-19 爆發開始,然後從業務角度分為 3 個階段:第一,恢復期,包括,例如,商店重新開業的加速;第二,消費者需求和供應的正常化時期;第三,我們恢復強勁增長的時期。

  • Why are we so confident in our approach?


  • Well, as John said, our team in Greater China has given us a playbook for the rest of the world.


  • Based upon the most recent trends we see today, NIKE Greater China has already progressed through the recovery phase and is now transitioning into the normalization phase.

    根據我們今天看到的最新趨勢,NIKE 大中華區已經走出複蘇階段,正在過渡到正常化階段。

  • Specifically, we are seeing accelerating strong double-digit, approaching triple-digit growth in our NIKE Digital business.

    具體來說,我們看到我們的 NIKE 數字業務正在加速強勁的兩位數增長,接近三位數增長。

  • At the same time, roughly 80% of our 7,000 brick-and-mortar NIKE-owned and partner stores are now open.

    與此同時,在我們 7,000 家 NIKE 自有門店和合作夥伴門店中,大約 80% 現已開業。

  • Based on the latest trends in our business, NIKE Greater China Q4 revenue will likely be roughly flat versus Q4 of fiscal year '19.

    根據我們業務的最新趨勢,耐克大中華區第四季度的收入可能與 19 財年第四季度大致持平。

  • We're also executing on this playbook in Japan and Korea.


  • Both markets are entering the normalization phase, fueled by strong digital growth and significant week-over-week increases in retail traffic and demand for NIKE.

    在強勁的數字增長以及零售流量和對 NIKE 的需求逐周顯著增長的推動下,這兩個市場都進入了正常化階段。

  • Based on what we're experiencing in China, Korea and Japan, we are optimistic.


  • At the same time, this has become a global pandemic.


  • Each country is addressing COVID-19 differently.

    每個國家都以不同的方式應對 COVID-19。

  • And accordingly, our markets will progress through the 3 phases from a business perspective on different time lines.


  • That adds some complexity from a global point of view.


  • So we're also executing against a top-down enterprise-wide operational plan.


  • Our top-down plan includes: one, tight cost management; and two, daily global demand and supply optimization.


  • Accordingly, our Q4 SG&A will be lower than prior year Q4 spending.

    因此,我們第四季度的 SG&A 支出將低於去年第四季度。

  • We're also taking decisive action with respect to supply on a global basis, while shifting our distribution focus to digital in the face of temporary retail store closures.


  • As a result, Q4 fiscal year '20 and fiscal year '21 year-over-year revenue, margin and inventory growth rates will neither be intuitive nor linear.

    因此,20 財年第四季度和 21 財年的同比收入、利潤率和庫存增長率既不是直觀的也不是線性的。

  • Our measures of success in the near term will be rooted in the amount of inventory on-hand relative to the pace of digital demand, store reopenings and traffic patterns.


  • Now going into this, we were fortunately experiencing a very strong pull market for NIKE globally, with some of the highest rates of full-price sell-through we have ever experienced.

    現在談到這一點,幸運的是,我們在全球範圍內經歷了一個非常強大的 NIKE 拉動市場,一些全價銷售率是我們經歷過的最高水平。

  • So we're now aggressively managing all of our operating levers to ensure that we expedite NIKE's return to that strong full market.

    因此,我們現在正在積極管理我們所有的運營槓桿,以確保我們加快 NIKE 重返強大的全面市場。

  • Realigning supply and demand is our focus operationally.


  • We're also executing this plan leveraging 2 of NIKE's long-standing and greatest competitive advantages.

    我們還利用 NIKE 的 2 個長期和最大的競爭優勢來執行該計劃。

  • First, Nike's financial strength.


  • Liquidity will not be an issue for NIKE.


  • In order to ensure resilience during challenging times, we have long maintained a strong balance sheet, a strong investment-grade credit rating and ample access to capital, all coupled with strong operating cash flow generation.


  • NIKE's liquidity and access to capital affords us the ability to be principled, for example, with respect to pay continuity, and decisive relative to real-time supply and demand management.

    NIKE 的流動性和獲得資本的途徑使我們能夠堅持原則,例如,在支付連續性方面,以及與實時供需管理相關的決定性方面。

  • Second, we have forged the strongest partnerships across the value chain in this industry.


  • That includes, among others, our marketplace partners like Topsports, Pou Sheng and Tmall in China as well as Foot Locker, DICK'S, JD and Zalando across the U.S. and Europe.

    其中包括我們的市場合作夥伴,例如中國的 Topsports、寶勝和天貓,以及美國和歐洲的 Foot Locker、DICK'S、JD 和 Zalando。

  • Of course, we also have long-standing partnerships that span decades with manufacturers such as Feng Tay, Shenzhou, Chang Shin and many others.

    當然,我們也與 Feng Tay、Shenzhou、Chang Shin 等製造商建立了長達數十年的長期合作夥伴關係。

  • We're working closely with all of these strategic partners on a daily basis.


  • Our partners recognize that the stronger NIKE is going forward, the stronger they are.

    我們的合作夥伴認識到,NIKE 的發展越強大,他們就越強大。

  • Of course, NIKE is not operating in isolation.

    當然,NIKE 並不是孤立運作的。

  • External factors will continue to be dynamic, and we will continue to adjust our execution accordingly.


  • The third key theme as we look forward.


  • While the setbacks from a business perspective will be significant for all, NIKE will come back even stronger as a brand and as a company.


  • Consumer behavior is changing real time.


  • We're all witnessing new normals emerge in terms of both how consumers shop and stay active.


  • Sport is being redefined as much broader than competition as the world finds new and creative ways to stay healthy and fit.


  • And NIKE's digital ecosystem is keeping us connected real time.

    NIKE 的數字生態系統讓我們保持實時聯繫。

  • From a marketplace perspective, NIKE Digital growth is accelerating amidst these dynamics.

    從市場的角度來看,NIKE Digital 的增長在這些動態中正在加速。

  • From a digital capability perspective, the investments we've made to date are now proving to be the foundation for our resilience amidst challenge, and they will be strength as we emerge.


  • For example, we're leveraging select team and tools to dynamically model demand, pricing, planning and allocation; we're leveraging our NIKE membership platform and NIKE mobile app ecosystem to inspire and enable people to be active at home, while also providing targeted product offers and services to consumers.

    例如,我們正在利用精選團隊和工具對需求、定價、規劃和分配進行動態建模;我們正在利用我們的 NIKE 會員平台和 NIKE 移動應用程序生態系統來激發和幫助人們在家中保持活躍,同時還為消費者提供有針對性的產品和服務。

  • And the foundation we've built in enterprise data and analytics is fueling our more agile end-to-end execution.


  • As we've said, we're still in the early innings of NIKE's digital transformation.

    正如我們所說,我們仍處於 NIKE 數字化轉型的早期階段。

  • But the capabilities we've already been building for the future are proving to be the strongest pillars within our business today.


  • As John said, simply put, these are times in which strong brands get stronger, and we're confident that NIKE will come back stronger than ever.

    正如 John 所說,簡單地說,現在是強勢品牌變得更強大的時代,我們相信 NIKE 會比以往任何時候都更強大。

  • Now let's turn to the details of our third quarter financial results and operating segment performance.


  • NIKE, Inc.


  • Q3 revenue grew 5%, up 7% on a currency-neutral basis, reflecting strong balanced growth across EMEA, APLA, North America and Greater China prior to the impact of COVID-19, all fueled by Nike digital growing 36% versus prior year.

    第三季度收入增長 5%,在貨幣中性基礎上增長 7%,反映出在 COVID-19 影響之前歐洲、中東和非洲、亞太地區、北美和大中華區的強勁均衡增長,這一切都得益於耐克數字業務較上年增長 36% .

  • Gross margin declined by 80 basis points in Q3 as higher average selling prices and better off-price margin were offset by the impact of COVID-19 primarily in Greater China as we managed inventory sell-through in that market.

    第三季度的毛利率下降了 80 個基點,因為更高的平均售價和更好的折價利潤率被主要在大中華區的 COVID-19 的影響所抵消,因為我們管理了該市場的庫存銷售。

  • Gross margin was also negatively impacted by FX headwinds and incremental tariffs in North America.


  • SG&A grew 6% in Q3.

    SG&A 在第三季度增長了 6%。

  • We continue to invest in our digital transformation, while also beginning to more tightly manage operating overhead and shift demand creation.


  • Our effective tax rate for the quarter was 3.9% compared to 14.7% for the same period last year due to a shift in the proportion of earnings taxed in the U.S. and increased benefits from discrete items.

    我們本季度的有效稅率為 3.9%,而去年同期為 14.7%,這是由於在美國征稅的收入比例發生了變化以及離散項目的收益增加。

  • Third quarter diluted EPS was $0.53, including the $0.25 noncash nonrecurring FX-related charge associated with the transition of Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay to strategic distributor models.

    第三季度攤薄後每股收益為 0.53 美元,其中包括與巴西、阿根廷、智利和烏拉圭向戰略分銷商模式轉型相關的 0.25 美元非現金非經常性外匯相關費用。

  • As of February 29, inventories were up 7% compared to the prior period reflecting healthy full-price versus off-price mix prior to the impacts of COVID-19.

    截至 2 月 29 日,庫存比上一時期增加了 7%,這反映出在 COVID-19 影響之前健康的全價與低價組合。

  • With that, let's turn to our reported operating segments.


  • In North America, Q3 revenue grew 4% on a reported and currency-neutral basis, which again would have been approximately 3 points higher adjusting for the sale of Hurley and our partnership with Fanatics regarding the NFL business.

    在北美,第三季度收入在報告和貨幣中性的基礎上增長了 4%,在調整 Hurley 的銷售以及我們與 Fanatics 在 NFL 業務方面的合作後,這將再次高出約 3 個百分點。

  • In Q3, NIKE Digital grew over 30% and the Nike App grew over 60% in North America.

    第三季度,NIKE Digital 增長超過 30%,Nike App 在北美增長超過 60%。

  • New York City and L.A. each grew double digits, fueled by differentiated NIKE consumer experiences.

    在差異化的 NIKE 消費者體驗的推動下,紐約市和洛杉磯均實現了兩位數的增長。

  • As an example, in L.A., we launched our newest Nike Live concept store in Glendale, which blew passed our expectations, and significantly over-indexed in terms of the women's business.

    例如,在洛杉磯,我們在格倫代爾推出了我們最新的 Nike Live 概念店,這超出了我們的預期,並且在女性業務方面的指數明顯高估。

  • Now as of today, we've closed our own stores in North America.


  • Going forward, we will reopen stores on a location-by-location basis as we closely monitor developments.


  • At the same time, NIKE Digital demand has been extraordinary, with NIKE Digital commerce sales over just the past few days approaching holiday peak levels, growing triple digits over just the past week.

    與此同時,NIKE Digital 的需求異常旺盛,NIKE Digital 的商務銷售額在過去幾天接近假日高峰期,僅在過去一周就增長了三位數。

  • We've maintained operations in our distribution centers, implementing social distancing and reduced staffing, while focusing on the shipment of digital orders.


  • Now let's turn to EMEA, where we continue to build on our extraordinary brand momentum.


  • In Q3, revenue in EMEA grew 13% on a currency-neutral basis with double-digit growth in most key categories.

    在第三季度,歐洲、中東和非洲地區的收入在貨幣中性基礎上增長了 13%,大多數關鍵類別的收入都實現了兩位數增長。

  • Women's growth strongly outpaced men's, apparel accelerated faster than footwear, and digital was up over 40%.

    女性的增長速度遠遠超過男性,服裝的增長速度快於鞋類,數字產品增長超過 40%。

  • The NIKE Brand has never been stronger in EMEA.

    耐克品牌在 EMEA 從未如此強大。

  • In every key city in EMEA, consumers rated NIKE their #1 favorite and cool brand.

    在 EMEA 的每個主要城市,消費者都將 NIKE 評為他們最喜愛和酷炫的品牌第一名。

  • We also gained significant market share in Q3 across both footwear and apparel, driving further brand separation.


  • Greater speed and agility also fueled our growth and share gains in EMEA in Q3, with over 30% of EMEA revenue and nearly 80% of EMEA incremental growth flowing through our Express Lane.

    更快的速度和敏捷性也推動了我們在第三季度在歐洲、中東和非洲地區的增長和份額增長,超過 30% 的歐洲、中東和非洲收入和近 80% 的歐洲、中東和非洲增量增長都來自我們的快速通道。

  • In order to help limit the spread of COVID-19, we have also closed our own stores in Western Europe and select Eastern European markets.

    為了幫助限制 COVID-19 的傳播,我們還關閉了我們在西歐和部分東歐市場的門店。

  • And similar to the U.S., we will reopen on a location-by-location basis based on developments.


  • NIKE Digital continues to grow versus prior year, and we're maintaining operations in our distribution centers, again, shifting their focus towards digital distribution.

    NIKE Digital 與上一年相比繼續增長,我們再次維持配送中心的運營,將他們的重點轉向數字分銷。

  • In our APLA geography, revenue grew 13% on a currency-neutral basis.

    在我們的 APLA 地區,收入在貨幣中性基礎上增長了 13%。

  • Growth was fueled by our key cities and was balanced across key categories, nearly all of which were up double digits.


  • The Jordan Brand, in particular, was incredibly strong in APLA, growing nearly 50% in the quarter, with new innovation like the Jordan Max 200, along with fresh new approaches to Jordan icons all resonating with consumers.

    尤其是 Jordan Brand 在 APLA 中的表現令人難以置信,本季度增長了近 50%,其創新產品如 Jordan Max 200 以及 Jordan 標誌的全新設計都引起了消費者的共鳴。

  • In performance running, our accelerating momentum continued especially in Japan, where we dominated the Hakone Ekiden competitive race, seeing a record 84% of participants wearing NIKE.

    在性能跑方面,我們的加速勢頭繼續保持,尤其是在日本,我們在箱根驛傳比賽中獨領風騷,創紀錄地有 84% 的參賽者穿著 NIKE。

  • The energy around running in Japan is being fueled by the Vaporfly Next% as well as a halo effect that is impacting other performance models like the Zoom Fly, Rival Fly and Peg Turbo, which all grew triple digits in Q3.

    Vaporfly Next% 以及影響其他性能模型(如 Zoom Fly、Rival Fly 和 Peg Turbo)的光環效應在第三季度都實現了三位數的增長,為日本的跑步運動注入了活力。

  • NIKE Digital grew 51%, and wholesale grew double digits overall on a currency-neutral basis as business with our differentiated strategic partners grew 5x as fast as undifferentiated distribution.

    NIKE Digital 增長了 51%,批發在貨幣中性的基礎上整體增長了兩位數,因為與我們差異化戰略合作夥伴的業務增長速度是無差異化分銷的 5 倍。

  • As we've said, APLA is our most diverse geography, so we are seeing the impact of COVID-19 vary significantly across Asian and Latin American countries.

    正如我們所說,APLA 是我們最多樣化的地理區域,因此我們看到 COVID-19 的影響在亞洲和拉丁美洲國家之間存在顯著差異。

  • With that, let's turn to Greater China.


  • While our full quarter results in Greater China were significantly impacted by COVID-19, it is worth providing some dimension.

    雖然我們在大中華區的整個季度業績受到 COVID-19 的重大影響,但值得提供一些維度。

  • Our momentum in China continued to be extraordinary through mid-January.

    到 1 月中旬,我們在中國的發展勢頭依然強勁。

  • Our revenue growth was on track to exceed the expectations that we set 90 days ago, fueled by NIKE Digital.

    在 NIKE Digital 的推動下,我們的收入增長有望超過我們 90 天前設定的預期。

  • We launched the Nike App in China in Q3, and today, we already have 5 million Nike App downloads.

    我們在第三季度在中國推出了耐克應用程序,今天,我們已經擁有 500 萬次耐克應用程序下載量。

  • And as John said, we're also seeing a spike in weekly average users on our activity apps as we inspire and enable consumers to engage in sport at home.

    正如 John 所說,隨著我們鼓勵和支持消費者在家中參與運動,我們的活動應用程序每周平均用戶數也出現激增。

  • We're now, as I said, through the recovery phase and into the normalization period in China.


  • Today, our digital commerce growth continues to accelerate, with triple-digit growth in demand just this last week.


  • Most of our stores and our partner stores are open; retail traffic is significantly accelerating week-over-week; and we're beginning to see a decline from the peak inventory levels we experienced.


  • We are confident that NIKE Greater China is on track to return to growth in fiscal year '21.

    我們相信耐克大中華區有望在 21 財年恢復增長。

  • As we look ahead, we will not be providing financial guidance for Q4 due to the uncertainty resulting from the spread of COVID-19.

    展望未來,由於 COVID-19 的傳播帶來的不確定性,我們將不會為第四季度提供財務指導。

  • For fiscal year '21, we have been planning performance in line with our long-term financial model.

    對於 21 財年,我們一直在根據我們的長期財務模型規劃業績。

  • The year-over-year growth rate base comparisons will no longer be meaningful.


  • So we'll share the approach that we're taking with respect to fiscal year '21 on our next earnings call.

    因此,我們將在下一次財報電話會議上分享我們對 21 財年採取的方法。

  • All of that said, we are confident that executing our operational plan will position NIKE for a return to profitable capital-efficient growth.

    綜上所述,我們相信執行我們的運營計劃將使 NIKE 恢復盈利的資本效率增長。

  • That will happen over time as each country addresses COVID-19 at a different pace.

    隨著每個國家以不同的速度應對 COVID-19,這將隨著時間的推移而發生。

  • But our confidence in the return to growth is founded on the relatively rapid recovery and early signs of normalization we are already seeing in China, Korea and Japan.


  • In these challenging times, NIKE's competitive advantages are showing up as extraordinary resilience.

    在這個充滿挑戰的時代,NIKE 的競爭優勢正以非凡的韌性展現出來。

  • As we emerge from these challenges, those same competitive advantages will show up as strength and brand distinction.


  • Those unique strengths include NIKE's deep, authentic connection to consumers, our pipeline of innovative products, our financial strength and capacity, our industry-leading digital capabilities, our strong partnerships and most importantly our talented and committed teams around the world.

    這些獨特的優勢包括 NIKE 與消費者的深厚、真實的聯繫、我們的創新產品管道、我們的財務實力和能力、我們行業領先的數字能力、我們強大的合作夥伴關係,以及最重要的是我們遍布全球的才華橫溢和敬業的團隊。

  • I would not trade NIKE's team or position with anybody.

    我不會與任何人交換 NIKE 的團隊或職位。

  • With that, we'll now open up the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Your first question is from Bob Drbul with Guggenheim Securities.

    你的第一個問題來自古根海姆證券公司的 Bob Drbul。

  • Robert Scott Drbul - Senior MD

    Robert Scott Drbul - Senior MD

  • I just -- on the questioning for the -- I guess just on the inventory and the innovation pipeline, when you think about the halting of organizational, the sports and the Olympics and basketball, can you just talk us through how you're thinking about the pipeline given the postponement of the Olympics?

    我只是 - 關於 - 我想只是關於庫存和創新管道,當你想到組織、體育、奧運會和籃球的停止時,你能告訴我們你的想法嗎考慮到奧運會的推遲,關於管道的情況?

  • You showed us some really great products last month.


  • I'd just love to hear how you're approaching that piece of it.


  • And then the second piece of it is just can you elaborate a little more on how flexible your spending is, your demand creation that you sort of had planned for the next, let's call it, 6 months.

    然後第二部分是你能否詳細說明你的支出有多靈活,你為下一個計劃的需求創造,我們稱之為 6 個月。

  • John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

    John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure, Bob.


  • It's John.


  • Why don't I take the first part of the question?


  • Maybe, Andy, you take the second piece.


  • So obviously, the world of organized sports, professional sports leagues and now the Olympics, have put things on hold.


  • And they're doing, I think, what's appropriate by prioritizing the health and safety of their athletes and fans, and we're very supportive of that.


  • And we look forward to when organized sport will be back and running.


  • And when they are, we'll be there.


  • But I think it's important to separate those sporting events and our innovation pipeline because we will continue to move forward in our innovation pipeline.


  • And as I said earlier, we're very excited about the products in that pipeline and the products we're introducing, in fact, more excited than perhaps any time before.


  • And while we announced some of these products around the Olympics, if the Olympics gets deferred for a year, we can still launch them on our timing.


  • So 2 specific examples.


  • As you know, the Next% performance running line will allow runners of all abilities to have the same technology and measurable benefits of the Alphafly Next% that the world's leading marathoners have.

    如您所知,Next% Performance 跑步系列將使各種能力的跑步者都能擁有與世界領先的馬拉松運動員擁有的 Alphafly Next% 相同的技術和可衡量的優勢。

  • And we can launch that when the time is right, unrelated to the Olympics.


  • Similarly, some of the sustainability products we announced at the forum, the VaporMax 2020, which utilizes 75% recycled manufacturing waste, or the Space Hippie line, which is an innovative way to have low carbon footprint footwear, we can launch when the time is right, when we get to the recovery and normalization periods.

    同樣,我們在論壇上宣布的一些可持續發展產品,VaporMax 2020,它利用 75% 的回收製造廢料,或 Space Hippie 系列,這是一種低碳足跡鞋類的創新方式,我們可以在適當的時候推出是的,當我們進入恢復和正常化時期時。

  • And so consumer demand for those things is strong and will continue to be strong.


  • And so we simply are going to move ahead with our product pipeline at the right moments in the right ways.


  • I'll just make one small final example before turning it over to Andy.

    在將它交給 Andy 之前,我將只做一個小的最後一個例子。

  • In China, we got creative, and we took a couple of launches that were scheduled in February and made them digital-only launches.

    在中國,我們發揮了創造力,我們將原定於 2 月舉行的幾次發布會設為純數字發布會。

  • So the Air Jordan Retro High OG and the Air Jordan 5 Retro, we made digital-only launches in a world where stores are closed and -- but digital demand is strong.

    因此,Air Jordan Retro High OG 和 Air Jordan 5 Retro,我們在商店關閉且數字需求強勁的世界中進行了純數字發布。

  • So we're going to proceed full speed ahead with that product pipeline.


  • Andy, do you want to talk about the second part of the question?


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

  • Yes.


  • I'd just say, just to summarize some of what both John and I said in the remarks and John just reiterated, we came into these circumstances in an incredibly strong position.

    我只想說,總結一下 John 和我在發言中所說的以及 John 剛剛重申的一些內容,我們在這些情況下處於非常有利的地位。

  • Some of the highest full-price sell-through we've seen.


  • Inventory is really healthy.


  • As we go forward, we recognize that there will be some promotion in the marketplace.


  • But as John said, we've also got an amazing pipeline of innovative and compelling fresh products.


  • And what we'll be doing is working on the timing of the launch of those products and the flow of those products over time, so that while we're working through energy, we're -- and working through inventory, we're also bringing distinctive energy to the market and to consumers.

    我們將要做的是研究這些產品的發佈時間以及這些產品隨時間的流動,因此當我們通過能源工作時,我們正在 - 通過庫存工作,我們正在也為市場和消費者帶來與眾不同的活力。

  • You asked about our licensed business.


  • Just for context, our licensed business is a very low single-digit percentage of our overall business.


  • We'll have some impact on that business.


  • I'd say, just keep in mind that a lot of these elite sporting activities or events are being postponed versus necessarily canceled.


  • Although some of them have been canceled.


  • But one of the things we recognize around here is our product -- some of our product has a little bit longer life cycle.


  • And come fall, we think we could be kicking off one of the greatest years in sports history.


  • Now you also asked about SG&A.

    現在您還詢問了 SG&A。

  • So from an SG&A perspective, the short answer is we've got quite a bit of flexibility within our SG&A.

    因此,從 SG&A 的角度來看,簡短的回答是我們在 SG&A 中有相當大的靈活性。

  • And that's one of the reasons you saw us deliver profitability even in Q3, when we were all a bit taken off guard by the significant impact of COVID-19, we were still able to deliver profitability that exceeded the guidance we set 90 days ago.

    這就是您看到我們甚至在第三季度實現盈利的原因之一,當時我們對 COVID-19 的重大影響有點措手不及,但我們仍然能夠實現超過 90 天前設定的指導的盈利能力。

  • As I also mentioned, based on some quick and agile work across our cross-functional teams, we see SG&A in Q4 declining versus prior year.

    正如我還提到的,基於我們跨職能團隊的一些快速和敏捷的工作,我們看到第四季度的 SG&A 與去年相比有所下降。

  • There's quite a bit of flexibility in demand creation.


  • And actually, it ties back to your question about sport.


  • As John mentioned in his remarks, we've done some really creative things from a digital connectivity perspective with huge impact.


  • So quick, low-cost, extraordinary impact.


  • And we think within demand creation, we can save quite a bit of our powder for the return to sport that we see within fiscal year '21.

    我們認為在創造需求的過程中,我們可以為我們在 21 財年看到的重返體育運動節省相當多的精力。

  • Within SG&A, our liquidity and our access to capital allows us within SG&A to stay very principled.

    在 SG&A 中,我們的流動性和獲得資本的途徑使我們能夠在 SG&A 中保持非常有原則的態度。

  • So continued pay continuity, as John talked about.


  • And at the same time, continuing to invest in those things that even now more than ever, we see as differentiators long term, albeit, we'll do it in a more focused way.


  • So beyond that, there are quite a bit of opportunities with operating overhead and CapEx.


  • And when I said our team has just been amazing in terms of their resilience and creativity, it actually includes in terms of tightly managing our cost.


  • Robert Scott Drbul - Senior MD

    Robert Scott Drbul - Senior MD

  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • And I just have one quick follow-up.


  • Andy, you mentioned the Infinity React helps runners run longer.

    Andy,你提到 Infinity React 可以幫助跑步者跑得更遠。

  • I can run a pretty solid 11-minute mile for 2 miles in my Epic React Flyknits.

    我可以穿著我的 Epic React Flyknits 跑完 2 英里 11 分鐘一英里。

  • If I switch over to the Infinity Reacts, do you think I can get 3 10-minute miles out of those?

    如果我切換到 Infinity Reacts,你認為我可以從中獲得 3 10 分鐘的英里數嗎?

  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

  • I think we should sign up for the New York Marathon.


  • I'll come out there and run it with you in November.

    我會在 11 月出來和你一起運行它。

  • How's that?


  • Robert Scott Drbul - Senior MD

    Robert Scott Drbul - Senior MD

  • Sounds like a plan.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Omar Saad with Evercore ISI.

    您的下一個問題來自 Evercore ISI 的 Omar Saad。

  • Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD and Head of Softlines, Luxury & Department Stores Team

    Omar Regis Saad - Senior MD and Head of Softlines, Luxury & Department Stores Team

  • Welcome, John.


  • Congrats to all 3 of you on your new roles.


  • Sorry it's not under more normal circumstances.


  • John, given NIKE's leadership position in the global consumer landscape, I'd really appreciate a little bit more detail on this kind of successful China coronavirus playbook that you mentioned you're now rolling out to rest of world.


  • You hinted at some of the successful digital strategies to connect to consumers when they're stuck at home.


  • Feel free to add any more color there.


  • But maybe could you also distinguish between the recovery you're seeing and the behavior you're seeing in stores versus that strong digital offset you mentioned?


  • Do you expect this share that you seem to be capturing digital -- digitally to be sticky long term?

    您是否期望您似乎通過數字方式捕獲的這種份額 - 數字方式會長期保持粘性?

  • And then maybe could you -- most importantly, could you also talk about whether you'd expect a similar sort of demand curve in other markets as coronavirus rolls through.


  • John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

    John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure, Omar.


  • So one of the real advantages, as you said, of NIKE being a scaled global company is we can extract learning and insight from each of our markets.

    因此,正如您所說,NIKE 作為一家規模化的全球公司的真正優勢之一是我們可以從我們的每個市場中汲取經驗和見解。

  • And so here's what we've seen, just to quickly recap what Andy and I talked about.


  • We're looking at things through the lens of 4 phases to this: containment of the outbreak, first; second, recovery period when stores reopen; third, normalization when things get back to growth from the prior year; and then fourth, return to growth.

    我們正在通過 4 個階段的鏡頭來看待事情:首先是遏制疫情;第二,商店重新開張的恢復期;第三,當事情從前一年恢復增長時正常化;第四,恢復增長。

  • And the data from actually China, Japan and Korea was fairly consistent.


  • Containment took 5 to 6 weeks.

    遏制需要 5 到 6 週的時間。

  • Stores were closed but the e-commerce growth in all 3 markets remained strong during that time, augmented by NIKE connecting with consumers around being active while at home.

    商店關門了,但在那段時間裡,所有 3 個市場的電子商務增長依然強勁,這得益於耐克與在家時活躍的消費者建立聯繫。

  • Now all 3 markets are through what we're calling recovery, that is retail is opening back up.

    現在所有 3 個市場都在經歷我們所說的複蘇,即零售業正在重新開放。

  • Consumers are back on the streets.


  • And we're seeing, as we move into normalization, retail traffic is coming back.


  • Consumers are in the stores.


  • They're engaged.


  • They're often wearing face masks, but they're back on the street.


  • Interestingly, digital has accelerated even more since the stores have been open.


  • Again, I think pointing to this blended digital versus physical experience is a thing of the past.


  • Consumers don't think in those terms.


  • So I bring a sort of consumer technology lens, where we learned that consumers want to get what they want, when they want, how they want it.


  • And they don't think about, oh, I'm going to make a digital purchase or a physical purchase.


  • A consumer may often start shopping on their mobile device, they may go into a store and have it shipped at home, they may order online and pick it up in a store.


  • And what we're seeing in Japan, China and Korea is that seamless digital-physical experience is responding to what consumers want.


  • And I might note as our business comes back in those 3 markets, we're outperforming our competition, consistent with a mantra of ensuring that we come through this period in an even stronger position and extend our leadership position.

    我可能會注意到,隨著我們的業務重新回到這 3 個市場,我們的表現優於我們的競爭對手,這與確保我們以更強大的地位度過這段時期並擴大我們的領導地位的口號相一致。

  • So in the U.S., obviously, we're in much -- we're earlier in the cycle.


  • We've closed the stores.


  • We're taking care of our employees.


  • We digitally connected with consumers over the weekend around health and their activity.


  • So our brand is present day in and day out with them.


  • As Andy mentioned, we're seeing very strong digital growth, even in these dark days.


  • And we're managing our inventory so that we can be ready when recovery comes.


  • We can't -- none of us can't predict perfectly how long the containment phase is going to take in the U.S. and Europe.


  • But what we can know is when stores start reopening -- or while stores are closed, we're going to be there digitally.


  • We're going to be there digitally with activity apps and commerce.


  • And when the stores start reopening, we're going to be leveraging our strengths, our unique strengths, with strong compelling product, a digital connection with consumers that is unmatched, these seamless digital and physical experiences at both NIKE Direct and our partners.

    當商店開始重新開業時,我們將利用我們的優勢,我們獨特的優勢,強大的引人注目的產品,與消費者無與倫比的數字連接,以及 NIKE Direct 和我們的合作夥伴的無縫數字和物理體驗。

  • We're working very closely with our partners.


  • And in fact, in the last 3 days, I've talked to the CEOs of Zalando, JD, Foot Locker, in the last couple of months, met with DICK's CEO, the CEOs of our 2 Chinese partners, we're working together to be ready when things recover and then our brand.

    事實上,在過去的 3 天裡,我與 Zalando、JD、Foot Locker 的首席執行官進行了交談,在過去的幾個月裡,我會見了 DICK 的首席執行官,我們兩家中國合作夥伴的首席執行官,我們正在共同努力當事情恢復時做好準備,然後是我們的品牌。

  • So I think it's going to accelerate what was already going to happen with digital transformation.


  • Consumers will continue, digital is a more prominent role in their lives.


  • You'll see more digital growth.


  • And I think the shape of the future marketplace where differentiated retail thrives, undifferentiated retail struggles.


  • That will simply be accelerated.


  • So we intend to drive both.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Jamie Merriman with Bernstein.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jamie Merriman 和 Bernstein。

  • Jamie Susan Merriman - Senior Analyst

    Jamie Susan Merriman - Senior Analyst

  • John, just on 2 of the topics you just mentioned and specifically how you're thinking about working with partners.


  • Can you just comment on how you think about inventory in the wholesale channel as stores do eventually reopen?


  • And maybe that's by geography.


  • And then also on the topic of integration of online and off-line, can you just update us on how those -- specifically those traditional physical partners are thinking about their own investments and working with you on some of the initiatives that you've put in place like RFID?


  • John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

    John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

  • Jamie, I'll sort of blend it a little bit.


  • And then maybe, Andy, you can talk through as you've been working actively with our partners over the last week on inventory.


  • What I can tell you, as what I said earlier, is that our strategic partners who are our strongest partners and the one committed to creating seamless digital and physical experiences of the future, our focus was them -- with them is on the future and coming back strong together and coming back in as healthy a marketplace as possible.


  • And so -- and we engage with them both around their physical stores and around online.


  • In fact, I was on the phone this morning with the CEO of Zalando, who is obviously a very -- Zalando's a very innovative e-commerce company in Europe, and we are sharing data in very innovative ways around consumers so that we can offer the best experiences to consumers in a differentiated way in the markets across Europe.

    事實上,今天早上我正在與 Zalando 的首席執行官通電話,他顯然是非常 - Zalando 是歐洲一家非常創新的電子商務公司,我們正在以非常創新的方式圍繞消費者共享數據,以便我們能夠提供在整個歐洲市場以差異化的方式為消費者提供最佳體驗。

  • And so the conversations around the future, I think all of them see the same blended or seamless digital and physical experience together that we're committed to creating.


  • And I think we all believe that this is going to become an era of differentiated retail versus undifferentiated, and they see opportunity.


  • We have to work through this challenging period together, which we will.


  • But I think all of them see the opportunity to emerge stronger and to accelerate the transformation of the marketplace.


  • Andy, do you want to comment on the inventory-specific conversations?


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

  • Sure.


  • Yes.


  • So Jamie, what I'd say is while, obviously, there are some elements of these current circumstances that are unprecedented, we came into this circumstance with a strategy.


  • And you know our strategy was 2X Direct.

    你知道我們的策略是 2X Direct。

  • That was a strategy that was not a NIKE-only strategy.

    這不是 NIKE 獨有的戰略。

  • It was really focused on driving more direct connections with our consumers leveraging digital, both in our own stores, online and with our partners and through their online presence.


  • That's accelerating for everyone right now.


  • So if you think about the North America marketplace and Europe, with most stores closed, both our own stores and most of our retail partners, what is really accelerating is that perspective and -- on the opportunities to connect with consumers digitally from a brand perspective, but also expand our ability to connect with consumers from a product and service perspective.


  • When we say partnership, it's not just transactional.


  • It's not a back-and-forth transactional type of dialogue with our partners.


  • We're talking to our partners about both how we come through this period and then what we build for the long term.


  • And there are a couple of things that we're building.


  • We're all expanding our digital pipe, so to speak.


  • We, in North America, have already doubled the ability, the capacity to distribute product one-to-one to consumers through our distribution centers in just several days.


  • So it's really accelerating what we saw as the future in terms of digital penetration.


  • From an inventory perspective, right now, digital is the -- is where the water is flowing, so to speak, or where the product is flowing.

    從庫存的角度來看,現在,數字是 - 可以說是水流的地方,或者是產品流動的地方。

  • And so we're working closely in partnership with folks like Zalando in Europe, as John mentioned.

    因此,正如約翰提到的,我們正在與歐洲的 Zalando 等人密切合作。

  • We already had an inventory partnership program with Zalando where we transact via their site and ours, via their digital ecosystem and our digital ecosystem while leveraging each other's inventory.

    我們已經與 Zalando 建立了庫存合作夥伴計劃,我們通過他們的網站和我們的網站,通過他們的數字生態系統和我們的數字生態系統進行交易,同時利用彼此的庫存。

  • And we're working with our partners in the U.S. in a similar regard, managing the inventory they have on hand, the inventory we have on hand relative to them and how best to flow that through their digital pipes as well as ours.


  • So I think in summary, what I'd say is, as John said, it's accelerating quite a bit of change in consumer behavior.


  • It's also accelerating quite a bit of change in our partners' behavior.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Alexandra Walvis with Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Alexandra Walvis。

  • Alexandra E. Walvis - Research Analyst

    Alexandra E. Walvis - Research Analyst

  • A tremendous amount of color there, and we really appreciate all of the insights.


  • So my question is on some comments related to gross margins.


  • You mentioned rebates to wholesale partners and higher costs related to factory cancellations in your gross margin comments.


  • I wonder if you can elaborate a little bit more on those.


  • Would you expect those effects to intensify as the issues related to demand reach more of the revenue base?


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

  • Sure.


  • I'll take that question, Alexandra.


  • I think what we're finding is that there are several levers from the perspective of resetting inventory or supply, as one might say, relative to the pace of expansion in digital demand, the reopening of stores and then the amount of traffic going to those stores and the amount of conversion.


  • And so there isn't a sort of one size fits all or not just one lever.


  • So what we're doing with our own inventory and with our partners is we're looking at a lot of different levers.


  • We're looking at realigning our product offer dates.


  • So not only do we have some inventory going into these circumstances, but we've got a great pipeline of products.


  • And we can move some of those product offer dates out to some extent as we work through the inventory that we'll build over these weeks in which we're dealing with these circumstances in each market.


  • We are primarily talking to our partners about managing inventory movement, the generation -- and the generation of cash flow with a view towards getting back to 14 to 16 weeks or so on hand in the market and 14 weeks or so on hand of inventory for NIKE and strong full-price sell-through.

    我們主要與我們的合作夥伴討論管理庫存變動、生成和現金流的生成,以期恢復到 14 至 16 週左右的市場庫存和 14 週左右的庫存NIKE 和強勁的全價銷售。

  • Some of the levers we'll employ in that regard will impact gross margin negatively.


  • That's somewhat obvious.


  • That could be promotion.


  • It could be cancellation of orders.


  • At the same time, none of those data points will represent a trend.


  • So what you're likely to see in the near term is a focus on supply and demand management.


  • That will impact revenue, may have a negative -- will have a negative impact on margin, but that is part and parcel goes with resetting that foundation for strong profitable growth.

    這將影響收入,可能產生負面影響 - 將對利潤率產生負面影響,但這是重置強勁盈利增長基礎的重要組成部分。

  • It's not a new trend.


  • It's not a reflection of the strength of our product.


  • In fact, John mentioned some of the launches we've had in China.


  • We've actually had some product launches here in the U.S. over the last couple of weeks that have sold through at full price.


  • So it will be a blend of working through inventory, which does have some impact on margin, and a blend of bringing innovation and fresh, compelling new product to consumers, who are probably will be looking for energy and inspiration and optimism.


  • Operator


  • Our last question is from Matthew Boss with JPMorgan.

    我們的最後一個問題來自摩根大通的 Matthew Boss。

  • Matthew Robert Boss - MD and Senior Analyst

    Matthew Robert Boss - MD and Senior Analyst

  • So maybe on North America, your 7% adjusted underlying constant currency growth I think translates to a mid-teens 2-year stack.

    因此,也許在北美,我認為你 7% 的調整後基本恆定貨幣增長轉化為十幾歲的 2 年堆棧。

  • Maybe can you speak to what's driving the domestic inflection?


  • Andy, maybe pre-COVID, a little bit of insight how you were thinking about the North American marketplace over the next 12 months and just larger picture on the curve where we stand today on the move to differentiated retail.

    安迪,也許在 COVID 之前,你對未來 12 個月的北美市場有一些了解,以及我們今天在轉向差異化零售方面所處曲線的更大圖景。

  • John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

    John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

  • Matthew, maybe I'll just make a comment or 2 and then, Andy, you can flesh out.

    馬修,也許我會發表評論或 2,然後,安迪,你可以充實一下。

  • But I've spent time now in several of our markets across the U.S., and I've seen firsthand how NIKE's key city strategy is paying off.

    但我現在已經在美國的幾個市場呆過一段時間,親眼目睹了 NIKE 的關鍵城市戰略是如何取得成效的。

  • Andy mentioned the growth in New York, growth in L.A. being double digit.


  • And that is because both with NIKE Direct and with our partners, we're getting closer to the consumer.

    這是因為通過 NIKE Direct 和我們的合作夥伴,我們離消費者越來越近了。

  • And I'll just take a couple of examples.


  • I had a chance to visit the Foot Locker very innovative store in Washington Heights neighborhood in New York, where the entire display of the inventory and the merchandise and the whole focus is being of the neighborhood.

    我有幸參觀了位於紐約華盛頓高地附近的 Foot Locker 非常有創意的商店,那裡的整個庫存和商品展示以及整個焦點都在附近。

  • And you can just see consumers responding.


  • And that store is experiencing significantly greater growth than other comparable stores that Foot Locker has in the area.

    與 Foot Locker 在該地區的其他同類商店相比,該商店的增長速度要快得多。

  • So it's a great example of differentiated retail and the future of retail.


  • We're doing the same with some of the Latino communities in L.A., providing retail concepts, both through NIKE Direct and with our partners that are getting close to what consumers want in those markets and give a more personalized feel.

    我們正在為洛杉磯的一些拉丁裔社區做同樣的事情,通過 NIKE Direct 和我們的合作夥伴提供零售概念,這些合作夥伴正在接近消費者在這些市場中的需求,並提供更加個性化的感覺。

  • And when you wrap that around with a digital connection, with membership and the other digital tools, you can feel the energy and momentum.


  • And so I think at its core, the key city strategy that NIKE has put in place in the U.S. and beyond is absolutely paying dividends.


  • Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

    Andrew Campion - Executive VP & COO

  • Yes.


  • I'll just add, Matthew, that there are a few really important drivers to highlight.


  • I appreciate you recognizing that, that growth has been consistently strong in North America.


  • And obviously, one of the things I should say is we are entering these challenging times in a position of strength.


  • And as John said, strong brands get stronger during these times.


  • So we think we'll emerge even stronger.


  • For a little bit of context on the strength we had entering this fourth quarter, NIKE Digital continues to fuel strong growth in North America, up a relatively extraordinary 33% in the quarter.

    關於我們進入第四季度的實力背景,NIKE Digital 繼續推動北美地區的強勁增長,本季度增長了 33%,相對非凡。

  • We've talked to you about the significant opportunity that we think in terms of the women's business.


  • Our women's business grew at a rate that was nearly double that of men's, both in footwear and apparel, so we're seeing strong growth there.


  • Now across footwear and apparel, our growth was relatively balanced, both in the mid-single digits, and that's even taking into account the divestiture of Hurley, which was a largely apparel business and the shift in our business model with respect to the NFL, which is also largely an apparel business.

    現在,在鞋類和服裝方面,我們的增長相對平衡,均為中等個位數,這甚至考慮到 Hurley 的剝離,Hurley 主要是服裝業務,以及我們在 NFL 方面的商業模式轉變,這也主要是服裝業務。

  • So what you can infer from that, as we've told you, we think we have an epic growth opportunity in digital, in women's and in apparel.


  • And when you take into account those noncomparables in the quarter, all 3, including apparel, are over-indexing in terms of growth.

    當你考慮到本季度的那些不可比性時,包括服裝在內的所有 3 項指標在增長方面都超標。

  • So again, we feel great about the position, of strength we had and have from a brand perspective as we work through these challenges.


  • And we'll be doing everything we can in terms of managing demand and supply and fueling our brand so that we emerge even stronger.


  • Matthew Robert Boss - MD and Senior Analyst

    Matthew Robert Boss - MD and Senior Analyst

  • Congrats on the progress and best of luck.


  • John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

    John J. Donahoe - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you.


  • And thank you, Matt, for your last call.


  • Thanks, everyone, for joining us today, and we look forward to speaking with you all next quarter.


  • Take care.


  • Stay healthy and stay safe.


  • And be safe, everyone.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude today's call.


  • Thank you for your participation, and you may now disconnect.
